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[email protected] Photo credits: Shutterstock® itu.int/ITU-T/climatechange/ess Acknowledgements This document is part of the ITU Toolkit on Environmental Sustainability for the ICT sector which was edited by Jyoti Banerjee (Fronesys) and Cristina Bueti (ITU). This document was researched and written by Thomas Okrasinski (ALU), Shailendra Mudgal (BIOIS), Dave Faulkner and Keith Dickerson (Climate Associates), Danilo Riva and Luca Giacomello (ETNO), Matthias Kern, Tatiana Terekhova and Dadan Wardhana (UNEP), Ruediger Kuehr and Federico Magalini (StEP Initiative/UNU), Daniel Kramer, Jeff Borrman and Laura Reyes (Datec), Ray Pinto (Microsoft), Peter Thomond (Imperial College), Lutz-Guenther Scheidt and Constantin Herrmann (PE International AG), Paolo Gemma (Huawei), Harkeeret Singh and Julia Fuller (Thomson Reuters), Jose Ospina (MicroPro Computers), Katrina Destree Cochran, Gilbert Buty and Beniamino Gorini (Alcatel Lucent), Mamle Asare (Vodafone), John Smiciklas (MJRD Assessment Inc.), John Pflueger (Dell), Mark Shackleton (BT), Luca Valcarenghi and Isabella Cerutti (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - Pisa) and Janet Anne West (BBC). Special thanks are due to the contributory organizations of the Toolkit on Environmental Sustainability for the ICT Sector for their helpful review of a prior draft.