LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF . 461 branch). 114 miles north of Calgary. It has from Kentviile. It contains 2 churches, 2 1 general store. siores. 2 carding mills, 1 grist mill, 1 saw EXCELSIOR, a post office in Edmonton dist., mill, 1 agricultural implement factory and 1 Prov. of Alberta, 8 miles from Morinville on shingle mill. Pop., about 250. the Morinvi.le branch of the C.P R. FAi^ ARD, Lotbiuiere co., Que. See St. Severin EXCELSIOR, a post office in Algoma dist., de Beaurivage. Ont., 30 ijiilcs from Spanish River, on 'the Soo" FAIRBAIRN, a post village in Victoria CO., branch line of the C.P.R.. on the north shore Ont., 7 miles from Fenelon Falls Station, on

Lake Huron. • the G.T.R. (Haliburton and Lindsay branch), of . .„ Huronxj ^«r, EXETER, an incorporated village in 14 miles from Lindsay. It has 1 Methodist It CO., Ont., and a station on the G.T.R. church and 1 cheese factory. Pop., under 100. contains 4 churches (2 Methodist, 1 Episcopal FAIRBANK, a post settlement in iork co., and 1 Presbyterian), 6 stores, 4 hotels, 1 saw- Ont., near Davenport, a station on the G.T.R., mill, 1 flour mill. 1 sash and door factory, 1 5 miles north of . It contains 5 woollen will, 1 tannery, 1 foundry, 2 banks, 2 chuiches (Episcopal, Presbyterian and Metho- newspapers, telearraph, express and telephone dist., 3 stores, 1 hotel, telegraph and express offices. Pop. 1,792. offices at Fairbank Jet. Pop., about 500. ^ ^. , ^ „« EXMOOR, a post office in Northumberland co. FAIRFAX, a post hamlet in Stanstead co.. N.B., near Newcastle station, on the I.C.R., 6 Que., 5 miles northeast of Stanstead, 3 miles Chatham Jet. west of W^ays Mills, 71/^ miles south of Massa- miles from . EXPLOITS (Lower Harbor), a fishing settle- wippi Lake and iVs miles south-east of Boynton ment on the River Exploits, Nfld., 24 miles Station, on the Boston & Maine RR. Episcopal from Twillingate. Pop. (1901), 118. and Adventist services are held in a school- EXPLOITS (EAST AKD Wfst Side), a lar.a:e house. Pop. of district, 75. fishing settlement in the district of Twillin- FAIRFAX, a post office in Brandon co., Man., gate and Fogo, Nfld., a port of call of the Reid- and a station on the Can. Northern RR., 35 Nfld. Co's steamers, 12 miles from the mouth miles west of Belmont, and 19 miles east of of Exploits River, and 14 miles from Twillin- Hartney. It is 162 miles west of Winnipeg. gate. Pop. (1901), 399. FAIRFIELD, a r>ost village in Kings co., EXPLOITS (Lower Harbor, East and West P.E.I. , on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 10 miles Side), a large fishing settlement in the district from Harmony, and 51 miles east of Charlotte- town. It contains 1 of Twillingate. Nfld., 12 miles from the mouth Eoman Catholic church, 1 store, of Exploits River, and 14 miles from Twillin- 1 saw mill. 1 grist mill. 2 lobster can- neries. 1 publ'c hall and 1 cheese factory. Fish- lingate. Pop. (1901), 517. ing and farming are the chief industries. a fishing and ship- Pop. EXPLOITS HARBOR, 200. the mouth of Exploits building settlement at FAIRFIELD, a station on the Stratford and River, in Notre Dame Bay, northern Nfld., 15 London branch of the G.T.R.. 6 miles front miles by water from Twillingate, and 30 miles London. The post office is called The Grove, Norris Arm, a si-ation on the Reid- north of which see for description, Nfld. RR., 9 miles west of Notre Dame Jet. FAIRFIELD, a post settlement In St. John Pop., about 600. CO., N.B., 2 miles from Bay of Fundy, at head RIVER, a stream in Northern EXPLOITS of Gardner's Creek, 7 miles Irom sr. Martin's, Nfld., flowing into Notre Dame Bay, 15 miles on the Hampton & St. Martin's RR., and 6- of Twillingate. The settle- by water south miles from Quaco. It contains 2 churches, 1 Harbor (Pop. ment on its banks are Exploits store and 1 saw mill. Pop., about 125. 600), 30 miles from Norris Arm Station, on the FAIRFIELD, or FAIRFIELD EAST, a post Reid-Nfld. RR., 9 miles west of Notre Dame village In Leeds co., Ont., on the and Jet.; ScissoR's Cove, (Pop. 148); Kite Cove Brockville branch of the C.P.R. , 5 miles north (Pop. Burnt (Pop. 161): Northern Arm 185); of Brockville, the county seat and nearest Arm (Pop. 178): Botwoodville (Pop. 541); and bank location. It contains 2 churches (Pres- All these settlements Norris Arm (Pop. 83). byterian and Methodist), 1 Forester's hall and lum- have their local industries in fishing and I cheese factory. Pop. 200. bering. FAIRFIELD PLAIN, a post village in Brant EXTENSION, a post office on Vancouver Is- CO., Ont., 3i miles from Bnrford. -^n fr^ '•^rant- land, B.C., north of Nanaimo. a station on the fcrd and Tillsonburg branch of the G.T.R., 10- line of the Eso.uiroalt "- Nanaimo RR. miles from Brantford. It contains 1 Meth.odisc EYEBROW HILL, a post village in the dist. church, 1 saw and shingle mill. Pop., under

of Assa. . Prov. of Saskatchewan, on Thunder 60. Cr^ek, 15 miles from Parkbeg, on the Transcon- FAIRFORD, a post office in Dauphin (Mar- tinental line of the C.P.R. It ha^ 1 store. quette) CO., Man., near Reaburn Station, on FABRE, a post settlement in Pontiac co.. the C.P.R., 35 miles west of Winnipeg. Que., 2 mile<: frf^m Lake Temipf^^nilngne. 90 FAIRGROUND, a post settlement in Norfolk miles from Haileybury, Ont, a station on the CO., Ont.. 14 miles from Tilisophurg Station, on Temipcaming & Northern RR., about the G T.R., C.P.R. and M.C.R. It contains

80 miles north of North Bav, on Lake Nipis- 1 Methodist church and 1 hotel. - Pop., under sing. It has 1 Roman Catholic chapel. 3 stores 100. and 2 saw mills. The village expects better FAIRHAL.L. a post settlement In Souris co., railway facilities at an early day, by an ex- near Turtle Mountain, Man.. 7 miles from Ni- tension towards Lake Temiscamingue, of the nette Statinn. on the C.N.R. It contains 2 CP.R. system. Pop. 500 chnrf-hpc /^>«"«+>ior!ic+ "nd ^^-t.cV.v+erian'* FACHER LAKE, a small lake in Argen- FAIRHAVEN, a post settlement on the west teuil CO., One. side of Deer Island, in Passamaquoddy Pav, an FACTORY DALE, a post village in Kings co., Inlet of the Bav of Fundv. in Charlotte fo.. N.S., on the South River, 4 miles from Ayles- N B. It hgs ^ good harbor and is si+uafA 7 ford, on the Dominion Atlantic Ry., 17 miles miles from St. Andrews, N.B., and 4 miles 462 NOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. from Eastport, Me. It has 1 Baptist church, B.C., on the Okanagan River, 105 miles from 2 stores, 1 sardine factory and telephone ofllce. Okanagan Siding. It contains 4 stores, 3 hotels, It is a port oi entry, rop., auoui x^j. 2 chuiches, 2 quartz luiiis and teiegrapn and FAlKhOLMJi, a post village in the district express omces. It is the headquarters tor min- of Parry Sound, Ont., 26 miles from Burk's ing supplies for Kettle River and Similkameen. Falls, on the Toronto & North Bay div. of the A .arge ranch in the valley will be sub-divided G ^..i. It contains 3 churches, 1 store, 1 aotel. shortly (1907), ten thousand acres of which 1 grist mill and 1 saw mill. Pop. 37. will become tributary to Fairview. Pop. 100. I'AIJR laLAxMJ, a h&hiug setucuieuc. on an l-'AIKVIlifW, a poist omce in vv es.cmoi elauU island in Bonavista Bay, Nfld., 9 miles from CO., N.B,, 3 miles from Dorchester, on the I.C.R. . Pop. (1901), 447. FAIRVIEW, a post office in Queens Co., P. FAIK ISLE, a settlement in Northumherland E. I.. 5 miles from Charlottetown. CO., N.B. Pop. 150. FAIRVIEW, a station on tue Can. Northern FAIRLAND, a settlement in Mackenzie dist.. RR., in Macdonald co., Man., 5 miles noxth of Sask. Sheho. on the Northwestern extension Carberry and 24 miles south of Neepawa. of the C.P R., is the nearest railway point. FAIRVIEW STATION, a post office in Hall- FAIRLEY, a post ofllce in Northumberland fax CO., N. S. CO., N.B., 5 miles from Boiestown, a station on FAIRVILLE, a post office in Assa. West the Frederlcton branch of the I.C.R. dist., Prov. of Saskatchewan. 10 miles from FAIRLIGHT, a post office in the Prov of Sas- Pense Station, on the main line of the C.P.R.. 17 katchewan, and a station on the Reston branch miles west of Regina, of the C.P.R., 12 miles from Fleming station, on FAIRVILLE, a western suburb of St, John, the C.P.R., 8 miles southeast of Moosomin. A N.B., across the Grand Bay, an inlet of the station of the Can. Northern RR. is expected Bay of Fundy. and a p+ation on the C^.R 3 soon to be erected at Fairlight, the road run- miles from the provincial capital. It Is also ning near to the place. connected with St. John by sm eeu car i-erv.oe. Prov. FAIRMEDE, a post settlement in thp It has, besides chiirr«hep. school pnd T->o<=t of Saskatchewan, 15 miles from Wapella sta- office, several saw and pulp mills, box and tion, on the main line of the C.P.R., 16 miles pork packing factories, 1 brewery, besides west of Moosomin. It has 2 churches (l^pisco- brick yards, exprebs, telegrapu auu telepiiune pal and Presbyterian), 1 school and agricul- offices, also 1 bank (of N.B.), and 1 hospital for tural society hall. Pop. 100. nervous diseases. Pop., 3,500. FAIRMONT, a post settlement in Antigonish FAIRVILLE, a post settlement in St. John CO., N.B., CO N.S., 6 miles from Antigonish Station, on 4 miles from St. Martin's, on the the I.C.R. It contains 1 store and telephone Hampton & St. Martin's RR, It contains 1 158. Methodist church. Pod. about 150 of&ce. Pop. ,, . .- FAIRMONT SPRINGS, a post village In the FAIRY BANK, a village In Alberta Pro- East Kootenay dist., B.C., 2 miles from Upper vince, 13 miles from Ponoka, on the C & E. Columbia Lakes, and 3 miles from Sam's Land- Ry. It has 1 general score. See Ferrybank. ing, Lake Windermere. The nearest railway FAIRY HILL, a post hamlet in the Prov. of station is Golden (100 miles northward), on Saskatchewan (formerly Assa., N,W.T,), on the the main line of the C.P.R., between Field Qu'Appelle River, 8 miles from Southey Sta- and Donald. The Hot Springs are seven in tion, on the C.P.R. (Pheasant Hills branch), number; they are celebrated for their cura- 30 miles west of Lipton, and 14 miles east of tive properties, and will eventually be a the terminal station of Strassburg. It has 1 favorite resort for Invalids and otviers. Presbyterian church. Por).. under 10. FAIRMOUNT,' a settlement in Prince Ed- FAIRY LAKE, a beautiful lake on the Li- ward CO., Ont., 4 miles from Picton, on the verpool River, on the boundary line between Central Ont. RR., also on the Bay of Quinte Annapolis and Queens co's., N.S. Lengcn miles; RR. It has 2 Methodist church s 1 chese about 6 breadth 6 miles. It Is Inden^pd factory, with port on the Bay of Quinte. Pop. by several bays, contains three or four pretty irlands, and aboun-ds with excellent fish. The ICO- ^ . FAIRMOUNT, a post office in Grey co., Ont., history of this lake is of more than usual in- 7 miles from Thornbury, a station on the terest, being the locality to which the original G.T.R. (Barrie and Meaford branch), 8 miles inhabitants were driven during the war be- east of Meaford. There is an Episcopal church tween the English and French. Many relics in the vicinity, and a small chopping mill. of the war have been discovered on its shores. Pop. 15. FAIRY LAKE, a pretty laKe on the MusKOx^^d FAIRPLAY, a post office in Essex co., Ont., 4 River, Ont,, near Huntsville, contains several miles from Maidstone, on the Michigan Cen- islands, tral Ry. FALCON, a station in Rainy River dist., FAIRPORT, a settlement in Ontario co., Ont., northwest Ontario, on the C.P.R., 5 miles east % mile from Dunbarton, on the G.T.R., 21 miles of Ignace, and 31 miles west of English River. east of Toronto, Its port is Pickering Harbor, FALCONBRIDGE, a post office and country or Frenchman's Bay. It contains 1 Union store in Middlesex co,, Ont., IJ miles from church, 2 stores, 1 grain market and store- Caradoc Station, on the C.P.R., 15 miles from houses. Pop. 150. London. FAIR VALLEY, a post settlement in Simcoe FALCON LAKE, in southeast Man,, In the CO., Ont,, on Pearl Brook, 5 miles from Cold- vicinity of the Lake of the Woods, water, on the G.T.R. It contains 1 Anglican FALDING, a post office in Parry Sound dist,, church. Pop. 50. Ont., and a station on the Can. Northern Onta- FAIRVIEW, a post settlement In Perth co„ rio Ry., 7 miles east of Parry Sound. Ont,, 7 miles from Stratford, on the G,T.R. FALES LAKE, a small lake on the borders It contains 1 store, 1 cider mill and black- of Annapolis and Kings cos., N.S., gives rise smith shop. Pop, 30. to a stream running into the north side of FAIRVIEW, a post settlement in Yale co., Annapolis River. See Kingston or Fales River. LOYELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 463

FALKENBURG STATION, a post settlement for that width, is precipitated in a deuoe in Muskoka dist., Ont., and a station on the G. bheet aown u peipenuicuiar precipice luuia i.k., 5 miles north of Bracebridge. It con- than loU feet lugti into a deep cii^sm. 'ihe tains 1 store, 1 saw mill, 1 hotel, banks of the river for a distance of nearly 1 ii,piscopal cnurch, 1 DiacksLuicU siiop, iti^<.- urtii a mile bc^ow, noe pbipfenuicuiariy, and graph and express offices. Its industry is lum- in many places, ovenians uibir Lutea. ina bering and tan bark. Pop. 50. cuasm cnrougnout tnis UisLance is only wide FAi^KlKK, or CAitLISi^i:., a post settlement enough to give free passage to the water. in Middlesex co., Ont., 2J miles from Denfleld Below the Falls of Kakabeka the river pre- Station, cfn the G.T.R. It contains 1 Presby- sents a continuea rapia lui the ai^.^uucb of terian church, 1 store, 1 hotel, 1 saw mill, 1 about 20 miles, whence it quietly passes to its grist mill, 1 harness shop. Pop. 75. UtOUth, WXilCn lb a.u iiilU kjL i^axxe oapcxlux, called Thunder Bay. FALKLAND, a ix)st village in Brant co., Ont., 1? ALLS 3 miles from Paris, on the G.T.R., 8 miles from OF MONTMORENCI, Que. See Mont- morenci. Falls of. Brantford. Pop., under 75. FALLS FALKLAND, a post settlement in Halifax co., OF SHAWENEGAN, on the St. Mau- rice, Que. See Shawenegan, Falls of N.S., 10 miles from Halifax, on the I.C R. It FALLS contains 2 churches (Episcopal and Roman OF STE. ANNE, Que. See Ste. Anne River. Catholic), with telegraph and express office at FALLS VIEW, a post village station. Pop., about 100. in Welland co., Ont., on the Michigan FALKLAND, a post office in Yale and Cari- Central Ry. It contains 1 Roman Catholic boo dist., B.C.. on PqlTT^nri Ri-i-pr. ^^ milps church, 1 store and 1 hotel. from Armstrong on Okanagan branch of the FALMOUTH, a post village in Hants co., N.S., on the Avon River, and C.P.R. It has 1 Presbyterian church. The a station on the Dominion Atlantic RR., 2 surrounding country presents fine opportunities miles from Windsor. It has 5 churches (Episcopal, far hunting. Methodist and 3 Baptist places of worship). 1 general ptore, FALKLAND RIDGE, a post village in Anna- 1 saw mill and 1 barrel factory. Pop., about polis CO., N.S., on Lahave River, 4 miles from 800. Springfield Station, the Halifax South on & FALMOUTH (UPPER), a post settlement in Western RR., north of Germany (Lunen- New Hants CO., N.S., 4 miles fiom Falmouth Sta- burg CO.). It has 1 Baptist church, 1 large tion, on the Dom. Atlantic RR., 2 miles from steam saw mill (on Springfield Lake) besir''^s Windsor. It contains 1 Anglican church,' 1 public school and telephone office. Pop. 160. Baptist meeting house and 1 small store. FALLBROOK, a post, sectlemeut in i-,anarK FALUN, a post village in the Prov. of Alber- CO., Ont., on the Fall River, 10 miles from ta. 22 miles from the C.P.R. station of Wetaski- Perth, on the C.P.R. It contains 3 churches win, on the Calgary and Ji-amonton branch, (Methodist, Presbyterian and Epioconal). 9, 40 miles from Strathcona. with port on Pigeon stores, 1 grist mill, 2 saw mills, 1 cheese anvl Lake. It has 1 saw mill, 2 woollen facto lies. Pop., 150. about FAMINE RIVER, takes its rise in a lake in FALLOWFIELD. a post villaee in Carleton Dorchester co., Que., and tails into the Chau- CO., Ont, 7 miles from Stittville station, on diere. the C.P.R. (Ottawa to Brockville branch), 15 FAMISH COVE, on the eastern miles southwest of Ottawa city, xo Ucis ^ arm of Pla- centia Bay, south Nfla., 5 miles irom churches, 1 general store, 1 hotel, 1 carpenter Tickle Harbor Station, on the Reid-Nfld. and 2 blacksmith shops. Pop. 120. RR., 18 miles north of Placentia Jet., and 82 FALLOWMEAD, a post office in Qu'Appelle miles north- west of St. John's. It has 1 electoral dist., Province of Saskatchewan, on Methodist church, and 1 Salvation Army barracks, 1 general store, Moose Mountain Creek, 18 miles from Wolsley and 15 lobster canning factories. Station, on the main line of the C.P.R., 29 Pop. (1901), miles east of Qu'Appelle. FALL RIVER, a settlement in Halifax co., FANNING BROOK, a post settlement in N.S., on the Fall River, with port on Lake Kings CO., P.E.I., on the Pisquid River, 2i Thomas, 2 miles from Waverley, a station on miles from Pisquid Station, on the George- tbp I.C.R. (Dartmouth branch). 2 miles from town branch of the P. E. Island RR., 2i miles Windsor Jet., 15 miles north of Halifax city. from Mount Stewart Jet. Besides the post It has 3 churches (Presbyterian, Meilioaist and office, there are 3 steam, saw and grist mills. Baptist). Pop. 139. Pop. 110. FALLS BROOK, in York CO., N.B., is a tri- FANNY L^AKB, in Niplssing dist., north butary of the southwest Miramichi. About a Ontario, north east of Boyce Station, on the i mile from its mouth it rushes through a Temiskaming «& Northern Ontario RR. gorge with almost perpendicular sides 300 feet FANNYSTBLLB, a post office in Macdonald high, converging to a point at the fall which CO.. Man., and a station on the C.P.R. (Souris has at least 130 feet of uninterrupted descent, section), 36 miles west of Winnipeg. presenting a singularly wild and picturesque FANSHAWE, a post village in Middlesex co., scene. Ont., on the Thames River, 3 miles north of FALLS OF GABELLE, on the St. Maurice. London, on the G.T.p C P R. a^id M^ich. Con. Que. See Gabelle, Falls of. tral RRs. It has 1 Methodist church, 1 hotel FALLS OP KAKABEKA, or CLEFT ROCK, and 1 chopping mill. one of the most magnificent cascades to be found FARADAY, a post village in Hastings co., in any country, is situated in northern On- Ont., 6 miles from Coe Hill Station, on the Cen- tario (district of Thunder Bay), on the Kami- tral Ontario Ry. It has 2 churches (Anglican nistiquia River, 30 miles its about from mouth and Methodist), 1 portable saw mill and 1 in Lake Superior. The river is here contract- cheese factory. ed to the width of about 50 yards, and, sup- FAREWELL, a post office In Wellington CO., plied with a volume of water unusually laige Ont., 6 miles from Kenilworth. on the Orange- ,

464 LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. ville and Teeswater branch of the C.P.R.. 8 miles FARRAN'S POINT, a post settlement in Stor- from Mount Forest. mont CO., Ont., on the tit. Lawrence River and FARGO, a post office in K'ent cc, Ont., with a llc.g station on G.T.K. It contains 1 Pies- stations on the Mich. Central anxi Pere Mar- bytenan cnuich, 3 stoies, 1 hotel and 1 grist quette RR's., 8 miles south east of Chatham. miil. Pop 35U. i^'AKLtiiri MiLi^ri, a teLLiemeuc lu i^aiieLOU FARREL.LTON (formerly UPPER WAKE- CO., N.B., 24 miles fiom WoodstocK, on the PlEJ^u), a puat vulage lu "Wrignt co., yue.. C.P.R. Pop., under 5'J. on the Gatineau River, and a station on the FARMER'S ARM, a settlement in the dist. Ottawa and Maniwaki branch of the C.P.R., of Twillingate. Pop. (1901), 183. 5 miles from ^o^Lh wakn eid una 31 liles rom FARMERSTON, a post office in Carleton co., Ottawa, Ont. It has 1 R. C. church, 1 store N.B., 8 miles from Lijper Woodstoclc, on the 1 ho.ei, i saw n.n., i pro\tnuer iu.Al aua 1 C.P.R. Pop. in locality, 75. cheese box factory. Pop., about 500. FARMINGr)AT.,E. a sett'em^nt in Kinr-=: co., FARRINGTON, a station on the Can. Nor- N.B., on Smith's Creek, 6 miles from Sussex thern RR., in Rainy River dist., northwest Station, on the I.C.R. It contains 1 Metho- Ontario, 200 miles west of Port Arthur, on Lake dist church. Pop. 100. Superior, and 86 miles east of Rainy River. FARMINGTON, a post office in Cumberland FARRON, a station on the C.P.R. "(Boundary CO. N.S., near River T'>^nin Station, on the section^ in Kootenay district. B.C., 58 miles I.C.R., 2 miles from Oxford Jet. from Nelson and 37 miles from Grand Forks. FARMINGTON, a settlement in Lunenburg FASSETT, a post office in Labeiie co.. Que., and a CO., N.S., 6 miles from New Germany Station, station on the North Shore to on the Halifax & South Western Ry. Lake Ottawa div. of the C.P.R., 11 miles west of Calumet, William Is its port. It contains 1 shingle mill and 4 miles east of Montebello, on the Ottawa and 1 lathe mill, also a whet stone mine of River. excellent quality. Pop., about 120. FASSIFERN, a post settlement in Glengarry [FA.RMINGTON, a settlement in Dufferin co., CO., Ont., 3 miles from Alexandria, the county Ont., 5 miles from Orangeville, on the C.P.R. seat and nearest railway and banking point. Pop. under 50. FATHER POINT, a post village in Rimouski FARMINGTON, a post settlement in Kings CO., Que., on the south shv^ie oi the St. Law- rence and district and CO., P.E.I. , 5 miles from St. Peters, on the county of Rimouski. P. E. Island Ry. It contains 1 store, 1 steam If required, Montreal ocean steamships take saw and shingle mill. Pop. 180. and discharge their pilots here. Passengers FARM ISLAND, a small island In the River for England when too late to connect with steamers St. Clair, about 18 miles below Sarnia, Ont. in can be put on board at FARM LAKE, a lake in Colchester co., N.S., this place. Quebec and Gulf Port steamers affording fine fishing. also land here for passen' c-rs. Montreal Tele- FARNAM'S CORNERS, a post settlement In graph Co. has an office here. Distant from Missisquoi CO., Que., 6 miles from West Brome, Rimouski, the county town, « mixes, and 185 a station on the C.P.R. (Newnort pe^tlon^ 15 miles from Quebec. Mail daily. It contains miles southeast of Farnham, and 59 miles south- 1 Roman Catholic church, 3 stores. 4 hotels, east of Montreal. It has 1 Methodist church, 1 mill and telegraph anvi express offices. 1 saw anr) Fh'nple mill i bp+*°'- a^iV? nbe^^e Pop., about 316. tiee tice. Anne iie la i-ujute factory and telephone office. Pop., about 200. au Pere FARNBORO, a hamlet in Brome co.. Que., FAUVEL, a post office in Bonaventure co.. Que., 4i miles from West Shefford, on the C.P.R. and 4H miles from New Carlisle, on the At- Central Vermont RRs. Pop., under 60. Jantic; Quebec and Western RR. FARNDON, a post settlement in Missisquoi FAUXBOURG, a post office in Lunenburg CO., Que., on the Yamaska River, 1^ miles from CO., N.S., near LunenbursT. on the Halifax and Brigham Junction Station, on the C.P.R. It South Western Ry. contains 1 cheese factory. Pop. 200. FAVORABLE LAKE, In Keewatin dist., N.W. FARNHAM, a post town in Missisquoi T., is a small body of water nearly at the CO., Que., on the C.P.R. and Central Vermont summit of the streams descending in opposite RR., 44 miles from Montreal. It contains 4 directions to Lake Winnipeg and James Bay. churches (Episcopal, Roman Catholic, Presby- Out of it flows the Severn River. terian and Methodist), 10 hotels, a number of FAWCETT HILL, a post settlement in West- stores, 1 saw mill, 2 grist mills, 1 woollen moreland CO., N.B., on the North River, and factory, 2 branch banks, the C.P.R. shops, a station on the Flein & Havelock Rv. It con- wood works, 1 tannery, 2 sash and door fac- tains 1 Baptist church, saw and grist mills. tories, 1 hospital, 1 large college and convent. Pop. 130. It is the headquarters of the Atlantic div. of FAWKHAM, a post village in Ontario co., the C.P.R. The town is lighted with electri- Ont., on Black River, and a station on the Can. city, and has a good system of water-works. Northern Ontario Ry. (Mackenzie «& Mann Sys- Pop. 3,114. tem). It contains 1 Roman Catholic church, 1 store and 1 lumber mill. Pop. FARNHAM CENTRE, a post village in Brome 100. FAWN, a settlement in Ontario co., Ont., CO., Que., 2 miles from Brigham, on the C.P.R., 2J miles from Atherley Station, on the G.T.R. 21 miles east of St. Johns, and 51 miles from near Orillia. Lake Couchiching is its port. Montreal. It contains 1 Presbyterian church, It contains 1 Methodist church and 3 stores. 1 saw mill, 1 store and 1 cheese and butter Pop., about 300. See factory. Pop. 200. Rama Road. FECTEAU'S MILLS, a village In Richmond FARQUHAR, a post settlement in Huron cc, and Wolfe co.. Que., on the Nicolft River, 18 Ont., 6i miles from Exeter Station, on the miles from Victoriaville. on the G.T R. It has G.T.R. It contains 2 churches (Methodist and 3 stores, saw, grist and carding mills and 1 Presbyterian). 1 store, 1 blacksmith shop and cheese box factory. Pop., about 300. telephone office. Pop. 100. FEEDER SIDING, a siding on the G.T.R., in LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 465

Haldimand co., Ont., 43 miles from Brantford. southeast of Prince Albert, and 347 miles north- Pop. 6. west of Dauphin, Man. FEENER'S COIINER, a post office in Lunen- FENWICK, a post settlement in Welland burg CO., N.S., near Korthfleld, a station on CO., ont., on the lorouio, Hamilton & Bunaio the Halifax & South Western Ky. Ry. It couiains 3 churches (Methodist, Pres- FELIX COVE, a settlement in the dist. of byterian and Disciples), 3 stores, 1 hotel, 2 St. George, Nfld. Pop. (1901), 30. chopping mills, 1 sash and door factory, 1 FELLOES, a post settlement in Lennox co., saw mill, 2 blacksmith shops, 1 branch tank Ont., 3 miles from Ernestown, on the G.T.R., and telegraph and express offices. Pop., 500. the neaiest railway, telegraph and express FENWICK, a post settlement in Cumberland point, and 3 miles from Napanee, the county CO., N.S., 3i miles from Nappan Station, on the seat and nearest bank location. It contains I.C.R., 5 miles south of Amherst. It has 1 1 Methodist church. Pop. 120. Methodist church, 1 grist mill, besides post FELLS, a station on the Gran-d Trunk Ry., office. Pop. 150. in Victoria co., Ont,, 19 miles north of Lindsay, FENWICK, a post settlement In Kings co., the county seat, and 5 miles from Fenelon N.B., 12 miles from Ap'ohaqui, on the I.C.R., Falls, the nearest banking point. 5 miles southwest of Sussex. It contains 1 FELTON, a post settlement in Russell co., church, 1 school and post omce. Pop. 97. Ont., 10 miles from Chesterville Station, ou FERE, a small stream running into the the C.P.R., 21 miles east of Kemptville Jet.; south shore of the St. Lawrence, at St. Roch also 7 miles from the line of the Ottawa & New des Aulnaies, in L'Islet co.. Que. York RR. (station, Russell). It contains 1 FERGUS, an incorporated village in Welling- store and 1 '^lieese !qctorv. Pop.. nndPr 12. ton CO., Ont., on the River Grand and on the FBLTZ SOUTH, a post settlement in Liun^en- G.T.R. and C.P.R. (Elora branch), 15 miles burg CO., N.S., 5 miles fiom Lunenouig Station, north of Guelph. It possesses good water on the Halifax & °ontb Western Rv. it ^nn- power, and contain? 7 chucnes. 1 iron foundry, tains Methodist and Lutheran cnurches. Pop. egg packing factory, planing- mill, 3 grist 300. mills, 2 saw mills, bank agencies (Imperial FEMME, a settlement in the dist. of Fortune and Traders), and manufac^oiy of spiit peas, Bav, Nfld. Pop. (1901), 28. pearl barley, etc., express and 2 telegraph of- FEMMES, RUIS3EAU DES, a small rapid fices, 4 hotels, 21 stores, 1 flax mill, 1 printing salmon stream in Chicoutimi co., Que., de- office issuing a weekly newspaper, ard electric scending into the north bank of -the Saguen?.y light plant. A spur line runs through the vil- nearly opposite Ha! Ha! Bay, where it forms lage for the accommodation of the export a good harbor. trade. It is well lighted by electricity. Pop, FENAGHVALE fforrnpr'- (lALTT-Tx-kXTXAN 1.396. FLATS), a post village on Caledonia Creek in FFRGUSLEA, a post office In Renfrew CO., Prescott CO., Ont., 5 miles from Caledonia Ont., 5 miles from Renfrew, on the C.P R., G. Springs, on the C.P.R. (Ottawa and Montreal T.R., and Kings. on & Pembroke RR. short line branch). 50 miles from Ottawa city. FiiRGUSON, a p^'^t office in Kr^otenay dist., B.C.. 21 miles from Gersard the It contains 1 Anglcan church and is In a tm- on Lardo branch of the C.P.R. ming district. Pop. 100. ^"-i T»«^'Hrilo^ oo., FENELLA, a post village in Northumberland FERGUSON, a T)o^t ^'ill-^?,'^ Ont., Creek, 1 mile from Melro&e, CO., Ont., 15 miles from Cobourg on the G.T.R.. on Ox Bow the countv seat and nearest railway and bank a station on the C.P.K., 7 imies wett ox Lon- location. It has 1 general store. 1 bl'^cksmith don. It has 1 Methodist church, 1 general shop, 1 carpenter shop, besides post office and store, 1 saw mill. 2 blacksmith shops, 1 grain 1 weavfr's loom. Ron. 100. telephone office. There is a daily stage from elevator and CobouTg. Pop., about 100. FERGUSON'S, a settlement in Colchester co., FENELON FALLS, an inconxirated village in N.S., 3 miles from Denmark, on the Oxford and Victoria* CO.. Ont., on the River Vonelon. be- Pictou branch of the I.C.R. tween Cameron and Sturppon Lakes and on FERGUSON LAKe:, a lake of Renfrew co., the Midland div. of the G.T.R., 14 mil«s from Ont.. noted for pike and bass. a post village in Lindsay. It contains 6 churches, telephone FERGUSON'S FALLS, Miss'.ssippi River, and telegraph offices, 2 saw mill?, vvooileu lac- Lanark co., Ont., on the 17 (on the tory, chair f-^ctoT-v. 4 bote1'=. ^v.-^miVoi -^ot-vo. miles from Perth C.P.R.), the county seat, and 10 miles from Carleton Place (Carle- 2 flouring mills, 20 stores and electric light. 2 ton Jet., on the C P.R.), the nearest railway printing offices Issuing weekly uewspapeit, una and bank location. It contains 1 Catholic 2 branch banks. The mills are erected on church. 2 stores, 1 hotel, 1 mill 1 tan- Fenelon Falls, which are 24 feet high and 300 saw and nev. Pon.. p.W)iit 100. feet wide. They afford unlimited water iK)'.ver which has been partially developed by the FERGUSON'S L.AKB, a post office in Rich- Island, St. corporation. Pop. 1,132. mond CO., Cape Breton N.S., via Peters. a small lake in Renfrew FENELON LAKE, FERGUSON'S LAKE, a small lake about 1 CO., Ont., 1 mile long and a mile wide, about ^ mile In length, in Richmond co., N.S., near the bass. well stocked with pike and Atl"riti> rv-iRst. FENNELLS. a post village in Simcoe co., FERGUSON'S POINT, a post settlement on Ont.. 21 mil-^c from Gilford '^*-"+^'on. on +v.p the Bi*? Tracadie Ri-^-f^r wV>ich p'r.ntle'^ i^+o the G.T.R.. 48 miles North Bay division of the Gulf of St. Lawrence; it is a station on the north of Toronto, an-d 15 miles south of Bar- Gulf Shore Ry., 9 miles from Tracadie. in rie. Gloucester co., N.B. It has 2 churches FFNNEY COVE, a settlement in the dist. of (Roman Catholic and Union). 1 Lazaretto, sev- Placentia and St. Mary's. Nfld. Pop. (1901>. *29. eral stores, grist and saw mills and 1 lobster FENTON. a station on the Can. Northern canning fnctorv. besides telegraph and tele- RR., in the Prov. of Saskatchewan, 17 miles phone office. Pop. 150. 30 466 LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA.

village in line of the FERGUSONVALE, a post Simcoe Ottawa and Parry Sound branch of CO., Ont., 2 miles from Phelpston, on the G. the G. T. R. Pop. 50. T. R., the nearest railway, telegraph and ex- FERNmILL. a pubL settlement in Middlesex press point, and' 13 miles from Barrie, the CO., Ont., 8 miles from Strathroy Station, on county seat and nearest bank location. It the G.T.K., and ou the town line between Lobo and East contains 1 church and 1 store. Pop. 40. William townships. It has 1 store, FERME NEUVE, a post settlement in Labelle I blacksmith shop, 1 saw mill and 2 churches CO., Que., on the Upper Lievre Kiver, 37 miles J miies aiscani. ±'op., under oO. from Nominingue Station, on the C.P.R. (No- FEKNIji., a post village in district of East miningue branch), 104 miles northwest of Ste. Kootenay. B.C., on the Eijc River, and a station on the Therese Jet., northwest of Montreal. It has 1 C.P.R. It contains 6 churches. 26 stores. Roman Catholic chuich, 7 stoxes, 4 hotels and ^ ^^^ planing mill, II +1?°^^' , f^^ agencies 4 mills, with expiess and teiegrai)h oflices ai of the Bank of Commerce, Hamilton and Banks, Home Nominingue. Pop. of environs 1.200. 2 printing offices issuing 2 newspapers, telegraph FERME, PETITE RIVIERE, in Montmoren- and express offices. v.oal luimug aua cy CO., Que., runs into the St. Liawrence, lumbering are extensively carried on; there 4 miles from the mouth of the Ste. IS also a large cake industry about FERN here. Pop 3 500 .Anne. LAKE, a small laKe m Simcoe 'co.. FERMEUSB, a large fishing settlement in Ont., 5 miles from Hillsdale. the district of Ferrylan\3, Nfld., on the strait FERNLEE, a post office in Algoma dist., 48^miles Ont.. shore, 51 miles south of St. John's, 7 miles from Cutler on the "Soo" dlv. of the from Ferry land. This "is one of the oldest set- FERNLEIGH, tlements on the island. It has a fine harbor, a post hamlet in Frontenac co.. Ont., safe and commodious. The inhabitants engage on the Mississippi, 22 miles fiom Claren- don, on the in agriculture as well as in the cod and sal- Kingston & Pembroke Ry. It con- mon fishery. Pop. (1901), 55G. '^"^ ^°^ «^eese factory. FERNWOOD.i>^RK^Ann^® a ^^^i PERMEUSE HARBOR (North Side), a fish- post office in Prince co.. P B ing and farming settlement on the eastern or •Vl^^l?^ ^^°™ Albany, on the P.E.I. RR. ' Atlantic coast of Nfld., 52 miles south of St. John's, the capital of the colony. It has a fine, deep and saie harbor, at liie outlet oi a small river, which desfends frow <]ie dl9tii^<^ FERREE. a lake bf the Butter Pot Mountains in Ferryland. It In Rimouski co.. Que. has 2 R. C. churches, 4 stores and 3 cod liver village in R S?5?i^' * ^°,* Queens co..'nb ot)]i ifactori'es, besides telegraph office. Pop. (21 miles from Frederio- 550. ?o? /rJ f'°? I^^%V^ (1901), *^' ^^^^^^^ railway and FERMONT, Champlain co., Que. See Radnor expriss^o?nf^%S-^-^'point. Pop., aoout. luu Forges. ^i<^ '^^ ""''' °' '' FERMOY, a post village Ba^brS^I: in Frontenac CO., ^^ERRONA %oTam\t Ont., on the Rideau Canai, 7 miles liom West- a settlement In Pictou N S on the co port, and 12 miles from Bedford Station. It East River, and a station on l.C.R. It me contains 1 church, 1 saw mill, 1 cheese factory, contains 2 churches (Presbvtprifln ^nd Met^hodis^t). 1 store and 1 hotel. Pop. tJO. 3 stoxes. 1 hotel aS'l'^^oolleS FERNBANK a post and farming settlement In Perth co., Ont., on the Avon River, 3 miles a station th^^?rR^^.^P'^;A at tha junction of from Newton, on the G.T.R. Pop., 20 families. ^°^^ S^o<^Ja Iron rn^« i*'^' f^^JK^ & Steel FERNDALE, a post settlement in Kings and ^°" N-S- 3 miles from btellarton.?^- 5n""miles^Y'"'^^'^ Albert co., N.B., on the Coverdale River, 7 from New Glasgow miles from Elgin Station on the Elgin & Have- FERRY BANK, a post office in Strathcona dist., Prov. of lock Ry. Blackwood Lake Is its port. It Alberta, 13 miles from Ponoka, a station contains 2 saw mills and 1 express on the Calgary and Edmonton div. of office at the station. Pop. 100. C.P.R., 62 miles south of Edmonton. FERNDALE a post settlement in the Prov. FERRYLAND, a post town and port of entry of of Saskatchewan, in the district of Assa. Bast, Newfoundland, capital of the district of 7 miles northwest of Hillburn, 16 miles from *erryland, situated on the eastern coast of Moosomin, the on the Transcontinental une of tne peninsula of Avalon. 40 miles south of St C.P.R. Johns. It is one of the oldest towns on the island, FERNDALE HOUSE, a summer post office in having been founded by Sir George Calvert, Muskoka dist., Ont., at the foot of the west afterwards Lord Baltimore, in 1623, shore of Lake Rosseau, between Port Carling under a patent which gave him possession and Port Sandfield and near Falkenburg on tne over the peninsula of Avalon. His Lordship resided and North Bav linfi of *he G.T.R. here for some time, but left it on ac- count of repeated FERNETVILLE, a post village in Berthier troubles with the French, and went to CO., Que., on Bayonne River, 1 mile from Ber- Maryland, where he founded the present city of thier Junction, on the C.P.R., 39 miles from Baltimore. The towm of Perry- land is very prettily Three Rivers, the nearest railway point. It situated, and bears evid- ence of its past contains 2 grist and 2 saw mills. Bank at Ber- history, in its ruined batteries. It has thierville. Pop., about 400. a fine and safe harbor. It is on a peninsula, connected to the mainland by a FERN GLEN, a post hamlet in th« district of Parry beach, over which there Is a good road, lead- Sound. Ont., 6 miles from Emsdale, on ing the over the downs, and thence to the light- Toronto and North Bay division of the house iT^i.K^ on its most eastern extremity. The cod 8 miles south of Burk's Falls, and on fishery the is extensively engaged in by the in- Parry Sound Colonization Ry. In the vicinity habitants. It contains 2 churches, 5 stores are 2 saw mills in operation, on the lobster and cod canning oil factories and 1 tele- LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 467

graph office. Pop. (1901), 535, and of the Elec- nay div. of the C.P.R., 49 miles from lorai districc, West Robson, and Id miles fiom Grana iorits. FERKi: LAJNi^iNG, a post settlement in FIFTEEN MILE STREAM, a post office in Vicujiia CO., iM.o., 4 miles iiom AiDa aocitiou, Halifax CO., N.b., 65 miies irom nopewell Sta- ou mtj l.U.K. It contains 1 tTcsbyienan tion, on the I.C.R. cnurcn ana lour stores. FIFTEEN PUlNx, a post village in Prince FiJJKRY Jr'OiiNT, a post office in Strathcona CO., ir'.ij,.!., on tne coast, 4 miies irom dist., Alberta Province, oO miles from Wetaski- Welling- ton, on P.E.I. Ry. It contains 2 churches win, on liJdmonton div. of the C.P.R. It has 1 (Roman Catholic and Methodist), 7 store. lobster can- neries, 1 brick yard and 1 store. Pop., about FiuRRY POINT, Hastings co., Ont See Rossmore. 'j^lGHTING ISLAND, an Island in the FiLRKYVlLLE, a post village in Carle ton co., River Detroit, 3 miles below Sandwich, Essex co., N.B., ij miles from WoodstocK, on the V.F.K., Ont. This island was seizea uy a the nearest railway point, rop., about 125. paiiy oi insurgents in 1(537-^8, but the appearance FESSJiiRiOJN, a post setuemenc in aimcoe co., of troops soon compelled them to Ont., on the G.T.R. It contains Union, Pres- make a hasty retreat. It is now used mostly for byterian, Meinoai&t anu xtumau »^atuoiic grazing, from growth of natural hay found on it. churches, 7 stores, 3 saw mills, 3 lath mills, 1 FILE HILLS, a post office In Proy. Shingle mill, 1 school and stave factory. Pop., of SAft- katchewan, ZU miles from Baicarres, aoouo l,buu. on tne C.P.R. The neighborhood contains FETHJ1.K&T0N, a post settlement in Parry 2 stores and 1 blacksmitn snop. 'lUe u.T. PaciUc Sound dist., Ont., 1 mile from James Bay projects running through the district. Jet., on the G.T.R., 7 miles from the Geor- FlLLIMORE, a settlement in Cumberland CO.. gian Bay. It contains 1 Methodist church, 1 N.S., 2 miles from Thomson Station on the notel and 2 mii^s. ine torv'i^^ii.p 1.1" o.e^; nas LC.R. a population of 600 and 2 post offices. PEVERSHAM, a post \ixxcigb lu. v^rey co., FILLMORE, a post village in a good agricul- Ont., on lue Beaver River, 15 miles from tural dist., in the Prov. of Saskatcnewan (lor- Flesherton Station, on the C.P.R. It contains merly Assa. East), a station on the Moose 1 Presbyterian church and Salvation Army Mountain (or Areola) bCction of tne \^, tj barracks, 4 stores, 1 temperance hotel, 1 roller miles northwest of Areola, and 65 miles south- and 2 saw mills, carriage and blacksmith east of Regina. It has 2 churches (Methodist shop. This is an agricultural aistrict, po&bebb- and Presbyterian), 9 stores, 1 hotel, 1 branch ing good water power. Pop. bank, 2 elevators, 3 lumber yards. 4 coal sheds, 125, and implement jjIuLHCK.'S, a Station ou ti^e Esquimalt & 5 warehouses, besides express Nanaimo UR., on Vancouver islana, B.C., 1 and telegraph offices. Pop. 200. mile from South Wellington, and b7 miles north FINCH, a post village in Stormont co., Ont., of Victoria. on the C.P.R. It contains 3 churches (Roman Catholic, FIELD, a post office in Nipissing dist, Ont., Presbyterian and Methodist), 9 stores, near •Cache Creek, a station ou tne main line ol 1 hotel, 2 mills (carding and saw), 1 sash and the C.P.R., 34 miles west of North Bay, on door factory, 1 branch bank and telegraph and Lake Nipissing. express offices. Pop. 500. FIELD, a if^at office in Kootenay dist., B.C., FINDLAY, a post settlement in Brandon co., close to the loho Valley and Burgess Pass, on Man., and a station on the C.P.R. (Areola the Rockies, and a divisional station on the branch), 9 miles east of Pipestone, and west C.P.R., 52 miles east of Donald and 10 miles of Souris. It has 1 general store, and is in west of Stephen. a good region for mixed farming, as well as FIBLDHOLME, a post and ranching settle- for geese and duck shooting. Pop. 100. ment in Calgary dist.. Province of Alberta, FINGAL, a post village in Elgin co., Ont., on the Red Deer River, 33 miles from Bassa- 2J miles southeast of Shedden, on the Mich. no, a station on the main line of the C.P.R., Central RR., 6 miles from Port Stanley, on 83 miles east of Caigary. «^attle raisiuj? lo Lake Erie, and 7 miles southwest of St. Thomas, the chief industry of the region. Pop., about on the G.T.R. and C.P.R. lines. It has 3 100. churches (Methodist, Presbyterian and Bap- ±'IELDING, a small settlement In Carleton tist), 3 general and 6 minor stores, 1 hotel, 1 CO., N.B., 2 miles from Bristol Station, on the branch bank, 2 blacksmith shops, 1 saw mill. 1 C.P.R., 26 miles nortn of Woodstock. it has chopping mill, besides masonic and township 1 primitive Baptist meeting house, and a small halls and 2 telephone offices. Pop., about 400. population. FINGERBOARD, a post office in Victoria and Haliburton co., Ont., 2^^ miles from Sonya. a a station on tne Can. Northern FIELDING, station on the G T.R., 9 miles from Port Perry (Edmonton div.), in uue Prov. of Sas- RR. and 4 miles from Manilla Jet. katchewan, 8 miles from Radisson on the C.N. R. and 110 miles west of Humboldt. FINLAYSON, a post office in Victoria co. FIELD'S CROSSING, a station on the Meaford (Cape Breton Island), N.S., near Baddeck. Alba., I.C.R. branch of the G.T.R. , 11 miles from Meaford and 25 miles from on the 10 miles from Collingwood. The post office is FINLAY'S RIVER, of , winds at Camperdown, 1 mile distant. round a huge peak at its source, and enters FIELDVILLE, a post settlement in Wright the Peace River at the Peace Pass of the at CO., Que., on the Gatineau River, 6 miles from Rocky Mountains, after a course estimated Low and Venosta, on the C.P.R. (Ottawa and 300 miles. This river, which is situated north Maniwaki div.), 42 miles north of Ottawa. It of Fort McLeod and west of Fort St. John, is contains 2 Roman Catholic churches, 5 stores regarded as one of the main sources of the River. and 1 saw mill. Peace FIFE, a post office in Yale and Cariboo dist., FINMARK, a station in Thunder Bay dist., B.C., and a station on the Columbia and Koote- northwest Ont., on the C.P.R., 37 miles north- ,


the head of Lake Sup- west of Port Arthur, at FISHER'S GRANT, a post village In Plctou erior. CO., N.S., 1 mile from Plctou Landing, on the FINSBURY. See Davidson. I.C.R. It contains 1 Presbyterian church, 2 post settlement in Simcoe co FINTONA, a stores, 1 telegraph office and temperance haU. Ont., 5 miles liom Ailiston, on the G.T.U. Pop. 350. Collingwood branch), 7 miles from (Beeton and FISHER'S LAKE, a pretty lake in Annapolis Beeton. CO., N.S. It is about 6 miles long by 1 wide, post office in Dorchester co.. FIR GROVE, a and forms one of the sources of the Henedine, on the Quebec Cen- Liverpool Que., near Ste. River, which empties into the Atlantic Ocean. RR., 25 miles south of Levis. tral FISHER'S MILL, a flag station on the Reid- GROVE, a post office in Kings and Al- FIR Nfld. RR. (Port-aux-Basques section), 2 miles N. B., near Elgin, a station on the bert CO., south of Bay of Islands, and 2 miles north of Elgin and Havelock RR. Birchy Cove, Nfld. post office in Kootenay FIRE VALLEY, a FISHERVELLE, a post village in Haldimand near the Arrow Lakes, on the dist., B.C., CO., Ont., 4 miles from Nelles' Corners, and 7 Ariowhead to West Rob- steamboat route from miles from Cayuga, on G.T.R. It contains 1 son. grist mill, 2 stores. 1 church, 1 hotel and 1 FIRST LAKE, a small lake in Victoria co., sash and door factory. Pop. 200. River flows. NB through which the Green FISHING LAKE, in Humboldt dist.. Prov, of FIRST SOUTH, a post office in Lunenburg Sask., is 10 miles long by 1 to 4 miles broad, and CO., N.S., near Lunenburg, on the Halifax and is fed by creeks and springs. Its outlet is hv the White Sand River. Southwestern Ry. ^ . ,i. . The lake abounds in FISHBURN, a post settlement in Alberta fish. Province on a branch of the Kootenay River, FISHING LAKE, a post office on lake of same Nest branch 9 miles from Brocket, on Crow's name in Humboldt dist., Prov. of Sask.. 25 Macleod. It of the C.P.R., 20 miles west of miles from Sheho, on the C.P.R., 7 miles from contains 1 Anglican church and 1 music hall. Kuroki, on the C.N.R. It has 3 stores. The country around is an •excellent agricul- FISH LAKE, a small body of water in Parry- tural one; coal is also itbundant here. Sound district, Ont. It affords good salmou- FISH CREEK, a post settlement in Saskat* tront fishine. Rosthern. on chewan Province. 10 miles from FI.«H L>KE. a post ofP^e In Prin^R C.F.K. it Fdw^rd Prince Albert section of the fv). Ont., 10 miles from Picton. the temperance on the Central contains 5 churches, 2 stores and 2 Ontario RR. It affords good salmon-trout flsnin)?. i^ PeKh co , ''fish CREEK, a village FISH POOLS, a settlement In Plctou co.. on the G.T.R. its Onf., 4 miles from Granton N.S.. on East River. 2 miles from Stellarton on neai^st railway and banking P^^f*' \^^^^| the I.C.R. I store ana £. from St. Mary's. It contains FITCH BAY, a prosperous Dost village in 70. Rtinstead co., One., on Mill Stream, 6 rotels. Pop. ^, ^^ ^ mileble beautv. Fit^h Bav. an arm of LaV<» (near Crabb Head) on Bay St. George, Nfld. Memiihremagog, ar>r>roach'><5 within \ mHo of FISHERMAN, a station .on the C.P.R., in village. Good boating-, fishing and charming Yale dist., B.C., between Grand Forks and drives. Pop. 250. Eholt Jet. FITCH'S BAY. is a long sheet of water in FISHERMAN'S HARBOR, a post hamlet in, Stanstead co.. Que., receiving the waters of a 40 miles from Antigonish, considerable lake and emptying Itself into Guysboro' co., N.S., LiVp M^mnhremagog. on the I.C.R. It contain^ 1 B^^^tist nhnrr^h l store and 2 lobster canneries. Pop., about 12a. FITZGERALD STATION, a post settlement in FISHERMAN'S LODGE, a settlement in P^-ince CO., P.E.I.. on the P. E. Island RR. Richmond Station^ 16 Lunenburg co., N.S., near Mahone, a station on miles from Summerside. Tt has the Halifax and Southwestern Ry. It contains 1 Roman Catholic "-hurch, 2 stores, and 1 saw mill. Pop., under 60. 1 store. ^ , ^ FISHER MILLS, a post settlement in Guys- FITZM^URICE. a post office in Assa. E. dist.. borough CO., N.S.. 25 miles from Antigonish. a Prov. of Saskatchewan. 5 miles from Bender, a station on the I.C.R. station on the Reston branch of the C.P.R., 78 FISHER "RTVER. a iio^f t^HttleTneTit ^^rK Tn- irii<=T from Rpston. dian reservation in Selkirk co., Man., at the FITZPATRICK, a post settlement in Northum- foot of FiPher Bay, an inlet on the west shore berland CO., N.B.. on the Bav du Vin "River, of Lake Winnipeg. 50 miles north of Icelandic 15 miles from Loecieville Station, on the T.C.R., River, and 100 miles from Winnipeg Beach, a 5 miles from Chatham. Tt has 2 churches station on the C.P.R.. n^-^ ti^P foo+ o^ J^i^^e (Roman Catholic an^l EpiFC'^^)al^. 2 general Winnipeg, 51 miles from Winnipeg city. Hunt- stores and 1 hotel. Pon.. unrier 100. chief occupations ot ing and fishing are the FITZPATRICK. a settlement in Pictou co., It 1 Methodist church and the villagers. has N.S.. 2 miles from River John on the T.C.R. Pod. 200. 1 trading post or general store. FITZROY HARPOR, a nost viUage in Carleton a small river, rises in Sel- FISHER RIVER, CO., Ont.. on the Parry Sounri River, 4V2 miles and flows into Lake Winnipeg. kirk CO., Man., from Galetta, on the Ottawa division of the G. FISHERS, a station on the Can. Northern T.R. It contains 4 churches (Anglican. Prfsby- RR. (Prince Albert div.). 21 miles southeast of Methodist and Roman Catholic), 2 stores, Swan River, and 29 miles northwest of Pine terian. hotel and 1 grist mill. Pop. 200. River, in Marquette co., Man. 1 LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 469

FIVE HOUSES, a station on the Prince Ed- FLATLANDS, a post settlement in Resti- ward Island Ry. (Souris section). 40 miles east gouche CO., N.B., and a station on the I.C.R., 3 of Charlottetown, 20 miles south west of Souris. miles from Matapedia. It contains 1 Presby- FIVJl islands, a group of small islands in terian church, 3 stores, 1 hotel and 1 mill. Minas Basin, N.S., oS the northwest extremity Pop., about 100. of Colcheter co. FLAT RIVER, a post settlement in Queens FIVE ISLANi^S, a post settlement, with port CO., P.E.I., 20 miles from Peak's Station, and at Minas Basin, at the western end of Colchester 28 miles from Charlottetown. It contains 1 CO., N.S., on several small streams flowing into store, 1 Presbyterian church, 2 saw mills and the north shore of Minas Bay, 12 miles east 6 lobster canneries. Pop. 400. of Pairsboro', where a short railway connects FLAT ROCK, a fishing settlement in the dist. northward with Spring Hill Jet., on the Inter- of St. John's, Nfld., on the Strait shore, 12 colonial KR. The vicinity is rich in minerals, miles north of St. John's. Pop. (1901), 372. coal and marble. The live islands that give FLAT ROCK, a fishing settlement in the dist. name to the village are picturesquely situate of Bay-de-Verde, Nfld., on the north shore of about 2 miles oft shore, wheie agates and ame- Conception Bay, 2 miles from Carbonear. Pop. thysts are to be gathered. The village has A (1901), 218. churches (Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist tLEE ISLAND, a farming and post settle- and Baptist), 2 stores, 2 hotels, 2 saw mills, ment in Portage La Prairie co., Man., 9 miles besides telephone offices. Pop., about 600. from High Bluff, on the C.P.R. Pop. 120. IIVE MEN'S SOUND, in Frobisher Bay, FLEETWOOD, a post village in Durham co., Fr. nklin dist., N.E.T. Ont., 2 miles from Franklin on G.T.R. it ccn- FIVE MILE RIVER, a post village in Hants tains 1 Methodist church, 1 cheese factory and CO., N.S., 6 miles from Kennetcook; Corner, on 1 store. Pop. 50. the Midland division of the Dominion Atlantic FLEMING, a post village in Assiniboia dist., Ry., Cobequid Bay being its port. It contains Prov. of Sask., near the boundary, and 2 churches (Presbyterian and Anglican). 1 store a station on the C.P.R. It contains 3 churches and 2 saw mills. Pop., about 400. (Methodist, Presbyterian and Anglican), 5 FLAMBORO' CENTRE, a post ofBce in Went- stores, 2 hotels, 3 elevators, 1 branch baas, ex- worth CO., Ont., 2i^ miles from Waterdown, a press and telegraph offices. Pop. 150. staiion on the G.T.R., 4 miles from Hamilton. FLEMING'S LAKE (so named after the chief FLAMINE, a river of Beauce co., Que., and engineer of the Intercolonial and Pacific rail- good running into the Chaudiere. It affords ways), a lake on the KawaKashgama River, in trout fishing, and has also a pretty waterfall the district of Algoma, Ont., on the northwest feet surrounded by cliffs risin<2^ hundreds of shore of Lake Superior. Length 5^ miles; above, rendering the whole scene one of the breadth 1^ miles. most romantic and picturesque description. FLESHERTO'N, a thriving post village in Fi^AMMAND, a river of Quebec, runs into the Grey co., Ont., on the Boyne Water, and a St. Maurice, above the Bostonnais. station on the C.P.R., 31 miles from Owen FLANDERS, a post settlement in Compton Sound, and 30 miles from Collingwood. It CO., Quebec, on the Eaton River, 3J miles from contains Methodist, Presbyterian and Baptii-t Sawyeiville, on the M.C.R. It contains 1 flour churches, 4 stores, 1 stave, 1 sash and door mill, 1 saw mill and a school. Pop. 50. and 2 carriage fnctories, 1 woollen mill, 1 FLAT BAY, a post settlement on an inlet of branch bank, newspaper, telephone, telegraph and express offices. 600 St. George's Bay, Nfld., on the southwest coast Pop. of the colony and a flag station on the i^eid- FLESHERTON STATION, a village an'l Nfld. RR.. 4 miles from St. George. It has 1 station on the C.P.R., in Grey co., Ont. It church and school, besides post office. The contains 2 stores, 2 hotels, 2 saw mills, 1 tele- ECcuery is picturesque on Flat Bay Brook, and graph and 1 express office, jrup. lUO. the place is attractive to sportsmen for its ex- FLETCHER, a small post village in Kent co., cellent trout and salmon fishing. The settle- Ont., on the Michigan Central Ry.. 12 miles ment is 4 miles from St. Georges, 7 miles from from Chatham. It contains 1 telegraph office, 1 Sandy Point. Pop. 300. express office, 1 Presbyterian chuich, 2 stores, FLAT BAY BROOK, of Newfoundland, a con- 1 branch bank, 2 blacksmith shops, 1 wae;on siderable stream emptying into Flat Bay, on shop and 1 express office. Pop. 100. the south side of St. George's Bay. FLETCHER'S, a small lake in Halifax co., FLAT ISLAND, a =mall island in the Gnlf N.S., 7 milps from Windsor Junction. Gaspe, of St. Lawrence, off Point Peter, dist. of FLETCHER'S STATION, a village in Halifax Que. CO., N.S., on the Shubenacadie canal, near Well- FLAT ISLAND, in the dist. of Bonavista, on ington, on the I.C.R., 21 miles from Halifax, it the west side of Bonavista Bay, Nfld., 7 miles contains a basket factory, and is a great fishing fiorn Barrow Harbor. They are settled chiefly and hunting resort. Pop., under 75. bv fishermen. Pop. (1901), 502. FLETT'S SPRINGS, a post settlement in the FLAT ISLAND, in the dist. of Burin, on the Prov. of Saskatchewan, 15 miles from Melfort, west side of Placentia Bay, Nfld., 15 miles on the Western div. of the C.P.R. It contains fiom Burin. Settled by fishermen. Pop. (1901), 1 Presbvterian church and 3 stores. Pop. 200. 134. FLETWODE, a post office in Assa. E. dist., FLAT ISLANDS, a group of islands about 50 Prov. of Sask., near Whitewood, on the C.P.R., miles west of Placentia, Nfld., only two of 30 miles west of Moosomin. which are inhabited, Reid steamers call once LA, rises in the high a week. The inhabitants are chiefly employed FLEUR, RIVIERE Que., and tak- in fishing. There are 2 fine schools and large lands of the Island of Orleans, south public hall, 2 churches (Methodist and An- ing a southwest direction runs into the glican), 4 stores and 10 lobster canneries. channel of the St. Lawrence. Pop. 588. FLEURANT, a post office in Bonaventure co.. .


machine agencies, with express tele- 3i miles from Dalhousle, on the I.C.R. (across and and Restigouche Harbor); also near Escuminac, a graph offices. Pop,. 400. station on the Atlantic & Lake Superior RR. FLORENTA, a post settlement in Dauphin co., FLEUR-DE-LYS, a fishing station and fine Man., 7 miles from Keyes, a station on the C. harbor on the French shore, Nfld., in the dist. P. R. (Northwestern branch). It contains 1 of St. Barbe, 38 miles from Tilt Cove. Pop. Methodist church. Pop 75 (1901). 164. FLOWER ISLAND, near Flower's Cove, on FLETJRY, a settlement in Nipisslng dist., the French shore, Nfld. It has a lighthouse, northern Ontario, situate on Net Lake, south- erected in 1899. west of Lake Temiskaming and north-east of FLOWER LAKE RIVER, In Rainy River Lake Temagami. Its nearest station is Grey's dist., N.W. Ont., situate west of Eagle (River) Siding on the Temiskaming and North Ontario Station, on the C.P.R. It has its outlet in RR.. 3 miles from Temagami, and 75 miles English River. north of North Bay on Lake Nipisslng. The FLOWER'S COVE, a post and fishing settle- chief industry of the place is the milling and ment in the dist. of St. Barbe, on the French mining done by the Temagami Mining & Mill- shore, Nfld., on the south-west coast. 40 railes ing Co.. Ltd. The district is a favorable one from . 150 miles from Bay of Is- for camping and fishing. Pop. (floating). 50. lands on the Reid-Newfoundland Ry. It con- FLINT HILL, a poet office in Kings and Al- tains a fine harbor and has weekly mail wea- bert CO., N.B., near Elgin, a station on the El- ther permitting). Pop. 138. gin and Havelock RR. FLOWER'S COVE to POINT FERROLLE, un- FLINTON, a post village in Addlngton co., der this head are included the fishing stations Ont., 8 miles from Kaladar, a station on the of St. John's Bay, Margaret Bay, Old Ferrolle, C.P.R., 16 miles northeast of Tweed. It con- and Genevieve Bay, and other localities on the tains 3 churches. 3 ptores. 1 hotel, 1 che'^<:e French shore of Newfoundland. The land along factory, saw and grist mills. Pop., under 60. the whole shore, comprising a distance of 25 FLODDEN, a post office in Richmond co., miles, is low and open. It contains 3 churches, Oue., near Orford Mountain, on thp Orford 4 s*^ores ard 3 schools. Pop.. 160. Mountain Rv., and 10 miles from Richmond, FLOWER'S COVE, a post village on Grand on the G.T.R., the county seat and nearest T>ake, in Oueens co., N.B.. 6 miles from Cum- bank location. Pop., under 40. berland Bay, on the N. B. Coal & IRy. Co.'s FLORA. Waterloo co.. Ont. See Floradale. line. It contains 1 Baptist church, 2 stores and 1 hotel. Pop., about 400. PLORADALB, formerly FLORA, post village a FLOWER'S ISLAND, an island on the north in Waterloo co., Ont.. on the Canacagrlgue Bide of Bonavista Bav, Nfid., 9 miles from C'-eek, 4 w^^f^" fmm Rlini^-'' St^+Inr» nnri in GreensDond. It Is inhabited by fishermen, miles from Berlin on the G.T.R. It contains 1 Pon. (1901), 60. chopping mill, 2 saw mills, 3 churches, 1 store, 1 FLOWER STATION, a post village In Lanark hotel, flax 1 mill and 1 i>ump and cider fac- CO., Ont., on the Kingston & Pembroke Ry. It tory and several shops. Pop. 250. contains 1 store, telegraph and express officp^. small post In FLORAL, a settlement the This place is a summer resort, noted for good Prov. of Saskatchewan, 9 miles from Paskatoon, fishine and hun+'ng. Pop., 200. a station on the Reg-ina T)ranoh of thfi C. FLUME RIDGE, a post village in Charlotte N.R., 160 miles northwest of Regina. and 52 CO., N.B., 6 miles from Lawrpnce Station, on miles south of Duck Lake. It has 1 Methodist the r.P.R. It contains 1 Roman Catholic church, school, and post office, and 1' hotel, church and 1 saw mill. Pop.. 92. with port on Lake Simcoe Sask. An extension FLURRY'S or WILD BIGHT, a small fishing of the C.P.'R. line Is eyr^ected shortly, with settlpraent In the dist. of TwilHngate. Nfld., on" F+atior, o+ vioral. Pon.. 2ft. Gander Bay, 16 miles from Fogo. Pop. (1901), FLORENCE, a post office in Victoria co. (<^'ape 53. Preton Island). N.S., 2^^ miles from Sydnsy Mines on the I.C.R. FOAM FALLS, a river of Quebec, takes its FLORENCE, or VICTORIA ra^so call-d ZONE rise near the heigac of land which divides +'^° MILLS), a thriving post villa e;e In Lamhton waters of Lake St. John from those of the St. f'o.. Ont.. ori tho past bronoh '^f SvAenhnrrt Maurice, and flowing through Lakes Normandin, River, 6 miles from the C.P.R. and G.T.R. sta- Kakaskapstethiouisse and Askatiche in a general tions at Bothwell, 23 miles ea-'t of Chatham. north-eastern course falls into Lake Nikouhau, It contains 4 churches, telegraph, telephone and 249 miles north of Montreal. Length 41 miles. express offices. 1 grist mill, 2 ho+els. 1 furni- FOAM LAKE, south-east of Big Quill Lake, ture factory, 1 private hank, 1 newspaper offi^ce, a post office in thp Prov, of Saskatchewan (for- and 6 stores. Pop, 350. merly Assa. E., N.W.T.), 15 miles north-west FLORENCEVTLLE a post village in Carleton of Sheho, a station on the Yorkton & Sheho of CO.. N.B.. on the River St. John, and on the branch of the C.P.R., 43 miles north-west of C.P.R., 23 miles from Woodstock, the county Yorkton. The latter Is 68 miles north-west seat, and 85 miles from Fredericton. It con- Binscarth. Man. station tains 3 churchps and 7 stores. Pop.. 320. FODHLA, a on th^ Murrav Harbor FLORENCRVILLE EAST, a post village and branch of the P. E. Island RR., In Kings co., P.E.I., 25 miles of Charlottetown, 22 important shipping point on the St. John River, east and miles west of Murray Harbor. in Carleton co., N.B., Vj. mile from Florence-

ville. a station on the C.P.R. , 23 miles north of FOGO, an island on the north-east coast of Woodstock. The moose hunting and fishing Northeastern Nfld.. in Foafo dist., Newfoundland, rpgion of the Miramifhi is about half a day's in lat. 49*' 40 N., long. 54" W. drive from the village, which contains 3 FOGO. a nost town and .port of entry of churches (Epis., Meth.. and Baptist), 6 stores, Newfoundland, capital of the above island, 60 1 hotel, 1 bank, 1 carriage factory, 2 implement miles from Lewisport, a station on the Reid- LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 471

Nfld. RR. It has communication by steamer 2 miles in length and one-third of a mile In with St. John's, distant 122 miles, and is a place width. Some trout are caught in its waters. of considerable trade. It has 3 churches (Epis- The Wallace River takes its rise in this lake. copal, Methodist, Roman Catholic and Salvation FOLLY LAKE, a post village in Colchester Army barracks), 4 stores, 2 hotels, 1 saw mill, CO., N.S., near FoHeigh on the LC.R., 25 miles 4 lobster canning factories, telephone and tele- from Truro. It contains 1 hall for Pres. and graph offices. Pop. of Fogo and Fogo (North Baptist services, 1 boarding house, 1 water mill Side), 1000. and telegraph office. A large quantity of lumber FOIN, a lake in Montmorency co., Que. is shipped from this station. Pop., 80. FODDEN'S CORNER, a post and farming set- FOLLY MOUNTAIN, a post village in Col- tlement in Oxford co., in township of West chester CO., N.S., 4 miles from Londonderry, Oxford, Ont., 5 miles from Ingersoll, on the on the I.C.R., 17 miles from Truro. It con- C.P.R. and G.T.R. It contains 2 churches tains 1 Presbyterian church, and 1 small gene- (Meth. and Baptist), 1 general store, 1 school, ral store. Pop., 200. 1 cheese factory, blacksmith shop and a public FOLLY VILLAGE, a post village in Colches- hall. ter CO., N.S., on Folly River, 9 miles from FOLEY, a post office in Ontario co.. Ont.. 6 Folly Lake, 2 miles from Cobequid Bay and 4 miles from Oshawa, on th« G.T.R. miles from East Mines, a station on the I.C.R., FOLEY, a post settlement in Gimli township, 24 miles from Truro. It contains 1 Presbyterian Selkirk co., Man., 4 miles west of Lake Winni- church, 1 hotel, 1 store, and undertaker's es- peg, 9 miles north of Teulon, a station on the tablishment. Pop., 200. C.P.R., 40 miles north of Winnipeg. The vil- FONDERIE, a post office in Gaspe co., Que., lage is about the same distance or a little more in the vicinity of Cape Chat, on the Gulf of St. from Winnipeg Beach Station, on another and Lawrence. eastern branch of the C.P.R. (on Lake Winni- * P"'* °«^^« ^^ Gaspg co.. peg), 51 miles north of Winnipeg city. It has Oue^^lfP^?,^^^/ ^^'P^ ^^«^'^' an inlet of 1 Greek church (the settlers being chiefly Ga- The rnlf Z^% 't""^^aw/en.ce. FONTP>?nv^- Pop., about 100. licians, Icelanders, Poles and Germans). 1 ^^"ase in Richmond Que.,Ou? l^^^\ ^T,P°^^ co.. school, post office, saw and shingle mills. The on Black River, 3 miles from Lisgar Stal their Winnipeg Beach tion on G.T.R., C.P.R. have extended and 7 miles from Richmond. It branch to Gimli, a port on Lake Winnipeg, 10 .water power, and contains iZT.llfr.u''^^''^'"'^telegraph miles north-east of Folev. with a fine harbor on 1 office and saw mill. There are cop- per the lake. Pop., about 100, mmes near the village. Pop., 40. FOLEY BROOK, a post settlement In Vic- FONTHILL. a post village in Welland co.. toria CO., N.B., on the Salmon River, 10 miles Out., 4 miles from Port Robinson, on from Grand Falls, on the C.P.R. It contains G T.R 2 extensive nurseries, an Anglican church, and 1 saw mill. Pop., 100. telegraphtei/p^rnrfh''^ i ^i^V'"''?^^' and telephone offices, 1 temperance FOLEY TOWNSHIP, in Parry Sound dist., bank and 2 stores. Pop.. Ont., with 3 post offices, and several stations T^nn'J^T^^''^''''^ 500. FOOTE a post office in the Prov. of Saskat- (Otter Lake. James Bav Jet., and Rose Point), chewan (formerly Assa. West, N.W.T.) on on the Parry Sound and Ottawa div. of the G. Long or Last Mountain Lake, 14 miles east of T.R., which runs through the township, as does ^"^ ^^^ Regina branch of the Boyne River. It has 3 churches (Epis., Pyfi'the ^ xf T,^*^i?° C.N.R., 74 miles north-west of Resina. Meth. and Pres.), 2 stores, 1 hotel (at Rose and between the stations of Aylesbury and Point), 3 timber and shingle mills, besides tele- Girvin. Besides the post office, there is a school graph office. The James Bay RR. is being house: a supply boat in the navigation season constructed through the township, as well as the passes up and down Last Mountain Lake, a C.P.R. line from Toronto to Sudbury. Pop. of body of water 63,000 acres in extent. township, 700. FOOTE'S BAY, a settlement on Lake Joseph, FOLEY'S HILL, a settlement in the dist. of near Hamill's Point, in the Muskoka Lakes Port-de-Grave, Nfld. Pop. (1901), 53. dist. of Simcoe co., Ont., with a fine beach FOLGER STATION, a post village in Lanark and mineral springs; 30 miles by road north CO., Ont., on the Clyde River, and a station on of Gravenhurst and Bracebridge and a station on the Kingston & Pembroke R.R. (north cf La- the Can. Northern Ontario Ry. It has 2 vant and south of Clyde Forks Stations), north churches (Meth. and Baptist), and 2 general of the Mississippi River. It has 1 general stores. Pop., about 100. store, 3 saw mills and express and telegraph FORBES, a post village in Colchester co., offices. Pop., 100. IVz miles from Denmark Station, on the I.C.R. FOLKINS, a post village in Kings co., N.B., (Oxford and Pictou branch), 39 miles from Ox- on the River, 8 miles Kennebecasis from Apo- ford and 27 miles from Pictou. It has 2 haqui Station, on the I.C.R., 39 miles north- churches (Epis. and Union), and 2 stores. east of St. John, and between Norton and Sus- Pop., under 100. sex Stations. It has 1 Methodist church, 1 gene- FORBES LAKE, in ral store, and post office, with banking facili- Pictou co., N.S., gives rise to a small ties at Sussex. Pop., 72. stream running into McLellan's Brook. FOLLEIGH, a station in Colchester co., N.S., on the I.C.R., 25 miles north-west of Truro. FORBES POINT, a post settlement in Shel- burne co., N.S., near FOLLY, a river in Colchester co., N.S., takes Barrington on the Hali- fax & South Shore It its rise near the head waters of the Wallsrce RR. contains 1 Baptist church and 2 stores. Pop., under 100. River, and runs south into Cobequid Bay, an FORD'S MILLS, a post village in Kent co.. inlet of Minas Basin. It produces fine salmon. N.B., a branch of the River, 3 FOLLY LAKE, a small lake in Colchester miles from Beersville Station, on the Beers- CO., N.S., on the route of the I.C.R., near the ville RR., or 4 miles from Kent Jet., on summit of the Cobequid Mountains, N.S., about the LC.R. It has 3 churches (Epis., Pres. 472 LOVELIv'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. and Meth.), 3 stores, 1 grist and 2 saw mills. FOREST HOME, a post office in Kings co., N. Pop., about 150. S., near Kentville, on the Dom. Atlantic RR. tORDWICH, a post village in Huron co.. FOREST LAKE, a small lake In Middlesex Out., on the Maitland River, and on the C.P.R., CO., Ontario, % of a mile long and ^ a mile 3 57 mil«s Irom Orangeville. It contains wide. Pike, bass and other small fish are cnaiches, 1 saw mill, 1 flour mill, 1 hotel, 6 caught in it. « factory, stores, a bank agency, 1 furniture FOREST MILLS, a post settlement in Len- telegrapn 1 printing office and weekly paper, nox CO., Ont., on the Salmon River, 9 miles and express offices, and is a splendid grain mar- from Napanee Station, on the G.T.R. U con- ktt; It has good water power, i'op., buo. tains 1 store, 1 saw mill, 1 grist mill, and wool- co., Ont., FOltDYUE, a post office in Huron len and cheese factories. Pop., under 75. the Palmerston 6 miles from Whitechurch on FOREST NOOK, a post office and from summer and Kincardine div. of the G.T.R., 22 miles resort in Parry Sound dist., Ont, on Ahmic Kincardin«. Lake, iVz miles from the village of Magiie- dist., FOREMAN, a post office in Strathcona tewan, 7 miles from the Ahmic Harbor, and 30 Prov. of Saskatchewan. 28 miles from Stettler. miles from Burk's Falls on the G.T.R. branch of the C.P.R. FORESTON. a post settlement on the Lacombe . in Carleton co.. village in Lamb- FOREST an incorporated N.B., 15 miles from Bristol station on the I C.R of ton CO., Ont., on the G.T.R., within 5 miles FORESTVILLE, a post village in Norfolk co.j (Anglican, Lake Huron. It contains 6 churches Ont.. on the Port Rowan branch G.T.R.. 14 miles Methodist, Con- Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, from Simcoe. It contains 2 churches, grist mi 1, stores, gregational, Baptist), 1 Gospel hall, 40 saw mill and 1 store. Pop., 210. mills, mowing, 3 hotels, grist, planing and saw FORKS OP CREDIT, a station on the Orange- binding furniture and wagon factories. 1 branch ville and Elora branch of the C.P.R.. in Peel bank, 1 private bank, 2 newspapers, and tele- .CO., Ont., 10 miles from Orangeville. The post graph and express offices. Pop.. 1,850. office is called Credit Forks, which see for de- FOREST BANK, a post settlement in Sas- scription. katchewan dist., Sask., 8 miles from Lashburn FORFAR, a post village in Leeds co.. Oit., the C.N.R. . . on the Brockville, Westport & NorthwesteriJ on . ^^ „ .„ , ^ N.B., FOREST CITY, a village in York co., Ry., 32 miles from Brockville. It contains a Cheputneticook Lakes, iiV2 miles from Forest Methodist church, 2 stores, a cheese on McAdam factory Station, on the C.P.R. , 22 miles from and telephone office. Pop., 100. stores, 1 Jet. It contains a Baptist church, 2 FORGET, a post office in Russell co., Ont., hotel, grist, shingle and saw mills. Pop., about 31/^ miles from Embrun, on the New York and 150. See Lemieux. Ottawa RR. Nicolet CO., Que.. See FORESTDALE, FORGET, a post village in the Prov. of Sas- Lemieux. ,, , „ katchewan, on Moose Creek, and a station on post village in Ren- FORESTER'S FALLS, a the Mcose Mountain section of the C.P.R., Creek, 32 17 frew CO., Ont., on McNaughton's miles from Areola, and 98 miles from Regina. county seat, 18 miles miles from Pembroke, the It has 2 churches (Roman Catholic and Epis- miles from Cobden bta- from Renfrew, and 6 copal), 8 stores, 3 hotels, 3 grain elevators, and C.P.R., the nearest railway and tion, on the 3 foundries, a branch bank with express and point. It contains 2 churches (Metho- banking telegraph offices. Pop., about 500. Presbyterian), 1 hotel, 1 telegraph office, dist and FORKED HEAD, a headland of Cape Bre- cheese factory. 2 stores, a grist mill and a iton, on the south-east coast between Fourche Pop., 250. Harbor and Portland Cove, on the border;^ of a settlement in the FORESTER'S POINT, Richmond and Cape Breton counties. dist. of St. Barbe, Nfld. Pop. (1901), 36. FOREST FARM, a post office in Assa. East FORK RIVER, a post settlement on river of in dist., Prov. of Saskatchewan, 12y2 miles from same name Dauphin co., Man., and a station Whitewood, on the main line, of the C.P.R.. 30 on the C.N.R. , and contains 2 stores, 1 saw mill milps west of Moosomin. and telegraph office. Pop. 15. FOREST GLADE, a post office in Annapolis FORK RIVER, takes its rise in the Duck CO., N.S., 6 miles from Kingston, a station on Mountains in Marquette co., Man., and flows in the Dom. Atlantic RR. a south-easterly direction into the Mosay River. FOREST GLEN, a village in Westmoreland FORKS, a station in Algoma dist., Ont., on CO., N.B., on. Pollett River, 5 miles from Ihe C.P.R., 29 miles north-west of Cartier. Petitcodiac, on the Elgin, Petitcodiac & Have- FORKS or NEW CANAAN, a post settlement lock Ry. It contains 1 church (Baptist), 2 in Queens co.. N.B., 13 miles from Havelock, on stores, saw, grist and carding mills and 2 the Elgin & Havelock Ry. Washademoak Lake telephone offices. Pop., 200. is its port It contains 1 cheese factory. Pop., FOREST GLEN, a post settlement in Inver- about 250. ness CO., N.S., near lona on the I.C.R. It con- FORKS (BADDECK), a post settlement in tains 3 saw mills. Pop., under 75. Victoria co., N.S., 19 miles from lona Station, FOREST HILL, a post settlement in Albert on the Cape Breton branch of the I.C.R. It CO., N.B., on the Little River, 6 miles from has a Presbyterian church and 2 mills. Pop., Eastman Station, on the Elgin, Petitcodiac & 53. Havelock Ry. It contains 1 Methodist church FORKS LAKE, a lake in Guysboro co., and a cheese factory. Pop., 100. N.S. It affords fair fishing. FOREST HILL, a post office in Guysboro' co., fi'ORKS ROAD, a post settlement in Welland N.S., 45 miles from Antigonish, on the I.C.R. CO., Ont., on the Big Fork River, 2 miles from FOREST HILL, a post office in Kings co., P. Perry Station and 2 miles from Montague, on F T.. 4 miles from St. Peters (head of St. Pe- the Michigan Central Rv. It contains Metljodist ters' Bay), on the P. E. Island RR.. 21 miles and United Brethren churches, 1 store, 1 hotel. south west of Souris, 1 cider mill. Pop.. 50. LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 473

FORMOSA, a post village in Bruce co., Ont., east shore of Great Bear Lake, in Mackenzie 8 miles from ^^ alkerton, the county seat and dist,, N.W.T., skirted on the east by the Cop- nearest bank' location, and 61/2 miles from Miid- permine River. may, on the Hamilton & Southampton branch FORT COULONGE, an incorporated village of the G.T.R. It contains 1 Koman Catholic in Poutiac co., Que., at the confluence of the churcn, 1 bank, a telegraph office, grist miil, River Coulonge with the Cltawa, 23 miles from £iaw mill, 3 hotels and 4 stores. Pop., 5UU. Portage du Port, and on the Waltham branch

FORKQS, a small post viiiage engaged in of the C.P.R. , 68 miles north-west of Ottawa. isheep and cattle ranching, in the Prov. of Sas- It contains 2 churches, a branch bank. 1 saw katchewan (formerly Assa, West), and a sta- mill, several stores, 2 hotels, telegraph and ex- liou on the main line (Swift Current & Medi- press offices and has a large lumber trade. Pep., cine Hat div.) of the C.P.R., 19 miles west of 482. Maple Creek. Besides the post omce, there is FORT CUDAHY, Yukon Territory. See Forty a section house of the C.P.R. line. Pop., 35. Mile. FORREST, a post settlement in Brandon co., FORTEAU BAY, an inlet on the south-east Man., and a station on the Lenore, Miniota <& coast of Labrador, near the south-western ex- Rapid City branches of the C.P.R., 10 miles tremity of the Straits of Belle Isle, formed by north-west of Chater, and the la^-ter lies 6 the Labrador coast and the north-west portion miles north-east of Brandon. It has, besides of the Island of Newfoundland. It receives a post and telegraph and express offices, 1 or i- considerable river, and has valuable fisheries. stores. It is a port of call of the Reid-Nfld. steamers. FORRISTALL'S, Guysboro' co., N.S. See FORT ELLICE or ST. LAZARE, a post Auld's Cove. settlement in Marquette co., Man., on the Assini- FORSHEE, a post office in Strathcona dist., boine River, 8 miles from Foxwarren Station Prov. of Alberta, 25 miles rrom ijacoiLLUfc, a hlo.- on the C. P. Ry., 9 miles from Bdnscarth. It tiou on the Calvary and Edmonton div. of the contains 1 store, 1 Roman Catholic church, 1 C.P.R., 114 miles north of Calgary. hotel and 1 lumber mill. Pop.. 100. FORT A LA CORNE, a Huason Bay Co.s FORT ENTERPRISE, a fort (the site of the trading post and Indian Reserve, 58 miles from fort is the Winter Lake) in Mackenzie dist., Prince Albert in the Prov. of Saskatchewan. N.W.T., about 150 miles north of the Great At the Fort, which is on the Saskaicaewan Slave Lake. River, there are 2 general stores and an Epis- FORT ERIE, an incorporated village of On- tne copal church. There are few whites on tario, Welland co., at the head of the Niagara Reserve, beyond the instructors; the Indians River, opposite Buffalo, N.Y., 1 mile from live chiefly by hunting. G.T.R. and Michigan Central Ry. (Erie & Nia- FORT ALBANY, on James Bay, at the mouth gara div.) stations. Ferry between Fort Erie of the Albany River, which separates Northern and Buffalo every half hour. It contains 4 Ontario from Keewatin dist., N.W.T. churches (.Anglican, Roman Catholic. Presby- FORT ALEXANDER, a post settlement in terian and Methodist), 4 hotels and 5 general River, on Selkirk co., Man., on the Winnipeg stores, and several other shops, a branch bank., an inlet near the south-east shore of Lake Win- and United States consulate. Pop. 830. nipeg, 52 miles from Selkirk. It contains 2 FORTESCUE, a post settlement in townshm English), 4 churches (Roman Catholic and of Gal way, Peterboro co., Ont.. on the Burnt stores 1 mill. Pop. 640. and saw River, 3 miles from Irondale on the I. B. & O. confluence of FORT ASSINIBOINE, at the Ry. It has a Roman Catholic church. Pop. of the McLeod and Baptiste rivers with the Atha- township. 800. baska, north of the Pembina River, and south FORT FINLAY, a port of cajl of the North- west of the Hudson Bay post at Athabaska ern Navigation Co. in Algoma district, Ont. Landing, in the Prov. or Aiueria. FORT FRANCES, a post offiC3 on the Pel.y in FORT AUGUSTUS, a post settlement river, near Lake Frances, in Yukon Ter. River, Queens co., P.E.I. , on the Hillsborough FORT FRANCES, an incorporated village m Pisquid Station on the Prince Ed- Al- 3 miles from the dist. of Rainv River, municipality of wharf K.. ward Island Ry. Its ports are Hlckey's berton, Ont., on Rainy River, on the C.N It contains 1 Roman Arthur and Hagarty's wharf. and is the principal point between Port Catholic church, 2 stores, 1 grist mill, 1 saw and Winnipeg, on C.N.R. It is 231 miles from mill, a cheese factory and 2 telephone offices. Port Arthur and 208 from Winnipeg. It is Vie Steamers from Charlottetown ply up and down name of the Hudson Bay Co.'s post. It con- the river landing freight and passengers. Pop., tains 5 churches, 10 stores, 4 hotels, 2 s^w issuing about 1,000. mills, a bank asency, 2 printing offices offices. FORT CARLTON, a Hudson Bay Co.'s post 2 newspapers, and telegraph and express Province of Saskatchewan, on the Pop-. 900. in the , , , ^. . North Saskatchewan River. 14 miles from FORT FRANKLIN, a fort in Mackenzie dirt., Lakp. Duck Lake on the Regina branch of the C.N.R. on the south-west shore of Gr^at B'^ar with a Distant from Winnipeg 520 miles. It is a centre NW.T.. lat. Qo" 12 N., Ion. 123° 13 W., of trade and forwarding business. A steamer mean annual temperature of 17 deg. Fahrenheit. '1- runs between Carlton and Edmonton, and Carl- FORT FRANKLIN, on Keith Bay, a sou Mackenzie ton and Lake W^innineg. Pod.. Irin. west arm of Great Bear Lake, in FORT CHTPPEWYAN and FORT WEDDER- dist.. N.W.T. ^ ^ on BURN, two forts in Athabasca dist., Province of FORT FRASER, in Cariboo dist.. B.C.. Alberta, at the western extremity of Lake Atha- the Nechaco River, at the eastern end of Fran- the basca. cois Lake, and west of Fort St. George, on FORT CHURCHILL, at the mouth of the Fraspr River. Man., north Churchill River in Hudson Bay, in Keewatin FORT GARRY, in Selkirk co., dist.. N.W.T. of Winnipeg:. . Cariboo FORT CONFIDENCE, a fort on the north- FORT GEORGE, a post settlement in ,

474 LOVELVS GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. dist., B.C., on the Fraser River, 285 miles north Liard River, In northern B. C. It Is situated of Ashcroft, a station on the main line of the at the mouth of the Skeena C.P.R., 203 miles north-east of Vancouver. It FORT NORMAN, a Hudson Bay Co's. post on has 1 Roman Catholic church and 1 store, with the Mackenzie River, west of Keith Bay on telegraph and express offices south at Quesnel Great Bear Lake, in Mackenzie dist., N.W.T. Pop.. 145. FORT OKANAGON, a fort belonging to the FORT GOOD HOPE, a Hudson Bay Co's. post Hudson Bay Co., in Yale and Cariboo dist., on the Mackenzie River, near the Arctic Circle, B.C., on the east bank of Okanagon River, a in Maekenzie dist., N.W.T. few miles above its junction with the Colum- FORT GRAHAME, on the Finlay River, a bia. tributary of the Peace River, in Cariboo dist., FORT PELLY, a post settlement In East As- B.C. sa., Prov. of Sask., 16 miles from Kamsack, on FORT HOPE, a Hudson Bay Co. post on the Can, Northern RR. It contains 2 stores, 1 the Alhany River on the boundaries of n. w. hotel and a school in which Pres. and Anglican Ontario and Keewatin dist., N. W. T. It is services are held. Pop., about 50. situate above the Height of Lanvi, due north of FORT PITT, an old H.B. post and fortifica- Lake Nepigon. tion on the North Saskatchewan River, In FORTHTON, a station on the Brockville. Prov. of Saskatchewan, lat. 518 30 N., Ion. Westport and North-western Railway, in Leeds 109 W. It lies north-west of Battleford, near CO., Ont., 13 miles from Brockville, and 32 miles the Blackfoot Hills. office is called Glen from Westnort. The post FORT POINT, a post office In Digby co., N. Buell. whioh see for description. DE S., near Weymouth, a station on the Com. FORTIERVILLE, or STE. PHILOMENE Atlantic RR., 45 miles east of Yarmouth, and village in Lotbiniere FORTIERVILLE, a post 22 miles west of Digby. station on CO., Que., on the Duchene River, a FORT POINT (TRINITY), a settlement In the Ry. It contains 1 the Lotbiniere and Megantic dist. of Trinity. Nfld. Pop. (1901), 25. 1 Roman Catholic church, 5 stores, 1 hotel, FORT PROVIDENCE, a Hudson Bay Co's. express flour, 1 shingle and 3 saw mills, and post on the Mackenzie River, near the north- offices. Pop., 1,200. and telegraph west entrance into Great Slave Lake, in Mac- a post village in FORTIES SETTLEMENT, kenzie dist., N.W.T. miles from Chester Lunenberg cc, N.S., 20 FORT QU'APPELLE, a settlement in Assa. Basin, on the Halifax and South-Western dist.. Prov. of Sask., on the Qu'Appelle River, Rv. Mann system), the nearest (Mackenzie & 12 miles from Lipton on the C.P.R. (Pheasant railway points. Pop., 60. Hills branch). It contains 2 churches (Episco- FORTIN, a lake in Beauce co.. Que. pal and Pres.), 2 general stores, a private bank FORTIN. a lake in Chicoutimi co.. Que. and several shops and 1 telegraph office. Pop. FORT ISLE AUX NOIX, or FORT LEN- 500. NOX, on an island in the River Richelieu, In FORT RAE, in Mackenzie dist., N.W.T.. on St. Johns CO., Qup., near the southern boun- the upper waters of Great Slave Lake which dary of the Province, was fortifif^ by the emerge into River la Martre. French in 1759 and by Schuvler in 1775. It is FORT RELIANCE, on McLeod Bay, an inlet a strong fortress, but unoccupied. of the north east waters of Great Slave Lake, in FORT LANGLEY. on the Lower Fraser Mackenzie dist., N.W.T. It is the site of an River, in New "Westminster dist., B.C. It is an old Hudson Bay post. industrious, progressive place, in a good agri- FORT RESOLUTION, on the south-west cultural and lumber dist., with stores, an hotel, shores of Great Slave Lake, in Mackenzie dist., saw mill, cheese factory, and telephone and N.W.T. It is a Hudson Bay post. telegraph offices. FORT RUPERT, a settlement in British Co- FORT LAWRENCE, a post village in Cum- lumbia, on Vancouver Island, 180 miles from berland CO., N.S., near the line of the I.C.R. It Wellington Station, on the Nanaimo & Esqui- contains 2 churches (Methodist and Anglican"), mau Ry. It contains 1 store. Pop., 12. and 1 saw mill. This is the site of the English FORT ST. GEORGE, on the Fraser River in post during the war in 1755. Pop. 160. Cariboo dist., B.C., about 400 miles north of FORT LIARD, a post at the junction of the Lytton, a station on the C.P.R., 156 miles north- Black River and the Liard River, at the east of Vancouver. settle- south-west angle of Mackenzie dist., N.W.T. FORT ST. JAMES, a post office and near the Yukon and Brit. Columbia boundaries. ment on Stuart Lake, east of Babine Lake, Cassiar district, B. C. The near- FORT LOUISBURG, a post office in Capo est station is reached by way of the Breton co., N.S., near Louisburg, on the Syd- from St. George to Lytton, on the ney and Louisburg RR. Fraser River the C.P.R., 156 miles north-east of FORT McKAY, on the Athabaska River, in main line of the Prov. of Alberta, south of Lake Athabaska. Vancouver. a Hudson Bay post on the FORT McLEOD, on the Peace River, in Cari- FORT ST. JOHN, east of the confluence of the i^ine boo dist., B.C., south of Fort Grahame, on the Peace River, Omineca dist., B.C. Finlay River, a tributary of the Peac° River. and Halfway Rivers, in village in FORT McMURRAY. a nost on the Athabasca FORT SASKATCHEWAN, a post station on the River, at the mouth of Clearwater River, south the Province of Alberta and a Edmonton. It con- of Lake Athabasca, in Athabasca dist., Prov. of C.N.R., 18 miles from Presbyterian, Alberta. tains 4 churches (Roman Catholic, 1 FORT Mcpherson, on Peel River, near the Methodist and Anglican), 14 stores, 2 hotels. yard, 2 bank confluence of the Arctic Red River, in Mac- flour mill, 1 saw mill, brick weekly news- kenzie dist.. N.W.T. agencies, 1 printing office issuing FORT NELSON, a Hudson Ti^v Co. pn^t on paper, telegraph and express offices. Pop., 550. in Yukon the Fort Nekon River, a tributary of the FORT SELKIRK, a settlement LOVELUS GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 475

Terr., at the junction of the Lewes, MacMillan It has 2 churches (a Presbyterian church in and Pelly Rivers, 25 miles south of Dawson Bay Fortune, and a R.C. church in Rollo Bay); city. 2 stores, 1 steam saw mill, 1 planing mill, 1 FORT SIMPSON, at the confluence of the carriage shed, 2 blacksmith shops, with tele- Liard and Mackenzie Rivers, north-west of the phone at Rollo Bay, and express and telegraph Great Slave Lake, in Mackenzie dist., N.W.T. office at Souris. Pop., 222. FORT SMITH, on the Slave River, on the FORTUNE COVE, a post settlement on boundary between Athabasca and Mackenzie Northumberland Strait, in Prince co., P.E. I., on districts, N.W.T. It is a Hudson Bay post. the Mill River, 6 miles from O'Leary Station, FORT SOREL, on the present site of the on the P.E. Island RR., 40 miles north-west of town of Sorel, Que. In July, 1666, M. Sorel, Summerside. It has 1 Methodist church, 1 who commanded five companies of the Carignan general store, and 2 grist mills, besides 2 black- repciment, forming part of a great military ex- smith shops. Pop., about 200. pedition undertaken by the Marquis de Tracy, FORTUNE HARBOR, a fishing settlement in Viceroy of Canada, to invade the Iroquois the dist. of Twillingate, Nfld., on the Bay of country, built a fort at the mouth of the Riche- • Exploits, 28 miles from Twillingate. Pop., lieu River, then known as the Iroquois River. (1901), 468. He named the fort St. Louis, which was subse- FORTUNE'S LAKE, a lake in Labell© co.. quently changed to Sorel, and afterwards to Que. William Henry. See Sorel. FORT VERMILION, a Hudson Bay post in a post settlement in Koote- FORT STEELE, the Peace River dist. of the Prov. of Alberta the junction of the Kootenay and nay, B.C , at (formerly Athabasca, N.W.T.), on the Peace Rivers, 8 miles from station on St. Mary's River, 700 miles north of Edmonton, on the branch of C.P.R. It contains 3 Crow's Nest Calgary & Edmonton branch of the G.P.R., 192 (Pres., Roman Catholic and Church churches miles north of Calgary. It has 2 churches of England), 5 stores, 4 hotels, public school, 1 (R. C. and Epis.), 2 stores, flour and saw mills printing office issuing a weekly newspaper, and (2 steam and 1 water power), and post office. and express offices. This village will telegraph The Hudson Bay Co., besides their store and connected with the Kootenay Central soon be 40-barrel roller mill, have a stern-wheel steamer C.P.R. valley lies between Ry. and the The on the Peace River, running between the Gold ranges, and enjoys an the Rocky and "Chutes," a fall 60 miles below Fort Vermilion, the immediate vicinity are equable climate. In and Hudson Hope, at the foot of the Rocky placer mines. The district possesses the gold Mountains, a distance of 700 miles. Moose and of coal, oil, silver, copper, lead and abundance black bear are yet plentiful in the dist., which valuable timber; nickel is iron, and much raises wheat, barley, and garden stuff; there here. Pop., 200. also found is also good fishing; while the Indians bring to a post settlement m Hast- FORT STEWART, the village large quantities of fur every year. 10 miles from Bancroft, a sta- ings CO., Ont., Pop., 300 settlers, and 600 wandering Indians tion on the Irondale, Bancroft & Ottawa RR. ho- (Crees. Beavers and Slaveys). It contains 1 Methodist church, 2 stores, 1 tel and 1 cheese factory. Pop., under 100. FORT WHYTE, a station on the Gretna branch FORT TEMISKAMING, a Hudson Bay post m of the C.P.R.. Jn Selkirk co.. Man.. 12 miles Pontiac co.. Que., on the east shore of Lake from Winnipeg. Temiskaming, 2 miles south of Bale des Peres FORT WILLIAM, an incorporated town in and Lake Temiskaming post office, on Kelly the dist. of Thunder Bay, was founded in 1669 Bay. when the French traders established a fortified FORTUNE, a prosperous fishing settlement at post for trading purposes at this peint on the entrance to Fortune Bay, on the French shore, Kaministikwia River, where it empties into Nfld., 113 miles from Tilt Cove. It has a fine Lake Superior. It is near the centre of the con- harbor, 1 Methodist church, 7 stores, 2 saw tinent from east to west, being 1,629 miles mills, 1 boot and shoe factory and a telegraph from Halifax and 1.909 miles from Vancouver, 1.000. From a climatic point of view there is no office. Pod. ^ ^ FORTUNE, a post town and port of entry healthier region than that on the north shore at the entrance to Fortune Bay, in the dist. of of Lake Superior; the air, being clear, gives Burin, 37 miles from Burin. Nfld. It has a a tonic effect, while the dry atmosphere of large fishing industry, and does a considerable winter makes living agreeable; altogether the States. trade vs^ith Canada and the United position of the town and the nature of the soil 7 It has a fine harbor, a Methodist church. makes this a particularly healthy place. The and stores, 2 saw mills, 1 boot and shoe factory town has exceptional harbor facilities, being a telegraph office. Pop. (1901), 937; to-day (1906), the last and best harbor and head of navi- close upon 1.000. gation of the system of rivers and inland seas, FORTUNE BAY, an extensive inlet of the that, beginning with Lake Superior, find their Atlantic, on the south coast of Newfoundland, outlet to the Atlantic Oce^n, and with th« ter- lat. 47 N., Ion. 55 56 W., giving the name minals of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and tha to a district on its north side. It contains shipping facilities offered by the Canadian Nor- Brule and Brunnette Islands, and at its en- thern Ry., is in a position to handle to the trance are the French Islands of St. Pierre and best advantage the immense tonnage that an- Miquelon. nually passes from lake to rail of the manur FORTUNE BRIDGE, a post village on Bay factured product, and grain and fiour from the Fortune, P.E.I., on the east coast of the isia'-^. west to points east. Not only as a shipping port in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, in Kings co., ad- is Fort William a superior town, but its citi- joining Rollo Bay, 6 miles from Souris. whence zens, by their zeal and enterprise, are reaching a tri-weekly mail reaches the place. The out and attracting the commerce and capital of nearest railway point is the wav station of St. the world. A fiour mill is being erected with a Charles (4 miles off), on the P.E, Island RR. capacity of 3,000 barrels per day, and a stove and 476 LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA.

range foundry is established here. This is a dis- FOSTERVILLE, a post settlement in York triDutmg point of the Imperial Oil

as a summer resort for the people of Halifax HARBOR, a fishing settlement and vicinity. Pop., about ZUO. in the dist. of Burgeo and La Poile, FOURTH CHUTE, a station on the Esanville Nfld. 14 miles from Burgeo. Pop. (1901), 112. branch of the C.P.R., 18 miles from Renfrew and FOX ISLAND MAIN, a post 5 miles from Eganville. settlement ia Guysboro co., N.S., on FOWLER'S Corners, a post settlement in Chedabucto Bay, and 7 miies from Canso, with which it has steamboat Peterboro' co., Ont., with a station called Bests connection. It is 30 miles from Port Mulgrave, on the G.T.R., 7 miles from Peterboro. It con- on the I.C.R. It contains 1 store. Pop., tains 1 Pfesbyterian church 1 store. about and Pop., 150. 40. FOX FOWL LAKE, in the south-western section ISLAND RIVER, a settlement in the dist. of St. George, Nfld. Pop. of Thunder Bay dist., N.W, Ont., Pigeon River (1901), 26. t OXLEIGH, a post settlement flows out of It into Lake Superior. in Assa. West,

Prov. of Sask., . on Qu'Appelle FOX, a post office in Portage la Prair e dist., the River, IZ miles from Regina, on the C.P.R. Man., 114 miles from Edwin on the 12 It contains C.N.R.. churches miles from Portage la Praiiie. 3 (Methodist, Anglican and Presby- terian). Foxleigh is FOX BAY, a post settlement in Anticosti Is- en the main traU to Qu'Appelle land, in the Gulf cf St. Lawrence, at the Valley. Pop., 300. FOXLEY, a river mouth of the St. Lawrence River. It has 1 of Prince Edward Island, stretched south-easterly general store and 2 lobster canning factories, from Holland Bay, and terminates in a spacious besides telegraph office. Pop. (in summer), 80, lake 8 miles from its mouth. It also FOXBORO, a post village in Hastings co.. stretches south-westerly from the east Ont., on the Belleville division G.T.R., 1 mile side of Richmond Bay, and branches into various inferior from Foxboro Station on the G.T.R. It contaias streams pursuing different directions, and extending 2 churches, 3 stores, 1 hotel, carriage and to within a few miles of the southern shore. cheese factories, 1 saw mill and 1 telegraph FOXMEAD, a post village in co., Ont., office. Pop., 300. Simcoe and a flag station on the Midland div. of FOX CHANNEL, a strait in Franklin dist., the G.T.R., 11 miles north-west in the arctic seas, stretching north from the of Orillia. It con- tains 1 Methodist church, 1 store north-west extremity of Hudson Strait, having and 2 saw mills. Pop., about 200. on the west Melville Peninsula and Southampton FOX, MOUNT, B.C. Island and on the east an unexplored county in (10,576 feet in height). FOX POINT, a post village in Baffin Land, Franklin dist. Muskoka dist, Ont., on the Lake of Bays, midway on the FOX COVE, a settlement in Bonavista dist., steamboat trip (daily in the season) between Nfld. Pop. (1901), 225. the portage south of Peniiisular Lak© through FOX COVE, a fishing settlement in the dist. the Lake of Bays to Dorset, at the south-east of Burin, Nfld., on the west s'ide of Piacentia end of the Lake. The region Bay, 2 miles from Burin. Pop. (1901), 140. is a charming summer resort, amid cluster FOX COVE, a small flshing settlement in the a of cottages and camps, with fishing, dist. of Fortune Bay, Nfld., 44 miks fiom good boating and bathing in the vicinity. Burin. Pop. 80. It is 20 miles from Huntsville, (1901), on the Toronto FOX CREEK, a post village in Westmore- & North Bay div. of the G.T.R., 34 miles north of land CO., N.B., on tho Petitcodiac River, 4 Gravenhurst and 145 miles from Toronto. miles from Moncton, on the I.C.R. It contains FOX POINT, post 1 Roman Catholic church, 1 graded and 4 other a settlement on the west side of St. Margaret's Bay, in schools, 4 stores, 1 tannery and shoe factory. Lunenburg co , N.S., 2 miles from Pop., 1,200. Hubbard's Station, on the Halifax FOX HARBOR, Random South dist., Nfld., & South-Western RR. Fishing and lumbering in Trinity Bay (north side), 27 miles from are the chief industries. It has 1 general store Trinity Harbor. Its nearest railv^ay station is and telephone office. Pop.. 220. 15 miles distant. It has 1 Methodist church FOX RIVER, in Saskatchewan Province (late (N.W.T.), and school, and 1 lobster cannip-g factory. flows from the westward into Hill River. Fishing is the main industry of the settlement. RIVER, pretty Pop. (1901). 97. FOX a post village in Cum- FOX HARBOR, a fishing settlement in Nfld., berland CO., N.S., on a river of the same ^vame, on an inlet of Piacentia Sound, opposite 1^'ox 12 miles from Parrsboro on the Cumberland RR. Island, in Piacentia Bay, a few miles north of & Coal Co.'s line. It contains 2 churches, 3 Piacentia, a station on the Reid-Newfoundland mills, 1 hotel and 2 stores. Pop., 450, RR., 20 miles south-west of Piacentia Jet. Pop., FOX RIVER, a post village in Gaspe co.. (1901), 370. Que., on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 120 miles FOX HARBOR, a post village in Cumberland from New Carlisle, on the A.. Q. and Western CO., N.S., on Northumberland Strait, 9 miles Ry. It contains 1 Roman Catholic church, 6 from Pugwash, on the I.C.R. (Oxford branch), stores. 1 hotel, 3 saw and 2 flour mills. 1 cod 13 miles from Oxford. It contains 1 Presby- liver oil factorv and 1 telegraph office. Its har- terian church, 1 hall, 1 saw mill, and two bor is well sheltered, and affords good accommo- blacksmith shops, also several lobster factories. dation for vessels of light draught. Its' inhabi- in mac- Pop., 140. tants are largely engaged the cod and increasing small island in the Gulf of kerel fisheries. The commerce is FOX ISLAND, a week, Lawrence, near the north-east extremity a:mually. and two steamers call once a St. and LITTLE, two of the Saguenay coast. FOX RIVER, GREAT about 2 miles from FOX ISLAND, a settlement in Fortune Bay rivers of Gaspe co.. Que., falling into the south shore vlist., Nfld., 17 miles from Harbor Breton. Pop. each other and both between Griffin (1901). 20. of the Gulf of St. Lawrence FOX ISLAND, a settlement in the dist. of Cove and Petit Cap. Burgeo and La Poile, Nfld. Pop. (1901), 112. FOX ROOST, a small fishing settlement in the- ,


dist. of Burgeo and La Poile, Nfld., 4 milos ing mill, agency for Union Bank of Canada, and from Channel. Pop. (lyOl), 76. telegraph and express offices. Jr'op., 800. FOX'S, a port of call of the Star Line Steam- FRANKBURG, a post settlement in the ship Go's, steamboats, in Queens CO., JN a., 3 Prov. of Alberta, 12 miles from the station of miles from Gagetown. High River, on the C.P.R. (Calgary & Mac- FOXTON, a post office in Dundas townshi;). leod branch, 40 miles from Calgary. It has 1 Selkirk co., Man., 3 miles from Teulon, on a church (Latter Day Saints)). Pop. 100. branch of the C.P.K., the nearest luiwi^y FRANKH ORD, a thriving post and manufac- point. It contains 3 churches and 2 schools. turing village in Hastings co., Ont., on the Pop. of township about 262. River Trent, and the Central Ontario RR., 6 tv.^^ TRAY, a flag station on the Reid-Nfld. miles north of Trenton, on the main line of RR. (St. John's secdon), in Harbor Main dist., the G.T.R. It has 4 churches, 17 stores, 1 Nfld., 17 miles west of St. John's and 23 miles bank, 1 library and reading room, 1 large can- east of Jet. Pop. (1901), 410. ning factory, 1 large paper mill, besides wool- FOX WARREiN, a post village in Marquette len, flour and saw mills and express and tele- CO., Man., on the Can. Paciflc Ry., 7 miles from graph offices. Pop., 800. Birtle. It contains 3 stores, 3 grain elevators FRANK HILL, a post office in Victoria co., Station, the G.T.R. and 1 hotel. Pop., 50. Ont., 6 miles from Best's on 12 miles from Peterborough. Pop., 70 families FOYMOUNT, a post office in Renfrew co., in dist. Ont., 14 miles from Eganville, a station on a FRANKLIN, an unorganized district of the branch of the C.P.R., 23 miles west of Ren- Canadian Dominion, set apart ty order of frew. Oct. 2, 1895, its boundaries being FRAMBOISE, a post settlement in Richmond Council, roughly defined, Dec. 18th, 1897; estimated CO., N.S., 30 miles from St. Peters and 40 miles area, 500,000 square miles. The district, which from Sydney, on the I.C.R. It contains a lies mainly wiihin the Arctic zone, embraces Pres. church, 3 stores and 1 saw and shingle Baffin Land, Fox Land, Cumberland, Melvuie, mill. Good flshing is obtainable here. Pop., Bylot Island, North BOO. and Bothia Peninsula, Prince of Wales Land, FRAMBOIS INTERVALE, a post office in Devon, North Somerset, William Land, Prince Albert, Victoria, Richmond co., N.S. (Cape Breton Island). St. King Banks Lands—a region extend- Peters on the Cape Breton Railway is the near- Woliaston, and west of Davis est station. ing north of Hudson Strait and Strait and Baffin Bay, from 60 to 130 of W. a post settlement In Selkirk CO., FRAMNES, longitude, including also Grinnel Land, EUes- Icelandic River, which falls into Man., on the mere Land. The Parry Islands, Prince Patrick Lake Winnipeg, with port at Hnausa. It is 50 Island, and Ringues and Axel Heiberg Islands. miles north of Winnipeg Beach Station, on the The districts contiguous to Franklin dist., on (south-west shore of Lake Winnipeg), C.P.R. the south, are Labrador, Uogava, Keewatin 51 miles north of Winnipeg city. It has 1 gen- and Mackenzie. The population estimated in eral store 1 creamery. Pop , about 250. and 1961, including that of Keewatin dist., was, village Dor- FRAMPTON WEST, a post in roughly, 8.546. chester CO., Que., 14 miles from St. Henedine, ixvANKLIN, a post settlement in Portage la Ry. It contains 1 on the Quebec Central An- Prairie co., Man., on the northwestern branch glican church, 2 schools, 5 stores, 3 saw and of the C.P.R., 8 miles from Minnedosa. It con- 3 grist mills, and a cheese factory, and has tains 2 churches (Methodist an-d Presbyterian), good fishing and hunting facilities. 2 stores. 2 hotels and 1 lumber and shingle mill, FRANCAIS, a lake in Champlain co.. Que. and several shops. Pop., 200. FRANCAIS, a lake in Cassiar dist,, B.C., in FRANKLIN, a post village in Durham co., lat. BO^ N., north of Ootsa Lak« and the Quan- Ont., and a flag station on the G.T.R. (Port chus Mountains. It is drained eastward by the Hope & Lindsay branch), 11 miles north of Mill- Nechaco River into the Eraser, and has its brook and 29 miles north of Port Hope. It has outlet into the latter near Fort George, fn 1 Methodist church, 1 general store, and 1 saw Cariboo dist. and shingle mill. There is also a grain ware- FRANCIS, a post village in the Prov. of Sas- bouse and a blacksmith shop. Pop., 35. katchewan (formerly Assa. East), a station on FRANKLIN BAY, on the northern coast of the Moose Mountain (Areola) section of the the Mackenzie dist., N.W.T., south-east of C.P.R., 40 miles south-east of Regina, It has Beaufort Sea, between Point Fitton and Cape 1 Union church, 7 stores, 1 hotel and 1 bank Parry, and Intersected by the meridians, 70 N. (Hamilton), besidesf express and telegraph office. and 125 W. Pop., 250. FRANKLIN CENTRE, a post village In FRANCIS LAKE, in Queens co., N.S., on the Huntingdon co.. Que., near the International borders of Shelburne co. boundary line, and close to the Ontario River, FRANCOIS, a fishing settlement in the dist. 6 miles from Churubusco Station (N.Y. State), of Burgeo and La Poile, Nfld., 59 miles from on thft Vermont Central RR.: and 10 miles Burgeo. Pop. (1901), 131. from Ormstown Station, on th? G.T.R. FRANCOIS, a lake in Chicoutimi co.. Que. (Massena Springs branch), 47 miles south-west FRANCONIA, a post office in Haldimand co., of Montreal. It has 3 churches (Bpls., Moth, Ont., 3 miles from Moulton, on the Mich. Cen- and Congregational), 5 stores, 2 temperance tral RR. hotels, feed, planing and shingle mills, 2 FRANK, a post and mining settlement in the carriage and 3 blacksmith shops, with tele- Prov. of Alberta, on the middle fork of Old phone office. The village is connected by daily Man's River, and a station on the C.P.R., 15 stage with Hemmingford and Huntingdon. miles east of Crow's Nesit. It contains a Pres- Pop., about 400. byterian church, 2 stores, 4 hotels, 1 zinc smelt- FRANKLIN CORNERS, a post office in Pres- LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 479

cott CO., Ont., 6 miles from Plantagenet on the ser River, a few miles from its source, flows snort line div. ot tne vJ. Montreal and Ottawa into a lake some miles in length, P K. called Cow- dung Lake, below which, considerably increased FRANKLIN DISTRICT (area roughly esti- by a tributary from the north, it enters Moose mated at 500.000 SQ. miles), created by an order Lake, a beautiful sheet of water some 9 of Canada, Oct. 2, 1895. It miles of tne Privy Council in length. Thence the region within the Arctic river continues rapidly embraces the entire to the Tete Jaune Cache, circle lying to the norih of the adjacent Can- about 630 miles from the sea, the limit of adian districts of Ungava, Keewatin and Mac- canoe navigation on the t-raser. About kenzie, and from Bamn I^and and Davis Strait three miles lower down, the stream is joined the East to Banks Land and Btaufort Sea by the Cranben-y Fork on tributary flowing a the west. Its affairs are. judicially and ter- from the south. Between on the lete ritorially, under the direction of the Lieut.- Jaune Cache and Fort George the river IS Governor of Assiniboia at Regina. Its es- augmented by many tributaries of which, two timated population, including that of the dis- the Mackenzie Fork and Bear Riv^r are of trict of Keewatin, was, in 1901, 8,546. considerable magnitude. At Fort Georee' FRANKLIN LAKE, a body of water in Kee- lat. 53-33 N., Ion. 122° 45 W.f an imporffnt watin dist., N.W.T. Area, 78,400 acres. ^^« westward, Jrnrth^^V^'''from ^1°?^ proceeding FRANK'S BAY, a settlement on Lak« the lakes of Stuart and Eraser. Qu^nel Sound dist., Ont., at the f^oja the Nipissing, in Parry ri^^I' if^^^^S. great lake of the same head of the French River, 15 miles from Stur- ^^ "^'^^^ lower m^S«' K^?"^^ !u- down; and 40 geon Falls, on the C.P.R., 24 miles west of this is Fort Alexandria. fhi ri^h'^'i: ^at?d on the right bank in 52.° North Bay. Pop., 200. lat. 33 40 N. It is in Lanark co., FRANKTOWN, a post village in /^fi°°'^'°^P"^^^d ^'^^^^ the on Goodwood Creek, and on C.P.R. (Brock- greaJ^Tnd^' wh' Ont., fhf^o. 1^ ^^'^^ }^^ ^'^se^ makes between ville and Ottawa div.), 9 miles from Smith's ^^\% ^^^^« a^

ana Ry. It is situate on the S^ Lawrence, branch of the C.P.R., and there is a station is the port of call for the Quebec and Saguenay also of the C.P.R. at Gibson, to Edmundstou, boats, and also a favorite summer resoit. it on opposite side of the River St. John, contains 4 chuiches (1 Roman Catholic, 2 An- which connects with St. John and wes- glican and 1 Pres.), 75 stores, 11 hotels, 2 saw, tern lines at Fredericton Junction; also 1 2 pulp and 2 grist mills, 1 furnituie factory, the I.C.R. and C.P.R. there cross the sash and door factory, 6 tanks, 2 printing of- river via the railroad bridge. fices issuing: newspapers, 2 telegraph and 1 ex- Fredericton was originally called St. Ann's. press offices. The I.C.R. has a roundhouse [t was founded by Sir Guy Carleton in 1786, here. Pop.. 6.3C0. shortly after the erection of FREAK'S COVE, a settlement in the dist. ol a separate Province. Pop., 7,117. Twillingate, Ntid. Pop. (1901), 21. FREDERICTON JUNCTION, the junction FRECHETTE, a post office in Levis co.. Que., point for the city of Fredericton. 21 miles dis- near Craig's Road station, on G.'i.R., 14 miles tant, in Sunbury co., N.B., on the line of the from Point Levis. C.P.R. It contains 1 Baptist, 1 Anglican. J FREDENSTHAL, a station on the Can. Roman Catholic and F.W.B. churches, 5 stores, Northern Ry., in Provencher co., Man., 7 miles 2 hotels, 1 grist mill, 1 saw mill, l printing office issuing from Emerson. . weekly newspaper, and telegiaph and FREDERICK HOUSE, LAKE and RIVER, on express offices. Pop., 400. the borders of Nipissing and Algoma districts, FREDERICTON ROAD, a post village in N. W. Ont. They are drained by the Abbitibbi Westmoreland co., N.B., 8 miles from Salisbury, River and Moose River into James Bay. on the I.C.R.. and on the Salisbury & Harvey FREDERICKSBURG, Norfolk co., Ont. See Ry., the nearest railway point. It contains a Delhi. Roman Catholic church, 1 cheese factory and FREDERICKSBURG, a station on the G.T.R., school. Pop., 150. in Lennox co., Ont., 6 miles from Napanee. FREDERICTOWN, Cumberland co., N.S.. at FREDERICTON, a station and post settleme it the head of Wallace Bay. on a small estuary, on the P.E.I. Ry. in Queens co., P.E.I. It con- 42 miles norfh cf Truro. See Wallace. tains a Methodist church, 2 stores, 1 hotel and b'REDRICTON. a pos^ settlement and port I carriage factory. Pop., 150. of call in Fogo dist., Nfld.. 40 mi'es from Glen- FREDERICTON, a city and port of entry of wood. It contains a Methodist church. 1 store, New Brunswick, capital of the province and I lumber mill, and 4 lobster and salmon can- neries. of York CO., is beautifully situated on a point Goods are imported to and exported of land on the west side of the River St. Joha from England. Navigation opens here earlier 60 miles in direct line N.N.W. of St. John. In spring than any other place owing to its La-. 45° N., Ion. 45*' 31 30 W. It has several situation at the mouth of the Gander River. streets, nearly a mile in length, prettily lined Pop.. 100. with trees, running parallel with the river. FREEBORN, a post office and flag station in These are crossed by about a dozen others at Perth CO., Ont., on a branch of G.T.R., 2^ right angles. The public buildings comprise the miles from Newton. Name cf station is Pef- parliament buildings, the government house, fers. It has 1 store. Pop., 30. city hall, court house, exhitifon building and FREELAND. a Dost villaere in Leeds co.. rink, barracks and university. The parlia- Ont., on Rideau Lake, with port of call at ment buildings are situated at the lower end Portland (a few miles east), for the steamers of the town, an-d the government house at tne of the Rideau Lakes Navigation Co. It is 4 extremity. latter is large stone upper The a miles from Crosby Station, on the Brockville, mansion facing the river, surrounded by taste- Westport & Northwestern RR. It has 2 fully laid out grounds and shrubberies. The churches (Epis. and Meth.), 6 stores, 1 good ho' University, with its new and modern science tel, 2 saw and grist mills, 1 cheese factory. 1 building, is situated upon the rising admirably private bank, with express and telegraph office ground at the rear of the city. As a seat ot at Crosby. Pop., 300. learning it ranks high in the Province. Freder- FREELAND, a post village in Prince co.. icton is the seat of the Lord Bishop of Freder- P.E.I. , 2 miles from Conway, on the Prince icton (Church of England). His cathedral, a Edward Is. Ry., 28 miles north-west of Summer- handsome edifice, is situate at the lower end of side. It contains 2 churches (Anglican and the town. The other churches belong to the Presbyterian), 3 stores. 2 saw mills, with tele- Church of England, Roman Catholics, Presby- graph and express offices at Conway. Old terians, Methodists, Bantists and Adventists. oyster beds, in the adjoining rivers, yield The St. .John River which is here of a % manure for the farms. Pop., about lOO. mile wide, crossed by 2 bridges (steel railway and wooden passenger bridges) is navieahle to FREELTON, a post settlement in Wentworth thel C.P.R. this point. 84 miles from the Bay of Fundy, CO . Ont.. 3 miles from Schaw, on Ont., for sea-going vessels of 120 tons. Small FREEMAN, a post village in Halton co., Burlington steamers ascend 65 miles further to Woodstock. 8 miles from Hamilton, and near It contains 1 store. Fredericton is an incorporated city. Its af- Junction on the G.T.R. apple fairs are managed by a mayor and corpora- 1 hotel. 1 pickle storage factory and 1 tion. Its streets are lighted with gas and elec- storage factory. Pop., 400. a post village on an island tricity. It contains 5 bank agencies, 4 week- FREEPORT, of St. Mary's Bay ly newspapers, 1 reading room, 2 telegraph (Long Island) at the mouth and the Bay of Fundy, in Digby co., N.S.. 15 offices, several life and fire insurance agen- Do- cies, hotels, a number of first-class stores, miles from Weymouth, a station on the and manufactories of iron castings, mill ma- minion Atlantic RR., and 40 miles from Digby, chinery, leather, boots and shoes, wondpri ware, on Grand Passage, Long Island. It contains industry is etc. It is the chief terminus of the Fredericton 1 church and 8 stores. The chief LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 481

fishing. Agriculture is also pursued with suc- FRENCH RIVER, a post village in P.ctou cess. Pop., about 700. CO., N.S., on the river of the same name, 4 FREEPORT, a hamlet in Missisquoi co., Que., miles from Merigomish and 12 miles from New 2 miles from Cowansville, on the C.P.R. It Glasgow, on I.C.R. It contains 2 churches has a saw mill, 1 factory, 1 foundry, and Bell (Presbyterian and Methodist), 1 grist mill and telephone office. Pop,, 75. 1 saw mill. Pop, 200. FREEPX)RT, a post village in Waterloo co., FRENCH RIVER, a post village in Queens Ont., on the Grand River, 4 miles from Ber- CO , P.E.I., on the French River, with port on lin, on G.T.R. It contains 2 United Brethren the Gulf of St. Lawrence at New London. The churches and 1 itemperance hotel. Pop., 25. village is 9 miles from Kensington, a station FREETOWN, a post village in Prince co., on the P.E.I. Ry., 9 miles east of Summer-

P.E.I. , and a station on the Prince Edward side. It has 2 churches (Episcopal and Pres- Island Ry., 14 miles from Summerside. It con- byterian), 1 general store, and 2 lobster fac- tains Methodist and Presbyterian churches, tories. Pop., 50. public hall, cloth factory, 1 grist mill, 2 saw FRENCH RIVER, a post village in Parry mills, 1 carding mill, 1 store, besides post, Sound dist., Ont., on the French River, 100 telegraph and telephone offices. Population, miles from Parry Sound, on the Georgian Bay, about 250. and a station on the G.T.R. It is a port of FREIBURG, a village in Waterloo co., Ont., call f

28. ., and 2 schools. Pop., 600. 31 4b2 LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA.

FRENCH VILLAGE, a post village in Kings 4 stores, 1 hotel, a private bank and a tele- CO., N.B., on the Hammond River, d miles from graph office. Pop., 200. Nauwigewauk Station, on the I.C.R, It con- t ROBISHER JrJAY, in Franklin dist. of the tains i church and 1 saw and flour mill. Pop., Canaaiau North-East Territories, between Hud- son Strait 150. and Cumberland Bay, leading from FRENCH VILLAGE, an incorporated village the ocean west into Baffin Land. Length 240 miles; in the municipality of Kingsey, in urummoud medium breadth 30 miles. Its shores, on both sides, are CO., Que., 12 miles from Richmond on the G. T. rugged and mountainous. It was discovered in R. It contains 1 Roman Catholic church, 1576, by Sir Martin Fro- 1 saw and provender mill, 1 restaurant, 5 gene- bisher. ral stores, 1 cheese factory, 2 temperance ho- FROGMORE, a country post office in Nor- tels, and school house. Pop., of village, 236. folk CO., Ont., 11 miles from Courtland, on the FRENES, RUISSEAU DES, in Charlevoix CO., G.T.R. It contains 1 Free church, 2 stores grist Que., falls into the River Malbay. and saw mills. Pop., about 50. FRENEUSE, or GRAND LAKE, a lake of FROMB, a post village in Elgin co., Ont., 2% New Brunswick, in Queen's cc, 12 miles long miles from Shedden, on the Michigan Central Ry., and miles by 6 wide, and in some places 40 fathoms deep. 9 from St. Thomas, the county seat. Pop., See Grand Lake. under 75. FRESHWAIER, a small fishing settlement in FRONT BROOK, a small stream running In- to th« dist. of Placentia and St. Mary's, NuQ., Salmon River, in Compton co.. Que. 1 mile from Placentia. Pop. (1901), 51. FRONT CREEK, in Northumberland co., FRESHWATER, a fishing settlement in the Ont., flows south-east and empties into Trent Rivfer. dist. of Bay-de-Verde on the north side of Con- ception Bay, Nfld., 2 miles from Carbonear. FRONTENAC, a county of Ontario, bordering upon Lake Ontario, near its outlet. Area, Pop. (1901), 534. 209,756 acres. It is traversed from east to west settlement in the dist. of FRESHWATER, a by the G.T.R., and from south to north by the Pop. 534. Bay-de-Verde, Nfld. (1901), Kingston & Pembroke Ry., and interspersed by BAY, a small fishing settle- FRESHWATER numerous small lakes and rivers. The Rideau John's, Nfld., 5 miles ment in the dist. of St. Canal connects Kingston, the capital of tne John's. Pop. (1901), including Cape from St. county, with Ottawa. The Bay of Quinte RR. and Black Head, 130. Spear also traverses part of the county. Pop. BAY, a flshing settlement on (1901), FRESHWATER 12,008. a very picturesque inlet on the west side of FRONTENAC, a station on the Bay of Quinte Bay, Nfld., 23 miles from Salvage. Bonavista Ry., in Frontenac (TRINI'i'Y EAST), a setUe- co., Ont., 22 miles from Kings- FRESHWATER ton, and 18 miles from Napanee. the dist. of Trinity, Nfld. Pop. (19oi;, ment in FRONTENAC, a post office in Lotbiniere co.. 62. Que.. 2h<2 miles from St. Philomene, on the Lot- FRIAR'S HEAD, a post settlement in Inver- biniere & Mrtgantic RR. Sta- ness CO., N.S., 30 miles from Inverness FRONTIER, a lake in Montmagny co., Que. con- tion, on the Inverness & Richmond RR. It FRONTIER, a post office in Huntingdon co.. stores, 1 tains 1 Roman Catholic church, 3 and Que., 5 miles from Hemmingford, on the G.T.R., telegraph lobster cannery, 2 lumber mills and 1 6 miles from Mooer's Jet. Pop., about 125. office. Pop., 1,000. FROOMFIELD, a hamlet in Lambton co., in FRIAR'S HEAD CHAPEL, a post office Ont., on the River St. Clair, 5 miles from Inverness co. (Cape Breton Island). N.S., 30 Corunna, on the Pere Marquette Ry. Inverness, on the Inverness and miles from FROST VILLAGE, a post settlement in Sheffoi d Richmond Ry. CO., Que., 2 miles from Waterloo, a station on FRIDAY LAKE, an elongated body of water the C.P.R., 64 miles south-east of Montreal. in Nipissing dist., N. Ont., lying to the west of It has 1 Episcopal church, 2 schools, 1 general the Montreal River and to the east of Rib Lake, store (post office, grocery and feed store), and from Rib Lake station on the Temiska- reached 1 creamery, besides telephone office. Pop., 150. ming & Northern Ontario RR. FKIESEN, a post office in Assa. W. dist., FROZEN OCEAN, an inconsiderable sheet of Prov. of Saskatchewan. water on the Liverpool River, in Annapolis FRIPONNB. RIVIERE LA, rises in a small CO., N.S., 6 miles above the head of Fairy lake in Montmorency co., Que., and running Lake. north-west and then south-west, enters the St. FRUITLAND, a post village in Wentworth of the Ste. Lawrence 6 miles below the mouth CO., Ont., on the Hamilton, Grimsby & Beams- Anne. ville Electric RR., 5 miles east of Hamilton, or FRIZZLETON, formerly MIDDLE SECTION, 2^ miles from Stoney Creek Station, on the co., N.S., 25 li^ a post settlement in Inverness G.T.R. , 6 miles from Hamilton, and miles miles from Inverness, on the Inverness & Rich- from Lake Ontario. It has 1 Methodist church, mond RR. It contains 2 churches (Baptist and and the warehouse of the Fruitland Brick & Methodist), 2 stores, saw, carding and grist Supply Co. Pop., about 30u. mills, also a Government fish hatchery. Pop., FRY'S, a post office in the Prov. of Sas- 200. katchewan, 5 miles from Antler, a station on the FROATBURN, a post office in Dundas co., Souris & Areola div. of the C.P.R... 55 miles Ont., via Morrisburg, on the G.T.R., 21 miles west of Souris. and 47 miles east of Areola. east of Prescott. FUCA, or JUAN DE FUCA. a strait leading FROBISHBR, a post village in Assa. dist., from the Paciflc Into the Gulf of Georgia, Prov. of Sask., near the Souris River, 3^ miles south of Vancouver Island, and forming a part from Frobisher Station, on the C.P.R. It con- of the Canadian and United States boundary tains 2 churches (Methodist and Presbyterian), line. Lat. of entrance 46° 10' N., Ion. 124P W. LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 483

FUL.DA, a post settlement in tne Frov. of of Hermitage Bay, Nfld., 3 miles from Hermit- Saskatchewan, 9 miles west of Dead Moose age Cove, 138 miles from Port aux Basques. It Lake post oirice, 12 miles from Humboldt Sta- contains an Ane'lican church and 1 lobster fac- tion, on the Can. Northern Ry., 39 miles north- tory. Pop. (1901), 72. west of Quill Lake. It has 3 churches (Ger- FURNACE J^ALLb, a post hamlet in Victoria man and English), 6 stores, 2 hotels, 1 private CO., Ont., on the Burnt River and a station bank, and 1 printing office, besides express on the Iron-dale, Bancroft & Ottawa Ry., 5 and telegraph offices at Humboldt Station. Pop., miles n. e. of Kinmount Jet., on the Halibur- 400. ton & Lindsay branch of the G T.R. Pop., 40. FULFORD, a post village in Brome co.. Que-, FURY and HECLA STRAIT, in Franklin on C.P.R., 4 miles from Waterloo. It contains dist., of the North-East Territories, lat. 89° Episcopal, Methodist and Adventist churches, 30° N., Ion. 85° W., leads westward Inao Boothia 1 saw mill, 1 grist mill, 1 store, 1 cheese fac- Gulf from Fox Channel, and having on the tory, 1 butter factory and creamery station, and north Cockburn Island and on the south Mel- 1 telephone office; unlimited water-power. Pop., ville Peninsula. It is about 30 miles wide and 300. 120 miles long, and contains numerous Islands. FULLARTON, a post village in Perth co., FURY POINT, in the Arctic waters of FranK- Ont., on the Thames River, 6 miles from Mit- lin dist., close to Prince Regent's Inlet, on the chell, a station on the Stratford & Godench southeast side of North Somerset, in lat. 72° div. of the G.T.R., 13 miles north-west of Strat- 40' 30" N., Ion. 91° 55' W. Here Sir Jam«s Ross ford and 11 miles south-east of Seaforth. It wintered in 1822-23. has 2 churches (Meth. and Baptist), 1 general FYFIELD, a settlement in Bruce CO., Ont., store, 1 saw mill, and 1 cheese factory. Pop. 5 miles from Teeswater, on the C.P.R., 11 miles 150. from Wroxeter. It contains 1 store, 1 saw mill FULLER, a post village in Hastings co., Ont., and 1 cheese factory. Pop., about 75. 3 miles from Moira LaKe, 20 miles from Belle- GABAROUSE, a post settlement in Cape Bre- ville, the county seat, and IVz miles from Ivan- ton CO., N.S., 15 miles from Louisburg, on the hoe, at the junction of the C.P.R. with tne Sydney & Louisburg Ry. It contains 4 Belleville branch of the G.T.R. It has 2 churches churches (Presbyterian, Methodist, Roman Ca- (Pres. and Methodist). Pop., 95. tholic and Baptist), 9 stores, 1 hotel, 2 saw FULI^RTON'S LAKE, a small lake situated mills, 1 lobster cannery and telegraph office. between Amherst and Parrsborougn, Cumoei- Pop., 500. land CO., N.S., about 3 miles in length by half GABAROUSE, a smaU lake In Cape Breton a mile in width. The River Hebert takes its CO., N.S., between Gabarouse Bay and Belfrcy rise in this lake. The lake abounds in ale- Lake, near the sea coast. See Gabarus Lake. wives and trout. GABAROUSE BARACHOIS. a post village in FULLERTON'S MARSH, Queens co., P.E.I. Cape Breton co., N.S., on Gabarouse Bay, 12 See Southport. miles south-west of Louisburg, on the Sydney FULTON, a post village in Lincoln co.. 6 Louisburg RR. It has 4 churches (Roman the Ont., 4 miles from Grassies fatation, on Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist), Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo RR., 7 miles U stores, 2 hotels, 4 saw mills and 3 lobster Hamil- factories, west of Smithville, and 16 miles east of besides telegraph office. Pop., about 950. ton It has several stores. Pop., under 150. FULTON BROOK, a post village in Queens GABAROUSE LAKE, a post settlement in miles from Cape Breton co., N.S., 20 miles from Louisburg CO N B., on the Salmon River, 12 Chipman, on the New Brunswick Coal and Ry. on the Sydney and Louisburg RR., with Catho- port Go's line. It contains 3 churches (Roman on Gabarouse Bay, on the At- stores. 6 ho- lantic. 1 gene- lic Baptist and Presbyterian), 4 It has Presbyterian church, 1 mill. tradmg ral store, office, tels, 1 saw mill and 1 grist Fur post and 2 saw and shingle and lumbering are carried on. Pop., about /ou. mills. Pop., about 300. FULTONS, Wellington co., Ont. See Ful- GABARUS, a lake in Cape Breton co., N.S., gives rise to a river running into the Atlantic *°FULTON'S MILLS, a post office in Welling- through Little Fourchu Harbor, in Richmond and a station (Fulton s) on th« QO, ton CO , Ont.. div. of the G.T.R. 4 Hamilton & Southampton , GABELLE, FALLS OF, on the River St. miles from Harriston. Maurice, about 15 miles from its mouth, in St. inlet of the Atlantic, FUNDY BAY OF. an Maurice co.. Que. They are 25 ft. high, and de- Brunswick. separating Nova acotia from New scend through a partial contraction of the river varying from Length near 170 miles; breadth possessing little of the picturesque. extremity are 30 to 50 mUes. At its upper GABRIOLA ISLAND, a post settlement in to Chignecto Bay and Minas Channel, leading Vancouver, B.C., 12 miles from Nanalmo. It has Minas Basin. Passamaquoddy Bay opens into 1 saw mill. Pop., 150. of Fundy is deep, it near its mouth. The Bay GAD'S HARBOR, a settlement in the dist. of The tides but its navigation is dangerous. St. Barbe, Nfld. Pop. (1901), 19. rush which here rise to the height of 71 feet, GAD'S HILL, a post village in Perth co., in with such rapidity that swine are often Ont., on the G.T.R., 7 miles from Stratford. taken and drowned while feeding on shell fish. It contains 1 Methodist church, 1 store, 1 ho- Grindstones and gypsum are ootained at the tel, 2 saw mills and 1 grist mill. Pop., 110. head of this bay. It comprises the Grand GADUAMGOUSHOUT, a river of Quebec, Manan and Long Islands, and receives the St. rises in 2 lakes bordering on the north-west John and St. Croix Rivers. The city of St. angle of Bonaventure co., and becomes one of John, N.B.. is on its north coast. the chief sources of the River Restigouche. FURBY'S COVE, a small fishing settlement GAFF TOPSAIL, a flag station on the Reid- in the dist. of Fortune Bay, on the east side Nfld. RR. (Bishop's Falls section), 23 miles