••LB XAJCB»-ConlloB«a Collector's Sale of Properties Tu i Let No.; 3tc. VaU Tax CoaU Pa-Mr ' Vain* ' Val. riknowo, lDlrra«ctlon aoulbcut alda or KnwkW.UeOofdy ISO) CO SMW I. looo i30 IIS K 70 for Unpaid Street Assessments. IrWO 00 41 76 6001» ii ao 70 Wain avenue, aoj feel aoulbweit of i B M n »•» 70 Klliy-afeoniSa-raetiaoutliwwiaco lert by ..„___ n» Ul III"!! •outbeMl to the Allan! o Ooean • 1100 00 • fj Si ti 06 iU OU n tu x nknown, inlWMctlnn aoulheaat aide of > 40 00 Wl Valin ,Ta»' Co.1 Wealay avenue, KM left aoulliweat or . Office of the Tni l"ollector, woo • m runk K.cliamplop.71 Moceui froDl.ln- flfly-aecond atreel, aoulUweaMWlNl by William MaliMr ID wuu batata 4 IH 2 00 ho on in iu liTxiH-llanimulknuiC Allnnlio avenue HBII , aolitbeaat lo Ibe AlUntloOoeuu * 200 10 auarTl toTh. Ctarl-f oi ^^ for pb H.Uonuo K>l. tun no III Kl m)iilhwml Moorlyn tsrnue, aoullimat 7i • nktiown, Intvnecllon anutheaal Hide of aulo at publlo auction nn William !*«• feel by MHitlwnit lu Uw Uoardwalk ' 2AW 00 470 Ml WOJ Wealey avenue, 4JO reel aoutbwial lo Kd woaioa woiu noil M.CumplKjll.-jr. rn-i oemn rnini<aauilira-l Kllly-Moond atr.el.aoutbweal W le*t by . lnuoou 41 08 2.1! a 05 Friday, the thJricenth dny of October, ibar, north cor- 1)00 OU liee»nuTenuo l» rwl •oulbwvui, rnnn • aoulbaaallo Ibe Atlantic Ocean 100 09 In omo ai m Tenili mmt, MII>UIW«I2A Ant bynuuin- nknown, tnlenwellan aonlbeaal aide of • ma oo vHwltotltB lloanlwaik astnoo . si "Jo 2a> -r. JJJfl!Bl aoulhwrat of oloven. at two n'olork p- m. of that dav ai ihe Council IHM Wealey avenue m .« Kdwar.1.' llulldlng.norf. eoniernr Klicuth SIIMI ,,, SWICO. IHM obn Mnru. Mfratbay rrnnt, norlbmat <••"• Kilty-thirKllly-fhlridl streeialrei'i, nouiuweaaoulbwaatl •IW feel by ?biln lot«.-tr»«« or wiroilnor land herelnart.r more |«rl|,^ W»(0 Ti>nlh nnU th« buy. Ml rml unrlheiul by lUlhenatl - anno. Tiain ioi«, «~; ,;,_ _.„._, »,„,, lju»l»d l.y Ibe cuinniU. WMIU • HIM noutheast li Ihi Ailantlc O.-esu H( William Lane MoulheaRt lo I'alun uvennn • 1400 Ul 32 <8 1 IU BA —I u_a •-a *rV| a •— l...iu .**^ KKIOO •JOK» nanown, Kouthea»liildaor Wnlry avenue, .«K.Uapp 18 Ml Ai h. Hcull. HoulbeHNi Midi* of I'alnn avenue.TC IW reel southwest Kltty-lhlrd Mreel, KM Ml 18 IW reel nonh-ii»t Irom Tenlh lira*, oortb- •nntbweal W leel by soiilhi'uol to Ihe Jnla. beredltam.au and rml wtaleaolo •A 00 eiwlior. foci l.ykoulheH«UU feet I 400 00 Allanllo ucean tSSpmowavUnM whom Ilia «ld lun lftl» \. U. Himll. norlfiwvNt nlila ot INeitaiire ave-. nknown, snullirasl slil'or Wealey avennn, or K« wSe^uid U» •oiouol ol lun laid jowl UTKbltnbUlorilby %0 reel -mulliwe.l of Fllly-lliliil Ntreel, narthwol WO leel. 4OU 00 II 2S . I IU t«iullr%e«l 00 leet by saulheiixt lo Ibe VOL. XXXI. sro aa rollowK 'JOUO A, l>. Houll, soultwaul aid* or Pleanimi* ave- Allnntlullcean .. lonoo 2 :r.» i ir, OGEAN CITY. N. J;, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1911. Lai No. Sec Vsl. IIUD, IM ftwl norlbeam rrom T<ioth>tnel, nknown, nouiUim.l side or.Wealn * avenue, N. P. woo oo norlluwxt Imty rixil t>y souUixant 100 rml 100 00 -JTrO leel snulhwem or Fifty- lilril l.lri'et, > auooo A, l>. Heull,l7r«>t tuur rronl, U07 hwts.iulli- wiulli'renl m-lm't tiy sojilw.Nl-to the 117ft 00 vnn rram'IVntli slmit,iu>nllivr«it I7r™i . Atlaullooceun ' •2 t» 'J tti two oo •JJOO by soutbi-ast to wltbln iro run ol Hay avu- Inknnwn, AoilthMii.t sldenr We*ley iivemus SIKIMOAI. n m oo * nnv, Ihenoa northwutl to Walton place • 300 leet soillhwe>l of Firiy-tll'ril «lre.<l Ocean City Sentinel B 1011 00 .V. l>. Scull. InlonMcllon nortlieiwl lUy avo- Nouthweal M reel hy noutneiixt lo the HAND, \ C. HUTCHINSON, M. D. BISHOP CONFIRMS CLASS, W. SGOH HAND IAUU uue and Walton plaiM*, uortnwertl IH f«il Ailanllc Oc-tmi ;- CANDIDATES WORK MS 00 . .Publlah.d Wnklyal wain iw ou hy southwent NO revt -' . lnknnwu,tuiullinii«l aldeor W«»ly nvi'nile, ' J",^P J,ie«or, M»«my A KdwarUV lIuMaYnr' ATTORNEY and •taoa liuuo Viiililhn Uliimr.inrMt or hay front,."MO frtt :n) reel aoiuhwe.i ol Klfly third -Irm'l. ' |1 ( Hotnioeopattbia't. tuau ir. go •.iHilbvrmt from TwolMi street.uulbwMt soultiweMl U r*vt by HOIIOIO.IMI to Ibj OCEAN CITV. N.' vl. •join IW tint by wiulbenst Ui I'lnwure avonua Ji«l IU 51 04' I in Atluutlc Utvtin ' ' • 2 :t! j! tfi COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, 624 EIGHTH STREET TALK OF NEW CHURCH HERE HIGHLY HONORED David Vmmmil. all that land Ivlmi between 48» JO 00. llknowu,*40U1hei!Ht side or Wenley KVUIIUII. OCCAN CITV. N. J, wnoo JUU> • Hlxltitli »lri*el and Con-pn'a Inlyl, between linj reel soiuliMesl ol Finy.lhml dtrfel, orrioic .HOUUH-H lo 10 WkOO the Atlantic Ocean and Heneli Thorough. •fomhwrai loo reel •\ty nouttii>i.Nt sout •JUKI 00 41140 IHT HOVMB, H. J. Utonp.u.. moo _ nn JO no Martha N. Bull, begins* in reel aoutlieuHt or uknown. InlermM-tlnu MouOieuM U'twley R. 'CURTIS ROBINSON (Oppmlto fubllfl Balldlaga). Rev. John J. Sweeney, o! Gov. Wilson 8elects Him A Allen Scan,': 1I0O0O •JI iu south corner Mfxlb and Central'.avenui*. uvenue aud t«»iilliwe t Kiny-r»urtiiMire«*i,' Inier-Hlale I7»-M •jo oo I nan Mulkcaal alonK Hlxlu atraii II) I. el. south "ml IIU feet hy MUIIIIIVIINI to I lie Editor and' Proprietor 8t. Augnstine's, Highly Delegate to Big Watcr- 40000 then ollhl" wldlbaonlbn-eHlpamllel will! AtlunllAlliinllc lOrfiin W. HOLT ArXlAH. > AMOaKW O. BUHWBM. | N. GRISCOM, M. D. ness, Has* JOUI k Allionnt liilt* rml MINISTER FILES oai on ;iiikuo*inaouUtfMiMlHl(lttoo*ina f Wu»li y avenue, nw- 1 57 COUNTY CLERK asm •jo on Marltm S'. Iiai, begins in hwt soulliwml <il lM lt uhwwiht t FlltylurFllty-lourtlt i -irvt-i,, 8nccessfnl as Rector. ways Convention. 31 OO lo-t H XX W OFFICES KIUHTH HT. AND WKHIJKV AVK Prom the Contest^ 4fiotn went i*orn«r or niter Mlritxlb and Ui-mrrtl HOUthweh t :U1 feot byy NouilieuNNouiliell to tini * S KK &7 JOIU uvenup,then aoulliwest alonu Ibe alley X> «r.oo Pet Year, Strictly in Ad'vnncn. The UlRlit llev. Hinliop MdKaill,. o The following letter In W. Hcol lAOUtt A Mum to on uu • .« • IW W llolli Plunm—Hell, 15; inter-HUle, 1K!-A UOOO leet, then or thin width parallel with Hltxli nknowu. «outhfiiH'*K|il« of Wmttey ftvanuft. S Mi The election of three oommtariotMMr < 'joro : Apgar & Boswell, lOfflca Hoora- Until lOu. m. rrom U to H p, m. tlie Trentou Dlocene. accompanlei by STRONG PROTEST Hand from (lovernor Wllxoil rxplalni 43O0U Hlreel 4<irrel ' • : 1', Rl 2 tit l(V ftMt, Houtttwtmt ul Kllly-fourtliMtrpot* H M • , CHARGES. BY LOT •JOOO B for Oceau City, tinder Ibe new form of' '• trooo T. H.Simmons. IHUII In block between Nine- HualltweHt 111* feet by M>utli**»t U> Ilie UUTSIU in VHAMOCHV, • . No onto boura Hunday. Ilk secretary, the Jlev. Dr. Urlftlu, Itself: IUI IU H KH tit HUUKHK UUI1.UINU At Klrliard Townaend'a, Palermo,4J0 to 630 government, will be held pept T^a*-^ , 450 OO 10 44 100.00 teenth and Twentieth slreels. K. Winley Atlnnltc (Icruii h *o( W- came to this city Sunday alternoou 4ta aa 10 41 100 00 avenue > ' " . iruknowa, littvrMM't.on HonUi«i»<t Wesley CITY DIRECTORY. AHI1UIIY AVKNUK and KlUttVu HTKKKT p. iu. dally, llell l'bone. farmer's uue, H»l 2 HTATK OP NKW JKIIHKV 1 ObjectBto Way He 8ays He day, and live of (be six recentlyiii>intvt><' 40O0O K>44 100 Ul H. Hlniiiion«,tK)Ulhoa»«t Mldeol Wesley Mi - uvenui* nod MOM) liwor>t Fifty lift h «ir*ef, S KS " IiT OOKAM VITV. M. J. and- admlnlatered conl|rmallon to a Kxecutlve Department City Collector Burlcigh Calls 430 00 1041 HoatbweNi W r ot by wiuth»-a-t li> Ihe nated are making strong efforta to BT«^, loom * nue.'fioroel MOilthweHtorTweiillethntreet, . • W Hunday CIBBH of eleven. >H 40000 am IIU id soulhwenlSW le«l by southeast to Atlunll.* Atlantic (k-eun II 111 VI UTY OFFICIALS Was Treated by Mem- September 28, 1911. 4001)0 IIU 00 •£> IIU 2 U". Unknown*nouihettnl »tneof WeMluy uvt-uut*. Council's Attention to 40000 • •» 'nkoun,t.aulliea«t side ol Wiwloy uvoiuu, TiOtwl HOIIthwetl Kirty-nitliHtnwl, HOUIII- •- • III Maynr-I rarls M. I'rewe. OFFICES - The naniea of tltoMe coiillrmed are My dear Mr. llaml: 100 OJ ii "! a l-r-nl.u ul <>r<',mm'll-Ji>!in Jt'irls bers of Council. Allen Scull has withdrawn.','.• ]<&*•,* asoin su I'JTilU i» reet Minthwesl Twen'y-rltwl street, weMtno fi«et by Mititlitvi t lo ibo AtluitlU* •7, ^m:AUenCorson,M.DA?£ Margaret, iBabella, Stanley, Huinberl New Plan. 401 Ul 10 44 southwest 100 reel lo Uw AllHiillc Oxea'i Ocean • CMy I'lerlt—Itolln Uarretson. I have today taken the liberty ol Ii. (U 411 l>- '-'W '4'i^asurer—li. 1'iirtls llobliiHiin, Godfrey & Godfrey, and. Victor; Pontiere, Kloreuce" and At Ihe meeting of Council Monday wrote tbe following letter on Tuesday: a SO 00 6 SO KIIO .'nknown. «oiillieii»t Wemey nvrnur. ISO reet Unknown, nouth iml Hide ol Wtwiev uvenin*; IM «Jolle>'bir-K.
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