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2011 Hidden SUSY at the LHC: the light higgsino-world scenario and the role of a collider Howard Baer University of Oklahoma, [email protected]

Vernon Barger University of Wisconsin, [email protected]

Peisi Huang University of Wisconsin, [email protected]

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Baer, Howard; Barger, Vernon; and Huang, Peisi, "Hidden SUSY at the LHC: the light higgsino-world scenario and the role of a lepton collider" (2011). Faculty Publications, Department of Physics and Astronomy. 197. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/physicsfacpub/197

This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Research Papers in Physics and Astronomy at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications, Department of Physics and Astronomy by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. JHEP11(2011)031 a very tralino nced via Springer August 4, 2011 : October 10, 2011 October 21, 2011 November 8, 2011 : : : Received Revised ate, there is only small 10.1007/JHEP11(2011)031 Accepted Published doi: and trimuon production weak sector prefers low values ere exist excellent prospects for the higgsino-world scenario may linos may have large production e standard SUSY searches at the [email protected] spectrum of the final state isolated lepton and trilepton signatures are , T collider or a muon collider operating p Published for SISSA by − b e , the two lightest and light µ + e and Peisi Huang b [email protected] , . In the limit of low µ ) values possible. If the relic abundance is enha µ ( T 1 TeV range would be able to easily access the and neu p 1107.5581 − Vernon Barger 5 a . Phenomenology While the SUSY flavor, CP and problems seem to favor 0 ∼ [email protected] s √ SISSA 2011 Dept. of Physics, UniversityMadison, of WI Wisconsin, 53706, U.S.A. E-mail: Dept. of Physics andNorman, Astronomy, OK University 73019, of U.S.A. Oklahoma, b a c Hidden SUSY at thescenario LHC: and the the light role higgsino-world of a lepton collider

Abstract: Howard Baer, difficult to observe after mild cuts due to the very soft heavy spectrum of matterof scalars, fine-tuning superpotential in mass thechargino electro are higgsino-like. The lightcross sections and neutra atenergy LHC, release in but three-body since sparticle decays. they Possible di are nearly mass degener Keywords: ArXiv ePrint: pair production reactions. . Thus, the higgsino-world scenarioLHC. can It easily should motivate elud experimental searchesat to the focus on very di lowest direct or indirect detection of higgsino-likeeasily WIMPs. hide While from LHC SUSY searches, a linear non-standard cosmological dark production, then th in the JHEP11(2011)031 1 4 8 ]) 10 11 12 10 15 17 ac- 24 – 21 ]; for reviews 1 Y matter scalars thologies. Unfettered he divergences in the l, then the gravitino mass oduced by [ ld exist at or around the ] (or non-thermal [ e multi-TeV scalars derive 20 ]. The latter bound is in con- ing neutral current processes – ard Model (SM) to quadratic synthesis (BBN) unless re-heat 10 production tino decays in the early universe 11 , 2 y between the electroweak sector rsymmetry (SUSY) (the Minimal 9 e Z 1 e Z GeV [ GeV). 5 6 10 < ∼ R – 1 – T ]). In the case of the Minimal Supersymmetric GeV (10 6 9 – ]. And in gravity-mediated SUSY breaking models 4 8 10 , 2 × 2 ]. The heavy scalars thus suppress loop-induced flavor and ]; [ 3 > ∼ 27 – R T 25 ]. Inclusion of grand unified theories with SUSY may lead to un 7 violation [ CP violating processes, and suppress decay rates. If th While the MSSM may be very appealing, it does suffer several pa A common solution to the above four problems is to push the SUS 4.3 Collimated dilepton +MET sigmature from 4.1 Sparticle production4.2 at LHC7 Branching fractions and collider signatures ceptably high rates for [ The well-known instability ofdivergences the is scalar elegantly solved sector by of theSupersymmetric introduction the Standard of Stand supe Model commonly used today was intr 1 Introduction 5 Prospects for ILC or6 a muon collider Summary and conclusions 3 Neutralino relic density and4 direct detection rates Higgsino-world scenario at the LHC Contents 1 Introduction 2 Higgsino-world parameter space and mass spectra leptogenesis, which require CP and (SUGRA), gravitino production followed by late-timeare gravi in conflict with the successfultemperatures picture after of inflation are Big limited Bang to nucleo flict with appealing baryogenesis models such as thermal [ scalar sector are rendered toand merely the logarithmic. SUSY Interpla partnersTeV scale suggests to the avoid re-introduction of masses fine-tuning. shou soft SUSY breaking terms lead to large rates for flavor-chang of SUSY phenomenology, seeStandard [ Model (MSSM) with soft SUSY breaking (SSB) terms, t into the multi-TeV regime [ from a SUGRA model with a simple form for the potentia K¨ahler JHEP11(2011)031 ], is ter 31 . In β ]. A 2 (1.4) (1.2) (1.3) (1.5) e e well- Z 34 – 32 and 1 e Z into the 10-50 TeV 2 ]. / 3 n conflict with SUSY arge, multi-TeV scalar 28 m will be mainly bino-like, , P and other experiments 3 . 10 e ue to its ability to reconcile Z aking. Here, the tree-level and (1.1) mal supergravity (mSUGRA xist with apparent low levels ] -tuning arises from minimiza- ry low thermal relic density of em [ , tuning, it has perhaps fallen out 29 , [ , V region for a given value of GUT are the up and down Higgs SSB 1 second, so the gravitino decays β 2 Z n the paradigm mSUGRA/CMSSM d 2 < value and low fine-tuning [ ∼ M 2 H

scalars 2 µ 2 m Z / i − ) sin 2 m ], and leads to a sparticle mass spectrum 3 2 a τ term. We consider the case with interme- M β µ 36 ≪ , then the state 2 µ , 0035 at 68% CL and log . log + 2 0 1) ∂ 35 u 2 tan ∂ d GUT 2 H – 2 –

± − u 2 H 2 H M m β ≡ . m 2 is the superpotential Higgs mass term and tan m i d u and two light higgsino-like neutralinos v v m + 1123 ∆ µ . − 1 u = d (tan 2 H f W 2 H | ≪ = 0 β m µ m ( 2 | h = = DM 2 ]. More sophisticated measures were advocated in Ref’s [ µ Ω parameter itself is taken as a measure of fine-tuning: the lat Bµ 30 µ 1 TeV to avoid too much fine-tuning. This measure motivates th < ∼ will be wino-like. ] | ], the 2 µ 37 | 32 f W is the bilinear SSB term and and 4 B e Z is also expected to exist in the multi-TeV range. By pushing A measure of fine-tuning In this paper, we will consider supersymmetric models with l At first glance, multi-TeV gravitino and scalar masses seem i While the higgsino-world scenario seems highly appealing d 2 / 3 Second, higgsino-world scenarios are not easily realizedframework, i since elevating scalar masses into the multi-Te masses evaluated at the weak scale, the ratio of Higgs field vevs: tan diate range masses. This scenario, with models with gaugino mass unification at m has been dubbed “higgsino-world” by Kane [ with a light higgsino-like chargino virtue of the HB/FP regionof is electroweak that fine-tuning. multi-TeV scalars can co-e masses, but with low, sub-TeV superpotential while in ref. [ paper requires where electroweak breaking conditions are familiarly written as electroweak fine-tuning. The possibletion SUSY electroweak of fine the scalar potential after electroweak symmetry bre or CMSSM) as allowing for heavy scalars with low known hyperbolic branch/ focus point (HB/FP) region of mini neutralinos, not at allwhich in require accord [ with measurements from WMA multi-TeV scalars and with lowof electroweak fine- favor for two reasons. First, higgsino-world leads to a ve while was advocated in ref. [ range, the gravitino lifetime can be reduced to shortly before BBN begins, this solving the gravitino probl JHEP11(2011)031 , r ], ra. 43 42 , we have 4 ), along value — x ( et al. s ble features, any in a mass at or ], one must intro- nt re-annihilation ur: a model with a o abundance in the 52 ubject to very high rise to the measured – have emphasized that h non-universal GUT coherent oscillations in 49 ]. alino admixture, where ealize in the paradigm nsider the higgsino-world and diluting the WIMP no-like neutralino as LSP, 54 IMP abundance, the light r field (moduli) decays [ y enhancement of the relic g to the correct abundance ]. Depending on the various e [ SUSY searches. Toward this ion of universal scalar masses g the WIMP abundance [ or instance, Kane here is little reason to expect 53 problem is solved by the intro- ] followed by cascade decays to o abundance. In section for the lighter matter states at ntation, while Higgs superfields 57 ct detection in the case where non- – CP 55 -parity even spin-0 R ] invisible [ 48 – 45 – 3 – . ), in addition to the light pseudoscalar axion field x ( GUT a ]. In fact, in GUT models such as SO(10), the matter M 65 – 62 ˜ 1 2 have shown in this case that SUSY models with the higgsino-world parameter space and expected mass spect 2 pushes one beyond the HB/FP region into a portion of paramete 2 / 1 et al. ]. m 61 ]. Furthermore, non-standard cosmologies have many desira – 40 58 – . 38 , we present calculations of the standard thermal neutralin 3 -parity odd spin- ] that at least one moduli field in string theory should mainta GUT R 41 abundance can be augmented by axino production and subseque M 1 e For the above reasons, we feel that it may be opportune to reco Pertaining to the issue of higgsino-world being difficult to r Pertaining to the issue, a number of recent works A third modifiation of the thermal WIMP abundance may also occ Alternatively, in SUSY models wherein the strong Z at ). In models such as these, with a TeV-scale axino and a higgsi ]. In particular, for higgsino-world with too low a thermal W x 0 ( either too high orCDM too abundance low via — the enhancement of or thermal diminution due WIMP to abundance scala may give end, we discuss in section scale Higgs masses (NUHM) [ scenario, and whether such a scenario would be visible to LHC mSUGRA model, we note that it is easily realized in models wit the a space where radiative EWSB is notm realized under the assumpt the standard picture offine-tuning [ a thermal SUSY WIMP as dark matter is s 44 scale gaugino mass at temperatures above BBN but below neutralino freeze-out [ In section higgsino-world scenario, and discuss its directstandard and cosmological indire processes augmentevaluate the the relic dominant sparticle higgsin production cross sections supermultiplets live in thelive in 16-dimensional 10 spinor or represe matter-Higgs other SSB dimensional universality multiplets. at In such models, t supposed underabundance of neutralinoDM dark abundance matter due may to enjo thermalthe gravitino LSP production state [ [ PQMSSM model parameters, theeither CDM the consists axion of or an the axion/neutr neutralino can dominate the abundanc duce an axion supermultiplet,with which an contains an higgsino abundance can beof enhanced higgsino-like by WIMPs. moduli decays, leadin and may even be favored by string theoretic constructions.around F the 10 TeV scale.the early Such universe, moduli and decay fields intoor can WIMPs, thereby they be augmentin produced can via abundance. decay Gelmini into SM , thus generating entropy duction of Peccei-Quinn-Weinberg-Wilczek [ shown [ JHEP11(2011)031 ]. T E 72 (2.1) , 71 content 0 u mass gap ˜ h . Since we 1 2 ]. Here, the e , we present / Z are the weak = 5000 GeV, 1 6 t masses. The 29 i = 7 TeV) with − 0 m all have masses 2 s M m 2 e Z e √ Z and o sample benchmark µ orcing the input weak and In section (where is the higgsino 1 i e ) 638 GeV for the two cases, Z to 500 GeV, using the same ying i pectrum generation [ ( 1 M , . We also show the higgsino rches for jets plus missing µ v ∼ 1 sino production cross sections pt the Isasugra non-universal . 2 -decay and gravitino problems. ≪ a lead to sparticle decays with f W . To the best of our knowledge, A = 5 TeV. The p M µ . We also take 0 1 where m 21, so that in this case the lightest . at LHC7 (LHC at in the notation of ref. [ 0 to be in the multi-TeV range, so that are the usual GUT scale parameters, i (1)2 2 ˜ e 0 v β, µ, m ∼ G Z will be largely irrelevant for our analysis. A m , we discuss higgsino-world signatures at a + = 800 GeV. The spectra are also shown in H 5 A tan v MET A ∼ = 150 GeV (HW150). , m , which induces gaugino-higgsino mixing, will 352 GeV and (1)2 1 and 0 0 m – 4 – β µ v . These latter parameters are run from the weak 2 ∼ m are wino-like. The squarks and sleptons all are d / q ,A 1 1 and 2 H 4 2 e / = 0 Z m m M are stipulated at the weak scale, and are used to solve 1 9 for HW300. Increasing A , . H A 0 v , m m and and = 10 and m = 150 or 300 GeV. These states are dominantly higgsino- 0 u 2 β µ m 2 H f and W , we see that the three states m 1 content of neutralino µ and also . We will take 0 d 0 ˜ h A m m = 0, tan 0 or figure A is reserved only for matter scalars, and not Higgs scalar sof and 0 1 98 for HW150 and 0 µ . = 150 and 300 GeV are listed in table m µ is bino-like and is 0 of integrated luminosity. In section 3 H is the higgsino e 1 for the higgsino-world case where v Z − ) ), and also for isolated multi-leptons+ i 1 ( 2 = 800 GeV, v From table The higgsino-world input parameters and mass spectra for tw 2 / 10 fb 1 MET choice of other model parameters, decreases occur at possibly observablevery levels, low the energy compressed release, andhiggsino-world spectr SUSY very can soft effectively elude detectable standard particles SUSY sea the LHC and calculate their branching fractions. While higg m although here and value of To generate spectra inHiggs higgsino-world mass scenario, parameter we space will (NUHM2): ado TeV scale lepton colliderour such final as discussion ILC and or conclusions. a muon collider (MC). 2 Higgsino-world parameter spaceWe and will mass adopt the spectra Isajet 7.81 program for SUSY mass s ∼ figure for the weak scale values of two additional parameters In the above parameter space, ( so that like. The weak scale gaugino masses decoupled, with masses in the multi-TeV range, since scale values of to GUT scale, and their GUT scale values are determined by enf we obtain a decoupling solution to the SUSY flavor, CP, is just 16.2 GeV and 28.2fraction GeV, of respectively, the for lightest neutralino: the two cases clustered around the value of Thus, the parameters scale gaugino masses), the parameter tan The main parameter space dependence will arise from just var also not be terribly relevant. points with are interested in the light higgsino-world scenario, with JHEP11(2011)031 , 1 1 1 e e Z Z rio e Z 008 . m m 0 − 1 ∼ = 0 and f W 2 h 0 is excluded m 1 e A std Z µ of the lightest H v , we find that 2 / 1 24 4 8 orld scenario benchmark ightest neutralino with = 5 TeV, − − − m 0 10 10 10 m × × × 5 1 . . 09 . . As one enters the blue-shaded 3 3 2 0 er of mixed higgsino-bino variety. / and large 1 m µ 5 GeV. 24 4 8 . − − − 103 10 10 10 0 0 10 10 < × 800150 800 800 300 800 × × ∼ 0.98 0.90 5000 5000 688.2356.3158.9 691.0 142.7 366.9 311.4 283.2 120.1 120.1 0.008 0.03 672.7156.3 675.4 310.5 4869.4 4870.1 2004.93240.2 2004.2 4267.8 3243.8 4269.4 5171.5 5171.4 1 5 0 . . 28 f and large W . – 5 – | m µ | /sec) 0 parameter space plane for 3 = 150 and 300GeV, respectively. 2 ) 3 / µ 1 5. This region essentially defines the higgsino-world scena (cm . sγ ) (pb) 1 0 7) 1055 fb 63.5 fb 0 p ). the color-coded mass contours of the lightest neutralino → 1 → > well below the WMAP-measured CDM abundance. ∼ 2 a v e b Z h that the standard thermal neutralino abundance is Ω 2 2 1 β ( ( i| H 4 3 2 1 L / 1 mass gap (which is always very close to the value of the R 1 1 e e e e 1 LHC v ˜ ˜ f f ˜ ˜ Z Z Z Z h A g u t b e W W 0 1 e ˜ µ vs. m 0 std Z i.e. ( SI 1 (1) H σv e Z v m m m m m σ Ω BF σ h tan µ m m m m m m m m parameterm m A HW150 HW300 m − becomes increasingly bino-like. The unshaded region at low 2 in the , we show color-coded contours of the higgsino fraction , we show e Z 2 3 1 1 e m e Z Z . Input parameters and masses in GeV units for two higgsino-w 03, repectively, = 10. The green, yellow and especially red regions contain a l . ). the b In figure In figure β large higgsino fraction region, the parameter space, which is found at low tan neutralino is no longer dominantlyWe higgsino-like, also but see rath from table points HW150 and HW300, with neutralino Table 1 by LEP2 limits on the lightest chargino: and 0 and mass gap). In the higgsino-world scenario with low JHEP11(2011)031 n = A m plane with 0.90.9 0.80.8 0.70.7 0.60.6 0.50.5 0.40.4 0.30.3 0.20.2 0.10.1 3 GeV. . 2 / H.A 1 10 GeV in the = 173 ∼ t = 150 GeV, z4 m (TeV) µ µ vs. m 1/2 m with z3 in the 1 e -world parameters, we always Z z2 = 10. We take drops as low as β 1 e Z of the z1 m H v − 2 w2 e = 10. Z β m = 0 and tan – 6 – 0 A w1 er = 0 and tan 0 A = 600 GeV, 2 el / 1 m 90 GeV, where the lower limit comes from the LEP2 constraint o squark ∼ LEP2 excluded = 5000 GeV, 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0 m = 5000 GeV,


0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.7 0.6 0 3000 2000 1000 5000 4000 µ (TeV) HH . Sparticle mass spectra for a light higgsino world scenario . Color-coded contours of higgsino content m vv GeV = 800 GeV, A chargino masses. Meanwhile, the mass gap extreme higgsino-world region. Thus, for extreme higgsino 800 GeV, Figure 2 Figure 1 can drop as low as m


GeV GeV GeV GeV in the 1 e Z 250250 200200 150150 100100 5050 00 300300 250250 200200 150150 100100 5050 00 300300 m − -body decays 2 e Z m (TeV) (TeV) will always be closed 1/2 1/2 = 10. h m m 1 β e Z or Z 1 e Z = 0 and tan → 0 2 A ). we plot contours of e Z b – 7 – while in 1 e = 5000 GeV, Z 0 m m = 800 GeV, A ]. Two-body decays such as m 86 [ 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 γ (GeV) (GeV) 1 )., we plot contours of states to decay via three-body modes or loop-suppressed two Z1Z1 e Z a 2 e

-m-m (GeV) (GeV)


0.1 0.1

0.4 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.7

plane with µ µ (TeV) (TeV) Z2Z2 Z1Z1 2 . In 2 e Z / mm mm 1 in the higgsino-world scenario. Figure 3 expect the such as µ vs. m JHEP11(2011)031 8 µ − and 10 > ∼ ZZ pb. The ) p 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 9 = 800 GeV, 1 − e A Z ( 10 m SI × σ 20 (TeV) > ∼ e typically well below 1/2 ) In this case, we present m 1 ton scattering cross sec- plane with e Z ecays, or by axino produc- 2 p / ( he CDM abundance in the standard expectations, then 1 moduli in string theory, the SI σ pace is excluded if higgsino-like narios can be highly motivated alino is dominantly higgsino-like, , we show color-coded contours of . We see that indeed in the low 2 4 µ vs. m h occurs for mixed higgsino-bino states. ] that in the case of the Peccei-Quinn 1 200 GeV — excludes e 1 std Z 54 − Ω − 10 ), and so may well be more appealing than 100 ∼ plane. The red and yellow shaded regions have ··· – 8 – 11. In figure . 2 0 / 1 ∼ WIMP 2 range, where 10 h m 1 − = 10. µ vs. m annihilation cross sections into vector states β CDM 10 1 e − Z 5 1 . ] — for 2 e Z − 87 pb, while green-shaded regions have pb in the 9 9 − LEP2 excluded = 0 and tan 2 − 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 10 0 h A × Ω is at the 10 2 10 30

0.1 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.7

h color-coded contours of spin-independent neutralino-pro µ (TeV) > ∼ 1 . Regions of thermal neutralino abundance in the 5 e std Z ) . This will result in a standard thermal neutralino abundanc Log 1 − e Z p If the higgsino relic abundance is enhanced (say, by moduli d W ( = 5000 GeV, + 0 SI Xenon-100 experiment [ tion in units of 10 region Ω Thus, a non-standard cosmologyhiggsino-world is scenario. likely Indeed, needed manyby to “non-standard” other sce explain physics t considerationsaxion (the solution to presence the of strong TeV-scale CP problem σ simple thermal production of WIMPs. tion and decay, or bya gravitino production higgsino-like and WIMP decay) may beyond wellin make figure up the bulk of dark matter. Figure 4 the standard thermal neutralino abundance log m pb, so already a largeWIMPs portion make of up higgsino-world parameter all s the CDM. It is shown in ref. [ In the light higgsino-worldthen scenario, it if will the sustain lightest large neutr 3 Neutralino relic density and direct detection rates W WMAP-measured values of Ω JHEP11(2011)031 for ¯ t t 200 GeV, -9 . In our 10 ∼ = 800 GeV, 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 × ]. In these WW A 90 , and into m t physical quan- no-like WIMPs 0 (in the galactic < m (TeV) would now be excluded f 10-100, and so the → 1/2 6 v n it may also be pos- PQMSSM parameters, m plane with hilation into final states higgsino ure e axion-dominated, while However, in scenarios like 2 m et is required to solve the / thermally averaged WIMP 1 1 y. for y. In this latter case, the as- . The red-, yellow- and green- search constraints. ]. For WIMPs of mass missions from a variety of Milky Way rounds. Here, we merely present ZZ amma-ray or antimatter detection 91 ] or anti-deuterons [ limit where µ vs. m /sec or 3 89 . , cm , ref. [ 88 0 WW 24 → − v to pb in the i| 9 σv − h – 9 – in units of 10 in the case of dominant WIMP annihilation into 0 = 10. /s or if cosmologically produced axinos decay to neutralinos → 3 β v ) in units of 10 p R i| cm 1 T e 25 Z σv ( − h SI 10 σ > ∼ LEP2 excluded = 0 and tan 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0 → v A . The exact detection rates will also depend on various astro i| 0 . Thus, the deep higgsino region (red-to-green shaded) of fig σv → t

h v


0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.7 m -problem, that for some ranges of PQMSSM parameters, higgsi µ i| (TeV) . Contours of > ∼ σv CP h If higgsino-like WIMPs comprise the bulk of dark matter, the Recently the Fermi LAT collaboration has studied gamma ray e = 5000 GeV, 1 0 higgsino could make up virtually(low all re-heat the temeprature DM abundance, while for other higgsino-world scenario would then escape Xenon-100 null- sible to detectcontaining them , via anti-, searches gamma-rays for [ galactic halo WIMP anni before neutralino freeze-out), thenthe the higgsino CDM abundance abundance maintainssumed may its WIMP b abundance standard would relic have densit to be scaled down by a factor o m augmented MSSM, where anstrong axion-axino-saxion supermultipl rates, if higgsino-like WIMPs dominate the CDM relic densit shaded regions will typically lead to observable levels of g satellite galaxies, and has placed new limits on halo): Figure 5 in the case where higgsinos comprised the bulk of dark matter annihilation cross section times relative velocity, in the cases, the WIMP annihilation rate is always proportional to tities, and details of thecolor-coded detection contours devices of and their backg they exclude case, higgsino-like neutralinos dominantly annihilate in m JHEP11(2011)031 . ]. = 1 for are 82 A 2 m e fb Z ± 1 -24 lic axinos, f W 10 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 × ]. Thus, for ons in and 81 1 – plane with e Z 2 domination, these 74 / ± 1 (TeV) 1 1/2 f W m lid at NLO in QCD [ low LHC sensitivity. We for gluino pair production sino-like WIMPs. In other ost promising SUSY cross 1 µ vs. m ed from collider physics. In − 1400 GeV) [ though detection of relic in the ∼ ];for a recent review of axion/axino ˜ g m ] with 2 fb 95 /sec – 3 73 for other model parameters as in table 92 cm 700 GeV), while the reach of LHC14 with µ 24 ∼ − ˜ g – 10 – m = 10. β is the LSP ([ a in units of 10 0 → = 0 and tan v /s 0 i| 3 A 650 GeV (corresponding to σv h 300 GeV (the deep higgsino region), we see that ∼ ]), then the higgsino-like WIMPs would all have decayed to re < ∼ LEP2 excluded 2 / 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 96 1 µ , we show the dominant sparticle pair production cross secti m 7 250 GeV (corresponding to = 5000 GeV,


∼ 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.7 0

µ (TeV) is to 2 . Contours of m / (v=0) cm (v=0) 1 1 − m In figure 100 fb is to Figure 6 sections at LHC. We adopt the computer codeFor low Prospino values of so that the results are va In the HW scenario, squarksthe and limit of sleptons large are scalar assumed masses, the decoupl reach of LHC7 [ most of HW parameterthen space, expect gluino chargino/neutralino pair production pair will production be to be be the m 4 Higgsino-world scenario at4.1 the LHC Sparticle production at LHC7 dark matter, see [ and no direct or indirectwould detection signals still would be be possible). seen (al the PQMSSM with mixedrates will axion-WIMP be dark suppressed matter,PQMSSM due but cases to where with the the low axion halo axino abundance ˜ of higg 800 GeV, LHC7 from the higgsino-world scenario versus JHEP11(2011)031 → 3 e Z since at LHC7 for light y Isajet as shown µ the reactions shown (GeV) µ moves beyond 300 GeV, . 1 µ duction rates for some of propagator. ns versus ∗ jet decay table for sparticle -higgsino states, and some of W w1w1 z1z2 w1z1 w1z2 z2z3 w2w2 w1z3 w2z4 , , in figure τ τ or or µ µ , , e e production. As are largely invisible, these signal reactions would 2 = , we find 1 = 1 e Z ℓ ℓ f W 1 f W e Z production and pair production. – 11 – Z Other potentially visible cross sections such as for and 2 or − 1 W f W + 1 f W production may offer some hope for sparticle detection at LHC 3 e Z ]. For light charginos 1 at 3.5% for each species 85 f at 11.1% for each species W at 33.3% , at 33.3% – 1 . Since the decay products of 1 1 e h 1 Z e 83 e Z 1 Z e ℓ Z − 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 e Z ¯ u ¯ ¯ c ℓ ν ℓ d s + 2 1 or ℓ


agrees well with output for all SUSY reactions as generated b , we find typically

10 → → → σ (fb) Z 2 , so these are indeed the dominant production reactions. i 7 → e . Dominant chargino and neutralino production cross sectio e 1 Z − − − Z 1 1 1 2 e are several orders of magnitude below these. The sum total of f f f W W W Z or For 2 Reactions such as • • • • e W 2 Z 1 2 e f Z Figure 7 in figure in table dominant, followed closely by higgsino-world SUSY scenario. Other parameters are fixed as 4.2 Branching fractionsThe and sparticle collider branching signatures fractionscascade can decays be [ read off from the Isa W suffer enormous backgrounds from direct since the three-body chargino decays are dominated by the the cross sections dropthe heavier rapidly charginos and and become neutralinos. comparable to pro the lighter charginos and neutralinos become mixed gaugino JHEP11(2011)031 ] 1 e n e Z 72 ant 1 plus ] for , f W pening ]. The 99 71 , due to ]. While T 100 p 98 , 97 ground arising , 2%) for HW150 . 76 nto Pythia [ -boson production). ) will be bounded by W − 8% (0 these also to be buried . ion. ℓ tions, we find that + eneath QCD background. level using Isajet [ production ℓ . rect ( and should be present if the − 2 natures. backgrounds. e first of these is likely buried m τ e Z under QCD background(BG)) ] and LHC [ + 1 τ e 70 signal against the following SM Z – or ng event. All backgrounds are gen- 66 − ℓ ]. ), + MET ℓ 98 − . If the dilepton pair is at high τ + → − + ℓ − τ ∗ ℓ + γ ℓ + → ℓ – 12 – → and ∗ → ℓ γ production [ WW ¯ ν 2 ℓ ¯ t occurs at an enhanced rate: 0 e Z t ν 1 which is generated by Madgraph/MadEvent [ γ e Z 1 ( pair) production, → ∗ e Z is found. The third case yields the venerable clean trilepto Z − Z → ∗ τ γ will lead to either 1) soft jets+MET, 2) soft isolated lepton → + τ pp 2 − 1 production will lead to either 1) soft jets+MET, 2) soft jets e backgrounds proved most daunting for the Tevatron, at LHC th MET production can lead to 1) soft jets+MET or 2) soft, low invari Z → 2 f W ℓ 2 + e 3 Z + e 1 Z Z , then we expect the dilepton pair to be highly collimated in o 1 − 1 2 at 21.5% (summed over all species) and ℓ production, where f W e → f e W Z Z at 68% summed over all species. + 1 (Drell-Yan) production, ∗ ℓ ∗ e Z 1 with − ℓ Z e production (including Z ℓ ¯ Zγ ν ∗ → ¯ ]. ℓ q + − ν q 2 and thus lead to a distinctive mass edge upon a continuum back ℓ W or e 86 production, where Z jets 1 W 1 e → → Z → + production, e Z + Z 2 2 ∗ ∗ m and ¯ t e e Z Z γ t Z W γ WW ∗ − The reaction By combining production cross sections with branching frac The reaction The reaction γ • • • • • • • 2 ∗ e Z a highly boosted angle, and to appear rather distinctively compared to known cleaner collimated soft dilepton+MET or 3) softbeneath trileptons+MET. QCD Th background. The second is possibly observable, signature which has been evaluated for the Tevatron [ from production will lead to eitheror a soft soft jets+MET isolated (likely lepton+MET buried Thus, (likely we buried do under not BG expect from this di reaction to lead to observable sig m in Les Houchesinitial/final Event state (LHE) radiation, format, hadronization anderated and underlyi with then Pythia feed except the LHE files i 4.3 Collimated dilepton +MET sigmature from W In addition, the decay dominant background comes from mass dilepton pairs+MET. TheThe first second of of these these is has likely a buried chance b at observability since the beneath SM backgrounds from QCD or vector boson pair product plus jets+MET or 3) soft dilepton pair+MET. We expect each of (HW300) [ We first investigate the backgrounds: We generate sparticle production and decay events at parton JHEP11(2011)031 1 2 σ . e Z ′ ¯ q -jets b q = 0 ociation R 4 At this . 9 (central 2 ]. Jets are . production. production, 0 < 9 fb. The 5 2 . 101 − | line or cracks, e < Z ) for the HW150 1 11 W | e Z ) 8 + jet 1 ∼ ( µ η W 5. Leptons are clas- | rk is very soft, with ( . η | 4. usually decays to . 2 nd is ong with two hard = 0 1 on. There is also a large tion, we next impose nal events escape even the < f . W n be identified more easily R ivity in a cone of ∆ | 2 tion program [ 15 GeV, ) Yan and 2 e “no-jet” cut. Meanwhile, the > µ ( ) η | 15 GeV and jet ( of integrated luminosity is 5.45 fb, so T production, which yields a continuum > p 1 − − ) 1 ), whilst the signal dimuons are restricted W µ − ( + µ T 5 GeV with p + W – 13 – µ > ( ) m 2 of integrated luminosity, while SM background lies µ ( 1 15 GeV. The signal rates for HW150 after cuts only T − p production are expected to be quite soft, we will focus > 2 e ) Z 1 . Signal and background cross sections before and after cuts µ distribution before cuts is shown in figure ( e T Z production. In the latter case, the which is just 16.2 GeV for HW150. Thus, we require T p T 2 p 1 p e e Z Z jet finding algorithm with cone size ∆ 1 m T f W k − production of dimuons and a background from single top in ass . We first require: 2 2 ¯ t 20 GeV . decays. Thus, we also require the number of jets e t Z , we see that the dimuon signal comes about 30% from 2 < 25 GeV, ) bW < m − in the DY case only arises from particles lost along the beam- ) = 0, µ ) → + − t 120 event level. µ µ jets ( ( + ∼ two opposite-sign : one with region), while the other has m MET n MET > µ ( From table Since the leptons from The inclusive muon • • • • m collider events are then fed into the PGS toy detector simula but with very low energy release,dominant which sometimes remaining escapes background th comes from tau-pair, Drell- The remaining signal is 0.43 fb, while the summed SM backgrou benchmark. Here, wethe see bulk that of the thefirst distribution spectrum below cut from 15 GeV. HW150 listed Thus, benchma above few on of the sig found using an anti- than at very low initially upon the case of dimuon production, since muons ca and about 70% from are listed in table sified as isolated ifabout they the contain lepton less direction. than 5 GeV hadronic act discovery cross section for LHC7, assuming 10 fb corresponds to four eventsat in the 10 fb that the case of HW150 is far below this limit. To reduce the large background from Drell-Yan dimuon produc Signal and BG after these cuts are listed for HW150 in table to stage, the largest background comes from distribution in dimuon invariant mass from the background from or from energy mis-measurement, mainly from radiati where jets are identified as a cluster of with with a W-boson which has a hard b-jet, but this always comes al since JHEP11(2011)031 mal MET 500 GeV. 5 GeV. ∼ > 2 / ) 1 µ ( m to cover the light T 1 p − (GeV) of integrated luminosity 0 fb µ 1 the light blue region of our pt C7. The signal rates are − 3 . The search for jets+ 0 4 5 events at LHC from higgsino- 3 < MET spectrum, and is difficult vel. miss T process requires of mixed bino-higgsino variety with a (after cuts, fb) E 1 σ + e Z − 260 GeV, corresponding to 6 4 4 µ ∼ + 5 2.3 10 10 10 1 . µ f W (fb) production using 100 fb × × × 6.8 0.3 production yield a very soft isolated lepton 313 0.3 192 0.13 → m 2 235 9 5 1 σ 2 e . . . 2 Z e 8 1 1 e Z Z 1 f ± W – 14 – 1 e Z − f W µ → + µ pp i − ¯ ν → 11. This region contains i µ . ν + − (DY) 1 − µ τ ) from µ − µ + − ( + µ ] in the Focus Point region of the mSUGRA model, where the ther τ → µ T µ + p 98 + − µ → µ 2 → 2 W e Z 5 TeV. e → . Z + Z ,Z → 1 0 1 ∗ ∗ ∗ ¯ t e f γ W γ γ t process W Z < ∼ 2 is required to be 0 mass gap than in the higgsino-world case, and corresponds to / 1 , we would expect the LHC14 reach via clean trileptons with 10 2 1 e 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 4 Z h


0 1


T m e

Z 0.1 0.3 0.2

dp 0.05 0.25 0.15 −

(fb/GeV) . Distribution in σ 1 . Signal and BG cross sections infb before and after cuts at LH d f W . The LHC14 clean trilepton reach extended to m 4 Likewise, trilepton signatures from The reach of LHC14 for clean trileptons from 3 has been calculated in ref. [ Figure 8 Table 2 larger figure spectrum, and are also difficult to extract at an observable le abundance Ω world benchmark point HW150. from higgsino pair production alsoto yields a extract very from soft prodigious jet SM and backgrounds. blue region for Thus, in figure for higgsino-world benchmark point HW150. Each background JHEP11(2011)031 nst using 2 e Z 1 e Z 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 → − e levels. Our studies production, should + (TeV) e 2 T SY scenario due to a 1/2 e d SUSY searches via p Z 1 m e and Z , so that our results are , where we see that the 9 µ s that possibly observable − 1 varying from 100-250 GeV. y low er (ILC), which is proposed f W ∼ µ n and trimuon analyses at the = 500 GeV. We see that over + 1 1 TeV), which also corresponds However, we have seen that the 1 s f f W W < √ ∼ m 2 → / 1 − e m + e parameter plane for other SUSY parameters as 2 / 1 are shown in figure – 15 – m 1 value. We take f W 1 = 500 GeV. Chargino pair production would also be 250 GeV (for m f W versus s < ∼ m µ √ to vary, and in fact colliders like CLIC, or a muon collider (MC) operating in µ 1 − e f W + in the m e 1 f W m 500 GeV covers almost all of HW parameter space (compare agai causes < ∼ µ 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1 ) levels in order to extract a possible signal. , we show the cross sections for f W µ (GeV) ( 10 m T W1 250 GeV. Contours of 2 p


0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.7 m µ (TeV) < ∼ × . Contours of 2 2 ). For this mass range, chargino pair production, and also 1 2 f W Thus, higgsino-world SUSY seems capable of eluding standar In figure m plotted versus the more physical be within range ofto operate the initially proposed at international an Linear energy Collid Figure 9 figure accessible to higher energy The variation in region with 2 SUSY parameters as in the HW150 benchmark, but with levels of dimuon and trimuon production can occur, but at ver in HW150 scenario. isolated multi-leptons. The key feature of the HW scenario i the TeV regime. We have seen that thevery LHC soft spectrum has of essentially observable noHW sparticle reach scenario decay for products. mainly the occurs HW for SU 5 Prospects for ILC or a muon collider then motivate our experimental colleaguesvery to lowest push for dimuo to JHEP11(2011)031 1 2 e to e f no W Z 1 µ m e Z es by beams). ) for the and − − e e ( − 1 L ) = +1 corre- , and vary are all mainly f W production, 2) P − 7 + 2 e 1 e ( e E 6 Z L f W P (GeV) , W1 and production, depending − et + m e , the 1 6 2 E e Z ss section is in the several e Z o pair production versus en though it is difficult to , 1 es are almost always gaugino- Thus, the HW scenario should y. These signatures should be f W and w1w1 z1z2 1 cross section for HW150 is nearly s of the beam polarization f W 2 cross sections versus production via distributions such as e Z production only increases by a factor 2 1 e Z e Z − 1 1 e Z WW f W + 1 ) = 0 corresponds to unpolarized f and W − e – 16 – ]. In addition, SM backgrounds such as dilepton ( − 1 L f W P 110 + 1 , f W production and 3) dilepton + 109 [ , and initial state will contain energy depositions all in the sam 6 E → − 2 ]. In addition, the e p − approaches the kinematic limit for pair production. Chargi γγ e 1 corresponds to pure right-polarized − 6 1 110 + 2 e f W , 6 E m ∼ − p 109 ], it is shown that for wino-like ) − . = e 1 ) varies from -1 to +1, whereas in mSUGRA it typically increas 110 ( f W − 6 m L , 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 e P m ( L 109 0 P , we plot the

400 300 200 100 500 cross section (fb) section cross . Cross sections for chargino pair production and neutralin 11 = 500 GeV ILC or MC collider. We take SUSY parameters as in figur 5 as . ) (where s 3 − √ A distinctive feature of the HW scenario is that the e ( ∼ L “missing mass”: easily visible against SM backgrounds such as on whether the charginos decay leptonically or hadronicall at a give variation in Figure 10 In figure most of HW parameterhundred space, fb the range, until chargino pair production cro soft isolated lepton plus jets + or dijet production from the higgsino-like, whereas in models such aslike. mSUGRA, these In stat ref. [ production cross sections are steeplyP increasing function sponds to pure left-polarized see at LHC. plane, while the SUSY signalbe will contain easily acoplanar visible events. at ILC, or a higher energy muon collider, ev HW150 benchmark. In the HW scenario, factors of about 100 [ of pair production will be signaled at ILC or MC by 1) soft multij JHEP11(2011)031 ≪ and 2 / 1 µ ], it is t easily m 54 icles may cold dark = 150 GeV. 0-30. Thus, 1 | ≪ µ e states are all Z µ | or ) 2 - e Z (e L scenario [ p 1 and e 1-ton to fully explore Z 1 o pair production versus a e Z ixed axion- the charginos/neutralinos , 250 GeV and intermediate 1 xed < tion. ∼ am polarization will quickly o the measured range. If this f W rios such as those containing he weak scale values of mass hierarchy coupling solution to the SUSY µ particles is well below WMAP- ect detection of higgsino-like relic 1 e Z – 17 – w1w1 z1z2 250 GeV, and dominantly higgsino-like. The remaining spart ), while in mSUGRA, it is typically increasing by factors of 2 < ∼ -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 − is the GUT scale mass of matter scalars. The HW scenario is mos = 500 GeV ILC collider. We take SUSY parameters as in HW1, with e ( 0 s -decay and gravitino problems with apparently low levels of L p

√ m

P . Cross sections for chargino pair production and neutralin 600 500 400 300 200 700 cross section (fb) section cross ) at a − are taken as free parameters. In the HW scenario, the The standard thermal abundance of higgsino-like e , where ( 0 A L Figure 11 P flat versus m realized in models with non-universal Higgs masses, where t The higgsino-world SUSY scenario with multi-TeV scalars, allow one to extractwhich are much accessible of to the an gaugino/higgsino ILC with content adjustable of beam6 polariza Summary and conclusions variability of the SUSY production cross sections versus be electroweak fine-tuning. The scenario is characterized by a scale gauginos is very appealingflavor, in CP, that it can reconcile a de m light with mass well be heavy and inaccessible to LHC searches. TeV-scale scalar fields such as moduli, or in scenarios with m measured values. 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