Congressional Record-House. 6189
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1902. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 6189 Sergt. Emmett R. Harris, Troop L, Eighth Cavalry, United The SPEAKER. The Chair is of the opinion that the printing States Army, to be second lieutenant, September 23, 1901. of a report in the RECORD under the proceedings of either House Frederick E. Gignoux, of Nevada, late first lieutenant, Eleventh is a compliance with the rule recently adopted. Cavalry, United States Volunteers, September 23, 1901. Mr. BURTON. I further give notice that I shall seek to bring Guy B. G. Hanna, of Iowa, late sergeant, Company D, Porto Rico up this report for action to-morrow. Regiment, United States Volunteer Infantry, September 23, 1901. Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary inquiry. George P. Hawes, jr., of Virginia, late private, Company A, The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. First Cavalry, United States Volunteers, September 23, 1901. Mr. PAYNE. Referring to the conference report on the river Andrew W. Jackman~ of illinois, late private, Company F, First and harbor bill, I suppose that unless the House takes some action illinois Volunteers, September 23, 1901. the r eport will be printed in the RECORD of to-day's proceedings. George L. Wertenbaker, of Virginia, late sergeant, Company I suggest to the gentleman from Ohio that he obtain unanimous D, Third Virgin.ia Volunteers, September 23, 1901. consent. Richard P. Winslow, of Mississippi, late corporal, CompanyF, The SPEAKER. The Chair held that the report having been First Tennessee Volunteers, September 23, 1901. printed in the proceedings of the Senate, that would be a compli- . Oaval1--y Arm. ance with the new rule. The gentleman from Ohio has filed the Hamilton Bowie, of .Alabama, late first lieutenant, Fortieth In statement for the pm~pose of having that printed. fantry, United States Volunteers, February 2, 1901. Mr. PAYNE. The statement and not the 1·eport. Thomas E. Cathro, of Indiana, late corporal, Company D, One The SPEAKER. Not the report, that having been printed hundred and fifty-eighth Indiana Volunteers, February 2,1901. already. The statement of the House conferees is as follows: Infantry Arm.. The managers on the part of the House at the conference on the disagree.. .Algernon E. Sartoris, of the District of Columbia, May 22, 1902. ing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill Charles A. Hurit, of New Hampshire, May 22, 1902. (H. R.l.2346) making appropriations for the construction, repair, and pres Leo B. ·Dannemiller, of Ohio, May 22, 1902. ervation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other pur poses, submit the following written statement in explanation of the changes Harry Griffin Leckie, of Virginia, May 22, 1902. proposed by Senate amendments, 207 in number, and of the effect of the ac Claire R. Bennett, of Washington, May 22, 1902. tion recommended in the conference report published in the RECORD of the Charles Wells, of P ennsylvania, May 22, 1902. Senate proceedings forMa~ 28, 1902, on each of said amendments, namely: (In amendments describmg items for expenditure upon J.>rojects not in the Robert 0. R agsdale, of Tennessee, late fu·st lieutenant, Thirty House bill the word "appropriation" is used. In case of mcrease of House seventh Infantry, United States Volunteers, February 2, 1901. items the word "addition" IS employed.) Augustus F. Dannemiller, of Ohio, late private, Company I, No.1: Breakwater, Mount Desert to Porcupine Island, Maine: Appropri ation of $25,(XX); Senate recedes. Eighth Ohio Volunteers, February 2, 1901. No.2: Bucksport Harbor, Maine: ApJ.>ropriation of $20,(XX); House concurs. MEDICAL OFFICER OF VOLUNTEERS. No. 3: Little Harbor, New Hampshire: Appropriation of S13,(XX); House concurs. Francis J. Bailey, of Oregon, contract surgeon, United States No.4: Hendersons Point, near navy-yard, Portsmouth, N.H.: Appropria Army, to be assistant surgeon, United States Volunteers, with tion of $749,(XX), cash and authorization; Senate recedes. the rank of captain, May 26, 1902. Ho~e ~:0~~~ Bay Harbor of Refuge, Massachusetts: Verbal amendment; No.6: Harbor at Manchester, Mass.: Appropriation of $5,(XX); House con POSTMASTERS. curs. James P. Fitch. to be postmaster at Morgantown, in th.e county No.7: Cohasset, Mass.: Addition of Sll,(XX); Senate recedes. of Monongalia and Stat~ of West Virginia. No.8: Scituate, Mass.: Appropriation of $15,(XX); Senate recedes. No. 9: Plymouth and Provincetown, Mass.: Deduction of $5, 700; House John P. S. Fenstermacher, to be postmaster at Kutztown, in concurs. the county of Berks and State of Pennsylvania. No.10: Provision for certain examinations; Senate recedes, provided for William Goodin, to be postmaster at Farmington, in the county elsewhere. No. 11: Point Judith Harbor of Refuge, Rhode Island: Appropriation of of Van Buren and State of Iowa. $100,000; House concurs, with verbal amendment. Giles P. Lecrenier , to be postmaster at Moodus, in the county No. 12: Harbors of refuge at Block Island and Great Salt Pond, Rhode Is· of Middlesex and State of Connecticut. land, and entrance to Point Judith Pond: Addition of 15,000 for Block Island; House concurs. ApJ.>ropriation of $60,(XX) for Great Salt Pond; House concurs John W. Wilson, to be postmaster at Del Norte, in the county in $50,000. Appropnation of $15,000 for Point Judith Pond; Senate recedes. of Rio Grande and State of Colorado. Provision for surveys retained as in House bill. Harry L. Bras, to be postmaster at Mitchell, in the county of No. 13: Milford, Conn.: Addition of $10,(XX)· House concurs. ... Nos. 14 to 18, inclusive: Mattituck, N.Y.: Appropriation of 10,(XX); Senate Davison and State of South Dakota. recedes. Appropriation of $10,000 for Sag Harbor; House concurs, with an Joseph A. West, to be postmaster at Provincetown, in the amendment grouping Sag Harbor with other harbors on Long Island. county of Barnstable and State of Massachusetts. No.19: Buttermilk Channel, New York Harbor: Appropriation of$200,000; House concurs in $90,000. Thomas A. Hills, to be postmaster at Leominster, in the county No. 20: Raritan Bay, New Jersey: Verbal amendment; House concurs. of Worcester and State of Massachusetts. · No. 21: Curtis Bay, Baltimore Harbor, Maryland: Appropriation of $50,000 .Alexander Y. Jones, to be postmaster at Renovo, in the county cash and $146,000 authorization; House concurs . No. 22: Harbors and rivers on the easterly shore of Chesapeake Bay, of Clinton and State of Pennsylvania. Maryland: Addition of 14,000; House concurs . Rueben K. Sawyer, to be postmaster at Wellesley, in the county No. 23: Cape Charles City, Va.: Addition of $10,000; House concurs. of Norfolk and State of Massachusetts. No. 24: Charleston Harbor, South Carolina: Authorization for the expend iture of unappropriated balance of amount heretofore authorized for former Olive L. Stauffer, to be postmaster at Gladbrook, in the county project; House concurs. of Tama and State of Iowa. No. 25: Inland waterway between Charleston, S.C., and opposite McClel lanville: Appropriation of $50,000; House concurs. · No. 26: Brunswick Harbor, Georgia: Addition of $25,000; House concurs. No. 27: Brunswick Harbor Georgia: Formal amendment; House concurs. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. No. 28: Biscayne Bay, Florida:1 Appropriation of $150,000 cash\ also $466,667 authorization; House concurs in $50,(XX) cash and $250,000authonzation. ]fONDAY, June 2, 1902. No. 29: Key West, Fla.: Formal amendment; House concurs. No. 30: Pensacola, Fla.: Designation of width of channel; House concurs. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. No. 31. Pensacola, Fla.: Addition of $25,(XX); Senate recedes. No. 32: Mobile Bay, Alabama; Authorization to expend $5(),(XX) upon chan HENRY N. COUDEN, D. D. nel through outer bar; House concurs. The Journal of the proceedings of Thursday, May 29,1902, was No. 33: Biloxi, Miss.: Appropriation of 10,000; House concurs. read, con-ected, and approved. No. 34: Calcasieu River, Louisiana: Addition of $40,000; House concurs. Nos. 35 and 36: Sabine Pass, Texas and Louisiana: Change in phraseology; RIVER AND HARBOR APPROPRIATION BILL. House concurs in No. 35 with an amendment, and Senate recedes from Mr. BURTON. Mr. Speaker, I present a conference report No. 36. upon the bill (H. R. 12346) making appropriations for the con- Se~ieS:~~':~s River Channel and Dock Company: Addition of $400,000; struction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on No. 38: Galveston Harbor: Provision for turning basin; Senate recedes. rivers and harbors, and for other purposes. I also present the Nos. 39 and 40: Galveston Harbor: Authorization for change in plan of south jetty; House concurs. statement of the House managers. No. 41: Galveston Channel, inner harbor: Appropliation of $2(lO,(XX) cash, A parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Speaker-- also 400,(XX) authorization; House concurs in $100,000 cash and $200~,000 author- EAKER Th tl f Oh' ts th tat ization, with change in designation of the improvement to be maae. The SP · e gen eman rom 10 presen e s e- No. 42: Amendrilent directing examination of property of the United ment of the conferees on the part of the House on the river and states; House concurs. harbor bill, which will be printed in the RECORD in accordance No. 43: Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio: Addition of $65,000; House concurs. with the rule. No. 44: Cleveland Harbor, Ohio: Verbal. amendment; substitution of an- other paragraph. Mr. BURTON. I desire to m-ake a pai·liamentary inquiry. No. 45: Huron, Ohio: Addition of $15,000; House concurs. The SPEAKER. The gentlemen will state it. No. 46: Saugatuck Harbor, Michigan: Additional authorization of $135,000~ .RTON Th f rt · 'te 1 · d House concurs in $100,000. Mr · Bu · .e con .erence repo IS qui vo unnnous an No.