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AVKBAOB OAILT OIBOCTLATION far thaMaatBad W ieaaitir, 1888 TUB WBATHBB > s d 0 . B . W s a S h a s 6,19.3 ■arttsf« Maashav s« Iks Aadtt ■wsaa ad Otoralstteas PWr t o d ^ aad F H ^ , < MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE ( HARM sd csM. VOL.LynL,NO.f4 (O sssWed Advsrttatag sa Page 18) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15,1988 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PKiUB INKEB CENTS INSURGENT FORCES CABINET SEEKS' No One Hurt in Plane Crash LARGE AMOUNT KEMP SAYS BROKERS LAUNCH 2 ATTACKS IN ARMS FUNDS w IN NEW OFFENSIVE MADE ‘GIFTS’ TO HIM i Debate On French Reqnest

HeaTj ArtiDerj Bombtrd- WO»nEN SANTA CLAUSES Expected To Profide DaL PUri'lNO PARENTS ON SPOT OUT OF COMMISSIONS Eaaton, Pa., Dac. 15— (A P ) — adier’s OpposHioi With meots Accompaiiy Sbinl- Two woman who doimod red suits and whits whlaksn to 10( ^ch hit for Santa Clauses at Opportnnity For Attack. I R u s s i a n P r e t e n d e r Acciscd Pritests Uie Df fameoDs Assinlts In Christmas kettles on downtown BARWOODOVES •frasU are putting parents on Win Visit Sister Words Older Crest'lp* Northern, Western Spiin. the spot A satisfactoryitisfactor Pkrta, Deo. 16.— (A P )—Premier 1 planatlon Isn’t always at hand PUNS WTUNE when inquisitive youngsters Daladler’s national defenaa cablnst, warning Italy aad Germany that amiittioi Of State’s PI Rsndaye, France! A t the Spanish want to know why Santa’s voles sounds so much Uka mother’s. France would fight to protect her rronUsT), Dec. 16—(A P )—Spanish FOR ASSEMBLY -k empire, presented to ParUament to- loney Wiffis hasutgent forces launched sinnil- day the greatest arms budget slnee I tansous attacks today against gov- the World war. I arnment hues in northsra aad sraat- Repnblican P ropu n , If Car- Piijiiieiita Recored Alfo^ Debate on the budget, scheduled to sm Spain accompanied by heavy AVERS BRITISH b^^^inra^Utriy, was azpected to artillery bombardments. provide Oaladler*s opposition with ried Dot, WiD Break Land# Sold For Pkrkifi^.^ Artillery batteries In tha moun- nw opportunity to attack his poli^- tains near Tremp and Sort, in west- MONEY POWER clez And to opon tho w zy tor a now Lod{ - Established Ca»- era Catalonia, began raining shells test of bis strength la ParUament. Bridgeport, Dee. 18—A P )—41. on government fortifleatkmB in the The portion of the budget ear- Roy Kemp, toraser state land marked for arms, munitions and Seo de Nrgel sector. * CURB ON NAZIS tonkin State Lepslatiire. and defendant la a ccaaplraey The area Is Important as a aouros men fo r the French w ar machine waa tagged with a flat "do not growing out ef Merritt of hydro-dectrlc power for Barce- touch" sign. land deals aald today ha Uma, chief city of government Spain Chamberlam TeHs LuncheoD A total of nearly 40,(X)0.000,000 Hartford, Dec. 15—(A P) —State as •’gifts" paymento receivad; and center o f its war Industries. franca (about 8820,(XX),000) for the Chairman Benjamin E. Harwood to- At the same time Insurgent In- nation’s armed forces was distrib- two real estate brokers wUeb fantry opened an offenaive la the day disclosed Republican plans for resented part of oommlasiaaa Audience That Great Fi- uted ia various parts of the ordi- the 1030 General Assembly, which, far western part of Spain near nary and extraordlnarv budgets. them by cllento who sold Valsequillo, about 80 miles weat at 85 Per Cent Of 'lneomo If carried out, will break long-estab- for the highway right of v.^. . Pozoblanco. nancial Resources Might Finance Minister Paul Revnaud llohed custom. The accused proteotod naa ef Canons Boar Koodly said this sum represented 66 per At a conference in the Allyn words "divlaioa of ooi House this forenoon, wtth Rep. W al- whan Stots’s Attorney Larin % The cannonading in the northern cent of the estimated income for Profe Ded£ng Factor. 1039 or 85 per cent of the actual ter Howe of Litchfield, probable WtUia croaa-ezamlnad him oo pt region was so loud that French choice for speaker of the House, Mr. ments received from Tbomm lesidonta on the other aide of the 1938 government income. Here is where some of the money Harwood made these suggestions: Oooke and Samuel H. SObai frontier easily could i.ear the bunt- London. Dec. 15.— (A P )—Prime wUl go; 1. That three bualnees men ha r*al aatate brokers also mtder ing abells. given places on the Judiciary Com- apiraey ladletmaata. Spanish government military re- Minister Chamberlain, in a new, out- I To the Navy, which Navy Minister Cesar Camplachl declared mittee, which has elwaya been com- WlUls asked tha witneaa to port said the Insurgents’ immediate spoken reierenca to Germany, told a posed exclusively ef lawyers. would have 700.000 tons of war- ply "a word that yan Uka objective appeared to be the border luncheon audience today that B rit- ships afloat by 1942. At present. 3. That St least one lawyer he ai- and Kemp replied: town of Puigeer. ain’s flnancisl power was s curb on Campinehl said, France’s Navy la algned to noajor committees, such as "I think these rantleinwi Insurgent aviation was grounded Nazi ztatezmen wh^ thay thought "equal" to the combined aea forces Appropriattene, Finance, Motor the .otraia that I was on the CataloaUa front In high of war. of Italy and Germany, although the Vehie'es, Banka, Roads, Brldgaa and knew what It was and I do hot winds and rain. Rivera. Tbs prims minister said: totaUtarian building program will aa though thara was a dtvtolai^^ On tha Posoblanco front, Uen- soon placa tha combined navisis 8. That the old rule foc^ Joint com- eommlaaioos. I faol as thoogk tt m l-Tflbn araliaaimo Francisco Franco's toroes "W s may taka it that when Qsr- mittees be revived at the forth-com- ahead. ■ton a gift oa thotr part launchad their offenaiva with a man itatsamen—l wiU not say ths 2—To the a ir force, which wlU ing oeaelon.’ In the 1987 aesaloa, at German psopls—reflect on the pos the Insistence of Democrats, the “CbarityT" aokad WllUa. attack followed swiftly by wavaa of laeraaae its officers by 1,847 aad (ta A. J. Walkar, pHot, and Private* J. Dac. 16.— (A P )- G r a n d TPooribly." answered Keaap. tafutrym m . slbls consequences of a conflict, if Petna» auffarad only Senate aad Houae aet up their own ever a conflict should arias between nen-eommissioned officers aad msa a ahaking up when their puine developed motorLor trouble and eraahod Duka------VUdlmir,- 21-year-old pre- Q. Tau didn’t look upon It Govnnment reports aald that tha by 18.390 through a measure at- committees, although Joint hearings tender to the non-existent throne at charity, 4kt you! our two countries, they tbt«k not nAtf BAlUniorAs Md. Th« plAne Iz zhortly After th# crAck*up. were held. charge failed whan ‘4-ftntv troops, only of our armamenu but of our tached to the budget. This would The armyertay aylatora,avlatora were flying in formation vrltb other ^ p a to aU the Russlaa, today left for .Parta A. No, I did not also behind Unas of tanks, stopped bring the total air force officers to Langley field, Va. 4. That the sdectlon of a House oo bis to Borlia wtiera ‘ giwat flaancial raaourcaa, whlob in a 3,702 aad nma, iaeludlaff BOB-ama- leader, .who will bo Judiciary Com- Q. Tow didn’t liava to Ben the Frawoo oharga aad oountar-at- -rar of long duraUdta might wall planaad to spaflfl Chriatmaa with Ilia charity? ^ mlseloasd offieera, to M jm . Much ■ittiM chalnnSB, ha left to tha two ■totor, Oraad Duchaaa Kirat and poa- ■i' w ,' prova to be a deriding factor." of the air force money win be m nt leadiag eandldates. themsolvea. Rep WanM Uka «a 8hMb -It la this aanaa which ia always oae Chancellor AdoU Hitler. JUdgt Frank P. McBn^ on speeding ug fTtneb warplane Hugh M. Alcorn, Jr., of Suffleld. Tha grand duke’s London friends Daspits lasugant aviatloii, tbaas wtth us aad whicb 1 aza mire is in it- productiOB. •ad Rep. Harold E. Mitchell of fory this raonilng that ha npoits said, govaramsat troops pur- self o vary great influence In pro- West Hertford. docllaed to take sarloualy publizhed like to finish this case thla sued retreating Inaurgsats la tha serving the peace of* the -* world. - - rt 2—To tha land Army, which gets FIRST WOMAN PICKED reports be might have a pliaoa ia Waterbary Trial May latorfero Ha aald ha raalintd tha Jurora south. Inflicting heavy loaaea. newer and better guns, additional Hitler's Ukrainian ambitions. A Stronger Stood ladleatod motorised equipment and Improved The proposal that Mr. Alcorn and spokesman for him said ha "nilgbt have a lot to 4a with tha Tha government said tbs Insur- Mr. Mitchell, members of the same season coming oo and ha Chamberiam’a brief reference to fortlfleatlons. or might not" make a courtoay call gent obJscUve was a fortlfled Una Germany seemed to Indicate a some- To Baefc Up Warning. law firm and assistant state’s attor- "co-operato with tbam." In tha Morena mountains which ON WATERBURY JURY on Hitler during the four daya ha what stroogar Une toward the Naal Much o f the money earmarked neys for thla county, settle the ques- waa expected to visit In the home of TIm Jud^ said "It was bag^|j^ guard tbs c l^ of Pqzoblanco, center laaderahlp alnca the German am- for the three branches of the serv- tion among themselves, Mr. Her- stbla' there may he a oouM of important government mining ln< t Prlnoe Louis Ferdinand, husband of bassador and other Nazi represeaU- ice will be spent in backing up wood said, arises out of t ^ proba- the grand duchess. dustriss. France’s warning that she would hllity that the Waterhury‘ itaU conoplr (< Uvez boycotted bU Tuesday night Acceptance Of GnOford He atreased, howovor, that the on Pngo fw o .) HUltafy sourcaa at Bourg-lCa- speech ia which he rebuked the <3er- fight to held her empire. scy eases will not end In Ume for CHENEYS FORM visit had no political ^vor, daciar- dame, France, across the frontier man press for its attack on Earl Foreign Minister Georges Bon both to devote full time to the legis- Ban lature. iag "this young man does not know from Pulgcerda, said aevan Insur- Baldwin, former prime minister. net told ZMmbers of the Chamber Honsewife Brings Total anythiag about poUUcal latrigna." gant officers who had deserted Observers were quick to noUce of Deputies foreign affaire commit- The two legislators art aidM to On his way to Barlla ho wlU at- tee Italy must understand "she wUI State’s Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn, that today Chambertain dUTerentlat. Of Jurors To Eight; More NEW INDUSTRIAL tend a reception by members ot the FLASHES! (i-nttaaed Oa Page Two) ed between German atatesmen aad never have an inch of any party of apodal prosecutor, and. It was In- Imperial Russian colony in Paris (L ite Rnllarina on tha A P ' I. "MHU people. In hla Tuesday speech be French territory no matter what dicated, the ultimate decision will Sunday. This, friends said, would I, , CHAM means she uses.” rost with him, for he srill deride reiterated hla beUef that the Ger- Speed In PRODUaS UNIT ha entirely non-poUtlcal. WOULD QUESTION PEARL li AflMrk man and British people never wish- Bonnet added that ha had made which of the two may be released Vladimir waa bora la Finland ta France’s position clear to the Ger- from their present duties, if one ut New Toek, Dec. 18—AP ’ N ikn ROPER RESIGNS ed to go to war o g ^ — the m«m 1917— tha year o f the Rueelan revo- - It U. 8. AMetney Jeeeak L. .flto> {• B acfai point o f the Joint declaration ha man foreign minister, Joachim von them can be spared. Waterhury, Dec. 15—(A P )—The tutloo—and assumed "all tha rights f> Aktam and Adolf Hitler signed at Munich Rlhbentrop, during the latter’a vls- Incorpontion Papers Are Although inclined to’ grant the re- and responolblUtiea" as "head of flret woman accepted so far was se- quest of West Hartford RopubUeans to Jack Peart Sapt. SO. the Imperial House of Russia” on : Cniiln CABINETPOST lueaitoeed On Page rwo) lected today as the eighth Juror to for "racognitloa" at the forthcom- Chambarlaln spoke today at a tha death of his father. Oraad Duke af tk i India. I. ikiH-ifl Filed For Conpany Which tag aeoelon. Republican spokesman QrtU, ia Paris lost Oct IE luncheon a t the House o f (Sommons hear testimony in the trial of U eut predict the selerilon of Repreaenta- |> Cwinlel to calabrata tha recent elevation to Gov. Frank Hayes aad 21 others Uva Alcorn for the post of floor At^g tha poerags of Lord Biceater, tor- charged with conspiracy to defraud May Make Parachutes; leader. Pearl : lokallf PVeiidcnt Accepb Secretary marly Vivian Hugh Smith, partner P0UCEPA1R0L thla city of more than a miUloa dol- The Howe-Alconi ticket for the ...... wmt in Morgan, OrenfeU and Company. lars. House appears almost certain of Tha Carman statasman probably Seek U. S. Army Contract TOLD RESIRHTION wnntad to gnaaken Mm Of Cooaerce*# Plea To Neither tha prosecution nor the meeting approval of the majority. Us IntrodaeUon of aever moat awara of Britain’s ECUADOR CAPITAL defense questioned Mrs. Edith P. Repreaentative Howe, serving hla war. Dr. HJalmar Schacht, prcol- Maynard, Guilford housewife, who third term in the House, wUl be only dant of tha Raichabank, was not WOULD BE A ( » E E D Be Refiered Of Ditiei. waa choocB at 11:55 Am. With the flUag today of papers of 81 next year. He was riiairmaa n apMng tha guasta, although he is a of the Committee on Banka and was visitor la London. Bha was the only Juror agreed Incorporation for a new Manches- upon so far without any questioning ter Industry, to be known as tha a strong factor in framing the OONVK7IRD ON iiA n i.______Tha German financier spent con- Tense Politkal Sitoatioa De- compromise small loons interest Ra< Washington, Dae. 15.—(A P ) — siderable tloM today at the Bonk of by either aide. The defense had Moncheeter Equipment company, New Orleano. Dee. Ifl,—•> was dlspntad in other quarters.) vtn^ Thoae named were F. Donald Ooa- competing linns, denied that ha had I W o r k s . the largest zubaidiary of tha 88.- entered into an agreement to re- Ho official Informstioe was'avail- Among tha deputies arrastad was The giant plant zprawUiig oa a tor, praaideBt o f tha 887.000.(XX> cor- tha Chambar vlce-preaidant. Aa- (X>0,000,0(X> D. A Steel O oiporatioik poration; Georgs E..Dletrich. aaaiBt- strict production, but conceded he aUs hare as to the number or ton- ptotoau high above the MooengaheU whoae efflrials have deaaued tha Mge of waiahips under construo- toaio Jooa Boija. a«t vice presidaat aad aooiatant "m ight have given an oral aasu river 18 milaa south of Pittsburgh’s gMt^aa the "flneat mm aun yet has anca to aonm one’’ oo that aeora. Hon or planned by the Soviet Navy. downtown ‘ToUan trlamfle”, wee treasurer, and Oeorga Veraard, Ca- Atero pohUeatloa o f ooeh m U tan WUla calm ______nadian m anam and agent In J. H. McNaob, praridant at nazaed for WflUam A. Irvin, who •Iha mm sprawls over aa area Haaal-AUas Glass Oompany, tha teten y * is contrary to govan- tha Batten, Q dto store kaepara rioa- nos to n high peoitlaa in the vast charge of market operatlans for the ad their and dUaana kapt in wrs than half the size of tha New firm. othdr oompetltor which already had todnatriol eaiptio founded by Steal Toefc World'z fair. Ftfty-cna oeros a lioanslng agraazMOt with Hart- aacnlrinn duitog tha flghtlag. TTw mazlmpm penalty ia eight ■ Jwasyeff dadarad. how- Maoton Andrew Carnagla and R C are under roof aad 18 mtlas of rall- rears Imprisonment and a ford-Empire, sold ba oouM not •Pw, that -witBiM af the paonla Tha peopto wera not pararittad to Oamagla 840 eengregata in Urge groups until rsod wind ta. about tt. Tha plant taM. caU whether ha > a d Ogaed »d w ^ lastigatloa ef foreigBto- tradltioii. ban its own punving statioa, rmir tha ritaatlan waa d aa^ (iha Seetok Im Bignnt Boy Oaraagia AU thraa were airaigna4 prevtown- agraament to restrict Us oom- t*®gaeee sotvieaa triad to Mwege print and power ato- iy, watvod haarlaga and Ipony’s prodnetrin, atthmagh ha i Qotto eomapondant at tha nown- Ntoriao^’ bnt were llqto- OM carried , ■eaaagaa late the cf- ■nd ^ ben tok eriO B la epern- riaaad in 88.000 -jw ® TAagmo. Gwayaqolt ra- fleas ta tUa dtatrlet aad so did Ir- tiflad that he was "pocfaetly to 80 at the racatelte^ ‘ Aanonl capacity ta dCBAflfl ISO" wbra the pnmnaal waa vtn. AN IM M fl. .Pa . hav. Xi Wb hot m u d strip. I — J5 SBTfO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15.1988 \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16,1988 M maryr PAGE T H R a j than gtatap tto eomUao a oaa-voto ---- __ tasUmony, Dafensa majority over tho eholoa at tha 17 KEMP SAYS BROIERS Haven, the vanlraman, told Alcom Oemoerats. Counsel John Keogh said ha would LOCAL H R E U N ANSWER town Mexican Jail on a trumped-up certain bonded warehouae ttere to HARWOOD GIVES praaant only "a few more wltnsaaaa” to 6 RapuKIcan deputy ragia- CAR STRIKES DOWN, charge, and must have 61,000 to Rap. T. Emmett Ctolrla, KilUiiply, before ha raato his case. CHENEIS Crar at voters to hia home dtv and TWO *TLEECE" GAGS tte ambuatof goods etoisfftllStwM ' 1 RANGE and and Rep. Beajamla Tonkonow, MADE’GnTS’ TO HIM to reply to quastioas by tea proas CABINET SEEKS order to bribe hia way out Ha wiU claimed. Here tte catok to niaL Kamp told a Superior Oouit Jury Caiwile Light Christmas Carol Service enclose documents that win go to Meriden, were irafliW a opnteat for cutor said ha bad cultivated tea ac' TWO ALARMS FOR FIRES even If tMa to ao^ ttey may oaLte*' PLANS OUTLINE yesterday ha burned "five or six" prove that in a certain cuatoma f : iF U B b O IL S minority Itaderahlp ' in tho Houae. nUDRES TWO GIRU kwg to tte hooaegowad Mr. A. Yat 8«ilfqi^i|PftVNto OUT OF COMMISSIONS diaries at an “Intlmata" Mature NEVDDKjSHiUL SEEK YICTIMS HERE warehouae, te haa soma $180,000 aoma. credulous people have nSto» Senator Pierre J. Laramaa, Willi- Wh^ aantoinaS Payitway dsto^ LARGE AMOUNT Gkiits DsBuesd A r I Ar Is mantic, for praaidaat pro tampora, At The South Methodist Church worth OT hooded goods, wMeh te fled themaelvaa that Mr. A Is ok ttoi and---- had hs-“ no - cdbnaction with hia ae- h can’t touch to get releaaed unleae JEHUNECm FlA^EMILV mMI JoMsli Bb OoenMAi tOeattaaed fraao Paaa Opaal " t t is r a s s rwtiethar" to had Destrayad O CUntsH Strast; level, and have paid hUa at, wsatk. Oritiaa aa land agant, about a meath he appears In person. wloh, for leader aimear thf MS! Uttr "Ttcni s»" tto Hatotbutx No Daissfc At Otker Bbss. to thair aubsequent regisL batora-n-grnnd-Jnry began invaatlr grand^^ . 1^^ toveatlgatlon axpraieed IN ARMS FUNDS Drirer, Bbided By Gbre, It would te much more ssMtolg (Caattnoad fraoi Papa Ooa.) able Damociatle Ueket ia lh a Saturday, altboupb that had not Beware The Tondniif Hand, ^ere ia a man,' with $180,000 to BOLAND bean definitaiy daeidad. gating Pargway right-of-way pur> (Oatotowd rraas itaga One.) by New Haosn’s mayoa, John W. back of Mm, held almoat tooom- for tte creduloua to write dlraot to ate. obaaaa last January. Ha denied, bow- Two alarms for Sre were anawer- The dafensa baa only a few more Mujyto. which tho prasacutor de-i Bus ,hto Young Women ed by members OT tte South Man- munlcado In a Mexican JaU becatue Santo CUoia, North Pete. A rete aran Houaa dark, la axpactad to The 16 Rapublicaa fanatora-alact •WTt daftyiqrad tha dluica to i OIL CO. mova Into tba nma poaitfon■itfon inia tka wtU meet at tha home of Or. Jamaa wttaaaaaa to fallow Kamp. njrt oontractad to maaufaetura com promiouiicS^ chester fire department during tte Which ^ r b g Scalped, he can't raiM $1,000 to get out on. Territory, and aak for baakata af; pravant them from falling into tea Plata p m h u te imits. It is undarr and crttloal, ChSM raplM to tha it to Paris Dec. 6 to a, and ha Sanata where Senator Anthony J. Lk MoCOoaufhy, Middletown, Wad- At tha cloac vt hia erpae-axamina- nagaUva. » uw alghL At 6 o’clock this morning an It's a sad atory. The idea la that bullion. They woujd te daMvtoJt tlon, Kemp aald h atill bad a " h l^ bands of Proaacutor WiUto tood teat tha new firm wUl do teto had won German assurances that Crossinf Depot Square. Just aa osrUtoly aa you will gat Rich of Riistol will probably be naaday, for luncheon and a diacua- we Naxls were "not intereated” to alarm waa turned woman la aerloualy hurt, although spectators erere nrHsstog. wMoh otter peopla got rich quick. amount of their parkway commU- •toct", which it waa announcad aoms **P i2 y * **• Alcom tton aaksd: lition of ths republic and return to Mias Lucas, to addition to facial Tte fire ^peratus waa out thirty Tte Silver Fleeee 1007 M A IN STREET ■ioni and made no deductions for Tha tndictnant charged tto de- waaka ago Chaney Brothars might * L . tha French admlniatraUve system laoerationa, sustainod an injured mtoutse bafMe tte recaU waa eound- OUaf offender at thia aeaaon ia Dte Of payments to Kamp. fendants filed fSIsa atetemanja with togto to mmiutocture. Just tow under Lesguo at NaUona ______mandate, rib. Mias Tolnak, on lookers said ed. tte old, oft worked chain letter, Kamp said ha recorded tha pay tha stock axebaaga In connacUon IMW and important tho parachute I - aw fcontsndtogcontending tho ths critical criUcal sUto state of ot m In* was carried some ten feet on the At 6:80 last night an alarm was wMch haa made ita appearance in manta from tha two men on orite saeurlUaa U McKaaaoB and ^sss might bs that relations in teT MedH bunqwr of the automobile which turned to from Boot 417, Mato and Maneheeter wltMn the poet few TU»SMfc#rlka6Mf6ule*« DOOR "mamorandums” which were dia- Robbbia sold to tha publle. The h«. could Mt bs astitoated, and tea gUMmS? torransan naoaaritoted atepa to struck tee pair. Lswia streeL calltog out No. I'a days. We received one thia morn- Aad I iMeli As dwervei Is ewB e cardad after be had used them In oonapimoy count a lla g ^ they con- enure«H re project htaga*, htama. tt is'said, i. on f f i S T j u S S Ina- The driver OT the car, Evan P. pump and ladder and No. 4’a ladder ing which bega us, fo.' Chriatmaa’ making uo bis tax returns. 1 na* Parker, 22, of Mansfield, waa or* fadamtad to commit n vimnOon ot ths ascuring of a govemnsont con- val baaea to tho Near E a ^ trucka. The fire waa to tte soar OT Sake, to put a quarter to an en- Puny Asm e WThte ftok. end lie’s At- PUBIJC SETBACK The witneu proteitad against tow against tha United Staten tract Ison, Joto F. Mosklll of Bast Haven, rested at the scene on a charge OT tha factory OT the Royal lea Cream oloaed envelope, and| mail It to a Willis' lua of the word "daatroyad” namely, to file a falsa staUment » JIT T. Adaxss of Seymour, Arthur --^eas driving by PoUceman MudMitor Gram School It ia not known now wbettor the ORDERED TO REfiUGN Company located onim W a______boao in Newburgh, N. Y., who would A Stoadwd Model CORONA in raferrlng to the abaenca at the with tha Bxebaaga. J. Churcb of New l^vea. l3dfodn Luciua Thrall, who investigated. where waate paper Was burning to a like to receive eame. Our own name, efsriiif ••curing ot ths contract might leault Itome, Dec. l?.— (A P )—A According to Parker, he was blinded I Friday At 8 P. M. Prompt! mtmoranduma at tbs preaoat time The tangled affalra of tto grug 5" MIddlebury and Irvt^ :diiU« £ S box to the rear of the factory. The to be filled to at the bottom OT a PRIZE and when the prosecutor asked him to Incrasaed employment or an* H. Beckwith (ff Guilford. Staraee, eecretary-general of ^mommtarlly by the headlights of Srm came under official tovestlga- recaU waa sounded 10 mtoutee after liat of enclosed namee, would, we Gaah Priraol Adm 25c. what word he had rather use Kemp tsrgement of certain dspartmente at Judge IngUa ordered George Fascist party, today ordered . incoming automobiles, and did not ed A fllr llon after a seeming dlscropanoy of tea Chaney MiUs. the alarm waa turned In. are told, eventually reach the top OT answered: I >18,000,000 to saaata was dlacovared Freeman, clarii of tho court, to Ctots to joeign from an aaaoria•tto* the two victims until an inatanl DIVIDED 3 WAYS— $15, $35, $50 ”1 think discarded is batter.” The entire proposiUon Is as yat strike off ths Now Haven county composad Frenrii and Italianaltaji^ 'ore he struck them. tke UaL at wMcb Ume, perhaps next at the time raorganlaatlon prdceed at summer, we would r e ^ v e numer- Mwi|. Oonrt Bears Argnmanto toga ware filed last wsak. to a formaUvs stags, it appaars. as J***y tot tha name of Adama, a war veterans ag well aq from tha Both girls, who are employed at ths statsment issued by Ward cats-1‘»e‘ . RED witness. Later Defense Counssi Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam A. Psrrett on the manufacture of aome para-1 Almra asked *1“?™Adansa • a amca aerien or of poUca court Friday night, and WnstemL Dec. IS—(A ^ )—Barn- bold according to long. eetabUsbed wMch la ever nsw no matter how Bunlos Hobenthal sopranos and Uon la going by ua no fast that we John Keogh read to tho Jury taatl- of Bolton, formerly of Russell street chutes for the Air Corpe. In order I»Hng out the bonds OT $100 were set for hls pres- ard coUege to New York clW la custom on Sunday ovrmtog, Decem- often beard. FoUowtag the scrip- Robert Gordon baritone. The ratlre can’t aee IL mony of Silberman before the gra**d have laausd tnvltatloiui to tea mar- to bid, it is nsosasary* to firat babs I '^•nlteman. ------a atUtuda—w—w-vw tosvardwmwwmav t Jury ence at that time. among the cMef benefictortas to tte ber 18th,i-at half past seven. The ture leason the canticle “Olorto in program has been arranged and edll But Juat having dlapoeed of the Mirad Jury which invaatigatsd the Ktrk- riaga of their daughter, Mias Bsa- wrylce. Ho'was Intoiruptod ooco WSURGENT FORCES win OT the late Alma Gluck Zlmbal- form long followed to previous years Excelsls'’ by Molr wlU b« aung, be under the direction OT the or- chain mail, another attraction MEN qualified by making aome eaUefacT, ^„ Jamesj|»nea p.D C. o. Murray.u..rv.. Hayes' at- way, that contradicted statsmanta trics Marian Psrrett, to Georgs StllJ- 1*L opera singer, which was ad* will te foUowed in every detail wMeh although not atricUy a carol ganist OT the church, CUfton C oomes to our notice aa being ha made during the trial. man Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs. CITY CLUB ARRANGING mitted tq probate by. Judge Harry wMeh has..,always resulted to a la most appropriate and suitable Brainerd. thought worthy of a try to thia d*P*edeUe end eRdeellype^nriMr. BINGO Judge McEvoy admitted the Kamp Osorga E. Keith of Lewis street. proceed at once to qualify aa biddei-s was ^ving Adama “a lecture.” UUNCH 2 ATTACES beautiful setting and program. As for a (Christmas servloe. After the town. Smith to New Hartford it waa an- Aed dwe ere e d * Cweesi lawww * tto t < » ayeedSee w ed * records,'-a profit and loss summary, The ceremony will Uke place Sat- on tela material. The Manchenter The Judge overruled Murray's ob- nounced today. a prelude the choir wlU atog the addrese and offertory there wlUibe DEFENDS BALDNESS This other endeavor la ah old one and bis cash book and ledgar for urday afternoon at 4 o'clock, De- jection and in excusing Adams I too, 'and we name it the Old Span- wM* dw edgto pnkr. Aad dtkt,lM6d the eSneim 6ub Zwtov Equipment Company haa been form' turned to Freeman and said: IN NEW OFFENSIVE FOR CHRISTMAS PARTY Efrem ZlmhallaL the violtoiat and ever popular “SUent NlghL Holy a sAcond group of carrola, oonalat- Next Monday Night 1037, solely for use in examining ceipber 31, at tho South.. Mathodlst ed for thia purpose.” Night” to the tower room and then ing OT "A Story Fair We Now Will New York, Dee. 10.—(A P ) — ish Custom game. It seems to have ‘^ r . Clerk, will you aee that hia husband, was given tte Ufe nae OT "H«kvete»eh>6*e.Hee.liAiA.6.... . ho«t» the witness as to his oredlbillty. church. According to the papers of to- tte real estate to New Hartford and enter the ohurch with each member Sing" aa arranged by Dicktoaon, Deputy Mayor Henry H. Curran, atartad to Spain, but now haa Sown lOMUaued rroee Faff One.) m oo |M|^ Kemp admitted that “not a sin- corporaUon, filed today with TViwn Jury^Het''***”** to stricken from the I Ts Hold Aiuioal Emit On Sst- upon his death tte eetate to to te carrying a lighted candle to be “The Bella OT PMand" by Harvey whoee own wMte thatch OT hair Is tha ocean and neats largriy to December 19 gle one” of the payments from tbs Older W.B.A. Juniors, and mem- plaoed on the altar table for tte thinning, came to the defense at tte Mexloo. It worka a» followa. Clerk Samuel J. Turklngton. the Adame sought to be exetued yes- I Franco's northern army gave im- urdsy: Sniendid Entertain- divided among Mrs. ambaUat’a Gaul, with “Glorious Is Thy Name" two brokers appeared in his books bers of tbs Drum and Bugle corps, satire sendee. $ by Mosart aa a fitting cUmax to the bald-headed man today.: The OeMen fleeee although he did record divtalons of new firm has tha right to ongaga to terwy becauM of hto duties aa e portent informalion rMardlng In- ment To Be Provided. three children, Marcia, Maria and CORONA vRiU have a Christmas party tomor- tha manufacture of a variety of s t ^ Efrem ZlmbeUsL Jr. Tte musical porttoo of tte pro- service. To tte clorihg prayer the In the null you may receive a commissions on private traaaae- row evening from 7 to 6:30 at the mechatoc, but tee court deritoed eurgent and Italian troop rimeietotrb- piles, in rayon and othar fabrics as Tte Manchester Caty Club wU Barnard College was for gram win be o r a contrasUng na- choir win respond with "Oalm on HAST HAMPTON OOOXOR IMRS letter postmarked from aome -point tm to «a^ tlons.—„uuiurhome at Junior LfKmKiorQirector aliasMias neisnHelen . Uons in tee Tremp eectoR to old Mexloo. It will look to- well as in ^ k , and for a variety of Gie second Government roporta aald they held Its annual Christmas party tte sum of 610,000. Union ehapsl tuffi and oompriae both ancient and tte IJatening Bar of Night" to ths Middletown, Dec. 10.— (A P )—l)r, The prosecutor finished his cross- ,Gorman, 10 Chestnut street, fitoch Boodaro carols. Following tte opan- trigutog, and you will open It to On tMttto* TINKER HALL examination of Kemp just befor*’' one attending is requested to bring a purposes. !*••*•* of 100 _ veniremen. Twenty- also divulged information concem- Saturday night at the clubrooms on Flshecn latond. N. T.. and SL ^sminar tuns and then tte “Choral Frad O. Schwarts, 63, OT Bi The Dewey-Richihan Co. tog seatences by the minister. Dr. Amen” of Henry Dunham wtti bring Sad that a Mr, A, who ean’t let on 8:30 O’CIXKJK tha luncheonItlflrihGAn recess. ' ra o r to . . ten-cent gUtmelFS for the grab-bag. am.'iiis _ The financial structure of the firm uree ot the total number had bem I tog troop movemente around PamiF on Oak street and /me)nl>ers plan- Thomsa’s church. New York a ty , Hampton, a fotmder OT tte Wopo- leasing tee defendanl, however, the ia based on a preferred stock o w -. excused, however. Immediately few I Iona and Hueeca. Tha offloate ning to attend are. tovlthd to bring were each given ILOOO. Stacy, the choir wiU sing ”0 ^ a the lOurtoenth annual carol sendee waug camp on Salmon river, died aa to tte rest of tte letters to hls Jswdsrs *— StsUoRtrs — Opticbms weekly rehearsals ^of tea drdrum corps USUa Village” and tte weU-knowB name, la being held to a dirty « mu state's attomsy rsturnsd again to will be omitted onm accounta c c o u n of the taliaation of IISO.OOO, and 1,000 vari^ reasons such as Ubiem, I were said to have been taken to frienda. Tte affair wUl start at 6 to g clooi. today to MlddleseK hospital follow* doaoiMM 'gifts, ” which Kamp termed the holldajrs until January 6, shares of common atoek noted at 60 At luncheon recees, ' only 43 I Barcelona to be quOTtloned. o'clock with supper at 10 and a "IRmL N oOT” by Clarenca DIcktoKni, Tte toddental soloa win te tog a recent operaUan. dhrlitoa of payments from Parkway commU par. Tha firm la to commence buat veniremen remained to be question-1 Although govemmeBt apokasman Sue entertainment at 11 o'dock. DNIiOAlMD UNDHR OUARlk raghit^as slons ha received from Cooks and "Hank” Oowdy, who conducts a ness with 10.000 paid to. said tha cantral Spanish armtoa and A Christmaa tree win te Installed Silberman. - * Otetrs ncussd were Mysr Stodri Catalonian foroas ware "wisU nd- for tte occasion and there win be New York, Dee. 18.—(A P ) —Tte GAMES filling stetlon at tha foot of Nigger Incorporatora Hated to tea papers Frauoh Uaer Puis, first Freacb •i to Never Gash ”Olfta'” Befom vtoad on Insurgent plana,”- Insurgent gtfto for everyone. A fuU evening's HIU to Bolton, mat with a piUiihil are John C Parsons, Thomaa L. Homer Pulvev OT vessel to arrive here ■fayw aelltoss tomp. Kemp admitted that neither accident early last night whsn Archibald and Pomaroy Day. Milford, Mrs. AdajtMm M.JO. CanouLwrou of I sourceswuKvwG hotly awucadenied that Fnnoo's program haa been planned and VPOB I t d * Valuable Awards Cooke nor SUbarman ever gave any sulphuric arid from a hydronMter Baaconon rnili, Gordon “ Knowlton of I ■^ ^ *Y ** *P ^ ^ offfnslT* irivn had bra laige attendance is expected. French strikes, 30 "gifts in cash” to him befora he MIddItb twtay uadsr poUoa tsater aprayed Into h)s right eya aa mburvg John J. Doylo gf ifboenuot secretsgoer betrayed guard. WE ALWAYS GAVE THE BEST IN PRIZES AND was employed by tea state to ac- ha was testtog a battary. Ht touno- dan, Charles C BoynUm of Cha- ^tosyrtsfs, ^ »H»w the tawtor* ^ di^r by WiUiam Lewis to determto- Kemp returned to tee stand after tog tte fate of Ms canccr-stricken EVEN SANTA tiuerson Irene Lydall, aoprano, eang a duet, 'obviousvioua purpose". _ , to toquirtog about ®L v?® *** ••• Gorman, tenner I —— recess for further examination hy irn'a ^ ^ offlctol who haa rajotoed tha A. daughter. Dorothy. 6. his own lawyer. readings were given by Mary Ann Aham's reUgiaa. i * - .r — ...------'-n — — Br G. nouns N*. 1M.M Balcb and Mra fiimest Morse play- Inundated by letters from aU over IdMIMMp: Cooke, Silberman, and Former After Judge Ernest A. IngUs had DMorallT* UphtbUnr -{A rts , Radio and It*( the lowcu price a ed piano eelectlona The committer tte country, dttog pro and bon ar- Sc rom be rg • Carlson Highway Commissioner John A. included Mrs. L. J. Tuttle, Mrs. guments by tboss who hsd read OT aver sold. for. Now you Macdonald were among tho specta- Oeorge SUtes, Mrs. Edward Maatan, tte Uttia Brooklyn cripple's pUghL TO iU X HOMELOVEBS A.; r M l Phonoqraph can enjoy programs tors In the court room and It waa Mrs. Ernest Morse, Mra. RuaseU ^^^.^^cuam you. it won't b ? 2 ‘th2 s S tte (Ustraught father made hls with true Natural Tona indicated some or all of them might Post, Mrs. WUUam A. Knofis, Mrs. ba aa that ^ u n t , you kn ^ that" | w the ^ nuUuTlI^ te T« Get them at oar Stand on Oakland atrmt or at onr BIrtha last night—A son to Mr and A^astad and Mrs. Fred Mirii of ^ Diractoi By Miss Hok« R. Psga ▼idaa an alaelria branch at 1009 Main strpet, opposite tho Rich sdMwI. m wan. At Raaaonabla Prices K F. D.; a daughter to ------fra. John .Ltnmji of 76 ALSO A FULL LINE OF THE BEST FRUITS Can For and DcBvwj Oak street Friday Evening, December 16 tf.w to trif.M Serriea Admitted today: Robert A1 8:15 Dae. IS—(A P ) — AND VEGETABLES of 77 Oak street Dto^arfsi today: ____ — ^ Te l. 3 9 2 4 Avwy of 1 FunwB Ptoea, Mrt Mas *• ■L9? FAOBroim MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16,1988 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16,1988 >A< PAGE FIV E : t the Individual bonus wiS ba govera- 1 GRANT CO. D D IO Y ES ed by length of aerrics. a cursing intruder wbo tbraatoned GIVEN JUDGMENT to kill not only Alderman, but 'i DAILY RADIO ntOGRAM Tba local Grant atora la loCatad at Army, Navy, Relief Needs Treasury Debt Takes Jump SNYDER TO TELL Etting and herself. cHRisnus SHormc I TO GET XMAS BONUS 815 Main street. The proaeZution’e case was com- THUIMBAV, DietMBIR II (Ctntnl-BMtani SUndart Ttma-P.M.) pleted Shortly after Alderman, 80. Timtly Warninr tor Etsty Om f .T fflheww la Uamtt Dm M tttwtrk VtrncHm T— Ltt* t« Intorfrutti To Face Congress Early ON BUSINESS IDEA To Unprecedented Average SHOOTING STORY and Mias Etting, aevan years bis To Heed _ Mates AD te fear ana teas# ehalna or troupa tharaof antaaa teaol. Outaide Of ExecatlTCfl All Win senior, eloped by plane yeaterday Is aaaaS to ooul (a to a) feaalcaaUoBa tneluda all avallabla auilona to Las Vegas. Nev. M«e>WlAP (RIO) NITWORK wdbo wmmm w)no woha wpar waiai Share; Over 14,000 Peraoas Wnahtagton, Dec. 15—(A P I-A d- Afor the Army would go toward the Don’t get so Imsy .doiiiff wcoo wrva walm wrdw wapi Washington, Deo. 14—(AP) 'ThcA rowing_ except for 81.400,000,000 ob- Cliristmas Shopping Uiat yoa' •Afete ~ laats waaf waaa artio w)ar MIOWSST — wmbd wlaii wlbw kfh Are InTolved. W A T C H F O R mlniatraUon requenU, for extra projected expanaton of tho Air New York Jury Awards $6a- Treasury’s debt took a spectacular^ tained through the cashing la ot arias araah kirar wftr wre war wban wkbb wtaq wkbh wcoo wabt kaej wnaa Corps. FrosecotMMi’s Cast Complet- disaster hero SENTENCEU neglect...... the coldwhich you are very irwt t* l s t a t e wm$ cbm ardal: HMwaali woe whib kalo kdal wroa wmfs Army aitd Navy approprlationa and jump today to tha unprecedented* Bterllizcd gold and a amallar amount likely to taka in the oveihaataA Mfeiaa wbo am* wdaf wiro hasp: MOUNT.—kvor kggm kla koh kal kgaa One House member said tba Navy of cash on hand. EaWai feaa fe^l: feanthi w nbt wab kfbb The W, T. Grant Company, opera- for an additional relief fund which intended to concentrate at tha com- 500 To Proposer Oif Flat average of 8808 for every man, crowded stores. Remember that 'teSN waanb «Ma kpra wbras PaaHlaiCOAST—kna knin klpy krl kafo key O P E N IN G ! Aa for the war debts, tha Finnish ed Shortly After Elope- Jersey aty, N. J., Dec. 15.-(AP) neglected eolds may lead to aaora Mkswkoaaefcbaba----- kpe tors of variety fetorea in nearly SOU mgy run as high as 8800,000,000 will ing session on winning approval for woman and cMld in the country. karm kbbo kgmb kroy kiro ksar be the flrat "big money” problems government advised the State De- —George W. Rogers, radio room aerious sicknesa. ------DNALNAL STATIONSJaparala la. Cant. Bait. cities throughout the country, has additional shore bases for tbe fleet Tliia was payment day for in- Some dependable treatmaat ahould tut .-vr - ■aMv oa altbar M D or BLUB before the new Clongroaa. and its air forces. A Naval inapec- Rate Telegranis. veatora on 8780,000,000 of new partment iU check for 8332,986.00 hero of the Morro (JasUe disaster, }t S a ^ wbra wool wfaa wl» 4:0»- (lOO-Nlla Maek’a Lafa Pratapd announced the dIstribuUon ot a G I A N T TIG E R ment Of Piamst, Singer. waa sentenced to from 13 to 20 be aelectsd. For 84 years, Fkthar ___ „jo obf ebl waaL 4iS6— ftte—Audrey Marah and feanga Funda to operate the WPA until tioD board’s recommeudatlona on the bonds and notes sold by the Treaa- would be paid at the Federal Ka- 4:4b— i:4b—Chlldran> Clreua fearial— Chriatmaa bonus to their 14,000 em- aerve Bank in New York. jreara in prison today on a convic- John’s Medicine hae bera in use aa a wan wtmi stba wlar kaba eaat; Pour Neua, Oava Bacal—waat July 1 must be coniddered early in subject has gona to tha White ury, boosting the debt to a new treatment for colde and coagbr doe I kaeo wbow wood wabo wabi ifeb— fiOb—Prata. Nadia Naara Period ploycea. F O O D M A R K E T the aeaalon, because the current al- House. "" New Torti, Dec. 15.—(AP) — A record of 889,400,000,000. U the No other money araa expaotad, nor Uon of trying to kill hla superior in Iream: feoulbt wapo wiak sta r i Urn Angalaa, Dec. 16.—(A P)— the Bayonne police department wtui to colds. R belpa to build np yoor __ wjaa wfla-wauB wlod waoe dife— feiofe—Bd Thorgaraan, feparta— AU employees who hava been arith lotment may be exhausted by Feb. Ooatrovarsy Over Handling ~ state Supreme court jury lias Treasury’s indirect obligation on waa any promise anticipated from resistance so tbat you are bettw able ___ I arwno areae wart warn kroo wkr wabc: Behaaa af Cenaala—chain the company over aix months, arith the 13 other debtor countries to pay Martin (Tlie Gimp) Snyder, gam- a home-made bomb. The sentence wfaa wfeap areal ktha ktdni kako krga feil^ tit^H aw ia Wing and Aviation 1007 MAIN STREET 16. The amount needed will depend Discussion of tbe relief appropria- awarded Manuel G. Rodrigues a 85.000. 000.000 worth of accurlUes to fight off colde and other germ In* fella fetok klam wala armi klba kark i i l ^ tit^BoyTrout About **Today" tha exception of executives, ariu on the slae of relief rolls during the tion la expected to touch off a con- issued by government corporations in the future or to propose any plan bling hla freedom against prison was imposed by Common Pleas l:4t— 4;4b—Hall at tha Croaaraada 16,600 judgment against the West- fecUons. n w s Maualaliit kair kabi klar knii i»" Estonia, Latvia, TJthn»nt» iCumanla love” but now the bride of the man fifeA>Amaa 'n* Andy—aaat only tio kved kuie: Paaillai kgo klad kima be between 8150,()00,000 and 8800,- gested by other federa experts, wbo suggested calUng them ’Travel- 81.000. 000.000 a year, or almost and Yugoslavia. rit^yaaal Varlatlaa by Choral kaa k n kaoa k)r 000,000 above this year’s total. believe improved (buaineas eondi- ha la charged with trying to mur- G I A N T TIG E R rite—Tha All.feUr Ravlaw— NOT*Bi Saa WSAP.NBC for optional grams.” _ equal to the combined cost of the The British government. wMcb waa(; Iterlo Coaal Sonat—nalwork Hat ot atalloite President Roosevelt has indicated tiona.wUl reduce’''Ihe demand oa WlUiver told him, Rodriguez said, Army and Navy. der, accused him of wounding Al- t e - f iW—Rtehr yalloa Haur—c to e Cant. Baat. he would ask for a 8150,000,000 in- WPA. These men point out that now owes a total 81408,827,897.- derman as the musician sat on a ___ Nawa of ibte—a to a there waa no field for the idea. He Direct treasury obligations arc 13, waa expected to express its will* F O O D M A R K E T Sing Craaby, ala.—a lo a 4:10— 1:10—Oan Wlnalaw at N av y - crease for the Navy, which got relief rolls dropped from a peak of went to Postal Telegraph with the about SO per cent higher than at the tano bench in hts Hollywood HlUs ^•^CO ID S- Bab Hawardi Orehaaira— anal: Landt Trio and Vacala—waat 8546.000.000 this year. 3.262.669 on Nov. 5 to 5,189,046 on same result. ingneas to reopen debt dlseusstons gome last O ct 15. _ addi; Ateaa 'n* Andy—rapaal waalwool 4:4}— 1:4}—Tam Mla’a fehalah—aaat w ar period peak of 826.596,701,048 “whenever circumstances aza such His mood deepened and ha turn* IM7 MAIN STREET C0U6HS DUE TO COLDS ISite-llilS-DaiMing Muala (1% bra.1 fClaullar Crehaatra Highest Peace-Ulna Level Dec. 10. But in 1935, be testified, both on Aug. 31, 1919, and more than 1:10— 1:10—Bavariy Lana and feaprana Approval of the increases would House eubcommittees already companies adopted his Idea, al- as to warrant the hope that a satla- ad his head aa Ills own daughter, eOO-WARO NITWORK •:|i0- l:li^Tha Armahair Mala ^uar. HAHS double tbe post-war low of 816.- factory result might be reached. Edith Snyder, 21, pictured him as 1:40— t:4[0—Lawall Thamaa — aaats Dd the appropriations for the have begun work on some of the though the Western Union adver- 026,087,087 on Dec. 31, 1930. Saati waba aroba arcao wtal Tam Mla*a fekatah—waat raproi .armed services to their highest regular appropriations Mils fon the riaed Its service aa ‘Tourate.” The British have made this state- Read Tke Herald Ad?2 ;wbw wkra w)r wdra waaa wlaa •d»— 7:0O-Baay Aaaa Skit—alao eat Of the subsequent 833,375,000,000 ment each June 15 and Dec. 15 since wfM wtaa wgar: MIdwaati nbbia }|1}— 7:1}—Mr. Kaan S Loot Paraona peace-time level. coming year. President Roosevelt Rodriguez sued both companies, debt Increase, 84,900,000,030 was . kmba amea wbaa kfab krat lil^ 7:10—Olek Oaaparro Orehaaira While details were lacking as to also is getting rWly for the se*- end Postal Telegraph settled out of going into default on their debt [Afe^wbna wps whp whae wore rfrb 7:00— 1:00—Jarry Balehar Nalghbara added during the last two years and payment several years ago. Moat MM wiba wmaa waite wabI wabn whie 7:10— 1:10—Baatman feahaal Cancart Our own mild how the additional funds would be sion, which begins Jan. 3, by dis- court. The Western Union com- two months of Herbert Hoover’s ad- wfeM wbrk waba wade wnbT naaa 1:1}— 1:11—WhIaparIngValoaa Chair spent, Mr. Roosevelt has Indicated cussing his program with legislative pany contended the idea waa de- of the otbei governmenU have pntlB — w i^ wafa wqam wdnd kha 1:10— 1:10—Amarica'a Town Moating a substantial part ot the Increase veloped by one of their telegraph- ministration, and 818,475,00,000 reduced their refusal to short notes wraa wlaa wiaa kitd ktrb kiM Site—10:10—Tha Paapla I Hava Known S u n n y f i o l d chieftains. since the start of the Roosevelt ad- N y j n iy w ^ wdaa wMg wdb| waraa 10:00—11:00—Nawai Oanca Muala U ers, John Apelqulst of Madison, stating their regret at still being I wooa wdao waea kwkh bra.) • u g o r c ur o d Wls. The jury decided yesterday ministration in March, 1933. In a position of being unable to pay in Rodriguez’ favor. Expects Four Billion Deficit or negotiate. ^ w h e I o o r MRS. BEHNFIELD TO SPEND Court attaches said the damages This fiscal year, the government Today's installment 'reprawnted 8:30—Girl Interne, Joyce Jordan, BIND OVER CROCKS were the largest ever awarded In is spending 89,000,000,000 and ex- 840,360,546 due on principal, 8104,* 8:45—On the Mall. string kolf. New York state by a verdict up- pects to collect only 86,000,000,000. 925,943.38 on Interest and 814,935,- STREAMLINED WITH 10:00—Pretty Kitty Kelly. HOLIDAYS WITH HER SON holding a property right In a busi- leaving a deficit Of 84,000,000,000. 043.99 due under moratcrium agree- wnc 10:15—Us On a Bus. ness idea. Tbia deficit must be ndsed by bor- ments. BrsaBeastteg 10:45—Stapmotker. TO SUPERIOR COURT ■srtlMtl, Down, 11:00—The Pact Finder. Has RecoTcired Her Health fe. IBM tL V. tM M . 11:15—Dorothy Stone, Oonaola Va> Rib Roast After Terrifytoff Expert' rietlea. HEAVY STEER 8HF 11:30—Big Bldtar. Hayes And Thompson Plead ence Daring The Harricane. 11:45—Aunt Jenny’s Real U fa 8to> gg B PoHaHieuM — Short — U rles. SIrlsIa — Roved and Cuba ii, K . M ra Mary Beluifleld, who for tbe riL 18:00 Noon—Mary Margaret Mo* 4^ I toC i H..W Stew VH ^ yc Gdt? Te Heft; Bonds greater paut of the past few montha 4KW—■sekstsge Wifa. Bride. lias been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 4:l»-8tfelU DfeUfes. P. M. Sd At 82,400 Each. George Meyer of 68 Bigelow atreet, 4:84—"Vie sad Rfedd.** 12:15—Her Honor, Nancy James. left yeaterday for Short HUIs, N. J„ 4:44—OIrl AkMM. 12:30—Romance of Helen *Trent to spend tbe holidays arith the fam- Chuck Roast'^ 29< ily of her son, Walter Behnfleia. •.*00—*Dlek Trsejr." 18:45—Our Gal Sunday. HEAVY STEER ^EEP LadieaT [>• Heading guilty In town court last It will be recalled that Mrs, MORE ROOM •:1V-“Tour rsmUjr sod 1:00—Nows, Weathar. FITTED night to four counts of auto theft •:W —“Jfeek Armstronr.*' 1:05—Strictly Swing—with Oil Bebnfleld and her daughter Emms •:4V—"litUfe Orphan Aimla.“ Bayek. CASE in this town, John Hayes, 30, of 525 were at their cottage on tbe Fort Center street and Walter O. Thomp- road at Watch Hill when the tidal sa m NEW 1939 D£ S0T0.N0W ON DISPLAY 4KK>—NfeWfe and Wfesther. 1:15—Ufa Can Ba Beautiful. Sausage V.;<27c con, 18, of 101 Hemlock street, were •:1B—Sports’ Roundup arith Eddl* 1 :S0—Main Street, Hartford. wave during the hurricane of Sep- aiLvcranooN bound over to trial in Superior tember 31 ^ p e d out ail property in CSMy. 1:45—*Thls Day Is Ours. F r a n k f o r t t MifltOBO ta. 2 5 c B a c o n •h29c f:00—WDRC String Ekiaemble. Court, bonds being flxed at 82.500 that section. Miss Bebnfleld loat •:#0—WrightTtlld caarion. Stoak Cod an^e 2ite.25c M ackorol rreaa ia I Oc each. Falling to raise this amount, Sl45--“HlatorT In tho HfeSdUnM’— 8:15—A1 Barnard’s Marry Mlnatral her life and her mother suffered Men. the two wan transferred to the greatly from expoeure In the tur- ProfasMor Andre Schankar. Hartford County jail to await trial. TdW—Amofe ’n’ Andy. 2:80—American School of the Air. bulent waters of the bay, and on 3:00—U. S. Marine Band. Preaiding at last night’s arraign shore, until the next morning when T:lV-Vocad Vaiietias. ment wgs Deputy Judge Thomas T:*0—^The News RapOrtara. 3:30—Columbia Chamber Orches- ahe was rescued end removed to tra. MILK Dannaber. Hayes still has to an- Westerly hospital. She has recov' y :4 4 -“DoB’t You BaUara I t ” Cheese swer a Hartford count of talcing an ered her health after her terri^ng •K»—Jtudjr Vanaa's Varlaty Show. WMtahotiae automobile ^Tlthout permission of experience. •:0»—“Good Nawa of 193D.’’ . lb. tha tmnar. UKXk—«n f Oosby and Johnny Evaporated ProtrloDS Beoord TToUar'i Orebastra. 25 Ar. < Both Bayes and Thompson have UiOV-Nawa and Waathar. Ik a lift far het*-IUa Iwadennie fltteg pnvlous police records. The pair U :14—Dal bourtnay'a Orebastra. RADIO It’s Tripis leatherette everalght case with travel- has lately been taking cars from B.F. GOODRICH CO. U :I0 —Rlcbsrd Hlmbar*s Orebastra. —■' Day 3 ^ .5 3 c lag vaalty pleeea. west side parking places, driving UKK>—Jan SsTltt's Orebastra. Spry Crsamed_ __ them about for an evening of IS 68 YEARS OLD IS :!•—Emery Dautach’a Orebastra. 85e DOWN, 85c A WEEK “pileasun,” and then abandoning TaBgartaw*a Proftaa thenl In other sections of the town. New York, Dec. 15.—( A P I - Blue Ribbon,!!^ c*<’^5Jc In the past week the four t a A.M. A.M. ftor' which the theft charges have 4:00—RsTsUIa with Jaka and Carl, Frank Parker returns to tha Burns A WHOLE YEAR TO PAY From Smafl Eoterprise It Is •:04—I guasta. and Allen broadcast tomorrow Marshmallow ntff 19c been brought were taken, and then, night, replacing Tony Martin. The fearing ^epoaure, the two shifted 4:84-' 4:10—"Sunrlaa Spaelal.” their operations to Hartford, but T:00—MonUng Wateb. program marks the aUrt of the Now One Of The Largest 1:04—] second 13-week period of a con- Shortly got into difficulty with the 8:04—1 S:00—Nawa and Weathar. Grapetimit 2Sc State. Police. Eacaping state of- 4:15—Oana and Olen. tract for Burns and Allen that 8:16—1 caUa for 62 weeks of broadcasting. fleers, the pair waa captured shortly U. S. CorporatHms. t:S0—Radio Basaar. afterward due to the initiative and 8:84—1 4:44— “Jano Ardan,” Dramatic Rep. Martin Dies of Texas, chair* Old Mother c.ri'ir.l. c„10c 8:45— man of the Congreaslonal commit* quick work of Manchester and West T)U8'1'LK8 on cars a r e o o w a s o l d * * Skateb. Springfleld police, wbo each cap- n 4:04—10 Boya. teg investigaUng un-American ac- GULDEN’S MUSTARD *j 2M 3« 0X0 BEEF CUBES ^ loc More than sixty-eight years of JLJ fashioned as buttles on drees* 4:04-1 tivities, makea bla second broadcast tured one fiigitive. * rubber product manufacture during 4:15—Pood News. POTATO STIXosc cA oiot Blarks Case P o t Off es. be Soto’s Streemlined Luggage 4:15—1 of the week on WJZ-NBC Satur- GRANDMA’S “ alsaaea 1 4 C which it expanded from h small en- '4 ’84-< 4:S0—Oratchan MeNuUen. day. He speaks In the NaUonal A eontlmiaaee to Friday under Looker climinfitet the old*faab- 4:45—Tba Wtfa-Saver. BAKING POWDERI PAOtpro? * i oat model!, yg* Dates velt. daughter of tbe president. Yon have only one small pedAd of WiDS-aANoa artew Htemalua gcarUe BM^—J soldi h > a S a ead Gold flalah On Kent’s Island. Bay of Fundy, New England for cold, cfaengeable New 4:80—Audrey Marsh, aonga OLR4A Prague, 8:40, Variety; Centelei ne ertificel colering—Ne blend Iht appetiiing Rivert a( aR 86eA Week ■aamtrala 8 eaaol 78e A Wddk The ceremony aras arranged for J ashes every w c^ to dispose ofi TUNE IN MAJOR BOWKS' ORIOINAL AMATEUR H O U R... 4:80—i ertiRcIel Ingredlente. three. Try* them tedayl 4 p.m. arith the Rev. Rex 8. (Jlem- herring guUa trample down tree England weather. Labofatory testa pfuev 4:45—1 4:44—The Mighty Show. TPA4 Paris, 11:25, French events. tops aq aoUdly th a t a man can COLUMBU NETWORK. TNURSOAYS, • TO SO P . SL, E .S.T . 4K)0—News, Weather. enta,, pastor of the Bryn Maavr it gives mote heat per ton. Becaaac we S. Beesnse Koppers Coks responds 4K>0—I 4:05—Console Ek;hoca. 1*lb Preshyterlan church, offlclating. walk atop the abnormaUy grown •04—Howie Wing 14-0* hot | 5 c After a three wedu hooeymoon in branchea. know that Koppers Coke will ^vc you more quickly to drafts, yon netd spend 04114 SoM leas time in Ae basement -Today arith Bob TkxML GeU Bermuda, the couple plans to live complete headog sadsfiBCtioe; we ^ve PRICED 70 n r YOUR BUDGET 4M 4-HW-Tte Brown__ Family. In Pbtladelphia or tbe aoutbarest.” yon a written guatentee. You take ne TM —“County Seat, starring Fresfc FrmHt and Yegefoblos IDU smM Open An Account Mias Less is a daughter of Mr. THIS CAN SAVI YOU MONCV OoUiaa. Set and Mis . Donald Stearart Leas. chances—when yon buy Koppen Coke. 904—Doris Rhodes. FREE! OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL XMAS SUNDAY Witbooc coat Of obUgstioa, u k T:84—Joo Peascr. New TeiM lb. ONYX DBAUNO WITH JAPAN tha Koppers Satvioa K aa to SEE YOUR 4:04—KaU Smith Hour. Cabbage INITIAL LESS FUR NACE W OR K caU. Ha win go over your fiu* 4:44—Major Bowes* Amateur A Red ami Black BakeUta RING Mexleo O ty, Dee. 14—(AP>—Re- HntKopptnCsksBstmytufumssmemk eact with you, check eraty patt ____ Hour. ports from rdlable quarters gained catafally, aad then show yon 44 44 riiiliiiiiLia Workataop. dreulatlaa today that Mexleo araa 1. Except in the coldest weedier, yon can sxaqdy how yon caa save raal 44:80—ABtericans at Woric Cigarette Box Crapef ruite.trsi. 6 25« $9.75 nagoUating a 81.000,000 bartar oU aevBs ratv raais ts avoid extra fimmoe Mmdfog- Jagg fill Beeey eo year fuel biU. Don’t 14:84-4 11:44—Newat Weather. I I M —S gold, arith leaad deal arith Japan, although tha t*> NEW YORK $200 wait vodl yon arc oat of fact UM-Maln Street, Hartford. With Ead) New Set of Tabca Green Top beh4 porta arafe denied at the govern- yonr fiirnace twice a d ^ —aaoming Gat la coach with hiog tedagi 88184-31 Lopes’s Orchestra. Carrots paael, a 4aa d KAY ment Petroleum Department iOSTON . $250 ^Itl84-V la Yomr Radio, Betweea Now and cfedlM ad D E S O T O D E A L E R H:I4-C , * 54—<3eb Chlloaray*s (Mebsstra. A goal aratett JEiUELRv ( o m p n n v FOR A GREAT CAR^ FINE SERVICE AND A SQUARt DEAl “ Kayo’s Orchestra. aad Chriataiaa. CfeEfomie AOAOrSt THmO TERM. rWlM MAMtXIBm'KB [ U8E FREE PHOll^E—ENTERMH8E 1450—OR YOUR LOCAL DEALER Celery Clean, Criip behs tU M A m STREET WlFashhigtoc. Dac. 15.—(AP) — rVBCSAtl CSOTOi Banatorato r W lia te (D., MoisL) aald '/-.i HABrrouDi;ooNH. todKy ba belisvad a majority of the Fat tarinmitliia E. Krah ' > a n ^ favor a isaohrtlcn 8141 K O P P i R S C O K E NANCHEITn EVENING HEBALD.IIAIfCIU8TES.CX>fni. lBIIBtDAY«I>BC«SMMS«M.fi«P PAG UANGHE6TEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TOUR8DAT, Tnargin ittu is, um

aam to tola dtoto bagaa toa praa- commualCr aa atteilf ~~ » f>*j»A^^A At«rlr»ittr tiea af daMirorliv toat aomawllty able btadaa at aapawaa Health and Diet • SBUAL STORY TRE ^V LA C K F L A m SG O ” TO SOAR TOMORROW acid as he opened hta Frim t Bbbr, M * G ah ifb h h W t» ‘u to pa»w M totoara. Tka todra- Tb« poopla of Connootfout and ST.mCU’SDAY V HELD FOR MURDER to SffH iy -*ln a B rooklyn hoapR O L, H agan, 27, O a h a " e b a o Hon totalidtifely attr—tad tto at- tM f_O aaanl Aaaoartyr am atiU tPISTO N GROVER coPYxiaHT. lasa ^ >*x«-jotarad metlaia. Mlaa tE om iiig much bigger aad a aauab greater Advice USA SEXVieC. INC. ftpahod baaa Beetroyed. J iocatad te ptBae to n> rj Om ru tantton af toa •tala Milk Adntoto' SKI'S THE U M IT IS CELEBRATED Two of tba fanr Jobnaon ckUdt«% meat. Die- trattob- Tha eemeara waa ad- power than toa courta to*y bava OQCKT BBOAOEN8 FIELD By DH FKANH MetWT nM i»rWH3-' 49 board held toat la event of labor BY ADELAIDE HUMPHRIES IN AOD THROWING Richard, 4, aad Ftoreaea, 19, wara monitoiad toat tto praettaa waa a created to carry out their will of OF FBPEBAL POWEB trouble a power shut-down would burned later when they touched ^ ^ ara law. They aaanot pat "affw r IntonaUto nxamaraa. puddlM of held be tba teor. Tteer nU R TfCim bad caa tor tto inUk buatoaaa aa a aMait ta WaaMagtotw-It to gottlxg aa mwaavo maumtiaa wbola. and gave up to* uea of tba up much longer with ouch nonaenae Tbo ouprarao court ngixod. CAST OB’ CMABAODBBB Oror 200 Present At Eman* father, a Jobleaa deckhand, hhB MMto tamoge acMetkf wtM— _ ndST^STTun aam baitoy btow away Zb too noaraat recant appnacb Many 'matooda have been tried by SALLY BLAIR — berolaa. Btaf of ttirai on. She hod offarad Unemployed Longshoreimm on Mkef. dtUoUa OB Venus jm .a a n paper bottlaa. In 1987 when tba aa toat golag on to adraaoo at too smoke from a cIgaraUo wKtoout to this .decision too court apbaifl ttSM xotMig IM r hair is ttlnnlng tote gaptearity t o te r heart, and ho had nfuaod Dtftriet AUbrnay 'WUtoni F. R. iRn those on adrik. ••Mtfa aaa 5lm2er#"5eW»«V iaftotofura caBvaaad, a biu waa In- Waterbury trial. toa labor board la Ha riafaaU tt. Ha had ***— her of lel Omreh Whei Hie Ml 0 ^ I« MjMfaatar. Omb, m iadtog WmaiM angagad la (or af- that a Cattfofxla M t aaaaam out in aa effort to grow more luxur- triumph, tbs oong ta her heart, and Accosod Of Killiiig Hb Mall Ma»t*r. tioAicfd ftvtofT Um MUJi AdoiiiUs* facUngl intoratato comaoorca. which oMppad M cant at its iant hair bat ofton toaoe autbods broken U betwaaa Ms atrong bard itafeMlA irator autoarlty to da a Mgbar re- DEER HUNTERS Bo broad la toa aoopa of too B«- Mt In wtonataCo are naa'.aaa If tha neceaaary food hands. Cerenonj h Presented. mitmeiurn^ B ant prams Court daatoten. . ____jS> tooaaoa of pxatdlivan Jdda SeamuFrieid. . r a t l M r tail prlaa for infill daHrarad to pa- The hardy huntera who annually dirakto m/ajaat to too tahor oct. mlnerata are not being aecurad in OCMY POBfBB waa “You tUnk you’ra so too aad UM aa a par ttoa ttot ftoad for mUk In Conaolldatod Edtoon company of How ft reichaa sot to oatond too the dally diet. wCArL hcav^” Etalty said. “Baesnaa )rou iStirdaa Elf . • ' 2 brava toa perils of toa foraata to Haw Torb against toa national act to a maapaor wMch of ftsalf I O m vElf fjaaa In toat aana year toa dia- Hair Is hidlt sf xteto tha same wito toe etoiy. am Uog on skta. But you’ra a eo v- The Oirlstmas aaooon aras usher- up yxm puraus dear. MUing in toe aaasaa tabor ratottoao beard toat a whole does not aagaga la Haw York. Dae. 18—(AF)— ab naw oaanalag of too berioon of fad' alemaxte found in tbs aoUa. and ard a t heart. Oaa Raynrida. Tou’ra ed In at tha Emanuel Lutheran tUr abte SCSMSBII o r THB AMOOtATBD tilbuttag aaooara ratorrad to toto year aoma 979A00 of the aal- awnaa, but a lm ^ sHIa Mo poodurt thSBS can csdy ha safursd from foods ^ afraid at your own self, of tta rsal UOmiDploywd mOCQMd t«nata* wmam mma4 tba papar aattta daUvary. do aval ragalatloR aaama HMy, ta tooaa whado. coutetadng toa oaturad food nlnar- ttlags la tha world. 1 knew that— riitirch last night with tha preaan- of kflUng a seaman friend b> thrown In July toa adntnlatrator toeuad an mala, should aat ba aeauaad of lash Conaolldatod Edtoaa to a trai tn oxpfaiBiag tto a ala. MDloon, aHurisWy. oaaraa to bs from tto flrat. l told tha otoara- tetIcB of the baautlful and Impraa tag searing arid la Ida tooa waa haM ivw and of courage. Hot lass toaa 294 af doua powar aamaaay lx paint of pointed out that a tr strlko growth of hair UeiM ia andar doing toa prlaa of adlk in pa- toa nambar at Ulowatto ta aaargy aaaaaaary far a gaaM Corey and all tts gang. I only t o toatoi tt Bt. Lueta. a tradi- on a bomlrida ckarga today. toaal bava baea Mltod toto year. waaU loava toa d .1 aritoout and If the dMt.is Ixckteg la toft bothered with you, let you taste me tional Swedish celebration. A Astoataat Diatriet Attorney par bottlaa at oaa aaat Ugtm tton it abeota alsM Ha aotwarh at wffaa HgbU. thus *bdroft1xg" sot only element for a good growth «f hair CaiAFTBRT M «lM» 8SS Kf.karaia. •• However, af toat 184 vtotlaw of a Hevertoatoee, tt what I already knew about skUag. crowd ef more than 200 persona ord Rutat aald that tha All rtakta of raauMMattasa af toat of milk In glaaa bottlea. That intomtots coosmerca. tout foreign and If the dlefle tackliig i ...... in tola At BaUy's insiatexia, tote sate to show you up, put you to your ami. Barry Htoa. 24 odmlttod tba chase, net ana was klltod by a Atoo lx How Torii ftoU aimoft element the hajr will ned grow ao flllad tha church veatrv for tte at- apa^i <«aaanaai feaaala a»a alaa w> ■qualaHad toa papar ceatatoar. (hut not mta) to too aaomarn t t soorattg at bar last Jeasoa, Daa place, hAva the last laugh. U was fair, sponsored by the Woomb's tog the acid on Harold Jabonen, OA, dear. 8o far aa too latha) oontaat Meraovar. tt p«4xtod euf toot a wall. SoaM of the Coods wtdeb help anaad to let hsr try a oteeptr tdtt. an la fun—on a dare.” Missionary Society. yaatarday bacauaa tohnann aad ua Tba glaaa milk bottle buslncaa M all otoar toiritory. radio otation uses too powir, aad to teed your holr oca: oelory. apm- rati aarriilaa «Kaat a* «. B A. aarv a mraopoly, Ito vary larga prodta botwaoB mao and baaot fOOA to# It sajia power to city docks, to hi avant of a toutdown too radio "But whsx ymi coma to toa later- “Tou maon that?” Daa took a December IS Is known as Luola- a*lto “wouldn't tafl ow ' iaa S a ', aaparagua, lettuce, hale, ear- majiAto atgx.” ha nautkixad. “bear stop toward bar. caught bar two day, a holiday write bas been ob- gin I toved had moved.” Rob BiUBt ba p ^ by toa diatrfbutora of More Is 278A00 to 0. Tbs huntora railroads axd to antarprisas whtek broadcast across state Unas also 1, aad otoeex at toa gram taafy Haaifcar Aiaarieea Waaraaaaar fafc* Morata tha tuanals operating «a- would be affected. to too laft Tbo mat of tola traU is wrists Ja Ms stroqg ctaap. Hta gray served by the Swedish people for >K>m Mrs. Johnson, aevart Roger milk. Tto coaaumar, of couraa, Mil aaeb other, for toa moat past, type. Those vagateUsa arm aaeat centuries. In the eariv hours of the Mia Aaaaaiailaa. ^ tin Mudsan, cauxactixg Haw naaCid In thalr raw atate. ao cooking a abasr drop of eyas wara blate with fu ^ ; tta Ittb attan aha cataa to hi best I muat aoBipoaaata to# diatrlbutor. though a few meat toalr and by Janay ^ How Torb. At ao poMt forte'dra dggraas a t oaa point aoma spots of color stood out 00 Ms day a young woman of tte houao- waa meted by ItuM oa aoytog ttm» MaNaaam BaaraaaiKaMvaat T>a Coaid AppMrTs OasI soema to xwka toa Maaralo lorn RCDOOCttyr t mwt kt est t t I Hf i tbusia fart of tba hlgb price of retail mflfc falUng oM Ugb plaoan ahoottag does it transmit paarar under fts Two yaara ago tha court vaixable for hair-badldtog, but avan wicked turns aad naora than on# ob- hold wakes members of the family, Htoa btosaed Mra. Jobnaen bacauaa Wa saved a pasttonw' highly own cautroi outstda of HOw Tork stacle, ao span hnook for one thing; *X)f course 1 mesa It!” BaOy ertsd. wearing a cpown ot bdfntai^ cra* In tola atato -and to otoar atoteo" thcmaalvaa acaldantally, or gattoig to# Ouflay coal prodsetioB « the cooked vegetablex are tte wooma had ratoaed to eonunua he ca: oprr BORCAD or thomaclvaa drowned from upset ring Btato. It soBs A vsry aaa» paim v trot act by rrm tbig toot too near too aalaa, a barbed wlm Rroaiiar ate didn’t, at all. Becaoac dlci and w ryini: ip her baodls r oaatog Mm aad had moaad to a saw o'cloc) MKMHKj l AC la aeeountabla for by toe hlgb prior tocompaxlAA wblsb lx tuna xaa tt sons at aa. she did not know what hsd tray fll’ad with hot coffee and buna. to r: QjtetnuTiuiGi canoes or bateaux- laduotry wao local, not xattonal. Fortunately, the tegatsWoe 41 8L of glaaa bottlaa, ix IntATstAta AomixArcA. lx character. What new lo to cdT- dtely had takax tbmt traO. aaara her aay such things, now that From than on the entire family sprayed by • ptot at been I Tka RaraM rrlattaa Caaiaaair laa, •oma time, patbapa. toa aoa wMeh wttl Improve tha bsdr ten at were no longer true. te> i p ^ e a . Itself arltb preparations for year, aaaua aa Maaiai raaa<*fiata thla same Uma. “1 ocvat mceat month from Decembw 13 to fooFlaot Boot dfop tow of nor “-VjrtiiiBi ActI B Whether it actually Is a cheaper franalcd by toa pain ef a ballet srsl ragiiJittlons cf Isbor bar- That la oaa a f tba pataiumaa. feed your holr by patog tba vttal thing ao much bafora. m provB^ it JeEuarv 18. Members of tha east ot *Tho Btate Ftaaetogoff te te endear left moral ng—fbla tost day that TPUltSDAT, P9CEMBER 14 And that will ba a real story. Put gAtnbig shaij apply to comjmMsA Tba court has reared about wttb- minerals found to too vagatakdas- to you—If you Ilka.” Thaaa Who Took Part ■ad Butete tomonow alght era: raodlag tlreai taft ta right, fkiw oaoOMd Boloa 1b BnxCxrd, It was a cosy poathonoB knowr aganoy tar toa tondJlng af Bdlk AXgAgad In ttttenitoto commarco. or In addition to usl:^ toa right diet thiy aalgte baas togri bar—fhte aba rest Oodfray, John Ptcklaa, Fred Jtotah, Emma Leu Kriiler, Cart , (Mlhort Hunt, Margnarite Barry, Ralph !tetonoa, Jedm w-wfc— B^a portlci by aad larga toa tT§MO to p taUy ix two yaara to • course timt aaatiy tt is alao tamortaxt to naaSo sura had daorived MmT Would ho fsa- bbe wrenched aaroy from Mm, Mtas Paari Johnson was Lucta Harris, Allan Oosi, ICatbar Pitkin and MAitariS i""«” for tlutB, W t a warty te Ok for it orf(|R Ite NEED o r SEAL WOEEEBf toa* toa gtoaa beta# wa do not pro- wbosf buslnaM "affsets” intaratato brpadsxad fadarsl coouol over glus bar. aBdotteoad, tf sba did f swung on hsr owls, baadad for the and bar attsndaots were Mrs. Bra- • PHcaataai and fl' tend to knew. .But at all aoenta it of toto year win probaMy oaatinua commarco. Uadar tola act toa ta- such matters as labor ssd Indus- toat too blood tbxulataa wp]l to the trlea Peanon, Miss Marjoris Bleb. partmast are fair—alwaya. Oar Mttors vrith tha *-*-r*iTni Borvioab Tham years bor board claimad authority over heir rocta. If you wMb to Laoldag at Ma grave taaa, late o4go ot tto Ahoor drop. Tbo staap •pMdattoB a* to ttlf aoUMi'a la a ao n ^lto r. Am a aompeUtor to almoat aaacUy wpraaiat toa trial oondittons. In to# CtmaauOat' his honest gray ayes, aha bad bar doTO-tratl. oaow-cniatad. stratebad Miss Qrace Johnson, Mias Basanor ran Mrds an pcotoctad by tow — xad « note a heroic alamanto to dear buatoig- tt toa oslAttoxship hotwaax CaoeoH- cd Edlsoo doriaton a member «f ht’datai. A ttaom a growth at Berggren, Miss Eva Johnson, Mtas In tte manger, with a panorama of trophli •IMNr to ouoMMMiy MwA Itaatf af toa giM ceatatoar It baa haan holr Is dsponoaot upon a good clr- doubts. Ha would think sha had Uka a winding ribbon beneath them. THOUSANDS Z X K C R D tte town of Betariehem aa a back- wn «dB t wbm tx bmlNr thom anyway, wn ments la not what you would term a fair< toe court for toa flrst tone gave baas laughing at Mm. to Bha beard Daa call out a warn- VIvUn Anderson, Mias Dorothy An- lEACHER WINNER ROOSEVELT DEUCATIS •ptM t MftM attaok fegr • nilad out ef too dald by Mr. Buck* £|oyaa. It Jo y re ad that none of too come raoognttlox of toa ebaaga. In eulatloB of Mood. Sacb hair g rows derson and Mtas Norma Johnsen. ground, an lUnmlnatod at right by Thttaasmofl Jnrt BMWBd ea r w itw down totwor. • • Wn oU of m Mm ft aUitariHd )y avan matab, ompio; aometbiog Uks aa onton. batog fad te a aavlaa, aa InilaaA at tte start, ing. tte wrir of ris Iris. But Sally a hues atactrlc star and oolorad tion w feaia uadar apaHaJ autoorfty ef Ms disasxt, dusttc# Butler, rather from too Uoodstman aad each ate bad. Ho waa id aet null as “ had tokaa tte aebnaai—akia cloaa, Others who took part to tte fes- TO SEE HAIlVITr S O W ■her. wa add a 1 flMi^tonski wstn nxdiatetb bd In timto yatm* triMOMMtfOjBrtflNt Wa ratoar tokto too iMi bavow, 0UU rnunEffriimari fortomly raCarred to “toa period": tival Inchidad Miss Ruth KJeUson, lights. JEFFERSON n W R IA L Mr. toa fViaaaatlaat Lagtolatura. to board ooxtoxdadtOXdi that agio by tba when toa court wax deeldlag ax- baaltoy hair root must ba aoMritoad hsd chooan tba only way aba could body aaaity sract. bsada at kar IN HGHT FOR JOB Tte reproduetton repraaenta tha koBW. and tfN B ite im i of nar for sb too prrto— t* poMueOoB oT ot' haaa InterastT ad lx killing a ahtokoa to ppobably by biood rircu'aUog fnaaty to tt. Tou coxtrtva in bai sttbtlo c— sideA. Perfect form and greet, and Batty Zimmerman, Olorta BSrlck* for tw •rm ef a smalt portioa af tts power otoor way. and ha was opo o£ too son. Jean Robtoaon, Earl Mfidaon. RArifort. Dac. 18— (AJb)—ThDu- aitorta of aavaral aganeias of the ■ta.. and a maitn anbscrtbdn won SMOBt aoA war m^Um- roaoibiy It fa unguaattMaMy to to# intar» a little larger than todi AttoMtod to to companies which use it In Ixtor- nwjority Instood of too prasuH mlitot toink of It as brtag a prteflam tbriUaak to soafea Mm tefea woUea at ridU. Fartoct laadlag, too, oa the dty. tba WPA and private buainaaa. Washington. Dec. 18.-^A F )— the a ■tate commerce brought Ekllaon of Irrigation, with tha roots naadlag her. • samotkArm eurtseo e huadrab toot I.AUriBS Hoaglimd, Avis BeeeUsr, AAads flf vlAltars an aopaotaa hare Prsrident Booaavrit aalocted tte aor caotoaratawl U97 BMB IB stable wa a»ay pot to | | auali aa aaeaU aat af too paopia ef toe etou ef too alaughUr of a doer. Tbo axa ■llm minority constituted by him Nancy Buncel. June Ctembera, Bur- Formal axerciaan win ba h»is next oma la tefo. Wa anka a I might aUp any Uma, under federal Jurlsdlraon. Tha self and Justice Mcltaynolda proper irrigalioo in order to thrive. "It has haaa fun, hasn't it?” ate below. Wind humming to bar aara, batwsAX Dec. 90 and Joa. 8. U dt to I47tt aaalauraaiy at, tte adoptkm tha eomtatt Job of 1911 t iMt poWttw III toot rappoct ao wo Conaectlaat toet toe Legislature at Those who are worried by |x- stemtL laqNdrivriy, oagarfy. “IbaM laahlng against her face, tba write ton Cartaon, Durand MUlar, School Board hmmtm riowaotriklM reproduction of tha Tuaadsy night when an ataborata of tte Aasarican u n at rights tor ■raiag praawlpdaM aad tta aoh' publics koao oivajfo allowod owoajvao to H t o Berggrsn, Jana Ackerman Hgbtlng ayutem win be turned on, Mem iklared belew ta yew amw- ghoM osrviM by I the torthoomlng eaeHon repael that ttptaat tu’dnaas wtU gsasmlly to tarty aaotMag tosasaa. YOcTaa ex- world swimming past like a lantern- nativtty ot Ourlat, tba acane that the dadlcatloe today of tte aite of aoaaaf fresh, patent drags aod yasrs. Mtoaa wa wara. Wa too pioduao teuai to havu a abmglMi drcutotioa, B yte ttam. too. haswFt yoai Dan? sUdo run off at top apead. T U ^> and Avar Anderaon. Mrs. K. B Mri Edwards To Rehm for ages the world over haa oymbo- and It win remain until Hew TeaPa. a Thoiaan Jaffanao nMaaortaL lag tn pm on ______12 yea act af autoortoaUaa aad forbM any ate oa^ to too aea^ bte torough- Erickson waa tn charge of tte pro- export I ' reaigne >Mtor atoiciao wito towodlWo rv aueb dieertmtoalleat aatiraly aalde toe WFA to Wositegtm a ramaat Ton'll ba a httto Mt sorry to bar* flva or 40 Brilea an hour, wtth the Used Christmas and the spirit ef Ha atrangad to msrii tte brato- U n work Oaa ibsoa bnb da p % « wi lnt> In N e w Y ork , l/lO O CUERRILLAS ote tbo rest ef too body ao 4n U. Any thorn oadi” Bony that thla la our wind urglte her on. How sba would gram and Introduaaduaad ft with a sonj; peace, wHte la being erected to ring ef work on a BS.000JXW ahriM of this PtoNp tMl to pruUetHf unItoBtad froaa toa propeittlao toat It ahould tor W.TP9 to fuxte te rw aettrity vrMto wabos ap this of walcome. Blngara were d. Albaf: To daisos After HoFdays MABBBAL BLUBCBER pwtaat past la kaofii« ydir WhfhBM Gstholl •y Odofp Boas j tost ttxa tagatbar, aba msont. Many pass tte Caution alga of tte Inter- Buahnril pork for the Tuletlde sea- to a brief, oxtoasporaaaoaa snaarti WELDON DRUG OO. ttoWIMii Wo amid watoMr da repaai ad autbertoatfon for toa da- rircteatfoa wts bs bripte la te have ma go aewmy. Tarbaya aovor mediate run. But she would not Paarara, Ertand Johaaon, Mrs son. ABnONBD at 9:30 p. m, a. a L Fifty park Borvtoa tost toon fatornijftloB aad Slaya, nard's too OMM totof artto tom tw oi ttm a w e boir. Bams af too ^ bear to too loti. Bbo would show Mltri Johasoa and Mra Btata Qua- poUoamen wara called oat to tora- PrAaeripUsB Plwnnaciffts lector, tog af aHatoNMi rataU priaaa of tiam Torb,—Toa boor g lot of nUID IN DitiVES badly damsg te wbilto bava bean credited crttb bahr- te oaa am again, a waa tmay, aad tafeox. A solo was suxg by Tte osttlxg that ris being pisoad aad to gtolBg y«i tha fadot paaribto Mto. poaitioi yat m at ab tmay, abbot, tbo Dan Rayaolda that aba would tela^ Browrsvflla, Fa.. Dae. Iff—tAF* ox ttea h lUgida im rth o f the sta te Moaeow, Dec. U —(AP)—Uncon- ■tall any demonatratloa ty Wd OtBvor Dial ( M l II k, whMI awf ba a aaatlmaaUI 010111 about tot Mogan, trtw ixg w m rtlaa owe torir sus- Halax Barggnn. Jlrmed raporta today aaid Marshal phoM aarvko a t the lowwft paaklMb eoM Fral ptfBopa Bot adth all; wa eauld, at aritetoteOM late tooi«ht could mark ao axpertly os ha. getande- —Mrs. Bus-n Taggort Edwards, CapttoL torite Aaphun strasc and who have objected to tha site aalact- Court I more eontreraralal quaatlon ' Tha Show Must Oo On,” but tows aamtatiaAat that tba dtoacuons sprung an open brook, break bar A coHactltewas hftod to te who rafUsad during a flrar-moffth Voarily K. Bbwif.har, commaadar-ln- ad for tte mameriaJ. toy tha uray. h n n yon a tdoplioMF T hs caB torxfbw uiM b amaaaga a t tba turnad over to tha fanprovaxuxt vwWo ftUB m arigbboihoDd. con- 'dflaf at tte tor Fuatem Army—who and tn ora ttossa wbax that phnsa danotaa ZTe hoax fua.** DaxB ax- spaed with a sarisa ot linked “chris- "bold out” coxteat to exerdsa bar alaU at Itfa Bias Bsena, monktari la It was on Dac. 18.17W. that rmU- ntane. But ar too » grim aommaad. w# k m saax JapniB i M tiff E ip i' ss.fa a * sr& a ^ acafp arbito ttaaa tSaW Iaad mtas tte hatesd wire fund for usa at tha Avpx Homa tor wamax's prerogative to change te r recently woo variously reportad da- fleatloa by Virginia af tte flrat tan tt, iS X J T i: htoog mbbad lata «. Tba amssage vnas hriif. U s gray spas ibmh UIiii Oilldren at Avw, Mesa. FoUowixf fSostor and nalisdoalkr naibtad in motod, tnxatom d or even arraated both ri MORE FOR MORTGAGES more than the usual courMs avl- “Da you think Pm too aaat at inlnti. was the winner todsv over cetors, greup of BibUeai •mendmarta to tte ConoUtuttan For dancad by parfomars, datloat par- w d ndUdag aafiBBlto brtog tha tte profram, coffee and buao’wara the Brownsville acbool heard. toneSag a —^ia to Mqasow aad has been as- signalized the sdoptlon of tte hdl VMor dHtoorllr too tiMf E i|i|t h EitewiTe blood to toa ateipMd ft tototo ix- giri MU tbatm t, I waa7“ Matty served ay the Missionary Soclaty. around the Cbriat-chue signed to a'poot in the War ftwiev. been ■ tt aatanM •anal trxfady, tola aaasaa. yantataM. titeter, awtrBte thought ate hsart Daa's Mix . Edwards was married ba- of rights. buDdlni MdBoadl WoHiiiif Adt fm tC ant Tka otoar waak, abaarfUl Ban bdlr grow batter- |2rt ate gsod tor arnymag S i r v«!es agala. ralaad la riirtll wara- tora tte opanlxg of tte preaont tste a to ko Maaamnm hao Ja9t apprerod aa Ito ny rialdf wbo stoga riooMtnf bai- Mip p iil Dp Ikm tm u btapba it was ate Tutto tefi to arii tog; er perteps la a ary of appeal. term In Beptember. Tha Board ad- Steven Nao at aaa bOdoa dodaro to too ' ' WM waJMig dswnatalvB ta BS* tt Snm Vm a& m l: " r i t o a t Bte too bad to knew. But now Bally was Mrtrm oaty a vtaAd her it did not wish to employ parity too fw ol otooM ol Ul# #tM# Ri CMR NMRRR to ataM a t stronger torse toaa aag sr, or hAtaad Manchester marvlad woman taachara but Bte Henry. oapaatty of too rodoral Noiiatog Wff llfr c, tote Ilk «Hb toys. Bte w tt Etad irito too refuaad to resign. Mr. wf koao. wtottooiy. wry few ani' Into too wtoxa bo was bontled a •bangbtl, Daa. fi—(AFt A —^ to mma tori pa fraaly. lad otaadtiy aa, ate tai»- Authority to laoia* Mortgagoo on JMMAMA AtowbHr rnmiA I dad flkte la toaaa baldnesB ef sposd. too aud Date Book Wbtta tto Board wseird suhatl- tors, b totoAto Ia MTtllA AMEflllll Hdoatiai pfoportp, Uadar too NWwtob wee ra-eleated; id to loak te bar. May- glory ot daagw. txtss to toote hor ataooM Mrs. Ed- ford. 1 ouddaoly day Japonaaa punttftnt axpadHlona tba uas ba haaw bow leaadytoa toMMkto 9t m p toiMto(> A Mortk aat too HMtt to wMdk onto aoort- wflj ta- , g te kaow that Daa would wBrts aat to a tixy ‘VXnco” to tta vUIe a The atruak up •a antranco had Mltad lAOO Cblnaaa ^ „ te t b s ___ y&.*Tr-**^ Jrnitor Mgb sebool tsd read. Btoaa Rockvi aO leak W taakaiMl aMRaMata la fBfoo aaa ko toourod lo tw« baima eberd. gmiWaa catch up with her. rit t cugb tbo had iB a sorioa of axtaoslva gtofftog up ban, Otbsr amaan I to tto acBlp sav- ing: lovely and uni got ril to ante a hood start. Bbo **J!f*^ tbmBrng bar phy o( too t» to t toa 0dfa aanapf toot with the ap- Fields tucked tb# Wins into wa drirss lx tto rs~’sxftss dolte. POKung Vtaa pnaUmta, Wrat could not keep the land ad toa way. osmtraot, tba Ise— wao— pawortose' - Santa S t ore tw ' by bstdixg a plaee him. Bchori halt toOtoaoM fkara ara aat ovodoWo pectot Md at^iM out Into toa rsfloxs around Mang- om under ^ auto’s ______teonra HorUo proval of tha Prandant tola aggra- spotlight. Me M4W for almoat a W t e s r ^ , ffwiMX e, _ ------am wbota “Zkmt you Uka a UUto httr* Now aha etaorad toa hroeb with Hax4 Weak. BlOtof OBOUftl oova) arcMtaota. gata may bo Inerassad ta pot to ax- Msw Nsrax, and Ohartoa C ____ Tba Ita wide claoa owaap—too* would make Daa, Carol Samoa taw to illixdes bar, Rockvl hMf baur and n v a no bint of hi# Msmboi iFu ps(-Fu, sfod formor Bally pantotodk bar M art hommar- end aanior tv Aad bar aaiary oenttouod. ter. Mi iqipkif aoglnaara. iMpflttani, fop> cead thraa bHIioga. dutreaa. Then Ipt walked aUaaUy te West Hartfted; assr s f r y, E A. Witt lag bard baaaato bar ptold tosbot, Daa OAtch hta braath. epaa hta ayutl cl>0^ At i Fun« war lord, was said tp Cbtoscs Jaefcaan of Ptettoxd; sad iMd aad Bha could aet aaa the touca at tha tharanlaran church, 7 a. ei, ^tartaaBay tbs Board gave up axd pupaltha am) aartalB otber ak||led That does not giaao that as soon back to hu droaolBf room. aourass todoy to bavo AtompAd ' net Jari firm too taag climb; Announced Mrs- Edw ards w ould be Baturdi A few waoba ago, while gylvto A. C filxa af MbrtterdL mn. FOOow tola traatrnm sbo know hew to oonoarve her toot of the hdl—porhapo a mow AJSO/. tra VA d l t l o n A r be aa *Wkara |o too faeapnintat toa aa tha Federal Housing Autoortty JApassAS Adrerte to draft Mm as imaga wttb tba ttpa of the drift ccBcratad tt from tbta dis- l*t ntwMd to kAT tlSAiss attar Clie oaOarad t||0 oppraotlea actaoola at field waa aottog In a ManbAtton head of Japaaoio-apoBAOrad “aantrai Maw J ta n a -^ ra ta CMvunffp am breath for'tbxL “I Hke yen, Dan— St TO& Christmas vacation. home c has issued Insurance on tore# Ml- auhurb. ah# toamAd by tatophona govammaut” by tbraateniBg to Munate 0 ^ Marteall BUrtooto- xring a Briaa XBMMri of oti a lot,” riia added softly frankly, at 9 o'< •9 wopr pw4o to oparoto ot mmu Uon dollars worth of mortgagae It of her huehand’a death after a long tor 2T y ^ dmetor of to# to supply *B«o tta b atrritefta- Olive without any coquetry or guile. Oaoo aw n sba board Dan’s vrioa _paO[ n — Ftfto. AABuai High Catholl climb toto blf oofflx.” ril or coco butter srataMud oil —bs aaist te almost up to her. This abboei aonaart and earol a to g a t n w i oopooltr to 0 kototoO •Man tllnasa. The managar tame In to lAolAted FovsIflHra Arrlva Y i^ fluistcal stebs, bas bsw ap- vaay Bbo had forgot that thto roncmaot High acbool hall, thraa chorwaa sad St. Bor mm fuit making loanat maraly aondoto with the baraavad aatresa poixtod to too faeutty ao diroctor cf te uoid tor tto purpaaa. Tbto abould Uma sbs board rim cod bar ns ms. HEAVY SNOW RLANIETS to tooto MMk taokWii) opowttoto. that toora muot net ba to fores Tbirty-Bvo foravnors, toctudtog to douo tarlea a day or oftaucr and bad baaa bagaa ca a dara. That ;aat|y. orchsatra. a ^ s a ld toat ba wauld sanaal toa 14 Amorioano. arrived ot Sbangboi thalr wDiida lay milaa apart Tba Doc. 93 — M. H. s.-Middtatown A B| Nototof koo ktw ooM. oo tor, mera toaa torao Miltons at mort- nixht’a parfermanaa. 'Tou aan’t ’ HarttorA->A rngrtem to sutexd you win uottoa tbo boIr wtn gradu- bar waigbt ca tte held St •kovt formpowtooir ikart««ao W today on too Japanoa# transport ate boaoaw arsiagri aad tucker, oaty thing that mattand ta thto cage game at Bute Armotp. CENTRAL NEW YORK church fgga toouranoa at any oaa Uma. Aa ■aid Mtoa ftold, "you oan't atop toa Oad Maru after nontoa ef IsolAtton too merit ayatom lx fxvarxsMM to baaiitIfUl arbtta world oa thto crystal antrido ski to teaek eoatnl la tha TMa IfiB tt trod# tookototoiio to otoar toon show.” niM apoaqrod with to# Pbyrical auWxia oHntoaa whj flrat “chrtatJo," praportag to veitaga 1 o'clock fast as tha laerlgagas are paid off company that night. at too formor boalto ream of Ku- toa af cSuiateSte wto ■a prevu hcMM by bMsaaring tte morning waa tha answer ha would Dm . B1 — Ugton’A Hew Toar’a cholm naval Mmo ad dafaoatva proporo' ling to Aontral China. te te b m toxigbt wfto a mastoag of give. for too forward leoa, tbo wtod Eva ban at Btata Amoiy, —and they are aQ made on an A few Fridays ago, at the height •m at riitwaMcu avbtcb la turn caught too tlpo ot aoUga skta, sba Bytacuss. M. Dec. U — (AP> maa ci tiaa. toit H to oa«awtiot ta aa Tbo fOratenora. aoma of whom bad •totewida ergaatoattoxA aOaauStmm ada a batter Bow at Mood to the He turned toward bar now, al- 'Also Country Club'“ ’a New Tear’s —The heaviest December snow- Dcnalil amorttoatton basto toa insurance of the Broadway ravua. "glng Out been atraadiad at Kuttoig for mors oiril aarvtoo at criMto moat roughly. They had reachad plnaitod forward. cnimpUag Into a Eva dance at club. taorad toot mtek laaka wid oa toa Haws,” oemaly Mary Jan# boad te tba aaaM tiaw tote tte rmt toagitt hoop, won hartlad on down storm to many years blsnketed cen- ir.ualca thus fraad oaa bo ra-ompioyed in toox A year, bad boarded toa trsns- teteM^ayatam toglHattox te lT S i at tba body la liMrittHag tte mountain top. It was abovs Also, Knights 'O f CriumbUAi Htw tral Hew York today, clogging The towd wa Mampt to tofUi Walsh waa appraised of the death port At Ktuktang, Tangtaa rivar tha otoap pitah toward ton barbed Tear’s Eve party att Batotew, Bel- too guaranUatog of new nv»rt- of her grandmother to whom she » yam bate la flaitag aat, tola tlmhsr Bxs; they ceted leak down highways and contributing direct- snnoun productioB aa a vaiy larfa aeala port below Hankow, after apoatoJ Braaforrt Fnwaautor Fraxk i, bidtoatoa sttoar toat tba balr tw 08 a toparoC atotppad-craaa ctoads, wire faBca that locaaod now, eada- ten Preludi fogao. had been dearly devoted all her Ufa. Airaagamanto had bean made for oualy aaar. Oonilag Evaxtk ly U cno AutonmbUe Aceldant death. of a number of* tto aUmaoto of Bha want through toa parformnnea Ktoooy ^ Waltoso M, Foot# waa act baaa muparty nwirltoad with aaetUag low ever tto dark flscest; b Byrsonse, traffic was stawod cholra, Tbo very llbarol poUey of tha thalr trip through tba hiny no- tte loau ctoax savasp ot dasp powder Tha last thing riw romamharad Jan. 97—Mid-year graduation T» dlcllRhl nodefa mllttary praporadneas. We Tba funeral was tskinx place toe max'a-iaod to toa rivar. a rra M to coanocuoa wttb a 0ro at toe aeededewwitie. er toet the dr- was Dan’s ay, eadiag bar noma Manchester High school. to woUclBg PASO AS tha evernlffht tovf aat. for a tone tlia*, toao government to making possible next day In tha middle waat. hia fathor'a rooming houao OoL 29 cBlteloB_ to tta _ __ aca^, _to driOctiva. Thto wao a world a p ^ be- SROwfall reached a depth of 9.5 the Rci One hundred Hxty-flva foraigxara <^tooktorm% ^ Fortaaatsto. wbaa you b«gto soon longlig toat ta to again, ringing totally, parrisUatly, Inchee. The storm continued to- I b b gnto suviag ia omdi Caro trainlaff aa/whera near ao larga a mortgagae up to PO par cent of the Her friends phoned the slmort remalnad at KuUag. ia her aota. coot of both house and land has and ehartsred a plana for Mlaa cbsrgiag Inauglrtsxt oxite in the aeoagh. too orffl ixd ft pearibia to *^oa fiaew you day. Ua dmough o apoctol pM Deck 1 proportion of "Wue-prtnt maobto' Walsh. Sha flaw tbara and bach houas to viotoUox at state tow, icm- raaww toaaa aamam ta ttoia to aavo that.* Dmi aaliC Btoit ixoagh. (Ta Bn Ooatlsosd) Poor visibility resulUiur from the •f a Mmifaii mmttar of Away raaultad in a vary Important re- JDUMB ROAM SUDDBHLT BMTa POPE PIUS MAKES PLEA Rest Y lata" and tool nakera m wa did and was In "Slna Out the Newa” Ttantato. Daa. I».—(AF)»Japan-l8.->(AP)-^ai aay aaid Foote aad power at attar* DriB was blaroad by dtoto poltao fOMHm It b ono o f du vival of raaldenttol building in the again the followlnr night, after “Why astr* Bally aald. took tor tn early morning automobile tlonal ' yaarp aeo.—and aatenalva arma' esa autoorittaa suddaaly rtoaad roads o4hn wa boau mado in Blooml last year, when more bousing baa ■kipping only a mattnaa. leadlag from tba foreign com WiUtom JL F i RimiUBig AJTD AiraWEBB bold btoL SHIP SDRVIYORS WAIT FOR PEACE IN POLAND rilrot near Auburn, in which meat production will uodoubtodly “Bocaaoo yea khcar z dOb X Bka Mm Otadyt Howton. a , ef Moo- Invaadgota dm congrei bean erected toaa In any year sleua bars toat night amroonlag a MIdnIg craata damasd for vary larga Ruin' Astoria First Duty- number ef dlnnor guoate at . toa (■tobswIS lato Barik at Barit)1 you too amdh Baffy toalr. Mora ■aoo, waa Wltod and feitr other per- fatoonaaf ibbi GAS RANGE bare of aueb pradaton marhanlca, itooa 1929 to toa country as a . ^ ^ D. B. wittaa: “I bxvo than rva any right to, mere toaa I FOR RESCUE MTEMPTS Warsaw, Dec. 15— (AP) — A sona injurad. Noel". Wa could elta other heroic eaaea Forum club ta tbs Iteitoo soncasston UQONRIFUTEAH plea from Fops Piua tor "muteri Mia.1 I It ia to ba anUdpatad ttot, for whole. Thla means that the most "The Show Must Oo On!" ia a ss' throughout too Mgbt. bate trouUad wHb nstirslgto for a ihoukL"* Law tomparatarM w an toatnon mm^ ef yaara. Fbr toetoet two uBdaratandtag” among Fotao throughout central Hew York. Watroi the next few yaara at aU avanta, Important of all the "heavy goods" crad motto In toa sverld of foot- Tbo UMtad Ststaa oonoul ganaral. iMBtbs bavo bsaa troabtod with Baottta, Dae. IS— (AF)—«Bgbtaaa tha autonomy-seeking Ukrainians pcarctl Industries has antsrsd upon a vary Itsrhta. Whan one ticket baa been John K. Oaldwall, and bla party BEATEN BY HARTFORD S her baart bad bard snrrlvon ot tha atraadad motor- of southeastern Poland was made mant. thla country wUI have much great, ware datovad for a Uma. Cai^alJ rilfltnsas to toa toadsn to tte back telp PattoraoQ, glvaa toamorary n - Ftfflures real revival. That revival, If It la sold at tha hex oSlea. toa actor's night baton; wow tta baal ohBoat today by Arebbtahop Filippo Cor- Offer er need of larga Bujnbara of blgbly 0rst raapoaaiblUty la to toa pur- utaphenad toa Japanaaa aenaul. wbo Bcf yaotorday whan food waa teal, p a ^ nuncio to Poland. W.itchi I.. not nuUlltod by price and wage AltboQfb SeoTB Wad Tld Lo* SiS’jS i« n sa » ii and to dropptt to them from tte rir. HRS GABLE SURPRISED B i trained taclmicUaa. able and wtu- ebaaar. Haltoar naraena) tragedy metered to too harriora aad anablod eal MarksBMB Lost toeiw any raamdyf* of toy- BaHyla mo- After spending two days In Lwow dresa b gauging, Is bound to grow greater nor sorrow can deter him from It too party to pooo. O1M l a ment, bar boar at 1 aph. Ba Shad waited eu too beach at Oom fair- the nuncio left for a tour of aaat • SffpffffffB High • A u to m d tk T o p Bur»> S. Bro< ing to work with handa aa wall aa Tbo raaaon for too praaauttona waa OffkBBi Bhootlnf. -Aamv^Tbs atotasas to tot back weather. Ltaska, today for further brain, than it win hare for a eon- with the vary bualnasa it Is creat- rt tba aato amy ba oaoete by aoi add. Ba frit Ctalicta. Ha lasuad trio statoxwnt; AT DIVmCE REPORT •r UgMtng Caro ing. So that next year, there la Barikpt not ■■aartalaadi torm cf rhaimatlsni. sy torions of toward ter aa toward Mm. toacno attompta. Two of ttetr eem- “The Holy Father, addraaaliig tha BrolUr tinuatton of tto atroam of IndUfar- Ssvaral yaara ago, Xatoarint Btoxtoofter Amsctsmi Logtox radaa parfahad whan tte PatUraoo every Indlcatton, there wUl ba tbo nomlfal vartobnk cr by a (w aaar. from paopia of this land, ia much concern- entiy aducatad and unauitably back' Cemall was ea a tour of too United lUdo team toot a Uo soort of n r faultv Bostuiu aakaxMd arbfla you bad abo^ want agrouad early Monday mom-, ed and strongly urges that for tha Hollywood, Dae. IB— fAF>— • Top Burn«r C ovbt-AI grounded profaaalonaJ man and •omathing Uka a veritable bulldlag Btatss and arhllo bar spoelal train SSS-OW S^toam cfllS r work la toa daythaa. pad to aaa M prior a. Ugb above tug. '» of general happtoaaa tte peo- Clark Oabla hla mlddla-ogad • Hffdvy Imuldifon earaanad around bands ta Colorado tort at to# M ixrtsatsr ride raaga Itaoena raaoureaa of the tor i give up hatred aad angor and wifa bava bean- AapArotad thraa white-collar workeri turned out In I boom-^rovldlBf that "naw tndua- Overnight Nmb bar bead, ta mut toTtoclaerodlbly od manv tlmaa to aid thooe ta ( • MNwtB Mind«r I try" for wblcb so many paopia toward her dastlnatloa, a bllsxard 00 Paari atrast toat MgbL buttoo ooaaa. Tbo ramody awttt gnaa « hto a«ht. to k B ^ I a way to mutual tmdtnmadlg.” ysAM hot tta to aurpriaad ate •uch auperfluoua numbara by our rose abruptly. ManchsMor team lete toTmtec treaa, wUl ba utlUxad to the ■ATa, that te to tWnktng of oaldag I bava bean vainly looking In aa yat weald upon tba cause white toat aka aaaX dad out wbo te wao, • L«rg« Fait Haaltn^ • 8«etrk Ught education mlUa. She was to have appeared In two pMnte mam. aa aaeartaiaed through <_ wbat ba waa. extent In an effort to roach tte i bar tor a dtroroo. junaxplorad flclda. but which haa Colorado town at half-past eight Of Connecticut Hsweomb ef Minnbaotor waa Mgb wwnriiew g a t t o know Taro exparlanood gridaa wld ba After the film star had Indicated rltft axandnattoa. If you wtte my article >P1NE GOVERNOR |baan under toalr noaas aU toa that avanlng. but tba tracks ware rm laM atgtt with a aoora of IM. OB MBUh ALOIA I win ba glad to flown from Juaaau to Lttuya hay to to a public atatamant that Just ^ Ovan MILK BOTTLES snowbound and toa train waa atallsd By ASSOCIATED FRBiM being two points upon Ms at “Whte tt 1 ^glva ] tha rtgbt7“ attempt to raaeb tte aailora. Tha • Sarytcd Drawar I w h i l e . ■aad yea a aepy. This arOda ta •any asked,L fftaaa i m a was ao SasB^. about everything wls omugod for Mt. white a rallaf train plewad through tha end of bla round of ahooUag, oxaltabto te aay reader of thto nawu- gnidM Ixm to load tha partv back REPORTED MURDERED tte lainl dtaaobitJgn of hla moi^ Inquiry by toe ao-callad Monop- from toa opposlta dlraetlea. Hew Milford—aifford Ralno, 20. but he gained these polnU la the toto tofoly moaaaat weidd braak to to Lttuya, a dtatanea of 80 mllea. A paper who leaaaats it and aaivu a drift away Uka tbo eloadr bakiw. rtago. Mrs. Marta lAXghain Oabla oly Committee into toe affalrt of Flnallv her train crawled through of tola town, waa klUed InstanUy flrst three poalUons. getUng 43 on ta i^ , aelf-addreaaad, atanmad mm olana can land la tha bay but not 00 want to aaa te r ottarnoy aad ate jPrkm a the Hartford-Empira Company, MUST BE STOPPED toa storm aad arrived la toa city whan his automobile ovwtumed tha off band to Smith’s 4ft. rolopa. Bvaiytolng bod to eeaa to aa aod. the beach. Marita. t>ae. 19-(A P)—Author- DOOBOSd? M2IX3 at tore# o’clock In tbo raoming while rounding a sharp eurra on a ao sha had aald to Ooiay only last itiaa hare were advised today that which oontrola bake patanU la toe It la a bit gratifying that even la Under toe rules ef toa eeotast ta Oov. Jamas Fugate, famous Ameri- *Tt eaxM to nw as a eoB9 tato Half tha audlanoa waa at toa ata- back read here. * ***’ to* team having the « k) right Thoogh H waa aot of Obcagr ■urnrtaa. I know nothing about tt manufacture e< glaaa eontatnara. Connaetlcut whara toara has tioo to great toa axhauotad actress. Hartford— Attorn^ Ctonaral blgbaet aeora in the off hand to da- : Mary j . arritao: “I can old-Umer noted for hts sbUlty uutu I rand tt ta tte papsM Special Cosh Friei ^ifalh has developed aercral Intarastlng grown up an almoat auparstltloua Bha made her decision. Danla P. OTboaor advtoad Labor etorad tha winner. The w— better vary food of ctahbar. milk aad Uka "Tou canldaX* O a a ______Salt teka Oty—Ray Bhoamakar, amlesbly to control flares Moros ”I haaa net telbad to Mr. Ctahlo facta. Aside from toa Information Ordering tha van man to move Commlsalcaor Joaapb M. Tooa that team ibot a total of 918 points ta to BMha% ■tm gndZIy' "Ton doul kaow what aeeordtng to eomptalnt of hta arlfa, and other non-Chrlsttaa tribso ta ravaranca for eourta—except they too aeanarr to tha toaatar. aha com- ef tba milk and a you’ra oayiag. It adght aaam right the PhlUpphisa, had ’ aaa mnrdarad. ■ad know aottiag about hta tafote brought out that tha Hartford-Em- about a dozen provisional mambera toa off band whlla toa Hartford oaxaa appia. ta tola an right?” Mrytlo, hated tte sight of agga so ttana.” ba minor ooaa—aavaral of the manded her cast tb prepare for a of tha Labor Dapartmaat must take team ahot 218. Answer: Ctahbar «tmt and >««■--< bare aad new hut aa I told you. mute he’d amate them oo tha Eugata. who earaa to tha Islands Flra Company controls tha ma- ataU'a nawap^l>ara are baglnnlng nerformanca. At 4 a m. toa ahnw examinatlcos under tha Merit Act Tha aooraa: appla m ^ a whetaooma oomMna- I eaat allow aqrarif to have Uam kltetea floor If ba found aay la tba as a school taaehai about 85 yean EDEN V n m AHHAFOUB chinery by which d7 per cant of tha began, and whan it was over at 7 If they hope to retain toalr Jobe. tor gMs Hka you. I doot dart ho- ago and remained to aerva as gov- to axprasa quite audible criUeUxn o'clock la the morning the audience Oapttal Oty tlw. I h m kaewB aavaral paop’a oountry-a glam eontatnara are pco- of tha farcical aystam of aatacUng Tons bad nald toat toa workers, ap- P t K Ob Tot |lriag ca farms wbo enloysd this "lao ta yoB. Bally Btatt.'” On tha other hand, tea aitijtil. ba ernor of Sulu proviaea In Moroland AnnspoMa, Md.. Dae. 18.—(AF) Your Saving ^33*^ detained toa actress until eight wito pototad without axamtoatloa, had topoof nua^ teosver. tte ptraoas “Than you era a cowardr aany was voiy food of oaks. under four govarnora ganaral, waa duoad. and toua takas an tadlnet Jurors which ia raoalvtag Ito moat repeated ovations. She area due lo worked more than six months tn a BaUto ...... 49 47 47 40—199 —Morytaad'a quaint capital cite, Otbaon ...... 00 47 40 44—197 llrisjg la tba city who buv a returned. Tba high color States eltlsM. Oaraoo Morraw, chtaf Carlaox .47 t t 44 43—198 ai. ahuadaaea cf rnlOc at thaea. ta ptanaa aad aurfaea craft TTarnhaJ ■torm of accusation of being a rev- Eagles of toe latamatlonal-Amert more Mkaly to use tte excaaa supply tte ocaaa oft tha aerthan tip of cMaaty eeaooiaa are oparatiag border patml Insuactor. acted aarift- caa hockey toagoa aiffBad Allan McEvUt .40 M t t 41—198 $2 *T5 fir mont h ebiHoaary. may ba a qusatloo. But ly whan a ohvsielaa toformad Mm SMalds. dafawaaman wtth tax yaara Andaraoo .49 80 t t 48—189 M _ mahlBg a drilclous cetta^ Oahu Island today for traoao ot ^dw pataet righto toat wid aot o» WATKINS BROTHERS First Llaut. Wataoe M. Frutehay WATCH FOR toora lo oaa aura thing. Tbs otata oaa ef Ms ebargaa wac about to ba- ■xparlaoea lx toa Hattoxal Laagua Bbato . a a a a a a -tt tt 40 44-191 iptodJor amaf yaan aad toat tooir of OoBBOotlcut hao too power to do ooma a mother, ttratford—The CoimaeUeut F ^ and hta slngls aaatad pursuit plaas; ^>poraltoaa ara oallNiy iogal- it lo it, toreugh Btatutery aetioa. Tha woman, oea of M MSulcea Uea ChlafB* AaaoetoUee la BwaUae Toteto .919-997 tall COBH funer a l ser v ice mlaslng atoca yaatarday. OPENING! questioned whether any action aliens being deported from Cali- hare uasoad.a raaohxUoa comaaaxd- toa bmoetlng LagtHatura might fornia, waa bimdled Into a patrol Ing Ool. Baoniri Flahar of utea- OPENS HATKWAL COHVBNTMM Ooogreas might taka toward very wan charge Itself with that car and ruabed at top spaed to toa BaM aad tha Oevamor*s Bafatv county . BeUbltalMri 1874 GUNT TIGER of pataat Hgbtt bonWr. caaMBtarioe at which bo to bead, ing_oam.toi Bte. CUtuNbug, O.. Dae. 18.—(AF)— y- The atarii hod ate airtvad when Sargaam BIanc1i4H4l4*r at p for wanpHstlng with poUea ebtofa BoMa but of peuada at aarp and R. K. ANIHtRMUN. DIKKCTOK to.tte dty wbara a.mmrtar o( tbo driver toft to Npert back to of tbo atete to maktog the Mrii- ■----to ■ •SR taimriiuf tta CON- FOOD MARKET jhIm, B arttw i 142 KAS1 CI^NTKR NmatlCT -iu P A Q E B I O H T -UANCHE8TER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. 1HUR8DAT, DECEMBER ZA IW t JiANCHEsnai EVBNmo herald. Manchester , conn. Thursday, December i 5,.i 9ss August, who waa aiming at a target. JURY AWARDS $5,000 Tpe bullet w en t' ide, lodging in the yesterday. The wedding will be ELECT A L BROWN neck of the young woman. She waa portant bearing on the United GLORIA BAKER TO WED held here at 1:30 p.m. with Alfred taken to the Manchester Memorial JOINT PROPOSALS States’ national defense program FOR LOCAL GIRL’S DEATH h o ^ ta l and died the next day. Gwynn Vanderbilt, her balf-hrothcr, in the next Oingreea. MRS. ROOSEVELT TO BE News From Manchester’s Neighbors FOR 51ST TERM “A e mothar of the girl brought TOPPING NEXT MONDAY giving the bride away and Mrs. Describing the Lima, Peru, the suit and not only aaked that MAY BRING nCHT George Vanderbilt the matron of meeting now In progress aa the INSORANCE DIRECTOR Soperior Conrt Decides In Fs- judgment be given against August, honor. most Important since Roosevelt be- ▼or O f Mrs. Stells DabieU bdt also included Hoffman In her Palm Beach, Fla., Dec. 15— (A P ) came president. General March and are y tiy popular with ths local asserted "It ts foolish and short- Whose Dsoghter Was Acci- claim. Judge P. B. O'Sullivan, who —Wealthy, vivacious Gloria Baker, Waahlngtoa. Dee. IK — (A P ) — poultrymsn. Roy B. Jones, sxtsnslon Oldest Record Keeper Of presided at the trial. Instructed the sighted for the United States to STAFFORD WAPPING dentsOy Killed. THE STORY SO FAR: The MARCH URGES PROPER Mrs. Frankliu D. Roessvatt w O bs- poultryman at Conasctlcut 8 U U jury that the evidence did not In- MezicaihArgentine Resoln- whose name had been linked roraan- reglect longer an adequate national come an unpaid diraetor e f a Boston •te*> ROGER J. MURPHY DEAD; 3ms. W. W. URANT mean ()ueen and her army are defense program." Collsgs waa In chargs, and apoka on valve Hoffman aa a dtfendant He Ucally with half a dosen ^iglble MaccabeM In U. &; Odier marching toward Toyland. The mturance firm aext wash. Tbs first SPRINGS present day feeding knowledge and 8808, Manehestst Mrs. Stella Dublal, o f 480 HUls- was absolved from respcnelbillty. bachelors since her debut, will qe PROGRAM OF DEFENSE lady ariU taka tha plans of bar sMkat how to taka advantage of it. town road was last night given a Queen o f the Farlea ia going to tiofls Could Inyolye U. S. * The pythons, largest o f all JOHN U. NETTO There was no prosecution of the married Monday to Henry J. Top- son, James, on the board o f Roose- The C:iii1atlan Endeavor Sodaty Officers Chosen. verdict by a jury In the Hartford ease In Manchester courts at the try and stop them with piee— of snakes, may weigh In the neigh- ONCE FAMOUS ATHLETE Ellsworth Memorial High school all things! ping, Jr., heir to a tinplate fortune Lake Worth, Fla., Doc. 16— (A P ) velt and Sargent te aafagunN Ws *n. Stafford will hold a social on Saturday eve- county Superior Court for 35,000 In Ume of the death of the girl, the In- borhood of 300 pounds and meas- basketball team wUl play the Farm- Interests h Anieriixs. Her mother, Mrs. Margaret Em- —Gen. Peyton C. March, former interesMs, W Uto House e m A eeld ning in the chapel at aeven-thirty. a lult brought as the result of the vesUgatlon showing that It was not eraon, daughter of the late Capt. ure SO feet In length, white the yesterday. John S a n ^ t, WadnMday that charges will be ington team so the Farmington death of ber daughter, Stella, who Chapter 10 Army chief of staff, said'today con- tiny burrowing snakes ere but The Community Christmas trae All young people are urged to at- Manebostor Tent No. 3, KnighU of dons with criminal IntenL Isaac Emerson, announced the en- foraed the firm ^ y h r filed with the National Labor P :- floor tomorrow evening. waa abot while In a tobacco ahed fclualona reached at tho Pan-Amer- slightly thicker than toothpicks, Om Of RoclmOe’s Best and party sponsored by the Stafford tend and enjoy the Chrlstmaa party. The regular meeUng o f the La- the Maccabees, last night preceded Eating The Plea Lima, Peru, Dec. 15.— (A P ) —The gagement at her Palm Beach villa ican conference would have an Im- valt in 1031, a a l^ r iie wmS4 latlons Board at Ita regional office owned by Philip Hoffman, also of A "fixed focus" camera is one with a length of only fi inches. elected a director Uenday. Fire departments will be held Dec. The subject of the p o o r 's ser- dles Aid Society will Im held tomor- Now we'll catch up with the in Boston on grounds that the Its annual meeUng and election of Hlllstown, In November 1937. having a lens focused for the best first eigne ot conflict at the Pan- American Dyeing Corporation at- 24Vb. In front of the Stafford Springs mon on Sunday morning will be row afternoon at 3 o'clock at the The ehooUng was dotM by Jamee Fairy Queen and see what the did American <3onference developed to- Known Citizens Passey "The Preparation of the World for officera with a apaghetU supper, average dlotance, or 25 feet. with all those wonderful piee, dos- tempted to Interfere with the rights hotel. The tree will be erected Sat- home of Mrs. Asher A. Colllna. It day over Mexlcan-ArgenUne pro- the Cbmtng of Christ." will bs ths society's annual Christ- served to over lOO knighu and lady ena of them, that Mrs. Santa baked. poeala which in effect could Involve of the workers to organise and that urday and will be Ulumlnated for Had Been In Failing It refused to bargain. Mr. Sylvia Ib e Olrl Scouts will meet as usual mas party. Thera wlU bs an enter- membars, under tha dtrecUon of Past She caned her falrlea about her: manifold United States intereata In aevatal haurs each night unUI In the chapel on Saturday afternoon one for each of the pies and told the Americas. stated that Deputy Oimmlsaloner Chrlstmaa. tainment and an exchange of gifts. (Commander George U. Bldwetl and Morgan Mooney of the State Labor and contlnua rehearsing Chrlstmaa them to follow her. They flew Of marked Importance In view of The celebration planned by the Ths Honor Roll at Ellsworth Me- a large committee of the younger Heahh For Past Year. Department and Carl GUI. a con- Carols for a Carol Sing on Christ- morial High school for the second through the air, each balancing one Mexican-United States controversiea firemen la for residents of the town. membera. Delegations were present Manchester Pubhe Market o f those juge pies on the tips of ber ciliator of the Federal Department mas Eve. over Mexican expropriaUon of for- Including children and adults In marking period includes the names from Hartford, Stafford Springs, of Labor called at the office of the of eight seniors, nine juniors, five tiny fingers. You and I couldn't have eign oil and agricultural properties, West Stafford, Staffordvllle, Hyde- WUltngton, Norwich, Putnam and a done that, but then you know fairies RodcTlUa. Dec. 15.— (Special) — American Dyeing Corporation and sophomores and eight freshmen, aa number of scattered tenU through- the reeoluUonz within Umita would E C m lR END were told that President WlUlam vllle, Stafford Hollow and Orcutt- are magic people. deprive foreigners of diplomatic pro- when Ho(er J. Murphy, one of thle dty'e vllla. Oimmunlty staging by all follows: Seniors: Barbara (Cooper, out the etate were repreeented. The SEAFOOD of the Better Kind Horowlta wished to consult hla at- They flew over anowy fields and tection from their home g overnment atmo beet known cltlzene, e eporte en* choirs of ths Stafford churches un- ANDOVER Harry Ooff, ,Lols Holcomb, Frances buslneee eeeelon wae followed by over a forest and over a big, frozen torney before talking with them. Sedaras, Florence Maher. RoaaUe and ban the coUecUon of govern- ORE PRICE Thi thuaiast and promoter who waa der supervlsloo of Miss Marion MRS. JOHN HUTCHINSON general dancing to music fUmished Rightly Priced lake and then suddenly they saw ment debts through force. It was stated by the concern that Revay, Joseph Tracy, Henry Wells; bixhiy respected by all with whom later when they tried to get in touch U>rd, aupervlaor of music in the WlllimanUo l57-« by Mr. and Mrs. William Treat ot Mackeral, Strictly Fresh (not frozen) the Queen and her company of While the 31 natlona appeared Sti^ord schools la being arranged Juniors: Ida Ba^tubner, Ruth Buckingham, formerly of this town. • ...... 15c lb. he came In contact, died at six with Mr. Mooney they were inform- Whole Haddock...... M idien marching alngle file acroes proceeding toward full agreement on o'clock this morning at hU home at and she will be assisted by J?rs. Dowd. Francis Fay, Edward Gib- The tent baa enjoyed a prosperous ...... 10c lb. the hllla. The fairies flew 'way jp the need for common action against ed he had left town. At the plant It Andover Juvenile Orange hold 41 S t Bernard'! Terrace. He had waa stated that they were operating Joseph McCarthy and George Carey win bons, Leah Harrington. Edward year, and has the dlsUncUoiv of hav- Boston Binefish...... 12c lb. in the air so the Queen wouldn3 dangers o f foreign Incursion, no such Its annual Chrlstmaa party at the been in falling health for tbs peat at about 80 per cent capacity, with la drawriag up the program. Rlalty, Ronald Stoits, Barbara ing the oldest recordkeeper In point Fresh Bntterflsh ...... t them and then camt down In easy course presented itself for the In event of rain, aarenca D. Ben- town hall tomorrow evening at 7:uo Vanderwarker, Sherman Waldron; ...... 20c lb. year. Hla ago waa 7S. Death waa some of those who went out on of yeara of aervlee of any tent In Fresh Cod ck of the marching men. new resolutions. directly due to a stroke he suffered strike returned to work on Wednes- ton, first selectmag and the mem- o’clock. Each girl will bring a gift Sophomores; George Bancroft, Bar- the country. Alvin L. Brown of Main Swordfish "N ow ." said the Fairy (Jueen, Intornatloiial Law Involved last Saturday. day, and more wrere expected back bera of the Board, have given per- for a girl and each boy one for a bara Burnham, Patricia Grant, street was re-elected for his 51st Large Smelts Fresh ScallopsJ of you with a blueberry pie They involve questions of Interna- AcUve In a great many lines of on Thursday. mission to use the auditorium of boy, to be exchanged. They are also Leona Rau, Agnes Whitebouae; consecutive term last night. Hla 80th Halibut Herrii I'jp to the last man and put the tional law and if accepted by the endeavor. Mr. Murphy was beat the Warren Memorial HaU for the planning to pack Chrlstmaa boxes Freshmen: WUIlam Cooper, Julia piaYn purchasing land or obtain- on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Miss Lois Helmer of Rocky Hill Maaonlc Temple during National years he waa a distance runner of Ionic Lodge No. 110 A. F. A A. M. at David White. Steaming Clams out of hts head. He reined In his stumbled and tha mean \Queen vdilte wUakere and then he ing concessions in another American Mrs. Gustave Berr were In charge spent the week end with her parents, Fraternal week last May. note and he had many medals and the annual meeting held Wednesday horse. He was ao hungry he was went right out over his head Into wUaked around to the back door country could not appeal to his gov- of the program aastated by cninton Mr. and Mrs. Allen Helmer. The South Windsor Garden Club Howard H. Spencer waa re-elected trophies as proof of hla achieve- night In ths Masonic Hall. Other afraid the other soldiers would see a big anow d rift o f the Toyahop and scratched. Charter, Mrs. Dinah Hersog, Mrs. Guests at t>kle. F A N C Y A U S K A Bon e d and work, both of these orders. served. at his home In East Wllltngton day evening. though hoping for an actual de- PINK SALM ON can b«r 21, at 7:30 o'clock. There U a Kraft’s Club Cheese, White and Yellow, sliced as de- went up to the ground and got "E at tUz.” ahe aUd. So Hulda fense pact, apparently wae willing 10 Rolled If lb homea For SO years Mr. Murphy had Poultry Meeting Tonight Tuesday night following a short Ill- Mra. Maude Keller recently visit- color design on the front of the In- When the Queen saw the Toy- there Just In Ume to see Santa pull black horse and galloped up to the xte and suddenly she was no big- to go along with merely a strong Desired atrean been superintendent of the Henry The Tolland Ckiunty Farm Bureau ness. He waa bom In Ashford. ed her son Howard Keller, who baa vitation. The following Is the cast ...... 27c lb. the mean Queen from the anow, 15 bu llin g and caretaker of the es- iloor shouting very fiercely. But ger than the ermine. The cookie resolution to the eame effect. Forest will ho!d,a poultry meeting this eve- January 16, 1873 the son of Andrew been quite sick but Is Improving of characters; Reader, Stella Kola- Spaghetti, Macaroni, Shells, and Elbow Macaroni. "Good gracious," sUd the er- • O N ID tate of the late Congressman E. ning at the Ellington Town Hall the Fairy Queen was there ahead was a magic one and had made her R & R CHICKEN order and Marietta (Whiton) Bosworth. now. While visiting Mr. and Mra. kowskl; Mary. Stella Petrovich; mine," that’s the very Queen I ’ve •5.“ 3 9 Stevens Henry, serving In that ca- 3 lbs. 25e o f her. Just as the mean Queen gal- smaUer. She thanked the Fairy must starting at eight o'clock. The pro- Mr. Bosworth was a carpenter by Kellet In Hartford they took her to Joseph, Charles Wochomurka* been worrying about I remember BAT STATE BANKER DIES pacity until the death of Mrs gram will Include movies of Oounty Tomatoes, extra standard quality. Red Line brand, loped up to tha Toyshop the Fairy Queen and hopped right down into fore tl trade and had been a resident of see her sister. Mrs. Curtis Bonney in Shepherds, Edward Ehret. Franklin telling Huldacthat there waa aucb the ermine kingdom below ground. I V A N O IL I N I toll CHUCK forest Henry, and State Field trips; local speak- Wllllngtoo for more than 25 years. _ 2 largest cans 25c Queen waved her scepter and Nantucket, Maas., Dec. 15— (A P ) Plalnvllle. Navratll and George Bazala* Wise a Mraon who wished ber harm. EVAP. MILK Unsw e e te ned cans For Mr. Murphy leaves three daugh- ers telling of the problems they have Is Your Nose a Target? thera was a big log right In the He Is survived hy a daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Ernest Percy who fell and Tuna Fish in pure olive oil, Italian s iy fe ...... 10c can Whatever ahaD I doT" Ha Albert G. Brock, president o f the 4 ters, Mrs, John Reid of West Hart- solved and how and also the prob- Men. Leonard Todd. William Mc- It your DOM irritoUd—« it ehok«d with Btieky path o f the ooal black boraa. He TeiBsrrowt b the ermine king- scale Julia Bertha Beruby of East Wll- broke her hip last January went to Bee and Russell Vomaaek; Star nmouD-do— your throot (Bt thick with phloem Codfish Cakes, ready to fry (4Q Fathom). ,10-oz. can lOe scratched U s head and pulled Us Pacific NaUooal Bank of Nan- ford. Mrs. Leo Flaherty of Rock- bbdbb o b bidm ROAST Huge lems they would like to solve. Roy —BT* you luBinc your I U U. . baur* Ilngton Funeral Mrvlces will be the Manchester Memorial hospital Gladys Stress; Angela. June Aml- tucket and head of the Brock In- ville and Mrs. Allen Middleton of E. Jones. Poultry Spcrlnllsl of the held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock mg. duDtoD o(wT Aru your broDthinc tibbbbmbb Libby’s Fancy Red Alaska Salmon...... tall can 25c aa bn corkad up? Got d tub* or Idt of MpDthoUlum •urance Company, died today. PURE LARD or Rockville. One son. Henry Mur- Saturday and haard of direc- poem and Merry Christmas to the day at her home here. She had been the base of the lamp. Usvea to be the beat features o f the G R A N D M A ’S GRAP E F RUIT tors will be elected. help another year as there Is no re- entire Grange by Lavergns WU- 111 for the past month. 3 Pc. Livingr Room Set more sueceasful afforta." MOLASSES 19 There will be a dinner at 6:30 p. rnuneratioD for the position except liama. LARCK the satisfaction of seeing children Refreshments of punch, cooklce, EepelieS “ So f t 1 0 0 0 SIZE m. preceding the business meeting. accompUah things. 3 ^ 10c Richard Mat tin. executive secre- and candy were aerved by the com- •Motk-Preofed 5. MetalUc tinsel may cause short circuits if it touches S t a t l e r Td iL E T T i s s u e Sh e e t R o i r tary of the league and member of Charles Heckler left mlttes after everyone had received Traditional Christmu WEATHER BUREAU SEES l ^ y to drive to nortda where they Woodwork Bedataked the base of the lamps. If you must use it, insulate 3 «"»17 the governor's special committee on a present All Work Unnrnaleed for 8 Tenra! APPLES welfare legislation will speak at the ^11 stay for the winter, Mr. Heck- With the announcement by the hcting as chef for the asms CAROL We are In a poaltioa to fniniak the limps with special washers which may be ob- WET YEARS IN FUTURE meeting on the revision of the fi- State Board of Fieherlea and Gama STATLER TOWELS P ^ y he worked for this summer lo heat of -referenMa la yenr asva 3 22 C O Q K N M nancial relationship of the state anJ uftoiton. that 23 lakes In Connecticut will be town or la Hartford. tained at our store while they last withonr charge. 4- 15c the towns and proposed welfare closed to winter fishing. It is inUr- SER TICF F IN A ST M Annie Porter has gone to P B I C E t sbelH legislation. estlng to note that Columbia Lake Candle Light WaahIngtoB. Dee. U — (A P )—ik e F a ncy L l ^ Blight Fire Hartford to visit her sister Mrs. $ 3 2 ,5 0 Weather Bureau foraeast td h ^ that MOLASSES N ew Orle a ns can Thomas Morley. comes under a special ruling, ice 12c 19 4- 25c A chimney fire at the comsr of Proccanional RKB! A Fm OsOm I 9 nitu Aik a « r t fe w jm n would be rala- Christmas Tree wlU fishing is permitted until the first of Prospect street and CottMe streets the year, and the time lest year eras PUlM« for DIvm wttli mwwrf Jrkt graly wet If the climate pattern of In the former Rosenbew^ property oe held at the church Sunday eve- Choir of Thirty Voices the last century eonUnuea. sm a ll ^ ning at 7:30 o’clock. B e W . M d extended. This la a popular sport K e e p Yo u r Christinas Tre e Safe TUR N IP S brought out the Rockviltk Fire De- with many CtSumWa people as well ONE YEAR TO PAY! Explaining that weathar history O X Y D O L p kg V C psirtinent In answer to ^ alarm w^ppod In 2^39 as cottage owners, so It is likely Sunday Eveninsr { Is a succeaylmi of dry and arst cy- mum from Box 32 on Wednesday. A line 5- 10e for Uu Shut’ ina and others. that with the advent of aonm good J U S T P H O N E B A E T F O S D cles intorsperasd with psriods of LUX TO lU T SOAP 4 -2 5 c from the "booster" tank on the new Dee. 18 At 7:30 aveiage rainfall, tho Bureau aaid G U E ST IV O R Y 2 - fire truck quickly extinguished the Injured Ice before the eeason closes, there 3- M l t A T O U B E X P E N S E ! tan daye ago U improving win be a number o f fishermen from roaords "miggost vary strongly taat fire. There was no damage. ths reesnt long drouiht porlod has IVPRY HAKES -2 1 c S P IN A C H OMiditlaM rnsfttlsd all parts o f the state come bars to T h e AAanchester Electric Oivisibn C HIP S O 2 - 3 set tbelr tUta. South Methodist shout spout ttsolf and that FANCV FsrdinaiKl Sylvia o f Ftoirldancc, Bto future yeara win have CAMAY SOAP - 6e H. otganUyr ot the redetstlOB X Thm annual fruU conmimp Tb^nmnUriy masting of tbs Tbl- Church CUSTOM MADE SILVER P O U S H to Esglaiid Wntug & Vban Bnrsau waa bsid C. c. BraiaM . K A. Uoh9UUringCo} 'm i F I R S T N A T i n ^ ! A f W9RI ______. ------» •ww.w «W9 AV90

ISEES O PPO R TIIN in [AJOR LEAGUES ADOPT UNIFORM BALL Helen Moody Makes Yearns MERIDEN LOSES CENIER m T he Hig h School Worl d IN SOUmERN AREA Foremost Sports Comeback m CHAPMAN SENT FOR CLASH W n H E H. S. Conpiled by Students of Manchester High School St, Ann *8 O f New Britain (Note: Thla ta fourth of a series, Points were awarded on a S-2-1 Mim Helen Estes. Psculty Adviser jDaYis ExpreSSeS OpbuOll analysing results of toe eighth an basis with each expert naming three yoi mnri Assnetnted Press sports poll comebacks In the order of hla. Vaiorai D rm 4 fn a Sk OfYELANDFOR Oppose Green Here Sunday It deals with replle* o f too notlon'B LOW SCORES MARK MOVIES ILLUS1RATE Legion O f H o n or ICHORIISES PARHCIPATE CLASS SONG OF 1939A MATHEMATICAL FUN SANTA IS OOMlNa Section Will Proye Eco- sports editors to the question; choice. HOME ECONOMICS GIVES "What were toe ■ leading sporU The result marked toe second lime YorCity^jariOtEfiOf Two mysterious letters ad Manchester Green, holder o f slx^waa high scorer of the league last comebacks of 1988?) lb four years that Mrs. Moody (jg- TWO HOCKEY TUTS M0\ IN CHRIS11AS CONCERT dressed to Santa Claus recently GALEHOUSE Manchester High aad toe Poltah- PRESENTED TO SENIORS SHOWN BY STUDENTSi nmiic Word) In Fntnre. vietoriss Is seven starts Including a year. Otoers on the team include Americana are the current cage ured prominently In the "oom ^ack" WORKOFfORESIERS i ^ v s d at the M. H. 8. Main By HERBERT W. BARKER REAL VALUE TO STUDESl tw6-polnt decision over toe Polish- Rio, Opodice, B. Rametta, Mlrliani sensations of toe eUte, but tor section of the poll. In 1935, when Gano; d a r k lM hm- Office. aad V. Dsgata. New York, Dec. 15.— (A P )— she emerged frqgi a two-year retire- Etudent Conductors Will Add The 1939A class song was pre- Ame'rlcans. will entertain St. Ann’s quite different reasone... .toe WOl Fpcakera DImo m Uses Of What are M. H. S. Studes Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 15.— (A P ) The Green has won five straight Heroine ol Uie outstanding sports ment te defeat Helen Jacobs for the RonbUrt Nip HorootSi Bar- Color To Performance; Audi- sented to the Senior class last week coming to next? Both Boys And Girls Get I o.. schoolboys are being touted aa out- edToGainSecndW iiln by its composer Gertrude Henr- Mathematics In ETcryday ID Also Gets Rookie In- of New Britain at toe Bant Side Rec games in independent competition standing threats to retain their comeback ot 1938 M HCICn Wills Wimbledon title, Mrs. Moody fla- ence To Join In Carol Sing. They have been called every- Much Benefit From Cookinir this Sunday afternoon. Oame time and haa high hopes of turning back Moody. ished second to Jimmy Braddock In Hiny Lathrop, Assistan mann, a member of the class who Life; Pointa Ont Shortcuts Cnurmem "K | board of governors of the Federal triple championship In (X:IL, state ons Top Eagles, Botb By thing, but UUs is the beat yet! fielder In Deal; American is set for 2:15 o’clock with Al Bog- the invaders here Sunday. Ckmch and New England play, while the The talented San Francisco tennis the annual noil. CQL Title Detctte. The High School Choir, the A In Arithmetic. Mr. Mailman, that waa an __ Reseve asrstem, expressed the optn- ginl ae referee of the main attrac- Johnny Hedlund will probably start P A ’S seem likely to be shorn o( player earned the No. I bracket tn a .Verome Herman (Dlzay) Dean, State Forester Explains Oappella Choir No. I, the A Cap- awful mlstaka. The real value and knowledge ac-1 today the south, given the tion and Belflore and Murphy hand- his regular team with Btaum and their triple titles In toe State Po- eleee race with Jimmie Foxx, clout- who followed a late-seaaon come- 1 T o 0 M a r g i n s . pellL Choir No. II, and the Orches- Many o f the school depsrtmsnta ling toe preliminary. ing first imseman of the Boston Red back with a wall-pltahed, though Some o f us don't even beUeve quired from the practical courses in put Its man-power and To Use National Ball; Al- Reltaer at forwards, Moorhouse at lish League, Rec Senior Loegue and VOTgea, Des. lE—(SyWBT— A tra will present their Fifth Annual bavs presented assemblies In Man- in Ssntal Ann’s lineup Includes a num- center and Antonio and Hedlund town competition unless a drastic Sox. iMlng. game in the World Series, Fire Pre?enlion Work. ^ ^ » ber of widely knowu cage perform- .Twenty-four of the 70 sports Christmas Concert and Carol Sing chester High’s auditorium but the SSSS* ‘S g " himself at guards. Wiley, Ford, form reverml takes place..,. took third place In the final stand- Ity ASSOCIATED PRESS Meriden High hssksthall ts M i mm ers, such as Henry Ferony, also s ortUea partloiMUng ta the eighth ings by a narrow margin over Joe in the High School Auditorium jn Mathematics Department, under cently expressed in compositions by “not the nation's number one eoo- low Nigkt Games. Viot, Murray and Custer will be in Elthar the Inteniatlonal-Ameri- Win bsatsn but tat tmm tmtirnsm Wednesday night, December 21. two junior students. The foUow- "onilc problem" but its number one member of the Bristol West Ends reserve. annuel AMdcfated Press poll cast Louis, heatywright champion, vand w e leadership of Mias Etsabetb Being an old-faahioned Yankee toeir first-place ballots for Mrs. can hockey league clubs, two-fisted tn Its two staAs to fiato wlM M "Flre« threaten In Connecticut, There will be no admission charge. tag composition waa written bv opportunity. in the State League; Aldo Frsceio, This is toe Green’s first season on Solly Krieger, N. B. A. middleweight and free style high scoring cham- Olson, Miss Mary McOulra and Mr. former New Britain High star and conservative, we’ve pointed out re- Moody and her achievement in win- forced to play toe baioace Ut Ith When th« relative humidity of the A capacity audience is anticipated, Mary Ambuloa. ii *5 address prepared for ds- New Tbrk, Dec. is.— (A P )—H a v the chalked court and already the ehampion. Louis figured In a pions of the country, are beginning "Fir gave their flrat department sll-state schoolboy forward a few tefim looms aa one of the local peatedly that Ife a bit early to ning the Wimbledon championship "eomeback” role on the score rtf his sohedule without ths servtess at stmoaphere drops below fifty.’ as people in Manchester look for- assembly on Wednesday morning. I I before the Mid-South Flarm adopted a uniform ball, finally count Coach Will Clarke’s chargee tfi pall at their slaughter of elH years back; "Moe" Paretta, also a flhndbuUI fifid ShOuM inake as milch alter a three-year lapse. Twenty- one-round knockout of Max Schmel- Center Pete Roberts, one at toroe- when ward each year to the High atbool This assembly showed the prac- ocOTomlcs means more to Forum, Davis urged southern agrl- Smitted toe taevitabllity of night In. .. .and by toe same reasoning Tt’i they are running out of ammunition. This striking statement was made me than most of my other subjects culturlsts to a d j ^ tbem selvearo High ace and at present a member at a name fbr itself in basketbeiu aa |Mr other flrst-plaoe votee went to Ing, avenging his 1036 set-back at letter-men Whd rsturfibd season. atmos] Christmas Concert, which gives tical use of mathematics, aa well aa Hi ya, Studi ■'eban kild aecompllebed eom* a bit early to count the Polish The Philadelphia Ramblers, who by Harry L>athrop, Aa.^lstant State of the Fofnirs ia the New Britain ths Green has done in baseball in re ‘ oxx for recapturing the American the German'9 hands. Roberta bos been declared ktallgl- them the opportunity not only to Did you go to see the play— "The put together. To explain why. 1 moro diversified T r m ? T ^ S S t a g Scattered trades, the big league Americans out___ toa Red aad rolled up 78 points In 14 games, hafi This 0>^un that can be gained from I t must go back quite a number of rather than cling to "one cron cot* Dusty League; Sam Loucette, voted cent years. The Green will practice League batting crown for the first The poll covered a Wide-ranga of ble for ViolaUfig to* nils rstattng to Forester of Connecticut. In a recent hear the beautiful Christmas music, The program wras annoimced by Stack Flamingo" last night? WeU, natae wind up their midwinter White stalwarts are stepping along the rare experiencl last night of by Ha y***a to my mother’s time. When ton economy.” ” most valuable playef in toe circuit tomorrow night at 8 o’clock and all time einee 4988—and that after a "comehacks". 42 ta all. One wit participating with outside teams. It talk accompanied by motion pic- but also to participate In the pro- Walt Gifford. ’39A, aa rh«trw..n if you didn’t, you certainly missed ab-feat tbflay In a Joint appearance tn nifty fashion and should, at least, winning by a 1 to 1 margin at Forest my mother left her home, she waa "W e are not likely to see tha dav M t season; and At tUm etU) Who players are rSqiitriet) to be on banc pbor season 1ft 1987. But second and added a 48rd—Hugh R. Wilson, became known that Roksrts per- tures, before the Manchester High gram. The story of Pythagoras' Ufe, something which was worth seeing. kfoifi CbfiiYAIasloner KeneaAw keep their (X nL honors but It's a nttsburgh, and toe Cleveland talk a third pMee support swung the de- American amboesader to Germany formed with to* Msftdth Alumni School biologists In the Barnard Au- An Innovation Ifi programs wll! showing his valuable contribution Not only did the cast portray the °*** “ *** '^’**** resourcee of toe ffoYffitMn Lafidls. long jump from there to toe state Barons squeezed out the New Haven turea. v ^ little about home management, ton belt can be fully emnloved ditdfi to H h . Moody, who rolled up who "came back” to report on the club last weekend and sui____ ditorium, last Thumday morning. be the public presentation of two to the ffelds of mathematics and charactera exactly aa described in F o H fc e past two days the "old Bhd New England events and wo, l l l H pointo Against 97 for FoKx. Eiwles by the Same scqre. School when she came to toe United States produce cotton for a market i Jewish problem. Doyd Aoubell won Philadeljjlhia’a tion by OoaCh BarMkow and The pictures shown were from students conductors. Miss Grace music, was given by Barbara Mur- the script, but the sound and light- Pedge^^taf been in seclusion here, for one, refuse to move too far out ditoriu Rva Holmes she went straight to work until ahe that offers a nuu*gin above gim e with a desperate thruM out Of alitooritles followed. ont-of-state sources, but they serv Benson will conduct the A Cappella phy. Pythagoras la known to prac- ing ^ects were excellent; And I’m was married; thus, ahe bad not he aald. prtiyRBlR his famous frown ta on the limb---- Incidentally, Man- The od to illustrate in a most dramatic Choir No. I In the "Carol of the chester hasn’t a chance to eclipse Its a seedfid period melee, but goalie Porflrio Roggl, a sophossore pros- Fva Holmes has earned the right Ucally every one because of his the- not kidding. I f you don’t believe s ^ n t any time in toe management Endorses .Objectivea. preparetiol^ for today’s session, nsuf points ta toe West Side Rec out-of- manner the causes and effects of Belli" and Eskel Buckland will con- orem which states that the square Ifoura truly—then go see tomorrow Grayson Picks Lou Nova record winning streak of fourteen Bert Gardiner claimed a share of pect who played Junior high soksot ad to 1 of a home and had to start learning 'rae Federal Reserve Board inem- Yien he frill ask toe boys to get to appear in this column through her bowling league last night and BUiy credit ^ the victory by making 40 basketball, looms ss Robert?* Bktly forest fires. earnest and consistent endeavours duct the A Cappella Choir No. n In of the bypothenuse of a triangle is night’s parformance. ^ e n ahe waa married. It was ber endorsed objectivea of toe re- flown to cases and tell him If they straight during toa regular eeanon mannei The first picture titled. "It Might "Joseph’s Carol." ....t o e state constats of only 14 F^ganl'e Barbers also cami through Stbps during the procesa of achiev- Buccesser st to* pivot post, during four years in Manchester equal to the sum o f the squares of hard work for her, and ahe learned cently-organlsed National Cotton "ctually have accomplished an y In rather surprietng style with a forest Have Been You," illustrated the The only number In the entire the other two sldea. Through hla N o doubt you havs seen the new games and toe opener wna lost to ing a shutout. Meridea’s next battle will be High school. to make a few things well, but she Council, and govem m oit assistance htag, no fooling. three to one victory over the Blue- The triumph rotaed toe Ramblere The smoker's hazard to our National program to be accompanied will be long study of matbematlca, P y- signs that were put up around the the Alumni. . . . talnst toe ail-powsrfUl M ta M h tst Her ambition to be a secretary has had never heard anything about to cotton producers to hold acra* Chapman To Indians To Beat Farr On Points KNIOBTB o r PYTHIAS fields. There were quite a few good past Providence’s Reds Into uncon- Have 1 Forests. It is a picture based on an the Ralph Baldwin arrangement of l$h team at toe S t Btsfitathufi governed her choice both of subjects Oertnide M. Hemnuui thagoras waa able to contribute to school. Please abide by theee algna. proteins, vlUmlns, etc., and so did age ta line with consumption but Assuming tost deals were toe de- srores mst night but Dick HKSe- smokei actual forest fire in an Idaho Na- "O Come All y . Faithful.” Mr. H’a difficult to find an explana- (Murphy’s AUeya) Usted possession of flrat place In toe ammunity bulUHag Erifisjr irilHit and cxtra-curiicular activities while the music Held by determining the Use the cross-walks and only the not know diet value. asserted that for tba south to do- sign of many of the attendants at nbw’s 147 topped them all for high eastern division, FOresti tional Forest. Baldwin la the director of music In has been outstanding In MHS musi- tion for toe sudden collapee of toe Tnra No. I (9) Defending O. G. I. L-. Stats aafi NSW in high school. In order to fulfill principle of vibration which deter- croas-walka to cross the street. If "When I first learned ta school cotton alone as a prop for his week's confab, toe American 218, North Java, N. ¥ „ defeated Bob single with Sam Nelson taking sim- Cleveland’s win, achieved on a actual The cause of the fire was the her ambition, she took the College the Hartford Public Schools. It Is cal activities since she entered high mines length of a violin string and you don’t use the cross-walks you’ll about the different vitamins snd ™ral prosperity was "Just dropptag Wagner, 232, PorUand, Ore, two of P A ’s except to point out that a A. Carlin ...... 92 97 104 293 EHgland diamplons. ths BUklMm- tlonal 1 aaved itself from a virtual NEA Expert Doesn’t Think E. Berggrcn ...103 99 100 302 ilar honors with 858 for high three lone goal by Phil Hergeshelmer less carefree snooker, who thoughtlMsIy Classical Course for one year and hoped that he will be in the audi- school. such things. probably get "bumped off" and end food values I suddenly realized that buckets into empty wells.” three fails. team that complies jnich a sensa- erS have gottea o i to a good start The hutout last night ta a midnight A. Carlson...... 108 87 95 285 game total. than four minutes before the end oV threw his match away without the the Commercial for three. Her pro- ence. This number will be accom- The song was composed one night Bobert Doggart told about the up in the hospital studying astron- we had too many starches for din- Declaring he could not agree —Jim Londoa 205, tional record as the Amerks have with tores straight vietorlss. ThS earefre precaution of making sure It was last September. Following the oeuvar whleh sent Ben Chapman, done tn the past two years becomes J. Wennergrtn .124 122 100 340 Next Monday e'vening Paganl’s the game, stopped New Haven’s ficiency In subjects ranging from panied by two pianists. Miss Elea- practical use o f mathematics and omy ners and not enough proteins. That ^ t o those who isolate toe south In I's hard-hitting outfielder, to Pacific Coast Boxer Is Be- New York, defeated Chief Thunder- ftarhers will meet the Electric (So., winning streak at two games. last came at toe 8ito«nss st fi threw out; the result, mile upon mile of Latin to Shorthand Is indeed worthy nor Woodhouae and Miss Dorothy original tune which Gertrude com- showed how much mathematics en- waa because my mother had learned Lbetr thinking aa toe nation’s tore- bird, 210, British Columbia, straight easy prey to a slump___ the P A ’s cally-btgger East Hartford taafit sveland for Pitcher Dennis Gsie- 423 406 300 1336 And Rehn’s Tavern will roll agaln.st while this waa going on the New precaul b a rm waste land, thousands upon of notice. Dowd. posed, the words of the song are as ters into everyday life. Modern to cook starches best of all foods. | economic problem, Davis de- falls. are like a fine, high-geared machine Drsams reveal our subcoodoua house and rookie inflelder Tommy Team No. 4 (4) the Biuefields and both matches Haven management aonounced the Meriden High's galtant wssrlors lost out; til thousands of dead trees, loss of all Owing chiefly no doubt to the follows: bridges, such as the Ban Francisco dared: ing Brought Along Too Sioux Falls, S. D.—Abe Xashey, that’s suddenly been knocked off The Orchestra will play the favor- desires. How do you explain the "Anotoer thing I realised E. Nyguest ....105 88 90 290 should be very Interestthg. signlag ot Allan Shields, veteran of a 29-27 heart-breaker to East RfiM- barren valuable food demanded by deer fact that her favorite subject is Claae Song of I989A. bridge and the George Washington '*We havs mlUlona o f men em> 212, Clifton, N. J., pinned Ken Hol- kilter---- depend on it that they'll ite Christmas number "Yuletlde case of one of the students in the that many useful foods were thrown N o cash was Involved. E. B riek son ___ 123 100 114 837 10 years ta the National League, foM ta toeir last scrap. toousai and other trlld life, not only the loe.106 80 84— 880 season and a large crowd ta expect- atreaim order to preserve wild life, foresters had to stand up during both games.) I bander. He is still promising. Last W. Kohls . 03 94 96 283 Its 104—217 Aa for Eva’s plans after gradua- We march to our success. from 45 and still have 45 left. He not to social^ embarrassed or self- needs toe chance to D a ^ Parr couldn’t dent Judge Lan- favorites: T.C.U. and Southern Cal R. W flghl .... 88 9B 80— 262 ed to m*ke toe trip tomorrow idgbt. Forest must preserve their homes; there- could also tell what month a per- Well, don’t worry! There will be ■year he won 7 and lost 8 ta SB starts Here’s an unusual item... .hiien R. Swanson 85 105 95 285 order ti tion, she win either work or attend Wesley McMullen, ’39A. conscious. My mind waa made up. u ld This it win have whan- dis’ old felt hat with his beet Sun- 2 to 6 over Ctarnegle and Duke, 499 516 574 1689 W. Bendall 89 97 88---272 The (?larkeiaen return home next fore they must lessen the danger of son was born In and how old he was plenty of seats tomorrow night (we I which leaves him sa‘ e for the Red Trade and Windsor High met at must p Biislne.ss College. 1 w odd grt toe n ^ t I could out f f ^ pTUi^S'i^^STunder day punch. Tonypandy Tommy T en n ea^ 1-3 over Oklahoma and Hollywood Hervire (0) R. OIcnney .., 63 113 7 5 -8 7 0 Friday evening lo entertain Middle- forest fires. and how many living and deceased hops): ao get there early and grab |Bmi tf be has a payoff ta bis system. Windsor last season, Johnny Bychol- 366 384 383 1183 Hegardless of whleh course she COMPTOMETER SHOWN “ Beat my education and m y ^ v lc e to way that • reafly means ^ Texaa Tech 8-6 over St. Mary’s . fl. M c A d a m s ...... 83 114 97—294 town High and toed totlOtafi fi tWo- fore Uv Forestry work consists on a large brothers and sisters a person had Beyond this transaoUon, the own- hasn’t started since Maxle Adelbert ski tallied ten field goals for a to- forest chooses, F.va Is eertaln through her n ^ y young women of today vrould try. profiU t o r c ^ productlonTlmd Lhxt, Indlans-Tigers-Red Sox deal G. Ecabert ...... 105 115 98— 818 364 M S 336 1084 week layoff until W**t Hartford I scale ^ of wild life conservation FIXNCH TEACHERS STAR by use of mathematics. Hla talk —The "Informer" be to do toe same. Now that era for labor, higher annual wagaa, un- leni can’t show Landis, the old dlc- Baer dealt him his third consecutive tal of twenty pointa, white I. Kos- Fore: own consl.stency and faithfulness, to c defeat last March. didn't come off as reported, you COUNTRY CLUB LEAGUE a. Brown ...... 87 81 103—271 comes here for another leagu* clash Huge sanctuaries In the West serve TO COMMERCIAL IAIB showed how fun ean he gained V'S »PP°rtunl^ our parenU ta\r condlUons, earned t o r o t S Itator of toe dugouta, much they have noticed, but toe buys were still lorck made seven baskets and two scale fulfill her ultimate ambition, that of I look for the ambitious Nova (Farr’s Alleys) F. Brlmley ...... 90 98 91—874 atagehands (2) on Friday, January 8. as breeding places for the wild life becoming a secretary. from a keen knowledge at maths- have done toward shaving the em- talking it over early today . . . with foul shots for 16 pointa... .when Huge f AT CHRISTMAS PARTY best of them.' If^tof through tasT]^ to keep the former eoal miner Well Haekera (8) A. Fish ...... 106 '87 98--291 B. Trouton ...... 69 74 85—328 . that is lost throughout the hunting matlca. Elmer Gustafson also U h » duetkm.” barraatlng superiority of the New Pinky Higgins from Boston to De- the rivals met last week and Trade ss brei —John Hamilton. WORLD PINS AWARDED in hand with a stiff left hand and Mozzer ...... sl03 123 113—339 C. Cubberly ...... 98 83 98—879 season. Deer farms are common Mr. Baflfiett Explaiim Opera trated this point BoyaP Vtow. York Yankees. Although not admit- troit as the latest gossip in tha came out on top, Bycholski again F. Mahoney .... 88 118 116—882 that la right cross. made 20 points, this time on nine Tierney ...... 100 89 88— 277 471 490 487 1448 place In the states noted for deer tion Of Caknlatinir Machine; Ralph Peterson presentsd hla Cooking ta very popular among ting as much, this must have been ■pap . . . Bill Benswanger aays ha R. Gould ...... 76 88 108—268 Last Night's Fights seaaon. hunting in the West. The deer are About 100 members of the French version of "Bellevs It Or N ot" In A smashing victory over Itarr, baskets and two fouls, while Koe Fortin ...... "90 123 121—334 Kenn's Tavern (4) Praises Onb. TO DESERVING MEMBERS boys of high school age. The fol* I an aim of toe other owners. ^ a deal or two on toe fire for his Haefs ...... 114 114 ----- 228 — place 1 kept in the sanctuary until they FAST TILT BRINGS clubs attended the Christmas party, regard to mathematics, tailing [GRAND JURY BEGINS Yet at thla semi-final accounting, on the heels of his stopping the then iorek again made 16 pointa, on four lowing was written by a junior ta Pirates and hopes to complete some Breen ...... 107 101 ---- 208 330 363 404 1007 ASSOCIATED PBEBS huntlni reach an age where they can take such facta as that if Mossa bad toe boys’ cooking class: I about all they have done Is com- highly-regarded Gunnar Barlund, baskets and eight foul shots.... 293 335 323 950 nr Friday, Dec. 9 In the auditorium of trades before the baseball meetings Vennert ...... 128 ____ 111— 239 Pmjrwriiars (CTilcago— Bobby McIntyre, 182, kept li care of themselves; then they are Aa guest speaker for the Com- laid away a dollar a day from tha "When I started cooking 1 would put Nova directly ta lino for Hookers (1) (2) Pins were presented to deserving promise on a uniform ball. This will Wind up today . . . Finland’s Cab- Nelson ...... 112 114 A. Donohue .. ■...61 84 78—223 Detroit, outpointed BlUjr Marquart, reach i sent to the understocked areas to be aOSE MJI.S. VICTORT mercial Club, at Its meeting during the high school. time he waa born until be died, bs thought It would be just another PENNSYLVANU PROBE a match with Joe Louis, but 1 doubt The monthly meeting of repre- Davies ...... 77 89 98—204 182— 368 membera o f High School World, be viewed as aa ollort to stem toe drivers are learning English and Hansen ...... 127 100 117— 344 D. Hultmon ...79 79 79— 237 132H, Winnipeg. Ctan.. (10). care oi released. activity period, December 9. Don- As each student entered, he was would have had enough equal piles subject. In toe two months that I that the Californian’S manager, RAy sentatives of teams in the State Keith ...... 93 129 104— 320 Friday, December 3 at the regular Yankeee' power, because toe raised German so they’ll be ready for the Metcalf ...... 88 141— 229 W. Leuttgena ...94 94 94— 282 Sacramento, <5alif. — Lloyd Mar- sent to The pictures showed that the ald Bennett explained and demon- given a number and according to of thousand dollar bills to encircle have been taking cooking I totak Harrisburg, Pa.. Dec. 16.— (A P I Carlin, would be .interested in any Polish League is being held here to- Rand ...... 94 118 97— 309 club meeUng by Peggy Woodruff, aeawm were found last aeason to Olympics . . . night at 8 o’clock at ths P A ’s club- Mahoney ...... 103—103 J. Mills ...... 112 115 92—319 shall, iSfi, Cleveland, hBBSlWd out releasei restoration of land animals was not Cole, Gavello, Tlrown And Hil- strated the comptometer, a calcu- this number each took part In the the earth twice. it has helped me ta many ways as —A grand jury assembled la give toe NeUonal League pitebera such affair as early as next summer. The editor-in-chief. house on Clinton street... .all girls 299 889 Johnny Brjavee, 168, L M AfigiMa, all the wild life conservation that lating machine maniifaRured by activities of one of the four groups, The theory of perpetual motion, there are many times when I might Dauphin county's century old court- I have an idea that Carlin re- 264 386 re-vtora in.sk t High Scorers; Sec- Each member o f the club ta sup- I better oontrol and to lend wider CHark Griffith sears he’ll never of the basketball team are requested 688 617 604 1709 ..346 372 343 1061 ( 6 ). the foresters work consisted of. Fish the Felt and Oerant company. each practicing a stunt which was which stressea having machines have to get my own meals. alizes that Nova, while plenty good onds Win. posed to keep a record of hla storiM house today to begin an Investiga- to their eurvee. However, make AI Simmons a free agent . . to meet at the club at 7 o’cloclY to all the conservation is another Important Mr. Bassett explained that the performed for the others later In run with no outside help, waa illus- “The study of cooking has made tion of political campaign charge* enough to whip the bamdonnles now Duffers (1) 'fi first successful calculating machine which are printed in the paper at I demeimtratlone have proved the ball if Griff can’t swap for AloyslusI prepare refreshments for the meet- ...... 84 91 99— 274 the fori phase of their work. Troiit raising the evening. trated by Vincent Diana, and Car! me more careful. I have learned fired seven months a$3> a g a i n s t l i attempting to qualify Sa challengers, AndefsOn oonaen was built In 1896, by Mr. Felt. Thla the end of each month; pins are trkVeM jin t as far aa toe old lively he’ll give him a contract for ’39__ ing. .. .all members of , the boys' ...... 90 99 119— 808 is a very difficult task, and must In- A .scrappy, husky basketball quin- The leader of Group I won the Ackerman showed some tricks, that to get good results one must be men high ta Pennsylvanla'a N ew lacks the speed and wallop required Ht. John phase < first machine was used only on given to others whose record sheets •ph«r$ When U t aoUdly. which should make things juat team who were asked to be present .Stiles ...... 92 117 101— 310 conducted with a great degree of tet from Manchc.stcr High school prlro for the best performance. Imi- such ns multiplying 7 by IS and accurate ta his measurements, and Deal leadership and toa Oemocratlo to take Louis. la a vei addition work, but was gradually show that they have the most num- I, Owitfir (Hark Ortffith of Waahlng- lovely after that row they had the are also urged to report at the ...... 130 112 105— 847 care. Trout eggs are collected and traveled to East Hartford last Fri- tating Mr. Pearson. getting 28. follow toe recipes or else toe food party. Nova Probably Is As Finch conduc Improved and made to calculate. ber of points. ta toe process vrill be a failure. I ton apparently has aboved through end of last season . . . (Hiuck Klein same time. batched In incubators holding mil day and defeated a tall, not-so- —Fran Wallett, 'S9B. The jurors—IS RepubUesns anfi.^ Oood As Hs Ever U1II Be care, Demonstrating the machine, Mr. The girls with Grace Benson, The system determining the num- "It has also made me more use- an amendment to the niles that will la In town, looking very healthy . . . 39S 419 424 1239 Hons upon mllllona of eggs. When hiisky, tali'nted five from East Hart- 11 Democrats—^were concerned With Nova may eventually bump into For Every Man On Yo ur Christm as List- hatchei Bn-s-sett added In forty seconds, a leader, showed the others how a ber of points allows one point tor ful around borne. Now I am not I help BIkM «r o a pitchen. It provides hhd Hank Green Berk dropped in to Slleira (8) the eggs hatch, the small fish that lord 40-33. The game was the a charge by District Attorney Oszl Louis, but Carlin pfefera to have lions u column of numbers ranging from girls gym class Is conducted and attendance at meeting, one point always in toe way. There are that tin hurier need have only one wieh one and nil a Merry Xmas . . . SIMSBURY GIRLS DRUB ...... 96 117 91— 304 emerge arc called "fty." The fry, tougheat one for the Red and While ARTISTS TURN FARMERS B. Shelley that Gov. George H. Btarta tos Brown Bomber wait aa long aa Wetherell the eg| thus far this season. one to sixty. He did several prob Renato Nicola, leader of the boys’ for two or three kiches at print, and many little things can I do that will foot an toe rubber a t Uie etart at heat hosts of the meeting—the ...... 87 109 93—289 upon reaching a cerUln sire, are lema Involving multiplication, divi- and 18 assodatea engaged ta a "sys- there are other profitablo engage- Grace A SH IRT from GLE N N EY'S emerge The game wa.s a fast, rough tilt groups, gave an Idea aa to what goes additional poinU are given for edit- save time. It will also be a great his wfffdnip. The other foot (toe left Brooklyn Dodgers . . . for which ...... 92 122 188— 847 packed in huge milk cans, loaded on sion and subtraction. All frac- tem o f crime” in toe admtatatratloii ments for the California College ot NORTOfFS FIVE, 53-13 Straugh upon r that sparkleil with fine play and on In a boy’s gym class. Group III FOR LIVELY ART PARTY ing, headlining and unique contri- benefit to me when I go cam pl^. one ta the case of a right-hand Larry Macphall is recelvlog bou- Montle ...... 121 113 123— 857 donkeys, and carried away to the tions, he explained, must be repre- butions. of toe state government during to# hUrier) may be well back. This gives Agriculture graduate. packed trout streams. The transferring of neat shooting from beginning to gave their Impresalon of the Mon- There won’t have to be so much of quets from everybody for the first sented by their decimal equivalents The first person to be awarded a past three and a half years. the pitcher a longer sweep with Ms I disagree with Jack Dempsey, donkey the fry from the milk cans int

102— 278 'T have given serious thought to PbUadelphla 1 Pittsburgh 0 Jamea be Meriden High at the Sliver Citv chyk. J. Hultlne, L. Kruh, H. WUIla, beginning with small articles, such and Hartford Public wlU swim. leagues next season . . . old Chlag W H IT N EY and S H IR T CR A F T SH IRTS Kwash; "A map of PT-ance .and nent positions on Mata street, be- ^ e l j j ^iikbei], Sophie Sc%olow-1 **The ^ Id eo maw of Wlgren ___ 91 94 107—292 No'va’s advancement," he explains. Johnson, who’s tossing those body Cleveland 1 New Haven 0 The Mnd of ahlrta men like to wear . . . women like to aee. Y o a ll admire their eodare. afiaped origins Friday. The Red and White will P. FInkblen, E. Brunette, H. Saver- as the hot dish rack and tie rack On February 25 at three o’clock. Curran ...... 89 97 91—277 WEST SIDE LEAGUE pictures’’, Christopher Gleriney; tween toe High school and FMuca- " I gave up my bustaeas In Cali- TONioirrs hchediMle to rest perfectly on the neck; the smooth set of the smart front; the trim Itaee *ad comfort*bl* fit. Kwaah be the favorites to lick a not too- Ick. W. Joyner. and gradually work up to larger Baaslck and Manchrater wUl meet checks for Mlnnsapolta now, ta (Bee Alleys) French notes , W ealev Keeney* tlonal Square, will in the future at Bridgeport. SUversteta for Muea F ^ have done om Mercer ....118 109 US—343 fornia to devote all my time to him. N alloiwI Laugue . Beantifuliy tailored ta a superb selection of the tateet, smartest new styles and eelet*. Every shM picture good Meriden quintet. For breaststroke: R. Schaller, J. things such as bookcases, tables, serve aa gentle reminders to pre- Whltes weref sporting ths sIxUi butted schnosaota Renn’* Tav*m team knocked off “ Whole books", Marion Derby Bet- On March 4, at eight o’clock. 1 didn’t take toe Farr match ta a of hta hockey rem r stime one of New York Ameriesms at New V_Abeol«tely gaaranteed for permanent fit. "Frenc Manche.ster’s seconds defeated Pickles and W. VanOour'were pick- and porch chalra. vent uncauUoua school chffdien Mary C%rdera. A n n _____ . work," ahe told a 87t 890 416 1185 to* Hollywood Service team for ty Barstow and Arui Della Fera* Crosby and Manchester will swim tn Barry, Pat luncheon group recently. moment of careleeaneaa. The reason tos ototr guys didn't Uks toe way York Rangers "Wholt East Hartford’s .seconds In another ed. It teachea us the sense of respon- from croestag roads without due re- Swtowlto’ Margaret Turek, Marie Team So. 1 (1) "Napoleon", Russell Maron; "French fast, furiou.s and rough game. Dan- Waterbury. strange new demand for I took It ta toAL I consider Farr, aa Chlag flatteaed him, ao he merely Bootou at Moatreal A PRICE FOR EVERY PURSE . . . ty Bar M. Orflteni, newly elected captain, sibility. for the lumber ta expensive gard to their regular crossing lines, W u ^ Flora Pickles, and Lorraine Larrsbee ...108...108 84 84 75—267 words", Uvlngston Friend; "Pic- coes. Thomas and Klelnschmldt A t three o'clock on March S creative expression on toe I oeualder 'aU tha other contenders belted old Baldy across toe proboe- Torooto at Chlcego "Napol and EL McNeill will ewim back- and there ta about $300 worth in the StudenU should realise tost these onutli. Ois ...... 98 84 100—282 tures", Ruth Bloodgood; "Original paced the scoring for the locala. Manchester will swim st Storrs hag gnawed into toe present . . . .Barlund and all toe rest.. . . to cta with hta stick . . . the Sugar Iat*raarinual fiasarirasi Lsogua words" stroke. ahop. W e need to be accurate be- signs are not put up just to deco- •nie Varsity Hockey teams were Turktagton . 98 98 83—272 MmUngs", Arlene Grape. Arthur who have been improving every agstast toe State Frosb, one of U t e i^ output and there is now a ba a third-rate fighter." Bowl tiekst sail ta hlttlag the jack- Clevelaad at Henkey $1.50 $1.65 $1.95 $2.50 $2.95 tures", J. Pickles and M. Orfltelll wrill sup- cause we have to measure wood and rate toe school property. They m s ^ O l a ^ Darling, Anna Nichole.... 90 99 89—278 M d w lg; "Index page", WnUam Bar- game. Manchester's strongest opponents. that did not exist ta to s . In other words, Ray Carlin fully e t ts a hurry . . . wall over toe ply tbs diving. plane to certain lines. We learn the have a definite purpose, they con- Seinkbell, Barbara Gift Boxes With AD Parchaaea. rtm; "n tls l>age and pictures of L. Della Fera, '39A. Maylmster will take part liytoe raaltafd just bow fortunate hand* $100,000 mark already . . . one of St. Paul ak Tutaa. W A TC H FOR Ludwii Much promise wras shown by the use of certain tools and machinea, Vront a aerloua problem arising out Welv. Ruby Oordner, 389 883 347 1099 *Grud niusloo", Eden Marks. o f toe little caution by our students ^tatatag Canilval- on F?bni- geXru- I N s . 8 ( 4 ) some Lou Nova ta to be around at the queerer raoords loft over from roe; •* new material, ^ree style awtmmera, such as ths ptana. trl-square. Jig- Anita Lewis, and BAreTT nairr books wtdeh contained pic- , !*Le M 1847 the need for ro- tn crossing toe roads between Dorothy SUversteta for toe Sues TAIXY-HO! Robb .. ..80 87 94—281 this aifis. too grM season ta ths ons Virginia fi* fi* gtvaa away 'Grand R, McCabe, J. Oonlan, O. WUaon. U saw, jointer, etc. Our worit must Madtaea—W ally Mehl, Wtaooitala’t toreo, m ^ and a story in French form or public schools was urrent. aa and after aebooL Serloua acci- P«L Phillips . . l i t lOfl 184—854 Poly rhalksd up . . . seorsd exactly O PE N IN G! ChrfttoMui Eve. One ehaooe with Tfios ------of original nndin^^ CoodlUons were bad in New F "r - Pratt, and R. Skinner came very bs neat I f arc do not foUow direc- tn ths-200 yard freestyle tsiay, in Lorraine Smith.' national coUeglate two-asUa cham- FREE $100.! tions and InstrucUoas carefully, our dants might result from the dlaro- Akrlgg, Grace Benjon Pat B«ntonvllIe, tod ._A f - - Banks , ..108 114 89-$08 BlB* potaU la Its Isat flvs games every S5e parrha** $100. FREE! tareo. as thqr were In other parts cloee to m aM iy the team and may cwasctloii with tos Tals freshman pton. wean kaee-Ma(tli stoeklaga DUrgam navell. >4ib . at project arlU La arroag and wa ariu gard to toaaa atgaa. AH further by airplane wUl help this aad bald the other fallows to 18 w«rs o tha counPy. Tarma wara Mmct, bs iiaad latar in tba year. ^ M srcsfrtnrg Academy's swlm- Mary Cordera. A m S lI off the track to ptotoet kto taga. G IA N T TIG ER waMa valuable lumber. W e have a rMpoBribilUiea rest with you aa atii- MaiYvet Titreck lfari« obtatakmSw 817 821 WRESTLING who p ltA sd? . . . how shout was poor, taaehara W. VairtMur and U ' fin to to pravmit any aecUaiito WUrtx, and Ann B a n y . ^ ^ ’ Mturday to buy an alectile n» to w w k alda by toda wtth I uadefieatad SwwmmiUb Tam- araoAL ATm m oN, TOO 7W w. hfiHifitoE. Let as iB toa The g w 's sports se_ to>Mil for Ita b & i s e M L M*-289 tuts M s d a m l i BfiriMF. iis . r FO O D M A RKET Blain tor tbs baMwtoan Btrsat PAOE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENTNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1988 MANCniESTER EVE-VTNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18,198S r'^ F A O P T i n B T W I I B(K>TS AND HER BlIDDIKS Happy Unding B y " m a S t B " AH NEV)AK VOCXiVO'NE HAVBE AV.\, COVAE h Vo , V\-ON«>.;)lFrjf HANE 1HOOOHT V ’COOVO MM TAX-HINO WGHY ' O PA \_ A NICE SENSE and N O N SEN SE pt Va )AU<\ 6t.«b LOOKM OO \T *. V40 ONE. IN. n ’N h i l C E *. L A IN ^Y ...... HA'S O O h^ - Tim e OONT VOOKHAO SO M E 00, MV^^AH I T T « 8K -_T The suggestion is made thatf Mike—I wonder why a woman DR h * O B O O y -*• AF\ER AU. stream-lining Santa Claus might en- always tells everything she’s told able the Jolly old gentleman to slide Bont.s- you mean she can't keep down some of our narrow chimneys a secret? and Into some of our even narrower Mike—Sure! LOST AND FOUND AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 bearts. Boots—Say, that’s an easy one. DOGS—BIRDS—PETS—41 HOUSEHOLD GOODS A woman has but two views of a LOST—WILL PARTY thmt picked 1037 FORD COACH $440; 1036 Ford For Tailored Hours **®^raiItN U K E TO HELP secret—either Its too good to keep up kldd chktai, tow ctamtn and Jack, CANARIES FOR SALE—Guaran- FOR SALE—GLENW(X>D ranre Waiter—^Tbls hotel is under new coach $340: 1033 Chevrolet aedan teed alnrera. Norman Jonea. 31 tbansbot good cheek. or It Isn't worth keeping. on Parker atreet, piease call 8638 T $100; 1032 Chevrolet coach $140. No and four burner gtm atove. Phone LABOR ROW MAY aoanagement. Eldrldge atreet 6860. Guest—Why, I still see the same down paym ent 20 montha. Cole Bethlehem, p*. __(APt — AVERS BRITISH The Latest la PoUtIca. Hotora—6463. old manager around. LOST—BLACK AND WHITE bird (.ANARIES $1.00 UP. Select one for END IN COURTSl Chrietmaa time m e an a ^ itra W alter—Yes, but he got married Read him cut of office a Chrlatmaa rift. Carea and accea- MACHINERY AND ^rk for ^m aster Earl jShn^ but week. Toss him on the ahe'f, dor, niate. Telephone M14. 1038 NASH SEDAN; 1036 Ply- •orlea. Next door to Larraoee a eon and hla ataff in He’s just a stupid senator mouth aedan; 1034 Ford aedan; TOOLS MONEY POWER Barber Shop, 17 Pitkin atreet Tele- lettera for persona Who reasons for himself. 1032 Chevrolet aedan deluxe: 1033 phone 7620. wo want them postmarked with READ IT OR NOT— announcements2 Dodre 3-4 panel. Heaaler Naah, 10 FORDSON PA R fS AND used puJ- Candied grasshopper is considered leya, uaed crawler tractors. Dublin Gomu Orders Traisfer Of I WrUipUce. Boss—What do you want? WELL KNOWN HADAH WlUlana, Henderaon Roid. Telephone 7268. CURB ON NJ a delicacy in Japan. CHerk—Mav 1 use your phone? Tractor Oo., Providence Rd., WUU . 7 , ■•y* JohBkon, "we don’t American palmiatry reader. Houra ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 mantle. mind in the least We like to My wife told me to ask you (or a from t a. m. to 10 p. m. Sundaya all AO IITW Folds To Wash- berf Mrvice in helping transmit (Oentinned from Page one.) Wife—Why do 3rou always go In- salary InoreaGo, hut she forgot to day. 632 Ann atreet, Hartford, MOTORCYCLES— AMERICAN RADIATOR ateam food cheer." to the yard when I sing? Don't tell me how much. Conn. BICYCLES 11 boiler, 22 inch with oil burner and WEARING APPAREL England, In conference with Montal you like to hear me. Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Fox MInneapolta honeywell controia. ingtoi From TWOG. 8di Norman, with whom he came. Husband—It Isn't that. I Just Alao automatic oil burning domea- —FURS 51 London to confer. want the neighbors to see I am BRAIN-RACKIN6 PICTURE Pu Z ZLE ^ FOR SALE—GIRLS’ IVER John- tic hot water heater, and one Rex FMtli In Empire , not beating you. aon bicycle. 30 Phelps Road. WOMAN’S SLIGHTLY worn win- I H A R T M A N T E A M G A I N S Locate the Lapy who is Spe a k in g OUR BOARDING HOUSE Manchester gaa heater. CaU after 7 p. m. 3212. ter suit, $10.00, sw eater, dresses, WaMtlngtoo, Dec. 15 — (AP)—A Speaking in the House of ComI STORIES mons (Jhamberlatn declared that to l ONE BRIGHT SPOT IN LIFE FOR SALE — EASTMAN Cln'e^ man’s expensive suit, large sixe! oontroverey between labor leaders Evening Herald MOVING—TRUCKING $18.00. 27 Madison. Phona 0401. over the sUtua of the United Tex- B Y R E C N E C K O F S C O R E S Hovemment had completj IS THAT YOU DONT HAVE TO IN STA M PS S A V ,' M ' A 3 o R ,'T H H R £ t e YH' way you cam WF^sE Kodak movie camera and Fllmo faith In the ability of the empire tq pr a c t ic e to learn TO PLAY CLASSIFIED STORAGE 20 movie camera. Slightly uaed. in tile Workers, which claims 100,000 cling together despite crisis and adl YHE RADIO. THAT IS. YOU a D o b o p b a i i w o u r yoURSELP A'^OUND F(DUR verslty. I SHIPPIMO OeRARTAAENr, ADVERTISEMENTS AUSTIN A. (OlAJdBEKS when you excellent condition. Low price. See WANTED—TO BUY mambera, apparently OONT HAVE TO PRACTICE CHOR6 WITHOUT TYIM5 TtJUB theae two movie cameraa at Kemp'a today for - - - vrfv.. He w u replying to Arthur HenI ANYTHING BUT RESTRAINT. C O K ia UP BUNDLES DUPIKJO want the bes* in Local ana Lonit Inc. dersm, Laborite, who asked hlr U N I T E D STOM ACH IKl A KWOT COMr- Count siB averae* wnrda to a line. DIatance Moving Ually H^tpreiui EXTRA CASH RIGHT at Xmas by Francis1 J. Oonun, UrWywMl. Klf ^1* InItlaU. numbers and abbreviatlona about a qieech Tuesday night li I "TH' CHRISTM AB R U SH f vimc^T me that TCXJ'D HAVB HarUord, Mancbeater. KockvUie selling your Junk to me. Wm. Os- dent ordered the transfer of all I Flremen’g Toarn»»eiit. It was on toe eve of toeir wed- S T A T E S •aeh count aa a word and oompound FOR SALE—CXDRONA STANDARD trinsky, 182 Bisseli street. Tel which Malcolm MacDonslcC^ominl 5(t>X./ and she looked rather sad: » THEY WAKTrep TO KWOW A 8U3 PU TU RE IN THIS worda aa two words. Minimum coat ta Phone 626U 68 HolllaUr atrdct. portable typewriter. $00 model. i^on funds to Washington from the P O ST A GE priea cl tbraa llnea. 0879. Ions and Colonial secrctsOvA|taot;k4 ective Bridegroom —What’s ah IF Y(3U WCRB A STBAOV BUMDLE-WRAPPTMG J(3B / Lina rataa par daj for transient WUl aacriflee for $30.00 cash. Call ed ardent Imperialists thq pg you dear? ' ’J ada. Clommlttee^eadqMr N w I ^ necessary to recbeck scores WORKER AMD X TDLP PAINTING—PAPERING 21 4088 after 6 p. m. Tork. In the Firemen’s Setback League gloomy admission that sohIB^ Vie fto-Be—Why, John, I am » Maettva March IT, 1P9T APARTMENTS. FLATS, British empire might cri” j|ig where we are going to $ THEM that y o u HAD WORM . ^ Cash Charge FOR SALE—3 SHOW caeea and 2 Hla legal advisers Indicated this the play ’Tueaday night, a com- « MCHI VI I V • Conaecutlve Oaja ..| 7 cts| 9 eta PROPERTY OWNERS—AttenUon TENEMENTS 6.1 Chamberlain, howeverj interpret I • t o e h o n e y m o o n , OUT TEN CHAIRS IN THIRTY $6.90 repapera room, celllnit paper wall cases cheap. Apply 983 Main *"tered by the ed that speech as an expression ol] ctive Groom — Gosh — I Conaecutlve Daya ..( 9 oiai n eta oasis lor a suit to recover about I » . j '• YEARS HOl-OlMO DOWW ^ ...... I 11 e t a i I I e t a ed or kalsomined. Material, labor •treet, Room 9. FOR RENT—SIX ROOMS upstairs, MacDonald’s faith, in the survival IS t h a t all? That’s nothing. B A H WITH T131 . , *500.000 aorman«aal<.Oormanasali, locals of his ^ » *^>t of the All ordaro for frragular Inaertiona complete. Inalde, outalde painting. newly redecorated, enclosed porch. check the Hartman team went Into of the empire and said that "Hi-J What’s bothering me is—how am 1 25 CENTS 25 TOUR P R B seisrr d o e / bal der dash / were rr im pc r - will ba charted at the one time rate. Reasonable rent to right party. union had paid to the TWOC since Majesty’s government cerUinly fuH going to pay the minister? Bpeolel ratea for long term every Large aavlnga. Work guaranteed. third place In the standing, having ^e>aa*aaataAy **>« Valvo- said at a luncheon of the Royall forgetful. He was recently sent tor nore than one Incorrect Insertion atreet. Phone 4860. garage. Inquire 66 Oxfoit street. contract had been signed in order "2.* Increased to 30 points Empire club. I to St. Louis to interview an im- bore hit name, William McKin- X WILL iM T R b p ^ S i td AM lir^ of any edvsriiasmsnt ordered for FUEL AND FEED 49-A to establish the TW(XJ. I P**y Tuesday evening. portant client in regard to a case ley was a natural {election of the ASTONISH^’' w 6 »§LD/ uure than one lime. FOR R EN T-FO U R ROOM tene- The court also held that the I . Mttlng Tuesday was the Addressing the ConsUtutionall then pending In toe Missouri Republican national convention at r The Inadvertent omtealon of Inoor* SALESMEN WANTED 36-A FOR SALE —SEASONED hard ment. second floor. All Improve- club, a Conservative stronghold,1 St. Louis in 1896. He received reel puhlieatlon of adveritaing wilt be wood, cut any length $4.00 t-k TWOC had no right, (Sonnan said, I the series and leaves but courts. Later the head of the firm ratified only by cancolleti(»n of the ments. Inquire HO Eldridge street. to collect dues from UTW locals. *“ toon to play to end the touma MacDonald said Tuesday that there] received thlo telegram from St. 661 votes out of a total of 906 ,on Charge made for the service rendered WANTED! MEN WHO can earn cord load. Call 8893. Leonard L. were "certain disintegrating forces] Louis: the first ballot. $1300 to $6000 or more yearly re- Glgllo. FOR REN T-FO U R RtXJM apart- The CTO has appealed Utg decision. lU All advertfaementa must c«»nrurm But Gorman said the ruling in ef- standing: within toe empire,” that It might | "Have forgotten name of client. Then followed his campaign, typography with tailing nationally known Kawleigb ment. Midlands. Call 4131 or "crumble and fall to pieces” with- ' Please wire at once.” one of the most unique in Ameri- regulatlooa enforced by the publish* Neceaaltlea. Ehiormoua market, faa- ONE HALF CORD four foot sea- 8.3.33, feet had dissolved the TWOC. I Oil ____ 2347 in toe span of a generation, but ! !5?. reaerve the right to Gorman, who announced he was No. 1 ...... This was the reply sent from New can history. McKinley never left reject any copy coo- clnatlng work. Eaay aales. Good soned wood, sawed stove length I 2317 that he believed it would endure' York: $0 00 delivered. L. T. Wood Co FOR RENT—FIVE ROoW flat, a member of the CTO’s chief rival ...... 2232 hit home town, Canton, O. He aJdared objectlonabla. proflta. Few routea now open. "many crises.” "Client’s name Jenkins. Your made some 300 speeches from bis * »OUR»-CUaaifled ada Write quick for full particulars. Phone 4496. with garage, on North Main atreet, the AFL, was discharged as a mem- *^*<1’* AucUoneers 2213 aAmc Smith.’’ steam heal furnished. AH Improve- ber of the TWCXTs advisory com- Bridget’s ...... 2206 front i>orch, addressing in aU at tM ** © clock n oon; B a tu rd a y a Rawleixb't. Dept. CUL-48-59, Al- Here’s your classic shirtwaist least 1,000.000 persons. And he bany, N. Y. ments, Inquire North End Pack- —with new details! Tiny tucks mittee by Sidney HiUman, Its chair- ...... 2202 Eph—Yes sir, Zeke, as sure as I HOUSEHOLD GOODS m age store. Telephone 6910. man. | All S t a r s ...... was elected. tailor the blouse. Box pleats in 2182 R U S S I A T O B U I L D sit here now, I shot that old double- Promptly he plunged into a mo- TELEPHONE YOUR HUNDREDS OF USED Furniture the skirt, both front and back, let Mancbeater Green 2158 barrel in that flock of ducta, and I FOR RENT—6 ROO.M first floor WONT FOIXOW GORMAN Paper Makers .... mentous administration, which in- <2 d WANT ADS DOGS—BIRDS—PETS—41 bargains. 3 roomn furniture $76. you walk with as long a step as 2150 brung down five of them. * cluded the war with Spain, the flat with garage. 17 SUrkweather you Dleaac! It’s a drees that goes New York, Dec. 16—(A P)—Mil- Porterfields ...... 2163 H U G E W A R S H I P S Zeke (unconcernedly) —Didn’t I D O ,E*LL STICK TO HIS OLD CANARIES FOR SALE— Large Easy terms. Phone or write for a atreet. Inquire 713 No. Main street, annexation ol Puerto Rico, the •r* Meaptad evar tha talaphona ’’Courtesy Auto’’. Alberts Furni- everSrwhere aU day long. Shiny ton Rosenberg, New York state di- [Mers Barbers ... 2149 aver tell you about me hunting OOB OF PERMAMEMT O;?' Bt tha CHAKOE HATE xlvan abo.a selection, guaranteed dnuera. Get Buckland. little buttons and matching, re- rector of toe TextUe Workers Or- Town Garage .... Philippine Islands, Guam, all of M * *PPv*Plcb6a to ad.urttaara. but youra for Xmaa. R. Orlmley, 174 ture Co., Waterbury, Ornn. 2140 fOonMuiiea from Page One.) ] | frogs toe other night? Fired at which presented great problems RET1REMEMT*= ^ , .. ______movable cuff links accent the sur- ganising (Committee (CTO) said to- Mohawks ...... 2116 one, then 600 croaked. i atqvict, me.. T. atcl u. a pst . o r r g P*7MK.NT If paid at tha bual- Cooper street. Phone 7121. face of the rayon alpaca. And day that no members of toe Com- Flnast ...... to the I^eaident. HU handling of ANTIQUF: CHRI.STMAS OIFTTa— BUSINESS I.OCATIONS 2104 deprive toe Navy of Ita artillery the new poaseaslona, however, Candle stands, bedside tables, topping It all, is that most becom^ mittee In the state would follow Trojans ...... 2093 power by discouraging the construe- j After you have thrown away that (V IWg >y Faatalaa Fos) tort day tollowinx th . drat Inaarlli.n ot CANARIES FOR XMAS. Your FOR RENT 64 Ing little boy collar. In the sea- proved singularly cfflclent. Later choice of white, yellow. buB, van- chairs, foot r.tools, mirrors, chest FrancU Gorman "in his attempt to CJoloniala ...... 2074 tlon of big ships," toe article added, j little puckered up potato which you son’s best colors—you’ll find it at spilt our union’’ and return to toe Ramblers ...... have been lugging around as a In hU first term, Samoa was also biiiT, .Til" *‘>"•''•4 No r.aiM.nal- gated and green. Young birds in of drawers, sewing tables, beds. V FOR RENT-ST(JRE. comer of El- 2038 Win BoUd Big Ship* acquired and the HawaiUn Islands S( ()R(’HY SMITH ‘•'•Plion.d ada Ward's. American Federation of Labor. Royals ...... charm against rheumatism, we will The Die Is Cast! By JOHN C. TERRY full song. E. Scott, 194 Center St. Heileen, Manchester Green. Tel dridge and Spruce streets. Tele- 1916 "With these wreckers frustrated,"J were finally annexed. cannot ba cuarantaad. ' Tel. 8393. 6833. phone 7671. Gorman, president of toe United ba glad to listen to your tirade Bur eee, ne. bupec, vouo ee ft Tw 6. r. TexUIe Workers of America, said it continued, "our country will bul^ against superstition. The result was that McKinley, $ 0 , I'LL e e I HAVEN'T I P po^a-v YOU'LL se sMAitr -- T H A T '* A LL I N EEP big ships with powerful guns. at toe close of hU first term, tad yUASfDNQ VMK TIME. MAKING COMPeT/NS ATrewT rMe i=u 6ht ENOUGH TO ^TAV O Ui; NOW INDEX OP N O . M E T H O D I S T T O H O L D Tuesday in Washington that he tad THAT re x A 6 - A U 9 m A U A HOP T O PEC IPE TO MAKE HOI ISBS FOR RENT 6.'. sent letters "to 700 local unions of R O P B l R E S I G N S "The vital interests of our grea Customer—Could you suggest achieved tremendous prestige. HU AGAINST the i-ANPXHAVENT SAiP T H A T YPU KNOW FMD T H E F U G H T— yf TMUfTS CLASSIFICATIONS toe UTW” preparing toe way for an country demand a powerful w arl something for a giri friend’s anni- policies were generally approved, -sco«cHV !j aor thact ggEAT 5C O K H V WOULPN'T — G OIN G A FTER *90,000 $ewcp UP— tW r TSLU N O ‘m . BIrtha ______SEVERAL MODERN SIX ROOM C A N D L E L I G H T S E R V I C E early convention which would vote Navy able not only to defend toe I versary? toe man himself commanded sin- S M IT H -? / XORCHV/^ Bncacananta •aaaaeaaddaadtde single houses, also two family flats on re-afflUatlon with toe AFL and C A B I N E T P O S T country but. In case of necessity, Clerk—How about these book cere respect He was re-elected nACTicAuy- / I Marrlaxaa to advance and exterminate the en- | ends? In triumph. But a few months Oaatht ...... •«6aa«da*dd*ddaaa W A TC H FOR In excellent locations. Apply Ed an end to all ties with toe Textile Card of Thanlia ward J. Holl. Telephone Manches- Workers Organising CSommittee. (OoattaiMd from PBgs One) emy In his own territorial waters. Customer—Just one thing! She later he was shot while speaking In Uamorlan EMERGENCY ter 4642 or 8026. Special Music Scheduled For "A big navy needs a worthy per- always reads them before the be- at the Pan American Exposition t«at and round Sunday Evening; Christinas said that Roper wanted to return to sonnel of naval theoreticians armed ginnings. at Buffalo. N. Y. He died a few Annonneanitnta O PEN IN G! FOR RENT— SINGLE 6 room with Marxist understanding of days later, Sept 14, 1901. He was Ptraonala ...... (?arol8 To Be Sunn. T O U ) R E S T R I C H O N private ^life to attend to persona] af- house, with all Improvements, ga- fairs. strategy and tactics. • • * if "How would you like to wake up buried at Canton, hU home town, Aula •hllev CALLS rage. Rood location. Apply at 325 war comes, we, under toe leader- Christmas morning with only a hole where hU body lies today betide AutomoblUa for iUl* ...... G IA N T TIGER Roper’s letter of resignation dis- ship of toe party, toe government la jrour sock?’’ chanted toe loyal Automobllta for Hirhans* ...... Highland street. A Christmas candle light service W O D I D B E A G R E E D closed that he had expressed to toe that of hU wile in the impoaing Auto Acceaiorlti—Tire* ...... a will be held at the North Methodist and the leader of the people, toe and conscientious Salvation Army McKinley National Monument. Auto Rapaltina—I'aintins ...... 7 President on several occasions since great Stalin, will achieve complete workers on toe streets In an en- The President U shown here on a Auto 8choo*i ...... •.» FO O D M A RKET WANTED TO RENT 68 church Sunday evening at 7:30. It (Oonttnoed from Page One) March 4, 1937, "my dealre to return destruction of toe enemy on land, deavor to collect more nickels and Autut—Ship by Truck ’.IIIIIIU 1 P OLICE stamp of the new U. S. regular ae- win be toe regular Happy Hour, to private life In order to give need- and sea and In toe air." dimes. Shucks, I wake up every ries. Autos—For HIrs ...... ! 1007 MAIN STREET WANTED -BY BUSINESS couple, ed attention to my personal affairs Oaraos—Snrvics—Storias’" !" !! i« sendee and a fitting preparation for I *’®!*®ved there was a "general un^ morning with a bole in mine! (Copyriaht. 1911, NEA garviea, lae.) Motorryclet—Dicyclri ...... JT two room light housekeeping apart- toe Christmas season. I derstandlng” tost Owens-niiisols and which I have not been able to WOULD DOMINATE BALTIC. Wanted Auiosr-Mninrrycit* !!I! n 4343 ment. Kliist be reasonable. Write do while In public office." Rev. William T. Wallace, toe pas- production to 100, BerUn, Dec. 15.—(AP) —Weyer’s Box B, care of Herald. tor, will be In charge and the choir ^ * y®®*' 0>at Hatol- , -Roper asked that ------toe resignation HUlintas bcruita Ufferad ... 11 Naval Handbook for 1939 stated FKE('KLKS AND HIS FRIENDS By K]oHser Routrhn’d Sarvlcti Uffared ....ll-A will render special music under the I would not produce more than I effective Dec. 23 because he was today Soviet Russia Is making an WASHINGTIW TUBBS Bulldlns—Cuntractina ...... FIRE direction of the organist, Mrs. Vol- annually. planning to go south at that time, earnest attempt to become the By (rane OUT OUR WAY ^ Flu rial a—Nuraertea ney .Morey. The favorite, much- L “ cNaah said he had been willing Mr. Roosevelt said he was pleased Funeral Dtrretura ...... dominating naval power in the Bal- SUBECV. MAC, / T t N I A L f H E V ? VOO C A U. THE IVlEXCUS- DON'T CALL ME SOUTH loved Christmas hymns and carols ®nwj >nto such an agreement be- to have aasurances from the QiM. Uc. TiftlO,® I ’M >MO«lN CLVAR CX3WN “b IfeatinK—PlumblnK-noAfin'a Son 0 ^ V M L i K ILU U 6 0 ^ A N INWOCEMT MAM Inauranca ...... * will be sung, and will be climaxed ^",?? . no parUcuIar;r------mo- 1 net member "that jruur your reuremenireUrement The handboolc. for many years a A NUMiM.MOMj 1ment A.- nrle# ..!!!!!!’ 40 far aa I am concerned I have no A TIM-HOPM TVtPA MTj H OSPIT AL “ ro h T .n .u '^ toe Hartford, Manchester A Rock- considered a resolution the A D O LF O D E l A J M O WOUDER T V i m Y A K.?. * BirdB^Ota ...... »»Wcle,at Pair beauUfid ruby cut Sandwich vases, Venetian vase with riUe Tramway Company, later with assembly to Guayaquil.) Live •■^tocH- Vehirlea ...... MkJoRca, Bohemian glass, pair Parian toe Shaw Syndicate of Boston, which tuSd” ta 1 mT manufac- I feaS*toat^^Stalrtratl« toe^M CUC ARA C H A ly RBV OLU TIO N I z^l l mo t ^'iltr> and Suppllea Ij 3-P*ece set of Wedgewoompany, will re- tion, was deported to Chile In 1935 HOORAW rO R A,., , ''V.' "'•vellaeeo.. tire. on a charge he plotted in 1932 to re- Article* l-op Si!* ...... Mechanical banks, warming pans. Paisley Shawl, nalr Storllnr REBELS ^ a te and Accaearrlea *..•• Mr. Nichols la one of toe veterans turn to power. When he came back BuUdtua Materlala I? W ATER DEPT. fiw*Hoil lamps, candlesticks, bronxes, etc. Also a w l^ " * H aJS?o .5? ^ 5S ! to Ek:uador was not clear. (l“»llty modern furniture. You wUl enjoy the of toe road and alao one of toe best otoer companies had been granted Operation of the Federmi n...... DIaiiinnda—Watebea—jiw e lW '" aa good clean offerings this sale presents. known men In toe employ of toe He was president three months ^i'eVa’^d' «-«.o “ a, from August; 1931. when Army regi- 3077 Luncheoa Served Andltortam HrotrAHeat ed CkmnecUcut Company In Manches- ments Joined in a revolt without Hru'l:"h;ir’ir„rda‘^’^‘ ;? (After 5 P.M.) ter. His wife died last weelc. He feels O- SnUth. IfccD ^na^^ ^ ^ bloodshed against President Isidro / Ample Parkkic that he is entitled to a rest and aa ?*■ Actually the cost Is atlU less, be- Ayora. «6I A ae tk m e e rs * decision baa "turned I*"® Equipmant . . . . 44 7868 X#l Mala Street Maaebeater* Coaa. such equipment aa was owned President Mosquera Narvaez was Bpectala at tha Storaa , ij Pbone 81M elected only Dec. 2 by toe Constl- Wearlns Apparel—Fura ...... a? by toe company and announced hla bring- rent for a d ^ M r a ^ e qum era ata Wanted—To Buy . ™ ...... ‘2 retirement. toent assembly after the resignation. M A N C HESTER Hartford-Empirs Uoenslng tyrtem. I franking. p rlv U eg s.^^^^ ^ Without an announced reaaon, of _ ^ Mrataaraaia Manueal Marta Borrero. Rooma Wtthvui Board aa W ATER C O . MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Bogrdara Wantad .. .. *1...... a**? Plain English Hotel!—Raatanranta ...... i. By THOMPSON AND COLL Wanted—Rootna—Board . . . 11^2 tl 5974 ALLEY (K)P Less Talk and More Action . _ *»*l Cefata Pea lUet IH O A OARS 5TaOK6 [VE9|,)CMUSr I B y v H A M L I N ^ ^ * ’(®*ois. Plela. Tenaibants •• tl OF UXK-RLAMM6 ACROSS I ' M LMMO W^NW.TMArs THIS M MIRRESTaja-' Ivc MAOS Butlnee Locatlone for Rent ... BAioo A6 AIU ukcd«s ;7 'lHE*DOV«S ysPii auRc am! ^ VI CLOSS 9f I WMOBR IF thEFRE t-nasDOM me-T FOUR ROUNO- fS o S o HOMK. STMXr I WHY, s o u U T T L e UKE5 W ho! a wise (MJY / BGCauSR vbtrtfe A " Uouaae For Rent ...... G AS C O . HOIXkMa OPRM tM LOOK5JS RJR. MOM, IVV QOIMK OOP-WMKICHA DA s o M N r r wn*m T J PUP, I aaxjM Mortoi 'O B YBtJ wuaafT \ BU ' iuua.T . Suburban For Rent ... * TTb PS 1b HBR 0 P VOU WOliT V^TALKIM’ TOO V U W i ) B u a» .r Home. For R enr*.:;::; AAERT|Ml5’n < SUPBOSSZ A PO«D40 0R , O/WE 1C KINOSTON TWAU T O O r iBHAKRf. ho TRAft. VOO TO MUTHIM ------Li-/ NIRKr m »jr ~ he— HOUSB, BUT SO MAMY TlMRS Wantod to Rent ...... ‘ I : : : ; '3 f ,1 RLMUPAAO YOAMft VEftn . _ ■••• Botnto Poe Salo 5075 SHE'S IT EVRN DRES ■U01RP M A s j^ o n t Building tor Sslo ... -J ALWAYS ME TO THINK OF HAND/ Bnalneas ^ p o r ty for Balo OUT » Farm! and Land for Bala LETTlNe MT ¥ M C I Boaaea for SaJa •••••• MAKE THE T M Fj Lots for Salo .. ELECTRIC C O . m S S t £ S L ' " e S £ . ‘ r : ^ ! , : : : “ 5181 10 Wstiasg n Evening Herald m ill • S l l f e m Tbe CoamopoUtaa club will meet Cbapmaa Court. Order of Amar- Friday afternoon at the T. M. C. A. anth. will meet tomorrow evening la ABOUT TOWN The hostess will be Mrs. H. W. Robb the Maaoaio Temple. Tbe buaineee Y. M. C. A. Instead of Mrs. C. R. Burr wtio u wiU include the eiectloo ef offlcen. BOWLING ALLEYS OttboM Assembly. CstheUe La- In Florida. Mrs. C. BUmore Watkins Members are requested to provide a NOW I OBIIBBA1.9nsCTBlC H A L rS dles of Columbus will hold its refu- and Miss Marion Washburn will as- ten-cent gift for tha Chrlatmaa Open for Reserva- Ur busUess maetlnK Friday at the sist It will be the annual CSirlatmas party, arrangemenu for which A Blaaoh Far SUka Aad Wootaos K- o f C home. Members who have party and each member la request- are In charge of Mrs. Elale Knight tions Thursday and WASHERS SELF SERVE not made returns on the Silver ed to biinf a ten cent flft. and her commlttae. Jubilee end blanket raffles are rs' Saturday Nights. REQUIRE NO OILING quested to do so before Friday. Win Not Harm the Moat Delicato MIm LuciUe Cheney, daughter of For Rosorvations Phono 7206 2:30 to 5:30 Tbe Junior department of the Mr, and Mra. Neal A. Cheney, of Fabrka Concordia Lutheran church school Haynea atreet. who haa bean aerl- $ 4 6 . 5 0 and up Mery C Keeney Tent Daughters will bold Its annual Christmas party Allojri Open Every TRY IT TODAY! {FRIDAY SPEaALS o f Civil War Veterans, will meet to- oualy Ul with pneumonia, baa re- Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Afternoon! SUk City AUameele — Piwvee Bleoeh al(ht at the State Armory for a covered aufflelenUy to alt up a por- Senior department will have theirs Manebeater' BleMk — SUk City BleMh brief business session and Christ- Uon of each day. Lucille la a Junior An HalVM—light Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock Instead tudent at Manebeater High achooL Gamoa 2 for 25c. Man. Oeld Green Bluing mas party. Members are reminded of Wednesday as previously an- DISPUTE to provide ten cent gifts. nounced. W alnut M eats Get' > »eea gear Otoeer or Dial W48 Tne Woman's Home Missionary aociety will meet tomorrow after- i lb. 25c noon at 2:30 at the South Methodist Make Your Selec- church, when gifts should be brought Agent For tions Now From MANCHESTER CHEMICAL CO. AH Halreo—Largh Slae for the missionary boa. Mrs. Carl MfTe. ef Baw Chemieala for Laundriea and SUk a ty Fleer Was W aller N . Leclerc Hyman and Mrs. Lydia OUroore will the Most Complete W A TC H FOR be hostesses. Line of Funeral Service Pecan M eats O PEN IN G! SSS Nn. Mala S t PboM SSSS O P P E R S i lb. 29c C H R IS T A U S G IA N T TIGER

C A R D S Jack FToet OeefbetieMfy OKE a In Town FO O D M A RKET ^ Oe O. Fm O d d F e l l o w s sPEcija I SU G AR XMAS WRAPPINGS 1007 MAIN STREET Innerspving SEALS AND TIEINGS 1-lb. pkg. 6c ISTON *12 CASH F. E. B R A Y MATTRESS Deltrered. Aay Flavor Jell-O JEWELER or My-T-Ffam


TST Main Struot >12.95 DESSERT

LT.Wood G>. n BlsaeOSt. Masonic Temple TeL44M 2 pkgs. 9c* Tonight KEMP'S

C O A L . . . TIm COM J W H A U Old Compan}r*s Read Hie Herald Adrs. G. E. WILLIS A SON. INC Range ai Games

2 Main St. Phone 5125 25 $ 24 HOUR SERVICE

Telephone 3873

TEXACO CRVSTALITE RANGE OIL “A REAL TREAT ALWAYS” Door Prizes A Night At tha for a cheerful welcome

HOTEL SHERIDAN NORIARTY BROS, every m orning . . , 4 turkeys 301-315 Center St., Cor. Broad St. DINE AND DANCE

use ANTHRACITE Every Thura. and Saturday Night ADMISSION 15c FOR 2-CARD BINGO!

Tony O’ Bright and Hia p n r a themotlat on you- pretent Hotel Sheridan Orchestra tnlhracilo hcalor. Tbs Ibcrmoitat Doors Open 7:30. Game Starts At 8:30 Sharp! Wii invented, yon knew, for mo with FOOD 4ND DRINKS I No Cover Chargel FRIDAY AT PINERURST DIAL 4151 Generators amhrarile. It will keep yonr bouM at CN A CLASS BV THBMSELVE81 | No Mlalmom Charge! B h e Label Cream Type an oven, bealthfaj teniperatttre ell day If the ammeter poiiitei lang, Iben “mm down" tbe Ere at Yellow Corn swiitga back and forth rapid- nifht, aad “Itira it up" in the morning 2 cons 25c ly or remuina at aero mhilt •• yen’ll havn a aica, warm bonae to Sharflne Evaporated M ilk...... you are driving the genera- .. 4 cams 2.5c dreaa in. It win aave part of year hiel

Confectionery or Brown Sui;ar ... tor should be checked at COM. Well bo glad to recommend a DIN E A N D D A N CE ...... lb. 7c once. We replace nrusliea thermouat to give yon tbe moM even o? make repairs quickly I ht heat with the moM economiral fuel Every Thursday, Saturday N ight PHIC IVOR? Buffet Cans cause of the trouble ig elimi- HAPpy yon ran nae—Pennaylvania Antbracito SOAP rURES nated and future exiKJiiat DEL MAIZ NEW avoided.

YEAR D A N TE’S RESTA URA N T IVORYfUKK YELLOW CORN 10 East Center Street G. E. WILLIS A SON, INC. Odd FelWwB Building 99, NORTON CnnI, Lumber. Mnanna* Snppllea Now Servtag Hpadal Laacheons. Me — and Special Dinner., ase. EI.E( TRK’AL Paint Speelallxlng In RavloU and Spaghetti 2 Main S t XeL 3153 ^ to Oieheetra Every Thnreday aad Saturday Night IN STRIi’M E N T ( O. WINES-UqCORS AND BEERS Hilliard St, Phone 1060 THg SOtID FUit gOR SOLID COMFORT Halibut Everyb ody Is G oin g T o T h e POLLOCK ...... lb. i2i/^c Red Perch Fillets Flounder Fillets • Fresh LECIO N ^ S N e w Yearns Eve S t ^ Cod — Boiling Cod Stewing Oysters . . . .m, 33c

Chowder Clams The Practical Aspect Of Fillet of Fresh Scallops Haddock ...... lb. 23c Week-End Special PARTY and D A N CE December 16, 17 and 18. VI Gift Giving Takes On A

Full Cours6 Broiled Livo Lobster or STATE ARMORY Definite Meaning At The Sirloin Steak D inner...... $1.00 DANCING 9 P. M. TO 3 A. M. Additional Order of Above...... 50c

W. G. Glenney Cp. — Catering By Orsano So Give Yourself a Treat and “FID Up” With Lobster

or Steak. — For Example Cauliflower Sweet Potatoes or $ 4.50 Per C o u p le Chicory Genuine Y am s...... 2 lbs. 15c MANY OTHER CHOICES How About A Blue Coal

White Onions Large Bunches California Tickete Available From the Following Committee! Chairman; Heoiy W eir.^vis T h oi^ Carrots...... 2 bunches 17c Clifford Dolsen and Edward Quisli. HEAT REGULATOR! Olde Homestead Inn Phone 5841 or .5337 now and reserve a box for your found They’re ruggedly bulH for long service—«asy to in- party at only 35.00 extra. Boxes will accommodats SOMERS, CONN. Qi'^cen/Jnc. up to six couples. stall and their efficient operationH wiof jruuryour boileroDuer aavenaavea

I f o n e - n c r - r -02 ."^AIN str eet coontleaa atepa np and • ONt BLOCK from SJAUARtlOR',

down ataira tending fur-

nace and aavea fuel too. $ 18*95



Combinatioi 8 :3 0 , ST. JA M ES'S SC H O O L H A LL [POPULAR MARKET

Park Btrsst Christmas Cards Door

crocbries OR I

-Where Thrifty Shopge^r?


TURKEY Storm Sash 21 C o r d s. 25e

15 Cards 39c

15 Cards 59c 4^

24 Cards 75c BINGO SINGLE: 5 for fc- 2 for 5e• 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c each. ST. JAMES’S CHURCH REBUILDINO BENEFIT

Lx“ Jc^ 2 Or a Ton of

tall can SPECIAL 50c VALUE! 460A ASSORTMENT— 39c. 40 TURKEYS

That Good

A Great V arie ty • 2 5 O N REG ULA R G A M ES Fresh or Smoked Sliced


TOU ass IkATB A TEAZt Any af thaaa itema pravldt added eemfart for ROAST the whole ftunlly. “THE BIG LITTLE STORE" PCOUC Sw ordfi^

20 GAMES 25«

iC lb.

NICHOLS Seats and Ta ble t for 1,000. 3 * IfTN ai The W. G. Glenney Co^