The Church of Christ with the Elijah Message June 2020 Message 129

Let the Assured Way continue to reach out unto the nations, that all may be blessed and encour- aged. “ — Mess. 123:19 On June 12, 2020, I had laid my head down to rest a eous and the righteous as evil. See those who bit in the afternoon; when the Messenger of the Lord justify darkness as a cover for their evil deeds, touched my right shoulder and startled me, saying allowing themselves to be portrayed as men of Awaken! He wore the same robe he had worn all along, character, while walking in the darkness at noon- His entire being had a glow about him and he handed day. me a tablet and a pen commanding me to write.

He paused several times allowing me to complete 4) Behold! You have witnessed the fulfillment writing the words he had spoken. Correcting me when of the Prophecies I have sent through my Mes- necessary. Several times my emotions overcame me as senger unto you. I brought you a warning from his spirit and words were so very strong. He would the Lord in 1932, again in 1939,again in 1968, smile and allow me to gather myself, then continue to and again this year 2020. Have ye turned a deaf speak. ear unto that which is ahead? Have you turned a listening ear and a willing spirit of obedience to His eyes seemed to almost have a glow to them, look- ing into my very soul, and I could feel a deep joy within heed and obey the instructions the Lord has sent? him as he delivered the Message unto me. Choose this day the Lord.

For a short time he spoke unto me words of encour- 5) Thus saith the Lord, ‘I have heard your suf- Inside this agement and helping me to understand events transpir- fering and your cries in anguish of your souls ing in our nation. Those I have not written, as they and have reached out my hand unto you with issue: were simply for my personal understanding and prepa- words of enlightenment and encouragement. Let ration. He was with me for just under an hour and the those with ears to hear and hearts to receive, lift peace that filled my soul I cannot began to express.--- up your hearts and hands and walk upright be- Apostle Norman D. Lyles fore the lord, obeying His Word and seeking Message 129 1 1) Awaken! Arise and write the Message, which repentance.’ the Lord has given. He has sent me unto thee at 6) The Lord has sent a warning unto the this hour to speak unto His People, to bring forth Churches that the tribulation of the Church has General Assem- 1 light and understanding. I am the Elijah, the long been since the coming of the white horse Prophet of the Highest, the Messenger of the bly Notice spoken of in Revelation, whose coming with a Covenant, sent to bring a warning and an under- bow was to conquer and this continues today. standing unto mankind. There is a River 4 Once the seal has been broken, the horror of it 2) The cries of the people have risen from the shall be upon the earth until Christ returns and earth as smoke unto the heavens. The Lord’s mer- defeats the devil. Coming of the 6 cy and love reaches out this day unto His people 7) Even in the Church of Christ with the Elijah Messenger as a healing balm to bring peace and understand- Message today, which the Lord is ing. The Lord knows those who have sought to restoring up- make a bond and a commitment unto Him, and on the earth today; you witness those who those who have rejected His Word and become an have sought to bring tribulation upon the abomination in His sight. faithful and have sought to divide and cause division to harm the innocent, and those 3) See those who would call evil good and good who have chosen to follow the words today evil. See those who magnify themselves as right-

2020 General Assembly Notice

Due to the Pandemic facing our country. The dates for the 2020 General Assembly in America have been changed. The 2020 General Assembly of the Church of Christ with the Elijah Message will be held from August 9 — August 12, 2020 in Kansas City, Missouri . Page 2 THE ASSURED WAY The Assured Way Bishops BUSINESS OFFICE: 17006 South Graham Rd, Pleasant Hill, MO 64080 John Githinji, Kitale, Kenya, East Africa, Phone: 254- 722-940553, Phone 816-540-2372 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Gary Doudy, 2917 F Road, Grand Junction, CO 81504, Phone: 970-256 -0386, Email: [email protected] OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF Chris Laws, Chantilly, VA, Email: [email protected] THE CHURCH OF CHRIST Norris Purifoy, 16001 S. Emmeral, Harvey, Ill 64026, Phone: 312-907- WITH THE ELIJAH MESSAGE inc. 5314, Email: [email protected]

EDITOR/BUSINESS MANAGER Edward Coffey, 1874 Second Cove #3 FOREWORD Memphis, TN 38134 The Assured Way, the official publication of THE CHURCH OF E-mail: [email protected] CHRIST WITH THE ELIJAH MESSAGE inc. comes to you as an ex- pression of hope we have in Christ. HEADQUARTERS OFFICE In its pages are found the thoughts and expressions of a united peo- P.O. Box 520465, Independence, MO 64052 ple, whose only aim is to promote the cause of Christ by spreading Phone 620-375-2146 abroad to every nation, tongue, and people, the true gospel of Christ, that through obedience to his laws we might be found worthy of eternal life. SEND ALL TITHES AND OFFERINGS TO THE BISH- In this publication, The Record of the Nephites is quoted many OP’S OFFICE times. This book was revealed and translated by the gift and power of P.O. Box 1273, Clifton, CO. 81520 God: The year 1828 marked the beginning of the restoration of all things. It is a history of the people who once lived in the Americas, some who CHAIRMAN OF THE QUORUM OF APOSTLES are the ancestors of the Native America Indians. Though it contains a Larry T. Gosier, 7643 Boston Monticello Rd, Boston GA record of two other groups of people who once lived in the Americas, it 31626 is for the most part a record of the people of Nephi. Phone: 617-293-8571 The Messages so often mentioned in this publication are messages E-mail: [email protected] from the Lord, brought to earth by his chosen servant , who comes to earth in a glorified body to finish the work given him of SECRETARY OF THE QUORUM God; that of restoring all things (Matthew 17:11). The angel first came OF APOSTLES in 1829 and restored the priesthood authority of the Son of God, that The Terry Laws, 608 S 5th St., Leoti, KS 67861, Phone: 620-375 Church of Christ might be established as in the days of the Apostles. -2146 In 1927, the angel messenger again appeared, and on numerous sub- E-mail: [email protected] sequent visits, has brought to us that the Church of Christ might be set in order, that a people might be prepared to be the APOSTLES bride of Christ. This “The Elijah Message” so many have looked for, Darrel Bellamy, “The midnight cry” has been proclaimed, a warning of destruction, but to 17006 South Graham Rd. Pleasant Hill, MO 64080, the people of the Lord, a message that Christ’s coming is near at hand. E-mail: [email protected] Fear God and give glory to his name, for the hour of his judgment has Terry Laws, come. Awake thou that sleep and arise from the dead, and Christ will 608 S 5th St., Leoti, KS 67861, give you light. Phone: 620-375-2146, We hope that whosoever reads these pages might make it a matter of E-mail: [email protected] prayer and fasting in humility before God, that they may know for them- Norman D Lyles, selves, that God has again spoken and revealed His will from Heaven. 294 Concord Lane, Grand Junction, CO 81503, Phone: 970- To this end we dedicate The Assured Way. 260-8851, E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] NOTICES Larry Gosier, The Quorum of Twelve recognizes the teaching and wording found 7643 Boston Monticello Rd, Boston GA 31626, Phone: 617- in the Bible (Authorized King James Version), The Record of the Ne- 293-8571, phites, and The Word of the Lord: Brought to Mankind by and Angel, as E-mail: [email protected] our rule and guide as the stable wording of God. Timothy Gosier, 93 Thornton St., Roxbury, 02119, Phone: 617-671-4743 It is the agreement of The Quorum of Apostles of this church that no E-mail: [email protected] minister of this faith is to ordain any man into the ministry of this church Edward Coffey, until said candidate has with all his heart and soul confessed he agrees 1874 Second Cove #3, Memphis, TN 38134, 901-380-1685 with everything written in our Articles of Faith and Practice. It is each E-mail: [email protected] elders duty to seek guidance from and to keep the apostles informed of his works in regions he is laboring. Fredrick Mikangi, Kenya, East Africa, Phone: 254-726- Ministry Notice 665328, Email: [email protected] Be it known unto the membership and ministry of the Church of Christ with the Elijah Message that William Holden Jr. is no longer a part of the Church of Peter Wakesa Simiyu, Kenya, East Africa, Phone: 254-728- Christ with the Elijah Message. He has rejected the Word of God and the Lord 915362, Email: [email protected] has removed him from the membership and ministry of His Church. According to Message 126:12 -

"...Those who reject the Words I bring shall not be found among the Robert Beck, Burladingen,Germany, Phone: 49-7475-524- faithful of the Lord." 9939, Email: [email protected] We would ask that you Please do not give heed to any communication

about the church that you may receive from Mr. Holden. June 2020 Page 3

(Continued from page 1) 15) Nations shall know that I have been Africa, and England early in 2021 to carry sent of God. I am the Prophet of the High- the Lord’s Word and provide necessary from the throne of God, sent through His est, sent to bring His Message, and I will guidance, corrections, instructions, and Messenger. be with Christ as He returns to earth. bring forth understanding among the Churches in those nations. 8) When you witness these things the 16) The pale horse who has been let upon Lord has told you to rejoice as His Second the earth: his purpose is to shake and 22) As these two apostles go forth they are coming is near at hand. awaken. If the Lord had not allowed it, he to ordain Disciple Jai Singh to the office of could not have come forth. His destruction, Bishop, that India may learn to govern their 9) Do not say the Lord has not spoken, although it is indeed horrible; is allowed own financial affairs in conjunction with the for He has spoken and He shall speak even because of man’s unfaithfulness unto the Bishops in America and Africa. They will greater and more severe, for the wicked Lord and mankind feeling they are equal also ordain an apostle in India, which shall shall be exposed and suffer and those who unto the Lord. be named before their departure on this are following the Lord shall witness His journey. There is much to be accomplished Power and Peace as He provides guidance 17) Read again the words I brought to Otto on the continent of Africa and in Kenya, and safety unto them. Fetting in the third message, for therein the Uganda, Tanzania, and Malawi. The Broth- Lord has foreshadowed the Church that is ers will require much help from Apostles 10) Fear not man who is not filled with in the world today. His instructions then humility and truth, and fighting against my Fred Mikangi and Peter Simiyu. Let them are as relevant today, as when He gave prepare their hearts, minds, and homes for coming and the Lord’s Plans, as all such them to Otto Fetting. know nothing of the meaning of the Scrip- the coming of the brothers the Lord is send- tures. 18) The Lord will send many of you His ing unto them. Authority. He that will be humble and obe- 11)Mankind must live by every word that 23) There is much correction and teaching dient unto the Word today, shall be count- needful in India, and there is much to be proceedeth from the throne of God. God is ed among those faithful and worthy. Let the creator and judge of all things and that understood. The work there is of great im- humility be your mantle, and your strength portance. Though life be difficult and condi- which He hath proclaimed shall happen, be found not of yourself and your and none can deny it or prevent it. tions harsh, the Lord loves these who labor knowledge, rather in the Lord Jesus Christ. where poverty and trials abound. 12) Soon a way shall open and once again 19) The Lord’s ministry must labor with all 24) The Lord is greatly pleased with the for those called to move to Nova Scotia men in love, not seeking to condemn any and the Lord shall give unto them power work of His Disciple Abraham in India and regardless of their lack of understanding, shall provide him with strength and encour- from on high. He shall put His Words and rather seek to save to the uttermost. The His Will in their minds and in their mouths agement, and shall overshadow his family Lord would have that none would be lost. with love. and they shall proclaim His Word with He came that the sinner would be saved power. The time is at hand that mankind and the lost would find refuge in His Word 25) The Lord looks with honor and bless- must be warned the world prepared. Satan and in His Love. ings to Disciple Manfred Marks, who has knows his time is short and in desperation labored long and faithfully in Germany. he shall strive to disrupt and discourage the 20) The Lord has witnessed a need within work of the Lord, however Satan also the office of Bishop and therefore has 26) Indeed the Lord knows the trials and knows that Christ is the Lord God who cast called Willie Coffey to join with those efforts of His Apostle Beck in Germany. him from heaven and he has no power presently laboring in this calling. The Lord Let him be encouraged and uplifted for all against the Lord. Mankind must under- has seen his humility and his faith and will his efforts have not gone unnoticed. stand that in as much as they walk in the stand him up to help the people and Lord and are obedient unto His command- strengthen his fellow laborers in the Bish- 27) Where is the obedience to the Lord’s ments; that Satan has no power over them. op’s office. Let them show forth humility commandment to build locals in this nation and Unity for all to witness. Let it be said of America? Let the Bishops who are en- 13) Soon also will the way open in Europe see how they love one another and even trusted to care for the needs of the people, for the brothers to continue their journey. seek the lost sheep. awaken and lead by example to help build The Lord will not forsake them and He up locals in this nation. Be ye not slothful in shall be with them in great power and un- 21) It is the Lord’s Will and Plan that this time, wherein the Lord has shaken this derstanding to fill the people in Europe while there is yet time, He send forth the nation with Virus and chaos among her peo- with hope and salvation. They will carry two Apostles unto the world to fulfill His ple. This a time of leadership, wherein the the Word to England and those whom they Plan and Authority. Indeed the time is work of the Bishops must be demonstrated lay hands on in England shall gain in short before the folding in of the Great by faithfulness, courage, and sacrifice, strength, understanding and go forth from Tribulation and in spite of the great dan- bringing the gospel unto the people. Let their homes to enlighten and give hope to gers that are present, the Lord shall send those whom I have called and given this that nation. His angels before these men as they labor responsibility be about their calling and at His Direction and in His Time at His purpose; in caring for the needs of the peo- 14) Turn ye today and discern them that be Instruction. The Lord has prepared their ple: let those who are called uplift and pro- the Lord’s and them that serve Him not. hearts and their souls and His Power shall vide an effort to build up locals in this na- They that serve Him shall have the right to be upon them. It is the Lord’s Will Apostle tion. the Tree of Life. Norman D. Lyles and Apostle Larry Gosier Williams move unto the Philippines, India, Page 4 THE ASSURED WAY 28) This is a time and hour of the 31) I have come at the Lord’s direc- protection in as much as you walk in Lord’s Power and Plan springing forth. tion, in the Lord’s time. I have not humility with Him. The Lord is You witness the trials, the suffering, come of myself. I bring forth the Word pleased with the handmaidens in the the desperation of a nation divided of the Lord unto mankind to prepare world who remain faithful and humble because of the acts of Satan; yet before the bride, to prepare the Church, that in His sight. Let the MDZ in Africa be you stands an opportunity to reach out none would be lost. encouraged and uplifted. Continue in that continent, and with the efforts to to the people who are desperate for 32) Let all men within the Church be guide and teach the youth. answers and a way. Now is the time to at peace one with another. Let not jeal- bring forth the Gospel of Christ and ousy and conflict be among you. Seek 36) The Work of Vice Bishop Albert demonstrate his love among the peo- to labor in Unity and in the Strength of Sudi has been recorded in heaven and ple. Behold the harvest is ripe. the Lord. his reward in heaven is secure and of great honor. His race has been run and 29) You are witnessing the vials being 33) When you come to the Assembly, recorded in heaven. poured out upon your nation and those come with humility praising and giv- nations throughout the world. You are ing honor to the Lord. Prepare your 37) In nothing be terrified of the adver- witnessing prophesy being fulfilled in hearts even now for the coming As- saries and always confident that the this, the closing of time. None can sembly. Come and be filled with the grace and good works that the Lord deny that the Lord is shaking the world love of Christ and rejoicing in the heal- has performed shall keep thee in His today to awaken and warn the people. I ing of our Lord. Bonds and in His Hands until He re- have given you hope in the Words turns. from Christ in His Message this day. 34) Let Apostle Timothy Gosier under- stand the Lord knows his heart and 38) The Lord will not forget His prom- 30) I have given you the answers di- shall bring forth peace and understand- ises unto His people and He will hide rectly from the Lord’s Throne. There ing unto him. Let him be uplifted and them in the cleft of His Rock from the are none who can deny the Lord has encouraged. Let him provide light and destruction and horror that is coming spoken and will yet speak greater and peace to many. upon the world. Let all be at peace and more severe. Awaken! Be up and obey let all seek the face of the Lord Jesus the Word the Lord has sent unto man- 35)The Lord is pleased with the efforts Christ as He has spoken unto you and kind: His Word to heal, to build up and of the Disciples and Vice Bishops in will send His Messenger again as there to provide a place of safety and salva- Africa. He knows your trials and your is a need and until the work of the Res- tion. suffering. He will bring peace to Afri- toration be finished. Peace and the joy ca, least you forget the Lord has placed of the Lord be unto all. Amen. His angels about you and will provide

There is A River Apostle Norm Lyles

Often times in seeking solace and there are answers and peace within the wherein the streams shall make glad the comfort in my life I have moved into Word of God and His very presence City of God. the wilderness of the mountains where can be found when we seek Him. I live. Life at times can seem to over- Perhaps, as we read these words from whelm us and leave us in despair with The Book of Psalms, Psalm 46, tells God, we truly sense just how deeply we seemingly no answer to our woes and us in verse one: “God is our refuge need these waters, this relief, and this pow- our troubles. It is times like these that I and strength, a very present help in er from God today! have changed my location from my trouble.” What a wonderful promise and foundation we have in the Lord Think of yourselves today: you are living home to the isolation and peace that I in a world amid the horror of a pandemic, have often found in the wilderness. our God. It is in the understanding of where our refuge and our strength with millions suffering world wide and Perhaps these days of the pandemic rests! thousands dying. The uncertainty of how facing the nations of the world; there we will survive financially and physically are those who are reading these words, Continuing in Psalm 46, please read is upon many minds and hearts today. It is who understand and feel the fear and verses four and five: “There is a river, very much like being in a desert, suffering uncertainty of the conditions of the the streams whereof shall make glad in the heat, with no water and no relief any world which seem to be closing in all the City of God, the Holy place of the where in sight, and then stumbling over the around us. Tabernacles of the Most High. God is hill and finding an oasis with cool clear in the midst of her: she shall not be water. Water is the substance of life and It is times such as this that Chris- moved God shall help her, and that without it we all would die. It is not so tians are seeking answers and comfort right early.” God speaks of a river, difficult to imagine all of this as you face in the Lord and in His Word. Indeed orders from governments to be locked June 2020 Page 5 down, wondering how to pay your bills brought forth the water of life, yet the Church still stands a light unto the world since you cannot go to work, and fearful heathen in their rage, found their king- for those in need. Be of courage and hold for your loved ones; that they might be doms moved. God had brought life; yet fast to the Lord’s Words in the Bible, the infected and die from this Covid 19 which it was unto those who looked to God Record of Nephites, and the Message, is a pandemic upon the world today. for their refuge! which the Lord has sent unto the earth in this world today. Praise the Lord who Message 121:5-6 the Lord tells us: “I am Psalm 46: 10 continued and said, “Be giveth rain in the latter days upon the come to you with living water, with the still and know that the Lord God will be earth, and causes water springs within the Authority and Power of God. I am the Eli- exalted among the heathen; I will be deserts of mankind, who pant in thirst for jah, the Messenger of the Lord’s Cove- exalted in the earth.” The Power and the living water of the Lord. He will not nant; sent by the Lord to purge and cleanse Glory of God is exalted above all things neglect His people, nor forget His promis- His ministry and purify the Lord’s Church and none shall be above the Lord and es unto His Church.” and Doctrine. Even as the Lord hath turned His Glory and His Power. the wilderness into living water and dry Read dear brothers and sisters the Words ground into water springs, thus the Lord It is needful that mankind truly un- of God sent unto us today. Come and re- has sent me to bring forth His Word to derstands the Power and Purpose of the joice and partake of the water of life, unto purge away the sins of men and turn man Living Water of the Lord. We need to the river God is sending unto His people unto God and cause thy face to shine in the grasp what the Lord is telling us in today. This is not a time of fear and dis- light of salvation.” these days that we might find salvation tress, rather a time to come let us go down with our Lord Jesus Christ. In these to the river; the river of life flowing from The Lord sent His Word unto us in Mes- days of trial and destruction; God has the throne of God and the Lamb today. sage 121 on September 29, 2018 to man- also promised He would give us water kind in the nation of Kenya in Africa. In in this time and our salvation and peace Message 128:27 tells us today, this same Message 121, verse 11, the Lord would flow even within His River of “Remember the captivity of the people of issued a warning, saying: “The time of Life. God. Surely thou must remember who the Darkness. Trial, and deception has passed lord had led them out from the bondage. and now is the time of refreshing. Come Jesus Christ told us in Revelation Even yet this day the lord has sent His ye unto the living water and be healed. I 22:1-4, “And he shewed me a pure river Word through His Messenger, to lead His have brought a message some will reject it, of water of life, clear as crystal pro- people in the way righteousness and truth; some will accept it; never the less the ceeding out of the throne of God and of that all may abide in the security of the Words are from the Lord. It will bring the Lamb. In the midst of the street of Lord Jesus Christ.” The answer to our happiness and peace to those accepting, it, and on either side of the river was fears, to the pandemic, to our woes is real- and destruction to those that reject it.” God there the tree of life, which bare twelve ly not so difficult. The Lord has sent forth was stating He had sent His Messenger manner of fruits and yielded her fruit His Messenger even as early as 2018 to with living water; which would take the every month and the leaves of the tree warn us, to prepare us and to guide us to dry ground which man had brought unto were for the healing of the nations. And the River of Life, To His Word for man- the land through their sins. God said He there shall be no more curse, but the kind today. The Lord began to prepare would heal, He would remove the decep- throne of God and of the Lamb shall be mankind for these times even as long ago tion and bring forth a refreshing for His in it, and his servants shall serve him. as in the forty-sixth Psalm and continued People who accepted the Message, yet And they shall see his face, and his in the book of Revelation. He still sends destruction to those who rejected the Mes- name shall be in their foreheads.” God His love and His Word yet today. Now is sage. promised before His return He would the time to come and partake of the water send His angel to show unto mankind of life, wherein is salvation yet today. May Did we believe the Lord when He prom- the things they needed to do, as Christ the Peace and understanding of God be ised living water? Did we believe the sec- would soon come! He promised the unto each of you this day and always. ond part of that promise? He said He pure river of life, surrounded by twelve would bring destruction upon those who manner of fruit (His Apostles today), rejected the Message? Can we in our and the leaves from the fruit would heal earthly minds even conceive the word De- the nations.! We live in an extremely Your Brother in Christ, struction, which the Lord spoke of? Look exciting time brothers and sisters. God Apostle Norman D. Lyles around you dear ones; mankind can create has sent forth that living water through destruction, however can we even begin to the coming of the Messenger today! It bring about the destruction that God prom- is bringing forth life and refreshing. ised upon those who would not listen unto During this same time however we can His Message, unto His Word, and unto His witness the wrath of God upon the non- Promises? Perhaps as you witness the pan- believers and those following false demic upon the world today and the mil- gods and false doctrine. lions who are suffering, you may be gain- ing an understanding. Message 127:16-17 the Lord said, “The Lord has spoken by the prophets Psalm 46:6 said, “The heathen raged, and multiplied visions, and sent forth the kingdoms were moved: He uttered His His Messenger to guide His People. His Voice and the earth melted.” God had promises have never failed, and His Page 6 THE ASSURED WAY The Coming of the Messenger in God’s Plan JW Savage

our acceptance or rejection of the Smith but the Greater Power of the In the vision of the Second Message, Christ (word) – so it was proven in Priesthood had been withheld because Brother Fetting saw in the sky in fig- all ages. of transgression. ures in large letters “1929” – It was an important date – a beginning of a new In the Third Message, John said that In this Message, or during this visita- era: wordwise and churchwise. he would come from time to time to tion, John the Baptist laid his hands on direct in the affairs of the Church. Otto Fetting that this greater Power The Messenger John had brought elev- Now, he says a little plainer – he and Light might come to him and set en messages to the remnant on the comes to instruct in the organization him apart to do the Work entrusted to , causing gladness and of the Church of Christ and re- him. That power was to be able to much activity. By July of this 1929 – establishing it in its fullness, that establish the Church that would be the the excavation for the Temple was fin- the Church might receive the Power Bride of Christ when He comes. He ished and there was a need for more and the Holy Ghost as it was on the warned that all things must be done plans to continue. Of the plans com- day of Pentecost so that the Mes- after the pattern he would give to him, mittee – Brethren Gates and Nerren sage of the Gospel would go to the and not to seek the praise of men as met one morning very early, in the nations of the earth. We doubt this others had done before him. excavation to receive inspiration to refers to … “this gospel shall be draw much needed plans. This they preached in all the earth as witness Brother Fetting visited the group in St. received and they drew some plans and then the end cometh.” – Matthew Joseph, Missouri and many of them sent them to Brother Fetting. 24. believed the Message and desired the baptism of Brother Fetting. He went At the same time the Messenger came He had come to this remnant of the back home (Port Huron, ). again and the Twelfth Message was (1830) Church on the Temple Lot sent to Independence – the letters and, “I have come to you in your The plans committee then came to the passed each other on the way. The own language that you might under- understanding that they had not come Messenger in the third verse said, “The stand.” Understand what? That he to The Church of Christ by baptism. plans as drawn by your brethren are was going to do this work. He was So, Brother Fetting baptized Walter correct as to the foundation … but let going to give the instructions to the Gates and Walter Gates baptized Otto the pillars be added … many important people. Fetting and Thomas Nerren and others things shall come to pass.” were also baptized, and a great out- The condition was: The Lord had pouring of the Spirit was received: the This Twelfth message was a long Mes- rejected all creeds and factions of pattern had been followed. sage – We call it a Pivotal Message. A men. They were full of traditions of pivot is a person or thing on which men and sins and had become an The remnant of the Church on the something turns or depends: a central abomination in the Lord’s sight – Temple Lot took a very dim view of point. Therefore let those that come to the the about these proceedings. In the Church of Christ (He was re- fall conference they demanded that The Messenger, according to Brother establishing) be baptized … rid Brother Fetting cease his baptisms and Fetting came and went three times in yourselves of traditions and sins of wait six months for their authorization. the delivery of the message. The pres- men … be fit and worthy for the When he refused to do so, he was dis- ence of the Angel or the Divine is so Spirit and Power of the Holy Ghost fellowshipped and branded a heretic much stronger than the human, that the – this must come to all that shall be and all those that believed and were human body is weakened. To others, permitted to stand in the presence of baptized. This was called “rebaptism” this has often been proven True. Up to Christ. and “Fetting heresy.” now it had been a one-way conversa- tion. Brother Fetting for the first time Many had come and been made a Brother Fetting saw in a dream, two was able to speak to this Messenger in part of this remnant on the Temple angels with trumpets blowing out the the form of a question and he got an Lot from the R.L.D.S. church by letters: OBEDIENCE. Thus, the affirmative answer. This was no just a letter of transfer. By an Church of Christ was established in dream or vision but a reality. agreement (1918) they acknowl- anew in 1929, with the Elijah Mes- edged each other’s baptism and sage. The letters Brother Fetting saw Brother Fetting desired that others priesthood, as being authoritative, in the sky were “1929”. would come to this knowledge. He its source being 1829 -1830 through said in effect if any man lack wisdom . The Messenger said This Article is a re-print from a previ- let him ask of God. Much depends on that he had laid his hands on Joseph ous version of the Paper. June 2020 Page 7 Words of Encouragement

“Say not, the Lord speaks not to- and His word will not return unto Word the Lord has sent unto day for he does. He will speak Him void. It must be fulfilled. mankind: His Word to heal, to greater and more severe. He will build up and to provide a place shake the heavens and the earth. And now He is again warning the of safety and salvation.” Mess. The necessary evils will run ram- world of these same events today so 129:30; pant to awaken mankind. Fear that a people might be prepared for and repentance obey; come to the His Second coming. Jesus himself He has sent us His word from the Lord. He will add to this fold such told his disciples of the time that we Throne of Heaven. We are to be as shall be saved.” Mess. 97:8; now live. He warned them also of up and obey the instructions he the destruction that must come forth has sent. And as we seek to be The Lord has again sent his angel prior to His return. The wars and obedient and about the Father’s Messenger, the Resurrected John rumours of wars that would signal business; He will open the way the Baptist, the messenger of the the beginning of sorrows. before us. covenant to give his Church light and further direction in Message “He shall break in pieces mighty “Come all ye faithful and I will 129. The Lord has warned us in men without number, and set oth- open the way before you, I will the past not to doubt his coming. ers in their stead. Therefore he bless your efforts, and my Spirit For he comes as it is written to knoweth their works, and he shall fill your souls with joy.” awaken mankind and to prepare the overturneth them in the night, so Mess. 51:9; way before the Christ that will that they are destroyed. He come to His own and to His striketh them as wicked men in “To my servants," saith the Church. the open sight of others;” Job Lord, "Come together in love, 34:24-26; open the way, hear the words I The Lord has stated that he will not send by my Messenger, obey only speak, but that He will speak “Soon the Lord shall break in them and it will be well with greater and more SEVERE and tru- pieces the mighty men without you. “ Mess. 105:13; ly He has done so. If we search for number, and set others in their the definition of the word SEVERE stead. The Lord shall strike them Truly the Lord has again spoken in the dictionary it would be defined as wicked men in open sight of all and sent His word by the mouth of as: men. Nations shall clamor for his servant, John the Baptist the peace; yet there shall be no peace, Messenger of the covenant. Let us “Something that is very great or even as the Lord hath warned be encouraged and know that all is intense; serious; grave or criti- you: the pale horse has been let to still in the Master’s hands. cal.” bring destruction upon destruc- tion.” Mess. 125:15 Let us remain faithful and ever In the messenger’s coming in the vigilant as we walk in His foot- last nine messages the Lord has “You are witnessing the vials be- steps in service to Him. For He is warned us of the most serious and ing poured out upon your nation faithful to keep us through the tri- critical events that are coming upon and those nations throughout the als and tribulations we must en- this earth today — the Great Tribu- world. You are witnessing proph- dure. lation and the destruction of the esy being fulfilled in this, the clos- Pale Horse. And He has told us the ing of time. None can deny that “Hear! Oh ye people of the purpose of these events — to awak- the Lord is shaking the world to- earth; Christ's coming is near at en mankind to return unto the Lord. day to awaken and warn the peo- hand. Read the words of the ple. I have given you hope in the master of men, the Savior of the The destruction that we see unfold- Words from Christ in His Mes- world. He will come to bring ing in front of us today and in the sage this day.” Mess. 129:29; judgments, and peace, and will near future is the fulfillment of the rule from sea to sea, and all men word of God. He has warned man- Again in Message 129 the Lord will obey Him; His kingdom is kind throughout the old testament in said: an everlasting kingdom; He is the Bible by the prophets of old “I have given you the answers di- LORD OF LORDS, AND KING (Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel, Amos, rectly from the Lord’s Throne. OF KINGS. Glory! Glory to His Malachi …) and through his servant There are none who can deny the name! Amen.” Mess. 11:13; John the Revelator in the book of Lord has spoken and will yet Revelation about this day and time speak greater and more severe. Your Brother in Christ, Awaken! Be up and obey the Apostle Edward Coffey THE ASSURED WAY Return Service Requested Business Manager 1874 Second Cove #3 Memphis, TN 38134 [email protected] 901-380-1685

June 2020

You’re Always There for Me

When the world comes crashing in And chaos rules my mind, I turn my heart to you, Lord, And pure, sweet peace I find.

You lift me out of trouble You comfort me in pain; You nourish, heal and cleanse me, Like cool, refreshing rain.

In times of joy and bliss, When things are going right, You lift me even higher, And fill me with delight.

You listen to my prayers; You hear my every plea; I’m safe because I know You’re always there for me.

By Joanna Fuchs