Initial Environmental Examination June 2012 Republic of Tajikistan: Roads Improvement Project Ayni – Panjakent Road Prepared by the Ministry of Transport, Republic of Tajikistan for the Asian Development Bank (ADB) This initial environmental examination document is that of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB‘s Board of Directors, Management, or Staff and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to legal or other status of any territory or area. BA3OPATTT HAKJTT{ETr4 MIIHI4CTEPCTBO TPAHCTIOPTA TIYMXYPI4II TOTII4KI,ICTOH PECTIYEJII,IKI4 TAAXIIKI4CTAH MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT OF THE REPUBLICOF TAJIKISTAN 134042, w.fiyuan6e, r. Afisn, 14 Ter. (372) 2l-17-13 21-20-03 734042,r. .[yuaH6e, yr. AfiHn,l4Ten. (372) 2l-11 -13; 2l-20-03 Cyparxlco6 202049'12lI 1010100001 Pacqssrri ccer 202049721| l0l 0100001 Mapxa:n xa:HuaaopnuBaooparn Monxrx .flenaprameHrxaanaqeficrso MUHncrepcrBoQnnancon Jbyuxypur TonHrscron BI,IK 350101800 Pecny6rrraTaaxrrlcraua. MOO 350101800 E+ail:
[email protected] E-mail:
[email protected] f," o2{013 *" /- za 7 EaJ\! To Mr.Hong Wang Director,Transport and Communications Division Centraland West Asia Department ADB Subject: Ayni-Penjikent-UzbekistanBorder Road Reconstruction and RehabilitationProject - InitialEnvironmentalExamination DearMr. Hong Wang, Thankyou for yourcontinuous assistance in thedevelopment of transportinfrastructure ofthe Republicof Tajikistan,and for the support on beginningof implementationofthe above- namedproject in the shortestterms. Foryour consideration and approval please find attached lnitial Environmental Examination of thegiven project.