®Ht Telict11ria Jnstitut~
JOURNAL OF THE TRANSACTIONS OF ®ht telict11ria Jnstitut~, on, Jgifosopgital Sodd~ of ~nat Jrifain. EDITED BY THE HONORARY SECHETARY, CAPTAIN F. W. H. PETRIE, F.G.S., &c. VOL. XXVIII. UON DON~: (Jluuli~clr b!! tbc :IEnstitutr, 8, \!llt'lpl)i et:crracr, ~baring ~rtrss, §".~.) INDIA: w. THACKER & Co. UNITED STATES: G. T. PUTN.AM'S SONS, JS. r. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND: G. ROBERTSON & Co. Lrn. CAN.ADA: DAWSON BROS., Montreal. S . .AFRICA: JUTA & Co., Cape 1'own. PARIS: GALIGNANI. 1896. ALL RIG H T S RES E 11, Y ED, JOURNAL OF THE TRANSACTIONS OF THB VICTORIA INSTITUTE, OR PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN --+- ORDINARY MEETING.* PROFESSOR E. HULL, LL.D., F.R.S., IN THE CHAIR. The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed, and the following paper was read by the author :- THE RELIGIOUS IDEAS OF THE BABYLONIANS.t ~ By THEO. G. PINCHES. HE most extensive work upon the religion of the T Babylonians is Prof. Sayce's book, which forms the volume of the Hibbert Lectures for 1887 ; a voluminous work; and a monument of brilliant research. The learned author there quotes all the legends, from every source, connected .with Babylonian religion and mythology, and this book will always be indispensable to the student in that branch of Assyriology. I do not intend, however, to traverse the ground covered by Prof. Sayce, for a single lecture, such as this is, would be altogether inadequate for the purpose. I shall merely confine myself, therefore, to the points which have not been touched upon by others in this field, and I hope that I may be able to bring fot·ward something that may interest my audience and my readers.
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