A New Concept for Recognizing of the Eutrophication Phenomenon in Lake of Shkodra
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Universiteti i Shkodrës “Luigj Gurakuqi” Bul. Shk., Ser. Shk. Nat., 2013. Nr. 63: 66 - 84 A new concept for recognizing of the eutrophication phenomenon in Lake of Shkodra Dhimitër Dhora, Adem Bekteshi, Marash Rakaj Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”, Department of Biology – Chemistry, Albania ABSTRACT Recognition of the phenomenon and level of eutrophication in Lake of Shkodra is done on a new concept, which is based on the recognition of the identity of the lake, feedbacks and responsible components that are involved in the dynamics of nutrients, as well as threatening factors for the development of this phenomenon. Lake of Shkodra is characterized shallow, with clear water, dominated by rooted macrophytes. Feedbacks holding in normal parameters the lake water quality are identified: the content of nutrients in the water and humic production in wetland; the content of nutrients in the water and productivity of littoral forest habitats; food chain structures that transfer phosphorus from littoral to pelagial and biogeochemical mechanisms that inhibit the recycling of phosphorus from sediments. Three main components of the ecosystem concerned with the phenomenon of eutrophication was given: wetland, macrophytes and fishes. Higher content of nutrients in littoral waters and lake botoms, as well as the abundance of macrophytes show on a normal development of the lake. The inverse saprobe-trophy relations, which has a great importance in creating of environmentally sustainable situations, were explained. Reduction of the saproby is associated with the increase of the trophy. Two factors are considered as the main causes for eutrophication of Lake of Shkodra: climatic, hydrologic and meteorological factors resulting from global warming, as well as the human factors, including the discharge of sewages and other organic materials with phosphorus (detergents); usage without criterion of chemical fertilizers in agriculture, whiches drain through karst formations 66 of the lake watershed; increase of organic solid fllows from the watershed. The formulation and implementation of a long-term regional sustainable development strategy was considered as the most efficient way to eutrophication management, where the primary objectives were the protection of the main functional components, reduction of the input of nutrients and organic solid materials from the lake watershed, development of the organic agriculture and ecotourism. Key words: eutrofication, fishes, Lake of Shkodra, macrophytes, nutrients, wetlands. Një koncept i ri për njohjen e dukurisë së eutrofikimit në Liqenin e Shkodrës PËRMBLEDHJE Njohja e dukurisë dhe nivelit të eutrofikimit të Liqenit të Shkodrës bëhët me një koncept të ri, që bazohet në njohjen e identitetit të liqenit, feedback-eve dhe komponentëve pergjegjës që implikohen në dinamikat e nutrientëve, si dhe të faktorëve kërcënues per zhvillimin e kësaj dukurie. Liqeni i Shkodrës karakterizohet i cekët, me ujë të këthjelltë, i dominuar prej makrofiteve me rrënjë. Identifikohen feedback-et që mbajnë në parametrat normalë cilësinë e ujit të liqenit: përmbajtja e nutrientëve në ujë dhe prodhimi humik në wetland, përmbajtja e nutrientëve në ujë dhe prodhimtaria e habitateve pyjore të bregut, strukturat e zinxhirit ushqimor që transferojnë fosforin prej litoralit në pelagial dhe mekanizmat biogjeokimike që inhibojnë riciklimin e fosforit prej sedimentit. Jepen tre komponentët kryesorë të ekosistemit që lidhen me dukurinë e eutrofikimit: wetland-i, makrofitet dhe peshqit. Përmbajtja më e lartë e nutrientëve në ujërat e brigjeve dhe fundet e liqenit, si dhe abundanca e makrofiteve, janë shprehje të zhvillimit normal të liqenit. Shpjegohen marëdhëniet inverse saprobi-trofi, të cilat kanë rëndësi të madhe në krijimin e situatave të qëndrueshme ekologjike. Ulja e nivelit të saprobisë shoqërohet me rritjen e nivelit të trofisë. Dy faktorë konsiderohen si shkaktarët më kryesorë të eutrofikimit të Liqenit të Shkodrës: faktorët klimaterikë, hidrologjikë dhe metereologjike, prej ngrohjes globale, si dhe faktorët njerëzorë, ku përfshihen shkarkimet e ujërave të zeza dhe lëndëve të tjera organike me fosfor (detergjentëve); perdorimi pa kriter 67 i plehërave kimike në bujqësi, që drenojnë nëpër formacionet karstike prej pellgut në liqen; shtimi i prurjeve të ngurta organike prej Pellgut Ujëmbledhës. Si rruga më efikase në menaxhimin e eutrofikimit konsiderohet for- mulimi dhe implementimi i një strategjie afatgjatë të zhvillimit të qendrueshëm rajonal, ku objektivat primare të ishin mbrojtja e kom- ponentëve kryesorë funksionalë, reduktimi i inputit të nutrientëve dhe lëndëve të ngurta organike prej Pellgut Ujëmbledhës në Liqen, zhvil- limi i bujqësisë organike dhe ekoturizmit. Introduction Eutrophication of the lake is a natural process, caused by the gradual accumulation of nutrients, the gradual increase productivity, and slow filling of the lake basin. Eutrophication is also called the aging of the lake. In natural conditions, it develops slowly and the development of the phenomenon is measured in geological time. As is well known, the base concept for trophic classification of lakes is nutrient enrichment and productivity. An oligotrophic lake has low nutrient concentrations and low productivity. A eutrophic lake has a high concentrations of nutrients, especially phosphorus and nitrogen, and high productivity. Mesotrophic lakes are somewhere between eutrophic and oligotrophic lakes. From the mid-twentieth century eutrophication is known as the problem of pollution in lakes of Europe and North America. Later the concept was extended further. Today 54% of lakes in Asia are eutrophic; Europe 53%; North America 48%; South America 41% and Africa 28% (WIKIPEDIA). Discharge of organic matter and agricultural chemical fertilizer rich in phosphorus and nitrogen accelerate extremely eutrophication process. The problem of eutrophication of Lake of Shkodra has long been in the public and scientific research attention. Especially during the last four or five decades, it has amassed a great number of publications on various aspects related to the content of nutrients in the waters of Lake of Shkodra, identification of the eutrophication phenomenon in different habitats based on chemical and biological indicators. In generally the data from these studies have ascertain character; in them lack the accurate and complete reply on responsible structural and functional factors of eutrophication in lake. In this overview article, for the first time, a new concept for the recognizing of the eutrophication in Lake of Shkodra was developed, which is based on the identity of the lake, feedbacks and responsible components in the 68 dynamics of nutrients, as well as threatening factors for the development of this phenomenon. Material and methods Data on the content of nutrients in the water and sediment were taken from the literature listed at the end, especially BEKTESHI (1997, 2007, 2011). Determination of phytoplankton diversity is based on SHANNON (1948), while the index of trophy to BECK (1955). Assessment and classification of habitats is madein accordance with MedWet Habitat Description System (HECKER et al., 1996) modified by EKBY (Thessaloniki), more or less as recorded to DHORA (2005), but here are presented in a concise form. The study of the flora and vegetation is also made according to literature (RUCI 1986, KASHTA & RAKAJ 2001; DHORA 2005; DHORA & RAKAJ 2010; RAKAJ 2009; RAKAJ & KASHTA 2010, 2011), as well as to some unpublished notes. For fishes, the list published by DHORA (2012) with relevant comments is used. Fish food regime of adult species with higher abundance and market important, as well as piscivore links are obtained mainly from KOTTELAT & FREYHOF (2007), fishbase.org and RAKAJ (1995). Results and discussion 1. The identity of Lake of Shkodra According to SCHEFFER & VAN NES (2007) shallow eutrophic lakes exist in two alternative situations: a) The turbulent and dominated by phytoplankton. Increasing large phytoplankton and the creation of the state of turbulence is related to the recycling of nutrients, especially phosphorus from sediments into the water. This development prevents growth of rooted macrophytes. b) The clear and dominated by rooted macrophytes, including benthic multicellular algae. Massive growth of rooted macrophytes inhibits recycling of nutrients from the sediment into the water. Based on this division, we can characterize the Lake of Shkodra, quite clearly, in the alternative situation, as shallow eutrophic lake, with clear water and dominated by rooted macrophytes. To explain this definition, we give below three of the characteristics of the 69 lake, taken from DHORA (2005, 2012), which relate to its stable ecological situation: - Lake of Shkodra is characterized as environment with littoral character. Shallowness and the water level oscillations make impossible the developing of vertical zone in the Lake. Lake of Shkodra is considered simply as littoral character environment. It is relatively a shallow lake, with a maximum depth of 8 meters (without cryptodepressions), located at an average 4.5 m height above sea level, and with fluctuation water level up to 3 meters. Its sediments are generally within photic zone. Shallowness and high turbulence, due to the strong wind, accelerate redox transformations of sediment, with positive direction, facilitated connections and interaction of water with sediment. - Lake of Shkodra is characterized by large macrophytes areas. Macrophytes