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Sustainable Environment & Architecture The 20th International Conference on DEFENSE DISCOURSE IN BALINESE Sustainable PURA ARCHITECTURE Environment & Architecture Salmon Priaji Martana 1 1 Universitas Komputer Indonesia Urban Retrofitting: Building, Cities and Communities [email protected] in The Disruptive Era Presenter Affiliation: Organized By: Supported By: INTRODUCTION & LITERATURE REVIEW Defense discourse in Balinese Pura Architecture In the year 1478 Majapahit is fallen. Javanese converted to adopt Islamic culture, except for the small group of 2,000 noble, artists, architects lead by the priest Danghyang Nirartha. They fled to nearby Bali to build a new Majapahit. The group was then received by the King of Bali, Waturenggong and later on they were agreed to shoulder to shoulder building Bali as the Neo Majapahit. Having known that the influence of outside culture always comes from nearby the coast, endangered the Majapahit legacy, Nirartha build a new style of worship complex- a temple later known as PURA- in Bali’s main coastal area. He was also builds several similar pura in the southern part of Bali. Scholars believe that Nirartha was not only build a temple. Instead, he was building a FORTRESS. A visual fortress to guard the Hindu-Majapahit culture and beliefs, to save it from outside infiltration. The Design patern of Nirartha’s then becomes typical, know Organized By: Supported By: famous as “The Gianyar Style.” 2 INTRODUCTION & LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1. Fortress in Nusantara 1.2. Fortress in general Balinese Pura Characteristics Section Rectangular to octagonal Plan buildings. Fortress of Majapahit era More than 5,000 m2 area . More than 10 m high walls, Walls with over 1 m of thickness. Two storeys with various function according to the height. Observation tower in the Tower corner. One gate, in and out. Gate Organized By: Supported By: Narrow access. Access 3 Place Your Affiliation Logo Here METHODS Architectural survey was conducted on pura building and environment. 3 was selected to represent the features regarding the existence of Balinese temples. It is then compared with fortress characteristics in literatures. Pura Uluwatu for the original Pura Jagatnata in Denpasar pura built by Nirartha in coastal to represent urban pura, the of southern Bali city’s largest one. General Characteristic Plan; Form Area Tower Gate Walls Access Pura Desa Peliatan at Ubud to Organized By: Supported By: represent the character of village kahyangan tiga pura 4 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Table 2. The Temple Pura Jagatnata Table 1. The Temple Pura Uluwatu Table 2. The Temple Pura Desa Peliatan PLAN PLAN PLAN A perfect rectangular plan, 2,000 m2 of area. A perfect rectangular plan, 2,000 m2 of area. A rectangular based plan, with additive and subtractive parts adjusted to the contoured elongated land on the cliff. 1,000 m2 of area. WALL WALL WALL High and thick Brick wall. Height of over 2 m. High and thick Brick wall. High and thick stone wall of over 1,7 m and 0,7 m. TOWER TOWER A bale kulkul on the north and south corner of the pura. A bale kulkul on the east corner of the pura. Also a tower-like meru in the innercourt and one TOWER additional tower for device storage. A bale kulkul on the northeast corner of the pura higher ground. Also a tower-like meru in the innercourt, GATE GATE Wide gate on the candi bentar, suficient for 3 or 4 people. Narrow gate on Kori Agung, also Narrow gate and and additional aling-aling wall behind the gate. additional aling-aling wall behind the gate. GATE One main gate to enter the site. ACCESS ACCESS Narrow access next to the lane beside the city square. Narrow access next to the village path. ACCESS Organized By: Supported By: Narrow and slopy access. 5 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Table 5. Characteristic comparison of Puras and fortress in general Fortress Pura Luhur Uluwatu Pura Desa Peliatan Pura Jagatnata Denpasar General Characteristic Ubud Plan 5,000 m2 of area 1,000 m2 of area 2,000 m2 of area 3,500 m2 of area Walls High and thick wall High wall High wall High wall Towers Observation tower Tower of Meru and Bale Tower of Meru, Bale Tower of Meru and Bale Kulkul Kulkul and storage. Kulkul Gate One gate with gate keepers Kori Gate with gate keeper Candi bentar Gate with Candi bentar Gate with statues gate keeper statues gate keeper statues Access Organized By: Supported By: Narrow and directing Narrow and directing Narrow and directing Narrow and directing access access access access 6 CONCLUSIONS Most all the characteristics of the fortress environment are fulfilled in the Balinese temple of pura, which were built after the Nirartha era. 500 years after the era of Danghyang Nirartha, pura is getting closer to the fortress characteristics with high walls -twice the height of a man- and the addition of towers. Closer to the urban environment, the fortress character is more pronounced. It appears that Nirartha and the Majapahits have successfuly survived the shift of power influence on the land of Java. This understanding has survived to this day. Temples built outside the island of Bali are always said to be “fortress of faith” protecting the Hindus from the infiltration of other beliefs. Organized By: Supported By: 7 REFERENCES [1] Martana, S.P; The impact of tourism on Ubud painting art, ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism; 2002; 1(2), 117-132. [2] Maharlika, F; Tinjauan bangunan pura di Indonesia, Wasa Cipta Ruang; II(2). [3] Martana, S.P, “Pola Inkulturasi Gereja-Gereja Katolik dan Protestan di Bali dan Jawa Tengah,” Ph.D. dissertation, ITB, Bandung, 2010. [4] Suhardana, K.M. Menelusuri Kawasan Suci Hindu berdasarkan kitab suci Weda, Panakom; 2006; Denpasar. [5] Titib, I.M. Teologi dan simbol-simbol dalam Agama Hindu, STAH Negeri Denpasar; 2000; Denpasar. [6] Putri, R. H, ‘Benteng Pertahanan Zaman Kerajaan’, 2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 15-Oct-2020]. [7] Setiawan, P, ‘Kuta dulu dikenal dengan nama "Benteng", tempat mendarat Pasukan Majapahit (1)’, 2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 15-Oct-2020]. [8] Prawira, I. B. A, ‘Dualisme pura dalam pariwisata budaya Bali’, 2020. [Online]. Available: budaya-bali. [Accessed: 15-Oct-2020]. [9] Suyatra, I. P, ‘Pura Dalem Pengalasan; Sebagai Benteng Pertahanan Serangan Musuh’, 2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 15-Oct-2020]. [10] Kepala Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Buleleng, ‘Ringkasan Perang Jagaraga Tahun 1848-1849’, 2016 [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 15-Oct-2020]. [11] Kasdar. (2018) : Arsitektur Benteng dan Rumah Adat di Sulawesi. Jakarta: Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa. [12] Wyley, S.F. and Lowe. S, ‘A Dictionary of Military Architecture Fortification and Fieldworks from the Iron Age to the Eighteenth Century’, 1990. [Online] Available: [Accessed: 7-Mar-2019]. [13] Crystal, E, ‘Fortresses and Defense Walss’, 2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 7-Mar-2019]. [14] Sari, M. D. A, “Persepsi guru sejarah tentang keberadaan situs benteng Portugis dalam pembelajaran sejarah di SMA Negeri 1 Donorojo Tahun pelajaran 2014/2015,” Bachelor thesis, Unnes, Semarang, 2011. [15] Pemerintah Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni, ‘Bupati Berharap Pura Bhuana Shanthi Dijadikan Sebagai Benteng Moral dan Kekuatan Pada Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa’, 2019. [Online]. Available Organized By: Supported By: 8 The 20th International Conference on Sustainable Environment & Architecture Thank You Presenter Affiliation: Organized By: Supported By: .
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