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Khabarnama 768.Qxd pjM fbI vIklI KHABARNAMA PUNJABI WEEKLY (owned and operated by Khabarnama Inc.) 11 Squirreltail Way, Brampton, Ont., L6R 1X4 Vol 16, No. 768 Friday May, 30-2014 Ph: 905-793-5072 Fax: 905-793-6330 Website: email : [email protected] Khabarnama and people associated with it are not responsible for any claims of its advertisers and do not endorse products/services advertised in it. Please consult your lawyer before buying through the advertisements published in Khabarnama. We sell space in the paper, and claims are those of the advertisers. torFto puils vloN insLnf bxfey gey hfrpr ny grIb dysLF dy nvjMmy bwicaF qy mqM rIafˆ n MU 100 idnF df gYNgF df kqlF `c hwQ hox df KLdsLf mFvF nMU bcfAux dI bcnbwDqf duhrfeI ejy zM f imQx dI hdfieq vwzI mfqrf ivwc hiQafr, nsLy aqy kYsL PiVaf torFto :- pRDfn mMqrI sRI stIvn hfrpr ny bwicafˆ dI mOq dr ivwc kmI afeI hY. pRDfn trfˆto, 29 meI :- torFto puils vloN buwDvfr nMU mfry gey sn aqy iek jLKLmI ho igaf sI. grIb dysLF dy nvjMmy bwicaF aqy mFvF nMU mMqrI ny ikhf ik 2010 qoN hux qwk ies mfmly 16vIˆ lko sBf df pihlf iejlfs 4 jnU qˆo 11 jnU qkw hvo gy f Èihr dy vwK vwK ielfikafˆ ivc mfry gey iehnF CfipaF `c puils ny 52 dy krIb lokfˆ bcfAux dI kYnyzf dI bcnbwDqf kOmfˆqrI ivwc sPLlqf imlI hY aqy lwkF mFvF aqy CfipaF ivwc insLfnf bxfey gey gYNGF df kqlF nUM igRPqfr kIqf sI. puils dy ivÈyÈ pRfjYkt kfnPrMs dI myËbfnI kridaF duhrfeI hY. bwicaF dI ijLMdgI bcfeI jf rhI hY. AuhnF jLor aqy hor jurmF ivwc hwQ hox df KLdsLf hY. afraYks aqy bYtrI nfm hyT iek sfl pihlF pRDfn mMqrI sRI hfrpr vwloˆ 2010 ivwc jI-8 idwqf ik sMsfr nMU 2015 qoN awgy hor Xqn krn ipCly sfl iek ajyhI vfrdfq ivwc iqMn bMdy qPLqIsL sLurU kIqI sI. (bfkI sPLf 3 gYNg) mulkfˆ dI hoeI isKr vfrqf dOrfn ieh vfadf dI qrkIb bnfAuxI cfhIdI hY qy kYnyzf ivc kIqf sI ik Auh grIb dyÈfˆ ivwc aOrqfˆ qy mohrI rol adf krdf rhygf. kYnyzf ny hux bwicafˆ dI ishq ivwc suDfr vfsqy Xqn 2020 qwk 3[5 iblIan Krcxdf bcn idwqf krngy. sMsfr dy grIb dysLF ivwc jnm qoˆ hY. sMXukq rfsLtr dy jnrl skwqr bfn kI bfad hr sfl lwgBg iqMn imlIan nvjMmy mUn, pRDfn mMqrI hfrpr dI pqnI mYzm lorIn bwicafˆ dI mOq ho jFdI hY. kYnyzf ny ies hfrpr, jfrzn dI rfxI, sr afgfKfn smyq smwisaf dy hwl leI 3 iblIan zflr dI mdd keI dysLF dy afgU ies kfnPrMs ivwc Bfg lY dyx df aYlfn kIqf sI aqy hor dysLF nMU mdd rhy hn. pRDfn mMqrI ny sMXukq rfsLtr dy dI apIl vI kIqI sI. aMkiVaF muqfibk jnm jnrl skwqr sRI bfn kI mUn qy hor afgUaF dyx vflIafˆ mfˆvfˆ aqy pMj sfl qoˆ Gwt Aumr dy nfl mulkfqF kIqIaF aqy ivcfrF kIqIaF nvIˆ idwlI, 29 meI :- pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr ibnfˆ Èwk Bfjpf dI agvfeI vflI srkfr leI bfgIaF vloN XUkrynI hYlIkfptr qbfh: 12 mOqF modI ny kMmkfj sMBflidafˆ awj afpxy sfQI ieh qrjIhI Kyqr rihxgy. AunHfˆ ikhf, ``lokfˆ donyqsk, XUkryn, 29 meI :- bIbIsI iewk pqf lwg sikaf ik ieh hYlIkfptr ikwQy mMqrIafˆ nUM kuÈl sfÈn, nqIijafˆ aqy dIafˆ bhuq vwzIafˆ AumIdfˆ hn…vwK-vwK KLbr muqfibk pUrbI XUkryn `c bfgIafˆ ny izwigaf qy jfˆ iPr ies dy amly nfl kI bIqI. pRogrfmfˆ dy aml Auwpr iDafn kyˆdrq krky qbikafˆ dIafˆ vwKo-vwKrIafˆ qrjIhfˆ hn. Xukryn df iek hYlIkptr qbfh kr idwqf hY. kIv srkfr vwloˆ rUs nUM hI ies hmly leI 100 idnfˆ df eyjMzf qYa krn leI ikhf hY. hryk qbkf aihm hY.`` rfjfˆ vwloˆ AuTfey jfˆdy iek Gtnf bfgIaF dy kbjy vfly Èihr iËMmyvfr dwisaf jf irhf hY. Xukryn dy nvyN cuxy dyÈ dy ivkfs leI rfjfˆ dI qrwkI nUM aihmIaq muwidafˆ nUM sRI modI vwloˆ pihl dyx bfry sRI sloivafˆsk dI hY ijwQy XUkrynI POj dy gey rfsLtrpqI ny pYqro pRisLMko ny bfgIaF nMU idMidafˆ AunHfˆ mMqrI mMzl nUM rfj srkfrfˆ aqy nfiezU ny ikhf ik sMGvfd dI Bfvnf nfl hYlIkfptr nUM mfr igrfieaf hY ijs ivwc 12 qbfh kr dyx df pRx ilaf hY. rfsLtrpqI ny cIn dy ‘iksfn’ ny bxfieaf sUtkys skUtr sMsd mYˆbrfˆ vwloˆ AuTfey jfˆdy muwidafˆ nUM qrjIh aijhf kIqf jfxf ËrUrI hY. rfj mMqrIafˆ nUM POjIaF dI mOq ho geI hY. rUs pwKI bfgIafˆ aqy ikhf hY ik ajyhIaF kfrvfeIaF krn vfly dyx dIafˆ hdfieqfˆ vI idwqIafˆ hn. sRI modI kMm dyx bfry AunHfˆ ikhf ik sRI modI cfhuMdy hn srkfr ivcfly ipCly kuwJ hPiqafˆ qoˆ Xukryn dy lokF dy dusLmx hn. ies Gtnf ivwc byijLMg, 29 meI :- cIn dy iek ‘iksfn’ ny Aus nMU sUtkys skUtr iqafr krn df Purnf vwloˆ invyÈ vDfAux, buinafdI Zfˆcy dy pRfjYktfˆ ik AunHfˆ nUM shI Bfvnf nfl BfeIvfl bxfieaf sloivafˆsk lVfeI df gVH bixaf hoieaf hY. iek jnrl vI mfiraf igaf hY. knyzf smyq bYtrI nfl cwlx vflf sUtkys skUtr bxfieaf Puiraf sI. suafrI krn ipwCoN ies nMU Polz kr nUM smfˆbwD rUp `c pUry krn aqy dyÈ dI BlfeI jfvy, ikAuˆik iek nvIˆ tIm Ausfrn dI loV hY. ieh Èihr rUs dI srhwd qoˆ 160 iklomItr pwCmI dysL Xukryn dI mdd kr rhy hn. hY jo iek vfr cfrj krn nfl 50-60 iklo ilaf jFdf hY aqy ieh 7 iklo Bfrf sUtkys bx leI kudrqI sfDnfˆ dI vrqoˆ krn ijhy ds- mItr qwk cwl skdf hY. sYNtrl cIn dy hnfn jFdf hY ijs ivwc dPqr vgYrf jfx vfsqy pwCm ivwc vwisaf hoieaf hY. iewQy keI idnfˆ qoˆ nukfqI sMklp dy mwdynËr awj kYbint dI 10 sUqrI eyjMzf sUby df rihx vflf ieh ivakqI iksfn dwisaf smfn vI rwiKaf jf skdf hY. mIitMg ivwc ieh hdfieqfˆ idwqIafˆ geIafˆ. lgfqfr lVfeI cwl rhI hY qy irhfieÈI ielfky jFdf hY aqy pihlF vI Koj df kMm kr cwukf 1[ dyÈ `c nOkrÈfhI df mnobl vDfAuxf ivwc vI lgfqfr bMbfrI jfrI hY. ies leI iewQoˆ dyÈvfsIafˆ nUM vI kuJ ies qrHfˆ df hY. hI lYNghfeI nfm dy ies ivakqI ny sMdyÈ dyx leI sRI modI vwloˆ pfrlImYˆt dy sYÈn hovygf, ijs nfl aiDkfrI nqIijafˆ df dy kuwJ vfsI qfˆ ihjrq vI kr cuwky hn. “sUtyks skUtr” df pRdrsLn cYNgsLf tryn qoˆ bfad kOm dy nfˆ BfÈx idwqy jfx dy afsfr sfhmxf krn qoˆ nf zrn| vIrvfr nUM iewk pwqrkfr ny ies hYlIkfptr stysLn `qy kIqf jo 20 iklomItr GMty dI 2[ iswiKaf, ishq aqy ibjlI `qy Kfs nUM afp izwgidafˆ vyiKaf. ajy qwk ieh spÈt rPLqr nfl cwl skdf hY aqy iek cfrj nfl hn. Auˆj, 9 jUn nUM pfrlImYˆt dy sfˆJy iejlfs Ëor idwqf jfvygf| nhIˆ ho sikaf hY ik hYlIkfptr nUM PuMzx leI 50-60 iklomItr qwk jf skdf hY. globl ivwc rfÈtrpqI pRxb muKrjI dy BfÈx ivwc vI iks hiQafr dI vrqoˆ kIqI geI qy nf hI ieh tfeImjL dI rport muqfibk ies ivwc jIpIaYs nvIˆ srkfr dy eyjMzy df Kulfsf kIqf jfvygf. 3[ srkfr dy kMmkfj `c nvyˆ ivcfrfˆ df aqy brglr alfrm vI lwgy hoey hn. ieh sMsdI mfmilafˆ bfry mMqrI aYm[ vYˆkeIaf svfgq kIqf jfvygf| sUtkys aqy suafrI dovyN kMm hI idMdf hY aqy nfiezU ny ikhf, ``pRDfn mMqrI ny kYbint dI 4[ srkfr `c pfrdrÈqf nUM AuqÈfihq ies df Bfr 7 iklo hY. afpxy afp nMU iksfn mIitMg ivwc mMqrIafˆ leI syDfˆ idwqIafˆ kIqf jfvygf| eI-afkÈn nUM AuqÈfh idwqf Bfrq iÉlfÌ afKrI jyhfd df dwsx vfly ies ivakqI df kihxf hY ik hn…AunHfˆ mMqrIafˆ nUM pihly 100 idnfˆ ivwc jfvygf| sUtkys skUtr dI Koj krn vfsqy Aus nMU 10 afpxIafˆ qrjIhfˆ dI smfˆ-sfrnI qYa krn sfl lwgy hn. 1999 ivwc Aus nMU kfr syPLtI 5[ mMqrfilafˆ ivcfly afpsI qflmyl df smfˆ af igaf -hhfiPË seId leI afiKaf hY.`` AunHfˆ ikhf ik pRDfn mMqrI ny ieMqËfm hovygf| isstm dI Koj vfsqy amrIkf ivwc ienfm mMqrIafˆ nUM kuÈl sfÈn, nqIijafˆ aqy skImfˆ ieslfmfbfd, 29 meI :- 26/11 dy muMbeI qkbIr sMmyln idwqf igaf sI. amrIkf nMUU ienfm lYx jFdy 6[ lokfˆ dIafˆ AumIdfˆ pUrIafˆ krn vwl qy pRogrfmfˆ `qy aml dy sB qoˆ aihm pihlU hmly dy mfstr mfeINz qy jmfq Aud dfvf dy rwiKaf sI, ijs smyN Auh afpxf sUtkys Buwl igaf sI ijs qoN Auwpr iDafn dyx leI ikhf hY. AunHfˆ kYbint iDafn idwqf jfvygf| muKI hfiPË seId ny iek vfr iPr Bfrqi `c Aus ny Bfrq mMqrIafˆ nUM rfj mMqrIafˆ nUM vI nfl lY ky cwlx 7[ arQ ivvsQf nfl juVIafˆ cuxOqIafˆ ÉlfÌ Ëihr Augilaf hY| seId ny hËfrfˆ iÉlfÌ Ëihr ilbrl pfrtI ny coxF qoN pihlF hI hfr kbUlI leI ikhf qfˆ ik Auh vI mihsUs krn ik nfl inpitaf jfvygf| smrQkfˆ nUM sMboDn krdy hoey ikhf ik kÈmIr Augilaf| seId kMmkfj `c Auh vI ihwsydfr hn. sRI nfiezU 8[ buinafdI Zfˆcy nUM suDfrnf aqy invyÈ nUM BfrqI kbËy qoˆ afËfd krfAux leI Bfrqi ny ies mOky `qy muqfbk sRI modI ny afpxy sfQI mMqrIafˆ nUM nUM vDfAuxf| ÉlfÌ afKrI jhfd df smfˆ af igaf hY| seId pfiksqfn dy aYnzIpI nfl rlky kulIsLn srkfr dwisaf ik Auh AunHfˆ aqy skwqrfˆ nUM inrDfrq 9[ nIqIafˆ `qy qYa smyˆ hwd qwk aml ny smrQkfˆ qoˆ puwiCaf ik kI qusIˆ kÈmIrI pRDfn mMqrI aqy ËfqI qOr `qy imilaf krngy. jdoˆ mMqrI qoˆ Brfvfˆ-BYxfˆ dI mdd leI iqafr ho| rYlI `c nvfË ÈrIÌ dy kIqf jfvygf| bxf skdy hF -kkYQiln ivMn mihMgfeI, KyqIbfVI aqy aOrqfˆ dI surwiKaf mOjUd hËfrfˆ smrQkfˆ ny Brosf idwqf ik Auh Bfrq dOry nUM lY 10[ srkfrI nIqIafˆ `c siQrqf hoxI trONto (jIq jlMDrI) :- ilbrl pfrtI dI ikhf ik ieh sfnUM pihlf hI pqf sI ik ieh ijhy muwidafˆ bfry puwiCaf igaf qfˆ AunHfˆ ikhf ik Bfrqi ÉlfÌ lVfeI leI iqafr hn| afbpfrf ky vI inÈfnf cfhIdI hY| lIzr kYQiln ivMn ny coxF qoN pihlf hI hfr ilbr pfrtI df df gupq eyjMzf hY.
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