Congressional Record-House. 3365
1902. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 3365 Hagerstown, Md., favoring the building of war vessels in the The Clerk read as follows: navy-yards-to the Committee on Naval .Affairs. Strike out "concurrent" and insert "House." In lines 1 and 2, after the word "Resolved," strike out the words "by the By Mr. RIXEY: Petition of Mary V. and Susan P. Keith, of House of Representatives (the Senate concurring)." . _ . Virginia, asking that their claim be referred to the Court of Claims under the Bowman Act-to the Committee on War Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, is the resolution open to amend- Claims. ment? · .Also, paper to accompany bill for the relief of the legal repre The SPEAKER. Does the gentleman from Missouri yield to sentatives of Mrs. S. W. Skinker, of Fauquier County, Va.-to the gentleman from New York? the Committee on War Claims. Mr. COCHRAN. What is the gentleman's suggestion? . By Mr. RYAN: Petition of the Iroquois Club, of San Francisco, Mr. PAYNE. I suggest to the gentleman from Missouri to in Cal., favoring the construction of war vessels in the United States sert the word " requested " instead of " instructed." It will navy-yards-to the Committee on Naval .Affairs. answer the same pm-pose, and will be the usual form. .Also, petition of Barnhart Bros. & Spindler, Chicago, lll., and Mr. COCHRAN. I make no objection to such a change . J. L. Mott Iron Works, of New York, favoring the creation of a The SPEAKER. Without objection, t}le word "instructed" department of commerce-to the Committee on Interstate and will be changed to" requested." Is there objection? _ Foreign Commerce.
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