SEVINÇ TÜRKKAN State University of New York-Brockport Department of English
[email protected], Skype ID: sevinc.turkkan Cell: (217) 766-7201 Office: (585) 395-5710 EDUCATION PhD in Comparative Literature, University of Illinois-Urbana, IL, May 2012. Dissertation Title: A Journey from Writer to Translators: Orhan Pamuk’s Novels and Their “Afterlife” in English and German Translations Dissertation Director: Prof. Wail S. Hassan Preliminary Examination Fields: 20th century British, German, and Turkish Literatures, Translation Theory Certificate in Critical Theory, University of Illinois, Unit for Criticism and Interpretative Theory, expected December 2011. Advanced Graduate Teacher Certificate, University of Illinois, Center for Teaching Excellence, May 2010. Graduate Teacher Certificate, University of Illinois, Center for Teaching Excellence, May 2008. B. A. in Western Languages and Literatures, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2000. Study Abroad Program in Germany: • Freie Universität-Berlin, Berlin, May-August, 2007. • Ludwig Maximilians Universität-Munich, May-August, 2006. Study Abroad Program in U.K., University of Reading, Reading, Spring 1996. AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Primary: Translation studies, modern Turkish and German literatures, cross-cultural and comparative studies. Secondary: Theory, practice, and pedagogy of translation, Turkish-German literary relations, Anglophone literatures and postcolonial studies, world literature, women and gender, cinema. LANGUAGES Turkish and Bulgarian (native), English (near native), German (fluent). BOOKS Approaches to Teaching the Works of Orhan Pamuk. Eds. S. Türkkan and D. Damrosch, New York: Modern Language Association of America (under contract). Other Orhans: Orhan Pamuk and his Translators (under review). 1 ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS “Teaching Translation and World Literature: The Thousand and One Nights” in Teaching Translation. Ed.