


Fourth Special Session i r Seventeenth Session 1 '

UNITED NATIONS --,.,,-_..... _~...... ,~ ...... _"'...-..- ....-... ..•w._·._ •..=·..,"'...-.·?··.•__~ .""'_~_'''''''''''~''~~'''~.,.. ~~.., ..,., "X'


Fourth Special Session

14 May to 27 June 1963

Seventeenth Session

18 September to 20 December 1962



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Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a svmbcttndtcetes a reference to a United Nations document.



Price: $U.S. 2.00 (or equivalent in other currencies) -. - _..... ----,~ ...... ~.~~_....__. ,._---,,~ _-,,-,~ ,-~_.- -....._~..,...---~~__.. ,,...,....-~- ...... • ..,.__.,...... -......

Table of Contents ..

Explanatory note ..... It •••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••• v Abbreviations ••••.•••,...... Vi


A. Introduction .. ,. .. , .. , I' •I, ••••••••• ", •• I •• I' I•••••• 1

B I Agenda. I•,•,, ••••• , ••••••• t•••••••••••••••••••••• 1 C. Subject index ••...•....••••••.••..••...•.•••.••••. 2

D. Index to speeches ..••....•.•.••...... •.••.••.... 6 E. Numerical list of documents .....•.••.•..•.•.•..••. 14


A. Introduction 15

B. Agenda .•...•.•.... ,...... 19 C. SUbject index ...•...... •..•... 24 D. Index to speeches .•...... •...... •..•.... 104 E. Numerical list of documents ...... •...... •.. 170

..' "..

Hi This page intentionally left blank Explanatory Note

1. This Index to Proceedings is intended to offer a 3. Official Records and documents. bibliographical guide to the discussion and documenta­ tion of the meetings ')f the 4th special session and the All summary and verbatim records of plenary 17thl'egular session of the General Assembly aswell as and committee meetings ot the General Assembly appear of their committees or ad hoc committees which met first in provisional mimeographed form. They may be during the sessions. --- identified hy their symbols, which consist of the series symbol (e. g.• AI-, A/c.1/-, or A/SPC/-) as indicated 2. The Index consists of the following parts: in the introduction (See Check lists of meetings), follow­ Part A. Introduction, including check lists of ed by SR or PV anda number corresponding to that of meetings and lists of the Officers ofthe General Assem­ the meeting (e. g. A!PV.1122j A/C. 5/SR. 913). Sum­ bly and its committees. mary records of meetings are late',' printed as separate fascicles in the Official Records sertes: verbatim rec­ Part B. Agenda. with reference to the relevant ords of meetings are issued only in mimeographed form. subject headings used in Part C.

1>art C. Subject index. Subjects are arranged Of the other documents. a few appear only as alphabetically, with reference to the documentation, printedSupplements to the Official Records (a fact always discussion, and disposition of each item. Agenda item noted in this index), but the restare firstissued in mtm­ numbers are indicated in parentheses following the sub­ eographed form. Most of them are subsequently printed ject headings. Names of delegations are noted in paren­ in the Annexes to the Official Records, where they are theses following the meeting number whenever state­ grouped into fascicles accordingto agenda item numbers. ments are made on a subject not scheduled as an agenda The resolutions adopted by the General Assembly, first item or on a subject referred to in a general debate in issued in mimeographed form, are collected in the print­ Plenary meetings. ed Supplement No. 17 to the Official Records of the ses-' sion. After their republication in the Official Records, Part D. Index to speeches. Speeches and state­ the provisional mimeographed docun : ts are no longer ments byrepresentatives are listed in alphabetical order available. by country or organization. subdivided by subject dis­ cussed, with indication of the meeting at which the speech 4. Printed documentation of this session of the Gen­ was made. Addresses of Heads of state are listed under eral Assembly may be obtained (or purchased from au­ the name ofthe country they represent, followed by their thorized sales agents: See list on the back cover of this title and name. The remarks of the President of the publication) by requesting: General Assembly and of chairmen of committees are normally not indexed. The speeches of chairmen and General Assembl Official Records, 17th session: rapporteurs of committees are included, however, when Meeting. .. specify plenary or committee meeting they presented or explained the reports of their com­ number) for summary records fascicles. mittees to the General Assembly. Statements and Supplement No.... (specify supplement number) speeches made by private individuals representing an for documents initially issued in this form. organization to which a hearing was granted are listed Annexes, Agenda item ... (specify agenda item under the name of the organization. Statements made number) for republication of mimeographed docu­ by officers of the UN Secretariat are listed under the ments. name of the Office or Department they represented. Supplement No. 17 for resolutions. Part E. Numerical list of documents included in this index, arranged by document symbols.

v Abbreviations

adm, administration United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Advisory Cttee Advisory Committee on Adminis trative Northern Ireland and BUdgetary Questions UN United Nations Art. Article UNCuaK United Nations Commission for the chap. chapter(s) Unification and Rehabflitatton of Commn(s) Commission(s) Korea Cttee(s) Committee(s) UNEF United Nations Emergency Force DC Disarmament Commission 'UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Dept of ESA Department of Economic and Social Refugees Affairs UNICEF United Nations Ch!!dren's Fund ECA Economic Commission for Africa UNKRA United Nations Korean Reconstruction 1 ECAFE Economic Commisaion for Asia and Agency the Far East UNREF United Nations Refugee Fund ij ECE Economic Commission for UNRWA United Nations Relief andWorks ECLA Economic Commission for Latin Agency for Palestine Refugees America in the Near East ] EEC European Economic Community UNTSOP United Nations Truce Supervision ESC Economic and Social Council Organization in Palestine FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of USA United States of America the United Nations USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics GA General Assembly WHO World Health Organization GAOR General Assembly Official Records WMO World Meteorological Organization Gen. Cttee General Committee IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency The following abbreviations are used in the Index to ICAO International Civil Aviation Organi- Speeches in designating plenary and committee meetings: zation ICJ International CC\.lrt of Justice Cr. Credentials Committee (Series A/CR/ ILC International Law Commission SR. ) ILO International Labour Organisation .Pol. 'Special Political Committee (Series ITU International Telecommunication A/SPC/SR.) Union Bur. General Committee (Series A/BUR/ NSGT Non-Self-Governing Territories SR. ) ONUC United Nations in the Congo Plen. Plenary meeting(s) (Series A/PV.) para., paras. paragraph(s) WA Ad hoc Committee of the General plen, plenary Assembly (Series A/AC. 112/ SC Security Council PV.) •• S-G Secretary-General I First Committee (Series A/C. l/SR.) sect. section IT Second Committee (Series A/C. 2/SR.) sess. session III Third Committee (Series A/C. 3/SR. ) suppl, no. supplement number IV Fourth Committee (Series A/C. 4/SR.) TAB Technical Assistance Board V Fifth Committee (Series A/C. 5/SR.) TC Trusteeship Council VI Sixth Committee (Series A/C. 6/SR.)

vi A. Introduction

The 4th Special Session of the General Assembly, con­ Checklist of Meetings ln and vened under resolution 1866 (XVII), was held at United Na­ .. tions Headquarters in New York, from 14 May to 2'/ Jun PLENARY MEETINGS FIFTH COMMITTEE 1963. (Symbol A/PV. -) (Symbol A/C. 5/SR. .. ) 'the itlon of Ml;letings Date, 1963 Meeti..;.;n""gs__ Date, 1963 ... Officers ce 1203 14 May 984 15 May President: Mr. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan () re­ 1204 10 Jun 985 20 May oner for elected by acclamation at. 1203rd plenary meeting. 1205 27 Jun 986 22 May 987 24 :May i Vice-Presidents and Chairmen of the Committees during the 98l! 28 May ructton 17th regular session re-elected by acclamation at 989 29 May 1203rd meeting 990 31 May CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE 991 3Jun '-S General Committee: Members in office during the 17th regu­ ugees (Symbol A/CR/SR. -) 992 4 Jun lar session re-elected by acclamation at 1203rd meet­ 993 4Jun lon ing Meetings Date, 1963 994 6 Jun 995 7 Jun 5th Committee: 43 5 Jun 996 10 Jun Vice-Chairman: Mr. Harry L. Morris (Liberia) re­ (Limited to participants only) lics 997 llJun elected at 984th meeting 998 14 Jun Rapporteur: Mr. Natjan Quao () re-elected at 999 itlon 20 Jun 984th meeting 1000 21 Jun 1001 21 Jun to Credentials Committee: 1002 24 Jun ngs: Chairman: Mr. Dimitri S. Bttsios (Greece) elected at 1003 24 Jun 43rd meeting 1004 25 JUIl A/CR/ 1005 26 Jun iries Rules of Procedure ~UR/ The rules of procedure of the General Assembly as & IV. ) amended up to 1 Feb 1962, A/4700 Corr. 1 (UN sales no.: al 61. I. 4), were in effect during the 4th Special Session. l12/

/SR. ) 2/SR. ) l/SR.) 4/SR. ) ISR. ) ISR. ) B. Agenda

'", 1. Opening of the session by the Chairman v~ :'l1e delegation 5. Organization of the session of Pakistan See GENERAL ASSEMBLY: organization of work See GENERAl. ASSEMBLY: opening of session 6. Adoption of the agenda 2. Minute of silent prayer or meditation See GENERAL ASSEMBLY: agenda See GENERAL ASSEMBLY: meditation and prayer - . 7. Consideration of the financial situation of the Organiza­ 3. Appointment of the Credentials Committee tion in the light of the report of the Working Group See GENERAL ASSEMBLY: Credentials Committee: on the Examination of the Administrative and appointment Budgetary Procedures of the United Nations See UNITED NATIONS: peace and security operations: 4. Election of the President financing See GENERAL ASSEMBLY: President: election 8. Admission of new Members to the United Nations See UNITED NATIONS: Members: admission

1 C. Subject Index

ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) BUDGETARY QUESTIONS -- meditation and prayer (agenda item 2) :-- reports A minute of silence was observed at 1203rd and 1205th See under subject of report for discussion plenRl'y meetings 1st: United Nations operations in the Congo: cost estimates for 1963 A/5421 -- Members: representatives: • ~\'dentials (agenda item 3) Discussi",.l in Credentials cttee: Meeting 43 (meeting record limited to pRl't'fcipants only) GENERAL ASSEMBLY Report A/54S2 Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1205 -- agenda (agenda item 6) Draft resolution in A/5432 adopted (87-0-10) as Documents res. 1873 (S-IV) Provisional agenda A/5410 Supplementary items A!5420(list) -- Members: reoresentatives: list

Costa Rica, Ecuadorl Ghana, Honduras, Indla, Documents

Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, JOl'danl Liberial Secretariat. List of Representatives ST/SG/ Mali I Morocco, Norway, PakistanI Philip­ SEP... C/L. 389 & Add. 1 pines, Saudi Araota, Sierra Leone, Somalta, Sudan, and Tunisia. Letter dated 9 May 1963 .-- opening of session (agenda item 1) requesting inclusion of supplementary item The session was declared open at 1203rd plenary "Admission of new Members to the United meeting by the Temporary Prestdent, Mr. Nations" A/5419 & Add. 1(adds Muhammad Zafrulla Khan (Pakistan) as eo- sponsor) Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1203 -- organization of work (agenda item 5) Agenda adopted without vote. Text in A/5430 Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1203 The General Assembly decided to allocate item 7 Proposal to re-appoint the General Committee (Consideration of the financial situation of the elected for the 17th regular session adopted Organization in the light of the report of the without vote Working Group on the Examination of the Administrative and BUdgetary Procedures of -- President: election (agenda item 4) the UN) to the 5th Cttee and item 8 (Admis­ Mr. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan (Pakistan) elected at sion of new Members) to Plenary 1203rd meeting by acclamation

-- CredentialS Committee: appointment (agenda item 3) -- voting Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1203 Documents The General Assembly approved the proposal of the - Czechoslovakia. Note verbale dated 17 Jun 1963 temporary President that the Credentials concerning application of Art. 18 and 19 to Cttee was to consist of the same Member voting rights of Member States A/5433 States who had served on the Committee dur­ USSR. Letter dated 10 Jun 1963 concerning USSR ing the 17th session, I, e. I Canada, El Salva­ posttion in respect of application of Art. 18 dor I Greece, Guinea, Indonesia, Mexico, and 19 to voting rights of Member States ... Nigerta, USSRI and USA A/5431 -- Credentials Committee: report A/5432: See General . -- resolutions Assembly: Members: representatives: credentials Collected edition A/544] (GAORI 4th special sess., for discussion suppl, no. 1) Resolutions issued separately in mimeographed form -- General Committee: appointment as follows: Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1203 GA: Members: representatives: The General Assembly approved the propcsal to re­ credentials A/RES/1873 (S-IV) appoint the General Committee elected for Kuwait: admission to UN A/RES/1872 (S-IV) the 17th regular session. Owing to the ab­ UN: finances: bonds: exten- sence of Mr. Kasliwal of and Mr. sion of subscription Eustathiades of Gr-eece, Committee Chair­ period (proposed) A/RES/1878 (S-IV) men of the last session, the President asked UN: finances: peace fund the representatives of Greece and India to (proposed) A/RES/1879 (S-IV) appoint replacements UN: Members: admission A/RES/1872 (S-IV)

2 C. SUBJECT INDEX (4th special session)

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) LOU'fFI, OMAR (United Arab Republic) -- resolutions (continued) ..- tribute to Resolutions issued separately in mlmeographed form In 5th Committee: Meetings 986, 9R7, 989,992-1000, as follows (continued) 1003 UN: peace and security operattons; financ- ing A/RES/1874-1880 (S-IV) PEACE FUND: See United Nations: finances: peace fund UNEF: budget, 1963 A/RES/1875 (S-IV) (proposedr UNEF: finances: eontrtbu- .. tions A/RES/1877 (S-IV) UN Operation in the Congo: UNITED NATIONS budget,1963 A/RES/1876 (S-IV) UN Operation in the Congo: -- Charter: Art. 18 and 19: §~ General Assembly: voting finances: contrtbu- tions A/RES/1877 (S-IV) -- finances: bonds: extension of subscription pertod (pro- Working Group on the Exam­ posed) (agenda item 7) ination of the Adminis­ Documents trative and Budgetary Canada, Denmark, !i'ederation of Malaya, Nether­ Procedures of the UN: lands, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Tunisia, ccnttnuatton A/RES/1880 (S-IV) Uganda. Draft resolution concerning exten­ sion of subscription period for UN bonds to -- 5th Committee: report 31 Dec 1963. A/C. 5/L. 786 & Add. 1 (adds See undel' subject of report for discussion as eo- sponsor) UN: peace and security operations: financing A/5438 DiscusSion in 5th Committee: Meetings 984-989,992­ 995, 999-1004 Draft report. A/C. 5/L. 789 JOHN XXIII, POPE Report. A/5438 Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1205 -- tribute to Draft resolution V in A/5438 adopted (93-12-4) as In Plenal'Y: Meeting 1204 res. 1878 (S-IV) In 5th Cttee: Meetings 991-1000, 1003 -- finances: peace fund (proposed) (agenda item 7) Documents KUWAIT , Ghana, i.vory Coast, Nigeria. Draft reso­ lution concerning the establishment of a Peac -- admission to UN (agenda item 8) Fund. A/C. 5/L. 787 & Rev. 1 (adds Pakistan Documents as eo-sponsor) Costa Rica, Ecuador, Ghana, Honduras, India, Discussion in 5th Committee: Meetings 988,995, 998, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Jordan, Liberia, 999, 1002-1004 Mali, Morocco, Norway, Pakistan, Philip­ Draft report. A/C. 5/L. 789 pines, , Sie1'l'a Leone, Somalia, Report, A/5438 Sudan, and 'I'uniaia, Letter dated 9 May 1963 Discussion in Plen~: Meeting 1205 requesting inclusion of supplementary item Draft resolution VI in A/5438 adopted (91-12-2) as in the agenda. A/5419 & Add.1 (adds Tangan­ res. 1879 (S-IV) yika as eo-sponsor) Costa Rica, Ecuador, GUinea, Hungary, India, -- Members: admission (agenda item 8) Ireland, Jordan, Liberia, Pakistan, Saudi Documents Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, and Costa Rica, Ecuador, Ghana, Honduras, India, Tunisia. Draft resolution.A/L. 424 & Add. 1 Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Jordan, Liberia, (adds , Morocco and Mali, Morocco, Norway, Pakistan, Philip­ Nigeria as eo-sponsors) pines, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Kuwait: Minister for Foreign Affairs. Letter dated Sudan, and Tunisia. Letter dated 9 May re­ 20 Apr 1963 concerning application for ad­ questing inclusion of supplementarv item in mission to membership in the UN, A/5412 the agenda .• A/5419 & Add. 1 (adds Tangan­ SC: President. Letter transmitting SC resolution yika as eo-sponsor) of 7 May 1963 recommending admission of Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guinea, Hungary, India, Kuwait. A/5417 Ireland, Jordan, Liberia, Pakistan, Saudi Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1203 Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan and Draft resolution in A/L. 424 & Add. 1 adopted by Tunisia. Draft resolution calling for ad­ acclamation as resolution 1872 (S-IV) mission of Kuwait , A/L.424 & Add. 1 (adds Federation of Malaya, Morocco and Nigeria as eo-sponsors) LEQUERICA, JOSE FELIX de (Spain) Kuwait. Minister for Foreign Affairs. Letter dated 20 Apr 1963 concerning application for: -- tribute to admission to membership in the UN. A/5412 In Plenary: Meeting 1204 SC: President. Letter transmitting SC resolution In 5th Committee: Meetings 996-998,1000,1003 of 7 May 1963 recommending admission of Kuwait, A/5417 .

3 C. SUBJECT INDEX (4th spacial session)

~ UNITED NATIONS (conttnued) j -- Members: admission (continued) -- peace and security operations: financing (continued) 1! DiSC\lSsion in J?lenary: Meeting 1203 Documerlts (continued) 1 Dl'i'ift resoluttcn in A/L. 424 & Add. 1 adopted by Draft resolutions (continued) 'I ~ acclamation as l'esohltlon 1872 (S-IV) /u'gentina, Austl'nlia, Bolivia, Braatl, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cypl'\lS, \ -- Membel's: vottug l'ights: See General Assembly: voting Denmnrk, Dominican Republic, Federation of Malaya, Gabon, Honduras, Icelnnd, \ -- peace and securtty operations: financing (agenda item 7) India, Italy, Japan, Liberia, Mauritania, See also United Nations: finances: bonds: extension of Netherlands, New Zealand, Nical'agua, .. subscription period (proposed): United Nations: Nigel'ia, Norway, Panama, Sweden, finances: peace-fund (proposed); United Nations Tanganyika, Uruguay, Venezuela. Draft Emel'gency Force: finances: budget, 1963, United resolution concerning cost estimates and Nations Emergency Force: finances: contrtbu­ financing of UN Operation in the Congo for ttons; United Nations Operation in the Congo: fi- the period 1 Jul to 31 Dec 1963. A/C. 5/ & :.. nances: budget, 1963j United Nations Operation in L.784 Add. 1 (adds Pakistan ae co-spon­ the Congo: finances: ccutrtbuttona; Working sor) Group on the Examinatil')n of the Administrative Argentina, , Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, and Budgetary Proceduresof the UN: continuatlon Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Documents Denmark, Dominican Republic, Federation Advisory Committee. Report, 1st [on United of Malaya, Gabon, Honduras, Iceland, Nations operations in the Congo: cost esti­ India, Italy, Japan, Liberia, Mauritania, mates for 1963],. A/5421 Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Advisory Committee, Report, 14th to GA, 17th Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, sess. [on cost estimates for UNEF, 1963]. Sweden, Tanganyilta, Ul'uguay, Venezuela. A/5274 Draft r-esolution concerning payment of Albania. Letter dated 13 May 1963 stating arzears to Special Account for UNEF and Albania's position with respect to resolution Ad Hoc Account for UN Operation in the 1861 (XVII). A/C, 5/975 Congo. A/C. 5/L, 785 & Add. 1,2 (adds Secretary-General. Cost estimates for the main­ Cameroon, Philippines as co-sponaors) tenance of UNEF, 1963. A/5187 Canada, Denmark, Federation of Malaya, t: Secretary-General. Report on United Nations fi­ Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, 1; nancial position and prospects. A/C. 5/974 Tunisia, Uganda. Draft resolution con­ ~, Secretary-General. Report on United Nations oper­ cerning extension of subscription period ations in the Congo: cost estimates for 1963. for UN bonds to 31 Dec 1963.. A/C. 5/ ~.: A/5416 L. 786 & Add. 1 (adds Cameroon as eo­ f~ Working Group on the Examination of the Adminis­ sponsor) f trativeand Budgetary Procedures of the UN, Cyprus,. Federation of Malaya, Ghana, Guinea, ~~'.' Report, A/5407 & Conr, 1; related papers Uruguay, Draft resolution proposing con­ ~ A/AC, 113/1-27 tinuation of the Working Group on the Ex­ .. Draft resolutions amination of the Administrative and Budg­ Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, etary Procedures of the UN. A/C.5/L.788 ~ Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, & Add, 1 (adds Cameroon as eo- sponsor) .' Denmark, Dominican Republic, Federation Cyprus, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria. Draft of Malaya, Gabon, Ghana, Honduras, Ice­ resolution concerning the establishment of land, India, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, a Peace Fund. A/C. 5/L. 787 & Rev. 1 Liberia, Mauritania, Netherlands, New (adds Pakistan as co- sponsor) Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Discussion in 5th Committee: Meetings 984-1005 Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Sweden, .. Draft report, A/C. 5/L. 789 Tanganyika, Uruguay, Venezuela. Draft Report A/5438 resolution concerning general principles Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1205 to serve as guidelines for the sharing of . Draft resolutions in A/5438 were adopted as the costs of future peace-keeping opera­ follows: tions involving heavy expenditures. Draft resolution I [on general principles for A/C. 5/L. 782 & Add. l(adds Philippines as sharing costs of future peace-keeping co-sponsor) operations] (92-11-3) as res. 1874 (S-IV) Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Draft resolution IT [on'flnanctng UNEF for peri­ Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, od of 1 Jul to 31 Dec 1963] by roll call Denmark, Dominican Republic, Federa­ vote (80-11-16) as res, 1875 (S-IV) tion of Malaya, Gabon, Honduras, Iceland, Draft resolutionIII [on financing UN Operation India, Italy, Japan, Liberia, Mauritania, in the Congo for period of 1 Jul to 31 Dec Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, 1963] by roll call vote (80-12-15) as Nigeria, ~orway, Panama, Sweden, res, 1876 (S-IV) Tanganyika, Uruguay, Veuezuela. Draft Draft resolution IV [on payment of arrears to resolution concerning cost estimates and Special Account for UNEF and Ad Hoc Ac­ financing of UNEF for the period 1 Jul to count for UN Operation in the Congo] by 31 Dec 1963. A/C, 5/L. 783 & Add, 1 (adds roll call vote (79-12-17) as res, 1877 (S-IV) Pakistan as eo- sponsor)

4 C. SUBJECT INDEX (4th special session)

UNITED NATIONS (continued) UNITED NATIONS OPERATION IN THE CONGO (continued) -- peace and security operations: financing (continued) -- finances: budget, 1963 (continued) Discussion in Plenarl (continued) Documents (continued) Draft resolutions in A/5438 were adopted as Denmark, Dominican Republic, Federation of follows (continued) Malaya, Gabon, Honduras, Iceland, India, Draft resolution V [on extension of subscrtptlon Italy, Japan, Liberia, MaUl'Uania, Nether­ period for UN bonds to 31 Dec 1963] lands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, (93-12-4) as res. 1878 (S-IV) Norwr.,y, Panama, Sweden, Tanganyika, Draft resolutton VI [on the establishment of a Ul'uguay, Venezuela. Draft resolutton con­ Peace Fund] (91-12-2) as res. 1879 (S-IV) cerning cost estimates and financing of UN .. Draft r esolutton VII [on continuing the WOl'king operation in the Congo for the period 1 Jul to Group on the Examination of the Adminis­ 31 Dec 1963. A/C. 5/L. 784 & Add. 1 (adds trative and Budgetary Procedures of the Pakistan as eo- sponsor) UN] (95-12-2) as res. 1880 (S-IV) Discussion in 5th Committee: Meetings 999-1004 Draft report; AlC. 5/L. 789 Re,Jort, A/5438 UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1205 -- finances: budget, 1963 (agenda item 7) ~raft resolution 1lI in A/5438 adopted by roll-call Documents vote (80-12-15) as res. 1876 (S-IV) Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Braatl, Canada, -- finances: contributions (agenda item 7) Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Den­ Documents mark, Dominican Republic, Federation of Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Malaya, Gabon, Honduras, Iceland, India, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Den­ Italy, Japan, Liberia, Mauritania, Nether­ mark, Dominican Republic, Federation of lands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Malaya, Gabon, Honduras, Iceland, India, Norway, Panama, Sweden, Tanganyika, Italy, Japan, Liberia, Mauritania, Nether­ Uruguay, Venezuela. Draft resolutton con­ lands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, cerning cost estimates and financing of UNEF Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Sweden, Tan­ for the period 1 Jul to 31 Dec 1963, A/C. 5/ ganyika, Uruguay, Venezuela. Draft reso­ L. 783 & Add. 1 (adds Pakistan as eo-sponsor) lution concerning payment of arrears to Discussion in 5th Committee: Meetings 999-1004 Special Account for UNEF and Ad Hoc Ac­ Draft report, A/C. 5/L. 789 count for UN Operation in the Congo. A/C. 5/ Report, A/5438 L. 785 & Add. 1,2 (adds Cameroon, Philip­ Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1205 pines as eo-sponsors) Draft resolution n in A/5438 adopted by roll-call Discussion in 5th Committee: Meetings 999-1004 vote (80-11-16) as res. 1875 (S-IV) Draft report, .A/C. 5/L. 789 -- finances: contributions (agenda item 7) Report, A/5438 Documents Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1205 A/5438 adopted by roll-call Argentina, Australia, Bolivia: Brazil, Canada, Draft r esoiutlon IV in Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Den­ vote (79-12-17) as res. 1877 (S-IV) mark, Dominican Republic, Federation of -- financing: See United Nations: peace and security opera­ Malaya, Gabon, Honduras, Iceland, India, tions: financing Italy, Japan, Liberia, Mauritania, Nether­ lands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Sweden, Tan­ UNITED NATIONS PEACE FUND: See United Nations: ganyika, Uruguay, Venezuela. Draft reso­ finances: peace fund (proposed) lution concerning payment of arrears to Special Account for UNEF and Ad Hoc Ac­ count for UN Operation in the Congo J A/C. 5/ WORKING GROUP ON THE EXAMINATION OF THE AD­ L. 785 & Add. 1,2 (adds Cameroon, Philip­ MINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY PROCEDURES pines as eo-sponsors) OF THE UNITED NATIONS Discussion in 5th Committee: Meetings 999-1004 '.. Draft r-eport» AlC. 5/L. 789 -- continuation (agenda item 7) Report. A/5438 Documents Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1205 Cyprus, Federation of Malaya, Ghana, Guinea, Draft resolution IV in A/5438 adopted by roll-call Uruguay. Draft resolution. A/C. 5/L. 788 & vote (79-12-17) as res. 1877 (S-IV) Add. 1 (adds Cameroon as eo- sponsor) -- financing: See United Nations: peace and security opera­ Discussion in 5th Committee: Meetings 1003,1004 tions: financing Draft report. A/C. 5/L. 789 Report. A/5438 Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1205 UNITED NATIONS OPERATION IN THE CONGO Draft resolution VII in A/5438 adopted (95-12-2) as res. 1880 (S-IV) -- finances: budget, 1963 (agenda item 7) Documents -- r eport, A/5407 Argenttna, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, See under United Nations: peace and security opera- Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, tions: financing for discussion '

5 D. lndex Speeches


GA: Members: representattves. credenttals PIon: 1205 Houaiss Plen: 12,Ouj V:985 UN: Members: admission Plen:1203 peace and security operattons: financing Plen: 1205; BULGARIA V:990, 1004 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:992, 1002 AFGl"ANISTAN: REPRESENTATIVES BULGARIA: REPRESENTATIVES Pazhwak Plen:1203, 1205; V:990, 1004 Tarabanov V:992,1002 ALBANIA BURMA UN: peace and security operations: financing V:992, 1003 GA: Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1205 ALBANIA: REPRESENTATIVES I' BURMA: REPRESENTATIVES Budo V:992,1003 Barrington Plen:1205 ALGERIA BYELORUSSIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC UN: Members: admission Plen:1203 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:994 ALGERIA: REPRESENTATIVES BYELORUSSIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC: REPRE­ Chanderli Plen:1203 SENTATIVES

Astapenko V:994 ARGENTINA

UN: peace and security operations: financing V:985.999 CAMBODIA GA: Members: representatives: credentials Plen: 1205 ARGENTINA: REPRESENTATIVES UN: peace and security operations: financing V:987


AUSTRALIA Nong Kimny Plen:1205j V:987 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:985 --, CAMEROON

AUSTRALIA: REPRESENTATIVES UN: • Members: admission Plen:1203 Hay V:985 peace and security operations: financing ":996,1004

BRAZIL CAMEROON: REPRESENTATIVES .~ . UN: peace and security operations: financing Plen:1205; Bindzi Plen:1203; V:996, 1004 I(: V:985

6 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (4th special aesston)

CANADA CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE): REPRESENTATIVES UN: peace and security operattona: financing V:989, 1001 Dadet V:988 Guindo-Yayos V:1004

CANADA: REPRESENTATIVES CONGO (LEOPOLDVILLE) Tremblay V:989, 1001 UN: peace and securtty operations: financing V:987

CEYLON CONGO (LEOPOLDVILJ.E): REPRESENTATIVES UN: peace and security operations: financing Plen:1205i V:987 Cardoso V:987

CEYLON: REPRESENTATIVES COSTA RICA Malalasekera Plen: 1205; V:987 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:1002

CHAD COSTA RICA: REPRESENTATIVES UN: peace and security operations: financing '\7:998 Volio Jimenez V:1002


N'Garabaye V:998 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:989

CHILE CUBA: REPRESENTA TIVES UN: peace and security operations: financing V:990 Lechuga V:989


Schweitzer V:990 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:998

CHINA CYPRUS: REPRESENTATIVES GA: Members: representatives: credentials Plen: 1205 Rossides V:998 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:987,1001 CZECHOSLOVAKIA CHINA: REPRESENTATIVES UN: peace and security operations: financing V:990, 1001 Hsueh Plen:1205j V:987, 1001 CZECHOSLOVAKIA: REPRESENTATIVES -, COLOMBIA Hajek V:990, 1001 UN: Members: admission Plen:1203 peace and security operations: financing V:986 ECUADOR UN: peace and security operations: financing ''V:989 COLOMBIA: REPRESENTATIVES Pattno V:986 ECUADOR: REPRESENTATIVES Zea Hernandez Plen:1203 Benites V:989

CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE) FEDERATION OF MALAYA UN: peace and security operations: financing V:988, 1004 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:993, 1003


Ramani V:993,1003 Dlnllo Seydou V:1003 Dlnllo Telli Plen:1205 !: FRANCE HAITI UN: pence and security operations: finnncing V:998,1003 UN: peace and security operations: Iinanctng' V:994 FRANCE: REPRESENTA TIVES HAITI: REPRESENTATIVES Seydoux V:998,1003 1 Auguste V:994 I GABON HUNGARY UN: peace and security operations: financing V:996 UN: Members: admission Plen:1203 GABON: REPRESENTATIVES peace and security operations: financing V:989, 1003 Issembe V:996 HUNGARY: REPRESENTATIVES GENERAL ASSEMBLY: CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE: CHAIR· Csatorday Plen:1203j V:989, 1003 MAN (Bitsios (Gl:'eece))

GA: Credentials Cttee: "eport Plen:1205 ICELAND

UN: peace and security operations: financing V:1003 GENERAL ASSEMBLY: 5th COMMITTEE: RAPPORTEUR (Quao (Ghana)) ICELAND: REPRESENTATIVES GA: 5th Cttee: report Plen:1205j V:1005 Thors V:1003 GHANA INDIA UN: peace and security operations: financing V:995, 1002 UN: Members: admission Plen:1203 GHANA: REPRESENTATIVES peace and security operations: financing V: 994 Quaison-Sackey V:995,1002 INDIA: REPRESENTATIVES GREECE Chakravarty Plen:1203j V:994 UN: Members: admission Plen:1203 INDIA: PRESIDENT (Sarvepalli Radhakrtshnon) peace and security operations: financing V:988 address Plen: 1204 GREECE: REPRESENTA TIVES INDONESIA Bitsios Plen:1203j V:988 GA: Members: representatives: credentials Plen: 1205 UN: peace and security operations: financing Plen:1205j GUINEA V:993, 1003

GA:-Members: representatives: credentials Plen: 1205 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:988, 1003 INDONESIA: REPRESENTA TIVES

Palar Plen:1205; V:993, 1003 GUINEA: REPRESENTATIVES Sosrowardoj 0 Plen: 1205 Achkar V:998


UN: peace and security operations: financing V:992 Okazaki Plen:1203j V:989,1001 mAN: REPRESENTATIVES JORDAN

Rahnema V:992 UN: Members: admission PI,=n:1203 peace and security operations: financing V:993, 1001 mAQ

UN: peace and security operations: financing V:1003 JORDAN: REPRESENTATIVES Rifa'i Plen:1203j V:993,1001 mAQ: REPRESENTATIVES Pachachi V:I003 KUWAIT UN: Members: admission Plen: 1203 IRELAND

UN: peace and security operations: financing V:988, 1000 KUWAIT: REPRESENTATIVES Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah Plen:1203 IRELAND: REPRESENTATIVES

Nolan V:988,1000 LAOS UN: peace and security operations: financing V:993 ISRAEL

UN: LAOS:" REPRESENTATIVES Members: admission Plen:1203 peace and security operations: financing V:1000 Ratsaphong V:993


Comay Plen:1203; V:I000 UN: peace and security operations: Iinanctng V:I002


UN: peace and security operations: financing V:I001 Makkawi V:1002


Soardi V:1001 UN: Members: admission Plen:1203 peace and security operations: financing V:986, 999,1002 JAMAICA UN: peace and security operations: financing V:I000 LIBERIA: REPRESENTATIVES Barnes Plen:1203 JAMAICA: REPRESENTATIVES Morris V:986, 999, 1002

Richardson V:I000 LIBYA

JAPAN UN: peace and security operations: financing V:995 UN: Members: admission Plen:1203 LIBYA: REPRESENTATIVES peace and security operations: financing V:989,1001 Gileil V:995

9 = ·,~. .-----_.-"--~--'~--""-""~.__u_~_"" D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (4th specinl session) MADAGASCAR NEPAL: REPRESENTATIVES

UN: pence nnd security operntions: finnncing V:100~ Kcil'nln Plen:120!)j V:1003


Ramnholimihnso V:1004 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:999


GA: Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1205 Fekkes V:999 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:1000

NEW ZEALAND MALI: REPRESENTATIVES ,UN: peace and secur-ity operations: financing V:999 Coulibali V:I000 t Rousseau Plen:1205 NEW ZEALAND: REPRESENTATIVES


UN: peace and security operations: financing V:1003 NIGER

MAURITANIA: REPRESENTATIVES UN: peace and security operations: financing V:1004


MEXICO Sidikou V:1004

UN: peace and security operations: financing V:985 NIGERIA

MEXICO: REPRESENTATIVES UN: peace and security operations: financing V:999 Cuevas Cancino V:985 NIGERIA: REPRESENTATIVES

MONGOLIA Adebo V:999 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:990 NORWAY MONGOLIA: REPRESENTATIVES UN: peace and security operations: financing V:992,1004 Jargalsaikhan V:990 NORWAY: REPRESENTATIVES MOROCCO Edwardsen V:1004 UN: Nielsen V:992 Members: admission Plen:1203 peace and security operations: financing V:1003 PAKISTAN

MOROCCO: REPRESENTATIVES UN: peace and security operations: financing V:995,1002, 1005 Benhima Plen:1203 Stdi Baba V:1003 PAKISTAN: REPRESENTATIVES

NEPAL Hamdani V:995 Shahi V:1002,1005 GA: Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1205 UN: peace and securIty operations: financing V:1003

10. D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (4th special session)


UN: peace and secul'ity operations: financing V:I004 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:993


Solano Lopez V:1004 Diop V:993


UN: peace and security operattons: financing Plen:1205 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:I003


Barros-Conti Plen:1205 Collier V:I003


UN: peace and security operations: financing V:995 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:I003


Borja V:995 de Pinies V:I003


GA: Member-s: representatives: credentials Plen:1205 GA: Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1205 UN: peace and security operations: financing Plen:1205j UN: peace and security operations: financing V:994, 1003 V:997,1005

SUDAN: REPRESENTATIVES POLAND: REPRESENTATIVES ------,Adeel- Plen:1205 Lewandowski Plen:1205j V:997, 1005 Ahmed V:994,1003


UN: peace and security operations: financing V:I004 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:993, 1002


Lourenco V:I004 MaIm V:1002 Rossel V:993

ROMANIA .., I.... SYRIA UN: peace and security operations: financing V:987 GA: Members: representatives: credentials PI(~n:1205 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:I003 RoMANIA: REPRESENTATIVES 02, Haseganu V:987 SYRIA: REPRESENTATIVES

Tarazi Plen:1205; V:I003 SECRETARY-GENERAL (U Thant)

UN: peace and security operations: financing V:984 TANGANYIKA

UN: peace and security operations: financing V:I00l

11 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (4th special session)


Mang'enya V:I00l UN: peace and security operations: financing V:988,1002

THAILAND UKRAINIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC: REPRESENTA­ TIVES UN: peace and security operations: financing V:992 Kizya V:988,1002

THAILAND: REPRESENTATIVES UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Anuman-Rajadhon V:992 GA: Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1205 UN: peace and security operations: financing Plen:1205j TOGO V:986,987, 1001, 1005 UN: peace and security operations: financing' Plen:1205j V:I004 UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS: REPRESENTA­ TIVES

TOGO: REPRESENTATIVES Fedorenko Plen:1205j V:986, 1001 Morozov Plen:1205j V:986, 987,1005 Kponvi Plen:1205j V:1004

UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO GA: Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1205 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:1002 UN: peace and security operations: financing V:I003,1005


Clarke. V:I002 Riad Plen:1205j V:I003, 1005


UN: peace and security operations: financing V:995,1003 UN: Members: admission Plen:1203 peace and security operations: financing V:986, 999,1004 TUNISIA: REPRESENTATIVES

Mestiri V:1003 UNITED KINGDOM: REPRESENTATIVES Slim, T. V:995 Dean Plen:1203 Gibson V:I004 TURKEY Jackling V:986,999 :,',:') ~~ \.' UN: peace and security operations: financing V:I003 I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ;,:, TURKEY: REPRESENTATIVES GA: Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1205 ~', UN: 'I, },r Kural V:1003 Members: admission Plen:1203 !;~ , peace and security operations: financing V:986,987, / 1000, 1005 f; UGANDA

UN: peace and security operations: financing V:989, 1003 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: REPRESENTATIVES

Plimpton Plen:1205j V:986, 987,1005 UGANDA: REPRESENTATIVES Btevenson Plen:1203j V:1000

Ndawula V:1003 Onama V:989 URUGUAY

UN: peace and security operations: financing V:993

12 . D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (4th special session)


UN: peace and security operations: financing V:984 VENEZUELA YUGOSLAVIA UN: peace and security operations: financing V:993 GA: Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1205 •• ! .... UN: peace and security operations: financing V:1003 VENEZUELA: REPRESENTATIVES )5 !05j Alvarado V:993 YUGOSLAVIA: REPRESENTATIVES Ilic Plen:1205j V:1003


5 1005

~, 1004


13 ======~===:::::-=.-:;::;:·~I-

E. Numerical List of Documents

(1) Plenary (2) Fifth Committee General series General series A/ A/C. 5/ 5407 973 (document of 18th sess.) 5408,5409 (documents of 18th sess.) 974,975 5410 5411 (document of 18th sess.) Limited sel'ies 5412 5413-5415 (documents of 18th sess.) A/C.5/L. 5416,5417 782 & Add. 1 5418 (document of 18th sess.) 783 & Add. 1 5419 & Add. 1 784 & Add. 1 5420,5421 785 & Add. 1,2 5422- 5429 (documents of 18th sess.) 786 & Add. 1 54... 0- 5433 787 & Rev. 1 5434- 5437 (documents of 18th sess.) 788 & Add. 1 5438 789 5439.5440 (documents of 18th sess.) 5441 (GAOR, 4th "":cial sess, I suppl. no. 1) Summary records

Limited series A/C.5/SR.984-1005

A/L. 424 & Add, 1 (3) Supplements to Official Records Verbatim records No.1: Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly during A/PV. 1203-1205 its 4th Special Session, 14 May to 27 Jun 1963. Aug 1963. v.7 p. (A/5441). $U.S. 0.35 (or equivalent in other currencies) Resolutions

A/RES/1872-1880 (S-IV)


' ......

14 . SEVENTEENTH SESSION ~------A. Introduction

The 17th session of the General Assembly was held at ' 5th Committee (Administrative and BUdgetary Cttee): United Nations Headquarters in New York, 18 Sep to 20 Dec Chairman: Dr.Jan Paul Bannier (Netherlands) elected 1962. at 913th meeting A list of members of delegations to the 17th session of Vice-Chairman: Mr. Harry L. Morris (Liberia) elected the General Assembly is contained in ST/SG/SER. B/13/ at 914th meeting Rev. 1. Rapporteur: Mr. Nathan A. Quao (Ghana) elected at ... 914th meeting 6th Committee (Legal Cttee): Officers Chairman: Mr. Constantine Th. Eustathiades (Greece) elected at 732nd meeting President: Mr. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan (Pakistan): elect­ Vice-Chairman: Mr. Vratislav Pechota (Czechoslovakia) ed on tst ballot at 1122nd plenary meeting elected at 733rd meeting Vice-Presidents: Australia, Belgium, China, Colombia, Rapporteur: Ml'. Jose Maria Ruda (Argentina) elected France, Guinea, Haiti, Jordan, Madagascar, Roma­ at 733rd meeting nia, USSR, United Kingdom and USA: elected at 1124tll plenary meeting (For a complete list of members of committees, See Part Credentials Committee: C. Subject index under General Assembly: committees: Chairman: Mr. Dimitri S. Bitsios (Greece) elected at members: representatives) 42nd meeting ., General Committee: ., . Chairman: Mr. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan (Pakistan), President of the General Assembly Rules of Procedure 1st Committee (Political and Security Cttee): Chairman: Mr. Omar AbdelHamid Adeel (Sudan) elected The rules of procedure of the General Assembly as at 1244th meeting amended up to 1 Feb 1962, A/4700 & Corr.1 (UN sales Vice-Chairman: Mr. Ralph Enckell (Finland) elected at no. : 61.I. 4) were in effect during the 17th session.. 1245th meeting Rapporteur: Mr. Karoly Csatorday (Hungary) elected at 1245th meeting Special Political Committee: Resolutions Chairman: Dr. Leopoldo Benites (Ecuador) elected at 325th meeting The collected resolutions of the 17th session are con­ Vice-Chairman: Mr. Shintaro Fukushima (Japan) elected tained in document A/5217 & Corr, 1 (Russian only) (GAOR, at 326th meeting 17th sess., suppl, no. 17) & Corrigendum (Russian only) Rapporteur: Mr. Hermod Lannung (Denmark) elected at 326th meeting 2nd Committee (Economic and Financial Cttee): Chairman: Mr. Bohdan Lewandowski (Poland) elected at Checklist of Meetings 794th meeting Vice-Chairman: Mr. Ghulam Ali Allana (Pakistan) elect­ PLENARY MEETINGS . ... ed at 796th meeting (Symbol A/PV. -) Rapporteur: Miss Gay J. Sellers (Canada) elected at 796th meeting Meetings Date, 1962 Meetings Date, 1~.~~ ·'f 3rd Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Cttee): 1122 18 Sep " •.... Chairman: Mr. Nemi Chandra Kasliwal (India) elected 1136 28 Sep at 1135th meeting 1123 19 S<:lP 1137 28 Sep Vice-Chairman: Mr. Liven de Albuquerque Melo (Brazil) 1124 19 Sep 1138 & elected at 1136th meeting 1125 20 Sep Corr.1 'I Rapporteur: Mrs. Made Sivomey (Togo) elected at 1126 21 Sep (English 1136th meeting 1127 & only) 1 Oct 4th Committee (Trusteeship Cttee): Add. 1 21 Sep 1139 2 Oct Chairman: Col. Guillermo Flores Avendafio (Guatemala) 1128 24 Sep 1140 3 Oct elected at 1328th meeting 1129 24 Sep 1141 3 Oct Vice-Chairman: Mr. Mohied Din Nabavi (Iran) elected 1130 25 Sep 1142 4 Oct at 1329th meeting 1131 25 Sep 1143 5 Oct Rapporteur: Mr. S. H. Okechuku Ibe (Nigeria) elected 1132 26 Sep 1144 5 Oct at 1329th meeting 1133 26 Sep 1145 8 'Oct 1134 27 Sep 1146 80ct 1135 27 Sep 1147 9 Oct

15 '~t:;;':~~~""-- .. _===- _ ..=~ -----·--I~ !l, - W ~;~ A. INTRODUCTION i (17th session) '! f\ PLENARY MEETINGS (continued) GENERAL. COMMITTEE (Symbol A/PV.") (Symbol A/BUR/SR. ") Meetings_ Date, i962 Meetings Date, 1962 Meetings Dnte, 1962 1~ , 1148 148 19 Sep f; 9 Oct 1175 26 Nov .c- 1149 10 Oct 1176 26 Nov 149 20 Sop }: 1150 11 Oct 1177 27 Nov 150 26 Sep 1151 151 11 Oct ," 12 Oct 1178 28 Nov " 1152 & 1179 29 Nov 152 15 Nov \ Add. 1 12 Oct 1180 29 Nov " :" 1153 15 Oct 1181 29 Nov '" \1 ,\1 1154 & 1182 30 Nov FIRST COMMITTEE ,,' Corr.l 1183 5 Dec (Symbol A/C.l/SR.-) j" (French 1184 6 Dec ~ only) 17 Oct 1185 6 Dec Meetings Date, 1962 Meetings Date, 1962 .. '~ 1155 18 Oct 1186 7 Dec ~. 1156 22 Oct 1187 7 Dec 1244 19 Sep 1276 15 Nov $ 1157 23 Oct 1188 7 Dec 1245 5 Oct 1277 15 Nov % 1158 25 Oct 1189 8 Dec 1246 10 Oct 1278 16 Nov r~ 1159 26 Oct 1190 8 Dec 1247 11 Oct 1279 16 Nov t 1160 29 Oct 1191 & 1248 16 Oct 1280 19 Nov 1161 29 Oct Add. 1 11 Dec 1249 16 Oct 1281 19 Nov )j' 1162 30 Oct 1192 14 Dec 1250 17 Oct 1282 20 NaY '~ 1163 31 Oct 1193 14 Dec 1251 18 Oct 1283 21 Nov t 1164 6 Nov 1194 14 Dee 1252 19 Oet 1284 22 Nov j 1165 6 Nov 1195 & 1253 22 Oet 1285 26 Nay .,t' Add. 1 17 Dee 1254 23 Oet 1286 27 Nov .r 1166 7 Nov .. 1167 7 Nov 1196 18 Dec 1255 26 Oet 1287 28 Nov 1168 9 Nov 1197 & 1256 26 Oet 1288 29 Nov 1169 15 Nov Corr.1 '" 1257 29 Oet 1289 3 Dee 1170 20 Nov (English 1258 30 Oet 1290 4 Dee 1171 20 Nov & French 1259 30 Oet 1291 4 Dee 1172 & only) 18 Dee 1260 31 Oet 1292 5 Dee Corr. 1198 19 Dee 1261 31 Oet 1293 6 Dee (English 1199 19 Dee 1262 1 Nay 1294 7 Dee only) 21 Nov 1200 20 Dee 1263 1 Nov 1295 7 Dee 1173 21 Nov 1201 20 Dee 1264 2 Nov 1296 10 Dee 1174 23 Nov 1202 20 Dee 1265 5 Nov 1297 10 Dee 1266 5 Nov 1298 11 Dee 1267 6 Nov 1299 11 Dee 1268 7 Nov 1300 12 Dee AD HOC COMMITTEE OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 1269 8 Nov 1301 13 Dee (Symbol A/AC.112/-) 1270 9 Nov 1302 14 Dee ?'( 1271 12 Nov 1303 17 Dee Meetings Date, 1962 1272 12 Nay 1304 17 Dee 1273 13 Nay 1305 18 Dee 1 27 Nov 1274 14 Nov 1306 18 Dee 2 20 Dee 1275 14 Nov ..... CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE (Symbol A/CR/SR. -) (Symbol A/SPC/SR. -)

Meetings Date, 1962 Meetings Date, 1962 Meetings Date, 1962

42 20 Dec 325 19 Sep 337 260et 326 30et 338 29 Get No meeting records published 327 80ct 339 300et 328 100et 340 310et 329 11 Get 341 1 Nov 330 150et 342 2 Nov 331 16 Get 343 5 Nov 332 170et 344 6 Nov 333 180et 345 7 Nov 334 19 Get 346 8 Nov 335 220ct 347 9 Nov 336 250ct 348 12 Nov

16, =,,~:- - 7 .. ..---...~ . ..~~..*~ ...--:.:~~=~~~~-----=:_~=:::.:-.:.:=~~--...... __...... "'_-..~~

A. INTRODUCTION (17th session)


Meetings Date, 1962 Meetings Date. 1962 Meetings Date, 1962 Meeth~~ Date, 1~62

349 13 Nov 363 6 Dce 1135 19 Sep 1173 5 Nov 350 16 Nov 364 10 Dee 1136 27 Sep 1174 6 Nov 351 19 Nov 365 11 Dee 1137 28 Sep 1175 7 Nov 352 20 Nay 366 12 Doe 1138 20et 1176 8 Nov ..~ 353 21 Nov 367 12 Dce 1139 20et 1177 8 Nov 354 23 Nov 368 13 Dce 1140 30et 1178 9 Nov 355 26 Nov 369 13 Dce 1141 30et 1179 12 Nov 356 27 Nay 370 14 Dee 1142 4 Oet 1180 12 Nay 357 28 Nay 371 14 Dee 1143 50et 1181 13 Nov .. 358 29 Nov 372 15 Dee 1144 50et 1182 14 Nov 359 30 Nay 373 17 Dee 1145 90et 1183 14 Nov 360 3 Dee 374 17 Dee 1146 90et 1184 15 Nov 361 4 Dee 375 18 Dee li47 100et 1185 16 Nov 362 6 Dec 376 18 Dee 1148 100et 1186 19 Nov 1149 11 Oet 1187 20 Nov 1150 11 Oet 1188 20 Nov SECOND COMMITTEE 1151 120et 1189 21 Nov (Symbol A/C. 2/SR. - ) 1152 150et 1190 22 Nov 1153 160et 1191 23 Nov Meetings Date,19..§! Meetings Date, 1962 1154 17 Oet 1192 26 Nov 1155 180et 1193 26 Nov 794 19 Sep 837 14 Nov 1156 180et 1194 27 Nov 795 26 Sep 838 14 Nov 1157 190et 1195 28 Nay 796 i ou 839 15 Nov 1158 190et 1196 29 Nov 797 t oci 840 15 Nov 1159 220et 1197 29 Nov 798 30et 841 16 Nov 1160 22 Oet 1198 30 Nov 799 40et 842 16 Nov 1161 230et 1199 3 Dee 800 50et 843 19 Nov 1162 250et 1200 4 Dee 801 90et 844 19 Nov 1163 260et 1201 4 Dee 802 100et 845 20 Nov 1164 260et 1202 5 Dee 803 11 Oet 846 20 Nov 1165 290et 1203 5 Dee 804 120et 847 21 Nov 1166 290et 1204 6 Dee 805 120et 848 21 Nov 1167 300et 1205 7 Dee 806 150et 849 22 Nov 1168 310et 1206 10 Dee 807 170et 850 23 Nov 1169 310et 1207 11 Dee 808 170et 851 23 Nov 1170 1 Nov 1208 12 Dee 809 180et 852 26 Nov 1171 2 Nov 1209 13 Dee 810 190et 853 27 Nov 1172 5 Nov 1210 14 Dee 811 190et 854 28 Nov 812 220ct 855 29 Nov 813 220et 856 30 Nov FOURTH COMMITTEE 814 230et 857 3 Dee (Symbol A/C. 4/SR. - ) 815 240et 858 3 Dee 816 250et 859 4 Dee .... 817 250et 860 4 Dee Meetings Date, 1962 iVleetings Date, 1962 818 260et 861 5 Dee 819 290et 81:2 5 Dee 1328 19 Sep 1345 150et 820 290et 863 6 Dee 1329 2 Oct 1346 150et 821 300et 864 6 Dee 1330 30et 1347 160et 822 310et 865 6 Dee 1331 40et 1348 160et 823 1 Nov 866 7 Dee 1332 40et 1349 170et 824 1 Nov 867 7 Dee 1333 50et 1350 170et 825 2 Nov 368 10 Dee 1334 50et 1351 180et 826 2 Nov 869 10 Dee 1335 80et 1352 180et 827 5 Nov 870 11 Dee 1336 80et 1353 19 Oct 828 6 Nov 871 11 Dee 1337 9 Oct 1354 19 Oct 829 6 Nov 872 12 Dee 1338 90et 1355 220et 830 7 Nov 873 12 Dee 1339 100et 1356 220et 831 7 Nov 874 12 Dee 1340 10 Oet 1357 230et 832 8 Nov 875 13 Dee 1341 11 Oet 1358 230et 833 9 Nov 876 13 Dee 1342 11 Oet 1359 240et 834 12 Nov 877 14 Dee 1343 120et 1360 250et 835 12 Nov 878 17 Dee 1344 120et 1361 250et 836 13 Nov

17 .~~~ -:~.,.2 ...... , ---I::;:::::: ~~--.~.. ..._...... --. 2~.; __.,.-.-...----- ~~;:::'_~""";""'"- A. INTRODUCTION (17th session)

FOURTH COMMITTEE (continued) FIFTH COMMlTTEE (continued) (Symbol A/C. 4/SR. -) (Symbol A/C. 5/SR. -)

MeetinGs Date. 1962 Meetings Date, 1962 Meetings Date, 1962 Meetings Date, 1962

I:' 1362 2600t 1397 26 Nov 937 1 Nov 961 3 Dce I ~. 1363 2600t 1398 27 Nov 938 2 Nav 962 4 Doe 1364 2900t 1399 27 Nav 939 5 Nov 963 5 Deo 1400 28 Nav 964 6 Dce ~ 1t1l35 300et 940 6 Nav .... 300et 1401 28 Nov 941 7 Nav \l65 7 Dce 1366 1367 3100t 1402 29 Nav 942 7 Nav 966 7 Dee 1368 31 Oet 1403 29 Nov 943 8 Nav 967 10 Dce 1369 1 Nav 1404 30 Nav 944 Q Nav 968 10 Dce 1370 1 Nav 1405 30 Nav 945 9 Nav 969 11 Dec 2 Nav 1406 3 Dce 946 12 Nav 970 11 Dce 1371 ' " 1372 5 Nov 1407 3 Dce 947 13 Nav 971 11 Dce 1373 6 Nav 1408 4 Dec 948 14 Nav 972 12 Dce 1374 6 Nav 1409 4 Dce 949 15 Nav 973 12 Dec 1375 7 Nav 1410 5 Dce 950 16 Nav 974 13 Dec 1376 8 Nav 1411 5 Dec 951 19 Nav 975 14 Dce 1377 8 Nav 1412 6 Dce 952 20 Nav 976 14 Dce 1378 9 Nav 1413 6 Dce 953 21 Nav 977 17 Dec 1379 12 Nav 1414 7 Dce 954 22 Nov 978 17 Dec 1380 12 Nav 1415 10 Dec 955 23 Nav 979 17 Dce 1381 13 Nav 1416 10 Dce 956 23 Nav 980 18 Dec 1382 13 Nov 1417 11 Dce 957 27 Nav 981 18 Dce 1383 14 Nav 1418 11 Dce 958 28 Nav 982 19 Dce 20 Dec 1384 14 Nav 1419 12 Dce 959 28 Nav 983 1385 15 Nov 1420 12 Dee 960 30 Nav 1386 15 Nav 1421 13 Dce 1387 16 Nav 1422 13 Dec 1388 16 Nav 1423 13 Dee 1389 19 Nav 1424 14 Dee SIXTH COMMITTEE 1390 19 Nov 1425 14 Dce (Symbol A/C. 6/SR. -) 1391 20 Nav 1426 15 Dce r 1392 20 Nav 1427 17 Dec Meetings Date, 1962 Meetings Date, 1962 1393 21 Nav 1428 17 Dce 1394 22 Nov 1429 18 Dee 732 19 Sep 755 7 Nov l:[\ 1395 23 Nov 1430 19 Dee 733 27 Sep 756 9 Nov I. 1396 26 Nov 1431 19 Dce 734 i ocr 757 12 Nav 735 30et 758 13 Nov [} 736 50et 759 14 Nov 737 9 Oct 760 15 Nav FIFTH COMMITTEE 738 10 Oot 761 16 Nov (Symbol A/C. 5/SR. -) 739 11 Oct 762 19 Nov 740 12 Oct 763 20 Nov Meetings Date, 1962 Meetings Date, 1962 741 150ct 764 21 Nov 742 160et 765 23 Nov 913 19 Sep 925 170et 743 17 Oct 766 26 Nov 914 10ct 926 17 Oct 744 180et 767 26 Nov 915 30et 927 1800t 745 220et 768 28 Nov 916 3 Oct 928 2300t 746 230et 769 29 Nov 917 400t 929 23 Oct· 747 260et 770 30 Nov ~l 918 40et 930 240et 748 29 Oct 771 3 Dee ... 919 8 Oct 931 250et 749 300et 772 4 Dee 920 9 Oct 932 260et 750 31 Oet 773 5 Dee 921 9 Oct 933 300et 751 1 Nov 774 5 Dee 922 11 Oct 934 300et 752 2 Nov 775 6 Dee 923 11 Oet .935 310ct 753 5 Nov 776 7 Dee 924 16 Oct 936 1 Nov 754 6 Nov 777 12 Dee

18 B. Agenda


19 ...... ~ ::::;:~ -.-- ;::.::::-=::::-======::::==:l:rr;":--:-~"':== - :n:AI====="======::::;:::==== B. AGENDA (17th session)

28. The K01'e"n question: 36. Question of holding an international conference on trade (a) Report of the United Nations Commission fOl' the problems <, ',j Unification and Rehabilitation of KOl'ea .§.~ INTERNATIONAL TRADE: conference (procosed) See KOREAN QUESTION I (b) The withdrawal of foreign troops from South Korelt' 37. International measures to assist in offsetting fluctuations I," See KOREA, REPUBLIC OF: withdrawal of for­ in commodity prices - eign troops (proposed) See COMMODITY PROBLEMS

29. The situation in Angola: report of the Sub- Committee 38. Population growth and economic development established under General Assembly resolution See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: & population growth 1603 (XV) and of the Government of Portuga; : See ANGOLA SITUATION 39. Permanent sovereignty over natural resources . .. See NATURAL RESOURCES: permanent sovereignty 30. Report of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation 40. Progress and operations of the Special Fund . See RADIATION: effects See SPECIAL FUND: operations '" ,

31. Report of the Commissioner-General of the United 41. United Nations programmea of technical co-operation: Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (a) Review of activities Refugees in the Near East See TECHNICAL CO-OPERATION See PALESTINE REFUGEES: assistance (b) Confirmation of the allocation of funds under the Expanded Programme of technical assistance 32. United Nations Emergency Force: See TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: Expanded Pro­ (a) Report on the Force gramme: finances See UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE: (c) Question of assistance to Libya: report of the - progress report Secretary-General (b) Cost estimates for the maintenance of the Force See LIBYA: assistance See UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE: - budget, 1963 42. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: 33. Economic and social consequences of disarmament: re­ (a) Report of the High Commissioner port of the Secretary-General transmitting the ~REFUGEES study of the Group of Expert Consultants appointed (b) Question of the continuation of the Office of the under General Assembly resolution 1516 (XV) High Commissioner See DISARMAMENT: economic and social conse­ See OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH quences - COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES: con­ tinuation 34. United Nations Development Decade: report of the Secretary-General 43. Draft international covenants on human rights See UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT DECADE, See HUMAN RIGHTS: covenants (draft) 1960-1970 44. Draft convention and draft recommendation on consent to 35. Economic development of under-developed countries marriage, minimum age for marriage and regis­ See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT tration of marriages (ajAccelerated flow of capital and technical assistance See MARRIAGE: minimum age, consent and registra­ to the developing countries: report of the tion Secretary-General See INVESTMENTS, INTERNATIONAL 45. Draft convention on freedom of information (b) Establishment of a United Nations capital develop­ See FREEDOM OF INFORMATION: convention (draft) ment fund: report of the Committee estab­ lished under General Assembly resolution 46. Draft declaration on the right of asylum 1521 (XV) See ASYLUM, RIGHT OF: declaration (draft) See UNITED NATIONS CAPITAL DEVELOP­ '-~ 47. Draft declaration on freedom of information !" - MENT FUND ~ ... (c) Industrial development and activities of the organs See FREEDOM OF INFORMATION: declaration (draft) of the United Nations in the field of tndustrt­ alization 48. Manifestations of racial prejudice and national and re­ See INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ligious intolerance (d) Long-term projections of worId economic trends: See RACIAL, NATIONAL AND RELIGIOUS INTOLER­ progress report prepared by the Secretary­ - ANCE: manifestations, prevention of General See ECONOMIC PROJECTIONS 49. Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories trans­ (e) Land reform: report of the Secretary-General mitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the See LAND REFORM United Nations: report of the Secretary-General (f) Decentralization of the economic and social activi­ and of the Committee on Information from Non­ ties of the United Nations and stz engthening Self-Governing Territories of the regional economic commtsstons See NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES: infor­ See UNITED NATIONS: economic and social - mation to UN activities: decentralization

20 B. AGENDA (17th session)

49. Information from Non-Solf-Governing Territories trans- 57. Question of (continued) mitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the (b) Special educational and training programmes for United Nations: report of the Secrew'y-Genel'al South West Africa: report of the Secretary- and of the Committee on Information fl'om Non- General Self-Governing Territories (continued) See SOUTH WEST AFRICA: fellowships and (a) political and constitutional tnrormatton on Non- scholarships Self-Governing Territories See NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES: 58. Offers by Member States of study and training facilities information to UN: political and con- for inhabitants of Trust Tel'ritories: report of the stitutional Secretary-General (b) Information on educational, economic and social See TRUST TERRITORIES: fellowships and scholar- advancement ships See NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES: information to UN: educational, economic 59, Dissemination of infor-mation on the United Nations and and social the International Trusteeship System in the Trust '" ., (c) General questions relating to the transmission and Territories: report of the Secretary-General ! examination of information See UNITED NATIONS: & Trust Territories: infor- See NON-SELF-GOVERNrNG TERRITORIES: mation about United Nations information to UN: transmission and examination 60. Financial reports and accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1961, and reports of the Board 50. Dissemination of information on the United Nations in of Auditors: 'I the Non-Self-Governing Territories: report of the (a) United Nations '~ Secretary-General See UNITED NATIONS: finances: accounts, 1961 See UNITED NATIONS: Non-Self-Governing Terri- (b) United Nations Children's Fund - tories: information about United Nations See UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND: iinances: accounts, 1961 51. Offers by Member States of study and training facilities (c) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for for inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories: Palestine Refugees in the Near East report of Secretary-General See UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS See NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES: fellow- AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES ships and scholarships IN THE NEAR EAST: finances: accounts, 1961 52. Preparation and training of indigenous civil and technical (d) Voluntary funds administered by the United Nations cadres in Non-Self-Governing Territories: report High Commissioner for Refugees of the Secretary-General See UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER See NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES: indige- FOR REFUGEES: finances: voluntary - nous cadres: preparation and training funds: accounts, 1961

53. Racial discrimination in Non-Self-Governing Territories: 61. Supplementary estimates for the financial year 1962 report of the Secretary-General See UNITED NATIONS: budget, 1962: supplementary See NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES: racial appropriations discrimination 62. Budget estimates for the financial year 1963 54. Non-compliance of the Government of Portugal with See UNITED NATIONS: budget, 1963 Chapter XI of the Charter of the United Nations and with General Assembly resolution 1542 (XV): 63. United Nations operations in the Congo: cost estimates report of the Special Committee on Territories and financing under Portuguese Administration See UNITED NATIONS OPERATION IN THE CONGO: See TERRITORIES UNDER PORTUGUESE ADMINIS- financing TRATION: status 64. Obligations of Members, under the Charter of the United 55. Election to fill vacancies in the membership of the Corn- Nations, with regard to the financing of the United mittee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Nations Emergency Force and the Organization's ~I Territories operations in the Congo: advisory opinion of the See GENERAL ASSEMBLY: Committee on Information International Court of Justice from Non-Self-Governing Territories: members: See UNITED NATIONS: peace andsecurity operations: election financing

56. Question of Southern : report of the Special 65. Review of the pattern of conferences Committee established under General Assembly See CO-ORDINATION AMONG UNITED NATIONS AND resolution 1654 (XVI) SPECIALIZED AGENCIES: programme of meat- See : self-government ings 57. Question of South West Africa: .~ (a) Report of the United Nations Special Committee '.J for South West Africa :1·· ...• See SOUTH WEST AFRICA: international status

21 .~~:::::::~=:::::::::=====~===::::::::=-==:.='='==-==::::::::'=::======'l======'::::-=~::::="'---~--~=1=

B. AGENDA (17th session)

66. Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of sub- 74. Consular relations sidiar~' bodies of the General Assembly See CONSULAR RELATIONS (a) Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions 75. Consideration of principles of international law concern- ~ ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRA- ing friendly relations and co-operation among TIVE AND BUDGETARYQUESTIONS: States in accordance with the Charter of the United members: election Nations (b) Committee on Contributions See PEACEFUL RELATIONS AMONG STATES: See COMMITTEE ON CONTRIBUTIONS: & international law members: election (c) Board of Auditors 76. Report of the International Law Commission on the work See BOARD OF AUDITORS: members: election of its 14th session (d) Investments Committee: confirmation of the appoint- See INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION: report, ments made by the Secretary-General - 14th session ~ INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE: members: appointment 77. The urgent need for suspension of nuclear and thermo- (e) United Nations Administrative Tribunal nuclear tests See UNITED NATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE See ATOMIC WEAPONS: tests: suspension TRIBUNAL: members: election 78. Rwanda and Burundi: report of the Secretary-General on 67. Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the ex- the implementation of General Assembly resolution penses of the United Nations: report of the Com- 1'146 (XVI) n mittee on Contributions See BURUNDI: assistance: RWANDA: assistance See UNITED NATIONS: finances: contributions 'I 79. Question of 68. Audit reports relating to expenditure by specialized See OMAN QUESTION agencies and the International Atomic Energy [ Agency: 80. Advisory services in the fieid of human rights (a) Earmarkings and contingency allocations from the See HUMAN RIGHTS: advisory services Special Account of the Expanded Programme f: of Technical Assistance 81. Implementation of the Supplementary Convention of 1956 See TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: Expanded Pro- on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade and gramme; finances: Special Account: audit Institutions and Practices similar to Slavery (b) Earmarkings and allotments from the Special Fund See SLAVERY: Supplementary Convention, 1956: ',' See SPECL\I, FUND: finances: expenditures by implementation t'. executing agencies, 1961: audit 82. The Dag Hammarskjold Foundation 69. Administrative and budgetary co-ordination of the United See DAG HAMMARSKJOLD FOUNDATION Nations with the specialized agencies and with the International Atomic Energy Agency: report of the 83. Measures designed to promote among youth the ideals of Advisory Committee on Administrative and peace, mutual respect and understanding between Budgetary Questions peoples See CO-ORDINATION AMONG UNITED NATIONS AND See PEACEFUL RELATIONS AMONG PEOPLES: SPECIALIZED AGENCIES: administrative and promotion among youth budgetary questions 84. The Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries 70. Personnel questions: See csmo DECLARATION OF DEVELOPING (a) Geographical distribution of tile staff of the Secre- COUNTRIES, 1962 tariat: report of the Secretary-General See SECRETARIAT: staff: geographical 85. Question of Hungary distribution See HUNGARIAN SITUATION (b) Proportion of fixed-term staff . See SECRETARIAT: staff: fixed-term appomt-, 86. Improvement of the methods of work of the General ments Assembly (c) Other personnel questions See GENERAL ASSEMBLY: procedure See SECRETARIAT: staff: ..••• 87. The policies of apartheid of the Government of the 71. Report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board Republic of South Africa: See UNITED NATIONS JOINT STAFF PENSION FUND: (a) Race conflict in South Africa report, 1960/1961 See SOUTH AFRICA: race problems: apartheid (b) Treatment of people of Indian and'Jndo-Paktstan 72. United Nations International School: report of the origin in the Republic of South Africa SeCl'etary-General See INDIANS AND INDO-PAKISTANIS IN SOUTH See UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL AFRICA

7~. Question of the publication of a United Nations Juridical 88. Question of boundaries between Venezuela and the terrt- Yearbook tory of See UNITED NATIONS JURIDICAL YEARBOOK: See VENEZUELA: & British Guiana: boundaries publication (proposed)

22 . - .- -"::::F· . .

li" B. AGENDA (17th session)

89. Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the 92. Restoration of the lawful rights of the People's Republic Kingdom of Netherlands concerning West New of China in the United Nations Guinea (West Irian) See CHINA: representation in the United Nations mi- See WEST NEW GUINEA (WEST ffiIAN): Indonesia/ - Netherlands Agreement, 1962 93. Condemnation of propaganda favouring preventive ited nuclear war 90. Question of general and complete disarmament: report See NUCLEAR WAR: propaganda: condemnation of the Conference of the Eighteen-Nation Com­ mittee on Disarmament 94. Economic programme for disarmament See DISARMAMENT See DISARMAMENT: & economic and social develop­ ork - ment 91. Measures to be adopted in connexion with the earthquake in Iran -See IRAN:. earthquake, 1962 1-

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------SEVENTEENTH SESSION C. Subject Index

ADEN (agenda item 49) ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND Documents BUDGETARY QUESTIONS (continued) Secretary-General. Summary of information for -- reports, 1962 (continued) 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. 6th: UN programmes of technical co-operation. A/5078/Add. 2, 6 and 11 Role of Resident Representatives.A/5138 7th: [Report on the budget estimates for 1963). A/5207 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND 8th: Supplementary estimates for the financial year BUDGETARY QUESTIONS 1962. A/5239 -- members election (agenda item 66 (a» 9th: Budget estimates for the financial year 1963. Documents Revised estimates for sects. 2,3,4,5,10 and 11 Secretariat. Note. A/C. 5/L. 729 resulting from decisions of the ESC. A/5243 Secretary-General. Note. A/5155 10th: Report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension

,\ Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 931,947 Board. A/5252 Draft report. A/C. 5/L. 738 11th: Budget estimates for the financial year 1963. l Report. A/5291 Comprehensive review of the system of payment Actio\} in Plenary: Meeting 1191 from UN funds of travel and subsistence ex­ ] Draft resolution in A/5291 adopted without vote as penses in respect of members of organs and resolution 1791 (XVII) subsidiary bodies of the UN. A/5263 Messrs. A. Ganem (France), J. Gibson (United 12th: Budget estimates for the financial year 1963. Kingdom), I. T. Kittani (Iraq) and A. Shahi Major maintenance and capital improvement at (Pakistan) elected for a three-year term United Nations Headquarters. A/5267 i l I~ beginning on 1 Jan 1963 13th: ---. Salary scales for General Service and Composition of the Advisory Cttee as of 1 Jan 1963 Manual Worker Staff at Headquarters and V Members Term of Office Geneva. A/5272 & Corr.1 (English only) l Mr. T. Aghnides (Greece) IJan 1961- 31Dec 1963 14th: United Nations Emergency Force. Cost esti­ Mr. M.A.M. Ahmed (Sudan) 1 Jan 1962 - 31 Dec 1964 mates for the maintenance of the Force during Mr. A. F. Bender, Jr. (USA) 1 Jan 1962 - 31 Dec 1963 the period 1 Jan to 31 Dec 1963. A/5274 Mr. A. Ganem (France), 1 Jan 1963 - 31 Dec 1965 15th: United Nations programmes of technical co- re-elected operation. Budget estimates of the Technical Mr. J. Gibson (United 1 Jan 1963 - 31 Dec 1965 Assistance Board secretariat for 1963. A/5275 Kingdom) 16th: Report of the International Law Commission on Mr. A. Grez (Chile) 1 Jan 1962 - 31 Dec 1964 the work of its 14th session. Financial implica­ Mr.. I. T. I)Htani (Iraq), 1 Jan 1963 - 31 Dec 1965 tions of the draft resolution recommended by re-e1,cted the 6th Cttee (A/C. 6/L. 503). A/5278 Mr. R.A.J. Quijano 1 Jan 1961 - 31 Dee 1963 17th: Budget estimates for the financial year 1963. (Argentina) Replacement of the central telephone exchange Mr. E. O. Sanu (Nigeria) 1 Jan 1962 - 31 Dec 1964 of the Palais des Nations. A/5280 Mr. D.Serbanescu (Romania) 1 Jan 1962 - 31 Dec 1964 18th: UN Development Decade. Proposed UN research Mr. A. Shahi (Pakistan), 1 Jan 1963 - 31 Dec 1965 institute for social development. A/5289 re-elected 19th: Report of the UN Scientific Cttee on the Effects Mr. A. F. Sokirkin (USSR) 1 Jan 1961 - 31 Dec 1963 of Atomic Radiation. Financial implications of -- reports, 1962 sect. 1 of the draft resolution recommended by See under subject of report for discussion the Special Political Cttee (A/5285). A/5290 1st: The salary scale for the General Service 20th: Supplementary estimates for the financial year category in Geneva. A/5121 & Corr.l (English 1962. Additional office accommodation for the only) secretariat of the ECAFE in Bangkok. A/5297 2nd: Financial reports and accounts for the financial 21st: Budget estimates for the financial year 1963. year ended 31 Dec 1961 and reports of the Board Office and related space at Headquarters. of Auditors. The United Nations and its Trust A/5299 Funds and Special Accounts, the UN partlcipa­ 22nd: Advisory services in the field of human rights. tion in the Expanded Programme of technical Financial implications of the draft resolution assistance and the Technical Assistance Board recommended by the 3rd Cttee (A/5277). A/5302 secretariat; the UN Suez Canal Surcharge Opera­ 23rd: Supplementary estimates for the financial year tion, the UNEF and the UN Special Fund (UN as 1962. Budget estimates for the financial year executing agency, and the administrative budget 1963. Post classifications for the UN Head­ of and preparatory allocations to the Managing quarters, New York and the European Office, Director); the UN Operations in the Congo. Geneva. A/5309 , r A/5134 24th: ---. ---. Sect. 1 - travel and other expenses 3rd: ---. UNICEF. A/5135 of representatives, members of [General 4th: ---. UNRWA. A/5136 Assembly] commissions, committees and other 5th: ---. Voluntary funds administered by the subsidiary bodies. A/5312 UNHCR. A/5137

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C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS (continued) BUDGET-ARY QUESTIONS (continued) -- reports, 1962 (continued) -- reports, 1962 (continued) 25th: Progress and operations of the Special Fund. 41st: Budget estimates for the financial year 1963. Administrative budget estimates for 1963. Construction of the UN building in Santiago, )./5318 Chile. A/53611 26th: United Nations International School. A/5319 42nd: Rwanda and Burundi. Financial implications of 27th: Question of holding an International Conference the draft resolution proposed by the 2nd Cttee on Trade Problems. UN Conference 011 Trade (A/5360, draft resolution V). A/5372 and Development. Statement of financial impli­ cations of the draft resolution contained in docu­ ment A/C. 2/L. 648/Rev. 2. A/5320 AFRICA 28th: Appointment of the Secretary-General of the -- economic and political integration 'ear United Nations. A/5321 Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1131 (Guinea), 1139 3. 29th: Budget estimates for the financial year 1963. (Mali), 1140 (Cameroon), 1143 (Ghana, Mauri­ dll Working Capital Fund. A/5331 tania), 1144 (Togo), 1148 (Guinea, Niger), 1150 30th: Administrative and budgetary co-ordination of (Madagascar), 1152 (Congo (Brazzaville)), 1153 43 the UN with the specialized agencies and with (Nigeria) islon the !AEA. Review of inter-organization admin­ -- education (agenda items 12 and 41) 3. istrative budgets of the agencies for 1963. Documents A/5332 ESC. Report, 1961/1962, chap. X, sect. I. A/!l2Q3 'ment 31st: Supplementary estimates for the financial year (GAOR, 17th sess., 'suppl, no.3) 1962. Budget estimates for the financial year Ethiopia and Senegal. Draft resolution. A/C. 2/ d 1963. Revised estimates for sects. 2,3,5 and 10 L 683 & Corr. 1 & Add. 1 (adds Sudan as resulting from decisions of the ESC. A/5336 c~-sponsor), Rev. 1, Rev.1iAdd.1 (adds 3. 32nd: International co-operation in the peaceful uses Algeria, Burundi, Cameroon, Central tat of outer space: reports of the Cttee on the Mrican Republic, Chad, Ghana, Guinea, Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, the WMO and the Ivory Coast, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, ITU. Financial implications of the draft reso­ Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra lution proposed by the 1st Cttee (A/5341). Leone, Tanganyika, Togo and Upper Volta ti­ A/5345 as co-sponsors) ing 33rd: The urgent need for suspension of nuclear and Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 870-872 thermo-nuclear tests. Financial implications Report. A!5360 & Corr.1 (English only) of resolution 1762 (XVII) adopted by the General Action in Plenary: Meetings 1148 (Guinea), 1197 Draft resolution I in }\/\1360 & Corrv l (English :al Assembly at its 1165th meeting on 6 Nov 1962. '5275 A/5347 only) adopted unanimously at 1197th meeting 34th: The situation with regard to the implementation as resolution 1832 (XVII) 11 on of the Declaration on the Granting of Independ­ -- nuclear-free zone: See Disarmament; Nuclear-free zones ilica­ ly ence to Colonial Countries and Peoples: report of the Special Cttee established under General AFRICAN AND MALAGASY UNION 3. Assembly resolution 1654 (XVI). Financial implications of the draft resolution submitted by Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1140 (Cameroon), 1143 nge 22 Powers (AIL. 410). A/5348 (Mauritania), 1148 (Nigel' ), 1150 (Madagascar), earch 35th: Question of the publication of a UN juridical 1151 (Central Mrican Republic), 1152 (Congo yearbook. Financial implications of the draft (Brazzaville)), 1153 (Nigeria) resolution submitted by the 6th Cttee (A/5342 & ects Corr.1). A/5355 s of 36th: Budget estimates for the financial year 1963. AGREEMENTS, MULTILATERAL: See International Law by UN bonds. A/5358 Commission: report - 10 .. 37th: UN Operations in the Congo: cost estimates and ear financing. A/5366 the 38th: Appointment of the Secretary-General of the ALGERIA 297 UN. A/5362 -- admission to UN (agenda item 20) 3. 39th: Audit reports relating to expenditure by Documents specialized agencies and the !AEA: (a) ear­ Afghanistan, Albania, Chile, Ethiopia, France, markings and contingency allocations from the Ghana, Guinea, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, its, special account of the Expanded Programme of Ivory Coast, Jordan, Lebanon, Liberia, III 1 technical assistance. Audit reports for the Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Nigeria, 5302 year ended 31 Dec 1961 relating to expenditure Pakistan, Romania, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, ear by specialized agencies and the !AEA of techni­ Tunisia, USSR, United Arab Republic, United iar cal assistance funds allocated from the special Kingdom, USA, Venezuela, Yemen, Yugo­ slavia. Draft resolution. A/L. 394 & Corr. 1 e, account. A/5367 40th: Audit reports relating to expenditure by special­ (addsCeylon, India and Nepal as eo-sponsor-s), ized agencies and the !AEA: (b) earmarkings ,es Add. 1 (adds Indonesia and Senegal as eo­ and allotments from the Special Fund. Audit sponsors) reports for the year ended 31 Dec 1961 relating ther Algeria. Cable dated 30 Sep from Head of Govern­ to expenditure by executing agencies of funds ment applying for membership. A/li246 earmarked from the Special Fund. A/5368

25 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th aesaten)

ALGERIA.(continued) ANGOLA (continued) A -- admission to UN (continued) -- seU-government 0: independence (continued) Documents (continued) Documents (continued) SC: Pl'esldent. Letter h'ansmlttlng SC reaotutten Dmft resolutions and amendments thereto (con- of 4 Oct recommending admission of Algol'ia. tinued) A/5251 Libel'la, MaU, Maurltania, Morocco, Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1146 Nlger, Nlgel'ia, Pakistlln, Phlllppines, Draft rescluttcn in A/L, 394, Corl'. 1 & Add. 1 Slerrll Leone, somnun, Sudan, Syria, adopted by accmmntton as resolution 1754 Togo, Tunisla, United Arab Republte, (XVII) Joint drnft resolution calltng fOl' seU­ -- independence determination and independence for Terl't­ Statements in Plenart: Meetings 1134 (Cambodla), tortea under Portuguese ndmtutstratton, 1140 (Lil3ya, Morocco), 1141 (Lebanon, Tunisia), A/C. 4/L. 759 and Add. 1 (adds Afghanis­ 1143 (Mauritania), 1148 (GUinea) tan, Burma, Congo (BrazzavUle), Fed- eration of Malaya, Gabon, Iran, Lebanon, ',. Libya, Senegnl, Tangnnyika and Ugnnda as ALGERIAN REFUGEES: See Refugees co-spcnsccs) Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, India, Madagascar, MaU, Syria, Tanganyika, ALLIANCE FOR PROGRESS Tunisia and Yugoslavia. Draft resolution Statements in. Plenary: Meetings 1134 (Haiti), 1135 calling for independence of Angola, de­ (Chile), 1137 (Colombia), 1144 (Costa Rica), manding that Portugal cease its repres­ 1145 (Cuba), 1150 (Dominican Republic), 1193 sive acttons against Angola and requesting (Chile) Security Council to take appropriate measures, including sanctions, to secure Portugal's compliance. A/L. 415 & Add, 1 AMERICAN SAMOA (agenda item 49) (adds Algel'ia and United Arab Republic as Documents co-sponsors) Secretary-General, Summary of information for USA, Draft resolution requesting President of 1960 transmitted by USA. A/5081 General Assembly to appoint two UN'Rep­ resentatives to gather information on political, economic and social conditions ANGOLA in Angola and by visiting' -- self-government or independence (agenda items 25,29, 54: those two territories or other places as See also Angola situation; : elimination; necessary, A/L, 420 (not pressed to a General Assembly: hearings; Territories under vote at 1201st meeting) Portuguese administration; Territories under Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1397,1398,14(;0, Portuguese administration: status 1403, 1408, 1427 Documents Report. 1./5349 & Add. 1 GA: Special Committee on Territories under Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1168,1170,1180, Portuguese Administration. Report. A/5160 1183-1188,"'II96,' 1201 & Corr, 1 (English only), Add. 1,2 Draft resolution in A/L. 415 & Add. 1 adopted (57­ GA: Special Committee on the Situation with regnrd 14-18) at 1196th meeting as resolution 1819 to the Implementation of the Declaration on (XVII) the Granting of Independence to Colonial Draft resolution I in A/5349 & Add. 1 [on self­ Countries and Peoples. Report, chap. XI. determination and independence for Terri­ A/5238 tories under Portuguese administration] GA: Spacial Committee on the Situation with regard adopted by roll-call vote (82-7-13) at 1194th to the Implementation of the Declaration on meeting as resolution 1807 (XVII) the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Resolutions sub­ mitted in its report (A/f):7,38). A/L.413· ANGOLASITUATION (agenda item 29) GA: Sub-Cttee on the Situation in Angola, Report. GA resolutions 1603 (XV), 1742 (XVI) A A/5286 Documents Secretary-General. Report on financial implica­ GA: President. Letter dated 9 Nov re-allocating tions of draft resolution in A/L. 420. A/C. 5/ item to 4th Cttee. A/C.4/556/Rev.l/ 971 Add. 1, 2 (letter' dated 20 Nov re-allocating A Draft resolutions and amendl.,ents thereto item to plenary) Algeria, Burundi, Congo (Brazzaville), Ethi­ GA: Special Cttee on 'I'erritor-ies unds ; ?ortuguese opia, Ghana, Guinea, Iraq, Liberia, Mali, Admtnrstratton. Report. A/5160 & Corr. 1 Mauritania, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, (English only), Add. 1, 2 Siecra Leone, Syria, Tanganyika, Tunisia, GA: Sub-Cttee on the Situation in Angola. Report. United Arab Republic and Upper Volta. A/5286 Amendments (to A/L. 420). A/L.423 Secretary-General. Report on financial implica­ A Algeria, Cambodia,Cameroon, Central African tions of draft resolution in A/L. 420. A/C. 5/ Republic, Ceylon, Chad" Congo (Leopold­ 971 ' ville), Dahomey, Ethiopia, Ghana, GUinea, A India/ Indonesia, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan,

26 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) ANGOLA SITUATION (continued) ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH EAST ASIA (ASA) Draft resolutions and amendments thereto Statements in Plenarr Meetings 1134 (Philippines), --xi"geria, Burundi, Oongo (Brazzaville); Ethi­ 1135 (Thniland, 1140 (Federation of Malaya) opia, Ghana, GUinea, Iraq, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco! Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Syria, Tanganyika, Tunisia, ASYLUM, RIGHT OF United Arab Republic and Upper Volta. See nlso under Humnn rights: covenants (draft): civil and Amendments (to A/L. 420). A/L.423 political Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, GUinea, India, -- declaration (draft) (agenda item 46) Madagascar, Mali, Syria, Tanganyika, GA resolution 1682 (XVI) Tunisia and Yugoslavia. Draft resolut.on Documents calling upon Pcrtuguese authorities to Commn on Human Rights. Report, chap. VI. desist from armed ac.lon and repressive E/3403 & Add.1-5 measures against the people of Angola and Saudi Arabia. Draft resolution calling for further

'f; requesting Security Council to take appro­ consideration of this item at 18th session of priate measures, including sanctions to General Assembly. A/C.3/L.I047 secure Portugal's compliance. AlL. 415 Secretariat. [Note transmitting additional com­ & Add. 1 (adds Algeria and United Arab ments of Governments on the draft declara­ Republic as eo-sponsors) tion]. A/4793 USA. Draft resolution requesting President of Secretary-Genera.l. Memorandum [transmitting General Assembly to appoint two United comments of Governments). A/4452/Add.l Nations Representatives to gather infor­ Secretary-General. Memorandum [transmitting mation on political, economic and social text of draft declaration and account of work conditions in Angola and Mozambique by in Commn on Human Rights and ESC]. visiting those two territories or other A/4792 places as necessary. A/L. 420 (not Secretary-General. Note. A/5145 [contains, in pressed to a vote at 1201st meeting) Annex, text of draft declaration) Discussion in General Cttee: Meetings 148,152 Amendments and sub-amendments to draft declara­ Reports. A/5230, A/5298 tion in A/5145 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 982. Algeria, GUinea, Iraq, Mali, Morocco and No report issued United Arab Republic. Amendment. Discussion in Plenflr : Meetings 1129, 1136 (Sudan), A/C. 3/L.1044 & Add. 1 (adds Cameroon 1140 Libya, 1147 (Algeria), 1150 (SaudiArabia), and Tunisia as cc-sponsors), Rev. 1 1151 (Somalia), 1153 (Nigeria), 1155 (Portugal), Algeria, Guinea, Iraq, Mali, Morocco and 1168,1170,1180,1183-1188,1196,1201 United Arab Republic. Amendments (to Draft resolution in A/L. 415 & Add. 1 adopted amendments in A/C. 3/L.l035). A/C. 3/ (57-14-18) at 11ge'h meeting as resolution L.l045 1819 (XVII) Belgium. Amendments. A/C. 3/L.1039 I Oral recommendation by General Assembly Presi­ Rev. 1-3 dent [to re-allocate item to 4th Cttee] adopted Brazil. Amendments. A/C. 3/L.l036 & Corr.1 without vote at 1168th meeting (French only) Recommendation in A/5230 [to include item in Bulgaria. Amendment. A/C. 3/L.l041 & Rev. 1 agenda and allocate it to plenary] adopted (withdrawn at 1201st meeting) without vote at 1129th meeting Greece. Amendments. A/C.3/L.1037 Recommendation in A/5298 [to re-allocate item to Norway and Toga. Amendments. A/C. 3/ plenary] adopted without vote at 1170th meet­ L. 1035 & Add. 1 (adds Costa Rica as eo­ ing sponsor) Peru. Amendment. A/C. 3/L.1042, Rev. 1, Rev.l/Corr.1 ANGOLAN REFUGEES iN THE CONGO: See Refugees Poland. Amendments. A/C. 3/L.1038, A/C. 3/ L. 1040 & Rev. 1 (withdrawn at 1201st meeting of 3rd Cttee and then re-intro­ .- ANTARCTICA duced, omitting the word "territorial", Statements in 4th Cttee: Meeting 1414 (Chile) by Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama and Venezuela) (agenda item 49) Poland. Sub-amendment (to A/C, 3/L.1039/ Documents Rev. 3). A/C. 3/L. 1050 (rejected at Secretary-General. Summary of information for 1201st meeting) 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. USSR. Amendments. A/C. 3/L.1043, Rev. 1 A/5080/Add. 1 & 13 . (Withdrawn at 1198th meeting of 3rd Cttee) USA. Sub-amendment (to A/C. 3/L. 1044 & ARAB REFUGEES: See Palestine refugees Add. 1). A/C. 3/L. 1049 Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1192-1202 Report. A/5359 & Corr.1 ASIA AND THE F!..R EAST Action in Plenary: Meeting 1198 -- nuclear-free zones (proposed): See Disarmament; Draft resolution in A/5359 & Corr.1 adopted Nuclear-free zones: establishment (proposed) unanimously as resolution 1839 (XVII)

21 ,-~ ,.::,..,._--~..:;:;::-,-,~-======-:="0=::.="=-:::':~=--::::===~-::::;~====:::::=.::::_===..::::.'~' .:.,..,;======~=?,'"

C, SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

ATOMIC ENERGY ATOMIC WEAPONS (continued) AI -- peaceful uses: See International Atomic Energy Agency: -- tests: suspension (continued) , report, 196f/1962 Documents (continued) /" Eighteen-Nation cttee on Disarmament. 1st I interim progresa report including text of " ATOMIC RADIA TION: See Radiation Eight-Nation Joint Memorandum: DC/203 " -Eighteen-Nation Cttee on Disarmament: Co-Chair­ man. Letter dated 7 Dec concerning prog­ ATOMIC WEAPONS ress of the cttee's deltberattons resumed on -- dissemination: prevention 26 Nov, A/53311 & Add. 1,2 (Annex I: inculdes, See also Disarmament provisional verbatim records ENDC/PV. 83­ .. GA resolution 1664 (XVI) 90 and ENDC/SC.1/PV. 45-47; Annex 11: Documents Summaries of positions of delegations) The following communications were received con­ India. Letter dated 25 Jun proposing inclusion of cerning GA resolution 1664 (XVI) and in item in agenda. A/5141 & Add. 1 reply to the Secretary-General's letter of Norway. Letter,l1 Jul transmitting text of state­ 2 Jan 1962: ment adopted by Storting (Norwegian Parlia­ Byelorussian SSR. Letter dated 17 Apr 1962. ment) concerning nuclear weapons tests. A/5118 A/5133 Chile, Czechoslovakia, Nots verbale dated Secretary-General. Report concerning financial 13 Mar 1962, A/5105, A/5106 implications of draft resolution A in A/5279. Disarmament Commn: Chairman. Letter dated A/C. 5/940 3 Oct transmitting replies in DC/201 & Secretary-General. Report concerning financial Add. 1-3 (contains replies reproduced in implications of resolution 1762 (XVII). A/5103, A/5105, A/5108, A/5111,A/5112) A/C. 5/960 & DC/204 &Add. 1, Add, l/Co1'1'. 1 (con­ USSR. L6tt~1' dated 6 Jun 1962 transmitting tains replies reproduced in A/5116, Government statement of 3 Jun concerning A/5118). A/C,l/871 USA tests. A/5130 Finland. Letter dated 26 Mar 1962. A/5108 USA. Letter dated 11 Oct transmitting memo­ Hungary. Letter dated 9 Apr 1962, A/5116 randa entitled "Detection and identification Israel. Letter dated 30 Mar 1962. A/5112 of underground nuclear explosions" and Nigeria. Letter dated 28 Mar 1962. A/5111 "Technical considerations relevant to a Romania. Letter dated 15 Mar 1962. A/5107 nuclear test ban". A/C. 1/873 USSR. Letter dated 10 Mar 1962. A/5103 USA. Letter dated 18 Oct transmitting texts of -- prohibition: conference (proposed) (agenda item 26) the draft United Kingdom and USA nuclear GA resolution 1653 (XVI) tests treaties submitted to the Eighteen­ Documents Nation Cttee on Disarmament. A/C. 1/874 Afghanistan, Algeria, Ceylon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Yugoslavia. Letter dated 13 Apr 1962 trans­ Guinea, India, Indonesia, Liberia, Mali, mitting statement of President Tito. A/5117 Nepal, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, Tangan­ & Corr. 1 (English only) yika, Tunisia, United Arab RepubHc and Draft resolutions and amendments thereto Yugoslavia. Draft resolution. A/C. 1/ Afghanietan, Algeria, Bolivia, Brazil, Burma, L. 319 & Add. 1 (adds Iraq, Mauritania and Cambodia, Ceylon, Chile, Cyprus, Morocco as eo-sponsors) Ethiopia, Ghana, GUinea, India, Indo­ Byelorussian SSR. Letter dated 17 Apr 1962. nesia, Iraq, Jordan, Laos, Liberia, A/5119 Mali, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Somalia, Czechoslovakia. Letter dated 28 Mar 1962. Sudan, Sweden, Syria, Tanganyika, A/5110 United Arab Republic, Venezuela and Hungary. Letter dated 9 Apr 1962. A/5115 Yugoslavia. Joint draft resolution con­ Romania. Letter dated 29 Mar 1962. A/5113 demning all nuclear weapons tests and Secretary-General. Report transmitting com- endorsing the Eight-Nation Joint Memo­ ments by Governments. A/5174 & Add. 1,2 randum of 16 Apr as a basis for negotia­ A (include texts in A/5102, A/5110, A/5113, tion. A/C. i/r, 310, Corr.1 (Russian Aj511o, A/5119) only), Corr.2 (French only), Co1'1'.3 USSR. Letter dated J.O Mar 1962 transmitting (Spanish only) & Add. 1-4 (adds Cameroon, letter of 10 Mar from Minister for Foreign Central Mrican Republic, Congo (Brazaa­ Affairs. A/5102 ville), Madagascar, Mauritania, Morocco Discussion in 1st Cttee: Meetings 1285-1288 and Senegal as eo-sponsors) Report. A/5323 & Corr. 1 (Spanish only) Canada. Amendments (to A/C. l/L. 310 ,& Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1148 (Israel), 1192, Add. 1-4). A/C. l/L. 313 & Rev. 1, 2 1193 (Chile) Ghana. Sub-amendments (to A/C. 1/L.313). Draft resolution in A/5323 adopted (33-0-25) at A/C. 1/L. 314 (incorporated into A/C. 1/ 1l92nd meeting as resolution i801 (XVII) L.313/Rev.1) -- tests: suspension (agenda item 77) Madagascar and Mauritania. Sub-amendments B Documents (to A/C.1/L. 313). A/C. l/L. 315 (With­ Advisory Cttee. 33rd report. Financial implica­ drawn) tions of resolution 1762 (XVII). A/5347

28 C. SUBJECT INDEX (' 7th session)

ATOMIC WEAPONS (continued) BALKAN STATES -- tests: suspension (continued) -- nuclear-free zones (proposed): See Nuclear-!l'ee zones: Documents (continued) establishment (proposed) - Driift l'esolutions and amendments thereto (con­ tinued) United Kingdom and USA. Draft resolution BARBADOS (agenda item 49) urging the Conference of the Eighteen­ Documents Nation Commn on Disarmament to con­ Secretary-General. Summary of information for clude a treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. tests. Alc, 1/L. 311 A/50aolAdd. 1 & 16 .. United Kingdom and USA. Sub-amendment (to A/c. 1/L. 313/Rev. 1). A/c. 1/L. 316 & Rev. 1 BARCO, JAMES W. (USA) Discussion in 1st Cttee: Meetings 1246-1266 -- biogl'aphy. A/c. 5/L. 753 Report. A/5279 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 940,976 Report. A/5385 (agenda item 49) Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (Brazil, USA), Documents 1126 (Japan, Norway), 1127 (Afghanistan, Secretary-General, Summary of information for USSR), 1129 (Czechoslovakia, Guatemala, Iran, 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. Yugoslavia), 1130 (Canada), 1131 (Burma, A/5078 & Add. 16 Ecuador, Uruguay), 1132 (Australia, Denmark, -- self-government or independence (agenda items 25 and Liberia), 1133 (New Zealand, Pakistan, 49) Ukrainian SSR), 1134 (Philippines, United See also Colonialism: elimination; General Assembly: I1 Kingdom), 1135 (Ceylon, Chile, Thailand, hearings: Basutoland; Non-Self- Governing Terri­ Turkey), 1136 (Albania, Italy, Poland, Sudan), tories: information to United Nations 1137 (Laos, Mongolia), 1138 (Hungary, Vene­ Documents zuela), 1139 (Bulgaria, Ethiopia, Mali, United Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Madagascar, Mali, Arab Republic), 1140 (Cameroon, Federation of Syria, Tanganyika, Tunisia, Uruguay, Malaya, Libya), 1141 (Pakistan, Romania), Venezuela and Yugoslavia. Draft resolution 1142 (China), 1143 (Ghana, Mauritania, Nepal, [Question of Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Spain), 1144 (Byelorussian SSR, Costa Rica, Swaziland] calling for elections and a con­ Paraguay, Sierra Leone, Togo), 1145 (Cuba, stitutional conference to set date of inde­ Jamaica), 1147 (Indonesia), 1148 (Israel), 1149 pendence. A/L. 416 (Argentina), 1150 (Madagascar, Saudi Arabia), GA: Special Cttee on the Situation with regard to 1151 (Central African Republic, Somalia), 1152 the Implementation of the Declaration on the (Iraq, Syria), 1153 (Mexico, Upper Volta), 1155 Granting of Independence to Colonial Coun­ (Cyprus), 1165, 1193 (Chile) tries and Peoples. Report, chap. V. A/5238 Draft resolution A in A/5279 [condemning nuclear Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1411-1413,1422­ weapons tests, endorsing Eight-Nation 1424 Memorandum of 16 Apr, and requesting Report. A/5871 & Cor r, 1,2 meeting of Eighteen-Nations Cttee on Dis­ Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1132,1143,1168-1172, armament in Nov] adopted (75-0-21) at 1175-1178, 1180, 1181, 1192,1195,1196,1198 1165th meeting as resolution 1762 A (XVII) Draft resolutions in A/L. 416 [Question of Basuto­ Draft resolution B in A/5279 [urging Conference land, Bechuanaland and Swaziland] adopted of Eighteen-Nation Cttee on Disarmament to (42-2-12) at 1196th meeting as resolution conclude treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons 1817 (XVII) tests] adopted by roll-call vote (51-10-40) at 1165th meeting as resolution 1762 B (XVII) BECHUANALAND (agenda item 49) Documents AUSTRALIA Secretary-General. Summary of information for -- Non-Self-Governing Territories: See Cocos (Keeling) 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. Islands; Papua - A/5078/Add. fi & 16 -- Trust Territories: See Nauru; New Guinea -- self-government or independence (agenda item 25) See also Colonialism: elimination Documents Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Madagascar, Mali, Syria, Tanganyika, Tunisia, Uruguay, Venezuela and Yugoslavia. Draft resolution [Question of Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland] calling for elections and a con­ stitutional conference to set date of inde­ BAHAMA ISLANDS (agenda item 49) pendence. A/L. 416 Documents GA: Special Cttee on the Situation with regard to Secretary-General. Summary of information for the Implementation of the Declaration on the 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. Granting of Independence to Colonial Coun­ A/50801Add. 5, 6 tries and Peoples. Report, chap. V. A/5238

29 ::::: :;: :=.... ;

BECHUANALAND (continued) -- selt-goverument 01' independence (continued) Discussion in Plenal'tt: Meetings 1132, 1143, 1168-1172~ 1175-1179, 118 ,1181,1192,1195,1196,1198 -- DmIt resolution in A/L. 416 [Question of Basuto­ land, Beehuannland and Swazlland] adopted (42-2-12) at 1196th meeting as resoluttou 1817 (XVII)

BELIZE: See BrlUsh Honduras ..

BERLIN SITUATION Statements in Plen&: Meetings 1125 (USA), 1126 (Japan, Norway), 1127 (USSR), 1129 (Czecho­ slovakia, Guatemala, Iran, Yugoslavia), 1131 (Guinea, Uruguay), 1132 (Australia, Denmark, Liberia), 1133 (Ukrainian SSR), 1134 (Cam­ bodia, Greece, United Kingdom), 1135 (Chile, Turkey), 1136 (Albania, Poland), 1137 (Mon­ golia), 1138 (Belgium, Hungary, Venezuela), 1139 (Bulgaria, United Arab Republic), 1140 (Cameroon, Federation of Malaya, Libya), 1141 (Romania), 1142 (China), 1143 (Ghana), 1144 (Byelorussian SSR, Paraguay, Togo), 1147 (Indonesia), 1149 (Argentina), 1151 (Algeria, Central African Republic, Somalia), 1152 (Iraq), BOHR, NIELS (Denmark) 1153 (Mextco, Nigeria, Upper Volta) -- tribute to In Special Political Cttee: Meeting 351 (agenda item 49) Documents BOLZANO(BOZEN)PROVINCE Secretary-General. Summary of information for -- implementation of Paris Agreement, 1946 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1131 (Austria), 1136 A/5080 & Add. 4 --ll£aly)

BOARDOF AUDITORS BRITISH GUIANA (agenda item 49) -- members: election (agenda item 66(c)) See also Colonialism: elimination Documents Documents Secretariat, Note. A/C, 5/L. 765 secretary-General. Summary of information for Secrrtary-General. Note. A/5157 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 963 A/5080 & Add, 2 Report, A!5293 -- & Venezuela: boundaries: See Venezuela: & British Action in Plenary: Meeting 1191 Guiana:' boundaries - Draft resolution in A/5293 adopted without vote as resolution 1'/93 (XVII) The Auditor-General of Colombia elected for a (agenda item 49) three-year term beginning on 1 Jul 1963 Documents ComQosition of the Board of Auditors as of 1 Jul 1963 seer etary-General. Summary of information for Members Term of Office . 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. ColombIa, re-elected 1 Jul 1963 - 30 Jun 1966 A/5080 & Add. 8 Netherlands 1 Jul 1962 - 30 Jun 1965 Statements in 4th Cttee: Meeting 1414 (Guatemala, Pakistan 1 Jul 1961 - 30 Jun 1964 Mexico, United Ki.ngdom) -- reports Statements in Plenu~: Meeting 1l2~ (Guatemala, See under subject of report for discussion Mexico, United Kihgdorn) Special Fund: administrative budget, 1961: accounts. A/5206 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 6) Special Fund: finances: accounts, 1961. A/5206 (agenda item 49) (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.B) Documents Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances: Secretary-General. Summary of information accounts, 1961. A/5206 (GAOR, 17th sess. , transmitted by United Kingdom. A/50B1 & suppl. no.B) Add. 5 Technical assistance: UN programme: finances: accounts, H6t. A/5206 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.6)

30 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

BRUNEI (agenda item 49) CAIRO DECLARA'l'ION OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, Documents 1962 (agenda item 84) Secretal·y-Genel'al. Summary of Intormntton fOl' Documents 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. Dept of ESA: Undel'-Secl'etal'y (de Seynes). State­ A/5079, Add. 2 & 5 ment at 795th meeting of 2nd cttee, A/C. 2/ L.644 GA: 2nd Citee: Chairman. Concluding statement BURUNDI summing up the work of the 2nd Citee during -- admission to UN (agenda item 20) the 17th session of the General Assembly. Documents A/C. 2/L. 720 .. Belgium,and Congo (Leopoldville), Draft resolution• United Arab Republic. Letter dated 14 Aug 1962 A/L. 392 & Add. 1 (adds Ethiopia, Guinea and requesting inclusion of supplementary item Liberia as co-sponsors) "The Cairo Declaration of Developing C,.'.1ll­ Burundi. Cable dated 4 Jul from Prfme Minister tries" in the agenda. A/5162 (contains, in applying fOl' membership. A/5148 & Add. 1 annex, text of declaration) (letter of same date) Draft resolutions and amendments thereto SC: President. Letter transmitting resolution of Algeria, Brazil, Cambodia, Ceylon, Chile, Council of 26 Jul 1962 recommending admis­ Congo (Leopoldville), Cuba, Cyprus, sion of Burundt, A/5151 Ethiopia, Ghana, GUinea, India, Indonesia, Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1122 Lebanon, Libya, Mt\li, Morocco, Pakistan, - Draft resolution in A/L. 392 & Add. 1 adopted by Panama, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tanganyika, acclamation as resolution 1749 (XVII) United Arab Republic, Yemen and Yugo­ -- assistance (agenda item 78) slavia. Draft resolution. A/C. 2/L. 650 & ", Documents Add. 1 (adds Burma, Federation of Malaya, Advisor~' Cttee. 42nd report. Financial implica­ Nepal and Tunisia as co-spousors), Rev. 1 tions of draft resolution V In A/5360. (also adds Afghanistan as eo-sponsor), A/5372 Rev. l/Add. 1 (adds Uganda as eo-sponsor), Office of the Under-Secretary in charge of Congo Rev. 2 Civilian Affairs: Under-Secretary (Amachree), Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 798-002,804-808, Statement at 872nd meeting of 2nd Cttee. 812-815,817-822,926,827,629-832 A/C. 2/L. 717 Report. A/5344 & Add. 1, & Add. I/Corr. 1 Secretary-General. Report. Financial implica­ Statements in 3rd CUee: Meeting 1153 (Yugoslavia) tions of draft resolutton in A/C. 2/L. 716/ Discussion in PlenaI' : Meetings 1129 (Yugoslavia), Rev. 1. A/C. 5/968 1131 GUinea, 1135 (Chile), 1136 (Sudan), 1139 Secretary-General. Report. Supplementary (Ethiopia, Mali, United Arab Republic), 1140 estimates for the financial year 1962. Addi­ (Libya, Morocco), 1141 (Lebanon), 1143 (Ghana), tional financial commitments to meet emer­ 114'; (Indonesia), 1197 gency measures under General Assembly Draft resolution I in A/5344 adopted (78-0-2) at resolution 1746 (XVI) - the future of Ruanda­ 1197th meeting as resolution 1620 (XVII) Uzundi, A/C. 5/929 Secretary-General. Report on the implementation of General Assembly resolution 1746 (XVI). A/5283 & C01'1'. 1 CAMBODIA Secretary-General. Statement of financial impli­ -- neutrality: declaration (proposed) cations of draft resolution in A/C. 2/L. 716. Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1134 (Cambodia), A/C. 2/L. 716/Add. 2 1136 (Albania), 1137 (Laos) Draft resolutions - -& Thailand Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Statements in Plenary: Meptings 1129 (Yugoslavia), Congo (Brazzaville), Dahomey, Ethiopia, 1132 (Australia), 1134 (;ambodia), 1135 (Thai­ Ghana, GUinea, Iran, Ivory Coast, Liberia, land), 1139 (Cambodia), 1141 (Thailand), 1143 Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, (Cambodia), 1144 (Thailand) Tanganyika, Togo, Tunisia and Upper -- & Viet Nam Volta. Draft resolution. A/C. 2/L. 716 & Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1129 (Yugoslavia), Add. 1 (adds Belgium and Madagascar as 1132 (Australia), 1134 (Cambodia) eo-sponsors), Rev. 1 (also adds Brazfl, Congo (Leopoldville) and Morocco as sponsors), Rev. l/Corr. 1 UNDER UNITED KINGDOM ADMINISTRA TION Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 872,873,876-878 Documents Report. A/5360 & C01'1'.l (English only) United Kingdom. Note verbale dated 27 Feb 1962 Discussion in 5th Citee: Meetings 934-938,981 concerning termination date of Trusteeship Reports. A/5374,A/5384, pal', 15-32 & Corr.1 Agreements in Northern and Southern Cam­ (English only) eroons and incorporation of Nor-thern Cam­ Action in Plenary: Meetings 1197,1201 eroons into the Federation of Ntgerta, Draft resolution V in A/5360 & C01'1'. 1 (English A/5097 only) adopted (81-0-11) at the 1197th meeting as resolution 1836 (XVII) Draft resolution in A/5384 adopted without vote at the 1201st meeting as resolution 1860 (XVII)

31 ...-=-"-_ ... :;;:;.======-===~-:::::; -======.:::: =_._-- .

C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

L CANCER CHINA (continued) . -- research -- representation in UN (continued) 1,' GA resotutton 1398 (XIV) Discussion in Plenary (continued) 1 See also United Nationb; budget, 1963: Cancel' Research (Ceylon), 1136 (Albania, Poland, Sudan), 1137 :'' Fund (Laos, Mongolia), 1138 (Hungary), 1139 (BUl­ Documents garia, Mali), 1140 (Cameroon), 1141 (Romania, A meeting was held in the General Assembly Hall Tunisia), 1142 (China), 1143 (Ghana, Nepal), on 10 Oct 1962 and awards were presented 1144 (Byelorussian SSR, Paraguay, Sierra to the following: Dr. W. R. S. Doll (United Leone), 1145 (Cuba), 1147 (Algeria, Indonesia), Kingdom), Dr , Ludwik Gross (USA), Dr , 1148 (Guinea), 1151 (Algeria, Central African Wilhelm H. Hueper (USA), Professor Leon Republic, Somalia), 1152 (Iraq, Syria), 1153 M. Shabad (USSR), Pl'ofessor A. Lacassagne (Upper VoUa), 1156-1162 (France), Dr. George N, Papanicolaov (USA), Draft resolution in A/L. 395 rejected by roll-call Or. Peyton Rous (USA) vote (56-42-12) at 1162nd meeting Secr-etary-General. Note [on award of United Nations prizes for research work in the causes and control of cancerous diseases]. CHINA, PEOPLES' REPUBLIC OF A/5248 -- & India Statements were made by the Dn-ector-General of Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1140 (Fedel'ation of the WHO and the Minister for Foreign Affairs Malaya) of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic

CHINESE REFUGEES IN HONG KONG AND MACAO: See CANCER RESEARCH FUND: See under United Nations: Refugees - budget, 1963 COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS (agenda item 49) CARTOGRAPHY: See United Nations: budget, 1963: United Documents Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Africa, Secretary-General. Summary of information for Ist, Addis Ababa, 1963 1960 transmitted by Australia. A/5079

CAYMAN ISLANDS (agenda item 49) COFFEE Documents -- International Agreement, 1962: See under Commodity Secretary-General. Summary of information for problems 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5080/Add. 12 COLONIALISM -- elimination (agenda item 25) CENTRAL AMERICA GA resolution 1654 (XVI) -- political integration: charter (proposed) See also Angola; Basutoland; Bechuanaland; ; Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1129 (Guatemala), Mozambique; Northern Rhodesta; ; 1133 (El Salvador) Southern Rhodesia; South West Africaj Swazilandj Documents CHAKRAVARTY, BffiENDRA NARAYAN (India) Advisory Cttee. 34th report. Financial implica­ -- biography. A/C. 5/L. 770 tions of draft resolution in [A/L.410]. A/5348 Afghanistan, Algeria, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Indonesia, Iraq, CHILDREN, RIGHTS OF: See Human rights: covenants Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Mongolia, (dratt): civil and political Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Somalia, Syria, Tanganyika, Uganda, United Arab Republic and Upper volta, Draft reso­ CHINA lution calling for increased membership of .i ... -- representation in UN (agenda item 92) the Special on the Situation with regard Documents to the Implementation of the Declaration on USSR. Draft resolution proposing to replace in all the Granting of Independence to Colonial UN organs representatives of the Republic of Countries and Peoples and amendments to China with representatives of the People's its terms of reference. AIL. 410 & Add. 1 Republic of China. A/L.395 (adds Cameroon, Chad, Congo (Brazzavtlle), USSR. Letter dated 17 Sep 1962 requesting inclu­ Congo (Leopoldville), Dahomey, Gabon, sion of additional item "Restoration of the Ivory Coast, Libya, Mauritania, Niger, lawful rights of the People's Republic of Philippines and Togo as eo-sponsors) China in the UN" in the agenda. A/5218 Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Madagascar, Mali, Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1126 (Japan), 1127 Syria, Tanganyika, Tunisia, Uruguay, (Afghanistan, USSR), 1129 (Czechoslovakia), Venezuela and Yugoslavia. Draft resolution 1130 (Senegal), 1131 (Burma, Guinea), 1132 [Question of Basutoland, Bechuanaland and (Denmark), 1134 (Cambodia, Philippines), 1135 Swaziland] calling for electionsand a consti-

32 . C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) COLONIALISM (continued) COLONIALISM (continued) -- elimination (conttnued) -- elimination (continued) Documents (continued) Discussion in Plenary (continued) tutional conference to setdate ofindependence. 1150 (Dominican Republic, Madagascar), 1151 AIL. 416 (Algeria, Central African Republic, Somalia), Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Madagascar, Mali, 1152 (Congo (Brazzaville), Iraq, Syria), 1153 Syria, Tanganyika, Tunisia, Uruguay, (Nigeria, Upper Volta), 1155 (Cyprus), 1167­ Venezuela and YugoslaVia. Draft. resolution 1178, 1180, 1181, 1192, 1193 (Chile), 1194-1196 [Question of ] calling for Draft resolution in AIL. 410 & Add. 1, as amended transfer of power to the people of Northern [on increased membership and amendedterms .. Rhodesia in accordance with universal suf­ of reference for the Special Cttee on the Situa­ frage and for the abolition of racial discrtmt­ tion with regard to the Implementation of the nation. AIL. 418 Declaration on the Granting of Independence Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Madagascar, l'vtali, to Colonial Countries and Peoples] adopted .. Syria, Tanganyika, Tunisia, Uruguay, by roll-call vote (101-0-4) at 1195th meeting Venezuela and Yugoslavfa. Draft resolution as resolution 1810 (XVII) [Question of Nyasaland] noting agreement on Draft resolution in AIL. 413 [on Angola] disposed new Constitution, Nov 1962. AIL. 417 of by adoption at 1194th meeting of resolution GA: Special Cttee on the Situation with regard to 1807 (XVII) [on self-determination and inde­ the Implementation of the Declaration on the pendence for Territories under Portuguese Granting of Independence to Colonial Coun­ administration] and adoption at 1196th meet­ tries and Peoples. Report [covering the ing of resolution l8Hl (XVll) [Angola situa­ period from 20 Feb 1962 to 19 Sep 1962] tion] (contains information on Southern Rhodesia, Draft resolution in AIL. 413 [on Kenya] adopted Northern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, Basutoland, (88-0-4) at 1195th meeting as resolution 1812 Bechuanaland , Swaziland, Zanzibar, British (XVll) Guiana, Mozambique, South West Africa, Draft resolution in AIL. 413 [on Mozambique] dis­ Kenya, Angola; and petitions relating to Ter­ posed of by adoption at 1194th meeting of ritories in Southern Africa, Singapore, resolution 1807 (XVII) [on self-determination Malta, Aden, Jamaica, Bermuda, Sarawak, and independence for Territories under and Brunei). A/5238 Portuguese administration] GA: Special Cttee on the Situation with regard to Draft resolution in AIL. 413 [on Zanzibar] adopted the Implementation of the Declaration on the (84-0-4) at 1195th meeting as resolution 1811 Granting of Independence to Colonial Coun­ (XVII) tries and Peoples; Resolutions submitted in Draft resolution in AIL. 416 [Question of Basuto­ its report (A/5238). AIL. 413 land, Bechuanaland and Swaziland] adopted Secretary-General. Note concerning Members who (42-2-12) at 1196th meeting as resolution have accepted the President's invitation under 1817 (XVII) resolution 1810 (XVII) to serve on the Special Draft resolution in AIL. 417 [Question of Nyasa­ Cttee: Bulgaria, Chile, Denmark, Iran, Iraq, land] adopted (54-0-6) at 1196th meeting as Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone. A/5397 resolution 1818 (XVll) Secretary-General. Report on financial implica­ Suggestion by United Kingdom not to vote on draft tions of draft resolution in AIL. 410. A/c.51 resolution in AIL. 418 [Question of Northern 962 Rhodesia] adopted (26-4-25) at 1196th meeting United Kingdom. Letter dated 26 Nov 1962 trans­ At 1202nd meeting the President informed the mitting report of the British Guiana Independ­ General Assembly that the nominationof the ence Conference approved on 6 Nov 1962. additional members of the Special Cttee would A/5315 be announced at a later date Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 974 The following Members accepted mvltattons by Report. A/5351 President of GA to serve in the Special Cttee: Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (Braztl, USA), Bulgaria, Chile, Denmark, Iran, Iraq, Ivory 1126 (Japan, Norway), 1127 (USSR), 1129 Coast and Sierra Leone (A/5397). Accord­ (Czechoslovakia, Guatemala, Iran, Yugoslavia), ingly the composition of the above Cttee is as .r .. 1130 (Senegal)" 1131 (Burma, Ecuador, GUinea, follows: Australia, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Uruguay), 1132 (Australia, Denmark, Liberia), Chile, Denmark, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Iraq, 1133 (New Zealand, Pakistan, Ukrainian 2SR), Italy, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Mali, 1134 (Haiti, Philippines, United Kingdom), 1135 Poland, Sierra Leone, Syria, Tanganyika, (Ceylon, Chile, Turkey), 1136 (Albania, Italy, Tunisia, USSR, United Kingdom, USA, Poland, Sudan), 1137 (Colombia, Laos, Mon­ Uruguay, Venezuela and Yugoslavia golia), 1138 (Belgium, Jordan, Venezuela), 1139 (Bulgaria, Ethiopia, Mali, United Arab Republic), 1140 (Cameroun, Federation of COMMISSION OF INVESTIGATION INTO THE CONDITIONS Malaya, Libya, Morocco), 1141 (Pakistan, AND CIRCUMSTANCES RESULTING IN THE TRAGIC Romania, Tunisia), 1143 (Ghana, Mauritania, DEATH OF MR. DAGHAMMARSKJOLD AND OF Nepal, Spain), 1144 (Byelorussian SSR, Costa MEMBERS OF THE PARTY ACCOMPANYING HIM Rica, Paraguay, Sierra Leone, Togo), 1145 -- report. A/5069 & Corr.l (English only) & Add. 1, Add. 11 (Cuba, Jamaica), 1147 (Algeria, Indonesia), Corr.l (English only), Corr.2 (English only). See 1148 (Guinea, Israel, Niger), 1149 (Argentina), Hammarskjold, Dag: death: investigation for d18='" cussion

33 ..:~~-':'~:;:;.::::::::;;.==:======.::::...... =::::-~. ==::z=::======:::::=

C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

COMMISSIONS OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL, COMMODITY PROBLE1VIS (continued) REGIONAL ECONOMIC Documents (continued) -- strengthening ofactivities: See United Nations: economic Cttee of Experts [on international compensation for and social activities: 'deCentralization fluctuations in commodity trade]. Report. E/3447 (E/CN.13/40 (Sales no. : 61. II. D. 3)) Dept of ESA: Under-Secretary (de Seynes). State­ COMMITTEE ON A UNITED NATIONS CAPITAL DEVELOP­ ment at 795th meeting of 2nd Cttee. A/C. 2/ MENT FUND: See United Nations Capital Development L.644 Fund --- ESC. Report,1961/1962, chap. Ill, sect. Ill. A/5203 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 3) GA: 2nd Cttee: Chairman. Concluding statement COMMITTEE ON CONTRIBUTIONS summing up the work of the 2nd Cttee during -- members: election (agenda item 66(b» the 17th session of the General Assembly. Documents A/C. 2/L. 720 Secretariat. Note. A/C. 5/L. 742 Secretariat. Report. International compensatory [Secretariat. Note.] A/C. 5/L. 770 financing in relation to fluctuations in the Secretary-General. Note. A/5156, A/5353 prices of primary commodities: application Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 949,962,978 to individual commodities. A development Drartr'eport. A/c. 5/L. 745 insurance fund for single commodities. Reports. A/5292, A/5382 E/CN. 13/45 (CCP/62/11) Action in Plenary: Meetings 1191,1199 Secretariat. Study. Consideration of compensa­ Draft resolution in A/5292 adopted without vote as tory financial measures to offset fluctuations resolution 1792 (XVII) in the export income of primary producing Messrs. T. W. Cutts (Australia), J. Gibson countries. Stabilization of export proceeds (United Kingdom) and D. Silveira da Mota through a development insurance fund. (Brazil) elected for a three-year term E/CN.13/43 beginning on 1 Jan 1963 Secretary-General. Note. A/5221 Draft resolution in A/5382 adopted without objec­ Draft resolutions and amendments thereto tion as resolution 1792 B (XVII) Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and USA. Mr. B. N. Chakravarty (India) appointed for a Draft resolution [concerning compensatory one-year term beginning on 1 Jan 1963 financing]. A/C. 2/L. 665 & Corr.l Composition of the Cttee on Contributions as of 1 Jan (includes Turkey as eo-sponsor), Add. 1 1963 (adds Chad as eo -sponsor), Rev. 1, 2 (also Members Term of Office adds Ecuador and France as eo-sponsors) Mr. R. T. Bowman (USA) 1 Jan 1962- 31 Dec 1964 Brrzil, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, '." Mr. B. N. Chakravarty (India) 1 Jan 1963-31 Dec 1963 France, Italy, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Mr. P. M. Chernyshev (USSR) 1 Jan 1961-31 Dec 1963 United Kingdom and USA. Draft resolu­ Mr. T. W. Cutts (Australia) 1 Jan 1963-31 Dec 1965 tion [concerning International Coffee Mr. J. Gibson (United Kingdom) 1 Jan 1963-31 Dec 1965 Agreement,1962]. A/C. 2/L. 652 & Rev. 1 Mr. F. N. Kia (Iran) 1 Jan 1962-31 Dec 1964 France. Amendment (to A/C. 2/L. 665 & Add. 1 '1 Mr. J. Pareja y Paz Soldan & Corr.l). A/C. 2/L. 704 (Withdrawn at , (Peru) 1 Jan 1961-31 Dec 1963 864th meeting of 2nd Cttee) Mr. S. Rac zkowski (Poland) 1 Jan 1962- 31 Dec 1964 Indonesia, Pakistan and Thailand. Amendment Mr. D. Silveira da Mota (to A/C. 2/L. 665 & Add. 1). A/C. 2/L. 692 (Brazil) 1 Jan 1963-31 Dec 1965 (withdrawn at 863rd meeting of 2nd Cttee) Mr. M. Viaud (France) 1 Jan 1961-31- Dec 1'963 Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 798-801,804,805, -- report. A/5210 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. 'no. 10): See 807,808,810-820,828,842,846,848,849,863-865

:,' United Nations: finances: contributions for diSCUS­ Report. A/5344 & Add. 1, & Add.l/Corr.l sion Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (Brazil), 1127 (Afghanistan), 1129 (Iran), 1130 (Senegal), 1131 (Ecuador), 1132 (Australia), 1133 (New Zealand), COMMITTEE ON HOUSING, BUILDINGAND PLANNING: 1135 (Chile), 1137 (BoliVia, Colombia), 1140 See under Housmg and urban development (Cameroon, Federation of Malaya), 1143 (Ghana, Spain), 1144 (Costa Rica), 1145 (Jamaica), 1148 (GUinea), 1151 (Central African Republic), 1197 COMMITTEES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY: See names Draft resolution III in A/[i344 [concerning Interna­ of Committees under General Assembly ------tional Coffee Agreement, 1962] adopted (80-1-0) at 1197th meeting as resolution 1822 (XVII) COMMODITIES Draft r esolution XI i11 A/5344 [concerning stabiliza­ -- prices: See Commodity problems tion of commodity prices] adopted (82-0-10) at 1197th meeting asresolutton 1829 (XVII)

COMMODITY PROBLEMS (agenda item 37) GA resolution 1423 (XIV); ESC resolution 915 (XXXIV) CONFERENCE OF THE EIGHTEEN-NATION COMMITTEE Documents ON DISARMAMENT: See Disarmament Commn on International Commodity Report on the 10th session. E/3644 (E/CN.13/55)

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C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL AND CO-ORDINATION AMONG UNITED NATIONS AND SPECIAL­ TOUIUSM, Rome,1963: See under United Nations: IZED AGENCIES budget, 1963 -- administrative and budgetary questions (agenda item 69) Documents Administrative Cttee on Co-ordination. Statement CONFERENCE ON THE PROBLEMS OF ECONOMIC on inter-organizational machinery for DEVELOPMENT, Cairo, Jul1962: See Cairo Declara­ matters of pay and personnel administration tion of Developing Countries, 1962 - transmitted by the Secretary-General. A/C. 5/934 Advis,)ry Cttee. 7th report, par. 67-71. A/5207 CONGO RELIEF COUNTERPART FUND (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) -- accounts, 1961: See United Nations: finances: Trust Funds Advisory Cttee. 30th report. Review of inter­ and Special Accounts: accounts, 1961 organization administrative co-ordination and of the administrative budgets of the agencies for 1963. A/5332 CONGO SITUATION Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (Brazil, USA), financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 25. 1126 (Japan), 1127 (Afghanistan, USSR), 1129 A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.B) (Czechoslovakia, Iran, Yugoslavia), 1130 Secretary-General. Note. Information annex to (Canada, Senegal), 1131 (Burma, GUinea), 1132 the budget estimates for the financial year (Australia, Denmark, Liberia), 1133 (Pakistan, 1963. A/C. 5/918 . Ukrainian SSR), 1134 (Cambodia, United King­ Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 941,974,978, 983 .~ dom), 1135 (Turkey), 1136 (Albania, Italy, Report. A!5394 :~ Sudan), 1~37 (Laos), 1138 (Belgium, Jordan), Action in Plenary: Meeting 1201 1139 (Ethiopia, Mali, United Arab Republic), Draft resolution in A/5394 adopted without vote as 1140 (l!'ederation of Malaya, Libya), 1141 resolution 1869 (XVII) (Lebanon, Tunisia), 1143 (Ghana, Mauritania, -- programme of meetings (agenda item 65) Nepal), 1144 (Byelorussian SSR, Sierra Leone, GA resolution 1202 (XII) Togo), 1148 (GUinea, Israel, Niger), 1150 See also United Nations: conferences and meetings, 1963 (Madagascar, Saudi Arabia), 1151 (Algeria, Documents Central African Republic, Somalia), 1152 (Congo Secretary-General. Report. A/[5317] & Corr.1 (Brazzaville), Iraq), 1153 (Nigeria, Upper Volta), (English only) 1155 (Cyprus) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 965,966,978 Draft reports. A!C. 5/L. 772 Report. A/5376 CONSULAR RELATIONS (agenda item 74) Action in Plenary: Meeting 1199 See also United Nations: budget,1963: International Draft resolution in A/5376 adopted without vote as Conference on Consular Relations, Vienna, 1963 resolution 1851 (XVII) GA resolution 1685 (XVI) Documents --secretary-General. Note. A/5191 COUNCIL FOR MUTUAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE Secretary-General. Note transmitting comments Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1129 (Czechoslo­ by Governments on the draft articles on vakia), 1136 (Poland) consular relations. A/5171 & Add. 1, 2 United Kingdom. Draft resolution. A/C. 6/L. 515 Discussion in 6th Cttee: Meetings 771-775 CROOK, ar. HON. LORD (United Kingdom) Report. A!5343 -- biography. A/C. 5/L. 753 Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1196 Draft resolution in A/5343 [concerning conference of plenipotentiaries] adopted at 1196th meet­ CUBAN SITUATION ing as resolution 1813 (XVII) Documents Costa Rica. Letter dated 10 Oct 1962 refuting allegations made in the General Assembly CONVENTION ON THE ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DIS­ concerning the meeting of representatives of CRIMINN1'ION (proposed): See under Racial, national the OAS in Washington, D. C. A/5260 and religious intolerance: manifestations, prevention of Cuba. Letter dated 18 Oct concerning Cuban position vis-et-vis the joint resolution of US Congress. A/5265 CONVENTION ON THE ELIMINATION OF RELIGIOUS DIS­ Cuba. Letter dated 19 Oct. concerning alleged acts CRIMINATION (proposed): See under Racial, national of piracy and territorial attacks on Cuba. and religious intolerance: manifestations, prevention of A/5266 Cuba. Letter dated 28 Oct concerning UN guaran­ tees of non-aggessslon against Cuba. A/5271" COOK ISLANDS (agenda item 49) USA. Letter dated 11 Oct 1962 refuting allegations Documents made in the General Assembly concerning Secretary-General. Summary of information for aggression against Cuba. A/5261 1960 transmitted by New Zealand. A/5081

35 - _._-~-==~.. ='=::~===::::-'-::t:::=====:::::: : ------.::::~===-...... -=.-_._---_-::::::::

C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

CUBANSITUATION (continued) DEROGATION OF PRIVILEGES DURING PUBLIC EMER­ Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (Cuba, USA), GENCIES: See Human rights: covenants (draft): civil 1127 (USSR, USA), 1129 (Cuba, Czechoslovakia, and politicitr Guatemala), 1130 (Panama), 1131 (Guinea), 1133 (New Zealand, Ukrainian SSR), 1136 (Albania, Poland), 1138 (Hungary), 1139 (Bulgaria, United DEVELOPMENT INSURANCE FUND (proposed): See Com- Arab Republic), 1141 (Romania), 1142 (China), modity problems - 1143 (Ghana), 1144 (Byelorussian SSR, Sierra Leone), 1145 (Cuba, USA), 1147 (Indonesia), 1150 (Dominican Republic), 1151 (Algeria), DISARMAMENT (agenda item 90) 1152 (Iraq), 1153 (Nigeria), 1193 (Chile) See also Atomic weapons; Peace and disarmament Documents Czechoslovakia. Letter dated 20 Nov transmitting CUTTS, TREVETT WAKEHAM (Australia) letter of Minister of Foreign Affairs of -- biography. A/C. 5/L. 742 German Democratic Republic and statement of his Government. A/C. 1/878 Disarmament Commn: Chairman. Letter dated 3 Oct transmitting replies to inquiry con­ ducted under GA resolution 1664 (XVI) in ,I DC/201 & Add. 1-3 (replies reproduced in DAG HAMMARSKJOLD FOUNDATION (agenda item 82) A/5103, A/5105, A/5108, : /5111, A/5112) ESC resolution 892 (XXXIV) and DC/204 & Add. 1, Add. !/Corr. 1 (replies I See also Hammarskjold, Dag H. A. C. reproduced in A/5116, A/5118) .. A/C. 1/871 Documents Eighteen-Nation Cttee on Disarmament. 1st ESC. Report,1961/1962, chap. XIII, sect.L interim progress report of the Conference. A/5203 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 3) DC/203 (includes Eight-Nation Joint Memo­ Secretary-General. Note proposing inclusion of randum) supplementary item "The Dag Hammarskjold Eighteen-Nation Cttee on Disarmament. 2nd Foundation" in the agenda. A/5182 interim progress report of the Conference. Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1157 Disarmament Commn document (DC/205) Draft resolution in A/5182 [concerning the aims of transmitted by the Secretary-General under the Dag Hammarskjold Foundation] adopted covering note. A/5200 unanimously as resolution 1757 (XVll) Secretary-General. Note requesting inclusion of additional item in the agenda. A/5197 Secretary-General. Note concerning financial DECENTRALIZATION OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL implications of draft resolution in A/C. 1/ 1: ACTIVITIES: See United Nations: economic and social L. 317/Rev. 1 & Add. 1. A/C.1/876 ". activities: decentralization Secretary-General. Report concerning financial \ implications of draft resolution in A/5303. t\ A/C. 5/948 DECLARATION ON MEASURES DESIGNED TO PROMOTE USSR. Letter dated 27 Feb 1962 transmitting j AMONG YOUTH THE IDEALS OF PEACE, MUTUAL message from Mr. Khrushchev to President RESPECT AND UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN Kennedy dated 21 Feb, concerning meeting of PEOPLES (draft): See under Peaceful relations among Eighteen-Nation Cttee on Disarmament. peoples: promotion among youth A/5096 USSR. Letter dated 9 Mar 1962 transmitting message dated 3 Mar from Mr. Khrushchev DECLARATION ON THE CONVERSION TO PEACEFUL to President Kennedy. A/5101 NEEDS OF THE RESOURCES RELEASED BY DIS­ USSR. Letter dated 22 Sep transmitting draft text ARMAMENT (draft): See under Disarmament: eco­ of "Treaty on general and complete disarma­ nomic and social consequences; Disarmament: & eco- ment under strict international control". nomic and social development . A/C. 1/867 United Kingdom. Letter dated 9 Mar 1962 trans­ mitting messages from Prime Minister DECLARATION ON THE ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DIS­ Macmillan and President Kennedy dated CRIMINATION: See under Racial, national and 7 Feb and messages from Prime Minister religious intolerance: manifestations, prevention of Macmillan dated' 14 Feb and 26 Feb, ad­ dressed to Mr. Khrushchev. A/5104 USA. Letter dated 8 Mar 1962 transmitting DECLARATION ON THE ELIMINATION OF RELIGIOUS messages from President Kennedy and Prime INTOLERANCE: See under Racial, national and Minister Macmillan dated 7 Feb, from Presi­ religious intolerance: manifestations, prevention of dent Kennedy dated 14 Feb and 25 Feb, ad­ dressed to Mr. Khrushchev, A/5099 USA. Letter dated 9 Nov transmitting text of the DENUCLEARIZED ZONES: See Disarmament; Nuclear-free "Outline of basic provisions of a draft treaty zones . on general and complete disarmament" and amendments, submitted to the Eighteen­ Nation Cttee on Disarmament. A/C. 1/875

36 .."' .....-_'"'...... _ ..~~""~,..._ ...... ·M":"~ _ ...... ~~~".-.,.----- . ...---..--....

C. SUBJECT INDEX (17tl. session)

,. DISARMAMENT (continued) DISARMAMENT (continued) lil Documents (continued) -- economic and social consequences (continued) Draft resolutions and amendments thel'eto Documents (continued) Brazil. Draft resolution concerning denucleart­ ESC. Report,1961/Hl62, chap. 11. A/5203 (GAOR, zation of Africa and Latin America. 17th sess., suppl, no.3) n· A/C. I/L. 312 & Add. 1 (adds Bolivia and GA: 2nd Cttee: Chairman. Concluding statement Chile as eo-sponsor-s), Rev. I, Rev. 1/ summing up the work of the 2nd Cttee during Add. 1 (adds Ecuador as eo-sponsor), & the 17th session of the General Assembly. Rev. 2 (consideration postponed to 18th A/C. 2/L. 720 session at 1199th plenary meeting) Poland. Letter dated 24 Nov transmitting state- United Arab Republic. Draft resolution calling ment by the Government of the German on the Eighteen-Nation Cttee on Disarma­ Democratic Republic. A/C. 2/215 :ing ment to resume disarmament negotiations. Secretary-General. Note. A/5199 A/C. I/L. 317 & Corr. I (Spanish only), Secretary-General. Report transmitting Ltudy of ,0 ~nt Rev. 1 & Rev.1/Add.l, 2 (adds Afghanistan, Consultative Group, [VoU]. E/3593/Rev.l Algeria, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Burma, (Sales no. : 62. IX. 1); Vol. 11: Replies of Cambodia, Central African Republic, Governments and communications from Chile, Dahomey, Denmark, Ethiopia, international organizations. E/3593/Add.I-5 '\ Federation of Malaya, Ghana, Guinea, (mimeographed) 'il.~::t J (61, \1<.'"0 " I India, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Liberia, USSRand USA. Declaration on the converslon to I, l2) Libya, Mali, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, peaceful needs of the resources released by lies Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, Sweden, Syria, disarmament. Draft text. A/C. 2/10.702 & 871 Tunisia, United Arab Republic and Yugo­ Rev. 1 slavia as eo-sponsors) Draft resolutions and amendments thereto e. Discussion in 1st Cttee: Meetings 1265,1281,1306 Colombia, Federation of Malaya, Madagascar, lO- Report. A/5303 & Add. 1 Mauritania, Turkey, USA and Venezuela. Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 952 Draft resolution. A/C. 2/L. 647 & Add. 1 Report. A/5304 (adds Central African Republic as co­ e. Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (Brazil, USA), sponsor) (withdrawn at 862nd meeting of 1126 (Japan, Norway), 1127 (Afghanistan, 2nd Cttee) ler USSR), 1129 (Czechoslovakia, Guatemala, Iran, Nigeria and Pakistan. Amendment (to A/C. 2/ Yugoslavia), 1130 (Canada, Panama, Pt.'u, L.647 & Add. 1). A/C. 2/L. 680 of Senegal), 1131 (Burma, Guinea, Uruguay), 1132 Discussion in 2Jd Cttee: Meetings 797,798,803,804, (Australia, Denmark, Liberia), 1133 (New Zea­ 807,808,840,841,843-845,847-853,862,863,876 land, Pakistan, Ukrainian SSR), 1134 (Greece, Draft report. A/C. 2/L. 708 I Haiti, Philippines, United Kingdom), 1135 Report. A/5361 (Ceylon, Chile, Thailand, Turkey), 1136 Statements in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1149,1150,1152-1157 al (Albania, Italy, Poland, Sudan), 1137 (Bolivia, Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (Brazil), 1129 l. Laos, Mongolia), 1138 (Hungary, Jordan, (Iran, Yugoslavia), 1131 (GUinea), 1133 (Paki­ Venezuela), 1139 (Bulgaria, Ethiopia, Mali, stan), 1141 (Tunisia), 1143 (Ghana), 1145 United Arab Republic), 1140 (Cameroon, Fed­ (Jamaica), 1148 (Israel), 1151 (Central African :lent eration of Malaya, Libya, Morocco), 1141 Republic), 1152 (Iraq), 1197 ag of (Pakistan, Romania), 1142 (China, Honduras), Draft resolution in A/",361 adopted unanimously at 1143 (Ghana, Mauritania, Nepal, Spain), 1144 1197th meeting as resolution 183'1 (XVII) (Byelorussian SSR, Costa Rica, Paraguay, -- & economic and social development (agenda item 94) Sierra Leone, Togo), 1145 (Jamaica), 1147 Documents h.ev (Indonesia), 1148 (Israel, Nigel'), 1149 (Argen­ GA: 2nd Cttee: Chairman. Concluding statement tina), 1150 (Dominican Republic, Madagascar, summing up the work of the 2nd Cttee during text Saudi Arabia), 1151 (Algeria, Central African the 17th session of the General Assembly. -ma- Republic, Somalia), 1152 (Congo (Brazzaville), A/C. 2/L. 720 Iraq, Syria), 1153 (Mexico, Nigeria, Upper I Poland. Letter dated 24 Nov transmitting state­ Volta), 1155 (Cyprus, Portugal), 1173, 1193 ment by the Government of the German lS- (Chile), 1199 Democratic Republic. A/C. 2/215 Draft resolution in A/53D3 [calling on the Eighteen­ USSR. Draft declaration concerning the conversion .' Nation Cttee on Disarmament to resume to peaceful needs of the resources released l' negotiations] adopted (84-0-1) at the 1173rd by disarmament. A/C. 2/L. 646 (withdrawn meeting as resolution 1767 (XVII). at 862nd meeting of 2nd Cttee) Consideration of draft resolution in A/5303/Add. 1 USSR. Letter dated 21 Sep requesting inclusion of [concerning denuclearization of Africa and additional item "Economic programme for 'rime Latin America] postponed to the 18th sess. disarmament" in the agenda and transmitting 're st­ at the 1199th meeting the proposed text of a declaration 011 the ,d- -- economic and social consequences (agenda item 33) conversion to peaceful needs of the resources GA resolution 1516 (XV) released by disarmament. A/5233 the Documents USSR and USA. Declaration on the conversion to eaty Dept of ESA: Under-Secretary (de Seynes). State­ peaceful needs of the resources released, by md ment at 795th meeting of 2nd Cttee. A/C. 2/ disarmament. Draft text. ,.VC. 2/L. 702 & L.644 Rev. 1 75

37 =====-;;====~======-:~~... ---:;;:;:::::-..;:.,-::~--._-~::::: ,

C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) DISARMAMENT (continued) ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL (continued) E -- & economic and social development (continued) -- members: electtca (continued) Discussion in G6nol'al Cttee: Meeting 150 Composition of the Economic and Social Council as of Repol't. A75241 1Jan 1963 . D1sc~,ssion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 797,809,813,817, Members Term of Office ~ 840,841,843-845,847-853,862,863,876 France 1961 - 1963 Draft report, A/C. 2/L. 708 India 196r - 1964 Report. A/5361 Italy 1961 - 1963 Statements in 3rd Cttee:Meetin~s 1149,1150,1152-1154" Japan 1963 - 1965 1158 Jordan 1961 - 1963 Discussion in Plenar : Meetings 1127 (USSR), 1129 Senegal 1962 - 1964 Czechoslovakia, 1131 (GUinea), 1133 (Ukrainian USSR 1963 - 1965 SSR), 1135, 1136 (Poland), 1137 (Mongolia), United Kingdom 1963 - 1965 1140 (Libya, Morocco), 1141 (Romania), 1144 USA 1962 - 1964 (Byelor\lSsian SSR, Sierra Leone), 1145 (Cuba), Uruguay 1961 - 1963 1152 (Congo (Brazzavtlle), Iraq), 1197 Yugoslavia 1962 - 1964 Dl'aft resolution in A/5361 adopted unanimously at -- members: geographical distribution 1197th meeting as resolution 1837 (XVII) Statements in Plenar~: Meetings 1132 (Liberia), 1139 Recommendation in A/5241 [to include item in the (Ethiopia), 114 (Ghana), 1151 (Central African agenda and allocate it to 2nd Cttee] adopted Republic) without vote at 1!35th meeting -- members: increase in number (propos3d) Statements in Plenar): Meetings 1125 (Bl'azU, USA), 1126 (Japan), 1 29 (Iran), 1131 (Guinea), 1132 DISPUTES, PACIFIC SETTLEMENT OF (Liberia), 1136 (Itnly), 1139 (Ethiopia), 1140 Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (USA), 1126 (Cameroon, Libya), 1141 (Tunisia), 1143 (Ghana, (Japan), 1129 (Iran, Yugoslavia), 1137 (Colom­ Spain), 1144 (Paraguay, Togo), 1147 (Indonesia, bia), 1140 (Morocco), 1141 (Tunisia), 1147 Netherlands), 1148 (Israel), 1149 (Al'gentinn), (Algerta), 1148 (Israel), 1149 (Argentina) 1150 (Madagascar), 1151 (Central African Republic), 1153 (Nigeria), 1155 (CYPl'US) Sta.tements in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 798,804 DOMINICA (agenda item 49) -- regional economic commissions: strengthening: See Documpnts , United Nations: economic and social activities: Secretary-General. Summary of information Io1' decentralization 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. -- report, 1961/1962 (agenda item 12) A/5080/Add. 9 & 17 Documents Dept of ESA: Under-Secretary (de Seynes). State­ ment at 795th meeting of 2nd Cttee. A/C. 2/ L.644 ESC. Report covering the period 5 Aug 1961 to 3 Aug 1962. A/5203 (GAOR, 17th sess, , -- I EARTHQUAKES: See Iran: earthquake, 1962 suppl. no. 3) NOTE: For documentation, discussion and action --adopted in connectton with specific chapters see -- x ECONOMIC ANDSOCIAL ACTIVITIES: St'le United Nations: appropriate subject entries referred to undeI-'­ economic and social activities - each chapter -- report, 1961/1962: chapter I See also United Nations Development Decade, 1960-1970 ECONOMIC ANDSOCIAL COUNCIL Discussion in 2nd Citee: Meetings 798-821,855,856, -- Committee on Housing, Building and Planning: See under 858,860,861 Housing and urban development -- report, 1961/1962: chapter II -- l' -- members: election (agenda item 16) See also Disarmament: economic and social conse­ Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1131 (Austria), 1149, . quences; Disarmament: & economic and social 1150, 1154 development Argentina, Austria, Ozechcslovakta, ,Tapan, USSR Discussion in 2nd Citee: Meetings 798,803, 804,807­ and United Kingdom elected on 1st ballot at 809,813 1154th meeting -- report, 1961/1962: chapter m . Composit:::m of the Economic and Social Council as of See also Commodity problems: Economic development; EC 1 Jan 1963 ..----- Economic projecttons; Industrial development; -- U Members Term of Oifice* International trade: conterenco (proposed); Invest­ Argentina 1963 - 1965 ments, International; Land retorm; United Nations Australia 1962 - 1964 Capital Development Fund Austria 1963 - 196t' Discussion in 2nd Citee: Meetings 798-821,828-834, ECO Colombia 1962 - 1964 841,842,844-846,848,849,854-858,860-865 S Czechoslovakia 1963 - 1965 -- report, 1961/1962: chapter IV . El Salvador 1961 - 1963 See also Burundi: assistance; Libya: assistance; Rwanda: Ethiopia 1961- 1963 assistance; Special Fund: operations; Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances; Tech­ * Terms of office begin on 1 Jan and end on 31 Dec nical co-operation

38 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) ECONOMIC ANDSOCIAL COUNCIL (continued) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (continued) -- report, 1961/1962: chapter IV (continued) Documents (continued) Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 798,801,806,808, --oA":2ilCf Cttee: Chairman. Concluding statement 810,813,814,870-873,875-877 summing up the work of the 17th session of -- report, 1961/1962: chapter V the Genaral Assembly. A/C. 2/L. 720 Seo also United Nations: economic and social activities: Secretary-General. Note. A/5220 decentralization Draft resolutions nnd amendments thereto Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 801,803, 806,808, BoliVia, Brazil and TUnisia. Drillt resolution 809,814,815,817~819,821,846,847,852-856 [concerning a study of inflationary Pl'OC­ -- report, 1961/1962: chapter VU (sections I to nI) esses in under-developed countrtes], :\ Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1190, 1191 A/C. 2/L. 663 & Rev. 1 (adds Hungary as ,I

1 The General Assembly took note of the chapter at co-sponsor), Rev. 2 (also adds Chile, / 1190th meeting Ecuador, India and Italy as eo-sponsor-s) Ij I -- report, 1961/1962: chapter vrn Hungary. Amendment (to A/C. 2/L. 663). ;. See also Community development; Economic and social A/C. ,'lL. 688 (withdrawn at 865th meeting) development: co-ordination; Housing and urban Italy. Amendments (to A/c. 2/L. 663/Rev.l). development; Narcotic drugs: control: Peaceful A/C. 2/L. 707 (withdrawn at 865th meeting) relations among peoples: promotion among youth; United Arab Republic. Amendments (to A/C. 2/ Refugees; Social services; United Nations L.663/Rev.1). A/C. 2/L. 706 (withdrawn ~10i Children's Fund at 865th meeting) Discussion in 3rc! Cttee: Meetings 1149-1160, 1162- Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 798-821, 861, 1165 - - 863-865,875 ' . -- report, 1961/1962: chapter IX Report. A/5344 & Add. 1, & Add.1/Corr. 1 . See also Freedom of information; Human rights; Human Action in Plenary: Meeting 1197 ~ rights: advisory services; Human rights: Universal Draft resolution XIlln A/5344 adopted unanimously 1 Declaration: anntversary, 15th, 1963; Information as resolution 1830 (XVII) I media; Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: -- & population growth (agenda item 38) ) ~ implementation; Women: advancement in developing GA resolution 1719 (XVI) \\ countries Documents

L'iscussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1149-1160, 1162­ GA: .2nd Cttee: Chairman. Concluding statement j 1165 summing up the work of the 2nd Cttee during ) -- report, 1961/1962: chapter X the 17th session of the General Assembly. ,I See also Africa: education; Public administration: tech­ A/C.2/L.nO ! ~ nical assistance; United Nations Educational, Secretary-General. Financial implications of the " Scientific and Cultural Organization: & United draft resolution in A/C. 2/L. 657/Rev.l. ~ Nations: Agreement, 1946: revision A/C. 2/L. 657/Rev.1/Add.l, A/C. 5/965 ;~ Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 870,871 Secretary-General. Note. A/5222 Action in Plenarr Meeting 1190 Draft resolutions and amendments thereto The General ssembly took note of the chapter Ceylon, Denmark, Ghana, Greece, Nepal, { -- report, 1961/1962: chapter XI Norway, Pakistan, Sweden, Tunisia, \., Action in Plenarf Meeting 1190 Turkey, United Arab Republic. Draft The Generalssembly took note of the chapter resolution. A/c. 2/L. 657 & Add. 1 (adds .~~" -- report, 1961/1962: chapter xn Thailand and Uganda as eo-sponsor-s), 1 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1190 Rev. 1, & Rev.l/Add.1 (contains state­ 'f The General Assembly took note of the chapter ment of financial implications by the J, -- report, 1961/1962: chapter xm Secretary-General), Rev. 2 See also Dag Hammarskjold Foundation France, Lebanon, Liberia and Spain. Amend­ Action in Plenary: Meeting 1190 ment (to A/C. 2/L. 657/Rev.1). A/C. 2/ :t The General Assembly took note of the chapter L. 709 & Rev 1, Rev.1/Add.l (also adds -- report, 1961/1962: chapter XIV Gabon as co-sponsor), Rev. 2 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 960 Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 866-869,874,875 Report. A/5381 Report. A/5354 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1199 Statements in 3rd Cttee: Meeting 1156 The General Assembly took note of report in A/5381 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 978 Report. A/5375 'J ',~.,.,'. Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1134 (Greece), 1141 1.'fi.. ECONOMIC COMMIBSION FOR LATIN AMERICA (Lebanon, Pakistan), 1193 (Chile), 1197 :]

-- United Nations building, Santiago, Chile: construction: Draft resolution in A/5354 adopted as amended ,','._,','j See under United Nations: budget, 1963 (29-0-27) at 1197th meeting as resolution 1838 (XVII) reg~~:t~l~~~~~ri~ti~~~nary: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (agenda items 12 and 35) -- Meetings 1125 (Brazil, USA), r•.','."j. See also Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962; 1127 (USSR), 1129 (Czechoslovakia, Guatemala, --Wernational trade Yugoslavia), 1131 (Austria, Guinea), 1133 (New Documents Zealand), 1134 (Greece), 1135 (Ceylon, Chile), Dept of ESA: Under-Secretary (de Seynes). State­ 1136 (Poland), 1137 (Colombia), 1138 (Hungary), ment at 795th meeting of 2nd Cttee. A/C. 2/ 1139 (Bulgar-ia), 1140(Cameroon),1141(Lebanon, 3, L.644 Pakistan, Romania), 1143 (Mauritania), 1148 :·.··1··.·· "

39 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (continued) EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY (continued) F -- regtonnl tntegmtion (continued) Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (USA). 1127 -- t Statements in Plenary (continued) (USSR), H20 (Czechoslovakia), 11:.11 (Austria), (Guinea, Niger), 1152 (Congo (B1'aZZa\111e)), 1132 (Australia, Liberia), 1133 (Pakistan), 1193 (Chile) 1134 (Greece), 1135 (Ceylon), 1136 (Albnnia, -- technical assistance: See undel' United Nations: budget, Italy, Pcland): 1138 (Belghlln, Hungary), 1139 FR 1963 (Bulgaria), 1143 (Ghana), 1147 (Netherlands), 1149 (Argentina), 1150 (Madngascar), 1152 (Congo (Braz&avUle), Iraq), 1153 (Nlgel'la, ECONOMIC PROJECTIONS (agenda item 35 (d)) Upper Voltn) GA resolutions 1428 (XVI), 1517 (XV), 1708 (XVI)i ESC resotuttcna 777 (XXX), 924 (XXXIV) Documents EUROPEAN OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS, Geneva ESC. Report,1961/1962, chnp.III, sect, I. A/5203 -- Library Endowment Fund: account",1961: See United (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 3) Nations: finances:'rrust Fun... and Special Accounts: Group of Expel'ts [on co-operattve work programme accounts, 1961 on long-term projections]. Report, E/:!668 -- Palais des Nations: modernization: See undel' United secretartat. Progress report. Work programme Nations: budget, 1963 on projections of work economic trends. -- Pension Fund for part-time employees: accounts, 1961: E/3661 See United Nations: finances: T1'ust Funds and Secretary-General. Note. A/5220 Special Accounts: accounts, 1961 Secretary-General. Note transmitting Agricultul'al -- staIf: salaries and allowances: general service category: Commodities - projections for 1970. (FAO See Secretariat: staff: salarfes and allowances: Commodlt Review 1962. Special supple­ general service category: European Office ment. F 0 pub tcatton (E/CN. 13/48 (CCP 62/5)) attached to E/3628 Secretary-General. Report. Study of prospective FALKLANDISLANDS (agenda item 49) production of and demand for primary com­ Documents modities. Prospective demand for non­ secretary-General. Summary of information for agricultural commodities: problems of 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. definitive and projection methodology. A/5080 & Add. 3 E/3629 (E/CN, 13/49) Statements in 4th Cttee: Meeting 1414 (Argentina, Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meeting 818 United Kingdom) Report. N5344 & Add. 1, & Add.1/Corr.1 Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1149 (Argentina, No proposals in respect to this item were submitted United Kingdom), 1174 (Argentina)

EIGHTEEN-NATION COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT FALKLANDISLANDS: DEPENDENCIES -- reports. DC/201 & Add. 1-3, DC/203, DC/204 & Add. I, Statements in 4th Citee: Meeting 1414 (Argentina, Add. l/Corr, 1, A/5200 (DC/205). See Disarma- United Kingaom) ment for discussion - -- d FEDERATION OF (proposed) EL-FARRA, MUHAMMAD H. (Jordan) (Brunei, Federation of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarav/ak, -- biography. A/C. 5/L. 729 Singapore) Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1132 (Australia), 1140 (Federation of Malaya) EQUAL RIGHTS FOR MEN AND WOMEN: See under Human rights: covenants (draft) FELLOWSHIPS ANDSCHOLARSHIPS: See under Portugal: overseas territories: status; SoutllWest Africa; Trust E'I'HIOPJA Territories -- & Somalia Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1151 (Ethiopia, Somalia), 1155 (Ethiopia, Somalia) FERNANDO POO (agenda item 49) See also Spanish Guinea ' Documents EUROPE Secretary-General. Summary of information for -- nuclear-free zones (proposed): See Nuclear-free zones 1960 transmitted by Spain. A/5078/Add.3

EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY FIJI (agenda item 49) Statements in 2nd Citee: Meetings 824 (Yugoslavia), Documents 825 (Tunisia, Uruguay), 826 (Argentina, Secretary-General. Summary of information for Belgium), 827 (Belgium, Bulgaria), 828 (Congo 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. (Brazzaville)) . A/5081 & Add. 4

40 C. SUBJECT INDEX r (17th session) I FOO1" sm HUOH (Untled Kingdom) OAMBIA (agenda item 49) -- tribute to Documonts I' I In 4th Citee: MeeUngs 1343, 1344, lS132, 1367 Secrotary-Oeneral. Summary of Information for I 1900 transmitted by United Kingdom. I A/S078 & Add. 14 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Sea .also Information media -- convention (drnfl) (agenda item 45) GAl'fEM, ANDRE (France) OArescluttcn 1081 (XVI) -- blogl'nphy. A/C. 5/L. 729 Documents OA,7th sess. Officlnl records, Annexes, agenda item 29. AlAe. 42/7 (text of dl'nft conven­ GENERAL ASSEMBLY tion) -- Ad Hoc CommUlee on the Improvement of Methods of Secretnry-General. Note. A/5143 Work of the General Assembly Secretary-General. Note. Flnnnclallmpllcntlons Report. A/5370. See General Assembly: procedure of the draft resolution In A/C. 3/L.1048/ for discussion Rev. 1. A/C.3/L.1056 u agenda (agenda rtemW Secretary-Genel·al. Repoi-t, Draft convention on Agenda. A/5240 & Add. 1-3 freedom of information. Comments by Provisional agenda. A/5150 Governments, A/4173 & Add. 1-3 Supplementary and addlttonal items. A/5162, A/5164, Secrotal·y-General. Report. Freedom of infor­ A/5165,A/5167 & Add.1-5,A/5168 & Add,l, q mation. Views and suggestions of Govern­ A/5170 & Corr.1 (EngUsh only},A/51110 (list) & ments concerningthe draft convention on Add. 1,2, A/5197, A/5198, A/5218, A/5219, fl'eedom of information. A/3868 & Add. 1-8 A/5232, A/5254 Dl'aft resolutions Other documents I Colombia, Costa Rica and Peru. Draft resolu­ Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, tion [proposing an international conference Belgium, Bcltvla, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, of plenipotentiaries to be held at Head­ Congo (Leopoldville), Costa Rica, Cuba, quarters in 1963]. A/C. 3/L. 1048 & Rev. 1 Cyprus, Denmark, Dominican Republic, l' & Rev. l/Add. 1 (adds Ecuadol', El Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Federation Salvador, Panama and Dominican Repub­ of Malaya, Finland, France, Ghana, Guate­ lic as co-sponsors) mala, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Ivory l; Peru and Philippines. Draft resolution [pro­ Coast, Japan, Jordan, Laos, Lebanon, \\, posing to give priority to this item at the Liberia, MaU, Mauritania, Mexico, 18th session]. A/C. 3/L. 1060 Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Discussion in 3l'd Cttee: Meeting 1210 Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Report. A/5363 Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan, Action in Plenary: Meeting 1198 Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Draft resolution in A/5363 [proposing to give Arab Republic, United Kingdom, USA, priority to this item at the 18th session] Uruguay, Venezuela, Yemen and Yugoslavia. adopted unanimously as resolution 1840 (XVII) Letter dated 17 Sep requesting inclusion of -- declaration (draft) (agenda item 47) supplementary item "Measures to be adopted GAresolution 1683 (XVI) in connexlonwith the earthquake in Iran", Documents A/5l98 & Add. 1 (add Cambodia, Ceylon and Secretary-General. Note. A/5146 Israel as eo-sponsors), Rev. 1 (Spanish only) Secretary-General. Note. Financial implications Afghanistan, Burma, Cambodia, Cameroon, of the draft resolutionin A/C. 3/L. 1048/ Central African Republic, Ceylon, Chad, Rev.l. A/C.3/L.1056 Congo (Leopoldville), Cyprus, Dahomey, Draft resolutions Ethiopia, Federation of Malaya, Gabon, Colombia, Costa Rica and Peru. Draft resolu­ Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, tion [proposing an international conference Jordan, Laos, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, of plenipotentiaries to be held at Head­ Mauritania, Mongolia, Morocco, Nigeria, quarters in 1963]. A/C. 3/L.1048 & Rev. 1 Pakistan, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, & Rev. l/A-dd. 1 (adds Ecuador, El Sudan, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia, United Salvador, Panama and Dominican Republic Arab Republic, Upper Volta, Yemen and as eo-sponsors) Yugoslavia. Letter dated 14 Aug requesting ,l Peru and Philippines. Draft resolution [pro­ inclusion of supplementary item "The policies 1 posing priority to this item at the 18th of apartheid of the Government of the Re­ session]. A/C. 3/L. 1060 public of South Africa: (a) race conflict in Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meeting 1210 South Africa; (b) treatment of people of Indian Report. A!5363 and Indo-Pakistan origin in the Republic of Action in Plenary: Meeting 1198 South Africa". A/5167 & Add.1-6 (adds Congo Draft resolution, in A/5363 [proposing priority to (Brazzaville), GUinea, Ivory Coast, Libya, this item at the 18th session] adopted unani­ Nepal, Niger and Philippines as co-sponsors) mously as resolution 1840 (XVII)

41 ...... ~. -,,..."'~-~""""­ ,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,, r C. SUBJECT INDEX I (17th session) I) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued)' ! ' -- agendn (continued) -- agenda (continued) Other documents (connnued) Other documents (continued) GA: 1st Cttee: Chairman. Letter dated 22 Nov con­ Venezuela. Telegram dated 18 Aug requesting cerning decision to rerer item "Condemnntion inclusion or supplementary item "Question or propnganda ravouring preventtve nuclear or bcundartes between Venezuela and the war" to the Eighteen-Nation Cttee on Dis­ Territory or British Guiana". A/5168 & armament rOl' consideration. A/5311 Add. 1 (contains e:-o-planatory memorandum) India. Letter dnted 25 Jun proposing inclusion or Discussion in General Cttee: Meetings 148-151 item "Urgent need for suspension or nuclenr Repol'ts. A/5227,A/5230,A/5241, A/5257 nnd thermo-nuclear tests". A/5141 & Add. 1 Discussion in Plennrt Mectings 1125,1129,1130, (contains explanntory memorandum) 1135, 1151, 116 ,1177 Iraq, Jordnn, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Additional items to the agenda proposed by General Arabia, Sudan, Syrin, Tunisia" United Arab Cttee (A/5241) adopted at 1135th meeting. Republic, Yemen. Letter dated 28 Jun pro­ Text in A/5240/Add. 1. posing inclusion or item "The question of Additional item to the agenda proposed by .. _ Oman". A/5149 General Cttee (A/5257) adopted at 11515t Secretary-General. Letter dated 9 Oct requesting meeting. 1'ext in A/5240/Add, 2 inclusion of additional item "Confirmation of Agenda proposed by General Cttee (A/5230) adopted the appointment of the Managing Director of at 1129th meeting. Text in A/5240 the Special Fund". A/5254 Oral recommendation of GA Pr.esident [to add sub­ Secretary-General. Memorandum on the adoption item (f) "Appointment or members of the UN of the agenda and allocation of items. Joint Staff Pension Cttee" to item 66 of the A/BUR/157 & Add. 1,2 agenda] adopted at 1168th meeting. Text in Secretary-General, Note proposing inclusion of A/5240/Add.3 supplementary item "Agreement between the Recommendation in A/5227 [to include item"A.gree­ Republic or Indonesia and the Kingdom of the ment between the Republic of Indonesia and Netherlands concerning West New Guinea the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning (West Irtan)". A/5170 & Corr. 1 (English West New Guinea (West Ir ian)" in the agenda only), Add. 1 (notes rattrtcatton of the Agree­ and allocate it to plenary] adopted without ment) vote at 1125th meeting Secretary-General. Note propostng inclusion of Recommendation in A/5230, par. 5 [to include item supplementary item "the Dag Hammarskjold "Question of Hungary"] adopted by roll-call Foundation". A/5182 vote (43-34-19) at 1129th meeting Secretary-General. Note requesting inclusion of Recommendation in A/5241 [to include item "Con­ additional item "Question of general and demnation of propaganda favouring preventive complete disarmament: report of the Con­ nuclear war" in the agenda and allocate it to .,.... ference of the Eighteen-Nation Cttee on Dis­ 1st Cttee], adopted without vote at 1135th armament". A/5197 meeting Tunisia. Letter dated 16 Aug requesting inclusion Recommendation in A/5241 [to include item "Eco­ of supplementary item "Improvement of the nomic programme for disarmament" in the methods of work of the General Assembly". agenda and allocate it to 2nd Cttee], adopted A/5165 without vote at 1135th meeting USSR. Letter dated 23 Jun proposing inclusion of Recommendation in A/5257 [to include item "Con­ item "The withdrawal of foreign troops from firmation of the appointment of the Managing South Korea". A/5140 Director of the Special Fund" in the agenda USSR. Letter dated 17 Sep requesting inclusion of and allocate it to plenary] adopted without additional item "Question of holding an inter­ vote at 1151st meeting national conference on trade problems". Recommendation in A/5311 to refer item "Con­ A/5219 demnation of propaganda favouring preventive USSR. Letter dated 17 Sep requesting inclusion of nuclear war" to the Eighteen-Nation Com­ additional item "Restoration of the lawful mittee on Disarmament adopted without vote rights of the People's Republic of China in at 1177th meeting the United Nations". A/5218 -- agenda: allocation of items USSR. Letter dated 21 Sep requesting inclusion of Documents additional item "Condemnation of propaganda GA: President. Letters allocating items to com­ favouring preventive nuclear war". A/5232 mittees. A/C. 1/868 & Add. 1; A/SPC/66; USSR. Letter dated 21 Sep requesting inclusion of A/C. 2/212 & Add. 1; A/C. 3/594; A/C. 4/566 additional item "Economic programme for & Rev.l,Rev.1/Add.l,2j A/C. 5/921; A/C. 6/ disarmament". A/5233 365 United Arab Republic. Letter dated 14 Aug re­ Secretary-General. Memorandum. A/BUR/157 & questing inclusion of supplementary item Add. 1 "The Cairo Declaration of Developing Coun­ Discussion in General Cttee: Meetings 148-152 tries". A/5162 Reports. A/5227, A/5230, A/5241, A/5257, A/5298 \{ USA. Letter dated 17 Aug requesting inclusion of Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1125,1129,1135, 1151, supplementary item "The' Question of 1168, 1170 1'.1' Hungary". A/5164 Allocation of items proposed by General Cttee li'tl (A/5230) adopted at 1129th meeting ;! !.•..•;....;.•.•••.. [,I 42 Lf 11 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) .- agenda: allocation of items (continued) -- Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Discussion in Plenary (continued) Territories: members: election (agenda item 55) Oral recommendattcn by General Assembly presi­ Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meeting 1425 dent [to re-allocate item "Situation in ~ Report. A/63711i'C:urr. 1,2 Angola ••• " to 4th Cttee] adopted without OWing to the fact that the terms of Al'gentina, vote at 1168th meeting Ceylon had expired and that the Nethel'lands Recommendation in A/5227 [to include item "Agree­ had withdrawn as Administering Authority ment between the Republic of Indonesia and from the Committee, Honduras was elected the Kingdom of the Netherlands concemtng to fill the vacancy left by Argentinu West New Guinea (West Irtan)" in the agendl\ Action in Plenary: Meeting 1198 and allocate it to plenary] adopted without Election of Honduras confirmed without vote vote at 1125th meeting -- Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Recommendation in A/5241 [to include item "Con­ Territories: report. A/:i2l5 (GAOR, 17th sess, , 'deinnatton of propaganda favouring pre­ suppl, no. 15). See under Non-Self-Governing venUve nuclear war" in the agenda and Territories: inTcir"mation to United Nations for allocate it to 1st Cttee], adopted without discussion vote at 1135th meeting -- committees: members: representatives d Recommendation in A/5241 [to include item "Eco­ See also entries for specific committees furthel' below, nomic programme for disarmament" in the e. g., 1st Cttee: members: representanves agenda and allocate it to 2nd Cttee], adopted Documents without vote at ll35th meeting Secretary-General. Note. A/INF/97 Recommendation in A/5257 [to include item "Con­ -- committees: officers (agenda item 5) firmation of the appointment of the Managing See Part A: Introduction for a complete list of the Director of the Special Fund" in the agenda elected officers and allocate it to plenary] adopted without -- communications received vote at 1151st meeting Documents Recommendation in A/5298 [to re-allocate item Secretariat. Review of communications received "Situation in Angola, .. " to plenary] adopted relating to General Assembly matters. without vote at 1170th meeting A/INF/99 (English only) & Add. 1 (English -- closing date only) Documents -- Credentials Committee: appointment (agenda item 3(a)) Secretary-General. Memorandum. A/BUR/156 On proposal of Temporary President (Mr. Mongi Discussion in General Cttee: Meeting 148 Slim, Tunisia), the Iollowing Members were Report. A/5230 appointed at ll22nd plenary meeting: Canada, Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1129 El Salvador, Greece, Guinea, Indonesia, Recommendations in A/5230 adopted without vote Mexico, Nigeria, USSR and USA -- Committee on a United Nations Capital Development -- Credentials Committee: report Fund: report. E/3654 & Corr. 1 (French only), See under subject of report for discussion See United Nations Capital Development Fund for GA: Members: representatives: credentials. A/5395 'C:ITScussion - -- General Committee:. reports -- Committee on Arrangements for a Conference for the See under subject of report for discussion Purpose of Reviewing the Charter: report. A/5l93, GA: agenda. A/5227, A/5230,A/5241, A/5257 S. d United Nations: Charter: General Conference GA: agenda: allocation of items. A/5227, A/5230, under Art. 109 for discussion A/5241, A/5257, A/5298 -- Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing West New Guinea (West Irian): Indonesia/Netherlands Territories: continuation (proposed) (agenda Agreement, 1962. A/5227 item 49) -- general debate (agenda item 9) See also Non-Self-Governing Territories: information Plenary meetings 1125-1145,1147-1153,1155 to United Nations The follOWing delegations took part in the general Documents debate: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ceylon, Chad, [References to meetings in which the right of reply Dahomey, Ethiopia, Federation of Malaya, was exercised are given in parenthesis] Gabon, Ghana, India, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Meeting Mali, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan 1127 Sierra Leone, Somalia, Syria, Tanganyika, Albania 1136 Toga. Joint draft resolution calling for con­ Algeria 1151 tinuation of the Committee on Information Argentina 1149 from Non-Self-Governing Territories. Australia 1132 A/C. 4/L. 771 Austria 1131 Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1416,1420-1422, Belgium 1138 1424, 1425 Bolivia 1137 Report. A/5371 & Corr. 1,2 Brazil 1125 Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1169,1180,1192,1198 Bulgaria 1139 Draft resolution II in A/5371 & Corr. 1,2 adopted Burma 1131 (96-0-5) as resolution 1847 (XVII) Burundi Byelorussian SSR 1144 Cambodia 1134, (1139), (1143)

43 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (eonttnued) -- general debate (continued) --genel'nl debate (continuod) Plenary meetings (continued) Plenary meetings (oontinucd) The follOWing delegations took part in the genol'al - The following delegations toolt part in the general - debate (ttmtlnued) debllte (conUnued) - Meetinf - Mcetin Cameroon Ii40, ( 155) Pnldstan 1141. 1 51). (1153) Canada 1130 Panama 1130 Central Afl'lcan Republic 1151 Paraguay 1144 Ceylon 1135 Peru 1130 Chad PhUlppines (1128). 1134 ChUe 1135, (113'1) Poland U36 China 1142 Portugal 1155 Colombia 1137 Romania 1141 Congo (Brnzzl\vUle) 1152 Rwanda Congo (LeopoldvUle) Saudi Arabia (1148),1150 Costa Rica 1144 Senegal 1130, (1155) Cuba (1125). (1129) Siel'l'a Leone 1144 Cyprus 1155,(1155) SomaUa (1128).1151, (1155) Czechoslovakia 1129 South Africa 1128 Dahomey Spain 1143 Denmark 1132 Sudan 1136 Dominican Republic 1150 Sweden Ecuador 1131 Syl'ia 1152 El Salvador 1133 Tanganyika (1128). (1155) Ethiopia 1139, (1151), (1155) Thailand 1135. (1141), (1144) Federation of Malaya 1140 Togo 1144 Finland Trinidad and Tobago I France Tunisia 1141 I Gabon Turkey 1135, (1152) Ghana 1143 Ukrainian SSR 1133 Greece 1134 USSR 112'1 Guatemala 1129 United Arab Republic 1139 , Guinea 1131, (1155) United Kingdom (1129),1134, (1134), Haiti 1134 (1138), (1149), Honduras 1142 (1152) Hungary 1138 USA 1125, (112'1) Iceland Upper Volta 1153 I. India (1128), (1141), (1151), Uruguay 1131 (1153). (1155) Venezuela 1138 Indonesia 114'1, (1155) Yemen I'I, Iran 1129. (1152) Yugoslavia 1129 I Iraq 1152 -- hearings: Basutoland (agenda item 49) I' Ireland 1142 Requests for hearing from: I l: Israel 1148, (1150) Basutoland Congress Party: Italy 1136 Chakela, K. S. A/C. 4/563 Ivory Coast Kolisang, G. M. A/C. 4/563 Jamaica 1145 Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1339,1406,1411,1412 I, Japan 1126 Requests for hearing granted at 1406th meeting Jordan 1138, (1148) Petitioners heard as follows: Laos 1137 Basutoland Congress Party: Lebanon 1141 •Kollsang, G. M. at 1411th, 1412th meetings Liberia 1132 Chakela, K. S. at 1411th meeting Libya 1140 -- hearings: Oman question (agenda item 79) Luxembourg See also Oman question Madagascar 1150 Documents Mali 1139 Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania 1143 Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia and Mexico (1128), (1129), 1153 United Arab Republic. Letter dated 13 Nov Mongolia 1137 requesting that Prince 'I'alib bin Ali Al-Hanai, Morocco 1140 representative of Oman, be heard during the Nepal 1143 discussion of the question. A/SPC/73 Netherlands 1147 Discussion in Special Political Cttee: Meeting 351 New Zealand 1133 Prince Talib bin All Al-Hanat;: a representative of Nicaragua Oman, was heard at the 352nd meeting Niger 1148 -- hearings: Palestine refugees: assistance (agenda item 31) Nigeria 1153 See also Palestine refugees: assistance Norway 1126

44 ~--.~ -....",.,.,_.~ ----r.···-·... .. -_.~.-=-_...... , ..."" ~=--~

C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) GENERAL ASSEMBLV (continued) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) -- hearings: Palestin·, ,"efugees: assistance (c1ntinued) -- hearings: Southern Rhodesia (continued) Documents Requests for hearing irom (continued) Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, M01'OCCO, Pan-African Socialist Union of : Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunis~a and Chiota, Lucas A/C. 4/657/Add. 5 United Arab Republic. Lette&' dated 2 Nov Mushonga, Paul A/C. 4/55'1/Add. 3 requesting that a Palestine Arab delegation Sithole, Phenias Feran! A/C. 4/557/Add. 5 be heard during the discussion of the ques- Peoples Independent Democratic Union: tton, A/SPC/74 Kaseke A/C. 4/557/Add. 6 Discussion in Special Political Cttec: Meeting 358 Scott, Rev. Mich,lel A/C. 4/557 Representanves at the pi\lcstine Arab Delegation Zimbabwe African Peoples Union: were heard ns follows: Chinamano, Josiah A/C.4/557/Add.4 Ml·. AI-Ghouri at the 358th meeting Dumbutshena, Enoch A/C.4/557/Add.l Mr. Nakhleh at the 367th meeting Shamuyarira, Nathan A/C. 4/557/Add. 4 Mr. Rayess at the 366th meeting Slthole, Ndabaningi A/C.4/557/Add.l Mr. Tannous at the 359th meeting Zvobgo, Eddison A/C.4/557/Add.l -- hearings: South West Africa (agenda item 57) Other documents See also South West Ah'ica: international status African Nationalist Omces in Cairo (Chimba, Requests for hearing from: Justin). Telegram dated 24 Oct condemning Kerina, Mburumba K. A/C. 4/558 decision to hold elections in Dec Scott, Rev. Michael. A/C. 4/558 A/C. 4/569 South West Afr{..:" National Union: African Trades Union Congress, Southern Rhodesia, Huaraka, Tunguru. A/C. 4/558/Add. 2 Bulawayo, President (Nehwati). Telegram Kaukuetu, Vatja. AlC. 4/558/Add. 2 dated 10 Oct supporting Chinamano delegation Kozonguizi, Jariretundu. A/C. 4/558 and denouncing Butler-Gondo team. A/C. 4/561 Ngnr lrue, Zedekiah. A/C. 4/558/Add. 2 Nhnmburo and others. Telegram dated 23 Oct con- South West Africa People's Organization: demning Butler team and PIDU representa- Kuhangua, Jacob. A/C. 4/558 ttves. A/C. 4/568 Garoeb, Moses. A/C. 4/558/Add. 1 Nkomo, Jushua. Telegram received 18 Oct denounc- Nujoma, sam, A/C. 4/558/Add. 1 ing Peopl~s Independent Democratic Union South West Africa United National Independence and call1J!g for UN investigation. A/C. 4/565 Organization: Southern Rhodesia Trades Union Congress: Presi- Kooper, Rev. Markus. A/C.4/558/Add.1 dent (Jamela). Telegram received 17 Oct Pan-Africanist ("ongress (South Africa): deploring use of Mr. Jamela's name by Butler Leballo, Potlako K. A/C. 4/558/Add. 3 delegation. A/C. 4/565 Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1329-1331,1365, Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1329,1331-1333, - 1370-1374,1383,1386-1388 1335,1337-1355,1368 Requests for hearing granted at 1330th, 1331st, Requests for hearing granted at 1330th-1333rd, 1365th, 1370th, 1383rd, 1386th meetings 1335th, 1340th, 1346th, 1350th, 1352ndmeetings Petitioners heard as follows: Petitioners heard as follows: Kertna, Mburumba K. at 1372nd,1373rd Independent Multi-Racial Group: meetings Burdett-Coutts, W.A. F. at 1347th-1351st, Pan-Africanist Congress (South Africa): 1354th meetings Leballo, Potlako K. at 1371st, 1372nd meet- Butler, A. D. at 1346th, 1348th-1351st, 1353rd, ings 1354th meetings Seott, Rev. Michael at 1370th - 1374th,1387th, Dombura, J. at 1347th-1351st, 1354th meetings' 1388th meetings Gondo, J. M. at 1347th-1351st, 1353rd, 1354th South West Africa National Union: meetings Kozonguizi, Jariretundu at 1373rd, 1374th Hlazo, T. J. at 1345th, 1346th, 1348th-1351st, meetings 1353rd, 1354th meeting South West Africa Peoples' Organization: Pan-African Socialist Union of Zimbabwe: Nujoma, Sam at 1371st, 1374th, 1388th meet- Chiota, L. at 1353rd, 1354th meetings

ings Mushonga, P.M. at 1352nd-1354th meetings ,',·',"',,".1.. Kuhangua, Jacob at 1372nd, 1374th meetings Sithole, P.F, at 1353rd, 1354th meetings • South West Africa United National Independence Seott, Rev. Michael at 1330-1332nd meetings Organization: Zimbabwe African Peoples Union: Kooper, Rev. Markus at 1372nd,1374th meet- Chinamano, Josiah at 1342nd-1344th meetings ings Dumbutshena, Enoch at 1333rd, 1334th, 1355th, -- hearings: Southern Rhodesia (agenda item 56) 1368th meetings See also Southern Rhodesia: self-government Shamuyarina, N. at 1352nd,1354th meetings Requests for hearing from: Sithole, Ndabaningi at 1337th-1341st meetings Independent Multiracial Group: -- hearings: Spanish Guinea (agenda item 49) Burdett-Coutts, W.A.F. A/C.4/557/Add.2 Requests for hearing from:

Bl\tler, A.D. A/C.4/557/Add.2 Mouvement pour l'independence de la Guinee ,";,.:',·.•1. Dombura, J. A/C. 4/557/Add. 2 Equatoriale: • Gondo, J.M. A/C.4/557/Add.2 Maho, Louis Joseph A/C.4/562 Hlazo, T.J. A/C. 4/557/Add. 2 ,e

45 ====="-, .. ~ . ... .--,:..=~======::::::::::==:::::::

C, SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) GENERAL ASSEMBLY. (continued) -- heal'lngs: Spanish Guinea (continued) -- hearings: TOl'ritories under Portuguese administration Requests for hearing fl'om (continued) (continued) National Liberation Movement of Equatol'ial Guinea: Requests for hearing from (conUn,~d) Ndong,Atanasio, A/C. 4/591 Partido Africano dn Independencta da Gulno e Ondo, Bonifacio. A/C.4/591/Add,l Cabo Vorde (PAlGC): Oyono, Jesus, A/C,4/591/Add.1 Cabrnl, Amllcar A/C, 4/595 Partido Polfiica Idea Popular de la Guinea Ecua­ Union of Nationals of Portuguese Guinea (UNGP): tortal (IPGE): Dias, Paulo A/C, 4/586 Epot.'1., Jose Perea. A/C,4/562/Add.1 Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1350, 1381-1383, Slanguino, Raymond. A/c,4/591/Add.1 1390-1392,1394,1396-1398,1400,1403,1404, .. Disc\\ssion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1329, 1403, 1406, 1412 1407,1408.1417,1427,1428,1431 1413, 1420,1423 " Req\lests fOl' hearings granted at 1381st, 13811th, Requests for hearing granted at 1403rd, 1406th 1394th, 1397th, 139Bth,1403rd, 1407th, 1417th, meetings 1428th meetings Petitioners heard as follows: Petitioners heard as follows: Mouvement pour I'Independence de la Guinee Committee for the Liberation of Slto Tome and Equatoriale: Principe (CLSTP): Maho, Louls Joseph at 1420th meeting T~'ovoacL.'1., Miguel at 1404th meeting National Liberation Movement of Equatorial Front national de Iiberatton de la Guin~e dite , ,I Guinea: Portugaise (FNLG): Ndong, Atanasio at 1412th, 1413th meetings Labery, Henry at 1431st meeting Partido Polftica Idea Popular de la Guinea Ecua­ Front national pour la liberation de I'Angola torial (IPGE): (FNLA): Epota, Jose Perea at 1420th meettne Holden Roberto at 1398th meeting -- hearings: Swaziland (agenda item 49) Kounzika, Emmanuel at 1398th meeting Requests for hearing from: Mapanje, Benedito at 1416th meeting Swaziland Progressive Party: Massinga, Jose Chicuarra submitted a statement Nquku, J. J, A/C. 4/567 & corr. 1 in lieu of oral hearing. A/C. 4/588 Nxumalo, Albert A/C. 4/567 & Corr.1 Mouvement pour la liberation de l'Enclave de Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1~56, 1406, 1409,1410, Cabinda (MLEC): 1413 Ranque Franque, Luis at 1391st, 1392nd meet­ Requests for hearing granted at 1406th meeting ings Petitioners heard as follows: Movement for the Defence of the Interests of Swaziland Progressive Party: Angola (MDIA): Nquku, J. J. at 1409th, 1410tl1 meetings Bala, J. P. at 1400th meeting -- hearings: Territories under Portuguese admtntstratton Movimiento para a Liberacao de Angola (MPLA):' (agenda item 54) Neto, Agostinho at 1427tl1 meeting See also Territories under Portuguese adminiatration; Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO): status Mondlane, Eduardo at 1394th, 1396th, 1397th Requests for hearing from: meetings Committee for the Liberation of Sao Tome and NTO-BAKO Angola: Principe (CLSTP) Alberto, Angelino at 1408th meeting Trovoada, Miguel A/C. 4/590 Partido Africauo da Independencia da Guina e Front national de liberation de la Guinea dite Cabo Verde (PAIGC): Portugaise (FNLG): Cabral, Amilcar at 1420th meeting Labery, Henry A/C. 4/597 -- meditation and prayer (agenda item 2) Front national pour la liberation de l 'Angola (FNLA): A minute of silence was observed at 1122nd and 1202nd Holden Robsrto A/C. 4/584 plenary meetings Kounzika, Emmanuel A/C. 4/584/Add. 1 -- Members: representatives: credentials (agenda item 3(b)) Mapanje, Benedito A/C. 4/592 Discussion in Credentials CHee: Meeting 42 (no meet­ Massinga, Jose Chicuarra A/C. 4/583/Add. 1 ing record published) Mouvement pour la liberation de l"Enclave de Report. A/5395 Cabinda (MLEC): Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1201,1202 Ranque Franque, Luis A/C. 4/566 Draft resolution in A/5395 [approving report] Movement for the Defence of the II1'erests of adopted (73-4-23) at 1202nd meeting as reso­ Angola (MDIA): lution 1871 (XVII) . Bala, J. P. A/C. 4/587 -- Members: representatives: list Kaziluki, A. A/C. 4/587 Documents Movimiento Popular para a Ltbertacao de Angola Secretariat. List of delegations. ST!SG/SER. B/ (MPLA): 13 & Rev. 1 Andrade, Mario A/C. 4/594 -- opening of session (agenda item 1) Neto, Agostinho A/C. 4/594 The session was declared open at 1122nd meeting on Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO): 18 Sep 1962 by the Temporary President, Mr. Mondlane, Eduardo A/C. 4/583 Mongi Slim (Tunisia) NTO-BAKO Angola: -- organization of work Alberto, Angelino A/C. 4/577 Documents, Secretary-General. Memorandum. A/BUR/156

46 ---

C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) -- organization or v;:)l'k (continued) -- procedure (continued) Dlr usston in Saneral cttee: Meeting 148 Discussion in Plenary (continued) - rt. A/6230 Draft resolution in A/5370 [proposing to continue D" sion in Plenary: Meetings 1129,1144,1149-1151, the Ad Hoc Cttee and to place this item on ------1155,1167, 1168, 1174, 1176,1180 the agenda of the 18th session of GAl adopted Recommendatton in A/5230 adopted at 1129th meeting without vote at 1198th meeting as resolution -- participation of Korea (DPR) 1845 (XVII) Documents -- resolutions USSR. l>raft resolution. A/C.l/L. 318 (rejected Collected edition. A/5217 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. at 1299th meeting of 1st Cttee) no. 17) & Corr. 1 (Russian only) .. USA. Draft resolution inviting the Republic of Resolutions (A/RES/1748-1871) issued sej,arately in KOI'ea to participate in the discussion of the mimeographed form as follows: Korean question. A/C. l/L. 321 Advisory Cttee: members: Discussion in 1st Cttee: Meetings 1291, 1298, 1299 election A/RES/1791 (XVII) Draft resolution. A/C,1/885 " Africa: education A/RES/1832 (XVII) -- parttclpatlon of Korea (Rep) Algeria: admtsston to UN A/RES/1754 (XVII) Documents Angola situation A/RES/1819 (XVII) I USSR, Draft resolution. A/c. l/L. 318 (rejected Asylum, Right of: declaration at the 1299th meeting of 1st Citee) (draft) A/RES!1839 (XVII) USA. Draft resolutton inviting the Republic of Atomic weapons: prohibition: conference (proposed) A/RES/1801 (XVII) I KOl'ea to participate in the discussion of the Korean question. A/C. l/L. 321 Atomic weapons: tests: sus­ Discussion in 1st Citee: Meetings 1291, 1298, 1299 pension A/RES/1762 A & B Draft resolution. A/c.1/885 (XVII) & corr. 1 '-"ollowing adoption of resolution in A/C. 1/885 a (Spanish only) representative of the Republic of Korea was Board of Auditors: members: invited at the 1300th meeting to participate election A/RES/1793 (XVII) I without vote in the discussion of the Korean Burundi: admission to UN A/RES/1749 (XVII) question Burundi: assistance A/RES/1836 (XVII) -- President (agenda item 4) Cairo Declaration of Develop­ Mr. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan (Pakistan) elected on ing Countries, 1962 A/RES/1820 (XVII) 1st ballot at 1122nd plenary meeting Coffee: International Agree­ -- procedure (agenda item 86) ment, 1962 A/RES/1822 (XVII) Documents Colonialism: elimination A!RES/1810-1812, GA: Ad Hoc Cttee on the Improvement of Methods l817,1818(XVll) of Work of the General Assembly. Report. Committee on Contributions: . A/5370 members: election A/RES/1792 & GA: President. Letter dated 26 Apr transmitting Add. 1 (XVII) memorandum on the work of the General Commodities: prices: fluctua­ Assembly, with proposed revisions in its tion: compensatory financ­ methods and procedures. A/5123 ing A/RES/1829 (XVII) Secretary-General. Statement of financial impli­ Commodity problems A/RES/1822, 1829 cations of draft resolution in A/5370. ( XVII) AIL. 421 Consular relations A/RES/1813 (XVII) Tunisia. Letter dated 16 Aug requesting inclusion Co-ordination among UNand of supplementary item "Improvement of the specialized agencies: admi- methods of work of the General Assembly" in nistrative and budgetary the agenda. A/5lB5 questions A/RES/1869 (XVII) Discussion in General Cttee: Meeting 148 Co-ordination among UNand Report. A/5230 specialized agencies: pro­ Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (Brazil, USA), gramme of meetings A/RES/1851 (XVII) 1126 (Japan, Norway), 1130 (Canada), 1132 (Aus­ Dag Hammarskjold Foundation A/RES/1757 (XVII) tralia, Liberia), 1134 (Greece), 1138 (Jordan), Disarmament A/RES/1767 (XVII) 1140 (Cameroon), 1141 (Tunisia), 1143 (Ghana, Disarmament: economic and Spain), 1144 (Sierra Leone), 1147 (Netherlands), social consequences A/RES/1837 (XVII) 1148 (Israel), 1150 (Madagascar), 1162, 1198 Disarmament: & economic and The Assembly approved without objection at 1162nd social development A/RES/1837 (XVII) meeting, the proposal of the President t.o Economic development A/RES!1830 (XVII) refer this item t.o an Ad Hoc Cttee composed Economic development: & popu- of the following members: lation growth A/RES/1838 (XVII) The President of the GA, the 13 Vice-Presi­ & Rev. 1 (English dents, the 3 past Presidents (Dr. Belaunde French and of Peru, Mr. Boland of Ireland, Dr. Spanish only)* Padilla-Nervo of Mexico) and the Chair­ Freedom of information: con- man of the Delegation of Tunisia vention (draft) A/RES/1840 (XVII)

* Replaces A/RES/1838 which contained a technical error in par. 6


""'''"11'' C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) , GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) -- resolutions (continued) -- resolutions (continued) Rescluttons (A!RES/1748-1871 issued separately in Resolutions (A/RES/1748-1871) issued separatel mimeographed form as follows continued) mimeographed orm as follows continued Freedom of information: decla- Racial, national and religious ration (draft) A!RES/1840 (XVII) intolerance: manifestations: General Assembly: Membel's: prevention of A/RES/1779-1781 representatives: credentials A/RFr" '1871 (XVII) (XVII) General Assembly: procedure A/R.r...' .845 (XVII) Radiation: effects A/RES/1764 I & 11 GA, 4th Special session A/RES/1866 (XVII) (XVII) Hammarskjold, Dag H.A.C.: Refugees A/RES/1784 (XVII) death: investigation A/RES/1759 (XVII) Rwanda: assistance A/RES/1836 (XVII) Housing and urban development A/RES/1772 (XVII) Rwanda: admission to UN A/RES/1748 (XVII) Human rights A/RES/1776 (XVII) S(..cretartat: staff: geographical Human rights: advisory distribution A/RES/1852 (XVII) services A/RES/1782 (XVII) Secretary-General: appointment A/RES/1771 (XVII) Human rights: covenants (draft) A/RES/1843 A-C Sec\J':UyCouncil: report, 1961/ (XVII) 1962 A/RES/1800 (XVII) Human rights: Universal Decla­ Slavery: Supplementary Conven- ration: anniversary, 15th, tion, 1956,: implementation A/RES/1841 (XVII) 1963 A/RES/1775 (XVII) South Africa: race problems: Hungarian situation A/RES/1857 (XVII) apartheid A/RES/1761 (XVII) ,r.I Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South West Africa: international South Africa A/RES/1761 (XVII) status A/RES/1804-1806 Industrial development A/RES/1821, 1824 (XVII) (XVII) Southern Rhodesia: sell-govern- Information media A/RES/1778 (XVII) ment A/RES/1755 (XVII) IAEA: report, 1961/1962 A/RES/1769, 1770 & Corr.1 (XVII) (French only); ILC: report, 14th sess. A/RES/1765 (XVII) A/RES/1760 International trade: conference (XVII) (proposed) A/RES/1785 (XVII) Special Fund: finances: expendit­ Investments Committee: mem- ures by executing agencies, bers: appointment A/RES/1794 (XVII) 1961: audit A/RES/1868 & Iran: earthquake, 1962 A/RES/1753 (XVII) Corr.1 (Eng­ Jamaica: admission to UN A/RES/1750 (XVII) lish only) Korea, Republic of: withdrawal Special Fund: operations A/RES/1833 (XVII) of foreign troops (proposed) A/RES/1855 (XVII) Technical assistance: Expanded Korean question A/RES/1855 (XVII) Programme: finances A/RES/1833, 1835 Land reform A/RES/1828 (XVII) (XVII) Libya: assistance A/RES/1834 (XVII) Technical assistance: Expanded Marriage: minimum age, con­ Programme: finances: Special sent and registration A/RES/1763 A & B Account: audit A/RES/1867 (XVII) (XVII) & Corr.l Narcotic drugs: control A/RES/1774 (XVII) (English only) Natural resources: permanent Territories under Portuguese sovereignty A/RES/1803 (XVII) administration A/RES/1807-1809 Nature: protection A/RES/1831 (XVII) (XVII) Non-Sell-Governing Territories: Treaties: law A/RES/1766 (XVII) fellowships and scholarships A/RES/1849 (XVII) Trinidad and Tobago: admission Non-Sell-Governing Territories: to UN A/RES/1751 (XVII) information to United NationsA/RES/1846, 1847 Trusteeship Council, report, J (XVII) 1961/1962 A/RES/la58 (XVII) Non-Sell-Governing Territories: Uganda: admission to UN A/RES/1758 (XVII) racial discrimination A/RES/1850 (XVII) UN: budget: policy A/RES/1797 (XVII) Office of the United Nations High UN: budget, 1962: supplementary Commissioner for Refugees: appropriations . A/RES/1860 (XVII) continuation A/RES/1783 (XVII) UN: budget, 1963 A/RES/1768,1861 Outer space: peaceful uses 'A/RES/1802 (XVII) A to C & Corr.1 Palestine refugees: assistance A/RES/1856 (XVII) (XVII) & Rev. 1 (Eng­ UN: budget, 1963: unforeseen lish only) and extraordinary expenses A/ftES/1862 (XVII) Peaceful relations among UN: Charter: General Conference peoples: promotion among under Art, 109 A/RES/1756 (XVII) youth A/RES/1842 (XVII) UN: economic and social acti- Peaceful relations among vities: decentralization A/RES/1823 (XVII) & international law A/RES/1815,1816 UN: finances: accounts, 1961 A/RES/1737 (XVII) (XVII) UN: finances: contributions A/RES/1870 (XVII)

48 ...

C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) -- resolutions (continued) -- rules of procodare: rule 154 (continued) Resolutions (A/RES/1740-1871) issued sepnmtov in Documents (continued) - mimeographeu forlll as follows (continuea Advisory Cttee. 8th repcrt. A/5239 UN: finances: WOl'king Capitnl 5th Cttee: Chairman. Letter dated 9 Oct 1962 to Fund A/RES/1063 A & B the President of the General Assembly con­ (XVII) cerulng' implementation of Rule 154 of the UN: Members: admission A/RES/1749-1751, Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly 1754,1750 (XVII) [relating to administrative and financial UN: & Non-Selr-Govemlng implications of decisions by competent Territories: information bodies]. A/C,5/927, A/C. 5/L. 728 (draft about UN A/HES/1048 (XVII) letter of same date) UN: organs and subsicUm'y organs: Discussion in 1st Citee: Meeting 1248 members: travel and other Discussion in 2nd Citee: Meeting 805 expenses A/RES/1798 (XVII) Discussion in Srd Cttee: Meeting 1151 UN: peace and security operations: Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meeting 1344 financing A/RES/1854 A & B Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 916,920,921 (XVII) Discussion in 6th Cttee: Meeting' 741 UN: & Tl'ust Territories: infor- Discussion in Special Political Cttee: Meeting 330 mation about United Nations A/RES/1859 (XVII) -- sessions: duration: See General Assembly: procedure

UN Administrative Tribunal: -M Special CommWee rorSouth West 'Africa: dissolution members: election A/RES/1795 (XVII) (proposed) (agenda item 57a)) United Nations Capital Develop- See also South West Africa: international status ment Fund A/RES/1826 (XVII) -nO'CUments UNICEF A/RES/1773 (XVII) Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Dominican Republic, UNICEF: finances: accounts, Ecuador, Gabon, Ghana, GUinea, Honduras, 1901 A/RES/1788 (XVII) India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Mali, United Nattons Development Mauritania, M01'OCCO, Nepal, Syria, Tangan­ Decade, 1960-1970 A/RES/1825, 1827 yika, Tunisia and Uganda, Joint draft reso­ (XVII) lution calling for the dissolution of the Special UNESCO: & UN: Agreement, Cttee for SouthWest Africa, A/C. 4/L. 757 1946: revision A/RES/1786 Discussion In 4th Citee: Meetings 1378, 1383, 1386-1390 UNEF: budget, 1963 A/RES/1864 (XVII) Draft report. AYC:4/L.758 UNHCR: finances: voluntary Report. A/5310 I funds: accounts, 1961 A/RES/1790 (XVII) Discussion in Plenary,: Meetings 1170,1174,1176,1180, I United Nations International 1181,1192,1194 School A/RES/1853 (XVII) Draft resolution III in A/5310 [dissolving the Special UN Joint Pension Fund: report, Cttee for South West Africa] adopted unani­ 1960/1961 A/RES/1799 (XVII) mously as resolution 1806 (XVII) United Nations Juridical Year­ -- Special Committee for South West Africa: report. A/5212 book: publication (proposed) A/RES/1814 (XVII) (GAOR,l7th sess., SuppL no. 12), See South West United Nations Operation in the Africa: international status for discUSSion Congo: financing A/RES/1865 (XVII) -- Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese 'I UNRWA: finances: accounts, Administration: dissolution (proposed) (agenda 1 1961 A/RES/1789 (XVII) item 54) UN Staff Pension Committee: See also Territories under Portuguese administration: members: election A/RES/1796 (XVII) status l United Nations Training and Documents Research Institute: establish- Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, ment A/RES/1827 (XVII) Mali, Mauritania, Niger, [Nigeria], Yugo­ United Nations year for interna- slavia. Joint draft resolution calling for dis­ tional co-operation, 1965 solution of Special Committee on Territories (proposed) A/RES/1844 (XVII) under Portuguese Administration. A/C. 4/ West New Guinea (West Irian): L. 761 (at 1194th plenary meeting the Rappor­ Indonesia/Netherlands teur of 4th Citee indicated that Nigeria was Agreement,1962 A/RES/1752 (XVII) not a eo-sponsor of this resolution) Women: advancement i'1 develop- Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1415,1419 ing countries A/RES/1777 (XVII) Report. A/5349 & Add. 1 World Food Programme A/RES/1825 (XVII) Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1170,1174,1176,1180, -- resolutions: financial implications: See General Assembly: 1192, 1194 rules of procedure: rule 154 - Draft resolution III in A/5349 & Add. 1 [dissolving -- rules of procedure the Special Cttee on Territories under Portu­ See Part A. Introduction and General Assembly: guese Administration] adopted (100-0-1) as - procedure - resolution 1809 (XVII) -- rules of procedure: rule 154 -- Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Documents Administration: report. A/5160 & Corr. 1 (English Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 18-20. A/5207 only), Add. 1,2: See Territories under Portuguese (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) Administration fordiscussion

49 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) -- Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the -- Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Im­ Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting plementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independ­ of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples: enca to Colonial Count.ries and Peoples: terms of reterence: members: tncrease in number (proposed) (agenda amendments (proposed) (continued) item 25) Documents (continued) See also Colonialism: elimination AfglmiiI'stan, Algeria, Central Afl'ican Republic, Documents Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Indonesia, Iraq, AdvisOl'y Cttee. 34th report. Financial implica­ Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Mongolia, tions of drart resolution in A/L.4lO. A/5348 MOl'OCCO, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Afghanistan, Algeria, Central African Republic, Somalia, Syria, Tanganyika, Uganda, United Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Indonesia, Iraq, Arab Republic and Upper Yolta. Draft reso­ Llberta, Madagascar, Mali, Mongolia, lution calling for increased membership and Morocco, Nigerta, Pakistan, Senegal, amended terms of reference of the Special Somalia, Syl'ia, Tanganyika, Uganda, United Cttee , A/L. 410 & Add, 1 (adds Cameroon, Arab Republic and UPl'~l' Volta. Draft reso­ Chad, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Leopokt­ lution calling for increased membership and ville), Dahomey, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Libya, amended terms of reference of the Special Mau1'itania, Niger, Philippines, and Togo as Cttee. A/L. 410 & Add. 1 (adds Cameroon, co-sponsors) Chad, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Laopold­ Secretary-General. Report on financial implica­ ville), Dahomey, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Libya, tions of draft resolution in A/L. 410. A/C. 5/ Mauritania, Niger, Philippines and Togo as 962 eo-sponsors) Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1386-1389,1401­ Secretary-General. Note concerning Members who 1403,1405,1415,IQ17-1419 have accepted the President's invitation under .Reports. A/5310. A/5349 & Add, 1 resolution 1810 (XVII) to serve on the Special Disc;Jssion in 5th CUee: Meeting 974 Cttee: Bulgaria, Chile, Denmark, Iran, Iraq, Report. A!5351 Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone. A/5397 Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1169-1178,1180,1181. Secretary-General. Report on financial implications 1192, 1194,1195 c.f draft resolution in A/L. 410. A/C. 5/962 Draft resolution in A/L. 410 & Add. 1 adopted by Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 974 roll-call vote (101-0-4) at 1195th meeting as Report. A!5351 resolution 1810 (XVII) DiSCUSSIon in Plpnary: Meetings 1169, 1170, 1172, 1174­ -- Special Political Committee: agenda 1178, 1180, 1181, 1192, 1194, 1195, 1202 Documents Draft resolution in A/L, 410 & Add. 1 adopted by GA: President. Letter dated 24 Sep concerning roll-call vote (10~-0-4) at 1195th meeting as allocation of items. A/SPC/66 resolution 1810 (XVII) Secretariat. Order of consideration of items on At 1202nd meeting the President informed the the agenda as approved at the 326th meeting General Assembly that the nomination of the of the Cttee. A/SPC/68 & Add. 1 (order as ,j additional members of the Special CUee would approved at the 348th meeting) be announced at a later date. Discussion in Special Political Cttee: Meeting 348 1 The following Members accepted invitation by Pre­ -- Special Political Committee: members: representatives sident of General Assembly to serve in the Documents . 1 Special CUee: Bulgaria, Chile, Denmark, Secretariat. List of members. A/SPC/67 & Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone Corr.1,2 (A/5397). -- Special Political Committee: officers (agenda item 5) Accordingly the composition of the above CUee is as See Part A. Introduction for 3. complete list of follows: Australia, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Chile, - elected officers Denmark, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Iraq, Italy, -- Special Political Committee: reports ;: ,': Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Mali, Poland, See under subject of report for discllssion Sierra Leone, Syria, Tanganyika, Tunisia, Hungarian situation. A!5388 USSR, United Kingdom, USA, Uruguay, Vene- Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa. A/5276 I zuela and Yugoslavia. Oman question. A/5325 11 -- Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Palestine refugees: assistance. A/5387 t.? Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting Radiation: effects. A/5285 Ij of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples: South Africa: race problems: apartheid. A/5276 i' report. A/5238'. See Colonialism: elimination for Venezuela: & British Guiana: 'boundr-Ies, A/5313 [ill. discussion -- Special Political Committee: resolutions i..:.·.•. -'- Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Resolutions issued separately in mimeographed form I' Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting as follows i~ of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples: Hungarian situation. A/SPC/77 bi terms of reference: amendments (proposed) (agenda Indians and Indo- Pakistanis in South Africa. 13 item 25) A/SPC/69 ~.·.··~.f See also Colonialism: elimination Oman question. A/SPC/75 f:\ Documents Palestine refugees: assistance. A/SPC/76 Radiation: effects. A/SPC/70 \11 AdVl'~~';n~~~~'::;~::::~~ i~~ir.~':: o'.m~~~4B South Africa: race problems: apartheid. A/SPC/69

50 ~.c.~ C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) -- Sub-Committee on the Situation in An::I0la: report. -- 2nd Committee: officers (agenda item 5) A/5286:See Angola situation for discussion See Pal't A. Introductlou for a complete list of -- Vice-Presiden'fSlagendn item 6) elected officers The following Vice-Presidents were elected at 1124th -- 2nd Committee: organtzatton of work plenary meeting: Australia, Belgium, China, Documents Colombia, France, Guinea, Haiti, Jordan, G'A: 2na Cttee: Chairman. Notes. A/C. 2/L. 643 & Madagascar, Romania, USSR, United Kingdom Corr', I, Add. I, A/C. 2/L. 667, A/C. 2/L. 701 and USA Discussion in 2nd cuee: Meetings 795, 796, 811, 821, -- voting 825,826,831,833,849,855-859 Statements in Plenal':t: Meetings 1125 (USA), 1131 -- 2nd Committee: reports (Austria), 1132 (Liberia), 1143 (Nepal), 1144 See under subjects of repol't for discussion (Paraguay) Africa: education. A/5360 &; Corr.l (English only) -- Working Group of Fifteen 011 the Examination of the Burundi: assistance. A/5360 & Corr.1 (English only) Admlnlstra uve and Budgetary Procedures of the Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962. United Nations: See United Nations: peace and A/5344 security operations: financing Commodity problems. A/5344 -- 1st Committee: agenda Disarmament: economic and social consequences. Documents A/5361 GA: President. Letter concerntng allocation of Disarmament: & economic and social development. items. A/C. 1/868 & Add. 1 A/5361 GA: 1st Cttee: Chairman. Letter dated 22 Nov ESC: report, 1961/1962. A/5344 concerning decision to refer item "Condem­ Ecunomic development. A/5344 nation of propaganda favouring preventive Economic development: & population growth. A/5354 nuclear war" to the Eighteen-Nation Cttee on Economic projections. A/5344 Disarmament for constderation. A/5311 Industrial development. A/5344 Secretariat, Order of consideration of items on International trade: conference (proposed). A/5316 the agenda as approved at the 1245th meeting Investments, International. A/5344 of the Cttee, A/C, 1/872 & Add, 1 (orrtsr as Land reform. A/5344 approved at the 1283rd meeting) Libya: assistance. A/5360 & Corr.1 (English only) Discussion in 1st Cttee: Meetings 1245, 1282-1284 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty. A/5344 -- 1st Committee: members: representatives & Add. 1 & Add.1/Corr.1 Documents Nature: protection. A/5344 & Add. 1 & Add.1/Corr. 1 Secretariat. List of members. A/C. 1/870 & Public administration: technical assistance. A/5360 Corr.1,2 & Corr. 1 (English only) -- 1st Committee: officers (agenda item 5) Rwanda: assistance. A/5360 & Corr.1 (English only) See Part A. Introduction for a complete list of Special Fund: operations. A/5360 & Corr. 1 (English - elected officers - only) -- 1st Committee: reports Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances. See under subject of report for discussion A/5360 & Corr.1 (English only) Atomic weapons: prohibition: conference (proposed). Technical co-operation. A/5360 & Corr. 1 (English A/5323 & Corr.1 (Spanish only) only) Atomic weapons: tests: suspension. A/5279 UN: economic and social activities: decentralization. Disarmament. A/5303 & Add, 1 A/5344 Korea: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed). UN Capital Development Fund. A/5344 A/5383 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970. A/5344 Korean question. A/5383 UN Training and Research Institute: establishment. Outer space: peaceful uses. A/5341 A/5344 -- 1st Committee: resolutions Worid Food Programme. A/5344 Resolutions issued separately in mimeogra.phed form -- 2nd Committee: resolutions as follows Resolutions issued separately in mimeographed form GA: participation of Korea (DPR). A/C. 1/885 as follows: GA: participation of Korea (Rep). A/C. 1/885 Industrial development. A/C. 2/L. 684 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops Natural resources: permanent sovereignty. (proposed). A/C, 1/885 A/C. 2/L. 705 Korean question. A/C. 1/885 UN: economic and social activities: decentraliza­ -- 2nd Committee: agenda tion. A/C. 2/L. 703 Documents -- 3rd Committee: agenda GA: President. Letter concerning allocation of Documents items. A/C. 2/212 & Add. 1 GA: President. Letter concerning allocation of GA: 2nd Cttee: Chairman. Note. A/C. 2/L. 643 & items. A/C. 3/594 Corr.1,Add.1 GA: 3rd Cttee: Chairman. Note. A/C. 3/L. 977 & Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meeting 797 Add. 1 -- 2nd Committee: members: representatives GA: 3rd Cttee. Work programme. A/C. 3/L. 980 Documents -- 3rd Committee: members: representatives Secretariat. List of members. A/C. 2/213 & Documents Add. 1, Rev. 1, Rev.1/Corr.1, Rev.1/Corr. 2 Secretariat. List of members. A/C. 3/595 & Corrv l , Add. 1, 2, Rev. 1, Rev.1/Add.1

51 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continucd) -- 3l'd Committee: officers (agenda item 5) -- 4th Committoe: roporta (continued) See Part A. Introduction!2E a completo ~ Non-Solf-Governing Terrilori~s: fellowships and elected officers scholal'shlps, A/5371 & Corl', 1,2 -- 3rd Committee: orgnulzatton of work Non-Self-Govel'nh'tl'TerritOl'ies: indigenous cadres: Discussion in 3rd Ctteo: Meetings 1136,1137,1145, prepnrntton ami tl'alnln[!;. A/5371 & COl'l'.1,2 1163 Non-Soli-Governin!~Territol'ios: mtcrmatton to UN, -- 31'd Committee: reports A/5371 & Corr, 1,2 See under subjects of l'e lOl't for discussion Ncn-Sell-Governlng Tel'ritol'ies: tntormatton to UN: Asylum, Right of: declaratton dl'a t), A75359 & educational, economtc and social. A/5371 & Con, 1 Corl'.1,2 Bm'undi: assistance, A/5360 Non-Self-Governing Tenitol'1es: information to UN: Freedom of information: convention (draft). A/5363 political and constttutlonal. A/5371 & Corr. 1,2 Freedom of information: declaration (draft), A/5363 Non-Self-Governing Tm'ritories: information to UN: Housing and urban development. A/5314 & Con,1 transmission and examination. A/5371 & (Russian only) COl'r.1,2 Human rights, A/5314 & Ccrr, 1 (Russian only) Non-Seli-Govel'ning 'ferritories: racial discrimination, Human rights: advisory services. A/5277 A/5371 & Corr. 1, 2 Human rtghts: covenants (draft), A/5365 South West Alrica: international status, A/5310 Human rights: Universal Declaration: anniversary, Southel'll Rhodesia: self-government. A/5256 & Corr,1 15th, 1963. A/5314 & Corr.1 (Russian only) (English only), Add. 1 Information media. A/5314 & Con. 1 (Russian only) Territories under Portuguese Administration. A/5349 Iran: earthquake, 1962, A/5250 & Add,1 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration: Trust Territories: fellowships and scholarships, convention (draft). A/5273 A/5390 Marr-iage: minimum age, consent and r-egtstrattc-: Trustee~hip Council: report, 1961/1962. A/5300 recommendation (draft). A/5273 United Nations: & Non-Seli-Governing 'ferritories: Narcotic drugs: control. A/5314 & Corr.1 (Russian information about United Nations, A/5371 & only) Corr, 1,2 Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees: United Nations: & Trust Territorios: information continuation, A/5333 &. Corr. J. about United Nations, A/5390 Peaceful relations among peoples: promotion among -- 4th special session youth. A/5364 & Corr.1 (French only) Documents Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifesta- Denmark, Norway and Sweden, Dralt resolution tions, prevention of. A/5305 continuing the special account for the ex­ Refugees, A/5333 & Con, 1 penses of UNEF and the ad hoc account for Rwanda: assistance, A/5360 the expenses of ONUC and convening a Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementa- special session of the General Assembly tion. A/5346 before 30 Jun 1963 to consider the financial Social services. A/5360 situation of the Organization in the light of , . Special Fund: operations. A/5360 the report to be prepared by the Working '1 Technical co-operation. A/5360 Group of Twenty-One, A/C. 5/L, 774 & :l 1 UNICEF, A/5314 & Corr. 1 (Russian only) Add. 1 (adds Nigeria and Tunisia as eo­ Women: advancement in developing countries. A/5314 sponsors) & Corr. 1 (Russian only) Secretary-General. Report. Financial implica­ :1~.. ': -- 4th Committee: agenda tions of the draft resolution in A/C. 5/1,. 774. ! Documents A/C, 5/970 I' t ,. GA: President. Letter concerning allocation of Discussion in 5th CUee: Meeting 982 items. A/C, 4/556 & Rev. 1 (order of agenda Report, A/5393 & Corr.l as approved at 1329th meeting), Add. 1 (allo­ Action in Plenary: Meeting 1201 cates item "Angola situation" to 4th Cttee) , Draft resolution C in A/5393 adopted (77-0-21) as Add. 2 (reallocates item "Angola situation" resolution 1866 (XVII) to,plenary) -- 5th Committee: agenda -- 4th Committee: members: representatives Documents Documents GA: President. Letter concerning allocation of Secretariat. List of members. A/C, 4/559 & Corr-, 1 items, A/C. 5/921 -- 4th Cttee: officers (agenda item 5) GA: 5th Cttee: Chairman.. Note concerning order See Part A. Introduction for a complete list of elected of work. A/C. 5/L, 725 -- officers Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 914 -- 4th Committee: organization of work -- 5th Committee: members: representatives Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1329,1373,1406, Documents 1413,1416,1422,1425 Secretariat. List of members, A/C. 5/924 & -- 4th Committee: reports Corr.1-5 See under subject of report for discussion -- 5th Committee: officers (agenda item 5) GA: Committee on Information from Non-Self-Govern­ See Part A. Introduction for a complete list of elected ing Territories: members: election, A/5371 - officers & Corr.1, 2

52 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) -- 5th Committee: reports -- 6th Committee: members: representauves See undel' subject of re ort Ior discussion Documents Advisory Cttee: mem ers: election, 5291 Secl'etariat, List of members. A/C, 6/366 & Atomic weapons: tests: suspension, A/5385 Add. 1-3 Boal'd of Auditors: members: election, A/5293 -- 6th Committee: officel's (agenda item 5) Burundi: assistance, A/5374 See Pal't A. Introduction I01' a complete list of Colonialism: eltmmnuon, A/5351 elected officel's Cttee on Contributions: members: election. A/5292, -- 6th Committee: reports A/5382 See under subjects of report I01' discussion Co-ordination among UN and specialized agencies: Consular relations. Al5343 administrative and budgetary questions. A/5394 International Law Commn: report, 14th sess. A/5287 Co-ordination among UN and specialized agencies: & Corr.1,2 ,2 programme of meetings, A/5376 Peaceful relations among States. A/5356 Dlsarrnnment, A/5304 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed). A/5342 ESC: report, 1961/1962: chap. XIV. A/5381 & Corr.1 & Add. 1 Human rights: advisory services. A/5306 ion. Internattonal trade: conference (proposed). A/5326, A/5335 GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND SUBSIDIARY ORGANS Investments Cttee: member-s: appointment. A/5294 -- members: travel and other expenses: See under United '1'.1 Outer space: peaceful uses. A/5350 Nations: budget, 1963 Radiation: effects, A/5300 149 Rwanda: assistance. A/5374 Secretariat: staff: fixed-term appointmenta, A/5377 GERMANY Secretariat: staff: geographical distribution, A/5377 - .. peace ti-eaty Secretary-General: appointment. A/5324 & Add. 1 Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1127 (USSR), 1129 South West AIl'ica: international status. A/5340 (Czechoslovakia), 1132 (Liberia), 1133 (Ukrai­ Special Fund: finances: expenditures by executing nian SSR), 1136 (Albania, Poland), 1137 (Mon­ agencies, 1961: audit. A/5389 golia), 1139 (Bulgaria), 1141 (Romania), 1144 State responsibility. A/5301 (Byelorussian SSR, Paraguay, Sierra Leone), State succession. A/5301 1153 (Upper Volta) Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances: Special Account: audit. A/5389 Territories under Portuguese adrn, : status. A/5357 GIBRAL'rAR (agenda item 49) UN: budget: policy. A/5328 Documents UN: budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations. - Secretary-General. Summary of information for A/5384 & Corr.1 (English only) 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5078 UN: budget, 1963. A/5391 & Add. 13 UN: budget, 1963: Economic Commn for Latin America: Statements in 4th Cttee: Meeting 1414 (Spain, United UN building, Santiago, Chile: construction. Kingdom), 1429 (Spain, United Kingdom) A/5386 UN: budget, 1963: Headquarters: major maintenance and capital improvement programme. A/5334 GIBSON, JAMES (United Kingdom) UN: budget, 1963, sects.13-17. A/5307 -- biography. A/C. 5/L. 729, A/C. 5/L. 731, A/C. 5/L. 742 UN: finances: accounts, 1961. A/5288 UN: finances: contributions. A/5392/Rev.1 UN: organs and subsidiary organs: members: travel GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS (agenda item 49) and other expenses. A/5327 Documents UN: peace and security operations: financing. A/5380 Secretary-General. Summary of information for UN Administrative Tribunal: members: election. 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5081 A/5295 & Add. 1 UNICEF: finances: accounts, 1961. A/5288 UNEF: budget, 1963. A/5393 & Corr. 1 UNHCR: finances: voluntary funds: accounts, 1961. GOA A/5288 Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1128 (India, South UN International School. A/5378 Africa), 1155 (India, Portugal) UN Joint Staff Pension Fund: report, 1960/1961. A/5329 UN Juridical Yearbook: publication (proposed). GRENADA (agenda item 49i A/5373 Documents UN Operation in the Congo: financing. A/5393 & Secretary-General. Summary of information for Corr.1 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5080/ UNRWA: finances: accounts, 1961. A/5288 Add 7 & 17 UN Staff Pension Cttee: members: election. A/5296 -- 6th Committee: agenda Documents GUAM (agenda item 49) GA: President. Letter concerning allocation of Documents items. A/C. 6/365 Secretary-General. Summary of information for Discussion in 6th Cttee: Meeting 733 1960 transmitted by USA. A/5081

53 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

HAMMARSKJOLD, DAG H. A. C. HUMAN lUGHTS (continued) -- death: investigation (agenda item 22) Documents (continued) GA resclutton 1628 (XVI) Dl'aft resolutions and amendments thereto (continued) See also Dag Hammarskjold Foundation Guatemala. Amendment (toA7c. 3/L. 992/ Documents Rev. 1). A/C. 3/L.l003 & Add. 1 (adds Ceylon, Cypl'US, Ghana, Honduras, India, Liberia, Gl'eece as eo- sponsor) (withdrawn at Libya, Morocco, Nigel'ia, United Arab Repub­ 11631'd meeting of 3rd Cttee) (withdrawn lic. Draft resolution tnlting note of the report at 1162nd meeting of 3rd Cttec) of the Comm.ission. A/L. 397 & Add. 1,2 (adds Ukratntan SSR. Draft resolution [concerning Congo (Leopoldville), Mauritania and Tunisia promotion of human rlghts and fundamental as eo-sponsors) hnmantreedoms], A/C. 3/L. 992 & Rev. 1 Commission of Investlgatton into the Conditions and (adds Mali, Mauritania, Nepal and Syria Circumstances resulting in the Tragic Death as co-sponsocs), Rev.2-4, Rev.4/Add.l of Mr. Dag Hammarskjold and of Members of (adds Niger as eo-sponsor) the Party Accompanying Him. Report. Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1153-116G, 1162­ A/5069 & Corr.1 (EngliSh only), Add. 1, 1164 Add. 1/Cor)'.! (English only), Corr. 2 (English Report. A/5314 & COrl'.l (Russian onlv) only) Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1187 Discussion in Plenary: lIiit:leting 1159 . Draft resolution V in A/5314 & Corr, 1 (Russian Draft resolution in A/L. 397 & Add. l , 2 adopted only) [concerning promotion of respect for (66-0-11) as resolution 1759 (XVII) human rights] adopted unanimously as reso­ -- tribute to lution 1776 (XVII) Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (BraZil), 1133 -- advisory services (agenda items 12 and 8U) (Pakistan) GA resolution 1679 (XVI); ESC resolution 889 (XXXIV) See also under United Nations: budget, 1963 DocumentS HONGKONG (agenda item 49) Advisory Cttee. 22nd report. Financial implica­ Documents tions of the draft resolution recommended by Secretary-General. Summary of information for the 3rd Cttee (A/5277). A/5302 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5079 ESC. Report,1961/1962, chap. IX, part C, sect. X. & Add. 3 A/5203 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 3) Greece, Italy, Japan, Liberia, Netherlands, Nor­ way, Philippines, Thailand, Togo and USA. HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (agenda item 12) Draft resolution [concerning increasing the Documents number of fellowships in 1962]. A/C. 3/ ~C. Report,1961/1962, chap. VIlI, sect. I. L.997 & Add. 1 (contains statement of finan­ A/5203 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.B) cial implications), Add. 2 (adds Madagascar Draft resolutions as eo- sponsor) Colombia, Denmark, Iraq, Mali, Nepal, Secretary-General. Note. A/5226 Tunisia, USA and Yugoslavia. Draft reso­ Secretary-General. Notes. Financial implications lution [concerning the enlargement of the of draft resolution in A/C. 3/L. 997. A/C. 3/ Cttee on Housing, Building and Planning L.997/Add.1, A/C. 5/941 from 18 to 21 members]. A/C.3/L.998 Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1149-1165 & Add. 1 (adds Guinea and Libya as eo­ Report. A!5277 sponsors), Add. 2 (adds Niger as eo­ Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 953,954 sponsor) Draft report. A!C. 5/L. 750 Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1149,1151-1160, Report. A/5306 1162, 1163 Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1187 Report. A/5314 & Cor'r. 1 (Russian only) Draft resolution in A/5277 adopted (80-0-21) as Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 118"/ resolution 1782 (XVII) Draft resolution I in A/5314 & Corr.1 (Russian -- covenants (draft) (agenda item 43) only) [concerning enlargement of Cttee on GA resolution 1666 (XVI) Housing, Building and Planning from 18 to Documents 21 members] adopted (81-0-11) as resolution GA: 3rd Cttee: Chairman. Note. A/C. 3/L. 1017 1772 (XVII) Secretary-General. Note. A/5144 Secretary-General. Note. EXisting procedures for periodic reporting to specialized agen­ HUMAN RIGHTS (agenda item 12) cies. A/C. 3/L. 101'5 Documents Secretary-General. Note listing text of articles of ESC. Report,1961/1962, chap.lX. A/5203 (GAOR, draft international covenants on human rights 17th sess., suppl. no. 3) adopted by the 3rd Cttee at the lOth to 16th Draft resolutions and amendments thereto sessions of the General Assembly. A/C. 3/ Canada, Denma.rk, Italy and New Zealand. L.978 Amendments (to A/C. 3/L. 992/Rev.1). Draft resolutions and amendments thereto A/C. 3/L.1000 (withdrawn at 1162nd meet­ Chile. Amendment (to A/C. 3/L. 1024!Rev. 4). ing of 3rd Cttee) A/C. 3/L. 1058

54 _._-.- ... -_ ..""""'".... ---.~.,' .._•....~ ...... ~._".

C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

HUMAN RIGHTS (continued) HUMAN RIGHTS (continued) iued) -- covenants (draft) (continued) -- covenants (draft): civil and political (continued) Documents (continued) NEW ARTICLE (proposed) [RIGHTS OF THE CHILD] Draft resolutions and amendments thereto (continued) (continued) CYP~·us. Dl'aft resolution [concerning imple­ Colombia. Amendment (to A/C. 3/L. 1014/Rev. 1). 11 mentation]. A/C. 3/L.1024 & Rev. 1-4 A/C. 3/L. 1021 United Arab Republic. Draft resoluttcn. Congo (Brazzaville). Oral amendment (to A/C. 3/ A/C. 3/L. 1057 L. 1014) made at 1177th meeting of 3rd Cttee Ital Discussion in 3.l'd Cttee: Meetings 1172) 11'14) 1175, Dominican Republic) El Salvador and Venezuela. ,1 1177-1185)1202.1207)1209 Amendment (to par. 3 in A/C. 3/L.1014). a Report. A/5365 (contains) in Annex) text of A/C. 3/L. 1020 1 Art. 2-5 of draft covenants on economic) Guatemala. Oral amendment (to A/C. 3/L. 1014) made social and cultural rights, and Art. 3) 5 of at 1177th meeting of 3rd Cttee draft covenants on civil and political rights) Mauritania. Oral amendment (to A/C. 3/L. 1014/ Discussion in Plenary: Meetings ~135 (Chile), 1145 Rev. 1) at 1178th meeting of 3rd Cttee (Jamaica), 1198 ' Peru. Working paper (on proposal in A/C. 3/L.1014/ Draft resolutions in A/5365 adopted at 1198th Rev. 1). A/C. 3/L. 1023 meeting as follows: Poland. Proposal. A/C. 3/L.1014 & Rev. 1 (also adds Draft resolution A [concerning new article on Yugoslavia as eo-sponsor) )- rights of the child] adopted (95-0-0) as Saudi Arabia. Procedural proposal (proposing to resolution 1843 A (XVII) refer to the Commission on Human Rights all Draft resolution B [concerning implementation] proposals and discussions on the rights of the IV) adopted (99-0-0) as resolution 1843 B child and requesting the Commission to report (XVII) through ESC to the 18th session of the General Draft resolution C [proposing priority to this Assembly]. A/C. 3/L.1022 & Corr.1 (Spanish l­ item at the 18th session] adopted unani­ only) by mously as resolution 1843 C (XVII) United Arab Republic. Oral amendment (to A/C. 3/ -- covenants (draft): civil and political (agenda item 43) L.1014) made at 1174th meeting of 3rd Cttee, .X. ARTICLE 2 [REALIZATION OF RIGHTS] and to (A/C. 3/L.1014/Rev.1) at 1178th meeting D.lscussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1182, 1207 Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1172,1174)1175) 1'- Report. A/5365 1177,1178)1202 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1198 Report. A/53G5 Draft resolution C in A/5365 [concerning priority Action in Plenary: Meeting 1198 to this Hem at 18th session] adopted unani­ Draft resolution A in A/5365 adopted (95-0-0) as 1­ moualy as resolution 1843 C (XVII) resolution 1843 A (XVII) r ARTICLE 3 [EQUAL RIGHTS FOR MEN AND WOMEN] -- covenants (draft): economic, social and cultural (agenda Discussion in 3rd Cttee:Meetings 1182, 1183, 1206,1207 item 43) Report. A/5365 ARTICLE 1 [SELF-DETERMINATION] ons Action in Plenary: Meeting 1198 Statements in 2nd Cttee: Meeting 846 (Italy) 3/ Draft resolution C in A/5365 adopted unanimously ARTICLE 2 [REALIZATION OF RIGHTS] as resolution 1843 C (XVII) Amendments ARTICLE 4 [DEROGATION OF PRIVILEGES DURING Argentina, Italy and Mexico. A/C. 3/L. 1028 & PUBLIC EMERGENCIES] Rev.1,2 Amendments Belgium. A/C. 3/L.I030 & Corr.1 (Spanish only) Burma. A/C. 3/L. 1018 (withdrawn at 1204th meeting of 3rd Cttee) Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1182,1207 Bolivia, Chile) Colombia, Mali and Uruguay. Report. A/5365 A/C. 3/L.1046 & Rev. 1, 2 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1198 Costa Rica. A/C. 3/L. 1025 Draft C in A/5365 [concerning priority Ghana. Amendment (to A/C. 3/L. 1026/Rev.1). I~ to this item in 18th session] adopted unani­ A/C.3/L.1032 mously as resolution 1843 C (XVII) Indonesia. A/C. 3/L.1027 & Rev. 1, 2, Rev. 3 (also ARTICLE 5 [NON-DEROGATION CLAUSE] adds Burma as co-sponsor), Rev. 4 Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meeting 1206 Jordan. Sub-amendment (to A/C. 3/L.1027/Rev. 3). Action in Plenary: Meeting 1198 A/C. 3/L. 1053 (withdrawn at 1206th meeting Draft resolution C in A/5365 adopted unanimously of 3rd Cttee) as resolution 1843 C (XVII) Lebanon. A/C. 3/L. 1054 & Add. 1 (adds Morocco NEW ARTICLE (proposed) [RIGHT OF ASYLUM] as eo-sponsor) (withdrawn at 1206th meeting of Saudi Arabia. Oral proposal to postpone considera­ of 3rd Cttee) Its tion of this new article to the 18th session, made Nigeria. A/C. 3/L.1052 rejected (41-17-30) at at the 1202nd meeting of 3rd Cttee 1204th meeting of 3rd Cttee / USSR. Proposal. A/C. 3/L.1013 & Corr.1 (French Poland. Oral sub-amendment (to A/C. 3/L.1027/ only) Rev. 3) at 1205th meeting of 3rd Cttee Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1179,1180,1194,1202 Saudi Arabia. Oral sub-amendment (to A/C. 3/ Report. Aj5365 L.1046/Rev. 2) at 1204th meeting of 3rd Cttee The Cttee, at its 1202nd meeting, postponed con­ United Kingdom. A/C. 3/L.1026 & Rev. 1, 2 sideration of this item to the 18th session Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1181-1185,1202­ ~ NEW ARTICLE (proposed) [RIGHTS OF' THE CHILD] 1207 Chile. Amendment (to A/C. 3/L. 1014:). A/C. 3/L. 1019 Report. A/5365 '~l

55 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

HUMAN RIGHTS (continued) HUMAN RIGHTS DAY (10 December) (continued)

MM covenants (draft): economic, social and cultural Documents (continued) -Secretal'y-General. Report. Human Rights Day: ARTICLE 2 [REALIZATION OF RIGHTS] (continued) observance of 13th anniversary. A/INF/I00 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1198 Draft resolution C in A/5365 adopted unanimously as resolution 1843 C (XVII) HUNGARIAN SITUATION (agenda item 85) ARTICLE 3 [EQUAL RIGHTS FOR MEN AND WOMEN] Documents Discussion in 3rd Ottee: Meetings 1182-1185,1202, Hungary. Letter dated 28 Sep transmitting state­ 1204-1206 ment concerning document A/5230. A/5245 lde Report. A/5365 UN Special Representative on the Question of Action in Plenary: Meeting 1198 Hungary. 4th report. A/5236 Draft resolution C in A/5365 adopted unanimously USA. Draft resolution. A/SPC/L.92 I as resolution 1843 C (XVII) USA. Letter dated 17 Aug requesting inclusion of 4/ ARTICLE 4 [STATES RIGHTS] supplementary item "The Questionof Hungary" ~ Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1182,1184,1185, in the agenda. A/5164 dds 1202,1204,1206 Discussion in General Cttee: Meetings 148,149 Report. A/5365 Report. Aj5230 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1198 Discussion in Special Political Cttee: Meeting 376 Draft resolution C in A/5365 adopted unanimously Draft resolution. AjSPCj77 I as resolution 1843 C (XVII) Report. A/5388 :1 t ARTICLE 5 [NON-DEROGATION CLAUSE] Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1129,1130, 1136 1 Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meeti.ngs 1184, 1185, 1202, (Albania), 1140 (Federation of Malaya), 1148 11 J 1206 (Niger), 1153 (Upper Volta), 1200 Report. A/5365 Draft resolution in A/5338 [concerning discontinu­ Action in Plenary: Meeting 1198 ance of position of the Special Representative I - Draft resolution C in A/5365 adopted unanimously on the Question of Hungary] adopted by 1'011­ ng as resolution 1843 C (XVII) call vote (50-13-43) at 1200th meeting as ,I -- Universal Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 (agenda resolution 1857 (XVII) item 12) Recommendation in A/5230, par. 5 [to include item Documents "Question of Hungary" in the agenda] adopted Draft resolutions and amendments thereto by roll-call vote (43-34-19) at 1129th meeting Argentina, Cameroon, Canada, Iran, Japan, Jordan and USA, Draft resolution pro­ a posing a special committee on the observ­ ance of the 15th anniversary of the Univer­ sal Declaration of Human Rights. A/C. 3/ L. 991 ~: Rev. 1 (also adds Ceylon, France, IFNI ('l~enda item 49) Greece, Italy and Uruguay as co-sponsors Documents of the revised text), & Rev.l/Add.l (con­ Secretary-General. Summary of information for tains statement of financial implications) 1960 transmitted by Spain. A/5078/Add. 3 Cameroon, Canada, France, Greece, Iran, Statements in 4th Cttee: Meeting 1415 (Morocco, Spain) Italy, Japan and USA. Amendment (to A/C. 3/L. 993). A/C. 3/L. 1001 Colombia, Costa Rica and Thailand. Amend­ IGNACIO-PINTO, LOUIS (Dahomey) ment (to A/C. 3/L. 1002/Rev. 1). A/C. 3/ -- biography. A/C. 5/L. 752 L.I007 Mali and Mauritania. Amendments (to A/C. 3/ L.993). A/C. 3/L.I002 & Add. 1 (adds IMAN AHMED, King of Yemen: See Yemen: King (Iman ro Guinea as eo-sponsor), Rev. 1 Ahmed): tribute to - Saudi Arabia. Amendments (to A/C. 3/L. 993)~ 3). A/C.3/L.I005 ,T Secretary-General. Statement of financial INDIA-PAKISTAN QUESTION implications of draft resolution in A/C. 3/ -- Jammu and Kashmir L. 991/Rev. 1. A/C. 3/L. 991/Rev. 1/Add. 1 Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1128 (India, South g USSR. Amendment (to A/C. 3/L. 991/Rev.l). Africa), 1133 (Pakisfan), 1141 (India, Pakistan), A/C. 3/L. 993 & Rev ..l 1151 (Pakistan), 1153 (India, Pakistan) Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1150-1160,1162­ 1165 Report. A/5314 & Corr.l (Russian only) INDIANS AND nmO-PAKISTANIS IN SOUTH AFRICA Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1187 (agenda item 87(b)) Draft resolution IV in A/5314 adopted unanimously See also South Africa: race problems: apartheid ee as resolution 1775 (xvm GA resolution 1662 (XVI) Documents Afghanistan, Burma, Cambodia, Cameroon, HUMAN RIGHTS DAY (10 December) Central African Republic, Ceylon, Chad, See also Human rights: Universal Declaration: anniver­ Congo (Leopoldville), Cyprus, Dahomey, ----sary, 15th, 1963 Ethiopia, Federation of Malaya, Gabon,

56 ~ ~._ ...... ------~_...... '._-'~"


C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

INDIANS AND INDO~PAKISTANIS IN SOUTH AFRICA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT (agenda item 35 (c)) (continued) GA resolutions 1525 (XV), and 1712 (XVI) ) Day: Documents (continued) Documents ~F/100 Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Committee for Industrial Development. Report Jordan, Laos, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, on its 2nd session, 5-28 Mar 1962. E/3600 Mauritania, Mongolia, Morocco, Nigeria, Dept of ESA: Under-Secretary (de Seynes). State­ Pakistan, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, ment at 795th meeting of 2nd Cttee. A/C. 2/ Sudan, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia, United L.644 state­ Arab Republic, Upper Volta, Yemen and ESC. Report,1961/1962, chap. Ill, sect. V. V5245 Yugoslavia. Letter dated 14 Aug requesting 11./5203 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 3) )f inclusion of supplementary item "The policies GA: 2nd Cttee: Chairman. Concluding statement of apartheid of the Government of the Repub­ summing up the work of the 2nd Cttee during lic of South Africa: (a) race conflict in South the 17th session of the General Assembly. sion of Africa; (b) treatment of people of Indian and A/c. 2/L. 720 lungar-y" Indo-Pakistani origin in the. Republic of South Secretary-General. Memorandum. Strengthening Africa" in the agenda. 11./5167 & Add. 1-6 of United Nations advisory services in the (adds Congo (Brazzaville), Guinea, Ivory field of industrial development. E/3656 & Coast, Libya, Nepal, Niger and Philippines Add. 1 (memorandum by the Commissioner 376 as eo-sponsor-s) for Industrial Development) India. Letter dated 17 Aug infor-ming that no prog­ Secretary-General. NotE;. A/5220 ress has been made in the negotiations on the Draft resolutions and amendments thereto L36 question with the Government of South Africa. Austria, Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Ghana, Iraq, 1148 A/5166 Jordan, Sweden, Tanganyika and Ukranian Pakistan. Letter dated 17 Aug informing that no SSR. Draft resolution [concerning the ontinu­ progress has been made in the negotiations training of national technical personnel in entative on the question with the Government of South under-developed countries in connection y 1'011- Africa. A/5173 with industrialization programmesl- : as Secretary-General. Note concerning financial A/C. 2/L. 658 & Add.1-3 (adds Nepal, implications of proposed establishment of Uganda and United Arab Republic as eo­ de item Special Cttee (in draft resolution A/SPC/ sponsors), Rev. 1 (also adds Algeria, adopted L.83). A/SPC/L.84 Cha", Central African Republic, Hungary meeting Secretary-General. Note stating that Algeria, ami Mauritania as eo-sponsors), Rev. 3/ Costa Rica, Federation of Malaya, Ghana, Add. 1 (adds Lebanon, Mongolia, Senegal, Guinea, Haiti, Hungary, Nepal, Nigeria, Sudan and Syria as eo-sponsors) Philippines and Somalia have accepted invita­ France, Sweden, Tunisia, United Kingdom and tion to serve on the Special Cttee referred to Uruguay. Amendment (to A/C. 2/L. 649/ in GA resolution 1761 (XVII). A/5400 Rev. 1). A/C. 2/L. 673 & Add. 1 (adds Draft resolutions and amendments thereto Austria, Gabon and Niger :1& cc-sponsors), Afghanistan, Algeria, Cameroon, Chad, Congo Rev. 1 (withdrawn at 845th meeting of n for (Brazzaville), Congo (Leopoldville), 2nd Cttee) ,dd.3 Dahomey, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Poland. Draft resolution [concerning pro­ Cl, Spain) Guinea, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ivory gramme of work of the Committee for Coast, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Mon­ Industrial Development], A/C. 2/L. 649 & golia, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Add. 1 (adds Jordan as eo-sponsor), Rev. Arabia, Senegal, Sierra'Leone, Somalia, 1,2 (also adds Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Sudan, Syria, Tanganyika, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia and Syria as eo- sponsors), United Arab Republic. Draft resolution. Rev. 2/Add. 1,2 (adds Algeria, Bolivia, A/SPC/L. 83 & Add. 1-3 (adds Central Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Liberia, Mauri­ an African Republic, Libya and Niger as tania, Mongolia, Morocco, Pakistan, co-sponsors) Romania and Tanganyika as eo-sponsors), Guatemala. Amendments (to A/SPC/L. 83). Rev. 2/Add. l/Corr. 1 (Chinese only) A/SPC/L.85 Syria. Amendment (to A/C. 2/L. 649/Rev. 1). Trinidad and Tobago. Amen-iments (to draft A/C. 2/L. 677 (Withdrawn at 844th meeting resolution in A/5276). A/L.400 (with­ of 2nd Cttee) outh drawn) United Arab Repnblic. Sub-amendment (to kistan), Discussion in General Cttee: Meeting 148 A/C. 2/L. 673 & Add. 1 and A/C. 2/L. 649/ Report. A/5230 Rev. 1). A/C. 2/L. 678 (Withdrawn at Discussion in Special Political Cttee: Meetings 327-342 845th meeting of 2nd Cttee) Draft resolution. A/SPC/69 USA. Amendment (to A/C. 2/L. 649/Rev. 1). Report. A/5276 A/C. 2/L. 679 (Withdrawn at 845th meeting Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1128 (India, South of 2nd Cttee) Africa),1164,1165 Discussion in 2nd CUee: Meetings 798-800,802-806, Draft resolution in A/5276 [requesting establish­ 808,811, 813-818, 821,82e, 832-834, 841,844, ment of a special cttee to keep racial 845,854-858 , policies of South Africaunder reviewJadopted Resolution. A/C. 2/L. 684 lad" by roll-call vote (67-16-23) at 1165th meeting Report. A/5~44 & Add. 1, & Add. l/Corr. 1 ,ey, as resolution 1761 (XVII) In,

57 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT (continued) INTERNATIONALCONFERENCE OF PLENIPOTENTIARIES Discussion in P1P4t'y: Meetings 1125 (BrazU), 1141 ON CONSULAR RELATIONS, Vienna, 1963: See Con­ (Tunisia), (Jamaica),l~97 sular relations and United Natlons: budget, 1"91rn 1 Dmrt resolutlon U in A/5344-l\dopted unanimously at 1197th meeting as resoluttcn 1821 (XVII) Dmft resolution V in A/5344 [concerntng tr~ining INTERNAT!ONAL CONFERENCE OF PLENIPOTENTIARIES of national technical personnel in under­ TO DRAFT AND ADOPT A CONVENTION AND A developed countrtes in connection with Indus­ DECLARATIONON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION, h'ial programmes] adopted unanimously at 1963 (proposed): See under Freedom of information: 1197th meeting as resolution 1824 (XVII) convention (draft)j Freedom of information: declara­ tion (draft)

INFLATION -- & economic development: See Economic development INTERNPTIONAL CONFB.,:";:NCE ON THE PEACEFUL USES -- study (proposed): See underEconomic development OF ATOMIC ENERGY, 3rd, Geneva, 1964: See Inter­ natiom.l A\.omic Energy Agency: report, 196171962 .' INFORMATION MEDIA (agenda item 12) J Documents INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION: UNITED NATIONS Chile, Draft resolution. A/C. 3/L. 994 & Add. 1 YEAR (proposed): See United Nations Year for Inter­ (adds Colombia, Guinea and Mali as eo­ national Co-operation, 1965 (proposed) sponsors), Rev. 1 & Rev. 1/Add. 1 (adds Mauritania as eo-sponsor) ESC. Report,1961/1962, cha:,).IX, sect. V. A/5203 INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE (GAOR,17th sess, '. suppl, no. 3) See also under United Nations: budget, 1963 Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1151,1155-1160, -- advisory opinion on financing of United Naticns peace and 1162,1l63 security operations: See United Nations: peace and Report. A/5314 & Corr. 1 (Russian only) security operations: financing Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 11.87 Draft resolution VII in A/5314 & Con. 1 (Rus3ian only) adopted unanimously as resolution 1778 INTERNATIONAL LAW (XVII) -- codification: See Law of treaties; State responsibility; State sUCCession -- study and teaching (agenda item 75) INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY Documents -- report, 1961/1962 (agenda item 14) Afghanistan. Amendment (to A/C. 6/L. 510). Documents A/C. 6/L.,514 & Corr.1 (French only), Rev. 1 IAEA. Annual report of the Board of Governors to Belgium. Amendment (to A/C. 6/L. 510). 'A/C. 6/ the General Conference, 1 Jul 1961 - 30 Jun L.516 1962. IAEA document transmitted in limited Colombia. Sub-amendment (to A/C. 6/L. 514). number by the Secretary-General as attach­ A/C. 6/L. 52C ment to A/5163 & Add. 1 (transmitting Supple­ Ghana, Ireland. Draft resolution. A/C. 6/L. 510 ment to the Annual report) Peru. Sub-amendment (to A/C. 6/L. 514). A/C. 6/ Draft resolutions and amendments thereto L.518 Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Hungary, Spain. Sub-amendment (to A/C. 6/L. 514). A/C. 6/ Japan, Poland, USSR, USA and Yugoslavia. L.519 Draft resolution [calling for a 3rd Inter­ USA. Sub-amendment (to A/C. 6/L. 514). A/C. 6/ national Conference on the Peaceful Uses L.517 (part withdrawn) of Atomic Energy in Geneva, 1964]. Discussion in 6th Cttee: Meetings 769-774 A/L. 402 & Corr. 1 (Russian only), Add. 1 Report. A/5356 (adds India and Pakistan as eo-sponsors) Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1196 Australia. Amendment (to A/L. 402). A/L-.404 Draft resolution 11 in A/5356 [concerning technical & Corr.l (French only) assistance to promote study and teaching of Canada, Pakistan and Poland. Draft resolution international law] adopted as resolution 1816 [taking note of the report]. A/L.401 (XVll) Czechoslovakia. Amendment (to A/L. 402). A/L.405 & Corr. 1 (Russian only) Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1179 INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION Draft resolution in A/L. 401 [taking note of the re­ -- report, 14th session (agenda item 76) port] adopted without vote as resolution 1769 See also Law of treaties; State responsibility; State (XVII) succession Draft resolution in A/L. 402 & Corr.l (Russian Documents only), Add. 1 as amended [on the 3rd Interna­ Advisory Cttee. 16th report. Financial implica­ tional Conference on the Peaceful Uses of tions of draft resolution in A/C. 6/L. 503. Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1964] adopted (85-0­ A/5278 0) as resolution 1770 (XVII) ILC. Report covering the work of its 14th session, 24 Apr - 29 Jun 1962. A/5209 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 9) & Corr.1 (English only) C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) s INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION (continued) INrERNATIONAL TRADE (continued) -- report, 14th session (continued) Statements in 3rd Cttee: Meeting 1155 Documents (continued) -- conference (proposed) (agenda item 36) ILC: Chairman. Statement at 734th meeting of 6th GA resolution 1707 (XVI) Cttea. A/c. 6/L. 497 Documents Secretariat. List of multilateral agreements, con­ AdvisOl'y Cttee. 27th report. Statement of finan­ cluded under the League of Nations, which cial 'implications of the draft resolution con­ are not open to new States. A/C. 6/L. 498 tained in document A/C. 2/L. 643/Rev. 2. Secretariat. Note [on accession of new States to A/5320 general multilateral treaties] transmitting Brazil. Memorandum. The institutional frame­ INTERPOL resolution. A/C. 6/L. 506 work for the expansion of international trade. Secretary-Genera!. Report. Financial implica- A/C. 2/214 tions of draft resolution in A/C. 6/L. 503. Dept of ESA: Under-St'cretary (de Seynes). state­ A/C. 5/939 ment at 795th meeting of 2nd Cttee. A/C. 2/ Secretary-General. Statement of financial implica- L.644 .' tions. A/C. 6/L. 502 ' ESC. Report,1961/1962, chap. II1, sect. n. Draft resolutions A/5203 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 3) Australia, Czechoslovakia, Ghana, Hungary, GA: 2nd Cttee: Chairman. Concluding statement India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Mongolia, summing up the work of the 2nd Cttee during Netherlands, Poland, Turkey, Ukrainian the 17th session of the General Assembly. SSR, United Kingdom, USA. Draft reso­ A/C. 2/L. 720 lution. A/C. 6/L. 503 (Austria added as Secretary-General. Note. A/5221 co-sponsor) Secretary-General. Note. Financial implications Australia, Ghana, Israel. Draft resolution [on of an amendment to the draft resolution sub­ accession of new States to general multi­ mitted by the 2nd Cttee in A/5316. A/C. 5/ lateral treaties]. A/C. 6/L. 504 & Rev. 1, 2 958 Ghana, Indonesia, Ukrainian SSR. Draft NSO­ Secretary-General. Note transmitting replies of lution, A/C. 6/L. 501 (withdrawn) Governments on the question of holding a India and Indonesia. Draft resolution [on acces­ conference on internation:l1 trade. E/3631 & sion of new States to general multilateral Add. 1-4 treaties]. A/C. 6/L. 508 & Rev, 1 (also Secretary-General. Statements of financial im­ adds Ghana as eo-sponsor) plications of the draft resolution in A/C. 2/ Japan, Turkey and USA. Draft resolution noting L. 648/Rev. 2. A/C. 2/L. 648/Rev.2/AdcU, report of the Commission. A/C. 6/L. 500 A/C. 5/947 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 941,950 USSR. Letter dated 17 Sep 1962 requesting in­ Draft report. A!C. 5/L. 744 clusion of this item on the agenda. A/5219 Report. A/5301 Yugoslavia. statement at 835th meeting of the Discussion in 6th Cttee: Meetings 734-752 2nd Cttee (on draft resolution in A/C. 2/ Report. A!5287 & Corr.l, 2 L. 648/Rev. 1 & Rev. I/Add. 1). A/C.2/L.671 Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1171 Draft resolutions and amendments thereto Draft resolutions in A/5287 & Corr.l, 2 adopted Algeria, Argentina, Ghana, Guinea, India, unanimously as follows: Indonesia, Jordan, Mali, Morocco, Draft resolution A [concerning Law of treaties, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sudan, Tan­ State responsibility and State succession] ganyika, Thailand, United Arab Republic, adopted as resolution 1765 (XVII) Venezuela, and Yugoslavia. Draft reso­ Draft resolution B [concerning extended partici­ lution. A/C. 2/L. 648 & Corr. 1 (French pation in general multilateral treaties only), Add. 1-5 (adds Cambodia, Ceylon, concluded under auspices of League of Chile, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo Nations] adopted as resolution 1766 (XVII) (Leopoldville), Federation of Malaya, Liberia, Panama, Senegal, Tunisia, and Uruguay as eo-sponsors), Add. 5/Corr. 1 INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL CONFERENCE ON THE (deletes Congo (Brazzaville) from list of INTERNATIONAL MAP OF THE WORLD ON THE eo-sponsors), Rev. 1 (also adds Ethiopia MILLIONTH SCALE, Bonn, 1962: See under United as eo-sponsor), Rev. I/Corr. 1 (English Nations: budget, 1963 --- only), Rev. I/Add. 1 (adds Bolivia, Brazil, Burma, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria as eo­ sponsors), Rev. 2, Rev. 2/Corr. 1, Rev.2/ INTERNATIONAL TRADE (agenda item 36) Add. 1 (contains statement of financial Documents implications) Brazil. Memorandum. The institutional frame­ Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg and work for the expansion of international Netherlands. Amendment (to A/C. 2/ trade. A/C. 2/214 L. 648/Rev. 2). Ale. 2/L. 675 (rejected Dept of ESA: Under-Secretary (de Seynes). State­ at 839th meeting of 2nd Cttee) ment at 795th meeting of 2nd Cttee. Brazil, Iraq and Lebanon. Amendments (to A/C. 2/L. 644 A/C. 2/L. 648 & Add. 1,2), A/C. 2/651 & Secretary-General. Note. A/5221 Rev. 1 (also adds Burma, Ethiopia and Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 798-827,832,836, Syria as eo-sponsors), Rev. I/Corr. 1 838 (Spanish and Russian only) (Withdrawn at 833rd meeting of 2nd Cttee)

59 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) INTERNATIONAL TRADE (continued) INVESTMENTS COMMITT.EE (continued) -- conference (proposed) continued) -- members: appointment (continued) Documents (continued) Action in Plenary (continued) Draft l'esolutions and amendments thereto Appointment of Mr. J. Rue!! confirmed fOl' a term (continued) beginning on 1 Jan 1963 and ending on 31 Dee Bulgaria find Byelorussian SSR. Amendment 1964 (to A/C.2/L. 648/Rev. 1). A/C. 2/L. 672 Appointment of Mr. E. Black confirmed for a term & Rev. 1 endtng on 31 Dec 1964 Bulgaria and Byelorussian SSR. Amendment Composition of the Investments Committee as of 1 Jan (to the draft resolution in A/5316, par,a7). illS A/L.409 (l'Qjectcd at 1190th plenary meet­ Members Term of office ing (27-44-18) Mr. E-:Black 11 Dec 1962 - SI Dec 1964 Burma. Sub-amendments (to A/C.2/L. 651). Mr. R. de Candolle 1 Jan 1962 - 31 Dec 1964 A/C. 2/L. 656 Mr. R. McAllister Lloyd 20 Dec 1961 - 31 Dec 1964 Canada and Peru. Amendment (to draft reso­ Mr. B. K. Nehru 1 Jan 1962 - 31 Dec 1964 lution in A/5316). A/L. 408 & 001'1'. 1 Mr. D. Rockefeller 20 Dec 1961 - 31 Dec 1964 (French only), Corr.2 (Spanish only) Mr. J. Ruef, re-appointed 1 Jan 1963 - 31 Dec 1964 Colombia and Italy. Sub-amendment (to A/C. 2/L. 672). A/C. 2/L. 674 Denmark. Amendment (to A/C. 2/L. 648/Rev.2 INVESTMENTS, INTERNATIONAL (agenda item 35 (a)) & Corr. 1). A/C. 2/L. 676 (rejected at GA r-esolnttons 1522 (XV), and 1711 (XVI); ESC reso­ 839th meeting of 2nd Cttee) lutions 922 and 923 (XXXIV) USSR. Draft resolution. A/C. 2/L. 645 (with­ Documents drawn at. 839th meeting of 2nd Cttee) Dept of ESA: Under-Secretary (de Seynes). State­ Discussion in General Citee: Meeting 148 ment at 795th meeting of 2nd Cttee. Report. A/5230 A/C. 2/L. 644 Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 798-828,830,832, ESC. Report, 1961/1962, chap. Ill, sect. IV (first 835-840 sub-section). A/5203 (GAOR, 17th sess., Draft report. A/C. 2/L. 687 auppl, no. 3) Report. A/5316 Secretary-General. Note. A/5220 Discussion in 5th Citee: Meetings 960,962,966 Secretary-General. [2nd] Report. International Draft report. AIC. 5/L. 764 flow of long-term capital and official dona- Reports. A/5326, A/5335 tions,1959-1961. A/5195 & Corr. 1 (English Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (Brazil, USA), only), & Rev. 1 (ST/ECA/76 (Sales no.:63. 11. 1126 (Japan), 1127 (USSR), 1129 (Czechoslovakia, D.2)) Yugoslavia), 1130 (Canada, Senegal), 1132 (Den­ Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 804,806,807,809­ mark), 1133 (Pakistan), 1135 (Ceylon, Chile), 811,813,814,817,821,835 1136 (Albania, Poland, Sudan), 1137 (Laos, Report. A/5344 & Add. 1, & Add..1/Corr. 1 Mongolia), 1138 (Hungary), 1139 (Bulgaria, No proposals with regard to this item were sub­ Ethi()pia)~ 1140 (Libya, Morocco), 1141 (Lebanon, mitted. Pakistan, Romania, Tunisia), 1143 (Spain), Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1126 (Japan), 1127 1144 (Byelorussian SSR), 1145 (Cuba, Jamaica), (Afghanistan), 1141 (Pakistan), 1145 (Jamaica), 1147 (Indonesia), 1149 (Argentina), 1152 (Iraq), 1147 (Indonesia), 1148 (Guinea, Israel) 1190,1193 (Chile) Draft resolution in A/5316, as amended by A/L.408, adopted at the 1190th plenary IRAN meeting (91- 0-1) as resolution 1785 (XvII) -- earthquake, 1962 (agenda item 91) Recommendation in A/5230 [to include as a single Documents item under "Question of holding an inter­ Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, national conference on trade problems" the Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, • report of the Secretary-General on holding Congo (Leopoldville), Costa Rica, Cuba, an international conference on international Cyprus, Denmark, Dominican Republic, trade problems and the additional item pro­ Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Federation posed by the USSR] adopted without vote at of Malaya, Finland, France, Ghana, Guate­ 1129th meeting mala, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE . Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, -- members: appointment (agenda item 66(d»)) Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Documents Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan, Secretary-General. Report. A/5158 & Rev. 1 Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Discussion in 5th CUee: Meetings 959,962 Arab Republic, United Kingdom, USA, Report. A!5294 Uruguay, Venezuela, Yemen and Yugoslavia. Action in Plenary: Meeting 1191 Letter dated 17 Sep requesting inclusion of Draft resolution in A/5294 adopted without vote as supplementary item in the agenda "Measures resolution 1794 (XVII) to be adopted in connexion with the earth­ Appointment of Mr. B. K. Nehru, confirmed for a quake in Iran". A/5198 & Add. 1 (adds three-year term beginning 1 Jan 1962 Cambodia, Ceylon and Israel as co­ sponsors), Rev. 1 (Spanish only)


""..... C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) IRAN (continued) KENYA (continued) -- earthquake, 1962 (continued) •• independence (proposed) (agenda item 25) Documents (continued) See also Colonialism: elimination 1 FAO: Director-General. Cablegram dated 27 Si Documents C 1962 [on measures to be adopted]. A/C. 3 --aA: Special Committee on the Situation with regard L.979 to the. Implementation oC the Declaration on the n Draft resolutions Granting ot Independence to Colonial Countries Afghanistan, Chile I Iraq, Italy, Japanl Jordan, and Peoples. Report, chap.X, A/5238 III Mali, Mauritania, Morocco , Netherlands, GA: Special Committee on the Situation With regard Saudi Arabia, Tanganyika, United Arab to the Implementation ot the Declaration on the Republic and USA. Draft resolution. Granting or Independence to Colonial Countries i4 A/C. 3/L. 981 & Rev. 1 (also adds and Peoples. Resolutions submitted in its ;4 Australia, Guinea, Poland, Turkey and report (A/5238). A/L.413 4 United Kingdom as co-sponsors) Discusl1ion in Plenary: Meetings 1151,1168-1172,1174­ 4 Discussion in 3rd CUee: Meetings ~138, 1139 1L78,l180,1181,1192, 1195 4 Report. A!5250 . Draft resolution in A/L. 413, p.7 [on Kenya] adopted 4 Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1126 (Japan), 1129 (88-0-4) at 1195th meeting as resolution 1812 (lran)1 1135 (Turkey), 1144 (XVII) Draft resolution in par. 9 of A/5250 adopted unanimously at 1144th meeting as reso­ lution 1753 (XVII) K1TTANI, ISMAT T. (Iraq) -- biography. A/C. 5/L. 729 ISLAS MALVINAS: See KOREA (DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC) -- part.ctpatton in General Assembly: See General Assem­ bly: participation of Korea (DPR)

KOREA, REPUBLIC OF -- participation in General Assembly: See General Assem­ JAMAICA (agenda item 49) bly: participation of Korea (Rep) Documents -- withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) (agenda item Secretary-General. Summary of information for 28(b)) 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/50801 Documents Add. 1 & 10 Korea (DPR). Telegram dated 9 Dec transmitting -- admission to UN (agenda item 20) stat.ement of 8 Dec in connexion with discus­ Documents sion Of the question. A/C.1/883 Australia, Canada, Ceylon, Cyprus, Federation of Korea (Rep). Letter dated 20 Nov transmitting Malaya, Ghana, India, New Zealand, Pakistan; documents entitled "Memorandum of the Sierra Leone, United Kingdom. Draft resolu­ Republic of Korea on the Korean question" tion. A/L. 389 & Add. 1, 2 (adds Ethiopia, and "Gist of the-Korean question". A/C.l! Nigeria and Tanganyika as eo-sponsors) 877 Jamaica. Cables dated 6 Jul from Prime Minister Korea (Rep). Letter dated 21 Nov transmitting and Minister of External Affairs applying for "Comparative Chart of the Republic of. membership. A/5154 Korea" on the question. A/C. 1/882 SC: President. Letter transmitting resolution of USSR. Letter dated 23 Jun proposing inclusion of Council of 12 Sep 1962 recommending admis­ item in agenda. A/5140 sion of Jamaica. A/5188 USSR. Letter dated 10 Dec transmitting from the Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1122 Government of Korea (DPR) and Ministry of Draft resolution in A/L. 389 & Add. 1,2 adopted by Foreign Affairs of Korea (DPR) memorandum acclamation as resolution 1750 (XVII) "For the withdrawal of the US Army from South Korea and the realization of independ­ ent, peaceful unification of Korea" and docu­ JURIDICAL YEARBOOK: See United Nations Juridical Year­ ment "on the criminal acts committed by the book US Army in Korea". A/C. 1/884 & Corr.1 (English and Russian only) USSR. Letters dated 9 Aug and 25 Sep transmitting letters and documents of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea concerning the question. A/C.1/869 Draft resolutions and amendments thereto Australia, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, France, KENYA (agenda item 49) Greece, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Documents Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, Secretary-General. Summary of information for Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom and 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5078 USA. Draft resolution. A/C. r/t, 322 & Add. 19

61 C, SUBJECT INDEX (l'7lh aossten)

KOREA, REPUBl,lC Ol~ (l'ollllnUl\(I) l\OHl~AN QUES'l'ION (colllhlll(\(l) ~~ wlllldl'awnl or rOl'olgll lI'OllpS (lll'opos~d) (cotltlnl\cc\) D1Sl'UHHlolI In PI~lml'Y (colltlIlUl'd) DOCUlllOlIlH (couttnued) , , ffl'l{(illlilll'mll\tiollOjl\ A,u230 110 IIICludl\ Ulldcl' ~~>1)h\tCI;'liHolutloIIH uud 1l1ll1:mdIlH1l\IH Ihm'oto ROIIl'1'nl hcndlllR "the Km'cnll quostlcu'' us -=. =~(l\oiltlii\ltidr". ,"".0 ~=•• '" ---"'- sub-ttoms, 'rho Km'on quosttou: I'epm't or USSH, Dl'lIft 1'080luI ton. A/C. 1/1",323 (not UNCUHK l\1I(\ pruposnl hy USSH "the wlth~ IIl'csst-d 10 n votu) druwu 1or rOl'l)I~1I troops Irum South ({lWOll" J ussn, Dl'Ilfll'el:lOlutloll pl'OPOSlll!,: Illu't1clplltloll udopted without vote ut 1120lh moottng 01' ropresentnttvos or KOl'cn (Rep) nlld KOl'cn (DPH) In tho dlsm\sslon of the questtou, A/C, l/L, 318 (rujected) l

62 C, SUBJECT INDEX (17th soastou)

l,AW ov 'l'HEA'I'mS (coutlnued) L.lBVA (conuuucd) nocumonts (eonttnucd) -- naalstuuco (conttnued) . =U.C: Clmh'mall, Slall'mcnlal 7341h meellng of 61h Dlscusslou In Pl \.'11 nrv: Ml'elhll~s 1140 (I~I\)YIl), 1107 cuec, A/C, 6/L•.407 '~~Tj'riifrl;Csolliifoll' jfi In A!5360 & con-, i'(English SI'cl'I'\lll'lnl. IJlst of multtlaternl ngl'cclllcnls, only) adopted unuulmoualy III 11071h meeting concluded Ill\del' tho l.eaglle of NnUons, whlch IlS resolutlou 111:14 (xvu) lilt] 111'0 not 0PCII 10 now stntcs, A/C. OiL. 4011 Secl·o\lu'lnl. Nolo h'nllsmiUing till' rcsotutton of IN'l'EHPOl., A/C. 0/1., 506 Sccl·olnl'y-GcnQl·lIl. Report. Fhmnclal lmpltcu­ tlons of ch'aft i-osulutton ill A/C. O/L. 503. A/C, 5/039 Dl'nft resotuttons --Arlsli'I\IlI\~Czcchoslovaltla, Ghuua, llungury, India, Indouesla, Isrnol, .lapnn, Muugulln, MAL1'A (ugondn Hem 49) .. Nclhcl'lands, Poland, 'rllI' key, Ukrnlntnu Documents pled SSH, United Kingdom, USA, Drnft roso­ "Scci~ct:~i'y-GeneraI, SUn\1lHII'~' of information for 11I1Ion. A/C. O/L. 503 (Austria added as 1960 trnnsmtttod by Unitcd Kingdom. A/5078 l~(l- spousor) &. Add,17 Austrnlln, Ghana, ISI'ne\' Drurt rusulutlnn. A/C. 6/L, 504 &. Rev.l, 2 Ghana, Indonesia and Ukrntnlau SSH. Drult MALVINAS ISLANDS: S(W Fulklnud Islands rcsotutton, A/C, 6/L. 501 (wtthdrawn) India, Indonesia. Drult rusclnttou. A/C. 6/ L. 508 &. Rev, 1 (also adds Ghnnu us eo­ MAHRIAGE sponsor) -- minhnum a~c, consout nud rogtstruttou: convontton Discussion in 6th Citee: Mocllngs 736w739, 741-743, (druf't) (agenda Item 44) 74'1-741)";750-=71>2' GA resolution 1680 (XVI) Report, A/5287 &. corr. 1, 2 Documents Discussion in PlenaX~: Meottug 1171 -"-ArgCiitlim. Proposal coucerutng the addition of m '--ni'aftrcsolul!on in A/52H7 &. Corr, 1 &. 2 [on urttclo 7 to the drrut couventtou '{A/4844, work on codification of Law of 'l'reuuos] Annex Ill). A/C. 3/L. 987 adopted as resolution 1765 (XVlI) ESC. He\lOl't,1960/1961, pill'. 632. A/4820 Dl'nft resolution B in A/5287 & Corr-. 1 &. 2 [on (GAOH, 16th 'eoss. suppl, no. 3) extended pnrttclpntlon in gouorul multi­ Ethiopia, Proposal concerning the addltton of all lateral treaties concluded uuder nuspices of nrttclo 7 to the draft convention (A/4844, League of Nntious] adopted unanimously as Annex Ill). A/C. 3/L. !Hl6 resolution 1766 (XVII) GA, 16th sess.: 3rd Cttee. Report. A/5035 ,2 (GAOH, 16th sess., Annexes, agenda Item 85) Ghana, Guinea and Mauritania: Draft resolution LEAGUE OF NATIONS [proposing to open the Convention for stguu­ -- transfer of ussots; Sce under United Nations: budget, 1963 ture and rutlf'Ientlon on 10 Del' 1962J, -- treaties: extended pnrttctpatton: Sce Interuutlonul Law A/c. 3/L. 9119 Commisaiou: report, 14th session Indonesia, Mll~i und United Arab Republic. Amend­ meni to the proposal for article 7 submitted by Argentina (A/C. 3/L. 987). A/C. 3/L. 988 LIBYA Iraq and Romania. Proposal concerning the addi­ -- usststnnce (agenda item 41 (c)) tion of all m-tlcle 4 to the draft convention GA resolution 1528 (XV) (A/4844, Annex III). A/C. 3/L. 982 & Add. 1 Documents (adds Ghnna, Gutnea nnd Mali as co-upon­ Libya: Prime Minister. Communication dated soi-s), Add. l/Col'r. 1 (French only) Sep 1962 transmitting memorandum from Legal Counsel. Statement at 1142nd meettng of the Government of Libya on the aaatstance 3rd Cttee. A/C. 3/L. 985 received by Libya from the United Nations. Liberia, Sweden and USA. Amendment (to draft A/5282 convention In A/5273, pal'. 66). A/L.398 Secretary-General. Note. A/5259 & Add. 1 (adds Congo (Leopoldville) as eo­ Secrctal'y-Geneml. Report. A/5281 sponsor) Draft resolution Saudi Arabia. Amendment to the revtsed amend­ Algeria, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Liberia, ments submltted by the USA (A/C. 3/L. 983/ Saudi Arabia, somalta, Sudan and Rev. 1). A/C. 3/L. 984 (wlthdrnwn at 1142nd Tunisia. Draft resolution. A/C. 2/ meeting of 31'd Citee) L. 711 &. Add. 1-3 (adds Ghana, Jordan, Seeretury-Gener-al. Memorandum containing' text Morocco, Nigeria and Sterrn Leone as of draft convention. A/4844 (GAOR, 16th co-sponsors) sess. Annexes, agenda Item 85) l, Discussion in 2nd Citee: Meeting 876 Secretary-General. Note. A/5128 Report. A/5360 & C01'1'. 1 (English only) United Kin~oll1. Amendment (to draft convention in A(5273, par. 66). A/L.399


; ,~·I "7. C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

MARRIAGE (continued) MOZAMBIQUE (continued) -- minimum age, consent and registration: convention -- self-government or independence (continued) (draft) (continued) Documents (continued) Documents (continued) GA: Special Committee on the Situation with regard USA. Amendments to the proposal for article 4 to the Implementation of the Declaration on submitted by Iraq and Romania (A/c. 31 the Gl'anting of Independence to Colonial L.982). A/C. 3/L. 983 & Rev. 1) Ccuutrtes and Peoples. Report, chap. VIII. Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1140-1148 A/5238 Report. A/5273 (contains, in Annex to draft GA: Special Committee on the Situation with regard resolution A, text of draft convention) to the Implementation of the Declaration on Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1167 the Granting of Independence to Colonial Draft resolution A in A/5273 adopted (92-0-7) as Countries and Peoples. Resolution sub­ resolution 1763 A (XVII) mitted in its report (A/5238). AIL. 413 -- minimum age, consent and registration: recommenda­ Secretary-General. Report on financial implica­ tion (draft) (agenda item 44) tions of draft resolution in AIL. 420. A/c.51 GA resolution 1680 (XVI) 971 Documents Draft resolutions and amendments thereto Italy. Draft resolution [requesting ESC to ask the Algeria, Burundl, Congo (Brazzaville), Commn on the Status of Women to consider Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Iraq, Liberia, the draft recommendation in the light of the Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Nigeria, discussions of the draft convention and to re­ Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Syria, Tangan­ port on the draft recommendation to the GA yika, Tunisia, United Arab Republic and at its 18th sess.], A/c. 3/L. 990 Upper Volta, Amendments (to AIL. 420). Secretary-General. Memorandum. A/4844 AIL. 423 (GAOR, 16th sess., Annexes, agenda item 85) Algeria, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central Mrican Secretary-General. Note. A/5128 Republic, Ceylon, Chad, Congo (Leo­ Discussion in 3rd CUee: Meeting 1148 poldville), Dahomey, Ethiopia, Ghana, Report. A/5273 Guinea, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Jamaica, Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1167 Jordan, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Draft resolution B in A/5273 adopted (90-1-1) as Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, resolution 1763 B (XVII) Philippines, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Togo, Tunisia, United Arab Republic, Joint draft resolution calling MAURITANIA for self-determination and independence -- territorial claims for Territories under Portuguese admin­ Statements in 4th Cttee: Meeting 141'1 (Mauritania, Spain) istration. A/C. 4/L. 759 and Add:1 (adds Afghanistan, Burma, Congo (Brazzaville), Federation of Malaya, Gabon, Iran, (agenda item 49) Lebanon, Libya, Senegal, Tanganyika and Documents Uganda as eo-sponsors) Secretary-General. Summary of information for USA. Draft resolution requesting President of 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5078 General Assembly to appoint two United & Add. 15 Nations Representatives to gather infor­ mation on political, economic and social conditions in Angola and Mozambique by (agenda item 49) visiting those two territories or other Documents places as necessary. AIL. 420 (not Secretary-General. Summary of information for . pressed to a vote at n01st meeting) 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/50801 Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1394,1396,1397, Add. 13 & 19 1403, 1416 Report. A/5349 and Add. 1 Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1155,1168-1172, MOROCCO 1175-1178,1181,1194-1196,1201 -- territorial claims Draft resolution in A/L.413, p.5 [on Mozambique] Statements in 4th CUee: Meeting 1415 (Morocco, Spain) disposed of by adoption of r.esolution 1807 Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1140 (Morocco) (XVII) Draft resolution I in P:/5349 and Add. 1 [on self­ determination and independence for Ter­ MOZAMBIQUE ritories under Portuguese administration] __ self-government or independence (agenda items 25and 54) adopted by roll-call vote (82-7-13) at 1194th See also Colonialism: elimination; General Assembly: meeting as resolution 1807 (XvII) hearings; Territories under Portuguese adminis­ tration; Territories under Portuguese adminis­ tration: status AND OMAN: See Oman question Documents GA: Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Administration. Report. A/5l60 and Corr.l (English only), Add. 1, 2 "~ l

64' I C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) NARCOTIC DRUGS NATURAL RESOURCES (continued) -- control (agenda item 12) -- permanent sovereignty (continued) Documents Docl,ments (continued) nrd Mghallistan, Canada, Denmark, Morocco, Thai­ Draft resolutions and amendments thel'eto (continued) n land and Yugoslavia. Draft resolution [con­ Commission on Permanent Sovereignty over cerning ratification and accession to the Natural Rer,ources. Draft resolution. I. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs,1961]. A/C.2/L. 651 (contains text previously A/C. 3/L. 995 & Add. 1,2 (adds Ghana and issued in E/3511, Annex) & Corr. 1 ard Syria as eo-sponsors) (English, Spanish and Russian only) n ESC. Report,1961/1962, chap. VIII, sect. V. Jordan, Morocco and Thailand. Sub-amendment A/5203 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 3) (to A/C.2/L. 686/Rev. 2). A/C. 2/L. 699 • Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1151,1153-1160, (withdrawn at 858th meeting of 2nd Cttee) 1162, 1163, 1165 Lebanon and Syria. Sub-amendment (to A/C. 2/ - Report. A/5314 & Corr. 1 (Russian only) L. 686/Rev. 2). A/C. 2/L. 697 (rejected at '.5/ Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1187 858th meeting of the 2nd cttee) 'I Draft resolution III in A/5314 & earl'. 1 (Russian Mauritania. Amendment (to A/C. 2/L. 654). only) [inviting ratification or accession to A/C. 2/L. 690 Single Convention] adopted (92-1-4) as reso­ Syria. Sub-amendment (to A/C. 2/L. 696). L, lution 1774 (XVII) A/C. 2/L. 698 -- control: technical assistance: See under United Nations: USSR. Amendment (to draft resolution in budget, 1963 - -- A/5344/Add.1, par. 93). A/L.414 d United Kingdom. Amendments (to A/C. 2/ I). L. 654). A/C. 2/L. 669 (withdrawn at NATURAL RESOURCES 850th meeting of 2nd Cttee) Jan -- permanent sovereignty (agenda item 39) United Kingdom and USA. Revised amend­ GA resolution 1720 (XVI)j ESC resolution 847 (XXXII) ments (to A/C. 2/L. 654 & Corr. 1). Documents A/C. 2/L. 686 (replaces A/C. 2/L. 668 and a, Burma and Sudan. Draft text for inclusion in Rap­ A/C.2/L.669), & Rev.l (also adds Panama porteur's report. A/C. 2/L. 694 (withdrawn as eo-sponsor), & Rev. 1/Add. 1 (deletes at 854th meeting of 2nd Cttee) Panama from list of cc-sponsors), Rev. 2,3 Commission on Permanent Sovereignty over Natu­ USA. Amendments (to A/C. 2/L. 654). A/C. 2/ 'ab ral Resources. Report. E/3511 (A/AC.97/13) L. 668 & Corr.1 (Spanish only) (withdrawn ESC. Report,1960/1961, chap. V, sect. I. A/4820 at 850th meeting of the 2nd Cttee) (GAOR, 16th sess., suppl. no. 3) Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 801,806,807,834, l- ESC,32nd sess, Summary records, 1177th - 1179th 835,841,842,845,846,848,850-859,864,876,877 Is and 1181st meetings (1-3 Aug 1961). Report. A/5344/Add. I, Add, l/Corr. 1 e), E/SR.1177-1179,1181 Resolution. A/C. 2/L. 705 GA: 2nd Cttee: Chairman. Concluding statement Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1103 (Chile), 1194 nd summing up the work of the 2nd Cttee during Draft resolution VI in A/534.4/Add. 1 & Add. 1/ the 17th session of the General Assembly. Corr. I, adopted as amended at 1194th meet­ If A/C. 2/L. 720 ing (87-2-12) as resolution 1803 (xvn) GA, 16th sess.: 2nd cttee. Report. A/5060 (con­ tains text of draft declaration) Secretariat. The status of permanent sovereignty NATURE over natural wealth and resources. -- protection (agenda item 12) A/AC. 97/5/Rev. 2, E/3511 (A/AC. 97/13 Documents (Sales no.: 62. V. 6)) & Corr. 1 (French only), -Mongolia. Draft resolution [concerning economic Corr.2 (English only) development and the conservation of nature]. Secretary-General. Notes. A/4905, A/5225 A/C. 2/L. 666 & Add. 1,2 (adds Chad and Draft resolutions and amendm"lnts thereto Mauritania as eo-sponsors), Rev. 1,2 (also Mghanistan. Amendment (to A/C. 2/L. 654). adds Central Mrican Republic, Madagascar, A/C. 2/L. 655 (withdrawn at 850th meet­ Poland and Senegal as eo-sponsors), Rev. 2/ ing of 2nd Cttee) Add. 1 (adds Ivory Coast as eo-sponsor) le] ,,,. Mghanistan, Burma, Indonesia, Lebanon, Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 864,866,867 sudan, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia and Report. A/5344 & Add. I, & Add. l/Corr. 1 Yugoslavia. Amendment (to draft reso­ Action in Plenary: Meeting 1197 lution in A/5344/Add. 1). A/L. 412 & Draft resolution XIII in A/5344 adopted unani­ Rev. 1 (also adds Philippines as eo­ mously as resolution 1831 (XVII) I sponsor), Rev. 2 (also adds Algeria, th Jordan and Saudi Arabia as eo-sponsors) Algeria. Amendment (to A/C. 2/L. 654). NAURU A/C. 2/L. 691 (withdrawn at 854th meeting See also Trusteeship Council: report, 1961/1962 of 2nd cttee) Documents Argentina and Peru. Amendment (to A/C. 2/ Secretary-General. Note transmitting report of L. 654 & Corr. 1). A/C. 2/L. 700 the Government of Australia on the adminis­ Burma and Sudan. Amendments (to A/C. 2/ tration of the Trust Territory of Nauru for L. 654 & Corr. 1). A/C. 2/L. 696 (re­ the period from 1 Jul 1960 to 30 Jun 1961. jected at 858th meeting of 2nd cttee) A/5176

65 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

NEAR AND MIDDLE EAST NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES (continued) -- international relations -- fellowships and scholarships (continued) See also Palestine question; Palestine refugees: assist­ Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1416, 1420-1424 ance Report, A!5371 and Corr. 1,2 Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1148 (Israel), 1152 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1198 (Iran, Iraq, Turlcey),·United KingdtJm) Draft resolution IV in A/5371 and Corl'.l, 2 [on f'Jll utilization of scholarships] adopted unanimous­ ly as resolution 1849 (XVII) NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA (agenda item 49) -- indigenous cadres: preparation and training (agenda See also West New Guinea (West Irian) item 52) DOcuments GA resolution 1697 (XVI) Secretary-General. Summary of information for Documents 1960 transmitted by Netherlands. A/6081 Australia. Special report, prepared by the Austra­ lian Mission to the United Nations, transmit­ ted by the Secretary-General. A/5125 NEW GUINEA GA: Cttee on Information from Non-Self-Governing See also Trusteeship Council: report, 1961/1962 Territories. Report, chap. X. A/5215 (GAOR, Documents 17th sess., suppl. no. 15) Secretary-General. Note transmitting report of New Zealand. Special report prepared by the New Australia on the administration of the Trust Zealand Mission to the United Nations, trans­ for the period from mitted by the Secretary-General. A/5122 1 Jul1960 to 30 Jun 1961. A/5177 Secretary-General. Note. A/5235 Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1132 (Australia) Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1409,1416,1420-1424 .t,. ,. . Report. A!5371 & Corr. 1,2 , Action in Plenary: Meeting 1198 \ (agenda item 49) Action by 4th Committee in A/5371 & Corr.1, 2, Documents para. 32 [noting reports of Secretary-General Secretary-General. Summary of information for and of Cttee on Information from Non-Self­ I! 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom and Governing Territories1approved without vote France. A/5081 -- information about United Nations: See United Nations: & Non-Self-Governing Territories: information about United Nations NEW ZEALAND -- information to United Nations (agenda item ·19) -- Non-Self-Governing Territories: See Cook Islands; See also Aden, American Samoa, Antigua, Bahama Islands: Islands - Islands, Barbados, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, -- Trust Territories: See Western Samoa Bermuda, British Guiana, British Honduras, British Solomon Islands, Brunei, , Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Cook Islands, Dominica, NIUE ISLANDS (agenda item 49) Falkland Islands, Fernando Pdo, Fiji, Gambia, Documents , Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Grenada, Secretary-General. Summary of information for Guam, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Uni, Jamaica, Kenya, 1960 transmitted by New Zealand. A/5081 Malta, Mauritius, Montserrat, New Hebrides, Niue Islands, North Borneo, Northern Rhodesia, Nya­ saland, Papua, , RIO Muni, St. NON-DEROGATION CLAUSE: See under Human rights: Helena, St. Kitts--, St. Lucia, St. covenants (draft) Vincent, Sarawak, , Singapore, Spanish Sahara, Swaziland, Tokelau Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, , Uganda, Virgin NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES Islands (British), Virgin Islands (USA), West New -- fellowships and scholarships (agenda item 51) Guinea (West Irian), Zanzibar and Pemba GA resolution 1696 (XVI) Documents Documents Afghanistan, Algeria, Bolivta, Cameroon, Central Afghanistan, Algeria, Boltvia, Cambodia, Cam- . African Republic, Ceylon, Chad, Congo eroon, Ceylon, Central African Republic, (Leopoldville), Dahomey, Ethiopia, Federa­ Chad, Congo (Leopolctville), Czechoslovakia, tion of Malaya, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, India, Dahomey, Ethiopia, Federation of Malaya, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Liberia, Mali, Gabon, Ghana, GUinea, Hungary, India, Indo­ Morocco, Nepal, ·Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, nesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Liberia, Mali, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Syria, Tanganyika, Togo, Uganda and United Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Somalta Sudan, Arab Republic. Joint draft resolution taking Syria, Tanganyika, Togo, Uganda, United note of the report of the Cttee on Information Arab Republic, Yugoslavia. Joint draft reso­ from Non-Self-Governing Territories and lution calling for full utilization of scholar­ calling for continued transmission of infor­ shtpsoffered. A/C. 4/L. 768 & Add. 1 (adds mation on political and constitutional develop­ Ivory Coast, Jamaica and Senegal as eo­ ments in the Territories. A/C. 4/L. 766 & sponsors) Add, 1 (adds Ivory Coast, Jamaica and Senegal Secretary-General. Report. A/5242 & Corr. 1, as eo-sponsors) Add. 1

66 •

_....,,..,..,;!M':" ...~.'~,.~:"._':':;.,.' " '..::.~.~',.;. C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES (continued) NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES (continued) --, information to United Nations (continued) -- information to UN: political and constitutional (continued) 24 Documents (continued) Documents (continued) Argentina, Bolivia, Bl'azil, Ceylon, Chad, Daho­ mation on political and constitutional develop­ mey, Ethiopia, Federation of Malaya, Gabon, ments in the Territories. A/C. 4/L. 766 & on full Ghana, India, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Add. 1 (adds Ivory Coast, Jamaica and Senegal nlmous- Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sierra as eo-sponsors) Leone, Somalia, Syria, Tanganyika, Togo. Cambodia. Amendments (to A/C. 4/L. 766). A/C. 4/ Joint draft resolution calling for continuation L.770 (withdrawn at 1424th meeting) of the Cttee on Information from Non-Self­ GA: Cttee on Information from Non-Self-Governing .. Governing Territories. A/C. 4/L. 771 Territories. Report, chap. VI. A/5215 Cambodia. Amendments (to A/C. 4/L. 766). A/C. 4/ (GAOR,17th sess., suppl. no. 15) istra- L.770 (withdrawn at 1424th meeting) Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1409,1416,1420-1424 ismtt- GA: Cttee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Report. A/5371 & Corr.1, 2 .. Territories. Report. A/5215 (GAOR, 17th Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1198 ,rning sess., 15) -, Draft resolution I in A/5371 & Corr. 1,2 [noting (GAOR, Secretary-General. Note containing explanatory report of Committee on Information from memorandum transmitted by the United Non-Self-Governing Territories and calling New Kingdom on political and constitutional infor­ for continued transmisaion of political and trans- mation. A/5120 constitutional information] adopted (97-0-3) 22 Secretary-General. Summaries of information as resolution 1846 (XVII) transmitted concerning: -- information to United Nations: transmission and exami­ 0-1424 African and adjacent territories. A/5078 & nation (agenda item 49 (cl) Add. 1-19 Documents Asian Territories. A/5079 & Add. 1-6 GA: Cttee on Information from Non-Self-Governing 2, Caribbean and Western Atlantic Territories. Territories. Report, chap. XII. A/5215 'I1eral A/5080 & Add. 1-19 (GAOR,17th sess., suppl. no. 15) ur- Pacific Territories. A/5081 & Add. 1-5 No specific proposals were submitted with respect t vote Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meeting 1409,1416,1420-1425 to this item s: Report. A/5371 & Corr.1, 2 -- information to UN: transmission by Australia (agenda n Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1198 item 49) -Draft resolution I in A/5371 & Corr. 1,2 [noting Statements in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1421 (Burma), 1423 report of Committee on Information from (India) Non-Self-Governing Territories and calling -- information to UN: transmission by France (agenda for continued transmission of political and item 49) constitutional information] adopted (97-0-3) Statements in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1422 (USSR), 1424 .nds, as resolution 1846 (XVII) (Liberia) iea, Draft resolution 11 in A/5371 & Corr.1,2 [continu­ -- information to UN: transmission by Netherlands (agenda l, ing Committee on Information from Non-Self­ item 49) l, Governing Territories] adopted (96-0-5) as Statements in 4th Cttee: Meeting 1423 (India) nya, resolution 1847 (XVII) --information to UN: transmission by New Zealand (agenda Niue -- information to United Nations: educational, economic item 49) fa- and social (agenda item 49 (b» Statements in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1421 (Burma), 1423 Documents (India) It, GA: Cttee on Information from Non-Self-Governing -- information to UN: transmission by Portugal (agenda nish Territories. Report, chap. VII-IX. A/5215 item 49) and (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 15) See also Territories under Portuguese administration: irgin Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1409, 1416, 1421-1424 status ~ew Report. A/5371 & Corr.1, 2 Statements in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1422 (Indonesia), No specific proposals were submitted with respect 1423 (India, Syria), 1424 (Liberia) to this item -- information to UN: transmission by Spain (agenda item 49) itral -- information to United Nations: political and constitutional Statements in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1421 (Burma), 1423 (agenda item 49 (a» (India, Spain, Tunisia) .ra­ Documents -- information to UN: transmission by Spain (agenda item 49) ndia, Afghanistan, Algeria, Boltvia, Cameroon, Central Statements in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1421 (Burma), 1423 African Republic, Ceylon, Chad, Congo (India, Spain, Tunisia) 1n, (Leopoldvtlle), Dahomey, Ethiopia, Fede­ -- information to UN: transmission by United Kingdom an, ration of Malaya, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, (agenda item 49) ited India, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Liberia, Mali, Statements in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1421 (Burma), 1422 :ing Morocco, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, (Indonesia), 1423 (India, Syria), 1424 (Liberia) tion Philippines, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, -- information to UN: transmission by USA (agenda item 49) I Syria, Tanganyika, Togo, Uganda and United .Statements in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1421 (Burma), 1423 r­ Arab Republic. Joint draft resolution taking (India) ilop­ note of the report of the Cttee on Information -- racial discrimination (agenda item 53) ~ from Non-Self-Governing Territories and GA resolution 1698 (XVI) regal calling for continued transmission of infor- Documents Boltvia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burma, Ghana, GUinea, Mali, Mauritania, MeXiCO, Niger, Poland

67 ---....-...... C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES (continued) NORTHERN RHODESIA (continued) -- racial discrimination (continued) -- independence (proposed) (continued) Documents (continued) Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1143,1168-1172, 1174­ and United Arab Republic. Joint draft reso­ 1178,1180,1181,1196 lution condemning the policy and practice of Suggestion by United Kingdom not to vote on draft racial discrtmtnattcn in Non-Self-Goveming resolution in A/L. 418 [Question of Northern Territol'les. A/C. 4/L. 769 & Add. 1 (adds Rhodesia] adopted (26-4-25) at 1196th meeting Afghanistan, Cambodia, Cameroon, Dahomey, Gabon, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan, NUCLEAR-FREE ZONES Syria, Togo and Tunisia as eo-sponsors) See also Disarmament GA: Cttee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (Brazrl), 1127 Territories. Report, chap. IX. A/5215 (USSR), 1129 (Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia), (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 15) 1130 (Senegal), 1136 (Albania, Poland), 1137 Secretary-General. Report [on dissemination and (Mongolia), 1138 (Hungary), 1139 (Bulgaria, implementation of GA resolution 1698 (XVI)]. United Arab Republic), 1141 (Romania), 1143 A/5249 & Add. 1 (Ghana), H47 (Indonesia), 1151 (Central African Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1416, 1420-1424 Republic, Somalia), 1153 (Mexico), 1193 (Chile) Report. A/5371 & Corr.1, 2 Statement in Plenary (General debate): Meeting 1133 (Pakistan) NUCLEAR WAR Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1198 -- propaganda: condemnation (agenda item 93) Draft resolution V in A/5371 & Corr.1, 2 [condemn­ Documents ing racial discrimination] adopted without vote GA: President. Letter dated 27 Sep confirming as resolution 1850 (XVll) allocation of this item to the 1st Cttee. A/C. 1/868/Add. 1 GA: 1st Cttee: Chairman. Letter dated 22 Nov NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION concerning decision to refer item to the -- &Warsaw Treaty Organization: non-aggression treaty Eighteen-Nation Cttee on Disarmament for (proposed) consideration. A/5311 Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1127 (USSR), 1129 USSR. Letter dated 21 Sep requesting inclusion of (Czechoslovakia), 1136 (Albania), 1137 (Mon­ additional item "Condemnation of propaganda golia), 1138 (Hungary) favouring preventive nuclear war" in the agenda. A/5232 Discussion in General Cttee: Meeting 150 NORTH BORNEO (agenda item 49) Report. A/5241 - Documents Discussion in 1st Cttee: Meetings 1283,1284 Secretary-General. Summary of information for Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1127 (USSR), 1129 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5079 (Czechoslovakia), 1133 (Ukrainian SSR), 1135, & Add. 6 1.136 (Albania, Poland), 1137 (Mongolia), 1138 Statements in 4th Cttee: Meeting 1420 (Philippines, (Hungary), 1139 (Bulgaria), 1141 (Romania), United Kingdom) 1144 (Byelorussian SSR), 1177 Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1134 (Philippines, Recommendation in A/5241 [to include item in the United Kingdom) agenda and allocate it to 1st Cttee] adopted without vote at 1135th meeting Recommendation in A/5311 [to refer item to the NORTHERN RHODESIA (agenda item 49) Eighteen-Nation Cttee on Disarmament] Documents adopted without vote at 1177th meeting Secretary-General. Summary of information for 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5078/ Add. 1 & Add. 7 NYAsALAND (agenda item 49) -- independence (proposed) (agenda item 25) Documents See also Colonialism' elimination Secretary-General. Summary of information for Documents 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5078 Cambodia, E.LI110pia, India, Madagascar, Mali, & Add. 8 Syria, Tanganyika,Tunisia, Uruguay, Vene­ -- independence (proposed) (agenda item 25) zuela and Yugoslavra. Draft resolution [Ques­ See also Colonialism: elimination tion of Northern Rhodesia] calling for transfer Documents of power to the people of'Northern Rhodesia Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Madagascar, Mali, in accordance with universal suffrage and for Syria, Tanganyika, Tunisia, Uruguay, Vene­ the abolition of racial discrimination. zuela and Yugoalavia, Draft resolution [Ques­ AIL. 418 tion of Nyasaland] noting agreement on new GA: Special Committee on the Situation with regard Constitution, Nov 1962. A/L.417 to the Implementation of the Declaration on the GA: Special Committee on the Situation with regard Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries to the Implementation of the Declaration on the and Peoples. Report, chap. ill. A/5238 Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report, chap. IV. A/5238

68 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

NYASALAND (continued) OUTER SPACE -- independence (proposed) (continued) -- peaceful uses (agenda item 27) 72,1174­ Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1143,1168-1172,1174­ GA resolution 1721 (XVI) 1178,.1180,1181,1192,1195,1196 Documents I draft Draft resolution in A/L. 417 [Question of Nyasaland] Advisory Cttee. 32nd report. Financial implica­ rrthern adopted (54-0-6) at 1196th meeting as resolu­ tions of draft resolution in A/5341. A/5345 meeting tion 1818 txvn) ESC. Report,1961/1962, chap. VII, sect. IV. A/5203 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 3) ITU. Telecommunication and the peaceful uses of outer space, 1st report. ITU document attached to A/5237 1127 Secr-etary-General. Report on financial implica­ la), OFFICE OF THE SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE tions of draft resolution in A/C. I/L. 320/ 1137 SECRETARY-GENERAL IN AMMAN: See under United Rev.1. A/C. 5/961 rta, Nations: budget, 1963 --- Secretary-General. Statement on financial impli­ 1143 " cations of decision by the Committee on the i\frican Peaceful Uses of Outer Space to convene (Chile) OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER two sub-committees in Geneva. A/5114 FOR REFUGEES: See under United Nations: budget, USSR and USA. Letter dated 5 Dec transmuting 1963: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees documents relating to a technical agreement on cooperation in space activities reached , by USSR and USA representatives. A/C. 1/880 OMAN QUESTION (agenda item 79) United Kingdom. Letter dated 4 Dec transmitting ling See also General Assembly: hearings: Oman question "Draft Declaration of Basic Principles Documents Governing the Activities of States Pertaining Afghanistan, Algeria, Guinea, Indonesia, Iraq, to the Exploration and Use of Outer Space". Iov Jordan, Lebanon, Liby9., Mali, Mauritania, A/C. 1/879 le Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, USA. Letter dated 8 Dec transmitting "Draft .tfor Tunisia, United Arab Republic, Yemen and Declaration of Principles Relating to the Yugoslavia. Joint draft resolution calling Exploration and Use of Outer Space". sion of for the withdrawal of foreign forces from A/C. 1/881 aganda Oman and inviting peaceful settlement of UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. Report. .\15109 & Corr. 1 he differences. A/SPC/L.88 Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia and Space. Report [of the 2nd sess.], A/5181 United Arab Republic. Letter dated 13 Nov (incorporates A/5109 & Corr. 1) • requesting that Prince Talib bin Ali Al-Hanat, WMO. Advancement of atmospheric sciences and l129 representative of Oman, be 'heard during the their application in the light of developments 1135, discussion of the question. A/SPC/73 in outer space. 1st report. WMO document 1138 attached to A/5229 Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Draft resolutions and amendments thereto la), Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab USA. Draft resolution. A!C.l!L. 320 & Add. 1 Republic and Yemen. Letter dated 28 Jun (adds Canada as eo-sponsor) & Rev. 1 inthe proposing inclusion of item in agenda. pted (also adds Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, A/5149 Czechoslovakia, Hungary, India, Italy, Muscat and Oman: . Cable dated 25 Oct pro­ the Lebanon, Mongolia, Poland, Romania .] testing against debate of this item. A/5284 Sierra Leone, Sweden and USSR as co: Discussion in General Cttee: Meeting 148 sponsors) & Rev.l/Add. 1,2 (adds Belgium, Report. A!5230 Chad, France, Iran, Japan, MeXiCO, Discussion in Special Political Cttee: Meetings 351­ Nigeria, United Kingdom as eo-sponsors) . • 357 Discussion in 1st Cttee: Meetings 1289-1298 Draft resolution. A/SPC/75 Report. A!5341 Report. A/5325 for Discussion in 5th Cttee; Meeting 974 Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1136 (Sudan), 1138 Report.A/5350 V5078 ,," (Jordan), 1139 (United Arab Republic), 1140 Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (Brazil USA) (Libya), 1150 (Saudi Arabia), 1151 (Algeria), 1126 (Japan), 1129 (Iran, Yugoslavta) ,li31 ' 1152 (Iraq, Syria), 1191 (Austria, Ecuador), 1132 (Liberia), 1134 (Phil­ Draft resolution in A/5325 [calling for withdrawal ippines), 1135 (Turkey), 1136 (Italy), 1138 (Jor­ of foreign forces and inviting peaceful settle­ I, dan), 11.~9 (United Arab Republic), 1140 (Libya), ment of differences] failed of adoption at 1143 (Ghana, Spain), 1144 (Sierra Leone), 1150 Vene­ 1191st meeting [Ques­ (Madagascar), 1153 (Mexico), 1192 iew Draft resolution in A/5341 adopted unanimously at OPEX: See Public administration: technical assistance 1192nd meeting as resolution 1802 (XVII) egard Ion the untries ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES: See under Cuban I situation

69 ",.~;,~:=:...~~=:::;:~.~_ .... ~ ...... R"':::':~.- ." -;. I C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

PALESTINE QUESTION PANAMA CANAL ZONE See also Palestine l'efugees Statements in Plenal'Y: Meetings 1130 (Panama), Documents 1133 (Ukranian SSR) UN Conciliation Commission for Palestine. Progress report, 20th, 1961/1962, A/533" Statements in Plenal' : Meetings 1138 (JordtUl), 1139 PAPUA (agenda item 49) United rab Republic), 1140 (Libya),1141 Documents (Lebanon, Tunisia) ,1143 (Ghana), 1147 (Algeria, Secretary-General, Sumrnal'y of mrormatton for Indonesia),1148 (Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia), 1960 transmitted by Australia. A/5081 1150 (Israel, saudi A,-abia), 1151 (Algeria, Central African Republic), 1152 (Iraq, Syria), 1153 (Upper Voltn) PEACE AND DISARMAMENT -- organization and investigation: committee (Pl'oposed) (agenda item 23) PALESTINE REFUGEES GA decision of 19 nee 1961 (XVI) -- assistance (agenda item 31) Documents See ~,lso General Assembly: hearings: Palestine Honduras. Draft resolution [proposing establish­ refugees ment of special cttee of 9 members for the GA resolution 302 (IV) organization of peace]. A/L.403 Documents Honduras. Letter dated 17 Dec 1962 requesting Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, postponement of discussion of draft resolution Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia and in A/L. 403 until the 18th session of the Gen­ United Arab Republic, Letter dated 2 Nov eral Assembly. A/5379 requesting that a Palestine Arab delegation Discussion in P~enary: Meetings 1142 (Honduras), 1198 be heard during discussion of the question. Request by Honduras in A/5379 (to postpone discus­ A/SPC/74 sion of draft resolution in A/L. 403 until the Secretary-General. Report on financial implica­ 18th sess. of GA), adopted without vote tions of draft resolution in A/SPC/L. 91. A/C. 5/969 UN ConciliaH - n Commission for Palestine. Prog­ PEACE AND SECURITY: See Secretary-General: notification ress report, 20th, 1961/1962. A/5337 under Art. 12, par. 2 of the Charter UNRWA: Ccmmiestoner-General. Annual report, .1 Jul 1961 - 30 Jun 1962. A/5214 (GAOR, 17th sess.; suppl. no. 14) Draft resolutions and amendments thereto PBACE OBSERVA'i'ION COMMISSION Afghanistan, Indonesia, Mauritania and Pakis­ .- members: appointment (agenda item 19) I tan. Draft resolution requesting appoint­ Documents 'I _.ent of a UN Custcdtan for the adminis­ Secretary-General. Note. A/5175 tration and protection of Arab property. Discussion in ?lenary: Meeting 1200 A/SPC/L. 90 (not pressed to a vote) Proposal by the President of GA to reappoint for the Burundi, Central African Republic, Congo calendar years 1963 and 1964 the present (Brazzaville), Dahomey, Dominican membership (China, Czechoslovakia, France, Republic, El Salvador, Gabon, Haiti, Honduras, India, Iraq, Israel, New Zealand, \ Iceland, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Luxem­ Pakistan, Sweden, USSR, United Kingdom, bourg, Madagascar, Netherlands, Niger, USA and Uruguay) adopted without vote 'I Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Upper Volta. ) Joint draft resolution. A/SPC/L.89 & Add. 1 (adds Costa Rica, Guatemala and ! Uruguay as eo-sponsors) (not pressed to PEACEFUL RELATIONS AMONG PEOPLES ~ a vote) -- promotion among youth (agenda item 83) .. ,. I I . Cyprus. Amendment (to A/SPC/L. 91). GA resolution 1572 (XV); ESC resolution 895 (XXXIV) 1 \. A/SPC/L.93 Documents I USA. Draft resolution noting the UNRWA report,' Algeria, Ghana, GUinea, Indonesia, Mali and '\ .i 1961/1962. A/SPC/L.91 United Arab Republic. Draft resolution. • I- I Discussion in Special Political Cttee: Meetings 358­ A/C. 3/L. 1059 & Corr. 1 (French only) 376 ESC. Report, 1961/196~, chap. VIII, sect. 11. Draft resolution. A/SPC/76 A/5203 (GAOR,17th..sess., suppl, no. 3) .."Report. ~ A/5387 ESC, 34th sess. Summary records. E/SR.1231, Discussion in "5thCttee: Meeting 98.2 1233. Discussion in PlenaI' : Meetings 1136 (Sudan), 1138 Romania. Draft declaration. A/C. 3/L. 1051 Jordan ,1139 Mali, United Arab Republic), Secretary-General. Note. A/5184 1140 ~Libya, Morocco), 1141 (Pakistan, Tunisia), UNESCO. Report. UNESCO/ED/18G and E/3638 1143 (Ghana), 1148 (Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia). Discussion in 3rd cttee: Meetings 1153-1155, 1158 1151 (Central African Republic), 1152 (Syria), Report. A/5364 & Corr. 1 (French only) 1153 (Upper Volta), 1200 Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1198 -\ Draft resolution in A/5387 [noting UNRWA report Draft resolution in A/5364 [proposing priority to and extending UNRWA mandate] adopted the' conslderatton of this item at the 18th ses­ (100-0-2) at 1200th meeting as resolution sion] adopted unanimously as resolution 1842 1856 (XVII) (XVII)

70 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

PEACEFUL'RELATIO~S AMONG STATES PEACEFUL RELATIONS AMONG STATES (continued) -- & internatlonnllnw (agenda item 75) -- & international law (continued) GA.resoluUon 1696 (XVI) Discussion in 6th Cttee: Meetings ';'38,753-774,777 Documents Report. A/5356 Czechoslovakia. Letter dated 20 !'T0v transmitting Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1129 (Czechoslo­ letter of Minister for Foreign Affairs and vakia), 1130 (Peru), 1131 (Uruguay), 1134 statement of Government of German Demo­ (United Kingdom), 1135 (Turkey), 1141 cratic Republic concerning Berlin situation (Romania), 1155 (Portugal), 1196 and relations between the two German States. Draft resolution I in A/5356 [concerning study of A/C. 6/L. 513 principles of international law concerning Secretary-General. Note. A/5192 friendly relations and eo- operation among Draft resolutions states] adopted at 1196th meeting as resolu­ Afghanistan. Amendment (to A/C. 6/L. 510). tion 1815 (XVII) A/C. 6/L. 514 & Oorr, 1 (French only), Draft resolution IT in A/5356 [concerning technical Rev. 1 assistance to promote teaching on interna­ Afghanistan, Algeria, Bolivia;' Cambodia, tional law] adopted at 1196th meeting as reso­ Cameroon, Canada, Ceylon, Central lution 1816 (XVll) African RepubUc, Chile, Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Japan, Liberia, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria, Paki­ PIT CAIRNISLAND (agencla item 49) stan: Sierra Leone, Somalia, Syria, Tan­ Documents ganyika, United Arab Republic, Yugo­ Secretary-General. Summary of information for slavia. Draft resolution. A/C. 6/L. 524 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5081/ & Corr. 1 (also deletes Bolivia from list Add. 2, 3 of sponsors), Add. 1 (adds Congo (Leo­ poldville), Cyprus, Dahomey, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Mongolia, Philip­ POPULATION GROWTH: & economic development: See Eco- pines, Poland, Romania and Turkey as eo­ nomic development: & population growth - sponsors) Afghanistan, Algeria, Cambodia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Mali, Morocco, Somalia, Syria, PORTUGAL United Arab Republic, Yugoslavia. Draft -- overseas territories: See Territories under Portuguese resolution. A/C. 6/L. 509 & Add. 1 (adds administration and General Assembly: hearings: Ceylon as eo-sponsor) & Add. 2 (adds Territories under Portuguese administration Ethiopia as eo-sponsor) & Corr. I, & Rev. I, Rev. l/Corr. 1 (Spanish only) (not pressed to vote at 777th meeting of 6th PORTUGUESE TERRITORIES: See Non-Self-Governing ----lCttea..)'---- Territories: informationto-United Nations: trans­ Belgium. Amendment (to A/C. 6/L. 510). mission by Portugal; ~erritories under Portuguese A/C. 6/L. 516 administration: status Bolivia. Amendment (to A/C. 6/L. 505). A/C. 6/L. 511 (not pressed to vote at 777th meeting of 6th Cttee) PROPAGANDA Bolivia. Amendment (to A/C. 6/L. 509 & Add. 1). -- condemnation: See Nuclear war A/C. 6/L. 512 Canada, Chile, Dahomey, Denmark, Japan and Sierra Leone. Draft resolution [on terri­ torial integrity and political independence PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION of States]. A/C. 6/L. 507 & Add. 1 (adds -- technical assistance (agenda items 12 and 41 (aj) Documents .' . Cameroon and Nigeria as eo-sponsor-s), & Add. 2 (adds Liberia as eo-sponsor), Bolivia. Draft resolution. A/C. 2/L. 719 & Add. 1 & Add. 3 (adds Pakistan and Tanganyika as (adds Niger as co- sponsor) eo-sponsors), Add. 4 (adds Central Afri­ ESC. Report,1961/1962, chap. X, sect. I. A/5203 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 3) , !' can Republic as eo-sponsor) & Rev. 1, Rev. 1/Add.1 (adds Colombia and Congo Secretary-General. Report. A/5330 (Leopoldville) as eo-sponsors) (not Discussion in 2nd CUee: Meeting 876 pressed to vote at 777th meeting of 6th Report. A!5360 & Corr. 1 (English only) CUee) Action in Plenary: Meeting 1197 Colombia. Sub-amendment (to A/C. 6/L. 514). It was decided that draft resolution in A/5360, A/C. 6/L. 520 par. 27-29, should be referred to the Czechoslovakia. Draft resolution. A/C. 6/ resumed 34th session of the Economic and Social Council. L. 505 (not piassed to vote at 777th meet­ ing of 6th Cttee) Ghana, Ireland. Draft resolution. A/C. 6/1..510; Peru. Sub-amendment (to A/C. 6/L. 514). PUERTO RICO A/C. 6/L. 518 Statements in 4th CUee: Meeting 1423 (Cuba, USSR, Spain. Sub-amendment (to A/C. s/t, 514). USA) A/C. 6/L. 519 USA. Sub-amendment (to A/C. 6/L. 514). A/C. 6/L. 517

71 ======~..::=:::::;::::::::=.=.=-~-.~-'If~~, ~~ >,:~~~~-,--_.:=---'-::::===:;;;:::;=====- '::l;-;--= .. ..

C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

RACIP,L, NATIONALAND RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE RACIAL, NATIONAL AND RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE -- manifestations, preventton of (.\gencln item 48) (continued) GA resolution 1684 (XVI) -- manifestations, prevention of (continued) Documents Discussion in Plenary (continued) '00 Czechoslovakia. Working paper concerntng a Draft resolution C in A/5305 [concerning prepara­ draft International convention on the elimina­ tion of a draft declaration and a draft con­ tion of racial discrimination. A/C.3/L. 1010 vention on the elimination of all forms of Secretary-General. Note. A/fH29 (containing ESC religious Intolerance] adopted unanimously resolution 826 (XXXII» at 1187th meeting as resolution 1781 (XVn) \ Draft resolutions and amendments therato \ Central African Republic, Chad, Dahomey, GUinea, Ivory Coast, Mali, Mauritania, Nlger and Upper Vclta, Draft resolution RADIATION [proposing a draft convention and declara­ -- effects (agenda item 30) tion on racial discrimination]. A/C. 3/ GA resolution 1629 (XVI) L. 1006, Rev. 1 (also adds Ghana and Documents • Nigeria as eo-sponsors), Rev. 2 (also Advisory Committee. 19th report: iinancial impli­ adds Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Madagascar cations of draft resolution A/5285. A/5290 and S~negal as eo-sponsors), Rev. 3 (also Argentina, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Denmark, adds Bulgaria, Cameroon, Guinea, Ecuador, Ireland, Japan, Morocco, Nether­ Liberia and Mongolia as eo-sponsors), lands, Norway and Pakistan. Draft resolu­ Rev. 4 (also adds Syria and Togo as eo­ tion on the report of the UN Scientific Com­ sponsors and Liberia withdraws as eo­ mittee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. sponsor), Rev. 5 (also adds Algeria, A/SPC/L.82, & Rev. 1 (also adds Austria, Cuba, Nepal and Sudan as cc-sponsor-s), Belgium, Chad, Cl'ntral African Republic, Rev. 6 (also adds Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Brazzaville), Costa Rica, Dahomey, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Gabon, Ghana, Iran, Ivory Coast, Madagas­ Arabia, Tanganyika and United Arab car, Mauritania, New Zealand, Niger, Pan­ Republic a.s eo-sponsors), Rev. 6/Add. 1 ama, Paraguay, Philippines, Senegal, Spain, (adds Congo (Leopoldville) and Pakistan Sweden, Thailand, United Arab Republic, as eo-sponsors) Upper Volta and Uruguay as co-sponsors) Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Leopoldville), & Rev.l/Add.1-6 (adds Colombia, Federation Ghana, Guinea, Iraq, Liberia, Madagas­ of Malaya, Liberia, Nepal, Nigeria and car, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago as eo-sponsor-s) Pakistan, Syria, Tanganyika, Togo and Brazil. Amendment (to A/SPC/L. 82/Rev. 1). Upper Volta. Draft resolution [proposing A/SPC/L.87 a draft convention and declaration on re­ Secretary-General. Note concerning the Iinanctal ligious discrimination). AlC. 3/L. 1016 implications of draft resolution in A/SPC/ Costa Rica. Amendment (to draft resolution in L.82/Rev.1. A/SPC/L.86 A/5129). A/C. 3/L. 1008 & Rev. 1 (also Secretary-General. Report concerning fmar-cial adds United Kingdom as eo-sponsor) implications of draft resolution in A/SPC/70. Liberia. Amendments (to A/C. 3/L. 1006/ A/C. 5/944 ~ Rev. [4]). A/C. 3/L. 1012 UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Liberia. Amendments (to A/C. 3/L. 1006/ Radiation. 2nd report. A/5216 (GAOR, 17th Rev. 6 & Add. 1). A/C.3/L. 1012/Rev. 1 sess., suppl, no. 16) (withdrawn at 1171st meeting) WMO. Report on the implementation of GA reso­ MaJ.i, Mauritania and United Kingdom. Amend­ lution 1629 (XVI). WMO document attached ment (to draft resolution in A/5129). to A/5253 A/C. S/L. 1009 & Rev. 1,2 Discussion in Special Political Cttee: Meetings 342­ Saudi Arabia. Amendments (to A/C. 3/L. 1006/ 347 Rev. [4)), A/C. 3/L. 1011 (withdrawn at Draft resolution. A/SPC/70 1171st meeting) Report. A/5285 Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1165-1173 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 950 Report. A/5305 Report. A!5300 !.j Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1141 (India, Pakis­ Action in Plenary: Meeting 1171 tan), 1148 (Israel, Saudi, Arabia), 1151 (India, Draft resolution in A/5285 [on the report of the UN Pakistan), 1153 (India, Pakistan), 1187, 1193 Scientific Committee on the Effects of (Chile) Atomic Radiation] adopted by 1'011-call vote Draft resolution A in A/5305 adopted unanimously (86-0-11) as resolution 1764 (XVII) at 1187th meeting as resolution 1779 (XVIT). Draft resolution B in A/5305 [concerning prepara­ tion of a draft declaration and a draft reso­ lution on the elimination of all forms of REALIZATION OF RIGHTS: See under Human rights: racial discrimination] adopted unanimously covenants (draft) at 1187th meeting as resolution 1780 (XVIT)

72 . C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

REFUGEES (agenda item 42(n)) RWANDA Documents -- admission to UN (agenda item 20) ESC. Report, 1961/1962, chap. VillI sect. IV. Documents A/5203 (GAOR, 17th sess, , suppl. no.B) Belgium and Congo (Leopoldville). Dl'aft resolution. UNHCR. Interim report on Algerian refugees. A/L.391 & Add. 1 (adds Ethiopia, Guinea and A/5132 Liberia as eo-sponsors) UNHCR. Report covering the period 1 Apr 1901 ­ Rwanda. Letter dated 27 Jun from Minister for 31 Mar 1962. A/521l/Rev.1 & Rev. l/Add. 1 Foreign Affairs applying for membership. (GAOR, 17th sess., suppls, no. 11 & llA) A/5147 & Add. 1 (letter of 1 Jul confirming (transmits report of 8th aess. of Executive application), Add. 2 (cable dated 2 Jul from • CUee) President confirming application) Draft resolutions and amendments thereto SC: President. Letter transmitting resolution of Cameroon, Central African Republic, Gabon, Council of 26 Jul recommending admission of Guatemala, Madagascar and Pakistan. Rwanda. A/5152 .. Draft resolution [concerning Chinese Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1122 refugees in Hong Kong ana Macao]. Draft resolution in A/L. 391 & Add. 1 adopted by A/C. 3/L.I031 & Add. 1 (adds Dahomey acclamation as resolution 1748 (XVII) as eo-sponsor), Rev. 1 -- assistance (agenda item 78) Guinea and Mali. Amendments (to A/C. 3/ Documents L. 1031/Rev. 1). A/C. 3/L. 1034 Advisory Cttee, 42nd report, Financial implica­ USA. Amendments (to A/C. 3/L. 1031 & Add. 1). tions of draft resolution V in A/5360. A/5372 A/C. 3/L. 1033 (Withdrawn at 1191st meet­ Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo ing of 3rd Cttee) (Brazzaville), Dahomey, Ethiopia, Ghana, Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1186-1192 Guinea, Iran, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Report. A!5333 & Corr. 1 Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Tanganyika, Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1142 (China), 1187 Togo, Tunisia and Upper Voltn, Draft reso­ Draft resolution II in A/5333 [concerning Chinese lution. A/C. 2/L. 716 &Add. 1 (adds Belgium refugees in Hong Kong] adopted (58-22-26) at and Madagascar as eo-sponsors), Add. 2 1187th meeting as resolution 1784 (XVII) (contains statement of financial implications submitted by the Secretary-General), Rev. 1 (also adds Braztl, Congo (Leopoldville) and RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE: See Racial, national and re- Morocco as sponsors), Rev. l/Corr. 1 ligious intolerance - Office of the Under-Secretary in charge of Congo Civilian Affairs: Under-Secretary (Amachree). Statement at 872nd meeting of RIGHTS OF THE CHILD: See Human rights: covenants 2nd CUee. A/C. 2/L. 717 (draft): civil and political: new article (proposed) Secretary-General. Report. Financial implica­ [rights of the child] tions of the draft resolution contained in A/C. 2/L. 716/Rev. 1. A/C. 5/968 Secretary-General. Report. Supplementary RIO MUNI (agenda item 49) estimates for the financial year 1962. Ad­ See also Spanish Guinea ditional financial commitments to meet Documents emergency measures under GA resolution Secretary-General. Summary of information for 1746 (XVI) - The future of Ruanda-Urundi, 1960 transmitted by Spain. A/5078/Add. 3 A/C. 5/929 Secr~tary-General. Report on the implementation of GA resolution 1746 (XVI). A/5283 & ROOSEVELT, MRS. ELEANOR (USA) Corr.1 1 -- tribute to Secretary-General. Statement of financlal impli­ In Plenary: Meeting 1168 cations of draft resolution contained in " In special Political Cttee: Meeting 346 A/C. 2/L. 716. A/C. 2/L. 716/Add. 2 In 2nd Cttee: Meetings 832,833 Discussion in 2nd CUee: Meetings 872,873,876-378 In 3rd Cttee: Meeting 1176 Report. A!5360 & Corr. 1 (English only) I In 4th Cttee: Meetings 1376, 1377 Discussionin 5th Cttee: Meetings 934-938,981 In 5th Cttee: Meeting 943 Reports. A!5374, A/5384, par. 15-32 & Corr. 1 'I In 6th Cttee: Meeting 756 (English only) Action in Plenary: Meetings 1197,1201 Draft resolution V in A/5360 & Co1'1'.) (English only) adopted (81-0-11) at the 1197th meeting RUANDA-URUNDI as resolution 1836 (XVII) See also Burundi; Rwanda; Trusteeship Council: report, Draft resolution in A/5384 adopted without vote at 1961/1962 the 1201st meeting as resolution 1860 (XVII) Documents Secretary-General. Note transmitting report of the Government of Belgium on the administration of the Trust Territory of Ruanda-Urundi for the year 1960. A/5178

73 C. SUSJECT INDEX (17th session)

ST. HELENA (agenda item 49) SECRETARIAT (continued) Documents - .. staff: geographical distribution (continued) Secl·etm·y-General. Summary of tntormatton for Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 949-959, 978 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5078 Draft report. A/c. 5/L. 771 , & Add. 12 Report. A/5377 ::- Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (USA), 1129 (Czechoslovakia), 1131 (Guinea), 1132 (Aus­ 1~' . , ST. KITTS-NEVIS-ANGUILLA (agenda item 49) tralia, Liberia), 1133 (Ukrainian SSR), 1140 Documents (Cameroon), 1141 (Tunisia), 1143 (Ghana, Secretary-General. Summary of information for Mauritania), 1147 (Indonesia), 1150 (Madagas­ 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom, A/S0801 car), 1199 Add. G& 13 Draft resolution in A/5377 adopted (76-11-2) at 1199th meeting as resolution 1852 (XVll) -- f.ltaff: list ST. LUCIA (agenda item 49) Documents Documents Secretary-General. Report transmitting list of all • Secretary-General. Summary of information for staff members as of 31 Aug 1962 (ST/ ADM/ 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/50801 R.15). A/C. SILo727 & Corr.1, Add. 1 Add. 17 & 19 -- staff: rules and regulations (agenda item 70(c)) Documents Secretary-General. Report. A/C. 5/932 ST. VINCENT (agenda item 49) Discussion in 5th CUee: Meeting 959 Documents Report. A/5377 Secretary-General. Summary of information for Action in Plenary: Meeting 1199 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/50801 Recommendation of Secretary-General to defer Add. 1 & 17 consideration of item until the 18th session of the General Assembly adopted without vote -- staff: salaries and allowances: general service category: SARAWAK (agenda item 49) European Office (agenda item 62) Documents Documents Secretary-General. Summary of information for ---xdvisory Cttee, 1st report. A/5121 & Corr. 1 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5079 (English only) & Add. 1 Advisory CUee. 7th report, par. 67·,71. A/5207 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) Advisory Cttee, 13th report. Salary scales for SECRETARIAT General Service and Manual Worker Staff at See also under United Nations: budget, lll63 Headquarters and Geneva. A/5272 & Cor-r', 1 -- staff: fixed-term appointments (agenda item 70(b)) (English only) Documents Secretary-General. Report. Salary scales for ," . • < Czechoslovakia. Draft resolution. A/C. 5/L. 749 General Service and Manual Worker Staff at & Corr. 1 (English, Spanish, Russian only) Headquarters and Geneva. A/C. 5/931 & (withdrawn at 959th meeting) Corr. 1 (English only) Secretary-General. Report. A/C. 5/938 Discussion in 5th CUee: Meeting 941 Discussion in 5th CUee: Meetings 949-959,978 Report, par. 33-37. A/5384 & Corr. 1 (English Draft report. A/C. 5/L. 771 only) Report. A/5377 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1201 , Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1199 Draft resolution in A/5384 & Corr. 1 (English only) Draft resolution in A/5377 adopted (76-11-2) as adopted without vote as resolution 1860 (xvn) .' resolution 1852 (XVII) -- staff: geographical distribution (agenda item 70(a)) Documents SECRETARY-GENERAL Braatl, Iraq, Nigeria, Sudan, Syria and Tunisia. -- appointment (agenda item 18) Draft resolution. A/C. 5/L. 747 & Rev. 1 Documents Poland. Amendments (to A/C. 5/L. 747/Rev. 1). Advisory Cttee, 28th report. A/5321 , A/C. 5/L. 757 Advisory Cttee, 38th report. A/5362 Poland. Sub-amendments (to A/C. 5/L. 747 and to Chile, Ghana, Ireland, Romania, United Arab A/C. 5/L. 754). A/C. 5/L. 755 & Corr. 1 Republic and Vehezuela. Draft resolution (Russian only) rcalling for the appointment of U Thant . Secretary-General. Report: A/5270 (Burma) as Secretary-General for a term of Secretary-General. Report [concerning composi­ office expiring on 3 Nov 1966]. A/L.400 tion of the Secretariat as of 31 Aug 1962, and SC: esident. Letter dated 30 Nov transmitting changes occurred 1 Sep 1961 - 31 Aug 1962]. Security Council resolution of 30 Nov recom­ A/C. 5/933 & Corr. 1 mending appointment of U Thant (Burma) as Ukrainian SSR. Amendment (to A/C. 5/L. 747). Secretary-General for a term expiring on 3 A/C. 5/L. 751 Nov 1966. A/5322 USA. Amendments (to A/C. 5/L. 747). A/C. 5/ Discussion in 5th CUee: Meetings 960,978 L. 754 (Withdrawn at 958th meeting) Report. A!5324 & Add. 1

74' C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

SECRETARY·GENERAL (continued) SECURITY COUNCIL (conttnued) -- appointment (continued) •• members: increase in number (proposed) Discussion in Plenary.: Meetings 1125 (Brazil, USA), Statements In Plenar~: Meetings 1125 (Brazil, USA), 1126 (Japan), 1129 (Iran, Yugoslavia), 1131 1126 (Japan), 1 29 (Iran), 1131 (Guinea), 1132 (Austria, Ecuador, Guinea), 1132 (Australia, (Liberia), 1134 (Greece, United Kingdom), Liberia), 1134 (Cambodia, Philippines), 1135 1136 (Italy), 1139 (Ethiopia), 1140 (Cameroon, (Chile, Turltey), 1138 (Jordan), 1139 (Ethiopia, Libya), 1141 (Tunisia), 1143 (Ghana, Mauri­ United Arab Republic), 1140 (Cameroon, Feder­ tania, Spain), 1144 (Paraguay, Togo), 1147 ation of Malaya, Libya), 1141 (Lebanon, Tunisia), (Indonesia, Netherlands), 1148 (Israel), 1149 1142 (China), 1143 (Ghana, Nepal, Spain), 1144 Argentina), 1150 (Madagascar), 1151 (Central (Costa Rica, Sierra Leone), 1147 (Algeria, Indo-. African Republic), 1153 (Nigeria), 1155 (CYP1'US) nesia), 1148 (Israel, Niger), 1150 (Madagascar), -- report, 1961/1962 (agenda item 11) 1182 Documents Draft resolution in A/L. ";06 adopted unanimously as Security Council. Report covering the period 16 resolution 1771 (XVII) , Jut 1961 - 15 ~Tul 1962. A/5202 (GAOR, 17th -- notification under Art. 12, par. 2 of the Charter (agenda sess., suppl. no. 2) item 7) United Arab Republic and Venezuela. Draft resolu­ Documents tion taking note of the report. A/L. 411 Secretary-General. Letter of notification dated 17 Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1192 Sep 1962 to the President of the General Draft resolution in A/L. 411 adopted without vote as Assembly concerning matters relative to the resolution 1800 (XVII) maintenance of international peace and secur­ ity. A/5224 Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1129 SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES The General Assembly took note of the notification See also under Human rights: covenants (draft) -- report, 1961/1962 (agenda item 10) Stateri1ei'itSin Plenary: Meetings 1125 (Brazil, USA), e Documents 1127 (Afghanistan), 1129 (Yugoslavia), 1130 Secretary-General. Annual report on the work of (Canada, Panama, Peru), 1131 (Uruguay), 1133 the Organization, 16 Jun 1961 - 15 Jun 1962. (El Salvador), 1134 (Haiti), 1135 (Chile), 1137 A/5201 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 1) (Bolivia, Colombia), 1140 (Cameroon), 1141 Secretary-General. Introduction to the Annual (India, Pakistan), 1144 (Costa Rica), 1145 report on the work of the Organization, 16 (Cuba), 1148 (GUinea), 1149 (Argentina), 1150 Jun 1961 - 15 Jun 1962. A/5201/Add.1 (Madagascar), 1151 (Central African Republic), (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 1 A) 1152 (Congo (Brazzaville)), 1153 (MeXico, Upper Volta), 1155 (Cyprus) SECURITY COUNCIL -- members: election (agenda item 15) SEYCHELLES (agenda item 49) Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1149,1150,1154 Documents Philippines elected on 1st ballot at 1154th meeting Secretary-General. Summary of information for Brazil and Norway elected on 1st ballot at 1154th 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5078 meeting & Add. 18 Morocco elected on 2nd ballot at 1154th meeting Composition of the Security Council as of 1 Jan 1962 Members Term of Office* SHAHI, AGHA (Pakistan) Brazil 196:: - 1964 -- biography. A/C. 5/L. 729 China Permanent member under :) Art. 23 of the Charter France Permanent member under SILVEffiA DA MOTA, DAVID (Braztl) Art. 23 of the Charter -- biography. A/C. 5/L. 742 Ghana 1962 - 1963 Morocco 1963 - 1964 Norway 1963 - 1964 SINGAPORE (agenda item 49) , Philippines 1963 Documents USSR Permanent member under Secretary-General. Summary of information for Art. 23 of the Charter 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5079 United Kingdom Permanent member under & Add. 4 Art. 23 of the Charter USA Permanent member under Art. 23 of the Charter SLAVERY Venezuela 1962 - 1963 -- Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation (agenda -- members: geographical distribution item 81) Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1132 (Liberia), 1139 ESC resolutions 772 D (XXX), 826 E (XXXll) and 890 (Ethiopia), 1140 (Cameroon), 1143 (Ghana), (XXXIV) 1144 (Togo), 1151 (Central African Republic), Documents 1153 (Nigeria) Afghanistan, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Camer­ oon, Ceylon, Dahomey, Denmark, Dominican *Term of Office begin on 1 Jan and end on 31 Dec Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia,

75 ~----I------~ (:ont~ued) -:~;~~~l:~: .... : ... ---_: r:: E"" ,.- AFRICA:lnuedl -- Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation -- race problems: apnrtheid (continued) (continued) Documents (continued) Documents (continued) Draft resolutions and amendments thereto Federation of Malaya, Finland, Greece, (continued) Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Laos, Liberia, Madagas- Jordan, Lebanon, Liberia, Madagascar, car, Mali, Mauritania, Mongolia, Mo- Mali, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, New recce, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Sierra Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, SUdan, Syria, Thailand, Leone, Spain, Tanganyika, Turkey, United Tunisia, United Arab Republic, Upper Arab Republic, United Kingdom, Upper Volta, Volta , Yemen and Yugoslavia. Letter Uruguay and YugoslaVia. Draft resolution, dated 14 Aug requesting inclusion of sup- .. A/C. 3/L.1055 & Add. 1,2 (adds Algeria, plementary item "The policies of apart- Central African Republic, Cuba, Guinea, heid of the Government of the Republic of Honduras, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, South Africa: (a) race conflict in South Niger, Thailand and Togo as eo-sponsors) Africa; (b) treatment of people or inntan ESC. Report,1961/1962, chap. IX, sect. IV. and Indo-Paklstan origin in the Republic A/5203 (GAOR, 17th se ss. , suppl, no.3) of ~outh Africa" in the agenda. A/5167 Secretary-General. Note. A/5183 & Add. :.'.-6 (adds Congo (BrazzavUle), Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1151,1154,1158 Guinea, Ivory Coast, Libya, Nepal, Niger Report. A/5346 and Philippines as cc-sponsors) Action in Plenary: Meeting 1198 Guatemala, Amendments (to A/SPC/L. 83). ,1 Draft resolution in A/5346 adopted unanimously as A/SPC/I". 85 resolution 1841 txvm Trinidad and Tobago. Amendments (to draft resolution in A/5276). A/L.400 (with­ ,1, i',} drawn) SOCIAL WELFARE Discussion in Special Political Cttee: Meetings 327­ -- advisory services: See under United Nations: budget, 1963 342 Draft resolution. A/SPC/69 Report. A/5276 SOMALIA Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1126 (Japan),1128 -- territorial claims (India, Mexico, Philippines, Somalia, South Statem.ents in Plenary: Meeting 1151 (Somalia) Africa, Tanganyika), 1129 (Guatemala), 1131 (Guinea), 1132 (Denmark, Liberia), 1133 (Pakis­ tan), 1134 (Philippines), 1136 (Sudan), 1139 (Mali, SOUTH AFRICA United Arah Republic), 114.0 (Cameroon, Feder­ -- race problems: apartheid (agenda item 87 (a) ation of Malaya, Libya), 1141 (Pakistan), 1143 See also Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa (Ghana, Mauritania, Nepal), 1144 (Byelorussian Documents SSR, Sierra Leone), 1148 (Guinea, Niger),1150 Secretary-General. Note concerning financial (Madagascar, Saudi Arabia), 1151 (Algeria, implications of proposed establishment of Central African Republic, Somalia), 1152 (Congo Special Committee (in draft resolution ( BrazzavUle)), 1153 (Upper Volta) , 1164, 1~65 A/SPC/L. 83). A/SPC/L.84 Draft resolution in A/5276 [requesting establish­ Secretary-General. Note stating that Algeria, ment of a special committee to keep racial Costa Rica, Federation of Malaya, Ghana, policies of South Africa under review] adopt­ Guinea, Haiti, Hungary, Nepal, Nigeria, ed by roll-call vote (67-16-23) at 1165th ~l Philippines and Somalia accepted invitation meeting as resolution 1761 (XVll) to serve on the Special Committee referred t to in GA resolution 1761 (XVII). A/5400 t,·"I··f, Draft resolutions and amendments thereto H Afghanistan, Algeria, Cameroon, Chad, Congo SOUTH GEORGIAISLANDS: See Falkland Islands Dependen- p ( BrazzavUle), Congo (Leopoldville), . cies ---- "jh"',; Dahomey, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, " Guinea, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ivory SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS: See Falkland Islands Dependen- i~!'r';: Coast, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Mon­ i; golia, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, cies ---- Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tanganyika, Tunisia and United :Arab Republic. Draft iI' resolution. A/SPC/L. 83 & Add. 1-3 SOUTH WEST AFRICA [ (adds Central African Republic, Libya -- fellowships and scholarships (agenda item 57 (b) and Niger as eo-sponsors) See also under United Nations: budget, 1961 t Afghanistan, Burma, Cambodia, Cameroon, GA resolution 1705 (XVI) Central African Republic, Ceylon, Chad, Documents Congo (LeopoldvUle), Cyprus, Dahomey, Secretary-General. Report [on special educational Ethiopia, Federation of Malaya, Gabon, and training programmes for South West Afri­ I Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, ca]. A/5234 and Add. 1 "~ ~l• 76· C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

SOUTH WEST AFRICA (continued) SOUTH WEST AFRICA (continued) __ fellowships and scholarships (continued) -- Inter-national status (continued) Documents (continued) Documents (continued) United Kingdom. Letter dated 23 Nov 1962 contain­ Draft reSolutions and amendments thereto (continued) ing information about Mr. Brian Basstngth­ Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, taa- waits, a recipient <;>f a UN scholarship, and Syria, Tanganyika, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, 27 persons, alleged to be students. A/C. 4/ United Arab Republic, Uppel'VoUa. Joint lerra 585 draft resolution calling for the appointment ind, Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1372,1376,1378,1379, of a resident UN Technical Assistance Re­ .1382,138l\'-1387 presentative and the establishment of a UN .. No specific proposals were submitted with respect presence in South West Africa. A/C. 4/ up- to this item L.754 & Corr.1 (adds Dahomey, Guinea t- -- international status (agenda item 57 (a» and Madagascar to the list of sponsors), : of GA resolution 1702 (XVI) Rev. 1. (adds Federation of Malaya and See also General Assembly: hearings: South West Afri­ Ivory Coast as eo-sponsors) & Corr.1 .n ca Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Dominican Republic, lc Documents Ecuador, Gabon, Ghana, GUinea, Honduras, 7 Afghanistan: Representative (Zikria, F. A.). State­ India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Mali, ment before 4th Cttee at 1386th meeting on Mauritania, Morocco, Nepal, Syria, Tan­ ger 15 Nov 1962. A/C. 4/578 & Corr. 1 (French ganyika, Tunisia and Uganda. Joint draft and Spanish only) resolution calling for the dissolution of the GA: Special Committee for South West Africa. Special Cttee for South West Africa. Report. A/5212 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. A/C. 4/L. 757 no. 12) Poland and USSR. Amendments (to A/C. 4/L. 754 GA: Special Committee on the Situation with regard & Corr.1): A/C. 4/L. 755 (withdrawn at to the Implementation of the Declaration on 1389th meeting) the Granting of Independence to Colonial Coun­ USA. Amendments (to A/C. 4/L. 754 & Corr.1). tries and Peoples. Report [covering the pert­ A/C. 4/L. 756 (rejected at 1389th meeting) od from 20 Feb 1962 to 19 Sep 1962], chap. Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1369-1390,1392, IX. A/5238 1395,1396 Kerina, Mburumba K. Letter dated 7 Nov 1962 Draft report. A/C. 4/L. 758 enclosing copy of letter to the Consul-General Report. A/5310 of South Africa, requesting re-entry permit Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 966 is­ and permanent residence status in South West Report. A!5340 ali, Africa. A/C. 4/574 Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1128 (MeXico, Philip­ lr­ Mexico: Representative (Cuevas Cancino, F.). pines, Somalia, South Africa, Tanganyika), 1129 I Second statement before 4th Cttee at 1387th (Guatemala),' 1132 (Liberia), 1134 (Philippines), lan meeting on 16 Nov 1962. A/C. 4/581 & 1136 (Sudan), 1139 (Ethiopia, Mali, United Arab iO Corr.1 (English and Spanish only) Republic), 1140 (Cameroon), 1143 (Ghana), 1144 Mexico: Representative (Cuevas Cancino, F.) (Togo), 1151 (Somalia), 1153 (Nigeria), 1194 ago Statement before 4th Cttee at 1376th meeting Draft resolution I in A/5310 [on petitions and com­ on 8 Nov 1962. A/C. 4/573 munications] adopted unanimously as resolu­ Nigeria. Memorandum on the sttuation of the work­ tion 1804 (XVII) I ers in South West Africa. A/C. 4/580 Draft resolution II in A/5310 [on appointment of a It- Secretary-General. Note on financial implications resident UN Technical Assistance Represent­ of draft resolution in A/C. 4/L. 7.54. A/C.4/ ative and establishment of a UN presence] 579 adopted (98-0-1) as resolution 1805 (XVII) Secretary-General. Report. Financial implications Draft resolution ID in A/5310 [on dissolution of spe­ of draft resolution II in A/5310. A/C. 5/954 cial Cttee for South West Africa] adopted unan­ South Africa. Letter dated 13 Nov containing infor­ imously as resolution 1806 (XVII) m- mation, on allegedly arrested and deported persons, conveyed to the Special Cttee for South West Africa on 31 Jul 1962. A/C. 4/576 South Africa: Minister of External Affairs (Louw, .E. SOUTHERN RHODESIA len- H.). Statement before 4th Cttee at 1369th -- self-government (agenda item 56) meeting on 1 Nov 1962. A/C. 4/572 GA resolutions 1654 (XVI),1745 (XVI) South West Africa People's Organization (Kuhangua, See also Colonialism: elimination and General Assembly: hearings: Southern Rhodesia intervention in the arrest by Southern author­ ocuments ities of 27 students. A/C. 4/575 Scott, Rev. Michael. Communication [concerning Draft resolutio'ns and amendments thereto: the United Nations and a proposal for peace in Afghanistan, Algeria, Burma, Cambodia, Came­ Southern Rhodesia]. A/C. 4/564 roon, CentralAfrican Republic, Chad, Scott, Rev. Michael. Communications [containing Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Leopoldville), information on the question of Southern Rho­ ial Gabon, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, desia]. A/C. 4/560 'ri- Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Secretar-iat. Note [transmitting extract (chap. II) on Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Niger, Nige­ Southern Rhodesia from the report (A/5238) ria, Pakistan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, of the Special Cttee]. A/C. 4/L. 747

77 ~o:.~e=~~~:. _--r.-~._.;:::;::======

C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

SOUTHERN RHODESIA (continued) SOUTHERN RHODESIA (continued) --self-government (continued) -- self-government (continued) Documents (continued) Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1131 (Guinea), 1132 Secretary-General. Report [on implementation of (Liberia), 1136 (Sudan), 1139 (Mali, United Arab operative par. 4 of draft resolution 1760 Republic), 1143 (Ghana), 1147 (Algeria), 1148 (XVII)]. A/5396 (Niger), 1151 (Somalia), 1152, 1153 (Nigeria), Southern Rhodesia: Prime Minister (Whitehead, Sir 1163,1200 Edgar). Statement before 4th cttee at 1366th Draft resolution in A/5256 [calling on the United meeting on 30 Oct 1962. A/C. 4/571 & Add. 1 Kingdom to take measures to secure the (2nd statement made at 1367th meeting on 31 lifting of the ban on the Zimbabwe African Oct 1962) People's Union and the release of its officers] United Kingdom: Minister of State for Foreign Af­ adcpted (83-2-11) at 1152nd meeting as reso­ fairs (Godber, J.B.). Statement before 4th lution 1755 & Corr.1 (French only) Cttee at 1364th meeting on 29 Oct 1962. Draft resolution in A/5256/Add, 1 [requesting A/C. 4/570 United Kingdom to secure suspension of 1961 Draft resolutions and amendments thereto Constitution, to cancel pending elections, to Afghanistan, Algeria, Burma, Burundi, Cam­ convene a constitutional conference and to bodia, Cameroon, Ceylon, Congo (Brazza­ extend full political rights to all inhabitants] ville), Congo (Leopoidville), Dahomey, adopted by roll-call vote (81-2-19) at 1163rd Ethiopia, Federation of Malaya, Ghana, meeting as resolution 1760 (XVII) Guinea, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ir-aq, Upon request by the President, the Assembly, at Ivory Coast, Jordan, Lebanon, Liberia, 1200th meeting took note of the Secretary­ ", Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Mongolia, General's report in A/5396 .~ Morocco, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, , Pakistan, Philippines, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, SPAiN Sudan, Syria, Tanganyika, Togo, Tunisia, -- flood, 1962 Uganda, United Arab Republic and Upper Statements in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1136 (Mauritania, Volta. Joint draft resolution [requesting Spain), 1137 (Spain), 1138 (Ecuador, Guatemala, United Kingdom to secure suspension of Libya, Mauritania, Portugal), 1139 (Central 1961 Constitution, to cancel pending African Republic, Costa Rica, France, Peru, elections, to convene a constitutional Syria) conference and to extend full political rights to all inhabitants]. A/C. 4/L. 750 [and Acid. 1 (adds Chad, Central African SPANISH GUINEA Republic, Cyprus, Jamaica, Madagascar -- self-government or independence (agenda item 49) and Trinidad and Tobago as co-sponsorsj], See also General Assembly: hearings: Spanish Guinea; A/C. 4/L. 752 (amendment submitted by . Non-Self-Governing Territories: information to ;\ ; the forty-five Powers substituting opera­ United Nations ~' P1 tive par. 4 in A/C. 4/L. 750) Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1412,1413,1420 ' .. 1\ Afghanistan, Burundi, Cameroon, Congo Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1198 (Gabon, Spain) !;-1 (Brazzaville), Congo (Leopoldville), Central African Republic, Chad, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, India, Indonesia, SPANISH SAHARA (agenda item 49) ;\~, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Liber-ia, Libya, Mali, Documents "',->; Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Secretary-General. Summary of information for ~ Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, 1960 transmitted by Spain. A/5078/Add. 3 Sudan, Syria, Tanganyika, Togo, Tunisia, Statements in 4th Cttee: Meeting 1415 (Morocco, Spain) ;~ J; United Arab Republic, Upper Volta. Joint I. draft resolution [calling on the United t'~.'';: Kingdom to lift its ban on the Zimbabwe ~l~ African People's Union and release its SPECIAL COMMITTEE FOR SOUTH WEST AFRICA: See .,.~.' ,:,~ officers who are either restricted, de­ under General Assembly and South West Africa for ":,' ~- tained or imprisoned]. A/C. 4/L. 748 & CITSCUssion - '''i Add. 1 (adds Burma, Ceylon, Dahomey and Mongolia as eo-sponsors) [i; Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, SPECIAL COMMITTEE FOR THE PREPARATION OF :;1 Uruguay and Venezuela'. Amendment (to PLANS FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE 15th ;j !;1:-'':i~' A/C. 4/L. 750). A/C. 4/L. 751 (withdrawn ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION at 1367th meeting) OF HUMAN RIGHTS: See Human rights: Universal i , Discussion in General Cttee: Meeting 148 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 .\ Report. A/5230 '':'~ Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1329-1368 Draft report. Part!. A/C. 4/L. 749. Part 11. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON TERRITORIES UNDER A/C. 4/L. 753 PORTUGUESE ADMINISTRATION: See under General Report. Part I. A/5256 & Corr.1 (English only), Assembly Add. 1 (covers Part 11)

78 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE SITUATION WITH REGARD SPECIAL FUND (continued) TO THE IMPLEMENTATIONOF THE DECLARATION -- Managing Director: appointment (continued) ON THE) GRANTIJ'!G OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLO­ Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1151,1183 ~ NIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES Recommendation in A/5257 [to include item in the lb -- report. A/5238. See Colonialism: elimination for discus­ agenda and allocate it to plenary] adopted sion without vote at 1151st meeting Recommendation in A/5254 [to re-appoint Mr. Paul G. Hoffmann as Managing Director of the SPECIAL FUND Special Fund for a period of four years as -- budget, 1963: administrative expenses: See Special Fund: from 1 Jan 1963] adopted without vote at operations - 1183rd meeting ~s ] -- finances: accounts, 1961 (agenda item 60(a)) -- operations (agenda item 40) D- Documents GA resolution 1240 (XIII) Advisory Cttee. 21.d report. A/5134 Documents Board of Auditors. Financial report and accounts Advisory Cttee. 25th report. A/5318 11 for the year ended 31 Dec 1961. A/5206 ESC. Report,1961/1962, chap. IV, sect. m. D (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl,.' no. 6) A/5203 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.B) Secretary-General. Note transmitting combined Secretary-General. Note. Progress and opera­ ] statement of assets and liabilities as of tions of the Special Fund. A/5247 d 31 Dec 1961. AlC. 5/922 Special Fund: Governing Council. Report on its Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 915,947 7th session, 9-15 Jan 1962. E/3576 Draft report. A!C. 5/L. 737 Special Fund: Governing Councll, Report on its Report. A/5288 8th session, 21-29 May 1962. E/3646 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1191 Special Fund: Managing Director. Administrative Draft resolution I in A/5288 adopted without vote as budget estimates for 1963. SF/L.73 resolution 1787 (XVrr) Special Fund: Managing Director. Annual report... -- finances: accounts, 1961: administrative expenses (agenda for 1961. E/3650 item 60(a)) 'Special Fund: Managing Director. Statement at the Documents 870th meeting of the 2nd Cttee. A/c. 2/L. 712' la, Advisory Cttee. 2nd report. A/5134 Draft resolution and am€:ndment thereto Board of Auditors. Financial report and accounts Bulgaria and Byelorussian SSR. Amendment for the year ended 31 Dec 1961. A/5206 (to A/C. 2/L. 710/Rev. 1). A/C. 2/L. 715 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 6) (rejected at 873rd meeting of 2nd Cttee) Secretary-General. Note transmitting combined Denmark, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. statement of assets and liabilities as of Draft resolution. A/C. 2/L. 710 & Rev. 1 31 Dec 1961. A/C. 5/922 Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 806,808,810,813, Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 915,947 814,870,872,873,875 Draft report A!C. 5/L. 737 Report. A/5360 & Corr. 1 (English only) Report. A/5288 Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1127 (Afghanistan), Action in Plenary: Meeting 1191 1131 (Aul:itria), 1141 (Tunisia), 1147 (Nether­ Draft resolution I in A/5288 adopted without vote as , lands), 1151 (Algeria), 1197 resolution 1787 (XVII) Draft resolution II in A/5360 & Corr. 1 (English -- finances: expenditures by executing agencies, 1961: audit only) adopted (81-0-10) at 1197th meeting as (agenda item 68(b)) resolution 1833 (XVIT) Documents Advisory Cttee. 40th report. A/5368 Secretary-General. Note. Audit reports for the STATE RESPONSIBILITY (agenda item 76) year ended 31 Dec 1961 relating to expendi­ Documents 11) ture by executing agencies of funds ear­ Advisory Cttee. 16th report. Financial implica­ marked from the Special Fund. A/526S tions of draft resolution in A/C. 6/L. 503. (GAOR, 17th sess., Annexes) A/5278 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 980 ILC. Report, 14th sess., chap. IV. A/5209 Report. A!5389 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 9) c ' Action in Plenary: Meeting 1201 ILC: Chairman. Statement at 734th meeting of . \ Draft resolution 11 in A/5389 adopted without vote­ 6th Cttee. A/C. 6/L. 497 as resolution 1868 (XVrr) & Corr. 1 (English Secretary-General. Report. Financial implica­ only) tions of draft resolution in A/C. 6/L. 503. -- Managing Director: appointment (agenda item 95) A/C. 5/939 Documents Secretary-General. Statement of financial impli­ Secretary-General. Letter dated 9 Oct to the Pres,­ cation of convening at Geneva the Sub-cttee ident of the General Assembly requesting on State Responsibility. A/C. 6/L. 502 inclusion of additional item "Confirmation of Draft resolutions the appointment of the Managing Director of Australia, Czechoslovakia, Ghana, Hungary, the Special Fund" in the agenda. A/5254 India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Mon­ Discussion in General Cttee: Meeting 151 golia, Netherlands, Poland, Turkey, Report. A!5257 Ukrainian SSR, United Kingdom, USA. Draft resolution. A/C. 6/L. 5D3 (Austria added as eo-sponsor)

79 "~~.::.~ =.::;:_:::;;_::;:~_:Xl_:::;======~====:=====_":::;- ==------~::;:~======::::::::::::;::=:::::I

C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

STATE RESPONSIBILITY (continued) SWAZILAND (continued) Documents (continued) -- self-government or independence (continued) Draft resolutions (continued) Documents (continued) Ghana, Indonesia, Ukrainian SSR. Draft reso­ [Question of Basutoland, Bechuanaland and lution. A/C. 6/L. 501 (withdrawn) Swaziland] calling for elections and a consti­ Discussion in 5th Citee: Meetings 941,950 tutional conference to setdate of independence. Draft report. A!C. 5/L. 744 A/L.416 Report. A/5301 GA: Special Committee on the Situation with regard Discussion in 6th Citee: Meetings 736-752 to the Implementation of the Declaration on Report. A!5287 & Corr. 1,2 the Granting ('f Independence to Colonial Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1171 Countries and Peoples. Report, chap. V. I Draft resolution in A/5287 & Corr. 1 & 2 adopted A/5238 unanimously as resolution 1765 (XVII) Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1409, 1410, 1413, 1422-1424 I' Report. A/5371 & Corr.1, 2 STATE SUCCESSION (agenda item 76) Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1132,1143,1168-1172, Documents 1175- 1178,1180,1181,1192,1195,1196,1198 I" Advisory Cttee. 16th report. Financial implica­ Draft resolution in A/L. 416 [Question of Basuto­ tions of draft resolution in A/C. 6/L. 503. land, Bechuanaland and Swaziland] adopted t; A/5278 (42-2-12) at 1196th meeting as resolution I, ILC. Report, 14th sess., chap. IV. A/5209 1817 (XVII) (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.D) I' Secretary-General. Report. Financial implica­ I~ tions of draft resolution in A/C. 6/L. 503. :J I' A/C. 5/939 I' 1eral. [ Secretary-Gf· Statement of financial impli­ ti cation ot convening at Geneva the Sub-Cttee TARAZI, SALAH EL DINE (Syr ian Arab Republic) 'C; on State Succession. A/C. 6/L. 502 -- biography. A/C. 5/L. 752 ,i~ Draft resolutions Australia, Czechoslovakia, Ghana, Hungary, " India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Mongolia, TCHERNYCHEV, I. (USSR) Netherlands, Poland, Turkey, Ukrainian -- tribute to SSR, United Kingdom, USA. Draft reso­ In 1st Cttee: Meetings 1253,1254 "j lution. A/C. 6/L. 503 (Austria added as co-sponsor) Ghana, Indonesia, Ukrainian SSR. Draft reso­ TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE lution. A/C. 6/L. 501 (Withdrawn) -- Expanded Programme: finances (agenda item 41(b)) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 941,950 GA resolution 831 B (IX) Draft report. A!C. 5/L. 744 Documents Report, A/5301 Denmark, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. Draft Discussio., in 6th Cttee: Meetings 736-752 resolution. A/C. 2/L. 710 & Rev. 1 Report. A!5287 & Corr. 1,2 Secretary-General. Memorandum transmitting Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1171 TAC resolution on allocation of funds for the Draft resolution in A/5287 & Corr. 1 & ,2 adopted Expanded Programme of technical assistance unanimously as resolution 1765 (XVII) for 1963. A/C. 2/216 Secretary-General. Note. A/5259 Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 806,808,810,813, STATES RIGHTS: See Human rights: covenants (draft): 814,870,872,873,875,876 economic, social and cultural: Art. 4 [States rights] Report. A/5360 & Cor r. 1'(English only) Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1127 (Afghanistan), 1131 (Austria), 1147 (Netherlands), 1151 SUEZ CANAL: See United Nations Suez Canal Surcharge (Algeria), 1197 Operation- Draft resolution 11 in A/5360 & Corr. 1 (English only) adopted (81-0-10) at 1197th meeting as resolution 1833 (XVII) sWAZILAND (agenda item 49) Draft resolution IV in A/5360 & Corr. 1 (English Documents only) [concerning confirmation of funds for Secretary-General. Summary of information for the Expanded Programme in 1963] adopted 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5078, unanimously at 1197th meeting as resolution Add. 1 & 16 1835 (XVII) -- self-government or independence (agenda items 25 and49) -- Expanded Programme: finances: accounts, 1961 (agenda See also Colonialism: elimination; General Assembly: item 60(a)) hearings: Swaziland; Non-Sell-Governing Ter­ Documents ritories: information to United Nations Advisory Cttee. 2nd report. A/5134 Documents Board of Auditors. Financial report and accounts Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Madagascar, Mali, for the year ended 31 Dec 1961. A/5206 Syria, Tanganyika, Tunisia, Uruguay, (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 6) Venezuela and Yugoslavia. Draft resolution

80 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (continued) TECHNICAL CO-OPERATION (agenda item 41(a)) -- Expanded Programme: finances: accounts,1961 (continued) See also Africa: education: Public administration: tech­ Documents (continued) nical assistance md Documents nsti­ Secretary-General. Note transmitting combined Advisory ~ttee. 6th report. UN programmes of fence, statement of assets and liabilities as of 31 Dec 1961. A/C. 5/922 technical co-operation. Role of resident Discussion in 5th CUes: Meetings !H5, 947 representatives. A/5138 sgard Advisory Ottee, 15th report. UN programmes of on Draft report. A/C. 5/L. 737 Report. A/5288 technical co-operation. Budget estimates of Action in Plenary: Meeting 1191 the TAB secretariat for 1963. A/5275 Draft resolution I in A/5288 adopted without vote as Commissioner for Technical Assistance (Hoo). Statement at 870th meeting of 2nd Cttee, l, resolution 1787 (XVll) -- Expanded Programme: finances: Spe.:ial Account: audit A/C. 2/L. 714 (agenda item 68(a)) ESC. Report, 1961/1962, chap. IV, sects. I, II and IV, chap. X, sect.L A/5203 (GAOR, 17th ·1172, Documents Advisory CUee. 39th report. A'/5367 sess., suppl, no.B) Secretary-General. Note. A/5259 to­ Secretary-General. Note transmitting audit re­ ports for the year ended 31 Dec 1961 relating Secretary-General. Report. Operational execu­ ed tive and administrative personnel. A/5330 11 to expenditure by specialized agencies and the IAEA of technical assistance funds allo­ TAB. Executive Chairman. Statement at the 37Qth cated from the Special Account. A/5268 meeting of the 2n~ CUee. A/C. 2/L. 713 (GAOR, 17th sess., Annexes) TAC. Report to ESC, 34th sess. E/3680 Discussion in 5th CUee: Meeting 980 Draft resolutions Report. A/5389 Bolivia. Draft resolution [concerning opera­ Action in Plenary: Meeting 1201 tional, executive and administrative Draft resolution I in A/5389 adopted without vote as personnel]. A/C. 2/L. 719 & Add. 1 (adds resolution 1867 (XVll) & Corr. 1 (English Niger as eo-sponsor) only) Ethiopia and Senegal. Draft resolution [con­ -- UN programme: budget, 1963: See under United Nations: cerning African educational development]. budget, 1963: economic development: technical A/C. 2/L. 683 & Corr. 1, Rev. 1 (also adds assistance Sudan as eo-sponsor), Rev.1/Add. 1 (adds -- UN programme: finances: accounts, 1961 (agenda item 60 Algeria, Burundi, Cameroon, Central (a)) African Republic, Chad, Ghana, Guinea, Documents Ivory Coast, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Advisory Cttee, 2nd report. A/5134 ~auritania, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Board of Auditors. Financial report and accounts SIerra Leone, Tanganyika, Togo and for the year ended 31 Dec 1961. A/5206 Upper Volta as eo-sponsors) (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 6) Discussion in 2nd CUee: Meetings 798,801, 814,872 873, 875,876 ' Draft Discussion in 5th CUee: Meetings 915,947 Draft report. A/C. 5/L. 737 Report. A/5360 & Corr. 1 (English only) Discussion i": Plenary: Meetings 1148 (Israel), 1197 0' Report. A/5288 ~ Action in Plenary: Meeting 1191 It was decided that draft resolution in A/5360, the par. 27- 29 should be referred to the resumed ance Draft resolution I in A/5288 adopted without vote as resolution 1787 (XVll) 34th sess. of the ESC Draft resolution I [concerning African educational development] in A/5360 & Corr. 1 (English .3, only) adopted unanimously as resolution 1832 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE BOARD (XVII) -- budget, 1963: administrative expenses: See Technical co- operation - -- finances: accounts, 1961: administradve expenses (agenda TERRITORIES U~DER PORTUGUESE ADMINISTRATION -ttem 60(a)) -- status (agenda item 54) Documents See also General Assembly: hearings: territories under ias Advisory Cttee, 2nd report. A/5134 Portuguese administration Documents ih Board of Auditors. Financial report and accounts for the year ended 31 Dec 1961. A/5206 Bolivia. Representative (Salamanca, C.). State­ >1' (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 6) ment before 4th Committee at 1399th meeting id on 27 Nov 1962. A/C. 4/589 :ion Discussion in 5th CUee: Meetings 915,947 Draft report. A/C. 5/L. 737 GA: Special Committee on the Situation with regard Report. A/5288 to the Implementation of the Declaration on cia Action in Plenary: Meeting 1191 the Granting of Independence to Colonial Draft resolution I in A/5288 adopted without vote as Countries and Peoples. Report, chap. vm resolution 1787 (XVn) and XI. A/5238 -- resident representatives: functions: See Technical co- GA: Special Committee on Ter.ritories under nts operation - Portuguese Administration. Report. A/5160 & Corr.1 (English only), Add. 1, 2 (contains maps of Territories under Portuguese admin­ istration)

81 C, SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) TERRITORIES UNDER PORTUGUESE ADMINISTRATION TERRITORIES UNDER PORTUGUESEADMINISTRATION (continued) (continued) -- status (continued) -- status (continued) Documents (continued) Discussion in Plonar,~: Meetings 1131 (Guinea), 1132 Guinea, Representative (Achkar, M,). Statement (LiberIa), 1136 (Sudan), 1139 (Ethiopia, Mali), before 4th Committee at 1393rd meeting on 1140 (Cameroon, Fe«oration of Malaya), 1143 21 Nav 1962, A/C. 4/582 (Ghana, Mauritania, Nt>pal), 1148 (Niger), 1151 Masstngn, Jose Chicunl'l'a. Statement submitted (Central Afl'ican Republic, Somalia), 1152 (Congo to the 4th Committee [in lieu of oral hearing]. (Brazzaville)) , 1153 (Nigeria, Upper VoUa), A/C. 4/588 1155 (CYP1'US, GUinea, Portugal, Tanganyilm), Secretary-General. Note on financial implications 1194,1200 of dl'aft resolution in A/C. 4/L. 760. A/C. 4/ Draft resolution I in A/5S49 8£ Add. 1 [on self­ 593, A/C. 5/964 determmnttcn and independence for Ter­ Draft resolutions and amendments thereto l'ltories under Portuguese administration] Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Repub­ adopted by roll-call vote (82-7-13) at 1194th lic, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, meeting as resolution 1807 (XVII) Yugoslavia. Joint draft resolution calling Draft resclutton n in A/5349 & Add. 1 [on special for the dissolution of the Special Com­ training programrue] adopted (90-2-1)) at mittee on Territories under Portuguese 1194th meeting as resoluUon 1808 (XVII) Administration. A/C. 4/L. 761 (At 1194th Draft resolution m in A/5349 & Add, 1 [on dissolu­ plenary Rapporteur indicated that Nigeria tion of Special Cttee on Territories under is not a eo-sponsor) Portuguese Administration] adopted (100-0-1) Algeria, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African at 1194th meeting as resolution 1009 (XVII) Republic, Ceylon, Chad, Congo (Leopold­ Upon request by the President, the Assembly, at ville), Dahomey, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, 1200th meeting, took note of l'epo4'tinA/5349/ India, Indonesia, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Add. 1 Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, U TRANT: Se~ Secretary-General Togo, Tunisia, United Arab Republic. Joint draft resolution calling on Portugal to grant self-determination and independ­ TIBET QUESTION ence to territories under its administra­ Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1140 (Federation of tion. A/C. 4/L. 759 & Add. 1 (adds Malaya), 1142 (China) Afghanistan, Burma, Congo (Brazzaville), Federation of Malaya, Gabon, Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Senegal, Tanganyika and TOKELAU ISLANDS (agenda item 49) Uganda as eo-sponsor-s), Rev. 1 (adds Documents Upper Volta as eo-sponsor) Secretary-General. Summary of information for Dahomey, Ethiopia, Ghann, Guinea, Iraq, 1960 transmitted by New Zealand. A/5081 Liberia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Sudan, United Arab Republic and Upper Volta, Draft resolution calling Ior the TRAVEL AND TOURISM: See under United Nations: budget, establishment of a special educational 1963: Conference on International Travel andTourism, training programme for under Rome, 1963 Portuguese administration. A/C. 4/L. 760 & Add. 1 (adds Iran, Mali, Niger, Somalia, Tanganyika, Togo and Uganda as eo­ TREATIES: See International Law Commiasion: report, 14th sponsors) session; Law of Treaties Italy. Amendment (to A/C. 4/L. 759). A/C. 4/ L. 76~ (rejected at 1418th meeting) USSR. Amendment (to A/C. 4/L. 760). A/C. 4/ TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO (agenda item 49) L.763 Documents USSR. Amendment (to A/C. ~';L. 761). A/C. 4/ Secretary-General. Summary of information for L.764 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. USA. Amendment (to A/C. 4/L. 760). A/C. 4/ A/5080/Add. 1, 15 & 18 L.765 -- admission to UN (agenda item 20) Discussion in General Cttee: Meeting- 148 Documents Report. A!5230 Australia, Canada, Ceylon, Cyprus, Federation Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 13f}0.1408,1413, of Malaya, Ghana, India, New Zeall> ".~) 1415-1420,1427,1428,1431 Pakistan, Sierra Leone, United Kinguom. Report. A/5349 & Add. 1. At 1419th meeting the Draft resolution. A/L.390 & Add. 1, 2 (adds 4th Committee proposed that Rapporteur Ethiopia, Nigeria and Tanganyika as eo­ submit report on this item directly to sponsors) General Assembly SC: President. Letter transmitting resolution of Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 975 the Council of 12 Sep 1962 recommending " Report. A!5357 admtsstcn of Trinidad and Tobago. A/5189

82 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

TRlNlDAD AND TOBAGO (continued) TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL (continued) -- admission to UN (continued) -- report, 1961/1962 (continued) Documents (continued) Documents (continued) Trinidad and Tobngll. Telegram dated 6 Sep from TC. Report for the period 20 Ju111161 to 20 Jul Prime Ministel' and Minister of External Af­ 1962. A/5204 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. fairs applying for membership. A/5185 & no. 4) Add. 1 (telegram dated 8 Sep confirming ap­ Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1426-1431 plic~tion) Report. A!5390 Discussion in Plenary,: Meeting 1122 Discussion in Plen~ Meeting 1200 Draft resolution in A/L. 390 & Add. 1)2 adopted by Draft resolution I in A/5390 [taking note of the Coun­ acclamation as resolution 1751 (XVJl) cil's report] adopted (89-0-10) as resolution 1858 (XVII) TRUST TERRITORIES See also Trusteeship Council: report 1961/1962 and Nau­ TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS (agenda item 49) ru; New Guinea for documentation and discussion Documents concernin~ individual territories Secretary-General. Summary of information for -- economic development: See Trusteeship Cc.:.mcil: report, 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/S080/ 196~/1962 --- Add. 11 -- fellowships and schola.rships (agenda item 58) GA resolution 1643 (XVI) Documents Secretary-General. Report. A/5228 TC. Report, 1961/1962, part I, chap. VI, B. A/5204 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 4) UGANDA (agenda item 49) Discussion in 4th Cttee: Meetings 1426-1431 Documents Report. 1./5390 Secretary-General. Summary of information for Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1200 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5078/ Recommendation in A/5390 [to take note of the re­ & Add. 4 & 9 port of Secretary-General (A/5228) and of re­ -- admission to UN (agenda item 20) port of Trusteeship Council (A/5204, chap. VI Documents B)] adopted without vote Australia, Canada, Ceylon, Cyprus, Federation of -- information about UN: See United Nations: & Trust Terri­ Malaya, Ghana, India, Jamaica, New Zealand tories: information about United Nations Nigeria, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, -- petitions: examination by Trusteeship Council: See Trus- Tanganyika, Trinidad and Tobago, United teeship Counctl: report, 1961/1962 --- Arab Republic, United Kingdom. Draft reso­ lution. AIL. 396 & Add. 1 (adds Ethiopia and Sudan as eo-sponsors) TRUSTEESHIP COUNCir... SC: President, Letter transmitting SC re ~olution of -- members: election (agenda item 1'1) 15 Oct recommending admission of Oganda, !?iscussion in Plenary: Meetings 1149, 1150, 1154 A/5258 Liberia elected on 1st ballot at 1154th meeting Uganda. Cables dated 9 Oct 1962 from the Prime Composition of the Trusteeship Council as of 1 Jan 1963 Minister applying for membership. A/5255 Members Term of Office* Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1158 Australia Administering Authority Draft resolution in A/L. 396 & Add. 1 adopted by ac­ China member under Art. 86b of clamation at 1158th meeting as resolution the Charter 1758 (XVII) France member under Art. 8t'b of the Charter Liberia 1963 - 196'1 UNDER-DEVELOPED AREAS New Zealand Administering Authority -- economic development: See Economic development USSR member under Art. 86b of -- industrial development: See Industrial development the Charter -- inflation: See Economic development United Kingdom Administering Authority and -- information-media: See Information media member under art. 86b of the Charter USA Administering Authority and UNITED KINGDOM member under Art. 86b -- Non-Self-Governing Territories: See Aden; Bahama of the Charter Islands; Barbados; Basutoland; Bechuanaland; Bermuda; British Guiana; British Honduras; British *Terms of office begin on 1 Jan and end on 31 Dec Solomon Islands; Brunei; Falkland Islands; Fiji; -- report, 1961/1962 (agenda item 13) Gambia; Gibraltar; Gilbert and Ellice Islands; Documents Grenada; Hong Kong; Jamaica; Kenya; Malta; Australia. Representative (McIntyre, L. R.) Mauritius; Montserrat; New HeBrides; North Statement before 4th Cttee on 15 Dec 1962 at Borneo; Northern Rhodesia; Nyasaland; Pitcairn 1426th meeting. A/C. 4/596 Island; S1. Helena; St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla; St. Brazil. Draft resolution taking note of the Council's Lucia; S1. Vincent; Seychelles; Singapore; Swazi­ report (A/5204). A/C. 4/L. 772 & Rev. 1 land; Trinidad and Tobago; Uganda; Virgin Islands (British); Zanzibar and Pemba

83 ==-o;o;.. _~-_ .. ~.- --=,,::=;---,-_::::======:::_,,:·-·-~··~·:...--r=-·· ."-.

it C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) UNITED NATIONS UNITED NATIONS (continued) -- administrative and bUdgetary procedures: examination: -- budget, 1962; supplementary a~;~'opl'iations (continued) See United Natione: peace and security operations: Documents (continued) financing Secretary-General. Report, Revised estimates -- budget: form (agenda item 62) for sects. 2, 3,6 anrt 10 resulting from de­ Documents cisions of the ESC. A/C. 6/966 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 14-16. A/5207 Secretary-General. Report. Salary scales for (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) General Service and Manual Worker Staff at Secretary-General. Budget estimates fOl' the Headquarters and Geneva, A/C. 6/931 & financial year 1963. Foreword, par, 6, 7. Corr.1 (English only) A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess. , suppl, no. 5) Secretary-General. Report. Sect. 1 - Travel and -- budget; policy other expenses of representatives, members See also United Nations: peace and security operations: of commtsstons, committees and other sub­ financing sidiary bodies. A/C. 6/949 Documents Discussion in 5th CUee: Meetings 915-918,920,934­ Argentina, Australia, Iraq, Netherlands, Nigeria, 938,952,957,958,974,978~983 United Kingdom. Draft resolution on inte­ Report. A/5384 & Con. 1 (English only) grated programme and budget policy. Action in Plenary: Meeting 1201 A/C. 5/L. 743 Draft resolution in A/5384 & Corr 1 (English only) Discussion in 5th Cttee; Meetings 949,962 adopted without vote as resolution 1860 (XVll) Draft report, ~/L. 758 -- budget, 1963 (agenda item 62) Report. A/5328 See also United Nations: documentation: limitation Action in Plenary: Meeting 1191 Part A (Expenditure) Draft resolution in A/5328 adopted unanimously as Sect. 1: See General Assembly and subsidiary organs: resolution 1797 (XVll) -members: travel and other expenses below -- budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations (agenda Sect. 2: See Conference on International Travel and- item 61) --Tourism, Rome, 1963; International Con­ Documents ference of Plenipotentiaries on Consular Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 18-20. A/5207 Relations, Vienna, 1963; International (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) Technical Conference on the International Advisory Cttee. 8th report. A/5239 Map of the World on the Millionth Scale, Advisory Cttee. 13th report. Salary scales for Bonn, 1962; United Nations Cocoa Con­ General Service and Manual Worker Staff at ference, Geneva, 1963; United Nations Headquarters and Geneva. A/5272 & Corr. 1 Conference on the Application of Science (English only) and Technology for the Benefit of Less Advisory Cttee. 20th report. Additional office Developed Areas, Geneva, 1963; United accommodation for the secretariat of the Nations Conference on Solar Energy, Wind ECAFE in Bangkok. A/5297 Power and Geothermic Energy, Rome, Advisory Cttee. 23rd report. Post classifications 1961; United Nations Olive Oil Conference, for the UN Headquarters, N. Y. and the Geneva, 1963; United Nations Regional European Office, Geneva. A/5309 Cartographic Conference for Africa, 1st, Advisory Cttee. 24th report. Sect. 1 - Travel and Addis Ababa, 1963; United Nations Sugar other expenses of representatives, members Conference, Geneva, 1963 below of commtsstons, committees and other sub­ Sect. 3: See Secretariat: staff: salaries and wages sidiary bodies. A/5312 -below Advisory Cttee. 31st report. Revised estimates Sect. 4: See Secretariat: staff: common staff costs for sects. 2, 3,5 and 10 resulting from de­ -below cisions of the ESC. A/5336 Sect. 5: See Secretariat: staff: travel below Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Sect. 6: See Secretariat: staff: hospitality expenses financial year 1963. Foreword, par. 57-61. -below A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 5) Sect. 7: See Economic Commission for Latin America: Secretary-General. Report. A/5223 -United Nations building, Santiago, Chile: Secretary-General. Report. Additional financial construction; European Office of the commitments to meet emergency measures United Nations, Geneva; Palais des under General Assembly resolution 1746 Nations: modernization; Headquarters: (XVI) - The future of Ruanda-Urundi. loan amortization; Headquarters: major A/C. 5/929 & Corr. 1 maintenance and capital improvement pro­ Secretary-General. Report. Additional office gramme; League of Nations: transfer of accommodation for the secretar-iat of the assets: reimbursement to WHO of its in­ ECAFE in Bangkok. A/C. 5/943 vestment in the Palais des Nations, Secretary-General. Report. Expenditures re­ Geneva below lated to the visit of the Secretary-General to Sect. 8: See permai1ei1tequipment below Cuba. A/C. 5/966 Sect. 9: See maintenance, operation and rental of Secretary-General. Report. Post classifications -premises below for the U~! Headquarters, N. Y. and the Sect. 10: See Secretariat: general expenses below European Office, Geneva. A/C. 5/946 Sect. 1~: See printing E.elow --

84 ~-:F-···---:"'-'-, C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

UNITED NATIONS (continued) UNITED NATIONS (continued) .~ budget, 1963 (continued) ~~ budget, 1963 (continued) Part A (Expenditure) (continued) General documents (continued) Sect. 12: See Cancer Research Fund; South West Secretary~General. Note. Part V • technical pro- -Africa: fellowships and scholnrahtps; grammes. A/C. 5/937 . United Nations: finances: bonds; United Secretnry~Gonel'al. Note. 2nd l'eadlng of the Nations International School Fund; United budget estimates. Ale. 5/967 Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea Secretary-General. Report. Revised estimates below for sects. 2,3, 5 and 10 resulting from de~ Sect. 13: Seeeconomic development: technical assist- ctstons of the ESC. A/C. 5/956 -ance below S~cretary·General. Revised estimates for sects. Sect. 14: See sociiiIweuare: advtsory services below 2,3,4,5,10 and 11 resulting from decisions Sect. 15: See human rights: advisory services below of the ESC. A/C. 5/919 Sect. 16: See public administration: teclmical assist- USSR. Drnft text [concerning Sect. 3 - salaries and -ance below wages] for inclusion in the report of the 5th Sect. 17: See narcotic drugs: control: technical assist- -ance below . Cttee. AlC. 5/L. 735 USA. Draft resolution [concerning Part V (sects. Sect. 18: See field missions: replacement of starr, 13.17)]. A/C. 5/L. 740 & Rev. 1 -Office of the Special Representattve of tJle USA. Draft text [concerning Sect. 3 • salaries and Secretary-General in Amman; United wages] for inclusion in the report of the 5th Nations Commission for the Unification Cttee. A/C. 5/L. 733 and Rehubilitation of Koreai United Nations Statements in 5th Cttee Conciliation Commission for Palesttne; Advisory Cttee: Chairman. At 917th meeting. United Nations Military Observer Group in A/C. 5/926 India and Pakistani United Nations Repre­ Dept. of ESA: Under-Secretary (de Seynes). At sentative for India and Pakistani United 938th meeting (on technical programmes). Nations 'I'ruce Supervision Organization in A/C. 5/L. 736 Palestine below Legal Counsel. At 982nd meeting (on taxation of Sect. 19: See United Nations Field Service below the UN by Member States). A/C. 5/972 Sect. 20: See Office of the United Nations High Com- Secretary-General. At 917th meeting. A/C. 5/925 -missioner for Refugees below Discussion in 5th CUee: Meetings 917-931,933,934, Sect. 21: See Internattonal Court of Justice below 936,939-941,952,954,958,962,966,974,983 Part B (Income) -­ 1st reading: Meetings 918,921,923,924,927,929­ Sect. 1: Sae income: staff assessment below 934,938-948 Sect. 2: See income: extra-budgetary accounts ~ Draft report. Sects. 13-17, Technical pro­ Sect. 3: See income: general below grammes. A/C. 5/L. 748 Sect. 4: See income: sale of UN postage stamps below Report. Sects. 13-17, Technical programmes. Sect. 5: See income: sale of publications below -­ A/5307 Sect. 6: See income: visitor's and catering services Draft report. Integrated programme and budget -below policy. A/C. 5/L. 758 General docUiliei1ts (See appropriate sub-heading for Report. Integrated programme and budget documents relating to specific sections of the policy. A/5328 budget) 2nd reading: Meetings 980,981 Advisory Cttee. 7th report. A/5207 (GAOR,17th Report. A/5391 sess. suppl. no. 7) Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1174,1191,1201 Advisory Cttee. 9th report. Revised estimates Draft resolution-in A/5307 [on programmes of for sects. 2,3, 4,5,10 and 11 resulting from technical assistance under the regular budget decisions of the ESC. A/5243 of the UNJ adopted (82- 0-12) as resolution Advisory Cttee. 31st report. Revised estimates 1768 (XVrr) at 1174th meeting for sects. 2, 3, 5 and 10 resulting from de­ Draft resolution in A/5328 [on integrated pro­ cisions of the ESC. A/5336 gramme and budget policy] adopted unani­ Argentina, Australia, Iraq, Nethurlands, Nigeria, mously as resolution 1797 (XVII) at 1191st United Kingdom. Draft resolution [concern­ meeting ing integrated programme and budget policy]. Draft resoluticns in A/5391 adopted at 1201st meet­ A/C. 5/L. 743 ing as follows: Brazil. Amendment (to A/C. 5/L. 740). A/C. 5/ Draft resolution in Annex I, A [concerning L.741 budget appropriations for the "financial Secretariat. Budget for the financial year 1963. year 1963] adopted (88-11-2) as resolution A/5205/Add. 1 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. 1861 A txvn) & Cor r. 1 no.5A) Draft resolution in Annex I, B [concerning Secretariat. Note. 1st reading of the 1963 budget income estimates for the financ ial year estimates. A/C. 5/L. 726 1963] adopted without objection as resolu­ Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the tion 1861 B (XVII) financial year 1963 and information annexes. Draft resolution in Annex I, C [concerning A/5205 (GAGR, 17th sess, , suppl no. 5) financing of appropriations for the financ ial Secretary-General. Note. Estimated cost of main year 1963] adopted (91-11-2) as resolution fields of activity, 1956 to 1962. A/C. 5/953 1861 C (XVII)

85 ...~...... -...",_..... z: : ~""-"... __.-~.... C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

UNITED NATIONS (continued) UNITED NATIONS (continued) -- budget, 1963 (continued) -- budget, 1963: Em nomic Commissi"n for Latin America: Discussion In Plenar* (continued) United Nations b\tllding, Santiago, Chile: construe­ Dl'art l'esoluUons 1\ A/5391 adopted at ] 201 st meet­ tion (continued) Ing as renews (continued) D1sc\lssion in 5th Citee: Meetings 945,9801981,983 Dl'aft resolution in Annex n [concerning unfore­ Reports. A/5386, A/5391, par. 63,64 seen and extl'aol'dlnal'y expenses for the Action in Plenary: Meeting 1201 fimmcial year 1963] adopted (93-11-1) as Assembly took note of recommendations in A/5386 resolution 1862 (XVU) -- budget, 1963: economic development: technical assistnnce Draft resolution in Annex nI, A [concerning (agenda item 62) Working Capital Fund fOl' the financial Documents yeal' 1963] adopted (91-11-3) as resolutton Advisol'y cttee. 7th report, par. 42,43,262-269. 1863 A (XVII) A/5207 (GAOR,17th se ss. , suppl, no.7) Draft resolution in Annex rn, B [concerning Argenttna, Australia, Iraq, Netherlands, Nlgel'la, Working Capital Fund] adopted (96-11-1) United Kingdom. Draft resolution [concern­ as resolution 1863 B (XVII) in~ Integrated programme and budget policy]. -- budget, 1963: appropriation resolution (agenda item 62) A/C. 5/L. 743 Documents Brazil. Amendment (to A/C. 5/L. 740). A/C. 5/ Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par.72-74, and L.741 App, I (A). A/5207 (GAOR, 17th sess., Dept. Clf ESA: Under-Secretal'y (de Seynes), State­ suppl. no. 7) ment in 5th Citee. A/C. 5/L. 736 I, Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Secretary-General, Budget estimates for the j! financial year 1963, draft resolution I (A). financial year 1963, sect. 13. A/5205 (GAOR, A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 5) 17th sess., suppl, no. 5) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 983 Secretary-General. Note. A/C. 5/937 Report. A15391, Annex I, A USA. Draft resolution. A/C. 5/L. 740 & Rev. 1 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1201 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 938-940,942-945, Draft resolution in A/5391, Annex I, A adopted 948,954,981 (88-11- 2) as resolution 1861 (XVII) Draft report. A/C. 5/L. 748 ; -- budget, 1963: Cancer Research Fund (agenda item 62) Reports. A/5307, A/5391, par. 63, 64 , Documents Discussion in Plenal'Y: Meeting 1174 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 257. A/5207 Draft resolution in A/5307 [on programmes of (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.7) technical assistance under the regular budget !. Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the of the UN] adopted (82-0-12) as resolution financial year 1963, sect. 12, chap.m. 1768 (XVn) A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess, , suppl, no. 5) -- budget, 1963: estimates of income (agenda item 62) Discussion in 5th Cttee: MeetingS 92.1,981 Documents Report, A15391, par. 63, 64 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 73,313-346 and -- budget, 1963: Conference on International Travel and App. I (B). A/5207 (GAOR, 17th sess, , Tourism, Rome, 1963 (agenda item 62) suppl. no. 7) Documents Secretary-GeneraL Budget estimates for the Advisory Cttee. 9th report. Revised estimates financial year 1963, Part B and draft reso­ for sects. 2,3, 4,5,10 and 11 resulting from lution I (B). A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess. , decisions of the ESC. A/5243 suppl. no. 5) Advisorj Cttee. 31st report. Revised estimates Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 938,983 for sects. 2, 3,5 and 10 resulting from de­ Report. A15391, par. 63, 64 cisions of the ESC. A/5336 -- budget, 1963: European Office of the United Nations, Secretary-General. Report. Revised estimates Geneva: Palais des Nations: modernization (agenda for sects. 2, 3, 4 and 10 resulting from de­ item 62) cisions of the ESC. A/C. 5/956 Documents Secretary-General. Revised estimates for sects. Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 195-197,202. 2,3,4,5, 10 and 11 resulting from decisions A/5207 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 7) of the ESC. A/C. 5/919 Advisory Cttee. 17th report. Replacement of the Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 918,974,980 central telephone exchange of the Palais des Report. A15391, par. 63, 64 Nations. A/5230 -- budget, 1963: Economic Commission for Latin Am.erica: Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the United Nations building, Santiago, Chile: construc­ financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 50, tion (agenda, item 62) sect. 7, chap. IV. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess. , Documents suppl, no. 5) Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par: 195. A/5207 Secretary-General. Report. Replacement of the (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) central telephone exchange of the Palais des Advisory Cttee. 41st report. A/5369 Nations. A/C. 5/935 Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 945,947,981 financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 50, Report. A15391, par. 48-51,63,64 sect. 7, chap. m. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess. , suppl. no. 5) Secretary-General. Report. A/C. 5/923 & Add. 1

86 .._-~ , .. "'~"=~-'-""""""_ ~ .."....,.

C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

UNITED NATIONS (continued) UNITED NATIONS (continued) -. budget, 1963: field missions: replacement of staff (agenda -- budget, 1963: Headquarters: major maintenance and item 62) capital improvement programme (continued) Documents Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1191 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 280, 292. A/5207 Recommendation in A/5334, par. 8(a) and 8(b), (i), (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.7) (11) and (Hi) [concerning completion of archi­ Secret.1.l'y-GeneraI. Budget estimates for the tectural survey, expansion of Plenary Hall, financial year 1963, sect. 18, chap. VII. and of 4 main committee rooms and con­ A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., supp], no. 5) version of Trusteeship Council Chamber] Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 981 adopted unanimously Report. A/5391, par. 57-59 and App, 63,6~ Recommendation in A/5334, par.8(b) (tv) [concern­ -- budget, 1963: financing of appropriations (agenda item 62) ing installation of conference-room f:\cUities Documents in Plenary Hall] adopted (88- 0- 0) Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 73 and App. I (C). Recommendation in A/5334, par. 8(c) [concerning A/5207 (GAOR, 17th sess>, suppt, no. 7) Stage I of work in basement area of General Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Assembly buUdingl adopted (77-11-0) financial year 1963, draft resolution I (C). -- budget, 1963: human rights: advisory services (agenda A/5205 (GAOR, 17th se ss. , supp), no.5) item 62) Discussion ill 5th Cttee: Meeting 983 Documents Report. A/5391, Annex I, C Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 262-264,266,271, Action in Plenar~ Meeting 1201 272. A/5207 (GAOR, 17th sess, , suppl. no. 7) Draft resolution in A/5391, Annex I, C adopted Argentina, Australia, Iraq, Nethsrlands, Nigeria, (91-11-2) as resolution 1861 C (XVn) United Kingdom. Draft resolution [concern­ -- budget, 1963: General Assembly and subsidiary organs: ing integrated programme and budget policy]. members: travel and other expenses (agenda item A/C. filL. 743 62) Brazil. Amendment (to A/C. 5/L. 740). A/C. 5/ See also United Nations: organs and subsidiary organs: L.741 members: travel and other expenses Dept. of ESA: Under-Secretary (de Seyntl~). Sw.te­ Documents ment in 5th Cttee. A/C. 5/L. 73G Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 77-83. A/5207 Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.7) financial year 1963, sect. 15. A/5205 (GAOR, Advisory Cttee. 24th report. A/5312 17th sees., suppl, no. 5) Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Secretary-General. Note. A/C. 5/937 financial year 1963, sect. L A/5205 (GAOR, USA. Draft resolution. A/C. 5/L. 740 & Rev. 1 17th sess., suppl. no. 5) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 938-940,942-945, Secretary-General. Report. A/C. 5/949 948,954,981 Discussion in 5th CUee: Meetings 918,957,980 Draft report. A/C. 5/L. 748 Report. A/5391, par. 63, 64 Reports. A/5307, A/5391, par. 63, 64 -- budget, 1963: Headquarters: loan amortization (agenda Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1174 item 62) Draft resolution in A/5307 [on programmes of Documents technical assistance under the regular budget Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 195. A/5207 of the UN] adopted (82-0-12) as resolution (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 7) 1768 (XVII) Secretary-General. Budget esttmatesfor the , -- budget, 1963: income: extra-budgetary accounts (agenda financial year 1963, sect. 7, chap. I. A/5205 item 62) . (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 5) Documents Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 945,981 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 317-322. A/5207 Report. A/5391, par. 63, 64 (GAOR, 17th ses, ., suppl, no.7) -- budget. 1963: Headquarters: major maintenance and 'Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the capital improvement programme (agenda item 62) financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 55, Documents income sect. 2. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess. , Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 195, 197-200,202. suppl. no. 5) A/5207 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 7) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 923,981 Advisory Cttee. 12th report. A/5267 Report. A/5391, par. 63, 64 GA: 5th Cttee: Chairman. Note. A/C. 5/L. 734 -- budget, 1963: income: general (agenda item 62) i Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Documents I I financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 48,49, Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 323-329. A/5207 I J sect. 7, chap. IV, V. A/5205 (GAOR,l7th (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) ! sess., suppl, no. 5) Advisory Cttee. 31st report. Revised estimates I I Secretary-General, Report. A/C. 5/928 for sects. 2, 3,5 and 10 resulting from de­ i Dtscusslon in 5th Cttee: Meetings 941,945,946,962, cisions of the ESC. A/5336 I i -----ss I Secretary-General. Budget estimate:s for the Draft report. A/c. 5/L. 759 financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 56, Reports. A/5334, A/5391, par. 63, 64 income sect. 3. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., I suppl, no. 5)

4I I 87 \.1 j -- . · --======::::=- - ...... -- -~-.---=-=:=:::::l:I::=::==::::::::::::::::

C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

UNITED NATIONS (continued) UNITED NATIONS (continued) ~~ budget, 1963: income: geMral (continued) ~~ budget, 1963: International Coul't of Justice (agenda Documents (continued) item 62) Secl'etnry~ General. Report, Revised estimates Documents for sects. 2,3, 5 and 10 resulting from de­ Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 309-312. A/5207 cisions of the ESC. A/C. G/956 (GAOR, 17th sess.; suppl. no.7) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 923,974,981 Secretary~General. Budget estimates for the Report. A/5391, pal'. 63, 64 financial year 1963, sect. 21. A/5205 (GAOR, ~~ budget, 1963: income: sale of publications (agenda item 17th sess., suppl. no. 5) 62) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 926,981 Documents Report. A/5391, par. 8S, 64 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 334-339. A/5207 ~~ budget, 1963: International'!'echnical Conference on the (GAOa, 17th sess., suppl, no.7) International Map of the World on the Millionth Secretary~General. Budget estimates for the Scale, Bonn, 1962 (agenda item 62) financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 56, Documents income sect. 5. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th seas, , Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 106-108. A/5207 suppl, no. 5) (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 7) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 923,981 Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Report. A/5391, par. 63, 64 financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 17, -- budget, 1963: income: sale of UN postage stamps (agenda sect. 2, chap. V. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., item 62) suppl, no. 5) Documents Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 918,980 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 330-333. A/5207 Report. A75391, par. 63, 64 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) -- budget, 1963: League of Nations: transfer of assets Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the (agenda item 62) financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 56, Documents income sect. 4. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess, , Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 195. A/5207 suppl, no. 5) (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.7) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 923,981 Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Report. A!5391, par. 63, 64 financial year 1963, sect.7, chap. 11. -- budget, 1963: income: staff assessment (agenda item 62) A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.B) Documents Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 945,981 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par.313-316. A/5207 Report. A/5391, par. 63, 64 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.7) -- budget, 1963: maintenance, operation and rental of Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the premises (agenda item 62) financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 55, Documents income sect. 1. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess. , Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 212-223. A/5207 suppl, no. 5) (GAGR, 17th sess., suppl, no.7) Secretary-General. Revised estimates for sects. Advisory Cttee. 21st report. A/5299 2,3,4,5,10 and 11 resulting from decisions Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the of the ESC. A/C. 5/919 financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 48, Discussion in 5th CUee: Meetings 923,938,981 sect. 9. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, Report. A/5391, par. 63, 64 no. 5) I',' -- budget, 1963: income: visitors' and catering services Secretary-General. Ii port. A/C. 5/942 ~ (agenda item 62) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 919,952,981 Documents Report. A!5391, par. 63,64 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 340-346. A/5207 -- budget, 1963: narcotic drugs: control: technical assistance \, (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) (agenda item 62) Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Documents financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 56, Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 262-264, 266, 276, income sect. 6. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess. , 277. A/5207 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.7) suppl, no. 5) Argentina, Australia, Iraq, Netherlands, Nigeria, Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 923,981 United Kingdom. Draft resolution [concern­ Report. A!5391, par. 63, 64 ing integrated programme and budget policy]. -- budget, 1963: International Conference of Plenipoten­ A/C. 5/L. 743 tiaries on Consular Relations, Vienna, 1963 Brazil. Amendment (to A/C. 5/L. 740). A/C. 5/ (agenda item 62) L.741 . Documents • Dept of ESA: Under-Secretary (de Seynes). State­ Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 95-99, 114. ment in 5th CUee. A/C. 5/L. 736 A/5207 (GAOR, 17th se ss. , suppl, no. 7) Secretary-General. Budget estimates foJ;' the Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the financial year 1963, sect. 17. A/5205 (GAOR, financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 17, 17thsess., suppl. no.5) sect. 2, chap. n. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th se ss. , Secretary-General. Note. A/C. 5/937 suppl, no, 5) USA. Draft resolution. A/C. 5/L. 740 & Rev. 1 " Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 918,980 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 938-940,942-945, Report. A!5391, par. 63, 64 948, 954, 981 Draft report: A/C. 5/L. 748 Reports. A/5307, A/5391, par. 63, 64 ===;;:• .--~ -_.--.-

C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

UNITED NATIONS (continued) UNITED NATIONS (continued) -- budget, 1963: narcotic drugs: control: technical assistance -- budget, 196,3: public administration: technical assistance (continued) (continued) Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1174 Documents (continued) Draft resolution in A/5307 [on programmes of Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the technical assistance under the regular budget financial year 1963, sect. 16. A/5205 (GAOR, of the UN] adopted (82-0-12) as resolution 17th sesa., suppl. no.5) 1768 (XVII) Secretary-General. Note. A/C. 5/937 -- budget, 1963: Office of the Special Representative of the USA. Draft resolution. A/C. 5/L. 740 & Rev. 1 Secretary-General in Amman (agenda item 62) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 938-940,942-945, Documents 948,954,981 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 280,284,291. Draft report. A/C. 5/L. 748 A/5207 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) Reports. A/5307, A/5391, par. 63, 64 Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1174 financial year 1963, sect. 18, chap. VI. Draft resolution in A/5307 [on programmes of A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 5) technical assistance under the regular budget Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 921,981 of the UN] adopted (82-0-12) as resolution Report. A/5391, par. 57-59 and Appendix, 63, 64 1768 (XVII) -- budget, 1963: Office of the United Nations High Commis­ -- budget, 1963: reimbursement to WHO of its investment in sioner for Refugees (agenda item 62) the Palais des Nations, Geneva (agenda item 62) Documents Documents Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 302-308. A/5207 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 195, 201. A/5207 ,I (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) (GAOR, 17th sess.; suppl. no. 7) Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the financial year 1963, sect. 20. A/5205 (GAOR, financial year 1963, sect. 8, chap. VI. 17th sesa., suppl. no. 5) A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.B) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 923,981 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 945,946,981 Report. A/5391, par. 63, 64 Report. A/5391, par. 63, 64 -- budget, 1963: permanent equipment (agenda item 62) -- budget, 1963: revenue producing activities: See United Documents Nations: budget, 1963: income: sale of publications; Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par.203-211. A/5207 United Nations: budget, 1963: income: sale of (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) United Nations postage stamps; United Nations: Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the budget, 1963: income: visitors' and catering services financial year 1963, sect. 8. A/5205 (GAOR, -- budget, 1963: Secretariat: general expenses (agenda 17th sess., suppl. no.B) item 62) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 919,981 Documents Report. A/5391, par. 63,64 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 224-237. A/5207 -- budget, 1963: printing (agenda item 62) (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) Documents Advisory Cttee. 9th report. Revised estimates Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 238-256. A/5207 for sects. 2,3,4,5,10 and 11 resulting from (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.7) decisions of the ESC. A/5243 Advisory Cttee. 9th report. Revised estimates Advisory Cttee. 31st report. Revised estimates for sects. 2,3,4,5,10 and 11 resulting from for sects. 2, 3, 5 and 10 resulting from deci­ decisions of the ESC. A/5243 sions of the ESC. A/5336 Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 51, financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 47, sect. 11. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, sect. 10. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 5) no.B) Secretary-General. Revised estimates for sects. Secretary-General. Report. Revised estimates 2,3,4,5,10 and 11 resulting from decisions for sects. 2, 3, 5 and 10 resulting from deci­ of the ESC. A/C. 5/919 sions of the ESC. A/C. 5/956 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 920,981 Secretary-General. Revised estimates for sects. Report. A/5391, par. 63,64 2,3,4, 5, 10 and 11 resulting from decisions , . -- budget, 1963: public administration: technical assistance of the ESC. A/C. 5/919 (agenda item 62) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 919,920,974,981 Documents Report. A/5391, par. 63, 64 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 262-268, 273-275. -- budget, 1963: Secretariat: staff: common staff costs A/5207 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) (agenda item 62) Argentina, Australia, Iraq, Netherlands, Nigeria, Documents United Kingdom. Draft resolution [concern­ Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 166-178. A/5207 ing integrated programme and budget policy]. (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) A/C. 5/L. 743 Advisory Cttee. 9th report. Revised estimates Brazil. Amendment (to A/C. 5/L. 740). A/C. 5/ for sects. 2, 3,4, 5, 10 and 11 resulting from L.741 decisions of the ESC. A/5243 Dept of ESA: Under-Secretary (de Seynes). State­ Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the ment in 5th Cttee. A/C. 5/L. 736 financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 46, sect. 4. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.B)

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C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

UNITED NATIONS (continued) UNITED NATIONS (continued) -- budget, 1963: Secretariat: staff: common staff costs -- budget, 1963: Secretariat: staff: travel (agenda item 62) (continued) Documents Documents (continued) Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 54-66, 179-192. Secretary-General. Revised estimates for sects. A/5207 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 and 11 resulting from decisions Advisory Cttee. 9th report. Revised estimates '1 of the ESC. A/C. 5/919 for sects. 2, 3,4, 5, 10 and 11 resulting from Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 938,980 decisions of the ESC. A/5243 Report. A/5391, par. 63, 64 Advisory Cttee. 31st report. Revised estimates -- budget, 1963: Secretariat: staff: hospitality expenses for sects. 2,3,5 and 10 resulting from deci­ (agenda item 62) sions of the ESC. A/5336 Documents Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 193, 19,1. A/5207 financial year 1963, sect. 5. A/5205 (GAOR, (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no. '1) 17th sess., suppl. no.B) Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Secretary-General. Report. Revised estimates financial year 1963, sect. 6. A/5205 (GAOR, ior sects. 2,3,5 and 10 resulting from deci­ 17th sess., suppl, no.B) sions of the ESC. A/C. 5/956 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 919,981 Secretary-General, Revised estimates for sects. Report. A!5391, par. 63,64 2,3,4,5,10 and 11 resulting from decisions -- budget, 1963: Secretariat: staff: salaries and wages of the ESC. A/C. 5/919 (agenda item 62) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 918, 91~, 974, 980, Documents 981 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par.115-165. A/520'{ Report. A/5391, par. 52-56, 63, 64 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) _.. budget, 1963: social welfare: advisory services (agenda Advisory Cttee. 9th report. Revised estimates item 62) for sects. 2, 3,4,5, 10 and 11 resulting from Documents decisions of the ESC. A/5243 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 42, 43,262-268, Advisory Cttee. 13th report. Salary scales for 270. A/5207 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. General Service and Manual Worker Staff at no.7) Headquarters and Geneva. A/5272 & Corr.l Argentina, Australia, Iraq, Netherlands, Nigeria, (English only) United Kingdom. Draft resolution [concern­ Advisory Cttee. 23rd report. Post classification ing integrated programme and budget policy]. for UN Headquarters, New York and the AlC.5/L. 743 European Office, Geneva. A/5309 Brazil. Amendment (to A/C. 5/L. 740). A/C. 5/ Advisory Cttee. 31st report. Revised estimates L.741 for sects. 2,3,5 and 10 resulting from deci­ Dept of ESA: Under-Secretary (de Seynes). State­ sions of the ESC. A/5336 ment in 5th Cttee. A/C. 5/L. 736 Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the financial year 1963, Foreword, pal'. 43-45, financial year 1963, sect. 14. A/5205 (GAOR, sect. 3. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess.; suppl, 17th sess., suppl, no. 5) no. 5) Secretary-General. Note. A/C. 5/937 Secretary-General. Note. Reply to questions USA. Draft resolution. A/C. 5/L. 740 & Rev. 1 raised at the 924th meeting of the 5th Com­ Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 938-940,942-945, mittee. A/C. 5/L. 730 948,954, 981 Secretary-General. Report. Post classification Draft report. A/C. 5/L. 748 for the UN Headquarters, New York and the Reports. A/5307, A/5391, par. 63, 64 European Office, Geneva. A/C. 5/946 Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1174 Secretary-General. Report. Revised estimates Draft resolution in A/5307 [on programme oftechni­ for sects. 2, 3, 5 and 10 resulting from deci­ cal assistance under the regular budget of the sions of the ESC. A/C. 5/956 UN] adopted (82-0-12) as resolution 1768 Secretary-General. Heport. Salary scales for (XVII) General Service and Manual Worker Staff at -- budget, 1963: South West Africa: fellowships and scholar­ Headquarters and Geneva. A/C. 5/931 & ships (agenda item 62) Corr. 1 (English only) Documents Secretary-General. Revised estimates for sects. Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 257, 259. A/5207 2,3,4,5,10 and 11 resulting from decisions (GAOR, 17th s~ss., suppl. no.7) of the ESC. A/C. 5/919 Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the USSR. Draft text [concerning sect. 3 - salaries and financial year 1963, sect. 12, chap. IV. wages] for inclusion in the report of the 5th '. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.5) Cttee. A/C. 5/L. 735 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 921, Q81 USA. Draft text [concerning sect. 3 - salaries and Report. A/5391, par. 63, 64 wages] for inclusion in the report of the 5th -- budget, 1963: special missions (agenda item 62) Cttee. A/C. 5/L. 733 See also United Nations: budget, 1963: field missions: Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 923,924,926,927, replacement of staff; United Nations: budget, 1963: 929-934,938,941,958,974,980 Office of Special Representative of the Secretary­ Reports. A/5384, par. 33-37 & Corr.l (English General in Amman; United Nations Commissic ., for only), A/5391, par. 15-21, 63-65 the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea; United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine;

90 ----.-,...... ,.....~~-.",...." "----"t C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

UNITED NATIONS (continued) UNITED NATIONS (continued) 62) -- budget, 1963: special missions (continued) -- budget, 1963: United Nations Conference on the Applica­ See also (continued) tion of Science and Technology for the Benefit of L92. --United Nations Military Observer Group in India Less Developed Areas, Geneva, 1963 (continued) 1) and Pakistanj United Nations Representative for Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 918,966,980 tes India and'Pakistanj United Nations Truce Supervi­ Report. A/539I, par. 63, 64 rom sion Organization in Palestine __ budget, 1963: United Nations Field Service (agenda item Documents 62) ntes Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 278-294. A/5207 Documents leci- (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.7) AdvisN'y Cttee. 7th report, par.295-301. A/5207 Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.7) i financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 52-54, Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the iAOR, sect. 18. A!5205 (GAOR, 17th sese., suppl. financial yE>ar 1963, sect. 19. A/5205 (GAOR, no.B) 17th sess., suppl, no.5) tes Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 921 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 921,981 leer- Report. A/539I, par. 57-59 and Appendlx, 63,64 Report. Al5391, par. 57-59 and Appendix, 63, 64 -- budget, 1963: United Nations Cocoa Conference, Geneva, -- budget, 1963: United Nations International School Fund sets. 1963 (agenda item 62) (agenda item 62) Ions Documents Documents Advisor-y Cttee. 7th report, par. 109-112. A!5207 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 257. A/5207 80, (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.7) (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.7) Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the financial year 1963, sect. 2, chap. VI. financial year 1963, sect. 12, chap. n. mda A!5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., sippl, no. 5) A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.B) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 918, £190 Discussion in 5th Citee: Meetings 921,981 Report. A/539I, par. 63, 64 Report. A/539I, par. 63, 64 l08, -- budget, 1963: United Nations Commission for the Unifica­ -- budget, 1963: United Nations Memorial Cemetery in tion and Rehabilitation of Korea (agenda item 62) Korea (agenda item 62) Documents Documents :eria, Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 284,290. A!5207 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 257,258. A/5207 iern­ (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.7) llicyJ. Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the financial year 1963, sect. 18, chap. V. financial year 1963, sect. 12, chap. I. .5/ A!5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.B) A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.B) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 921,981 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 921,981 tate- Report. A/539I, par. 57-59 and Appendix, 63, 64 Report. A/539I, par. 63, 64 -- budget, 1963: United Nations Conciliation Commission for -- budget, 1963: United Nations Military Observer Group in Palestine (agenda item 62) India and Pakistan (agenda item 62) GAOR, Documents Documents Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 281, 284, 288. Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 284, 289. A/5207 A!5207 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.7) .1 Secretary-General. BUdget estimates for the Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the 45, financial year 1963, sect. 18, chap. n. financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 53, A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 5) sect. 18, chap. m. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 921,981 sess., suppl. no. 5) Report. A/539I, par. 57-59 and Appendix, 63, 64 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 921,981 -- budget, 1963: United Nations Conference on Solar Energy, Report. A/5391, par. 57-59 and Appendix, 63,64 echni­ Wind Power and Geothermic Energy, Rome, 1961 -- budget, 1963: United Nations Olive Oil Conference, of the (agenda item 62) Geneva, 1963 (agenda item 62) 8 Documents Documents Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 103-105. A!5207 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par.l09-H2. A/5207 iolac- (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.7) (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.7) Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the financial year 1963, sect. 2, chap. IV. financial year 1963, sect. 2, chap. VI. /5207 A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.5) A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 5) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 918,980 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 918,980 Report. A/539I, par. 63, 64 Report. A/5391, par. 63, 64 -- budget, 1963: United Nations Conference on the Applica­ -- budget, 1963: United Nations Regional Cartographic i) tion of Science and Technology for the Benefit of Conference for Africa, Lst, Addis Ababa, 1963 Less Developed Areas, Geneva, 1963 (agenda item (agenda item 62) 62) Documents Documents Advisory Cttee. 7th report, pa:r.lOO-l02. A/5207 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 85-94, 114. (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) 963: A/5207 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the try- Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 17, " for financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 17, sect. 2, chap. III. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess. , rited sect. 2, chap. I. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.5) 0' suppl, no.5) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 918,980 -, Secretary-General. Report. A/C. 5/955 Report. A/5391, par. 63, 64


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C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session) r· UNITED NATIONS (continued) UNITED NATIONS (continued) "" budf;et,1963: United Nations Representative for India and -- economic and social activities: decentraltzatlon (agenda Pakistan (agenda item 62) item 35(f)) Documents See also United Nations: budget: policy Advisory Cttee. 7th report, pal'. 284. A/5207 GA resolution 1709 (XVI); ESC resolution 879 (XXXIV) (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) Documents Secretary"General. Budget estimates for the Dept of ESA: Under-Secretary (de Seynes). State­ financial year 1963, sect. 18, chap. IV. ment at 852nd meeting of 2nd Cttee. A/C. 2/ A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.B) L. 693 & Corr. 1 (French only) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 921,981 ESC. Report, 1961/1962, chap. V, sect. I. A/5203 Report. A/5391, par. 57-59 and Appendix, 63, 64 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 3) -- budget, 1963: United Nations Sugar Conference, Geneva, GA: 2nd Cttee: Chairman. Concluding statement 1963 (agenda item 62) summing up the work of the 2nd Cttee during Documents the 17th sess. of the GA. A/C. 2/L. 720 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 109-112. A/5207 Secretary-General. Note. A/5220 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.v) Secretary-General. Report. A/5196, E/3643 Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Draft resolutions and amendments thereto financial year 1963, sect. 2, chap. VI. Afghanistan, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 5) New Zealand, Saudi Arabia and Syria. Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 918,980 Amendment (to A/C. 2/L. 653 & Add. 1, 2). Report. A/5391, par. 63, 64 A/C. 2/L. 685 (replaces A/C. 2/L. 661/ "" budget, 1963: United Nations Truce Supervision Organiza­ Rev. 1), Rev. 1 I tion in Palestine (agenda item 62) Afghanistan and Jordan. Amendment (to A/C. 2/ Documents L.653/Rev.l). A/C. 2/L. 689 & Corr.l l: Advisory Cttee. i'h report, par. 284-287. A/5207 (Spanish only) (withdrawn at 856th meeting (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.7) of 2nd Cttee) Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the Argentina, Chile, Indonesia, Nigeria and financial year 1963, Foreword, par. 52, Uruguay. Amendments (to A/C. 2/L. 653 sect. 18, chap. I. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess. , & Add. 1,2). A/C. 2/L. 682, Rev. 1 (with­ suppl. no.B) drawn at 856th meeting of 2nd Ctte,e) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 921,981 Bolivia, Brazil, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nepal and Report. A/5391, par. 57-59 and Appendix, 63, 64 Thailand. Draft r.esolution. A/C. 2/ -- Charter: General Conference under Art. 109 (agenda L. 653 & Add. 1,2 (adds Mauritania and item 21) Senegal as eo-sponsors), Rev. 1 (also GA resolution 1670 (XVi) adds Burma and United Arab Republic as Documents eo-sponsors), Rev. 1/Add.l (adds loiberia GA: Committee on Arrangements for a Conference as eo-sponsor), Rev. 2 for the Purpose of Reviewing the Charter. Iraq,. Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Syria. Report. A/5193 Amendment (to A/C. 2/L. 653 & Add. 1). Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 927 A/C. 2/L. 661 & Rev. 1 (also adds Afghan­ Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (Brazil), 1126 istan, Japan and New Zealand as eo­ (Japan),1129 (Iran), 1130 (Panama), 1131 (Ecua­ .sponsors), Rev. l/Corr. 1 (withdraws dor) , 1137 (Colombia), 1140 (Cameroon), 1141 Rev. 1) (withdrawn at 847th meeting of (Tunisia), 1144 (Costa Rica), 1157 2nd Cttee) Draft resolution in A/5193 [asking the Committee USSR. Amendment (to A/C. 2/L. 653/Rev.l). to meet not later than Jul 1963, to report to A/C. 2/L. 695 (withdrawn at 856th meeting the lIlth session of the Assembly and to con­ of 2nd Cttee) tinue work on the Repertory of Practice of United Arab Republic. Amendment (to A/C. 2/ United Nations Organs] adopted without vote L.653 & Add. 1,2). A/C. 2/L. 681 (with­ as resolution 1756 (XVII) drawn at 853rd meeting of 2nd Cttee) -- conferences and meetings, 1963 (agenda item 62) Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 801,803,806,808, GA resolution 1202 (xm 809,814,815,817-819,821,846,847,852-856,875 See also Co-ordination among United Nations and Resolution. A/C. 2/L. 703 specialized agencies: programme of meetings Report. A/5344, Add. 1, & Add. 1/Corr. 1 Documents Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1144 (Sierra Leone), Secretary-General. Report. Programme of 1197 conferences. A/C. 5/945 & Add. 1 Draft resolution IV in A/5344 adopted unanimously Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 983 at 1197th meeting as resolution 1823 (XVn) -- documentation: limitation (agenda item 62) -- executive organ (proposed) GA resolution 1272 (xm) Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1127 (USSR),1129 Documents (Czechoslovakia), 1131 (Ecuador), 1132 (Den­ Secretary-General. Report. A/C. 5/950 mark, Liberia), 1133 (New Zealand, Ukrainian Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 960 SSR), 1134 (Philippines, United Kingdom), 1135 Report. A/5391, par. 46, 47 (Turkey), 1136 (Albania), 1137 (Mongolia), 1138 "-- documentation: printing: See United Nations: budget, 1963: (Hungary), 1139 (Bulgaria), 1140 (Libya), 1141 printing - (Romania), 1142 (China), 1143 (Spain),1144 (Byelorrussian SSR, Togo), 1145 (Jamaica), 1148 (Israel, Niger), 1149 (Argentina), 1150 (Madagascar), 1151 (Central African Republic)

92' C. SUBJECT INDEX (: 7th session)

UNITED NATIONS (continued) UNITED NATIONS (continued) tenda ~- finances: accounts, 1961 (agenda item 60 (a» -- finances: contributions (continued) See also Special Fund: finances: accounts, 1961j Special Documents (continued) Fund: finances: administrative expenses, 1961j USSR. Draft resolution concerning scale of assess­ :XXIV) Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: fi­ ments for the apportionment of the expenses nances: accounts, 1961j Technical assistance: UN of the UN. A/C. 5/L. 732 & Corr. 1,2 (with­ State­ programme: finances: accounts, 1961j Technical drawn at 978th meeting of the 5th Cttee) /C.2/ Assistance Board: finances: accounts, 1961 adminls­ Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 975-978,982,983 trative expenses: UnUed Nations: finances: Trust ~/5203 - Report. A/5392/Re"v. 1 Funds and Special Accounts: accounts, 1961j United Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1201 Nations Children's Fund: finances: accounts, 1961j Draft resolution in A/5392/Rev.1 adopted unani­ nent • 0' United Nations Emergency Force: finances: accounts, mously as resolution 1870 (XVil) ,l luring 1961j United Nations High Commissioner for Refu­ -- finances: extra-budgetary accounts: See United Nations: o gees: finances: accounts, 1961; United Nations Open­ budget, 1963: income: extra-budgetary accounts ation in the Congo (ONUC): finances: accounts, 1961; -- finances: position and prospects, 1962-1963 (agenda 13 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Pales­ item 62) tine Refugees in the Near East: finances: accounts, Documents lIl, 1961j United Nations Suez Canal Surcharge Oper­ Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 17. A/5207 ,a • ation: finances: accounts, 1961 (GAOR,17th sess., suppl. no. 7) . 1,2). Documents Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the fi­ ll/ Advisory Cttee. 2nd report. A/5134 nancial year 1963, Foreword, par. 8-11: Board of Auditors. Financial report and accounts A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess. suppl, no. 5) VC. 2/ for the year ended 31 Dsc 1961. A/5206 -- finances: revenue proriucing activities: See United Nations: '1'.1 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 6) budget,1963: income ieettng Secretary-General. Note transmitting combined -- finances: Trust Funds and Special Accounts: accounts, statement of assets and liabilities as of 31 1961 (agenda item 60 (a)) Dec 1961. A/C. 5/922 ,.653 Documents Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 915,947 Advisory Cttee. 2nd report. A/5134 (with­ Draft report. A/C. 5/L. 737 Board of Auditors. Financial report and accounts ) Report. A/5288 for the year ended 31 Dec 1961. A/5206 md Action in Plenary: Meeting 119l (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 6) l Draft resolution I in A/5288 adopted without vote Secretary-General. Note transmitting combined md as resolution 1787 (XVII) statement of assets and liabilities as of 31 ;0 -- finances: bonds (agenda item 62) Dec 1961. A/C. 5/922 Ic as Documents Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 915,947. dberia Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 257,260. A/5207 Draft report. A/C. 5/L. 737 (GAOR, 1.7th sess., suppl. no. 7) Report. A/5288 Syria. Advisory Cttee. 36th report. A/5358 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1191 .1). Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the finan­ Draft resolution I in A/5288 adopted without vote as 'ghan- cial year 1963, Foreword, par. 10, sect. 12, resolution 1787 (XVII) chap. V. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. -- finances: unforeseen and extraordinary expenses (agenda 's no. 5) item 62) of Secretary-General. Note. A/C. 5/963 Documents Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 979,981 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par. 18-20,72,75 • 1). Report. A/5391,par.60-62 and App. H. A/5207 (GAOR,17th sess., ieettng Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (USA), 1126 suppl. no. 7) (Japan, Norway), 1129 (Iran), 1131 (Austria), Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the fi­ 'C.2/ 1132 (Australia, Denmark), 1133 (New Zealand), nancial year 1963, draft resolutton H. A/5205 /lith:. 1134 (Philippines), 1136 (Italy), 1140 (Cameroon, (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 5) i) Federation of Malaya, Libya), 1141 (Tunisia), Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 983 808, 1148 (Israel), 1153 (Nigeria) Report. A/5391, Annex IT 56,875 -- finances: contributions (agenda item 67) Action in Plenary: Meeting 1201 GA resolution 1691 (XVI) Draft resolution in A/5391, Annex H adopted (93­ Documents eone), 11-1) as resolution 1862 (XVII) Committee on Contributions. Report. A/5210 -- finances: Working Capital Fund (agenda item 62) (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 10) Documents iously GA: 5th Cttee: Chairman. Note. A/C. 5/L. 775 Advisory Cttee. 7th report, par.. 21, 72, 75, 76 and rvm Secretary-General. Note. Provisional statement App.Ill. A/5207 (GAOR,17th sess., suppl. of advances to the Working Capital Fund and L29 no.7) contributions to the UN regular budget pay­ Advisory Cttee. 29th report. A/5331 ~n- able by Member States for the financial year inian Secretary-General. Budget estimates for the fi­ 1963. A/INF/101 nancial year 1963, Foreword, par. 11 and 1135 Secretary-General. Note. Scale of assessments 1138 draft resolution m. A/5205 (GAOR, 17th for the apportionment of the expenses of the sess.; suppl. no. 5) 141 UN. A/C. 5/L. 769 4 Secretary-General. Report. Collection of contribu­ L), tions as at 18 Sep 1962. A/C. 5/920 & Add. 1 iO bUc)

93 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

UNITED NATIONS (continued) UNITED NA'l'IONS (continued) -- finances: Working Capital Fund (continued) -- Members: ndmtsston (continued) Documents (continued) Documents (continued) Secretary-GenemI. Note. Provisional statement of -"AUstralia, Canada, Ceylon, Cyprus, Federation of advances to the Working Capital Fund and Malaya, Ghana, India, Jamai':~# New Zealand~ contl'ibutions to the UN regular budget pay­ Nigerin., Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, able by Member States for the financial year Tanganyika, Trinidad and Tobago, United 1963, A/INF/101 Arab Republic, United Kingdo~'Il. Draft resc­ Secretary-General. Report. A/C. 5/951 lution on admission of Uganda. A/L. 396 & Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 970,974,983 Add. 1 (adds Ethiopla and Sudan as co-sponsors) Report. A/5391, pat;. 2, 22-31, Annex III Belgium and Congo (Leopoldvllle). Draft resolution Action in Plenaq: Meeting 1201 on admission of Burundl, A/L. 392 & Add. 1 Draft resolutions in A/5391 adopted as .follows: (adds Ethiopia, Guinea and Liberia as eo­ Draft resolution in Annex III A [concerning sponsors) Working Capital Fund for the financial Belgium and Congo (Leopoldvllle). Draft resolution year 1963] adopted (91-11-3) as resolution on admission of Rwanda. A/L. 391 & Add. 1 1863 A (XVII) (adds Ethiopia, Guinea and Liberia as eo­ Draft resolution in Annex III B [concerning level sponsors) of Working Capital Fund] adopted (96-11-1) Burundi. Cable dated 4 Jul from Prime Minister as resolution 1863 B (XVn) applying for membership. A/5148 & Add. 1 -- guard: See United Nations: budget, 1963: United Nations (letter of same c4'\te) Field Service Jamaica. Cables dated 6 Jul fNm Prime Minister -- Headquarters: dining-room and cafeteria: See United and Minister of External Affairs applying for Nations: budget, 1963: income: visitorsrand cater­ membership. A/5154 ing services Rwanda, Letter dated 27 Jun from Minister for -- Headquarters: loan amortizatton: See under United Nations: Foreign Affairs applying for membership. budget, 1963 A/5147 & Add. 1 (letter of 1 Jul confirming -- Headquarters: maintenance: operation and rental of apphcatton), Add. 2 (cable dated 2 Jul from premises: See under United Nations: budget, 1963 President confirming application) -- Headquarters: major maintenance and capital improve­ SC: Pl'esident. Letter transmitting SC resolution ment programme: See under United Nations: budget, of 26 Jul recommending admission of Burundi, 1963 A/5151 -- Headquarter-s: permanent equipment: See United Nations: SC: President, Letter transmitting SC resolution of budget, 1963: permanent equipnleirt 26 Jul recommending admission of Rwanda. -- Headquarters: Visitors' Service: operations: See United A/5152 Nations: budget, 1963: income: visitors'and cater­ SC: President. Letter transmitting SC resolution of ing services 12 Sep recommending admission of Jamaica. -- Library (Headquarters): Ford Foundation Fund: accounts, A/5188 1961: See United Nations: finances: Trust Funds SC: President. Letter transmitting SC resolution of and Special Accounts: accounts, 1961 12 Sep recommending admission of Trinidad -- Members: admission (agenda item 20) and Tobago. A/5189 Documents SC: President. Letter transmitting SC resolution of Afghanistan, Albania, Chile, Et' 'opta, France, 4 Oct recommending admission of Algeria. Ghana, Guinea, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, A/521)1 Ivory Coast, Jordan, Lebanon, Liberia, SC: President. Lette" transmitting SC resolution of J~ibya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Nigeria, 15 Oct recommending admission of Uganda. Pakistan, Romania, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, A/5258 Tunisia, USSR, United Arab Republic, United Trinidad and Tobago. Telegram dated 6 Sep from Kingdom, USA, Venezuela, Yemen, Yugo­ Prime Minister and Minister of External slavia. Draft resolution on admission of Al­ Affairs applying for membership. A/5185 & geria. A/L. 394 & COrl'.l (adds Ceylon, India Add. 1 (telegram dated e Sap confirming ap­ and Nepal as eo-sponsors), Add. 1 (adds Indo- plication) nesia and Senegal as eo-sponsors) . Uganda. Cables dated 9 Oct from Prime Minister Algeria. Cable dated 30 Sep from Head of Govern­ applying for membership. A/5255 ment applying for membernhlp, A/5246 Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1122,1146, 1158 " Australia, Canada, Ceylon, Crprus, Federation of Draft resolutions in A/L. 389 & Add. 1, 2j A/L. 390 Malaya, Ghana, India, New Zealand, Pakis­ & Add. 1,2; A/L. 391 & Add. 1j A/L. 392 & tan, Sierra Leone, United Kingdom. Draft Add. 1 [concerning admission of Jamaica, resolution on admission bf Jr'ma~va. A/L.389 Trinidad and Tobago, Rwanda, Burundi] & Add. 1,2 (adds Ethiopia, Nigoria and Tangan­ adopted by acclamation at 1122nd meeting as yika as eo-sponsors) resolutions 1748-1751 (XVII) . Australia, Canada, Ceylon, Cyprus, Federation of Draft resolution in A/L. 394 & Add. 1 [concerning :w.:.alaya, Ghana, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, admission of Algeria] adopted by acclamation Sierra Leone, United Kingdom. Draft reso­ at 1146th meeting as resolution 1754 (XVII) lution on admission of Trinidad and Tobago. Draft resolution in A/L. 396 & Add. 1 [concerning A/L. 390 & Add,l, 2 (adds Ethiopia, Nigeria admission of Uganda] adopted by acclamation and Tanganyika :;,s eo-sponsors) at 1158th meeting as resolution 1758 (XVII)

94 J'., C. SUBJECT INDEX I I 1 (17th session) i

UNITED NATIONS (continued) UNITED NATIONS (continued) -- Members: expulsion (proposed) •• peace and security operations: financing (continued) Statements in Plenarx: Meetings 1130 (Senegal), 1132 DOJuments (continued) ( Liberia), 1143 (Mauritania) Secretary-General. Note. Administrative and -- Members: permanent missions budgetary procedures of the UN. A/539B Documents Secretary-General. Statement at 9615t meeting of Secretary-General. Report. A/5339 5th Cttee. A/C. 5/952 -- & Non-Self-Governing Territories: irJormation about USSR. Memorandum. A/C. 5/957 United Nations (agenda item 50) Draft resolutions and amendments thereto GA resolution 1695 (XVI) Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Camer­ Documents con, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Afghanistan, Algeria, Bolivia, Cambodia, Cameroon, Rica, Denmark, Dominican Republic, El Central African Republic, Ceylon, Chad, Congo Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, (Leopoldville), Dahomey, Ethiopia, Federation Honduras, Liberia, Mexlco, Nicaragua, of Malaya, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, India, Inrio· E

~'1 C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th aesaten)

UNITED NATIONS CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND (con­ UNITED NATIONS COCOA CONFERENCE, Geneva, 1963: tinued) See under United Nations: budget, 1963 Documents (continued) Cttee on a UN Capital De"\lelopment Fund. Report. E/3654 &: cerr. 1 (French only) UNITED NATIONS COMMISSION FOR THE UNIFICATION ESC. Report, 1961/1962, chap. rn, sect. IV ANDREHABILITATION OF KOREA (second sub-section). A/5203 (GAOR, 17th •• finances: See under United Nations: budget, 1963 aesa., suppl. ne.a) u report,196171962. A/5213 (GAOR,17Ih sees., suppl. GA: 2nd cttee: Chairman. Concluding statement no. 13) &: Adcl.1 (mimeographed), Atld.1/Corr.1: summing up the work of the 2nd Cttee during See under Korean question for discussion the 17th se ss. of the GA. A/C. 2/L. 720 Secretary-General. Note. A/5220 Discussion in 2nd CUee: Meetings 799,806-808,815, UNITED NATIONS COMMlTTEE ON THE PEACEFUL 818,856,860,861 USES OF OUTER SPACE Report. A/5344, Add. 1, &: Add.1/Corr.l -- report. A/5181. See Outer space: peaceful uses ~ Discussion in Plenar~: Meetings 1127 (Afghanistan), discussion 1129 (Iran), 11 6 (Sudan), 1143 (Ghana), 1144 (Sierra Leone), 1145 (Jamaica), 1197 Draft resolution vmin A/5344 adopted (85-0-12) UNITED NATIONS CONCILIATION COMMlSSION FOR at 1197th meeting as resolution 1826 (XVll) PALESTINE See also United Nations: budget,1963 -- 20th progress report, 1961/1962. A/5331 UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (agenda item 12) Documents ESC. Report, 1961/1962, chap. vm. A/5203 UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON SOLAR ENERGY, WIND POWER ANDGEOTHERMIC ENERGY, Rome, I (GAOR, 17U\ sess, , suppl, no. 3) UNICEF: Executive Boal·d. Declaration.,. on a 1961: See undet United Nations: uudget, 1963 long- term policy for children in relation to the Development Decade, adopted at its ses­ sion in Jun 1962. E/3658 UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON THE APPLICATION Draft resolutions and amendments thereto OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR THE BENEFIT Bl'azil. Amendments (to AlC. 3/L. 999/Rev.l). OF LESS DEVELOPED AREAS, Geneva. 1963 A/C. 3/L.I004 & Rev. 1 See also under United Nations: budget. 1963 Chile, Dominican Republic, France, Guatemala, Statements in Plenaryl Meetings 1132 (Aush·alia). Guinea, Italy, Pakistan, Philippines, 1148 (Israel) Toga, United Kingdom, USA and Uruguay. Draft resolution [concerning programmes in connection with UN Development UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DE­ Decade]. A/C. 3/L. 999 & Rev. 1 (also adds VELOPMENT,1963: See International trade: confer- Iran, Mexico, Morocco, Panama, Peru, ence (proposed) - Tunisia and Yugoslavia as eo-sponsors), Rev. 1/Add.I-5 (adds Canada, Greece, Jordan, Libya, Madagascar, Mauritania, UNITED NATIONS DECADE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW Niger, Saudi Arabia and Tanganyika as (proposed): ~ International law: study and teaching eo-sponsors) Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1149-1160,1162­ 1164 UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT DECADE, 1960-1970 Report. A/5314 & Corr. 1 (Russian only) (agenda item 34) Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1187 GA resolution 1710 (XVI) Draft resolution II in A/5314 & corr. 1 (Russian See also United Nations Research Institute for Social only) adopted unanimously as resolution 1773 Development: establishment; United Nations Train­ (XVII) ing and Research Institute: establishment (pro­ -- finances: accounts, 1961 (agenda item 60 (b)) posed); World Food Programme Documents Documents Advisory Cttee, 3rd report. A/5135 Brazil. Memorandum. The role of the United Board of Auditors. Financial report and accounts Nations regional economic commissions in for the year ended 31 Dec 1961. A/5206/ the decade of development. E/3664 Add. 1 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 6A) Dept of ESA: Under-Secretary (de Seynes). State­ Secretary-General. Note transmitting combined ment at 795th meeting of 2nd Cttee. A/C. 2/ statement of assets and liabilities as of 31 L.644 Dec 1961. A/C. 5/922 ESC. Report, 1961/1962, chap. I. A/5203 (GAOR, Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 915,947 17th sess., suppl. no. 3) Draft report. AIC. 5/L. 737 ILO: Director-General. Resolution adopted by the Report. A/5288 International Labour Conference at its 46th Action in Plenary: Meeting 1191 session. E/3674 Draft resolution II in A/5288 adopted without vote Secretary-General. Note. A/5194 as resolution 1788 (XVII)

97 ======:;;;:..~.~.;::::.=. o:r='-"----'-._._-.- .... C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT DECADE, 1060-1070 UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND (continued) CULTlffiAL ORGANIZATION (continued) Documents (continued) -- & United Nations: Agreement, 1946: revtston (continued) Secretary-General. Repol·t. Pl'OPOSnlS for action. Documents (continued) E/3613 & Add. 1-3 ESC. Report,1961,/1962, chap. X, sect. 11. A/5203 Secl·etnry-Genel·al. Statement On administrative (GAOR, 17th acss., suppl. no. 3) and financial implications [concerning United ESC, 33rd sess. Omcialrecords, Annexes, Nations Research Instttute for Social Devel­ agenda item 18. E/3588 opment]. A/C. 5/936 Secretary-General. Note. A/5262 UNICEF: Executive BOf\l'd. Declul\tivn [excerpt Action in Plen~y: Meeting 1190 from the Board's report on its session in Draft resolution in A/L.407 adopted (76-0-0) at Jun 1962, E/3655 (E!ICEF/454)] and dl'n[t the 1l90th plenary meeting as resolution resotutton. E/3658 1786 (XVII) Draft resolutions Australia, Cambodia, Canada, Ceylon, Chile, Ghana, India, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan and USA. -- budget, 1963 (agenda item 32 (b» Draft resolution [concerntng World Food See also United Nations: peace and security operattons Programme]. Alc. 2/L. 6G9 & Add. 1-5 Documents (adds Belgium, Central African Republic, Advisory Cttee. 14th report. A/5274 France, Iran, Liberia and Mauritania as Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Draft resolution co-sponsors) continuing the special account for the expen­ Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ethiopia, ses of UNEF and the ad hoc account for the Iran, Madagascar, Niger, Norway and expenses of ONUC and convening a special United Arab Republic. Draft resolution session of the GA before 30 Jun to consider [concerning establishment of a United the flnancinl situation of the Organization in Nations Training and Research Institute]. the light of the report to be prepared by the A/C. 2/L. 662 & corr, 1,2, & Add. 1- 6 Working Group of Twenty-One. A/C. 5/L. 774 (adds Canada, Chad, Mauritania, Nepal, & Add. 1 (adds Nigeria and Tunisia as eo­ Pakistan, Senegal, Thailand and USA as sponsors) co-eponsors) Secretary-General. Cost estimates Ior the main­ Discussion in 2nd CUee: Meetings 7,)8-821,855,856, tenance of the Force, 1 Jan to 31 Dec 1963. 858,860,861 A/5187 Report. A/5344 & Add. 1, & Add.1/Corr. 1 Secretary-Genel·al. Report. Financial implications Statements in 3rd CUee: Meetings 1149-1158, 1160 of the draft resolution in A/C. 5/L. 774. Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (Brazil, USA), A/C. 5/970 1126 (Japan, Norway), 1127 (Afghanistan), 1129 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 979,982,983 (Iran, Yugoslavia), 1130 (Canada, Peru, Sene­ Report. A/5393 & Corr.1 gal), 1131 (Austria, Burma, Ecuador, GUinea), Action in Plenary: Meeting 1201 1132 (Australia, Denmark, Liberia), 1133 (New Draft resolution A in A/5393 adopted (76-11-8) as Zealand, Pakistan), 1134 (Philippines), 1135 resolution 1864 (XVII) (Ceylon, Chile, Turkey), 1136 (Italy, Sudan), Draft resolution C in A/5393 [concerning convening 1137 (Bolivia), 1138 (Jordan), 1139 (Ethiopia, of a special session of the General Assembly] Mali, United Arab Republic), 1140 (Cameroon, adopted (77-0-21) as resolution 1866 (XVII) Federation of Malaya, Libya, Morocco),1141 -- finances: accounts, 1961 (agenda item 60 (a» (Lebanon.Paktstan, Tunisia), 1142 (China), Documents 1143 (Ghana, Spain), 1144 (Costa Rica, Togo), Advisory CUee. 2nd report. A/5134 1145 (Jamaica), 1147 (Indonesia, Netherlands), Board of Auditors. Financial report and accounts 1148 (Israel), 1150 (Madagascar), 1152 (Congo for the year ended 31 Dec 1961. A/5206 (Brazzavllle), Iraq), 1153 (Nigeria), 1197 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 6) Draft resolution VII in A/5344 [concerning World Secretary-General. Note transmitting combined Food Programme] adopted (80-0-9) at 1197th statement of assets and liabilities as of 31 I meeting as resolution 1825 (XVII) Dec 1961. A/C. 5/922 [ Draft resolution IX in A/5344 [concerning the es­ Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 915,947 tablishment of a United Nations Training and Draft report. A/c. 5/L. 737 l Research Institute] adopted (85-0-6) at 1197th Report. A/5288 [ meeting as resolution 1827 (XVII) Action in Plenary: Meeting 1191 I Draft resolution I in A/5'288 adopted without vote I as resolution 1787 (XVII) I' UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND -- financing: See United Nations: peace and security opera­ I CULTURAL ORGANIZATION tions: financing; United Nations "Emergency Force: !'I -- & United Nations: Agreement, 1946: revision (agenda. budget, 1963 I' item 12) -- progress report (agenda item 26 (a» i Documents Documents I Colombia, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Secretary-General. Report [for the period since f Poland, Senegal and USSR. Draft resolution 30 Aug 1961]. A/5172 I [approving deletion of Article 2 of the Agree­ Action in Plenary: Meeting 1201 ment]. AIL. 407 The General Assembly took note of the report in A/5172

98 C, SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

UNITED NATIONS FAMINE RELIEF FUND UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL (agenda item -- accounts, 1961: See United Nations: finances: Trust 72) Funds andSPecinl Accounts: accounts, 1961 Documents Advisory Cttee. 26th report. A/5319 Argenttna, Ceylon, Denmark, France, Ghana, UNITED NATIONS FIELD SERVICE: See under United Lebanon, Poland and USA. Draft resolution. Nations: budget, 1963 A/C. 5/L. 762 Secretary-General. Report. A/5308 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 960,978 UNITED NATIONS FUND FOR THE CONGO Dmft report. A/c. 5/L. 768 -- accounts, 1961: ~ United Nations: finances: Trust Funds Report. A/5378 and Special Accounts: accounts, 1961 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1199 Draft resolution in A/5378 adopted unanimously as ~!, resolution 1853 (XVII) UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES -- continuation (agenda item 42 (b)) GA rescluttou 1165 (XII) UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL FUND: See Documents under United Nations: budget, 1963 - secretary-uenerat, Note. A/5186 Draft resolutions Algeria, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Federa­ UNITED NATIONS JOINT STAFF PENSION BOARD tion of Malaya, Greece, Guinea, Iran, -- annual report on the UN Joint Staff Pension Fund. A/520B ,',I:". Italy, Jordan, Morocco, Netherlands, & Corr.l (French only), Corl'.2 (Spanish only) Norway, Sweden, Tanganyika and Upper (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 8): See United Na- Volta. Draft resolution. A/C.3/L.I029 tions Joint Staff Pension Fund: report, 1960/1961 & Add, 1-3 (adds Cambodia, Ghana, Ire­ fo, disousslon -I land, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sudan and Togo as eo­ sponsors) UNITED NATIONS JOINT STAFF PENSION FUND Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1186-1189,1191 See also United Nations Staff Pension Committee Report. A/5333 & Corr. 1 -- report, 1960/1961 (agenda item 71) Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1187 Documents Draft resolution I in A/5333 adopted (99-0-1) as Advisory Cttee. 10th report. A/5252 resolution 1783 (XVn) UN Joint Staff Pension Board. Annual report. -- finances: accounts, 1961 (agenda item 60 (d)) A/5208 & Corr. 1 (French oniy) , Corr. 2 Documents (Spanish only) (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. Advisory Cttee. 5th report. A/5137 no. 8) Secretary-General. Note transmitting combined Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 941,962 statement of assets and liabilities as of 31 Draft report. A/c. 5/L. 746 Dec 1961. A/C. 5/922 Report. A/5329 UNHCR. Accounts for the year ended 31 Dec 1961 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1191 and report of the Board of Auditors. A/5206.! Draft resolution in A/5329 adopted without vote as Add. 3 (GAOR,17th sess., suppl. no. 6C)' resolution 1799 (XVII) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 915,947 Draft report. A/C. 5/L. 737 Report. A/5288 UNITED NATIONS JURIDICAL YEARBOOK Action in Plenary: Meeting 1191 -- publication (proposed) (agenda item 73) Draft resolution IV in A/5288 adopted without vote GA resolution 1506 (XV) as resolution 1790 (XVlI) Documents -- finances: contributions Advisory Cttee. 35th report. Financial implica­ See also Refugees tions of the draft resolution submitted by the Documents 6th Cttee (A/5342 & Corr. 1). A/5355 UNHCR. Report covering the period 1 Apr 1961 ­ Afghanistan, Australia, Ceylon, Chile, Ghana, '" 31 Mur 1962. A/5211/Rev.l & Rev.l/Add.l Hungary, Netherlands, Panama, Poland, si (GAOR, 17th sess. suppls. no. 11 & 11 A) United Arab Republic, USA. Draft resolution. Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 947 A/C. 6/L. 523 & Corr. 1 (English and French ~ Report. A/'i288 only), Corr.2 (Spanish only), Corr.3 (French ~.~ Discussion in Ad Hoc Cttee of the General Assembly: ooM ~ Meeting 1 Secretariat. Working paper analysing the corn- ;1 ..- report [on Algerian refugees]. A/5132. See Refugees ments by Governments (in A/5169 & Add. 1). for discussion - A/C. 6/L. 499 ," -- report, 1961/1962. A/5211/Rev.l & Rev. 1/Add. 1 Secretary-General. Note. A/5190 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppls. no. 11 & 11 A). See Secretary-General. Note. Financial implications Refugees for discussion of recommendations of Working Group (A/C. 6/L. 521). A/C. 6/L. 522

99 ~ ------~-_, _.- "._ _ .. ~ .._..,. _-,...,..-

I C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

UNITED NATIONS JURIDICAL YEARBOOK (continued) UNITED NATIONS OPERATIONIN THE CONGO (ONUC) -- publtcation (proposed) (continued) (continued) Documents (continued) -- financing (continued) Secl·etll.ry-General. Note transmitting comments Documents (continued) by Governments on the form and contents of session of the GA. before 30 Jun 1963 to con­ the proposed yearbook. A/5169 & Corr. 1, sider the financial situation of the Ol'ganiza­ Add. 1 tion in the light of the report to be prepared Secretary-General. Report. Financial implica­ by the Working Group of Twenty-Ona. tions of the drait resolutton contained in A/C. 5/L. 774 & Add. 1 (adds Nigel'ia and document A/C. 6/L. 523. A/C. 5/959 Tunisill. as eo-sponsors) Discussion in 5th CUee: Meetings 977,978 Secretal·y-General. Repol·t. A/5352 Report. A/5373 Secretal·y-General. Report. Finll.ncial Impltca­ Discussion in 6th Cttee: Meetings 749,752,776 tions of the draft resolution in A/C. 5/L. 774. Report. A!5342 & Corr. 1 A/C. 5/970 Discussion in Working Group: No meeting records Discussion in 5th CUee: Meetings 979,982,983 published Report. A/539'3&'"'C'Ol·l·. 1 Report. A/C. s/r, 521 & Co1'1'. 1 (English only) ~ction in Plenary: Meeting 1201 Discussion in Plenal'Y: Meeting 1196 Draft resclutton B in A/5393 adopted (75-12-13) as Draft resolution in A/5342 & Corr. 1 [concerning resolutton 1865 (XVll) publication of yearbook in 1964] adopted at Drait resolution C in A/5393 [concerning convening 1196th meeting as resolution 1814 (XVn) of a special session of the General Assembly] adopted (77-0-21) as resclutton 1866 (XVlI) UNITED NATIONS KOREAN RECONSTRUCTION AGENCY -- residual assets: accounts, 1961: See United Nations: fi­ UNITED NATIONS POSTAL ADMINISTRATION nances: Trtlst Funds and Special Accounts: ac­ -- operations: See United Nations: budget, 1963: income: counts, 1961 sale of UNpostage stamps

UNITED NATIONS MEMORIAL CEMETERY IN KOREA: UNITED NATIONS REGIONAL CARTOGRAPHIC CONFER­ See under United Nations: budget, 1963 ENCE FOR AFRICA, 1st, Addis,1963: See under United Nations: budget, 1963 - UNI'fED NATIONS MILITARY OBSERVER IN INDIA AND PAKISTAN: See under United Nations: budget, 1963 UNITED NATiONS RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST -- finances: accounts, 1961 (agenda item 60 (c» UNITED NATIONS OLIVE OIL CONFERENCE, Geneva, Documents 1963: See under United Nations: budget, 1963 Advisory Cttee. 4th report. A/5136 Secretary-General. Note transmitting combined statement of assets and liabilities as of 31 UNITED NATIONS OPERATIONIN THE CONGO (ONUC) Dec 1961. A/C. 5/922 -- budget, 1963: See United Nations Operation in the Congo: UNRWA. Accounts for the year ended 31 Dec 1961 financing- and report of the Board of Auditors. A/5206/ -- finances: accounts, 1961 (agenda item 60 (a» Add, 2 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.6B) Documents Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 915,947 Advisory CUee. 2nd report. A/5134 Draft report. A/C. 5/L. 737 Board of Auditors. Financial report and accounts Report. A/5288 for the year ended 31 Dec 1961. A/5206 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1191 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 6) Draft resolution m in A/5288 adopted without vote Secretary-General. Note transmitting combined as resolution 1789 (XVlI) statement of assets and liabilities as of 31 -~ finances: contributions Dec 1961. A/C. 5/922 See also Palestine refugees: assistance Discussion in 5th CUee: Meetings 915,947 Documents Draft report. A!C. 5/L. 737 UNRWA. Commissioner-General. Annual report, Report. A/5288 1 Jul 1961 - 30 Jun 1962. A/5214 (GAOR, Action in Plenary: Meeting 1191 17th sess., suppl. no. 14) Draft resolution I in A/5288 adopted without vote Discussion in Special Political Cttee: Meetings, 371­ as resolution 1787 (XVlI)' 376 -- financing (agenda item 63) Report, A/538? See also United Nations: peace and security operations: Discussion in Ad Hoc Cttee of the General Assembly: financing and United Nations Emergency Force: Meeting 2 bUdget,1963 -- report. A/5214 (GAOR, l'ith sess., suppl. no. 14). Documents Se~ Palestine refugeesJor discussion Advisory CUee. 37th report. A/5366 Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Draft resplution continuing the special account for the expen­ UNIThD NA'1~IONS REPRESENTAT1VE FOR INDIAAND ses of UNEF and the ad hoc account for the PAKISTAN: See under United Nations: budget, 1963 expenses of ONUC and convening a special


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UNITED NATIONS RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL UNITED NATIONS SUEZ CANAL SURCHARGE OPERATION DEVEL"""1ENT -- accounts, 1961 (agenda item 60 (a)) -- eatabltshme.rc (agenda item 34) Documents Documents Advisory Cttee. 2nd report. A/5134 Advisory Cttee. 18th report. A/5289 Board of Auditors. Financial report and accounts Secretary-General. Statement on administrative for the year ended 31 Dec 1961. A/5206 and financial implications. AlC.5/936 (GAOR,17th sess., suppl. no. 6) Discussion in 2nd CUee: Meetings 806,861 Secretary-Genel'al. Note transmitting combined Statements in 3rd Cttee: Meetlngs 1154 (Belgium, statement of assets and liabilities as of 31 Ecuador, iiilITecfKingdom), 1156 (Chile), 1157 Dec 1961. A/C. 5/922 (Finland, United Arab Republic), 1158 (Canada) Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 915,947 Report. A/5314 Draft report. Alc. 5/L. 737 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meeting 952 Report. A/5288 Report. Al5391, par. 42-45 Action in Plenary: Meetin~ 1191 Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1147 (Netherlands), Draft resolution I in A/5288 adopted without vote 1187 (GA: 3ra Cttee: Rapporteur) as resolution 1787 (XVII) At 1187th meeting, the Assembly noted the offer of the Netherlands Government in the 2nd preambular par. of resolution 1827 (XVII) UNITEDNATIONS SUGAR CONFERENCE, Geneva, 1963: See under United Nations: budget, 1963

UNITED NATIONS SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON THE EFFECTS OF ATOMIC RADIATION UNITED NATIONS TRAINING AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE -- report. A/5216. See Radiation: effects for discussion -- establishment (proposed) (agenda item 34) Documents Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ethiopia, Iran, UNITEDNATIONS SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE ON THE Madagascar, Niger, Norway and United QUESTION OF HUNGARY Arab Republic. Draft resolution. A/C. 2/ -- report. A/5236. See Hungarian situation for discussion L. 662 & Conr , I, 2, & Add. 1-6 (adds Canada, Chad, Mauritania, Nepal, Pakistan, Senegal, Thailand and USA as eo-sponsors) UNITED NATIONS STAFF PENSION COMMITTEE Secretary-General. Report. Proposals for action, -- members: election (agenda item 66 (f)) chap. In, E/3613 Documents Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 858,861 secretar;..;. Note. A/C. 5/L. 731 Report. A/5344 & Add. I, & Add. l/Corr. 1 Secretary-General. Note. A/5264 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1197 Discussion in 5th Cttee: Meetings 931,947 Draft resolution IX in A/5344 adopted (85-0-6) as Draft report. A/C. 5/L. 739 resolution 1827 (XVII) Report. A/5296 Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1168,1191 - Oral recomendation of GA President to include UNITED NATIONS TRUCE SUPERVISION ORGANIZATION item in agenda because of resignation of a IN PALESTINE: See under United Nations: budget, member adopted without vote at 1168th meet­ 1963 ing Draft resolutton in A/5296 adopted without vote as resolution 1796 (XVII) at 1191st meeting. UNITED NATIONS YEAR FOR INTERNATIONAL CO-OPER­ Mr. J. Gibson (United Kingdom) elected for ATION, 1965 (proposed) (agenda item 24) a period begining on 1 May 1963 and ending GA decision of 20 Dec 1961 (XVI) ".,., 31 Dec 1964 Documents : Composition of the UNStaff Pension Committee as of Afghanistan, Australia, Burma, Canada, Ceylon, i Jan 1963 Cyprus, Ethiopia, Federation of Malaya, l'Yj Members Term of Office Finland, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Liberia, Mr. A.F. Bender, Jr. Nepal, Nigeria, Sudan, Trinidad and Tobago, (USA) 1 Jan 1962 - 31 Dec 1964 Tunisia, Venezuela, Yugoslavia. Draft reso­ Mr. J. Gibson (United lution proposing to designate the year 1965 as Kingdom) 1 May 1963 - 31 Dec 1964 "International Co-operation Year" and request- Mr. R. Torres-Astorga ing the President of GA to nominate a prepar- ,','.1.... (Chile) 1 Jan 1962 - 31 Dec 1964 atory cttee of up to 12 members. AIL. 419 Alternates & Add. 1 (adds New Zealand as eo-sponsor] Mr. A. C. Liveran Secretary-General. Note concerning Members (Israel) 1 Jan 1962 - 31 Dec 1964 who have accepted the President's invitation Mr. B.R. Nolan under resolution 1844 (XVII) to serve on the (Ireland) 1 Jan 1962 - 31 Dec 1964 Mr. N. Quao (Ghana) 1 Jan 1962 - 31 Dec 1964 S""t:~~~~3~::tJ.~:!: :;::::::~~:;l~a- 1.·.•.,•.••.•.·.•..:.1 tions of draft resolution in AIL. 419. A/L. 422 ~.l ~ 101

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C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

UNITED NATIONS YEAR FOR INTERNATIONAL CO-OPER­ WEST INDIES: See Antigua, Barbados. Jamaica. St. ATION.1965 (proposed) (continued) Vincent. Trinidad and Tobago Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1198 Dl'aft resolution in AIL. 419 & Add. 1 adopted (87-0­ 0) as resolution 1844 (XVII) WEST IRIAN: ~ West New Guinea (West Irian) The following Members accepted the Pl·esident.'s invitation to serve on the Preparatory Com­ mittee: Canada. Central African Republic. WEST NEW GUINEA (WEST IRJAN) Ceylon. Cyprus. Czechoslovakia. Finland. -- Indonesta/Nether'Ianda Agreement. 1962 (agenda item 89) India. Ireland, Paraguay. Peru. Thailand Documents and United Arab Republic. (A/5399) Indonesia and Netherlands. Draft resolution [author­ iztng the Secretary-General to carry out the tasks entrusted to him]. A/L.393 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Secretary-Genel·al. Note requesting inclusion of -- Non-Sell-Governing Territories: See American Samoa; supplementary item "Agreement between the Guam; Virgin Islands (USA)- Republic of Indonesia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning West New Guinea (West Irian)" in the agenda. A/5170 (includes text of Agreement) & Corr. 1 (English only), I Add. 1 (notes ratification of the Agreement) Discussion in General Committee: Meeting 148 , , ! Report. A/5277 . I " VENEZUELA Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1125, 1126 (Japan. -- & British Guiana: boundaries (agenda item 88) Norway), 1127 (Afghanistan), 1129 (Yugoslavia), I: 1133 (Pakistan), 1140 (Cameroon, Libya),1142 ." l' Documents l' -UnltedKingdom. Statement made at 349th meetin~ (China), 1144 (Sierra Leone), 1147 (Indonesia), of the Special Political Committee.. 1148 (Niger), 1150 (Madagascar), 1151 (Central African Republic), 1152 (Congo (Brazzaville)), i·" A/SPC/72 l I! Venezuela. statement made at 348th meeting of 1153 (Upper Volta}, 1155 (Cameroon, Indonesia, !: Special Political Committee. A/SPC/71 Senegal), 1193 (Chile) Venezuela. Telegram dated 18 Aug requesting Recommendation in A/5227 [to include item "Agree­ I inclusion of supplementary item "Question of ment between the Republic of Indonesia and boundaries between Venezuela and the terri­ the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning tory of British Gulana" in the agenda. A/5168 West New Guinea (West Irtan)" in the agenda & Add. 1 (contains explanatory memorandum) and allocate it to plenary] adopted without Discussion in General Cttee: Meeting 148 vote at 1125th meeting Report. A/5230 Draft resolution in A/L. 393 adopted by roll-call Discussion in Special Political Cttee: Meetings 348­ vote (89-0-14) at 1127th meeting as resolution 350 1752 (XVII) Report. A/53!;:! Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1129, 1138 (United Kingdom, Venezuela), 1191 WILHELMINA, Princess of the Netherlands Recommendation in A/5230 to include item in -- tribute to agenda adopted at 1129th meeting In Plenary: Meetings 1178, 1180 At the 1191st meeting the General Assembly took In 5th Cttee: Meeting 958 note of report in A/5313 In 6th Cttee: Meeting 768 I; I VIET-NAM WINDWARD ISLANDS: See Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia, statements in Plenary: Meetings 1125 (USA), 1129 St. Vincent - ( Czechoslovakia), 1132 (Australia), 1133 (Ukrainian SSR) , 1136 (Albania), 1137 (Mongolia), 1138 (Hungary), 1139 (Bulgaria), 1140 (Federa­ WIRJOPRANOTO, SUKARDJO (Indonesia) tion of Malaya), 1141 (Romania), 1142 (China), - - tribute to 1144 (Byelorussian SSR).1145 (Cuba) In Plenary: Meeting 1157 In 1st CUee: Meeting 1254 I In 2nd CUee: Meetings 814,815 .. ~ VIRGIN ISLANDS (BRITISH) (agenda item 4l:)) In 5th Cttee: Meeting 928 Documents . I Secretary-General. Summary of information for 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5080 WOMEN ! & Add. 14 See also Human rights: covenants (draft): civil and \;I political: Art. 3 [Equal rights for men and women] -- advancement in developing countries (agenda item 12) I] VIRGIN ISLANDS (USA) (agenda item 49) Documents Documents Afghanistan. Draft resolution [concerning a long­ [1 Secretary-General. Summary of information for term United Nations programme]. A/C. 3/ ! :1 1960 tran.smitted by USA. A/5080 L. 996 & Add. 1 (adds Denmark, Guatemala, [J 102 I rJ ,I U I '-'----r'._'-~'- ~-_.~.- ~~..:...... -:..-- - i C. SUBJECT INDEX (17th session)

WOMEN (continued) WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: See United Nations: -- advancement in developing countries (continued) budget, 1963: reimbursement tOWHO of its invest­ Documen.s (continued) ments in the Palais des Nations, Geneva Guinea Libya and Mali as co-sponsorsl, Add. l/Corr. 1 (deletes Denmark and adds Dominican Republic as eo-sponsor), Add.2 (adds Madagascar as eo-sponsor), Rev. 1 & Rev. l/Add. 1 (contains statement of financial implications), Rev. 1/Add. 2 (adds Mauritania and Togo as eo-sponsors), Rev. 1/Add. 3 (adds Tanganyika as cc-sponsor) YEAR FOR INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION (proposed): ESC. Report, 1961/1962, chap. IX, part B, seer, IX. See United Nations Year for International cc-operanon., A/5203 (GAOR, 17th sess, , suppl. no. 3) 1965 (proposed) Secretary-General. Statement of financial impli­ cations (of draft resolution in A/C. 3/L. 996/ Rev. 1). A/C. 3/L. 996/~ev. 1/Add. 1 YOUTH Discussion in 3rd Cttee: Meetings 1155-1160,1162­ -- measures designed to promote the ideals of peace, 1165 mutual respect and understanding between peoples: Report. A/5314 & Corr.1 (Russian only) See Peaceful relations among peoples: promotion Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1187,1193 (Chile) among youth . Draft resolution VI in A/5314 & Oorr , 1 (Russian I only) adopted (100-0-0) at 1187th meeting as resolution 1777 (XVU) -- political rights ESC resolution 120 A (VI) 1 Documents Secretary-General. Memorandum [on progress ZANZIBAR (agenda item 49) achieved in the field of the political rights by Documents women]. A/5153 Secretary-General. Summary of information for 1960 transmitted by United Kingdom. A/5078/ Add. 2 & 10 WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME (agenda items 12 and 34) -- independence (proposed) (agenda item 25) See also United Nations Development Decade, 1960-1970 See also Colonialism: elimination Documents Documents Australia, Cambodia, Canada, Ceylon, Chile, GA: Special Committee on the Situation with regard Ghana, India, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, to the Implementation of the Declaration on New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan and USA. the Granting of Independence to Colonial Coun­ Draft resolution A/C. 2/L. 659 & Add. 1- 5 tries and Peoples. Report, chap. VI. A/5238 (adds Belgium, Central African Republic, GA: Special Committee on the Situation with regard France, Iran and Liberia as co-sponsors) to the Implementation of the Declaration on ESC. Report, 1961/1962, chap. nI, sect. VIll. the Granting of Independence to Colonial Coun­ A/5203 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no.B) tries and Peoples. Resolutions submitted in Discussion in 2nd Cttee: Meetings 802,803,806,810, its report (A/5238). A/L.413 812,855,856,860 Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1151,1168-1178,1180, Report. A/5344 & Add. 1, & Add. 1/Corr. 1 1181,1195 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1197 Draft resolution in A/L. 413, p.4 [on Zanzibar] Draft resolution VU (in A/5344) adopted (80-0-9) as adopted (84-0-4) at 1195th meeting as reso­ resolution 1825 (XVU) lution 1811 (XVII)

103 ------SEVENTEENTH SESSION------D. Index to Speeches

ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATl VE AND AFGHANISTAN (continued) BUDGETARY QUESTIONS: CHAIRMAN (Aglmides) Narcotic drugs: control m:1155 Angola situation V:982 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:801, 834, 835, Atomic weapons: tests: suspension V:940 8~2,846,850,851,854,855,859,860 Colonialism: elimination V:974 Newly independent States: assistance Plen:1127 Economic development: & population growth V:978 Oman question Pol:355 GA: rules of procedure: rule 154 V:920 Palestine ~efugees: assistance Pol:361, 375, 376 International trade: conference (proposed) V:966 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:762, Palestine refugees: assistance V:982 769,772-774 South West Africa: international status V:966 Radiation: effects Pol:345 Territories under Portuguese administration: status V:975 Refugees m:1188 UN: Secretariat: staff: budget, 1962: supplementary approprtations V:915, 934, fixed-term appointments V:956 935,937,978 geographical distribution V:956 budget,1963 V:917*, 918,923, 932-934,947,970, 980 S-G: appointment Plen:1182 peace and security operations: financing V:973 Social services m:1157 UNEF: budget, 1963 Y:982 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:334 UN Operation in the Congo: financing V:982 South West Africa: international status IV:1386,1388 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1362 *also issued separately as doe, A/C. 5/926 Special Fund: operations Plen:1127 / Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances AFGHANISTAN Plen:1127 Technical co-operation 11:801 Africa: education II:871, 872 Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1407 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) m:1195 UN: Atomic weapons: budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:937 prohibition: conference (proposed) 1:1287 budget, 1963 V:923, 927,942,974,980 tests: suspension Plen:1127j 1:1251, 1263 economic and social activities: decentralization 11:801, Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 II:801, 852,853 . 829-831 Members: admission Plen:1146 China: representation in UN Plen: 1127, 1156 peace and security operations: financing Plen:1199j V:973 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1194 UN Capital Development Fund Plen:1127j II:801, 860 Commodity problems Plen:1127j II:865 UNICEF m:1155, 1157 Community development m:1155 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1127j 1I:801j Congo situation Plen:1127 m:1157 Disarmament Plen:1127j 1:1277 UNHCR: continuation Ill:1188 ESC: report, 1961/1962 II:801j m:1155 Venezuela: & British Guiana: boundaries Pol:349 Economic and social development m:1155 West New Guinea (West Irian): Indonesia/Netherlands Economic development II:801 Agreement, 1962 Plen:1127 & population growth II:875 Women: advancment in developing countries m:1155,1157, 1160,1162,1164 ...•1I GA:Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 ~ f!I...••...'.•.••:...... participation of Korea (Rep.)(DPR) 1:12991:1299 AFGHANISTAN: RE PRESENTATIVES Housing and urban development m:1155 ·.1 Human rights m:1155 Farhadi Plen:1190j 11:801,829-831,834,835,842,846, ;: advisory services m:1155, 1157 850-855,857,859,860,865,871,872,875, 876j m:1157, covenants (draft) m:1206 1160,1162,1164 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 . m:1164 Ghaus m:1143,1188,1195,1206 .'i Industrial development II:857 Hasrat Plen:1199j V. 923, 927, 937, 942, Q56, 973, 974,980 ! International trade II:801 Mehr Ill: 1155 Nairn Plen:1l27 ·· •• ·.·1.:.'...·.. conference (proposed) Plen:11191D.;711:801 \t.. Investments, International Plen: .. Pazhwak Plen:1146, 1156, 1182, 1194, 1202j 1:1251,1263,1277, (;'. Iran: earthquake, 1962 m:1138 1287,1299,1306; m:1138 f'; Korean question 1:1306 Tabibi Pol:334, 345. 349, 355, 361, 375, 376j VI:762,769, r'j Land-locked States: & international trade Plen:1127 772-774 it Libya: assistance II:876 t:~ Zikria IV:1362, 1386*, 1388, 1407 Marr-iage: minimum age, consent and regietration m:1143 *also issued separately as doe. A/C. 4/578

I;! 104 L.:..l r}l t··~ 11 t:::::;1.-·"'· 11'''- : I D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) ALBANIA ALGERIA (continued) Angola situation Plen:1187 Burundi: assistance II:877 Atomic weapons: tcsts: suspeoatcn Plen:1l36j 1:1256 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:830 Berlin situation Plen:1136 China: representation in UN Plen:1151,1159 Camboditl: neutrality: declaration (proposed) Plen: 1136 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1l51,l172 China: representation in UN Plen:1136, 1160 Congo situation Plen:1151 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1136j 1174 Cuban situation Plen:1151 Congo situation Plen:1136 Disarmament Plen:1151j 1:1280 Cuban situation Plen:1136 economic and social consequences II:862 Disarmament Plen::i.l36j 1:1273 & economic and social development 11:862 ESC: report, 1961/1962 11:810j 1lI:1156 ESC: report, 1961/1962 1l:821 Economic and social development 1lI:1156 Economic development 11:821 Economic development 11:610 & population growth II:869 European Economic Community Plen:1l36 GA: Germany: peace treaty Plen:1l36 Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 Human rights III:1156 participation of Korea (DPR) 1:1299 Hungarian situation Plen:1136 participation of Korer..{Rep.) 1:1299 International trade 11:810 Human rights: covenants (draft) Ill:1204 conference (proposed) Plen:1136j 11:839 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen:1164 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) Industrial development II:844, 845,857 Plen:1136j 1:1303 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:742 Korean question 1:1303 International trade: conference (proposed) 11:840 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration 1lI:1142 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) NATO: & Warsaw Treaty Orgarnzatton: non-aggression treaty 1:1306 (proposed) Plen:1136 Korean question 1:1306 Nuclear-free zones: establishment (proposed) Plen:1136 Land reform 1l:864 Nuclear war: propaganda: condemnation Plen:11J6 Libya: assistance II:876 Oman question Pol:355 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty Plen:1193j 11:846, Outer space: peaceful UGt!S 1:1296 851,852,854,858,860 Refugees 1lI:1191 Oman question Plen:1151j Pol:356 S-G: appointment Plen:1182 Palestine question Plea:1151 Social services 1lI:1156 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:370 j 372, 374 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:335 Peaceful relations among peoples: promotion among youth South West Africa: international status IV:1380, 1389 1lI:1210 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1333,1359 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:761 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, IV:1392,1304,1405 prevention of III:1169 UN: Refugees Ill:1186 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:916 Rwanda: assistance II:877 budget, 1963 V:931 Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation executive body (proposed) Plen:1136 III:1208 Members: admission Plen:1147,1158 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1151, 1164j peace and security operations: financing Plen:1136j V:968 Pol:339 UNICEF 1lI:1156 South West Africa: international status IV:1370, 1372, 1374, UN Development Decade, 1960..,1970 11:810 1386 Viet-Nam Plen:1136 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1366 Special Fund: operations Plen:1151 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances ALBANIA: REPRESENTA1'IVES Plen:1151 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Agolli II:810, 839 IV:1397,1400,1408,1427 Andoni Pol:355j V:916 UN: Budo Plen:1147,1160,1174,1182j 1:1256,1273,1296,1303 budget, 1963 V:939, 942, 948 Como V:931, 968 finances: bonds V:979 Dedei m:1142, 1156,1191 peace and security operations: financing V:971-973 Lamani Plen:1158, 1187j Pol.:335j IV:1333, 1380, 1389, 1392, UNHCR: continuation Ill:1186 1394,1405 UN Training and Research Institute: establishment II:861 Misha IY~1359 World Food Programme II:860 Shtylla Plen:1136 ALGERIA ALGERIA: PRIME MINISTER(Ben Bella, Ahmed) ·1:,.1 Africa: education 11:871 Address Plen:1147 Angola situation Plen:1184 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) 1lI:1196,1198-1200 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension 1:1263,1264 !.~ Berlin situation Plen:1151

105 .:1 D, INDEX TO SPE:ECHES (17th session) ALGERIA: REPRESENTATIVES ARGENTINA (continued) Ben Mebarek m:1169, 1196,1198-1200,1204,1208,1210 Racial, national and religious tntolerance: manifestations, Boudjakdji V:939, 942, 948, 971-973, 979 prevention of m:1166,1173 Brahimi W:1397 Radiation: effects Pol:343 Chandel'li Plen:1164, 1172,1184, 1202: Pol:372j 1:1263, Socretariat: staff: 1264,1280,1299, 1306j 1II:1l86 ttxed-term appointments V:950 Guellal IV:1336, 1370,1372,1374,1386 geographical dtstrtbutton V:950 Hacene IV:1400, 1408,1427 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1l49 KheUadi VI:742, 761 self-determiniltion of peoples Plen:1149 Khemisti Plen:1151, 1159 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:335, 342 Sahnoun Pol:339, 356, ~70, 374 South West Africa: international status IV:1370, 1378 Yaker Plen:1193j 1I:821,8:iO,840,844-846,851, 852,854, Southern Rhodesia: selt-government IV:1368 857,858,860-862,864,869,871,876,877 Spanish Guinea: self-government or independence IV:1420 Trust Territories: fellowships and scholarships IV:1431 UN: ARGENTINA budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:916.934, 937 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) m:1l93, 1198-1200 budget, 1963 'V:918, 919, 921, 923, 925, 939, 943, 947, 960, Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1149j 1:1256,1263 980 Berlin situation Plen:1l49 economic and social activities: decentralization II:853 Cairo Declaration of Doveloping Countries, 1962 1I:803, executive body (proposed) Plen:1149 830,831 finances: contributions V:977 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1l49,1174j V:974 peace and security operations: financing V:964 Commodity problems 1I:803,865 UN Capital Development Fund 1I:803,860 Consular relations VI:772, 775 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 II:803 Co-ordination among UN and specialized agencies: UNEI>': budget, 1963 V:982 programme of meetings V:966 UN International School V:960 Disarmament Plen:114llj 1:1281j V:952 UN Operation in the Congo: financing V:982 economic and social consequences 1I:803 Disputes, Pacific settlement of Plen:1149 ESC: ARGENTINA: REPRESENTATIVES members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1149 report, 1961/1962 1I:803j m:1154 Barboza iII:1148, 1163, 1204 Economic and social development 1II:1154 Bernardo Plen:1197j II:803, 826, 865, 866, 868, 874, 875 Economic development: & population growth Plen:1197j Garcra del Solar Plen:1191j Pol:335, 342, 343, 357,374,376 rr:866,868,874,875 Pico m:1139, 1143, 1145,1146,1154,1166,1173,1184,1193, European Economic Community Plen: 1149j 1I:826 1198-1200, 1203 Falkland Islands Plen:1l49j IV:1414 Quijano V:916, 918, 919,921, 923,925,934,937, 947,950,952, Falkland Islands Dependencies IV:1414 960,964,966,974,980,982 GA: Raimondi II:844,860 Cttee on Information from NSGT: continuation (proposed) Ros Plen.:1174j IV:1368, 1370, 1378, 1413, 1414, 1420, 1421, IV:1421 1431 rules of procedure: rule 154 V:916 Ruda VI:744,758,771,772,775 Housing and urban development 1II:1154 Sanchis Muiioz V:939, 943, 977 Human rights 1II:1154,1163 Santos Muiioz Plen:1149j 1:1256,1263, 1281, 1298 advisory services Ill:1154,1163 Urtubey II:830, 831, 853,859 covenants (draft) Ill:1184, 1203, 1204 Declaration: anntversary, 15th, 1963 1II:1154,1163 Indians and Indo-Paktstants in South Africa Pol:335,342 AUSTRALIA Industrial development 1I:803,844 Information media Ill: 1163 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1132j 1:1248,1260, ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:744 1266 International trade II:803 Berlin situation Plen:1132 conference (proposed) Plen:1149j II:803, 826 Burundi: assistance V:981 Investments, International II:803 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 II:805,830 Iran: earthquake, 1962 m:1139 Cambodia: Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration III:1143, & Thailand Plen:1132 1145, 1146, 1148 & Viet-Nam Plen:1132 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 1I:803, 859 China: representation in UN Plen:1159 NSGT: information to UN IV: 1413, 1421 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1132,1173 educational, economic and social IV:1421 Commodity problems Plen:1132: 1I:805, 846 political and constitutional IV:1421 Congo situation Plen:1132 Oman question Plen:1191j Pol:357 Co-ordination among UN and specialized agencies: Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1298 administrative and budgetary questions V:978 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:374,376 programme of meetings V:965 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:758,771

106 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) AUSTRALIA (continued) AUSTRALIA (continued)

Disarmament Plen:1132j 1:1268 UN: economic and social consequences 11:843 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:915,935, & economic and SOCial development 11:843 952 ESC: report, 1961/1962 1I:805j m:1157 budget, 1963 V:920, 924,926,931,938,940,944,945,960, European Economic Community Plen:1132 970 Federation of Malaysia (proposed) Plen:1132 economtc and social activities: decentralization lI:fl54 GA: finances: agenda Bur:148 accounts, 1961 V:915 Cttee on Information from NSGT: report IV:1420 bonds Plen:1132 hearings: Territories under Portuguese administration & NSGT: information about UN IV:1424 !V:1428 peace and security operations: financing PIer.: 1132j procedure Plen:1132 V:96'?,972 Human rights 1II:1157 UN Capital Development Fund 11:861 advisory services ;TI:1157 UN Conference on the Application of Science and Technology 14, covenants (draft) U:1205 for the Benefit of Less Developed Areas, Geneva, 1963 Hungarian situation Pol:376 Plen:1132 o, Industrial development 11:834,856 UN Development Decade, 1960~1970 Plen:1132j 1I:805j IAEA: report, 1961/1962 Plen:1179 III:1157 3 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:740, 747-749 UNEF: budget, 1963 V:982 International trade 11:805 UNHCR: conference (proposed) 11:805,824,839 continuation 1II:1188 Iran: earthquake, 1962 III:1138 finances: contributions WA:1 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) UN International School V:960 1:1302 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:749 Korean question Bur:148j 1:1302 UN Operation in the Congo: financing V:982 Land reform 11:81;),1 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 Laos question Plen:1132 Viet-Nam Plen:1132 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration West New Guinea (West Irian): Indonesia/Netherlands Plen:1167;11I:1142,1143,1148 Agreement, 1962 Plen:1127 Narcotic drugs: control II1:1157 Women: advancement in developing countries 111:1164 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:854,859 World Food Programme 11:805,860 Nature: protection 11:867 New Guinea Plen:1132 76 NSGT: AUSTRALIA: REPRESENTATIVES 3, fellowships and scholarships IV:1424 information to UN: political and constitutional IV:1424 Bailey 1:1298; V:967,972; VI:740, 747-749, 758, 777 52, racial discrimination IV:1424 Barwick Plen:1127, 1132 Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1290,1298 Curtis V:915, 920,924, 931,935, 940,944,945,950,952,959, Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:373 960,965,970,978,981,982 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:758, Davis 11:805,824,830,834,839,843,854,856,859,861,864, 777 867 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, Dittmer 1II:1157j WA:l prevention of Ill:1170, 1171 Hood Pol:340, 344, 373, 376 Radiation: effects Pol:344 Mclntyre IV:1337,1339, 1343,1354, 1368, 1387, 1396,1416, Refugees 1II:1188 1419,1420,1424,1426 (Also issued separately as Rwanda: assistance V:981 document A/C. 4/596), 1428,1431 Secretariat: staff: Moffat V:926, 938 fixed-term appointments V:950, 959 Parsons 11:846,860 geographical distribution V:950, 959 Plimsoll Plen:1159, 1173, 1179, 1182; Bur:148; 1:1248,1260, 0, S-G: appointment Plen:1132, 1182 1266,1268,1290,1302 Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation Warren III:1142, 1148, 1188 III:1208 White Plen:1167; III:1138, 1143, 1164, 1170,1171,1205,1208; Social services Ill:1l57 WA:2 30 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:340 South West Africa: fellowships and scholarships IV:1387,13g6 AUSTRIA international status IV:1387 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1337, 1339, 1343, Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) III:1201 1354,1368 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension 1:1247,1260 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Bolzano (Bozen) Province: implementation of Par-is IV:1416,1419 Agreement, 1946 Plen:1131 Trusteeship Council: report, 1961/1962 IV:1426,1431 Consular relations VI:773, 775

107 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th sossion) AUSTRIA (continued) BELGIUM Disarmament 1:1279 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) m:1l94,1196, ESC: 1198,1200 members: election Plen:1131 BerUn situation Plen:1138 report, 1961/1962 Il:810; m:1166 DU1'undi: assistance II:816, 876, 877 Economic and social development m:1156 can-e Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:831, Economic development Il:810 832 regional Integration Plen:1131 ColoniaUsm: elimination Plen:1138 GA: procedure Plen:1l31 Commodity problems 11:816,849 Human l'lghts m:1156 Congo situation Plen:1138 advisory services III:1156 Consular relations VI:775 • covenants (draft) III:1178, 1181, 1184, 1205 ESC: r~pol't, 1961/1962 II:81S; m:1154 Industrial development 11:834 Economic and social development m: 1154 IAEA: report, 1961/1962 Plen:1179 Economic development II:816 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:735, 743, 747,748 European Economic Community Plen:1l38j II:826,827 International trade 11:810 GA: agenda Bur:148 conference (proposed) II:810,836,840 Human rights m:1154 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration III:1147 advtsory services III:1154, 1165 Oman question Plen:1191 covenants (draft) m:1182, 1202-1204, 1207 Outer "pace: peaceful uses Plen:1l31j 1:1289 Industrial development II:83'.t,857 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:766, ILC: report, 14th sess, VI:743 771,777 International trade 11:816 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, conference (proposed) Bur:148j II:816, 826,827,838 prevention of m:1173 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) Refugees III:1l86 Bur:149 Secretariat: staff: geographical distribution V:956 Korean question Bur:149 S-G: appointment Plen:1131 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration III:lJ.42, South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:340 1148 Special Fund: operations Plen:1131j Il:810 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:846 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances Outer space: peacef.ul uses 1:1296 Plen:1l31; 11:810 Peaceful relations among States: & tnternational law 1 UN: VI:766, '171,772,774 budget,1963 V:923,924 Radiation: effects Pol:346 finances: bonds Plen:1131 Refugees III:1188 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1131; II:810j Rwanda: assistance II:816, 876, 877 ID:1156 Secretariat: staff: UNHCR: fixed-term appointments V:957 continuation III:1186 geographical distribution V:957 finances: contributions WA:1 Special Fund: operations 11:873 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:749 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 11:873 Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1419 UN: AUSTRIA: REPRESENTATIVES budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:934,935 Members: admission Plen:1122 Buresch Pol:340 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 11:816; ID:1154 Czernetz Plen:1179 UNHCR: Gudenus Plen:1191;WA:l continuation Ill: 1188 Herndl III:1186, 1201, 1205; VI:766 finances: contributions WA: 1 Kirchschlaeger VI:771, 773, 775, 777 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:776 Kreisky Plen: 1131 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 Marschik V:956 Women: advancement in developing countries III:1165 Matsch 1:1247, 1260, 1279, 1289 Wo.rld Food Programme II:816 Verosta VI:735, 743, 747, 748, 749 Weidinger II:810, 834, 836, 840; WA:2 Willgratner III:1147, 1156, 1173,1178,1181,1184 BELGIUM: REPRESENTATIVES Wolte V:923, 924 Bal VI:743, 766 Bracops II:816 BASUTOLAND CONGRESS PARTY Ciselet Ill: 1142, 1148,1154, 1165 . Cochaux VI:771, 772,774,775,776; WA:2 Basutoland: self-government or independence IV:1411,1412 Cools IV:1419 Cooreman II:832 Dewulf II:838 BASUTOLAND CONGRESS PARTY: REPRESENTATIVES Forthomme I:1296; 11:876,877 Goris III:1204, 1207 Chakela, K, S. IV:1411 Lor idan PIen: 1122j Bur:148, 149 Kolisang, G. M. IV:1411, 1412

108 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) BELGIUM: REPRESENTATIVES (continued) BRAZIL Moreau de Melen Pol:346 Angola sttuatton Plen:1196 Spank Plen:1138 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) ill:1193 Troclet m:1182, 1188, 1194,1196,1198,1200,1202,1203 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen: 1125j I:1247,1262 1\lrine V:934, 935,957 catro Declaration of Developing Counn-Ies, 1962 31, Van Belllnghen WA:1 n:812, 822,830 Woulbroun n:8,26, 827,831,834,846,849,857,873 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1125, 1173 Commodity problems Plen:1125j II:865 BOARD or AUDITORS: CHAIRMAN (Gtltzen) Congo situation Plen:1125 Consular relations VI:7'i'5 UN: finances: accounts, 1961 V:915 Disarmament Plen: 1125j 1:1269,1306 " economic and social consequences Plen: 1125j II:849 & economic and social development 11:849 BOLIVIA ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1125 Angola situation Plen:1183, 1188, 1201 report; 1951/1962 II:812j III:1151, 1159 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) ill: 1198 Cairo Declaration of Developing countrtes, 1962 n:807, Economic and social development Ill:1151,1159 830 Economic development II:812, 861,865 Commodity problems Plen:1137j n:848 reglonal integration Plen: 1125 Disarmament Plen: 1137j 1:1275 GA: ESC: report, 1961/1962 II:807 Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1201 Economic development II:807 procedure Plen:1125 GA: rules of procedure: rule 154 V:916 ised) Cttee on Information from NSGT: members: election Hammarskjold, Dag H. A. C.: tribute to Plen:1125 IV:1425 Housing and urban development m:1151, 1159 Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 Human rights: 11.42, Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen:1165j advisory services 1II:1159 Pol:332 covenants (draft) ill:1174, 1184, 1204 ILC: report, 14th sess, VI:740, 746 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 Ill:1159 International trade: conference (proposed) II:807 Indians and Indo-Pakistants in South Africa PI en:1165; Pol:330 Land-locked States: & international trade Plen:1137 Land reform II:862, 864 Industrial development Plen: 1125j II:834 Information media III:1159 Marriage: minimum ago, consent and registration II1:1147 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:807, 848 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:737 International trade II:812 Peaceful relations among States: & international law conference (proposed) Plen:1125; II:812, 822 828 835 VI:764,777 838,839 ',, Public administration: technical assistance 11:876 L.', Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration Plen:1166 prevention of ill: 1167 Narcotic drugs: control I1I:1151, 1159 Radiation: effects Pol:346 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:842, 852,859 Refugees III:1191 Nuclear-free zones: establishment (proposed) Plen:1125 r:1419 Self-determination of peoples Plen:1137 Outer space: peaceful uses Plen:1125j 1:1296 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1l65j Pol:332 Peaceful relations among States: & international law 135 Territories under Portuguese administration: status VI:756, 771, 772,777 IV:1392, 1396, 1399, 1406,1408, 1415,1427 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations TC: report, 1961/1962 IV:1426, 1431 prevention of ill: 1165 ' UN: Radiation: effects Pol:345 budget, 1963 V:939, 942,945,948 Refugees III: 1188 peace and security operations: financing V:964 Secretariat: UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1137j II:807 Staff: UNEF: budget, 1963 V:982 fixed-term appointments V:956 UNHCR: continuation III:1191 geographical distribution V:954,956 UN Operation in the Congo: financing V:982 S-G: appointment Plen:1125 " SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1125 Self-determination of peoples Plen:1125 BOLIVIA: REPRESENTATIVES Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation III:1151 Anez VI:740, 746, 764 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1165; Pol:330 Caballero Plen:1202j 1:1275 South West Africa: international status IV:1370, 1375 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1341 1345 1355 Dlez de Medina II:876; V:939, 942,945,948,964,982 1366-1368 ',, Fellman Velarde Plen: 1137 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Mendoza L6pez Ill:1147, 1167, 1191, 1198 IV:1416, 1417 Mollinedo Plen:1l65; Pol:332, 346 TC: report, 1961/1962 W:1426, 1428 Salamanca Plen:1183,1188,1201j IV:1343,1392,1396,1399*, 1406,1408,1415,1425-1427,1431; VI:777 Velarde Dorado II:807, 830, 848, 862, 864 * also issued separately as A/C. 4/589


.....I -' .. , D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) BRAZIL (continued) BULGARIA (continued)

UN: Indians and Indo-Paktstauts in South Africa Pol:338 budget, 1962: s,lpplemcntnl'y appropriations V:916,936 Information media III:1163 budget, 1963 V:919, 923,929,943-945,948,954 Iuternattona; trade II:823 Charter: General Conference under Art. 109 Plen:1!25 conference (proposed) Plen:1139, 1189j U:82S, economic and social activities: decentralization U:846 836-836,840 Members: admission Plen:1146 Iran: earthquake, 1962 m:1138 peace and security operations: financing V:963, 971,980 KOl'ea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) & Trust Territories: information about UN IV:1426 1:1304 UNICEF 1lI:1160 Korean question 1:1304 finances: accounts, 1961 V:915 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1125i II1:1151, m:1141, 1142 1 1160 Narcotic drugs: control III:1163 I UNHCR: continuation IIl:1188 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty Flen:1193j UN Operation in the Congo: financing V:983 II:848, 851,854,856,857,859 1 UN Training and Research Institute: estnblishment II:861 NSGT: racial dtscrtmtnattou IV:1423 Women: advancement in developing countries IIT:1159 Nuclear-free zones: establishment (proposed) Plen:1139 I\ Nuclear war: propaganda: condemnation Plen:1139 I r Oman question Pol:356 I BRAZIL: REPRESENTATIVES Outer space: peaceful uses I: 1296 \ Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:369 ;~ \ Albuquerque Melo Plen:1166; I1I:1159, 1165,1174,1184, Peaceful relations among peoples: promotion among youth ,~ 1193,1204 m: 1154 Almeida 11:812,822,828,835,838,839,849,861,865; 111:"160 Peaceful relations among States: & international law ,l Amado VI:737, 756,771,772,775,777 VI:766 Ij 'j Araujo Castro I: 1247 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, Assumpcao de Araujo Pol:345 prevention of 1lI:1170 Azambuja IV:1428 Refugees 1lI:1191 Chermont Plen:1146, 1201j Pol:330 Secretariat: staff: geographical distribution V: 959 I Houaiss Plen: 1196; IV:1341, 1345,1355,1366-1368, South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1164j Pol:338 j 1370,1375,1416,1417,1426 South West Africa: international status IV:1389 Mariz III:1151,1188 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1334, 1340, 1350, r Melo Franco Plen:1125, 1173j I: 1262, 1269 1363,1366 Rouanet 11: 834,842, 852,859 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Silos Plen: 1165; 1:1296,1306 IV:1394,1396-1398,1402,1404,1407, 1408, 1415, 1418 ,I Silveira da Mota V:915,916, 919,923,929,936,943-945, UN: t.~ 948,954,956,963,971,980,983 budget, 1963 V:931, 938,948 Verns II:830, 846 executive body (proposed) Plen: 1139 finances: :"'1 bonds V:979 'I BULGARIA contributions V:977 Members: admission Plen:1122 Angola situation Plen:1186 peace and security operations: financing V:972 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) ill: 1195, 1200 UNICEF: &UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 III:1163 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1139; I:1249 Viet-Nam Plen:1139 Berlin situation Plen:1139 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:832 China: representation in UN Plen:1139,1160 BULGARIA: REPRESENTATIVES Colonialism: elimination Plen:1139,1.178 Commodity problems II:846,849 Bakhnev m:1138, 1141,1142,1154,1163,1170,1182, Cuban situation Plen:1139 1191, 1195, 1200 Disarmament Plen:1139; 1:1277,1281 Grinberg Plen:1186; IV:1334, 1340, 1350, 1363, 1366,1389, economic and social consequences 11:843; III:1154 1394,1396-1398,1402,1404,1407,1408,1415,1418,1423 & economic and social development 11:843; ill: 1154 Molerov V:931,938,948,959,972,977,979 ESC: report, 1961/1962 II:818j ill:1154 Serafimov 11:832,846,848,849,865,875 Economic development 11:818,865 Stamboliev Pol:338, 356, 369 & population growth 11:875 Tarabanov Plen:1122, 1139, 1160; 1:1249 regional integration Plen: 1139 Tchobanov Plen: 1178; I: 1277, 1281, 1296, 1299, 1304; European Economic Community Pleh: 1139; 11:827 11:818; VI:766 GA: Todorov Plen:1189, 1193; 11:823,827,836-838,840,843, participation of Korea (DPR) 1:1299 846,851,854,856,857,859 . participation of Korea (Rep.) I:1299 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1139 Housing and urban development I1I:1163 BUREAU OF SOCIAL AFFAffiS: DffiECTOR (Henderson) Human rights I1I:1154 advtsory services III: 1163 Community development III:1158 covenants (draft) I1I: 1182 UN Research Institute for Social Development: establishment Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 Ill: 1154, 1163 III: 1158

110 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) BURMA BURUNDI 8 Angola situation Plon:1183 Burundl: assistance II:876 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) ill:1198 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen:1163 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen: 1131j 1:1249,1263 UN: Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 II:831 budget, 1962: supplementary approprtattons V:936 China: representation in UN Plen:1131, 1157 Members: admission Plen:1123 reposed) Colonialism: elimination Plen:1131, 1170 Congo situation Plen:1l31 Consular relations VI:775 BURUNDI: REPRESENTATIVES • Disarmament Plen: 1131; I:1271 GA: Bubiriza Plen:1163j II:876 Cttee on Information from NSGT: continuation (proposed) Kisuk..urume V:936 93j IV:1421.1425 Nibumona Plen:1123 hearings: South West Africa IV:1330 Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 ::1139 Human rights: covenants (draft) ill:1202, 1204, 1205 BYELORUSSIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC Indians and Indo-Paktstanis in South Africa Plen: 1164 lLC: report, 14th sess. VI:736, 740,748 Angola situation Plen:1185 International trade: conference (proposed) II:823, 835 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1144j 1:1254 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration Berlin situation PIe n:1144 youth Ill:1145, 1146 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 1l:817 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty Plen:1193j Cancer: research Special meeting - 100ct 1962 II:850, 852,854,856,858, 859,864 China: representation in UN Plen:1144, 1161 NSGT: Colonialism: elimination Plen:1144, 1174 .ttons, information to UN IV:1421 Commodity problems n:817 political and constitutional IV:1421 Congo situation Plen:1144 transmission by Australia IV:1421 Cuban situation Plen:1144 transmission by New Zealand IV:1421 Disarmament Plen: 1144j 1:1278 Pol:338 transmission by Spain IV:1421 economic and social consequences 11:847; III:1152 transmission by United Kingdom IV:1421 & economic and social development Pien:1144; 11:847 1350, transmission by USA IV:1421 ESC: report, 1961/1962 1I:817j ill: 1152 racial discrimination IV:1423, 1424 Economic and social development Ill:1152 Peaceful relations among States: & international law Economic development 11:817 . 1418 VI:758, 768,777 GA: S-G: appointment Plen:1182 participation of Korea (DPR) 1:1299 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1164j Pol:333 participation of Korea (Rep.) 1:1299 South West Africa: international status IV:1369, 1373, 1377 Germar.y: peace treaty Plen:1144 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1335, 1342, 1350, Housing and urban development III:1152 1355,1356, 1365 Human rights: covenants (draft) m:1177,1180 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Industrial development 11:817,856 IV:1399 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:743 TC: report, 1961/1962 IV:H28 International trade n:817 1163 UN: conference (proposed) Plen:1144, 1189; 11:817,826, budget, 1963 V:919,927 836,840 Members: admission Plen::1146 Investments, International 11:817 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1131 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1131 Plen:1144j 1:1299, 1304 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:749,776 Korean question I:1299, 1304 • Land reform 11:817 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration 1389, BURMA: REPRESENTATIVES Ill:1141, 1144 1.8,1423 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:848 ," Barrington Plen:1l46, 1157,1182, 1202j 1:1249, 1263, 1271 Nuclear war: propaganda: condemnation Plen:1144 U Khin Maung Pyu Ill:1145, 1146, 1198, 1202, 1204, 1205 Oman question Pol:354 U Maung Plen:1193j 11:823,831,835,850,852,854,856, Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1297 858,859,864 Peaceful relations among States: & international law U Ohn Sein Plen: 1164j Pol:333 VI:761 U San Maung VI:736, 740, 748, 749, 758,768,775-777 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, :3, U Thi Han Plen:1131 prevention of ill:1173 U Tin Maung Plen:1170, 1183; IV:1330, 1335, 1342, 1350, Refugees 111:1191 1355,1356,1365,1369,1373,1377, 1399, 1421, Secretariat: staff: 1423-1425, 1428 fixed-term appointments V:957 on) U Tun Shein V:919,927 geographical distribution V:957


111 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session)

BYELORUSSIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC (continued) CAMBODIA (continued) 1 Social services m:1152 International trade 11:815 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1144; Pol:339 Investments, International II:815 South West Africa: international status IV:1382 Iran: earthquake, 1962 1II:1139 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1361 Land reform 11:864 Special Fund: operations 11:872, 873 Laos question Plen: 1134 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances Narcotic drugs: control III:1163 11 '172, 1173 NSGT: Technical co-operation 11:872 fellowships and scholarships IV:1422 Territories under Portuguese administration: status information to UN: political and constitutional Plen:1198; I IV:1401 IV:1122,1424 1 UN: Palestine refugees: assistance Pol :368 budget, 1963 V:930, 932, 938 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:771 I executive body (proposed) Plen: 1144 Refugees III:1188 finances: contributions V:977 Secretartat: staff: peace and security operations: financing V:968 fixed- term appointments V:9511 ~ UN Capital Development Fund 11:861 geographical distribution V:956 Viet-Nam Plen:1144 S-G: appointment 'Plen:1134, 1182 1 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1337,1361 ! Territories under Portuguese administration: status BYELORUSSIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC: REPRE­ IV:1405,1419 SENTATIV~S UN: budget, 1963 V:930 Astapenko Plen:1l85; 1:1304; Pol:354 Members: admission Plen:1147 Bronnikov 11:836,840,848,861,873 & NSGT: information about UN IV:1422 Galkin Pol:339 peace and security operations: financing V:967 Iljin Ill:1173 UNICEF: & UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 m:1163 Kiselev Plen:1144, 1161: 1:1254,1278,1297,1299: Special UNHCR: meeting - 10 Oct 1962 continuation 1II:1188 Kolbasin V:930,932,938,957,968 finances: contributions WA:1 Lysakovsky IV:1382 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 Paremsky Plen:1189: 11:817,826,847,856,872 Women: acvancernent in developing countries lII:1163 :1 Povetyev Vl:743 Sitnikov Vl:761 Skurko III:1141,1144,1152,1177,lJgO,1191 CAMBODIA: REPRESENTA TIVES Smirnov Plen:1174: IV:1361 Sokolov IV:1401 . Chhann Sokhum II:P15,864 Stelmashok V:977 Huot Sambath Plen.1134, 1139, 1143, 1147, 1161 Khin Chhe Vl:740, 748,771,773 Ky Beng Chhon I1I:1139, 1163, 1188: WA:1 CAMBODIA Measketh Caimerom Plen:1201; V:930, 956,967 Nong Kimny Plen:1182; 1:1275; Pol:332, 368 Algeria: independence Plen:1134 Sonn Voeunsai Plen:1177, 1183, 1194,1198; IV:1337, 1361 Angola situation Plen:1183 1367,1405,1419,1422,1424 Berlin situation Plen:1134 Thoutch Vutthi Pol:376; WA:2 Cambodia: neutrality: declaration (proposed) Plen:1134 & Thailand Plen:1134, 1139,1143 CAME ROON & Viet-Nam Plen:1134 China: representation in UN Plen:1134,1161 ,Africa: economic and political integration Plen:1140 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1177, 1194 Africa!'! and Malagasy Union Plen:1140 Congo situation Plen:1134 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen: 1140; 1:121)3 Consular relations VI:773 Berlin situation Plen:1l40 Disarmament 1:1275 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 II:832 ESC: report, 1961/1962 11:815 China: representation in UN Plen:1140 Economic development 11:815 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1l40, 1177, 1195 GA: Commodity problems Plen:1140 hearings: Southern Rhodesia IV:13'67 Disarmament Plen: 1140; 1:1281 Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1201 ESC: Housing and urban development Ill: 1163 members: incr-ease in number (proposed) Plen:1140 Human rights Ill: 1163 report, 1961/1962 II:B20 advisory services Ill:1163 Economic development 11:820 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 Ill:1163 regional integration Plen: 1140 Hungarian situation Pol:376 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Pol:332 Information media 111:1163 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:740, 748

112 ' D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session)


GA: Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen: 1130; 1:1247, Cttee on Information from NSGT: members: election 1261,1264 IV:1425 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1174; V:974 hearings: Southern Rhodesia IV:1367 Commodity problems II:846 participation of Korea (DPR) I:1299 Congo situation Plen:1130 participation of Korea (Rep.) I: 1299 Consular relations VI:771 procedure Plen:1140 Disarmament Plen:1130j 1:1270 Housing and urban development III:1l63 ESC: report, 1961/1962 II:812j III: 1158 Plen:1198j Human rights Ill:1163 Economic and social development III: 1158 covenants (draft) Ill:1l79 Economic development II:812 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 Ill:1163 GA: w VI:771 Indians and Indo-Paktstanis in South Africa Plen: 1164 hearings: Southern Rhodesia IV:1344 Information media Ill:1163 procedure Pi~n:1130 ILC: report, 14th sess, VI:740,747 Housing and urban development ITI:1158 Narcotic drugs: control Ill:1163 Human rights Ill:1160 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:859 covenants (draft) Ill:1185 NSGT: Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 III:1l58,1160 information to UN IV:1409,1424 IAEA: report, 1961/1962 Plen: 11':'9 IS educational, economic and social 1V:1424 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:737,747 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:767 International trade II:812 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, conference (proposed) Plen:1130, 1189; II:830, 839 prevention of ill: 1166 Laos question Plen: 1130 Refugees III:1188,1191 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration 111:1148 Secretariat: staff: Narcotic drugs: control III:1l58 fixed- term appointments V:954 Natural r esources: permanent sovereignty Plen:1193 IT:1163 geographical distribution Plen:1140; V:954 Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1290 S-G:. appointment Plen:1140 Peaceful r'elattons among States: & international law SC: members: VI:753, 768-770, 777 geographical distribution Plen:1140 Radiation: effects Pkr:1130; Pol:342, 346 increase in number (proposed) Plen:1140 Refugees III:1186 163 Self-determination of peoples Plen:1140 Secretariat: staff: South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1140,1164 Iixed-term appointments V:951 South West Africa: international status Plen:1140; IV:1370, geographical distribution V:951,959 1372, 1380 S-G: appointment Plen:1182 Southern Rhodesia: self- government IV:1333,1344-1346, Self-determination of peoples Plen:1130 1354, 1360, 1364 Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: tmplemontation Territories under Portuguese administration: status III: 1208 Plen:1140j IV:1400, 1403, 1408,1416,1418,1427 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:341 UN: South West Africa: international status IV:1387 budget, 1963 V:936, 942,948 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1340 Charter: General Conference under Art. 109 Plen:1140 Technical co-operation II:812 ,1361 finances: bonds Plen:1140 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Members: admission Plen:1122 IV:1392, 1400, 1404 peace and security operations: financing Plen:1140; UN: V:966 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:937 permanent force (proposed) Plen:1140 budget, 1963 V:918, 919,929,932,942,945,960 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1l40 finances: contributions V:975 UNEF: budget, 1963 V: 982 Members: admission Plen:1146 10 UNHCR: continuation III:1188 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1130, UN Operation in the Congo: financing V:982 1199; V:961, 971 33 West New Guinea (West Irtan): Indonesta/Nethevcrds UN Capital Development Fund II:860 Agreement, 1962 Plen:1140, 1155 UNICEF ITI:1158 ::832 Women: advancement in developing countries Ill:1163 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1130; 11:812,855 World Food Programme II:860 UNHCR: continuation III: 1186 finances: contributions WA:1 CAMEROON: REPRESENTATIVES UN International School V:960 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 140 Betayene Plen:1140 Bindzt Plen:1122, 1155, 1164,1177,1195; 1:1263,1281,1299; UN Research Institute for Social Development: establishment m:1158 IV:1424, 1425 UN year for international co-operation, 1965 (proposed) Djeengue Ndoumbe II:820, 832,859, 860 Plen:1198 Ebakisse I1I:1163, 1166, 1179, 1188,1191 World Food Programme II:812, 855 Lima V~ 936, 942, 948, 954, 966, 982 Ngando-Black IV:1333, 1344-1346, 1354,1360,1364,1367, 1370,1372,1380,1400,1403,1408,1409,1416,1418 Njo-Lea VI:740, 747,767 Owana IV:1427


Beesley VI:768 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 11:808 Blois Plen:118S, 1193j n:812, 830,839,846, 855 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 Brndy V:942,945,960,974 West New Guinea (West Irian): Indonesia/Netherlands Burns 1:1247, 1261,1264,1270 Agl'eement, 1962 Plen:1151 Delisle Plen:1146j IV:134~, 1344, 1387, 1392, 1400, 1404 Genser VI:737,747,753,769,770,777 Green Plen:1130 CEN'\RAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: REPRESENTATIVES Hacrtngton n:860 MncQuarl'ie Plen:1174j Pol:341, 342,346 Aguide Plen:1l98 Mal'sh 1II:1!.48. U58, 1160,1185, 1186, 1208; WA:l Awoyamo Plen:1189j 11:832, 848,850, 863j WA:2 Price 'Plen:1199j V:918,919, 929,032,937,951,959,961, Dejean Plen:1151j 1:1261,11:808 971,975 Gallln-Donathe Plen:1147, tlli8,l1G2,1167j Pol:336,365,374 Slcotte VI:771 Hetman llJ:1139,1169 Tremblay Plen:1l79,1l82,1198j I:1290j WA:2 Sato Plen:1l86j IV:1339, 1387, 1392, 1400,1410,1420

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CEYLON African and Malagasy Union Plen:1l51 Angola situation Plen:1184 Angola situation Plen:1l86 Atomic weapons: Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1151j .1:1261 prohibition: conference (proposed) 1:1288 Berlin situation Plen:1l51 tests: suspension Plen:1135j 1.1249 Cairo Declaration (If Developing Countr ies, 1962 11:832 Calro Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:802 China: representation in UN Plen:1151,1162 China: representation in UN Plen:1135, 1157,1159, 1160 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1151 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1135, 1174 Commodity problems Plen:1151 Commodity problems 11:865 Congo situation Plen:1l51 Disarmament Plen: 1135j I:1269 Disarmament Plen: 1151 economic and social consequences IT:848 economic and social consequences Plen: 1151; n:848; 863 & economic and social development Plen:1135j IT:848 & economic and social development 11:848, iH:13 ESC: report, 1961/1962 H:802j ill: 1157 ESC: Economic and social development Ill:1157 members: Economic development 11:802 geographical distribution Plen:1151 regional integration Plen: 1135 increase in number (proposed) Plen:1l51 European Economic Community Plen: 1135 report, 1961/1962 11:808 Housing and urban development III:1157 Economic development 11: 808 Human rights: Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen:1157 advisory services Ill:1157 Industrial development IT: 808 covenants (draft) ID: 1182 International trade 11:808 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Pol:332 conference (proposed) Plen: 1189 Industrial development 11:802- Iran: earthquake, 1962 m:1139 ILC: report, 14th sess, VI:735, 745 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty IT:850 International trade: conference (proposed) Plen:1135j 11:802 NSGT: Investments, international 11:802 information to UN IV:1410 Iran: earthquake, 1962 ill:1139 racial discrimination Plen:1198 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) Nuclear-free zones: establishment (proposed) Plen:1151 1:1306 Palestine question Plen:1151 Korean question 1:1306 Palestine refugees: assistance Plen:1151; Pol:365, 3'14 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:853 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, Outer space: peaceful uses I: 1296 prevention of I1I: 1169 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:763 SC: members: Racial, national and religious intolerance: mantrestattons, geographical distribution Plen:1151 prevention of Ill:1173 increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1151 Secretariat: staff: Self-determination of peoples Plen:1151 fixed-term appointments V:956 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1l51,1167; geographical distribution V,956 Pol:336 S-G: appointment Plen:1182 South West Africa: international status IV:138'1 Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation Southern Rhodesia: self- government IV:1339 I1I: 1208 Spain: flood, 1962 1II:1l39 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:332 Spanish Guinea: self-government or independence IV:1420 South West Africa: international status IV:1370, 1373, Territories under Portuguese administration: status 1379, 1384, 1389 Plen:1151j IV:1392, 1400 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen:1163j IV:1336, UN: 1340,1350,1355,1364 executive body (proposed) Plen: 1151 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Members: admission Plen:1147,1158 IV:1399, 1407, 1415 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1151 permanent force (proposed) Plen:1151

114 . D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) CEYLON(contlnued) CHILE (continued)

UN: Berlin situation Plen:1l35 Membel's: admission Plen:1l46 Cairo Declnratton of Developing Countries, 1962 Plen:1l35; peace and security operations: financing V:967 II:830 UN Capital Development Fund II:a02 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1135 UNICEF Ill:1157 Commodity problems Plen:1135 UN Development Decade, 1£160-1970 Plen:1l35; 11:802,856 Disarmament Plen:1135 UN International School V:960 economic and social consequences II:850j III:1156 UN juridlcl\l yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:749,'176 & economic and social development 11:850 WOl'ld Food Programme 11:856 ESC: report, 1961/1962 11:811; m:1156 .. Economic and social development m: 1156 Economic development II:811 CEYLON:REPRESENTATIVES &population growth Plen: 1!97 regional integration Plen:1135 Coomaraswamy Plen:1163, 1184; IV:1336, 1340,1343, 13EO, Human rights 111:'1156, 1159 1355,1364,1370,1373,1379,1384,1389,1399,1407,1415; advisory services I1I:1156 VI:735, 745,749,763,776 covenants (draft) Plen:1135; m:1172, 1175,1177,1178, Deranlyagala m:1139, 1157,1173,1182,1208 118~1182,1185,1202-1204,120~ 1207, 1209 d", Fonseka V:956, 960,967 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 III:1159, 1162 Jayakoddy 11:848,865 Information media Ill:1156, 1157, 1159, 1162 Malalasekera Plen:1135,1146,1157,1159, 1160, 1174, 1182j ILC: report, 14th sess. Vl:737, 744-746, 749 ~1249,1269,1288, 1~96,1306 International trade 11:811 Subasinghe Pol:332 conference (proposed) Plen:1135, 1190j 11:811 Tennekoon 11:802,853,856 Iran: earthquake, 1962 m:1139 Land-locked States: & international trade Plen:1l3'7 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration CHAD III:1140-1142,l144,1148 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:834, 835,842, Africa: education 11:872 846,850,854,855,857,858 Atomic weapons: tests. suspension 1:1281 Oman question Plen:1191; Pol:355 Burundt: assistance II:877 Peaceful relations among States: & international law Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:832 VI:754, 770, 772 Commodity problems 11:816,865 Racial, national and reltgtous intolerance: manifestations, Disarmament 1:1281 prevention of m: 1166, 1167,1171,1173 economic and social consequences 11:862 Radiation: effects Pol:343 & economic and social development 11:862 S-G: appointment Plen:1135 ESC: report, 1961/1962 11:816 Self-determination of peoples Plen:1135 Economic development II:816 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:331 & population growth II:875 South West Africa: International trade 11:816 fellowships and scholarships IV:1376 conference (proposed) 11:816 international status IV:1376 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:855, 858,859 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Rwanda: assistance 11: 877 IV:1417 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:329 UN: South West Africa: international status IV:1378 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:915, Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1339 934,936 Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1401 budget, 1963 V:919, 942,9/15-947,974,980 UN Training and Research Institute: establishment II:861 economic and social activities: decentralization 11:854, World Food Programme 11:860 856 peace and security operations: financing V:964 UN Capital Development Fund 11:861 CHAD: REPRESENTATIVES UNICEF: finances: accounts, 1961 V:915 ," UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1135; III:1156 Djanga IV:1339 UNEF: budget, 1963 V:982 Golsala 11:832,855,858-862,865,872,875,877 UN International School V:960 N'Garabaye IV:1378,1401 UN Operation in the Congo: financing V:982 Sow 1:1281j Pol:329j 11:816 UN Research Institute for Social Development: establishment III:1156

CHILE CHILE: REPRESENTATIVES Africa: education 11:871 Alliance for Progress Plen:1135 Agiiero IV:1414 Antarctica IV:1414 Allende V:934, 964, 974 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) ill:1195,1198, Bernstein Plen:1191j 1:1249j Pol:355j VI:737, 744,746, 1199,1201 748,754,770,772 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen: 1135; 1:1249 Cubillos Plen:1190, 1197; 11:830,850,854,856,861,871


I :~l,_ ,.. ',. ,,-. D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) CHILE: REPRESENTATIVES (continued) CHINA (continued)

Draz-Casanueva rn:1l39-1H2, 1144,1148, 11u6, 1159, 1162, Tel'ritol'ies under Portuguese administration: status 1166,1167,1171-1173,1175,1177,1178,1181,1182, IV:1417 1185,1198,1199,1201-1204,120~1207 Tibet question Plen:U42 Grez V:915,919, 936,942, 945-947,960,980, 982 TC: l'C.P01't, 1961/1962 IV:1431 Huidobro Pol:343j IV:1376, 1417 UN: Kracht m: 1157,1182,1195,1209 budget, 1962: supplell1entm'y approprfatlons V:938 Mal'trnez-Sotomuyor Plen:1135, 1137 budget, 1963 V:928, 932, 938,939,942,948 Schweitzer 11:834,835,842,846,850,854,855,857,858 executive body (proposed) Plen: 1142 Trucco ll:a11 peace and security operations: financing V:969,073 . Vasquez Pol:331 UNICEF m:1154 . UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1142j n:804j 1II:1154 CHILE: PRESIDENT (Alessandri Rodriguez, Jorge) UNHCR: ... continuation Ill:1187 Address Plen:1193 finances: contributions WA:l Viet-Nam Plen:1142 West New Guinea (West Irian): Indonesta/Netherlands CHINA Agreement, 1962 Plen:1l42 Africa: education n:871 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen: 1142j 1:1251 CHINA: REPRESENTATIVES Berlin situation Plen:1142 }j. Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 n:804, Chang 1:1273j Pol:368, 376 t. 832 Cheng 1II:1209j V:969, 973 , China: representation In UN Plen:1142, 1156, 1182j Bur: 148 Chow Plen:1187j 1II:1138, 1154, 1185,1187,1189 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1172 Hsu 1:1251j VI:740, 744, 763 Commodity problems 11:804 Hsueh Plen:1172j Bur:150j 1:1299, 1300 Cuban situation Plen:1142 Hu 11:871,875 Disarmament Plen: i142j 1:1273 Kiang IV:1337, 1341, 1343,1354,1355,1361,1386,1417,1431 ESC: report, 1961/1962 1I:804j m:1154 Liu, C. PI en:1129, 1142,1156,1202, 1162j Bur: 148 Economic and social development Ill:1154 Liu, T.C. V:928,932, 938,939,942,948 Economic development 11:804 Tchen Plen:1197j n:804, 832,838,859,864 & population growth Plen: 1197 Tsao V:952j WA:l GA: Wen Plen:1165j Pol:327 agenda Plen:1129j Bur:148 Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 participation of Korea (DPR) 1:1299 COLOMBIA participation of Korea (Rep. ) I:1299 Housing and urban development 1lI:1154 Alliance for Progress Plen:1l37 Human rights m:1154 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) III:1197, 1200 covenants (draft) m:1185, 1209 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension. 1:1263 Hungarian situation Pol:376 China: representation in UN Plen:1161 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen:1165 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1137, 1167, 1175 Industrial development 11:804 Commodity problems Plen:1137j 11:799,842,846,863,864 ILC: report, 14th sess, VI:740, 744 Consular relations VI:775 International trade 11:804 Disarmament 1:1280 conference (proposed) n:838 & economic and social development Bur: 150 Iran: earthquake, 1962 111:1138 Disputes, Pacific settlement of Plen:1137 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) ESC: report, 1961/1962 III:1158 1:1300 Economic and social development III:1158 Korean question Bur:148j 1:1300 Economic development II:799 Land reform 11:804, 864 & population growth 11:874 Laos question Plen: 1142 regional integration Plen: 1137 Narcotic drugs: control III:1154 Freedom of information: Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:859 convention (draft) III:1210 Nuclear war: propaganda: condemnation Bur:150 declaration (draft) III:1210 !~ Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:368 GA: agenda Bur: 148 , Peaceful relations among states: & international law VI:763 Housing and urban development m:1158 !; Refugees Plen:1142, 1187j m:1187, 1189 Human rights 1II:1158 ! \' Secretariat: staff: geographical distribution V:952 advisory services Ill: 1158 S-G: appointment Plen:1142 covenants (draft) 1II:1177, 1184,1204 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1165j Pol:327 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 1II:1164 I . South West Africa: international status IV:1386 Hungarian situation Pol:376 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1337, 1341, 1354, Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen: 1165 1355,1361 Industrial development II:799,856 Technical co-operation II:875 Information media XII: 1158

116 D, INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) COLOMBIA (continued) COMMITTEE FOR THE LIBERATION OF SAO TOME AND PRlNCIPE (Tl'avoada, Mlguel) ILC: report, 14th sess, VI:741 International trade n:799 Territories under Portuguese admtntstratton: status conference (proposed) BU1':148j n:799,837,839 IV:1404 1mn: earthquake, 1962 m:1138 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of Ioretgn troops (proposed) 1:1303 COMMITTEE ON CON'r~IBUTIONS: CHAIRMAN (Jha) Korean question Bur:148j 1:1303 Land reform n:864 UN: finances: contributions V:975, 977,982 Mal'riage: mtnimum age, consent and registration Ill:1147 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty Plen:1193 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:374 CONGO (BRAZZA VILLE) Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:761,770,772,773,777 Africa: economic and political integration Plen:1152 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, African and Malagasy Union Plen:1152 prevention of Ill:1169 Angola sttuation Plen:1196 Refugees Ul:1l88 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 II:832 Secretariat: staff: China: representation in UN Plen:1159 fixed-term appointments V,955 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1152, 1176 geographical distribution V:955,959 Congo situation Plen:1152 S-G: appointment Plen:1182 Disarmament Plen: 1152 Self-determination of peoples Plen:1137 economic and social consequences 1l:851 Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation & economic and social development Plen:1152j n:851 m:1208 Economic development: regional integration Plen:1152 South Africa: race problems: aparthetd Plen:1165; Pol:330, European Economic Community Plen: 1152; 1l:828 341 Human rights: covenants (draft) m:1177, 1178, 1180 South West Africa: international status IV:1376, 1383 International trade: conference (proposed) II:828 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1337,1362 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) Territories under Portuguese administratton: status I: 1302 IV:1406,1418,1419 Korean question 1:1302 UN: Natural resources: permanent sovereignty n:841 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:936,937 Newly independent States: assistance Plen:1152 budget, 1963 V:926, 927,929-933,938,939,943,946,080 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, Charter: General Conference under Art. 109 Plen:1137 prevention of ill:1167 finances: contributions V:977 Self-determination of peoples Plen:1152 peace and security operations: financing V:972 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1152 UN Capital Development Fund 11:799 South West Africa: intevnatlonal status IV:1375 UNICEF 1lI:1158 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1339, 1343, 1357 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 11:799 Territories under Portuguese administration: status UNHCR: continuation 111:1188 Plen:1152; IV:1392, 1397, 1416 UN International School V:960 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1152 UN Training and Research Institute: establishment 11:861 West New Guinea (West Irian): Indonesia/Netherlands Agreement, 1962 Plen:1152 COLOMBIA: REPRESENTATIVES CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE): REPRESENTATIVES Angarita n:856, 861,864 Arboleda V:926,927,929-933,936-939,943, 946,955, 959, Biyoudi IV:1339, 1343, 1357, 1375, 1392, 1397, 1416 960,972,977,980 Dadet Plen:1152, 1159, 1176, 1196; 1:1302 Bayona Plen:1167, 1175; IV:1337, 1362, 1376, 1383,1406, Moungala 111:1167,1177,1178,1180 1418,1419; VI:741 N'Koumbou 1l:828, 832,841,851 Clopatofsky Pol:376 Montalvo Plen:1137 Pantoja m:113B, 1147, 1164,1177,1184,1188,1197,1200, CONGO (LEOPOLDVILLE) 1204,1208,1210 J:'atino Plen:1193; Bur:148, 150; 11:799,837,839,842,846, Angola situation Plen: 1184, 1188 863, 864, 874 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension 1:1252,1265 Ponce de Le6n m:l:i.511 Burundi: assistance n:877 Vargas ID:1169 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 n:831 Vasquez Plcli:1161, 1165; Pol:330, 341, 374; VI:761, 770, Consular relations VI:775 772,773, 775,7'f7 Disarmament 1:1281 Zea Plen:1182; 13\11':148; 1:1263,1280, 1303 Human rights: covenants (draft) ID:1172, 1178-1181 Iran: earthquake, 1962 111:1138 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration COMMISSIONER FOR TECHNICALASSISTANCE (Hoo) Plen:1166 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:777 Technical assistance: UN programme 1l:870* Racial, national and religious intolerance:. manifestations, * also issued separately as doe. A/C, 2/L, 714 prevention of ID:1166, 1169


Rwanda: assistance 11:877 Bal'ish nI:1139 S-G: appointment Plen:1182 Gonzrtlez Guti~rl'e~ n:832,842; m:1167 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:334 Lal'8 Iraeta n:804, 823 ; South West Africa: tntemattonat status IV:1387 Oduber Plen:1144 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1336, 1347,1353, Oreamunc Plen:1164; Pol:342; V:966 1358,1364,1366 Redondo m:1182, 1192, 1194; V:980 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Volio Jimenez Plen:1161, 1176, 1202; m:1202 IV:1401 UN: Members: admission Plen:1122, 1158 CUBA peace and security operations: financing Plen:1199 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:776 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension 1:1257 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:830 China: representation in UN Plen:1161 CONGO (LEOPOLDVILLE): REPRESENTATIVES Colonialism: elimination Plen:1168 Cuban situation Plen:1125,1129 Alves Plen:1122 Disarmament 1:1278 Idzumbuir Plen:1l82,1199 economic and social consequences ll:862 Ipoto Plen: 1184, 1188; IV:1358, 1366, 1387 &Economic and social development 11:862; nI:1158 Kashale Plen: 1158; IV:1364 ESC: report, 1961/1962 11:820; m:1158 Lema IV:1336, 1347,1353,1401 Economic and social development Ill:1158 Mboyo 1:1252,1265,1281; I!I:1138 Economic development 11:820 Mutombo 11:831 GA: Members: representatives: credentials Plen: 1202 Ngyese Pol:334 Housing and urban development Ill: 1158 Sita Plen:1166; m:1166, 1169, 1172, 1178-1181 Human rights: Tshimbalanga n: 877; VI:775-777 covenants (draft) m:1185,1204 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 Ill:1158, 1164 Indians and lndo-Pakistanis in South Africa Pol:337 COSTA RICA International trade: conference (proposed) !I:839 Iran: earthquake, 1962 1lI:1139 Alliance for Progress Plen:1144 Land reform ll:864 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) m:1194 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration 1lI:1142 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen: 1144 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty ll:854 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 n:832 NSGT: China: representation in UN Plen:1161 indigenous cadres: preparation and training IV:1423 Colonialism: elimination 1'len:1144,1176 information to UN IV:1409, 1410, 1423 Commodity problems Plen:1144 educational, economic and social IV:1423 Disarmament Plen:1144 political and constitutional IV:1423 ESC: report, 1961/1962 11:804 racial discrimination IV:1423 Economic development ll: 804 Oman question Pol:351,356 GA: Members: representatives: credentials Plen: 1202 Peaceful relations among peoples: promotion among youth Human rights: covenant- [draft) m:1182, 1202 ill:1158, 1210 Indians and Indo-Paktstanis in South Africa Plen: 1164; Puerto Rico IV:1423 Pol:342 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, International trade: conference (proposed) 11:823 prevention of ill:1169 Iran: earthquake, 1962 m:1139 Radiation: effects Pol:346 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty ll:842 Refugees III:1191 Racial, nation. 1 and religious intolerance: manifestations, Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation prevention of Ill: 1167 Ill:1158 Refugees Ill:1192 Soulil Af~ica: race problems: apartheid Pol:337 S-G: appointment Plen:1144 South West Africa: international status IV:1385 Self-determination of peoples Plen:1144 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1341, 1366, 1368 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1164; Pol:342 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Spain: flood, 1962 1II:1139 IV:1392, 1398,1405 UN: UN: budget, 1963 V:980 budget, 1963 V:933 Charter: General Conference under Art. 109 Plen:1144 Members: admission Plen:i147 peace and security operations: financing V:966 UN Capital Development Fund 11:804 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1144



Alblzu Campos IV:1341, 1368, 1398, 1405,1423 Akynmac Pol:339; I1:817,857, 873 Gnrcrn-Inclutustegui Plen:1125, 1129, 1147,1161; 1:1257 Alexandrides V:~18,929 GrlnanNunez III:1139, 1142, 1158,1164,1169,1185,1191, Jacovides VI:741, 768 1204,1210 Moushoutas IV:1334, 1342, 1392, 1404, 1416 Junrbe y Junrbe Plen:1168; Pol:337,346, 351,356; IV:1366, Roussides Plen:1147, 1155, 1161,1181, 1182, 1187j 1:1259, 1392,1409,1410 1263,1264,1266,1278,1297; Pol:346, 372, 375, 376j Lechugn I: 1278 III:1207, 1209; IV:1407; V:972 MedinvUln Penn V:933 Primelles Xenen Plen: 1202; U:820, 830, 839, 854, 862, 864 .. Sil'gndo IV:1385 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Angola situation Plen:1185 CUBA: PRESIDENT (Dortic6s, 0,) Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) III:1194 .. Atomic weapons: prohibition: conference (proposed) 1:1288 Address Plen:1145 tests: suspension Plen:1129; 1:1248,1262 Berlin situation Plen:1129 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 II:826 CYPRUS China: representation in UN Plen:1129, 1158 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1129, 1171, 1177 Angola sttuatton Plen:1187 Commodity problems II:849 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen: 1155; 1:1259, Congo situation Plen:1129 1263,1264,1266 Consular relations VI:773,775 China: representation in UN Plen:1161 Council for Mutual Economic Assistance Plen:1129 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1155, 1181 Cuban situation Plen:1129 Commodity problems I1:817 Disarmament Plen:1129j 1:1273,1280 Congo situation Plen:1155 economic and social consequences I1:862j III:1155 Disarmament Plen: 1155; 1:1278 & economic and social development Plen:1129, 1135j ESC: II:841, 862 members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1155 ESC: report, 1961/1962 I1:818; Ill:1155 report, 1961/1962 I1:817 Economic and social development III:1l55 Economic development U:817 Economic development II:818 Human rights: covenants (draft) m:1207, 1209 regional integration Plen:1l29 ILC: report, 14th sess, VI:741 GA: International trade I1:817 agenda Plen:1135 conference (proposed) II:817 participation of Korea (DPR) 1:1299 Investments, International II:817 participation of Korea (Rep.) 1:1299 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:857 Germany: peace treaty Plen:1129 Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1297 Human rights Ill:1l55 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:372, 3'15,376 covenants (draft) III:1177,1185 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:768 Declaration: anntversas-y, 15th, 1963 III:1155 Radiation: effects Pol:346 Industrtal development II:844, 857, 858 S-G: appointment Plen:1182 !AEA: report, 1961/1962 Plen:1l79 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1155 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:739,748 Self-determination of peoples Plen:1155 International trade III:1155 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:339 conference (proposed) Plen:1129j II:826, 839 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1334,1342 Iran: earthquake, 1962 III:1139 Special Fund: operations II:817,873 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances Plen:1l29j 1:1303 II:817,873 Korean question 1:1303 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Marriage: minimum age, consent and regtstration Plen:1155; IV:1392, 1404,1407, 1416 Plen:1166j Ill:1142 .. , UN: Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:852 budget 1963 V:918,929 NSGT: fellowships and scholarships IV:1421 Members: admission Plen:1147 NATO: & Warsaw Treaty Organization: non-aggression peace and security operations: financing Plen:1155; treaty (proposed) Plen:1l29 V:972 Nuclear-free zones: establishment (proposed) Plen:1l29 permanent force (proposed) Plen:1155 Nuclear war: propaganda: condemnation Plen:1129 UN Capital Development Fund I1:817 Oman question Pol:354

119 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17Ul session) CZECHOSLOVAKIA (continued) DAHOMEY (continued) Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1294 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:372 Peaceful relations among peoples: promctton among youth Peacetul relattona among States: & international law m:1155,1210 VI:759 Peaceful relations among States: & international law southem Rhodesia: sell-government 1V:1332, 1.335, 1339, Plen:1l29j VI:753, 767, 777 1341,1346,1352,1353,1365,1366 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, Territories under Portuguese administration: status prevention of IU:1165 1V:1417 Radiation: effects Pol:344 West New Guinea (West Irian): Indonesia/Netherlands Refugees IU:1l91 Agreement, 1962 Plen:1127 secretartar: staff: fixed-term appointments V:950, 951, 954, 957 geographical distribution Plen:1129j V:950, 951, 954, 957 DAHOMEY: REPRESENTATIVES South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:341 South West Africa: international status 1V:1389 Eouagnignon IV:1332, 1335, 1339, 1341, 1343, 1346, 1352, Southern Rhodesia: sell-government 1V:1358 1353,1365,1366,1417,1424 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Ignacio-Pinto Pol:372 1V:1401 Laventure n:832,848 UN: Pessou m:1177j VI:759 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:917,931 Zollner Plen:1127,1l91j 1:1306 budget, 1963 Plen:1l74j V:918, 920, 921, 923, 924, 926, 932,933,939-941,943 executive body (proposed) Plen:1129 DENMARK finances: bonds V:979 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) 1lI:1200 contributions V:976, 978, 982, 983 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen: 1132j 1:1257 l. Members: admission Plen:1146 Berlin situation Plen:1132 peace and security operations: financing Plen:1129j China: representation in UN Plen:1132 V:965, 971., 980 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1l32, 1195 UN Capital Development Fund 11:861 Commodity problems 11:809 UNICEF IU:1155 Congo situation Plen:1132 Viet-Nam Plen:1129 Disarmament Plen: 1132; 1:1273 ESC: report, 1961/1952 11:809; m: 1152 Economic and social development 111:1152 CZECHOSLOVAK1A:REPRESENTATIVES Economic development 11:809 GA: hearings: Southern Rhodesta IV:1350 David Plen:1l29, 1135, 1146; 1:1248 Housing and urban development m:1152 Hajek Plen:1135, 1158, 1179; 1:1262,1273,1280,1288,1294, Human rights m:1162 1299,1303 advisory services 111:1152,1162 Handl III:1139, 1142, 1177,1210 covenants (draft) m:1178, 1183, 1204 Leflerova Plen:1166; III:1155, 1165, 1185, 1191, 1194 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 m:1162 Muzrk Plen:1174; 11:826; V:920, 923, 932, 940, 943, 951, 957 Hungarian situation Pol:376 Myslil V:917, 918, 921, 924, 926, 933,937,939,941,950,954, Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen: 1165; 971,978,980,982,983 Pol:336,342 Nenko Pol:344 Industrial development 11:809 Olsovsky 1V:1421 Information media 111:1162 Pavlik Plen:1177; Pol:341, 354 International trade 11:809 Pechota V:965, 976, 979; VI:739, 748, 753, 767, 775 conference (proposed) Plen:1132; 11:809,832,836,838, Potocny VI:773 839 Pudlak Plen:l171, 1185; 1V:1389 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration 111:1142, Riha VI:777 1144 Smfd 11:818,839,841,844,849,852,85'1,858,861,862 Oman question Pol:356 Vejvoda 1V:1358, 1401 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:364 Peaceful relations among peoples: promotion among youth m:1210 DAHOMEY Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:756 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:832 Radiation: effects Pol:343 '. Disarmament: Secretariat: staff: economic and social consequences 11:848 fixed-term appointments V:952 & economic and social development 11:848 geographical distribution V:952 Human rights: covenants (draft) Ill:1177 Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) m:1208 I:1306 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1132, 1165; Korean question 1:1306 Pol:336, 342 NSGT: ractal discrimination IV:1424 South West Africa: Oman question Plen:1191 fellowships and scholarships 1V:1385 international status IV:1373, 1385, 1388


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D. INDEX TO SPEECHES I (17th session) DENMARK (continued) '. ~- DEPARTMENT OF TRUS'l'EESHlP AND INFORMATION 1 '1 FROM NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES: Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1352 UNDER-SECRETARY (Protitch) I I Territories under Portuguese administration: status 39, N IV:1416,1418,1419 GA: hearings: South West Africa IV:1330 '! I U: NSGT: information to UN: political and constitutional ! budget, 1963 V:942, 943,945, 946, 962 IV:1424

I,' executive body (proposed) Plen: 1132 South West Africa: finances: bonds Plen:1l32j V:979 fellowships and scholarships IV:1372 & NSGT: information about UN IV:1424 international status IV:1369, 1372, 1376,1388 peace and security operations: financing Plen:1132, Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1330, 1348, 1367, 1199j V:961 1378 UNICEF: & UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 1II:1l62 Territories under Portuguese administration: status UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1l32j 11:858,860 IV:1399 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA:1 UN International School V:960 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 DIVISION OF NARCOTIC DRUGS: DmECTOR (Yates) UN Training and Research Institute: establishment 11:858, 861 Narcotic drugs: control 1lI:1l60 Women: advancement in developing countries 1II:1162 World Food Programme II:860 ·1 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC I DENMARK: REPRESENTATIVES Alliance for Progress Plen:1150 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) III:1201 Boeg IV'1350, 1352, 1373, 1385,1388,1416,1418,1419,1424 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1150 Haekkerup Plen: 1132 Community development 1II:1152 Hansen 11:832,836,838 Cuban situation Plen:1150 Hasle V:945, 962,979 Disarmament Plen: 1150 Jackobsen Plen:1l95j 1:1257, 1273 ESC: report, 1961/1962 1II:1152 Kraft Plen:1199j Pol:356, 376; V:942, 943, 946,952,960 GA: Members: representatives: credentials Plen: 1202 Lannung Plen:1165j Pol:336, 342,343,364; V:961; VI:756j Human rights III:1160 WA:2 covenants (draft) III:1177, 1204 Thomsen 1II:1142, 1144,1152,1162,1178,1183,,1200,1204, Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 III:1152, 1160 1208,1210; WA:1 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Pol:342 Wright 11:809, 839,858, 860,861 Iran: earthquake, 1962 ill:1138 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, prevention of ill: 1169 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND $OCIA1. AFFAffiS South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:342 UN: peace and security operations: financing Plen:1150 ESC: report, 1961/1962 11:795 UNICEF I1I:1160 Economic development 11:795,865 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA:1 UN: UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 budget, 1963 V:938, 939,942,944 Women: advancement in developing countries III:1160 economic and social activities: decentralization II:852 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 V:952 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: REPRESENTATIVES 8, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS: RE­ Bonilla Atiles Plon: 1150 PRESENTATIVES Heredia WA:2 .142, Herrera WA:1 de Seynes 11:795*,852**; V:938***, 939, 942, 944 Martinez Bonilla ill:1138, 1152, 1160, 116£1, 1177, 1201,1204 Henderson V:952 Mencia Lister Plen:1202; Pol:342 th Hill (Deputy Under-Secretary) 11:865 *also issued separately as doe. A/C. 2/L. 644 ECUADOR **also issued separately as doe. A/e. 2/L. 693 ***also issued separately as doe. A/C. 5/L. 736 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) ill: 1201 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1131, 1165; 1:1260 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries,. 1962 11:832 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1131,1176 Commodity problems 1I:849,865 In Disarmament 1:12'/9 economic and social consequences 11:848 & economic and social development 11:848 ESC: report, 1961/1962 III:1154

121 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) ECUADOR (continued) EL SALVADOR (continued)

GA: Disarmament: agenda Bur:148 economic and social consequences II:848 Cttee on Information from NSGT: continuation (proposed) & economic and social development II:848 IV:1422 ESC: report, 1961/1962 1I:815j UI:1154 Housing and urban development III:1154 Economic and social development UI:1154 Human rights: ___ Economic development n:815 covenants (draft) m:1202 GA: Cttee on Information from NSGT: members: election Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 ID:1154 IV:1425 ILC: report, 14th sess, VI:743, 746 International trade 11:815 International trade: conference (proposed) II:838 conference (proposed) n:815,825 Iran: earthquake, 1962 ID:1l38 Iran: earthquake, 1962 Ill:1139 Land reform 11:864 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:848 NSGT: Self-determination of peoples Plen:1133 information to UN IV:1422 ".,•.. ..,.. UN: educational, economic and social IV:1422 budget, 1963 V:939, 943,946,980 political and constitutional IV:1422 economic and social activities: decentralization 11:815 racial discrimination IV:1422 peace and security operations: financing V:968 Oman question Pol:357 UN Capital Development Fund II:815 Outer space: peaceful uses Plen:1131 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 11:815 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:766,771,773,774,777 Secretariat: staff: EL SALVADOR: REPRESENTATIVES fixed-term appointments V:957 geographical distribution V:95'7 Alvarez Vidaurre rv:1425 S-G: appointment Plen:1l31 CarrUlo II:815, 825, 831, 848,849; V:939, 943,946,968,980 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:339 Escobar Serrano Plen: 1133,1158 South West Africa: international status IV:1377 Lino Osugueda III:1139 , 1154 Southern Rhode sia: self-government IV:1336, 1357 Spain: flood, 1962 IU:1138 Special Fund: operations II:876 ETHIOPIA Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances n:876 Africa: education II:870-872 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Atomic weapons: PI: 1394, 1403, 1418 prohibition: conference (proposed) 1:1285,1287 UN: tests: suspension Plen:1139, 1165; 1:12.53,1262,1265 budget, 1963 V:923, 944 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 Plel1:1139 Charter: General Conference under Art. 109 Plen:1131 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1139, 1167 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1131j Commodity problems 11:849 V:966 Congo situation Plen:1139 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1131j UI:1154 Disarmament Plen: 1139j I:1275 UNEF: budget, 1963 V:982 economic and social consequences II:847 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:776 & economic and social development II:847 UN Operation in the Congo: financing V:982 ESC: Venesuela: & British Guiana: boundaries Bur:148 members: geographical distribution Plen:1139 Increase in number (proposed) Plen:1139 ECUADOR: REPRESENTATIVES report, 1961/1962 11:818 Economic development II:818 Alcivar VI:743, 746,766,771,773,774,776,777 Ethiopia: & Somalia Plen:1151,1155 Benites Plen:1131, 1176; Bur:148 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:746 Gallegos Pol:339,357 International trade: conference (proposed) Plen:1139 Jacome Plen: 1165; 1:1260,1279 Iran: earthquake, 1962 Ill: 1139 Jalil n:876 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration III:1143, Jativa III:1138, 1154, 1201, 1202 1144 Naranjo II:832, 838,848,849,864,865 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:856,858 Valencia rv:1336,1357, 1377, 1394, 1403, 1418,1422 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:363 Vela V:923,944,957,966,982 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:766 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, prevention of ID:1170 EL SALVADOR Secretariat: staff: fixed-term appointments V:954 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 n:831 geographical distribution V:954 Central America: political integration: charter (proposed) S-G: appointment Plen:1139 Plen:1133 SC: members: China: representation in UN Plen:1158 election Plen: 1149 Commodity problems 11:849 geographical distribution Plen:1139 increase in number (proposed) Plen:1139

122 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) ETHIOPIA (continued) FEDERATION OF MALAYA (continued)

South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:337 S-G: appointment Plen:1140 South West Africa: international status Plen:1139j IV:1372, Social services III:1156 1376,1388,1395 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1140j Pol:336, Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1361 341 Territories under Portuguese administration: status South West Africa: international status IV:1373,1385 Plen:1139 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1333, 1341, 1343, tion Trust Territories: fellowships and scholarantps IV:1430 1361 TC: report, 1961/1962 IV:1430 Territories under Portuguese administration: status , . UN: 'Plen:1140j IV:1403 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:938 Tibet question Plen:1140 budget, 1963 V:919, 929,943 UN: economic and social activities: decentralization II:853 budget, 1963 V:934 ';'. Members: admission Plen:1147 finances: bonds Plen:1140 peace and security operations: financing V:972 peace and security operations: financing Plen:1140 & Trust Territories: information about UN IV:1430 UNICEF Ill:1159 ij [1:815 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1139 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1140 UNHCR: continuation III:1187 ETHIOPIA: REPRESENTATIVES finances: contributions WA:l UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 Abebe IV:1430 Viet-Nam Plen:1140 .1 Gebre-Egzy Plen:1147, 1149, 1155, 1165, 1l67j 1:1253,1262, West New Guinea (West Irian): Indonesia/Netherlands I' 1265,1275,1285, 1287j V:972 Agreement, 1962 Plen:1127 :~ Imru IV:1343, 1361, 1372, 1376,1388,1395 Women: advancement in developing countries Ill:1159 8,980 Kibret VI:746,766 ,',~ Moltotal Pol:337,363 Tekle II1:1139,1143,1144,1170 FEDERATION OF MALAYA: REPRESENTATIVES Wodajo 1l:818,847,849,853,856,858,870-872 Yifru Plen:1139,1151 Ismail Plen:1127, 1140; 11:849 Zelleke V:919, 929,938,943,954 Lee Pol:341j WA:2 Lim V:934 Nahappan Plen:1190j 1l:819, 845, 851, 856, 865 EUROPEAN OFFICE OF THE UNITED NA TlONS: Ong Plen:1162, 1178j 1:1252, 1274; Pol:336 DffiECTOR (Palthey) Razaleigh ill:1139,1144, 1156, 1159, 1187; WA:l !65 Said IV:1333, 1341,1343,1361,1373,1385,1403 eu:1139 UN: budget, 1963 V:947 FINLAND FEDERATION OF MALAYA Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:809 Association of South East Asia Plen:1140 China: representation in UN Plen:1156 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen: 1140j 1:1252 Disarmament: Berlin situation Plen:1140 economic and social consequences 11:852 China: representation in UN . Plen:1162 & economic and social development 11:852 China, People'S Republic of: & India Plen:1140 ESC: report, 1961/1962 II:809 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1140, 1178 Economic and social development ill:1157 Commodity problems Plen:1140j 1l:849, 865 Economic' development 11:809 Congo situation Plen:1140 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen:1165 Disarmament Plen:1140; 1:1274 Industrial development 1l:844 economic and social consequences m:1156 International trade II:809 ESC: report, 1961/1962 II:819; ill: 1156 conference (proposed) 11:809 Economic and social development ill:1156 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration 111:1147 [1:1143, •• Economic development !I:819 Peaceful relations among States: & international Iaw VI:765 Federation of Malaysia (proposed) Plen:1140 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, 8 Housing and urban development ill:1159 prevention of ill:1169 Human rights m:1159 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1165 VI:766 advisory services Ill:1156,1159 UN: ions, Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 ill:1159 budget, 1963 V:92Cl Hungarian situation Plen: 1140 Members: admission Plen:1146 Information media Ill:1159 UNICEF ill:1157 International trade: conference (proposed) Plen:1190 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 II:809; ill:1157 Iran: earthquake, 1962 m:1139 UN Research Institute for Social Develcipment:establishment Marrtage: minimum age, consent and registration 1l1:1144 m:1157 Narcotic drugs: control II1:1159 World Food Programme 11:860 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:845,851,856 Refugees!Il:1187


Breitensteln 11:860 Rwanda: assistance 1I:877jV:981 I" Enckell Plen:1156, 1165 Secretariat: staff: I HeleUi 11:809, 844, 852 fixed-term appointments V:956 Ilvessalo III:1147, 1157, 1169 geographical distribution V:956 :",:, Mahlamakt V:928 Slavery: Supplementary, Convention, 1956: implementation I Merikoski Plen:1146 m:1208 Saario VI:765 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:337,342 I: South West Africa: international status IV:1376, 1389 L, Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen:1163j IV:1348 FRANCE Spl\.in: flood, 1962 II:1139 Special Fund: operations II:875 Africa: education II:871 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) m: 1192, 1194, 1196, 11:875 1199-1201 Technical co-operation II:875 Burundi: assistance 1I:877j V:981 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:831,832 IV:1418, 1419 Commodity problems II:807, 848,863,865 TC: report, 1961/19"62 IV:1428 Consular relations VI:771,775 UN: Disarmament V:952 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:916,935 economic and social consequences II:843 budget, 1963 V:923, 925, 927, 933,941,942,946,970,980 & economic and social development Plen:1135j Bur:150j economic and social activities: decentralization 11:853 ..,I II:843 finances: ESC: report, 1961/1962 1I:807j m: 1153 bonds V:979 Economic and social development m:1153 contributions V:976 Economic development II:807, 811,861 Members: admission Plen:1122, 1146 & population growth Plen:1197j II:807, 868, 874 & NSGT: information about UN IV:1424 GA: peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1199j agenda Plen:1135j Bur:148 V:962, 971,973 Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 UN Capital Development Fund 11:861 procedure Bur:148 UNICEF III:1153, 1157 rules of procedure: rule 154 V:916 & UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 III:1162,1163 Housing and urban development m:1162 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Ill: 1153, 1157j V:952 Human rights m:1153,1162 UNHCR: advisory services lIT: 1153, 1162 continuation III:1188 covenants (draft) m:1172, 1179, 1181, 1182, 1202, 1205, finances: contributions WA:l 1207, 1209 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:776 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 m:1162 ,UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 Hungarian situation Bur:148j Pol:376 Women: advancement in developing countries Ill: 1162 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Pol:342 Industrial development II:807,833, 841,845, 856,857 Information media lIT: 1162 FRANCE: REPRESENTATIVES IAEA: report, 1961/1962 Plen:1179 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:749 Aujay de La Dure Ill: 1165, 1208 International trade II:807,811 Bouquin m:1139, 1140, 1143, 1153,1157,1162,1163,1167, conference (proposed) Plen:1189, 1190; Bur:148j II:807, 1172,1179,1181,1182,1188,1192,1194,1196,1199-1202, 826,836,838 1205,1207,1209,1210 Iran: earthquake, 1962 m:1139 Chollet Plen:1194; II:843, 856,857 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreiga troops (proposed) Clement 11:831 Bur:149j 1:1305 Couve de Murville Plen:1146 Korean question Bur:149; 1:1305 Delear Plen:1202j Pol:376 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration III:11~O, Doise IV:1424 1143,1145, 114fl Ganem V:916, 923,925,927,933,935,941,942,946,952,956, Narcotic drugs: eo. III:1165 962,970,971,973,979-981 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty Plen:1194j 11:842, Koscziusko-Morizet Plen:1l63j IV:1343, 1348, 1376,1389, 851,854,857,859 1418,1419,1428 Oman question Pol:357 Lefaucheux III:1145, 1148, 1162. Outer space: peaceful usos 1:1293 Millet Plen:1199j Pol:337, 342, 344, 357,374, 375; WA:1, 2 Palestine refugees: assistance POl:374,375 Patey VI:767, 771,772,775-777 Peaceful relations among peoples: promotion among youth Renaud II:833,841,863,865,871,875,877 m:1210 Seydoux Plen:H22, 1135,1179; Bur:148-150; 1:1293,1305; Peaceful relations among states: & international law VI:767, 11:807 772,777 11heys set VI:749 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, Van Greveny Nghe V:952 prevention of lIT: 1167 Viaud Plen:1189, 1190, 1197; II:811, 826, 832, 836, 838, 842, Radiation: effects Pol:344 845,848,851,853,854,857,859,861,868,874; V:976 Refugees lIT: 1188


Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1431 GA: Credentials Cttee: report Plen:1201

ntation FRONT NATIONAL POUR LA LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA GENERAL ASSEMBLY: President (Khan (Paldstan)) (FNLA) 2 Cancer: research Special meeting - 100ct 1962 19 Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1398 ESC: members: election Plen: 1149, U50 1348 GA: procedure Plen:1l62 International trade: conference (proposed) Plen:1190 FRONT NATIONAL POUR LA LIBERATION DE L'ANGOLA Peace Observation Commn: members: appointment 1S (FNLA): REPRESENTATIVES Plen:1200 :;J S-G: appointment Plen:1182 '1 Kounzika IV:1398 SC: members: election Plen: 1149, 1150 ~,l Holden Roberto IV:1398 TC: members: election Plen:1149,1150

GABON GENERAL ASSEMBLY: SPECIAL COMMITTEE FOR SOUTH ~ 16,935 WEST AFRICA: RAPPORTEUR (Arteh (Somalia)) 'I 70,980 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension I: 1261 1 11:853 C'1;.ro Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 II:832 GA: Special Committee for South West Africa: report China: representation in UN Plen:1162 IV:1369,1370,1375 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1169 ·~.·I· Commodity problems 11:849 Disarmament 1:1272 GENERAL ASSEMBLY: SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON 'l'ERRI­ P,: & economic and social development 11:844· 1l'ORIESUNDER PORTUGUESE ADMINISTRATION: 99; NSGT: information to UN Plen:11G8 CHAffiMAN (Rossides (Cyprus)) j South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:339 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1339,1368 GA: Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese Territories under Portuguese administration: status Administration: report IV:1390 l163 IV: 1392,1405 V:952 GENERAL ASSEMBL i'": SPECiAL COMMITTEE ON TERRI­ GABON: REPRESENTATIVES TORIES UNDER PORTUGUESE ADMINISTRATION: RAPPORTEUR (Wtjegoonawar-dena (Ceylon)) 6 Aubame Plen: 1169,1198 Bongo 1:1261 GA: Special Committee on Territories under Portuguese 62 Gnambault 11:832,844,849 Administration: report IV:1390 Issembe Plen:1162 N'Goua Pol:339 Nyoundou 1:1272; IV:1339, 1392 GENERAL ASSEMBLY: SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE Saulnerond IV:1368, 1405 SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE IMPLEMENTA­ TION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF .167, INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND 99-1202, GENERAL ASSEMBLY: AD HOC CTTEE ON THE IMPROVE­ PEOPLES: RAPPORTEUR (Rifai (Syria)) MENT OF METHODS OF WORK OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY: RAPPORTEUR (Slim, T. (Tunisia)) GA: Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the granting of (, GA: Ad Hoc Cttee on the Improvement of Methods of Work of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples: the General Assembly: report Plen:1l98 report Plen:1167 i2,956, GENERAL ASSEMBLY: COMMITTEE ON INFORMATION GENERAL ASSEMBLY: SPECIAL POLITICAL CTTEE: 1389, fROM NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES: CHAIR­ RAPPORTEUR (Lannung (Denma:rk)) MAN (Malalasekera (Ceylon)) GA: Special Political Cttee: reports Plen:1164, 1171, 1191, \:1,2 GA: Cttee on Information from NSGT: report IV:1409 1200

1305; GENERAL ASSEMBLY: COMMITTEE ON INFORMATION GENERAL ASSEMBLY: SUB-COMMITTEE ON THE SITUA­ FROM NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES: TION IN ANGOLA: CHAIRMAN (Salamanca (Boltvia.l) RAPPORTEUR (Ros (Argentina)) GA: Sub-Cttee on the Situation in Angola: report Plen:1180 1,842, GA: Cttee on Information from NSGT: report IV:1409 976

125 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) GENERAL ASSEMBLY: 1ST CTTEE:RAPPORTEUR (cantor- GHANA day (Hungary)) Africa: GA: 1st Cttee: reports Plen:1l66,1173,1192,1199 economic and pclttteattntegrnttcn Plen:1143 education II:871 Angol,\·sttunttcn Plen:1188 GENERAL ASSEMBLY: 2ND CTTEE: CHAffiMAN (Lewandow­ Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plon:1143j 1:1266, ski (Poland)) 1263-1266 Berlin situation Plen:1143 Concluding statement on the work of 2nd Cttee during 17th Cail'o Declaration of Developing countetes, 1962 Plen:U43j seas. 1l:87814< 1l:802,829 China: representatton in UN Plen:1143, 1161 14

126 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th seseton) GHANA (conttnued) GHANA: REPRESENTATIVES (continued)

Palestine question Plan:1143 Puplampu Plen:1143,1149 Palestine refugees: assistance Plen:1143 j Pol:370 Quaison-Sackey Plen:1158, 1167, 1180j 1:1256,1263-1265, Peaceful relations among States: & tntemattonat law 1270,1299, 1305j V:969 VI:768, 771,773,774,777 Quao V:926,927,934,935, 943,947,954,960, 965,974, 982 Porulgnl: sanctions (proposed) Plen:1143 Tutu VI:742 Racial, national and reltgtcus intolerance: manifestations, Yomeltpe Plen:1194, 1200j IV:1334, 1341, 1343, 1360,13S4­ prevention of nI:1168, 1170, 1173 1367,1369,1370,1372,1374,1382,1384,1388,1389,1396, Radiation: effects Pol:343 1398,1402,1405,1407,1409,1410,1412,1413,1415-1420, Refugees 1Il:1187 1422-1426,1431 Secretariat: staff: geographical distribution Plen: 1143 S-G: appointment Plen:1143 SC: members: GREECE a geographical distribution Plen:1143 increase in number (proposed) Plen:1143 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) Ill: 1193, 1198,1199 South Africa: race problems: aparthetd Plen:1143 , 1164, Atomic weapons: tests: suspension 1:1252 1165j Pol:327, 341 Berlin situation Plen:1134 South West Africa: Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:832 fellowships and scholarships IV:1382 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1194j V:974 international status Plen: 1143j IV:1369,1370,1372, Commodity problems 11:849 1374,1382,1384,1388,1389 Disarmament Plen: 1134; I:1280 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen:1143 , 1200j economic and social consequences n:850 IV:1331-1334,1336,1338,1340,1341, 1343··1345, 1347, & economic and social development 11:850 1348,1352,1354,1356,1360,1364-1367,1369 ESt: report, 1961/1962 11:811, 812j II!:1151 Spanish Guinea: self-government or independence IV:1420 Economic development 11:811,812,865 Territories under Portuguese administration: status & population growth Plen: 1134j n:869, 874 Plen:1143j IV:1396, 1398,1402, 1405, 1407, 1415-1419 regional integration Plen: 1134 TC: report, 1961/1962 IV:1426, 1431 European Economic Community Plen:1134 UN: Freedom of information 1Il:1151 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:935 GA: budget, 1963 V:926, 927, 934, 943,954,974 agenda Bur:148 economic and social activities: decentralization 11:856 Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 finances: accounts, 1961 V:947 procedure Plen:1134j Bur:148 Members: admission Plen:1158 Housing and urban development m:1151,1160 & NSGT: information about UN IV:1422-1424 Human rights Ill: 1160 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1143; advisory services m:11!i1 V:969 covenants (draft) Ill:1174, 1178, 1181, 1182,1204,1207 UN Capital Development Fund Plen:1143 Industrial development IT:811, 856 UNICEF ITI:1153 International trade 1l:812 & UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 1lI:1163 conference (proposed) n:836, 838, 839 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1143 j n:802; Iram-earthquake, 1962 III:1139 m:1153 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) UNEF: budget, 1963 V:982 Bur:148, 149j 1:1300 UNHCR: Korean question Bur:149; 1:1300 continuation 1Il:1187 Land reform n:864 finances: contributions WA:1 Marriage: minimum age, consent and regtstnation UN International School V:960 Plen:1167j 1Il:1142, 1143, 1146-1148 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:749 Narcotic drugs: control Plen:1187j Ill:1151 UN Operation in the Congo: financing V:982 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty Plen:1193j Women: advancement in developing countries m:1163 n:851,858,859,864 World Food Programme 11:802 NSGT: fellowships and scholarships IV:1423 information to UN IV:1423 GHANA: REPRESENTATIVES political and constitutional IV:1423 racial discrimination IV:1423 Aaku 1Il:1163 Oman question Plen:1l91j Pol:357 Agorsor Pol:343 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:368 Appiah 1l:842, 849,850,854,855,856 Peaceful relations among States: & international law Asmah IV:1344 VI:764,769 Budu-Acquah IV:1330-1333,1338,1338,1340,1343,1345, Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, 1347,1348,1350,1352,1354,1356 prevention of Ill: 1167, 1173 Dadzie, E. K. Plen: 1161, 1Hi6, 1167; m:1138, 1141, 1142­ Radiation: effects Plen:l171 1144 1146-1148,1168,1173; VI:734, 744,746-749,768, Refugees Ill: 1186, 1191 771,773,774,777 Secretariat: staff: Donkor Ill: 1153, 1170,1180,1181,1184,1187,1203; WA:1 fixed-term appointments V:957 Jantuah Plen:1164, 1165, 1188j Pol:327, 341,356,370,376 geographical distribution V:957, 959 Nylander 11:802,829,857- 859,863,"867,871 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1134

127 =====::;:::::======....:..--.----.::: ..~---

D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) ~.

.~ 'I GREECF: (continued) GUATEMALA (continued) Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) Ill: 1208 Bur:148 Secial services Ill:1151 Mal'riage: minimum age, consent and registration III:1144 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:333 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:851 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1334,1337,1340, Oman question Pol:353 1342,1358 Peaceful relations among Stntes: & international law UN: VI:756,771 budget, 1963 V:943 Ftefugees Ill: 1189 economic and social acttvtttes: decentralization II:853 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1129,1165j & NSGT: information about UN IV:1423 Pol:333,340,341 peace and security operations: financing V:972 South West Africa: international status Plen:1l29j IV:1373, UNICEF III:1l51 1381 UN Development. Decade, 1960-1970 II:811j m:1l51 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1339, 1342, 1368 UNHCR: Spain: flood, 1962 Ill:1138 continuation III:1186,1191 Territories under Portuguese administration: status finances: contributions WA:1 IV:1392, 1397,1418, 1419 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 UNICEF III:1155 Women: advancement in developing countries Ill: 1160 UNHCR: continuation Ill: 1189 World Food Programme II:860 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:776 Women: advancement in developing countries Ill: 1159

GREECE: REPRESENTATIVES GUATEMALA: REPRESENTATIVES Averoff-Tossizza Plen:1134 Bitsios Plen:1202j 1:1252,1280,1300 Flores Avendafio Plen: 1135jBur:148 I Caranicas ll:811, 832, 836, 838, 839, 849-851, 858-860, 864, Garcia-Granados ll:814,838,851 865,869,874 Gonzalez Calvo IV:1339,1342,1368, 1373, 1381, 1392, 1397, Demetropoulos Plen:1l94j V:943, 957,959,972,974 1414,1418,1419 Dimitsas VI:764 Mendoza Plen:1165j Pol:333, 340,341,353 Eustathiades Bur:148, 149j VI:769 Quan, V. Ill:1138,l144,1155,1159, 1163, 1164, 1177, 1181, Mantzoulinos Plen:1167,1187j III:1139,1143,1l46-1148, 1184,1189 1151,1160,1167,1173,1174,1178,1181,1182,1186, Quifi6nez Plen:1161j VI:756, 771, 776 1191,1193,1198,1199,1204,1207,1208 Santtso Galvez Plen:1129 Pangalos Plen:1l93; ll:812, 853,856 Unda- Murillo PIen: 1129 Papagos Plen:l171, 1191; Pol:333, 357,368 Retalis IV:1423jWA:2 Vlachos IV:1334, 1337, 1340, 1342, 1358j.WA:1 GUINEA Africa: economic and political integration Plen:1131 GUATEMALA Angola situation Plen:1184,1196,1201j Bur: 148, 152 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension 1:1255 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen: 1129 Berlin situation Plen:1131 Berlin situation Plen:1129 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 Plen:1131j British Honduras Plen:1129j IV:1414 ll:830 Central America: political integration: charter (proposed) China: representation in UN Plen:1131, 1160 Plen:1129 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1131, 1167,1169,1194, 1195 China: representation in UN Plen:1161 Commodity problems II:817, 849 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1129 Congo situation Plen:1131 Cuban situation Plen:1129 Cuban situation Plen:1131 Disarmament Plen: 1129 Disarmament Plen: 1131 & economic and social development Plen:1135 economic and social consequences Plen: 1131; ll:862 ESC: report, 1961/1962 II:814j m:1155 & economic and social development ll:862 Economic and social development m:1155 ESC: Economic development ll:814 members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1131 regional integration Plen: 1129 report, 1961/1962 II:817j In:1157 GA: agenda Plen:1135j Bur:148 Economic and social development Ill: 1157 Human rights m:1159,1163 Economic development ll:817 advisory services III:1159 regional integration Plen:1131 covenants (draft) In:1177, 1181, 1184 GA: Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 In:1155, 1159, agenda Plen:1130; Bur:148, 152 1164 Cttee on Information from NSGT: Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen: 1165 continuation (proposed) IV:1425 Information media Ill:1l55 members: election 1'r:1425 International trade II:814 hearings: conference (proposed) ll:814,838 South West Africa IV:1330 Iran: earthquake, 1962 HI:1l38 Southern Rhodesia IV:1351 Territories under Portuguese administration IV:1407

128 . ::::...... --- ~"""'--=.=-=:::::::;==-:::'-=: -

D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) GUINEA (continued) GUINEA: REPRESENTATIVES (continued) GA (continued) Diallo, T. Plen;lV30, 1160, 1167, 1169,1184, 1194-1196, Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1201 1201; Bur:148, 149, 152; 1:1255,1306; IV:1350 procedure Bur:148 Martin III:1142, 1157, 1164, 1178, 1189, 1191 Human rights: M'Baye 11:817,830,849,862,864 covenants (draft) Ill: 1178 Sanguiana V:917, 943,945, 958, 959 Declaration: anntversary, 15th, 1963 Ill:1157,1164 Soumah Pol:338, 340, 356, 366 Hungarian situation Plen:1130j Bur:148, 149 Indians and Indo-Paktstants in South Africa Bur:148j Pol:338 HAITI Information media III:1157 International trade: conference (proposed) II:817 Alliance for Progress Plen:1134 Investments, International 11:817 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension 1:1259 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) Colonialism: elimination Plen:1134, 1192 Bur:149 Disarmament Plen:1134 Korean question Bur:149; 1:1306 ESC: members: election Plen:1149 Lane reform 11:864 GA: Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration 1lI:1142 agenda Bur:148 NSGT: information to UN IV:1409 hearings: political and constitutional IV:1424 South West Africa IV:1383 Oman question Bur:148; Pol:356 Southern Rhodesia IV:1350 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:366 Territories under Portuguese administration IV:1407 .; Refugees 1II:1189, 1191 participation of Korea (DPR) 1:1299 Secretariat: staff: participation of Korea (Rep.) 1:1299 ,·1 fixed-term appointments V:958,959 International trade: conference (proposed) Plen:1189 geographical distribution Plen:1131; V:958 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:852 S-G: appointment Plen:1131 NSGT: information to UN: political and constitutional SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1131 IV:1422 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1131; Bur:148; SC: members: election Plen:1149 Pol:338,340 Self-determination of peoples Plen:1134 South West Africa: international status IV:1369, 1370, 1372, South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:33'l 1375,1376,1383,1384,1388,1389 South West Africa: international status IV:1386,1387 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen:1131; Bur:148; Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1335, 1339, 1345, IV:1331,1334,1347,1348,1350,1353,1355,1360,1364, 1355,1357 1366,1369 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Special Fund: operations 11:817 IV:1392, 1419, 1420 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances UN: 11:817 Members: admission Plen:1146,1158 Territories under Portuguese administration: status peace and security operations: financing V:963 Plen:1131, 1155j Bur:148j IV:1393, 1394, 1398-1400, Venezuela: & British Guiana: boundaries Bur:148 140~,1407,1408,1413,1415-1420,1427 UN: budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:917 HAITI: REPRESENTATIVES budget, 1963 V:943,945 economic and social activities: decentralization 11:817 Auguste Plen:1146, 1149, 1158, 1189; Bur:148j 1:1259, 1299; & NSGT: information about UN IV:1424 1l:852 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1131; 11:817 Chalmers Plen:1134 UNHCR: continuation 1II:1189 Dorsinville Plen:1192; IV:1335, 1339, 1345, 1350, 1355, 1357, Venezuela: & British Guiana: boundaries Bur:148 1383,1386,1387,1392,1407,1419,1420,1422 Women: advancement in developing countries 1II:1157 Verret Pol:337j V:963


Address Plen:1148 Disarmament Plen:1142 GA: Cttee on Information from NSGT: members: election IV:1425 GUINEA: REPRESENTATIVES Peace and disarmament: organization and investigation cttee (proposed) Plen:1142 Achkar Plen:1155j IV:1330, 1331, 1334, 1347,1348,1351, 1353,1355,1360,1364,1366,1369,1370,1372,1375,1376, 1383,1384,1388,1389,1393*,1394,1398-1400,1402, HONDURAS: REPRESENTATIVES 1407,1409,1413,1415-1420,1424,1425,1427 Beavogvi Plen:1131 Milla Ber mddez Plen:1142 Sunseri I1T:1425 *also issued separately as doe. A/C. 4/582

129 ~~rl'--~-~::::;.'...... -~======"- ===:::;;::':;._~-'~-'-:~

D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) HUNGARY HUNGARY (continued)

Angola situation Plen:1185 UN: Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1138j 1:1252 bndget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:915, 917 Berlin situation Plen:1138 economic and social activities: decentralization 11:806 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:806, executive body (proposed) Plen:1138 830 finances: contributions V:975,978 China: representation in UN Plen:1138,1160 Members: admission Plen:1158 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1176 peace and security operations: financing V:966 Consular relations VI:775 UN juridical yearbook: publication (Pfoppsed) VI:776 Cuban situation Plen:1138 Viet-Nam Plen:1138 Disarmament Plen:1138j 1:1274,1281 economic and social consequences 1I:843j Ill:1156 & economic and social development !l:843 HUNGARY: REPRESENTATIVES ESC: report, 1961/1962 11:806; Ill:1156 Economic and social development 1II:1156 Aranyi Ill:1170 Economic development 11:806,861,865 Beck Pol:334 regional integration Plen:1138 Csatorday Plen:1129, 1179; Bur:148j 1:1291j Pol:376 European Economic Community Plen:1138 Gazdik IV:1430 GA: Horvath Pol:355 agenda Plen:1129j Bur:148 Komivea 11:806,834,846,861; V:915, 917,929 hearings: Southern Rhodesia IV:1344 Lorinc Plen:1185; IV:1340, 1344, 1355, 1362, 1364,1421 Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 M6d Plen:1158, 1160, 1176, 1200; 1:1252,1274 Hungarian situation Plen:1138, 1200; Bur:148j Pol:376 Peter Plen:1138 Industrial development 11:806, 834 Radvanyi Ill:1139, 1143, 1156 IAEA: report, 1961/1962 Plen:1179 Sarkany 1:1281, 1304 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:736, 745, 748 Selmeci 11:843; V:932, 950 International trade 1l:806 Szilagyi IV:1380, 1401 conference (proposed) Plen:1138j 1l:806, 830, 839 Tardos 1l:830, 839, 855, 865; V:966, 975, 978 Iran: earthquake, 1962 Ill: 1139 Ustor Plen:1202; VI:736, 745, 748, 756, 772, 775, 776 Kc"ea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) Zelk6 V:948 1:1304 Korean question 1:1304 Laos question Plen:1138 ICELAND Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration Ill: 1143 Narcotic drugs: control m:1156 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:368 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty Il:846,855 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA:l NSGT: fellowships and scholarships IV:1421 indigenous cadres: preparation and training lV:1421 ICELAND: REPRESENTATIVES information to UN: educational, economic and social IV:1421 Albertsson Pol:368 NATO: & Warsaw Treaty Organization: non-aggression Kjartansson WA:1 treaty (proposed) Plen:1138 Nuclear-free zones: establishment (proposed) Plen:1138 Nuclear war: propaganda: condemnation Plen:1138 IDEA POPULAR DE LA GUINEA ECUATORIAL (IPGE) Oman question Pol:355 (Epota, Jose Perea) Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1291 Peaceful relations among States: & international law Spanish Guinea: self-government or independence IV:1420 VI:756,772 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, prevention of Ill: 1170 INDEPENDENT MULTIRACIAL GROUP (Southern Rhodesia) Secretariat: staff: fixed-term appointments V:950 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1345-1351,1353, geographical distribution V:950 1354 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:334 South West Africa: international status IV:1380 Southern Rhodesia: self-government 1Y:1340,1355, 1362, INDEPENDENT MULTIRACIAL GROUPS: REPRESEN'fA.. 1364 TIVES Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1401 Burdett-Coutt. It.A.F. IV:1347-1351,1354 Trust Territories: fellowships and scholarships IV:1430 Butler, A.D . •V:1346,1348-1351,1353,1354 TC: report, 1961/19Q2 JV:1430 Dombura, J. IV:1347-1351,1354 Gondo, J.M. IV:1347-1351,1353,1354 Hlazo, T.J. IV:1345,1346,1348-1351,1353,1354

130 . D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) INDIA INDIA (continued)

Angola situation Plen:1185 S-G: appointment Plen:1182 Asylum, Right of: declarstton (draft) m:1194 Self-determination of peoples Plen:1141 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension 1:1246,1261,1264,1266 Sll1lvery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 n:807, 1lI:120a 829,831 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1128 China: representation in UN Plen:1159,1161 South West Africa: international status IV:1378,1389,1395 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1181 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Bur:148j IV:1336, 1337, Commodity problems 11:849 1340,1342,1345,1351,1362 Community development Ill:1155 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Co-ordination among UN and specialized agencies: IV:1402, 1418, 1419 Prqgra_mme.of meetings V:966 TC: report: 1961/1962 IV:1430 Disarmament 1:1268 UN: economic and social consequences n:848, 862 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:916,937 & economic and social development n:807, 848, 862 budget, 1963 V:919,923,926,932-934,944 ESC: report, 1961/1962 1I:807j ~n:1155 Charter: General Conference under Art. 109 V:927 Economic and social development III:1155 ·finances: Economic development 11:807, 865 accounts, 1961 V:915 & population growth n:867 contributions V:978 Freedom of information: Members: admission Plen:1146 convention (draft) III:1210 & NSGT: information about UN IV:1424 declaration (draft) Ill:1210 peace and security operations: financing V:972 GA: UN Capital Development Fund 11:807 agenda Plen:1129j Bur:148 UNICEF 111:1155 hearings: Southern Rhodesia IV:1350, 1351 finances: accounts, 1961 V:915 rules of procedure: rule 154 V:916 & UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Ill: 1163 Goa Plen:1128,1155 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 1I:807j Ill:1155 Housing and urban development Ill:1163 UNEF: budget, 1963 V:982 Human rights m:1155,1163 UNHCR: continuation Plen:1187 advisory services Ill: 1155, 1163 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:749 covenants (draft) m:1177, 1182, 1184 UN Operation in the Congo: financing V:982 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 Ill:1163 UNRWA: finances: . Hungarian situation Plen:1200 accounts, 1961 V:915 India-Pakistan question: Jammu and Kashmir Plen:1128, contributions WA:2 1141,1153 UN year for international co-operation, 1965 (proposed) Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen:1128, Plen:1198 Pol:335 West New Guinea (West Irian): Indonesia/Netherlands Industrial development n:807, 855 Agreement, 1962 Plen:1127 Information media Ill: 1155, 1163 Women: advancement in developing countries Ill:1163 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:738,746 World Food Programme 11:855 International trade 11:807 conference (proposed) Plen:1190j 11:807,828,839 Investments, International 11:807 INDIA: REPRESENTATIVES Iran: earthquake, 1962 Ill:1139 Marriage: minimum age, consen; and registration Ill:1140, Anjaria Plen:1190j 11:828,829,835,839,848-850,855,860, 1144,1146,1148 862,865,867 Narcotic drugs: control Ill: 1155 Bhadkamkar Plen:1185j V:927, 944j WA:2 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:835,850,860 Chakravarty, B.N. Plen:1141, 1146, 1153, 1155, 1159, 1161, NSGT: 1181,1182,1198,1200; 1:1294j Pol:335, 370; 11:807; information to UN IV:1423 V:972 educational, economic and social IV:1423 Hiremath 11:831 political and constitutional IV:1423 Husain V:915,916,919,923,926,932-934,937 transmission by Australia IV:1423 Jamir Pol:346; VI:749 transmissior. by Netherlands IV:1423 Kapur 111:1163,1173,1184,1208,1210 transmission by New Zealand IV:1423 Kasliwal Bur:.148 transmission by Portugal IV:1423 Khosla Plen:1151; IV:1336, 1340, 1345,1351,1362,1378 transmission by Spain IV:1423 Kidwai IV:1337, 1342, 1350, 1351, 1389, 1395, 1402,1418, cl transmission by United Kingdom IV:1423 1419,1423,1424,1430 transmission by USA IV:1423 Lall Plen:1127, 1129, 1141, 1151, 1153; 1:1246,1261,1264, racial discrimination IV:1423 1266,1268 Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1294 Menon, K. Plen:1127,1128 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:370 Mishra Plen:1l87j Ill:1194j VI:738, 746, 770, 774, 777 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:777 Rao VI:759 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, Sahay 111:1139,1140,1144,1146,1148,1155,1168,1177,1182 prevention of Plen:1141, 1151, 1153j III:1168, 1173 Singh, N. Plen:1181,1185 Radiation: effects Pol:346 Singh, S. K. V:966, 978, 982 Refugees Plen:1187

131 ..----:-....., ===.~=-::;:-".-c:;::


. Angola situation Plen.:1187 UN: , Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) III:1196,1198 budp-et, 1963 V:927 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1147j 1:1253 economic and social activities: decentralization 11:847 , Berlin situation'Plen:1147 Members: admission Plen:114'4 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 Plen:1147j peace and security operations: financing Plen:1147j il:802, 831 V:972 ,' China: representation in UN Plen:1147, 1.159 UN Capital Development Fund Plen:1147j 11:860 I Colonialism: elimination Plen:1147,1180, 1192, 1194 UNICEF III:1155 Commodity problems il:802, 848 finances: accounts, 1961 V:915 Cuban situation Plen:1147 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1147j 11:802,860j Disarmament Plen:1147j 1:1277 III:1155 economic and social consequences 11:850 West New Guinea (West Iri"u): Indonesia/Netherlands & economic and social development il:850 Agreement, 1962 PI "1:1127, 1147, 1155 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1147 report, 1961/1962 1I:802j III:1155 INDONESIA: REPRESENTATIVES Economic and social development III:1155 Economic development 11:802 Chanafiah IV:1370, 1377, 1389, 1422 GA: Christiadi V:927,958 agenda Plen:1129 Darjaatmaka il:831,860 ,' Cttee on Information from NSGT: continuation (proposed) Djojosoegito V:915 I IV:1422 Hadisoedibijo Pol:332,356 hearings: Idris Plen:1166j III:1138, 1141, 1143-1146, 1148,1155,1181, Southern Rhodesia IV:1344,1352 1184,1185,1196,1198,1202-1204,1206,1207 Territories under Portuguese administration IV:1428 Karseno IV:1381,1399,1423,1428 11.~.' Housing and urban development 111:1155 Laurens VI:740, 744, 745, 762 ['" Human rights: covenants (draft) III: 1181, 1184, 1185, 1202- Maramis Plen:1190j 11:822,847 HUng~~~;'S~:~:t'i~~07 Palar Plen:1180, 1182,1187,1192, 1194j 1:1277j IV:1330, ',; Plen:1200 1331,1333,1334,1336,1340,1341,1343-1347,1352, ;, Industrial development 11:841 1354,1355,1359,1366 I Sosrowardojo Plen:1129, 1200j Pol:346, 374j V:972 ·...·.'.' ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:740, 744, 745 " International trade 11:802,822 Subandr io Plen:1127 conference (proposed) Plen:1147, 1190j 11:802,822 Supeni Plen:1155,1159; 1:1253 I. Investments, International Plen:1147j 11:802 Thajeb 1:1297; 11:841,848,850,852 ".:' Iran: earthquake, 1962 III:1138 Wirjopranoto Plen:1147j 11:802 I Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration 1.4 Plen:1166j 111:1141,1143-1146,1148 [: Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:852 INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY (Efimov) NSGT: information to UN IV:1422 Radiation: Pol:343 political and constitutional IV:1422 transmission by Portugal IV:1422 transmission by United Kingdom IV:1422 INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY: nffiECTOR­ racial discrimination IV:1422,1423 GENERAL (Eklund) Nuclear-free zones: establishment (proposed) Plen:1147 Oman question Pol:356 IAEA: report, 1961/1962 Plen:1179 Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1297 Palestine question Plen:1147 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:374 INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE (Aquarone) Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:762 Radiation: effects Pol:346 UN: budget, 1963 V:926 Secretariat: staff: fixed-term appointments V:958 geographical distribution Plen:1147; V:958 INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATION S-G: appointment Plen:1147,1182 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1147 Co-ordination among UN and specialized agencies: admtnts­ South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:332 trative and budgetary questions V:978 South West Africa: international status IV:1370, 1377,1381, Human rights: covenants (draft) 111:1185 ,1389 Industrial development il:855 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1330, 1331, 1333, 1334,1336,1340,1341,1343,1345-1347,1354,1355, 1359,1366 INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATION: REPRESENTA­ Territories under Portuguese administration: status TIVES IV:1399 Trust Territories: fellowships and scholarships IV:1428 Bustamante Ill: .L185 TC: report, 1961/1962 IV:1428 Reymond 11:855; V:978


ILC: report, 14th sess, VI:734*, 740 Massoud Ansari .Plen:1152; Pol:329 *alSo issued separately as doe, A/C. 6/L. 497 Minai 11:817,849 Mirfendereski VI:738,762 Nabavi IV:1343,1381 INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION (De Wolf) Nayeri Plen:1191; Pol:345, 357, 366 Vakil Plen:1146, 1180, 1182; 1:1253,1274,1295; II1:1138 Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1291 • IRAQ IRAN Africa: education II:871 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1129; 1:1253 Angola situation Plen:1188 • Berlin situation Plen:1129 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) III:1198 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 II:832 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1152; 1:1249,1262, Colonialism: elimination Plen:1129,1180 1265 Commodity problems Plen:1129; II:849 Berlin situation Plen:1152 Congo situation Plen:1129 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:829,831 Disarmament Plen:1129; 1:1274 China: representation in UN Plen:ll~2, 1160 economic and social consequences Plen:1129 Colonlallsm: elimination Plen:1152, 1167, 1170,1175,1195; Disputes, Pacific settlement of Plen:1129 V:974 ESC: Commodity problems 11:865 members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1129 Congo situation Plen:1l52 report, 1961/1962 11:817; II1:1156 Co-ordination among UN and specialized agencies: pro­ Economic and social development II1:1.156 gramme of meetings V:966,978 Economic development 11:817' Cuban situation Plen:1152 Housing and urban development II1:1156 Disarmament Plen:1152; 1:1275 Human rights: Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 II1:1156 economic and social consequences Plen:1152; 11:808,863 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:738 & economic and social development Plen:1152j 11:863 International trade II:'817 ESC: report, 1961/1962 11:808 conference (proposed) 11:817 Economic development II:808 Investments, International 11:817 & population growth Plen:1197; 11:874 Iran: earthquake, 1962 Plen:1l29, 1144; II1:1138, 1139 European Economic Community Plen:1152 Land reform 11:817,864 GA: Narcotic drugs: control II1:1156 Cttee on information from NSGT: continuation (proposed) Near and Middle East: international relations Plen:1152 1V:1425 Oman question Plen:1191; Pol:357 Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 Outer space: peaceful uses Plen:1129j 1:1295 rules of procedure: rule 154 V:916 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:366 Housing and urban development III:1162 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:762 Human rights III:1159 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, advisory services III:1162j V:953 prevention of II1:1171 covenants (draft) III:1178, 1184,1203,1206 Radiation: effects Pol:345 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 III:1159, 1164 Refugees III:1188 Hungarian situation Pol:376 S-G: appointment Plen:1129, 1182 Industrial development II:844,857 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1129 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:745 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:329 International trade: conference (proposed) Plen:1152, 1189, South West Africa: international status IV:1381 1190j 11:808,823,825,839 Special Fund; operations 11:875 Iran: earthquake, 1962 III:1139 Technical co-operation 11:875 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) UN: 1:1304 finances: bonds Plen:1129 Korean question Plen:1152 • Members: admission Plen:1146 Kuwait question Plen:1152 peace and security operations: financing V:969 T...and reform 11:808,864 permanent force (proposed) Plen:1129 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration UN Capital Development Fund Plen:1129; 11:817 Plen:1167j III:1140-1143,1146, 1148 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1129j 11:817,860 Narcotic drugs: control II1:1162 UNHCR: continuation II1:1188 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty Plen:1194; World Food Programme 11:860 11:851,855,859 Near and Middle East: international relations Plen:1152 NSGT: IRAN: REPRESENTATIVES fellowships and scholarships 1V:1423 information to UN: political and constitutional IV:1423 Amirmokri 11:832,860,864,875 racial discrimination 1V:1423 Aram Plen:1129, 1144 Oman question Plen:1l52; Pol:351, 353 Darai II1:1139, 1156, 1171, 1188 Palestine question Plen:1152 Ehsassi V:969 Palestine refugees: assistance Plen:1200; Pol:361, 362, 365, 371-374

133 ==~======.~,=====_--:'-=..=:~======I

D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) mAQ (continued) mELAND (continued)

Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:767, Economic development 11:810 769,777 & population growth 11:866,874 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, GA: hearings: Southern Rhodesia IV:1350 prevention of III:1170, 1171, 1173 Human rights: Refugees III:1l88, 1191 covenants (draft) I1I:1178 Secretariat: staff: Decalration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 I1I:1l63 fixed-term appointments V:949, 953, 954 Industrial development 11:810 geographical distribution V:949, 953, 954, 956 ILC: report, 14th sess, VI:743 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:337 International trade 11:810 South West Africa: international status IV:1383 conference (proposed) 11:810,838 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1331,1361 Investments, International 11:810 Special Fund: operations 11:873 Iran: earthquake, 1962 I1I:1l39 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration I1I:1l43 , 11:873 1144 Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1406 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:848 UN: Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:376 11 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:915-917, Peaceful relations among States: & international law :)34,936,937 VI:766, 769, 773 budget, 1963 V:916, 918-920, 927, 928, 940, 941, 945-948, Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, 980 preventionof III:1169 Charter: General Conference under Art, 109 V:927 Radiation: effects Pol:344 finances: Secretariat: staff: accounts, 1961 V:915 fixed-term appointments V:958 bonds V:979 geographical distribution V:958 Members:admission Plen:1l46,1158 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:340 & NSGT: information about UN IV:1423 South West Africa: international status IV:1388 peace and security operations: financing V:971,973 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1336,1355,1364, 3 UN Capital Development Fund 11:808,861 1367,1368 UNICEF: & UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Ill:1162 Territories under Portuguese administration: status UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1152 IV:1400,1415,1417 UNEF: budget, 1963 V:979 UN: UNHCR: continuation I1I:1188,1191 budget, 1963 V:920,924,932,940,970 UN International School V:960 finances: contributions V:983 UN Operation in the Congo: financing V'979 peace and security operations: financing Plen:1142; Women: advancement in developing countries 1lI:1162,1164 V:968, 971, 980 , World Food Programme 11:860 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 11:810 " UNHCR: finances: contributions WA:1 ;~" . UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 IRAQ: REPRESENTATIVES World Food Programme 11:810

Afnan 1lI:1139-1141,1143,1146,1148,1159,1162,1164,1170, 1171,1173,1178,1184,1188,1191,1198,1203,1206 ffiELAND: REPRESENTATIVES Butti Plen:1189, 1190, 1194, 1197; 11:831,839,844,851,855, 857,859-861,863-865,871,873,874 Aiken Plen:1142; 1:1247,1262,1267 Hassan, A. 11:829 Cullen 11:810,838,848,866,874 Hassan, Q. Pol:337, 365 Horan Pol:340, 344, 376 Jawad Plen:1146, 1152, 1160 Kirwan 111:1139,1142,1144,1163,1169,1178,1200; WA:1,2 Kamal Plen:1188; IV:1343, 1361, 1383, 1406,1423,1425 Molloy Plen:1157; 1:1281 Khalaf IV:1331 Morrissey VI:743, 766, 769, 773 Kittani 11:806,808,823,825; V:915-920, 927, 928, 934, 936, Nolan V:920, 924,932,940, 958,968, 970, 971,974,980,983 937,940,941,945-949,953,954,956,960,966,971,973, . O'Sullivan IV:1336, 1343, 1350, 1355,1364,1367,1368,1388, 974,978-980 1400,1415,141.7 Pachachi Plen:1152,1158,1167,1170,1175,1195,1200,1202; 1:1249,1262,1265; Pol:351, 353, 361, 362, 371-374, 376 Suleiman 1:1275, 1304 ISRAEL Yasseen Plen:1167; III:1142; VI:745, 767, 769, 777 Africa: education 11:872 Atomic weapons: prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen:1148 tests: suspension Plen:1148; 1:1257 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) Ill:1200 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:832 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension 1:1247,1262 China: representation in UN Plen:1162 Colonialism: elimination V:974 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1148 Dag Hammarskjold Foundation Plen:1157 Congo situation Plen:1148 Disarmament 1:1267,1281 Co-ordination among UN and specialized agencies: adminis­ ESC: report, 1961/1962 11:810 trative and budgetary questions V:9'14,978

134 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) ISRAEL (continued) ITALY

Disarmament Pler.:1148j 1:1276 Africa: education Il:871 economic and social consequences Plen:1148; II:852 Angola: situation Plen:1l96 & economic and social development II:852 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) Ill:1196, 1198, 1200 Disputes, Pacific settlement of Plen:1l48 Atomic weapons: ESC: prohibition: conference (proposed) I: 1288 members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1148 tests: suspension Plen:1136j 1:1247, 1262 repo-t, 1961/1962 Il:818j IIl:1154 Bolzano (Bozen) Province: implementation of Paris Agree­ Economic development Il:818, 821, 865 ment, 1946 Plen:1136 GA: Burundi: assistance Il:876,877 • procedure Plen:1148 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:801, rules of procedure: rule 154 V:921 831,832 Human rights: covenants (draft) Ill: 1178,1181 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1136, 1195 Industrial development Il:857 Community development Ill:1155 l43, ILC: report, 14th sess, VI:743,749 Congo situation Plen:1l36 Investments, International Plen:114S Consular relations VI:775 Iran: earthquake, 1962 1ll:1139 Disarmament Plen:1136; 1:1267 Near and Middle East: international relations Plen:1148 ESC: Palestine question Plen:1148, 1150 members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1136 Palestine refugees: assistance Plen:1148, 1200; Pol:359, report, 1961/1962 Plen:1136; Il:801, 807; Ill:1155 i, 361,362,364,366,370,372-375 Economic and social development 1ll:1155 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:767, Economic development II:801, 807,821,863,865 771,774 & population growth 1I:868 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, European Economic Community Plen:1136 prevention of Plen:1148j Ill:1165, 1168, 1173 Housing and urban development 1ll:1155 Refugees Ill:1188 Human rights: covenants (draft) 1ll:1172, 1178, 1183,1185, Secretariat: staff: geographical distribution V:955, 959 1202 S-G: appointment Plen:1148,1182 Hungarian situation Pol:376 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1148 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis ill South Africa Pol:342 Social services 1ll:1154 Industrial development II:801, 844, 855 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:339,341 ILC: report, 14th seas. VI:743,746-748 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1352, 1363 International trade 11:801,807 Technical co-operation Plen:1148 conference (proposed) Plen:1189; 11:801,823,837,839 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Investments, International 11:801 IV:1403, 1404, 1419 Iran: earthquake, 1962 1ll:1139 UN: Libya: assistance 11:876 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:934,936 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration budget, 1963 V:926, 932, 941, 947, 949, 980 Plen:1166j Ill:1142, 1144, 1146, 1148 economic and social activities: decentralization Il:852 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty Plen:1194; executive body (proposed) Plen:1148 II:846,859 finances: bonds Plen:1148 Newly independent States: assistance Plen:1l36 Members: admission Plen:1158 outer space: peaceful uses Plen:1136j 1:1293 peace and security operations: financing Plen:1148 Peaceful relations among States: & international law UN Conference on the Application of Science and Technology VI:760, 774 for the Benefit of Less Developed Areas, Geneva, 1963 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestation, Plen:1148 prevention of Ill:1168 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1148 Refugees 1ll:1l87 UNHCR: Rwanda: assistance 11:876,877 .. continuation Ill: 1188 Secretariat: staff: geographical distribution V:953 finances: contributions WA:1 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1136 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:749,776 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:331,342 South West Africa: international status IV:1378 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1333, 1336, 1351, ISRAEL: REPRESENTATIVES 1364,1366,1368 Te:rritories under Portuguese administration: status Comay Plen:1150, 1158, 1162, 1182, 1200; Pol:359, 361, 362, IV:1394,1417-1419 364,366,373,375; 1ll:1165, 1168,1173 UN: Darom Pol:339,341 budget, 1963 V:930 Ginor Il:852, 865 finances: bonds Plen:1136 Hareli Il:818, 821, 832, 852, 857,872 Members: admission Plen:1146 Liveran V:921,926, 932, 934,936,941,947,949,955,959, peace and security operations: financing Plen:1136j 974,978,980 V:967 Meir Plen:1148; Pol:370, 372 UN Capital Development Fund 11:861 Nardi 1ll:1139, 1154, 1178, 1181, 1188; WA:l UNICEF 1ll:1l55 Raiael 1:1257, 1276 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1136; 11:801; Ramin rv:1352,1363, 1403, 1404, 1419 1ll:1155 Rosenne VI:743, 767, 771, 774, 776 UNEF: budget, 1963 V:982

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UNHCR: Ake V:917, 927, 929, 933,934,937,939, 940, 943, 944, 948, 10 continuation Ill: 1187 958,968,971 finances: contributions WA:1 Anoma 11:857,859,862,871; VI:744, 747, 749, 762, 774 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:749 Ebagnitchie IV:1340, ~ 346,1348,1353,1358, 1366, 1402, 1405, UN Operation in the Congo: financing V:982 1407,1409 Usher Plen:1146, 1164, 1171, 1189j 1:1299; Pol:333, 340, 341, 368,371,372,374, 375j 11:832 ITALY: REPRESENTATIVES

Capotorti Ill: 1178,1183,1185,1196,1198,1200,1.202; VI:774, JAMAICA F "75 Carducci-Artenisia Plen:1195, 1196; 1:1288 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1145 Cavalletti 1:1247 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1145,1195 Franzi Plen:1189j 11:801, ~07, 821, 823, 831,832, 837, 839, Commodity problems Plen:1145j 11:865 I 844,846,855,86~,865,871,876 Disarmament Plen:1145 I Gasparini Pol:331, 342, 376 economic and social consequences Plen:1145; 11:853 Gherardesca 111:1139,1142,1144,1146,1148,1155,1168, & economic and social development 11:853 1172,1187 Human rights 'Plen:1145 Nuti V:930 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa. Plen:1164 Pascucci Righi IV:1333, 1336, 1343, 1351, 1364, 1366, 1368, Industrial development Plen:1145 1378,1394,1417-1419 International trade: conference (proposed) Plen:1145,1189 Piccioni Plen:1136 Investments, International Plen:1145 Soardi V:953,967,982 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1164 5, Sperduti VI:743, 746-749, 760 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1332, 1340, 1344, Tallarigo Plen:1166j WA:l 1359,1366 Zadotti Plen:1194; 11:859,861,868,877 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Zoppi Plen:1146; 1:1262,1267,1293 IV:1392, 1394, 1401 UN: executive body (proposed) Plen:1145 IVORY COAST Members: admisston Plen:1122 UN Capital Development Fund Plen:1145; 11:860 Africa: education 11:871 UN Development Decade, 1960-19'70 Plen:1145 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:832 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1171 Disarmament JAMAICA: REPRESENTATIVES [j economic and social consequences 11:862 & economic' -ind social development 11:862 Marsh Plen:1195; IV:1332,1340, 1344, 1359, 1366, 1392, 1394, GA: 1401 hearings: Territories under Portuguese administration Richardson Plen:1122, 1164, 1189; 11:853 IV:1407 Shearer Plen:1145 participation of Korea (DPR) 1:1299 Stephens 11:860,865 participation of Korea (Rep.) 1:1299 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen:116'4 Industrial development 11:857 JAPAN ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:744, 747, 749 International trade: conference (proposed) Plen:1189 Angola sttuatton Plen:1196 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:859 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) Ill: 1198 NSGT: information to UN IV:1409 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1l26; .1:1248,1263 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:368, 371, 372, 374,375 Berlin situation Plen:1126 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:762, Burundi: assistance 11:877 774 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:806 Secretariat: staff: China: representation in UN Plen:1126,1160 fixed-term appointments V:958 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1126, 1171,1194 geographical distribution V:958 Commodity problems 11:806,848 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1164; Pol:333, Congo situation Plen:1126 . 340,341 • Disarmament Plen:1126; 1:1280 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1340, 1346, 1348, economic and social consequences 11:863 1353,1358,1366 & economic and social development 11:863 Te:rritories under Portuguese administration: status Disputes, Pacific settlement of Plen:1126 IV:1402,1405 ESC: UN: members: increase in number (proposed) Pfen:1126 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:917,934, report, 1961/1962 11:806; III:1158 937 Economic and social development Ill:1158 budget, 1963 V:927, 929,933,939, 940,943,944, 948 Economic development 11:806 Members: admission Plen:1146 & population g;rowth 11:874 peace and security operations: financing V:968,971

136' D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) JAPAN (continued) JAPAN: REPRESENTATIVES (continued) 948, GA: Ohira Plen:1126 ~ Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 Okazaki Plen:1146, 1160, 1179, 1194, 1196, 1202j 1:1248, D2, 1405, participation of Korea (DPR) 1:1299 1263,1280,1292,1299,1304 parUcipation of Korea (Rep.) 1:1299 Sunobe VI:745,754 140,341, procedure Plen:1126 Taniguichi VI:756 Human rights: advisory services In:1158 Tsuruoka IV:1344 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Afl'ica Pol:336 Ushiba 11:806,837,858,863,874; WA:2 IAEA: report, 1961/1962 Plen:1179 Yokota V:919,937,945,954,963,974 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:745 International trade: conference (proposed) Plen:1126j 11:806, 837 JORDAN Investments, International Plen:1126 Iran: earthquake, 1962 III:1138 Angola situation Bur:152 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) Atomic weapons: tests: suspension 1:1262 853 1:1304 Burundi: assistance 11:877 Korean question 1:1304 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:829, Laos question Plen:1126 831,832 64 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration 111:1144, China: representation in UN Plen:1157j Bur:148 1148 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1138, 1172 5,1189 Narcotic drugs: control III:1158 Congo situation Plen:1138 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:858 Dag Hammarskjold Foundation Plen:1157 Newly independent States: assistance Plen:1126 Disarmament Plen:1138 l344, Oman question Plen:1191 economic and social consequences 111:1156 Outer space: peaceful uses Plen:1126j 1:1292 ESC: report, 1961/1962 111:1156 Peaceful relations among States: & international law Economic and social development Ill:1156 VI:754,756 GA: Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, agenda Bur:148,152 prevention of In:1169 hearings: Southern Rhodesia IV:1350 Radiation: effects Pol:342 Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1201,1202 Rwanda: assistance 11:877 procedure Plen:1138j Bur:148 Seci'etariat: staff: Human rights: covenants (draft) 111:1203,1205 fixed-term appointments V:954 Industrial development 1J:~44 geographical distribution V:954 Iran: earthquake, 1962 II~ •. 139 S-G: appointment Plen:1126 Oman question Plen:1138j Bur:148j Pol:352 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1126 Outer space: peaceful uses Plen:1138'.I 92, 1394, South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:336 Palestine question Plen:1138, 1148 ; South West Africa: international status IV:1386,1389 palesti~t~~f~,g:~:,:3~~sistance Plen:1138, 1148j P01:360, ..:.) Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1417,1419 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:760 '.• UN: Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations prevention of m:1165 IV:1417,1419 Refugees 111:1188 budget, 1963 V:919, 945, 974 Rwanda: assistance 11:877 economic and social activities: decentralization I1:806, S-G: appointment Plen:1138 853,856 SC: members: election Plen:1149 finances: bonds Plen:1126 Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation 8,1263 Members: admission Plen:1146,1158 111:1208 peace and security operations: fLlancing Plen:1126j Social services Ill:1156 V:963 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:330 806 UN Capital Development Fund 11:861 South West Africa: international status IV:1370, 1371, 1381, UNICEF 111:1158 1388, 1389 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1126j 1I:806j Southern Rhodesia: self-government Bur:148j IV:1336, 1342, III:1158 1346,1350,1360,1366 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 Territories under Portuguese administration: status West New Guinea (West Irian): Indonesia/Netherlands Agree­ IV:1408, 1417, 1419,1420 ment, 1962 Plen:1126 TC: report, 1961/1962 IV:1431 UN: economic and social activities: decentralization 11:853, JAPAN: REPRESENTATIVES 854,856 126 Members: admission Plen:1146 Fukushima Plen:1191j Pol:336, 342 peace and security operations: financing V:964, 969, 973 Kadota 11:848,861 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 PI':m:1138 Kubota 111:1138,1144,1148,1158,1169,1198 UNHCR: continuation 111:1188 Matsui Plen:1158, 1171; IV:1386, 1417,1419 Miyakawa 11:853,856,877 I Nemoto IV:1389 ...... L.--,._ .. 137 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) JORDAN: REPRESENTATIVES LEBANON (continued) EI-Farra Pol:330j V:964, 969, 973 Industrinl development 1l:813 Nasser 1l1:1139,l156,1165,1188,1203,1205,1208 International trade Il:813 Nussibeh Plen:1138,1148 conference (proposed) Plen:1141j 1l:813, 823,828, 835 RUa'i, A. M. Plen:1146, 1149, 1157, 1172, 1201, 1202j Investments, International 1l:813 Bur:148, 152; 1:1262j Pol:352, 360, 361, 366, 373, 375 Iran: earthquake, 1962 Ill: 1139 RUai, Z. IV:1336,1342, 1344, 1346, 1350, 1360, 1366, 1370, Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:854,856,858 1371,1381,1388,1389,1408,1417,1419,1420,1431 Oman question Plen:1141 Shal'af VI:760 Palestine question Plen:1141 Tell ll:829,831,832,844,053,854,856,877 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:361, 364, 370, 374 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestation, prevention of m:1169 KERINA, MBURUMBA K. (South West Africa) S-G: appointment Plen:114 1, 1182 South West Africa: international status P::1383 South West Africa: Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1337 fellowships and scholarships IV:1372 Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1406 international status IV:1372, 13'13 UN: Members: admission Plen:1146 peace and security operations: financing Plen:1141 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF permanent force (proposed) Plen:1l41 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1141; 1l:813 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) 1:1300 Korean question 1:1300, 1301, 1305 LEBANON: REPRESENTATIVES EI-Ahdab 111:1139,1169,1206 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF: REPRESENTATIVES Ammoun Plen:1141, 1182; 1:1275 Chammas 1l:831j 111:1198 Choi Duk Shin 1:1300,1305 Dimechkie Pol:361, 364, 370, 374 Lee, S. Y. 1:1301 Hakim Plen:1197; 1l:813, 823, 828, 835, 843. 849, 854, 856, 858, 862,867,869,874 Mal{kawi IV:1337, 1343, 1383, 1406 LAOS Noussair Pol:356 Takla Plen:1146 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:l137 Cambodia: neutrality: declaration (proposed) Plen:1137 China: representation in UN Plen: 1137 . LEGAL COUNSEL (Stavropoulos) Colonialism: elimination Pleil:1137 Congo situation Plen:1137 Consular relations VI:775 Disarmament Plen:1137 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:734, 748, 719 International trade: conference (proposed) Plen:1137 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration Ill:1142* Laos question Plen:1137 Peaceful relations among States: & international law S-G: appointment Plen:1182 VI:772,774 UN: privileges and inmunities: in USA: excise taxes and cus­ toms duties V:982** LAOS: R.EPRESENTATIVES UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:749 Champassak Plen:1182 *also issued separately as doe. A/C. 3/L. 985 Pholsena Plen:1137 **alsQ issued separately as doe. A/C. 5/972 • I LIBERIA LEBANON Africa: education 1l:871 Algeria: independence Plen: 11H Angola situation Plen: 1183 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) Ill:1198 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) Ill:1201 Cairo Declaration of Developing Court , -: es, 1962 Plen:1141j Atomic weapons: 1l:813,831 prohibitu.n: conference (proposed) I: 1286 Commodity problems 1l:8i3,349 tests: suspension Plen:1132j 1:1253, 1286 COHgO situation Plen:1141 Berlin situation Plen:1132 Disarmament T:1275 Burundi: assistance 1l:877 economic and social consequences 1l:843,862 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 1l:832 & economic and social development 11:843,862 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1132, 1167, 1170 ESC: report, 1961/1962 11:813 Commodity problems 1l:804 Economic development !I:813 Congo situation Plen:1132 & population growth Plen: 114l, 1197; 11:867,869,874 Disarmament :!:'kn:1132; 1:1279 regional integration Plen: 1141 economic and social consequences 11:862 Human rights: covenants (draft) Ill:1206 & economic and social development 11:862

138 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17tr session) LIBERIA (continued) LIBERIA (continued) ESC: Trust Territories: fellowships and scholarships IV:1431 members: re. report, 1961/1962 lV:1426,1431 geographical distribution Plen:1132 UN: increase in number (proposed) Plen:11~2 budget, 1963 V:928, 940, 943 report, 1961/1962 11:804: m:1154 executive body (proposed) Plen:1132 Economic development 11:804 finances: bonds V:97S &population growth 11:867 Members: European Economic Community Plen:1132 admission Plen:1146, 1158 GA: expulsion (proposed) Plen:1132 Cttee on Information from NSGT: peace and security operations: financing Plen:1132j continuation (proposed) IV:1424,1425 V:962,965,972 members: election IV:1425 & 'l'rust Territories: information about UN IV:1431 hearings: UN Capital Development Fund 11:860 Spanish Guinea IV:1403 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1132; 11:804 Territories under. Portuguese administration IV:1390, UNHCR: 1428 continuation m:1188 Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 finances: contributious WA:1 procedure Plen:1132 UN International School V:960 Housing and urban development m:1154 Human rights: covenants (draft) m:1177, 1184, 1204, 1207 Industrial development 11:804 LIBERIA: REPRESENTATIVES ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:743 International trade: conference (proposed) 11:804 Barnes Plen:1149, 1158,1170, 1183, 1202; 1:1253,1279: WA:' Investments, International 11:804 'Brooks Plen:1167; IV:1347,1350, 1364, 1366,1367,1369­ Marriage: minimum age, consent and r egtstratton III:1l42, 1372,1374,1376-1378,1380,1385,1386,1388,1390,1395, 1144,1148 1400,1403,1407-1410,1413,1417,1418,1420,1424-142~, Narcotic drugs: control III:1154 1431 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:804,845 Caine VI:743,762 NSGT: Doe 11:804, 832,8~7, 871 indigenous cadres: preparation and training IV:1424 Eastman, E. 11:845,860,862,877 information to UN IV:1409, 1410, 1412, 1413 Eastman, N. IV:1331, 1336, 1341, 1343, 1393, 1397, 1412, political and constttuttonal IV:1424 1420,1428 transmission by France IV:1424 Grimes Plen:1132,1146 transmission by ?ol'tuga,l. XV:1424 Johnson, D. Pol:329,364 transmission by United Kingdom IV:1424 Johnson, M. 1:1286 racial discrimination IV:1424 Marshall m:1188, 1204 Outer space: peaceful uses Plen:1132 Morris V:928, 940,943, 955,957,960,962, 965,972,979 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:364 Taylor III:1168, 1209 Peaceful relations among peoples: promotion among youth Yancy Ill:1142, 1144, 1148, 1154, 1167, 1171., 1173, 1177, 1184, III:1154 1201,1207 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:762 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, prevention of III:1167, 1168, 1171, 1173 LIBYA Refugees Ill: 1188 Rwanda: assistance 11:877 Algeria: independence Plen:1140 Secretariat: staff: Angola situation Plen:1140 fixed-term appointments V:955,957 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1140 • I geographical distribution V:955,957 Berlin situation Plen:1140 S-G: appointment Plen:1132 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 Plen:1140 SC: members: Colonialism: elimination Plen:1140 election Plen: 1149 Congo situation Plen:1140 geographical distribution Plen:1132 Disarmament Plen:1140 increase in number (proposed) Plen:1132 & economic and social development Plen:1l4lJ , . Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1140 Ill: 1209 Hu nan rights: covenants (draft) Ill:1l84 South Mrica: race problems: apartnaid Plen:1132; Pol:329 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Mrica Pol:335 South West Africa: International trade: conference (proposed) Plen:1140 fellowships and scholarships IV:1378,1380 Iran: earthquake, 1962 m:1138 international status Plen:1132; IV:1369-1372, 1374, 1376­ Libya: assistance Plen:1140; 11:876 1378,1380,1385,1386,1388,1395 Oman question Plen:1140: Pol:353 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen:1132: IV:1331, Outer space: peaceful uses Plen:1140 1336,1341,1347,1350,1364,1366,1367 Palestine question. Plen:1140 Spanish Guinea: self-government or independence IV:1420 Palestine refugees: assistance Plen:1l40; Pol:367 Territories under Portuguese administration: sta.tus Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, Plen:1132: IV:1393,1397, 1400,1407,1408,1417,1418, prevention cZ m:1168 1420 S-G: appointment Plen:1140

139 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) LIBYA (continued) MADAGASCAR (continued)

SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1l40 UN: South Africa: budget,1963 V:943,948 race problems: apartheid Pol:335 executive body (proposed) Plen: 1150 sanctions (proposed) Plen:i140 peace and security operations: financing V:973 South West Africa: international status IV:1386 UNICEF 1lI:1155 Spain: floor, 1962 1lI:1138 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen: 1150j 1lI:1155 Territories under Portuguese administration: status West New Guinea (West Irtan): Indonesia/Netherlands Agree- IV:1401 ment, 1962 Plen:1150 UN: executive body (proposed) Plen:1140 finances: bonds Plen:1140 MADAGASCAR: REPRESENTATIVES Members: admission Plen:1l46 peace and security operations: financing Plen:1l40 Andriamaharo I:1306 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1140 Mitsakis II:832 West New Guinea (West Irian): Indonesia/Netherlands Agree­ Rabetafika m:1190j V:943, 948 ment, 1962 Plen:1140 Rajaonarivony 11:845,846,871,874 Rakotomalala Plen:1150 Ramahollmthaso, A. II:819j V:973j VI:765 LIBYA: REPRESENTATIVES Ramahollmihaso, Mme 1lI:1139,1155,1174,1191,1208 Rntsimamao-Rafiringa IV:1392 EI-Masri IV:1386,1401 Sylla Plen: 1172 Fekini, M. Plen:1140, 1146; Pol:335, 353, 367; II:876 Fekini, Mrs. H. m:1138, 1168, 1184 MALI MADAGASCAR Africa: economic and political integration Plen: 1139 Angola situatlon Plen:1186 Africa: Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) Ill: 1199 economic and political integration Plen: 1150 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1139; I:1251, 1263, education II:871 1266 African and Malagasy Union Plen:1150 Burundi: assistance II:877 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen: 1150 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 Plen:1139j Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 II:832 II:815 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1150, 1172 China: representation in UN Plen:1139, 1160 Community development 1lI:1155 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1139,1180; V:974 Congo situation Plen: 1150 Commodity problems 11:815,863 Disarmament .Plen: 1150 Congo situation Plen:1139 economic and social consequences II:845 Disarmament Plen: 1139; I. 1279 & economic and social development II:845 economic and social consequences II:862; m:1154 ESC: & economic and social development II:862 members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1150 ESC: report, 1961/1962 II:815; Ill: 1154 report,1961/1962 II:819; ill:1155 Economic and social development ill: 1154 Economic and social development ill: 1155 Economic development II:815 Economic development II:819 GA: &. population growth II:874 hearings: Territories under Portuguese administration European Economic Community Plen: 1150 IV:1428,1429 GA: procedure Plen: 1150 Members: representatives: credentials Plen: 1202 Human rights: covenants (draft) ill: 1174 participation of Kor.ea (DPR) I:1299 Information media ill:1155 participation of Korea (Rep.) I:1299 Iran; earthquake, 1962 Ill~ 1139 Housing and urban development m:1159 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) Human rights Ill: 1159, 1163, 1164 I:1306 covenants (draft) Ill: 1204 Koreanquestion 1:1306 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 Ill: 1159, 1163, 1164 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:'!46 Hungarian situation Plan: 1200 Outer space: peaceful uses Plen: 1150 Industrial development 11:857 Peaceful relations among States: & tnternationallaw VI:765 Information media Ill: 1159 Refugees III:1190,l191 Investments, International II:815 Secretariat: staff: geographical distribution Plen: 1150 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) S-G: appointment Plen: 1150 1:1304 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1150 Korean question I:1304 Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1150 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration m:1142, Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation 1143,1147 m:1208 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:854,858 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1150 NSGT: information to UN IV:1410 South West Africa: international status IV:1392 Palestine refugees: assistance Plen:1139; Pol:375

140 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) MALI (continued) MAURITANIA (continued)

Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:764 Disarmament Plen:U13j 1:1276 R!lcial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, economic and social consequences ll: 862 prevention of Ill: 1169,1171,1173 & economic and social development ll:862 Refugees Ill:1189,1191 ESC: Rwanda: assistance il:877 members: election Plen: 1149 Social services 1lI:1154 report, 1961/1962 ll:813 South Africa: Economic development ll:813 race problems: apartheid Plen: 1139j Pol:336 regional integration Plen: 1143 sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1139 GA: South West Africa: international status Plen:1139j 1V:1370, hearings: 1385 South West Africa IV:1383 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen:1139j 1V:1332, Territor.1es under Portuguese administration IV:1390 1333,1336,1339,1341,1344,1345,1348,1361,1364 Members: representatives: credentials Plen: 1202 TerritorieS' under Portuguese administration: status parttctpatlon of Korea (DPR) I:1299 Plen:1139j IV:1393,1397,1402, 1408, 1415,1418, 1419, participation of Korea (Rep.) 1:1299 1427 Human rights Ill: 1159,1160 UN: covenants (draft) Ill: 1178 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:916, 917, Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 Ill:1159,l164 935 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Pol:339 budget,1963 V:927,933,942-944 Information media ill:1159 finances: contributions V:978 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:739 Members: admission Plen:1122, 1146 International trade: conference (proposed) 11:839 peace and security operations: financing V:972 Investments, International ll:813 UN Capital Development Fund ll:815 Iran: earthquake, 1962 Ill:1138 UNICEF ill:1159 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1139j n.ars, Plen:1166; Ill: 1141, 1142,1144, 1146,1147 ill:1154 Mauritania: territorial claims IV:1417 UNHCR: continuation Ill: 1189 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty Plen:1193, 1194; Women: advancement in developing countries 1lI:115fl 11:835,842,851,856,857 Nature: protection 11:866 NSGT: information to UN 1V:1410 MALI: REPRESENTATIVES Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1200j Pol:363, 374-376 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, Bocoum Plen: 1139 prevention of Ill:1165, 1167 Coulibaly Plen:1122, 1146,1160,1180,1186, 1200, 1202j Secretariat: staff: geographical distribution Plen: 1143 I:1251,1263, 1266,1279, 1299,1304 SC: members: Diallo IV:1332,1333, 1336,1339,1341,1343-1345,1348,1361, election Plen: 1149 1364,1370,1385,1393,1397,1402,1408,1410,1415, increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1143 1418,1419,1427-1429 South Africa: Futa ll:877 race problems: apartheid PI)I:331,339 Keita V:942 sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1143 Rousseau m:11':i'\ 1143,1147,1154,1159, 1163,1164, 1169, South West Africa: international status IV:1383 1171,1173,1189,1191,1199,1204 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1336,1350, 1365, Sow V:916,917,927,933, 935, 943, 944, 972,974, 978 1367,1369 Tour~, A. Pol:336, 375j VI:764 Spain: flood, 1962 ill:1136,1138 Traore, M. 11:815,854,857,858,862,863 Special Fund: operations 11:813 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances ll:813 MAPANJE, BENEDITO (Mozambique) Territories under Portuguese administration: status Plen: 1143j IV:1403 Territories under Portuguese administration: status UN: IV:1416 budget,1963 V:942 Members: admission Plen:1146 MAURITANIA expulsion (proposed) Plen:1143 UN Capital Development Fund 11:861 Africa: economic and political integration Plen: 1143 Ul'T Development Decade, 1960-1970 11:813 African and Malagasy Union Plen: 1143 Women: advancement in developing countries Ill:1159 Algeria: independence Plen: 1143 Angola situation Plen: 1184 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen: 1143j I:1254, 1263, MA URITANIA: REPRESEN'fATIVES 1264 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 ll:831, 832 Ba Pol:331j III:1141 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1143, 1175, 1192 Bakkar V:942 Congo situation Plen: 1143 Erebih Plen:1184; IV:1336,1350, 1365,1367,1369,1383,1390, . 1403, 1410

141 ._~-:;:'--'~ ======:::::::::======::::::1:1===1

D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) MAURITANIA: REPRESENTATIVES (continued) MEXICO: REPRESENTATIVES Fall IV:1417 Amador Plen:1190, 1194; 11:814,827,830,833 846 850 861 Ghnli VI:739 864,865,875 ',,, Hassan Pol:339 Cm'l'anco AvUa IV:1414 Kochman. Plen:1166; nI:1142, 1144,1146,1147,1169 1160 Cuevas Cancino Plen:1122, 1128, 1129, 1202; 1:1297; IV:1336 1164,1165,1167 ', 1357,1369,1370,1376*,1377,1387**,1403 ' Luqman Plen:1149,1192-1194,1200,1202; 1:1299; Pol:374­ Fenochio V:943,960,963,972 376; 1I:813,836,83S,842,861,866,867,861 862 866' G6mez-Robledo Plen:1165, 1191i Pol:341, 374 m:1!36, 1138, 1178 ',, Moreno VI:739,768 Souleymane Plen:1143, 1146, 1176; 1:1264,1263 1264 1276' Pol:363 ., ,, orozco m:1169 Padilla-Nervo Plen:1163; 1:1259 • Tour~ 11:831,832 de Santiago L6pez Plen:1187, 1198; m:U39, 1147 1198 1201 1204,1209 ',, T~l1ez VI:776 MEXICO It '"also issued separately as doe. A/C. 4/573 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) m: 1198,1201 *'" also issued separately as doe. A/C. 4/581 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1163; 1:1269 Berlin situation Plen:1153 British Honduras Plen:1129; IV:1414 MONGOLIA Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:814,830 Commodity problems 11:814, 846 Angola sib. ~lon Plen:1188 Disarmament Plen: 1153 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1137; 1:1253 economic and social consequences 11:860 Berlin situation Plen:1137 & economic and social development 11:860 China: representation in UN Plen:1137,1158 ESC: report, 1961/1962 11:814 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1137,1177 Economic development 11:814,865 Cuban situation Plen:1137 & population growth !I:875 Disarmament Plen:1137; 1:1276,1281 GA: Members: representatives: credentials Plen: 1202 economic and social consequences 11:862; 1lI:1157 , Human rights: covenants (draft) Plen:1198; m:1204, 1209 & economic and social development Plen:1137; 11:862 \ Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen:1165 ESC: report, 1961/1962 II:812; I1I:1157 Industrial development 11:833 Economic and social development m: 1157 ILC: report, 14th sess, VI:739 Economic development 11:812 International trade 11:814 GA: conference (proposed) Plen:1190; 11:814,827 participation of Korea (DPR) 1:1299 Iran: earthquake, 1962 1lI:1139 participation of Korea (Rep.) I:1299 Land reform 11:864 Ge,rmany: peace treaty Plen: 1137 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration 111:1147 Human rights m:1157 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty Plen:1194 covenants (draft) III:1177 Nuclear-free zones: establishment (proposed) Plen:1153 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 III:U57 Oman question Plen:1191 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Pol'335 Outer space: peaceful uses Plen:1153; 1:1297 Industrial development 11:857 ' ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:742 ,. Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:374 International trade 11:812 Pea~efuI relations among States: & tnternattonal law VI:758 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, conference (proposed) Plen:1137; 11:812 prevention of m: 1169 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) Refugees Plen:1187 Plen:1137; 1:1303 Self-determination of peoples Plen:1153 Korean question 1:1303 . South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1128 1165' Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration 111:1142 ', Pol:341 ', Nature: protection 11:864,866 • South West Aft'ica: international status Plen:1128' IV:1370 . NATO: & Warsaw Treaty Organization: non-aggression treaty 1376,1377,1387 " (proposed) Plen: 1137 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1336 1357 1369 Nuclear-free zones: establishment (proposed) Plen:1137 Ternltortones und er Portuguese administration:',status IV'1403 Nuclear war: propaganda: condemnation Plen:llS7 • UN: ' Oman question Pol:355 budget,1963 V:g43,960 Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1294, Members: admission Plen:1122 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:758 peace and security operations: financing V:963,972 Refugees III:1189 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 II:814 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol;335 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:776 South West Africa: international status IV:1379,1386 UN Research Institute for Social Development: establishment Southern Rhodesia: self- government IV:1336 1357 11:861 Territories under Portuguese administration:'status IV:1401 UN '::.'raining and Research Institute: establishment 11:861

142 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) MONGOLIA (continued) MOROCCO (continued) UN: UN: budget,1963 V:933 budget,1963 V:942 executive body (proposed) Plen: 1137 Members: admission Plen:1146 finances: contrtbuttons V:978 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1140; Il:813 peace and security operattons: financing V:968 UNHCR: continuation m:1188 UNHCR: continuation m:1189 Viet-Nam Plen:1137 , MOROCCO: REPRESENTA'I'IVES MONGOLIA: REPRESENTATIVES Balafrej Plen:1140, 1146 Benhima Plen:1178, 1186, 1201; 1:1277; Pol:354,369 Baldo m:1142,1157 Benani Pol:336,345 Dashtseren V:933, 968,978 EI-Fassi m:1138, 1170, 1180, 1188, 1193, 1206 Dugersuren Plen:1177, 1188; 1:1276,1281,1294,1303 Hajoui I1:813,830,849,853,862,872,875 Ishdorj m:1177, 1189 EI- Khatib IV:1334,1354,1360,1378,1402,1415 Jargalsaikhan Pol:335, 355 EI- Mokhtar IV:1353 Khosbayar 1:1290; V1:742, 758 Soussan Plen:1189, 1193; II:848, 855,856, 858,859, 865; Namsrai 11:812,862,864,866 V:942, 958 Ochirbal Il:857 Purevjal IV:1336, 1357,1379.1386,1401 Shagdarsuren Plen:1137, 1158; 1:1253 MOUVEMENT POUR LA LIBERATION DE L'ENCLAVE DE CABINDA (Ranque Franque, Luis) MOROCCO TerX'itories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1391, 1392 Africa: education Il:872 Algeria: independence Plen:1140 Angola situation Plen:1186, 1201 MOUVEMENT POUR L'INDEPENDENCE DE LA GUINEE Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) ill:1193 EQUATORIALE (Maho, LOl.'.is Joseph) Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 Plen:1140; II:830 Spanish Guinea: self-government or independence IV:1420 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1140, 1178 Commodity problems I1:848,849,865 Disarmament Plen:1140j I:1277 MOVEMENT FOR THE DEFENSE OF THE INTERESTS OF economic and social consequences Il:853,862 ANGOLA (MDIA) (Bala, J. P. ) & economic and social development Plen:1140; Il:853,862 Disputes, Pacific settlement of Plen: 1140 Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1400 ESC: report, 1961/1962 II:813 Economic development Il: 813 & population growth Il: 875 MOVIMIENTO POPULAR PARA A LIBERTA


"'.•.. "' .~-, ..'".-;-"~."....~~-,.~.~-.,; .,.:;2:..:.t.::.; D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) NEPAL NEPAL: REPRESENTATIVES Atomic weapons: Koirala Plen:1158, 1174,1182j 1:1272, 1287; lV:1341, 1360 prohibition: conrerence (proposed) 1:1287 Malhotra Plen:1189, 1197,1202j 1:1266; 11:821,831,840,847, ;\' tests: suspension Plen:1143; 1:1253,1266; V:940 849,852,853,855-857,860,862,864, 865,868,B74,877; Burundi: assistance 11:877; V:981 V:915, 917,919, 927, 934, 936-938, 940,941, 946,952, 1 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries. 1962 11:831 959, 960, 973, 981 China: representatton in UN Plen:1143,1161) Rana, J. Plen:1167j lV:1380, 1397,1399 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1143, 1174 Rana, T. m:1142, 1158, 1169, 1183 Commodity problems 11:849, 865 Shah Pol:341, 346; III:1207 ',\ Congo situation Plen:1143 Shaha Plen:1143, 1147, 1159j 1:1253; Pol:336 1 Disarmament Plen:1143; 1:1272 economic and social consequences II:862 & economic and social development II:862 NETHERLANDS ESC: report, 1961/1962 n:821; m:1158 Economic and social development m: 1158 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) m:1201 ECOMmic development 11:821 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension 1:1256 &population growth Plen: 1197; 11:868,874 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:832 GA: Colonialism: elimination Plen:1195 Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 Disarmament 1:1281 voting Plen:1143 economic and social consequences n:841 J Hammarskjold, Dag H.A. C. : death: investigation Plen: 1159 & economic and social development 11:841 Housing and urban development III:1158 ESC: Human rights: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen.:1147 covenants (draft) m:1183, 1207 report,1961/1962 11:806,808; 1II:1151 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 III:1l58 Economic and social development m:1151 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Pol:336 Economic development 11:806,808,861 Industrial development II:857 & population growth 11:866,875 International trade: conference (proposed) Plen:1l89; n:840 European Economic Community Plen:1147 Land-locked States: & international trade Plen:1143 GA: Land reform n:864 agenda Bur:148 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration procedure Plen:1147 Plen:1167j III:1142 Housing and urban development m:1151 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty n:860 Human rights m:1163 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, covenants (draft) m:1180, 1184, 1206,1207 prevention of Ill:1169 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 III:1l63 Radiation: effects Pol:346 Indians and Indo-Pakistants in South Africa Plen: 1165 Rwanda: assistance n:877j V:981 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:740,745, 749 Secretariat: staff: International trade 11:806 fixed-term appointments V:959 conference (proposed) Bur:148; 11:806,839 geographical distribution V:S59 Investments, International n:806 S-G: appointment Plen:1143, 1182 Iran: earthquake,1962 III:1139 Social services Ill:1158 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1143; Pol:336, Bur:148, 149j 1:1300 341 Korean question Bur:149; 1:1300 South West Africa: international status IV:1380 Marriage, minimum age, consent and registration 111:1142, Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1341,1360 1144,1147,1148 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:834,850,859 Plen:1143; IV:1397, 1399 Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1293 UN: Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:758, • budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:915, 934, 777 936,937 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, budget,1963 V:919,927,938,941,946 prevention of m:1173 economic and social activities: decentralization 11:847, Radiation: effects Pol:343 • 852,853,855,856 Refugees Ill:1187 Members: admission Plen:1147,1158 ,,"S-G: appointment Plen:1182 . peace and security operations: financing V:973 'le: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1147 UNICEF: finances: accounts, 1961 V:915.917 Social services III:1151 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 m:1158; V:952 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1165j Pol:334 UN International School V:960 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1336,1341 Women: advancement in developing countries In:1158 Special Fund: operations Plen:1147j 11:806,808,872,873

144 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) NETHERLANDS (continued) NEW ZEALAND (continued) Teclmical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances International trade 11:802, 816 Plen:1147j 11:806,808,872,873 conference (proposed) II:802, 827, 836, 839, 840 Teclmical co-operation II:872 Iran: earthquake,1962 m:1139 Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1418 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) UN: 1:1304 budget,1963 V:920,924,940,949,970 Korean question 1:1304 peace and security operations: financing V:969 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration Ill:1140, UN Capttal Development Fund 11:806,856,861 1142,1143,1148 UNICEF III:1151 iolarcotic druga: control I1I:1162 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1147; II:806; Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:857 m:1151 NSGT: information to UN IV:1422 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA:l educational, economic and social IV:1422 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:776 political and constitutional IV:1422 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:368 UN Research Institute for Social Development: establishment Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:766 Plen:1147; 11:806,808 Public administration: technical assistance II:876 West New Guinea (West Irian): Indonesia/Netherlands Agree­ Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, ment, 1962 Plen:1127 prevention of m:l171 World Food Programme 11:806,860 Radiation: effects Pol:343 Rwanda: assistance V:981 Secretariat: staff: NETHERLANDS: REPRESENTATIVES fixed-term appointments V:953 geographical distribution V:953,959 Albeda II:834, 850, 860 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:341 Bannier Bur:148,149 South West An-tea: international status IV:1383 Beaufort III:1139,l163,1173, 1180, 1184, 1187,1201 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen:1163 j IV:1367, Diepenhorst IV:1336, 1341, 1418 A 1368 Fekkes V:920,924,940,949,969,970 Trust Territories: fellowships and scholarships IV:1429 Lichtveld Plen:1165j Pol:334 TC: report, 1961/1962 IV:1429 Lubbers II:808,832,839,841,856,859,861,866,872,873,875 UN: Polderman Plen:1195 budget,1963 V:918, 920,926, 927,938, 940,980 Riphagen VI:740, 745,749,758,776,777 economic and social activities: decentralization II:847, Schurmann Plen:1127, 1147,1182j 1:1256, 1293; II:806,808j 852 WA:2 executive body (proposed) Plen: 1133 van del' Stoel 1:1281,1300 peace and security operations: financing Plen:1133j V:968 van Lynden Pol:343 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1133j II:802 deVink IU:1142, 1141, 1147,1148,1151,1206, 1207j WA:l UNHCR: finances: contributions WA:l UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 NEW ZEALAND NEW ZEALAND: REPRESENTATIVES Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) m: 1198, 1200 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1133j 1:1255 Bolt II:802,B16,827, 829,830, 833, 836,839-841, 844,847,852, Burundi: assistance 'Q':981 857,858,865,876 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:802,829, Brady VI:766 830 Corner Plen:1159, 1163, 1176j 1:1255, 1281j V:968 China: representation in UN Plen:1159 Gabites Pol:341, 343, 368j WA:2 .. Colonialism: elimination Plen:1133,1176 Holyoake Plen:1133 Commodity problems Plen:1133j II:802, 849, 865 Norrish 1:1299,1304j WA:l Cuban situation Plen:1133 Roberts IV:1367, 1368, 1383, 1422,1429 Disarmament Plen:1133j 1:1281 Shailes H:849 • economic and social consequences II:844 Sharp III:1139, 1140, 1142, 1143, 1148, 1162,1171,1181,1184, & economic and social development II:844 1198,1200,1204, 1206j VI:742 ESC: report, 1961/1962 II:802,816 Templeton V:918,920, 926,927, 938,940, 953,959, 980,981 Economic development II:802,816 regional integration Plen: 1133 GA: NICARAGUA participation of Korea (DPR) 1:1299 participation of Korea (Rep.) I:1299 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 II:832 Human rights m:1162 Commodity problems II:849 advisory services 1II:1162 Disarmament: economic and social consequences II:845 covenants (draft) m:1181, 1184, 1204, 1206 International trade: conference (proposed) II:824 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Pol:341 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:841 Industrial development II:802, 833,841,858 ILC: report, 14th sess, VI:742

145 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) I NICARAGUA:REPRESENTATWES NIGERIA (continued) I Montenegro 11:824,832,841,845,849 Economic nnd social development Ill: 1153 Economic development II:803 I & population growth 11:874,875 I NIGER European Economic Oommuntty Plen: 1153 I' GA: Africa: economic and political integration Plen:1l48 participation of Korea (DPR) 1:1299 I:, African and Malagasy Union Plen:1148 participation of Koren (Rep. ) I:1299 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension 1:1254 Human rights Ill:1153 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 II:831,832 covenants (draft) m:1178, 1181, 1202, 1204,1205 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1148,1177 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Arrtca Plen:1164j Congo situation Plen:1148 Pol:338 Disarmament Plen:1148 Industrial development 11:803 Economic development: regional integration Plen:1l48 IAEA: report, 1961/1962 Plen:1179 Human rights m:1l59 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:741 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 III:1159 International trade 11:803, 822 Hungarian situation Plen: 1.148 conference (proposed) Plen:1189j II:803, 822,839 Industrial development 11:833 Investments, International II:803 International trade: conference (proposed) II:839 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, Plen:1167j III:1141, 1147,1148 prevention of 1lI:t169 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:845,856,859 S-G: appointment Plen:1l48 NSGT: South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1148j Pol:340 information to UN IV:1409, 1410, 1413 South West Africa: international status IV:1387 racial discrimination IV:1423 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen:1148j W:1339, Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:373 1341,1344,1353,1363 Peaceful relations among States: &: international law VI:757, Territories under Portuguese administration: status 774 Plen:1148j IV:1400, 1408, 1420 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, UN: executive body (proposed) Plen:1148 prevention of 1lI: 1169, 1173 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA:1 Radiation: effects Pol:345 West New Guinea (West Irian): Indonesia/Netherlands Agree­ Secretariat: staff: ment, 1962 Plen: 1148 fixed-term appointments V:956 geographical distribution V:056,959 SC: members: NIGER: REPRESENTATWES election l?len: 1149 geographical distribution Plen:1153 Ary m:1159, 1169 increase in number (proposed) Plen:1153 Issa W:1339, 1341, 1344,1353,1363,1387,1400,1408 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1164j Pol:338 Kaka Plen:1148, 1177j 1:1254j W:1420; WA:1 South West Africa: international status Plen:1l53j W:1370, Maiga Pol:340 1374,1376,1383,1388 Sidikou 11:831-833,839 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen:1153j W:1331­ I 1333,1339,1341,1342,1344,1345,1348,1353,1359,1364, 1366 I" NIGERIA Special Fund: Managing Director: appointment Plen:1183 Africa: operations II:873 economtc and political integration Plen:t153 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme II:873 education II:871 Territories under Portuguese administration: status African and Malagasy Union Plen:1153 Plen:1153j IV:1392, 1397, 1398, 1400,1405,1407,1408, Angola situation Plen:1153,1185 1418,1419,1421,1427 Atomic weapons: UN: prohibition: conference (proposed) 1:1288 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:934 tests: suspension I:1256 budget,1963 V:918,920,926,927,939,942,946,948 Berlin situation Plen:U53 economic and social activities: decentralization II:803, Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:829-831 852 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1153, 1167, 1170, 1194j V:974 finances: bonds Plen:1153 Commodity problems II:849 Members: admission Plen:1146,1158 Congo situation Plen:1153 peace and security operations: financing V:968 Cuban situation Plen:1153 UN Capital Development Fund II:856 Disarmament Plen: 1153j I:1271 UNICEF ,m:1153 economic and social consequences 11:803,845,862 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1153j m:1153 & economic and social development 11:803,845,862 UNEF: budget, 1963 V:982 ESC: UNHCR: finances: contributions WA:1 members: UN Operation in the Congo: financing V:982 election PIen:1149 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 increase in number (proposed) Plen:1153 World Food Programme II:803 report,1961/1962 1I:803j 1lI: 1153


Adebo Plen:1158, 1164,1167,1179,1183, 1189j 1:1256, 1271, Christlansen 11:837, 860j VIA: 1, 2 1299j Pol:338,373j n:873 Edwardsen V:943,956 Adeyinka Plen:1170, 1194j IV:1341, 1342 Hancke V:982 Aka.diri 11: 830,831, 852 Haugland Plen:1165 Asiodu 1:1298 Jensen IV:1419 Dove-Edwin Pol:345 Knudsen W:1368 Iba IV:1339, 1376 Lange Plen:1126 Knno n:803, 822, 829,839,845,849, 856,859,862,871, 874,875 Langlo IV:1379, 1389 Monguno Plen:1167, 1185j IV:1331-1333, 1339,1343-1345, Leiro m:1193,1198 1348,1353,1359,1364,1366,1370, 1374, 1383, 1388,1392, Lionaes POl:331 1397,1398,1400,140511407-1410,1413,1418,1419,1421, Nielsen Plen:1162 1423,1427 Nordahl 1:1254 Okany VI:741, 757, 774 Stabell VI:745 Sani III:1205j WA:2 StI:ltvik V:962 Sanu V:918,920, 926,927,934,939, 942,946,948,956,959, Watnebryn n:815, 852,872 968,974,982 Wachuku, J. Plen:1146, 1149, 1153 Wachuku, U. m:1141, 1147,1148,1153,1169,1173,1178, 1181, NTO-BAKO ANGOLA (Angelino, Alberto) 1202, 1204j WA:l Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1408

NORWAY OFFICE OF CONFERENCE SERVICES: lJ'NDER-SECRETARY Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) m:1193, 1198 (Nosek) >7, Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1126j 1:1254 Berlin situation Plen:1126 UN: budget, 1963 V:926 China: representation in UN Plen:1162 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1126 Disarmament Plen:1126 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES: DffiECTOR (Vaughan) economic and social consequences II:852 & economic and social development 11:852 UN: budget, 1963 V:919, 920, 923,941,946 ESC: report, 1961/1962 II:815 Economic development 11:815 GA: procedure Plen:1126 OFFICE OF LEGAL AFFAffiS (Schachter) Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen: 1165 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:745 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty n:855 International trade n:815 conference (proposed) n:815, 837 Secretariat: staff: OFFICE OF PERSONNEL: DffiECTOR (MacFarquhar) fixed-term appointments V:956 4, geographical distribution V:956 Secretariat: staff: South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1165j Pol:331 fixed-term appointments V:949,959 South West Africa: geographical distribution V:949, 950, 959 fellowships and scholarships IV:1379 international status W:1379,1389 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1368 OFFICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION: UNDER-SECRETARY Special Fund: operations II:815, 872 (Tavares de Sa) Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: nnances 11:815,872 UN: budget, 1963 V:926, 927,929 Teclmical co-operation 11:872 Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1419 UN: OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER budget,1963 V:943 finances: bonds Plen:1126 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension V:940 peace and security operations: financing Plan: 1126jV:962 Burundi: assistance V:981 UN Capital Development Fund 11:815,860 Colonialism: elimination V:974 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1126; n:815, 860 Disarmament V:952 UNEF: budget, 1963 V:982 GA: rules of procedure: rule 154 V:921 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA:l Rwanda: assistance V:981 UN Operation in the Congo: financing V:982 UN: UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:915,917, West New Guinea (West Irian): Indonesia/Netherlands Agree­ 918,935,937 ment, Ui62 Plen:1126 budget,1963 V:916,918-920,924,926,930,931, 934,940, World Food Programme 11:860 944,946-948,970,981

147 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) OFFICE OF CONTROLLER (continued) PAKISTAN (continued) UN (continued) SelHletermination of pecplea Plen:1141 Charter: General Conference under Art. 109 V:927 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1141i Pol:331 finances: South West Africa: accounts, 1961 V:915 fellowships and scholarships IV:1386 bonds V:979 international status IV:1370, 1386 UNEF: budget, 1963 V:979 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1334,1340, 1348, UN Operation in the Congo: financing V:979 1351,1353,1362 Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1397,1404,1415,1417,1419 OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER: REPRESENTATIVES UN: budget,1962: supplementary appropriations V:937 Kirkbride V:920, 927, 931, 940, 947 budget,1963 V:918,920-922,929,931,939,944-916 Turner V:919,921,924,926,930,934,935,937,940,944,946, Members: admission Plen:1146 948,952,970,974,079,981 peace and security operations: financing V:968 UN Capital Development Fund II:807,860 UNICEF nI:1156 OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1141i n:807 FOR REFUGEES (Urrutia) UNHCR: finances: contributions WA:l ~08 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 I:· UNHCR: finances: budget,1963: administrative expenses West New Guinea (West Irian): Indonesia/. etherlands Agree­ V:923 ment, 1962 Plen: 1127 RY

PAKISTAN PAKIS'l'AN: REPRESENTATIVES Africa: education II:872 Akhund V:958,968 Angola situation Plen:1185 Ali, Mohammed Plen:1127,1141,1146,1151; 1:1251 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) Ill: 1201 Allana Plen:1189; n:807, 822, 847, 862, 8n Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen: 1141; 1:1251,1262 Ataullah Pol:368, 370, 374; WA:2 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:807,829 Athar 1:1262,1273,1294,1298,1306 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1141, 1174 Cheema Plen: 1153; Pol:331, 343 Commodity problems 11:807,863 Hamdani IV:1334, 1340, 1348, 1351, 1353, 1362,1386,1397, Consular relations VI:772 1404,1415,1417,1419,1425 Dnsarmament Plen:1141; 1:1273 Iqbal Plen:1174, 1185; VI:740, 745, 761,772 economic and social consequences n:845, 847,862 Jatoi V:920,929,945 & economic and social development n:845, 847, 862 Karim 11:868, 874; ~II:1191; WA:1 ESC: report,1961!1962 n:807; Ill:1156 Khan IV:1370 Economic and social development IIl:1156 Khatoon Ill:1139, 1156, 1171, 1185,1201 Economic development n: 807 Kibria 11:829,833,845, 851,860, 863 & population growth Plen: 1141; n:868, 874; Ill: 1156 Shahi V:918,921,922,931,937,939,944,946 regional integration Plen:1141 GA: Cttee on Information from NSGT: continuation (proposed) IV:1425 PAKISTAN: PRESIDENT (Khan, Mohammad Ayub) Human rights: covenants (draft) m:1185 '{ India- Pakistan'question: Jammu and Kashmir.. Plen:1141, address Plen: 1133 1151,1153 Industrial development ll: 833 PALESTINE ARAB DELEGATION ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:740, 745 International trade 11:807, 822 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:358, 366, 367,369 conference (proposed) Plen:1141, 1189; 11:822 Investments, International Plen:1141 Iran: earthquake, 1962 nI:1139 PALESTINE ARAB DELEGATION: REPRESENTATIVES Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) 1:1306 AI-Ghouri Pol:358 Korean question 1:1306 Nakhleh Pol:367 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty n:851 Rayess Pol:366 Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1294,129S Tannous Pol:369 Palestine refugees: assistance Plen:1141; Pol:368, 370,374 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:761 PAN AFRICANIST CONGRESS (Leballo,P.K.) Racial, national and r.eligious intolerance: manifestations, prevention of Plen:1141, 1151,1153; III:l171 South West Africa: international status IV:1371,1372 Radiation: effects Pol:343 Refugees Ill: 1191 Secretariat: staff: PAN-AFRICAN SOCIALIST UNION OF ZIMBABWE fixed-term appointments V:958 geographical distribution V:958 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1352··1354

148 • __ . '"""'IT - ••-----..-...... __.. ... ~._•• ~~ .....,..,_ '"_._.... ,.< _'" ..... ~_.~~ =~...... --.... :::.:0: =: -_.~~~",,,._,.- ----~..,,~ ~~ ~~_._.------~_ ...... -....,,,.----..-...... ---.-....- - ..----

D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) PAN-AFRICAN SOCIALIST UNION OF ZIMBABWE: REPRE­ PARAGUAY: REPRESENTATIVES SENTATIVES Enciso m:1183 331 Chiota, L. IV:1353, 1354 Ramirez Pane Plen:1159 Mushonga, P. IV:1352-1354 Sap'

149 .. -'. _·~-'·"''"'''''-~-~~~-----~-I~--~--·--~--·-·----·-r

D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) PERU: REPRESENTATIVES PHILIPPINES (continued) Beh\tnde Plen:116~, 1183,1192,1197; 1:1248,1260,1264,1271, UN: I 1280,1287,1290,1292; IV:1418; V:964 budget,1963 V:943 I Belmtnde Moreyrn Plen:1157; m:1139, 1143, 1146, 1164, 1169, executive body (proposed) Plen:1134 1178,1195-1197,1204,1210 fin..

150 =r=~----=---~---~--~~...::..,.~~-~",.,---.'~-v--~~,.,,~::::~_ " D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) POLAND (continued) PORTUGAL I Industrtal development II:832. 833.844 Angola situation Plen:1155. 1183. 1185. 1188. 1196. 1201j ! IAEA: report, 1961/1962 Plen:1179 Bur:148 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:740.748 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1181 International trade 11:810 Disarmament PI€:n: 1155 conterence (proposed) Plen:1136j 11:810.826.840 ESC: report. 1961/1962 1l:819 Iran: earthquake, 1962 m:1138 Economic development 11:819 Korea. Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) GA: Bur:149j !:1301 agenda Bur:148 Korean question Bur:148. 149j 1:1301 hearings: Territories under Portuguese administration Marriage: minimum age. consent and registration 111:1141 IV:1382. 1390 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty Plen:1193 Goa Plen:1155 Nature: protection 11:867 Iran: earthquake. 1962 III:1138 Nuclear-free zones: establishment (proposed) Plen:1136 NSGT: Nuclear war: propaganda: condemnation Plen:1136j Bur:150 fellowships and echolarahtpa IV:1423 Oman question Pol:355 information to UN: political and constitutional IV:1423 Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1290 racial discrimination IV:1423 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:760 Peaceful relations among States: & international law Racial. national and religious intolerance: manifestations. Plen:1155 prevention of m:1167.1170 Racial. national and religious Intolerance: manifestations. Secretariat: staff: prevention of m:1173 fixed-term appointments V:949. 953.957 Refugees III:1189 '1 geographical distribution V:949.953.957.958 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:341 Social services III:1151 South West Africa: international status IV:1374.1389 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:333 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1368 South West Africa: international status IV:1379.1389 Spain: flood. 1962 II1:1138 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Bur:148j IV:1340.1354. Special Fund: operations 11:873 1356 Teclmica1 assistance: Expanded Programme: finances 11:873 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1394. 1397.1417 Plen:1155.1194j Bur:148j IV:1393. 1406. 1407. 1417. 1419 re. report. 1961/1962 IV:1428 UN: UN: & NSGT: information about UN IV:1423 budget. 1962: supplementary appropriations V:916.937 peace and security operations: financing Plen:1199 budget,1963 V:919-921,923. 928.929. 934.941. 970.981 UNHCR: continuation III:1189 finances: bonds V:979 contributions V:977 PORTUGAL: REPRESENTATIVES Members: admission Plen:1146 peace and security operations: financing V:964.967 Bull m:1138,1173 , privileges and immunities: in USA: excise taxes and Fragoso IV:1393.1406. 1407. 1417. 1419 , 1\: { custom duties V:983 Freitas 11:873 1 UN Development Decade. 1960-1970 11:810 Garin Plen:1183. 1188. 1194, 1196, 1201j Bur:148 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:776 Lourengo Plen:1199 Miranda Plen:1181, 1185j m: 1189 Nogueira Plen:1155 POLAND: REPRESENTATIVES Patricio Pol:341; IV:1423 Soares Barata IV:1368, 1374,1382.1389,1390 Bulsztajn Plen:1179; I:1262. 1287.1290. 1299. 1301 Teixeira Pinto 11:819 Dembinska m:1138, 1141. 1151, 1167.1170.1172, 1174. 1178. 1205 Janczewski Pol:355 ROMANIA Lachs I:1281j VI:760 Lewandowski Bur:148-150 Angola situation Plen:1184 Lychowski 11:826,830,840.841 Atomic weapons: Natorf Plen:1193; 11:832,833,843,844,867 prohibition: conference (proposed) 1:1287 Przetacznik III:1195, 1197. 1198, 1200, 1201 tests: suspension P,len:1141; 1:1250 Rapacki Plen:1136,1146 Berlin situation Plen:1141 Smiganowski IV:1389,1397, 1417,1428 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:832 Soltysiak V:916, 919-921, 923,928,929,934.937,941,949, China: representation in UN Plen:114l, 1160; Bur:148 952,953,957,958,970,977,979,981.983 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1141, 1172 Winiewicz Plen:1157, 1169; 1:1254, 1271; 11:810 Commodity problems 11:809 Wolniak Plen:1175, 1187; Pol:333; IV:1340. 1354, 1356, 1379, Cuban situation Plen:1141 1394 Disarmament Plen: 1141; I:1272, 1281 Wyzner. \":964,967j VI:740, 748,776 economic and social consequences 11:851; III:1152 & economic and social development Plen:1141j Bur:150; 11:809,851,869; m:1152


151 ,·1 ,:/ " " !".:, ' ...~" ~ ~_._-==-======~~==:::-===::::;:;::;======~':':::;;=::=;:::;==~I~; ;".~

D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) ROMANIA (continued) ROMANIA: REPRESENTATIVES (continued)

) ESC: report, 1961/1962 1I:809j IIl:1152 SerOOnescu V:046,057,074 t Economic and social development Ill: 1152 Sinn II:800, 827,840, 848, 861 Economic development 11: 809 Stoiann V:024, 042, 046, 052 & population growth 11: 869 Tlllncn III:1200 regional integration Plen:1141 GA: agenda Bur: 148 Germany: peace treaty Plen:1141 RWANDA Housing and urban development III:1152 Human rights III:1159 Cairo Declarntion of Developing ccuntetes, 1062 H:832 adVisory services III:1152 China: representation in UN Plen:1161 r covenants (draft) m:1177,1183 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:374 Declaration: anniversary,15th,1963 IIl:1l59 Refugees III:1188 Hungarian situation Bur:148 UN: , Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa. Pol:334 budget,1962: supplementary appr". rtattons V:935,937 Industrial development 11:809 Members: admission Plen:1l22,1158 Information media Ill:1159 UNHCR: continuation III:1l88 ILC: report, 14th sess, VI:742 International trade 11:809 conference (proposed) Plen:1141j 11:809,827,840 RWANDA: REPRESENTATIVES Iran: earthquake,1962 Ill: 1138 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal ('f foreign troops (proposed) Knyibnnda Plen:1122 Plen:1141j Bur:149j 1:1302 Uzamugura Plen:1158, 1161j Pol:374j 1I:832j m:1188; Korean question Bur:148, 149; 1:1302 V:935, 937 Marriage: minimum age, consent andregistration Plen:1l66; III:1140-1143, 1148 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:848 SAUDI ARABIA Nuclear-free zones: establishment (proposed) Plen:1l41 Nuclear war: propaganda: condemnation Plen:1l41; Bur:150 Angola situation Plen:1150 Oman question Pol:355 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) m: 1192, 1196, 1198- Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1292 1200,1202 Peaceful relations among peoples: promotion among youth Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1150; 1:1258 Plen: 1141 j Ill: 1210 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1168,1192 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:765 Congo situation Plen:1l50 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestation, Disarmament Plen:1150j I: 1278 prevention of III:1166 ESC: report, 1961/1962 11:821 Secretariat: staff: Economic development 11:821 fixed-term appointments V:952,957 GA: Members: representatives: credentials Plen: 1201, 1202 geographical distribution V:952,957 Housing and urban development III:1160 S-G: appointment Plen:1182 Human rights III:1160 Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation advisory services III:1160 III:1209 covenants (draft) m:1172, 1177-1179, 1181-1183,1202­ South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:334 1204,1206,1209 South West Africa: international status IV:1376 Declaration: anniversary,15th,.1963 Ill:1160,1164 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1343, 1361 Indians and Indo-Pakistanls in South Africa Pol:338 I Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1403 Information media III:1l60 UN: Iran: earthquake, 1963 m:1138 I budget,1963 V:924,927,933,942,946,974 Ma.rriage: minimum age, consent and registration 111:1140- executive body (proposed) Plen: 1141 1143,1148 t peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1141j Narcotic drugs: control 1lI:1l60 V:965 Oman question Plen:1150i Pol:351, 353 Viet-Nam Plen:1141 Palestine question Plen:1148,1150 I Palestine refugees: assistance Plen:1148; Pol:359-361, 363, , 371,372,374 . v RoMANIA: REPRESENTATIVES Peaceful relations among peoples: promotion among youth III:1210 ' Ciobotaru V:927 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, Cocea-Brediceanu III:1138, 1152,1159,'1166, 1177,1183 prevention of Plen:1148; III:1166 Cristescu VI:765 Refugees III:1191 Datcu I:1287j III:1210 Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation Dimbu 11:832,869 III:1208 Ene IV:1403 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1150; Pol:338 Haseganu Plen:1160j 1:1292,1302; Pol:334,355 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1339 lonascu Plen:1l66j m:1140-1143, 1148j V:965j VI:742 UN: Malitza Plen:1141, 1182j Bur:148-150j 1:1250,1272,1281 Members: admission Plen:1146 Moraru V:933 peace and security operations: financing V:973 Nicolaescu Plen: 1172,1184; IV:1343,1361,1376 UNICEF III:1160 Women: advancement in developing countries III:1160


Alngx'osh IV:1339 Nuclear-free zones: establishment (proposed) Plen:1130 Baroody Plen:1201, 1202j 1ll:1138, 1140-1143,1148,1160, Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, 1164,1166,1168,1171,1172,1177-1179,1181-1183, prevention of m: 1167,1173 1191,1192, 1196,1198-1~00,1202-1204, 1206,1208-1210 Radintion: effects Pol:346 Faisnl Plen:1150 Refugees m:1191 Shukairy Plen:1146, 1148,1168,1192j l:l?-58,1278; Pol:338, Rwanda: assistnnce n:377 35t, 353,359-361,363,371,372; n:821 South Africn: race problems: apartheid Plen:1l65j Pol:333 Sugair Pol:374j V:973 South West Africa: international status IV:1370,1385 t Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1334,1341,1345, 1348,1352-1354,1364 SECRETARY-GENERAL (U Thant) Special Fund: operations 11:815 , ,[ Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances II:815 Cancer: research Special meeting - 10 Oct 1962 Territories under Portuguese administration: status 8-G: appointment Plen:1182 IV:1394,1400, 1403 UN: UN: budget,1963 V:917'" budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:936 peace and security operations: financing V:961"'''' Members: admission Plen:1147 West New Guinea (West Irlnn): Indonesin/Netherlands Agree­ UN Capital Development Fund II:815 ment, 1962 Plen: 1127 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 11:815 ~ '" also issued separately as doe, A/C. 5/925 West New Guinea (West Irian): Indonesia/Netherlands Agree­ ** also issued separately as doe. A/C, 5/952 ment,1962 Plen: 1130,1155 World Food Programme II:860 '!: SCOTT, REVEREND MICHAEL , ' SENEGAL: REPRESENTATIVES South West Africa: international status IV:1370-1374, 1387, 1338 Ciss m:1191; IV:1423; V:918, 936 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1330-1332 Cisse Plen:1172, 1185; IV:1364, 1394, 1400,1403 Delgado 11:844,856-858,860,863,865,870-872,877; III:1173; IV:1334,1341, 1345, 1348, 1352-1354, 1370, 1385 SECRETARIAT Diop Plen:1147,1162,1165 Kane, F. Plen:1155j 11:815,832 Housing and urban development III:1160 Kane, I. Pol:333,346 Human rights: advisory services 1II:1162 Kane, M. Ill:1167 Women: advancement in developing countries Ill:1162 Thiam Plen:1130

SECRETARIAT: REPRESENTATIVES SIERRA LEONE Humphrey ID: 1162 Africa: education 11:871 Weissman ill:1160 Angola situation Plen:1187 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen: 1144 China: representation in UN Plen:1144,1162 SENEGAL Colonialism: elimination Plen:1144, 1176 Congo situation Plen:1144 Africa: education 11:870-872 Cuban situation Plen:1144 Algeria: independence Plen: 1130 Disarmament Plen: 1144 Angola situation Plen:1185 & economic and social development Plen:1144 Burundi: assistance 11: 877 ESC: members: election Plen:1149 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:815,832 GA: procedure Plen:1144 China: representation in UN Plen:1130, 1162 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1144 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1130, 1172 Hungarian situation Pol:376 Commodity problems Plen:1130j 11:865 Indians and Indc-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen:1164 Congo situation Plen:1130 Outer space: peaceful uses Plen:1144 Disarmament Plen: 1130 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:756 economic and social consequences !I: 863 S-G: appointment Plen:1144 & economic and social development 11:863 SC: members: election Plen: 1149 ESC: report, 1961/1962 11:815 South Africa: Economic development 11:815 race problems: apartheid Plen: 1144,1164 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen: 1165 sanctions (proposed) Plen:1144 Industrial development 11:844,856,857 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1334, 1339,1348,1366 International trade 11:815 Territories under Portuguese administration: status conference (proposed) 11:815 IV:1394,1416,1418,1427 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:856,858 NSGT: racial discrimination IV:1423

153 : :::::: ~=-=--==---====-= -----_. ~--.-~..-- ,.,' ,.. '~--~I'-~

D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) SIERRA LEONE (continued) SOUTH AFRICA I !I UN: Colonialism: elimination Plen:1181, 1195, 1198 I, economic and social activities: decentralization Plen:1144 GA. Members: admission Plen:1147 agenda Plen:1129j Bur:148 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1144 hearings: South Weot Africa IV:1330, 1370 UN Capital Development Fund Plen:1144; Il:860 Goa Plen:1128 West New Guinea (West Irlan): Indonesta/Netherlands Agree­ India-Pakistan question: Jammu and Kashmir, Plen:1128 ment, 1962 Plen:1144 Indians and Indo-Paktstants in South Africa Plen:1128,1164, World Food Programme I1:860 1165j Bur:148 Iran: earthquake, 1962 III:1138 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) SIERRA LEONE: REPRESENTATIVES 1:1302 Korean question 1:1302 Collier Plen:1149,1162,1164,1176,1187j IV:1366j VI:756 NSGT: information to UN IV:1413 \. I George Pol:376j IV:1334, 1339,1348,1416,1418,1427 Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1297 Karefa-Smart J. Plen:1144, 1147; IV:1394 S-G: appointment Plen:1182 Sumne:r Il:860, 871 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1128,1164, 1165; Bu~:148 South West Africa: international status Plen:1128; IV:1369, SOMALLA. 1370,1377,1378,1381-1383,1385,1387,1389 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1335, 1340, 1345 Angola situation Plen:1151 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1151j 1:1257 IV:1401, 1418 Berlin situation Plen:1151 UN: Burundi: assistance 11:877 budget,1963 V:925,974 China: representation in UN Plen:1151,1156 peace and security operations: financing V:969 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1151, 11'{8 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA:1 Congo situation Plen:1151 Disarmament Plen:1151 Ethiopia: & Somalia Plen: 1151,1155 SOUTH AFRICA: REPRESENTATIVES GA: hearings: South West Africa IV:1330 Barratt m:1138j V:925, 974 Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 Botha Plen:1181, 1182, 1195, 1198j Bur:148j 1:1297,1302j Indians and Indo-Pakistanta in South Africa Pol:337,341 V:969j WA:1 Nuclear-free zones: establishment (proposed) Plen:1151 Fourie IV:1330, 1335, 1340,1370, 1377, 1378,1381-1383,1385, Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:766 1387,1389 Rwanda: assistance 11:877 'Hattingh IV:1345, 1401,1413,1418 Somalia: territorial claims Plen:1151 Louw Plen:1128, 1129, 1164,1165; IV:1369* South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1128, 1151j Pol:337 * also issued separately as doe. A/C. 4/572 sanctions (proposed) Plen:1151 South West Africa: international status Plen:1l28,1151; IV:1372,1386, 1388, 1389 SOUTH WEST AFRICA NATIONAL UNION (Kozonguizi, J.) Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen:1151j IV:1333, 1336,1345,1346,1349, 1364, 1367~ 1369 South West Africa: international status IV:1373, 1374 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Plen:1151j IV:1408, 1415, 1418 UN: Members: admission PI en:1147, 1158 SOUTH WEST AFRICA PEOPLE'S ORGANIZATION World Food Programme 11:860 '; South West Africa: international status IV:1371, 1372, 1374, . 1388 SOMALIA: REPRESENTATIVES I 0 Arteh Plen:1128j IV:1330, 1333, 1336, 1345,1346,1349,1364, SOUTH WEST AFRICA PEOPLE'S ORGANIZATION: REPRE­ 1367,1369,1372,1386,1388,1389,1408,1415,1418 SENTATIVES Daar Plen:1178; 1:1257 Darman VI:766 Kuhangua, J. IV:1372, 1374 Elmi, A. H. Pol:337, 341 Nujoma S. IV:1371, 1374, 1388 Issa Plen:1151, 11&5, 1158 Murgian 11:860,8'77 Nur Elmi Plen:1147, 1156, 1202 SOUTH WEST AFRICA UNITED NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE ORGANIZATION (Kooper, Rev. Markus) South West Africa: international status IV:1372, 1374

154 Q. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) SOUTHERN RHODESIA: PRIME MINISTER (Whitehead, Sir SUDAN Edgar) Africa: education U:871 scuthem Rhodesia: self-government IV:1366*, 1367* Angola situation Plen:1l36j Bur:1B2 *also issued separately as doe. A/C, 4/571 and Add. 1 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1136 Cairo Decla1'ation or Developing Countries, 1962 Plen:1136i U:808, 827,831 SPAIN China: representation in UN Plen:1l36 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1136, 1178j V:974 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1143j 1:1253,1263 Congo situation Plol\:1136 China: representation in UN Plen:1159 Disarmament Plcn:113G Colonialism: elimination Plen:1l43, 1177 economic and soctal consequences 11:847 Commodity problems Plen:1l43 & economic and SOCial development 11:847 Disarmament Plen:1143j 1:1274 ESC: report, 1961/1962 11:808 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1l43 Economic development 11:808 Economic development I!:819 GA: & population growth 11:869 agenda Bur:148,152 GA: Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 hearings: Spanish Guinea IV:1329,1403 procedure Bur:148 procedure Plen:1143 International trade: conference (proposed) Plen:1136j Gibraltar IV:1414 11:808,827 lini IV:1415 Iran: earthquake, 1962 III:1l39 International trade: conference (proposed) Plen:1l43 Libya: assistance 11:876 Mauritania: territorial claims IV:1417 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:852,854-856 Morocco: territorial claims IV:1415 NSGT: racta; discrimination IV:1423 NSGT: Oman question Plen:llS6j Bur:148j Pol:352 indigenous cadres: preparation and training IV:1423 Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1297 information to UN Plen:1198j IV:1413, 1420,1423, 1429 Palestine refugees: assistance Plen:1136i Pol:361, 363 educational, economic and social IV:1423,1424 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, transmission by Spain IV:1423 prevention or II1:1169 racial discrimination IV:1423,1424 Secretariat~ staff: Outer space: peaceful uses Plen:1l43j 1:1297 fixed-term appointments V:958 Peaceful relations among States: & international law geographical dts ~:ribution V:958 VI:768,770, 772 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1l36j Pol:330, I S-G: appointment Plen:1l43 340 , SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1l43 South West Africa: international status Plen:1l36j IV:1381 Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen,1l36j IV:1339 1II:1208 1352,1363 ' Spain: flood, 1962 III:1136, 1137 Special Fund: operations TI:808 Spanish Sahara IV:1415 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances 11:808 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1393, 1405, 1420 Plen:1136; IV:1403 . UN: exacutive body (proposed) Plen:1143 UN: UN De elopment Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1143 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:935,937 budget, 1963 V:920, 926, 930. 933, 939, 944,945,948,974 economic and social activities: decentralization 11:808 SPAIN: REPRESENTATIVES Members: admission Plen:1158 UN Capital Development Fund Plen:1136j ll:808 Cacho-Zabalza VI:768, 770, 772 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1136j maoa, V:952 · '. Fournier IV:1343,1403 Venezuela: & Brltlsh Gutana: boundarte Bur:i48 de Lequerica Plen:1143, 1159, 1177,1198; 1:1253,1263, t 1274,1297; 11:819 MaraMn 1II:1208 SUDAN: REPRESENTATIVES l ~ de Pinies 1V:1329,1393,1405, 1413-1415,1117,1420, 1423, 1424,1429 Adeel Plen:1158; Bur:148, 152 Sanz-Briz Ill: 1136,1137 Ahmed 11:827; V:920, 926, 930, 933, 935, 937, 939, 9·14, 945, Temboury 11:869 948,952,958,974 EI-Awad IV:1339, 1352,1363,1381, 1403,1423 EI-Sanousi Pol:330, 340, 352, 361, 363 SPECIAL FUND: MANAGING DIRECTOR (Hoffman) Gabr-El Dar Ill: 1139,1169 ~ Kheir Plen:1136 1 Special Fund: operations 11:870* Sahloul II:808,831,847,852,854-856,871,876 " Suleiman Plen: 1178, 1202; 1:1297 *also issued separately as doe. A/C. 2/L. 712

SWAZILAND PROGRESSIVE PARTY (Nqukn, J. J. ) Swaziland: self-government or independence 1V:1409,1410


Atomic weapons: teats: suspension 1:1262,1260 Nllsson 1:1262, 1270 China: representation in UN Plon:1l62 Ringborg WA:1,2 Colonialism: elimination Plon:1192 RUssel Plen:1l62, 1182j 1:1296 Disl\l'mament 1:1270 Skottsbel'g-Ahman IV:1336,141U,1417 ESC: report, 1961/1962 Plen:1l91j n:814j Ill:1168 Virgin 1:1306 Economic and social development nI:U68 Wahlund Plen:1166j Ill:1186, 1188, 1204 Economic development n:814 & population growth Plen:1197j II:866, 874 Housing and urban development nI:1168 SWITZERLAND Human rights III:1168 .} . covenants (drnIt) nI:1204 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA:1 Indians and lndo-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen:t166j UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 Pol:336 Industdal development ll:833 International trade 1l:814 SWITZERLAND: REPRESENTATIVES conference (proposed) 11:814,838 tnveetments, International 11:814 Thalmann WA:l,2 Korean question I: 1306 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration Plen:1166 SYRIA Narcotic drugs: control I1I:1158 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty n:842,850 Angola situation Plen:119.6 Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1296 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1l52j 1:1257 Peacefull'elationa among States: & internntionallaw VI:759, Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 Il:830 773 China: representation in UN Plen:1152,1158 Refugees I1I:1186, 1188 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1l52, 1167, 1175,1194,1195 I Secretariat: staff: Consular relations VI:774 I' f~ed-term appointments V:953 Disarmament Plon:1152; 1:1274 geographical distribution V:953 economic and social consequences Il:843, 862, 863 S-G: appointment Plen:1182 & economic and social development II:809, 843, 862, 863 t South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1165j Pol:336, ESC: report, 1961/1962 II:809 I 341 Economic development Il:809 Southern Rhodesia: selI-government IV:1336 & population growth Il:868,875 Special Fund: operations II:814 GA: Technical co-operation II:814 Cttee on Information from NSGT: members: election Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1425 IV:1415,1417 Members: representatives: credentials Plen: 1202 UN: participation of Korea (DPR) 1:1299 budget, 1963 V:928 participation of Korea (Rep.) 1:1299 economic and social activities: decentralization 11:814 Hungarian situation Pol:376 members: admission Plen:1158 Industrial development Il:841 peace and security operations: financing V:963 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:739 UNICEF I1I:1158 International trade: conference (proposed) II:809,823 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 II:814 Iran: earthquake, 1962 III:1l39 UNHCR: Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration III:1143 t continuation III:1186 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty Il:855, 856, 860 finances: contr lbutions WA:1 . NSGT: " UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 II, fellowships and scholarships IV:1423 World Food Programme II:860 information to UN IV:1423 • educational, economic and social IV:1423 political and constitutional IV:1423 SWEDEN: REPRESENTATIVES transmission by Portugal IV:1423 • • transmission by United Kingdom IV:1423 Aman Plen:1191 racial discrimination IV:1423 Astrom Plen:1158, 1165 Oman question Plen:1152; P6l:351, 353 Bengtsson III:1158 Palestine question Plen:1152 Berner II:850 Palestine refugees: assistance Plen:1152, 1200; Pol:360, 361, Blix VI:759, 773 364,366,372,374,376 Boheman Pol:336,341 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:764 Bo11n II:814, 833, 838, 842 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, Cassel V:953,963 prevention of III:1169, 1173 Hagberg V:928 Radiation: effects Pol:346,347 Helen Plen:1192 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:335, 341 Lindstrbm II:866,874 South West Africa: international status IV:1371,1386 Malm Plen:1l97; Il:860 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen:1152; IV:1337, Myrdal 1:1260 1344,1348,1351,1363

156 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (l7th session) SYRIA (contlnu..: TANGANYIKA (continued) Spain: flood, 1902 m:1139 Territories under Portuguese admtntstmttcn: status Speciall'\md: operations 11:809,875 Plen:1155; IV:1401,1407;140a.1420,1427 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances UN: Membel's: admission Plen:1147,1158 11:875 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 1I:804; III:1156 Territories under Portuguese ndmtntstratton: status UNHCR: continuation Ill: 1189 IV:1401 TC: report, 1961/1962 IV:1431 UN: TANGANYIKA: REPRESENTA'l'IVES .1 • economic and social activities: decentralization 11:809, 847 Baghdelleh 1:1261,1279,1299; Pol:328,357 Members: admission Plen:1146 Chale VI:764 & NSGT: information about UN IV:1423 Malecela II:849; Ill:119H peace and securtty operations: financing V:969 Mgonja IV:1407-1410, 1413,1420,1427 UN Capital Development Fund 11:809,860 Mwanjisi II:804, 852 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 11:809 Ngaiza IV:1338 Renju Ill:1143.1156, 1170,1189, 1201 Shaba IV:1332, 1344, 1352,1361,1381, 1401 SYRIA: REPRESENTATIVES Swai Plen:1l28,1l47,1155, 1150; IV:1334, 1346,1348, 1349, 1351,1364,1366 Allouni Plen:1152; IV:1337, 1343, 1344, 1348, 1351, 1363, 1371,1386,1401,1423,1425,1431 El-Azmeh Plen:1l52 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE BOARD: EXECUTIVE CHAffiMAN Jabri Pol:335, 341, 346, 347 (Owen) Muraywid III:1139.1143.1169,1173 Nachabe Vl:739,774 Special Fund: operations II:873 )5 Oubari V:969 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme 1l:870*,873 Rifai Plen:1l67, 1194-1196; 1:1257 *also issued separately as doe. A/C. 2/L. 713 Tarazi Plen:1146, 1158, 1175, 1200. 1202j 1:1274.1299; Pol:351. 353. 360, 361, 364. 366, 372. 374. 376j VI:764 63 Tomeh 1l:809. 823. 830. 841. 843. 847, 855, 856, 860. 862. 863. THAILAND 868,875 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1135; 1:1261 Association of South East Asia Plen:1135 TANGANYIKA Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 II:829 Cambodia: & Thailand Plen:1135,1141,l144 Asylum. Right of: declaration (draft) III:1l98, 1201 China: representation in UN Plen:1157 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension 1:1261 Commodity problems II:814,849 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 1l:804 Consular relations VI:772 Commodity problems 1l:804, 849 Disarmament Plen:1l35j 1:1280 Disarmament 1:1279 ESC: report, 1961/1962 II:814; IlI:1158 economic and social consequences 1l:804,852 Economic and social development III:1158 & economic and social development 1l:852 Economic development II:814 ESC: report, 1961/1962 II:804j III:1l56 GA: Economic and social development III:1156 participation of Korea (DPR) 1:1299 43 Economic development ll:804 o participation of Korea (Rep.) I:1299 GA: Human rights: Declaration: anniversary. 15th, 1963 Ill:1163, participation of Korea (DPR) 1:1299 1164 • participation of Korea (Rep.) 1:1299 Industrial development II:814 Housmgand urban development III:1156 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:739, 745, 747, 748 Human rights III:1156 International trade II:814 International trade: conference (proposed) II:804 . ) conference (proposed) II:814 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration III:1l43 Investments, International II:814 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:852 Iran: earthquake, 1962 Ill:1138 NSGT: information to UN IV:1409,1410,1413 Korea, Republic of: Withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) Oman question Pol:357 1:1302 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:764·, 361, Korean question 1:1302 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestation, \ Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration III:1144 ", prevention of III:1170 r64 Narcotic drugs: control III:1158 Refugees III:1189 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:858 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1128; Pol:328 Nature: protection II:866 South West Africa: international status Plen:1128; IV:1381 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:763, Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1332, 1334, 1338, 770,773,774,777 1344,1346,1348,1351,1352,1361,1364,1366 Radiation: effects Pol:346 Spanish Guinea: self-government or independence IV:1420 Refugees Ill:1188

157 0, INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) THAILAND (continued) TOGO (continued)

South Afl'ica: race problems: apartheid Pol:330,341 South West Ail'ica: international s· .tus Plen:1144j IV:1370, South West Africa: tnternattonal status IV:1370,1381 1376,1388 Special Fund: operations 11:814 Southern Rhodesia: sell-government IV:1331,1334-1336, Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finance.'! n:814 1339,1361 Technical co-operation n:814 Terrii:ories under Portuguese admtntstratton: status IV:1404 UN: UN: budget, 1962: supplementary appropctattons V:952 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:917,935, economic and social activities: decentralization 11:814 937 Members: admission Plen:1147 budget,1963 V:920,929,932,939,942,948 peace and securtty operations: financing Plen:1135j V.966 executive body (proposed) Plen: 1144 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 n:814 Members: admission Plen:1147 UNRCR: continuation Ill:1188 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1144 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:7"6 UNICEF 1lI:1158 Women: advancement in developing countrtes 1!I:1158 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1144; m:1158 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA:1 West New Guinea (West Irian): Indonesia/Netherlands Agree­ THAILAND: REPRESENTATIVES ment, 1962 Plen: 1127 Women: advancement in developing countries III:1158 Anuman Rajadhon Plen:1141, 1144, 1157; 1:1261,1280,1299, 1302 Arthayukti Plen:1147 TOGO: REPRESENTATIVES Bunchoem V:966 Guna-Kasem IV:1370,1381 Akakpo Plen:1127, 1181, 1188; WA:1 Khoman Plen:1135 Attidepe IV:1331, 1335, 1336, 1339, 1361,1370,1376,1388, Panupongse Pol:S30, 341,346 1404,1409, 14tO, 1422, 1431 Sawetamal V:952 Freitas Plen:1144.1147 Sucharitkul VI:739, 745, 747,748,763,770,772-774,776,777 Gassou Pol:339, 356,367; n:876, 877; IV:1334; V:935 Talabhat m:1138, 1144, 1158,1163,1164,1188 Koutolbena V:917,920,929,932,937,939,942,948,952 Vejjajiva 11:814,829,849,858,866 Sivomey 1lI:1144, 1147, 1158, 1162, 1187 Tchedre n:845 TOGO TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Africa: economic and political integration Plen:1144 Angola situation Plen:1188 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1195 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen: 1144 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen: 1164 Berlin situation Plen:1144 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1164j Pol:339 Burundi: assistance 1I:876,877 Southern Rhodesia: sell-government IV:1344, 1354, 1358 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1144, 1181 UN: Community development 111:1158 Members: admission Plen:1122 Congo situation Plen:1144 & NSGT: information about UN IV:1424 Disarmament Plen:1144 peace and security operations: financing V:966 economic and social consequences n:845 & economic and social development II:845 ESC: TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO: REPRESENTATIVES members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1144 report,1961/1962 Ill:1158 Clarke Plen:1122, 1164j V:966 Economic and social development m:1158 Solomon Plen:1195; Pol:339j IV:1344, 1354, 1358,1424 J' GA: hearings: Territories under Portuguese administration IV:1431 Human rights: advisory services In:1158,1162 TUNISIA Indians and Indo-Pakistants in South Africa Pol:339 '! Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration Ill: 1144, Africa: education II:872 1147 Algeria: independence Plen: 1141 NSGT: Angola situation Plen:1188 information to UN IV:1409,1410 Atomic weapons: racial discrimination IV:1422 prohibition: conference (proposed) 1:1287 Oman question Pol:356 tests: suspension I:1262 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:367 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:831 Refugees Ill:1187 China: representation in UN Plen:1141 Rwanda: assistance II:876, 877 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1141, 1181, 1194, 1195 Secretariat: staff: geographical distribution V:952 Community development Ill:1155 SC. members: Congo situation Plen:1141 geographical distribution Plen:1144 Consular relations VI:775 increase in number (proposed) Plen:1144 Disarmament 1:1280 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:339 economic and social consequences Plen: 1141; II:844 & economic and social development n:844


70, Disputes, Pncific settlement of Plen:1141 Abdellnh IV:1333, 1340, 1354, 1366,1367,1370,1397,1400, ESC: 1405,1408,1412,1423,1425,1427,1428,1431 members: incrense in number (proposed) Plen:1141 Aynri Plen:1193, 1197; Il:802, 825, 831, 833,844,848,851, report,1961/1962 II:802; III:1155 853-855,857,858,860,863,867,869,872-874 1404 Economic and social development 1II:1155 Badra Pol:337, 351i 352,366,372,374; WA:2 Economic development TI:802, 863 Chnkchouk m:1138, 1143 & population growth Pien: 1197; Il:867, 869, 874 Maamouri m:1155, 1165,1169, 1173,1184, 1188,1203, 1205; EuropelUl Economic Community II:825 WA:1 , GA: Mestiri PI en:1188; IV:1381 Cttee on Information from NSGT: continuation (proposed) Mhedhebi V:919, 936,937,939,942,944,948, 9i9, ~67, 973 IV:1425 Slim, M. Plen:1141, 1146 hearings: Tel'ritories under Portuguese administration Slim, T. Plen:1181, 1182,1194,1195: 1:1262 IV:1428 Zouhir 1:1280,1287, 1304; VI:739, 746,749,754,765,775,777 procedure Plen:1141 Housing and urban development m:1155 ee- Human rights: TURI<:EY .J, covenants (draft) m:1184, 1203, 1205 .. Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 III:1165 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1135 I ~ 1 Industrial development Plen: 1141j Il:802, 833, 855, 857, 858 Berlin situation Plen:1135 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:739, 746,749 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 II:830- 832 International trade II:802 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1135 conference (proposed) Plen:1141; II:802, 825 Commodity problems II:811 Iran: earthquake, 1962 m:1138 Congo situation Plen:1135 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) Consular relations VI:772 1:1304 Disarmament PI en:1135: I:1273 Korean question 1:1304 economic and social consequences II:847 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration Ill: 1143 ESC: report, 1961/1962 Il:811 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty Plen:1193; II:848, Economic development II:811 851,854,858,860 & population growth II:869 NSGT: information to UN IV:1412, 1423 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Pol:337 transmission by Spain IV:1423 Industrial development II:811 Oman question Pol:351, 352 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:735, 744, 747 Palestine question Plen:1141 International trade: conference (proposed) II:811,839 Palestine refugees: assistance Plen:1141; Pol:366, 372,374 Iran: earthquake,1962 Plen:1135j Ill:1138 Peaceful relations among States: & international law VI:754, Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) 765,777 1:1304 9 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, Korean question Plen:1135j 1:1304 prevention of m:1169,1173 Land reform II:864 Refugees Ill:1188 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration III:1144, Secretariat: staff: geographical distribution Plen: 1141jV:959 1147 S-G: appointment Plen:1141,1182 Near and Middle East: international relations Plen:1152 se: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1141 NSGT: Social services Ill:1155 fellowships and scholarships IV:1422 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:337 indigenous cadres: preparation and training IV:1422 South West Africa: international status IV:1370, 1381 information to UN IV:1422 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1333, 1340, 1354, racial discrimination IV:1422 1366,1367 Oman question Plen:1191 • Special Fund: operations Plen:1141j II:873 Outer space: peaceful uses Plen:1135 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances II:873 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:372 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Peaceful relations among States: & international law IV:1397, 1400,1405, 1408, 1427 Plen:1135j VI:757, 771 'I • TC: report, 1961/1962 IV:1431 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, UN: prevention of Ill:1173 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:936,937 Radiation: effects Pol:346 bldget,1963 V:919,939,942,944,948 Refugees Ill: 1187 charter: General Conference under Art. 109 Plen:1141 S-G: appointment Plen:1135 economic and social activities: decentralization II:853 Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation finances: bonds Plen:1141 m:1208 Members: admission P len: 1146 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:337 peace and security operations: financing V:967, 973 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1361 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1141 UN: UNHCR: budget, 1963 V:928 continuation Ill: 1188 economic and social activities: decentralization II:853 finances: contributions WA:l executive body (proposed) Plen:1135 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 Members: admisston Plen:1146 & NSGT: information about UN IV:1422 peace and security operations: financing V:963

159 ~~__._""_._ur-~--_~.======:::: -= -=..--~"=_.-======


UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1135j II:811 Disarmament Plen:1133j 1:1276 UNHCR: economtc and social consequences II:845,806j III:1153 continuation Ill:1187 & economic and social development Plen:1133j Il:845j finances: contributions WA:l III:1153 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 ESC: report, 1961/1962 Il:806j III:1153 Economic and social development III:1153 Economic development II:806 TURKEY: REPRESENTATIVES &population growth Il: 867 Germany: peace treaty Plen:1133 Asivoglu Pol:337, 346, 372 Human rights III:1153 Derinsu V:963 covenants (draft) III:1174, 1177, 1181, 1183,1194,1202, Erkin Plen:1135 1206,1209 Inhan III:1187,1208 Industrial development II:806, 836,854 Karakoylu II:839j III:1173j WA:2 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:741,745-747 Kural Plen:1146, 1152, 1191; 1:1273,1304 International trade Il:823 Lutem VI:735,744,747,757,771,772 conference (proposed) II:806, 823, 840 Ozan V:928 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) Tezel II:811, 830-832, 847, 853, 864,869 1:1302 . Turel III:1138, 1144, 1147j WA:l Korean question 1:1302 Ustun IV:1343, 1361,1422 Land reform II:864 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration III:1141, 1143 UGANDA Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:846 Nature: protection II:B66 China: representation in UN Plen:1162 Nuclear war: propaganda: condemnation Plen:1133 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1178 Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1294 Commodity problems II:849 Panama Canal Zone Plen:1133 Disarmament: Peaceful relations among States: & internationa.llaw economic and social consequences II:847 VI:757 & economic and social development n:847 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen:1164 prevention of m:1167,1170,1173 International trade: conference (proposed) II:839 Radiation: effects Pol:346 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1164 Secretariat: staff: South West Africa: international status IV:1370, 1374, 1382 fixed-term appointments V:955 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen:1163 geographical distribution Plen:1133i V:955 Territories under Portuguese administration: status South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:331 IV:1394, 1397, 1398, 1404 South West Africa: international status IV:1377 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1356 Special Fund: operations II:875 UGANDA: REPRESENTATIVES Technical assistance: Expanded Programme II:875 Technical co-operation II:875 Kanyike Plen:1162, 1164j II:839, 847, 849 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Kironde Plen:1163, 1178j IV:1394 IV:1398 Ndawula IV:1370, 1374, 1382, 1397, 1398, 1404 UN: budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:916, 917 budget, 1963 V:920, 921,924, 927,928, 932,942 UGANDA: PRIME MINISTER (Obote, Apollo M.) economic and social activities: decentralization II:806, 854,875 Address Plen:1158 executive body (proposed) Plen:1133 finances: contributions V:977 peace and security operations: financing V:967 UKRAINIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC UN Capital Development Fund II:860 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 II:806 Africa: education II:871 Viet-Nam Plen:1133 Angola situation Plen:1186; V:982 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) III.1196, 1198, 1199 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1133j 1:1252 UKRAINIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC: REPRESENTA­ Berlin situation Plen:1133 TIVES Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 II:806,830 China: representation. in UN Plen:1161 Boiko II:806,823 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1133,1177 Dmyterko IV:1377,1398 Commodity problems II:806 Gontar Pol:346 Congo situation Plen:1133 Kirilova m:1141, 1143, 1153, 1167 Cuban situation Plen:1133 Kizya Plen:1186; 1:1302; Pol:331

160 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) UKHAINIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC: REPRESENTA­ UNION OF SOVIE'.{' SOCIALIST REPUBLICS (continued) TIVES (continued) Ger manyr peace treaty Plen:1127 Koclmbei II:830, 834, 840, 845, 846, 854,860,864,866, 887, Housing and urban develcpment III:1159 871,875 Human rights m:1159 Matseilto 1:1294 advisory services IlI:1159, 1162j V:953 NedbaUo IlI:1170, 1173, 1174,1177, 1181, 1193,1194,1196, covenants (dratt) UI:1177, 1179, 1180, 1184,1196, 1202, 1198,1199,1202,1206,1209; VI:741, 745-747, 757 1203,1206,1207 Palnmarehuk Plen:1133,1161j 1:1252,1276 Declaratton: anniversary, 15th, 1963 m:1159, 1160, 1164, Polianychko Plen:l177 1165 Romanov V:916, 917,920,921,924,927,928,932,942,955,967 Hungarian ettuatton Plen:1200j Bur:148, 149; Pol:376 Tsurkan V:977, 982 Industrial development II:803, 844, 856 Zaruba IV:1356 Information media III:115S ·' IAEA: report,1961/1962 Plen:1179 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:738, 746, 747 UNDER-SECRETARY FOR SPECIAL POLITICAL AFFAIRS International trade II:803, 808, 822 (Bunche) conference (proposed) Plcn:1127, 1190; Bur:148; II:803, 822,824,828,835,836,638-840 Radiation: effects Pol:346 Iran: earthquake, 1962 III:1138 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) Plen:1l27, 1199j Bur:148, 149j 1:1300,1301,1305,1306 UNDER-SECRETARY IN CHARGE OF CONGO CIVILIAN Korean question Plen:1l99j Bur:148, 149; 1:1300,1301,1306 AFFAIRS (Amachree) Land \'eform II:864 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration Burundl: assistance II:872* Plen:1166j III:1140, 1141,1143,1144,114.6-1148 Rwanda: assistance U:872* Narcotic drugs: control m:1159 UN: budget, 1962: supplementary approprtations V:934, 936 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty Plen:1193; n:834,851,854,855,85~860,864 * also issued separately as doe, A/C. 2/L. 717 Nature: protection II:867 NSGT: UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC fellowships and scholarships rV:1424 information to UN IV:1412,1422 educational, economic and social IV:1422 Africa: educationII:871 Angola situation Plen:1185j Bur:148, 152 polidcal and constitutional IV:1424 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) m:1192, 1194, transmission by r ranee IV:1422 1196-1199, 1201 racial discrimination IV:1424 Atomic weapons: NATO: & Warsaw Treaty Organization: non-aggression prohibition: conference (proposed) 1:1286,1288 treaty (proposed) Plen:1127 tests: suspension Plen:1127, 1165j 1:1246,1259,1260, Nuclear-free zones: establishment (proposed) Plen:1127 1265, 1266j V:940 Nuclear war: propaganda: condemnation Plen:1127,1135j Berlin situation Plen:1127 Bur:150j 1:1283 :-t t Burundi: assistance II:873,877j V:981 Oman question Bur:148j Pol:353 ,'1-" --- Catro Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 II:803,830 Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1289}1292, 1296 China: representation in UN Plen:1127, 1156, 1161, 1162; Palestine refugees: assistance 1:1250; Pol:364 Bur:148 Peace Observation Commn: members: appointment Colonialism: elimination Plen:1127, 1171, 1180, 1192 Plen:1200 Commodity problems II:803, 849, 865 Peaceful relations among peoples: promotion among youth Congo situation Plen:1127 1lI:1210 Consular relations VI:772, 775 Peaceful relations among states: & international law • Cuban situation Plen:1127 VI:764, 769, 773, 774 Disarmament Plen:1127; 1:1267,1271, 1?79, 1281 Public administration: technical assistance II:876 economic and social consequences Plen:1197j II:803, Puerto Rico IV:1423 840,862 Racial, natio~al and religious intolerance, manifestations, & economic and social development Plen:1127, 1135, prevention of 1lI:1169-1171,1173 1197; Bur:150; II:840, 862; m:1158 Radiation: effects Plen:l171j Pol:343, 346, 347 ESC: report, 1961/1962 II:803,808 Refugees Plen:1187j 1lI:1188, 1189, 1191 Economic development II:803, 808,865 Rwanda: assistance II:873,877; V:981 & ,opulation growth II:869 Secretariat: staff: European Economic Community Plen:1127 fixed-term appointments Plen:1199j V:951, 954,957 GA: geographical distribution Plen:1199j V:951, 954,957 agenda Plen:1129, 1135; Bur:148, 152 S-G: appointment Plen:1182 Cttee on Information from NSGT: continuation (proposed) Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation IV:1425 1lI:1208 Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:329 participation of Korea (DPR) 1:1298,1299 South West Africa: international status IV:1378, 1388, 1389, participation of Korea (Rep.) I:1298,1299 1395, 1396 ' procedure Bur:14.8 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Bur:148; IV:1357, 1365 Special Fund: operations H:808,873

161 D, INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS (conttnued) UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS: I REPRESENTATIVES (continued) Teclmicalassistance: E~..pauded Pl'Ogl'amme 11:876 finances 11:808,873 SOk1l'kin Plen:1199, 1201; V:915, 917, 919-921, 923,926, 927, I Technical co-operntton U:873 929-934,937,938,040,946-948,952-954,970,974, 'l'erritol'ies under Portuguese administration: status 979-983 ,I Bu1':148j IV:1392, 1393,1404,1405,1415,1418,1419 Tchernyshev Plen:1174,1179j V:922, 951, 954,957, 961, 969, J TC: report, 1961/1962 IV:1427, 1430,1431 971,973,975-978 UN: Zorin Plen:1156, 1162, 1182, 1199,1200,1202; 1:1246, 1250, j budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:915,917, 1260,1265-1267,1271,1279,1281,1283,1300,1301, 937,958,983 1305,1306 budget,1963 Plen:1174,1201j V:919-923, 926, 927, 929-934,938,941,946,948,952,954,958,960,970, I 974,980-983 UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC Charter: General Conference under Art, 109 V:927 \ economic and social activities: decentralization II:853, Africa: education 11:871,872 I 855,856,873 Angola situation Plen:1186 } executive body (proposed) Plen:1127 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) III:1198, 1201 I) finances: Atomic weapons: I accounts, 1961 V:915, 947 prohibition: conference (proposed) 1:1288 I ; bonds V:979 tests: suspension Plen:1139; 1:1250 contributions Plen:1201j V:975-978, 983 Berlin situation Plen:1139 ': \ Members: admission Plen:1146 Burundi: assistance II:877 11: & NSGT: information about UN IV:1424 I' \ Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 Plen:1139j \ t !,\ peace and security opsrattons: financing Plen:1127,119E 11:799,826,827,829·831 ~ V:961, 969,971, 973,980 China: representation in UN Plen:1159 , UN Capital Development Fund II:860 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1139,1180 UNICEF 1lI:1159 Commodity problems II:799, 846, 865 I UN Development Decade, 1960-1970II:803, 808 Congo situation Plen:1139 UNEF: budqet, 1963 V:982 Consular relations VI:775 UNHCR: continuation Plen:1187; 1lI:1188 Cuban situation Plen:1139 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:776 Disarmament Plen:1139; 1:1266,1280 UN Operation in the Congo: financing V:982 economic and social consequences I1: 844, 862 UN Research Institute for Social Development: establishment & economic and social development II:844,862 II:861 ESC: report, 1961/1962 III:1157 UN Training and Research Institute: establishment II:861 Economic and social development 1lI:1157 Venezuela: & British Guiana: boundaries Bur:148j Pol:350 Economic development II:799, 861, 863,865 .& population growth I1: 867 GA: UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS: hearings: Southern Rhodesia IV:1350 I, REPRESENTATIVES Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 Human rights Arkadiev Plen:1190, 1193, 1197, 1199; Bur:148; II:803,808, covenants (draft) III:1174, 1178, 1205, 1207,1209 822,824,828,830,834-836,838-840,844,851,853-856, Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 III:1164 858,860-862,864,865,869,871,873 Industrial development II:799, 841, 844, 845, 857 Birichev III:1210 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:744, 748 Brykin IV:1396, 1404, 1405, 1412,1415,1418, 1419, International trade I1:799 1422-1425,1427,1430 conference (proposed) Plen:1190; II:825, 839 Fedoseev Pol:346 Investments, international II:799 Fotin IV:1392, 1393, 1395, 1431 Land reform II:864 Gren Plen:l171, 1180,1185, 1192; IV:1357, 1365, 1378, 1388, Libya: assistance II:876 1389 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration I Gromyko Plen:1127 Plen:1167; III:1140, 1142, 1143, 1145-1148 11 Lobanov II:849,867 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty Plen:1194; i,! Makeev II:873, 876, 877 II:842, 859 \'1" Menshikov Plen:1146, 1161, 1171; Pol:329, 343,347,350, NSGT: L: 353,3fi4 \?..?:3 fellowships and scholarships .IV:1421 1: Morozov Plen:1165, 1200; Bu1':148, 14~, 152; I:125m286, indigenous cadres: preparation and training IV:1421 !:,'1,A\ '-..128Jh..l289JI292, 1296, 1298,1299; Pol. 376; VI:764, 769 information to UN IV:1421 "i MovciiaIl""'VP7':f8, 746,747,772-776 educational, economic and social IV:1421 f..1 Nikolaeva Plen:1166, 1187; III:1138, 1141, 1143, 1144, 1146, political and constitutional IV:1421 ~~ 1158,1159,1162,1165,1169-1171,1173,1177,1179, racial discrimination IV:1421 HI 1180,1184,1188,1189,1191,1192,1199 Nuclear-free zones: establishment (proposed) Plen:1139 1/ Ostrovski III:1140, 1147, 1148, 1160, 1164, 1170,1194, Oman question Plen:1139; Pol:351, 354, 356 L~ 1196-119~1201-1203,1206-1208 Outer space: peaceful uses Plen:1139; 1:1293 liI Semen?v Plen:1129, 1135; Bur:148, 150 Palestine question Plen:1139 i' Shatski V:941, 958, 960 Palestine refugees: assistance Plen:1139; Pol:360-362, 364, I",(~! 370 I': r: r 162 . f'"IP , -« .....- •. -"'-".~~~~- ".--...... --'-...----... ----~.~""....-.- .. --.-~ ...... -.~- ...-..... ~.-.-_~,~"' .. ,,~.,,~


'Peaceful relations among peoples: promotion among youth Sidky Pol:370j WA:2 111:1210 Talaat Pol:329 Peaceful relations among States: & international law EI-Zayyat Plen:1159j Pol:351, 354 Vl:768, 773 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, prevention of 111:1168,1173 UNITED KINGDOM Radiation: effects Pol:343 Refugees 111:1188, 1191 Africa: education 11:871 Rwanda: assistance 11:877 Angola situation Plen:1185 , Secretariat: staff: Asylum, Right of: declaration (m-aft) III:1194,1196,1198, fixed-term appointments V:957 1199,1201 geographical dirtribution V:957 Atomic weapons: S-G: appointment Plen:1139, 1182 prohibition: conference (proposed) 1:1288 Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation tests: suspension Plen:1134, 1165j 1:1250,1256,1259, 1I1:1208 1261,1264,1265 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1139j Pol:329, Berlin situation Plell:1134 341 British Honduras Plen:H29j IV:1414 South West Africa: international status Plen:1139j IV:1374, Burundi: assistance 11:876,877j V:981 1385 Cairo Declaration of Developing Oountrtes, 1962 11:804,832 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen:1l39j IV:1332, China: representation in UN Plen:1162 1334,1338,1339,1349,1359,1365,1366 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1134, 1171, 1175, 1177, 1192, 19; Special Fund: operations 11:873 1195,1196 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances Commotiity problems 11:848,865 II:873 Congo situation Plen:1134 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Consular relations VI:771,775 IV:1394,1396,1398,1401, 1404,1415, 1418 Co-ordination among UN and specialized agencies: Trust Territories: fellowships and scholarships IY'1429 administrative and budgetary questions V:978 re. report, 1961/1962 IV:1429 programme of meetings V:966 UN: Disarmament Plen:1134j 1:1269 budget,1963 V:924,927 economic and social consequences 11:841; llI:1154 economic and social activities: decentralization 11:847, & economic and social development 11:841 853 ESC: report, 1961/1962 11:804,808; 1I1:1154 Members: admission Plen:1l47 Economic and social development llI:1154 peace and security operations: financing V:968,973 Economic development 11:804,808, 865 & Trust Territories: information about UN IV:1429 & population growth 11: 875 UN Capital Development Fund 11:799, 860 Falkland Islands Plen:1149; IV:1414 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1139j 11:799j Falkland Islands Dependencies IV:1414 III:1157 Freedom of information: UNHCR: continuation Ill: 1188 convention (m-aft) 1II:1210 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) Vl:749,776 declaration (draft) III:1210 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 GA: World Food Programme 11:860 agenda Bur:148 Cttee on Information from NSGT: continuation (proposed) IV:1425 UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC: REPRESENTATIVES hearings: Basutoland IV:1406 Ahmed 1:1280 Southern Rhodesia IV:1330 EI-Banna Plen:1190, 1194j 11:825-827,829-831,839,841, Swaziland IV:1406 842,844-847,853,857,859-865,867,871-873,876,877 Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 EI-Erian Vl:744, 748, 749, 768, 773,.775,776 participation of Korea (DPR) 1:1299 Fahmy 1:1288 participation of Korea (Rep.) 1:1299 Fawzi Plen:1139,1147 rules of procedure: rule 154 V:916 Fayek IV:1332,1334,1338,1359 Gibraltar IV:1414 Ghoneim 1I1:1208 Housing and urban development III:1154,1160 Ghorbal Plen:1167j llI:1140, 1142, 1143, 1145-1148, 1157, Human rights llI:1l54,1160 1164,1168,1173,1174,1178,1188,1191,1198,1201, advisory services III:1154, 1160; V:953,954 1205,1207,1209,1210 covenants (draft) 1I1:1l77, 1179, 1181, 1182; 1185, 1194, Hassan 1:1250,1266 1202-1204,1209 EI-Kaissouni 11:799 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 1I1:1154,1160 Khairat V:927 Industrial development 11:833,844,845,855 Mahmoud V:924, 957,968,973 Information media m:1160 El-Reedy Pol:343, 356 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:737, 745, 748 Riad Plen:1180, 1186, 1202j 1:1293; Pol:341 International trade 11:804, 808 Sabri Plen:1182j Pol:360-362, 364 conference (proposed) Plen:1190; 11:804,825,828,835, 1, EI-Shafei IV:1339, 1349, 1350, 1365, 1366, 1374, 1385, 1394, 836,838,840 1396,1398,1401,1404,1415,1418,1421,1429 Investments, International .II:804 i)

" 163 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) UNITED KINGDOM (continued) UNITED KINGDOM (continued) Iran: earthquake, 1962 m:1138 UN Capital Development J....und 11:861 Korea, Republic of: withdl'awal of foreign troops (proposed) UNICEF m:1154 BU1':149j 1:1303 UN Development Decad,:, 1960-1970 V:952 Korean question Bur. 149j 1:1303 UNEF: budget, 1963 V:982 Kuwait question Plen:1152 UNHCR: . Land retorm ll:864 continuation II1:1187 L.1.0S question Plen:1134 finances: contributions WA:1 Libya: assistance II:876 UN International School V:960 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration UN Joint Staff Pension Fund: report, 1960/1961 V:941 Plen:1166, 1167j III:1140, 1141, 1143, 1144, 1146, 1148 UN [urtdlcal yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:776 .\ Narcotic drugs: control I1I:1154,1160 UN Operation in the Congo: financing V:982 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty Plen:1193j UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 II:834,850,854,858,859 UN Research Institute for Social Development: \\ Nature: protection II:867 establishment III:1154 Near and Middle East: international relations Plen:1152 UN Tl'aining and Research Institute: establishment 11:861 NSGT: Venezuela: & British Guiana: boundaries Plen:1138j Iellowsntps and scholarships IV:1424 Bur:148j Pol:349, 350 information to UN IV:1409, 1413, 1429 World Food Programme 11:860 political and constitutional IV:1424 racial discrimination IV:1424 North Borneo Plen:1134j 1\':1420 UNITED KINGDOM: REPRESENTATIVES Nuclear war: propaganda: condemnation Bur:150 Oman question Plen:1191, Bur:148; Pol:351, 353, 356 Attlee I1I:1l65, 1168,1170, 1171, 1177, 1202, 1203, 1210 Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1291, 1298 Bentley 11:855 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:374 Campbell Plen:1l85; 1:1299 Peaceful relations among States: & international law caston II:873, 876, 877 Plen:1134; VI:761, 769, 770, 774, 777 Crowe Plen:1129, 1138, 1152,1191,1202; Pol:339, 343 Public administration: technical assistance 11:861 **349-351,353,356,374; WA:2 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, Davies 11:855, 860 prevention of I1I:1165,1168,1170,1171 Dean Plen:1134, 1149,1171,1175,1177,1192,1~95, 1196; Radiation: effects Pol: 343 Bur:148, 149; 1:1288,1291,1303 Refugees 1II:1187,1191 Foot IV:1330, 1332, 1341 Rwanda: assistance 11:876,877; V:981 Freeland VI:771, 775, 776 Secretariat: staff: Glover Plen:1195; 1II:1l38, 1:1.40, 1141, 1143, 1144, 1146, fixed-term appointments V:954, 957 1154,1160,1179,1181,1182,1185,1187,1191,1194, geographical distribution V:954,957 . 1196,1198,1199,1201,1204,1208, 1209; WA:1 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1134 Godber Plen:1122, 1152, 1158, 1162, 1163, 1165, 1166j Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation Bur:150; 1:1250,1256,1261,1264, 1265, 1269j 11:804, m:1154,1208 808; IV:1360,~1364,1366,1367 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:339 Gutteridge 1:1298; VI:737, 745, 748, 761, 769, 770, 774, 7'17 South West Africa: Hodges V:916-921,923, 926,927, 929, 934,936-938, 940,941, fellowships and scholarships IV:1372, 1378 946-949,952-954,960,962,966,970-972,977-983 international status IV:1372, 1378, 1380, 1382, 1389 Home Plen:1134 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen:1152,1163; Sankey IV:1409,1414,1425 Bur:148; IV:1332, 1339,1341,1348,1352,1354,1355, Thom, IV:1339,1343,1348, 1352, 1354, 1355,1358,1399,1406 1358,1360,1364,1366,1367 Unwin Plen:1167, 1190, 1193; 11:808,825,828,832-836,838, Special Pund: operations 11:873 840,841,844,845,848,850,853,854,858,859,861,864, Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances 865,867,871,875 II:873 Wall IV:1372, 1378, 1380, 1382, 1389, 1394, 1405, 1413, Territories under Portuguese administration: status 1417-1420,1424,1429; V:925, 930, 954, 957, 962 IV:1394,1399, 1405, 1417-1419 Wright 1:1259 UN: * also issued separately as doe. A/C. 4/5'/0 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:916, jl17, ** also issued separately as doe. A/SPC/72 934,936,937 budget, 1963 V:918-921, 923,925,926,929,930,938,940, 946-949,960,962,970,980,983 UNITED NATIONS CffiLDREN'S FUND: DEPUTY EXECU­ Charter: General Conference under Art. 109 V:927 TIVE DIRECTOR (Heyward) economic and social actiVities: decentralization 11:853, 855 UNICEF: finances: accounts, 1961 V:915 executive body (proposed) Plen:1134 finances: bonds V:979 UNITED NATIONS CffiLDREN'S FUND: EXECUTIVE contributions V:977, 978, 983 BOARD: FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT (Tabibi) Members: admission Plen:1122,1158 & NSGT: information about UN IV:1424 UNICEF: & UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 I1I:1164 peace and security operations: financtng Plen:1134; Women: advancement in developing countries 111:1164 'v:962,971, 972, 980

164 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES (17th session) UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CULTURAL ORGANIZATION Afl'ica: education Il:871 Africa: education II: 871 Angola situation Plen:1196, 1201 Co-ordination among UN and specialized agencies: Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) Ill:1197, 1198, 1200 administrative and budgetary questions V:974 Atomic weapons: ESC: report, 1961/1962 Ill.1151 prohibition: conference (proposed) I: 1288 Freedom of information 1II:1151 tests: suspension Plen:1125j 1:1246, 1255, 1260, 1261, Human rights: advisory services 1lI:1151 1264,1265 Human rights: covenants (draft) Ill:1185 Berlin situation Plen:1125 Industrial development II:855 Burundi: assistance 11:877 .' NSGT: information to UN: educational, economic and Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:798,831 social IV:1421 China: representation in UN Plen:1156j Bur:148 Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1291 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1125, 1171, 1194 \\ Peaceful relations among peoples: promotion among youth Commodity problems II:798, 846, 048,865 III:121O Congo situation Plen:1125 Peaceful relations among States: & international law Consular relations VI:772 VI:769,771 Cuban situation Plen:1125, 1127, 1145 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, Disarmament Pl.;n:1125; 1:1267, 1270, 1271, 1275, 1279 prevention of Ill:1168 economic and social consequences 11:798,840,862,863; Ill:1150 ',, .i & economic and social development Bur:150; 11:840, 863j UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND III:1150 CULTURAL ORGANIZATION: REPRESENTATIVES Disputes, Pacific settlement of Plel1:1125 ESC: Gagliotti 1:1291; 11:855,871; V:974 members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1125 Salsamendi Ill:1151, 1168, 1185, 1210j IV:1421j VI:769, 771 report,1961/1962 11:798; Ill:1150, 1156 Economic and social development Ill: 1156 Economic development 11:798 UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES & population growth Plen:1197j 11:869,875 (Schnyder) regional integration Plen:1125 European Economic Community Plen:1125 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) Ill: 1192 Freedom of information: Refugees 1lI:1186 convention (draft) III:1210 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA:l declaration (draft) Ill:1210 GA: agenda Plen:1129; Bur:148 UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL: BOARD Cttee on Information from NSGT: report IV:1416 OF TRUSTEES: CHAIRMAN (Henderson) participation of Korea (DPR) I: 1298,1299 participation of Korea. (Rep.) 1:1298, 1299 UNInternational School V:960 procedure Plen:11,25 -:C, \ lj~ '2... 2nd Cttee: organization of work tI:811 11, Housing and urban development Ill: 1156 UNITED NATIONS RELIEF ANDWORKS AGENCY FOR Human rights: PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST: COM­ advisory services Ill:1150, 1157 MISSIONER-GENERAL (Davis) covenants (draft) Ill:1182,1183,1204, 1207 06 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 Ill: 1150, 1159, 1164 I, Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:358,370 Hungarian situation Plen:1200j Pol:376 I, UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 Indians 'and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen:1164, 1165 .) Industrial development 11:798,841,844,845,856,857 !AEA: report, 19/31/1962 Plen:1179 UNITED NATIONS RELIEF ANDWORKS AGENCY FOR ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:735, 738, 746, 747 PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST: International trade 11:798,823 DffiECTOR OF LIAISON (Moe) conference (proposed) Plen:1125, 1190j Bur:148j II:798,823,828,835-838 UNRWA: finances: accounts, 1961 V:915 Iran: earthquake, 1962 Ill:1138 Korea, Republic of: withdrawal of foreign troops (proposed) Bur: 148; I: 1301, 1305, 1306 UNITED NATIONS SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE ON THE Korean question Bur:148; 1:1301,1305,1306 QUESTION OF HUNGARY (Munro) Land reform 11:864 Libya: assistance 11:876 Hungarian situation Bur:148j Pol:376 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration Plen:1166, 1167; III:1141, 1142,1148 Narcotic drugs: control Ill: 1165 UNITED NATIONS STAFF PENSION BOARD: CHAIRMAN Natural resources: permanent sovereignty Plen:1193j (Schreiber) II:835,842, 850-852, 854,855, 858, 859, 864 UN Joint Staff Pension Fund:· report, 1960/1961 V:941

165 D. INDEX TO SPEECHES I (17th session) ,1 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (continued) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (continued)

,I NSGT: Venezuela: & British Guiana: boundaries Pol:349 information to UN IV:1421, 1423 Viet-Nam Plen:1l25 political and constitutional IV:1424 Women: advancement in developing countries 1lI: 1162 trnnsmtsstcn by USA IV:1421 racial dtscrtmtnatton IV:1422 Nuclear war: propagandar condemnation Bur:150; 1:1284 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: REPRESENTATIVES Outer space: peaceful uses Plen:1125; 1:1289J\,.1292, 1296, 1297 'lA \ Allott 1:1298,1299,1301,1305,1306; n:862; V:917,919, 920, Palestine refugees: asststance Plen:1200; Pol:365, 371,37.6 922,924,927,933~935,936,954-956,958-960 Peaceful relations among States: & international law Bender V:916,921, 929,930, 941,945, 970,978, 980,982,983 131 VI:764,769,771-774 Bingham Plen:1158, 1171, 1194, 1196, 1201; IV:1337,1343, Public administration: techntcal assistance 11:876 1354,1363,1382,1388,1389,1398,1402,1405,1407, Puerto Rico IV:1423 1415-1419,1421,1423,1426 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, Chapin IV:1422,1424,1430,1431 prevention of Ill:11G9-1171 Dean 1:1255,1260,1261,1264,1265,1267,1270,1271,1275 Radiation: effects Pol:346 1279 ' Refugees Ill: 1189-1191 Dick 1lI:1156 nwanda: assistance n:877 Finger 11:811,838,841,844-846,848,852-854,856-859, !, ) Secretariat: staff: 862,865,871,873,876,877 fixed-term appointments V:955,956 Gardner 11:869,875 63j geographical distribution Plen:1l25; V:955, 956, 958, 959 Gore Plen:1122,1196; 1:1288, l289, 1296; Pol:349; VI:764 I S-G: appointment Plen:1125,1182 Jackson WA:2 I SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen:1125 Kerley VI:738, 746, 772~ 776 Self-determination of peoples Plen:1125 Klutznick Plen:1166, 1167, 1179, 1190, 1193, 1197; 11:798, Social services ill:1156 823,828,831,835-837,840,842,850,851,854,855,861, South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1164,1165; 863,864; V:937, 940, 943, 944, 948, 961, 965, 9'11,975 POl:334,340 Means III:1138,1157, 1165, 1190 South West Africa: Miller 11:864 fellowships and scholarships IV:1382 Plimpton Plen:1164, 1165; Pol:334, 340, 346 .. \ international status IV:1382, 1388, 1389 Rowan Plen:1200; 1:1284; Pol:365, 371, 376-:t: \;.;7 ;', \\ Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1337, 1354, 1363 Schwebel VI:735, 747, 769, 771-774 \1.,9'l- Special Fund: operations 11:873 Stevenson Plen:1125, 1127,1145,1146, 1156, 1182; 1:1246, Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances 1292 II:873 Thacher 1:1297 Technical co-operation 11:798 Tillet Ill:1141, 1142, 1148 Territories under Portuguese administration: status , Tree 11I:1138,1150,'1159~1162,1164,1169,1170,1171,1182, IV:1398, 1402, 1405, 1407, 1415, 1417-1419 1189,1191,1197,11~8,1200,1204,1207,1210;WA:1 Trust Territories: fellowships and scholarships IV:1426 Washburn 1lI:1l83 TC: report, 1961/1962 IV:1426, 1430, 1431 Yost Plen:1129; Bur:148-150 UN: Ziehl V:947,979,980 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:916, 917. 935-937 budget,1963 V:919-922, 924,927, 929,930, 933, 940, 941, UPPER VOLTA 943-945,947,948,954,970,980 economic and social activities: decentralization II:853, Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1153 4 854,856 Berlin situation Plen: 1153 finances: Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 11:832 65 bonds Plen:1125; V:979 China: representation in UN Plen:1153 contributions V:975,978,983 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1153 Members: admission Plen:1122, 1146, 1158 Congo situation Plen:1153 peace and secur-ity operations: financing Plen:1125; Disarmament Plen:1153 V:961,965,971,980 European Economic Community Plen:1l53 & Trust Territories: information about UN IV:1426 Germany: peace treaty Plen:1153 UN Capital Development Fund II:861 Human rights: Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 1lI:1164 UNICEF Ill: 1150 Hungarian situation Plen:1153' I) UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1125; 11:798; Korean question Plen:1153 III:1156 ' Marriage: minimum age, consent and regtstrattoa Plen: UNEF: budget, 1963 V:982 1167; 1lI:1144 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA:1 Palestine question Plen:1153 UN International School V:960 Palestine refugees: assistance PIon: 1153 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:776 Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1153 UN Operation in the Congo: financing V:982 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1153 UNRWI1.: finances: contributions WA:2 South West Africa: international status IV:1386 UNResearch Institute for Social Development: establish­ Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1361 ment II:861 Territories under Portuguese administration: status UN Training and Research Institute: establishment II:861 Plen: 1153; IV:1417

166 ' ,

D. INDEX TO SPEECHES I (17th session) '1 UPPER VOLTA (conetnued) VENEZUELA 1 UN: peace and security operations: financing Plen:1163 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) ill:1192, 1194, 1196, West New Guinea (West !rian): Indonesia/Netherlands 1198,1199 I l162 Agreement, 1962 Plen: 1163 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1138 Berlin situation Plen:1138 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 1l:805, 830 rES UPPER VOLTA: REPRESENTATIVES China: representation in UN Plen:1161 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1138,1180 919,920, Guirma Plen:1163 Consular relations VI:775 Konate II:832 ~ Disarmament Plen:1138 ,982,983 Ouedraogo Plen:1167j m: 1144, 1164 economic and social consequences II:847, 862 7,1343, Tapsoba IV:1361,lS86,1417 & economic and social development II:847 1407, BSC: report, 1961/1962 U:805 11 J Economic development II:805 URUGUAY & population growth U:805 1,1275, GA: Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) m:l:~Ol agenda Bur:148 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1131j 1:1263 Member-s: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 859, Berlin situation Plen:1131 Human rights: covenants (draft) III:l172, 1178, 1181, 1183, Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 U:830 1202-1204,1207,1209 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1131, 1167, 1176, 1195 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Plen:1165 VI:764 Disarmament Plen: 1131; I:1280, 1306 Industrial development II:805 economic and social consequences II:848; ill:1152 ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:743,747 & economic and social development U:848 International trade: conference (proposed) II:805,824 1:798, ESC: report, 1961/1962 ill:1152 Iran: earthquake, 1962 ill:1138 155,861, European Economic Community II:825 Land reform II:605,864 1,975 GA: Cttee on Information from NSGT: continuation Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration (proposed) IV:1422, 1425 1145-1147 Housing and urban development Ill:1152 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:860 ~ Human rights: Peaceful relations among States: & international law \\ advisory services ill:1152 772 covenants (draft) ill:1178, 1185,1204 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, :1246, Industrial development II:833,844 prevention of ID:1165, 1170, 1173 International trade: conference (proposed) II:825 Refugees 1Ii:1191 Marriage: minimum age, consent and registration III:1142 Slavery: Supplementary Convention, 1956: implementation Natural resources: permanent sovereignty II:842, 855 ID:1208 11,1182, NSGT: information to UN IV:1422 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen:1165; Pol:331 VA:l educational, economic and social IV:1422 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1361 political and constitutional IV:1422 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Oman question Pol:357 IV:1419 Peaceful relations among States: & international law UN: Plen:1131 budget, 1963 V:974 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, peace and security operations: financing V:967 prevention of Ill:1168 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 JI:805 South West Africa: international status IV:1386 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:776 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1336, 1339, 1357, Venezuela: & British Guiana: boundaries Plen:1138; 1366 Bur:148; Pol:348,350 :832 Territories under Portuguese administration: status IV:1406, 141'7, 1418 UN: budget, 1963 V:920, 923, 943 VENEZUELA: REPRESENTATIVES finances: contributions V:982 peace and security operations: financing V:965, 973 Alvarado V:967,974 UNICEF III:1152 ~hocr6n U:805,824,830,847,860,862,864 III:1164 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 ill:1152 Falc6n Briceiio Plen:1138; Pol:348*, 350 Molina VI:743, 747, 766, 772, 775, 776 Silva Sucre IV:1361,1419 Plen: URUGUAY: REPRESENTATIVES Sosa Rodriguez Plen:1161, 1180, 1202; Bur:148 Taylhardat Plen:1165; Pol:331 Aguirre Plen:1167, 1176,1195; m:1168; IV:1336, 1339, 1343, Zuloaga ID:1138,1143,1145,1147,1165,1170,1172,1173, 1357,1366,1386,1406,1417,1418,1422,1425 1178,1181,1183,1191,1192,1194,1196, 1198,11G9,1202­ Cattarossi Ill:1142, 1152, 1178, 1185, 1201, 1204 1204,1207-1209 !barra San Martin II:825, 830, 833, 842,844,848,855 *also issued separately as doe. A/SPC/71 Marques Sere V:920, 923, 943, 965, 973,982 Ve1l1zquez Plen:1131; I:1263, 1280,1306; Pol:357

167 i-."

, ~{ . "'''''~':~'"''_~7r&L i D. INDEX TO SPEECHES -] (17th session) I VIET-NAM YUGOSLAVIA (continued) \ UNHCR: finances: contributions WA:l GA: 1196, agenda Plcn:1129 Cttee on Information from NSGT: continuation (proposed) VIET-NAM: REPRESENTATIVE IV:1425 hearings: Southern Rhodesia IV:1344, 1350 B05,830 . Tran-Van-Chuong WA:1 Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1202 rules of procedure: rule 154 V:916 Housing and urban development Ill:1163 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: DffiECTOR-GENERAL Human rights Ill:1153, 1163 (Candan) advisory services 1U:1163 covenants (draft) Ill:1177, 1182, 1207 Cancer: research Special Meeting - 10 Oct 1962 Declaration: anniversary, 15th, 1963 Ill: 1163 Hungarian situation Pol:376 Indians and Indo-Pakistanis in South Africa Pol:335 WORLD H.EALTH ORGANIZATION: MEDICAL LIAISON Industrial development II:800 OFFICER (Sacks) ILC: report, 14th sess. VI:743,748 International trade II:800, 811, 812 Industrial development 11:855 conference (proposed) Plen:1129; II:800, 824, 835-839 1183, Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1352 Investments, International 11:800 Iran: earthquake, 1962 1U:1l38 Marriage: m.inimum age, consent and registration III:1142 , WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION: CHIEF, 1144 TECHNICAL DIVISION (Langlo) Narcotic drugs: control 111:1163 Natural resources: permanent sovereignty 11:846 Outer space: peaceful uses 1:1291 NSGT: information to UN IV:1410 Nuclear-free zones: establishment (proposed) Plen:1129 1:1143, Oman question Pol:355 YEMEN Outer space: peaceful uses Plen:1129; 1:1295 Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:369 VI:766, GA: Members: representatives: credentials Plen:1201,1202 Peaceful relations among States: & interriational Iaw Iran: earthquake, 1962 I1I:1139 769,777 ions, Palestine refugees: assistance Pol:368 Racial, national and religious intolerance: manifestations, prevention of Ill:1168,1173 Refugees Ill:1189 ttion YEMEN: REPRESENTATIVES Secretariat: staff: fixed-term apporntments V:958 01:331 AI-Aini Plen:1202 geographical discribution V:958 Al-Sharafi I1I:1139 S-G: appointment Plen:1129, 1182 Zabarah Plen:1201; Pol:368 Self-determination of peoples Plen:1129 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Pol:335 South West Africa: international status IV:1369, 1371, 1372, YUGOSLAVIA 1374,1382,1387-1389 Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1332, 1334, 1336, Angola situation Plen:1186 1338,1339,1346-1348,1352,1364,1~66,1367 Asylum, Right of: declaration (draft) Ill:1196, 1200 Special Fund: Managing Director: appointment Plen:1183 Atomic weapons: tests: suspension Plen:1129; 1:1247,1263 Territorfes under Portuguese administration: status Berlin situation Plen:1129 IV:1407,1408,1416,1418,1419 Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries, 1962 Plen:1l29j UN: 11:800; I1I:1153 budget, 1962: supplementary appropriations V:916, 936 Cambodia: buJget,1963 V:919,921,926,927 & Thailand Plen:1129 Members: admission Plen:1146 & Viet Nam Plen:1129 peace and security operations: financing V:972 Colonialism: elimination Plen:1129,1167, 1178, 1194; V:974 UN Capital Development Fund 11:856 Commodity problems 11:800 UNICEF I1I:1153 Congo situation Plen:1129 & UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Ill:1163 Disarmament Plen:1129; 1:1274 UN Development Decade, 1960-1970 Plen:1129j 11:800; economic and social consequences .Plen:1129; 11:843 1U:1153 & economic and social development 11:843 UNHCR: Disputes, Pacific settlement of Plen:1129 continuation 1U:1178 .73, ESC: report, 1961/1962 11:800,812; 1U:1153 finances: contributions WA:l ;),1202- Economic and social development I1I:1153 UN juridical yearbook: publication (proposed) VI:749 Economic development 11:800,811,812 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA:2 & populatio.i growth 11:869 West New Guinea (West Irian}: Indonesia/Netherlands regional integration Plen:1.129 Agreement,1962 Plen:1129 European Economic Community 11:824 Women: advancement in developing countries 111:1163


~",""~~''''''''f:;,r.,~ .' ".".~-...... 1 ····,1.. D. INDEX TO SPEECHES '~1 I~ I (17th session) f YUGOSLAVIA: REPRESENTATIVES ZIMBABWE AFRICAN PEOPLE'S UNION Bozovic Plen:1167, 1186, 1194, 1202; IV:1332, 1334, 1336, Southern Rhodesia: self-government IV:1333, 1334, 1337­ l' 1338,1339,1344,1346-1348,1350,1352,1364,1366, 1344,1352,1354,1355,1368 tr ' (proposed) 1367,1369,1371,1372,1374,1382,1387-1389,1407, 1408,1410,1416,1418,1419,1425 Cvorovic n:856*, 869 ZIMBABWE AFffiCAN PEOPLE'S UNION: REPRESENTA­ 1202 Ilic V:916, 919, 921, 926, 927, 936, 95/l, 972, 974 TIVES Kreacic Pol:355, 369, 376; WA:l, 2 Loncar Pol:335 Chinamano, J. IV:1342-1344 Mclovski m:1168, 1173, 1196,1200,1207 Dumbutshena, E. IV:1333, 1334, 1355,1368 Milankovic VI:743, 748, 749 Shamuyarira, N. IV:1352, 1354 Nincic 1:1205; VI:753, 769, 777 Sithole, N. IV:1337-1341 Pavicevic Plen:1178, 1182, 1183; 1:1274 \) ) Popovic Plen:1129, 1146; 1:1248, 1263; 11:800 335 Radic DI:1138, 1142, 1144, 1153,1163,1177,1178,1182,1189 Stanovnik 11:811,812,824,835-839,843,846 *also issued separately as doe, A/C. 2/L. 671 335-839



LW VI:753, itations,

169 E. Numerical List of Documents

(1) Plenary (1) Plenary (continued) Genernl.series (continued) General sOl'il:s ~! .! A/ A/ 5069 and COl'r.1 (English only), Add. 1, Add.1/Corr.1 5198 and Add. 1, Rev. 1 (L,J".nish only) (English only), Add.1/Corl'. 2 (English only) 5199 5070·5077 (documents of 16th sess.) 5200 (DC/20r.) 5078 and Add. 1-19 5201 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 1) and Add. 1 (GAOR, 5079 and Add. 1-6 17th sess., suppl, no. lA) 5080 and Add. 1-19 5202 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.2) 5081 and Add, 1-5 5203 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 3) 5082-5095 (documents of 16th sess, ) 5204 (GAORs 17th sees., duppl. no.4) 5096,5097 5205 (GAQR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 5) and Add. 1 (GAOR, 5098 (document of 16th sess, ) 17th sess., suppl, no.5A) 5099 5206 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 6) and Add. 1 (GAOR, 5100 and Add. 1 (documents of 16th sess. ) 17th sess., suppl. no.6A), Add. 2 (GAOR, 17th 5101-5108 sess. suppl. no.6B), Add. 3 (GAOR, 17th sesa., 5109 and Corr, 1 suppl. no.6C) 5110-5116 5207 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.7) 5117 and Carr.l (English only) 5208 (GAQR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 8) and Corr.l 5118-5120 (French only), Corr.2 (Spanish only) 5121 and corr. 1 (English only) 5209 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 9) and Corr.l 5122,5123 5210 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 10) 5124 (document of 16th sess, ) 5211 and Rev. 1 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 11), Rev. 1/ 5125 • .~.- Add. 1 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no; HA) 5126,5127 (documents of 16th sess, ) .. 5212 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.12) 5128-5130 5213 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 13) and Add. 1 (GAOR, 5131 (document of 16th sess, ) 17th sess., suppl. 1l0.13A), Add. l/Corr. 1 5132-5138 5214 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no. 14) 5139 (document of 16th sess, ) . 5215 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl. no.15) 5140 5216 (GAOR, 17th sess., suppl, no. 16) 5141 and Add. 1 5217 (GAOR, 17th sess., snppl, no. 17) and Corr.l 5142 (document of 16th sess.) (Russian only) 5143-5146 5218-5233 5147 and Add. 1, 2 5234 and Add. 1 5148 and Add. 1, 2 5235-5239 5149-5157 5240 and Add. 1-3 5158 and Rev. 1 5241 5159 5242 and Corr.l, Add. 1 5160 and Corr.l (English only), Add. 1, 2 5243 5161 and Corr. 1 5244 and Add. 1 5162 5245-5248 5163 and Add. 1 5249 and Add. 1 5164-5166 5250-5255 5167 and Add. 1-6 5256 and Corr.l (English only), Add. 1 5168 and Add. 1 5257-5271 5169 and Corr. 1, Add. 1 5272 and Corr.l (English only) 5170 and Corr.l (English only), Add. 1 5273-5282 5171 and Add. 1, 2 5283 and Corr. 1 5172,5173 5284-5286 5174 and Add.!, 2 5287 and Corr. 1, 2 (English only) 5175-5179 5288-5302 5180 and Add. 1, 2 5303 and Add. 1 5181-5184 5304-5313 5185 and Add. 1 5314 and Corr.l (Russian only) 5186··5194 5315,5316 5195 and Corr, 1 (English only) 5317 and Carr.l (English only) 5195/Rev.l (ST/ECA/76 (Sales no. : 63. n. D. 2» 5318-5322 5196,5197 5323 and Corr.l (Spanish only)

170 . E. NUMERICAL LIST OF DOCUMENTS (17th session) (1) Plenary (continued) (1) Plenary (continued) General series (continued) Resolutions A/ A/RES/1748 (XVII) - 1871 (XVII) 5324 and Add. 1 5325-5332 Verbatim records 5333 and Corr.1 5334-5337 A/PV.1122-1202 5338 and Add. 1, 2 5339-5341 41 ! 5342 and Corr-, 1 (2) Ad Hoc Committee of the General Assembly 5343 5344 and Add. 1, Add. l/Corr. 1 Summary records 5345-5348 5349 and Add. 1 A/AC.112/SR.1, 2 5350-5358 5359 and Corr.1 5360 and Corr. 1 (English only) (3) General Committee 5361-5363 5364 and Corr-, 1 (French only) General series 5365-5370 5371 and Corr. 1, 2 A/BUR/ 5372-5383 156 53e4 and COrl'.l (English only) 157 and Add. 1, 2 5385-5391 5392/Rev.1 (issued only under this symbol) Summary records 5393 and Corr.1 5394-5400 A/BUR/SR. 148-152 Information series (4) First Committee A/INF/ 97,98 General series 99 and Add. 1, 2 (English only) 100,101 A/C. 1/ 867 Limited series 868 and Add. 1 869 A/L. 870 and Corr.1, 2 (Trilingual - E, F & S) 389 and Add. 1, 2 871 390 and Add. 1, 2 872 and Add. 1 391 and Add. 1 873-883 392 and Add. 1 884 and Corr.1 (English and Russian only) 393 885 394 and Corr.1, Add.1 395 Limited series 396 and Add. 1 397 and Add. 1, 2 A/C.1/L. 398 and Add. 1 310 and Corr.1 (Russian only), Corr.2 (French only), 399-401 Add. 1-4 402 and Corr. 1 (Russian only), Add. 1 311 403 312 and Add. 1, Rev. 1, Rev. l/Add. 1, Rev. 2 .\ 404 and Corr.1 (French only) 313 and Rev. 1, 2 405 and Corr.1 (Russian only) 314,315 406,407 316 and Rev. 1 40a and Carr.1 (French only), Corr.2 (Spanish only) 317 and Corr.l (Spanish only), Rev. 1, Rev.l/Add.1, 2 409 318 410 and Add. 1 319 and Add. 1 411 320 and Add. 1, Rev. 1, Rev.l/Add, 1, 2 412 and Rev.1,2 321-323 413,414 415 and Add. 1 Summary records 416-418 419 and Add. 1 A/C. l/SR. 1244-1306 420-423

171 E. NUMERICAL LIST OF DOCUMENTS (17th session) (4) First Committee (continued) (6) Second Committee (continued) Verbatim recol'ds Limited series (continued)

A/C.1/PV.1244-1306 A/C.2/L. 667 668 and Corr.1 (Spanish only) (5) Special Political Committee 669-671 672 and Rev. 1 General series 673 and Add. 1, Rev. 1 674 and Rev. 1 A/SPC/ 675-681 66 682 and Rev. 1 67 and Corr.1, 2 (Trilingual - E, F & S) 683 and Corr.1, Add. 1, Rev. 1, Rev. l/Add. 1 68 and Add. 1 684 69-77 685 and Rev. 1 686 and Rev. 1, Rev.1/Add.1, Rev. 2,3 Limited series 687,688 689 and Corr.1 (Spanish only) A/SPC/L. 690-692 82 and Rev. 1, Rev.1/Add.1-6 693 and Corr.1 (French only) 83 and Add. 1-3 694-701 84-88 702 and Rev. 1 89 and Add. 1 703-708 90-93 709 and Rev. 1, Rev.1/Add.1, Rev. 2 710 and Rev. 1 Summary records 711 and Add. 1-3 712-715 A/SPC/SR.325-376 716 and Add. 1, 2, Rev. 1, Rev. l/Corr. 1 717 718 (not issued) (6) Second Committee 719 and Add. 1 720 General series Summary records A/C. 2/ 212 and Add. 1 A/c. 2/SR. 794-878 213 and Add. 1, Rev. 1, Rev.1/Corr.1 (Trilingual ­ E, F &S) 214-216 (7) Third Committee

Limited series General series

A/C.2/L. A/C. 3/ 643 and Corr.1, Add. 1 594 644-646 595 and Corr. 1 (Trilingual- E, F & S), Add. 1, 2, Rev. 1, 647 and Add. 1 Rev. 1/Add. 1 648 and Corr.1 (French only), Add. 1-5, Add.5/Corr.1, Rev.1, Rev.l/Corr.l (English only), Rev.l/Add.1, Limited series Rev.2, Rev. 2/Corr.1, Rev.2/Add.1 r 649 and Add. 1, Rev. 1, Rev.2, Rev.2/Add.1, Rev. 2/ A/C.3/L. Add. l/Corr. 1 (Chinese only), Rev. 2/Add. 2 977 and Add. 1 650 and,Add. 1, Rev. 1, Rev. l/Add. 1, Rev. 2 978-980 651 and Rev. 1, Rev.l/Corr.l (Spanish and Russian only) 981 and Rev. 1 652 and Rev. 1 982 and Add. 1, Add.1/Corr.1 (French only) 653 and Add. 1, 2, Rev. 1, Rev. l/Add. 1, Rev. 2 983 and Rev. 1 654 and Corr. 1 (English, Spanish and Russian only) 984-990 655,656 • 991 and Rev. 1, Rev.1/Add.1 657 and Add. 1, Rev. 1, Rev. l/Add. 1, Rev. 2 992 and Rev. 1-4, Rev. 4/Add. 1 658 and Add. 1-3, Rev. 1, Rev.1/Add.1 993 and Rev. 1 659 and Add" 1-5 994 and Add. 1, Rev. 1, Rev.1/Add. 1 660 995 and Add. 1, 2 661 and Rev.l/Corr.l (withdraws A/C. 2/L. 661/Rev.1) 996 and Add. 1, Add. l/Corr. 1, Add. 2, Rev. 1, Rev.1/ 662 and Corr. 1, 2, Add. 1-6 Add. 1-3 663 and Rev. 1, 2 997 and Add. 1, 2 664 and Rev. 1, 2 998 and Add. 1, 2 665 and Corr.l, Add. 1, Rev. 1, 2 999 and Rev. 1, Rev. l/Add. 1-5 666 and Add. 1, 2, Rev. 1, 2, Rev. 2/Add. 1 1000,1001

172 . E. NUMERICAL LIST OF DOCUMENTS (17th session) (7) Third Committee (continued) (8) Fourth Committee (continued)

r.;imited series (continued) General series (continued)

A/C.3/L. A/C. 4/ 1002 and Add. 1, Rev.1 571 and Add. 1 1003 and Add. 1 572-1i77 1004 and Rev. 1 578 and Corr.1 (French and Spanish only) 1005 579,580 1006 and Rev. 1-6, Rev. 6/Add. 1 581 and Corr.1 (English and Spanish only) 1007 582 100Band Rev. 1 583 and Add. 1 1009 and Rev.1,2 584 and Add. 1 1010,1011 585-'190 1012 and Rev. 1 591 and Add. 1 1013 and Corr.1 (French only) 592-597 1014 and Rev. 1 1015-1021 Limited series 1022 and Corr.1 (Spanish only) 1023 A/C.4/L. 1024 and Rev. 1-4 747 1025 748 and Add. 1 1026 and Rev. 1, 2 749 1027 and Rev. 1-4 750 and Add. 1 1028 and Rev. 1, 2 751-753 10~9 and Add. 1-3 754 and Corr.1, Rev. 1, Rev. 1/Corr. 1 1030 and Corr. 1 (Sp:mish only) 755-758 1031 and Add. 1, Rev.1 759 and Add. 1, Rev.1 1032-1034 760 and Add. 1 1035 and Add. 1 761-765 1036 and Corr.1 (F.rench only) 766 and Add. 1 1037,1038 767 and Add. 1 1039 and Rev. 1-3 768 and Add. 1 1040 and Rev. 1 769 and Add. 1 1041 and Rev. 1 770,771 1042 and Rev. 1, Rev. l/Corr. 1 772 and Rev. 1 1043 and Rev. 1 773 1044 and Add. 1, Rev. 1 1045 Summary records 1046 and Rev. 1, 2 1047 A/C.4/SR.1328-1431 1048 and Rev. 1, Rev. 1/Add. 1 1049-1053 1051 and Add. 1 (9) Fifth Committee 1055 and Add. 1, 2 1056-1058 General series 1059 and Corr. 1 (French only) 1060 A/C. 5/ 918,919 Summary records 920 and Add. 1 921,922 A/C. 3/SR. 1135-1210 923 and Add. 1 924 and Corr. 1-5 (Trilingual - E, F & S) 925-928 (8) Fourth Committee 929 and Corr.1 930 General series 931 and Corr.1 (English only) 932 A/CA/ 933 and Corr.1 556 and Rev. 1, Rev. l/Add. 1, 2 934-944 557 and Add. 1-6 945 and Add. 1 558 and Add. 1-3 946-972 559 and Corr.l (Trilingual - E, F & S) 560,561 T..imited series 562 and Add. 1 563-566 A/C.5/L. 567 and Corr. 1 725,726 568-570 727 and Corr.1, Add. 1

173 E. NUMERICAL LIST OF DOCUMENTS (1-7th session) , (9) Fifth Committee (continued) (11) Supplements to Official Records (continued) Limited series (continued) No. lA: Introducncn to the Annual report of the Secretary­ !, General on the worlt of the Organization, 16 Jun 728-731 1961 - 15 Jun 1962. Aug 1962. 6 p, (A/5201/ f 732 and Corr. 1, 2 (English and Spanish only) Add. 1). $U.S. 0.35; 2/6 stg.; 1.60 f 733-739 740 and Rev. 1 No. 2: Report of the Security Council to the General 741-746 Assembly, 16 Jul1961 - 16 Ju11962. Oct 1962. 747 and Rev. 1 vU, 02 p, (A/5202). $U.S. 1.00; 7fstg.; 748 4.00 749 and Corr.1 (English, Spanish and Russian only) .U 750-754 No. 3: Report of the Economic and Social Council, 6 Aug 755 and Corr.1 (Russian only) 1961 - 3 Aug 1962. Sep 1962. xiv, 108 p. (A/5203). 756-759 $U. s. 1.50; 10/6 stg, ; 6.50 760 and Add. 1-4 761 and Add. 1, 2, Add. 2/Corr. 1 No. 4: Report of the Trusteeship Council, 20 Jul 1961 ­ 762 20 Jul 1962. Aug 1962. tv, 47 p., maps. (A/5204). 763 and Corr.1 (English only) $U.S. 0.75j6/ 3.00 764,765 766 and Add. 1 No. 5: Budget estimates for the financial year 1963 and 767 and Add. 1 information annexes. Aug 1962. xix, 163 p, 768-773 (A/5205). $U.S. 2.0Q; 14/- stg.; 8.50 774 and Add. 1 775 No.6A: Budget fm' the financial year 1963. Feb 1963.15 p. 776-781 (these numbers were not used) (A/5205/Add. 1). $U. S. O.35 (or equivalent in other currencies) Summary record~ No. 6: United Nations and its trusts funds and special A/C. 5/SR. 913-983 accounts. UN regular programme of technical assistance and its participation in the Expanded Programme of technical assistance and the TAB. (10) Sixth Committee Special Fund: UN as executing agency, and too administrative budget of the Managing Director. General series UN Suez Canal Surcharge Operation. Special account of the UNEF. Ad hoc account for the UN A/C. 6/ operation in the Congo. Financial report and 365 accounts for the year ended 31 Dec 1961 and 366 and Add. 1-3 (Trilingual - E, F & S) report of the Board of Auditors. Jul 1962. vi, 103p. (A/5206). $U.S. 1.50j 10/6 stg.; Sw. Limited series fr. 6.50 . No. 6A: UNICEF. Financial report and accounts for the A/C.6/L. year ended 31 Dec 1961 and Report of the Board 497-503 of Auditors. Aug 1962. iv, 37 p, (A/5206/Add. 1). 504 and Rev. 1, 2 $U.S. 0.50; 3/6 stg.; 2.00 r.. 505,506 507 and Add. 1-4, Rev. 1, Rev.1/Add.l No.6B: United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Pales­ 508 and Rev. 1 tine Refugees in the Near East. Accounts for the 509 and Corr.1 (Spanish only), Add. 1, 2, Rev. 1, Rev. 1/ year ended 31 Dec 1961 and Report of the Board of Corr.1 (Spanish only) Auditors. Jul1962. iv, 17 p. (A/5206/Add.2). $U.S. 510-513 0.35; 2/6 stg.; 1.50 514 and Corr.1 (French only), Rev. 1 515-520 No,.6C: Voluntary funds admi.nistered by the United Nations 521 and Corr. 1 (English only) High Commissioner for Refugees. Accounts for the 522 year ended 31 Dec 1961 and Report of the Board of 523 and Corr.1 (English and French only), Corr.2 Auditors. Ju11962. (A/5206/Add.3). $U.S. 0.35; (Spanish only), Corr. 3 (French only) 2/6 stg.; 1.50· 524 and Cor r i L, Add. 1 No. 7: Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budget­ Summary records ary Questions. 7th report to the General Assembly at its 17th session [on the budget estimates for A/C. 6/SR. 732-777 1963]. Aug1962. v,48p. (A/5207). $U.S. 0.75; 5/- stg.; 3.00

(11) Supplements to Official Records No. 8: UN Joint Staff Pension Fund. Annual report of the UN Joint Staff Pension Board. Aug 1962. Hi, 42 p. No. 1: Annual report of the Secretary General on the work (A/5208). $U.S. 0.75; 5/- stg.; 3.00 of the Organization, 16 Jun 1961 - 15 Jun 1962. Jul 1962. viii,182p. (A/5201). $U.S. 2.50; 17/6 st~,,; 10.50 174' E. NUMERICAL LIST OF DOCUMENTS (17th session) (11) Supplements to Official Records (continued) (11) Supplements to Official Records(continued)

No.9: Report of the International Law Commission cover­ No. 13A: Addendum to the report of the United Nations Com­ ing the work of its 14th session, 24 Apl' - 29 Jun mission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of 1962. Sep 1962. iil, 38 p, (A/5209). $U.S. 0.50; Korea [covertng the period 4 Dec 1961 - 1 Sep 1962]. 3/6 stg.; SW.fl·. 2.00 ,Tan 1963. 2 p, (A/5213/Add.1). $U.S. 0.35 (or equivalent in other currenctes) ---. COl'l·igendum. 8 Jan 1963. 1 p. (A/5209/ Corl'.1). (English only) No. 14: Annual report of the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Pales­ No. 10: Report of the Committee on Contributions. Aug tine Refugees in the Near East, 1 Jul 1961 - 30 Jun •U 1962. iU) 8 p. (A/5210). $U.S. 0.35; 2/6 stg.; 1962. Oct 1962. vi, 40 p., maps. (A/5214). $U. S. 1.50 0.75; 5/- stg.; 3.00

I No. 11: Report of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. Aug 1962. v, 35 p. (A/5211/Rev.1). $U.S. 0.50; No. 15: Report of the Committee on Information from Non­ » 3/6 stg.; 2.00 Self-Governing Territories. Jul 1962. tv, 20 p. (A/5215). $U.S. 0.35; 2/6 stg.; sw, fr. 1. 50 No. 11A: Addendum to the report of the UN High Commis­ sioner fOl'Refugees. Jan 1963. iv, 14 p, (A/52111 No. 16: Report of the United Nations Scientific Committee Rev. 1/Add. 1). $U. S. O. 35 (or equivalent in other on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. Aug 1962. tv, currencies) 442 p., graphs, maps, tables. (A/5216). $U.S. 5.00; 36/6 stg.] 21. 50 No. 12: Report of the Special Committee for South West Africa. Feb 1963. tv, [24] p., with maps. (A/5212). No. 17: Resolutions [and decisions] adopted by the General $U.S. 0.35 (or equivalent in other currencies) Assembly during its 17th session, 18 Sep - 20 Dec 1962. Mar 1963. xvi, 82 p. (A/5217). $U. '1. 1. 50 No. 13: Report of the United Nations Commission for the (or equivalent in other currencies) Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea [covering ---. Corrigendum. Jul1963. 1 p. (A/5217/Corr.1) the period 4 Dec 1961 - 1 Sep 1962]. Oct 1962. (Russian only) v, 36 p. (A/5213). $U.S. 0.50; 3/6 stg,; sw.Ir. 2.00

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