THE ASSURED WAY The Church of Christ with the Elijah Message June 2020 Message 129 Let the Assured Way continue to reach out unto the nations, that all may be blessed and encour- aged. “ — Mess. 123:19 On June 12, 2020, I had laid my head down to rest a eous and the righteous as evil. See those who bit in the afternoon; when the Messenger of the Lord justify darkness as a cover for their evil deeds, touched my right shoulder and startled me, saying allowing themselves to be portrayed as men of Awaken! He wore the same robe he had worn all along, character, while walking in the darkness at noon- His entire being had a glow about him and he handed day. me a tablet and a pen commanding me to write. He paused several times allowing me to complete 4) Behold! You have witnessed the fulfillment writing the words he had spoken. Correcting me when of the Prophecies I have sent through my Mes- necessary. Several times my emotions overcame me as senger unto you. I brought you a warning from his spirit and words were so very strong. He would the Lord in 1932, again in 1939,again in 1968, smile and allow me to gather myself, then continue to and again this year 2020. Have ye turned a deaf speak. ear unto that which is ahead? Have you turned a listening ear and a willing spirit of obedience to His eyes seemed to almost have a glow to them, look- ing into my very soul, and I could feel a deep joy within heed and obey the instructions the Lord has sent? him as he delivered the Message unto me. Choose this day the Lord. For a short time he spoke unto me words of encour- 5) Thus saith the Lord, ‘I have heard your suf- Inside this agement and helping me to understand events transpir- fering and your cries in anguish of your souls ing in our nation. Those I have not written, as they and have reached out my hand unto you with issue: were simply for my personal understanding and prepa- words of enlightenment and encouragement. Let ration. He was with me for just under an hour and the those with ears to hear and hearts to receive, lift peace that filled my soul I cannot began to express.--- up your hearts and hands and walk upright be- Apostle Norman D. Lyles fore the lord, obeying His Word and seeking Message 129 1 1) Awaken! Arise and write the Message, which repentance.’ the Lord has given. He has sent me unto thee at 6) The Lord has sent a warning unto the this hour to speak unto His People, to bring forth Churches that the tribulation of the Church has General Assem- 1 light and understanding. I am the Elijah, the long been since the coming of the white horse Prophet of the Highest, the Messenger of the bly Notice spoken of in Revelation, whose coming with a Covenant, sent to bring a warning and an under- bow was to conquer and this continues today. standing unto mankind. There is a River 4 Once the seal has been broken, the horror of it 2) The cries of the people have risen from the shall be upon the earth until Christ returns and earth as smoke unto the heavens. The Lord’s mer- defeats the devil. Coming of the 6 cy and love reaches out this day unto His people 7) Even in the Church of Christ with the Elijah Messenger as a healing balm to bring peace and understand- Message today, which the Lord is ing. The Lord knows those who have sought to restoring up- make a bond and a commitment unto Him, and on the earth today; you witness those who those who have rejected His Word and become an have sought to bring tribulation upon the abomination in His sight. faithful and have sought to divide and cause division to harm the innocent, and those 3) See those who would call evil good and good who have chosen to follow the words today evil. See those who magnify themselves as right- 2020 General Assembly Notice Due to the Pandemic facing our country. The dates for the 2020 General Assembly in America have been changed. The 2020 General Assembly of the Church of Christ with the Elijah Message will be held from August 9 — August 12, 2020 in Kansas City, Missouri . Page 2 THE ASSURED WAY The Assured Way Bishops BUSINESS OFFICE: 17006 South Graham Rd, Pleasant Hill, MO 64080 John Githinji, Kitale, Kenya, East Africa, Phone: 254- 722-940553, Phone 816-540-2372 Email: [email protected] www.elijahmessage.net [email protected] Gary Doudy, 2917 F Road, Grand Junction, CO 81504, Phone: 970-256 -0386, Email: [email protected] OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF Chris Laws, Chantilly, VA, Email: [email protected] THE CHURCH OF CHRIST Norris Purifoy, 16001 S. Emmeral, Harvey, Ill 64026, Phone: 312-907- WITH THE ELIJAH MESSAGE inc. 5314, Email: [email protected] EDITOR/BUSINESS MANAGER Edward Coffey, 1874 Second Cove #3 FOREWORD Memphis, TN 38134 The Assured Way, the official publication of THE CHURCH OF E-mail: [email protected] CHRIST WITH THE ELIJAH MESSAGE inc. comes to you as an ex- pression of hope we have in Christ. HEADQUARTERS OFFICE In its pages are found the thoughts and expressions of a united peo- P.O. Box 520465, Independence, MO 64052 ple, whose only aim is to promote the cause of Christ by spreading Phone 620-375-2146 abroad to every nation, tongue, and people, the true gospel of Christ, that through obedience to his laws we might be found worthy of eternal life. SEND ALL TITHES AND OFFERINGS TO THE BISH- In this publication, The Record of the Nephites is quoted many OP’S OFFICE times. This book was revealed and translated by the gift and power of P.O. Box 1273, Clifton, CO. 81520 God: The year 1828 marked the beginning of the restoration of all things. It is a history of the people who once lived in the Americas, some who CHAIRMAN OF THE QUORUM OF APOSTLES are the ancestors of the Native America Indians. Though it contains a Larry T. Gosier, 7643 Boston Monticello Rd, Boston GA record of two other groups of people who once lived in the Americas, it 31626 is for the most part a record of the people of Nephi. Phone: 617-293-8571 The Messages so often mentioned in this publication are messages E-mail: [email protected] from the Lord, brought to earth by his chosen servant John the Baptist, who comes to earth in a glorified body to finish the work given him of SECRETARY OF THE QUORUM God; that of restoring all things (Matthew 17:11). The angel first came OF APOSTLES in 1829 and restored the priesthood authority of the Son of God, that The Terry Laws, 608 S 5th St., Leoti, KS 67861, Phone: 620-375 Church of Christ might be established as in the days of the Apostles. -2146 In 1927, the angel messenger again appeared, and on numerous sub- E-mail: [email protected] sequent visits, has brought to us The Word of the Lord that the Church of Christ might be set in order, that a people might be prepared to be the APOSTLES bride of Christ. This “The Elijah Message” so many have looked for, Darrel Bellamy, “The midnight cry” has been proclaimed, a warning of destruction, but to 17006 South Graham Rd. Pleasant Hill, MO 64080, the people of the Lord, a message that Christ’s coming is near at hand. E-mail: [email protected] Fear God and give glory to his name, for the hour of his judgment has Terry Laws, come. Awake thou that sleep and arise from the dead, and Christ will 608 S 5th St., Leoti, KS 67861, give you light. Phone: 620-375-2146, We hope that whosoever reads these pages might make it a matter of E-mail: [email protected] prayer and fasting in humility before God, that they may know for them- Norman D Lyles, selves, that God has again spoken and revealed His will from Heaven. 294 Concord Lane, Grand Junction, CO 81503, Phone: 970- To this end we dedicate The Assured Way. 260-8851, E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] NOTICES Larry Gosier, The Quorum of Twelve recognizes the teaching and wording found 7643 Boston Monticello Rd, Boston GA 31626, Phone: 617- in the Bible (Authorized King James Version), The Record of the Ne- 293-8571, phites, and The Word of the Lord: Brought to Mankind by and Angel, as E-mail: [email protected] our rule and guide as the stable wording of God. Timothy Gosier, 93 Thornton St., Roxbury, 02119, Phone: 617-671-4743 It is the agreement of The Quorum of Apostles of this church that no E-mail: [email protected] minister of this faith is to ordain any man into the ministry of this church Edward Coffey, until said candidate has with all his heart and soul confessed he agrees 1874 Second Cove #3, Memphis, TN 38134, 901-380-1685 with everything written in our Articles of Faith and Practice. It is each E-mail: [email protected] elders duty to seek guidance from and to keep the apostles informed of his works in regions he is laboring. Fredrick Mikangi, Kenya, East Africa, Phone: 254-726- Ministry Notice 665328, Email: [email protected] Be it known unto the membership and ministry of the Church of Christ with the Elijah Message that William Holden Jr.
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