Congressional Record-House. 6189
1902. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 6189 Sergt. Emmett R. Harris, Troop L, Eighth Cavalry, United The SPEAKER. The Chair is of the opinion that the printing States Army, to be second lieutenant, September 23, 1901. of a report in the RECORD under the proceedings of either House Frederick E. Gignoux, of Nevada, late first lieutenant, Eleventh is a compliance with the rule recently adopted. Cavalry, United States Volunteers, September 23, 1901. Mr. BURTON. I further give notice that I shall seek to bring Guy B. G. Hanna, of Iowa, late sergeant, Company D, Porto Rico up this report for action to-morrow. Regiment, United States Volunteer Infantry, September 23, 1901. Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary inquiry. George P. Hawes, jr., of Virginia, late private, Company A, The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. First Cavalry, United States Volunteers, September 23, 1901. Mr. PAYNE. Referring to the conference report on the river Andrew W. Jackman~ of illinois, late private, Company F, First and harbor bill, I suppose that unless the House takes some action illinois Volunteers, September 23, 1901. the r eport will be printed in the RECORD of to-day's proceedings. George L. Wertenbaker, of Virginia, late sergeant, Company I suggest to the gentleman from Ohio that he obtain unanimous D, Third Virgin.ia Volunteers, September 23, 1901. consent. Richard P. Winslow, of Mississippi, late corporal, CompanyF, The SPEAKER. The Chair held that the report having been First Tennessee Volunteers, September 23, 1901. printed in the proceedings of the Senate, that would be a compli- . Oaval1--y Arm. ance with the new rule.
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