


Thomas M. Kiefer and Stuart A. Schlegel, compilers Philippine Studies Program, University of Chicago 1130 East 59th Street, Chicago 37, Illinois (Mimeographed June 1965; reprodnced. with permission)

I. English

Mable, Lourdes . The as an Ethnic Minority in the . Philippine Soc. Rev., 8:1-2 (1960), pp. 16-33.

Alfaro, A. M. Give the Moros a Break. Philippines Free Press, XXXIX (Sept. 25, 1954).

Alip, E. Political and Cultural History of the Philippines. 2 vols. Manila: Alip and Brion, 1950.

Alonto, D. Interesting Facts about Our Muslim Brothers. Filipino First, I (Jan. 2, 1960), pp. 12, 32.

------., et ale Report of the Special Committee to Investigate the Moro Problems, Especially with Regard to Peace and Order in and . (MSS.) 1955. In House of Representatives, Republic of the Philippines.

Alonto, Hadji Madki. Islam in the Philippines. Fookien Times Yearbook, 1960, pp. 239­ 243.

Angeles, F. Delor. The Mindanao Phase of the Philippine Revolution. Historical Bulletin, VII (1963), pp. 138-142.

------. Mindanao: The Story of an Island. (mimeo) Manila: GIC Enterprises, 1964.

------. The Moro Wars. U.E. Liberal Arts and. Sciences Journal. 1:2 (1964), pp , 105­ 113·

------. Perspectives of Mindanao History. M.C. Faculty Journ. I (1964), pp. 22-36.

Anonymous. Asia. 2 vols. MSS, Newberry Library, Chicago. 1750 (?).

------. The Muslim Minority in the Philippines•. : June 11, 1962. 27 pages. (mi.meo )

*Arce, Wilfreda. Social Organization of the Muslim Peoples of Sulu. Philippine Studies, 11:2 (1963), pp. 242-266.

Arong, J. R. The Badjaw of Sulu. Philippine Sociological Rev., 10:3-4 (1962), pp. 134-146.

Baldoria, P. L. Political Geography of the Philippines. Philippine Geographical Review, 1:1 (1953), pp. 15-23.

Balein, Jose C. The People of Moroland. This Week, XI, No. 20 (May 13, 1956), pp. 14-21. -16­

Beyer, H. 0., and Holleman, F. D. Beyer-Holleman collection of Original Sources in Philippine Customary Law. (typescript) Library of Congress, Washington; and Philippine Studies Program, University of Chicago. n.d.

Paper Account No. No. Title

1 General Introduction. 2 Memorandum on Philippine. Customary Law. 112b Mohammedan Law. 142 Introduction to the Papers on Philippine Customary Law. 143 Moro Marriage Customs. 158 General Introduction to the Customary Law. 159 Introduction to the papers on Moro Customary Law. 160 1 The Province of Sul u . 160 2 The District of Tanitani. 161 8 The Moros. 161 9 Report of the 51st Census District. 161 10 Report of the 52nd Census District. 161 11 Report of the 53rd Census District. 161 12 Note on the Sulus, Samals, and Samal Laut or Bad.jao , 161 15 Military Note Concerning the Moros. 162 16 Correspondence, Papers and Reports relating to the Sulu Moros. 162 19 Notes on the Yakan Moros. 162 21 The Moros of the Island of . 162 23 The Moros of Sulu and Mindanao. 162 24 Census Report for the Municipality of Zamboanga. 162 251 The Moros of the Lower Half of Zamboanga Peninsula. 162 25II The Subanuns , 162 26 The Moros between and Punta F'Le cha. 163 28 Census Report Relating to the District of Lanao, Mindanao. 163 29 Customs of the Lanao Moros. 163 34 Ethnography of the Magindanao of Parang. 163 36 Misc. Letters from . 163 48 My Year in the Pangutaren Is., Sulu Archipelago. 164 49 The Bates Treaty with the "Sul.tan" of Sulu. 164 50 Conference of the Philippine Commission with the "" of Sulu and his Advisors. 164 51a Letter from General John J. Pershing to the Governor General Relative to the Status of the "Sultan of Sulu. II 164 51b Excerpt from the Journal of the Philippine Commission relative to the Status of the "Su.l,tan" of Sulu. 164 55 Opinion relating to the Status of the "Sultan" of Sulu. 164 56 Letter of the "Sultan" to all Mohammedans in the Sulu Archipelago. 164 58a An Act Providing for the Selection of Assessors of the Court of First Instance and Justioeof the Peace Courts in the Department of Mindanao and Sulu and for a Special Procedure for the Determination of Civil and Criminal Cases in which the Parties are Mohammedans or Pagans. 164 58b Correspondence of Governor Carpenter with Governor General Harrison and others, Relating to the status of the "Sultan" of Sulu. -17­

164 59 Correspondence of Governor Carpenter with the "Su.Ltan' of Sulu. 164 60 Certain Provincial Circulars in the Province of Sulu. 164 63 Paper Relating to the Renunciation of Land Rights by the "Sultan" of Sulu and his Heirs. 164 65 The Sovereign Personality of the "Su.Lt.an" of Sulu. 164 80 Notes on Certain Marriage and Divorce Customs of the Moros of Sibuguey Bay. 236 80 Case of Mora Adong.

Billi.man, C. Islam in Sulu. Philippine Studies, 8 (1960), pp. 51-58.

Blalr, E. H., and Robertson, J. A. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1805. 55 vols. Cleveland: A. H. Clark Co., 1903-1909.

Bowers, F. The Land Locked Pirates of the Pacific. Harpers Magazine, 210: 1261 (1955), pp. 35-39· Bullard, R. L. Preparing Moros for Self Government. Atlantic Monthly, 97:3 (1903), p. 386.

Bustamante, Alfredo. Report on the Moro Situation in Sulu. Today, III, No. 2 (August 1954), pp. 14-15. --

Cloman, Sidney. Myself and a Few Moros. New York: Doubleday, 1923.

*Conklin, Harold C. Outline Gazeteer of Native Philippine Ethnic and Linguistic Groups. (mimeo) Philippine Studies Program, University of Chicago, 1952.

------. Preliminary Linguistic Survey of Mindanao. (mimeo) Philippine Studies Program, University of Chicago, 1955.

Costa, H. de lao The Jesuits in the Philippines, 1581-1768. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1961.

------. A Spanish Jesuit Among the Maguindanaus. Proceedings of the First Interna­ tional Conference of Historians of Asia, pp. 73-99. Manila: Philippine Historical Soc., 1962.

Ditucalan, Hadji Mangorsi. The Moslem Filipinos, a Misunderstood People. Philippines Herald Magazine, (July 30, 1955), p. 27.

Polygamy in Moroland. Ope cit. (Sept. 24, 1955), p. 14.

*Ducommun, D. Sisangat: A Fishing Community in Sulu. Philippine Sociological Review, 10:3-4 (1962), pp. 91-106.

Elliot, Charles W. A Vocabulary and Phrase Book of the Lanao Moro Dialect. Manila, 1913.

Eslao, N. Child Rearing among the Samal of Manabul, , Sulu. Philippine Sociological Review, 10:3-4 (1962), pp. 80-90.

------. The Sibling Axis of Manabul Social Organization. (typescript) Institute of Philippine Culture, Ateneo de Manila, City, 1963. -18­

Ewing, J. F. Juramentado: Institutionalized Suicide among the Moros of the Philippines. Anthropological Quarterly 28:4 (1955), pp. 148-155.

------. Some Rites of Passage among the Tawsug of the Philippines. Anthropological Quarterly 31:2 (1958), pp. 31-41.

Fatami, S. Q. Islam Comes to Malaysia. Singapore: Malaysian Sociological Research Institute, 1963.

Follet, Helen. Men of the Sulu Sea. New York: Scribners, 1945.

Forbes, W. C. The Philippine Islands, Rev. ed . Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1945.

Fox, R. B. A Consideration of Theories Concerning Possible Affiliationsof Mindanao Cultures with Borneo, The Celebes, and Other Regions of the Philippines. (typescript) Philippine Studies Program, University of Chicago, n.d.

------. The Philippines in Pre-historic Times. Manila: UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines, 1959.

Garvan, John M. Sulu Proverbs. Philippine Magazine, July, 1935.

Glazer, Sidney. The Moros as a Political Factor in Philippine Independence. Pacific Affairs, XIV (March, 1941), pp. 78-90.

Gonzales, M. Life Crisis and Ritual. (typescript) Institute of Philippine Culture, Ateneo de Manila, Quezon City, 1963.

*Gowing, Peter G. Mosque and Mor-o , Marri Laj Philippine Federation of Christian Churches, 1964.

------. Muslim Filipinos-Present Condition and Future Prospects. Silliman Journal, 9:4 (1962), pp. 300-316.

------. Muslims in the Philippines. Muslimnews International, II:7 (1964), pp. 30-32.

------. Resurgent Islam and the Moro Problem in the Philippines. South East Asia Journal of Theology, 4:1 (1962), pp. 57-65 .

------. Where the Ranks are Thinnest. Alumni Bulletin of Bangor Theological Seminary, XXXIX: 1 (Jan. 1964).

Hamm, David, and Macaraya, B. Acculturation Survey of Dansalan Junior College. Silliman Review, VI: 2 (1959) pp. 95-108.

Hayden, J. R. What Next for the Moros? Foreign Affairs, 6 (1928), pp. 633-644.

Hobbs, Horace Potts. and Krag: Adventures Among the Moros of the Southern Philippine Islands. Privately printed, 1962.

*Human Relations Area Files. Area Handbook of the Philippines, Vol. 4, Chap. 24 (tiThe Moros 11 ). Chicago: University of Chicago Press for the H.R.A.F., 1956. -19­

Hunt, Chester Lo Cotabato: Melting Pot of the Philippines. Manila; UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines, 1954.

------. Moslem and Christian in the Philippines. Pacific Affairs, 28:4 (1955), pp. 331-349.

------. Ethnic Stratification and Integration in Cotabato. Philippine Sociological Review, 5:1 (1957), pp. 13-38.

------. Chinese, Moslems, and Christians in Mindanao. (typescript) Philippine Studies Program, University of Chicago, n.d.

Hurley, Victor. Swish of the Kris. New York: E. P. Dutton Co., 1936.

------. Southeast of Zamboanga. New York: Eo P. Dutton Co., n.d.

Jose, F. V. Notes on the History, Social Life, and Beliefs of the Maranao Moros. 1924. (typescript) In H.O. Beyer's collection of papers on Philippine Ethnology, Manila.

Jubaira, Ibrahim A. The Fact Behind this Juramentado Myth. Sat. Herald (Dec. 2, 1961), p. 9.

------. The Trouble in Sulu. Philippines Herald Mag. (March 12, 1955), ppo 3-5.

Kalaw, Maximo M. The Philippine Question, an Analysis. Philippine Social Science Review, 3:4 (1931), Chapter IX, "The Moro Bugaboo".

Kasman, E. S. The Strange Customs of the Sulu Badjaw. (typescript) Institute of Philippine, Culture, Ateneo de Manila, Quezon City, 1960.

------. Birth and Death Rituals of the Tausugs of Siasi. Unitas, 35:3 (1962), pp. 291-341.

*Kuder, E. M. The Moros in the Philippines. Far. Eastern Quarterly 4:2 (1945), pp. 119-126. Kurais II, Muhammad. A Historical Account of North Borneo as Claimed by the Sultan of Sulu. Proceedings of the First International Conference of Historians of Asia. Manila: Philippine Historical Association, 1962.

Landor, A. H. S. The Gems of the East. New York and London: Harpers, 1904.

Lauba~h, F. Co An Odyssey. Philippine Public Schools 3:8, 3:9 (1930), pp. 359-373, 459-468.

------. The People of the Philippines. New York: G. N. Doran Co., 1925.

Lietz, P. Mindanao in the Nineteenth Century. (mimeo) Philippine Studies Program, University of Chicago, 1955.

Livingston, C. E. A History of the Cotabato River Valley and of the Magindanao Moros 1595-1899. (typescript) In H. O. Beyer's collection of papers on Philippine ethnology, Manila, 1912-13 (7).

Lomocso, Damian M. East Asian Countries Culture and Progress. Davao City: East Asian Countries Culture and Progress Publications, 1961. -20­

Lyon, Samuel P. A Moro Fundamentalist: Some teachings of Ovdin, A Mohommedan Priest of Mindanao. Asia,27 (1927), pp. 112-113, 152-153.

Maceda, Jose. The Setting of Magindanao Music. Silliman Review (7 : 3 (1959), pp. 308-316. Also appears as: Magindanao Music. Philippine Studies 9:4 (1961), pp. 666-671.

McKaughan, Howard P. Notes on Chabacano Grammar , J. East Asiatic Studies, III, No.2 (1954), pp. 205-243.

------. The Inflection and Syntax of Maranao Verbs. Manila: Publications of the Institute of the National Language, 1958.

Madale, P. S. Lanaois Forgotten Hero. Sunday Times Magazine, XIII, No. 29 (1958), pp. 14-16.

Majul, C. A. Theories on the Introduction and Expansion of Islam in Malaysia. Proceedings of the Second Biennial Conference, International Association of Historians of Asia, pp. 339-397. Taipei, 1962.

------. Political and Historical Notes on the Old Sulu Sultanate. Paper read before the International Conference on Asian History, University of Hong Kong, 30 August-5 Sept. 1964. (To be published in its proceedings.)

Malcolm, G. A. First Malayan Republic. Boston: Christopher Publishing House, 1951.

Marohombsar, Emma. Maranao Folklore. Manila, M'1., 1957.

Mayo, K. The Isles of Fear: The Truth about the Philippines. New York: Harcourt Brace, and Co., 1925.

*Mednick, Melvin. Some Problems of Moro History and Social Organization. Philippine Sociological Review, 5:1 (1957), pp. 39-52.

------. Development Programs and the Moslems of the Philippines. (mimeo) Philippine Studies Program, University of Chicago, 1959.

------. Sultan and Mayers: The Relation of a National to an Indigenous Political System. (typescript) Philippine Studies Program, University of Chicago, 1959·

------. Cognatic Descent and the Corporation Sole. (mimeo) Philippine Studies Program, University of Chicago, 1961.

------. People of the Lake: The Social Organization of a Philippine Moslem (Moro) Society. Dissertation, University of Chicago, 1965.

Mercado, N. M. A Study of the Sulu Ballads. M. A. thesis, Silliman University, City, 1963.

Muslim Association of the Philippines. Annual Yearbook. Manila.

Nawab, Mohiuddin A. Islamic Institutions among the Tausugs of the Philippines. Thesis, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, 1963. -21­

Nimmo, H. Nomads of the Sul u Sea . (typescript) East-West Center, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, 1964. Orendain, J. C. Ten Datus of Madiaas. Manila: Mabuhay Publishing House, 1963.

*Orosa, S. Y. The Sul u Archipelago and Its People. New York: World Book Co., 1923.

------. The Great Moro Problem. Manila: the author, 1962.

O'Shaughnessy, T. J. Philippine Islam and the Society of Jesus. Philippine Studies, 4 (1956), pp. 215-245. Panlilio, Yay. Moro Tales by Firelight. Philippine Yearbook, Sept . 1940, pp. 46-51.

------. The People of Moroland. This Week, XI, May 13, 1956, pp. 14-21.

Philippine Islands Dept. of Mindanao and Sulu. Sulu Writing. Zamboanga: The Sul u Press, 1917.

Piang, Datu Gumbay. Moro and Pagan Legends of Mindanao. Philippine Magazine. June, 1931.

Porter, R. S. A Primer of the Moro Dialect. Washington: Bureau Insular Affairs j 1903· Potter, David. Sailing the Sulu Sea. New York: E. P. Dutton Co., 1940.

Quirino, J. A. Moro Outlaws. Philippine Armed Forces Journal, 7 (1954), pp. 36-38.

Radcliff, Thomas. A Case of Moro Justice. Philippine Review, v:6 (Sept. 1956).

Rivera, G. The Maranao Muslims in Lumbayo Lanao. Philippine Soci ol ogi cal Review. VIII, Nos. 1-2 (1960), pp. 1-9.

Rivera, G., and McMillan, R. T. The Rural Philippines. Manila: Office of Information, Mutual Security Agency, 1952.

Robb , W. The Moros and Their Future. American Chamber of Commerce Journal, 6 (1926), pp. 6-7·

Saber, M. Darangan: The Epic of the Maranaws. Philippine Sociological Review, 9:1-2 (1961), pp. 42-48.

------. Marginal Leadership in a Culture Contact Situation. M.A. thesis, Uni­ versity of Kansas, Lawrence, 1957.

------. Problems of Community Development among Cultural Minorities. Philippine Sociological Review, 8:3-4 (1960), pp. 42-48.

------. Some Observations on Maranao Social and Cultural Transition. Philippine Sociological Review, 11:1-2 (1963), pp. 51-56.

Saber , M., and Orellana, D. G. Maranao Decorative Designs and Patterns. Insti­ tute of Research for Filipino Culture, Mindanao State University, 1963. -22­

Saber, M., and Tamano, M. M. Decision Making and Social Change in Rural Moroland. Community Research Council Study Series No. 16 (unpub.), Quezon City, 1961.

Saber, M., Tamano, M. M., and Warriner, C. The Maratabat of the Maranaw. Philippine Sociological Review, 8 (1960), pp. 10-15.

Sagaral, A. B. The Bridal Rituals of de Sulu. Philippines Free Press, LIII (June 4, 1960), pp. 18, 68.

Saipudin, J. Filipinos--Christian and Moslem. Philippine Journal of Education, 34:6 (1955), pp. 356-357·

*Saleeby, N. M. Studies in Moro History, Law and Religion. Manila: Bureau of Printing, 1905.

------. The History of Sulu. Manila: Bureau of Printing, 1908.

------. The Moro Problem. Manila, 1913.

Salomonsen, Finn. Mindanao. Copenhagen: Danish Expedition to the Philippines, 1951-52.

santos, A. The Sulu Problem. Philippine Sociological Review 8, 1-2 (1960), pp. 34-38.

Santos, R. de los. A Program to bring the Maranaos within the Body Politic of the Republic of the Philippines. Thesis, Silliman University, Dumaguete City, 1950.

------. Developing a Revised Program for the Dansalan Junior College High School in City, Philippines, on the basis of Discovered Maranaw Needs. Dis­ sertation, Ed.D, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, 1961.

Smith, C. N. The History of the Moros: A Study in Conquest and Colonial Government. M. A. thesis, University of Chicago, 1943.

~opher, D. E. The Sea Nomads: A Study of the Maritime Boat People of Southeast Asia. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1954.

Spencer, J. E. Land and People of the Philippines. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1954.

*Stone, R. Intergroup Relations among the Taosug, Samal, and Badjaw of Sulu. Philippine Sociological Review, 19:3-4 (1962), pp. 107~133.

*Szanton, D. Art in Sulu: A Survey. Philippine Studies, 11:3 (1963), pp. 465-502.

Taylor, C. The Sea Gypsies of Sulu. Asia, 1:8 (1931), pp. 477-483, 534-535.

Warriner, C. K. 1958 Census of Marawi City, Philippines. Lanao Community and Leadership Studies, Report No.1. (mimeo) Marawi City, 1959.

------. Myth and Reality in the Social Structure of the Philippines. Philippine Sociological Review, 8 (1960), pp. 26-32.

------. Traditional Authority and the Modern State: The Case of the Maranao of the Philippines. Social Problems, 12:1 (1964), pp. 51-56. -23­

Wildes, C. Manila and Sulu 1842. In Austin Craig: The Former Philippines Through Foreign Eyes, pp. 493-529· 1916.

Williams, D. R. America's Mohammedan Wards. Washington, 1927.

Zaide, G. F. Philippine Political and Cultural History, Vol. 1. Manila: Philippine Education Co., 1953.

Zaidi, I. H. The Muslims in the Philippines: A Study of Their Attitude and Their Effect on Philippine Politics. Thesis, University of the Philippines, 1956.

------. Islam and Communism. The Mindanao Sulu News Magazine, 111:6 (Sept. 1955).

II. Spanish

Anonymous. Boxer Codex. Lvs . 41-48: Costumbres y usos de moros de las Philipinas y yslas del poniente. Lvs. 65-68: Costumbres de moros. 1590. In Newberry Library, Chicago. (For description of this document see: C. R. Boxer, A Late Sixteenth Century Manila MS. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, April 1960, pp. 37-39.)

Burriel, J. N. Ytinerario de la escursion hecha a Mindanao y . Manila, 1862-63.

Cordova, H. F. de. Gran Rio de Mindanao. Pollok, 1854.

Crespo y Guerra, R. Letter to the Governor and Captain General. Manila, 1955.

Gayangos, A. M. de. La Ysla de Mindanao. MS. ca. 1862: In Newberry Library, Chicago.

Jesus, Compania de. Cartas de los PP. Compania de Jesus de la Mision de Filipinas. 1879-1895·

The following cartas contain ethnographic information on Moslem groups. See F. Lynch: The Jesuit Letters of Mindanao as a Source of Anthropological Data. Philippine Studies, 4, pp. 247-272.

Carta Pages Group

2 47-54 Magindanao 93-101 Sulu 173-180 Sulu

3 7-17 Magindanao 25-32 Sulu 76-87 Sulu 99-102 Sulu 135-142 Magindanao 4 169-172 Sulu -24­

Carta Pages Group

5 163-168 Sulu 182-188 Magindanao 224-228 Magindanao 243-253 Magindanao 6 19-48 Sulu

7 27-35 Yakan 27-35 Sulu 76-91 Magindanao 93-111 Magindanao 8 63-69 Sulu 75-93 Sulu 97 Sulu 106 Sulu 124 Sulu 131-137 Magindanao 183-190 Magindanao 469-474 Sulu

9 7-10 Sulu 19-109 Magindanao 59-64 Sulu 77-78 Sulu 117-127 Magindanao 254-255 Maranao 332-339 Magindanao 10 21-30 Sulu 40-44 Sulu 57-67 Sulu 93-98 Sulu 113-119 Magindanao 128-130 Magindanao 174-179 Magindanao 221-228 Magindanao

Mascaro, R. D. Letter to the Governor and Captain General of the Philippines, 1855. Copy in Newberry Library, Chicago.

Pazos, D Pio A. y Vela-Hidalgo. Jol0 Relato Historico-Militar. Burgos: Imprenta y Estereotipia de Polo, 1879.

Espina, Miguel A. Apuntes Para Hacer un Libro Sobre Jol0. Manila: Imprenta de M. Perez, Hijo, 1888.