E> ■ AVKBAOB OAILT OIBOCTLATION far thaMaatBad W ieaaitir, 1888 TUB WBATHBB > s d 0 . B . W s a S h a s 6,19.3 ■arttsf« Maashav s« Iks Aadtt ■wsaa ad Otoralstteas PWr t o d ^ aad F H ^ , < MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE ( HARM sd csM. VOL.LynL,NO.f4 (O sssWed Advsrttatag sa Page 18) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15,1988 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PKiUB INKEB CENTS INSURGENT FORCES CABINET SEEKS' No One Hurt in Plane Crash LARGE AMOUNT KEMP SAYS BROKERS LAUNCH 2 ATTACKS IN ARMS FUNDS w IN NEW OFFENSIVE MADE ‘GIFTS’ TO HIM i Debate On French Reqnest HeaTj ArtiDerj Bombtrd- WO»nEN SANTA CLAUSES Expected To Profide DaL PUri'lNO PARENTS ON SPOT OUT OF COMMISSIONS Eaaton, Pa., Dac. 15— (A P ) — adier’s OpposHioi With meots Accompaiiy Sbinl- Two woman who doimod red suits and whits whlaksn to 10( ^ch hit for Santa Clauses at Opportnnity For Attack. I R u s s i a n P r e t e n d e r Acciscd Pritests Uie Df fameoDs Assinlts In Christmas kettles on downtown BARWOODOVES •frasU are putting parents on Win Visit Sister Words Older Crest'lp* Northern, Western Spiin. the spot A satisfactoryitisfactor Pkrta, Deo. 16.— (A P )—Premier 1 planatlon Isn’t always at hand PUNS WTUNE when inquisitive youngsters Daladler’s national defenaa cablnst, warning Italy aad Germany that amiittioi Of State’s PI Rsndaye, France! A t the Spanish want to know why Santa’s voles sounds so much Uka mother’s. France would fight to protect her rronUsT), Dec. 16—(A P )—Spanish FOR ASSEMBLY -k empire, presented to ParUament to- loney Wiffis hasutgent forces launched sinnil- day the greatest arms budget slnee I tansous attacks today against gov- the World war. I arnment hues in northsra aad sraat- Repnblican P ropu n , If Car- Piijiiieiita Recored Alfo^ Debate on the budget, scheduled to sm Spain accompanied by heavy AVERS BRITISH b^^^inra^Utriy, was azpected to artillery bombardments. provide Oaladler*s opposition with ried Dot, WiD Break Land# Sold For Pkrkifi^.^ Artillery batteries In tha moun- nw opportunity to attack his poli^- tains near Tremp and Sort, in west- MONEY POWER clez And to opon tho w zy tor a now Lod{ - Established Ca»- era Catalonia, began raining shells test of bis strength la ParUament. Bridgeport, Dee. 18—A P )—41. on government fortifleatkmB in the The portion of the budget ear- Roy Kemp, toraser state land marked for arms, munitions and Seo de Nrgel sector. * CURB ON NAZIS tonkin State Lepslatiire. and defendant la a ccaaplraey The area Is Important as a aouros men fo r the French w ar machine waa tagged with a flat "do not growing out ef Merritt of hydro-dectrlc power for Barce- touch" sign. land deals aald today ha Uma, chief city of government Spain Chamberlam TeHs LuncheoD A total of nearly 40,(X)0.000,000 Hartford, Dec. 15—(A P) —State as •’gifts" paymento receivad; and center o f its war Industries. franca (about 8820,(XX),000) for the Chairman Benjamin E. Harwood to- At the same time Insurgent In- nation’s armed forces was distrib- two real estate brokers wUeb fantry opened an offenaive la the day disclosed Republican plans for resented part of oommlasiaaa Audience That Great Fi- uted ia various parts of the ordi- the 1030 General Assembly, which, far western part of Spain near nary and extraordlnarv budgets. them by cllento who sold Valsequillo, about 80 miles weat at 85 Per Cent Of 'lneomo If carried out, will break long-estab- for the highway right of v.^. Pozoblanco. nancial Resources Might Finance Minister Paul Revnaud llohed custom. The accused proteotod naa ef Canons Boar Koodly said this sum represented 66 per At a conference in the Allyn words "divlaioa of ooi House this forenoon, wtth Rep. W al- whan Stots’s Attorney Larin % The cannonading in the northern Profe Ded£ng Factor. cent of the estimated income for 1039 or 85 per cent of the actual ter Howe of Litchfield, probable WtUia croaa-ezamlnad him oo pt region was so loud that French choice for speaker of the House, Mr. ments received from Tbomm lesidonta on the other aide of the 1938 government income. Here is where some of the money Harwood made these suggestions: Oooke and Samuel H. SObai frontier easily could i.ear the bunt- 1. That three bualnees men ha ing abells. London. Dec. 15.— (A P )—Prime wUl go; r*al aatate brokers also mtder Minister Chamberlain, in a new, out- I To the Navy, which Navy given places on the Judiciary Com- apiraey ladletmaata. Spanish government military re- mittee, which has elwaya been com- spoken reierenca to Germany, told a Minister Cesar Camplachl declared WlUls asked tha witneaa to port said the Insurgents’ immediate would have 700.000 tons of war- posed exclusively ef lawyers. ply "a word that yan Uka objective appeared to be the border luncheon audience today that B rit- ships afloat by 1942. At present. 3. That St least one lawyer he ai- and Kemp replied: town of Puigeer. ain’s flnancisl power was s curb on Campinehl said, France’s Navy la algned to noajor committees, such as "I think these rantleinwi Insurgent aviation was grounded Nazi ztatezmen wh^ thay thought "equal" to the combined aea forces Appropriattene, Finance, Motor the .otraia that I was on the CataloaUa front In high of war. of Italy and Germany, although the Vehie'es, Banka, Roads, Brldgaa and knew what It was and I do hot winds and rain. Rivera. Tbs prims minister said: totaUtarian building program will aa though thara was a dtvtolai^^ On tha Posoblanco front, Uen- soon placa tha combined navisis 8. That the old rule foc^ Joint com- eommlaaioos. I faol as thoogk tt m l-Tflbn araliaaimo Francisco Franco's toroes "W s may taka it that when Qsr- mittees be revived at the forth-com- ahead. ■ton a gift oa thotr part launchad their offenaiva with a man itatsamen—l wiU not say ths 2—To the a ir force, which wlU ing oeaelon.’ In the 1987 aesaloa, at German psopls—reflect on the pos the Insistence of Democrats, the “CbarityT" aokad WllUa. attack followed swiftly by wavaa of laeraaae its officers by 1,847 aad (ta A. J. Walkar, pHot, and Private* J. Dac. 16.— (A P )- G r a n d TPooribly." answered Keaap. tafutrym m . slbls consequences of a conflict, if Petna» auffarad only Senate aad Houae aet up their own ever a conflict should arias between nen-eommissioned officers aad msa a ahaking up when their puine developed motorLor trouble and eraahod Duka----- ---------- VUdlmir,- 21-year-old pre- Q. Tau didn’t look upon It Govnnment reports aald that tha by 18.390 through a measure at- committees, although Joint hearings tender to the non-existent throne at our two countries, they tbt«k not nAtf BAlUniorAs Md. Th« plAne Iz zhortly After th# crAck*up. were held. charity, 4kt you! charge failed whan ‘4-ftntv troops, tached to the budget. This would The ertay avlatora aU the Russlaa, today left for .Parta only of our armamenu but of our The army aylatora, were flying in formation vrltb other ^ p a to 4. That the sdectlon of a House A. No, I did not also behind Unas of tanks, stopped bring the total air force officers to Langley field, Va. oo bis to Borlia wtiera ‘ giwat flaancial raaourcaa, whlob in a 3,702 aad nma, iaeludlaff BOB-ama- leader, .who will bo Judiciary Com- Q. Tow didn’t liava to Ben the Frawoo oharga aad oountar-at- -rar of long duraUdta might wall planaad to spaflfl Chriatmaa with Ilia charity? ^ mlseloasd offieera, to M jm . Much ■ittiM chalnnSB, ha left to tha two ■totor, Oraad Duchaaa Kirat and poa- ■i' w ,' prova to be a deriding factor." of the air force money win be m nt leadiag eandldates. themsolvea. Rep WanM Uka «a 8hMb -It la this aanaa which ia always oae Chancellor AdoU Hitler. JUdgt Frank P. McBn^ on speeding ug fTtneb warplane Hugh M. Alcorn, Jr., of Suffleld. Tha grand duke’s London friends Daspits lasugant aviatloii, tbaas wtth us aad whicb 1 aza mire is in it- productiOB. •ad Rep. Harold E. Mitchell of fory this raonilng that ha npoits said, govaramsat troops pur- self o vary great influence In pro- West Hertford. docllaed to take sarloualy publizhed like to finish this case thla sued retreating Inaurgsats la tha serving the peace of* the-* world.- - rt 2—To tha land Army, which gets FIRST WOMAN PICKED reports be might have a pliaoa ia Waterbary Trial May latorfero Ha aald ha raalintd tha Jurora south. Inflicting heavy loaaea. newer and better guns, additional Hitler's Ukrainian ambitions. A Stronger Stood ladleatod motorised equipment and Improved The proposal that Mr. Alcorn and have a lot to 4a with tha spokesman for him said ha "nilgbt Tha government said tbs Insur- Chamberiam’a brief reference to fortlfleatlons. Mr. Mitchell, members of the same season coming oo and ha gent obJscUve was a fortlfled Una or might not" make a courtoay call Germany seemed to Indicate a some- To Baefc Up Warning. ON WATERBURY JURY law firm and assistant state’s attor- on Hitler during the four daya ha "co-operato with tbam." In tha Morena mountains which what stroogar Une toward the Naal Much o f the money earmarked neys for thla county, settle the ques- TIm Jud^ said "It was bag^|j^ guard tbs c l^ of Pqzoblanco, center waa expected to visit In the home of laaderahlp alnca the German am- for the three branches of the serv- tion among themselves, Mr.
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