Silver Squelchers Thirteen and Their Interesting Associates

United States Ambassadors to England---All Pilgrims Society Members!

Presented June 2015 by Charles Savoie

Take 32 seconds to hear what should be The Pilgrims theme music!

Please bear in mind that information as to confirmable members remains very limited; around 88% of members in London and are currently unidentifiable as to unquestionable documentation. Therefore, the influence this group has in various spheres is far greater than what these profiles suggest! The one exception is that we know that all Ambassadors to and from England are members, plus all British UN Ambassadors, British Consul Generals in New York and Secretaries of State. American Ambassadors to the U.N. are chancier and many may end up at the level of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and may not rise higher, with an occasional exception. This detail on U.S. Ambassadors to the U.N. is current as of this writing or till we find the Society has taken all these U.N. Ambassadors into its fold. In case any of you didn’t get a link in #12 about the Roosevelt era gold and silver grab, here it is. British influence in America didn’t end because they lost the Revolutionary War. They’ve incessantly insinuated themselves into our financial system since the 1600s when things got started over here with English (and Dutch) colonization with Royal exploration charters and Crown land grants. We had the first United States Bank (1791-1811) which after we failed to renew its charter, we got the War of 1812 with England. From 1816 to 1836 we had the second United States Bank. In 1837 the British started the Opium Wars with China, whereas the British retaliation here consisted of the creation of the Panic of 1837 due to so many large banks in New York, Philadelphia and all suddenly refusing to convert banknotes into gold or silver. This they mendaciously blamed on outgoing President Jackson and incoming President Van Buren who were both for gold and silver. It’s likely that had the second United States Bank charter been indefinitely renewed, we might not have had the Civil War! Once the British demigods decide that a territory and its residents belong to them, they never quit questing for control. The moneyed interests of the North East were almost unanimous in alliance with London financial powers, to the extent that transatlantic marriages have been taking place foe generations. Much monetary subversion took place after the close of the second U.S. Bank and the start of the Civil War, including the renewed drive for a central bank in the John Tyler administration (1841-1845), the Coinage Act of 1853 and the Panic of 1857. After the terrible war the British again struck hard at most Americans with the Crime of 1873, almost rendering their silver money useless for significant commerce. By this act they and their American collaborators seized untold amounts of land. Following the Panic of 1893, The Pilgrims Society was organized in 1902-1903 with a multiplicity of objectives, but above all, to tie us ever more tightly to Mother England, its Royalty, its financiers and its central bank! Herewith a review of some United States Ambassadors to England who were not Pilgrims Society members as of the last known leaked list---1980.

1) Raymond George Hardenberg Seitz (1940---; Pilgrims Society membership sometime after the 1980 roster) whose father was a Major General in the U.S. Army, is “greatly respected in diplomatic circles.” Seitz was assistant Secretary of State for Europe (1989- 1991). He was a member at least as of 1991, because all U.S. Ambassadors to the United Kingdom are inducted into membership; in his case, maybe by the late 1980s. He apparently has aversion to being listed in Who’s Who. He was with the U.S. Foreign Service division of the State Department, 1966-1994, when his Ambassadorial post in London was filled (1994-1997) by Admiral William James Crowe Jr., (1925-2007) who was Commander in Chief, Allied Forces, Southern Europe 1980-1983 then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1985-1989, before which Crowe was commander in chief of the Pacific Fleet. After leaving his ambassadorship, the Admiral was placed on the boards of Texaco, Merrill Lynch, pharma behemoth Pfizer, Norfolk Southern Railroad (song), General Dynamics, Global Options and Emergent BioSystems. Crowe was one of the Ambassadors to London who wasn’t a member as of 1980 who isn’t on the scene anymore. The inner circle placed Crowe after London on these boards--- “The world leader in claims cost containment solutions” --- Emergent has a biodefense division and an FDA monopoly on anthrax vaccine---

President Clinton named Crowe chairman of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board in 1993-1994. Like Crowe, Raymond Seitz, seen below, was placed on some high powered corporate boards on returning from his Ambassadorial appointment to London, including senior managing director at Lehman Brothers and vice chairman of Lehman Brothers International; British Airways; Cable & Wireless; Chubb Corporation (insurance); General Electric; Hollinger International; Hong Kong Telecom; Marconi; PCCW Communications; RTZ Corporation (multinational mining); Sun Times Media Group (as chairman, 2006-2009); The Telegraph Group; and is a member of the Trilateral Commission; former trustee, Royal Academy of Arts. He was also assistant Secretary of State. These humongous corporations have operations and holdings all over the planet---and warfare is a global event as of the twentieth century---no wonder The Pilgrims Society took control over all our foreign relations. Due to his diplomatic background, Seitz is well acquainted with Pilgrims Society vice president ; the same applies with Dean Rusk (Pilgrims 1981 executive committee), William P. Rogers, Kenneth Rush, Edmund Muskie, , Cyrus Vance, General (1983 executive committee), James A. Baker III et al---all Secretaries of State, and all of them Pilgrims Society members before Seitz was admitted---

Seitz gave a lecture at the British Library Conference Centre entitled, “A New Security for an Old America” on June 12, 2002. From page 202 of “The Pilgrims of Great Britain” (2002) ---

From page 203 of “The Pilgrims of Great Britain” (2002) 1994 meeting---

We mentioned Pilgrims member Crowe so here he is/was--- Page 203 of “The Pilgrims of Great Britain” (2003) shows a London meeting---

Page 204 shows then outgoing Ambassador Crowe in 1997--- At “First Magazine” Seitz is in the middle row, second image from right, hobnobbing with two very likely members, one of them representing British Petroleum, Goldman Sachs and other interests including Alfa Group (Russia) with assets of over $80 billion in banking, insurance, telecommunications, petroleum, supermarkets, water rights and so on. Seitz is or was a governor of The Ditchley Foundation.

Seitz figuring his next Pilgrims chiseling operation--- 2) (1946---Pilgrims Society by 1997 at the latest) was Ambassador to the United Kingdom (1997-2001) and has info on page 2639 of the 2005 Who’s Who in America, which we will update---

The weasel-like Lader contemplating his contributions towards Royal Crown World Government--- Lader on video; no mention of The Pilgrims.

The first thing to notice is his silence as to his parents. He says they were immigrants but not from where. There appears to be something to hide from inspection. He graduated from , of the same family as tobacco kingpin Benjamin N. Duke, a charter Pilgrims member in 1903. Oxford is known as the university Cecil Rhodes attended, a notorious British imperialist who plotted The Pilgrims Society in the 1870s before it was finally organized and named in London in 1902. He was there studying law, not on a Rhodes Scholarship. However, he later chaired the Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee for South Carolina, choosing corruptible students for indoctrination into the British world supremacy dogma. Harvard has had many overseers who were/are members. Lader’s career evidently launched during 1972 when he was with Sullivan & Cromwell, a top Pilgrims Society law firm then at 48 Wall Street. During 1979-1983 Lader was president of Sea Pines company, which had 135,000 prime acres in South Carolina under development as award winning recreation communities or planning; it included extensive lumber interests---

He got the 1983 award from the Urban Land Institute for excellence in large scale community development. A governor of the Urban Land Institute Foundation is Mahlon Apgar IV, who was in The Pilgrims 1980 list. In 1987 Lader started the Lader Family Foundation, very possibly as a way of sidestepping income taxation that the small folks of the country are compelled to pay. According to this, it’s location is 25701 Science Park Dr., Beachwood, Ohio 44122 (Cleveland). What, are they major landowners in Cleveland? During 1983-1985 Lader, possibly by that time a member of The Pilgrims, was president of Winthrop University. Based in Rock Hill, South Carolina, Winthrop University was founded in 1886 by David Bancroft Johnson, who had been helped through school by Robert Charles Winthrop (1809-1994), who was Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives (1847-1849) and a member of the very old-line wealthy Winthrop family of Massachusetts, which family became amply represented in The Pilgrims organization. In 1986-1988 Lader was a top official of the U.S. holding company for the interests of Sir James Goldsmith, known to have been a billionaire (1933-1997) who wasn’t in The Pilgrims London 1980 list; he may have been entered in 1981 or later; this we don’t know. Goldsmith’s son Ben married Kate Emma Rothschild, of a family definitely within The Pilgrims inner circle. In 1989 Goldsmith was investing with Rothschilds. Goldsmith traded timber holdings for a 49.9% stake in Newmont Mining, which he sold in 1993. Sometimes billionaires are represented in The Pilgrims by representatives like Lader who don’t own the wealth, but are sent to The Pilgrims as a “Senator” representing half a state. It may be as simple as the other fellow is a more capable administrator. The job with Goldsmith came after his unsuccessful 1986 run for the Governorship of South Carolina.

In 1990-1991 Lader was president of the D.C. based Business Executives for National Security, which suggests warmongering Neocons who stand to gain from overseas conflicts, and from selling accessories to the national security mania that has swept the country’s leaders. A look at this group’s current directors shows someone from J.P. Morgan Chase; we need look no more---the group is no good!

After that, Lader was catapulted over to Australia, where he was president of Bond University in Queensland on the Gold Coast (1991-1993) --- During 1993-1994 Lader held several top level Presidential assignments including at the Office of Management & Budget; deputy White House Chief of Staff and assistant to the President, 1993-1994; he chaired the President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency in 1993. His Senate confirmations were all unanimous. NPR was a Clinton-Gore creation--- During 1994 to 1997 Lader was chief administrator of the Small Business Administration, which may be somewhat misnamed; is this another subterfuge for funneling taxpayer funds to Pilgrims Society interests? This was considered a Cabinet level position. Naturally this was during the Clinton years. He supervised almost $45 billion in loans. Did funds flow to favored associates? Mister Lader? Lader was “a close personal friend of President Clinton, and a member of the National Economic Council and the President's Export Council.” The President’s Export Council is also known as--- Clinton tragically became a two term President, and chose Lader as Ambassador to England (1997-2001). More likely, someone on The Pilgrims executive committee told Clinton to choose Lader. On finishing that top assignment, Lader immediately became chairman of WPP London, the world’s largest advertising agency with 179,000 employees today in 3,000 offices in 111 countries. Another WPP director is Sally Susman, daughter of Pilgrims Society member , who was Ambassador to England (2009-2013). We’ll review Susman also.

Also in 2001 Lader became a senior advisor to silver price antagonist Morgan Stanley, founded in 1935 by Pilgrims Society members Henry Sturgis Morgan and Harold Stanley. Henry was grandson of the original J.P. Morgan Senior and a third generation Pilgrims member. At no time will Morgan Stanley go unrepresented in The Pilgrims, by at least several men in the top investment bank---

Lader is “a member of the Investment Committees of Morgan Stanley's Global Real Estate and Infrastructure Funds.”

His scan shows in 2005, or earlier, he was on the advisory board to The Prince of Wales Trust (Prince Charles, Pilgrims Society). This Trust has incredible connections which we won’t review; find them at the site. I wasn’t able to determine if he’s still on that board, because it doesn’t mention an advisory board; concealment may be intentional. Several other members of The Pilgrims of Great Britain appear to be present but cannot yet be positively identified--- “The Pilgrims of Great Britain” (2002) page 204 shows Lader in London in 1997 with The Pilgrims---

The Pilgrims in both branches host an incoming and outgoing U.S. and U.K. Ambassador. Here we see Lader as outgoing Ambassador at a 2001 Pilgrims meeting in London (page 205) --- Lader’s info from the 2005 scan can’t show it, but he was a director of Lloyd’s of London till 2011, around 7 years, which calls itself “the world’s insurance market” and was founded way back in 1688; original activities included insuring slave cargoes. Lloyd’s Tower in London looks like science fiction---

Also in 2001 Lader joined Nelson, Mullins, Riley & Scarborough, described by Wiki as a “law firm and lobby group” and the leading law firm in South Carolina. It was founded in 1897 and today has around 500 attorneys in 14 offices including Atlanta, Boston and Washington D.C.

1320 Main Street, Columbia, South Carolina---

During 2006-2009 Lader was a director of Songbird Estates. Songbird’s main subsidiary is the mega-development known as Canary Wharf in London. There’s big oil money from Qatar in this development; but the Lazard interests are also there, wily as ever, hoodwinking everyone they come into contact with! Canary Wharf represents buildings and skyscrapers of at least 14 million square feet! Barclays, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, Thomson Reuters, Morgan Chase, Metropolitan Life, Royal Bank of Canada and so forth are there. Which inner circle Pilgrims faction was Lader representing when he was a Songbird director? I’d say the Royal family, due to his obvious connections with them!

In 2009-2011 Lader was a director of Duck Creek Technologies (someone struggled for that name) which was bought out in 2011. DCT was “a privately held company that specializes in software solutions for the property and casualty (P&C) insurance industry.” The buyer was Accenture, allegedly with 223,000 employees and that’s way past the threshold of interest for The Society to ignore. Lader and his wife founded the Renaissance Institute, more often known as the Renaissance Weekend in 1981. Located on the exclusive Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, Renaissance is “an American retreat for leaders in business and finance, government, the media, religion, medicine, science, technology and the arts. Conversations are off the record and subject matter ranges widely, tending to focus heavily on policy and business issues. Renaissance Weekends, now held in several locations each year, are structured to encourage the transcendence of political, economic, and religious differences by bringing together distinguished participants from a wide range of fields, including CEOs, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs, Nobel Laureates and Pulitzer Prize-winners, artists and scientists, astronauts and Olympians, judges, diplomats and Presidents, Prime Ministers, professors and priests, Republicans, Democrats and Independents. Membership is by invitation only. Through hundreds of panels, seminars and workshops each Weekend, participants themselves address such public policy and personal concerns as "America's Responsibility to the World," "Investment Perspectives," and "How the Media has Covered the War Against Terrorism.” This is another Pilgrims Society front organization for extending the influence reach of The Society, and participants pay hefty fees to attend! The February 12, 1997, Washington Post reported that 1,400 politicians, scientists and educators from all over the country attended the Lader renaissance Weekend---including President Clinton. A report from late 2010 covering the 30th anniversary of Renaissance indicated 1,100 invitees included hedge fund operators, Congressmen, medicine, legal field and politicians. “Attendees submit biographies and references, and a group decides who is invited, said Lader, chairman of WPP, the world's largest advertising/media services company.” The December 31, 1993 New York Times made it clear that this is a profit making venture for MISTER Lader---

“Lest anyone try to establish a Renaissance Weekend cookbook or dating service, for instance, organizers say they are prepared to defend their exclusive rights to their name for the annual gathering.”

How much globalist subversion are these meetings a fountainhead for? What is the attendance fee? I suggest $1,000 minimum, so Lader may have netted over $20 million since the start; and having likely reinvested it in select opportunity elitist investments, may easily have blown it up past $100 million---exclusive of his other multiple income sources. He will never make it into The Pilgrims inner circle, but he’s well into its mid-circle strata. His profile at Renaissance Weekends says “He serves on the boards of WPP, Marathon Oil, RusAl, RAND and AES Corporations, the Smithsonian Museum of American History, and The . An Honorary Fellow of Pembroke College, Oxford University, and London Business School, an Honorary Bencher of the Middle Temple, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He has been awarded honorary doctorates by 14 universities, Rotary International's 2007 Global Service to Humanity Award, and the Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures & Commerce's 2001 Benjamin Franklin Medal.” He was a director of the American Red Cross for several years (1996-1997); no mention of The Pilgrims! What is it about Lader’s most important membership that he wants to not have known by the attendees of the Renaissance Weekends; or by most of them? The site bills Renaissance as “the Grand-daddy of Idea Festivals” and states that over 100 such weekends have been staged since 1981; my guesstimate of Lader’s takings may have been on the small side. The start page showed an image of Jamie Dimon of J.P. Morgan Chase---a shoo-in for Pilgrims membership!

Meeting rules of his RW festivals include “off the record” confidentiality for all meetings and discussions---like Bilderberg. Invitation criteria is spelled out---no small folks from the food court at the shopping mall need apply! RW they describe as “invitation only retreats for preeminent authorities emerging leaders.” They have an “Illustrative List of Past Participants” including persons from the Federal Reserve Board; Goldman Sachs; Time Warner; Lockheed Martin; NYNEX Corporation; Stillwater Mining; Coca Cola; Metropolitan Life; World Wrestling Federation; Citigroup; Occidental Petroleum; CBS; Overseas Private Investment Corporation; Microsoft; World Bank; Wal Mart and on and on; yet get the picture! These meetings aren’t all in South Carolina---other sites include Jackson Hole, Wyoming; Aspen Colorado and Santa Barbara, California. The last link calls the participants “power brokers;” Lader is the real power broker of these meetings---one member of The Pilgrims extending his influence over thousands of prominent persons around America! According to Power Base, Lader is a patron of the Scottish North American Business Council and the British American Project---which sounds as much a Pilgrims Society operation as anything possibly can. As of this item from 2006, Lader was a professor at The Citadel, the famous military academy in South Carolina. This item from October 1999 showed that Lader was due to deliver a speech at The Citadel. Founded in 1842, The Citadel today has a $270 million endowment and 3,350 students--- Reading room in the British Museum of which Lader is a former trustee (2001-2006) --- St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral atop Ludgate Hill in The City of London; Lader is a former trustee of its “charitable” foundation--- Lader is a former trustee of the Windsor Leadership Trust; I notice someone there from JP Morgan Chase. The British Royal family is directly represented---

Royal Academy of the Arts in London (1768) of which Lader is a former trustee--- During 1999-2001 Lader was chairman of the Sanford Institute of Public Policy at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Also known as the Sanford School of Public Policy, it was named after state Governor Terry Sanford (1961-1965) who became a Senator (1981-1986). Sanford started as an FBI agent in 1939. A division of this Institute is its Center for Child and Family Policy, which evidently boosts the idea that the state should be easily able to seize children from parents on whim, as I notice that psychiatry is part of this “center.” As of 2005 Lader was a member of the visiting committee of . They appear very tight lipped as to who is currently on their visiting committee---

“Honorary Bencher of the Middle Temple” refers to a magistrate or judge who sits on a bench. This is old English law, with lots of intricate history behind it. Lader is listed here in a list with who knows how many Pilgrims members from the London branch. The Middle Temple traces to 1608. Clockwise from top left are symbols for Lincoln’s Inn; Middle Temple; Gray’s Inn and the Inner Temple; all Pilgrims interlocked.

Lader is a board member of the National Museum of American History, a department of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. Yes, they are there to deceive---“The United States was caught flat- footed by Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor.” That is standard history and it is a lie! Roosevelt wanted to use the attack as an excuse to enter the war with his “Pilgrim Partners” in London, so he ordered the Pacific fleet in Hawaii onto “off alert” status!

Lader is a member of the CFR, Council on Foreign Relations in New York, the direct subsidiary of The Pilgrims organization and their most important group of directly supervised underlings; like The Pilgrims logo, it also shows a rider on a horse and features the Latin word “ubique” meaning “everywhere”--- Lader is a director of The Atlantic Council in D.C., set up in 1961 to “help” these United States fall back under British rulership---

Many Pilgrims members have been involved in The Atlantic Council in DC, London and its Paris office.

During 1996-1997 Lader was a director of the American Red Cross, known for serious frauds--- Lader’s info from 2005 shows that as of then, he was a director of RAND Corporation; not to split his hairs, but the position is called “trustee;” and he still holds it currently. “RAND” is an acronym for Research and Development Corporation.” RAND is perhaps the single most important elitist think-tank in the world, and its areas of interest as stated include terrorism and homeland security; terrorist organizations; national security; population and aging; children and families; education; health care; science and technology; infrastructure; international diplomacy; Iran; computer crime; climate change; energy; environment; public safety; law and business; it has an Army Research Division; so their interest is in everything that has to do with YOUR personal life and affairs! RAND is a complete superstructure of research for the British Royals and their nobles and aristocrats in The Pilgrims to take over and force us back into serfdom and feudalism! Founded in 1948 by Donald W. Douglas (Pilgrims) of the giant McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Corporation, RAND today has a staff of 1,700 and its 2013 revenues were $311 million. reveals-diabolical-secrets-of-the-the-rand-corporation/

“The RAND Corporation is the world's premier policy analysis institution, trusted for its innovative, rigorous, and objective problem solving.” Lader listed himself as a member of the World Presidents Organization, which claims 22,000 members in 125 countries. Another globalist group---

Lader belongs to the CEO, Chief Executives Organization, whose membership is limited to “2,000 global leaders” and is by invitation only--- Lader is a fellow of Pembroke College (founded 1347) of Oxford University in Cambridge, England. The Montreal Gazette, January 5, 1970, page 29, reported the passing of Jack Pembroke, Commander of the British Empire. His name appeared in The Pilgrims New York 1969 roster. He was chairman of Royal Trust Company of Canada; director of Canada & Dominion Sugar Company; Signet Fund in Bermuda; and Curtiss Wright Limited of Canada; Bank of Montreal; advisor to Commercial Union and Northern Employers Group. He was from London. Is there a historical connection between his name and the name of the College? It’s extremely likely. Pembroke was active in the Canadian government as a wartime official 1940-1945. So many members had government war related posts in both World Wars; this is entirely predictable and unrelated to chance processes. They are a fantastically organized global warfare cartel.

Lader is a fellow of the London Business School, founded circa 1965, which has had 130,000 students attend from 130 countries; the LBS has a “global outlook.” As if he can’t get enough quills on his porcupine back, Lader is a fellow of John Moores University in Liverpool, England--- We address the Harvard Club in New York elsewhere in this closing series. Lader is a member of the important Metropolitan Club in D.C. founded in 1863, where we must suspect Congressmen and Senators are unduly influenced by operators such as Lader---

“The Metropolitan Club is one of Washington's oldest and most valued private institutions. Since its founding in 1863, at the height of the Civil War, by six Treasury Department officials, it has pursued its primary goal of furthering "literary, mutual improvement, and social purposes." Today, more than 150 years after its founding, the Club continues to attract distinguished members from around the world. The Metropolitan Club's proximity to the White House and other icons of the nation's capital has made it a destination for many local, national and international leaders, including nearly every U.S. President.” Lader has been listed as a director of Marathon Oil (still current); AES Corporation (Applied Energy Services); and UC RUSAL. Marathon has around $15 billion annual revenues and 3,400 employees. It traces to the old Standard Oil Trust, broken up in 1911 by the Supreme Court. This was an action merely to fool the public, as no aspect of ownership was involved. AES at Arlington, Virginia has $17 billion annual revenues, 18,500 employees and operates electricity generation and distribution in 18 countries. Here is Lader shown currently on the board of directors of RUSAL (Russian Aluminum), which as of 2007 became the leader in the worldwide aluminum industry with over 67,000 employees. Since Lader’s dead pals in The Pilgrims Society (Lyndon B. Johnson--- Douglas Dillon---Robert Roosa---George Champion---Alfred P. Hayes---William McChesney Martin Jr. especially these) robbed the American public of lawful Constitutional silver coins, maybe Pilgrims Society member Philip Lader and his Pilgrims pals will “gift” us with boxcar loads of cheap aluminum coins? Is RUSAL already supplying aluminum for coins to various governments? You can tell from his photo that he’s a supercilious twit, an arrogant, vain boor seething with grandiose high flying power ambitions and a pretentious bigheaded snob. He has certainly enjoyed his secrecy.

Lader’s platter never gets full! Since 2009 he is a director of Salzburg (Austria) Global Seminar which right on its start page is raving about “global citizenship.” This detail appeared at his profile at Marathon Oil; at Salzburg I see he’s ended his “service” possibly in 2014. Their search yields 8 hits on him.

It seems impossible that we’d exhaust Lader’s storehouse of personal credits; and we haven’t done so; but in closing we notice he’s a trustee since 2007 of the Bankinter Foundation for Innovation in Madrid, Spain. It is in part a think-tank to “detect and analyze innovation trends that will shape the future.” It’s also interested in university curriculum, science and technology and entrepreneurship in Spain. It arranges internships for students (smells like a whiff of the Rhodes Scholar program) in countries such as Germany, Spain, India, Taiwan and the U.K. This foundation has another very frightening trustee---John De Zulueta. He may be the son of Sir Philip De Zulueta (Pilgrims London 1980) who was a director of Hill, Samuel & Company (1965-1976) and chaired Antony Gibbs holdings (1976-1981), important and world renowned finance firms in The City. Lader is a trustee of the Foundation for the 21st Century, which appears to be funded by George Soros, a highly likely Pilgrims member; confirmation pending availability of information! The law firm he’s the biggest honcho in mentions his CFR membership, and like his scan, says nothing about The Pilgrims. As a closing item they mention that he got the 2007 award from Rotary Club International for “Global Service to Humanity” (yeah right!) Founded in 1905, RCI claims 1.2 million members. And they don’t know this prominent operator Lader has more loyalty to the British Royal family than he has to America? His name itself has bad connotations, “Lader.” Know what a bill of lading is? “Lade” is an old verb meaning “to load,” Lader would be someone who loads; or in his case, someone who works onerous, objectionable burdens on others---all the faceless millions he sucks wealth out of. Lader was part of (Pilgrims) for President.

Lader has an office in Liberty Center, Charleston South Carolina--- 3) William Stamps Farish III (1939----; Pilgrims Society post the 1980 roster); Ambassador to England 2001-2004 from President Bush II (Pilgrims Society). Farish was probably a member by the early 1990s. He’s the son of W.S. Farish Jr., killed in an accident, and grandson of W.S. Farish II, who was “a pioneer in East Texas oilfield development, president of Standard Oil and a founding member and president of the American Petroleum Institute. He was a member of the influential Farish family.” Wiki should have said he was president of Standard Oil Company of New Jersey (1937-1942). William Farish I was the grand nephew of Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America. The maternal grandfather of Farish I owned a large slave plantation. Farish III, Pilgrims Society, appears to be the first family member to have been invited to join. Farish II, grandfather of Farish III, married Libbie R. Rice who “was a cousin of the first wife of Jefferson Davis, Sarah Knox Taylor, daughter of President Zachary Taylor. Libbie was a granddaughter of Walter B. Botts, a founder of the international law firm of Baker Botts. Farish III married Sarah Sharp, who was the stepdaughter of Du Pont heir Bayard Sharp, also an heir to the old-line Bayard fortune, tracing to early Dutch colonial land grants in the northeastern U.S. Bayard Sharp’s mother was Isabella Du Pont, daughter of a president of Du Pont (Pilgrims Society/Silver Users Association). Bayard Sharp does not appear in Pilgrims rosters up to the 1980 list however; two likely relations, Dale and George Sharp, were both in the 1969, 1974 and 1980 rosters. Bayard Sharp was president of the city council of Wilmington, Delaware. Farish III owns W.S. Farish & Company, a trust company operation in Houston, Texas at 1100 Louisiana Street downtown. The Farish line became related by marriage in 1939 to the Harrimans (Pilgrims Society; Union Pacific Railroad fortune; Wall Street banking).

This link has this to say about Farish I---

“Without industry trailblazer William Stamps Farish, the legendary Humble Oil & Refining Co. of Houston and the oil industry as it is known today would have never taken shape. In 1918, he raised the profile of Humble, serving on the Petroleum Committee of the Council for National Defense.” Farish III is a member of the advisory board to the British-American Business Council another obvious Pilgrims affair; recall that Philip Lader is involved with this one. The New York Times, February 15, 2001, “President Wants Horse Breeder as Envoy in London” called Farish III “a longtime friend of the Bush family” and continued---

“Mr. Farish, 62, is chairman of the board of Churchill Downs, where the Derby is run every year, and a devoted Republican fund-raiser whose family has provided the Bushes with a Florida vacation house for years. His nomination would follow the pattern of presidents of sending a political benefactor to the embassy in London. Administration officials said that President Bush had decided on Mr. Farish and that his name had been sent to the British government. Ambassadorships require Senate confirmation. Mr. Farish would bring to the job a longstanding relationship with Queen Elizabeth II, who is an avid horse breeder. On four occasions, the queen has visited Mr. Farish's stables in Kentucky, staying with Mr. Farish and his family each time. The current ambassador to Britain is Philip Lader, a close friend of former President and major Democratic contributor. If Vice President had won the presidential election, Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic fund- raiser, was prepared to move to be ambassador to the Court of St. James. Mr. Farish's ties to the Bushes run deep. For years, the Bush family has retreated to a waterfront compound in Boca Grande, Fla., owned by Bayard Sharp, an heir to the DuPont fortune and a relative of Mr. Farish. Former President George Bush went there after he lost to Mr. Clinton in 1992, and his son vacationed there late last year after his disputed election was finally resolved. A native of Houston, Mr. Farish is the founder of an investment firm called W. S. Farish & Co. That firm managed the trust that the elder Bush set up when he became 's vice president. Mr. Farish has also run Lane's End Farm, a thoroughbred stable in Versailles, Ky. And it was Mr. Farish who gave the Bushes their English Springer spaniel, Millie. Mr. Farish’s daughter, Laura Farish-Chadwick, is a personal assistant to Vice President Dick Cheney's wife, Lynne. During former President Bush's term, she worked as an administrative assistant in the White House scheduling office.” Farish III & Bush the Second in England---

Churchill Downs, founded in 1875 at Louisville Kentucky, has a present seating capacity of 120,000 and is the site of the annual and is probably the most famous venue anywhere. A fair number of Pilgrims Society members have been into horse racing and horse breeding, such as Paul Mellon. How much wealth and influence does a man have who chaired Churchill Downs, and hosts Presidents and foreign monarchs? Especially when that monarch is the Royal Patron of the nearly invisible Pilgrims Society, still unknown to most? Churchill Downs in 2013 reported $55 million net income. On November 12, 2014, Churchill Downs announced it would offer $885 million to buy Big Fish Games based in Seattle, a developer of mobile games. The news item mentioned that in addition to horse racing, Churchill Downs is also a casino operator. Relatively huge sums are bet on the outcome of horse races there and this has been going on for generations. Terry McAuliffe they said would have been Ambassador to England. That suggests he’s already a Pilgrims Society member. He became Governor of Virginia in January 2014 and was chairman of the Democrat National Committee from 2001 to 2005. He co-chaired Bill Clinton’s 1996 reelection campaign and chaired the 2008 Presidential campaign of The Hilarious Rotten Illuminated One (chicken faced ). The Clintons are an infrequent couple as both are Pilgrims Society members, most likely in the group’s outer circle, but top level flunkies. In 1985 McAuliffe was a founder of Federal City National Bank in the District of Columbia and rose to chairmanship at age 30. That bank helped finance various One-Worlders in Congress including Speaker of the House, Jim Wright. In 1991 McAuliffe negotiated a merger with Credit International Bank and became vice chairman. McAuliffe married the daughter of a Jimmy Carter presidential fund raiser. It’s known that Carter declined an offer from The Pilgrims to join due to no Blacks in the group. However it made no difference as they got everything they wanted from President Peanut. We cannot address that here. We read--- “In 1979, McAuliffe met Richard Swann, a lawyer who was in charge of fundraising for Jimmy Carter's presidential campaign in Florida. In 1988, McAuliffe married Swann's daughter, Dorothy. In the late 1980s, Swann's finances collapsed, entangling McAuliffe; McAuliffe used his political contacts to assist Swann. In 1990, federal regulators seized Swann's American Pioneer Savings Bank, causing Swann to file for bankruptcy; McAuliffe lost his $800,000 investment in American Pioneer. The Resolution Trust Corporation, a federal agency, seized American Pioneer's assets and liabilities. Under Swann's guidance, McAuliffe partnered with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) to purchase American Pioneer's real estate, valued at $50 million, for $38.7 million, from the Resolution Trust Corporation. Of the purchase amount, McAuliffe paid $100, while the pension fund paid $38.7 million; McAuliffe still received a 50% equity stake. The deal was arranged by Jack Moore, a NECA trustee, and acquaintance of McAuliffe. In 1997, McAuliffe invested $100,000 in Global Crossing, a Bermuda registered telecommunications company. Global Crossing went public in 1998. In 1999, McAuliffe sold the majority of his holding for $8.1 million. McAuliffe sold the remaining shares in January 2002. The company filed for bankruptcy later that month, causing investors to lose $54 billion, and 10,000 employees to lose their jobs.”

Globalist Republicans, globalist Democrats, it makes no difference. The middle and poor classes are gouged again, the non-aligned rich are crushed, and Pilgrims Society members lurk hovering above the carnage they direct. The NYT story touched on Farish’s connections to Dick Cheney. Cheney is a CFR member and there is a Jane McAuliffe there. Cheney was in the House of Representatives before becoming Secretary of Defense (1989-1993) and vice president (2001-2009). Cheney was assistant director (1971-1973) of the Nixon administration’s Cost of Living Council, which for some months dictated a price cap of $1.61 the troy ounce on domestically mined silver. This is the same Cheney who has a huge profile as a warmonger and also is known as a man with a very frail heart. He should have been gone from the scene at 37 when the first heart attack hit him. His boss at CLC was Don Rumsfeld, who also became a Defense Secretary and warmonger. Rumsfeld headed a profitable pharmaceutical with dangerous consumer products, Searle, sold to Monsanto in 1985. Any industry may be highly lucrative if it isn’t silver mining. “Rum and Silver” released in October 2006 describes Rumsfeld’s career as a silver suppressor. This was almost the only time a mining company has spoken openly against the long reign of the silver price suppression, when the government publicly imposed a price cap. The Wall Street Journal, July 24, 1972, page 16 reported---

“The Phase 2 price ceiling on domestic silver is $1.61 an ounce. The Cost of Living Council has created an artificial tightness by ruling that silver refined from domestic ore can’t be sold to U.S. users at more than the ceiling price.” In that article, Hecla Mining Company called the ruling, “arbitrary and capricious discrimination against a basic industry.” Silver price suppressor Donald Rumsfeld, probably a Pilgrims Society member, with Farish III at an airport---

Cheney and Rumsfeld may have become Pilgrims members post the 1980 list; I have found no definite proof to date. These items corollary to Pilgrims member Farish III addressed, we return to the direct focus on him. Page 1396 of the 2005 Who’s Who in America shows this---

This link shows Navarro Exploration with 30 Texas oil wells.

The National Urban League was founded in 1910 by George Haynes, an understudy of Pilgrims Society member of as a front for Wealthy White Guys to manipulate Blacks. Farish does fit the profile of a wealthy white guy. The Kentucky “bluegrass” region was heavy with slave plantations as well as champion horses. And Farish is big in the Kentucky racehorse industry. No, he never owned a slave. Is he trying to soothe old wounds or to manipulate Blacks for globalism?

Lane’s End Farm he bought in 1980 has 2,000 acres and breeds thoroughbred racehorses. Update---it’s now 3,000 acres and a second operation in Texas has been started. This State Department link mentions Farish as founder of Eurus, a bank holding company in New York which is tough to pin down, but there’s this document from the shady Cayman Islands Stock Exchange. Texas oilman and large scale cattle rancher John Boyd Carter was another founder of Capital National Bank and a member of The Pilgrims. “The mysterious and secretive William S. Farish III” So secretive the site operator never heard of The Pilgrims. Page 205 of “The Pilgrims of Great Britain” (2002) ---

We can’t show more of these meetings as the cutoff date of the books are involved. At Churchill Downs with Prince Philip (at left, hand on rail), the Queen and Sarah Farish---

President Bush II (Pilgrims) with Farish III (Pilgrims) at Churchill Downs--- Here’s Farish on video. No mention of The Pilgrims.

The Los Angeles Times, May 6, 1990 said--- “In 10 years, Farish has bred more than 80 stakes winners.”That's more than some big names in this industry breed in their lifetimes," says Farish's business manager, R. Bates Newton. Somehow, standing in the breeding shed, it's difficult to imagine another of Farish's friends there. But the queen of England was, Farish says, when she came to the United States last spring to inspect prospective stallions for her mares. The queen owns about two dozen mares, and each trip to Kentucky gives her a chance to set up those mares with the leading stallions. There's never any stud fee charged the queen, and the Lexington Herald-Leader estimated last year that the royal purse saved about $800,000 from not paying the fees.”

“Farish entered the national spotlight as owner of 1972 Preakness Stakes winner Bee Bee Bee, and singly or in partnership has raced more than 150 stakes winners. Among the more than 280 stakes winners Farish has bred singly or in partnership is 1992 Horse of the Year and leading sire A.P. Indy, who was pensioned in April 2011. A.P. Indy retired to Lane’s End at the end of 1992 and went on to sire at least 135 stakes winners.”

With Phipps, Farish III owned Storm Song, a major prizewinning horse in 1996. O.M. Phipps is a highly likely Pilgrims Society member, representing large wealth tracing back to a major partnership in the Carnegie Steel fortune. The Phippses have been represented in The Pilgrims U.S. maternally in Bradley Martin Jr. (1940 and 1957) and Alastair Bradley Martin (post 1980 roster member).

“Lane’s End has achieved a global stature that no other North American operation exceeds.” Prince Philip, Pilgrims Society and heir to the Royal families of Denmark and Greece, personally controls over 800 organizations of diverse description and is a raving lunatic for population “culling” by vaccines, warfare and any other possible means. He and the Queen are the parents of Prince Charles (Pilgrims Society). At Democratic Underground a post reads---

“If you do not know about William Farish III, there is a reason. The man is VERY private and most Americans have never heard of him. Yet, his power is immense and his fortunes from his grandfather are tied directly to the Bushes with investments in a multitude of foreign countries, and a host of exotic contacts overlapping the intelligence and financial worlds--particularly in Britain.”

Democratic Underground appears to have refused coverage to The Pilgrims Society so; they have limits as to how deeply they’re willing to probe---

In “George Bush---The Unauthorized Biography” by Webster Tarpley we read---“Known as one of the richest men in Texas, Will Farish keeps his business affairs under the most intense secrecy. Only the source of his immense wealth is known, not its employment.” This link has an excerpt from “George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography” --- by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin

“In 1966, the year that Bush says he left the management of Zapata to devote himself full-time to politics, Zapata experienced another increase in earnings per share. According to the 1966 Zapata Annual Report, Zapata's "net profits for 1966 exceeded the net profits of several Fortune 500 companies." The value of Zapata's offshore drilling fleet was an estimated $34 million, and the company's stock was now trading on the American Stock Exchange. With departure of George H.W. Bush as chairman of the board, the corporate personalities of Zapata underwent a shakeup. Along with Bush departed his maternal Uncle Herbie, AKA G.H. Walker Jr., the Managing Director of G.H. Walker and Company, New York. J.W. Gardner was out as president, replaced by William H. Flynn. The new chairman of the board and chief executive officer was now D. Doyle Mize, who had previously been a member of the board. The Underwood, Neuhaus Company interests kept their seat on the Zapata board, but their representative changed from Milton R. Underwood to *William Stamps Farish III, (err, William Stamps Farish) Bush's Beeville hunting partner and the grandson of the Standard Oil executive who had been exposed for dealing with Nazi firms.* Added to the board were also two representatives of leading Houston law firms, including R.P. Bushman of Vinson, Elkins, Weems, and Searls and B.J. Mackin of Baker, Botts, Shepherd and Coates. Judging from the presence of Farish and the Houston lawyers, we may conclude that although Bush had departed from the formal structure of Zapata, he still had board members to represent his interests, which was important in light of the Zapata stock he continued to hold. The sole New Yorker on the post-Bush board was also a new face, Michael M. Thomas of Lehman Brothers. Before Christmas, 1988, and during other holiday periods, Bush customarily joined his billionaire crony William Stamps Farish III at his Lazy F Ranch near Beeville, Texas, for the two men's traditional holiday quail hunt. This was the same William Stamps Farish (Farish) III whose grandfather, the president of Standard Oil of New Jersey, had financed Heinrich Himmler. William Stamps Farish (Farish) III's investment bank in Houston, W.S. Farish & Company had at one time managed the personal blind trust into which Bush had placed his personal investment portfolio.”

Here we read about Farish III---

“Farish is the past president of Fluorex Corporation, an international mining exploration company. He has been affiliated with and served on the boards of Houston Natural Gas, Galveston-Houston Corporation, Pogo Producing Company, Zapata Off-Shore Oil, Texas Children's Hospital, the Houston Museum of Natural Science, and the Institute for Rehabilitation and Research. Farish is a Steward and Vice Chairman of The Jockey Club, a director and chairman of the Executive Committee of the Breeders' Cup, and a member of the board of directors of the Keeneland Association. Farish is vice- chairman of the Board of Directors of the American Horse Council. He is president of the Ephraim McDowell Cancer Research Foundation. He serves on the board of directors of Transylvania University in Lexington and the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.” Fluorex is tough to find anything out about besides this description. W.S. Farish & Company, described variously as an investment bank, a holding company and a trust operation managing the Farish family and related wealth, very likely holds large blocks of stock in the corporations mentioned, as well as Exxon Mobil.

Houston Natural Gas was a very large utility that mutated into Enron Corporation, headed by Trilateral Commission member Kenneth Lay, who was a Bush family crony who originally worked for Exxon. Lay died of heart disease 14 weeks before he was due to be sentenced for his role in costing investors billions. In summer 2000, Enron reached almost $91 per share, but fell to under $1 per share by fall 2001. Wendy Gramm, who chaired the CFTC (1988-1993), was an audit board member of Enron, and her husband, Senator Phil Gramm of Texas (1985-2002) “gained notoriety” over the Enron affair. He later became a lobbyist for UBS. Galveston Houston Company was involved in construction, mining and oil and gas industries. Pogo Producing Company claimed 54 oil wells in Texas and was bought out in 2007 for $3.6 billion---

During 1953-1954 George H.W. Bush (Pilgrims Society) was one of a small core of founders of Zapata Oil. It also had significant commercial deep sea fishing activities in the Gulf of Mexico. Zapata ended up costing many small investors big, a small scale Enron.

It’s been pointed out that Zapata Oil was connected to a CIA figure. To that I say---so what? It’s connected to The Pilgrims Society, history’s most transcendent influence network, who are also the creators of the CIA and it remains one of thousands of their mere subsidiaries. Zapata also has Skull & Bones Society connections. It’s the same entry as that of the CIA.

Farish III is a longtime trustee of Rice University in Houston. Established in 1912, Rice University has about 6,500 enrollment and a $5.5 billion endowment. Rice has several other trustees who peg my Pilgrims meters as prospects; a Goldman Sachs personality and another who is ex of GS and runs his own investment group in Houston, Robert B. Tudor, III, whose name is fairly scary, harkening as it does to the old Tudor dynasty of England, in power from 1485 to 1603, and whose reign established the supremacy of the English monarchy over their territory as opposed to Papal “semi-supremacy” in religious and other affairs--- ngland/TheTudors/TheTudors Farish III is a former trustee of Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky, founded in 1780. The word actually means “across the forest.” It has over 1100 enrollment.

NNDB mentions Farish III as involved with Americans for Truth in Politics, another organization standing for the total reverse of what its name suggests. He was a Texas leader for Bush-Cheney ’04 campaign and has backed Rudy Giuliani (Order of the British Empire) and John McCain Campaign 2008. Also he’s supported the McConnell 2014 Senate Committee, is active with the National Republican Senatorial Committee and was a Mitt Romney backer (stringpuller!) William S. Farish IV (born 1963) was a personal aide to President George Bush the First. Baker Botts, the law firm associated with Pilgrims Society member James Addison Baker III (former Treasury Secretary and former Secretary of State, lead trustee in the $19 billion HH Medical Research Institute) is strongly connected to W.S. Farish & Company in legal matters. We’ll profile the very important Mister Baker III next time out. ---

“Farish was best known for his friendship with Queen Elizabeth II and for being, as former British ambassador to the United States Christopher Meyer wrote, "as agreeable as he was invisible."

4) Robert Holmes Tuttle (1943---; Pilgrims Society at least as of 2005) was Ambassador to England (2005-2009). Tuttle was assistant to President Ronald Reagan (Pilgrims Society) during 1982-1985 and during 1985 to 1989 Tuttle was director of Presidential personnel at the White House. After leaving the White House posts he was a director (1989-1999) of Arizona Bank & Trust. Tuttle raised over $200,000 for President Bush II (Pilgrims Society) 2004 Presidential campaign, and was rewarded by being named Ambassador to our “Pilgrim Partner,” England! His father, Holmes Tuttle (1906-1989) was an early Ronald Reagan political backer in his 1966 run for California state governor. Holmes identified himself as one of a group of “very successful capitalists who have created dozens of companies.” The town of Tuttle, Oklahoma, is named for the father of Holmes Tuttle. Robert H. Tuttle owns a chain of automobile dealerships in southern California and “currently serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Pacific Council on International Policy.

The Pacific Council on International Policy, founded in 1995, is another globalist tentacle---Robert H. Tuttle, Pilgrims Society, is co-chairman and his wife is a member---

Jon Huntsman Jr., Governor of Utah (2005-2009) who was Ambassador to China (2009-2011), is associated with the Pacific Council and my view is, 90% likelihood Huntsman is a member of The Pilgrims, due to that post to China and several other characteristics he has which “flag” him as a very probable MEMBER---not the least of which is his acquisition of a member of the old-line Pilgrims Society Livingston dynasty as a son in law. Huntsman Corporation in 2014 had revenues of $13 billion and 16,000 employees. It’s in the chemical business and is an industrial silver user! He’s involved with the Atlantic Council in D.C., which wants these United States to revert to direct, overt British governance!

He’s a former four year trustee of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in D.C., established in 1968 as part of the Smithsonian Institution by Act of Congress. The Wilson Center, ominously named for the President whose time in office saw the passage of the Federal Reserve Act---and the funding of World War One that the Fed made more feasible, is as much a Pilgrims instrumentality as any of several thousand others, direct and indirect. Thomas Nides of Morgan Stanley---a likely Pilgrims member---chairs the Wilson Center, and it has other definite connections to The Society.

Tuttle is also a trustee of the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress in Washington, D.C.

The CSPC sounds less like a think tank for studying the Presidency and Congress than for an instrumentality of influence; that you can bet on. Here’s Tuttle on the CPSC board along with a rogue’s gallery of other globalists; he may not be the only Pilgrims member there. Tuttle is co-owner with his cousin, Jim Click, of six new automobile dealerships in southern California and ten in Arizona. Considerable income accrues from these dealerships. Tuttle is likely the majority owner, else their name order would be reversed. It’s very doubtful that Click is a Pilgrims member---seats in The Society are very limited, and one representative of this auto dealership and real estate fortune is adequate. Maria Hummer Tuttle, his wife, was named to the board of trustees of the J. Paul Getty Trust where we read---

“Ms. Hummer-Tuttle practiced law for 20 years and was a partner and chair of the management committee of Manatt, Phelps and Phillips in Los Angeles. She has served on a number of business and charitable boards including The Music Center of Los Angeles County, The Armand Hammer Museum of Art and Cultural Center, Los Angeles World Affairs Council, Children's Institute Inc., Pitzer College, Mount St. Mary's College and Scripps College. She recently co-authored the book Winfield House, published by Thames & Hudson, and serves on the board of the Foundation for Art and Preservation in Embassies.” In 2013 the Getty Trust reported net investment income of $375,851, 322. We’ll take a pass on the Music Center but the Armand Hammer Museum in Los Angeles must be addressed. Named for Armand Hammer (1898-1990) of Occidental Petroleum, Hammer is infamous in silver circles for having pierced his beak into the Hunts as the COMEX board was sinking their silver play, and drawing $116 million out of them as the market was heavily stacked in favor of shorts, as always. Hammer wasn’t in the last Pilgrims roster we have (1980) but he could have become a member later--- in time for his fortune to be merged into the world’s biggest investment trust, which happens to be publicly invisible. Or he may not have become a member, but he wasn’t at odds with their policies.

Chairman of the Los Angeles World Affairs Council is Robert Van Dine, who may be a relative of Pilgrims member Vance Van Dine (Who’s Who in America, 2005, page 4791) of silver antagonist Morgan Stanley & Company. Van Dine was in The Pilgrims 1980 roster. Tuttle’s wife is involved with the LAWAC. Which Children’s Institute she’s involved with isn’t clear. Is it more child psychiatry, vaccinations, and interference with parental rights? Pitzer College, founded in 1963 at Claremont, California, has a $134 million endowment---a worthwhile sum for adding to sum total market control by a wife of a Pilgrims member---

This smaller college, founded in 1925, has a $65 million endowment, more influence in The Pilgrims piggy bank--- Scripps College (1926) at Claremont, California has a $311 million endowment---

The Foundation for Art and Preservation in Embassies appears to be yet another angle whereby relations between many countries can be nudged along on a globalist trajectory. This foundation has since 2008 had an “Annenberg Award” which is “to honor distinguished American individuals who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in furthering global understanding.” (1908-2002) who was Ambassador to England (1969- 1974) and in The Pilgrims 1974 roster--- Annenberg is best remembered as a mentor of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan and the billionaire owner of Triangle Publications, owner of TV Guide.

Maria Hummer Tuttle is also a trustee of Caltech, California Institute of Technology in Pasadena ($2 billion endowment), founded in 1891 and has served as a trustee of the Caltech Space Innovation Council--- Maria Hummer Tuttle is a member of The Pilgrims direct subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations.

According to United States Public Diplomacy, Maria Hummer Tuttle is also a trustee of the W.M. Keck Foundation, the Suu Foundation and is president of the Hummer-Tuttle Foundation in Beverly Hills, probably the way this “illuminated” Pilgrims Society couple escapes taxation that burdens down commoners and would be competitors alike. The SUU is co-chaired by Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton, and Mrs. Hummer Tuttle is there! What is going on besides the veneer? The British exploited Burma for centuries. No “charity” operated by The Pilgrims organization is fit to be trusted, though they’ll be able to point to some superficial good while the rest is toxic--- Keck Foundation, started in 1954, traces to the former Superior Oil Company, which became part of the Exxon-Mobil colossus (Pilgrims Society). Keck has assets north of $1 billion. In addition to Maria Hummer Tuttle, key Pilgrims Society member James Addison Baker III, former Treasury Secretary during 1985-1988 (gold and silver squelcher) and former Secretary of State during 1989-1992, is a trustee of Keck. Baker is also the lead trustee in the much larger Howard Hughes Medical Research Institute---

Ms. Hummer-Tuttle serves on the Advisory Board of the USC Center on Public Diplomacy at the Annenberg School of Communication (as has hubby), the Program Advisory Committee of The Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands---

In 1983 Prince Philip (Pilgrims Society) and Queen Elizabeth II (Patron of The Pilgrims Society) met with Walter Annenberg (Pilgrims Society) at Sunnylands which is at Rancho Mirage, California, a private retreat for the wealthy globalists. Below following, Pilgrims puppet President Obummer with Chinese official Xi Jinpeng at Sunnylands, Annenberg’s palatial estate completed in 1966---world leaders, you see, meet at Pilgrims Society stomping grounds, while attention is misdirected towards the inferior Bilderberg subsidiary---Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Ford, Clinton, both Presidents Bush and Prince Charles have all appeared at Sunnylands--- Mrs. Hummer Tuttle has also been a director of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, the Legal Aid Foundation and the Women’s Leadership Board of John F. Kennedy School of Government at . According to this, Robert H. Tuttle is affiliated with a group called Restore Our Future, Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and City National Corporation, a bank holding company in Los Angeles with $31 billion in assets; Tuttle is a current board member. During 2001-2004 R.H. Tuttle was chairman of the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art. He has, as I’d expect, served as a governor of the subversive Ditchley Foundation, one of the most intense “hot spots” in the entire Pilgrims Society network; this one is heavy with diplomats. Restore Our Future is a PAC formed in 2012 to back Mitt Romney. The Pilgrims Society will control the White House regardless of labels. Tuttle is on the Reagan Foundation board with another Pilgrims Society member, Steve Forbes, whose father was a member. Steve is especially tricky as he says some things which are quasi-correct, and he hires shills to write for his magazine who also help him misdirect the simple. See “Steve Forbes Bogus Gold Standard Concept,” released in January 2014.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles--- In 2005 Tuttle gave an opening speech in London at---

“Defence Security and Equipment International (DSEI) is a defence and security equipment exhibition held every two years in London Docklands, which draws thousands of visitors, both trade and military. It is an important event in the international military and national security equipment sales calendar and is organized in association with UK Trade & Investment's Defence & Security Organisation (UKTI DSO). It is the world’s largest fully integrated international defence exhibition featuring land, sea and air products and technologies.”

DSEI is on You Tube.

According to NNDB, Robert Tuttle is or has been involved with Americans for Truth in Politics (which sounds dismal); and the political campaigns of McCain for Senate 1998; tyranny advocate John Ashcroft, Attorney General during 2001-2005; Bush-Cheney 2000 and 2004; John McCain for President 2008; and Pete Coors (of the beer fortune) for U.S. Senate. McCain’s father, a Navy Admiral, was in The Pilgrims 1969 leaked roster! Click here to view a window on a page displaying an index; see page 5 of the index, showing The Pilgrims Society mentioned on nine pages of “The Embassy in Grosvenor Square---American Ambassadors to the United Kingdom 1938-2008” by A.R. Holmes and J.S. Rofe. I may order a copy however; I expect the references to be totally bland in nature and add nothing not already known. This book came out in late 2012---eight years after I released “Meet The World Money Power,” my first public presentation on The Pilgrims.

Tuttle is typical of so many Pilgrims members who were Ambassadors to England or from England to America. Many have large fortunes in their own right; some are/were career diplomats; all are chosen by The Pilgrims inner circle dynasties, who are far wealthier still. Whitney, Ambassador to England (1957- 1961) is illustrative. In “The Guilded Age Billionaires Part II” at the New York Social Diary, info on Whitney’s Pilgrims activities is deleted but they mentioned his marrying into the silver stealing Roosevelt (Pilgrims Society) clan. Whitney was closer to The Pilgrims inner circle than Tuttle ever will be and was a vice president of the Secret Society.

5) Louis Susman (1937---Pilgrims Society since at least 2009; probably earlier) was Ambassador to England (2009-2013) and all U.S. Ambassadors to England and vice versa are members of The Pilgrims Society! We read--- “Louis B. Susman (born November 19, 1937) is an American lawyer, retired investment banker, and the former United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom. Nominated by President , he was confirmed by the Senate on July 10, 2009, and sworn in by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Prior to his appointment, Susman was the managing director and vice chairman of Citigroup Corporate and Investment Banking. He practiced law for 27 years and was a senior partner at the St. Louis-based law firm of Thompson & Mitchell, focusing on mergers and acquisitions and general corporate law. Susman was appointed to the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy by Ronald Reagan in 1988, and served as a director of the Center for National Policy in Washington, D.C. Susman served on the Democratic National Committee from 1972 to 1982. He retired in 2009 as vice chairman of Citigroup Global Markets in . Susman is a longtime and prolific fundraiser for Democratic Party candidates, including Obama and 2004 presidential nominee John Kerry (Pilgrims/Skull & Bones). According to the Agence France-Presse (AFP), "US ambassador residences in London and Paris have long been retreats for presidents' wealthy friends. William Farish, a multimillionaire Texan, and Robert Tuttle, a California car dealer - both top financial backers - served as ambassadors to London during the Bush years.”

Susman’s info in the 2005 Who’s Who in America, page 4573, shows he was funneling money to various politicians. Richard Gephardt was House Majority Leader during 1989 to 1995. How much mileage did The Pilgrims Society get out of him? After leaving Congress, Gephardt became a consultant to Goldman Sachs---

Citigroup Center in Chicago, where Susman had his Pilgrims Society international moneylender activities--- The U.S. Advisory Committee on Public Diplomacy, founded in 1948 as a State Department adjunct, was a card in Susman’s marked deck--- The Center for National Policy is another of Sunman’s interests; (Pilgrims) is also involved with this meddlesome entity.

During 1972-1982 Susman was on the Democratic National Committee. He may have become a Pilgrims member by 1981, but he isn’t in the 1980 roster. Nevertheless, he definitely had connections that way else he wouldn’t have been in deep with the despicable DNC (as despicable as The Pilgrims other main political string, the RNC) --- Susman is a member of Friends of Nevada Senator Harry Reid, the incredibly radical demagogue who despises the remaining freedoms we still have left. Susman is or has been a director of Children’s Memorial Hospital of Chicago. Big Hospitals = Big Money = “PILL- GRAMS.”

Susman we read is interested in “the Transatlantic Alliance,” yes he is, as a key reason for The Pilgrims Society to exist is to reunite America with Great Britain, with America in the subservient position! Susman at right greets the 682nd Lord Mayor of London, Nick Anstee (Pilgrims Society London) and one of the top lawyers (“barristers”) in The City--- Of Susman, described as “a lawyer and financier” we read, “Like Mr. Obama, he has a house in an expensive area of Chicago beside Lake Michigan. He raised at least $500,000 for Mr. Obama's campaign and a further $300,000 for his inauguration.” More details on Susman---

“Prior to being named non-Executive Chairman and board member of DJE Holdings, Louis served as the U.S. ambassador to the United Kingdom for four years. Before that, he was the managing director and vice chairman of Citigroup Corporate and Investment Banking. While at Salomon Brothers, which would later become part of Citigroup, Louis played in an integral role in several major mergers including Dayton Hudson’s purchase of Marshall Field’s and LG Electronics’ acquisition of Zenith Electronics Corporation. He practiced law for 27 years and was a senior partner at the St. Louis- based law firm of Thompson & Mitchell, focusing on mergers and acquisitions and general corporate law.”

Susman is chairman of DJE Holdings, which describes itself as the “world’s largest PR firm – thousands of talented employees connecting, informing and creating inspiring work around the globe. We recalibrate brands to broaden awareness, reframe global positions and re-connect with core customers. Our business is to help you form relationships and effectively engage.”

DJE Holdings has some $734 million annual revenues and 5,000 employees with offices in Chicago and New York. How about some publicity for The Pilgrims Society? Friends, these shadowy conspirators and colluders don’t want their organization to become known to Americans or anyone else! It’s the same principle as termites---if not discovered, they can wreck a structure. So we have Susman heading the world’s biggest public relations firm and his fellow member Philip Lader heading WPP in London, the world’s biggest advertising agency. That’s huge editorial policy influence---if you want our business, your media outlets will not mention The Pilgrims organization! Both Susman and Lader are called “non executive chairmen,” meaning, they are the top dogs in each company, but someone else is the administrative workhorse---allowing them more time for their secretive Pilgrims Society machinations! Bloomberg Business Week states---

“Ambassador Louis B. Susman, J.D. is Senior Advisor at Atlas Merchant Capital LLC. He was a Senior Partner of Thompson & Mitchell. His practice focused on mergers and acquisitions and general corporate law and involved in major merger transactions for over 27 years including assisting Trans World Airlines in the sale of their company and Anheuser Busch in the purchase of Civic Center Redevelopment Corp. Ambassador Susman has long been active in the public sector. He was a Senior Advisor to President Obama’s Campaign and was the National Finance Chairman for Senator Kerry’s Presidential Campaign in 2004. Ambassador Susman serves as a Vice Chairman of the Citibank Global Corporate Investment Bank and Salomon Smith Barney Investment Bank. He has been a Director of US Can Corp. since 1998 and D&K Healthcare Resources Inc. since November 1998. Ambassador Susman is Special Advisor to BDT Capital Partners, and Special Advisor to Henry Crown & Co. In addition, Ambassador Susman is a Member of the Board of the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate and a Member of the Board of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. He serves as a Director of Drury Industries Inc., Drury Development Corporation, and a Trustee of Underwriters Laboratories. Ambassador Susman is a member of the Citigroup International Advisory Board. He is a Member of the Executive Advisory Board of The Edgewater Funds. Ambassador Susman serves as a Director of Echo Global Logistics Inc. from June 2006 to June 2009. He served as an Advisory Director of D&K Healthcare Resources Inc. from June 1998 to November 1998. Ambassador Susman is also a Member of the Chairman’s Circle of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. He serves as a Member of the Board of Directors of the following Chicago institutions: The Art Institute of Chicago, The Lyric Opera of Chicago and The Northwestern Children's Memorial Hospital. He is also a Member of the National Historical Trust; a Vice Chairman of The Chicago Economic Club and the Northwestern University Associates; and a Governing Member of The Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Ambassador Susman served on the board of the St. Louis National Baseball Club Inc., Silver Eagle Inc., Hasco International, Penn Corp Financial, Avery Inc. and other publicly-held corporations. Ambassador Susman was a Director of the Center for National Policy in Washington, D.C. He took up his duties in London on August 17, 2009 and retired on April 3, 2013. He has previously served on many public and private corporation boards.” United States Can Corporation, one of Susman’s former board memberships, was acquired by Ball Corporation. Another one is D & K Healthcare Resources, of which we read--- “D & K Healthcare Resources, Inc. is a full-service, regional wholesale drug distributor of branded and generic pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter healthcare and beauty aid products. The Company's customers include independent drug stores, chain drug companies, hospitals, and alternate care facilities.” We also find this--- “D & K Healthcare Resources is in the legitimate drug-trafficking trade. The wholesale drug distributor supplies branded and generic pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter health and beauty aids to independent pharmacies, retail chains, and health care institutions. D & K Healthcare serves customers in more than 25 Midwestern and Southern states. The company also provides order entry, inventory and invoice management, and other customized application all of Pharmaceutical Buyers, a group purchasing organization. McKesson acquired the company in 2005.”

Alton F. Irby III of London appears to be the most likely Pilgrims Society member (unconfirmed) today on the McKesson board. It’s the largest pharmaceutical distributor in North America with some 43,500 employees and over $122 billion annual volume and serves at least 50% of all hospitals!

Susman is special advisor to BDT Capital Partners in Chicago, the chairman of which is Byron Trott, who was with Goldman Sachs for some 25 years before starting BDT, apparently, his initials. A Washington Post report from late 2014 says, “Five years after leaving Goldman, Trott, 55, is parlaying longtime links to the moneyed elite into an investment and advisory firm that helps rich families get richer. BDT — for Byron David Trott — plays two roles for its well-heeled clients. It provides advice on whether to merge, expand or sell businesses. BDT managed $6.3 billion in client assets as of Dec. 31 and is raising $5.2 billion more, according to regulatory filings. “Byron’s got a blue-chip list of people who trust him,” says John Canning, chairman of Madison Dearborn Partners, the largest Midwestern private-equity firm. “He’s played a key role in Chicago. Since most large investment banks are headquartered elsewhere, he’s been able to establish a unique practice advising on extremely large transactions.” Warren Buffett, the world’s third- wealthiest person, is the biggest name on Trott’s prestigious list. The legendary 83-year-old investor has built his Berkshire Hathaway into the world’s fifth-most-valuable company. For at least a dozen years, Trott has been at the center of some of Buffett’s leading deals.”

Is Trott a Pilgrims member? Perhaps; our Preeminent Secret Society does not release rosters! Is he connected to The Pilgrims? Obviously yes, through Louis Susman, and very likely through several others. I’ve long said that it’s next to impossible that Warren Buffet wouldn’t be a member. When the last leaked list we have came out, Buffet would have been 48---too soon for many members to have been admitted but he could have been on The Pilgrims waiting list at that time. More from the Washington Post---

“The Buffett-Trott relationship blossomed while Trott was at Goldman. In 2002, Henry Paulson, then Goldman’s CEO, was reorganizing the bank’s outreach to rich clients and tapped Trott as emissary to Buffett. Trott helped enlist Buffett in 2008 in the effort to extract Goldman from a potentially fatal crisis. As markets cratered that fall, Goldman wanted to shore up its balance sheet by selling as much as $10 billion in new shares. Trott advised superiors that the fundraising would be a mistake without a name like Buffett. Trott has played a role in deals involving at least 10 of the 30 wealthiest people in the world — including Charles and David Koch and heirs to the family fortunes of Mars Inc. and Wal-Mart. Their collective net worth was about $380 billion in early August. Joining Trott’s BDT club isn’t cheap. He asked for a $25 million minimum investment for BDT Capital Partners Fund I, one of his private-equity funds, a regulatory filing says. Investments may take 10 years to pay out, according to another filing, twice as long as some private- equity funds. By the end of last year, 90 people had signed up for BDT Capital Partners Fund I. Trott does his best to keep to himself and his high-level network out of the media. His firm doesn’t maintain a publicly accessible website. As Trott hones his solo act, he’s making a Chicago landmark the symbol of his effort to provide wealthy families with advice, capital — and discretion. He’s refurbishing the Wrigley Building, a 27-story, 1920s Spanish baroque gem.”

The Koch brothers and a member of the Marrs family may easily be Pilgrims Society members; or have proxies who are members. Trott is a trustee of the University of Chicago, originally endowed over a century ago by a $40 million gift from the Rockefellers (Pilgrims Society).

David Rockefeller Senior (Pilgrims Society since 1949) is a lifetime trustee--- “Trott is also expanding overseas. In 2012, BDT provided advice and capital when Austria’s Reimann family began snapping up coffee companies. Trott and Bart Becht, chairman of the Reimanns’ Luxembourg-based investment firm, both graduated in 1982 from the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. Today, four adopted children of Albert Reimann — Renate, Wolfgang, Stefan and Matthias — are together worth about $19 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. “Byron has been developing great relationships with some of the country’s wealthiest families both during our years at Goldman and in his current incarnation.” Trott encouraged the rich to get acquainted through seminars at Goldman for CEOs, says Robert Hormats, who is vice chairman of Kissinger Associates and worked with Trott at Goldman. Trott is riding trends that are concentrating more wealth in fewer hands. The richest 10 percent now earn half of U.S. income. He advised the Pritzkers on selling a majority stake in industrial conglomerate Marmon Holdings to Buffett for $4.5 billion in a deal announced in 2007. He joined the Hyatt board after Goldman and Wal-Mart’s Walton family invested $1 billion into the company. Trott became a Goldman partner in 1994. Five years later, he qualified for a $103 million bonus as part of the bank’s initial public offering.”

Robert Hormats is another definite Pilgrims candidate. Most members if they have a Who’s Who listing---omit to so state in it! The Pritzkers are likely candidates, or would have someone representing their interests within The Society. Even non-Anglo wealth like the Austrian family gets represented in The Pilgrims, or indirectly through their Bilderberg political subsidiary. Many members do have actual Austrian heritage.

Next we notice Susman is also special advisor to Henry Crown & Company. Named for Henry Crown (1896-1990) who was a billionaire by the 1980s who founded Material Service Corporation selling gravel, sand and coal. It merged with General Dynamics in 1959. According to BB “Henry Crown and Company is a private investment group that manages investments in banking, transportation, oil and gas, cellular phones, home furnishings, and resort properties.” In 1966 Henry Crown was ousted from the General Dynamics board by chairman Roger Lewis (Pilgrims 1969) but by 1970 Crown was back. The Pilgrims Society has had active interest in General Dynamics through other members. Truman’s Secretary of the Army, Frank Pace Jr. (1950-1953) went on to head General Dynamics (1953-1962). Here’s Frank Pace Jr. from page 20 of The Pilgrims New York 1957 roster. He also appears in 1969, 1974 and 1980---

Pace held numerous other positions; he got on the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board as of 1961 and chaired (1968- 1972) the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Paley was long time chairman of Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS). How convenient! The Pilgrims Society runs the media to maintain tight secrecy for their group and the war industrial complex and it massages the public mind at will, conditioning it for more wars! It appears that Crown may not have been mentally suitable for membership in The Pilgrims; that they insinuated others into influential positions in General Dynamics; and that after resisting this influence, the Crown fortune is “back in the fold” with Pilgrims member Louis Susman a “special advisor” to the family holding company. Yahoo Finance states--- “The jewels of Henry Crown and Company shine on like crazy diamonds. Controlled by Chicago's prominent Crown family, Henry Crown and Company is an investment firm that owns or has interests in a variety of business assets. These holdings include stakes in sports teams (the Chicago Bulls and the New York Yankees), leisure (Aspen Skiing Company), banking (JPMorgan Chase), and real estate (Rockefeller Center). The company also has a stake in General Dynamics; after once controlling the company outright, it still has a seat on the board. Affiliate CC Industries holds and manages some of the Crown family's investments.”

In “The Crown family---Investing in Weapons, War…and Obama” we read---

“Americans who went to the polls in 2008 believing that a vote for Barack Obama was a vote for peace, now face the prospect of a presidential election in which both major party candidates will be openly wedded to endless war, cold-blooded “targeted killings,” record military budgets, and the systematic violation of U.S. and international law.”

Considering the warmongering nature of The Pilgrims, it’s interesting to see Ambassador Susman, our Pilgrims member now under review, a director of J Street in Washington D.C., which bills itself as “The Political Home for Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace Americans.”

Morton Halperin, a hack probably rising no higher than CFR level, heads this group of which Susman is there to “bestow maximum illumination” on the others running it. The Society is interested in manipulating all sides of many geopolitical issues.

Ambassador Susman is also a Member of the Chairman’s Circle of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Founded in 1922 as a direct extension of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, started in 1921, and therefore a direct, if informal, subsidiary of The Pilgrims in New York, the Chicago Council is a meeting place for the globalist faction in Chicago (the wealthiest and most influential people there) ---

Their start page as this is written shows five soldiers in battle gear and has the headline, “Ukraine and the Crisis of Euro-Atlantic Security,” meaning they’re agitating for more American involvement in endless overseas wars, from which their interests stand to be enriched still more. Susman is a member of the Citigroup International Advisory Board. The Edgewater Funds, based in Chicago, representing around $1.4 billion, has Susman on its executive advisory board---

He was a director (2006-2009) of Echo Global Logistics which had $1.17 billion revenues in 2014. “Echo has procured transportation and provided logistics services for more than 22,700 clients across industries such as manufacturing, construction, consumer products and retail.”

Susman is a lifetime trustee of the Art Institute of Chicago. Founded in 1866, it’s the fifth most visited museum in America. Another of Susman’s playgrounds--- Children’s Memorial Hospital, another of Susman’s irons in the fire, was renamed in 2012---

What was Susman’s interest with this major hospital? Compulsory vaccinations and social workers interfering with parental custody rights? Does the Pilgrim Society member care to comment? The National Historical Trust U.K., not to be confused with the National Trust for Historic Preservation, is chaired by Prince Charles (Pilgrims Society). Ambassadors to England like Susman, in addition to being selected by inner circle Pilgrims members in the United States, may easily be Royal family operatives---like Philip Lader. Susman is a former vice chairman of the Economic Club of Chicago, a near clone of the Economic Club of New York; both poisonously anti-silver and both interlocked with Federal Reserve regional banks.

Another of Susman’s levers of influence, with Northwestern University Associates (this is also a haunt of current Pilgrims members Charles Lawrence Brock and Mark Angelson); and a Governing Member of The Chicago Symphony Orchestra founded in 1891--- During 1975-1989 Susman was a board member of the St. Louis Cardinals Baseball Team. Professional sports, a tremendous crowd mania obsession, has two purposes for the elite---one, it draws attention away from their activities of destroying the middle class and two, it sucks and absorbs vast wealth from John Q. Public, including through sales of Liquid Manhood (“beer”). Susman is a former director of Silver Eagle, “the nation’s largest distributor of Anheuser-Busch products and one of the largest Grupo Modelo distributors in the nation. The company also distributes a broad selection of import brands, microbrews, craft beers and several non-alcohol beverages and waters.” This fits with his professional sports team interests.

Susman was a director of Hasco, founded in 1902, which makes metal and plastic ID tags such as for cattle, domestic pets and many other applications (ear tags for cattle) speaking of which, should not members of The Pilgrims have to wear fluorescent and ultraviolet collars so the rest of us can know who’s screwing us in so many drastic ways? Penn Corp Financial I’m not finding anything exact about; it probably merged or adopted a new name such as East Penn Financial, a Pennsylvania based bank holding company. Avery Incorporated was another board Susman was on. It may be this one, with over $6 billion in 2013 revenues in adhesive labels, apparel labels and medical related items; or this one, dealing in purchase and sale of medical office buildings and hundreds of former U.S. Postal Service buildings. I’d say it’s the first choice, as it fits with the tag company. Susman has also been a director of “other publicly held corporations.”

Susman’s daughter Sally, born in 1961, is a director of WPP London, chaired by Pilgrims member Philip Lader, who was also Ambassador to England. WPP says---

“Sally Susman is currently executive vice president, Policy External Affairs & Communications for Pfizer, the world’s largest biopharmaceutical company. Sally also heads the firm’s corporate responsibility group and plays a key role in shaping policy initiatives. Before joining Pfizer in 2007, Sally was EVP of Global Communications at Estée Lauder, where she directed global corporate affairs strategy and served as a member of the Executive Committee. She also held several senior corporate affairs posts at American Express, working in both London and the US. Sally started her career in government service focused on international trade issues and her positions included Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs in the US Department of Commerce. She serves on the board of the International Rescue Committee, the US Department of State’s International Council on Women’s Business Leadership and the US India Business Council. She was also appointed as the Commissioner on Women’s Issues by Mayor Michael R Bloomberg. Sally holds a BA in Government from Connecticut College in the US and has studied at London School of Economics.”

Pfizer, a company whose “medications” cause side effects up to fatalities, gets plenty of lawsuits, but always earns more than it pays out, and had volume of around $55 billion in 2014. Edmund Pratt Jr., Pfizer chairman and Chase Manhattan Bank director, was in The Pilgrims 1980 roster. A more recent Pfizer chairman, Barry MacTaggart, also surfaced as a member of The Pilgrims lethal secret society and we’ll profile him in due time. Bloomberg? Yes, I expect he’d be a member---if we had a roster.

At this Pfizer link we notice---

“Sally Susman is Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs for Pfizer, the world's largest biopharmaceutical company whose diversified health care and consumer products are sold around the world. She is a member of Pfizer’s Executive Leadership Team, chairs Pfizer’s Political Action Committee and is Vice Chair of the Pfizer Foundation, which promotes access to quality health care, nurtures innovation and supports the volunteerism of Pfizer’s 100,000 employees. Ms. Susman directs Pfizer’s global communications and its public affairs activities, including high-level relations with the governments of all nations in which the Company has operations or markets products. Ms. Susman also heads the firm’s corporate responsibility group and plays a key role in shaping the Company’s policy initiatives. From 1995 to 1997, she was based in London, where she was responsible for corporate communications and government relations for American Express throughout Europe. Earlier in her career, Ms. Susman spent eight years in government service focused on international trade issues. Her positions included Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs in the U.S. Department of Commerce and Legislative Assistant for the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. Ms. Susman holds a B.A. in government from Connecticut College; she has also studied at the London School of Economics. She serves on the following boards: WPP, a world leader in advertising and marketing based in the UK; the Library of Congress Trust Fund; and The International Rescue Committee.”

The 2014 Who’s Who in the East, page 1379, shows Susman’s daughter is a trustee of Connecticut College; commissioner of the New York City Commission on Women’s Issues; and a director of the National Partnership for Women and Families where vaccine champion Kathleen Sebelius, Obama’s ex Secretary of Health & Human Services, is depicted as a demigod. Sebelius sounds like a fatal mosquito borne infection. In what ways does Susman use these levers of influence to peddle Pfizer’s chancy pharmaceuticals? Or to otherwise further various Pilgrims Society objectives? Here’s what the SPAWN of some Pilgrims Society members looks like---apparently affable, congenial and sociable---but involved in activities deleterious to civilization---

The London School of Economics is a notorious Pilgrims Society run institution, blindingly ferocious in its advocacy of fiat currency. Notice her connection to the Library of Congress; the International Rescue Committee we addressed in the profile on Sir Jeremy Greenstock. “Susman was appointed to the United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy in 1988. Susman is a member of the Secretary of State’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board.” Susman interviewed by an English reporter on the “” with the United Kingdom practically declared himself a Crown subject. No mention of The Pilgrims. Susman has connections with a number of investors most likely worth way more than he is; yet, he’s in The Pilgrims, and to the extent of available information, they aren’t. It means that The Pilgrims inner circle, composed of Rockefellers, Windsors, Rothschilds, Astors, Mellons, Vanderbilts and others, selects corrupt administrators like Susman to function as liaisons to smaller, but significant, blocs of wealth so they can have representation in The Society. Susman is interviewed on You Tube---don’t expect any revelations or admissions from him. Among other political hacks Susman has been involved in fund raising for presidential aspirations were Bill Bradley and globalist sympathizer Richard Gephardt, Congressman from during 1977-2005 (page 4573, Who’s Who in America, 2005). Bradley was a Senator from New Jersey (1979-1997) and a Rhodes Scholar---under direct Pilgrims Society control. Let’s not omit that Susman is a member of The Ambassador’s Circle of the National Democratic Institute. Susman and Michelle Obama (who is aware of her husband’s inferior puppet role) with the Queen (Pilgrims Society) in London--- _of_the_slave_trade.html

“Every important British European family, including the royal family, invested in and grew wealthy from the slave trade. In fact, the Royal African Company, an English slave-trading outfit, was founded by the Duke of York and his brother Charles II.” 6) Matthew WINTHROP Barzun (1970---; Pilgrims Society at least by August 1, 2013, when his Ambassadorial post in London was assumed; probably a member several years before) was previously Ambassador to Sweden (2009-2011). He was national finance chairman for Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign! That hell inspired effort raised $730 million to re-elect the hound of hell! Like a significant number of other Pilgrims members since 1903, this character has lineage back to (1587-1649), founder of Massachusetts Bay Colony. Winthrop was wealthy in England before crossing the Atlantic. In fact, the 1980 Pilgrims roster shows a John and a Robert Winthrop. The 1994 Who’s Who in America, page 3702, shows a Winthrop with marriage and ancestry ties to the Thayers (another old-line group); one of his children is named Bayard, after a very old and wealthy Dutch colonial family (land holdings) and possibly a link to the Field fortune (Pilgrims Society) of Chicago---Marshall Field & Company and many other interests. The American Farmland Trust shows Grant Winthrop as a current trustee, and Robert Morgenthau is counsel. R.M. is the son of FDR’s Treasury Secretary who stole gold and silver from the public (March 1933-February 1937)! The Winthrops during colonial times got possession of large tracts of land in Massachusetts; they are considered one of the “first families” of Boston. Their line is intertwined with that of the Aldriches of Federal Reserve fame, and Winthrop W. Aldrich (1885-1974) was president of Chase National Bank (1930-1953) and was on many boards and held many other positions. Here he was as a vice president of The Pilgrims (1957 roster) ---

Matthew WINTHROP Barzun has definite connections by long ancestry into the heart of the globalist movement! One of ’s brothers was WINTHROP Rockefeller who was Arkansas Governor (1967-1971) and his son, WINTHROP Jr., later became lieutenant governor. That Rockefeller apparently wasn’t a member. The group is set up as a “Senate” which has representatives of families considered important and all family members are not directly members of The Society. Therefore, someone like that Arkansas Governor could actually be wealthier and more important than certain members who only represent big interests in the organization. The 2014 Who’s Who in the East, page 496, shows this---

The WINTHROP he married is indeed a member of the same family; notice Getchell and John Winthrop were both with Wood, Struthers & Winthrop and Getchell was with an important Boston law firm. Getchell was placed on Bilderberg steering committee as a representative of the Winthrops and The Pilgrims Society; and he may also have become a member as early as 1981---this detail presently cannot be confirmed. I’m not locating anything in the Who’s Who series about or his parents. The Telegraph, London, crowed about Barzun---

“Mr. Barzun, 42, possesses impeccable credentials as a modern American ambassador. He should certainly stock a decent cocktail cabinet ---his wife Brooke Lee Brown is a scion of one of the world’s biggest drinks companies---Brown Forman, whose brands include Jack Daniel’s, Southern Comfort and Finlandia Vodka. Britain should treat the fact that Mr. Obama has sent someone so close to his inner circle as a sign that the President takes the Special Relationship very seriously. Raised in Massachusetts and educated at Harvard, Mr. Barzun joined the gadget news and reviews website CNET in 1993 and stayed for 11 years, rising to chief strategy officer before starting his own consultancy for internet media. As Ambassador to the Court of St. James, Mr. Barzun will reside in the splendor of Winfield’s House in Regents Park, and will oversee the embassy’s move from Grosvenor Square to Wandsworth. His background is distinguished. His grandfather, , who died last year at the age of 104, was one of America’s most distinguished historians. More distant forbears include John Winthrop, a wealthy English Puritan lawyer who led the first large wave of migrants from England in 1630, serving as an early governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony.” 170485/Businessman-Matthew-Barzun-named-new-US- ambassador-to-UK.html “The man who spearheaded the campaign to raise Barack Obama’s billion dollar re-election war chest has been nominated as the new Ambassador to Britain.”

I haven’t located Matthew Barzun’s father in the Who’s Who series, but Jacques Barzun I remember from way back in CFR lists. The grandfather came here from France and you wonder about his roots there; apparently Matthew acquired maternal linkage to the benighted Winthrop dynasty, deep into the dark side. At the American Embassy in London we find---

“Ambassador Barzun served in a number of roles at CNET, including Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy officer, and member of the executive committee. During his time there, he launched Download.Com, which grew to become CNET's biggest site and he led the effort to build one of the first comparison shopping sites on the Internet, Shopper.Com. He went on to co-lead all of CNET's online properties including CNET.Com and News.Com. After leaving CNET in 2004, Ambassador Barzun has advised and invested in start-up internet companies, including MedTrackAlert, which delivered consumers information about their prescription medications (it was sold to Health Central in June 2008), and JiWire, an advertising network for wireless devices. In Kentucky, Ambassador Barzun has served on the boards of many non-profits with a focus on education (the Louisville Free Public Library Foundation, Louisville Public Media, and Teach Kentucky); public policy (the Kentucky Long Term Policy Research Center, and The Greater Louisville Project) and interfaith relations (Center for Interfaith Relations). He graduated Magna Cum Laude with an AB in History and Literature from .” Shopper Dot Com is here.

Barzun wants to globalize Kentucky--- Matthew Winthrop Barzun and John Forbes Kerry (Pilgrims Society, Secretary of State) have some common roots from way back. Does his wife represent more money, or does he? It’s possible he does, though it wouldn’t be as apparent if that’s the case--- Yet another Winthrop connection occurred in the case of Bonnie Wilds (deceased 2014) whose son in law is named Winthrop Wassenar. As an outer circle Pilgrims member, Bonnie Wilds (Who’s Who in America, 2005, page 5011) was president of the Hospitality Committee for United Nations Delegates. She was a “desk officer” at the State Department and an economist and a member of the Pierpont Morgan Library. Here’s Barzun on video arriving at the Embassy in London with a horrific line from Johnny Cash, “The wise men will bow down before the throne.”

Prince Charles (Pilgrims Society) at left greets his compliant subordinate, Matthew Barzun (Pilgrims Society) at the Louisville, Kentucky Airport--- Winfield House in London, residence of American Ambassadors since 1955--- Here they meet with Royals, Rothschilds and other dynasties--- "A Secret Society gradually absorbing the wealth of the world." --- Last Will & Testament of diamond monopolist Cecil Rhodes