Malachi 3:1 Message 53:3 Revelations 14:6

The End Time Messenger ‘… Let all have Faith. Turn to The Lord and obey His Commands. Heed Repentance and Baptism that The Way of The Lord shall be among men. His Kingdom shall fill the whole earth. The hands must be laid upon all that THE GREATER LIGHT might come to them’


Ninety-Second Message Special Edition

The Messenger And The Messenger his Last Messages And his Last Messages Notices New Church Address: 4215 South Hocker Street, Suite 110, Independence, MO 64055, Phone 816-836-1913

VOLUME 12 JUNE, 2014 NUMBER 6 2222 Page 108 June, 2014

Articles of Faith and Practice

1. We believe in God The Eternal Father, who only is Supreme; up and extension of The Kingdom of God in all the world. Creator of the Universe; Ruler and Judge of all; Unchangeable 15. We believe that Local Churches should govern their own and without Respect to persons. affairs and that General Church officials should not dominate or 2. We believe in Jesus Christ The Manifestation of God in the interfere therewith. On invitation such general officers may, with flesh, who lived, suffered and died for all mankind; whom we propriety, give counsel and assistance. Local congregations are own as our Leader, Witness and Commander. subject to The Articles of Faith and Practice and must be 3. We believe in The Holy Ghost, The Spirit of Truth, The governed thereby. Comforter, which searcheth the deep things of God, brings to our 16. We believe The Church of Christ comprehends The True minds things which are past, Reveals things to come, and is the Brotherhood of man where each esteems his brother as himself medium by which we Receive Revelation of Jesus Christ. and wherein The Divine Command to ‘love your neighbor as 4. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins and yourself’ is demonstrated by the prevalence of social equality. not for Adam’s transgression, and that as a consequence of The 17. We believe that all men are Stewards under God and Atonement of Christ “all little children are alive in Christ, and answerable to Him not only for the distribution of accumulated also all they that are without The Law. For The Power of wealth, but for the manner in which such wealth is secured. The Redemption cometh on all they that have no law; wherefore, he primary purpose of Stewardship is not the increase of Church that is not condemned, or he that is under no condemnation, revenue or the mere contribution of money by those who have to cannot repent, and unto such, baptism availeth nothing.” (Moroni those who have not, but to bring men to a realization of The 8:22) Common Fatherhood and the universal brotherhood of man in all 5. We believe that through The Atonement of Christ all men may the affairs and expressions of life, and to maintain such social be Saved by Obedience to The Laws and Ordinances of The adjustments that each may enjoy The Bounty and Gifts of God, Gospel; viz. : Faith in God and in The Lord Jesus Christ; and be free to exercise his talents and ability to enrich the life of Repentance and Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; all. Laying on of Hands for: (a) Ordination, (b) Blessing of Children, 18. We believe that men should labor for their own support and (c) Confirmation and The Gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 8:17), (d) that of their dependents. Ministers of The Gospel are not absolved Healing of the sick. from this responsibility, but when Chosen or Appointed by The 6. We believe in the literal second coming and Millennial Reign Church to devote their entire time to Missionary Work, their of Jesus Christ; in The Resurrection of the Dead, and in Eternal families are to be provided for out of General Church fund. The Judgment; that men will be rewarded or punished according to the Admonition of Christ that The Ministry should not provide purse good or evil they may have done. or scrip for their journey, but go Trusting in God and the people, 7. We believe in The Powers and Gifts of The Everlasting is applicable. Gospel: viz: The Word of Wisdom; The Word of Knowledge; 19. We believe that the temporal affairs of the General Church are The Gift of Faith; The Gift of Healing; Working of Miracles; to be administered by The General Bishopric under the Prophecy; Discerning of Spirits; Divers kinds of Tongues; supervision and direction of the general conferences of The Interpretation of Tongues. Church. The temporal affairs of The Local Churches shall be 8. We believe The Fruits of The Spirit to be Love, Joy, Peace, Administered by local Bishops under the supervision and Long Suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, and direction of the local congregations. Temperance. 20. We believe that marriage is Ordained of God, and that The 9. We believe that in The Bible is contained The Word of God; Law of God provides for but one companion in wedlock for either that The Record of the Nephites is an added Witness for Christ, man or woman. In case of breach of this covenant the innocent and that these contain ‘The Fullness of The Gospel.’ one may remarry. 10. We believe in the principle of Continuous Revelation; that 21. We are opposed to war. Men are not justified in taking up The Canon of Scripture is not full, that God Inspires men in every arms against their fellows except as a last resort in defense of age and among all people, and that He speaks when, where, and their lives and to preserve their liberty. through whom he may choose. 22. We believe in The Literal gathering of Israel, and in The 11. We believe that where there are six or more regularly Restoration of The Ten Lost Tribes. Baptized members, one of whom is an Elder, there The Church 23. We believe a Temple will be Built in this generation, in exists with Full Power of Church extension when acting in Independence, Missouri, wherein Christ will Reveal Himself and Harmony with The Law of God. Endow His Servants whom He Chooses with Power to Preach 12. We believe that a man must be Called of God by Revelation The Gospel in all the world to every kindred, tongue and people, and Ordained by those having Authority, to enable him to Preach that The Promise of God to Israel may be Fulfilled. The Gospel and Administer The Ordinances thereof. 24. We believe that a New Jerusalem shall be Built upon this land 13. We believe in the same Church Organization as existed in the ‘unto The Remnant’ of The Seed of Joseph. (Ether 6:6-8; III time of Christ and His apostles. The highest office in The Church Nephi 10:17), which city be Built, beginning at The . is that of an Apostle, of whom there are Twelve, who constitute 25. We believe The Ministry and Membership should abstain Special Witnesses for Jesus Christ. They have The Missionary from the use of tobacco, intoxicating liquors and narcotics and Supervision and The General Watch care of all The Churches. should not affiliate with any society which administer Oaths or 14. The primary function of The General Church, of which each Covenants in conflict with The Law of God, or which interfere Local Church is a component part, is Missionary and the building with their duties as freemen and citizens.

June, 2014 Page 109

THE GREATER LIGHT Brief Historical Background A Great Awakening Church of Christ, Her Apostasy & Restoration Authority (The Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe) Sanctification Tithing BUSINESS OFFICE: 4215 S. Hocker St , Indep. MO 64055 The Restoration Of The Church Of Christ (A Brief History) $.40 each Phone: 816-836-1913 Reason Why $.40 each The Church Of Christ Established Anew in 1929 $.40 each OFFICIAL MONTHLY PUBLICATION The Coming Forth Of The Record Of The Nephites $.40 each The Church Of Christ With the Elijah Message Why The Record Of The Nephites $.40 each The Assured Way Of The Lord , Inc. The Solution Of The Mormon Problem $.40 each Changing Of Revelations (by Daniel MacGregor) $.40 each EDITORIAL STAFF Single Messages $1.00 per dozen EDITOR/BUSINESS MANAGER (120 Messages) $8.00 The Word Of The Lord (audio cassettes) $25.00 Leonard H. Draves, 7521 Overton Drive, Raytown,. MO 64138 The Record OF The Nephites (soft bound R.P.E.) $10.00 Send all materials for Publication and Subscription to the Editor/Business Manager Light At Evening Time $8.00 Book Of Commandments $5.00 ASSISTANT EDITOR Footprints In The Sands Of Time $5.00 Donald Thompson, 17009 E. 4 th Terr, S. Indep .MO 64056 Is Jesus God? $2.00 Concordance To The Word Of The Lord $30.00 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT Testimony of W.A.Draves (On CD) $5.00

Joy Ellen Draves ,#283, 605 SW Highway 40, Blue Springs, MO 64014 Address all orders to The Church Of Christ With The Elijah Message

The Assured Way Of The Lord , Inc. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT 4215 South Hocker Street, Independence, Mo 64055 Editor Needed, Please Apply

YOUNG ADULT DEPARTMENT Websites- Matthew and Ellen Thompson, 4317 S. Union St., Indep., MO 64055

th All articles and letters must be submitted by the 5 of the month preceding publication. THE GREATER LIGHT is posted on HEADQUARTERS’ OFFICES 4215 South Hocker Street Independence, MO. 64055, this web-site monthly by The Church of Leonard H. Draves: Representative for 12 Phone: 816-836-1913 Fax: 816-313-6232 Christ With The Elijah Message, The Assured Way of The Lord, INC 4215 South CHURCH HISTORIAN COMMITTEE Apostle Jairus Yates & Bishop Reece Johnson Hocker Street, Suite 110, Independence,

YOUTH MINISTER DIRECTOR Missouri 64055. Matthew Thompson, 4317 S. Union St., Indep., MO 64055 If you do not have means to read The

Secretary-Treasurer of The Bishops: Reece Johnson Greater Light from a computer or make a 4215 South Hocker Street, Independence, MO. 64055 hard copy to read, then let The Headquarter Phone: 816-836-1913 Fax: 816-313-6232 SEND ALL TITHES AND OFFERINGS TO THE BISHOPS’ OFFICE Office know and a hard copy will be made

Chairman of The Bishops; Reece Johnson and mailed to you. 1801 Cheyenne Ct. Greenwood MO 64034 Message 53:3, ‘Give ear, Oh ye people

CHURCH GENERAL RECORDER’S OFFICE of the earth. Hear The Warning today. I Leonard H. Draves , 4215 South Hocker Street, Independence, MO. 64055 Phone: 816-836-1913 Fax: 816-313-6232 speak The Words and Will of The Lord. Let all have Faith. Turn to The Lord and BOARD OF PUBLICATION: The Twelve obey His Commands. Heed repentance CHAIRMAN OF THE TWELVE Jairus Yates Rt. 1, Box 60 D, Preston, MO 65732 and baptism that The Way of The Lord shall be among men. His Kingdom shall SECRETARY OF THE QUORUM OF TWELVE Leonard H. Draves 7521 Overton Drive, Raytown MO 64138 fill the whole earth. The hands must be Phone/Fax: 816-313-6232 laid upon all that THE GREATER DONATIONS FOR TRACTS LIGHT might come to them.’ (By Availability) David Whitmer’s Address (reprint including Tract) $2.00 each Message 53:10, ‘ Yea, I have brought a $2.00 per dozen Brief History of W.A . Draves What Must I Do To Be Saved Warning and few prepare for THE And If Ye Receive It Prophecy Being Fulfilled GREATER LIGHT , but be thou Faithful Page 110 June, 2014 even all who hear, for The Lord’s Will Republic of Congo, Congo Brazzaville and at large, African General Church Recorder shall be fulfilled in all things. All have 2. LEONARD UGUTI : Morocco, Algeria their work to do and the day comes when 3. MAKIKILE BAKAMBO : Tchad, Central African Republic The Lord shall breathe upon The Chosen 4. THEOPHILE MOLAYI : Mali, Mauritania and they shall do His Work in Mighty 5. CHARLES LIBANDE KINTAMBO : Senegal, Gambia Power for their love toward the brethren. 6. BOLIVAR BONTENZA BIDJIMBA : Angola, Namibia, Botswana All that offend and that do not keep His 7. ROBERT MALOBI MUPE : Guinea Bissau, Guinea Commandments shall not be His in the Conakry 8. JACQUES GBADILI : Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Last Day. Moreover, it is Christ’s Words Ghana that shall judge all men.’ 9. MOLAYI JONATHAN : Burkinafaso, Niger 10. MORIS KASONGO : Togo Benin THE GENERAL MISSIONARIES 11. CALEB NDAKALA : Nigeria, Cameroun Every Elder’s Duty is Missionary where opportunity permits. 12. SAMUEL KAKE EMBEK : Guinea Equatorial, Gabon, Saotome and Principe APOSTLES

Leonard H. Draves, 7521 Overton Dr, Raytown . MO 64138 WEST AFRICAN 7 VICE BISHOPS

Michael Greenwell, Route 1, Box 60-C. Preston, MO 65732 1. JEREMIE KALONDA Richard Johnson, 301 South Oak Street. Lamoni, IA 50140 th 2. JEREMIE NDOPAYU GERENGBO Donald Thompson, 17009 E. 4 Terr. S., Indep. MO 64056 3. JEAN KAMBA TALAGUMA Jairus Cree Yates, Rt. 1, Box 60-D, Preston, MO 65732 4. GERMAIN BEDHAU

5. PAPY KUMI BISHOPS 6. HENRY P MULANGO 7. ROGER BAINDA MANDI Reece Johnson, 1801 Cheyenne Ct, Greenwood, MO 64034 James Naslund, 2005 S. Lexington, Holden, MO 64040 EAST AFRICAN DISCIPLES Matthew Thompson, 4317 S. Union St., Indep. , MO 64055 TERRITORIAL ASSIGNMENTS

THE QUORUM OF TWELVE 1. ALFRED DELEWA LAINI : KENYA, RWANDA TERRITORIAL ASSIGNMENTS 2. DANIEL KAPULE MULAMA : Tunisia, Libya 3. MARC KINUTHIA BENSON : Somalia, Ethiopia Leonard H. Draves- Montana, North and South Dakota, 4. MUKADI ILUNGA VALERY : Egypt, North Sudan, Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New South Sudan Mexico, Oklahoma and At Large. (816-313-6232) 5. JEANLUC BOSILELO : Uganda, Tanzania Michael Greenwell- Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, , 6. DANIEL UNICHAN : Malawi Mozambique Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, 7. MATTHIEU OGERONOTH : South Africa, Lesotho Delaware, Maryland, and Bahamas and Mexico. (417-722- 8. CLAVAIRE UWACIROTH : Madagascar, Comoros 4578) 9. CRISPIN MBOLIHIDIE : seychelle, mauritious Richard Johnson- Minnesota, Wisconsin, , Iowa, 10. PRINCE BUMBA : Burundi, Swaziland Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and Central 11. JACQUES MOTOBA : Eritrea, Djibouti Canada. (641-784-3451) 12. NATHAN URONYA GIGI: Zambia Zimbabwe Donald Thompson- Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii and Western and EAST AFRICAN 7 VICE BISHOPS Eastern Canada (816-257-1832) Jairus Cree Yates- West Virginia, Virginia, North and South 1. DONACIEN UROMIRWOTH Carolina, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, 2 JONAS NGONGO WA NGONGO Vermont, Massachusetts, New York,. (417-722-9733) 3. DIEUDONNEE MATATA 4. ELLY UDONGIRWOTH


1. BAMA WA MOBUTU GLOIRE: Democratic Republic It is the agreement of The Quorum of June, 2014 Page 111

Twelve of This Church, that no Min- brought to earth by His Chosen Ser- ister is to Ordain any man into The vant, , who comes to earth Ministry until said candidate has with all in a Glorified Body to finish The Work his heart and soul confessed he agrees given to him of God; that of Restoring with everything written in The Articles of all things (Matthew 17:11). The Angel Faith and Practice . first came in 1829, and Restored The It is each Elder’s duty to Seek Authority Of The Son Of God , that THE Guidance from and to keep The Ter- CHURCH OF CHRIST might be Established ritorial Apostle informed of his works in as in The Days of The Apostles. the region he is laboring . In 1927, The Angel Messenger again

Secretary For The Twelve appeared, and on numerous subsequent Apostle Leonard H. Draves visits, has brought to us The Word Of The Lord that THE CHURCH OF CHRIST FOREWORD might be set in Order, that a people might be Prepared to be The Bride Of Christ. This is THE GREATER LIGHT , the official The Elijah Message so many have looked publication of THE CHURCH OF CHRIST for, The Midnight Cry has been Proclaimed, WITH THE ELIJAH MESSAGE , The A Warning of Destruction , but to The People Assured Way of The Lord , Inc ., comes to Of The Lord, a Message that Christ’s soon YOU as an expression of the Hope we have Coming is near at hand. Fear God and give in Christ. Glory to His Name , for The Hour of His In its pages are found the thoughts and Judgment has come. Awake thou that expression of a united people, whose only sleepest and Arise from the dead, and Christ aim is to promote The Cause of Christ by will give you Light. spreading abroad to every nation, tongue We hope that whosoever reads these and people, The True Gospel of Christ that pages might make it a matter of Prayer and through Obedience to His Laws we might be Fasting in Humility before God, that they found worthy of Eternal Life . may know for themselves, that God has In this publication, The Record of The again Spoken and Revealed His Will from Nephites is quoted many times. This Book Heaven. To this end, we Dedicate The Greater Light. was Revealed and Translated by The Gift and Power of God : the year 1829 marked THE BOARD OF PUBLICATION THE QUORUM OF TWELVE the beginning of The Restoration of all things. It is a history of the people who once NOTICES lived in the region around The Great Lakes , some of whom are Ancestors of The Please make all checks for Tithes and American Indians. Though it contains a Offerings, payable to THE CHURCH OF Record of two other groups of people who CHRIST WITH THE ELIJAH MESSAGE . once lived here, it is for the most part a Please notify any change of address by the Record of The People of Nephi. fifth of the month, if possible. We would The Messages so often mentioned in this like to keep our records up to date. Your publication are Messages from The Lord, cooperation will be appreciated. Thank You! Page 112 June, 2014

Secretary-Treasurer of Bishops’ Bishop Reece Johnson always, hate and bitterness is not our Mission. THE MESSAGE OF 6. He that Loveth the brethren, Loveth God also. The Lord will uphold him and CHRIST TODAY make him a Blessing. 7. Follow The Pattern. Let all that To All People come This Way be Baptized into One Ninety-Second Message Spirit. Teach and Preach the same things in The Way I have given you and it will The Angel Messenger of The Lord came to me at be well. 4:45 a.m. July 4, 1973, in my home at Independence, 8. The Church of Christ will never Missouri, and gave the following Message. The room was filled with Light. He spoke calmly and slowly, as I again be destroyed but will move on Her wrote the words he gave. He left at five o’clock. Mission until Zion is established and the people redeemed from their sins-and The W. A. Draves Lord come. The Kingdom and The 1. ‘Behold, I come to you at this time. Dominion shall be for The Saints of The Arise and Write the words I shall give Most High 3. you. I am John The Baptist, a Resur- 9. A deception has gone out among the rected Being. I am The Elias. My Mis- people and churches of mankind with sion is one of Love and Peace. The powers doctrines of men with a cry to speak in of the adversary 1 cannot hinder my Work. tongues of unknown words. Such has no 2. I come from The Lord’s Presence. meaning but to harden the hearts of those Look to The Lord, this is His Work. I that do so-making The Authority I bring bring a Message from His Voice and His of none effect and will not be a part of Will. them, neither will they receive nor obtain 3. The Lord’s People have seen trials it. and afflictions but let all Arise to a Closer 10. There Is no Greater Authority or Walk with The Lord. Come away from Gift, or Gifts given to man than that contentions and bring Love and which I bring of The Lord God, after The Obedience in you Lives. Continue in Order of His Son. Good Works. The Lord has Heard the 11. Who is mankind to claim more Prayers that are of the Heart, and this than This? He that will not recognize The Assembly. And I bring Peace and an Authority and Power I bring. Faileth, and answer to the problems when it becometh his works will not stand the test in the a need. end. Let this evil not be among you for it 4. There is none that have done right will not calm the soul nor will it save you. in all things. They have fallen short 2. 12. There will come a day when a True 5. Where is that Great Love and The Gift will be given. With Great Wisdom Spirit that Mellows the Heart, is it still will it work a Work and convince, more- among you? I say unto you, yea, let it do over convict, but as yet is not among you Greater Work. Qualify to be Leaders of in Measures of Saving Grace. men. Do Good to all mankind. Love 13. Turn away from those things that June, 2014 Page 113 divide and separate you one from forth from a very young man of Palmyra, another. The Lord Knoweth the hearts New York, as he was being prepared to and wherein powers of man and decep- execute the given task of translating an tion lies. Except such repent and cleanse ancient record. Then finally authority was their minds of these things they have no given to represent Christ and establish again part of This Work. The Church of Christ as it was in the days of 14. I have brought and bring a old. and Message for mankind-that he may heed received the laying on of hands by John the and conform to it; that he might be a part Baptist on May 15, 1829—“this Authority of The Lamb’s Bride when He comes to which shall remain on earth that the sons of make up His Jewels. I speak to fulfill The Levi may yet offer an offering unto The Word of God, to bring all The Faithful in Lord in Righteousness.” Christendom together to One Fold 4 , One A Remnant in and around Bloomington, Shepherd, One Spirit of God, One Illinois, of The Church established in 1829 Baptism 5 with Power for Remission of &1930, had returned to Missouri in 1867, sins and traditions of man that cannot because of a Revelation given in 1863 save. through one of the Elders—Granville 15. The Lord will Call many into This Hedrick. They bought the famed Lots for Way. $1,175.00—and held it against all efforts to 16. Be firm, fret not, hold The Peace dispossess them until the time when once and your reward will be sure. again this same Angel appeared to Otto 17. In time The Quorum of Twelve Fetting, and he read the First Message (also Apostles will be filled. There are those in second) to them in their April 1927 The Lord’s Preserve. Some will fail, Conference. others will take their Calling when The Otto Fetting had been called and Lord speaks. ordained first in 1899 through Elder Barr 18. Peace I leave with you and The who had been ordained by Joseph Smith. Church. Lift your Faith-The Way of The Brother Fetting worked in the part of the Lord is Sure. I will come again. Amen!’ restoration movement, known as the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of 1. 1 Peter 5:8 3. Daniel 7:22 Latter Day Saints. In 1918 there was a

2. Psalms 14:1-3 4. 1 Nephi 22:25 (RN) Working Harmony Agreement between this Romans 3:23 5. Ephesians 4:25 Church and The Church of Christ (Temple Lot). They recognized each other’s The Messenger Starts His authority and baptism. Last Mission Because of the rise of a new doctrine of Voice of Peace, January – July 1962 Supreme Directional Control with effective discipline to be placed in the hands of the Not for a hundred years had the religious President of the Reorganized Church many world been shaken by an Angelic Visitation transferred to the Hedrikites (so called). Announcement. Among them were Daniel Macgregor, Otto It was in 1823-1829—such news came Fetting, H. E. Moler and other notable Page 114 June, 2014 preachers. on the Temple Lot. They were not In the spring of 1926—on that famed formulated to be used as a Creed but as a Lot the Hedrickites now reinforced by the brief statement of their beliefs to save transfers met in General Conference. A repetition in correspondence, as the task was three day Prayer and Fast was had for heavy to answer the many inquiries Divine direction. Their prayers were concerning this group and their beliefs that answered. There was a Gift of Tongues and were then beginning to come in increasing its interpretation told them that it was time number, from their brethren of the for The Church to move forward—choose Reorganized Church. It contained twenty- out the new apostles God would send His five Articles on which all could meet on messenger to direct. These men were common ground. In fact the Messenger was chosen and ordained: H. E. Moler, Daniel using these Articles to establish the ground Macgregor, Samuel Wood, Clarence work of unity so as The Church of Christ Wheaton, F. F. Wipper, Otto Fetting and C. could be re-established as per the former N. Headding. commandment. It is the only document of By the time of the Spring Conference of its kind to state a definite belief in the 1927, F. F. Wipper had been released from building of the Temple to which Christ his Apostolic office. The Church of Christ would come to endow His servants for the had grown from a mere handful to thirty last preaching of the Gospel to the world as locals with around two thousand a witness. membership. Joseph Smith had many revelations This is a very brief historical background purporting to come from God. These were to the return of the Messenger and start, for first published in book form in 1833 in the second time in this dispensation, the Jackson County, Missouri as the Book of restoration of The Church of Christ as it was Commandments for the Government of The in the days of the Apostles and of all things Church of Christ. In 1835 a book containing as spoken of by the prophets and by Christ these revelations with considerable changes Himself. plus many more were published as the The whole world was napping as Otto Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of the was napping on that early morn (5:00 A. M. Latter Day Saints. February 4, 1927.) Brother Fetting was There had been a considerable disbelief rather rudely (as he thought) awakened by a concerning the Divinity of these revelations powerful slap on his shoulder. In 1929 the more particularly amongst those now whole world received its first shock--in all associated on the Temple Lot. Some cases, things hasn’t been the same since. doubted them all but the Messenger states Now let us direct our attention to what (in second paragraph) that one concerning this Messenger had to say. Read the First the building of the Temple on the Message. consecrated spot was true and (happy days) The Articles of Faith and Practice was the construction would soon start. mentioned the very first thing, and Fetting It has already been noted that there were and all were told not to change what was seven men in the Apostolic Quorum. Now written in 1923 by the Elders of this remnant the Messenger says: Three more will be June, 2014 Page 115 placed in the twelve, this spring conference. Revelation tells in (Chapter 19:7) the Bride Those men were ordained: Thomas hath made herself ready. God has a definite Sheldon, Walter Gates, and Arthur M. time table. It is not going to be upset by any Smith. The latter is a grandson of nation, group, church, or individual. He will the”Prophet” Joseph Smith. not delay His coming. The Church assembled did accept this The wicked shall grow worse and worse. Message as divine and wished to be guided The blame shall be laid directly at the feet of by it. Thomas E. Barton was up for the professors of the name of Christ, and ordination: he was one of the “good men” there are many in the nations, even among named in paragraph 10. But this ordination the rulers. was postponed until the next year as it About the time this First Message was would have made (4) men added to the given the Elders of this remnant were quorum instead of the three (3) as spoken of directing their preaching against the by the Messenger. Joseph H. Camp was not mistakes of the restoration movement of ordained until the Twentieth Message in 1830—on. God would not hold them which was a specific call. He was ordained responsible for these mistakes but He would April 1930. A. O. Frisbey never was an require them to be true to the preaching of Apostle but remained a bishop, as he was in an affirmative Gospel of truth and love. 1927. There was a hope for a brighter future which The Message affirms definitely, the was mentioned in the next message, as the Temple will be built—the work would soon traditions, sins of men, priestcrafts and etc., start but does not state that those in charge were eliminated. The Sons of Levi would would build it. If (4 th paragraph) not by offer unto the Lord an offering of those in charge the Lord would raise up a Righteousness. people that would build it. In reading this First Message we should The Temple is not built unto this day, remember that Brother Fetting wrote it from over thirty years has passed. A people is memory and the explanations was in his still in the process of being raised up or own words. “Now this is the essence of prepared. The prime requisite of God’s what he said” Later, as the Messenger people is Obedience. Moses and the continued his visitations he dictated the Israelities found that out in their forty years message, word for word. It was as near wandering in the wilderness. Only two that correct as he could give it. This is what he started out over twenty years old ever made was sure of: He saw the form of man, he it to the Promise Land. heard the voice. He felt the slap of his Christiandom as a whole have had a faint shoulder. He felt the influence in the room. idea on when the long looked for return of We believe there is a complete agreement the Christ would be. Now comes a definite among all believers in the first advent of pronouncement from Heaven ‘Christ coming Jesus the Christ and his forerunner, John the is near at hand.’ He would not wait until Baptist that there came to a people who churches would unite into one true faith or believed in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and the whole world prepared itself in Jacob. The looked for a Deliverer, a Righteousness. But, as The Book of Messiah, also an Elijah to come, which was Page 116 June, 2014 according to Prophets, God had sent unto to Otto Fetting were: “Don’t change the Israel, his chosen people. The Master said, Articles of Faith and Practice.” This “I come unto my own but my own received “through whom He may choose.” Brother me not. The foundation had been laid in the Fetting had been heard to say, “I never Old Testament scriptures, but men lacked invited the Messenger to come to me. When understanding. He came in a way, to a place he did, I never invited him to come back.” and acted differently than they thought He At the time of this first visitation would. (February 4, 1927), Otto Fetting was a Now in the end time which commenced mature man of 55 years of age. Besides in 1927-1929 it is noteworthy to recognize giving much time and money to the church that once again the forerunner begins his last of his affiliation he had massed a mission amongst those who had in their considerable fortune in the business world. foundation of faith, a definite belief that God He owned farms and properties from would speak and send messengers in the Alberta, Canada to the State of Florida. He latter days. Apostle Paul wrote: “Without had cause to be built some 250 dwellings faith it is impossible to please God. Those which he sold for $50.00 down and small that come Him must believe that He is; a monthly payments. He had a reputation of rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.” honesty which would be hard to surpass. He (Hebrews 11) had no time, need, or inclination, to dream If a man does not believe that God is; or up some deception with the idea of gaining in other words, does not believe God can or prominence or financial gain. He wasn’t will not speak now as in former times, exactly happy to entertain this Heavenly well—God will not speak to him, because he being or shoulder the responsibility and lacks faith. To the faithful His vice has the persecution which always follows such an volume of thunder in the skies but to event, in other ages. faithless—he doesn’t hear a sound. His first emotion was one of anger as he The remnant on the Temple Lot, The was slapped so hard by this Messenger as he Church of Christ (Temple Lot) nick-named was dozing, or as he wrote, about to doze in Hedrickites had in the fore-mentioned his chair. Otto Fetting was an athlete in his Articles of Faith and Practice this article early manhood. Nevertheless the Angel’s (10): slap jarred him—the pain was felt for days “We believe in the principle of afterwards. This was not a dream. Christ continuous revelation: that the canon of told His disciples, “You have not chosen Scripture is not full, that God inspires men me, I have chosen you…” in every age and among all people and that Another name or personality that figured he speaks when, where and through whom prominently in the beginning of the he may choose.” Messenger’s last mission was Daniel This was the smallest, the humblest part Macgregor. He was ordained an Apostle of the people of the Restoration. They had along with Fetting in 1926. held the Temple Lot in trust and desired the Daniel Macgregor was born in Malcolm church to be set in order. County, Michigan, March 6, 1875. He was The first words that the Messenger said also a transfer from the Reorganized Church June, 2014 Page 117

At a district conference of that church he Apostle Macgregor filled the pulpit one met Margaret Campbell. He was 19 years evening. He devoted his entire sermon on old when they were married. She was this subject. He declared through his several years his senior and a schoolteacher. through knowledge of the Scriptures: The It was through her tutelage and Messenger was John the Baptist. Thus he encouragement that he developed into an was the first one to make such a positive eloquent preacher and an able debater as he statement. If any one of the people spent his life in the missionary field; a great assembled there doubted the truth of these defender of the Restoration Gospel. It has things they certainly kept it to themselves— been said, that he was the most colorful in word and in deed. personality even to represent the It was through Brother Dan as he was Reorganized Church L.D.S. Church. He had affectionately called by his called by his written and published a book, on the rise, friends and church associates, that there fall and resurrection of Christ’s Jerusalem appeared evidence of a new spirit, which Church, called the “Marvelous Work and a must come in full force before the Wonder.” After many years of through fulfillment of the latter part of the vision investigation of the “Hedrickites” he seen by Brother Fetting in the Second transferred his membership there in 1925. Message; the woman in her bridal glory. He never had to change his views or There had been a spirit of combativeness, doctrine as set forth in that book. a glorying in forensic accomplishments, and As one of the Apostolic Quorum he was explosive contention for the faith—but now among the first to hear of the visitation of like a first bud of spring the first blade of the Angel to Otto Fetting. This is what he green grass—comes Spirit of peace and said, “ It’s to be expected.” love. This is characterized by a song As we have stated, the Second Message composed by Daniel Macgregor. The End was also read at the 1927 conference; this of the Way—old tune and title, but new visitation as it was then called came exactly words. one month after the first. We will quote The End Of The Way from the first paragraph: “I am the man (Sung to the tune of “The End Of the Way) sent of God and my name is John. I am the Messenger to prepare the way. I am come I am thinking today of my Saviour again that in the mouth of two or three Of the insults and the sneers that He bore, witnesses all things shall be established.” Thought HE had mighty power to resist it, As Brother Fetting told of his Yet He suffered it all o’er and o’er. experiences his countenance was lit up, CHORUS anyone could have heard a pin drop in the Oh, give me thy grace, Blessed Jesus, room. The Spirit of God was present. Later Sweet patience to endure day by day; as the people considered this development Then a halo of peace shall come o’er me, no one asked the question, “Is it true or And remain till the end of the way. false?” Rather, who was this messenger 2 who called himself John? Was it John the I think of the time that they smote him, Beloved or who? And tauntingly asked him to tell, Page 118 June, 2014

Who it was that so heartless and cruel family, who lived at Platteville, Colorado, Was filled with the malice of hell. by the name of Draves. They wrote into the 3 headquarters for information and Apostle Once again while seated at supper, Barton was given their name and address. A traitor was given to eat; Before he could visit them, the father of the The wine and bread were passed to him, family, Wilhelm A., was killed in a railroad Who returned but a treacherous greet. road crossing accident, leaving Mother 4 Sylvia with a family at home consisting of; Oh, would I were not so resentful, George, Wilhelm, Edward, Sylvia, Lehi and So quick to strike back at the foe; Nephi. (Anna was married and not at I wrongly have thought it was honor home—E. D.) To scornfully give blow for blow. As they were affiliated with another branch of the Restoration work at that time, Apostle Macgregor seemed to be on his they couldn’t just transfer (sign a paper for road to become one of the chief defenders of admission), but were visited and baptized by the Messenger’s coming, but it was in that Brother Barton. This occurred early in the very same year, 1927—early fall—the last year of 1929. days of September, the Lord called him However they were not confirmed at home. He left this life in the home of his Platteville, but arrangements were made for brother, Otto Fetting. them to come down to Colorado Springs to Some other names we should mention as be confirmed in the church meeting there. they had their part to play in the This was a distance about 150 miles Messenger’s last mission. These were: which was quite a distance, taking into Thomas B. Nerren, H. D. Bartlett, and his consideration their poor means of son, Fred H. Bartlett, all of Denver, transportation, but they arrived safely. Colorado. It was through them that the There were three elders there: Thomas Wilbur Savage family of Fort Collins, Barton, Wilber Savage and James Savage. Colorado, became acquainted with the turn These three laid hands on each one, taking of events. Brother Nerren and the Bartlett’s turns in being the mouthpiece. It so had transferred to the Hedrickites in 1926. happened that Thomas Barton was the Wilbur Savage, wife Emma and son mouthpiece in the confirmation of the young James W. , brought Thomas Nerren to the man, Wilhelm, and in so doing prophesied 1927 conference on the Temple Lot. Emma that his work would be peculiar, even among and son James transferred and was made his brethren. Young Wilhelm had not yet welcome as members on Easter Sunday and reached his 17 th birthday Wilber some months later. Of the first ones in Colorado to take part Another Coloradoan was Thomas Barton in the Messenger’s Mission, the name of W. (one of the good men mentioned in the First P. Buckley should also be mentioned. The Message). He was ordained in the Apostolic Spirit was also touching others. Among Quorum at the 1928 conference. A little them was a Sister Mabel Richards (Wilson). later in that year the news of the revelation In the Second Message, the Messenger given to build the Temple, reached another said: “I have come again that in the mouth June 2014 Page 119 of two or three witness all thing shall be the sleeper an awakening, to the wicked, established…What I said about The Church destruction but to the people of the Lord, a is true and more will be revealed from time message that Christ’s coming is near at to time.” No doubt he was referring to the hand.” witnesses in this generation that he had and The Church has slept and slumbered. would work through. In connection with the Now let the wise trim their lamps, that the establishing of all things, Brother Fetting Spirit of God might be oil in their lamps. was shown two visions. The Temple must be built. First the woman (Church) was in The Gospel must be preached. The day disarray, bleeding, pale and worn. Around is like unto the days of Noah. (The above this Temple Lot were the territories of every suggests a fulfillment of Matthew 25:1-10.). land and the people stood, sober and The mission of the Messenger is that worried. She called, but they paid no Christ’s Church might again receive light attention. She wept. There was a valley and direction to carry on The Lord’s work. around that level piece of land; it seemed to (Message 3:6) a place of confusion and a place of danger. In 1927 (before and after that date) There was danger of her children being lost. around the Temple Lot most any time could The year as given at the end of the message be seen large groups of men. Some talking, or vision was “1929.” Perhaps this date gesturing, others are listening. Truly great marks the start of the visions, the starting debates were going on. A group had formed date of a new era. called the Protest Movement and had erected Surely in 1929, with its world-wide a building—one half block east of the depression caused the people to stand, Temple Lot on Kansas Street. Many were worried. The danger became greater until greatly disturbed and praying for direction the world was enveloped in the Great World from God. War I. Since then, after a lull—fighting Now John the Baptist was named or again broke out—here and there and tension called, “The Prophet of the Highest.” (Luke and contention have increased. 1:76). Not a greater prophet born of woman, The Second Vision was concerning the this by Christ—but more than a prophet. He second starting and finish of the Temple. is the messenger to go ahead and prepare the The woman was finally prepared as the way. (St. Matthew 11:9-14). Bride for Christ, the Bridegroom. All kinds Coming as a resurrected being he is still of people helped on the Temple with money the prophet of the Highest. He would and the woman’s children were coming from prophesy. every clime, even from the valley. “The Lord sent me to prophesy, for Thus When a man starts a mission he generally saith the Lord of Hosts. I have sent my know what he is to do, or what he is to messenger to you. In the time of trouble accomplish. If he goes in the employ of when many of the hearts of my children another, a company or nation he has his were sad, their hope was fading away, their orders, he most generally has to work with faith tried, they looked to and fro for the old others. The Messenger says: “The instruct- paths, in the anguish and distress of their tion is sent to the wise a warning to the souls I heard their cry.” (Message 3:5) Page 120 June, 2014

Among the personalities that should be priesthood and ministry hath been preserved mentioned in connection with this Mission in Me…Ye of my people…hath questioned was James E. Yates of Phoenix, Arizona. the spiritual call of those men of the ministry He was a preacher with great oratorical chosen to be Apostles in this remnant of my powers. He was connected the Protest heritage. Verily, if ye will hear my word Movement. To him was given in answer to today I declare unto you, these are my fasting and prayer, at Independence, chosen Apostles of this present day Missouri,--May 1, 1927—the “Word of the dispensation and through their ministry if Holy Spirit.” To conserve space we will just they continue to be humble and faithful and quote excerpts: through this chosen remnant of my broken “…By the quickening power of the Holy heritage I will this day forward and quicken Spirit, thus is given the word of the Lord to their spiritual ministrations among the all who will open their souls to hear my people…In the midst of may trials, and voice, saith the Lord. despite the human weaknesses of my “Your prayers are before me, ye who servants who shall remain true to the trust have asked that I lead you and behold I am given them, I, the Lord will carry forward willing to lead my people who put their trust my work, and in mine own time and in mine in me, and ye must hear my voice if I am to own way all shall at last be accom- be your leader indeed, and thus are you to plished…Thus speaketh the voice of the know how to follow. Spirit unto all Saints who will hear, and who “Ye have asked of me to know my will, will heed my word, even so Amen. yet will ye hearken when I shall speak? (Emphasis mine J.W.S.) Will ye obey if my word shall conflict with After this revelation was received, Elder the thoughts and beliefs of your imperfect Yates asked for admittance to the Temple humanity? Lot Church; also his companion, Sister “Behold, thus saith The Lord, I lead my Vida, who was a granddaughter of Joseph people when they have courage to follow me Smith, the “Prophet.” Her ability and zeal and keep my commandments…if ye will could be compared with Sister Margaret now hearken to the voice of my counsel, Macgregor. They (Brother and Sister Yates) behold the fire of my spiritual zeal shall be published a paper called the Torch of Truth renewed in your hearts…and your joy shall an both leaving comforts of Home (being no be increased in the labors of the vineyard. longer young) sallied forth with great joy “Verily, out of the broken fragments of and zeal, to spread the good news of the my spiritual kingdom of these last days I kingdom. have preserved unto myself a remnant…this That fall found Brother Yates in Port remnant of my church on the Temple land Huron where he preached the funeral which has been consecrated unto me…This sermon of Daniel Macgregor. In 1928, they people of this remnant have not wholly in were in the great Northwest, at various accord with my will, neither do they this day points, including Centralia, Washington and fashion all their work perfectly in me, but Sandpoint, Idaho, where sizable crowds behold…for a wise purpose…I have held were stirred by Elder Yates’ discourses and them in the hollow of my hand. Their Sister Vida’s testimonies and general June, 2014 Page 121 assistance. The Lord at His coming. In the early part of 1929 among other Also there was a definite warning of places they were in Colorado Springs, “famine and no work”—a depression that Colorado. Evangelistic Services were struck the very next year. This was hard to advertised in the Colorado Springs Gazette. comprehend or believe as the nation seemed “A Messenger Has Come. Come Hear.” In to be prospering and everybody working that preaching Apostle Yates told of his being in wanted to. Message5:15-16. Brother Fetting’s home. That he had shown April 6, 1928, the people met in their him where the Messenger had stood. With annual conference. The future seemed his oratorical powers at its best, told the bright and the feeling of the people was audience, “I knew I stood on Holy Ground.” accordingly—high and expectant. However, An associate of Brother Yates should the meeting was marred or punctuated by also be mentioned, as he followed or went debates generated by differences of opinions along with him, transferring to the Remnant on such manners as: whether there should also, his name, Elmer E. Long. He was also High Priests in the Church, use of tobacco, an experienced and able missionary. These financial matters, etc. Two groups of people two men along with B. C. Flint were called of different origins (Hedrickites and to the Apostolic Quorum in the Fifth Reorganization transfers) were finding it Message. hard to get along. The foundation of this 1927, the year the Messenger started his new building was hardly settled or cemented last mission, was one of progress, the result firmly together as yet. Nevertheless of missionary effort. The Messenger came Enthusiasm was not dampened to any four times. (We will mention that the noticeable extent. Fourth Message was not published until Looking forward to the start of the after Brother Fetting’s death in 1933). Temple three men were to be chosen as the Before the opening of the General Plans Committee. There was given a Conference in April 6, 1928, the Messenger purported revelation, through a sister, Alice delivered the Fifth Message. Three more Crick, naming Otto Fetting, Walter L. Gates men were called to be Apostles, as already and Thomas Nerren as the committee. been mentioned. There was much opposition to this, so a 1929 was the date given when the selection was made by nominations. Temple would be started. A period of seven However, these men were chosen by the years was given “you” to complete the voice of the conference. It might be noted work—(See First Message, fourth here that none of the original Hedrickites, paragraph)—those in charge. It would be the old members of this remnant who had slow in the beginning. There was some held this Temple Lot in trust for the purpose information as to the manner of con- of building the Temple, were placed on this struction, size, and etc. It would be a haven committee. If there had been, there might of rest, etc. More pertinent instruction on have been a different history to write now. preaching and warning of the people given. This is just a private conjecture on the That they can do nothing without faith. writer’s part. Prepare yourselves to be a people to meet The missionary arm of the Church was Page 122 June, 2014

The missionary arm of the Church was speaking to the brethren, too. enlarged and strengthened. A revelation Also in this Message there was a quoted was given through Clarence Wheaton a revelation given to Joseph Smith nearly a confirmed (it could be so classified) the century before. He and Sydney Rigdon and calling of the three men to the Twelve. B. others dedicated the spot for the Temple in C. Flint was the only one ordained at the August 2, 1831. This spot now was held by Conference, as he was the only one of the the Hedrickites, through whom now in three present. 1927-29 the Lord was seeking again a There were a number of the Elders that people to erect a House unto Him, the were called and set apart as “Seventies”, or purpose was the “…preparation wherein I as we would call Evangelists now. design to prepare mine apostles to prune my Provision was made to send Apostle Samuel vineyard for the last time that I may bring to Wood to Wales on a mission. Thus the pass my strange act, that I may pour out my missionary horizons were broadened. Spirit upon all flesh.” Message 6:6. After the 1928 Conference of The The revelation rebuked Joseph Smith Church of Christ on the Temple Lot the because he had not considered the great people returned to their homes, the commandment of all things given to him missionaries took to the field. Among them which was the building of the Temple. If he was Brother Clarence Wheaton who headed would keep God’s commandments he would westward. He was joined in Colorado by a have power to build it. He and the people young elder, James Savage. This trip took never received that power and the very next them through Utah, Idaho, Centralia to year they were driven out of Jackson County Seattle, Washington, then to Spokane and then out of Missouri into Illinois. After Sandpoint, Idaho. Then up the great Joseph Smith’s death in 1844 The Church Canadian West as far north as Lloyd scattered, a large portion under Brigham minister, Saskatchewan, and then down to Young migrated to the Rocky Mountains. Minneapolis and back to Independence, October 30 th and November 30 th the Missouri, by October 1 st . Many points were Messenger came to Brother Fetting. The touched and many people met, etc. Seventh contained some instruction on the The Committee appointed to receive the construction of the Temple; the basement plans met at Brother Fetting’s home. floor and drainage, etc. Brother Fetting did September 1 st the Messenger again made his not write this down and he was told to give appearance and dictated the Sixth Message. this to his brethren on the committee and In it, it was stated that the Temple would be also, the Twelve should know of these built through great tribulation, when trying things. The work must be done after the times would be on the earth. Brother Fetting pattern that would be given of the Lord. was warned of great trials and losses that The Messenger was sent that peace might would come to him but he would not want come and salvation to all people (Message 7 for bread. He would be tried as Joseph of and 8:7). “Qualify to be leaders.” “All must Egypt but if faithful, he would receive labor somewhere.” “Let your faith be strong reward for his labor. If he—you—were not in the Lord.” “Read the 11 th chapter of true the plans would be withheld from you Hebrews often.” In the 12 th verse he said, “I June, 2014 Page 123 am John the Messenger…Behold my work The Lord as to the plans and pattern. In the has just begun, for Satan’s work must be second paragraph they were told that the destroyed.” These are just some high lights building that they staked was ten feet too far of the Message and shows that the to the east. If they would move the stakes, Messenger must continue to come for a long then it shall stand on the place that had been time, as the work is great. pointed out by The Finger of God. This It should be noted here that they were should be remembered as further events told to choose a wise man who was no verified the truth of this thing. It must stand mocker that he might draw the plans. as a witness that God was directing in this Again, in the Ninth Message, this was matter. The Messages are true. repeated. Then Fred H. Bartlett of Denver, This Message, while giving more on the Colorado was chosen and he came east to plans of the building, emphasized that it meet with Brother Fetting and Brothers must be built strongly to withstand the Nerren and Gates at Port Huron, Michigan. storms that shall come, even from the It was at this time he was permitted to southwest. The building must be fire-proof. behold the marvelous light that accompanies The Lord has yet reserved unto Himself men the Messenger’s appearing. And he did that would help in its construction. This draw the plans as far as he could from the work was sacred and must be sacred unto information received in the Messages to date them. Again, the amount of time the Lord on this matter. He would go no farther. “If would give the builders to complete the I did it would be my plans, not the Lord’s” building was given. It was “seven years” said he many times, in recounting his which was a reasonable amount of time. experiences. Thus, preparations were being Again we would note that he didn’t say it made to start the Temple in 1929 as foretold would be done in that time. Just that this in the Fifth Message. No one knew exactly was given to “you.” where the exact spot was, as all markers had A little more than a month passed when long since disappeared. All that was known he again visited Brother Fetting. The date was the Temple Lot as held by these was April 30 th at 1:30 P.M., and he remained “Hederickites” was the place. So how was until 11:15 or 45 minutes. This according to the exact spot to be ascertained? This is Brother Fetting’s words in the foreword of how it was done. The Lot, which was 2 ½ the 11 th Message. acres in size was surveyed. The exact center The words spoken by this Angel and was found and staked. In the Sixth written down showed that the Lord Message, The Lord had given the size of the recognized that he felt weak in body, and building as 90 feet in width and 180 feet in discouraged in spirit; worrying over things length. So from this center stake, the which he had no control. He was told to corners were staked. The width of the conserve his strength. His time was short building would face the east or River but the Lord had extended his life for this Boulevard. work that must be done. Others had been After this was done, March 23, 1929, the called away for a wise purpose. God would Messenger delivered the Tenth Message. direct in his way that man shall fear before The plans committee had met to inquire of him. Page 124 June, 2014

The main thought of the Message seems Number, under the heading “The Marking of to be that this Message must be taken to the an Epoch” we will quote the following. people. It was a warning as in the days of “Saturday, April 6, 1929, was a red letter Noah. Those that would accept it would be day in the history of the Church of Christ. blessed; would receive their reward. From far and near the delegates and visitors Nations were in distress and would suffer assembled in the church on the Temple Lot, until they returned and obeyed God’s taxing its seating capacity to the limit, for commandments. Those of the brethren who the word had gone forth that a thing was to would assist Brother Fetting would be be done which patriarchs and prophets have blessed and those that wouldn’t would lose. declared would be reared in this generation, Concerning the Temple; it would be built and wherein Christ is to meet His people but there would be changes in the men who when He comes again. Glorious hope! would help. Let the people rule whose “The General Conference of the Church hearts are pure. Go to Independence from of Christ opened promptly at 10 o’clock time to time; encourage the people; help to Apostle H. E. Moler and Otto Fetting called establish a real Zion. We can not give the Assembly to order. Number 35 of the justice to the last two paragraphs of Message Saint’s Hymnal was sung. Otto Fetting 11 except we quote them verbatim; offered prayer. Another song was sung with “I am John, the same John that prepared fervency, and the greatest Conference in the the way before Christ when He was here. I history of the Church was under way… and am the Messenger sent from God to do the the delegates took up the business of making work for which I was born. I have come in history that will mark an epoch in the annals the past, and will come in the future. I am a of the Restoration second to none.” prophet and thy fellow servant. I am he that We will enter here the speech made that preached baptism and repentance in the morning by Brother Fetting as it gives us wilderness of Judea. I am the John that was intimate view of the reactions of Brother beheaded. I am the Messenger to prepare Fetting in his role so closely connected with the way. I am the Messenger that shall bring the Messenger’s last mission. It had the warning to the people of the destruction affected a large group of people causing that shall come to pass. My message is one them to take decisive action. As this was so, of love to them that will obey it. it affected Brother Fetting even more and “Hear! Oh ye people of the earth; gave him a deeper and lasting insight Christ’s coming is near at hand. Read the requirements of God that must be fulfilled words of the Master of men, the Savior of men before this great Mission can be the world. He will come to bring judgments, completed. Now read the speech. and peace, and will rule from sea to sea, and SPEECH BY OTTO FETTING all men will obey him; his kingdom is an At Morning Meeting, April 6, 1929 . everlasting kingdom; he is Lord of lords, Brother and Sisters, I realize the and King of kings. Glory! Glory to his importance of the responsibility you have name! Amen” placed upon this committee, and I hope that From the Zion’s Advocate Volume 6, you may also feel, at least partially that great number 5, page 56 of the Special Temple responsibility that you have placed upon us. June, 2014 Page 125

Only those who have come in contact with strain, knowing that he was somewhere, but the Divine presence of the Heavenly my eyes couldn’t see him, and the other Messenger can feel the responsibility and power had always worked the opposite with the sacredness of it. Every time that the me and said, ‘Are you sure that you were Messenger has come, it has left me so weak awake?’ Are you sure that it is not a dream? that sometimes, for a day or two, I have You might be mistaken.’ I turned over in been hardly able to rise and go about my bed to be sure I wasn’t asleep, and this light home. When he first came, the first time, I continued for about five minutes until he didn’t pay very much attention to it. I was finally stood at my side. After he had been not interested so much in it. It came as a there that time, all this feeling of trying to surprise to me, as lightning from a clear sky, get hold of him, touch him, left me, and I but after the second visit, when he took me have no desire since, but that responsibility upon this sacred ground, and showed me has increased every time it comes. Every where the Temple would be built, as you time he visits us there seems to be feeling of have read in the printed outline, you can greater responsibility and I want to say that obtain here, showed me the vision, took me it has made a complete change in my life. there, to the northeast corner; in the second When I quit the Reorganization, the miss- vision showed me the conditions, the ionary field of the Reorganized Church—I experience that we passed through at that saw the innovations that crept in, I was dis- time was of such power, Divine power, that gusted. There was a spirit of bitterness en- it never can be erased. In other visits they tered into my heart, and I wanted fight the left something that we can not get rid of. innovations. That continued until I trans- From the second visit until the visit of last ferred to the Church of Christ, and I lectured September 6, there wasn’t a time through the and talked against it, and did all I could to day, or when I was awake, not over ten try to convince the people of the innovations minutes at any time, but what I felt that had crept in. There was a feeling of somebody at my side, and many times I bitterness in my heart. But as the Messenger stopped when I walked on the sidewalk and has come and has told us from time to time, looked around to see if there was a to go to them in the spirit of love in my heart Personage beside me. I could feel its power, for all factions of the Restoration and I its closeness to me. Up to that time I had began to feel, brethren that the work has made up my mind that when he came again I been committed to us as a people that might would grab him; take hold of him, and say meet in Christ in the Temple when He shall like Jacob of old, ‘I won’t let you go unless come. Oh, if there is any bitterness in our you give me a blessing if it kills me.’ I had heart, any of us today, let us make a made this determination firmly in my mind, resolution and carry it out, that it might be and when he came, on the first day of eliminated, and that we might qualify September, I lay in my bed, the room began ourselves for the great task that we are to get lighter and lighter and lighter—a undertaking to do, to prepare a people, is my white light. It became so light that the least prayer.” speck could be seen on the paper or ------anywhere in the room. And I laid under the “The following program for the breaking Page 126 June, 2014 of the ground, beginning at 2 o’clock which named. Of these A. O. MacArthur, Dr. had been prepared by the Quorum of Curtis and A. W. Bogue were ordained. The Twelve, was approved and carried out with Bishops were placed on parity with the becoming dignity and commendable Twelve in their sphere of responsibility. precision in the presence of a large crowd. In the Zion’s Advocate from which we But best of all, The Holy Spirit’s presence in have quoted we find these words and pleasing measure was felt throughout heading: registering Divine approval. ------With the balmy breezes blowing through THE WORK BEGINS the spreading ash and maple, tinged with “The saints everywhere will be interested green, and with fleecy clouds floating to know that the work on the Temple has leisurely above, the service of breaking the started. There were twelve trees which had ground for the Temple was held at the to come down that the Temple might go up. northeast corner of the Temple site. The The trees are down and the work of assembly was called to order by James E. excavation has started.” Yates at 2:00 P. M Verse 1 of the Hymnal, ------“Guide Us, Oh Though Great Jehovah,” was The Mission of the Messenger, John the sung by the congregation, directed by Baptist, was having its effect.

Thomas J. Sheldon.” End of quote Ibid, page 56. The opening address by James E. Yates. Special Notices Prayer by W. L. Gates. Scripture reading by The staff of ‘The Greater Light’ would Elmer E. Long. Address by Clarence L. like to dedicate This Issue of our Paper to Wheaton who introduced A. O. Frisbey who our Dear Brother, Elder Gary Ray of took the spade and cut out and laid out on Missouri. We send our Love, Cares and the ground a small square of sod. The scene Prayers to you. May God Bless! was impressive as the crowd in in breathless The Editor silence sought a closer view. The three last verses of Hymn No 35 was sung by the The Church has a CD available of ‘The congregation in conclusion. Benediction by Testimony of William A. Draves’ spoken by Brother Otto Fetting. himself, for $5.00. Please contact The This was a glad occasion, but a sad not General Headquarters Office. entered in, as T. J. Sheldon was stricken The Church of Christ With The Elijah shortly after he finished his pleasant duty of Message, The Assured Way of The Lord, has leading the singing and passed from this life moved to 4215 South Hocker Street, Suite on April 13, 1929. 110, Independence, MO 64055 , Phone: At his conference a General Church 816-836-1913, Fax: 816-313-6232. Headquarters was provided for with proper The Lord has Blessed us with a New equipment. A capable business manager Headquarter Offices, as well as space for was named in person of W. R. Dexter, of The Independence, MO Local Missionary Los Vegas, New Mexico. A quorum of Effort. We ask all to continue your Prayers seven Bishops was provided for and the men for This Great Work and for The Church. June, 2014 Page 127

Everyone is invited to Serve The Lord with When we Come to The Assembly it is a us. very Sacred Time of Deep Worship, Praise Apostle Leonard H. Draves and Glorifying Jesus Together. It’s for Loved Ones, for The Sick and The Afflicted, for those who are Struggling Financially, Emotionally, Mentally, Physically and Spiritually. It is a Time of Deep Reverence before The Lord. It is a Time we Partake of The Sacred Emblems together, The Com- munion, The Sacrament of The Lord. It is a Time we Unitedly Humble ourselves before The Lord and Seek to Cleanse ourselves Within that we might Come before The Lord with Clean Minds and Hearts. Message 42:2; ‘This is The Lord’s God Bless Our Military Men and Work. You men are Called from among Women and Their Families men to Represent Christ and His Church. Therefore be very Humble. Meet in your Prince of Peace Assembly in Peace and let The Lord by His Spirit Remain among you. Behold I will Meet with you, for Truly this shall be The Beginning of Great Things to Come to Pass.’ Message 60:12; ‘Gather in The Assembly and Cry unto The Lord . Let no evil come among you. The Lord will Hear all those that Repent and Obey His Will. Let your Prayers be of The Heart. Let not contention be found among you.’ Message 64:15; ‘Let the people meet in The Assembly in Solemness and Humility and The Lord will Bless them in their Meekness. Seek not to please man but do The Lord’s Bidding. Let not The Time be spent in contention.’ Message 69: 6 ; ‘Let The Assembly meet in Peace, let Rejoicing be in your Hearts. Pray Earnestly and The Lord will Meet with you by His Spirit, and Great Peace

Painted by Akiane Kramarik shall flow to all-and The Faith of The Faithful shall be Heard. Power shall Come as your Hearts shall be Prepared.’ Page 128 June, 2014

The Church of Christ



4215 Sourh Hocker Street, Independence, MO 64055