Forces on Local Fight to Re Probed
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gywv "i,'yi-,'- TnT&mT''' -- .. mmiiii mnrr JVjJrVW) ' ' ' ' fflnr $rffp'; jsi'fWWp MSJWES3aaaa!2!aH V - - - . f 7Oa: tf 7 ... i.. ,. f a 1 fc'Ve . 1a,' '""Oft ' Pac, "Irfl EFFORTS OF TRIP EARNERS EXTEND' BULLETIN CIRCULATION TO ALL PARTiOF THE ISLANDS c, o, c'ar From San Franelscoi Did T.nrllfio April 16 you ever hear of man, With a For Gan Franelscoi ubitanlial reputation, being harmed Sierra April ID by the abute or tnvy of other men? A From Vancouver. good reputation Uvea for ever eo does Mnkura April 28 Evening a good In If properly For Vanoouven article advertlted SScnlandla April Bulletin a HOME paper. i, J 3:30 EDITION Is The World's History For The Day ESTABLISHED 1882. No. 4903. OF HAWAII, SATURDAY, PRICE 5 CENTS. 22 PAGES. HONOLULU, TERRITORY APRIL 15, 191 1. 22 PAGES. --11 Snatchers All Asiatics Want Fruit Says Hayes . t LABOR Pickers Now EXCLUDE Of California A WASHINGTON, D. C, Apr. 15 Representative Everts A. Hayes of Cal- ifornia today Introduced In the House of Representatives a drastio Immigra Federal Staff Centers FRUIMNIShippers" Tax tion bill. Under its terms all Asiatics are excluded from the United States, no distinction of nationality or occupa- .: tion being excepted. It la in line with previous bills the same Representative Forces On Local Fight HAIUINu To Re Probed has introduced. LABOR ' Two More Deaths LEPROSY EXPERT TURNS Special Meeting of Merchants' l ATTENTION TO CHOLERA From Cholera Ono hundred laborers from tho oth- - -- Association Called To t "T ' - Tf er Island!) came In on the Manna Ken Reported this morning. It Is stated tliattlicso peoplo aro Levy hound for California, they having been Discuss BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBlBBBBBaBFBBBBBBBBrlr' ' by emigrant figouts working (fCpoclnl Ilullettn CaWs.) tl'w solicited constantly gone OAKLAND, Apr. 15 I Daaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaw'BaaBaaaaaaP ' In or Discussion of tho shipper' wharf tnx nid the wharf tax has Cal, Stanford tho interests California packers In samo old way. Thero HASTEN EFFORT 45 that want fruit pickers. will I o tho chief purpose of n special forward tho University won an eaay victory today Is no accounting Just what the movements of those. nicotine of the Merchants' Association hatccr. over the University of California In It is claimed by many merchants that the annual boat racea between the var- TO STOP SPREAD pooplo will ho, Isvtiot yet known as called tor 2 o'clock Wednesday after- Legislature Is now considering agents working as the sity and freshman eights of the two tho hnvo been very noon by President White. A largo tho tax bill, this voluntary wharf tax, much In the Stan- N. under cover. Is requested. levied ngulnst sonio and not paid by Institutions. varsity race It Is apparent Imwoior that Cali I ford won by eight lengths, covering Thl special meeting Is called at the arse shippers of coal, lumber, oil, etc., ii Senate Now Rushes Bill To fornia has becomo thoroughly Imbued t I wnnts the three miles in 14 minutes 5 sec- taaBBBBaMl " ' riniK-s- of l"red Wuldron. who should ho thoroughly discussed and tho rraHft with the Idea Hint Ilswall Is tho placo to know more of the administration of! position of thcr merchant deter- onds. In the freshman race Stanford Regulate Manufacture 'Wi',' to get enct bbbbbbbbbbbbbbV 'SiSi laborers, and although tho Alas the ii;li pern' wharf tax funds If morn mined If moro money Is needed for again won by eight lengths in 16 min- 3rBW canncrs enotigh, of Poi. ka liac cried JJio can not he learned, ho wants to know mosquito campaigns and so forth, they utes. pacKtT3 10 a aann in iron lniciin inao why srn no reason why tho tax should not LINE-U- P gamo get, OF CREW6.. --n tho and all tho labor they Uhls question been agitated from he general levy, where tho CHOLERA SITUATION. aHsBBaBsnajaa ,.wsr , jrhfcfjk hns under a California. Position. Stanford. aflFVf can from tho Inlands. lime (o time, but on every occasion public would nt least lutvo tin nc No statement yet been becurod S.Colt ... ..Bow... .R. Olmstead BallaW - has bns been passed around that haH counting of tho expenditure of Its JKLXhfhi'l wid , ,C. H. trom thoso who bollcvo the iqcent resulted In a quieting of Hie curjous. funds W.Cope.... ..No.2. Benson Two more deatha reported tlila morn- laws passed hy tho lglslatuw- - nro F. Beat ... ,.No.3 .. R. R. Halls ing, both victlmt male Hawaiian. too radical ami "drastic" In tho pro- D.Hardy ..No.4... ...L. F. Holer Drastic- qu.irantino ordered. Bathing at tection or tho Industries or Hawaii R. Maynard ,.No,5... ,R. Duryea Ban placed on Waikiki Beach atoppud. frortl Pacific Const Jnide -- E. Ball ,R. R.. Gilmer in Valley. .No.C. surface water Manna Senate BUSINESS MEN BACK OF CapO. ) ' hurrying passage of bill to make pel I Dav)daon..No.7 H. Seward ahopa unitary. Resolution Introduced A. Malteata Stroke.. dpi, Schaupp In House calling for Investigation of LABORER H.Kelly Cox....U F. Querean reoent deaths and production of proof HEALTH BILLS AND OPPOSE that they are due to choleral U. S. Tho rncc rowed on Oakland Estuary leprosy investigation staff devotes at- this afternoon between tho crows of tention to tracing cholera Infection. EBBnirft!0SfiKKZi3lflLaaaBHLcHLVJaaHHlLvVH California" and Stanford Is tho big Temporary appointment of city physi- AT 'FRISCO; aquatic event of tho coast and stands cian to succeed Dr. Bruce Mackall, UNION STREET RELOCATION In tho same relation ns does the MOSES T. CLEGG race In England and Leprosy tho Harvard-Ynl- o race In tho Hast. Tlio dentin f two Hawullims at mi Assistant Director Investigation Station. Coast newspapers recehed today tell Iluslncss men as represented by tho handling tho )l shops and nil other The raco today was conducted tin- early limi'r tills morning from Asiatic not only of tho strike for higher wages legislative committee of the combin- mutters, including tho garbage de- der tho auspices of tho student bod- choloiu. ntler McMickh of hut 11 few started by tho Klllpluos, Portuguese ed business organizations went n partment. ies or tho two institutions, limine, and Iho nliHOjitto dlngnoslH of mid other emigrants recruited hero us record this morning as decidedly and Minor amendments In tho tax bill California hns been tho winner flvo thn coses as Iho dreaded dlseaso bv SENATE NOW APPROVES POI BILL soon as they got to Kan Pranclrcc. but lgorously In favor of tho health hills wero discussed and then tho commit-to- o limes previous to this year and Stan- fol- to H the Federal physlclana has been give' uu bleu as well of tho drastic n Unit havo been passed by tho Sen- went unanimously on record as ford has threo wins Its credit. The f liy quick iictlcm by tlio Terri by As- tho Union California men showed up much bet- ' lowed taken tho Alaska Packers' ate, and nlbo as vigorously opposed opposed to relocation ot torial' Urianl of Health. sociation to keep what men they coud, to tho relocation ot Union street thnt street as Is proposod In tho hill that ter In prnctlco than they did last hi d year heforo tho event, and tho Stan- All of tho ijiiar.iiitlno icgulutlotis FIFTY-P- I RST DAY. C ror Tho men lomplalued that they were has been gum-shoc- thiougli to tho has already been quietly sneaked lillllngwnrth Hun moved tho ford crow also camo through harder. W that wero In loico during tho rceout panHigo of tho bill on second rending. lured to Han p'runelsco hy false tales House. through tho Scnnto whllo no ono was VI' high wages. appcara to It. epidemic will ho placed In operation Tho ol llll was pnxscd on t.cennd when Knlolopu objected on the ground of It from tho A meeting ot tho joint committee paying any attention In end rorcnoon. opinion seemed to bo again with cicn inoio rlKornim mulhiff In the Ki'iuitn tliH tiioiiilin;, Hie that parliamentary rules or tho Sen stories that tho packers will thu was held at ten o'clock this The general get only of thoso who left Ho Hlshop should ho extended upptr Iiuiiso it tho I.orMhIiuo kuIiik ate wero being violated In reconsider a few Approval was gten tho health bills that street being now au- Unlou, stre6t iiiiliinir ni Wnlklkl bench from Dia on ns expork'iicliiK ch.tiiKn lug n bill that hud hem Indellnltely nolulu, tho others ndrlft, establishing beyond question tho If anything wns done and BAsWiiT rtcord a of In mond Head In tho westerly side of (lie mind Tint only Hdiiitnr to explain Ills postponed. President Knudsen held homeless and without work San thority or the Hoard of Health In possibly closed. channel Mil ho forbidden and reasons cImiikIiii? Ills vote on tlio that long as the motion to recon- Francisco. Knllhl for fo It appears (hat (ho rcgulatlona will bo put Into bill, was Hcii.itor CIiII1Iuk- - sider was made nn tlio succeeding day also reason for stiong honour, Is LEAGUES In Miinoii Valley, wlicio u'orlli, who, us of tho motion to reconsider was entirely tho raid on Hawaii's labor that tho BIG effect iippei chairman the health to get own It Ik practically eorlitln Iho Infectcil committee, from the report of In order. Kalolopu appealed from tho packers are trying their SIXTEEN BATTLESHIPS WILL dissented year, whereas Mai grown. passago of ruling or the chair, his only sup- labor this la former lain been the majority fumliu; the hut by I)r.