Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47290-6 — Reading and Rebellion in Catholic Germany, 1770–1914 Jeffrey T
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47290-6 — Reading and Rebellion in Catholic Germany, 1770–1914 Jeffrey T. Zalar Index More Information Index à Kempis, Thomas, 62, 66 exclusion, 44–45, 107, 111, 113, A. Riffarth Publishers, 148 157–158, 184–187, 189–191, 196 Aachen, 48, 81, 97, 111, 145, 177, 277, middle-class liberals, 2–3 291, 300, 315, 322, 327 respectability, 111–113, 118, 155, Abbey of Maria Laach, 252 192–193, 348 Academic Kulturkampf, 190 social inferiority, 40, 43, 104, 187, 189, Academic Pius Association, 199 191 Adenau, 284 Trivialliteratur, 41–42, 64, 124 Adenauer, Konrad, 48 anti-Protestantism, 116–119, 159, 232, 263 advertisements, 170 antisemitism, 159, 174, 260, 329 Aeterni Patris, 254 Antz, Joseph, 265 Ahrweiler, 123 Apostolate for the Press, 159 Aiuti, André, 195 Aquinas, Saint Thomas, 64, 66, 146, 253 Albert the Great, 93, 252 Arenberg, 276 Albertus Magnus Association, 200, 267 aristocracy, 19, 28, 38, 67, 87 Alcuin, 78 Aristotle, 29, 72, 93 Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek, 41 Arnoldi, Wilhelm, 122, 150, 172, 177 almanacs, 23, 68 Arnsberg, 180, 276 Alte und neue Welt, 215, 315, 338 Askey, Jennifer Drake, 338 Altenstein, Karl von, 97 Association of Saint Charles Borromeo Alzey, 282 (Borromäusverein), 14, 17, 138, Andernach, 285 144–151, 158, 160–161, 163, 166, Anderson, Benedict, 169 168, 170, 181, 334 Anderson, Margaret Lavinia, 202, 326 ars legendi, 9–10, 143, 152, 156, 177 Anselm, Saint, 252 Bildung, 344–352 Ansgar, Saint, 118 book circulation, 271, 288, 300–304 Anti Index League, 325 book lists, 152, 235–237, 250, 266–267, anti-Catholicism, 99, 105–107 279, 361 anticlericalism, 42–45, 106, 191–192 Borromäus-Blätter, 249, 251, 256, 259, Catholic “stupidity”, 21, 40, 43–44, 80, 265, 296, 344, 354 107–108, 117, 183, 191, 260, 271, chapter boards, 275–276 283, 314, 325, 365 chapter libraries, 143, 146, 155, cattolica non leguntur, 42, 235, 239, 260 278–279, 282–305 377 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47290-6 — Reading and Rebellion in Catholic Germany, 1770–1914 Jeffrey T.
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