Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission Seattlenwf
2.-A REWKT UPON SALMON INVESTIGATIONS IN THE COLUMBIA RIVER BASIN AND ELSEWHERE ON THE PACIFIC COAST IN 1896. BY BARTON WARREN EVERMANN AND SETH EUGENE MEEK. During the season of 1896 the United States Fish Oommission conducted a number of investigations in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon, having for their general purpose the improvement and extension of the fish-cultural operations of the Commission on the Pacific Ooast. The specific object of each inquiry, the details of the work, and results accomplished are given in the following pages. The work was under the imme- diate direction of Professor Evermann, assisted by Dr. 8. E. Meek, associate professor of biology and geology in Arkansas State University; Mr. Ulysses 0. Cox, professor of biology in the State Normal tlchool at Mankato, Minn.; Mr. A. B. Alexander, fishery expert of the Fish Oommission steamer Albatross; Mr. W. F. Hubbard, superintendent of the Unitod States fish-hatchery at Olackamas, Oregon, and Mr. Alfred O. Maddren. Investigations were. carried on in ten different regions, as follows: (1) At the Redfish lakes in Idaho, by Messrs. Evermann, Meek, and Maddren; (2) at Lake Pend d70reille, Idaho, by Messrs. Alexander and Cox; (3) at Wallowa Lake, Oregon, by Messrs. Meek and Maddren; (4) on tributaries of the Lower Columbia, by Messrs. Evermann, Meek, and Hubbard, and by Measrs. Alexander and Cox; (5) on streams tributary to Puget Sound, by Messrs. Alexander and (lox; (6) at Lakes Washington, Sammamish, and Union, by Nr. Alexander; (7) on the Siuslaw River, Oregon, by Dr. Meek; (8) on Whoahink, Tsiltcoos, and Tahkenitch lakes, Oregon, by Dr.
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