August 4, 1977

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August 4, 1977 .... ---~.. .,. .. _;::_::_:;:....:: .:=:::.::::::::==::::::-:--:-::===::!::;::::=-::--=""'"·-_-_-_-__~_,-::-. ..._- ::~.::--_-__- __- __-:- __-_~__ _..,_ .-~ _..._- __:_":_:_":_".'... __ __-__- _"!'_ -_-__:: _·_~ . =.::.:-_::_:-:_=-=·=--=--::::.:::..=--=-====~===:::::::=:::::::;:==- --,~ HISTORICAL ASSOC. 1,\ R.I. JEWISH 130 SESSIONS ST. P ROVIDENCE , RI 02906 v Support Read By Jewish ... More Than Agencies 35,000 With Your People Membership THE ONLY ENGLIS H JEWIS H W EEKLY IN R. I AND SOUTHEAST MASS. VOLUME LX, NUMBER 22 THURSDAY, '.",UGUST 4, 1977 16 PAGES 25¢ PER COPY Providence Hebrew Day ..School Appoints Assistant Principal The Providence Hebrew Day School has anno1U1ced the appointment of Rabbi Kopi Saltman as assistant principal of the Hebre,y Department. Rabbi Saltman comes lo the school with an extensive background in both Hebrew and secular education, hav­ ing served as principal of the Max Gilbert Hebrew Academy, Syracuse, ·New York, for the past five years. •-While in · Syracuse,- he was awarded a. N~ York State mini-grant for a creative teiching proposal, and also a grant from the local Roth Foundation to develop the Bi6Uh:urri'culum. Active in the educational community, he was a member of the Syracuse Jewish Principal's Association, and served as co-chairman for one year . Rabbi Saltman was born in Holyoke, Massachusetts, and attended Yeshiva University from high school through or­ dination. While at . Yeshiva University he was awarded the General Motors College Scholarship. He received his MA from Ber­ RABBIKOPISALTMAN nard Revel Graduate School in Talmudic Literature and bas taken graduate courses administrator's certificate in the fall, . which in individualized. instruction and instruc­ is ·reciprocal with Rhode Island tional technology. requirements. He is currentiy a member of Rabbi Saltman also served as assistant the Educator's Coupsel of America; Torah rabbi and assistant principal for three years Umesorah Principal's Association; al Congregation Ahavath Achim in Fair­ National Elementary Principal's BECOMING .A TRADITION: Marlena Kinhanbaum, daughter of Attorney and Mn. Sanford field, Connecticut. There he advised the · Association; and American Education Kirshanbaum of Cranston, hai taken on a summer job whkh has rapidly become a tradition on NCSY 'chapter . aild received the NCSY Research Association. the Providance"East-Slde, •~ day, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Marlana, who is 16 and a student Youth Leader Award for. New . England at Cranston High School Wast, paddles hotdogs and soda from a cart aha sets up at the corner Region in 1968. · His wife, the former Milliceni Horowitz, of Thayer and Oliva Strffls. Sha explained that she had to obtain two licenses to establish her /tr recipenl of a permanent teaching is a secular and religious school teacher. IHniness venture: a vandar'a, or paddler's license and a food dispensing license. Har objective license from the American Association for They have one son, Shimon Zvi, who will is to raise enough money to be able to go to Europa the encl of this month - so you'd batter Jewish Education, he will receive his NYS attend the second grade of the Day School. get your hotdogs while this tradition lasts! Marlana does not plan lo remain in the food ven­ ding business; like a true Kinhanbaum, she says she is "_leaning towards law." Jewish Groups Aid Merchants Of Stores Looted· In Blaclcout . Jewish Education Flourishing NEW YORK (JTA): Aid to small Lazare said the .14 centers, which will merchants, many ·of them Jewish, whose begin tomorrow to operate for two weeks, In Western Europe Says JDC businesses were dc;stroyed by the looting will be staffed by volunteer lawyers, ac­ during the July -13-14 blackout, is moving countants, insurance .specialists and bank NEW YORK (JTA): An official of the ding and improving their programs. ahead here. The American Jewish Com­ representatives "so that a· small American Joint Distribution Committee The FSJU and the Jewish Agency have mittee announced that Haskell Lazere, businessman will be · able to get the (JDC) has reported an upsurge in Jewish agreed to set up a multi-million dollar fund director of its New York City chapter, is be­ assistance he needs 'in one place at one education throughout Europe, despite a le> double the enrollment in Jewish Day ing- loaned to the City of New York to time." · shortage of teachers and schools. Accor­ schools, he reported. direct a special proj!'Cl for helping the ding to Stanley Abramovitch, education merchants. Prop-am Joi, De,elop_t director of the JDC, "There are today more Several new schools and Yeshivas, Lazare, a community relations expert At the same time, the Federation pupils in Jewish day schools in Western including some for university students, have and specialist in dealing with racial and Employment and Guidance Service Europe than at any other time before or been opened by groups and by individuals ethnic .tensions, will serve as a volunteer (FEGS), an agency of the Federation of since World War II." Abramovitch said the from North Africa, many of them with the director of a program that will set up Jewish Philanthropies of New York, an­ key issues are the need to improve and aid o'f Ozar Hatorah, Abramovich Neighborhood Business Assistance teams nounced a multi-faceted program to help enlarge educational facilities, increase funds reported. The Alliance has two schools and in 14 locations where the looting was the the devastated store owners. F.EGS said for maintenance and overcome the critical teacher training programs. ORT bas a heaviest. He told a City Hall press · that merchants who will not be able lo shortage of qualified Jewish educators. He number of vocational schools and is star­ conference last Friday that the program will reopen even with loans from the federal said that in France, about 7000 children ting a new program in Toulouse. The try "to reach out to small merchants in the Small Business Administration (SBA) will attend full-time Jewish day schools. The Lubavitcher education program has area in which they operate, and to expedite be offered a program of job development, Fonds Social Juif Unifie (FJSU), the Con­ expanded the girls' schools outside Paris. in every way possible their return to normal job placement and career guidance in sistoire, Alliance Israelite Universelle, Ozar Abramovitch reported that Stockholm has operations." FEGS locations throughout the city. Hatorah, Lubavitch and ORT are expan- a primary day school with 175 students. Special Interview With Chaim Herzog By Yhdlu Rul beffl npn.rrtlllg for tlte lo.,t two years. Isn't Arab states to meet with us at the his approach suggested leaving everything NEW YORK (JTA): Israeli Premier then a co,rfllct that you, ""'o an Identified negotiating table in order to work toward open without coordinating subjects in ad­ Meri'achem Begin, in his reeent visit to the with the Ltlbor Party, will be now a an agreement on a peace treaty. The very vance. United States, announced that UN Am­ spokumarr of the rl1ht-·w1rr1 Llkud act of sitting down with Israel presupposes Q: Do you think 1ha1 tht quutlo,r of tht bassador Chaim Herzog, who wu ap­ fONl'NMrrt? . acceptance of Israel. When we in Israel and Palestine Uberatlorr O'fanlzatlo" prutrrce pointed to his post two years ago by the A: First of all, an ambassaQor represents the Jewish world debate among ourselves /,r Gerrtl/0 14 arr obstacle 10 the rrco,rfflllllf of previous Labor government, will continue his country, not a political party. Secondly, the different •types of solutions, we are in tht co,rferrrrce? , to be larael's chief delegate to the world I do not see any real problem here because fact putting the cart before the horse and A: If the Arabs insist on PLO participa­ organization. -· in our situation the main issue isn't the playing chess with oursel\ies, forthere are tion in Geneva then Begin's alternative (of In a special interview with the Jewish policy of this or that government of Israel no indications that they (the Arabs) arc proximity talks) will apply. I have always Telegraphic Agency, held at the Israeli Mis­ - which may vary - but rather the policy willing to sit face to face with us. The new felt from discussions in UN corridors that sion headquarters here, Herzog, who of our Arab neighbors, and I personally Israeli initiative (Begin's peace plan) has there is a very considerable degree of dis­ agreed to serve one more year as UN Am­ have not noticed an.)' change, in the attitude . put the b11ll in the Arab court and one can enchantment on the part of many Arab bassador, discussed and U9CUed the aitua­ of the Arab states. The crux of the problem only hope their reply will be favorable. delegates with the PLO. I feel that their sup­ tion in the Mideut and the prospc,cts for is not the substantive issues of territories, Q: Irr his J1Hff plan Bqbt IOld that Israel port of the PLO in the UN is, to a great progress there, Israel's position in the UN Palestinian Arabs or settlements in the (ad­ 14 nady to a1ttnd r, rttorrYffled GeMVO degree, lip service, and I think that they will and related i11ues. Following are excerpll ministered) territories. All of these co,rftmict a., of Oct. 10. Irr your liltw, 14 the be very hesitant to forego Geneva because or the 60-minute interview: problem, did not exist between 1949 lo mntm, lllttly to tab p/Ga? of the PLO. I would estimate that the Q: n, ,,_,,, LIJrw ,_,_,.,"' ,,,_ 1967, and yet there waa no move toward A: In principle there should be no Mideast, being what it is, the Arabs are II,,,,_,, 11 tllffe,MI/-,,,, polky ,_,.
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