
Quant. Phys. Lett. 5, No. 3, 33-47 (2016) 33 Quantum Physics Letters An International Journal


About Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, Electroweak Vacuum and Dark in a New Suggested Proposal of Completion of the In Terms Of Energy Fluctuations of a Timeless Three-Dimensional Quantum Vacuum

Davide Fiscaletti* and Amrit Sorli SpaceLife Institute, San Lorenzo in Campo (PU), Italy. Received: 21 Sep. 2016, Revised: 18 Oct. 2016, Accepted: 20 Oct. 2016. Published online: 1 Dec. 2016.

Abstract: A model of a timeless three-dimensional quantum vacuum characterized by energy fluctuations corresponding to elementary processes of creation/annihilation of quanta is proposed which introduces interesting perspectives of completion of the Standard Model. By involving gravity ab initio, this model allows the Standard Model Higgs potential to be stabilised (in a picture where the Higgs field cannot be considered as a fundamental physical reality but as an emergent quantity from most elementary fluctuations of energy density), to generate electroweak symmetry breaking dynamically via dimensional transmutation, to explain and dark energy. Keywords: Standard Model, timeless three-dimensional quantum vacuum, fluctuations of the three-dimensional quantum vacuum, electroweak symmetry breaking, dark matter.

1 Introduction will we discover beyond the Higgs door? In the Standard Model with a light Higgs , an The discovery made by ATLAS and CMS at the Large important problem is that the electroweak potential is Collider of the 126 GeV scalar , which in destabilized by the top . Here, the simplest option in the light of available data can be identified with the Higgs order to stabilise the theory lies in introducing a [1-6], seems to have completed the experimental particle with similar couplings. This programme can delay verification of the Standard Model as formulated in 1968 the collapse of the potential, but implies that the new by Weinberg, Glashow and Salam [7-9]. Although the coupling must be very finely tuned in order to avoid Standard Model of strong and electroweak interactions has another blow-up. Consequently, the natural step is to passed all experimental tests during the last 40 years, stabilize it with a new . In this picture, the new however many relevant questions remain unanswered and scalar is thus much like the stop quark, the fermion is just lead to the conclusion that this theory might not be the final like the Higgsino and the resulting theory looks like very theory of the universe. much [10]. In particular, the most fundamental topics which are The fact that the only available “new physics” is the waiting for a consistent and satisfactory explanation regard Standard Model strongly motivates studies of what should be considered the real origin of ’ its implications for our understanding of the fundamental masses, what is the origin of the difference between matter laws of Nature. In this regard, the first set of questions to and antimatter and, above all, the nature and the origin of address is the phenomenological consistency of the the dark matter and of the dark energy and how one can Standard Model itself. The second set of questions to unify the fundamental interactions and quantize gravity. address is what the Standard Model inconsistencies imply Strictly linked with these topics are then the following for new physics, and how to improve/extend the Standard questions. How is the electroweak symmetry broken? Is Model. there such a thing as an elementary scalar field? What is On the other hand, investigation of the structure of the the fate of the Standard Model at high energies and Standard Model effective potential at very large field temperatures? Does the Higgs boson need help, e.g. from strengths opens a window towards new phenomena and supersymmetry? Did the Higgs boson play a role in can reveal properties, which lead to an ultraviolet generating the matter in the Universe? Why is there so completion of the Standard Model. In particular, as shown little dark energy, despite the propensity of the Higgs field recently by Lalak, Lewicki and Olszevski in [11], one of to contribute many orders of magnitude too much? What

*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected] © 2016 NSP Natural Sciences Publishing Cor. 34 D. Fiscaletti, A. Sorli: About electroweak symmetry breaking … the possible windows is the investigation of the structure of field coupled to the Higgs sector. This minimal extension the effective potential in the Standard Model. The three of the Standard Model by one complex singlet field solves authors found that for the central value of the top mass and the wrong vacuum problem, stabilising thus the Standard for the central value of the measured Higgs mass the Model Higgs potential, generates electroweak symmetry physical electroweak symmetry breaking minimum breaking dynamically via dimensional transmutation becomes metastable with respect to the tunneling from the (inducing a scale in the singlet sector via dimensional physical electroweak symmetry-breaking minimum to a transmutation that generates the negative Standard Model deeper minimum located at superplanckian values of the Higgs mass term via the Higgs portal), provides a natural Higgs field strength. The computed lifetime of the Dark Matter candidate for the Standard Model which is in metastable Standard Model Universe turns out larger than well agreement with present Dark Matter measurements, the presently estimated age of the Universe, however the and is a candidate for the inflation. Gabrielli and his co- instability border in the space of parameters authors write: “Compared to previous such attempts to M  M formulate the new Standard Model, ours has less top Higgs looks uncomfortably close and this parameters as well as less new dynamical degrees of suggests that the result is rather sensitive to various types freedom. In this framework, the false Standard Model of modifications that can be brought in by the Standard vacuum is avoided due to the modification of the Standard Model extensions. More precisely, Lalak, Lewicki and Model Higgs boson quartic coupling Renormalization Olszevski made a map of the vacuum in the Standard Group Equations by the singlet couplings. The electroweak Model extended by non-renormalisable scalar couplings, scale can be generated from a classically scale invariant taking into account the running of the new couplings and Lagrangian through dimensional transmutation in the going beyond the standard assumptions taken when scalar sector, by letting the quartic coupling of the CP-even calculating the lifetime of the metastable vacuum. By scalar run negative close to the electroweak scale. The considering a modified scalar potential where the order 6 vacuum expectation value of this scalar then induces the or order 8 coupling constitute the dominant parts in the Standard Model Higgs vacuum expectation value through a large field domain, they demonstrated that effective portal coupling.” stabilisation of the Standard Model can be achieved by lowering the suppression scale of higher order operators In this paper, in order to solve the problems of the current while picking up such combinations of new couplings, Standard Model mentioned above, we introduce a general which do not deepen the new minima of the potential. scalar potential in the picture of a three-dimensional (3D) Lalak’s, Lewicki’s and Olszevski’s results show the timeless quantum vacuum characterized by elementary dependence of the lifetime of the electroweak minimum on processes of creation/annihilation of quanta. In this the magnitude of the new couplings, including cases with approach, the most general scalar potential invariant under very small couplings (which means very large effective the Standard Model gauge group depends of: suppression scale) and couplings vastly different in - fluctuations of the quantum vacuum energy density; magnitude (which corresponds to two different suppression scales). - a singlet field S which is a function of the changes of the quantum vacuum energy density; Another interesting scenario in order to provide a natural and consistent ultraviolet completion of the standard model - the physical field associated with the changes of the lies in implementing gauge symmetries in a non-linear way quantum vacuum energy density (namely the wave in a sigma model without Higgs [12, 13]. In this  Q,i  regard, as shown by Barr and Calmet in [13], the C       requirement of a non-trivial fixed point in the SU(2) sector function at two components  Q,i  describing of the weak interactions together with the requirement of the probability of the occurrence of a the numerical unification of the gauge couplings leads to a creation/destruction event for a quantum particle Q of prediction for the value of the SU(2) gauge coupling in the a given mass – associated with a given change of the fixed point regime to solve the unitarity problem in the quantum vacuum energy density – in a point event x); elastic scattering of W bosons (under the hypothesis that the fixed point regime be in the TeV region) and to a - Opportune couplings associated respectively with the 14 unification scale at about 10 GeV.  Qi, wave function at two components C   Moreover, in [14] Gabrielli et al. found that, due to Qi, dimensional transmutation, the Standard Model Higgs describing the probability of the occurrence of a potential has a global minimum at 1026 GeV , creation/destruction event and with the real and invalidating the Standard Model as a phenomenologically imaginary parts of the singlet field S. acceptable model in this energy range. In order to solve This plan of this paper is the following. In chapter 2 we this problem, Gabrielli and the other authors of this paper review the general features of the 3D timeless quantum considered a minimal extension of the Standard Model, vacuum model recently proposed by the author in [15, 16]. which consists in introducing a new complex singlet scalar In chapter 3 we show how the 3D timeless quantum

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Quant. Phys. Lett. 5, No. 3, 33-47 (2016) / http://www.naturalspublishing.com/Journals.asp 35 vacuum model allows us to extend the Standard Model cosmological constant in Einstein equations solving the wrong vacuum problem, and thus explaining 8G why the universe exists in the correct vacuum state,      (2) generating the electroweak symmetry breaking at the TeV eff0 c4 vac scale dynamically via dimensional transmutation. In chapter 4 we provide an explanation of the dark matter where 0 denotes Einstein’s own ‘bare’ cosmological abundance in our model, showing that dark matter can be constant which in itself leads to a curvature of empty realized in a clear way starting in terms of the fluctuations space, i.e. when there is no matter or radiation present. of the 3D quantum vacuum. In chapter 5 we show how our Once equation (2) is established, it follows that anything model yields a cosmic evolution of all the masses in the which contributes to the vacuum universe, both of the nuclei and of the Dark Matter energy density is also a contribution to the effective particles, which is compatible with General Relativity. cosmological constant in general relativity. Finally, in chapter 6 we analyse the stability of the Standard Model vacuum in the timeless 3D quantum As a consequence, taking account of equation (2), in order vacuum approach. to reconcile the vacuum energy density estimate within the Standard Model with the observational limits on the 2 The Ontology and the Fundamental cosmological constant 10562cm , the usual Features of the Timeless Three-Dimensional programme is to “fine-tune”: for example, if the vacuum Quantum Vacuum Model energy is estimated to be at least as large as the  The existence of the physical vacuum can be considered contribution from the QED sector then has to cancel the one of the most relevant predictions of modern quantum vacuum energy to a precision of at least 55 orders of field theories, such as quantum electrodynamics, the magnitude. Weinberg-Salam-Glashow theory of electroweak There are several different indications that the vacuum interactions, and the of strong energy density should be non-zero, each indication being interactions. The physical vacuum can be seen as a real based either on laboratory experiments or on astronomical relativistically invariant quantum medium (a kind of observations. The notions of physical vacuum originated quantum fluid) filling out all the world space and realizing after the birth of quantum mechanics, in connection with the lowest energy state of quantum fields, the development of the idea of spontaneous emission of an From the quantum field theories which describe the known isolated excited [17]. particles and forces one can derive various contributions to It was later found that the polarization of the the vacuum energy density which indeed result in a electromagnetic component of the physical vacuum, the physically real energy density of empty space. Based on quantum electrodynamics vacuum (QED-vacuum), could the fundamental theories, one can infer that the total manifest itself in the spatial “smearing” of the and vacuum energy density has at least the following three a change, as a result, of the potential energy of its contributions, interaction with the nucleus, thus providing conditions for VacuumVACUUMQCDThe    (1) the removal of the degeneracy of the energies of the 2S ½     and 2P ½ states in the hydrogen atom – the energyZERO    POINT ENERGYgluon and quarkHiggs ...     densityFLUCTUATIONScondensatesfield     [18]. It was also demonstrated that the quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic component of the namely the fluctuations characterizing the zero-point field, physical vacuum in regions contiguous with material the fluctuations characterizing the quantum objects could alter the relativistic quantum relationships in chromodynamic level of subnuclear physics and the the near-surface regions of the objects and thus give rise to fluctuations linked with the Higgs field, and the dots its macroscopic manifestations – the Casimir represent contributions from possible existing sources ponderomotive effect [19, 20], Josephson contact noise outside the Standard Model (for instance, GUT’s, string [21]. All the effects here mentioned are of electromagnetic theories, and every other unknown contributor to the e2 vacuum energy density). There is no structure within the nature: they vanish if the fine structure constant   Standard Model which suggests any relations between the c terms in equation (1), and it is therefore customary to (where e is the electron charge, c is the velocity of light in assume that the total vacuum energy density is, at least, as a vacuum, and is Planck’s reduced constant) tends to large as any of the individual terms. zero [19, 20]. On the other hand, the gravitational effect of a vacuum The development of quantum chromodynamics [22] energy resulting from each of these terms, as well as brought interesting results as regards the nature of the possible other, at present, unknown fields, might curve physical vacuum on high-energy scales. In particular, it spacetime beyond recognition. In this regard, one can emerged that at an energy density of E 200 MeV a assume that the vacuum energy density of general relativity QED phenomenon of confinement-deconfinement transition ( ) is equivalent to a contribution to the ‘effective’ vac characterizes the nucleus where were no longer

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36 D. Fiscaletti, A. Sorli: About electroweak symmetry breaking … bound in but formed a quark- plasma or space-time we perceive derives from this 3D isotropic quark soup. The strong interaction constant  in that quantum vacuum. Based on the Planckian metric, which S defines the 3D quantum vacuum, the maximum energy case proved to be dependent on the excitation energy: its density characterizing the minimum quantized space magnitude changed from ~ 1 at low energies to  S ≈ constituted by Planck’s volume given by the Planck energy 0.3 at energies of a few gigaelectron-volts, depending but density (3) defines a universal property of space. In the free weakly on energy thereafter [22]. In the last decade, the space, in the absence of matter, the energy density of the notion of a physical vacuum have come into wide use in 3D quantum vacuum is at its maximum and is given by (3). cosmology [23-26] in connection with the concept of “dark One can say that in the presence of a material object the energy” that accounts for 73% of the entire energy of the curvature of space increases and corresponds physically to universe, in the context of the Friedmann equations of the a more fundamental diminishing of the energy density of general theory of relativity. It is believed that “dark the quantum vacuum, which, in the centre of the material energy” is uniformly “spilled” in the universe; its object, is given by relation 4 unalterable density being , where  and 2  V  cG/8 mc G are the cosmological and the gravitational constant, qvEpE (4) respectively. V The Standard Model also considers another physically m and V being the mass and volume of the object. The hard-to-imagine substance – dark matter – whose energy appearance of matter corresponds to a given change of the content amounts to 23%, which is introduced into the energy density of quantum vacuum and derives from Friedmann equations in order to remove contradictions elementary processes of creation/annihilation of quanta between the magnitudes of the apparent masses of analogous to Chiatti’s and Licata’s transactions [30-33]. gravitationally bound objects, as well as systems of such The presence of a given massive particle or massive object objects, and their apparent parameters, including the in our level of physical reality derives from a more structural stability of galaxies and galactic clusters in the fundamental diminishing of the energy density of quantum expanding universe. Apart from the introduction of the vacuum associated to opportune processes of creation and physically obscure entities here mentioned – dark energy annihilation of quanta. and dark matter – there are relevant problems in the In this model, the changes and fluctuations of the quantum construction of the Standard Model as a consequence of the vacuum energy density, through a quantized metric unsuccessful attempts to tie in the apparent value characterizing the underlying microscopic geometry of the 83 3D quantum vacuum can be considered the origin of a V 0,66 10/ ergcm [27] with the parameters of curvature of space-time similar to the curvature produced the physical vacuum introduced in by a “dark energy” density [16]. The quantized metric of physics, the quantum chromodynamics vacuum (QCD the 3D quantum vacuum condensate is linked with the vacuum). The above discrepancies come to more than 40 changes of the quantum vacuum energy density orders of magnitude if the characteristic energy scale of the determining the appearance of matter and the opportune quantum chromodynamics vacuum is taken to be fluctuations of the quantum vacuum energy density EMeVQCD  200 [23, 28, 29], with its energy density determining dark energy. Furthermore, it is associated with 3 an underlying microscopic geometry depending of the being 4 , and over 120 orders of QCDQCD Ec/2  Planck scale and allows the quantum Einstein equations of magnitude if one is orientated towards the vacuum of general relativity to be obtained directly: this means that physical fields, wherein quantum effects and gravitational the curvature of space-time characteristic of general effects would manifest themselves simultaneously, with the relativity may be considered as a mathematical value Planck energy density which emerges from the quantized metric and thus from the changes and fluctuations of the quantum vacuum 2 energy density. The quantized metric of the 3D quantum mcp  113 Kg   4,641266  10 (3) vacuum condensate is pE l32 ms p 2  dsˆˆ g dx dx (5) (where m is Planck’s mass, c is the light speed and l is P p whose coefficients (in polar coordinates) are defined by Planck’s length) playing the part of the characteristic equations energy scale. ˆ ˆ ˆ According to the approach suggested by the authors in [15, ghˆ00 1  00 , ghˆ111 11 , ghˆ111 11 , 16], the fundamental arena of the universe is a 3D isotropic 22 gˆ  rsin 1 hˆ , ghˆ  ˆ for  (6) quantum vacuum composed by elementary packets of 33 33    energy having the size of Planck volume and whose most universal property is its energy density. The ordinary where multiplication of every term times the unit operator

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Quant. Phys. Lett. 5, No. 3, 33-47 (2016) / http://www.naturalspublishing.com/Journals.asp 37 is implicit and, at the order Or2 , one has characteristic of general relativity may be considered as a   mathematical value which emerges from the quantized metric (5) and thus from the changes and fluctuations of ˆ h  0 the quantum vacuum energy density (on the basis of equations (6) and (7)) [16]. except In the approach proposed by the authors in [15], in analogy 2 6 835GGcVqvE  with Chiatti’s and Licata’s transactional approach, the ˆ DE 2 and hr00  242 qvE events of preparation of an initial state (creation of a 32cVc   particle or object from the 3D quantum vacuum) and of 2 6 detection of a final state (annihilation or destruction of a 8G  qvE 35Gc  V   hˆ      DE  r 2 particle or object from the 3D quantum vacuum) can be 11  2 4 2 qvE  3  2c 2 V  c   considered as the two only real primary physical events. These two events are connected by their common origin in (7) the timeless background represented by the 3D quantum mc 2 vacuum. These two primary extreme physical events of the DE DE 3D quantum vacuum are each corresponding to a peculiar where  qvE is the opportune change of the V reduction of a state vector (which are constituted of quantum vacuum energy density associated with the dark interaction vertices in which real elementary particles are   m c2 created or destroyed). For this reason, they can be also energy density DE DE . Taking account of Ng’s called “RS processes” where RS stands for state reduction results [34-37] that the structure of the space-time foam in analogy with the R processes of the Penrose can be inferred from the accuracy in the measurement of a terminology. Each RS process is a self-connection of the distance l – in a spherical geometry over the amount of timeless 3D quantum vacuum. In this picture, the history of time T  2l /c it takes light to cross the volume – given the Universe, considered at the basic level, is given neither by by the application of forward causal laws at initial conditions nor by the application of backward causal laws 1/3 l 22 / 3 l 1/3 l 2/3 (8) at final conditions. Instead, it is assigned as a whole as a   P complete network of RS processes that take place in the the quantized metric (5) can be associated with an timeless 3D quantum vacuum. Causal laws are only rules underlying microscopic geometry expressed by equations of coherence which must be verified by the network and are per se indifferent to the arrow of the time of our level p 22/34/32/3 of physical reality. x 2/ 3  llP (9) 2p 2 The probability of the occurrence of a creation/destruction event for a quantum particle Q, associated with a certain (which indicates that the uncertainty in the measure of the diminishing of the quantum vacuum energy density in a position cannot be smaller than an elementary length point event x, is linked with the probability amplitudes proportional to Planck’s length),  Qi,  x (for creation events) and Qi,  x (for 2 ET0 t (10)  Qi, 22E destruction events) of a spinor C   at two Qi, which is the time uncertainty and  Qi, 21/3 1/3 2/3 components. The generic spinor C   satisfies a 2 / 3 l lp T0 E Qi, L (11)  2 time-symmetric extension of Klein-Gordon quantum relativistic equation of the form which indicates in what sense the curvature of a region of size L can be related to the presence of energy and H 0 momentum in it. The quantized metric (5) allows the C  0 (13) quantum Einstein equations 0 H 8G 4R3 GTˆ  ˆ (12) 2 2 2 qvE  4 where H     m c  , m  is c 3c2 ˆ the mass of the quantum particle, R being its radius. (where the quantum Einstein tensor operator G is Equation (13) corresponds to the following equations ˆ expressed in terms of the operators h ) to be obtained directly: this means that the curvature of space-time

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38 D. Fiscaletti, A. Sorli: About electroweak symmetry breaking …

26 processes from the creation of a particle or object till its 16 R 2 2  annihilation has not a primary physical reality but exists  2  qvEQ i ,  x 0 (14) 9c only in the sense of numerical order. In other words, in the 3D quantum vacuum time exists merely as a mathematical for creation events parameter measuring the dynamics of a particle or object. This approach implies thus that, at a fundamental level, 26 2  16 R 2 events run only in space and time is a mathematical    qvE Q, i x  0 (15) 9c2 emergent quantity, which measures the numerical order of changes’ evolution. for destruction events respectively. At the non-relativistic The 3D quantum vacuum model described by equations limit, equation (13) becomes a pair of Schrödinger-type (13)-(18) introduces the perspective to obtain the standard equations: quantum formalism as a particular aspect of such general theory and, on the other hand, a suggestive interpretation of 3 22c   2xix   (16) gravity as a phenomenon emerging from the timeless 3D 3 Q,, iQ i quantum vacuum [15]. The presence of the quantum 8RtqvE potential of the vacuum is in fact equivalent to a curved 22 space-time with its metric being given by 3 c 2*  3 Q,, iQ ixix   (17). 8RtqvE g g Q / e x p (20) In the view of a timeless 3D quantum vacuum model, the which is a conformal metric, where here evolution of a particle of object is determined by 2 appropriate waves of the vacuum associated with the 2 1   22 Qi, spinor which describes the amplitude of creation or 22 ct destruction events. The waves of the vacuum act in a non- 9 c g QQi,  (21) local way through an appropriate quantum potential of the 26 2 16R   Qi, vacuum  qvE 

2 is the quantum potential of the vacuum. In this picture, RS 2 1  processes associated with creation events of quantum  22 Qi, ct particles determine a quantum potential of the vacuum which is equivalent to the curvature of the space-time. The 22  quantum potential of the vacuum corresponding to the 9 c Qi, QQi,  (18) generic component of the spinor of a quantum particle is 26 2 2 16R  qvE  2 1  tightly linked with the curvature of the space-time we  22Qi, ct perceive. In other words, one can say that RS processes,  through the manifestation of the quantum potential of the  Qi, vacuum (21), lead to the generation, in our macroscopic level of reality, of a curvature of space-time and, at the (which becomes same time, the space-time metric is linked with the quantum potential of the vacuum which influences and 2   Qi, determines the behaviour of the particles (themselves  corresponding to creation events from the timeless 3D 2 3 c  Qi, quantum vacuum). In this model, one can infer that the QQi,   (19) space-time geometry sometimes looks like gravity and 8R3  2  qvE   Qi, sometimes looks like quantum behaviours and both these   features of physical geometry emerge from the RS Qi, processes of the timeless 3D quantum vacuum. In the non-relativistic limit) which guides the occurring of the processes of creation or annihilation of quanta in the 3 Completing the Standard Model with a 3D quantum vacuum in a non-local, instantaneous manner. scalar potential of the three-dimensional The quantum potential of the vacuum is the fundamental quantum vacuum energy density mathematical entity which emerges from the very real extreme primary physical realities, namely from the In order to solve the problems of the current Standard processes of creation and annihilation of quanta. In virtue Model, we suggest to consider a general scalar potential in of the primary physical reality of the processes of creation the picture of a 3D timeless quantum vacuum characterized and annihilation and of the non-local features of the by elementary processes of creation/annihilation of quanta. quantum potential which is associated with the amplitudes In this approach, the most general scalar potential invariant of them, in the 3D quantum vacuum the duration of the under the Standard Model gauge group has the following

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Quant. Phys. Lett. 5, No. 3, 33-47 (2016) / http://www.naturalspublishing.com/Journals.asp 39 form value for sR is generated via dimensional transmutation V C4   s 4   s 2 s 2   s 4   C 2 s 2   C 2 s 2 (22) and how it is transmitted to the Standard Model. In this C II RIIR RR IC I RC R regard, as in [13] and in [38], the one-loop potential can be   Qi, approximated just by using a running R in the tree-level where C   is the wave function at two  Qi, potential. One can approximate by components describing the probability of the occurrence of a creation/destruction event for a quantum particle Q of a s  ln R (34) 4R3 R R s given mass m  qvE (determined by an 0 3c2 where  is the always positive beta function of , and opportune change q v E of the quantum vacuum energy R s density) in a point event x, sR and sI are the real and 0 is the scale at which becomes negative. In the basis imaginary parts of a singlet field S which is a function of C, s  the changes and fluctuations of the quantum vacuum R the square quantum vacuum energy density matrix for CP-even fields is given by energy density, C is the coupling associated with the wave function C ,  is the coupling associated with the 22vv22  R CCRC s 2 real part R of the singlet field S,  is the coupling 2v (35) I 2vv22 R C CRCRC  associated with the imaginary part sI of the singlet field S RC and one has where      ' '' R S S S (23) s  v  0 RC (36).      ' '' e1/4 2 I S S S (24) C   2  3 ' In the case of small  the square matrix (35) leads to RI  S S  (25) RC the following eigenvalues for the energy density of the      ' quantum vacuum: RC SC SC (26) 2      ' 22 RC IC SC SC (27). v 2 (37) hC  The one-loop renormalization group equations of the scalar R couplings in terms of the top Yukawa coupling y and the t  2 22 R C C Standard Model gauge couplings g and g ' are v 2 (38) sRC  RC R 231 4224 22 2 2224 (28) 16   32''g  g g  g  RC   IC  2433'46  C   C g  g  y t  y t C 82 while the CP-odd quantum vacuum energy density is 1  2 2 2 2 22C  RI  IC 16   18 R  2  RC   RI (29)  v 2 (39). R 2 s  RC 2

2222 1 2 16182   IICRI (30)  I 2 Equations (37)-(38) are valid only if RC 1. If this is  R 1622  4    6      4  (31) RI IC RC RI I R RI not true, the proper approximation is

3 22 2 2 2 2 2 (32) v 2      (40) 16    RCg '  3 g  4 y t   IC  RI  6  RC 2  C   R  4  RC h C RC R  RC 2

23 2 2 2 2  16   g '  3 g  4 y     6  2     4  (33) 22 R C IC IC t RC RI IC C I IC v 2 (41), 2 s R RC Now we will show in what sense the vacuum expectation

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s complex scalar singlet field S. In this picture, the which imply that the real singlet R derives from a electroweak symmetry breaking scale may be obtained via quantum vacuum energy density which is associated to a dimensional transmutation from the Ultraviolet Landau mass lighter than the Higgs boson. Based on equations pole and the Dark Matter is stable due to CP conservation of the scalar potential. The Higgs field characterizing the (37)-(41), the singlet decays to Standard Model current Standard Model determines a vacuum expectation particles via more fundamental values of the quantum 26 vacuum energy density. The approach here proposed based value of the order of 10 GeV via dimensional on equations (37)-(41) implies in this way that the mixing transmutation because of the negative value of the Higgs action of the Higgs boson in the production of the mass of  Standard Model particles cannot be considered as a self-coupling H at that scale, thus destabilising the three- fundamental physical reality but derives from more level potential and therefore generating a minimum in the fundamental entities, represented by opportune physical effective potential around the scale where the coupling values of the quantum vacuum energy density, given just crosses zero. by equations (37)-(41). One can say also that, in this However, if were to cross zero around the TeV scale picture, at a fundamental level, the Higgs boson does not H exist as physical reality: the action of the Higgs boson is 26 instead of the high scale at 10 GeV, the vacuum only an emerging reality, it is the interplay of opportune expectation value of the electroweak symmetry breaking fluctuations of the quantum vacuum energy density which could be generated in this manner. Whilst in the standard indeed determine the action of the Higgs boson. Moreover, approach this cannot be achieved with the Standard Model in virtue of equation (38) one can say that the CP-odd couplings, Gabrielli’s approach allows important component of the complex singlet turns out to be stable progresses to be obtained by adding a singlet scalar S, and due to CP conservation, and will play the role of the dark matter candidate in this approach. The branching ratios of fixing the couplings of S so that its self-coupling S the kinematically allowed decay channels of the real part of crosses zero at a suitable scale, generating a vacuum the singlet function corresponding to opportune expectation value for S. Moreover, in Gabrielli’s model, fluctuations of the quantum vacuum energy density are the this vacuum expectation value can be mediated to the same as for the Standard Model Higgs boson with mass Standard Model Higgs via the portal coupling corresponding to the same changes of the quantum vacuum 22 and here if the sign of the portal coupling is energy density, and the production cross section is given SH SH by the Standard Model Higgs production cross section negative, the Higgs gets a negative mass term from the multiplied by s i n2  , where  is the mixing angle vacuum expectation value of S and breaks the electroweak SC SC symmetry as in the Standard Model. between the singlet and the wave function associated to opportune processes of creation/annihilation corresponding By following the philosophy that is at the basis of to those same changes of the quantum vacuum energy Gabrielli’s programme, in our extended approach of the density, obtained by diagonalising the mass matrix (35). Standard Model based on the 3D timeless quantum vacuum, let us start by looking at the running of . We Another relevant result of the approach here proposed lies R in the possibility to remove the global minimum of the set R to a small negative value at the electroweak scale. Standard Model Higgs potential Since the beta-function (29) is always positive, R will 224 Vhhhh   H   (42) grow when running towards higher energy and will cross

s0 (  2 being the Higgs mass parameter, h the Higgs field zero at some scale above the electroweak scale. This scale is provided by the initial value of  at the  R strength, H the Higgs quartic coupling) in the vicinity of electroweak scale and by the slope of the running set by the the scale 1026 GeV (where  runs negative). In this H beta-function. Since R itself has to be small near the regard, in analogy to the approach developed by Gabrielli scale s , and since  is required to be small in order to et al. in [14], one can show that the various couplings of 0 RC the scalar sector have the crucial role in removing the keep the mixing between and the regime of small wave global minimum of the Standard Model Higgs potential (42) and generating the electroweak symmetry breaking function C, the beta-function (29) is dominated by RI at minimum. low scales. In order to avoid a huge hierarchy between s0 As demonstrated by Gabrielli and his co-authors in [14],  the physically unacceptable global minimum in the and the electroweak scale, the running of R has to be effective potential of the Higgs may be removed together RI with the explicit Higgs mass term at low energy by sufficiently rapid, implying that cannot be very small. extending the Standard Model particle content with one To remove the global minimum characterizing the

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Standard Model Higgs potential we need to add a positive candidates such as black holes seem to be excluded, so  attention is focused on particle candidates for dark matter. term to the beta-function of C to keep it from crossing In many scenarios, these dark matter particles were once in zero. From equation (28) we see that this can be achieved thermal equilibrium with the rest of the particles in the 2 2 RC  IC RC universe, in which case general arguments suggest that by the term . Since is small to avoid large they probably weigh less than about 1 TeV. In order to be  mixing, this term is dominated by IC . Thus, to remove ‘dark’ and not bind to ordinary matter, dark matter the global minimum, we need to set a sizable initial value particles should have neither electric charge nor strong  interactions. for IC at the electroweak scale. In chapter 3, we have extended the Standard Model particle We want to avoid generating a vacuum expectation value content with one complex singlet field S depending of the s  fluctuations of the quantum vacuum energy density without for the imaginary part I , which means that I must stay imposing any additional discrete symmetry by hand. While the real component of S acquires a vacuum expectation positive. Hence we set a small positive initial value for I value and triggers electroweak symmetry breaking, the at the electroweak scale. The beta-function (30) of imaginary component remains stable because of the CP- invariance of the general scalar potential (22). As a contains a positive contribution from both and RI , consequence, the corresponding scalar field is the dark which we know from above to have sizable values. matter candidate of our scenario. Here we will use the standard notation for a pseudoscalar and denote this field Therefore the running of will be quite rapid, and it will by A inside the most minimal model able to provide eventually run into a Landau pole. By choosing the initial dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking and dark matter values for the parameters at the top mass scale as follows: at the same time. The dark matter particle A can annihilate 3 RI =0.3, R  1.210 , IC = 0.35, I = 0.01, into a couple of CP-even scalars or into the Standard 4 Model particles (in this context, it is known that the RC 10 , C =0.12879 and mt 173.1 GeV, and smallness of the doublet-singlet mixing constrains using beta functions at first order in the scalar couplings significantly the latter processes). and second order in gauge couplings, in this picture, from According to the model of the 3D timeless quantum the couplings of this approach a Higgs self coupling H is vacuum, the relevant leading terms for the dark matter derived which remains positive and therefore the Standard annihilation cross section times relative velocity can be obtained directly from opportune fluctuations of the 26  Model global minimum at 10 GeV is removed, while R quantum vacuum energy density by using the expansion 4 22AA22 becomes negative around sGeV0 10 . VVqvE  qvE  sv4 2 , In this framework the false Standard Model vacuum is cc44rel avoided because of the modification of the Standard Model 2 Higgs boson quartic coupling Renormalization Group  ijrelrelvabv (43), Equations determined by the couplings associated with the singlet field S which is a function of the changes and where fluctuations of the energy density of the timeless 3D 2 quantum vacuum. The electroweak scale can be generated   by a classically scale invariant Lagrangian through    aijk akAA 8aiAAa jAA  a  fij 2  2  ij dimensional transmutation in the scalar sector. The vacuum  2 A 2 2 s 2 A 2 2 s 2 2 s  k k i j  V  qvE  V  qvE  V  qvE  V  qvE  V  qvE  expectation value of this scalar then induces the Standard  4  4    Model Higgs vacuum expectation value through a portal  c 4 c 4 c 4 c 4 c 4  coupling. (44),

 2  4 2 s 2 4 About the Link Between Dark Matter and A  si j  16 qvE    qvE    qvE    the Timeless Three-Dimensional Quantum a     b  8  4 16  V 4  A   Vacuum  2 2 2 qvE  512  ij fij 8 As regards the new physics beyond the Standard Model,  c  2  2 s 2 2  another cosmological puzzle that requires a solution is the  2 si 2 j  2 A V  qvE  V  qvE  V  qvE  nature of dark matter. Astrophysicists and cosmologists  a a      ijk kAA c 4 c 4  c 4  assure us that the formation of structures in the universe  k     fij M 0 2  2aiAAa jAAFij and their persistence today is possible only with the help of  2 2   2 sk 2 A   V  qvE  V  qvE   additional gravitational attraction provided by some form   4  of invisible non-relativistic matter. Various astrophysical   c 4 c 4        

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(45) (49) with where

2 2 2 2 s s j 2 2  i  2 s 2  2 si 2 s j       si j    qvE   qvE      V  qvE  V  qvE  2 s 2     qvE   qvE    2 si 2 j 1   4  4 V  qvE  V  qvE   s 4 s 4   16  i 2  i  c c  4  4  qvE   qvE  1    c c  fij  2 p f  s1  2  2 A 2 s2 s V  qvE    8  ij 1 c 4   (46),     (50).      a a 8a a  In addition, s is the total energy in the centre of mass M  2 ijk kAA  iAA jAA    0 2 2 2 2 s 2 ij frame. In particular, as regards the Standard Model final  2 A 2 sk  2 A 2 si 2 j  V  qvE  V  qvE  V  qvE  V  qvE  V  qvE  4    4    states, the relevant leading terms of the cross sections are  c4 c4  c4 c4 c4 the following    2 (47), IC    v   W W rel 2  2 h 2 2 A 2  2 h 2 2 V qvE  V qvE   2 V qvE   4 2 s 2 2 s 2   4  h 4 A  2 si 2 j   2 si 2 j   c4 c4  c4  V  qvE  2 A 2 V  qvE  V  qvE   V  qvE  V  qvE      32 4  4V  qvE  4  4  2  2       4 2 6 4 2 c  c c   c c   2 4  V 4  A V 2  A    V 6  A V 4  A V 2  A         mW c   qvE   qvE  2 4     qvE   qvE  2  qvE  4 6  F  1 2 4 8  4 4 mW  3mW 16 12  20 8 mW  4 4 mW  3mW ij 3  2 A  c c    c c c   3 2 2 s  V qvE  2 2 A 2 si 2 j        4V  qvE  V  qvE  V  qvE  2  vrel  8    2 A 6 2  6 A 2 A c  V qvE  V  V      qvE   qvE  2  8 4 64  m   c  c12 c4 W    

(48), 4 2 4 2 2 4 2  2 4  V 4  A V 2  A  V 4  A V 4  A  h V 4  h V 2  h   mW c   qvE   qvE  2 4   qvE   qvE   qvE   qvE  2  qvE   1 2 4 8  4 4 mW  3mW 48 8 16 8  8  h 4  A V 2  A   c c  c c c c   where qvE is the change of the quantum vacuum energy  qvE    2  2 A 2  2 h 2 2 A 2 2 h 2  s V   V   V    V     i qvE  qvE qvE  2 qvE  density producing the mass of dark matter,  are the 32 4  4  4 4  h 4  qvE c  c c  c      changes of the quantum vacuum energy density  (51) corresponding to CP-even scalar masses, aijk is the for the WW final state, and trilinear coupling of sijk s s which includes also the 2 IC  ZZ vrel  2  corresponding combinatorial factor, a is the coupling of  2 h 2 2 A 2  2 h 2 i A A V qvE  V qvE  V qvE    4   2  c4 c4  h c4 the sA2 interaction,  is the coupling of the s s A 2   4 2 6 4 2 i ij ij  2 4 4 A 2 A 6 A 4 A 2 A m c  V   V      V   V   V     1 Z 4 qvE  4 qvE m2  3m4   16 qvE  20 qvE m2  4 qvE m4  3m6  2 A 2  8 4 Z Z    12 8 Z 4 Z Z   V  c c 2 c c c interaction and v is the relative dark matter velocity.  qvE       r e l  2  vrel 2 A  6 A 6 2 A 2  V qvE  V  V    qvE   qvE  2  8 4 64  m c  c12 c4 Z In the same way the annihilation cross section into  

Standard Model particles depends of the fluctuations of the 4 2 4 2 2 4 2  m2c4  V 4  A  V 2  A   V 4  A  V 4  A   h  V 4  h  V 2  h    1 Z 4 qvE  4 qvE m2  3m4 48 qvE 16 qvE qvE  qvE  2 qvE   quantum vacuum energy density in the sense that can be 2 8 4 Z Z 8 8 8 h 4 2 A  c c  c c c c   V qvE       derived by the following general equation 2  2 2 2 2  V 2  A  V 2  h  V 2  A   V 2  h    qvE  qvE qvE  2 qvE  32 4  4  4 4  h 4  p c  c c  c   f      ij   2 V 2  A  (52) 4  1s s  4 qvE ij c 4 for the ZZ final state.  2       2 In synthesis, one can say that the model here proposed  aijk akAA  64aiAAa jAA  2    naturally provides a dark matter candidate in the form of  ij  2  2  2 sk 2 2 2 k 2 s 2 s j 2 A  V  qvE    i      V  qvE  V  qvE   2 V  qvE  the CP-odd scalar that is stable due to the CP-invariance of  s  4     s  4  4  4 p f s  4 4  c   c c   c  the scalar potential (22). This model has the possibility to      reproduce the dark matter particle with the correct relic  2 A 2   V  qvE   2 p s  4 density while fulfilling all experimental constraints on dark  f c 4  16a a arctan h  matter phenomenology. Today, if detecting the dark matter iAA jAA 2 s 2  2 si 2 j    V  qvE  V  qvE  directly at colliders is very challenging due to the small  s      4 4 2a a a a  c c   iAA jAA ijk kAA  mixing between the Higgs doublet and the singlet, our  2  2  ij 2  2 s 2 2 s  2 s  2 A i j k V  k V  qvE   V  qvE  V  qvE   qvE   framework is potentially testable in the planned dark p s  4  s   s  4  f c 4  c 4 c 4 c  matter direct detection experiments.

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5 About Gravity, Dark Energy, Cosmic time variation of the particle masses, such as, for example, Evolution of the Mass and Variability of the one regarding the mass [44-46]. For example, in Fritzsch’s and Solà’s chiral of quantum the Gravitational Constant haplodynamics, where the weak bosons, quarks, and It must be emphasized that, contrary to Gabrielli’s model, are bound states of fundamental constituents, called the approach proposed by the authors in this article allows haplons, and their , the predicted time us also to provide a consistent description of gravity evolution of the particle masses can be parameterized as explaining the observed cosmological constant value. In 31 v the light of equations (5)-(7), the curvature of space-time m  a (54) characteristic of general relativity and similar to the curvature produced by a “dark energy” density may be [47], where the presence of v 1 denotes a very small considered as a mathematical value which emerges from a 3 quantized metric characterizing the underlying microscopic departure from the standard conservation law  a . Such geometry of the 3D quantum vacuum linked with the a departure is not viewed as a loss or an excess in the changes and fluctuations of the quantum vacuum energy number of particles in a comoving volume (beyond the density. normal dilution law), but rather as a change in the value of their masses. Models with anomalous matter conservation Moreover, in virtue of the fluctuations of the quantum laws of the above type have been carefully confronted with vacuum energy density, the interesting perspective emerges the precise cosmological data on distant supernovae, that, as a consequence of the evolution of the quantum baryonic acoustic oscillations, structure formation, and one vacuum energy density, a cosmic evolution of all the 3 masses in the universe occurs, both of the nuclei and of the finds the upper bound vO 10  [48-50]. Dark Matter particles, which can be perfectly compatible with general relativity. In order to preserve the Bianchi In our approach, equation (54) may be written as identity that is satisfied by the Einstein tensor of the 2 31 v  qvE ca (55) gravitational field equations G 0 , the time evolution of the masses can be compensated for by the which means that the predicted time evolution of the time variation of one or more fundamental gravitational particle masses corresponds to a more fundamental time evolution of the quantum vacuum energy density. The parameters, typically the gravitational constant G , or the N conservation law (55) together with equation (53) implies cosmological constant Λ, or both [39-43]. that a dynamical response will be generated from the DE By using the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker parameters of the gravitational sector, GN and qvE . In (FLRW) metric one finds that the most general local other words, on the basis of equations (55) and (53), one conservation law preserving the Bianchi identity, can say that the time evolution of all the masses in the corresponding to an isotropic and homogeneous dust universe as well as of the gravitational constant is related matter fluid emerging from a change of quantum vacuum to opportune changes of the quantum vacuum energy energy density qvE , reads density. Conversely, dark energy may be seen as an effect of opportune changes of the quantum vacuum energy G' N density triggered by the time evolution of all the masses in the universe. GN I I 2 6 2 6 The time variation of the proton mass (and in general of all  qvE 35Gc  V    qvE   35Gc  V   3 qvE    DE       DE    0 2 4  2 qvE   2  4  2 qvE  2 masses) within Fritzsch’s and Solà’s aforementioned  c 2 V  c    c   2 V  c   a c     parameterization is expressed as follows:

(53) mp  3 vH (56) where a is the scale factor and the primes denote mp derivatives of the various quantities with respect to it. Equation (53) means physically that Newton’s and the corresponding change of the vacuum energy G density reads gravitational constant N is strictly related to fundamental variations of the quantum vacuum energy  0 density. vac3 vH m (57)  0 From equation (53) one can understand how in the theory vac vac here proposed a general evolution of Newton’s coupling 0 0 where m , vac are the current cosmological parameters in combination with the particle masses can emerge. associated with matter and vacuum energy. In our model, In this regard, many studies motivated the possibility of taking account of equation (7), equation (57) becomes: having variable fundamental constants of Nature and of a

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44 D. Fiscaletti, A. Sorli: About electroweak symmetry breaking …

I  2 6 C0  0 35GcVDE boundary conditions are , so that the solution is 42qvE 2 Vc 0 non-singular at s=0, and C  Cmin so that it  m 3 vH (58) corresponds to the decay of the metastable vacuum 2 6 0 35GcVDE vac C 42qvE positioned at min . 2 Vc Having found the bounce, we compute its euclidean action which indicates that the cosmic evolution of the masses given by emerges as an effect of a more fundamental evolution of 2 4 Cx the quantum vacuum energy density. Moreover, as a 423211   SdE  xVCxdssCsVCs    2      22 x consequence of the cosmic evolution of the quantum  1   vacuum energy density, one has an analogous evolution of (61) the gravitational constant: which allows us to calculate decay probability of a volume G 3  vH (59). d x G 1/2 2 det'''2 VC 3 SE   S Using the current value of the Hubble parameter as a dpdtdxe E (62) 2 2 101 k  0.70 4 det'' VC min  reference, Hkyr0 1.022710 , where  3 and the mentioned limit vO 10  , we find that the where is the action for the bounce, 2 SE   VC''  time variations of the above parameters are at most of the 131 is the fluctuation operator around the bounce (V'' is the order 10 yr . second derivative of V with respect to the wave function). Finally, we should also mention that the approach here The prime in the det' means that in the computation of the developed, which implies that the variable vacuum energy S 2 determinant the zero modes are excluded and E comes and the gravitational constant can be linked to the variation 4 2 of the particle masses, are compatible with the primordial from the translational zero modes. From equation (62) the nucleosynthesis bounds on the chemical species. The following tunnelling time emerges important constraint to be preserved here is that the vacuum energy density remains sufficiently small as 1/2 2 det'''2 VC compared to the radiation density at the time of 1 3 SE   S  TeE (63) nucleosynthesis. At the same time, potential variations of U 4 2 2 the gravitational constant should also be moderate enough det'' VC min  to avoid a significant change in the expansion rate at that T time. where U is the age of the universe. To calculate the expected lifetime we simply assume size of the universe 6 About the Standard Model Vacuum T 1010 yr Stability in the Timeless Three-Dimensional U in the spatial directions and define the  Quantum Vacuum Approach expected lifetime as time at which decay probability is equal to 1. We also approximate the determinant and Another relevant topic to explore is the question about normalization prefactor by another dimension full quantity stability of the Standard Model vacuum in the context of encountered in our problem, namely CC 0 . The the timeless 3D quantum vacuum described by the 0   potential (22) at or below the Planck scale. In analogy to error associated with (62) is small compared to uncertainty Lalak’s, Lewicki’s and Olszevski’s approach [11], to in determination of action, because lifetime depends only compute the expected lifetime of a metastable vacuum C0 present in the potential (22) one can use the standard on fourth power of while its dependence on action is formalism of finding a bounce solution which in the O(4) exponential, 22  1 S symmetric case depends only of s x x4 . This E  44e (64). means solving an equation of motion of the form TCTUU0 3 V Equation (64) regarding the lifetime of the vacuum may CC (60) then be approximated as sC with a dot denoting a derivative with respect to s. The

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dark energy, as well as the problem to unify the 181 2  exp (65) fundamental interactions and to quantize gravity. Other 44 unsatisfactory features of the Standard Model are related to TCTUBU  3    effB the fact that the Standard Model potential has a global 26 VC  minimum at 10 G e V , generating an instability in the where eff C  4 and B denoting a electroweak vacuum and thus invalidating the Standard C Model as a phenomenologically acceptable model in this renormalisation scale that minimises eff . energy range. Moreover, the euclidean equation of motion (60) for the The framework we have outlined in this paper based on bounce can be solved analytically and we have elementary fluctuations of a timeless 3D quantum vacuum suggests interesting perspectives of solution of the 22R problems above mentioned providing a ultraviolet completion of the Standard Model (and thus opening the Cr   22 (66) eff rR doors to a new formulation of GUT’s) involving gravity ab initio (in contrast to more conventional formulations). It R being the size of the bounce. The action is degenerate also proposes a new candidate for the Dark Matter that is 8 2 not in conflict with the recent, highly restrictive bounds for with R, SC   , the degeneracy being lifted by the scattering of Dark Matter particles off nuclei. In this 3 eff picture, the false Standard Model vacuum is avoided quantum vacuum fluctuations. By computing the because of the modification of the Standard Model Higgs boson quartic coupling Renormalization Group Equations electroweak vacuum, the tunnelling rate turns out to be determined by the couplings associated with the singlet 2 4 field S which is a function of the changes and fluctuations 11SC  T SC  S   U ee   (67) of the energy density of the timeless 3D quantum vacuum. 24  At the same time, the model here proposed predicts, as a TRU 4  consequence of the changes of the quantum vacuum energy density, a cosmic evolution of all the masses in the S being the loop contribution. Inserting the numerical universe, both of the nuclei and of the Dark Matter values, for the one-loop contributions one obtains particles, which is perfectly compatible with general 555  10 TU which indicates that the electroweak lifetime relativity, as well as a cosmological variability of the is larger than the age of the universe (one can also remark gravitational constant. that the inclusion of the Si contributions does not The approach of the timeless 3D quantum vacuum is not modify the results significantly, in fact one obtains based on ad hoc assumptions regarding the Higgs boson 588 and it does not lead to a large contribution to the  10 T ). Therefore, if in several completions of the U cosmological term. The Dark Energy appears here as the Standard Model existing in the current literature the tiny (but observable) dynamical change of the vacuum lifetime of the electroweak vacuum strongly depends on energy density of the most fundamental background and new physics, in the sense that the inclusion of new hence is a part of the generic response of general relativity interactions linked with the Higgs doublet destabilizes the to the cosmic time variation of the masses of all the stable Standard Model electroweak vacuum shortening its and Dark Matter particles in the universe. Finally, lifetime (see for example [11, 51]), instead in our our proposal of completion of the Standard Model predicts completion of the Standard Model based on the a stable electroweak vacuum, with a lifetime much larger fluctuations of a timeless 3D quantum vacuum this than the age of the universe, thus satisfying the stability problems seems to be not present: our approach seems to test of the vacuum as regards the beyond Standard Model be able to satisfy the “beyond standard model stability test” physics. proposed by Branchina in [51], according to which a beyond standard model theory is acceptable if it provides On the other hand, in other important either a stable electroweak vacuum or a metastable one, topics, such as the oscillations, which lead to the with lifetime larger than the age of the universe. existence of small (left-handed) neutrino masses, the asymmetry of the universe and the strong CP 7 Conclusions problem are waiting for a more satisfactory explanation. As regards the baryon asymmetry of the universe, it seems Although no clear signal of physics beyond the Standard natural to assume that it requires additional dynamics too Model has appeared so far at the LHC, there is no doubt and here leptogenesis could be considered a plausible that the Standard Model has to be extended. The Standard candidate mechanism, able to be easily incorporated in our Model of particle physics agrees very well with framework together with neutrino masses. As regards the experiment, but many important topics remain unresolved, strong CP problem, in the context of particle physics it such as the origin of particles’ masses, the interpretation of remains unexplained, and even here a possible solution can the Higgs boson, the nature and origin of dark matter and be obtained by requiring additional degrees of freedom to

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