Index A Busuanga group of islands , 93 Abu Simbel Temples , 1 , 47 , 49 Butuan/Balangay boat , 92 Agenda 21 , 19 Angono petroglyphs , 91 Antiquities Act, Finland , 61 , 64 , 66–69 , 71 C Archaeological heritage tourism , 101 Cagayan Valley , 92 Archaeological Resource Management Cagayancillo , 93 (ARM) , 1 1 Callao Cave , 92 Archdiocese of Oviedo , 163 Campiglia Marittima, Italy , 144 Argentina , 117 , 119–122 Catholic Church , 118 , 160 Asociación Inkallaqta, Raqchi (Peru) , 182 Cebu , 90–92 Association of Southern African Professional Center for the Interpretation of ‘Nature’, Archaeologists , 110 Tuñón , 161 Association La Ponte , 156 , 163 , 165 Chartered Institute for Archaeologists Asturias, Spain , 162 , 166 (CIFA) , 10 Aswan High Dam , 1 , 16 , 47 Chau Hiix (Belize) , 7 , 190–195 , 197 The Club of Rome , 48 Cluster , 7 , 8 , 57 , 137 , 139 , 141 , 142 , 144 , B 146–148 , 173 Baboon Point , 105–109 , 112 , 113 Cluster governance , 140–141 Balabac Island , 93 Coal of Africa Limited (CoAL) , 111 , 113 Balobok rockshelter , 92 Cognitive capitalism , 153 , 160 , 162 , 163 Baratti , 144 , 146 Colosseum , 157 Barcelona , 162 Common pool resource (CPR) , 8 , 166 , 173 , Batanes Islands , 92 174 , 179 , 184 , 190 , 192–195 Bear Valleys , 161 Commons, 7, 154, 171 BirdLife South Africa , 110 Community archaeology , 104 , 138 , 181 Bohol , 92 Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Boljoon , 92 Reservation (CTUIR) , 8 , 77–86 Bourdieu, P. , 154 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Brundtland Report , 46–48 Intangible Cultural Heritage , 65 Budapest Declaration , 17 , 46 , 49 , 50 Convention on the Protection of the Bujang Valley, Philippines , 31 , 33 , 35 , 41 Underwater Cultural Heritage , 65 Bureau of Land Management (United States) , Coxcomb Basin Wildlife Refuge , 182 80–86 Crooked Tree Village (Belize) , 190–196 © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 201 P.G.
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