«• * ' U*» BHMBB M M ■ m» fetdi 5* #* *ft tm rH* tl - CLLNTfoN RRFtRUUN. OFFICIAL MHR or THE COUNTY t LIMED EVBDT HU DAT. ET iMmUh & W** M*M • •• •••••• i M SSSSrHIE'.rini--::::: •l" H l*s tfMtwnw Nwifo'W, ihfss anwifcsfo- tk Oas vuarlDt salstaa, si ausiU,....^............. D ts Oass aeii * i <MU*twa. sSf fw *s*l psf1#1 .*• f f >■«»<»«••< IM« • < llalfutoama* sts ss4*#*!*•»••••»• *#•••• »••* •• «■•••. V* ®S lls'f sMaaui. os# y a f, •*.* •..*#. .«,•■ ^ • * — * ED t S 'AIT1FJT. Oe« —iw—bWDs jrsai,..— ..............................D ‘I 1*4 r»m4Mrfi| lk*r HifiHil I . M svev 4 Ttaos, g or f ar be msu * M|W mi the mi, «i VOLUME XII. OCTOBER NUMBER 19. iwysfoto, is mU ww,isa4- Mi’muy SiMtNiL Tic N h .—TIis Sunday Corvamtiom or tiru« Aui»n->Th« New A dvcrtiscmcntv .—J. Hcattergond DRY GOODS. BIMIHUI MOTH CM* SIHniitER iRtp nkliraa - - — — —> — ( KbooU U« MdtKMint, Baptist And Coo A|«nU nf tin Detroit dstnd n# tbe Mer- A Co. announce In another column that ___ tmmd «m 4 | salklsl Vifti ••• *• • |W|tU“OAl Churches m tlm villA|r. held • ibanri' Imi**i Kipriw Company br»id (heir they are selling family groceries and domes- lAiuto t»y Hu sail **• Flout Iron M If IDE, DAT. 4, l»«. uuiofi |HC DA. last Soturds) , in that pliant hml annual m«rention in Ihrtruit, on tbc tic dry gMwfts at sweb low ratea aa to aston ­ lassniw I' v ► • ishwL * rrrasfcrrrse* fillsFt tot .w »Aa *#vt»tr.f Ur HMyltliNfi fr«4i »dAt,4 riii.rviytsUaff frst | reenrt known as * bum<m» Grove M A Ut imt, f»*r the transaction uf husmsM and ish everybody, CytwL Tf»« mmmm <■( utm U.*»ia*i S4 saawtoK LOCAL MATTERS. mellow auluuin dsy, well suited lo out door sutiol i nj*»jmcnt. Tiia attcudanoe was — Another great rush, as usual, to the •allot svateai Sod toy all I*ri*sfu4s. • la ■ ■ > « ■ ■■ — pastimes, contributed it* important part to- Urge and a general piml feeling pretailcd store of A. Tcactiout, who has jyat returned NksltorrE % mes»II<mIImsis XKW A£>r*MTI*MXt\T A lit.. ■sctt'i wavs Ait bveav. li ly ward a glad and merry holiday, which was The Post otHitain* a notice of it from which i*t •»>• A ft* at buerkir from New York with a large and varied VNB i enjoyed to the utuowt bj all the happy we extract the following : iwedutst of dry goods. Yankee notions, it A ierI>r| A TmcA mI I sf tu*<u AS4 IhSM, Tta Ullto -ft • lUMrf. j thmng of scholars and tiiatitfi who partic* * A h*n«U»me silver tea act of the regu biMits and shoes, etc , which he otters for sale si CWi.im*. mil sf UkS *MSt SSSti-tlMl Psmtl; Vr«(«ttM ft Umrfiwl A f#. ipitted in its festivities. The schools met at Uthiii number of piervs. was presented to very cheap, for cash or ready pay. Give him *l4 varutW, a rnmmry isniat^y. IT rrtto Po«m t Cm ■ Mr John M Hai szrszz.»— °-+ •* 10 *•*-: ss: struts - •—* • -*— O Gt^ HtlwtoM’t l llrsd Barks >»4 IsrMias •'M* ‘"f '» I-**.-*. t. tk. it no trouble to show goods, sdver- Lni W*IS HiMintH as4 •ivlKSt# dtA-.f4rr« la all •ta«aE 8ft ftIMto rassrMO*-, iHtW -*f S< rkSMfS IA I grove, where an hour was spent in an en Mr. Cliariea Ketch am. route ag*nl on the tisrment elsewhere. 4»at, r» >n. .ai or imn rods • i j-aurs 1 • - ; a -msI lb lasts aa4 tos, mmmimUsI* is »UacOut.tlU Ire - kwa A volost —Owing to unaioidaMe dr- tertaimng manner, in singing and listening Ihtrmt A Milwaukee Itadmed. lioth these FALL AND WLNTEB DET MfK, sD u.jwrwua ftC lj eumstaaore the issuing of the |»rmnt nuw 1 fol.lrrw. by lUrt Row, Cm.l.7 tn.l •#» .hi -(!»«foru.*r Nic w Sroci.—-We would call the at ten* WrWltelUM .LHA. A- U* e d.u. e.l T-.MI. TU ^Akcr. fell «r,tb lb. .Fr ^7 b^Lo* Tj S ‘l£kfi! tion nf nor readers t<# the advertisement of IDVKI.I BIBU A\l» • UTIVg Blll ft, ssi.4 sa foltreaol vabstoy* oa4 IS reals, sa4 I sill sss4 J. S. Itsnney, to be found in another col­ ■yjj •* •* rr# ""P* tU%t # ^ <>f !*»• Easton, and by short, neat and The pre** nUlkui wss rather sn impromptu At tbs< y«u SMae nliuht# iNf<im«!i<4. that will please yvu. umn of this issue. He lias just rrturntd A44rasa M AH V EoiUK, 4 MrvoSws/. N.a Y rl similar misfortune may not again occur. appropriate * pert-low made this, instead of a stfsir snd the recipients were taken entirely toto if l ieU»u«, a highly interesting pirt of the ei» aurpnse. In the afternoon at 4 «• c!«*m frota New York with the largest stock of Ml. Jscoa liSOW * has lrssed the new lll4 . ,k. _ , * , _. the me in I wm of the convention snd their drugs and medicines, books and statiotiery, Tks Islsry sf Wss Is ftir>a|tll*-Ttou errises It ut nothing could le expected to . , , . ... tl f«r« U« srr^s* «*«f trltliUinl U.ulu us»r iHM.ly brick store of Mr. John ILch. h#r bl.oou * }___ _ . # . f k # a , (PmU ant down to dinner at the Itumell toilet articles, etc., ever lirought inti# this use Husseis's tuari h»* mc M ly rv^nsl the interest attached to the nest sud ILhmk *. The tables were set forth in ex- MILLENMl V OF LOW PRICES. village. Great Inducements are offered ; rtpuc o remove in o i a ma pri,|^||UI| feature of the pic nic —the pie nle cellent style, ndrcdig rmlit mi wi:tr hosts, Tahs wo mmv» « aplsassat saft I w* Pe«*p|e coming to the County Fair, and ■ uf* trsir4iM f»r ufofMeasani «ih | .Ui«jr* reas 4ueases tba Kovtai ijr. proper. The tablet were well spread and Whiilu^-k A dntl<*n«u*n. After full lattice rStfito fna Tei, eUA s roe l(ti ss»n«i Kiisrd lit tar sss Isrims hoes • . , , .. i bad Ikvii il»»nt- the cdildcs snd drtnkablet, w ishing anything in his line, will find it to ! Vtis Ukf Tai 5.tr,-Tl.r mI* of Und* for tWia **»■ -"*• lu.unc m Kr*.t Mr c j ,V(f) |,(„„on imL i,». —si their interest to give him a call. A 1*1* DRAW NABB1 NAT PIU» tnojw •PL.ENDID MTOCK Wee sA sssllli, ege «r testily , ea4 the t»»ve gf (he ep* O tstess.—The oyster season has fairly pseSe sea can he ss«nt-U t) (Mlusiuf At«pie ru>e» Set.4 * ftifoeSoS easetupe ar>4 *Umf> te Mtssfli LI'CILLI ( otntnenceil, sml thine who indulge their DKWAKBA, fttas*ab D, J*44* ftfoosr, Ifow VatE thy pr»*gn*ss or flic CiMii|MAity S|»petitr« with these luscious bivalves, can | laiv ljr.| ____ ______ AH |«rto>k freely ot l!»e feaat «*l g*«oil things Htsrtuig in <»ppnit*«»<i t > a great inoa*»poly always find a supply at the stove of J. Scat Schdav Sc wool Ioni icit.—llir l mver* «f>,} were made glad. The neit thing upon it had l»r**u ohiigeii to fight its way against ef it'U ert#-. n«e Iff u»»i *,** raised lltur?Tl terguod A Co., who receive them direct M aalmt Sunday schools of R.ley and lb Witt the programme was a ramble and for au strenuous nppotitiua, but this very contest GOODS, will five bn as -a 4 tbtvf«4k hsusfi, "U sasbte fas from liaitinore. Is slsep wsU.___________ K / Will kold A ovno*rt Al tl.* UaptHl CliuicN ..tb*r hour (K« «oo0. rv.oun.w « .th tb* '■•<* * ’**• '« aim * rnrr„v. .,„i .Her au Pop goes tbe Weasel. nse Wsssa A BfljawslAw lablarl Orfaui I* 1>« Witt <m NAlarJAjr AOcmooti, Octutirr laughter, MnffinR aiw ! »». .utin K' >.( merry (,rtb tbc .tnuifrat o^aiiiiatMUi ia BtlMWIUt-llHTJ I*. Uar.lnrr baa Cawautiag mt for ftiBsrent style# *U|U4 te svwit sa4 sscylsi sum , ISA. __ _ _ __ J gtv>uf«. »aml*n»i){ ktr» iih I th*r* at will tki« (uMtrt. II* rittrouu,] c--m|>lrtc ».t r**nt«l tbc Urtilgccill* (tiratint county) Ho f«r p» ta ps rteh Ktn t-sn (Mi or ftu*ss ... , , , . tnt<» tb* depth* «< tb* foreat, cUEibcnnt ••I*«-tu.B with tb* Mannw ia which tb« a/ ud la U«l» BrTant, for tbrw y*ar«. Tb* Vibtit, or ether trot <isa prrauawe sesrftsf ttoa Rcvrit tUi*eWato4 C*lasfu*s fin. A44rsu, K ami A UtS the fWmt part3.^ ox mwi1* i new ones ounuing ; t w r* -r*-.-^ , .r*?. — nninnintieti istih in rtin pn-j- ! - —* •—.—- - - ur, IfoSoA, or Ma »«.» Usointn, gee Yotk p>.lj -^oml .t.storyW,_i;.r—for a millinery store, a*a. ' -'••‘-eeWM*- <►»* n. 1J?bt m.a*, n* wkt^ „ Herb «.tb A Urn inst. It i ger Nss-MeteMlIas er lurealisesre sf that all the woodland nymph* had ventured wonts of sdvwr to the agents urging them ' 1’nr.e. |rnt«iw»ti, luftaairnafi**n <»r wl<osri>S ef its •J6o a year, where «be will remove her en- A Matte * or l*m. —It is the solemn r* Alpacas, DsLalncs, Mo4«ier, or bvlsrys, w.• •*! the |»ru*ir*te iumi , , . , . , . v out of their hiding places to join in the to use all fair and honorable in«**o« to In u I st«*ae ir.
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