LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 461 branch). 114 miles north of Calgary. It has from Kentviile. It contains 2 churches, 2 1 general store. siores. 2 carding mills, 1 grist mill, 1 saw EXCELSIOR, a post office in Edmonton dist., mill, 1 agricultural implement factory and 1 Prov. of Alberta, 8 miles from Morinville on shingle mill. Pop., about 250. the Morinvi.le branch of the C.P R. FAi^ ARD, Lotbiuiere co., Que. See St. Severin EXCELSIOR, a post office in Algoma dist., de Beaurivage. Ont., 30 ijiilcs from Spanish River, on 'the Soo" FAIRBAIRN, a post village in Victoria CO., branch line of the C.P.R.. on the north shore Ont., 7 miles from Fenelon Falls Station, on Lake Huron. • the G.T.R. (Haliburton and Lindsay branch), of . .„ Huronxj ^«r, EXETER, an incorporated village in 14 miles from Lindsay. It has 1 Methodist It CO., Ont., and a station on the G.T.R. church and 1 cheese factory. Pop., under 100. contains 4 churches (2 Methodist, 1 Episcopal FAIRBANK, a post settlement in iork co., and 1 Presbyterian), 6 stores, 4 hotels, 1 saw- Ont., near Davenport, a station on the G.T.R., mill, 1 flour mill. 1 sash and door factory, 1 5 miles north of Toronto. It contains 5 woollen will, 1 tannery, 1 foundry, 2 banks, 2 chuiches (Episcopal, Presbyterian and Metho- newspapers, telearraph, express and telephone dist., 3 stores, 1 hotel, telegraph and express offices. Pop. 1,792. offices at Fairbank Jet. Pop., about 500. ^ ^. , ^ „« EXMOOR, a post office in Northumberland co. FAIRFAX, a post hamlet in Stanstead co.. N.B., near Newcastle station, on the I.C.R., 6 Que., 5 miles northeast of Stanstead, 3 miles Chatham Jet. west of W^ays Mills, 71/^ miles south of Massa- miles from . EXPLOITS (Lower Harbor), a fishing settle- wippi Lake and iVs miles south-east of Boynton ment on the River Exploits, Nfld., 24 miles Station, on the Boston & Maine RR. Episcopal from Twillingate. Pop. (1901), 118. and Adventist services are held in a school- EXPLOITS (EAST AKD Wfst Side), a lar.a:e house. Pop. of district, 75. fishing settlement in the district of Twillin- FAIRFAX, a post office in Brandon co., Man., gate and Fogo, Nfld., a port of call of the Reid- and a station on the Can. Northern RR., 35 Nfld. Co's steamers, 12 miles from the mouth miles west of Belmont, and 19 miles east of of Exploits River, and 14 miles from Twillin- Hartney. It is 162 miles west of Winnipeg. gate. Pop. (1901), 399. FAIRFIELD, a r>ost village in Kings co., EXPLOITS (Lower Harbor, East and West P.E.I. , on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 10 miles Side), a large fishing settlement in the district from Harmony, and 51 miles east of Charlotte- town. It contains 1 of Twillingate. Nfld., 12 miles from the mouth Eoman Catholic church, 1 store, of Exploits River, and 14 miles from Twillin- 1 saw mill. 1 grist mill. 2 lobster can- neries. 1 publ'c hall and 1 cheese factory. Fish- lingate. Pop. (1901), 517. ing and farming are the chief industries. a fishing and ship- Pop. EXPLOITS HARBOR, 200. the mouth of Exploits building settlement at FAIRFIELD, a station on the Stratford and River, in Notre Dame Bay, northern Nfld., 15 London branch of the G.T.R.. 6 miles front miles by water from Twillingate, and 30 miles London. The post office is called The Grove, Norris Arm, a si-ation on the Reid- north of which see for description, Nfld. RR., 9 miles west of Notre Dame Jet. FAIRFIELD, a post settlement In St. John Pop., about 600. CO., N.B., 2 miles from Bay of Fundy, at head RIVER, a stream in Northern EXPLOITS of Gardner's Creek, 7 miles Irom sr. Martin's, Nfld., flowing into Notre Dame Bay, 15 miles on the Hampton & St. Martin's RR., and 6- of Twillingate. The settle- by water south miles from Quaco. It contains 2 churches, 1 Harbor (Pop. ment on its banks are Exploits store and 1 saw mill. Pop., about 125. 600), 30 miles from Norris Arm Station, on the FAIRFIELD, or FAIRFIELD EAST, a post Reid-Nfld. RR., 9 miles west of Notre Dame village In Leeds co., Ont., on the Ottawa and Jet.; ScissoR's Cove, (Pop. 148); Kite Cove Brockville branch of the C.P.R. , 5 miles north (Pop. Burnt (Pop. 161): Northern Arm 185); of Brockville, the county seat and nearest Arm (Pop. 178): Botwoodville (Pop. 541); and bank location. It contains 2 churches (Pres- All these settlements Norris Arm (Pop. 83). byterian and Methodist), 1 Forester's hall and lum- have their local industries in fishing and I cheese factory. Pop. 200. bering. FAIRFIELD PLAIN, a post village in Brant EXTENSION, a post office on Vancouver Is- CO., Ont., 3i miles from Bnrford. -^n fr^ '•^rant- land, B.C., north of Nanaimo. a station on the fcrd and Tillsonburg branch of the G.T.R., 10- line of the Eso.uiroalt "- Nanaimo RR. miles from Brantford. It contains 1 Meth.odisc EYEBROW HILL, a post village in the dist. church, 1 saw and shingle mill. Pop., under of Assa. Prov. of Saskatchewan, on Thunder 60. Cr^ek, 15 miles from Parkbeg, on the Transcon- FAIRFORD, a post office in Dauphin (Mar- tinental line of the C.P.R. It ha^ 1 store. quette) CO., Man., near Reaburn Station, on FABRE, a post settlement in Pontiac co.. the C.P.R., 35 miles west of Winnipeg. Que., 2 mile<: frf^m Lake Temipf^^nilngne. 90 FAIRGROUND, a post settlement in Norfolk miles from Haileybury, Ont, a station on the CO., Ont.. 14 miles from Tilisophurg Station, on Temipcaming & Northern Ontario RR., about the G T.R., C.P.R. and M.C.R. It contains 80 miles north of North Bav, on Lake Nipis- 1 Methodist church and 1 hotel. - Pop., under sing. It has 1 Roman Catholic chapel. 3 stores 100. and 2 saw mills. The village expects better FAIRHAL.L. a post settlement In Souris co., railway facilities at an early day, by an ex- near Turtle Mountain, Man.. 7 miles from Ni- tension towards Lake Temiscamingue, of the nette Statinn. on the C.N.R. It contains 2 CP.R. system. Pop. 500 chnrf-hpc /^>«"«+>ior!ic+ "nd ^^-t.cV.v+erian'* FACHER LAKE, a small lake in Argen- FAIRHAVEN, a post settlement on the west teuil CO., One. side of Deer Island, in Passamaquoddy Pav, an FACTORY DALE, a post village in Kings co., Inlet of the Bav of Fundv. in Charlotte fo.. N.S., on the South River, 4 miles from Ayles- N B. It hgs ^ good harbor and is si+uafA 7 ford, on the Dominion Atlantic Ry., 17 miles miles from St. Andrews, N.B., and 4 miles 462 NOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. from Eastport, Me. It has 1 Baptist church, B.C., on the Okanagan River, 105 miles from 2 stores, 1 sardine factory and telephone ofllce. Okanagan Siding. It contains 4 stores, 3 hotels, It is a port oi entry, rop., auoui x^j. 2 chuiches, 2 quartz luiiis and teiegrapn and FAlKhOLMJi, a post village in the district express omces. It is the headquarters tor min- of Parry Sound, Ont., 26 miles from Burk's ing supplies for Kettle River and Similkameen. Falls, on the Toronto & North Bay div. of the A .arge ranch in the valley will be sub-divided G ^..i. It contains 3 churches, 1 store, 1 aotel. shortly (1907), ten thousand acres of which 1 grist mill and 1 saw mill. Pop. 37. will become tributary to Fairview. Pop. 100. I'AIJR laLAxMJ, a h&hiug setucuieuc. on an l-'AIKVIlifW, a poist omce in vv es.cmoi elauU island in Bonavista Bay, Nfld., 9 miles from CO., N.B,, 3 miles from Dorchester, on the I.C.R. Greenspond. Pop. (1901), 447. FAIRVIEW, a post office in Queens Co., P. FAIK ISLE, a settlement in Northumherland E. I.. 5 miles from Charlottetown. CO., N.B. Pop. 150. FAIRVIEW, a station on tue Can. Northern FAIRLAND, a settlement in Mackenzie dist.. RR., in Macdonald co., Man., 5 miles noxth of Sask. Sheho. on the Northwestern extension Carberry and 24 miles south of Neepawa. of the C.P R., is the nearest railway point. FAIRVIEW STATION, a post office in Hall- FAIRLEY, a post ofllce in Northumberland fax CO., N. S. CO., N.B., 5 miles from Boiestown, a station on FAIRVILLE, a post office in Assa. West the Frederlcton branch of the I.C.R. dist., Prov. of Saskatchewan. 10 miles from FAIRLIGHT, a post office in the Prov of Sas- Pense Station, on the main line of the C.P.R.. 17 katchewan, and a station on the Reston branch miles west of Regina, of the C.P.R., 12 miles from Fleming station, on FAIRVILLE, a western suburb of St, John, the C.P.R., 8 miles southeast of Moosomin. A N.B., across the Grand Bay, an inlet of the station of the Can. Northern RR. is expected Bay of Fundy. and a p+ation on the C^.R 3 soon to be erected at Fairlight, the road run- miles from the provincial capital. It Is also ning near to the place. connected with St. John by sm eeu car i-erv.oe. Prov. FAIRMEDE, a post settlement in thp It has, besides chiirr«hep. school pnd T->o<=t of Saskatchewan, 15 miles from Wapella sta- office, several saw and pulp mills, box and tion, on the main line of the C.P.R., 16 miles pork packing factories, 1 brewery, besides west of Moosomin.
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