Department of Defense July 2016 Retrospective Update

Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD DOA Law Enforcement 0702-AA72 The Department of the Army (DA) is revising its New 4th quarter FY2016 Streamlined Public comment The public will benefit from updated Operations and regulation concerning law enforcement requirements information that reflects changes to policy and Investigations operations and investigations on Department procedures within the Department. of Defense (DoD) installations worldwide. It merges guidance on law enforcement operations and investigations into one regulation. Further, it updates and establishes uniform policy for conducting law enforcement operations and specified security operations on Army installations, facilities and activities to assure consistent delivery of protection, law enforcement, and safety assistance to personnel on Army installations.

DoD DOA Admission to the 0702-AA73 DoD is revising an Army regulation covering New 3rd quarter FY2017 Streamlined Public comment United States Military admission to the USMA. The primary revision Requirements by Academy (USMA) is the consolidation of admissions policy to updating existing USMA into one regulation which also guidance. addresses policy associated with the operating and managing of the USMA. The rule also addresses updated policy on the organization of USMA and its mission. The rule updates the USMA mission. The website,, is provided in the rule as an updated source for obtaining more information about the admissions process. This rule implements 32 CFR Part 217, “Service Academies”. Current guidelines for admission to the USMA are included in the rule. The rule identifies the basic entrance requirements associated with age, citizenship, marital status, and pregnancy or support obligations. The rule indicates that the USMA Academic Board will consider potential in the following areas: academics, physical aptitude, and medical fitness when determining if an applicant is qualified for acceptance.

1 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD AT&L/DARS Offset Costs (DFARS 0750-AI59 DoD is issuing a final rule amending the New Interim final rule Public comment Case 2015-D028) Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation published 2 June Supplement (DFARS) to clarify requirements 2015 (80 FR 31309) related to indirect offset costs associated with with an immediate Foreign Military Sales offset agreements. The effective date and a rule revises DFARS 225.7303-2 entitled "Cost of comment period doing Business with a Foreign Government or through 3 August an International Organization" by adding a new 2015. Final rule is paragraph to provide guidelines to contracting anticipated in 1st officers when an indirect offset is a condition quarter FY2017. of a Foreign Military Sales acquisition. A reference to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency manual is also updated. DoD does not expect this rule to have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.

DoD DOA Loan, Lease and 0702-AA67 The publication of this rule announces the Ongoing 3rd quarter FY2017 Streamlined Public Comment The public will benefit from updated Donation of Army administrative revision of a current Army Requirements by information that reflects changes to policy and Materiel Regulation covering Loan, Lease and Donation updating existing procedures within the Department. of Army Materiel. It outlines policy on the guidance. loan of Army materiel and there are three basic federal laws which authorize the loan of Army property. Army property is not normally used for other than the Army's primary mission; however under conditions described herein materiel not immediately needed to support mission requirements may be loaned to Army and other Depart of Defense elements, Non-DoD Federal departments and agencies, Civil governments (State and local), and Special activities and others.

2 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD DOA Release of Official 0702-AA69 This rule announces an administrative revision Ongoing 3rd quarter FY2017 Streamlined Public Comment The public will benefit from updated Information and of the Army's policies and procedures for Requirements by information that reflects changes to policy and Appearance of involvement in litigation in federal and state updating existing procedures within the Department. Witnesses in courts where the Army has an interest in the guidance. Litigation matter. The rule outlines departmental responsibilities, procedures for service of process, procedures for government officials sued in their official capacities, request for procedures for release of official information to include witness testimony, discovery responsibilities, affirmative litigation, environmental litigation, and procurement fraud responsibilities.

DoD DOA Manufacture and Sale 0702-AA70 This rule announces an administrative revision Ongoing 3rd quarter FY2017 Streamlined Public Comment The public will benefit from updated of Decorations, of the Army's policies and procedures for Requirements by information that reflects changes to policy and Medals, Badges, manufacturing and selling military insignia for updating existing procedures within the Department. Insignia, Commercial the armed forces. The rule outlines the guidance. Use of Heraldic Department of the Army policy governing the Designs and Heraldic manufacture, commercial sale, reproduction, Quality Control possession, and wear of military decorations, Program medals badges, insignia and their components and appurtenances. It also establishes the Heraldic Quality Control Program to improve the appearance of the Army by controlling the quality of heraldic items purchased from commercial sources.

DoD USD(P&R) Prohibition of the Sale 0790-AJ15 A legal review of the revised policy found that Ongoing 4th quarter of Streamlined Public comments or Rental of Sexually it repeated the language in the statute. The FY2016; proposed Requirements by Explicit Material on rule did not provide any interpretation or add rule published on 22 updating existing DoD Property any additional information that was not in the December 2015 (80 guidance. statute. It was determined that rulemaking is FR 79526) with a not required. The existing CFR part contains comment period outdated policy, is no longer necessary, and through 22 February will be removed. 2016.

3 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD USD(P&R) School Boards for 0790-AJ18 This rule updates the organization, Ongoing Proposed rule Streamlined Public comments DoD Domestic membership, and functions for the published 15 March Requirements by Dependent establishment and operation of elected school 2016 (81 FR 13765) updating existing Elementary and boards for schools operated by the DoD in with a comment guidance. Secondary Schools accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2164. The major period through 16 (DDESS) provisions of this regulatory action include May 2016. Final rule providing a list of tasks school board members anticipated 3rd will perform, a description of the process of quarter FY2017. voting and electing school board members, and the details of the school board operating procedures, which includes written agendas; possible removal of school board members by USD (P&R), and reimbursement for official travel.

DoD OASD(PA) Stars and Stripes 0790-AJ35 S&S Media is a unique 1st Amendment-type Ongoing 4th quarter of Streamlined Public Comments (S&S) Media news outlet, independent of external influence FY2016 Requirements by Organization or editorial interference from the military updating existing chain of command. It is not a military guidance. command-directed public affairs program, and is a special interest program sanctioned by the Secretary of Defense for the benefit of Department of Defense military and civilian personnel. This rule updates established policies, authorities, assigned responsibilities, and procedures for the S&S Media Organization. It additionally defines the functions and operating procedures of the S&S Media Organizations’ reporters and editorial staff, and lists the types of media products that will be made available to members of the DoD community as a source of news and information independent of chain-of- command influence.

DoD USAF Administrative Claims 0701-AA79 This rule contains amendments for policy Ongoing Proposed rule Streamlined Public Comments changes and clarification and deletions for the published 30 March Requirements by Air Force guidance on Administrative claims. 2016 (81 FR 17621) updating existing The rule relates to the Air Force processes for with a comment guidance. claims filed for and against the Air Force. period through 31 May 2016. Final rule is anticpated 3rd quarter of FY2017.

4 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD DOA Carrying of Firearms 0702-AA68 This rule changes the title of this regulation Ongoing 2nd quarter of Streamlined Public Comment The public will benefit from updated and Use of Force for from “Carrying of Firearms and Use of Force FY2017; a proposed Requirements by information that reflects changes to policy and Law Enforcement, for Law Enforcement and Security Duties” to rule published 11 updating existing procedures within the Department. Security, “Carrying of Firearms and Use of Force for Law December 2015 (80 guidance. Counterintelligence Enforcement, Security, Counterintelligence, FR 76889) with a and Protective and Protective Services”, clarifies definition of comment period Services loaded weapon, mandates that law through 9 February enforcement personnel designated as escorts 2016. contact the Transportation Security Administration no later than 24 hours prior to departure and adds requirements for use of less-lethal force.

DoD DOA/COE Proposal To Reissue 0710-AA73 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) issues Ongoing Proposed rule The NWPs The proposed The costs for obtaining coverage under an NWP and Modify nationwide permits to authorize specific categories published 1 June streamline permit 2017 Nationwide are low compared to the standard permit. The Nationwide Permits of activities in jurisdictional waters and wetlands 2016 (81 FR 35185) requirements by Permits were regulatory impact analysis for the proposed 2017 that have only minimal individual and cumulative NWPs estimated that the administrative costs for with a comment providing expedited published for adverse environmental effects. Nationwide USACE are approximately $560 per NWP period through 1 authorization for public comment permits can only be issued for a period of five verification and $2,100 per standard individual years. The issuance and reissuance of nationwide August 2016. Final projects that are on 1 June 2016. permit (without consultations); and the costs for permits must be done every five years to continue rule is anticipated 1st minimally impacting A draft the applicant range from $14,400 to $24,600 for the Nationwide Permit Program. Currently, there quarter of FY2017. both individually environmental an NWP and $34,500 to $87,600 for a standard are 50 nationwide permits, and those nationwide and cumulatively. assessment was permit. These costs are discussed in the regulatory permits expire on March 18, 2017. In addition to prepared for impact analysis that was prepared for the proposing to reissue all of the 50 existing each proposed proposed rule. Processing NWPs also takes less nationwide permits, the Corps is also proposing to nationwide time than standard permits. In FY 2015, the Corps issue two new nationwide permits. This action is issued approximately 31,700 NWP verifications, permit and a for reissuing or issuing nationwide permits that with an average processing time of 41 days. In FY would go into effect on March 19, 2017, to regulatory 2015, the Corps issued approximately 1,700 authorize regulated activities over the subsequent impact analysis standard individual permits, with an average five years. The proposed rule was published in the for the proposal processing time of 211 days. Federal Register on 1 June 2016 for a 60-day was also comment period. The draft final rule will be prepared. submitted to OMB in the fall in accordance with E.O. 12866.

5 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD USD(I) National Industrial 0790-AJ12 This rule describes procedures for requesting Ongoing 3rd quarter of Streamlined Public Comment Security Program contractor access for facility security clearance FY2017 Requirements by (FCL), based on a requirement to access updating existing classified information in connection with a guidance. legitimate U.S. government requirement. It also establishes policies and procedures for contractor operations on U.S. government- controlled installations that require access to classified information, outlines contractor eligibility for access to classified information, and describes the safeguarding and storage of classified material.

DoD AT&L/ DARS Network Penetration 0750-AI61 Implements section 941 of the NDAA for FY Ongoing 1st quarter FY2017; Streamlined (1) Public Cost benefits or burdens associated with this rule Reporting and 2013, section 1632 of the NDAA for FY 2015, an interim final rule Requirements by comment with an are not available. The objective of the rule is to Contracting for Cloud and cloud computing policy. Section 941 published on 26 updating existing extension of the improve information security for DoD information public comment stored on or transiting through contractor systems Services (DFARS Case requires cleared defense contractors to report August 2015 (80 FR guidance. period. (2) Public as well as in a cloud environment. The rule will 2013-D018) penetrations of networks and information 51739) with an meeting held 14 reduce the vulnerability of DoD information via systems, and allows DoD personnel access to immediate effective December 2015 to attacks on its systems and networks and those of equipment and information to assess the date. Comments obtain views of DoD contractors. This rule improves national impact of reported penetrations. Section 1632 were originally interested parties. security benefiting both the Government and of the NDAA for FY 2015, which requires accepted through 26 (3)To foster contractors. This rule is likely to have a cost reporting of cyber incidents that occur on October 2015, but additional public impact on all contractors that have covered information system of operationally critical the comment period outreach and defense information on their information systems. contractors. The rule develops policies and was extended to 20 engagement upon The cost impact of the rule will vary in relation to passage of the the capabilities of each affected contractor to procedures for the acquisition of cloud November 2015 (80 NDAA for FY 2015, adapt their systems to meet the new security computing services. This rule is currently under FR 63928). DARS provided an controls. The benefits of the rule would be the E.O. 12866 review and more information can early engagement potential decrease in the loss or compromise of be found at opportunity on the covered defense information; however this benefit DARS homepage across DoD is not susceptible to being quantified for the public to or measured. provide remarks related to section 1632.

6 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD USD(P&R) Sexual Assault 0790-AJ40 This rule establishes policy, assigns Ongoing 4th quarter FY2016 Streamlined Public Comment The preliminary estimate of the anticipated Prevention and responsibility, and provides guidance for the Requirements by cost associated with this rule for the current Response (SAPR) SAPR Program. It also establishes processes updating existing fiscal year is approximately $15 million. Program and procedures for the Sexual Assault Forensic guidance. Additionally, each of the Military Services Examination Kit; establishes the establishes its own SAPR budget for the multidisciplinary Case Management Group and programmatic costs arising from the provides guidance on how to handle sexual implementation of the training, prevention, assault; and establishes SAPR minimum reporting, response, and oversight program standards, SAPR training requirements established by this rule. requirements, and SAPR requirements for the DoD Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military consistent with the DoD Task Force Report on Care for Victims of Sexual Assault and pursuant to Public Laws 106-65, 108-375, 109-163, 109-364, 110-417, 111-84, 111-383, 112-81, and 112-239. This rule is currently under E.O. 12866 review and more information can be found at

DoD USD(P&R) Identification (ID) 0790-AJ37 DoD is establishing policy, assigning Ongoing 4th quarter FY2016 Streamlined Public Comment There is no cost to the public. ID cards cost Cards for Members of responsibilities, and providing procedures for the Requirements by the Department approximately $28.3 million the Uniformed issuing of distinct DoD ID cards. The ID cards shall updating existing annually. be issued to uniformed servicemembers, their Services, Their guidance. dependents, and other eligible individuals and will Dependents, and be used as proof of identity and DoD affiliation. Other Eligible Defense published a previous IFR that extended Individuals benefits to same-sex spouses of military service members and DoD civilians based on the June 26, 2013, U.S. Supreme Court decision to repeal section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act. The Department has identified family member and dependent benefits that may lawfully be provided to same-sex domestic partners of eligible DoD civilian employees and other eligible individuals and their children through modifications to DoD policies and regulations. These benefits are extended to same-sex domestic partners and, where applicable, children of same-sex domestic partners, once DoD civilian or other eligible individual and their same-sex domestic partner have signed the appropriate declaration attesting to the establishment of their same-sex domestic partnership.

7 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD USD(P&R) Exceptional Family 0790-AI82 This part establishes the Exceptional Family Ongoing 3rd quarter FY2017; Streamlined Public Comment Member Program Member Program (EFMP) and provides proposed rule Requirements by guidance, assigns responsibilities, and published 11 updating existing prescribes procedures for identifying a family December 2015 (80 guidance. member with special needs, providing family FR 76881) with a support to military families that include a comment period family member with special needs, authorizing through 09 February travel at Government expense for active duty 2016. service family members with special needs, and, processing DoD civilian employees who have family members with special needs for an overseas assignment.

DoD USD(I) Production of Official 0790-TBD This regulation establishes policy, assigns Ongoing 4th quarter FY2017 Streamlined Public Comment Records or Disclosure responsibilities, and prescribes mandatory Requirements by of Official Information procedures governing the release of official updating existing information by National Reconnaissance Office in proceedings before guidance. (NRO) personnel in legal proceedings, through Federal, State, or testimony, production of documents, or otherwise. Local Governmental This part sets forth procedures for NRO personnel Entities of Competent to follow if they are subpoenaed to produce or Jurisdiction, and disclose, or to testify with respect to: (i) any Procedures Governing material contained in the files of the NRO, (ii) any Acceptance of Service information relating to or based upon material of Process (Touhy contained in the files of the NRO, including but not Regs) limited to summaries of such information or material, or opinions based on such information or material; or (iii) any information acquired by any person while such person was performing official duties while detailed to the NRO, assigned to the NRO, or due to that person's official status or association with the NRO.

8 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD DOA Army National 0702-AA60 The Department of the Army proposes to Ongoing Proposed rule Streamlined Public Comment Cemeteries revise its regulation for the development, published 11 May Requirements by operation, maintenance, and administration of 2016 (81 FR 29230) updating existing the Army National Cemeteries. The regulation with a comment guidance. prescribes policies and procedures on period period eligibility for interment, inurnment, and through 11 July 2016. memorialization; disinterments and The final rule is disinurnments; the Arlington Memorial anticipated in the 4th Amphitheater; solicitations; headstones, niche quarter FY2016. covers, and memorial markers; memorial and commemorative monuments; tributes to commemorate individuals, events, units, groups, and organizations; and visitor rules.

DoD DON United States Navy 0703-AA87 The rule is primarily for the purpose of Ongoing (Pending) Pending Streamlined Public Comment Regulations and updating the CFR part to reflect changes within Requirements by Official Records the Office of the Secretary of the Navy and updating existing other administrative edits. The changes to guidance. several sub-parts are primarily for informational purposes.

DON Unofficial Use of the 0703-AA91 This regulation will be revised to reconcile it Ongoing (Pending) Pending Streamlined Public Comment Seal, Emblem, Names, with the recent statutory authority, Requirements by or Initials of the delegations, and the conduct and activities of updating existing Marine Corps the Trademark Licensing Office. guidance.

DoD DCMO DoD Freedom of 0790-AI24 This rule provides guidance on the Ongoing 4th quarter FY2016 Streamlined Public Comment Information Act implementation of the Freedom of Requirements by (FOIA) Program Information Act, as amended by the Electronic updating existing Regulation Freedom of Information Act Amendments of guidance. 1996. The amendments will ensure appropriate agency disclosure of information and offer consistency with the goals of section 552 of title 5, United States Code. This is 32 CFR part 286.

9 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD DCMO DoD Freedom of 0790-AI51 The Department of Defense is updating Ongoing (Pending) Pending Streamlined Public Comment Information Act current policies and procedures to reflect the Requirements by (FOIA) Program; DoD Freedom of Information Act Program as updating existing Amendment prescribed by Executive Order 13392. The guidance. changes will ensure appropriate agency disclosure of information and offer consistency with the goals of section 552 of title 5, United States Code. This rule is currently codified at 32 CFR part 285, but will be streamlined with the DoD FOIA regulation at part 286. This part will subsequently be removed to prevent redundancy.

DoD DCMO DoD Privacy Program 0790-AJ20 This rule ensures that DoD’s need to collect, Ongoing 2nd quarter FY2017 Streamlined Public Comment use, maintain, or disseminate personally Requirements by identifiable information (PII) about individuals updating existing for purposes of discharging its statutory guidance. responsibilities will be balanced against their right to be protected against unwarranted privacy invasions. This rule also describes the rules of conduct and responsibilities of DoD personnel, DoD contractors, and DoD contractor personnel to ensure that any PII contained in a system of records that they access and use to conduct official business will be protected so that the security and confidentiality of the information is preserved. This is the amendment rule that corresponds to DoD’s Privacy Program Manual.

DoD USD(AT&L) Withholding Of 0790-AI73 This rule establishes policy and prescribes Ongoing 4th quarter FY2016 Streamlined Public Comment This rule provides guidance for consideration Unclassified Technical procedures for the dissemination and Requirements by of national security concerns in the Data From Public withholding of technical data. In accordance updating existing dissemination of scientific and technical Disclosure with 10 U.S.C. 140c, the Secretary of Defense guidance. information in the possession or under the may withhold from public disclosure, control of the DoD in compliance with export notwithstanding any other provision of law, control laws and regulations. Otherwise, any technical data with military or space there would be serious risk to the application in the possession of, or under the Department’s ability of maintaining a military control of, the Department of Defense. advantage over potential adversaries and denying the spread of technologies used in developing weapons of mass destruction and advanced conventional weapons.

10 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD USD(AT&L) Presentation Of DoD- 0790-AI75 A legal review of the revised policy found that Ongoing 4th quarter FY2016 Streamlined Related Scientific And rulemaking is not required. It is internal Requirements by Technical Papers At guidance relating to the presentation of such updating existing Meetings information at meetings. The internal policy guidance. does not impose any new or substantive obligations on members of the public. The existing CFR part contains outdated policy, is no longer necessary, and will be removed.

DoD USD(AT&L) National Defense 0790-AI84 This rule establishes guidelines for the award Ongoing 3rd quarter FY2017 Streamlined Public Comment This rule provides eligibility criteria and Science And of National Defense Science and Engineering Requirements by selection procedures for the NDSEG Engineering Graduate Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowships, as required by updating existing Fellowships. (NDSEG) Fellowships 10 U.S.C. 2191. guidance.

DoD USD(AT&L) End Use Certificates 0790-AJ05 A legal review of the revised policy found that Ongoing 4th quarter FY2016 Streamlined (EUCs) rulemaking is not required. The existing CFR Requirements by part contains outdated policy, is no longer updating existing necessary, and will be removed. guidance.

DoD USD(AT&L) Enforcement of State This rule establishes policies for the Ongoing 4th quarter FY2017 Streamlined Public Comment Traffic Laws on DoD enforcement, on DoD military installations, of Requirements by Installations those state vehicular and pedestrian traffic updating existing laws that cannot be assimilated under Title 18, guidance. U.S.C., section 13.

11 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD USD(AT&L) Defense Contract 0790-AI30 This rule provides policies and procedures for Ongoing (Pending) Pending Streamlined Public Comment Management Agency the Defense Contract Management Agency's Requirements by (DCMA) Privacy (DCMA) implementation of a privacy program updating existing Program under the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. It guidance. is DCMA policy that individuals have a fundamental right to privacy and the expectation that this Agency, including contractors, will safeguard personally identifiable information (PII) it maintains to the maximum extent practicable. This rule will be modified or removed once the overarching DoD regulation is revised.

DoD USD(P&R) TRICARE: Long Term 0720-AB47 Sets forth a reimbursement methodology for Ongoing The proposed rule is Streamlined Public Comment Care Hospital Long Term Care Hospitals. Government cost scheduled to publish Requirements by savings; Statutory requirement to follow 31 August 2015 with updating existing Medicare reimbursement when practicable. a 60-day comment guidance. period. The final rule is anticipated in the 3rd quarter FY2017.

DoD USD(P&R) Domestic Abuse 0790-AI79 This part establishes, implements, and updates Ongoing 3rd quarter FY2017 Streamlined Public Comment Involving DoD Military domestic abuse policies; identifies and assigns Requirements by and Certain Affiliated responsibilities for preventing and responding updating existing Personnel to domestic abuse. It provides guidance for guidance. implementing a coordinated community response involving multiple offices and agencies at military installations working in coordination with the surrounding civilian community.

12 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD USD(P&R) Child Development 0790-AI81 This final rule revises 32 CFR part 79 to: (a) Ongoing 2nd quarter FY2017; Streamlined Public Comment Programs (CDPs) update policy, responsibilities, and procedures Interim final rule Requirements by for providing care to minor children birth published 16 May updating existing through age 12 of individuals eligible for care 2014 (79 FR 28407) guidance. in DoD Child Development Programs (CDPs) to with an immediate include center-based care, family child care effective date and a (FCC), school-age care (SAC), supplemental comment period child care, and community based care; (b) through 15 July 2014. authorize the publication of supporting guidance for the implementation of CDP policies and responsibilities, including child development training modules, program aids, and other management tools; and (c) establish the DoD Effectiveness Rating and Improvement System (ERIS). This rule extends child care benefits to same-sex spouses of military service members and DoD civilian employees.

DoD USD(P&R) Unlawful 0790-AJ04 This rule is composed of several subparts, each Ongoing 2nd quarter FY2017 Streamlined Public Comment Discrimination (On containing its own purpose. The purpose of Requirements by the Basis of Race, the overall part is to establish and implement updating existing Color, National Origin, policy, assign responsibilities, and provide guidance. or Age in Programs or procedures to prevent unlawful discrimination Activities Receiving on the basis of race, color, national origin, or Federal Financial age in programs or activities that receive Assistance From the Federal financial assistance from the DoD or a DoD) DoD Component. DoD is committed to maintaining a discrimination-free workplace.

DoD USD(P&R) Nondiscrimination on Rule will revise 32 CFR part 56. The rule Ongoing 2nd quarter FY2017 Streamlined Public Comment the Basis of Handicap implements executive, legislative, and DoD Requirements by in Programs and policy requirements to prohibit discrimination updating existing Activities Assisted or based on handicap in programs and activities guidance. Conducted by the receiving Federal financial assistance disbursed DoD by the DoD and in programs and activities conducted by the DoD.

13 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD USD(P&R) Nondiscrimination in Rule will revise 32 CFR parts 195 & 196. The Ongoing 2nd quarter FY2017 Streamlined Public Comment Federally Assisted purpose of the rule is to effectuate the Requirements by Programs provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of updating existing 1964 (referred to in this part as the “Act”) to guidance. the end that no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance from any component of the Department of Defense.

DoD USD(P&R) DoD Civilian Equal Rule will revise 32 CFR part 191. The rule Ongoing 2nd quarter FY2017 Streamlined Public Comment Employment establishes the DoD Civilian Equal Employ- Requirements by Opportunity Program ment Opportunity (EEO) Program, to include updating existing affirmative action programs, consistent with guidance. guidance from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), and the DoD Human Goals --Charter.

DoD USD(P&R) National Security 0790-AJ01 This rule implements the responsibilities of the Ongoing 2nd quarter FY2017; Streamlined Public Comment The public will benefit from the regulation Education Program Secretary of Defense for administering NSEP; proposed rule Requirements by being updated, in that it builds and sustains a (NSEP) and NSEP updates DoD policy, assigns responsibilities, published 09 updating existing pipeline of award recipients equipped with Service Requirement and prescribes procedures and requirements November 2015 (80 guidance. linguistic and cross-cultural competence who for administering and executing the National FR 69166) with a are legislatively-bound to complete service Security Education Program (NSEP) service comment period with the federal government. agreement; modifies requirements related to through 08 January the service agreement; and assigns oversight 2016. of NSEP to the Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO).

DoD USD(P&R) Assignment of Rule will remove 32 CFR part 253 as this Ongoing 4th quarter FY2017 Streamlined Public Comment The public will benefit from updated and American National information will be included in the revision of Requirements by consolidated regulations. Red Cross and United 32 CFR part 154. This will consolidate and updating existing Service Organizations, provide information in a single regulation. guidance. INC, Employees to Duty With the Military Services

14 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD USD(I) National Industrial 0790-AI71 This rule provides NISP policy to the DoD and Ongoing 3rd quarter of Streamlined Public Comment Depending upon the nature and extent of Security Program non-DoD entities and establishes procedures FY2017; Interim final Requirements by Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (NISP): Procedures concerning the initial facility security clearance rule published 9 April updating existing (FOCI), DoD mitigates FOCI by putting into for Government (FCL) eligibility of U.S. companies that may be 2014 (79 FR 19467) guidance. place mechanisms such as a voting trust Activities Relating to subject to FOCI, or continued FCL eligibility for with an immediate agreement (VT), proxy agreement (PA), special Foreign Ownership, contractors subject to FOCI; provides criteria effective date. security agreement (SSA) or security control Control or Influence for determining whether contractors are Comments were agreement (SCA). These arrangements (FOCI) under FOCI; prescribes responsibilities in FOCI accepted through 9 require trustees, proxy holders or outside matters; and outlines security measures that June 2014. directors to oversee and provide business may be considered to negate or mitigate the management of the U.S. contractor. The effects of FOCI to an acceptable level. public will benefit from updated information that reflects changes in policy and procedures.

DoD USD(I) DoD Investigative and 0790-AI97 This part establishes policy, assigns Ongoing 3rd quarter FY2017; Streamlined Public Comment Adjudicative Guidance responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for interim final rule Requirements by for Issuing the the DoD investigative and adjudicative published 17 updating existing Common Access Card guidance for issuing the Common Access Card September 2014 (79 guidance. (CAC) (CAC). The CAC serves as the DoD personal FR 55622) with an identity verification (PIV) credential. immediate effective date and comment period through 17 November 2014.

DoD GC, DoD Release of Official The rule will revise 32 CFR part 97 and Ongoing 4th quarter FY2017 Streamlined Public Comment Information in establish policy, assign responsibilities, and Requirements by Litigation and prescribe procedures for the release of official updating existing Testimony by DoD DoD information in litigation and for testimony guidance. Personnel as by DoD personnel as witnesses during Witnesses litigation.

DoD GC, DoD Status of Forces Rule will revise 32 CFR part 151. The rule Ongoing 4th quarter FY2017 Streamlined Public Comment Policies and concerns DoD policy and procedures on trial Requirements by Information by foreign courts and treatment in foreign updating existing prisons of U.S. military personnel, nationals of guidance. the U.S. serving with, employed by, or accompanying the Armed Forces of the United States, and the dependents of both (hereafter referred to as U.S. personnel); and provides uniform reporting on the exercise of foreign criminal jurisdiction.

15 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD IG, DoD Inspector General; 0790-AI92 This direct final rule makes nonsubstantive Ongoing 3rd quarter FY2017 Streamlined Public Comment Privacy Act; changes to the Office of Inspector General Requirements by Implementation (OIG) Privacy Program rule. The OIG is updating existing amending its regulation on the OIG Privacy guidance. Program to update the system name for the exemption for system identifier CIG 23. This rule will be modified or removed once the overarching DoD regulation is revised.

DoD DOA/COE Regulations Review In accordance with the E.O., the USACE plan Ongoing Federal Register Streamlined public comment, The comments received in response to solicited comments on its Regulations to make notice soliciting requirements by internal and retrospective review may identify the Regulatory Program more effective and comments published clarifying and external surveys improvements to the regulations to reduce less burdensome. The USACE Regulatory on 16 November updating existing the burden on the regulated public and make Program’s regulations are found at 33 CFR 2011 with closing policies. the regulations easier to utilize. Parts 320–332 and 334. The current date of 17 January Regulations were published in the Federal 2012. Priorities Register on November 13, 1986 (51 FR 41206). identified in Fall These Regulations describe the fundamental 2013. Implementa- procedures, policies, authorities, and tion will be ongoing. guidelines of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer’s Regulatory Program. Since the 1986 Regulations were issued, parts of these Regulations have been modified and these are to be incorporated into one codified set of Regulations.

USAF Air Force Freedom of 0701-AA76 The Department of the Air Force will remove Ongoing (Pending) Pending Streamlined Public Comment Information Act this part once the overarching DoD regulation Requirements Program is revised to incorporate Air Force policy.

16 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits USAF Air Force Privacy Act 0701-AA77 The Department of the Air Force is amending Ongoing (Pending) Pending Streamlined Public Comment The public will benefit from updated Program its rules to update the transfer of responsibility Requirements information that reflects changes to policy and for the Air Force Freedom of Information Act procedures within the Department. (FOIA) Program from Headquarters United States Air Force (HQ USAF/SC) and Headquarters Air Force Communications and Information Center/Corporate Information Division (HQ AFCIC/ITC) to the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, Chief, Information Dominance/Chief Information Officer (SAF/A6); eliminates strictly internal Air Force administrative instructions; restates Air Force specific procedures. This rule will be modified or removed once the overarching DoD regulation is revised.

DoD OASD(PA) Public Affairs Liaison 0790-AI94 A legal review of the revised policy found that Completed Final rule published Streamlined with Industry (rule it sets forth internal standards for how the on 15 August 2016 Requirements by previously titled Department employees should engage (81 FR 53922) with an updating existing "Public Affairs industry. It was determined that rulemaking is immediate effective guidance. Relations With not required. The existing CFR part contained date. Businesses, Business- outdated policy, was no longer necessary, and Related was removed. Organizations, and Other Non- Governmental Organizations")

17 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD AT&L/DARS Detection and 0750-AI58 This rule amends the DFARS to further Completed Final rule published Streamlined (1) Public Cost benefits or burdens associated with this rule Avoidance of implement sections 818(c)(3), Trusted on 2 August 2016 (81 Requirements by comment with an are not available. The law requires DoD to issue Counterfeit Electronic Suppliers, of the NDAA for FY 2012 (Pub. L. 112- FR 50635) with an updating existing extension of the regulations establishing requirements that DoD public comment and DoD contractors and subcontractors, except in Parts-Further 81), as amended by section 817, Sourcing immediate effective guidance. period. (2) Public limited circumstances, shall acquire electronic Implementation Requirements Related to Avoiding Counterfeit date. The proposed meetings held parts from trusted suppliers in order to further (DFARS Case 2014- Electronics Parts, Title VIII, NDAA for FY 2015 rule published on 21 March 27, 2014, address the avoidance of counterfeit electronic D005) (Pub. L. 113-291), with focus on the September 2015 (80 and June 16, 2014, parts. DoD contractors and subcontractors that requirement that DoD contractors and FR 56939) with a to obtain views of are not the original component manufacturer are subcontractors shall obtain electronic parts comment period interested parties. required by the rule to notify the contracting from trusted suppliers and are authorized to through 11 (3) To foster officer if it is not possible to obtain an electronic identify and use additional trusted suppliers December 2015. additional public part from a trusted supplier. For those instances subject to certain conditions, in accordance outreach and where the contractor obtains electronic parts from engagement upon sources other than a trusted supplier, the with paragraph (c)(3)(D) of section 818. passage of the contractor is responsible for inspection, test, and NDAA for FY 2015, authentication in accordance with existing DARS provided an applicable industry standards. Such validation of early engagement new parts and new suppliers are steps that a opportunity on the prudent contractor would take notwithstanding DARS homepage this rule. The additional burden imposed is the for the public to notification requirement, which should have a provide remarks minimal cost impact. This rule enhances DoD's related to section ability to strengthen the integrity of the process 817. for acquisition of electronic parts and benefits both the Government and contractors. The careful selection of suppliers and the inspection, testing, and authentication of electronic parts that are not traceable to the original manufacturer are consistent with industry risk-based processes and DoD AT&L/DARS Duty-Free Entry 0750-AI76 DoD is issuing a final rule amending the Completed Final rule published Public comment Threshold (DFARS Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation on 10 May 2016 (81 Case 2015-D036) Supplement (DFARS) to increase the threshold FR 28732) with an for duty-free entry on foreign supplies that are immediate effective not from the qualifying countries. The current date. A proposed rule threshold of $200 for duty-free entry on non- was published on 20 qualifying country supplies and ineligible November 2015 (80 foreign supplies was established in April 2003, FR 72673) with a based on the estimated cost to process a duty- comment period free entry certificate at the time. DoD is through 19 January proposing to make an upward adjustment of 2016. the threshold, from $200 to $300, based on the consumer price index (CPI). DoD does not expect this rule to have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.

18 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD AT&L/DARS Prohibition on 0750-AI85 DoD is issuing a final rule amending the Completed Final rule published Public comment Requiring the Use of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation on 25 March 2016 Fire-Resistant Rayon Supplement (DFARS) to delete obsolete text (81 FR 17048) with an Fiber (DFARS Case requiring the use of fire-resistant rayon fiber. immediate effective 2016-D012) DFARS 225.7016 prohibits requiring the use of date. fire-resistant rayon fiber in any solicitation issued before January 1, 2015. This prohibition was implemented in accordance with section 821 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011. Since the effective period of the prohibition imposed by the statute has passed, the DFARS text is now obsolete and is being removed from the DFARS. DoD does not expect this rule to have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.

DoD USD(P&R) Transition Assistance 0790-AJ17 This rule established policy, assigned Completed An interim final rule Streamlined Public Comments The actual fiscal year 2013 (FY13) cost to the for Military Personnel responsibilities, and prescribed procedures for published on 30 Requirements by Department was approximately $100M to administration of the DoD Transition Assistance November 2015 (80 updating existing $125M for the year. The DoD does not have Program (TAP). The TAP prepares all eligible FR 74678) with an guidance. costs that are associated with the public for members of the Military Services for a transition to effective date of 03 this program. The public benefits from this civilian life; enables eligible Service members to meet the career readiness standards; and is the February 2016. rule because civilian communities receive overarching program that provides transition Comments were more educated, better trained, and prepared assistance, information, training, and services to accepted through 14 citizens when separating Service members eligible transitioning Service members to prepare January 2016. Final return home as veterans. These veterans are them to be career ready when they transition back rule published 28 in demand by the private and public sectors. to civilian life. Spouses of eligible service members June 2016 (81 FR Their military skills align with civilian are entitled to the Department of Labor workshop, 41803) with an employment opportunities, which enable job placement counseling, DoD/VA administered effective date of 1 better use of the pool of highly trained, survivor information, financial planning assistance, transition plan assistance, VA administered home September 2016. adaptable transitioning Service members who loan services and housing assistance benefits are ready to contribute to the Nation’s civilian information, and responsible borrowing practices workforce. counseling. Dependents of eligible service members are entitled to career change counseling and information on suicide prevention.

19 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD DOA Law Enforcement 0702-AA62 This part was changed to add policy on sex Completed Interim final rule was Streamlined Public Comment Reporting and offenders on Army Installation, policy published on 19 May Requirements by Operations pertaining to the collection of 2015 (80 FR 28545) updating existing deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from individuals with an effective guidance. suspected of certain offenses and policy date of 22 May 2015. pertaining to the release of military police Comments were (MP) records. This rule also added a reporting accepted through 20 requirement of domestic incidents to the Army July 2015. None Family Advocacy Program and Detention Cell were received. Final Operations. This rule also authorized the Rule published on 29 limited use of the Federal Bureau of March 2016 (81 FR Investigations (FBI), National Crime 17385) with an Information Center (NCIC), to conduct checks effective date of 28 of visitors to an installation. April 2016.

DoD USD(I) National Industrial 0790-AI80 This part is composed of several volumes, each Completed Withdrawn This rule has been combined with 0790-AI71 Security Program: containing its own purpose. The purpose of (Withdrawn) and, therefore, is withdrawn. Industrial Security the overall part is to implement policy, assign Procedures for responsibilities, establish requirements, and Government Activities provide procedures for the protection of classified information that is disclosed to, or developed by contractors, licensees, and grantees of the U.S. Government (USG).

DoD DOA Army National 0702-AA63 This part is being modified to reflect recent Completed Withdrawn This rule has been combined with 0702-AA60 Cemeteries changes in the management structure of the (Withdrawn) and, therefore, is withdrawn. Army National Cemeteries Program, adopt modifications suggested by the Department of the Army Inspector General, and implement statutory changes to interment, inurnment and memorialization eligibility.

20 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD GC, DoD Alternative Dispute 0790-AI63 This rule establishes policy and assigns Completed Withdrawn Streamlined Public Comment Resolution responsibilities. It establishes a framework for (Withdrawn) Requirements by encouraging the expanded use of alternative updating existing means of dispute resolution and conflict guidance. management practices as an integral part of normal business practices within the Department of Defense. Alternative dispute resolution is any procedure that is used to resolve issues in controversy, including, but not limited to, conciliation, facilitation, mediation, fact finding, mini-trials, arbitration, and use of ombuds, or any combination thereof. WITHDRAWN: The corresponding internal issuance was revised and no longer impacts the public. DoD will not pursue a rulemaking and the RIN is withdrawn.

DoD AT&L/ DARS Patents, Data, and 0750-AG62 This rule revised the Defense Federal Completed This rule has been Streamlined Public Comment Copyrights (DFARS Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) closed. requirements Case 2010-D001) part 227 to update and streamline the regulations relating to patents, data, and copyrights. Because the rule updated and clarified DFARS text, but made no significant change to DoD policy regarding patents, data, and copyrights, any economic impact was expected to be minimal.

DoD USD(P&R) Civilian Employment 0790-AJ00 Rule will revise 32 CFR part 104. The rule Completed Final rule published 1 Streamlined Public Comment and Reemployment updates implementation policy, assigns March 2016 (81 FR Requirements by Rights of Applicants responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for 10494) with an updating existing for, and Service informing Service members who are covered immediate effective guidance. Members and Former by the provisions of 38 U.S.C chapter 43 and date; proposed rule Service Members, of individuals who apply for uniformed service, of published 28 July the Uniformed their civilian employment and reemployment 2014 (79 FR 43700) Services rights, benefits and obligations. with a comment period through 26 September 2014.

21 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD USD(P&R) Professional U.S. 0790-AI98 This rule updates policy and outlines fiscal and Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment Scouting logistical support the DoD may provide to 25 January 2016 (81 Requirements by Organizations qualified scouting organizations operating on FR 3959) with an updating existing Operating at U.S. U.S. military installations overseas based on effective date of 25 guidance. Military Installations Executive Order 12715, Support of Overseas February 2016; Overseas Scouting Activities for Military Dependents and proposed rule appropriate statute. It is DoD policy to published on 24 cooperate with and assist qualified scouting November 2014 (79 organizations in establishing and providing FR 69777) with a facilities and services, within available comment period resources, at locations outside the United through 23 January States to support DoD personnel and their 2015. families.

DoD USD(P&R) Service Academies 0790-AI19 The Department revised and updated policy Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment guidance and oversight of the military service 31 December 2015 Requirements by academies. This rule implemented 10 U.S.C. (80 FR 81759) with an updating existing 403, 603, and 903 for the establishment and immediate effective guidance. operation of the United States Military date. Academy, the United States Naval Academy, and the United States Air Force Academy. The final rule, particularly the explanation of separation policy, reflected recent changes in the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy.

DoD USD(P&R) National Language RIN 0790- As provided by in NDAA 13 and 50 USC 1913, Completed Final rule published Began as a pilot and National Security Program benefits federal agencies enabling Service Corps (NLSC) AJ28 / OMB this rule implemented the responsibilities of 10 December 2015 is transitioning to Education Board them to meet surge requirements for foreign Control the Secretary of Defense by establishing the (80 FR 76631) with an permanent as (which includes language needs. Number NLSC program; established policy, assigned effective date of 11 authorized under 50 presidential 0704-0449 responsibilities, and provided procedures for January 2016; USC 1913. appointees) the management of the NLSC program; and proposed rule was provide annual assigned responsibility to the National Security published on 24 program Education Board (NSEB) to oversee and February 2015 (80 FR reviews. coordinate the activities of the NLSC (as 9669) with a Proposed rule provided and determined by the Secretary of comment period public comment Defense with policy and funding oversight through 27 April period ended provided by the Under Secretary of Defense 2015. April 27, 2015, for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)). and the draft final rule went through interagency

22 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD DOA Army Privacy Program 0702-AA71 The Department of the Army amended the Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public comment Army Privacy Program Regulation. Specifically, on 1 December 2015 Requirements by this direct final rule removed the exemption (80 FR 74987) with an updating existing for A0601-222 USMEPCOM, titled Armed effective date of 4 guidance. Services Military Accession Testing. Based on a February 2016. recent review of A0601-222 Armed Services Comments are Military Accession Testing it was determined accepted through 1 that records in this system will now be covered February 2016. by DMDC 15 DoD, Armed Services Military Accession Testing (February 11, 2015, 80 FR 7580).

DoD DON Professional Conduct 0703-AA92 This rule updated 32 CFR Part 776 and replaces Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment The revision generally aligned with the of Attorneys current regulations. It revised the Rules of on 04 November Requirements by American Bar Association Model Rules of Practicing Under the Professional Conduct and procedures for 2015 (80 FR 25538) updating existing Professional Conduct Cognizance and receiving, processing, and taking action on with an effective guidance. Supervision of the complaints of professional misconduct made date of 04 December Judge Advocate against attorneys practicing under the 2015. Correction General supervision of the Judge Advocate General of published on 27 the Navy (JAG). November 2015 (80 FR 73991) with an effective date of 04 December 2015.

23 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD USD(AT&L) Defense Materiel 0790-AJ11 This rule prescribes uniform procedures for Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment Benefits and costs to the public and/or DoD: Disposition the disposition of DoD personal property and 03 November 2015 Requirements by - Reduction of excess property from DoD establishes the sequence of processes for (80 FR 68157) with an updating existing inventory. - Cost avoidance for transportation and storage disposition of personal property of the DoD effective date of 03 guidance. expenses of excess property. Components. Subpart A implements the December 2015; - Redistribution of excess property to other statutory authority and regulations under Interim final rule federal, state, and local organizations. which DoD personal property disposal takes published 29 - Environmental benefit of recycling material. place, and the scope and applicability for the December 2014 (79 - Reutilize, transfer, and donate excess property. program; defines the responsibilities of FR 78144) with an Original acquisition property value of $2.5 B personnel and agencies involved in the immediate effective returned to the U.S. Treasury in FY12. Defense Materiel Disposition Program; date. Comments - Revenue from sales of excess property. $77 M provides procedures for disposal of excess were accepted returned to the U.S .Treasury in FY12 -$405M for 90 field offices and 1,500 people in property and scrap; and provides procedures through 27 February Defense Logistics Agency Disposition services for property donations, loans, and exchanges. 2015. worldwide to dispose of excess property and Subpart B implements policy for reutilization, manage surplus useable property transfers, sales, transfer, excess property screening, and issue and donations. of surplus property and foreign excess - Cost to cut, shred, and demilitarize materiel is personal property (FEPP), scrap generated offset by the sales and recycling of the residue. from qualified recycling programs (QRPs), and non-QRP scrap; and provides guidance for removing excess material through security assistance programs and foreign military sales (FMS).

DoD AT&L/ DARS Requirements 0750-AH96 DoD issued a final rule to amend the Defense Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment Cost benefits or burdens associated with this rule Relating to Supply Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement 30 October 2015 (80 Requirements by are not available. The objective of this rule is to Chain Risk (DFARS (DFARS) to implement section 806 of the FR 67243) with an updating existing protect DoD against risks arising out of the supply chain. DoD does not expect this final rule to have a Case 2012-D050) National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for immediate effective guidance. The significant economic impact on a substantial Fiscal Year 2011 (Pub. L. 111-383), entitled date. interim rule was number of contractors, since the rule applies only "Requirements for Information Relating to effective November when acquiring information technology that is part Supply Chain Risk," as amended by section 806 18, 2013. This is a of a covered system and the authority provided by of the NDAA for FY 2013 (Pub. L. 112-239). pilot program, as the rule is expected to be invoked very Section 806 allows DoD to consider the impact the statute expires infrequently. Contractors have a vested interest in of supply chain risk in specified types of September 20, 2018. having a reliable supply chain; the rule does not procurements related to national security At that time DoD require contractors to apply additional supply systems. will report results to chain risk protections. There are no specific costs that can be identified, calculated, and associated Congress on the with implementing this rule. The cost benefits of effect of the rule. the rule utilizing the authority granted by section 806 of the NDAA for FY 2011 cannot be determined in advance, as the rule's impact will vary by solicitation or contract based on the level of potential harm to DoD systems that may be avoided by excluding a source with an unacceptable amount of supply chain risk.

24 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD DCMO Historical Research in 0790-AJ07 This rule updated and clarified procedures Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment the Files of the Office regarding the use of technology, locations on 28 October 2015 Requirements by of the Secretary of available for review, and accessibility to (80 FR 65934) with an updating existing Defense (OSD) records and information in the custody of the effective date of 27 guidance. Secretary of Defense and the OSD November 2015. Components. The purpose of this rule was to provide guidance to former Cabinet level officials, former Presidential appointees (FPAs) to include their personnel, aides, and official researchers regarding access to information.

DoD DOA/COE Red Book Update USACE Regulatory worked with several other Completed Released to the non-binding Interviews with The Red Book provides guidance on how agencies to update the 1988 public on 22 guidance, and field offices of agencies can improve synchronization of handbook called "Applying the Section 404 September 2015; flexibility within each of the reviews. Although actual savings in cost and permit process to Federal-aid Available at existing regulations participating time have not been calculated, Highway projects," also known as the Red https://www.environ agencies, synchronization has been shown to reduce Book. The Red Book update is a "how interagency review timelines, thereby benefitting both to" handbook for agencies to use to better trmlng/RedBook_201 review and agencies and applicants. synchronize various environmental 5.asp comment and other reviews typically required for transportation and other infrastructure projects. This effort is listed under action item 1.2 in the Administration's May 14, 2014 Infrastructure Implementation Plan.

25 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD USD(P&R) Background Checks on 0790-AJ19 This rule established and updated policy, Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment The estimated costs of the final rule are $10 Individuals in DoD assigned responsibilities, and provided 17 September 2015 Requirements by million annually. This cost includes administration Child Care Services procedures to conduct criminal history checks (80 FR 55752) with an updating existing costs; required FBI fingerprint Investigations ($25.00/check); Child Care National Agency Check Programs on individuals involved in the provision of child effective date of 19 guidance. with Inquiries checks ($125/NACI); State Criminal care services for children under the age of 18 October 2015. History Repository checks ($25/each state the in DoD programs. Public Law 101-647, also individual resided in); and periodic known as the Crime Control Act of 1990 (Act), reinvestigations. We do not believe that this rule requires all individuals involved with the will impose substantial direct costs on state and provision of child care services to children local governments. This rule is intended to support under the age of 18 undergo a criminal the workforce mission of the DoD and implement background check. “Child care services” current law that covers individuals expected to include, but are not limited to, social services, have regular contact with children in the performance of child care services on a DoD health and mental health care, child (day) care, installation or DoD-sanctioned program. Stringent education (whether or not directly involved in hiring practices, internal controls with thorough teaching), and rehabilitative programs. Any and timely criminal history background checks as conviction for a sex crime, an offense involving outlined in this rule, are essential. Parents and the a child victim, or a drug felony, may be public must be assured that criminal offenders are grounds for denying employment or for not caring for children or living in the home of a dismissal of an employee providing any of the licensed childcare provider. services discussed above.

DoD DON Guidelines for 0703-AA90 This rule revised 32 CFR part 767. The rule Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment The rule provided an avenue for the public to Permitting established a single permitting process for on 31 August 2015 Requirements by access sites that are otherwise restricted from Archaeological members of the public wishing to engage in (80 FR 52587) with an updating existing disturbance by the SMCA. Such access will Investigations and activities on Department of Navy sunken and effective date of 01 guidance. allow research that can bring to light new Other Activities terrestrial military craft. The rule also March 2016. information about the nation's maritime Directed at Sunken incorporated provisions for a special-use heritage and increase public knowledge of the Military Craft and permit to be issued in the case of minimally US Navy's history and service. Terrestrial Military intrusive operations such as sample collection Craft under the or remotely-operated vehicle documentation Jurisdiction of the of historic sites. Also the rule outlined Department of the penalties and enforcement procedures. Navy

26 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD OASD(PA) DoD Assistance to 0790-AI90 This rule established policy, assigned Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment Non-Government, responsibilities, and prescribed procedures for on 10 August 2015 Requirements by Entertainment- DoD assistance to non-Government (80 FR 47834) with an updating existing Oriented Media entertainment media productions such as effective date of 09 guidance. Productions feature motion pictures, episodic television September 2015. programs, documentaries, and computer- based games. It provided substantially increased oversight of production support at a higher headquarters and DoD level. A number of important improvements in policy were made to ensure appropriate levels of approval, production support, and oversight.

DoD USD(P&R) Limitations on Terms 0790-AJ10 The DoD amended its regulation that implements Completed Final Rule published Yes. The Rule Public Comment DoD anticipates that, absent any relief under § of Credit Extended to 10 U.S.C. 987, known as the Military Lending Act 22 July 2015 (80 FR utilizes safe harbor and meetings 232.13(c), its regulation might impose costs of Service Members and (MLA). As part of the Administration’s ongoing 43560). Final Rule provisions with approximately $106 million during the first year, as efforts to support service members and their creditors adapt their systems to comply with the Dependents effective 1 October exemptions, stockholders families, the DoD issued changes to significantly requirements of the MLA and DoD’s regulation. 2015. potential phase-in expand the definition of consumer credit covered When the relief afforded to creditors for the by the MLA. The revision is designed to apply the Compliance required periods for general exemption for credit card accounts is protections of the MLA to all forms of payday by 3 October 2016. compliance and included, then the anticipated approximate costs loans, vehicle title loans, refund anticipation loans, other similar would be significantly lower during the first year. deposit advance loans, installment loans, measures. After the first year and on an ongoing basis, in a unsecured open-end lines of credit, and credit sensitivity analysis, the annual benefits to DoD may cards. The MLA provides specific protections for be between approximately $14 to $133 million. active duty service members and their dependents DoD estimates the potential savings that could in consumer credit transactions. The regulation result if the rule reduces the involuntary caps the interest rate on loans to active duty separations of Service members where financial service members at 36 percent, requires distress is a contributing factor in sensitivity disclosures to alert service members to their rights, analyses; at some points in the range of estimates and prohibits creditors from requiring a service DoD has used to assess the proposal, these savings member to submit to arbitration in the event of a are estimated to exceed the compliance costs that dispute, among many other protections. would be borne by creditors. DoD also has developed a transfer payment analysis that estimates between $100 and $119 in transfer payments per year from creditors to service members and their dependents.

27 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD DOA/COE Defining the Term 2040-AF30 The rule clarified the definition of the term Completed Final rule was Streamlined Public comment The rule provided greater clarity to the “Waters of the United (joint rule “waters of the United States” under the Clean published in the requirements and period ended on regulated public regarding which waters are States” with EPA) Water Act (CWA), and thus which waters are Federal Register on 29 more clarity and 14 November jurisdictional. Costs may be incurred by the June 2015 (80 FR subject to the various provisions of the Act. efficiency in 2014. The draft Corps from additional workload efforts for any 37054) and was The rule provided more certainty and jurisdictional final rule also needed database changes, developing and effective 28 August predictability to the regulated public as well as 2015. However, the determinations. went through a providing training to field staff, outreach to Corps regulators as to the jurisdictional status Sixth Circuit issued a round of the regulated public and consultant of waters for all sections of the CWA, including nationwide stay of the OMB/interagenc community, and potential slight increase in section 404. It will also reduce delays for Clean Water Rule on 09 y review. jurisdiction which may result in increased jurisdictional determinations requested by October 2015. Until permit workload. However, the efficiencies landowners by providing greater efficiency for the stay is lifted and/or and clarity gained in making jurisdictional agencies and the regulated public. a court decision states determinations should help offset the slight otherwise, the Corps is increase in jurisdiction. applying the 1986 regulations, 2003/2008 guidance documents for determining jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act.

DoD AT&L/ DARS Inflation Adjustment 0750-AI43 This rule amended the DFARS to adjust for Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment Acquisition-related thresholds adjusted for of Acquisition-Related inflation all acquisition-related dollar on 26 June 2015 (80 requirements Inflation are designed to reduce or minimize Thresholds thresholds, pursuant to 41 U.S.C 1908. FR 36903). The rule reporting requirements on the public. Additionally, all other nonstatutory acquisition- becomes effective 1 related thresholds were reviewed and October 2015. adjusted, as needed, to account for changes in the value of the dollar. Increasing the dollar thresholds maintained the status quo and prevented burdensome requirements from applying to more acquisitions as the value of the dollar diminished due to inflation.

DoD USD(P&R) Provision Of Early 0790-AI77 This rule provided early intervention services Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment The provision of early intervention, special Intervention And to infants and toddlers with disabilities (birth on 25 June 2015 (80 Requirements by education, and related services is funded Special Education through 2 years, inclusive) and their families, FR 36654) with an updating existing through Congressional appropriations to the Services To Eligible and special education and related services. effective date of 27 guidance. DoD. This rule provided guidance concerning DoD Dependents It provided a free, appropriate public July 2015. the non-funding provisions of The Individuals education including special education and with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that are related services for children with disabilities applicable to the DoD. enrolled in the DoD school systems, as specified in their Individualized Educational Programs.

28 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD USD(C) DCAA Privacy Act Rule 0790-AJ23 Final rule updates DCAA Privacy Program to Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment include Privacy Act exemptions for the newly on 10 March 2015 Requirements by created DCAA Office of the Inspector General. (80 FR 12558) with an updating existing This rule will be modified or removed once the effective date of 09 guidance. overarching DoD regulation is revised. April 2015.

DoD DOA The Army Privacy 0702-AA65 This rule reinstated exemptions that were Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment Program mistakenly deleted when the Army's Privacy on 26 February 2015 Requirements by Program Regulation was last revised. The (80 FR 10335) with an updating existing Army added exemptions for Army system of effective date of 7 guidance. records A0025-2a SAIS DoD, "Defense May 2015. Biometric Identification Records System".

DoD DCMO DoD Privacy Program 0790-AJ03 This rule updated the established policies and Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment assigned responsibilities of the DoD Privacy 27 January 2015 (80 Requirements by Program pursuant to The Privacy Act and FR 4201) with an updating existing Office of Management and Budget (OMB) effective date of 26 guidance. Circular No. A-130, authorized the Defense February 2015. Privacy Board and the Defense Data Integrity Board, authorized this rule to provide guidance on The Privacy Act, prescribed uniform procedures for implementation of and compliance with the DoD Privacy Program, and delegated authorities and responsibilities for the effective administration of the DoD Privacy Program. This is the amendment rule that corresponds to DoD’s Privacy Program Directive.

DoD AT&L/ DARS Forward Pricing Rate 0750-AH86 This rule amended the Defense Federal Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment Increased use of Forward Pricing Rate Proposal Adequacy Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to in the Federal requirements Agreements (FPRAs) promote greater Checklist (DFARS Case provide guidance to contractors submitting a Register on efficiency and productivity in the preparation 2012-D035) proposal to negotiate forward pricing rates. December 11, 2014 and review of FPRA proposals. (79 FR 73493). Effective upon publication.

29 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD AT&L/ DARS State Sponsors of 0750-AI34 The rule amended the Defense Federal Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment The public benefits from a more streamlined Terrorism (DFARS Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to in the Federal requirements DFARS. Case 2014-D014) clarify and relocate coverage relating to state Register on 11 sponsors of terrorism (as identified by the December 2014 (79 Department of State), add an explicit FR 73488). Effective representation, and conform the terminology. upon publication.

DoD AT&L/ DARS Storage, Treatment, 0750-AI07 This rule amended the Defense Federal Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment The public benefits from the regulation being and Disposal of Toxic Acquisition Regulations Supplement (DFARS) to in the Federal requirements updated to better align with statute. or Hazardous clarify existing standards under 10 U.S.C. 2692, Register on 30 Furthermore, the revisions facilitate the use of Materials—Statutory entitled Storage, treatment, and disposal of September 2014 (79 automated contract writing systems. Update (DFARS Case nondefense toxic and hazardous materials. FR 58697). Effective 2013-D013) upon publication.

DoD USD(AT&L) Defense Logistics 0790-AI87 The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) revised Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment Agency Freedom of and updated its existing rule implementing 32 on 28 May 2014 (79 Requirements Information Act CFR part 286, Department of Defense Freedom FR 30463) with an Program of Information Act Program. This rule effective date of 27 implemented changes to conform to the June 2014. requirements of the Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1996, Public Law 104-231, and the OPEN Government Act of 2007, Public Law 110–175. In addition, part 1285 was redesignated as part 300.

DoD USD(P&R) Voluntary Education 0790-AJ06 In this rule, DoD established policy, Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment Programs responsibilities, and procedures for the on 15 May 2014 (79 Requirements by operation of voluntary education programs FR 27732) with an updating existing within DoD. New criteria were created to effective date of 14 guidance. strengthen existing procedures for access to July 2014. military installations by educational institutions. The DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System was implemented for servicemembers, spouses, and adult family members to register student complaints. The Military Departments were authorized to establish service-specific TA eligibility criteria and management controls.

30 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD AT&L/ DARS Photovoltaic Devices 0750-AI18 This rule amended the DFARS to clarify the Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment DoD published a final rule implementing (DFARS Case 2014- implementation of section 846 of the National in Federal Register requirements section 846 in May 2011. In response to D006) Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal on 21 April 2014 (79 public comments and questions, DoD issued Year (FY) 2011 regarding interpretation of the FR 22041). Effective this clarification to preclude unintended substantial transformation test for on publication. confusion in the marketplace, the potential for photovoltaic devices. non-compliance with section 846, and to ensure the proper and appropriate application of international trade rules.

DoD AT&L/ DARS Clauses with (1) 0750- These rules amended the Defense Federal Completed The following final rules Streamlined Public Comment The public benefits from these revisions to the Alternates -- AH90; Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to were published in the requirements DFARS by making regulations easier to Federal Register and (1) Transportation (2) 0750- create overarching prescriptions for various became effective upon understand and by facilitating the use of (DFARS Case 2012- AH95; DFARS solicitation provisions and clauses and publication: automated contract writing systems. D057); (3) 0750- associated alternates to make solicitations and (1) 2012-D057 (0750- (2) Quality Assurance AH94; contract terms and conditions easier to read AH90) published on 21 April 2014 (79 FR 22036); (DFARS Case 2013- (4) 0750- and understand. (2) 2013-D004 (0750- D004); AI02; AH95) published on 28 (3) Foreign Acquisition (5) 0750- March 2014 (79 FR (DFARS Case 2013- AI19; 17448); (3) 2013-D005 (0750- D005); (6) 0750- AH94) published on (4) Contract Financing AI10; November 5, 2014 (79 FR (DFARS Case 2013- (7) 0750- 65816); D014); AI27. (4) 2013-D014 (0750-AI02) (5) Taxes (DFARS Case published on 21 April 2014 (79 FR 22042) 2013-D025); (5) 2013-D025 (0750-AI19) (6) R&D Contracting published on September (DFARS Case 2013- 30, 2014 (79 FR 58699); D026); (6) 2013-D026 (0750-AI10) published on 28 March (7) Special 2014 (79 FR 17447); Contracting, etc. (7) 2014-D004 (0750-AI27) (DFARS Case 2014- published on November 5, D004). 2014 (79 FR 65592).

31 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD USD(I) Personnel Security 0790-AI42 Rule revised 32 CFR part 154. This part Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment Program updated policies and responsibilities for the on 1 April 2014 (79 Requirements by Department of Defense (DoD) Personnel FR 18161) with an updating existing Security Program in accordance with the effective date of 1 guidance. provisions of current U.S. Code, public laws, May 2014. and executive orders. This includes investigative and adjudicative policy for determining eligibility to hold a national security position. This rule also established investigative and adjudicative policy for the Department's personal identity verification (PIV) credential.

DoD AT&L/ DARS Performance-Based 0750-AH54 This rule amended the Defense Federal Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment The PBP analysis tool benefits both industry Payments (DFARS Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to in Federal Register requirements (prime and subcontractor level) and the Case 2011-D045) provide detailed guidance and instructions on on 31 March 2014 taxpayer because the PBP tool calculates the use of the Performance Based Payments (79 FR 17931). improved financing opportunities and helps (PBP) Analysis Tool. The PBP analysis tool is a Effective upon ensure that performance-based payments cash-flow model for evaluating alternative publication. never exceed total cost incurred at any point financing arrangements, and is required to be during the contract. used by all contracting officers contemplating the use of PBPs on new fixed-price type contract awards.

DoD AT&L/ DARS Safeguarding 0750-AG47 This rule amended the Defense Federal Completed Published final DFARS Streamlined Public Comment This rule improved national security by Unclassified Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), as rule in Federal requirements implementing safeguards that strengthen Controlled Technical specified in Executive Order 13556, Controlled Register on 18 information security controls to unclassified Information (DFARS Unclassified Information, to address November 2013 (78 controlled technical information within Case 2011-D039) requirements for the safeguarding of FR 69273). Effective contractor information systems from unclassified controlled technical information upon publication. unauthorized access and disclosure. This rule within contractor information systems. benefits both the Government and Provided standards and structures for the contractors. safeguarding of unclassified controlled technical information and reporting the compromise of unclassified controlled technical information.

32 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD AT&L/ DARS Approval of Rental 0750-AI03 This rule amended the Defense Federal Completed Published final DFARS Streamlined Public Comment This rule streamlined the approval process for Waiver Requests Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to rule in Federal requirements waiver or reduction of charges. This new (DFARS Case 2013- remove the Director of Defense Security Register on 31 improved process removes a low risk review D006) Cooperation Agency (DSCA) from the approval October 2013 (78 FR and approval step, which expedites process for waiver or reduction of charges. 65219). Effective contracting officers’ approval of requests for upon publication. waiver or reduction of rental charges for the use of Government property on work for foreign governments or international organizations.

DoD DOA Indebtedness of This rule removed 32 CFR Part 513, Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment Military Personnel Indebtedness of Military Personnel, published on 22 July 2013 Requirements by in the Federal Register, March 3, 1986 (51 FR (Document Number updating existing 7268). The rule was removed because it was 2013-17490) with an guidance. obsolete and no longer governed policies and immediate effective procedures for handling debt claims against date. soldiers. Rules in the Army Regulation were superseded by Department of Defense (DoD) policy and guidance covered in DoD Instruction 1344.09, “Indebtedness of Military Personnel,” and codified at 32 CFR Part 112, and DoD Financial Management Review (FMR), Volume 7a, “Stoppages and Collections.” Program responsibility was transferred to the Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS), which directs all policy for personnel finances across the services. Title 32 CFR part 513, therefore, was obsolete.

DoD AT&L/ DARS Defense Trade 0750-AH70 This rule amended the Defense Federal Completed Published final DFARS Streamlined Public Comment This rule significantly streamlined and reduced Cooperation Treaty Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) rule in Federal requirements paperwork requirements between the United With Australia and the Part 225 to implement requirements of the Register on 17 June States and the United Kingdom under the United Kingdom Defense Trade Cooperation Treaty with the 2013 (78 FR 36108). system set forth in the Defense Trade (DFARS Case 2012- United Kingdom (the Treaty) and the Security Effective upon Cooperation Treaty by no longer requiring D034) Cooperation Act of 2010 regarding export publication. individual export control licenses within the control regulations between the United States Approved Community. Small businesses that and the United Kingdom. The rule streamlined are exporters benefit from being able to use the export control regulations between the the streamlined treaty process to make United States and the United Kingdom under exports that are associated with responding to specified circumstances. DoD solicitations and performance of DoD contracts.

33 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD AT&L/ DARS System for Award 0750-AH87 This rule amended the Defense Federal Completed Published final DFARS Streamlined Public Comment The joining of multiple acquisition databases Management Name Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to rule in Federal requirements into one centralized System for Award Changes, Phase 1 reflect the combining of multiple acquisition Register on 16 May Management (SAM) saves money by Implementation databases, such as the Central Contractor 2013 (78 FR 28756). consolidating the system hosting into one (DFARS Case 2012- Registration (CCR), Online Representations and Effective upon location by creating efficiencies and reducing D053) Certification Application (ORCA), and the publication. redundant data for the acquisition Excluded Parties Listing System (EPLS) community. databases into the System for Award Management (SAM) database.

DoD USD(AT&L) Defense Logistics 0790-AI86 This rule amended DLA’s privacy program Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment This regulatory action imposed no monetary Agency Privacy regulation due to the reorganization of the on 3 May 2013 (77 FR Requirements costs to the Agency or public. The benefit to Program privacy office under the DLA General Counsel. 25853) with an the public is the accurate reflection of the Responsibilities were updated to reflect the effective date of 3 Agency’s Privacy Program to ensure that reorganization and the adoption of current June 2013. policies and procedures are known to the DoD-wide privacy guidance that includes public. collecting personal information, access by individuals, publication requirements, reports, inspections, matching program procedures, and enforcement actions.

DoD USD(P) Defense Support of 0790-AI54 This rule provided specific policy direction and Completed Final rule published Streamlined Public Comment The DoD provides support to civilian law Civilian Law assigned responsibilities with respect to DoD on 12 April 2013 (78 Requirements by enforcement entities on either a reimbursable Enforcement Agencies support provided to Federal, State, and local FR 21826) with an updating existing or non-reimbursable basis depending on the civilian law enforcement agencies, including effective date of 13 guidance. authority under which the support is provided. responses to civil disturbances. The primary May 2013. State and local civilian law enforcement restriction on DoD participation in civilian law agencies benefit from DoD’s substantial enforcement activities is the Posse Comitatus capabilities. Additionally, this rule provides Act. In accordance with that Act, this rule details on assistance that DoD may not described in detail the assistance that DoD provide to civilian law enforcement agencies. may and may not provide civilian law enforcement agencies.

34 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD USD(AT&L) Shelter For The 0790-AI88 This rule established DoD policy for the Completed Direct final rule Streamlined Public Comment There is no cost to the public. The costs to the Homeless Program Department of Defense Shelter for the published on 10 April Requirements DoD for implementation of the authorities Homeless Program. The Secretary of a Military 2013 (78 FR 21256). under this rule will include the administrative Department, or designee, may make military Public comment costs to process a request and the cost of the installations under his or her jurisdiction period ended on 10 services provided for the furnishing of a available for the furnishing of shelter to June 2013. The rule shelter. persons without adequate shelter if he or she, became effective 19 or designee, determines that such shelter will June 2013. not interfere with military preparedness or ongoing military functions.

DoD AT&L/ DARS Only One Offer 0750-AH11 This rule amended the Defense Federal Completed Published final DFARS Streamlined Public Comment Some savings should accrue to the (DFARS Case 2011- Acquisition Regulation Supplement to address rule in Federal requirements Government in achieving better prices. D013) acquisitions in which only one offer is Register on 29 June There is no significant economic impact on received. The rule affected only those small 2012 (77 FR 39126). small entities. The impact of this rule on small entities that respond to a Federal competitive Effective upon business is expected to be predominantly solicitation and no other offer is received. publication. positive, by allowing more opportunity for competition.

DoD AT&L/ DARS Accelerated Payments 0750-AH19 This rule revised the Defense Federal Completed Published final DFARS Streamlined Public Comment The rule accompanied upgrades to defense to Small Business Acquisition Regulation Supplement to allow for rule in Federal requirements entitlements and payment systems, which (DFARS Case 2011- accelerated payments to all small business Register on 18 reduced payment lead times for small D008) concerns. November 2011 (76 businesses and improved cash flow to small FR 71468). Effective businesses. upon publication.

DoD DOA/COE Civil Monetary 0710-AA66 This rule fulfilled the requirements of the Completed Final rule published Flexibility is inherent Public Comment Improving compliance with permit conditions Penalty Inflation Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act on 28 January 2013 since and better environmental protection, by Adjustment of 1990, as amended, which requires agencies (78 FR 5722) with an compliance/enforce maintaining the deterrent effects of those civil to periodically adjust their civil penalties to effective date of 29 ment actions do not penalties. account for inflation to maintain their March 2013. mandate the use of deterrent effects. such penalties. In addition, the rule only increased the maximum amount of penalties but there is still flexibility to impose a lesser amount.

35 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD DOA/COE Nationwide Permit 0710-AA60 The Corps revised its Nationwide Permit Completed Final rule published The NWPs Public Comment The effort will reduce burdens on permitees Program Program regulations at 33 CFR Part 330 to on 28 January 2013 streamline permit by clarifying that only one NWP verification is address changes in regulatory procedures and (78 FR 5726) with an requirements by needed every five years. Also provides policy that have occurred since those effective date of 27 providing expedited simplicity and clarity to the regulated public. regulations were last revised in 1991. The February 2013. authorization for Corps revised the regulation to increase the projects that are pre-construction notification review period to minimally impacting 45 days, to be consistent with the current both individually nationwide permits. The Corps also amended and cumulatively. the regulation to allow district engineers to issue verification letters that can have the same expiration date as the nationwide permit.

Paperwork Reduction Act – Burden Reduction Initiative DoD PFPA Pentagon Reservation 0704-0395 New 2/28/2019 Streamlined Public comment; Reduced 483 burden hours. Corresponding Parking Permit The information collection is used by Pentagon requirements analysis; cost reduction is unknown Application Parking Office personnel to validate parking assessment requirements and monitor authorized parking on the Pentagon Reservation. Respondents are Department of Defense and non-DOD personnel who will utilize designated Pentagon parking areas. DoD NLSC National Language 0704-0449 The National Language Service Corp (NLSC) New 11/30/2018 Streamlined Public comment; Reduced 782 burden hours. Corresponding Service Corps (NLSC) recruits from the general public and enroll requirements analysis; cost reduction is unknown individuals who would like to volunteer their assessment language skills. The NLSC identifies U.S. citizens who can provide high levels of proficiency in foreign languages and cultural expertise critical to national security for short-term temporary assignments when other resources are not available. The NLSC fills gaps between requirements of DoD or other departments or agencies of the United States and available language skills where government employees are required or desired.

DoD DHA Statement of 0720-0003 Approved consistent with previous terms of New 1/31/2019 Streamlined Public comment; Reduced 9,077 burden hours. Corresponding Personal Injury - clearance and the following terms of requirements analysis; cost reduction is unknown Possible Third Party clearance: the DoD shall take care in future assessment Liability (CHAMPUS) submissions to submit requests for extensions in a timely manner in order to avoid violating the Paperwork Reduction Act

36 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD AT&L/ DARS Information 0704-0187 This information collection requirement New 7/31/2018 Streamlined Public comment; Reduced 164 burden hours. Corresponding Collection in Support pertains to various information in support of requirements analysis; cost reduction is unknown of DoD Acquisition the DoD acquisition process: Defense Federal assessment Process (Various Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Requirements) Parts 208, Required Sources of Supplies and Services; 209, Contractor Qualifications; 235, Research and Development Contracting; and associated provisions and clauses in DFARS Part 252.

DoD MEPCOM Medical Screening of 0704-0413 Military applicants are required to meet New 10/31/2017 Streamlined Public comment; Reduced 6,699 burden hours resulting in Military Personnel medical accession standards for enlistment, requirements analysis; corresponding cost reduction of $113,248. induction, and appointment to the Armed assessment Forces. The referenced prescreening and medical history reports are needed from military applicants to elicit an accurate medical history past and present.

DoD DOA U.S. Army ROTC 4- 0702-0073 The applications are available to high school Ongoing 4/30/2017 Streamlined Assessment and Reduce 1,604 burden hours (corresponding year College students. After the applications for U.S. Army requirements public comment cost reduction is unknown). Scholarship ROTC 4-year College Scholarship Program are Application (for High completed, they are submitted to School Students) Headquarters, Cadet Command for review, screening and selection of scholarship recipients, the application and information provide the basis for the scholarship award.

DoD DLA Project Time Record 0704-0452 This collection of information is for the Ongoing 02/28/20017 Streamlined Assessment and Reduce 16,900 burden hours resulting in System purpose of tracking workload / project activity requirements public comment corresponding cost reduction of $520,000. for analysis and reporting purposes, time and attendance, and labor distribution data against projects for management and planning purposes; to maintain management records associated with the operations of the contract; to evaluate and monitor the contractor performance and other matters concerning the contract.

37 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD DFAS Dependency 0730-0014 Information is used to certify dependency or Ongoing 7/31/2017 Streamlined Assessment and Reduce 6,826 burden hours resulting in Statements: Parent, obtain information to determine entitlement requirements public comment corresponding cost reduction of $123,632. Child Born Out of to basic allowance for housing (BAH) at the Wedlock, dependents rate, travel allowances, or Incapacitated Child Uniformed Services Identification and Over Age 21, Full Time Priviledge (USIP) Card. Information regarding a Student 21-22 Years parent, a child born out of wedlock, an of Age, and Ward of a incapacitated child over age 21, a full time Court student 21-22 years of age, or a ward of a court is provided by the military member or by another individual who may be a member of the public.

DoD USAF Request for Approval 0701-0134 The Air Force Education and Training Ongoing 6/1/2017 Streamlined Assessment and $490,206.00 in of Foreign Command (AETC) Information Collection Requirements public comment cost savings to applicants due to forms Government Report Manager and Air Force Personnel automation and the pre-population of Employment Center Forms Manager are working to reduce information. of Air Force Members and consolidate accession and recruiting 73,381 hours burden reduction for applicants. forms. AETC's mission begins with the Air 120,240 individuals benefit (as part of overall Force Recruiting Service (AFRS). Recruiters in AETC burden reduction initiative) more than 1,000 offices worldwide recruit the young men and women needed as both enlisted airmen and commissioned officers to meet the demands of the U.S. Air Force. Current forms will be linked to the Air Force Recruiting System and pre-populated from information stored within the system. The pre- population of forms will reduce the burden on applicants. Applicants will no longer have to provide information on multiple forms but will be asked to certify that pre-populated information is correct.

DoD USAF Personal Interview – 0701-0078 The Air Force Education and Training Completed 0701-0150 reinstated Streamlined Assessment and $490,206.00 in USAF Health Command (AETC) Information Collection 08 July 2014 Requirements public comment cost savings to applicants due to forms Professions Applicant Report Manager and Air Force Personnel incorporated 0701- automation and the pre-population of Center Forms Manager reduced and 0078, 0701-0079, information. DoD USAF Personal Interview 0701-0079 consolidated accession and recruiting forms. 0701-0080, & 0701- 73,381 hours burden reduction for applicants. Record, Financial AETC's mission begins with the Air Force 0096 120,240 individuals benefit (as part of overall Status of Applicant Recruiting Service (AFRS). Recruiters in more AETC burden reduction initiative)


Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify

Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD USAF Request for 0701-0080 than 1,000 offices worldwide recruit the young Evaluation & men and women needed as both enlisted Information; Air Force airmen and commissioned officers to meet the Officer Training demands of the U.S. Air Force. Current forms School (OTS) are linked to the Air Force Recruiting System Accession Forms and pre-populated from information stored within the system. The pre-population of DoD USAF Application for 0701-0096 forms reduces the burden on applicants. Appointment as Applicants no longer have to provide Reserve of the Air information on multiple forms but will be Force asked to certify that pre-populated Without Component information is correct.

DoD AT&L/ DARS DFARS 204, 0704-0225 Deletion of information collection requirement Completed 11/14/2014 Streamlined Assessment Reduced 2,297 burden hours resulting in cost Administrative resulting in a decrease in public burden of requirements savings of $85,471. Matters and DFARS 2,297 hours. DFARS final rule 2014-D013 clause 205.204 published on December 12, 2014 (79 FR 74492) removed duplicative language in DFARS 204.72 and deleted use of DD Form 2051 and DFARS clause 252.204-7001.

DoD AT&L/ DARS DFARS 225, Foreign 0704-0229 DFARS final rule 2015-D001 published on Completed 11/24/2014 Streamlined Assessment and Reduced 225 burden hours resulting in cost Acquisition, and December 11, 2014 (79 FR 73499) eliminated requirements public comment savings of $8,550. related clauses the requirement at DFARS 252.225-7006 for quarterly reporting of actual contract performance outside the United States resulting in a reduction in public burden of 225 hours. DoD AT&L/ DARS DoD Acquisition 0704-0187 DFARS 252.235-7003 requires that the Completed 7/7/2015; the 30-day Streamlined Assessment and Reduced 164 burden hours, resulting in Process (Various contractor or subcontractor provide to the notice published at requirements public comment corresponding cost savings of $6,232. Miscellaneous contracting officer the technical operating 80 FR 23260 on Requirements) characteristics for any experimental, 4/27/2015 reflected developmental, or operational equipment for a reduction of 164 which the appropriate frequency allocation hours. has not been made. According to the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) database, DoD R&D contracts have decreased by approximately 17% over the past 2 years. Therefore, DARS is seeking a reduction of 164 burden hours based on the 17% decrease in unique vendors that received new R&D contract awards.

39 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD AT&L/ DARS DFARS 245, 0704-0246 DFARS part 245, related DD forms, and clauses Completed 8/14/2015; the 30- Streamlined Public comment Reduced 2,513 burden hours resulting in Government require contractors to provide the contracting day notice published requirements; use and third party corresponding cost savings of $125,000. Property, related officer with information related to at 80 FR 30663 of electronic means assessments clauses in DFARS 252, Government property. In lieu of using the DD published on and related forms in 1149, Requisition and Invoice/Shipping 5/29/2015 reflected DFARS 253 Document, the electronic capability of the a reduction of 2,513 Wide Area WorkFlow (WAWF) application is hours. now used by contractors to provide the required information related to shipment or movement of property to or from Government contractors. Since WAWF is the preferred means of submission and its use is covered by OMB 0704-0248, the 2,500 hours previously associated with the DD 1149 form is removed from 0704-0246. The DD Form 1640, Request for Plant Clearance, is for Government use only; therefore, the 13 burden hours associated with this form is removed.

DoD AT&L/ DARS DFARS Part 236, 0704-0255 DFARS part 236 and related clauses 252.236- Completed 9/14/2015; the 30- Streamlined Public comment, Reduced 16,700 burden hours resulting in a Construction and 7010, Overseas Military Construction- day notice published requirements third party corresponding cost reduction of $706,402. Architect-Engineer Preference for United States Firms, and at 80 FR 45207 on assessments Contracts, and related 252.236-7012, Military Construction on 7/29/2015 reflected clauses at DFARS Kwajalein Atoll-Evaluation Preference, require a reduction of 16,700 252.236 an offerors to specify its status as a U.S. firm, burden hours or on Kwajalein Atoll status as a Marshallese firm. Based on fiscal year (FY) 2014 data, the annual estimated burden hours were revised downward by 16,700 hours to reflect a reduction in the number of overseas construction contracts.

DoD AT&L/ DARS DFARS Part 216, Types 0704-0259 DFARS part 216 and related economic price Completed 12/16/2014; the 30- Streamlined Public comment, Reduced 10,108 burden hours resulting in of Contracts, and adjustment clauses 252.216-7000, 252.216- day notice published requirements third party corresponding cost reduction of $295,396. related clauses in Part 7001, and 252.216-7003 require contractors to at 79 FR 66363 on assessments 252.216 submit certain information to support a 11/7/2014 reflected request for the contracting officer to adjust a reduction of 10,108 established contract prices. A review of burden hours. historical data for FYs 2011-2013 indicated a reduction in the number of fixed-price contracts awarded with economic price adjustment clauses. This is partially attributed to the drawdown in Iraq and Afghanistan.

40 Does the Initiative include regulatory flexibilities such What methods will you Target Completion as pilot projects, safe engage in to Identify Date (if completed, harbor exemptions, sunset Improvements (public Status of Initiative -- please add the provisions, trigger comment, analyses, provisions, streamlined third party RIN/OMB New to this update, publication date and requirements, state assessments, etc). If Available, anticipated or realized savings in Title Of Initiative/Rule Control Ongoing, or cite in Federal Register flexibilities, or other similar Please identify all that costs &/or burdens and anticipated or realized Agency Sub-agency or ICR Number Summary of Initiative Completed for example) strategies? apply changes in benefits DoD AT&L/ DARS DFARS Business 0704-0479 DFARS part 234 and related clause 252.234- Completed 9/25/2015; the 30- Streamlined Public comment, Reduced 349,008 burden hours resulting in Systems-Definition 7002, Earned Value Management System, day notice published requirements third party corresponding cost reduction of $21,858,539. and Administration; apply to entities that are contractually at 80 FR 27295 on assessments DFARS 234, Earned required to maintain an earned value 5/13/2015 reflected Value Management management system (EVMS). Contractors are a reduction of System required to provide information to respond to 349,008 burden written notices of significant deficiencies in hours. their EVMS. A review of FY 2012-2014 historical data to support the first renewal cycle revealed that the initial estimates had been greatly overestimated. The initial 2011 data appears to have included processing time associated with reviews where there was no resultant finding of a significant deficiency.

DoD DFAS Statement of 0730-0002 In accordance with TFM Vol. 1, Part 4 and DoD Completed 3/31/2014 There has been a Streamlined Reduced 778 burden hours resulting in Claimant Requesting 7000.14-R, Vol. 5 there is a requirement that a reduction in the requirements corresponding cost reduction of $117,785. Recertified Check payee identify themselves and certify as to number of paper what happened to the original check issued by checks and an the government: non-receipt, loss, increase in destruction, theft, etc. This collection will be electronic funds used to identify rightful reissuance of transfers (EFT). government checks to individuals or businesses outside of DoD.

41 Regulatory Review Comment Summary Mitigation- Increase clarity, predictability and The Corps and EPA completed a joint effort to conduct a retrospective review of the 2008 Mitigation Rule to provide information on implementation of application of the Mitigation Rule which went into the rule, and will include some analysis of pre- and post-rule compensatory mitigation practices. The final report was issued on November 2, 2015. It is effect on June 9, 2008. available at: of-the-2008-regulations.aspx The retrospective review provides summary data on issued permits and required compensatory mitigation to characterize compensatory mitigation requirements and practices for Department of the Army permits under the rule. The report includes summary statistics and analyses of mitigation banks and in-lieu fee programs that have been approved since the rule went into effect. In addition, the retrospective review provides information on various local procedures and tools issued by Corps divisions and districts to assist in implementation of the rule. The Corps also continues to provide internal workshops and external interagency sessions on various aspects of the mitigation rule – e.g., conservation banking course, Interagency Review Team workshops, mitigation rule refresher sessions, etc.

Jurisdiction – Clarify which waters are jurisdictional The Corps and EPA finalized rulemaking - See the Retrospective Report entry for more information. under the Clean Water Act General Permits – Allow GPs to be valid for longer, The Nationwide Permits are reissued every five years, most recently in February 2012. The 2012 Nationwide Permits expire on March 18, 2017. Any expand/reduce the types of activities covered changes to the activities covered by the Nationwide Permits can be addressed during the reissuance process that will take place in 2016, so that the 2017 Nationwide Permits will be reissued before the 2012 Nationwide Permits expire. In January 2013, the Corps revised its regulations to allow for Nationwide Permit verifications to remain valid for the duration the Nationwide Permit is valid instead of two years. In 2015, the Corps will begin data analysis to support the rulemaking for the 2017 Nationwide Permits.

Website/Outreach – Improve information sharing Although such improvements do not require rulemaking, the Corps continues to invest in a variety of measures to increase transparency and and increase transparency through expanded use of information sharing. In 2014, additional enhancements were made to the ORM2 geospatial database to further standardize data entry, and internet technologies. regulators were provided with updated standard operating procedures and guidance on data management, specialized training, and increased interactions with district staff to ensure accurate and consistent database entry in their districts. These efforts are continuing in 2015. The Corps has made ORM2 data available to EPA counterparts and provides nightly updates of key permit information. The public interface was expanded in 2014 to include final actions reviewed under funding agreements established under Section 214 of the Water Development Resources Act of 2000 or Section 6002(j) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users. Information related to projects funded through the Deepwater Horizon oil spill restoration efforts are included and provide a list of projects for funding from multiple sources. In August of 2015, additional information was posted related to Approved Jurisdictional determinations.

Enhancements to the ORM2 database are under development to facilitate more expeditious bulk data upload processes for large linear projects with multiple separate and distant crossings of waters of the U.S., thereby reducing the time it currently takes to enter pertinent information for the many infrastructure projects the Corps currently reviews.

Enhancements to the database are under development to better track coordination and outcomes with Tribes as part of the Corps’ Tribal Trust Responsibilities and Section 106 of the NHPA requirements.

Other improvements include expanded tracking of mitigation bank and in-lieu fee program information, including modifications made to banking instruments, additional reporting capabilities, and access to more geospatial data layers to support decision making. additional documentation and training was also provided to the field to support consistent data entry practices. Future enhancements will include a one-stop shop for appeals data for declined proffered individual permits, individual permit denials, and approved jurisdictional determination requests. the Regulatory program will also continue to work on increasing transparency regarding Other data frequently requested by the public through the Freedom of information Act process.

Compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic The ASA(CW), Corps, and ACHP have committed to working in 2016 on an ACHP policy paper that addresses situations when a federal agency has a Preservation Act – Better align the Corps’ Appendix C "small federal handle" and, therefore, limited authority over a proposed project. No timeline has been developed for this effort. with the ACHP’s 36 CFR 800 regulations.

42 Funding and Review Timelines Many commenters expressed concern regarding the time it takes to receive a permit decision. Some commenters requested that Section 214 of the Water Resources Development Act be extended permanently. Section 214 allows the Corps to accept funds from non-federal public entities to facilitate project application reviews. The law was set to expire in 2016. Others requested that anyone should have the ability to provide USACE with funds to facilitate project application reviews. Although only Congress determines the circumstances in which the Corps can accept funds, Section 1006 of Water Resources Reform and Development Act was passed in June 2014 and eliminated the sunset date from the Section 214 authority for non-Federal public entities, and expands the authority to "public-utility companies" and "natural gas companies" for a period of 7 years. This provision also includes some other new requirements. The Corps finalized implementation guidance on 02 September 15.