Saturday, December 26, 2015 An "Uyghur" OG- UR - empire. Perhaps we need to know what an OG and an UR are? Og = male of draco line Ur = of the ancient dragon blood (hi blood- seraphim, fallen/decayed non-imploding DNA- draco/ nephalim) RA = of the sun god bloodline - usually sons of - particularly . ( aka -sa ra / assa wife of ra, and ab ra.. from ra- abraham..) Bharat (original name of India)= B (container of) ARR (those from the ARR artificial planetoid{niburu}) RA-t.

"The ancient Indian engraved texts on gold plates and hid them to honor the gods and address the succeeding generations." ref - The point is that the seraphim draco recorded a critical sequence of magnetic domains/ donuts (tilt or phase angles) into gold foil - to record magnetic field symmetry sequences- the real physics of alphabet origins and dna programming. (See Mormon genetic records - and TORUS DISC below - and the origin of the word - which means in Sumerian (dragon tongue) - the word COMPUTER DISK (according to Sitchen) - over which wars are fought - and from which we get the name MEasurement (ME-ASSA-URU-ME-AN-t).

Saturday, December 26, 2015 “I will raise a SHEM (altar) unto the Lord” sCHEMe Shem = “altar in church” Sitchen Translated Shem= “high-ward FIRE stone”

= SHEM-An (Shaman) One can call the Shem

SHEM= Access to a Black Hole

Origin CHEM in CHEMistry and Al-CHEMy

Literally an Implosive, Bioactive, Centripetal - Implosive (and FRACTAL) Electric Field Ch-UR-ch

Saturday, December 26, 2015 “Letters to the Children of -UR” Gold (Au) • Ary-AN is Phase Conjugate Dielectric • AU-RE AN “fractal field” OR-I-ON Charge Distribution around • “M-State” AU-RA Ormes / Manna / Spice • Gold Powder • OR-E (Gold) = “Planes of Sharon” Hebraic term for • OR-I-gin HEAVEN (He-Ave: Breath of Charge Taking FLIGHT!)

Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Roots of “” / Anu- bis

Saturday, December 26, 2015 • • • • • ET History: • •

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 “Ur”-El-ic Origin of Languages Tree..

Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 This alphabet (Ophanim Enochian became Golden Dawn, ultimately the Kallisto Greek) HOW to call angels by the symmetry elements of their galaxy and gravity making bio-electric bodies.. Dee and Kelly brought Rudolf (from Ophanic URIEL Angel in the Mortlake ‘Window’) Was the charge symmetry operation to make a Prah=Threshold / Door / Gate. Dolphin Shaped Hill.. is Projectile for Charge Secret Plan for Layout of Prague… If it were flower shaped- the gentleness construction of magnetism LENSING- would make a people gentle…and star destined..

Lucifer (Enki) stone - black stone of John Dee.. Charge Envelope of the Ophanim (Valnaapa / Cherokee Adawi).. Iroquois "Bird Tribe" Lucifer.. Alphabet of Ophanim / Enochian -became Greek .. Wide Basin - became Czech (grail) Gabriel - (seraphim),, annealing the stars.. creating the milky way.. ductility.. annealing.. fusing.. imploding..

hit the earth - creating wide basin - home to czeck.. famous.. vysehrad.. setting where the princess Libruz its fame would reach the stars..

need star.. cross from the prague castle.. hewing.. the first threshold prah - bow before the doorway to the stars... see montauk.. city of alchemists and necromancers.. for those who would discover.the truth..

Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Uru / Usu: “Of the Ancient Dragon Blood”: DNA Initiated Plasma Storming

Saturday, December 26, 2015 Anton Parks: Chronicles of Girku Book Series English/French Links: Sa'am-Nudimmud-Enki-Éa Pteh-Asar / Osiris Samaël / "The Serpent" Mamitu-Nammu-Damkina(1)-Ninti(1) Download of Enki’s Digital Voice/Image Recorder: Nut-Mother Tutor of Kadistu-Earth- “Language Crystal / Green Stone?” Crystal UGUR /Girku / Silmarion / Tuoai / Vril / FireCrystal

Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 “KaPha”-KA-PH(i) Original Bon-Po Tibetan Alphabet From their Creation .. Note the Swastika.. Letters Parallel “Emerald Tablets” Saturday, December 26, 2015 Saturday, December 26, 2015 36

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Saturday, December 26, 2015