“Where secrecy or mystery begins, vice or roguery is not far off.” ---Samuel Johnson, English author

Presented March 2013 by Charles Savoie


“We are living in an age in which it is impossible for anyone to reach the highest office in the United States WITHOUT SERVING INTERESTS AND POWERS THAT ARE INEXPRESSIBLY EVIL” ---(Martin Larson in his fine expose, “The and Our Manipulated Dollar” 1975, pages 96-97)



Please don’t complain this presentation is “too long.” I can’t Vulcan mind-meld this information to you. Do you have any idea how much reading an attorney has to do to get a law degree? This won’t be but a tiny splinter as much. Also, there are no “tangents” being discussed. They are ramifications that show the extent of the influence network fighting against free markets! You haven’t read the Bible just by reading “Jesus wept.” Comprehension of a subject isn’t accomplished by people with a nanosecond attention span! You can’t psychically absorb information from the aura of the environment! If you regard being thorough as a demerit, read no further. Knowledge is for the diligent only.

When silver and gold prices can’t be held down and prices run wild, are the shorts finished? Will the repression end? Will the synthetic money creators just fade away? Will free markets take hold because the COMEX can no longer stuff silver into a hole? In the Franklin Roosevelt administration, gold was ripped away by intimidation and threats from Americans at $20.67 the ounce and silver at 50.01 cents per ounce. In the Nixon administration, his Cost of Living Council told U.S. silver miners they couldn’t receive more than $1.61 per ounce for their production! I am excruciatingly aware of a specific organization that has attacked silver and gold from the highest levels for over a century. The group is still very much behind the scenes and does still as you read this have an absolute stranglehold on what goes in and what comes out of the White House. I am therefore not in any sense acting as an alarmist by this or previous presentations. I hope to inform the metals community of the political risk to their investments at home; and more so, to diminish this risk by exposing this anti-free market group which has fought precious metals for more than a century. There’s no need to be psychic to predict their impending plans. Their extensive history and the persistent absence of free markets in this country are all the indications necessary. When we start winning the game, they intend to change all the rules! However, the more the public becomes informed about them, the less the danger of precious metals nationalization. I am of the view that absent total tyranny, we could bring suit against this group if our precious metals are filched from us by puppet President Obama or his successor. A Congressional probe/investigation into The Pilgrims Society is a truly desperate need; more so than a Federal Reserve or Fort Knox audit as this organization is back of those issues! Please also feel free to use as reference material--- The United States President has as his top economic adviser , who once said gold could fall to $5--- a vice president of The Pilgrims Society in Manhattan (nexus of precious metals suppression), who was chief of the Federal Reserve System 1979-1987, played a central role in the COMEX silver price collapse in late January 1980, and arranged for the Hunt brothers to be stripped of 60 million silver ounces by 1986! As deputy undersecretary of the Treasury, 1963-1965, he assisted his bosses, Douglas Dillon (Pilgrims Society) and Robert Roosa (Pilgrims Society) in their war assisted by their White House accomplice President Johnson (Pilgrims Society) against silver ! Volcker chairs the Group of 30 in the District of Columbia, various central bankers and multinational bankers including Sir David Walker, Pilgrims Society London, of silver suppressor Barclay’s Bank. Pilgrims Society doesn’t sound ominous, right? The name was chosen by a member of the British Royal family in 1902. I would have called the group “Transcontinental League of Overlords.” Pilgrims being a reference to the intrepid souls who left the old world to sail the wild ocean to the new world, these modern Pilgrims are on a journey to a New World Order. Can they be stopped? Yes, loss of their secrecy damages their plans! I wonder how long pickets outside their HQ would last before being hauled away by police! It’s critically important to raise public awareness of this group, the fountainhead of financial devastation! The biggest news in metals suppression is that it traces to this one group, yet many sites will not touch this information! Ask them “why?” How is it that metals suppression is widespread through many entities and this is all coordinated? The clear answer is “membership organizations,” this one above all and it superintends the others.

Can one man dispossess you of your precious metals with just the stroke of a pen? History tragically says yes. For my free access 312 page report of President Franklin Roosevelt’s gold and silver seizure by Executive Orders 6102 and 6814 from the American public, April 5, 1933 through February 1937, click on

I erected a site for informing investors of nationalization concerns and to warn the Silver Users Association of our intent to organize crippling consumer boycotts if this happens. My other site features an expose of the more than one hundred years of highest level attacks against silver and gold by The Pilgrims Society on both sides of the Atlantic This group originated as a combination of the financiers of the centuries old British Empire (which became a “Commonwealth”) of some 13 million square miles and the American empire builders of the 19th century. Wealth in this country has collaborated with the British since Colonial times and is represented in this shadow group which exists to effect “the seizure of the wealth necessary” Review of Reviews, , May 1902, pages 557-558, featuring an account of the goals of diamond cartel organizer Cecil Rhodes, who also left us pierced like a kewpie doll by his anti- American Rhodes Scholars all over our national and state governments and courts. The Rhodes Trust is always run by Pilgrims Society members, this being the superior and superintending organization.

If the title of this presentation gets your attention, maybe there’s hope. I want to review some information you should be aware of, as your financial survival may easily depend upon it. It’s absolutely no stretch to conceive that the bad boys have committees of “scholars” in various foundation and taxpayer funded “think tanks,” who read every article posted on the web by precious metals longs, gun ownership activists, natural health treatments, anti-vaccination activists, critics of psychiatry, border integrity advocates and so forth. I am counting on them reading this item, because as I’ve been doing since I released “Meet The World Money Power” in December 2004 http://www.silver- I’ve been notifying this specific elitist organization in New York and London that they are no longer an unknown shadow group. The fact that many gold/silver sites decline to give this coverage won’t make this problem go away, because it is not an “ice cream castle in the air” situation. The organization exists, can be proven in court to exist, and can be conclusively shown to be about metals suppression. Additionally, be advised this is a “conspiracy” or “collusion,” and calling it a “cabal” will not change anything except to deny clarity to those unfamiliar with that term. You don’t distance yourself from a sensitive word by using a synonym! Kaleb Nation, a “You Tube personality” and author, stated---


In response to years of agitation on my part and that of my valuable European correspondent, Joel Van Der Reijden of the Institute for the Study of Globalization the organization erected a website for the first time ever in summer 2011 Have a look there at the name , who as Defense Secretary bled the strategic stockpile of megamillions of silver ounces (24.435MOZ) for price suppression and for a more ominous purpose, which we will visit later. However, have they released any current roster due to our combined agitations? Not hardly! That’s tougher than getting even numbers to add up to odd! This “gentlemen’s club” in Manhattan and their London correspondents has more to hide than anyone else in history! Friends, pay close attention to what follows. You can’t get this from charts, sites which veto coverage of this topic and are hurting you thereby way more than I’m being damaged, or the silly unfortunates who feel metals prices/availability are only due to impersonal market forces and that no hostile planners are actively intervening. I am doing this as a campaign to shield our property rights, not because I am attempting to sell you some book that doesn’t have more than 5% as much research value. Exaggeration? Compare anyone else’s for sale offerings to my free presentations and http://cache.silver- in addition to over 100 other free access research essays I have at Silver Investor, which range to 90,000 words. Others have asking price for info; I gave up vacations and a social life for eleven years plus while working full time to make it available to you for free.

Bad boys have had ample invitation to sue me for libel, such as with my March 2004 offering, “Silver Users And Opium” and have not done so. You’ve probably heard that truth is an absolute defense against libel. The other big thing stopping them is they don’t want their Secret Society discussed in court, nor any membership roster secured as part of the legal discovery process!

This is the only major globalist organization remaining which still refuses to release any roster of members. The most recent leaked list we have dates to 1980! They call themselves a “private organization,” this being a justifiable sounding appellation, versus the taboo designation “secret organization.” People I believe have a right to affiliate with each other without moral obligation to release a roster just on demand to anyone who importunes for it. However; when the group in question features the President and Secretary of State as “honorary” members, don’t you feel the public has an absolute right to be aware with whom our high officials are associated? Some of the illustrations may not be new to all of you; however, for the sake of basic comprehensiveness and those new to this topic, I must present them again, plus some not previously released--

“JUST LOOK AT THE WAY WE GOTTA HIDE WHAT WE’RE DOING!” ---from 1967 hit song “I think we’re alone now”

How is it that the two persons who control all our Army, Navy and Air Force commanders, and every one of our Ambassadors to foreign countries, are members of a British based, Crown sponsored organization that nearly no one has heard of? May I point out that on April 5, 1933, and August 9, 1934, the President nationalized gold and silver? May I please point out to you that so many of the major precious metals suppressors of the past century have been members of this shadow group, as to be hopelessly impossible as happenstance coincidence? For exhaustive details see The very leadership of this group have been high profile metals suppressors---The Earl of Halifax, who as British Viceroy of India dumped melted rupees on world markets to wreck silver’s purchasing power and cause the , as a necessary step towards moving the world away from silver money and leading to the second World War, after which the British erected the United Nations as another attempt at world government by The Crown, headed The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 1950-1958--- This was Halifax as Ambassador to the U.S., 1940 to 1946. His grandfather was Chancellor of the Exchequer 1846 to 1852. Halifax got Treasury silver for price suppression purposes collaborating with Edward R. Stettinius Jr., Pilgrims Society member whose father was a partner in J.P. Morgan & Company (probably an earlier member), was appointed in 1941 by Pilgrims Society member Franklin Roosevelt to head the Lend-Lease Administration, which transferred 88,073,878.21 silver ounces to Great Britain for price suppression purposes (Mining Congress Journal, February 1947, page 84, "Silver At The Crossroads"), in the 1950’s Halifax, who was ringleader in not one but two major global silver suppressive events, appeared as president of The Pilgrims of Great Britain. We had Douglas Dillon as Treasury Secretary, 1961-1965, during the years when the greatest struggle was raging over silver coinage, between silver states, silver miners, Constitutional activists and hard money folks, and these Himalayan scale thieves in The Pilgrims Society. Dillon presided over the deletion of our silver coins and was on The Pilgrims executive committee for over 30 years---

Dillon was depicted on August 18, 1961 on the cover of Time Magazine in front of a huge stack of Treasury Department gold ingots. He was ambassador to France, undersecretary of State, chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation, Metropolitan Museum of Art, president of the overseers of Harvard, chairman of the subversive Brookings Institution, father of Princess Joan of Luxembourg, owner of French vineyards, operator of two New York Stock Exchange firms, and director of Chase Manhattan Bank and AT & T. American Opinion Magazine, May 1978, page 72 said of Dillon---

“An open advocate of world government, he is a member of the elitist Pilgrims Society and president of the Institute for World Order.”

John Kerry, Skull & Bones Society of Yale University, just became Secretary of State; a big deal will be made of this. He was inducted into Bones around age 19. However, those making the racket never heard of The Pilgrims Society, which includes all Secretaries of State going way back. Young men are admitted into Bones, but junior age organizations do not control; seniors control. The Pilgrims are the senior society. Also, it’s laughable to allege that all top level elitists come only from Yale University. Also, none of the top British elitists, with staggering worldwide influence, ever attended Yale; but they are transatlantic with The Pilgrims! Esquire Magazine in September 1977 featured Skull & Bones, as did the History Channel a few years ago. Any of you know of a major news source profiling The Pilgrims? No, and you will not. Bones is one of various conduits into the superior group.

I will demonstrate how the office of the President has had the tentacles of The Pilgrims Society all over it for more than a century. If a second metals nationalization transpires, it will be The Pilgrims Society who planned it and not the President or other Federal official. If awareness of this organization and its influence over The White House can be spread to enough Americans, they will be inhibited from using the President to seize gold and silver a second time. Forget about enforcement versus no enforcement, these conspirators realize that the mere issuance of a nationalization order will frighten millions of Americans into “compliance,” with no one going house to house looking for precious metal. Absent such tactics they pulled in a documented haul of 113,031,000 silver ounces, August 1934 through February 1937 as reported on a weekly basis in the pages of the Commercial & Financial Chronicle, the “Bible” of financial historians. Too bad the Chronicle didn’t place asterisks by the names of every Pilgrims Society member it mentioned, THEN we would really be talking about financial history! This represents a continuation of my efforts to send a message to this British Crown sponsored group that they cannot play any such trump cards as price controls, windfall taxes or nationalization.

In "Who Was Who In America, 1897-1942," page 231, we find---

"In 1896 the Democratic Party having declared for the free coinage of silver in the platform of its National Convention, Mr. Cleveland withheld his support from the ticket and endorsement."

Grover Cleveland was a charter member of The Pilgrims in New York in 1903. This was a COWARD who paid George Benninsky $150 to enlist as his substitute on July 6, 1863, to avoid (“evade”) conscription by the North in the Civil War; Cleveland wanted others to wear “The Red Badge of Courage,” meaning bloodstains (1951 Civil War movie on what some call “the war of Northern aggression”)--- Cleveland, a two term President, was governor of New York before ascending to The White House. He blamed silver money for the Panic of 1893, which was actually caused by J.P. Morgan & Company and its allies, and he succeeded in propagandizing Congress to repeal the Silver Purchase Act of 1890

In “The Federal Reserve and Our Manipulated Dollar” (1975), on page 45 we see as an ally of the central banking forces; and on pages 93-94 we find---

“History demonstrates that Teddy Roosevelt was a complete fraud; that Wilson was a consummate hypocrite and betrayer; that Lyndon Johnson may have been the biggest crook to ever occupy the White House; and that both he and Kennedy were elected by stolen votes.” Archibald Roosevelt, son of Theodore Roosevelt, ended up with an office at 40 Wall Street (Who’s Who 1949, page 2115). Kermit Roosevelt, another son born in 1889, became a captain in the BRITISH army in July 1917 (Who’s Who, 1931, page 1904). Bully boy Teddy had a face ready for Halloween and there’s the impression his breath could peel paint---

King Edward VII, Royal patron of the organization and President Theodore Roosevelt placed their seal of approval on The Pilgrims (“The Pilgrims of Great Britain,” 2002, page 14).

The Theodore Roosevelt Association has various Pilgrims Society members as trustees, including President George Herbert Walker Bush and even a widow of a second tier inner circle member, Mrs. Oliver Russell Grace. Six Roosevelts are on the board. Sir Cecil Spring Rice, Pilgrims Society, British Ambassador to the U.S., 1913-1918, was “a very close friend of Theodore Roosevelt and introduced Roosevelt to British society” (“The Pilgrims of the United States,” 2003, page 59). Cecil’s father was a Whig politician, identified in the United States as supporters of the second United States Bank and violent agitators (the Secret Service was formed in response to them for protecting President Tyler) for another central bank in the John Tyler administration (1841-1845), which Tyler rebuffed in the strongest possible terms. Spring-Rice was best man at spook Theodore Roosevelt’s wedding

Next, William H. Taft, President, 1909-1913, possibly the 300 pounder was punching at a silver money activist? A supporter of the drive for the known as the Aldrich Plan, Taft continued the so-called “dollar diplomacy” of Theodore Roosevelt. Taft and Charles Evans Hughes, who succeeded him as Chief Justice, were political cronies. On July 21, 1924, The Pilgrims of Great Britain hosted then Secretary of State Hughes (2002 book, page 114). Silver money Senator William Borah of Idaho, “The Great Opposer,” denounced the nomination of Hughes to the Supreme Court. On June 19, 1921, Taft was guest of honor of The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain (page 189, 2002 book). Taft supported the 16th Amendment for a “progressive” income tax (evaded by Pilgrims Society members by foundations and mazes of trusts) and backed the League of Nations ploy to extend the British Empire/Commonwealth. Taft was Governor General of the Philippines, July 1901 to December 1903, after the Spanish-American War. Another investigation of interest would be, did Philippine silver flow out of the country into the vaults of multinational bankers during his tenure? As Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Taft ruled against the American Silver Producers Association, costing the miners $14 million, totally flouting the terms of the of 1918---

In 1921Taft was the first president of the English Speaking Union of the United States, another Pilgrims Society front and subsidiary. Charles D. Hilles, Pilgrims Society, was President Taft’s personal secretary, 1911-1913, and became Republican National Committee chairman, 1912-1916. Hilles was a director of New York Life Insurance; Anglo-Chilean Nitrate; American Smelting & Refining; Otis Elevator and was a member of the anti-silver Bankers Club in Manhattan (Who’s Who, 1928, page 1037.) Taft’s grandson was assistant to Caspar Weinberger in 1970-1973, who became a major league silver stealer! From Alfred Crozier’s 1912 book “U.S. Money Versus Corporation Currency”--- Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act; the Fed has at all times been extraordinarily hateful against gold, and especially against silver---

The Pilgrims organization has an all encompassing interest in the United States Presidency! On April 15, 1915, the London branch met on the 50th anniversary of the death (assassination) of Abraham Lincoln. Many believe Lincoln was taken out because he angered the London banking powers by issuing his “greenbacks!” The meeting hosted Sir Gilbert Parker, who played a major role in propagandizing the United States to enter World War I in 1917 on the side of the British, so that after the war, they could trot out the League of Nations as an attempt at world government under The Crown. President Woodrow Wilson and The King of England, Royal patron of The Pilgrims Society--- In “Paul Mellon, Portrait of an Oil Baron” 1974 by William Hoffman, we note on page 47---

served for twelve years as Secretary of the Treasury, first with Harding, then with Coolidge and Hoover. “For eight years,” wrote Drew Pearson, “he dominated the national capital. For eight years his word was law with every banker throughout the land. For eight years Presidents served under him. So powerful was his influence, so great his prestige that he told them what to do and his judgment was final.”

The suggestion that Mellon lost influence after 8 years but held the Treasury post for another 4 years is correct insofar only as he came under massive public attack in his last 4 years at Treasury over his handling American finances during the Great Depression. In January 1932, Congressman introduced impeachment articles against Mellon, a vote being scheduled for February. However, before the vote, Mellon resigned, and was immediately appointed Ambassador to England by his fellow Pilgrims Society member and confirmed major league silver suppressor, President Hoover. , Match 8, 1933, page 17 reported “Mellon Guest of King” before returning to America. Mellon was on the executive committee of The Pilgrims as of 1933! For details on Mellon’s cheating American silver miners of $14 million, see Mellon’s illegal actions were illegally backed up by Supreme Court chief justice William H. Taft, Pilgrims Society, who was President of the United States, 1909-1913. According to Congressman Patman, (Hoffman, pages 52 and 55), Mellon held stock in over 300 corporations, had a fortune “equal to two-thirds of all the gold in the entire world” and “violated more laws, caused more suffering and illegally acquired more property to satisfy his personal greed than any other person on earth”---

Mellon owned Pittsburgh Coal, the world’s largest coal company and dozens of utilities on the East coast

Mellon was the only man to decisively hold off the Rockefellers in oil with Gulf Oil, and stalemated both Andrew Carnegie and J.P. Morgan in steel with Union Sharon Steel. He’s seen here to the right of Pilgrims Society puppet President Warren G. Harding---

Harding was in office during 1921-1923 and was the only President besides JFK who preceded his father in death. Speculation as to the cause includes assassination by poisoning, perhaps because he committed the “error” of not supporting The Pilgrims Society’s League of Nations! Harding’s papers were allowed to be burned, destroying potentially revealing records Next, President Coolidge with VP Charles Dawes (Pilgrims Society) who created the Dawes Plan in 1924 for German reparations over World War I (caused by the British!) By 1929 the Dawes Plan sputtered, and in 1930 the Young Plan, after Pilgrims Society member Owen Young of Radio Corporation of America and the Rockefeller interests, was imposed on Germany. Dawes, a natural gas magnate, became Ambassador of England, 1929-1932 and was tapped to head the $2 billion Reconstruction Finance Corporation in 1932. The RFC had huge manipulative gold dealings; “RFC Gold Buying a Substantial Sum but Keeps Total a Secret,” New York Times, November 7, 1933, page 37. That was of course 7 months after American citizens were forbidden to own gold! In 1925 Dawes won the Nobel Prize with Sir Austen Chamberlain, Pilgrims Society, silver suppressor who dumped 70 million ounces on world markets for price suppression purposes (The Times, London, January 15, 1931, page 18); the silver came from the 1920 debasement of Britain’s .925 coins down to .500 when Chamberlain was Chancellor of the Exchequer. Dawes authored “The Banking System of the United States” in 1892 and organized Central Trust Company of Illinois in 1902. He was Director of the Budget in 1921 and tremendous quantities of war related products and machinery, World War I surplus, was “auctioned” to such Pilgrims Society members as Andrew Mellon for mere pennies on the dollar. Dawes co-Nobel prize winner Chamberlain said “We have followed a policy that had for its purposes the destruction of silver values,” New York Times, April 23, 1933, section 2, page 7. Dawes was Comptroller of the Currency, 1897- 1902---

Inner circle Pilgrims Society member Andrew Mellon with puppet President Coolidge (1923-1929) to Mellon’s right and Hoover, President (1929-1933), whose named appeared in the leaked list of The Pilgrims of Great Britain for 1924. During the Coolidge and Hoover years, the Executive Branch had no complaint about British silver dumping out of India, which caused the Great Depression by destroying the purchasing power of the Far East, causing American export manufacturing firms to idle millions of workers---

The November 11, 1929 issue of Time featured Pilgrims Society member Thomas W. Lamont of J.P. Morgan & Company. Mellon wasn’t the only Pilgrims Society member with overriding input into the White House.

In “America’s 60 Families,” 1937 by Ferdinand Lundberg, page 33, we read---

“An extraordinarily complex and resourceful personality like Thomas W. Lamont, who has been the brains of J.P. Morgan and Company throughout the postwar period and was a mentor of Woodrow Wilson in Wilson’s second administration as well as of President Herbert Hoover throughout his fateful single term in the White House, has exercised more power for twenty years in the western hemisphere, has put into effect more final decisions from which there has been no appeal, than any other person. Lamont has been the First Consul de facto in the invisible directory of postwar high finance and politics, consulted by presidents, prime ministers, governors of central banks, the directing intelligence behind the Dawes and Young Plans. Lamont is Protean; he is a diplomat, an editor, a writer, a publisher, a politician, a statesman---an international presence as well as a financier.” says Lamont “was an unofficial mentor to Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt” and was “a member of the Jekyll Island Club on Jekyll Island, , along with J.P. Morgan Jr.” The 1943 book by C. Nelson Sparks, “One Man---Wendell Willkie” was cited in “The Empire Of The City--- World Superstate,” 1946 by E.C. Knuth, page 10---

“A resolution by Senator Langer, Republican Senator from North Dakota, to investigate the charge of C. Nelson Sparks in “One Man---Wendell Willkie,” that Mr. T.J. Lamont of J.P. Morgan & Company and chairman of the executive committee of The Pilgrims bought the votes of delegates to the Republican National Convention of 1940 with a “ROOMFULL OF MONEY” was effectively submerged without any adequate public explanation.”

Jekyll Island for those who may not know, is where the Federal Reserve Act was planned in advance of Congress passing it; all but one present have been identified as Pilgrims Society members (see )

Then there was the influence of megabillionaire Pilgrims Society member John D. Rockefeller Jr. in the White House. See “Rockefeller Internationalist” (1952) by Emanuel Josephson for particulars. Another excellent volume showing Rockefeller influence in the White House is “The Rockefeller File” (1976) by Gary Allen. Three men, all members of an organization unknown to the public, in literal essence constituting the master conspiracy of all the ages of history, had easily more influence over the President than the entire American public! shows Coolidge with Rockefeller Jr. Pilgrims Society member Thomas J. Watson Senior of IBM, who married into an Ohio family of railroad developers, was Franklin Roosevelt’s Manhattan contact for receiving foreign dignitaries ---

Watson was a member of the anti-silver Bankers Club and the anti-silver Economic Club and was a director of the Franklin Roosevelt Memorial Foundation and was vice chairman of the Theodore Roosevelt Library Fund. He held 23 honorary university degrees and at least 45 decorations from foreign governments, including Order of the British Empire. He was a trustee of the American Association for the United Nations, Columbia University and the bloody warmongering Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Herbert Hoover at left above, in keeping with the "long standing tradition" of United States Presidents being "honorary" members of The Pilgrims Society ("The Pilgrims of the United States," Profile Books, 2003, page 30, book was dedicated to President Theodore Roosevelt) absolutely refused to call an international conference on silver unless the British did so first! His name appears in the leaked list for 1924 of The Pilgrims of Great Britain! No known textbook on government or political science mentions this tragic fact! FDR has for over four generations been touted as an adversary of Wall Street; but his law office was at 52 Wall Street (Who’s Who 1928, page 1796). Basil O’ Connor, his law partner, later surfaced in leaked Pilgrims lists. During 1918-1924 Roosevelt was a Harvard University overseer. FDR’s grandfather, Warren Delano, was a big time operator in the Chinese opium trade for which silver was demanded in payment and Harvard as an institution was deeply linked to that “trade.”

Below, inner circle Pilgrims Society member Vincent Astor with Franklin Roosevelt. In "FDR" (2008) by Jean Smith, 880 pages, page 296 mentions FDR’s 11 day cruise in 1932, the year before FDR’s gold grab, on Vincent Astor’s 263 foot yacht--- The Astors already had an interminably lengthy record as grand scale thieves using government power to fasten their grip on immense tracts of land. Over 80 pages in “History of the Great American Fortunes” (1937) review the racketeering methods the Astors used to amass the greatest real estate fortune in the Western hemisphere. Vincent Astor was a Chase National Bank director; the same Chase name linked to silver suppression at this moment. I am indeed suggesting Astor put FDR up to the seizure of gold and silver from Americans, especially since The Pilgrims Society exists to “absorb” and “seize” wealth, Review of Reviews, May 1902, pages 557-558. The New York Times, November 17, 1933, page 2, “Morgan and Taylor Call on Roosevelt” had Pilgrims member J.P. Morgan Jr. remarking---

“You know I cannot tell you what I talked about with the President.”

Myron Charles Taylor became chairman of United States Steel (1932-1938), personal envoy of the President to the Vatican (1939-1949) and a vice president of The Pilgrims Society. In 1929 Taylor was on the executive committee of the President’s National Business Survey, showing Taylor’s high level involvement with Presidents Hoover, Roosevelt and Truman. Taylor was a member of the anti-silver Bankers Club in Manhattan and of the Court of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths of London (fractional reserve banking) and the New York Yacht Club. He was a director of the Vanderbilt dominated New York Central Railroad, American Telephone & Telegraph, and the Rockefeller’s First National Bank of New York. Wikipedia called Taylor “America’s leading industrialist” and identified him as the inventor of cellophane “window” envelopes used in U.S. mail ---

Many of you have seen this poster at other metals sites. At top right of the poster notice the name James A. Farley. Have any of them mentioned that on November 26, 1936, Postmaster General James A. Farley was hosted at a meeting of The Pilgrims of Great Britain (2002 volume, page 193)? “THE SEIZURE OF THE WEALTH NECESSARY” BY THE PILGRIMS SOCIETY!

One man shouldn’t have such dictatorial powers that he can so easily ruin millions of people! This is foremost among the reasons why The Pilgrims Society is so fixated on controlling the Presidency; and they do control it, by controlling the nominating processes of Republicans and Democrats. The parties differ only insofar as their methods of impoverishing the nation exhibit variations.

In “The Federal Reserve and Our Manipulated Dollar” (1975) by Martin Larson, we read of FDR on page 94---

“FDR stands alone and apart from all others; he was the supreme servant of the most evil and treasonous forces that operate on American soil---the international financiers, represented by the Rockefeller interests, who work in close alliance with the Rothschilds and European central banks. Roosevelt’s entry into the White House in 1933 heralded a complete revolution in American monetary policy and signaled the consummation of the work begun under Woodrow Wilson in 1913; thus, in 1934, the visions of Alexander Hamilton became realities and the American people were placed in total subjection to the world-wide monetary powers which have a stranglehold upon the governments of the Western world. For 141 years, the dollar had usually been as good as the metal it represented; it guaranteed the integrity of contracts and produced a prosperous, solvent, and ever expanding economy. That this should continue, however, was contrary to the plans of those who placed FDR in his position of power. IT IS OBVIOUS THAT THIS FINANCIAL OLIGARCHY WANTED ALL THE GOLD FOR THEMSELVES AND NOTHING BUT FIAT CURRENCY FOR THE PEOPLE, THUS MADE INTO PAWNS TO BE MANIPULATED AT WILL.”

Larson had comparatively little to say about silver, but of note is that in the year 1840, silver was $1.323 per ounce; note that in February 1931, about 91 years later, members of The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain drove silver down to 24.5 cents per ounce!

Do you think the Federal Government is any less concerned about Americans saving in gold and silver (“hoarding”) than it was in 1933-1934? Not likely! “Precious metals speculators” is also used as an appellation conveying damnable character! If however we save in dollars the globalist bankers call us patriotic, but our very bones are picked clean! What were Department of Homeland Security officials doing addressing a meeting of the Silver Users Association on November 6 and 7, 2007, at the Army- Navy Club in D.C.? See for full reading of the document below, click on--- South Carolina Senator Ellison Smith “objected strongly to the publication of lists of silver hoarders” ---New York Times, April 10, 1934, page 14.

Under the Silver Purchase Act of summer 1934, the Treasury was supposed to acquire enough silver so that the value of its silver would amount to one-third the value of its gold ingots as a “base” for our currency (which was no longer convertible into gold!) FDR used this as a Machiavellian deception for nationalization.

Newsweek, August 18, 1934, page 29 commented---

"Using the right of eminent domain in confiscating the metal, Treasury officials could legally set any price they desired."

If Obama were to issue nationalization orders, would he set gold at $20.67 the ounce and silver at 50.01 cents, because the multinational financiers of The Pilgrims Society are out to break us? Make no mistake, private ownership of gold and silver and firearms, all these rights have to be obliterated before we can quite become the full blown tyranny this secret society intends!

The Commercial & Financial Chronicle, December 21, 1935, page 3945, quoted Treasury Secretary Morgenthau stating that the silver nationalization was "in the interest of the public." The New York Times, August 10, 1934, front page---

Business Week, February 27, 1937, page 35 stated---


Below, armed Federal guards (“thugs”) posted on watch of over 10,700,000 ounces of nationalized (“stolen”) silver, all in 1,000 ounce ingots (The Literary Digest, August 18, 1934, page 7) ---

Here’s a small example of the content of my Summer 2009 item, 312 pages, "Metals Confiscation Facts And Prospects," from the Commercial & Financial Chronicle--- A United Press release dated January 1, 1938, “President Cuts Price of Silver” reported Roosevelt as pushing the silver price down to 64.64 cents per ounce from 77.57 cents “In reducing the price, the President ignored the pleas of leaders of the powerful Congressional Silver Bloc, who warned that such action would result in forcing numerous mines to close and increasing the Federal Government’s relief burden. The silverites claim it will force thousands of miners into idleness.”

On December 21, 1933, FDR fixed silver price at 64.64 cents; on April 10, 1935, he set it at 71.11 cents; on April 25, 1935, he raised it to 77.57 cents, which lasted until January 1, 1938, when he lowered it to 64.64 cents. Bear in mind this was the Federal rate paid to Western miners. The quote to speculators and hoarders holding refined metal was 50.01 cents! The world rate for silver was often somewhat less, being that the British, as a result of the London World Economic Conference of 1933 (a Pilgrims Society managed event held in the Geological Museum) were still dumping tens of millions of silver ounces on world markets into 1937! During the World War II years, the War Production Board, a Roosevelt agency, issued Order l-208, compelling our gold mines to be shuttered! That’s fascism! Not by coincidence, it was Warren Randolph Burgess, Pilgrims Society, official of the of New York, who in an address to the anti-silver American Economic Association, called for lowering the silver price (Commercial & Financial Chronicle, January 1, 1938, page 45)! More outrageously, Burgess advocated payment in “gold statistics” rather than hard gold! In 1944-1945 he chaired the anti-precious metals American Bankers Association, which has certainly had unseen input into Presidential nominating processes! Burgess married J.P. Morgan’s granddaughter and was an Eisenhower administration appointee.

The Pilgrims of Great Britain hosted Eleanor Roosevelt twice; on February 4, 1946 when she was a delegate to the United Nations; and on April 12, 1948 when they unveiled the FDR Memorial in London (2002 volume, pages 194-195).

The Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute has several Pilgrims Society members I’ve been able to ID such as John Brademas (former president of New York University, former chairman of Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York Stock Exchange director and Rockefeller Foundation trustee); Thomas Livingston Pulling ( of Pilgrims Society members and Crown land grant beneficiaries in Colonial times) of Citigroup and The Pilgrims recent executive committee; a widow of a member, Mrs. Douglas Fairbanks Jr.; a member of the gold and silver stealing Morgenthau family (after FDR’s Treasury Secretary) and several Roosevelts, some of whom may be members. William J. Van Den Heuvel, secretary of The Pilgrims of the United States as of 2004, is a trustee of the Roosevelt Institute. He’s been a director of Time Warner; North Aegean Petroleum; and fiat currency printer, United States Corporation. He’s also co-chairman of the Council of American Ambassadors and former chairman of the United Nations Association and has held various Presidential appointments His daughter Katrina is part owner and long time editor of The Nation Magazine, which does its part to influence public perceptions of the Presidency. Van Den Heuvel with Happy Rockefeller, widow of Pilgrims Society member Nelson Rockefeller---

Pilgrims Society member Averill Harriman was Franklin Roosevelt’s personal envoy to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (Pilgrims Society) and also to Russian despot Joseph Stalin. Harriman oversaw much of the World War II Lend-Lease administration, which did so much to industrialize Soviet Russia, and also pioneered the subversive silver leasing activities used by central banks--- More on the H.P. Lovecraft like nightmare spook Franklin Roosevelt and his awful, subversive “hell 666” antichrist family--- The Franklin Roosevelt Memorial in London was the idea of The Pilgrims Society; John Aspinwall Roosevelt, FDR’s son, was a director of Bache & Company, 100 Gold Street, New York, that played a role in the Hunt/Arab silver cataclysm in January 1980. John was also a trustee of the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships, patterned after the notorious Rhodes Scholars, indoctrinating bright students into globalist ideals, then feeding them into posts of relative influence to work those “ideals.” John was also a trustee of Roosevelt University, Chicago, and State University of New York. John was an officer of Standard Uranium Company in the 1950’s, controlled by Pilgrims Society member Floyd Odlum, who wrecked Northrop Aviation with the help of Air Force Secretary Stuart Symington (Pilgrims Society), after Jack Northrop refused a low ball offer from Convair Corporation, controlled by Odlum’s Atlas Corporation mega holding company, which acquired huge interests in the precious metals suppressing Goldman, Sachs & Company (New York Times, January 3, 1932, section 2, page 11. Symington’s son voted “aye” on the Coinage Act of 1965, taking most silver out of our coinage. Julian Kean Roosevelt, Pilgrims Society, was an exec with Sterling, Grace & Company investment bankers, a member of 16 yacht clubs in America, Japan, India, Sweden, Norway, England and elsewhere, was president of the American Historical Association, for purposes of depicting history the way The Society wants it written! His father, (1887-1963, Pilgrims leaked list 1957), was associated with Roosevelt & Company, which dated to 1797 on Wall Street; in 1824 the Roosevelts were among the founders of , with the DuPonts. George Emlen was involved in 14 railroad reorganizations and was a Guaranty Trust director; his father was associated with International Telephone & Telegraph and with the Astors, main domestic power in the second United States Bank. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr. (1914-1988) appeared in the leaked list of The Pilgrims, 1974 and married Ethel DuPont, of the Pilgrims Society family and major Silver Users Association members! FDR Jr. attended the Casablanca Conference in Morocco in January 1943 which planned the next phase of Allied operations in World War 2; he owned a FIAT automobile dealership. From 1949 to 1955 FDR Jr. was a Congressman from New York, looking after the interests of the silver suppressors by helping the Silver Users Association. Later on, President Kennedy appointed him undersecretary of Commerce and chairman of the Appalachian Regional Commission--- James Roosevelt, another FDR son, was a Congressman from California, 1955 to 1965, voting in favor of ending silver coinage! Theodore Roosevelt III, son of President Theodore Roosevelt, was with DuPont, 1936-1941, major industrial silver user and silver price suppressor! After leaving Congress, President Johnson (Pilgrims) appointed him U.S. rep to the United Nations Economic & Social Council; as always, silver money wasn’t in that group’s agenda either. Archibald B. Roosevelt became V.P. for the Middle East and Africa for Chase Manhattan Bank in 1975 (page 2820, Who’s Who, 1980). The is thoroughly rotten and extraordinarily dangerous to American ideals! During FDR’s administration, rent controls were imposed that ruined many thousands of small landlords, allowing larger interests to pick up their holdings at fire sale prices; Pilgrims member Vincent Astor was among FDR’s elitist “angels,” the Astor fortune was/is based in real estate! FDR’s widow was hosted by The Pilgrims of Great Britain, April 12, 1948, at the unveiling of the Franklin Roosevelt Memorial (2002 book, page 195). Selwa Roosevelt was White House Chief of Protocol, 1982-1989 and is a director of the Council of American Ambassadors with Pilgrims Society treasurer Robin Chandler Duke More could be said of the Roosevelt family and how they’re full of toxic psychic pus that cannot be made nonpoisonous; this suffices. Influence with the White House from The Pilgrims Society has come from both the New York and London branches and is absolutely unknown to the American public, to their boundless detriment---

Notice The Earl of Halifax presided; this is the fiend to top all fiends who, as British Viceroy of India, 1926-1931, presided over the dumping of hundreds of millions of melted silver rupees on world markets, causing the Great Depression and making a huge stride towards shoving the world off silver money payments! Harry Truman was silver suppressor Roosevelt’s VP in the war years---

Sure, give up your gold and silver under FDR’s threatening nationalization order, so you can enjoy security! Truman’s daughter married Elbert Clifton Daniel Jr. in 1956, who had been with the precious metals unfriendly New York Times (Pilgrims Society entity) since 1944.

At we find James Symington, Congressman from Missouri, 1969-1977, on the national advisory council to the Harry S. Truman Library. Symington’s father Stuart, Pilgrims leaked list 1969, was Secretary of the Air Force in the early 1950’s, and wrecked Northrop Aviation, when Jack Northrop refused a lowball merger offer from Convair Aviation, controlled by Pilgrims Society member Floyd Odlum of the Atlas Corporation holding company, which we read earlier. James was assistant to Pilgrims Society member 1958-1960 during part of his tenure as Ambassador to England. Whitney’s grandfather John Hay (1838-1905) was personal assistant and secretary to Abraham Lincoln and was on hand at Lincoln’s death (another Presidential connection) and was Secretary of State under McKinley then Theodore Roosevelt, 1898-1905. On January 2, 1900. Hay announced his “Open Door” policy on China (green light for exploitation by the Anglo-Americans) and the Boxer Rebellion soon erupted, commemorated with assorted misrepresentations in the movie “55 Days At Peking” (1963).

Pilgrims Society member Henry L. Stimson, below right, with President Truman after dropping atomic bombs on Japan in August 1945. As Secretary of War, Stimson had full control over the Manhattan Project that developed nuclear weapons. The Manhattan Project used 14,700 tons of silver---about 470MOZ in electrical conducting “busbars” and other construction to enhance technological processes in “calutrons.”

As Secretary of State in the Franklin Roosevelt era, Stimson stated in the New York Times, June 4, 1932, page 5--- “I HAVE NOT FELT THAT THE CALLING OF A CONFERENCE ON SILVER BY THE UNITED STATES WOULD SERVE ANY USEFUL PURPOSE.”

President Truman at left (Pilgrims Society) with Secretary of State Dean Acheson (Pilgrims Society). Among the very scarce mention of The Pilgrims Society we find Acheson in his 1969 memoirs “Present At The Creation” (he was chief architect of NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) mentioned The Society of Pilgrims on pages 506 and 510-512. At we find “Acheson's most famous decision was convincing President Truman to intervene in the Korean War in June 1950.” Acheson helped create the Marshall Plan for European Recovery, 1948-1951 by which Americans were looted of $13 billion ostensibly to assist war ravaged Europe. Acheson was undersecretary of the Treasury in 1933. He was a member of the Scroll & Key Society of Yale, a counterpart to Skull & Bones (Pilgrims Society member Paul Mellon, probably wealthier than all Bonesmen combined, was a Scroll & Key member). Acheson became a Yale University trustee in 1953---

Dean Acheson and his fellow Pilgrims Society conspirator Henry Morgenthau Jr., gold and silver stealer as FDR’s Treasury Secretary, were leaders of the American delegation at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, from which sprang the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, forerunner of the WTO, World Trade Organization. The GATT was heavily influenced by the British North American Committee, with Pilgrims members such as Sir Francis Sandilands, chairman of Commercial Union Assurance, on board. The Mining Congress Journal, February 1945, page 93 grimly reported on the paper money racketeers---


President Truman (Pilgrims Society) with John Jay McCloy (Pilgrims Society) and Dean Gooderham Acheson (Pilgrims Society) in January 1950. Gooderham was Acheson’s mother’s maiden name, for Gooderham & Worts, once the largest whiskey distillery in Canada, manufacturing 700,000 Imperial gallons of booze (840,665 U.S. gallons) in its opening year 1862---

John Jay McCloy (1895-1989) was an inner circle member of The Pilgrims Society, which likely has three layers including intermediary and outer, reflecting the fact that not all members are of equal power or importance. McCloy was top level advisor to nine (9) Presidents! The New York Times, March 12, 1989 reported his passing---

“John J. McCloy, the lawyer and diplomat who was the United States High Commissioner in postwar Germany and an adviser to Presidents from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Ronald Reagan, died yesterday at his home in Stamford, Connecticut.”

“John Jay McCloy was born in 1895 in Philadelphia. He attended Harvard University (interrupted by a two year stint in the army), and practiced law in New York and Europe for the next twenty years. McCloy was a conservative Republican, but affiliated with the internationalist wing of the party, which was more interested in foreign affairs and focused primarily on the U.S. role in the international order. Immediately preceding the U.S. entry into World War II, McCloy moved to Washington to work with Henry L. Stimson, the U.S. Secretary of War. McCloy was soon appointed Assistant Secretary of War. McCloy played a key role in mobilizing the U.S. economy for war. He was involved and participated in most of the key decisions of the war, including the development and use of the atom bomb and occupation policy in Europe and Japan. By the time McCloy came to the World Bank, he had already acquired an immense reputation as a lawyer, wartime manager, and adviser, with close ties to many of the most powerful men in the country. In 1947 McCloy accepted President Truman's offer to be high commissioner for occupied Germany. However, he insisted that the Bank have a capable leader before he left, and suggested that his close friend and associate Eugene Black succeed him. In his pre-Bank career McCloy had been a key decision maker in the shaping of many of the country's foreign and military decisions. In fact, McCloy's time at the Bank was only a small part of an important and illustrious career in public service.” His father was also named John Jay McCloy, as is his son. John Jay (1745-1829), to whom there could be a relation, was an official in the Continental Congress and minister to Spain and France and was secretary of Foreign Affairs, 1784-1790; first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, 1789-1795; then governor of New York into 1801. In 1794 he negotiated the Treaty of London with the British, which the Jeffersonian faction feared would result in strengthening the Federalist Party and the goals of Alexander Hamilton. The treaty was crafted largely by Alexander Hamilton while Treasury Secretary. In 1785 Jay, a member of the Church of England, became a warden of Trinity Church, today a main “habitat” for Pilgrims Society members. In West versus Barnes (1791) Jay’s Supreme Court ruled that a Rhode Island statute permitting payment of a debt in mere paper currency was lawful. Jay married Sarah Livingston, daughter of New Jersey governor William Livingston (1776-1790) of the Livingston family who came to Dutch colonial America in the 17th century and prospered after the British takeover, receiving huge land grants in 1715 from King George I, totaling 160,000 acres. Colonel Philip Livingston (1716-1778) second lord of Livingston Manor, was a large slave trader. The Livingston heritage appears in more Pilgrims Society lineage to my knowledge, than any other. Both President Bushes and Eleanor Roosevelt show Livingston ancestry, the Delafields, Pullings and the blindingly wealthy Astors, inner circle Pilgrims Society members.

John Jay McCloy was an attorney with Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft (1921-1925), an important Pilgrims Society firm still today with 500+ attorneys the Taft in its name was Henry Taft, Pilgrims Society, brother of silver suppressor Robert Taft. He was assistant Secretary of War, 1941-1945 and a member of Milbank, Tweed & McCloy after the war, then chaired the World Bank, 1947-1949, when he was appointed U.S. Military Governor and High Commissioner in Germany into 1952. The Rockefellers and Astors made McCloy chairman of Chase National Bank in 1953 and after the 1955 merger with the Warburgs (Pilgrims Society) Bank of Manhattan, the bank was renamed Chase Manhattan Bank, McCloy continued as chairmen into 1960. In 1962 he returned to Milbank, Tweed & McCloy and remained a Chase Manhattan Bank director and was on other boards including pharmaceutical giant Squibb Corporation; Mercedes Benz of North America; and Dreyfus Corporation. The 1981 Who’s Who, page 2210 showed him as chairman of the American Council on Germany and honorary chairman of Amherst College; International House; the Council on Foreign Relations and the Atlantic Institute in Paris; executive committee of the Salk Institute and trustee John M. Olin Foundation, named after the Pilgrims Society member who was a chemical industry kingpin, and likely large silver user. McCloy additionally chaired the Ford Foundation, 1953 to 1965. At we encounter this---

“On the American side, those who were most prominent in the formation of the Bilderberg Group were , Dean Rusk (a top official with the Council on Foreign Relations who was then the head of the Rockefeller Foundation), Joseph Johnson (another Council leader who was head of the Carnegie Endowment), and John J. McCloy (a top Council leader who became Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank in 1953 and was also Chairman of the Board of the Ford Foundation).”

All four men mentioned were/are Pilgrims Society members. Bilderberg is one of the many offshoots of The Pilgrims Society and at all times has remained in inferior position in relation to the inner circle members of The Pilgrims. Bilderberg is another means by which The Pilgrims Society influences the White House. Many Presidential contenders have been Bilderberg invitees including Texas governor Rick Perry, North Carolina Senator John Edwards, Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, Bill Clinton and more. I’m fairly unconcerned about Bilderberg as The Pilgrims Society is THE power nexus in the Western world and is the source of precious metals suppression.

Truman (Pilgrims Society) with George Marshall (Pilgrims Society), Paul Hoffman (Pilgrims Society) and Averill Harriman (Pilgrims Society) in 1948---

General Marshall was Secretary of State (1947-1949) then Secretary of Defense (1949-1951) and was a member of the Army Navy Club in D.C., frequent site of Silver Users Association meetings. He held decorations from 13 nations and was awarded the Roosevelt Distinguished Service Medal in 1945 and the gold medal of the National Planning Association for 1949. More on Marshall to follow. Hoffman was named administrator of the Economic Cooperation Administration in 1948, after which he became president of the Ford Foundation, which financed anti-silver propaganda (see “The Silver Stealers” searchable PDF). Hoffman was a trustee of the Rockefellers University of Chicago; honorary chairman, United China Relief; director, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; United Air Lines; Encyclopedia Britannica; Chicago Corporation; and New York Life. Harriman, of the Brown Brothers, Harriman & Company interests at 59 Wall Street, founded in 1818, the oldest and largest private bank in the United States, which Robert Roosa (Pilgrims Society) was associated with; Roosa assisted the removal of silver coins from circulation by the Treasury Department. Harriman was an heir to the huge Union Pacific Railroad Fortune and married a Churchill relative. According to ---

“W. Averell Harriman served as Governor of NY, as well as a U.S. Ambassador to Russia, Cabinet member, international negotiator and key contributor to U.S. politics in the post-World War II era.”

Truman with King George VI, Royal patron of The Pilgrims Society--- The Pilgrims of the United States, second floor, 122 East 58th Street, New York, is two blocks from the King’s Highway (see map, current address). During the Truman years, the Silver Users Association continued to receive Treasury silver at the expense of miners and taxpayers. The New York Times, April 20, 1946, page 22 reported---

“Silver users demand the price of silver be fixed at 71 cents an ounce FOR ALL TIME for imports and silver held by the Treasury.”

The Engineering & Mining Journal, August 1953, page 77 reported the SUA’s misrepresentation---

“The objective of the Silver Users Association is a free and open market operating under the ordinary laws of supply and demand.” According to the Silver Users Association, which insists on calling itself a “nonprofit organization” (guffaw with a LOUD FART), only their members have a right to make money with silver (short sellers also!)

SUA says our silver’s worth one corncob! Users always trying to do a hatchet job! Try to take our silver, face a lynch mob! Big vein in user’s head starts to throb! In the Commercial & Financial Chronicle, May 9, 1946, page 2517, Republican Congressman Frederick C. Smith of Ohio ---

"Present statutes empower the Government to control the silver market."

“We favor immediate decontrol of metals and the return to a free market.” Policy declaration of Western Division, American Mining Congress, Mining Congress Journal, October 1946, page 51. With The Pilgrims Society determining the silver quote, not a chance.

Below, from the leaked list of The Pilgrims, New York, for the year 1957 we again find the President in the vest pocket of the top gold and silver suppressors--- Gifford was Ambassador to England, 1950-1953, succeeded by Aldrich, 1953-1957. Gifford headed American Telephone & Telegraph from 1925 to 1948. During 1928 to 1949 he was a director of United States Steel and First National Bank of New York. Gifford’s 1953 listing in Who’s Who, page 912 shows him at that time chairman of the Carnegie Institution of Washington (after Pilgrims Society member, Crown loyalist Andrew Carnegie, who was worth $310 billion in 2013 dollars according to History Channel); director, Greater New York Fund and National Science Fund; trustee, Johns Hopkins University; Cooper Union; New York School of Social Work; Rockefeller Foundation and Metropolitan Museum of Art; chairman of the lay council of New York Academy of Medicine; two six year terms as an overseer of Harvard University; member War Finance Committee for New York state during World War 2; adviser to Roosevelt’s Commerce Department, 1933-1935; founder Grand Central Art Galleries; and numerous other wartime positions in the Federal government. Gifford (Pilgrims Society) with President Truman (Pilgrims Society) on the left--- Winthrop W. Aldrich was the son of Senator Nelson Aldrich (Pilgrims Society) a founder of the Federal Reserve System! Aldrich started in banking at Equitable Trust, headed by Pilgrims Society member Alvin W. Krech, a director of 37 corporations and co-leader with Chase National Bank in the Soviet credit “business,” saving the Red regime from collapse in the 1920’s! Later Aldrich moved to Chase (by merger). The 1953 Who’s Who, page 36 shows Aldrich at that time chairman of Chase National Bank and a director of Metropolitan Life Insurance; A.T. & T.; Westinghouse Electric; International Paper; Discount Corporation of New York; New York Central Railroad; Nassau Hospital Association and Navy League of the U.S.; trustee, Tuskegee Institute; General Education Board; Barnard College; Rockefeller Foundation; president, America-Italy Society; member of the anti-silver American Bankers Association (their April 1965 magazine, Banking, page 117, called for silver hoarding to be outlawed!) The Aldrich and Rockefeller families are related as seen in Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller (Pilgrims Society). Aldrich was a happy con man---

Lewis W. Douglas in the sardonically titled “The Case for Monetary Reform” in the Mining Congress Journal, December 1965, pages 52 and 54 belched out these true color Pilgrims Society sentiments---

“There seems to be and probably ought to be, resistance on well taken grounds to a sufficiently substantial increase in the price of gold. No one, certainly not I, would denigrate the role the IMF has played.”

At the time he wrote those gut-wrenching statements, Douglas was a director of gold producer Newmont Mining Corporation! Another side investigation would be, was Newmont heavily hedged around $35 at the time, and was Douglas responsible for it? He was Ambassador to England, home country of global gold and silver suppression. His daughter Sharman, who frolicked with Princess Margaret, married Andrew Hay, a member of The Pilgrims of Great Britain, who ended up associated with Rothschild operations! The September 28, 1986 Fort Worth Texas Star Telegram, page 6-D stated--- “He helped launch the Marshall Plan, NATO and the creation of Israel. Overruling the judgments of Congress, legislators and even Presidents on the most controversial of national policy---from the Roosevelt Supreme Court to Watergate, he understood the internal dynamics of complex things like the New Deal and NATO better than any other American. He achieved awesome power in Washington and in the courts of the world.”

Douglas made the cover of Life Magazine, October 27, 1947. Douglas held decorations from Belgium, France and the Order of the British Empire. He became president of the Academy of Political Science and was a trustee of Amherst College and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and chaired the English Speaking Union, a direct Pilgrims subsidiary. He chaired Mutual Life Insurance of New York for over a quarter of a century and was a director of Western Bancorporation; International Nickel; Union Corporation Ltd. (a second major gold producer with this gold suppressor on its board); Homestake Mining Company (a THIRD major gold producer with this metals suppressor on its board); International Nickel of Canada; General Motors; Southern Arizona Bank & Trust and more---

Fenwick Beekman MD represented a real estate fortune dating to extensive land grants towards the close of the 17th century to Henry Beekman by Governor Fletcher of New York (1692-1697) which made Beekman “founder of a rich and powerful family, a magnate of the first importance” (“History of the Great American Fortunes,” page 44). Like so many Pilgrims Society families, the Beekmans are related to the Livingstons, which line is represented on The Pilgrims executive committee as of 2003 by Thomas Livingston Pulling of Citigroup. Pierpont V. Davis of 63 Wall Street was a trustee of Beekman Hospital, was associated with the Harriman banking and railroad (Union Pacific) interests, and was a director of other railroads, alcoholic beverage distillers, and was chairman of the real estate committee of Trinity Church, whose roots trace to 17th century pirates! William L. Kleitz was president of Guaranty Trust Company and a member of the New York State Banking Board. He was a director of Inspiration Consolidated Copper; Royal Liverpool Group of 17 insurance companies; IBM World Trade Corporation; and Commerce & Industry Association of New York and was on the investment committee of the American Institute of Mining & Metallurgical Engineers. Lindsay Bradford was another megabanker and was associated with Astor family interests (Pilgrims) and was on such boards as El Paso Natural Gas; Columbia Insurance; Delaware & Hudson Railroad; Consumers Power; City Investing; Imperial Assurance; Phoenix Indemnity and others and was a trustee of Barnard College; Carnegie Institution of Washington; and Russell Sage Foundation. In “History of the Great American Fortunes, page 461 on the Sage fortune, we read of “unparalleled acts of fraud and plunder,” page 464 noted the Sage railroad interests expended $800,000 in bribes in Wisconsin alone in the late 1850’s; page 467 mentions Sage being gifted with “millions” of acres of public land in Minnesota. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Russell Sage fled to the safety of Wall Street. Harry E. Ward, on The Pilgrims executive committee as of 1938, headed Irving Trust Company at 1 Wall Street, served as president of the New York Clearing House Association, and was on various boards as Shell Caribbean Petroleum; St. Louis Southwestern Railway; luxury jeweler Cartier, and was with the anti-silver American Institute of Banking and a life trustee of Columbia University.

John G. Jackson was chairman of the executive committee of the American Law Institute, president of the New York State Bar Association, director American Arbitration Association and Marine Midland Trust. Irving S. Olds, Order of the British Empire became chairman of U.S. Steel in 1940 and was on the executive committee of the anti-silver New York State Chamber of Commerce as of 1947 and on the executive committee of the U.S. council of the International Chamber of Commerce. He was a director, 1943-1947 of National War Fund and a member of the anti-silver Economic Club of New York and an executive committee member of Yale University Alumni Board. Langdon P. Marvin was a law partner, 1911-1924, of Franklin Roosevelt, gold and silver stealer. Marvin was a director of Metropolitan Life Insurance and the English Speaking Union and a member of the American Society for International Law (globalism) and had multiple positions over the years with Harvard University.

Admiral William Halsey, Knight of the British Empire, commanded U.S. naval forces in the south and central Pacific during World War 2 after which his Pilgrims Society pals placed him as president of International Standard Electric Corporation and a director of American Cable Radio Corporation; Federal Telecommunications; and others. The Pilgrims always have at least two top brass on their executive committee, inasmuch as warfare know-how is a must to them, since they did plan both World Wars and are scheming a third---

Walter Bedell Smith, Guardian of the British Empire, Order of the British Empire, was an Army general and Eisenhower’s chief of staff at Allied Forces Headquarters in the invasion of Tunisia and Italy. He was appointed Ambassador to the Soviet Union, 1946-1948, and became director of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1950-1953 then became undersecretary of State 1953-1954. He was among the founders in 1954 of the Bilderberg Conferences, which exist to indoctrinate transitory political figures and heads of state and is not itself the kingmakers group, that role belongs to The Pilgrims Society--- Junius Spencer Morgan III (1892-1960), right, with Vice Admiral DeLany, was on the executive committee of J.P. Morgan & Company and director of Atlantic Mutual Insurance and Continental Can Company. This son of Pilgrims Society member J.P. Morgan Jr. was a member of the Metropolitan Club in the District of Columbia, giving him opportunities to spread payola to Senators, Congressmen, judges and Federal bureaucrats (not that such things happen, right?) ---

Thomas K. Finletter was one of the founders of the United Nations in 1945. He was associated with a Wall Street law firm, Coudert Brothers, and was Ambassador to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 1961-1965. He was a director of the Council on Foreign Relations, unofficial subsidiary of The Pilgrims Society, founded in 1921. He was with Coudert Brothers, a Pilgrims Society associated law firm founded in 1853. In 1945 Finletter authored a book with a hell of a suggestive title, “Can Representative Government Do The Job?” General and later President Eisenhower was a crony of Pilgrims member Nelson Rockefeller. Eisenhower held 55 decorations from foreign governments. His administration continued gifting cheap silver to members of the Silver Users Association, for price suppression purposes. Coronet Magazine, April 1955, page 108 noted 19,780,000 silver ounces went from the Treasury stockpile to Dow Chemical Corporation at the rock bottom, giveaway, subsidized rate of 91 cents a troy ounce! Eisenhower in fact was on The Pilgrims executive committee as of 1950!

During the Eisenhower years, precious metals miners suffered greatly due to Federal price capping of gold at $35. In “The Federal Reserve and our Manipulated Dollar” by Martin Larson (1975), page 109 we encounter this---

“As inflation following 1954 increased the cost of production, all gold and silver mining ceased in the United States; tens of thousands of people were thrown out of work; untold millions invested in these industries were left to deteriorate; the nation was deprived of metal worth countless billions.”

Dean Acheson, Pilgrims Society, with General and President Eisenhower, Pilgrims Society--- The Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships have several verified Pilgrims members as trustees---Colin Powell, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, National Security advisor and Secretary of State, 2001-2005, (among a mere handful of Pilgrims members with African ancestry such as Condoleeza Rice); George H.W. Bush; and .

The Pilgrims London, on August 14, 1962, hosted Dwight Eisenhower (2002 volume, page 197). On May 22, 1963, The Pilgrims of the United States presented Eisenhower with their gold medal (2003 volume, page 167). In 1957, Eisenhower appointed Pilgrims Society member Warren Randolph Burgess Ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A confirmed silver price suppressor, Burgess (as we saw earlier) called for lower silver prices, which Franklin Roosevelt then arranged. That’s Burgess on the right with New York Senator (1957-1981) Jacob Javits, who voted “aye” to the subversive Coinage Act of 1965. The Pilgrims London hosted Javits on June 27, 1967 (2002 volume page 197) ---

Leonard W. Hall, Pilgrims Society, was a Congressman from New York, 1939-1952, in which role he assisted the anti-silver agenda of the Society and helped feed Treasury silver to the Silver Users Association, became chairman of the Republican National Committee, 1953-1957, after which he appeared on boards such as Madison Square Garden Corporation; Servo Corporation of America; Beneficial Life Insurance; Field Development Company; Roosevelt Raceway and a member of the New York State Banking Board--- In 1960, Businessmen for Kennedy and Johnson was co-chaired by Silver Users Association member Charles Englehard of Englehard Industries; and Pilgrims Society member, aluminum kingpin Richard S. Reynolds Jr., trustee of the University of Richmond and the University of Pennsylvania---

Below, JFK with Pilgrims Society member Roger Blough, chairman of United States Steel Corporation who was a member of the Yale University council (1956-1961) and a trustee of the National Industrial Conference Board, which would later host the head of the Federal Reserve System (which see soon in this narrative). Blough came from White & Case, a major Pilgrims Society law firm which today bills itself as “a truly global law firm” after resigning the chairmanship at U.S. Steel, Blough remained on its board, returning to White & Case, and was elected to such boards as Equitable Life Assurance Society; Campbell Soup; Commercial Union Assurance; Commonwealth Fund; Grand Central Art Galleries and the anti-silver Economic Club of New York. He became chairman of the laughably named Construction Users Anti-Inflation Roundtable! His office was at 14 Wall Street (Who’s Who, 1971, page 207) ---

Eugene Robert Black, Pilgrims Society, president of the World Bank, probably dispensing instructions to President Kennedy, circa 1962. Afterwards Black (son of a Federal Reserve official) appeared on boards such as Trust Company of Georgia; Bowery Savings Bank; Howmet Corporation; Electric Bond & Share; F.W. Woolworth; World Bank Pension Fund; American Express; International Telephone & Telegraph; Cummins Engine; Equitable Life Assurance; Chase Manhattan Bank; and Royal Dutch Petroleum with trusteeships in Atlantic Council; Population Council; Johns Hopkins University and others. He became special advisor to President Johnson in 1965 and his 1971 Who’s Who profile showed him as “special advisor to sheikh of Kuwait”---

Below left with President Kennedy, Pilgrims Society member Averill Harriman who was Kennedy’s, then Johnson’s under Secretary of State who previously was Ambassador to Russia and Great Britain; diplomat, international financier, heir to the Union Pacific railroad fortune, made Pilgrims Society member Robert Roosa a partner in 1965 in Brown Brothers, Harriman & Company at 59 Wall Street, the oldest and largest private bank in the United States, due to Roosa’s service to The Pilgrims Society as Treasury Department undersecretary in deleting silver coins from our money system, 1961-1964---

Frank Pace Jr., Pilgrims Society, was appointed to the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board in 1961. He was vice chairman of Republican President Eisenhower’s Commission on National Goals in 1959-1960 and in 1950-1952, Secretary of the Army in the Democratic Truman administration, another case illustrating that labels like Republican and Democrat are mere managed concepts of The Pilgrims Society. The Society uses these political factions to ping-pong the public into poverty, first the Republican approach, then the Democrat plan! After his stint in the JFK administration, Pace headed General Dynamics, a silver using concern, and appeared on many boards including American Fidelity Life, Continental Oil, Colgate Palmolive, Nation Wide Securities, Carriers & General, Putnam Trust and Time Incorporated (Who’s Who, 1971, page 1730); additionally he chaired, 1968-1972, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting; a typical Pilgrims Society string puller who had his hands on many levers of influence --- In Life Magazine, July 6, 1962, pages 30-34, President Kennedy and David Rockefeller (Pilgrims Society) had a series of letters published in which JFK pledged to The Evil One that the United States would not raise the price of gold past the then current $35 per ounce. Rockefeller was a ringleader of the London Gold Pool that was battling to hold global gold rates down, because he and his other Pilgrims members in the LGP like The Earl of Cromer, Sir Eric Odin Faulkner, Sir Anthony Tuke and Edmund DeRothschild were/are synthetic money creators. In these Life Magazine letters Rockefeller spoke of the “cooperative effort to dampen down the gold price, and the strengthening of the International Monetary Fund.” JFK appeared totally compliant with the king maker, but that was some months before JFK’s EO 11110. On June 4, 1963, President Kennedy issued Executive Order 11110 which directed the Treasury Secretary Douglas Dillon to issue silver certificates against Treasury held silver. Douglas Dillon, Pilgrims Society, never carried out the order and on November 22, 1963, the back of Kennedy’s head was blasted off in downtown Dallas, Jacqueline holding a piece of his shattered skull over his profusely bleeding open brain---

JFK spoke of the “continued existence” of the “national emergency” declared on December 16, 1950, by President Harry Truman (Pilgrims Society), in relation to the outbreak of the Korean War! As long as there is still an acre of land, a pecan tree grove, a carat of diamonds, an aquifer or any other asset you can conceive of, which hasn’t yet been “seized” or “absorbed” by The Pilgrims Society or its subsidiary groups, the “national emergency” ruse will persist in the White House, which they over-reachingly control! JFK’s father chaired the Securities Exchange Commission and was Ambassador to England---a post reserved for Pilgrims Society members! They hosted him in London on March 18, 1938 (2002 book, page 194). On April 27, 1961, JFK delivered a speech at a meeting of the American Newspaper Publishers Association featuring these remarks---

“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.”

1963 was a more eventful year in silver than most; in addition to the ongoing war against silver by the Treasury and the Fed, and the hit on Kennedy in November, on June 12, 1963, by Congressional legislation, the futures market in silver reopened after a closure of almost 29 years (Commercial & Financial Chronicle, July 25, 1963, page 354). The 50% gains tax on silver trading was revoked, and the Treasury stopped buying silver at officially fixed rates (“fascism”). The globalists weren’t being generous in removing the punitive tax; they reckoned it was time to open the floodgates to start shearing sheep (silver longs) on the Commodity Exchange. No way to know how many billions of losses there have been taken by common folk in the nearly 50 years since that time, seeing calls routinely expire out of the money and forfeiting their premiums to fleecing shorts in the New York banks, run by Pilgrims Society members! We know the shorts are the Lee Oswalds of the silver scene, With this and their other deeds, the financial world is in flames! Omitted forever from the CFTC and COMEX regulatory routine, For lying, fraud, and cover-up, this is the Olympic Games!

Many of the 433,460,212 mintage 1964 Kennedy half dollars were melted and turned into sterling tableware sets sold by Silver Users Association member firms. suspects Federal Reserve System chairman William McChesney Martin, a self admitted silver suppressor, in JFK’s death. The Associated Press on November 24, 1980, quoted the internationally renowned musical conductor Leonard Bernstein on the JFK wipeout---

“We don’t dare confront the implications. I think we’re all agreed there was a conspiracy and we don’t want to know. It involves SUCH A POWERFUL HIGH FORCE in what we call THE HIGH PLACES, if we do know, everything might fall apart.” Martin was another Pilgrims Society member sitting atop the financial structure the way a spider sits on a web---

The Federal Reserve Bulletin, April 1963, page 469, mentioned Martin’s remarks before Congress---

"The Board believes it is unnecessary to utilize silver as part of the U.S. monetary system. Although some concern has been expressed that removing the silver “backing” from part of our currency might lower its value, I would not agree.”

After leaving the Fed Martin, very likely a second generation member, chaired the Committee to Reorganize the New York Stock Exchange and appeared on such boards as Royal Dutch Petroleum; U.S. Steel; General Foods; Caterpillar Tractor; Freeport Minerals; American Express; Riggs National Bank and became a Johns Hopkins University trustee. Martin in a speech on February 14, 1968 at the Waldorf Astoria in Manhattan before the National Industrial Conference Board belched out this blather---

“I refuse to accept the cynical and desperate view that man must turn back to greater dependence on gold.”

From the leaked list of The Pilgrims, New York, for 1969--- “Now, I will sign this bill to make the first change in our coinage system since the 18th century. And to those Members of Congress, who are here on this very historic occasion, I want to assure you that in making this change from the 18th century we have no idea of returning to it.”---President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ, Lousy Bum Job or Lying Bastard Jackass), part of remarks made on signing the Coinage Act on July 23, 1965, ending silver dimes and quarters and reducing half dollars to 40% silver, which was a planned transition to zero silver content--- Lyndon Baines Johnson, looking every inch the demonized hellbound fiend he was! In the LBJ years, silver was still being officially price capped! The Treasury was dumping silver to hold the price at a standstill. Meantime, miners costs were escalating due to Federal Reserve caused inflation. Time Magazine, February 26, 1965, page 86 stated---

"Miners complain that $1.29 is too low to pay for the slow, costly process of digging and refining it." Hugh Bullock, Knight of the British Empire, was a second generation Pilgrims member and ran a cluster of investment companies at 1 Wall Street. He was a trustee of Roosevelt Hospital; Williams College; governor of Investment Bankers Association of America; member regional selection committee, Marshall Scholarships (after General and Secretary of State George C. Marshall, Pilgrims Society, chief military advisor to Franklin Roosevelt, author of the Marshall Plan, and Secretary of Defense, globalist indoctrination like the Rhodes Scholars and Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships). Plimpton was a high powered Wall Street attorney who was alternate U.S. representative to the U.N., 1961-1965 and became president of the Bar Association in 1968. A member of the anti-silver Economic Club of New York, he was a member of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal and chief trustee of the Teachers Insurance & Annuity Association and U.S. Trust Company, 45 Wall Street. He was an overseer of Harvard University and trustee of Roosevelt Hospital; America-Italy Society; Athens College (Greece); Lingnan University (China); U.N. Association; Foreign Policy Association; College Retirement Equities Fund and others. Norman Armour (1887-1982) married Princess Myra Koudashev of Russian nobility and became Franklin Roosevelt’s Ambassador to Canada, 1935-1939 after exiting the Ambassadorship to Haiti. He was appointed Ambassador to Chile in 1939 and soon went to Argentina as Ambassador to 1944, then he went to Spain, Venezuela and Guatemala into 1955. He was called “the perfect diplomat” as was Chief of Mission in eight countries.

John R. Drexel III was a second generation Pilgrims member, heir to a huge Pennsylvania based banking fortune tracing to 1837, controlling force behind Drexel University in Philadelphia, and father of John R. Drexel IV, currently on The Pilgrims executive committee. Ted Butler ID’d Drexel Burnham Lambert as the firm holding the big silver short position as of 1983. Benjamin Strong of 45 Wall Street was son of Benjamin Strong (Pilgrims, first head of Federal Reserve Bank of New York). His lineage and relations included two Pilgrims Society families, the Leboutilliers (finance and law) and the Standard Oil Pratts. He headed U.S. Trust of New York and was a director of Royal Liverpool Insurance Group; Home Insurance; Atlantic Safe Deposit; Seamen’s Bank for Savings and was a president of Union Theological Seminary. Allen W. Dulles (1893-1969) was the subject of the 2006 nonfiction, “Spymaster.” He was director of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1953 to 1961. Afterwards from his office with Sullivan & Cromwell, world’s most influential law firm at 48 Wall Street, he was president of The Pilgrims Society’s direct subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations. His brother John, for whom Dulles International Airport in D.C. is named, was a Rockefeller Foundation trustee and Secretary of State and another Pilgrims member; the Dulles brothers were cousins of the Rockefellers! Dulles was president of the Near East College Association and director of the fiat paper printer, American Bank Note Company (that’s two Pilgrims executive committee members we’ve seen on that board, printing funny money is one of their greatest concerns) ---

John N. Irwin II was a member of the anti-silver Economic Club of New York and became Ambassador to France in 1973-1974. He was son in law of Pilgrims Society member Thomas J. Watson Sr. of IBM, who has an amazingly extensive listing in Who’s Who in America for 1953, taking up 60% of the fine print on page 2545. Irwin was a director of IBM and Morgan Guaranty Trust. Both his brothers in law, Thomas J. Watson Jr. and Arthur K. Watson were Pilgrims Society members and IBM directors. Arthur was the Ambassador to France before Irwin arrived, and Thomas Jr. was an Ambassador to the Soviet Union. on left visiting with second generation Pilgrims Society member Paul Mellon, who, according to biographer William Hoffman (1974) “billions, zillions, do not seem unusual to Paul Mellon” who “literally owned Gulf Oil”--- was President, January 20, 1969 until August 9, 1974. On March 24, 1969, he accepted The Pilgrims invitation to hop into their vest pocket (where he had already been since at least November 25, 1958, when he attended a meeting of The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain (“The Pilgrims of Great Britain,” 2002, page 196, Nixon intended to state in his acceptance letter that he had been hosted by the London branch) ---

Image above comes from “The Pilgrims of the United States,” (2003), page 141. Nixon was mentored by various Pilgrims Society members including Elmer Holmes Bobst, long time chairman of Warner Lambert Pharmaceutical. According to Bobst gave $11 million towards the completion and opening of New York University’s Bobst Library. Opened on September 12, 1973, the Elmer Holmes Bobst Library is the main library and anchor building at NYU. Bobst was a long time trustee at NYU. Bobst had close connections to President Dwight Eisenhower, also a close friend of President Richard Nixon, helping guide his career and contributing generously to their campaigns. Nixon’s daughter Tricia married Edward Cox, son of Pilgrims Society member Howard Ellis Cox, an important Manhattan attorney.

In the Nixon days, The Pilgrims Society achieved its goal of an entirely fiat dollar, to the special dismay of France!

The October 2, 2002 New York Times mentioned publishing magnate Walter Annenberg (Pilgrims Society) of TV Guide, being on a close personal basis with both Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan and was Ambassador to England, 1969-1974. From August 1, 1960, we see Nixon with Pilgrims Society member Nelson Rockefeller---

Executive Order 11615, issued on August 15, 1971 by The Pilgrims puppet President Nixon, closed the Treasury Department gold teller window, denying convertibility for foreigners of United States Federal Reserve dollars into gold--- From a depressed price in the $2 per troy ounce range during the Treasury “auctions” of silver staged by the General Services Administration, 1967 to fall 1970, silver prices were hit by Fascist edict in the Nixon (“Pilgrims Society”) administration, the Wall Street Journal reported on July 24, 1972, page 16 on Nixon’s so-called Cost of Living Council---

“The phase 2 price ceiling on domestic silver is $1.61 an ounce. The Cost of Living Council has created an artificial tightness ruling that silver refined from domestic ore can’t be sold to U.S. users at more than the ceiling price.”

In that article, Hecla Mining Company called the ruling, “arbitrary and capricious discrimination against a basic industry.”

The Fascist edict was rescinded after several months while silver miners merely stockpiled ore, concentrate and dore. What if matters had deteriorated beyond those severe insults? The Society at the time didn’t feel it could use Federal power to seize the mines and work them with free labor of chain gang convicts, else I submit, it would not have hesitated to do so! Nixon with publishing tycoon Walter Annenberg, Pilgrims Society, Order of the British Empire, founder Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, who the “I am not a crook” President appointed Ambassador to England in 1969---

In “David, Report on a Rockefeller” (1971) by William Hoffman, page 12, we find--- “Said a prominent Delaware banker, I don’t think Richard Nixon tells David Rockefeller what to do. If anything, it’s the other way around.”

Inner circle Pilgrims Society member David Rockefeller has been all over administrations by way of Kissinger since at least the Nixon era. Kissinger and (Pilgrims Society) are honorary trustees of the Nixon Foundation

From June 1972 into May 1974, George Shultz, Pilgrims Society, was Treasury Secretary, and continued the gold and silver price suppression policy of The Society--- Shultz is one of two Americans to ever hold four top level Presidential cabinet positions. The other was Elliott L. Richardson, Pilgrims Society! From 1962 to 1969 Shultz was dean of the School of Business of the John D. Rockefeller Sr. (Pilgrims Society) founded University of Chicago. As Secretary of Defense, Attorney General and Secretary of Commerce, Richardson was in position to, if I may be so blunt as to say, “fuck” with silver. Friends, we have to pull out all the stops, because the opposition did so, actually centuries past. To the contrary of Butler’s statements, the silver price suppression traces to 1570 when Sir Francis Drake took silver from Spanish galleons he boarded and not just to Drexel Burnham Lambert in 1983! Shultz has served as chairman of the international advisory council of JPMorganChase, apex silver suppressor! Following Nixon into the Presidency was , to which we respond with the question by Eli Wallach as Tuco the Mexican bandit in “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” (1966) ---


Gerald Ford appointed five (5) prostitute commissioners to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which of course took the view that the Hunts were devils and the silver shorts were angels. After Nixon we had Gerald Ford, Pilgrims Society member, with his vice president, Pilgrims Society member Nelson Rockefeller, brother of major gold suppressor David Rockefeller, Pilgrims Society---

Gerald Ford, Michigan Republican, voted “aye” on July 14, 1965, to the Coinage Act of 1965. Removing most silver from coins. Ford was happy in the White House with his alleged second in command, Pilgrims Society member Nelson Rockefeller. Rockefeller agent Henry Kissinger, who addressed The Pilgrims in London on December 12, 1973 (2002 book, page 198), was certainly a White House Orwellian during the Ford Presidency---

Most are unaware that under Executive Order 8840 on July 30, 1941, named Nelson Rockefeller Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs. Through this office and with many strings pulled, Nelson became the largest landowner in Brazil, where he controlled vast coffee interests and huge landholdings in the state of Minas Gerais, known to be very valuable mineralogically. Rockefeller oil interests stole hundreds of millions in oil from Venezuela by false registration of oil tanker capacity. See pages 104- 116, “The Truth About Rockefeller Public Enemy No. 1” (1964) Emanuel Josephson. Henry Kissinger and James Baker III, both Pilgrims, are today trustees of the Gerald Ford Foundation. During Congressional hearings, Pilgrims Society fiend J. Richardson Dilworth insisted Nelson’s net worth was a microscopic $218 million. Dilworth was a director of International Basic Economy Corporation, founded by Nelson in 1947 with five immense agricultural subsidiaries in Brazil. Operations expanded to 33 countries. There’s no reason to wonder why the Rockefellers and The Pilgrims Society are so obsessed with foreign policy; their holdings are worldwide.

Roy L. Ash, Pilgrims Society, was director of the Office of Management and Budget for the White House in the Nixon and Ford administrations. He was a founder of large defense contractor Litton Industries, a silver user, which later merged into Northrop Grumman, also a silver user and a Pilgrims Society corporation---

According to owned the Huntlands in which appraised for something in the vicinity of $20 million---

“That 550 acres property main house was built in 1837 with major additions added in 1911, and has been the weekend retreat for senators, congressmen, diplomats and Presidents; Presidents Lyndon Johnson and John F. Kennedy visited Huntlands on numerous occasions.”

Presidents of the United States spending intimate time at private estates of Pilgrims Society members? You better believe it, pal!

Anne L. Armstrong (1927-2008) was among the few female members of The Pilgrims Society. She was counselor to the President in the Nixon and Ford administrations and Ambassador to England, 1976- 1977. Her husband Tobin owned the Tobin Ranch, 50,000 acres in South Texas, and was director for 48 years of the Texas & South Western Cattle Raisers Association They hosted Pilgrims Society members including Prince Charles, Presidents Bush Senior and Junior and silver suppressor CFR member Dick Cheney, once of Nixon’s Cost of Living Council. On September 8, 1974, Pilgrims Society member, precious metals suppressor Gerald Ford pardoned Pilgrims Society member, precious metals suppressor “Tricky Dick” Richard Nixon. After leaving the White House, Ford’s pals in The Pilgrims Society placed him on such boards as Shearson Loeb Rhoades; Santa Fe International; Tiger International; Pebble Beach Corporation; Citigroup; American Express and GK Technologies. Ford also chaired the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships, 1980-1986 and was a trustee of the Institute for International Studies. Yes, I noticed he was at Bilderberg 1962; but have the Bilderberg focusers noticed Ford as a Pilgrim (no) and that he was also at the Inter-Parliamentary Union Conferences in 1959 and 1961? See Founded in 1889, the IPU brings together representatives of national legislative bodies with the goal being to advance the cause of globalism! Andrew Carnegie, Pilgrims Society steel kingpin, gave the IPU its first major boost F

Dillon we saw earlier removed silver coins from circulation; Hayes, a Rhodes Scholar, ran the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, overseeing deletion of silver coins from the country’s largest banking district; Helm was a Chemical Bank exec and chairman of The Pilgrims admissions committee, director of Readers Digest Association; Colgate Palmolive; McDonnell Douglas Aviation; Uniroyal; trustee Princeton University and member anti-silver Economic Club of New York; Meyer was a JP Morgan & Company official who founded the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation, facilitating naked shorting of shares, including precious metals miners; Gates was another JP Morgan & Company director and director of General Electric; Insurance Company of North America; Campbell Soup; Smith Kline & French Labs and was on the Rockefeller University Council and an advisor to the National War College; trustee University of Pennsylvania and Academy of Political Science; Bruce married into the Mellon fortune and himself traced to 14th century Scottish nobleman, Robert The Bruce; he was with the Office of Strategic Services, 1941-1945, forerunner of the CIA and was Ambassador to France, Germany and England then liaison officer in Peking China; Schiff’s father in the December 23, 1908 New York Times, attacked monetary silver; Schiff married the daughter of Pilgrims member George F. Baker, a financier of the first magnitude who was a director of at least 55 corporations; Whitney in the 1950’s was reputed the 7 th wealthiest American; Pyne of Citicorp and a railroad developer was heir to a railroad and banking fortune worth some $50 millions in the 19th century; Funston chaired the New York Stock Exchange 1951-1967 then headed silver user Olin Mathieson Chemical; and board member of Republic Steel; Illinois Central Industries; IBM; Metropolitan Life; National Aviation; Winn Dixie Stores and others; Brownell was an Attorney General of the United States; Morgan a General Electric director was of the J.P. Morgan line, and founded Morgan Stanley, known in recent years for selling and “storing” nonexistent silver, to prevent people from holding real silver! Burke was an Admiral who retired in 1961 as chief of Naval operations, after which he was placed on boards including Texaco; Freeport Minerals; Thiokol Corporation; Foster Wheeler Corporation; Financial General Corporation; DuKane Corporation; United Services Life and others.

Dean Rusk was another Rhodes Scholar was a Rockefeller Foundation trustee from 1950 to 1961, when he was sent to the District of Columbia to be Secretary of State, 1961-1969. Before going to the Rockefeller Foundation, Rusk was at the State Department as director of United Nations Affairs. As Secretary of State, all Ambassadors from the U.S. reported to him. Those years were critical in the struggle to remove silver from the American monetary system. What were Rusk’s instructions to Ambassadors to silver producing nations like Mexico, Peru and Poland? Rusk (Pilgrims Society) with silver suppressor (flashback) Lyndon Johnson (Pilgrims Society) ---

Arthur H. Dean of 48 Wall Street was with the world’s most powerful law firm---Sullivan & Cromwell and was a director of Bank of New York; National Union Electric; El Paso Natural Gas; American Metal Climax; American Bank Note Company and others. Dean was Ambassador to Korea, 1953-1954 and a delegate to the 16th and 17th General Assemblies of the U.N. He was a trustee of Cornell University where he financed the Olin Library, after fellow Pilgrims Society member, chemical magnate John Merrill Olin, of Olin Corporation; Netherlands-America Foundation; Hochschild Foundation (silver and gold mining in Peru); Council on Foreign Relations; U.N. Association; Spanish Institute; and president, American Society for International Law, 1961-1962 and received the Distinguished Service Medal for 1962 from the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Association. According to he was “a key advisor to numerous U.S. Presidents” and being a director of a major New York bank, and of a paper currency printer for overseas central banks, what would his advice be but to suppress precious metals--- Eli Whitney Debevoise was a descendant of Eli Whitney, inventor of the cotton gin and a rifle manufacturer; he and John Hay Whitney were related. Debevoise was associated with two major Pilgrims Society law firms and was a director of the Bank of New York along with Arthur Dean. Debevoise was a delegate to the Conference on Germany and Western Europe, 1955, and was general counsel to the Office of U.S. High Commissioner in Germany, 1951-1953. He was chairman of the Alien Enemy Hearing Board in New York, 1942-1945. He became a trustee of William Nelson Cromwell Foundation (after a Pilgrims member) and of Rockefeller University. He was a director of the International Commission of Jurists and was a delegate to 9 of their annual summits. His son was a director of the World Bank and active in the World Trade Organization and is a likely Pilgrims member. John W. Gardner was a psychology professor (aaargh) who was pulled up into the power structure and over time was a director of Royal Dutch Petroleum, Time Incorporated, American Academy of Arts and Sciences; positions with Carnegie Corporation of New York, president, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and became secretary of Health, Education & Welfare (1965-1968) and was a Rockefeller Brothers Fund trustee. He authored “Excellence---Can We Be Equal And Excellent Too?” in 1961. He chaired the Urban Coalition and later Common Cause, a shill organization rousing rabble and battling the nonaligned rich. He was a Stanford University trustee, named after mega looter Leland Stanford (below) of railroad and mining fame, whose associates became connected to The Pilgrims Society--- Maxwell Davenport Taylor, Knight Commander, Order of the British Empire and decorated by 20 governments, was a high ranking Army general in World War II who became commander of the American Military Government in Berlin in 1949. He was U.S. and U.N. Commander in the Far East in 1955 and became Army Chief of Staff, after which his Pilgrims Society pals installed him as chairman of Mexican Light & Power Company and Lincoln Center for Performing Arts. Later he became chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and special advisor to the President, Ambassador to Vietnam, 1964-1965, president, Institute of Defense Analysis, 1965-1969 and chaired the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board in 1965-1969. He was a member of the Order of the Bath, a military order referring to the ceremonial bath a knight took after dispatching an enemy of the King of England---

Obviously The Pilgrims Society holds the reins of control over the military/industrial warfare complex, as seen by the Generals and Admirals and ordnance/aviation/explosives directors they have, plus the fact that the Commander in Chief is in their vest pocket, and “investigative” reporters never mention it to maintain their employment. Another Pilgrims Society member who was in the upper circles of the Kennedy and Johnson presidencies was Robert V. Roosa, a Rhodes Scholar who became a partner in Brown Brothers, Harriman & Company, 59 Wall Street

“Robert V. Roosa, another BBH partner, served as Under Secretary of the U.S. Treasury under Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. Regarded as the leading architect of American monetary policies, he remained a respected voice in fiscal affairs even after he became a full-time partner of BBH in 1965.” Roosa was a director of Texaco; Anaconda Copper; American Express; Owens Corning Fiberglass; Prudential Insurance and the Council on Foreign Relations (1966-1981) and a Rockefeller Foundation trustee. He was with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1946-1960 and member of the Vanderbilt (Pilgrims Society) sponsored anti-silver American Economic Association and the anti-silver Royal Economic Society. Roosa was a director of the anti-silver National Bureau of Economic Research and an official of the United Nations Association. He was president of the anti-silver American Finance Association for 1967. He chaired the anti-silver Brookings Institution in D.C., 1975-1986 and authored “Federal Reserve Operations in the Money and Government Securities Market,” (1956); “Monetary Reform for the World Economy” (1965); and “The Dollar and World Liquidity” (1967) He was president for 1970-1971 of the anti-silver Economic Club of New York ---

Roosa became a member in 1979 of the Group of 30 in D.C., which we already mentioned in connection to Paul Volcker’s chairmanship of this gang of collaborating central banks. Roosa was a Trilateralist, but to my knowledge, none of those who raved about it knew anything about his Pilgrims Society membership, nor would have understood it had they seen it in his Who’s Who profile. When a man is in The Pilgrims, no other memberships are as important to him as this one, because the indications of it being the nexus are overwhelming. Below, Pilgrims Society member William E. Simon, who Wikipedia brazenly said “supported free markets,” was Treasury Secretary, May 1974 to January 1977 in the cabinet of Pilgrims Society member Gerald Ford, and bombed gold from $200 down to $103.50 while his fellow Pilgrims Society member Walter Wriston of Citicorp predicted Simon would help shove gold back to $35

According to the Australian League of Rights at ---

“The world's Money Rulers are trying to phase out gold as the basis of monetary reserves. We believe that the most powerful group of International Finance operators is aiming to have International Monetary Fund Special Drawing Rights (S.D.R.s) accepted as the World Reserve Currency. This does not please such people as the French monetary authorities who are sitting on large gold reserves. The International Monetary Fund has very recently been "dumping" gold in the world's bullion markets. The United States' Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. William Simon, intends that the role of gold will be phased out of international monetary dealings. MR. SIMON REPRESENTS THE MOST POWERFUL GROUP OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCE OPERATORS.” Simon was a Governor of the IMF! He was also on the COMEX governing board when the silver rally was utterly assassinated after mid-January 1980! Was he short silver? This is one of the nagging questions I’ve dug long and hard to find an answer for, like what happened to the 65MOZ silver once held by the Atomic Energy Commission, under the chairmanship of Pilgrims Society member Glenn T. Seaborg; stone walls of silence block all efforts at resolution of such investigations. It strains credulity to not believe Simon was massively short and vastly increased his wealth. Why would he be interested in turning a $330,000 investment in Gibson Greeting Cards into $66 million after taking it public, and not be short silver in January 1980? Members of an organization the public never heard of, suppressing precious metals every way they can? You better believe it, podnuh! For more on Simon’s astonishingly extensive activities see http://www.silver- As Ford’s Treasury Secretary, Simon prevaricated (avoided the truth) by agreeing to some Congressional requests to tour Fort Knox gold, then reneged on his agreement. “Membership in The Pilgrims is a high tone and elegant thing” (letter dated April 2, 1906, “The Pilgrims of the United States,” 2003, page 34, note #14; footnote 43 on page 37 has them saying “We are very particular as to who we let in,” that’s so rich! They only let in those who will further their metals suppressing agenda, which they regard as a high tone and elegant thing!

President Carter, a long time acquaintance of Pilgrims Society member Cyrus Vance of the Rockefeller Foundation, offered the post of Treasury Secretary to Pilgrims Society member David Rockefeller, then Carter offered Rocky the helm of the Federal Reserve System! Vance, Order of the British Empire, was a Presidential envoy of Johnson and Nixon and became Secretary of State in the Carter years. Vance came to the State Department directly from the presidency of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. He was a director of One William Street Fund; Pan American World Airways; General Dynamics; and New York Times Company. He was a trustee of the Urban Institute and of Yale University. Vance was the adoptive son of 1924 Democratic Presidential contender John W. Davis, who was president of The Pilgrims, 1946-1955. In 1995 Vance was special envoy of the United Nations Secretary General. His son is currently New York City District Attorney and very probably a member. Cyrus Vance with Pilgrims Society puppet President Jimmy Carter---

The "Global 2000 Report,” written by former Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance, was presented to President Carter, and then Secretary of State Edward S. Muskie called for the population of the U.S. to be reduced by 100 million people by the year 2050.

Carter actually declined to serve as honorary President of The Pilgrims, citing as reasons they didn’t have any black or women members at the time. Did that make any difference as to his administration’s policies? Not a trace of difference; his high officials were Pilgrims Society members and secondarily, Council on Foreign Relations members. “Republican” Nelson Rockefeller, Pilgrims Society, with “Democrat” Jimmy Carter in the White House--- In 1979 Carter appointed Bernard W. Rogers as Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, a post he held into 1987. By 1992 Rogers surfaced on the executive committee of The Pilgrims Society; they always have top military figures in their management with military industrial complex, ambassadorial/foreign policy and megabank representation. In a martial law over America situation, The Pilgrims Society has the necessary control over the military, starting with the Commander in Chief! Other brass are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, solidifying globalist control. Refer to his Rogers listing in the 1994 Who’s Who, page 2914, after the image; at the end of his info you find “The Pilgrims;” the vast majority of members who have Who’s Who listings (possibly one-third aren’t listed), perhaps only 7% include that detail in their data--- Rogers was a member of the Army-Navy Club in D.C., site of many Silver Users Association meetings; the Institute for Defense Analysis and the Logistics Management Institute are strongly connected to the Department of Defense, and could easily issue a call for silver nationalization to restore the former stockpile (which the globalists used for price suppression). The SUA is based in Fairfax, Virginia; the other two groups are in Alexandria and McClean Virginia, within a few miles of each other. General Dynamics is a silver user. Kemper is as this is written directly interlocked with the Federal Reserve.

Though we’ve uncovered some executive committee lists of The Pilgrims more recent than 1980, the 1980 list, now one third of a century ago, remains the most recent full list to have been seen by outsiders---

In “The Pilgrims of Great Britain,” 2002, page 15, we find--- “THE LIST OF MEMBERS MAKES FASCINATING READING.”

Not only fascinating, it identifies precisely who has been and is eviscerating the finances of billions of world inhabitants!

My great European colleague, Joel Van Der Reijden, to whom I owe much to the furtherance of my research, stated at---

“We have no modern day membership lists of The Pilgrims, which shows HOW SMALL THE WORLD BECOMES AT THESE ELITE LEVELS. The Rothschilds can also be found in the Pilgrims Society.”

Evelyn Davis of ’76 Press, publishers of Gary Allen’s hit, “None Dare Call It Conspiracy,” remarked to me in a letter dated April 8, 1976--- “It is very difficult to get copies of membership lists of the Pilgrims.”

Her meaning was; we have to rely on leaked lists; the group won’t release any list; some secretary somewhere notices a list in a man’s office desk drawer, copies it, replaces it, and potentially her copy reaches someone who’ll attempt to publicize it.

From the Encyclopedia of Associations--- In “David, Report on a Rockefeller” (1973) William Hoffman stated on the back cover (paperback edition) ---

“One President after another has done his bidding. His lifestyle would make Alexander the Great weep with envy. The power he wields crosses all borders, can make or destroy governments, start or stop wars, profoundly influence everyone’s life---including yours!”

Hoffman noted David as an organizer of Bilderberg conferences, but was unaware of his long time membership in The Pilgrims Society (at least since 1957 and likely much earlier than that) --- "A Secret Society gradually absorbing the wealth of the world." --- Last Will & Testament of diamond monopolist Cecil Rhodes

“HERE AND EVERYWHERE” The Council on Foreign Relations, founded in 1921 by Pilgrims Society members as an “outer ring” or extension of influence for the more shadowy superior group, shows its Pilgrims parentage in the horseback rider and the “Ubique” on its scroll---

Through the CFR, influence of The Pilgrims Society is vastly leveraged. CFR members go along to get along, hoping for years to rise into the superior organization. Most don’t make it, but sell their souls trying. CFR members who haven’t also been Pilgrims have been all over Presidential administrations since the Harding administration (1921-1923) in the Treasury Department and in the Federal Reserve System and all its branch banks!

General Alexander M. Haig was deputy National Security advisor, 1970-1973; White House Chief of Staff 1973-1974; Supreme Allied Commander of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 1974-1979 and Secretary of State, 1981-1982. In 1979 he became involved with the Foreign Policy Research Institute and was named president of United Technologies Corporation, a large military contractor, advisor to China Ocean Shipping Group and was a founding director of America Online (AOL) ---

Haig was a trustee of Loyola University in Baltimore, a Jesuit Catholic institution. I mention this for the benefit of those who feel the Vatican has the upper hand on the British establishment. They’d like to, but not a chance, pal. More likely this was a case of the British penetrating Catholic sphere of influence. S. Parker Gilbert was chairman of silver price suppressor Morgan Stanley. Kingman Brewster, descended from a leader of Plymouth Colony in the early 17th century, was a law professor at Harvard and president of Yale University, 1963-1977. He was Ambassador to England in the Carter Administration, 1977-1981 and remained in London as resident law partner of Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts, a high powered Pilgrims Society law firm with incredible history and connections. While in London he was appointed Master of University College, Oxford, and chaired United World Colleges. Attributed to him is---

"If I take refuge in ambiguity, I assure you that it's quite conscious."

Hoyt Ammidon of U.S. Trust New York, 45 Wall Street, Order of the British Empire, was in charge of Astor family interests in the United States, including a Manhattan real estate holding estimated by the New York Social Diary at north of $100 billion! He was on The Pilgrims executive committee into 1988. Hoyt was a director of Roosevelt Lines; General American Transportation; New York Airways; Vertientes Camaguay Sugar; Howard Johnson Company; Perkin Elmer Corporation; Great Northern Nekoosa Corporation; American Express; WestAm Properties; Greenwich Savings Bank; Fireman’s Fund Life Insurance; Carriers & General Corporation; Bullock Fund; Monthly Income Shares; Dividend Shares; Nationwide Securities; Fidelity & Casualty of New York; Lincoln Center Fund; Nourmahal Northwest and others. Nourmahal was the name of Vincent Astor’s yacht. He was a member of the New York State Banking Board, 1963-1967 and Commissioner of the Port of New York Authority, 1969-1972. He was president of American Friends of Canada Committee; member committee of New York Clearing House Association; member Yale University Development Board; trustee Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art; American Ditchley Foundation; Federal Hall Memorial Associates; Loomis School; Hundred Year Association of New York. He was a member of three other organizations hostile to monetary metals---the U.S. Committee for the U.N., the American Institute of Banking and the Economic Club of New York. He was decorated by Italy and Panama--- Pilgrims Society member Walter Annenberg, Order of the British Empire and founder, Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships, billionaire, with President Ronald Reagan, Pilgrims Society, in 1981--- recently reported assets of $1.7 billion; foundations are notorious for grossly undervaluing assets they control.

On March 18, 1988, Reagan issued Executive Order 12631, creating the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets, bringing the Treasury, Federal Reserve, Securities Exchange Commission and Commodity Futures Trading Commission into closer collaboration, meaning tighter control over the markets by The Pilgrims Society!

Reagan likely became involved with The Pilgrims Society by means of hosting General Electric Theater on TV, fall 1954 to spring 1962 Pilgrims Society members have been all over GE since it started. Reagan was California governor, 1967-1975, and during that time, in 1970, the Reagans met with Pilgrims Society member Richard Nixon, U.S. President--- Another link of Reagan to The Pilgrims Society was when the London branch hosted him at their April 7, 1975 meeting (2002 book page 161) which page also shows him with David Ormsby-Gore, the 5th Baron Harlech, president (1965-1977) of The Pilgrims of Great Britain, whose maternal grandfather was a Prime Minister. Harlech, who seemed to have a ship’s prow for a nose, was a Member of Parliament, 1950-1961 then became Ambassador to the U.S. (1961-1965) during the great war of silver users and Pilgrims Society members to remove silver from our monetary system. Afterwards he became a member of the House of Lords and founded Harlech Television. His father, who became Postmaster General and Secretary of State for the Colonies, played a role in the World Monetary Conference in London in summer 1933 in which silver continued to be sabotaged by allowing British dumping out of India to continue. Page 156 of the 2002 book shows Harlech chatting with The Earl of Cromer, a principal of the early 1960’s London Gold Pool, and Lord Astor, descended from U.S. central banker John Jacob Astor, who was the domestic power behind Nicholas Biddle. Harlech chaired The Pilgrim Trust, 1974-1979 and knew our Ambassador to the United Nations (page 151, 2002 book). The Grace Commission, appointed by President Reagan, was chaired by J. Peter Grace, Pilgrims Society, whose Grace Commission Report released in 1984, page 49, called for end to legislative bans on disposal of silver by the Defense Logistics Agency Grace, who never stated his Pilgrims Society membership in Who’s Who, did state as being president of the Papal Knights of Malta. He infiltrated the Vatican domain for the British Empire, not the other way around; the newer empire is easily the more powerful and successful. Grace, a University of Notre Dame trustee, chaired chemical conglomerate W.R. Grace & Company (a silver user) and was on boards such as Milliken & Company; Office Warehouse; Omnicare; Restaurant Enterprises Group; Stone & Webster; Brascan Limited; Ingersoll-Rand; Roto Rooter; National Sanitary Supply; Citibank; Centennial Insurance; Atlantic Mutual Insurance; Atlantic Mutual Reinsurance; Kennecott Copper; Brazilian Light & Power; Magnavox; Miller Brewing and was a governor of the India House club in Manhattan--- Texas Republican Senator John Tower (1961-1984), voted “aye” to the Coinage Act of 1965, deleting silver from our coins except for the gnawed down bone tossed to the mining industry, the 40% Kennedy half dollars, 1965-1969 Tower was Bush Senior’s nominee for Secretary of Defense in 1989, but the Senate declined, 53 to 47. Afterwards Bush helped his fellow Pilgrims Society member by naming him chairman of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, 1990-1991. Tower was a Southern Methodist University trustee at least as of 1970 (Who’s Who, page 2295) and a member of the Hansard Society, London, a group connected to Parliament, founded in 1944 by Pilgrims Society members Winston Churchill and Sir Clement Attlee. Tower chaired the Tower Commission, appointed by Reagan in 1986, to “investigate” (cover up) the Iran Contra scandal, in which U.S. interests supplied weapons to both participants in the Iran/Iraq war. On February 23, 1982, The Pilgrims London hosted Senator John Tower, then chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee (2002 book, page 200) --- James A. Baker III Institute of Public Policy at Rice University, Houston. James Addison Baker III, Pilgrims Society, was Treasury Secretary, 1985-1988 in Reagan’s cabinet. In the George Bush Sr. administration, Baker was Secretary of State, 1989-1992. Baker, of a powerful Houston law firm is the dominant trustee of Howard Hughes Medical Research Institute which has a $16.1 billion endowment. It was Pilgrims Society members David Rockefeller and Frederic Brandi of Dillon Read and American South African Gold Trust, a “superstar banker,” who took Trans World Airlines away from Howard Hughes, after which they installed Charles C. Tillinghast Jr., Pilgrims Society, as chief at TWA! Tillinghast was a trustee of the Midwest Research Institute, into which the Rothschilds had input. Baker as the 2005 Who’s Who, page 200, was a trustee of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, (named after the President who signed the Federal Reserve Act into law in 1913). In 1993 Baker became senior legal counsel to The Carlyle Group. He was a director of Electronic Data Systems, 1996-2003. Baker’s profile at the major law firm states Baker was---

“Long active in American presidential politics, Mr. Baker led presidential campaigns for Presidents Ford, Reagan, and Bush over the course of five consecutive presidential elections from 1976 to 1992.”

Baker is still involved with the Obama White House! (Which see more of later); Baker in 2008 became co-chairman of the National War Powers Commission, with his fellow Pilgrims Society member Warren Christopher, Secretary of State in the Clinton years, 1993-1997; Christopher, who was deputy Attorney General under Nixon (1967-1969) became a director of Chevron Texaco; Lockheed; Southern California Edison; First Interstate Bancorporation; and chaired Carnegie Corporation of New York and served as vice chairman, 1982-1991, of The Pilgrims Society’s precious metals suppressing subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations---

Yes, silver is a war material! When these bankers were bleeding off the former 165MOZ national silver reserve for ongoing price suppression activities, they also had in mind to eventually use the “no silver stockpile” situation as a ruse for staging a second nationalization! Pilgrims Society---don’t try it! I’m posting your history and future intentions based on it, in advance! On June 21, 1983, while Secretary of Defense, The Pilgrims London hosted Caspar Weinberger, who oversaw the “leakage” of over 24MOZ silver from the stockpile (2002 book, page 201). Click on this 1983 photo of 1984 Democrat Presidential hopeful Walter Mondale with Senator Jay Rockefeller. Mondale voted “aye” on the Coinage Act of 1965 taking most silver out of our money system. At see copyrighted photo of President Bush Senior (Pilgrims Society) all chummy with gold suppressor David Rockefeller (Pilgrims Society). Below we see Kissinger (Pilgrims Society) and Bush Sr. (Pilgrims Society) with flunky Richard Holbrooke (CFR) in the middle---

Michael Dukakis, who was Massachusetts governor (1975-1978 and 1983-1990). During his first term, he commuted the sentences of 21 criminals convicted of first degree murder, and 23 convicted of second degree murder; some of them reoffended! This was the demagogue the Democrat Party ran for President in 1988! Dukakis was also infamous for leading a state into spiraling sales and property tax rates. His lieutenant governor during 1983-1985 was John Kerry (current Secretary of State, Pilgrims Society) who at that time undoubtedly had not yet made it into The Pilgrims, but was a Skull & Bones Society alumnus from Yale---

Dukakis 1988 running mate for the White House was Texas Senator Lloyd Bentsen, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations subsidiary of The Pilgrims Society. By 1981 and at any time until the late 1980’s, he could easily have been nominated for a Pilgrims membership, being more of a real elitist than Dukakis. Dukakis hosted Queen Elizabeth II (patron of The Pilgrims Society) and Gerald Ford (Pilgrims Society) on a visit to Boston. In 2003 Dukakis was a founding member of Next Generation Initiative, along with major Pilgrims Society operator, top level gold suppressor John Brademas of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Rockefeller Foundation and other highly influential entities

During the Clinton (Rhodes Scholar) administration, precious metals remained under attack, and the Rockefeller family (Pilgrims Society) continued its strong association with the White House, seen here with Senator Rockefeller---

Rhodes Scholar, Pilgrims Society member President Bill Clinton, with Queen Elizabeth II, Royal patron of The Pilgrims Society---

Hellish looking Al Gore, Democrat Senator from Tennessee, 1985-1992, whose Senator father voted for the anti-silver Coinage Act of 1965, was Clinton’s VP, 1993-2001 and ran for President, losing very narrowly to George Bush. 009889.html 1992 photo shows Bill Clinton and Al Gore at a West Virginia steel mill with Senator Jay Rockefeller--- Gore seen with third generation Pilgrims Society member David Tevele Schiff, a member of the anti- silver Economic Club of New York. Schiff’s father was treasurer of The Pilgrims in the 1960’s and 70’s and was a Getty Oil director. David’s mother was Edith Baker, of the George F. Baker (Pilgrims Society) fortune, based on the First National Bank of New York, dozens of railroads, coal producers, water and natural gas utilities, insurance and electric power companies (Who’s Who, 1915, page 98). Schiff’s grandfather, a Rothschild associate, attacked the use of silver as money in The New York Times, December 23, 1908---

Gore is a director of World Resources Institute with Theodore Roosevelt IV, probably a Pilgrims member, who is managing director of Barclay’s Capital U.S.; Barclays is a major silver suppressor. Gore is a director of Apple and is chairman of Generation Investment Management in London and is probably a Pilgrims Society member. In 1971-1972 Gore was on a Rockefeller Foundation scholarship grant Founded in 2002 to boost Pilgrims Society influence over the Republican Party, has confirmed Pilgrims Society members as directors--- Amory Houghton Jr.; Peter G. Peterson; John C. Whitehead; and David Rockefeller. Several others of its directors are likely Pilgrims.

VERY short run book put out in 2003 by the central organization that suppresses silver and gold--- This showed up (see printed document after the next two photo illustrations) at dated 2004 and contains two typos---Mark Sink should be Mark Sisk, Episcopal Bishop of New York and Eban W. Pyne should read Eben W. Pyne. Luce, of Time Magazine and the Time Warner fortune, passed away in 2005. The Luce Foundation was established in 1936 with $690 million Luce was a trustee of Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships; Yale China Association; Wooster College; Princeton Theological Seminary; member council, U.N. University in Tokyo (Pilgrims member James M. Hester headed the university and was a director of Silver Users Association member Union Carbide). Weinberger we already mentioned as a top tier silver price suppressor and after government “service” became a director of Quaker Oats and construction giant Bechtel Corporation. None of the people raving about his membership in the Trilateral Commission or the Bohemian Club mentioned him as a Pilgrims member, because they didn’t know or understand it. Info is far easier to get from the TC (founded by Pilgrims) than from The Pilgrims. He was treasurer of the Episcopal District of California and is seen at left with his fellow Pilgrims Society members Ronald Reagan and --- Laurence C. Windsor Jr. may be related to the Windsors, British Royal family, the world’s largest land owners and sponsors of The Pilgrims Society. He’s been with advertising conglomerate Young & Rubicam and Veterans Corporation in D.C. He’s a governor of the Union League Club and the New York West Point Society and the Association of the United States Army and member of the New York State committee of Employers Support for the Guard and Reserve. The Pilgrims abiding interest in the military marches on. John Cunningham Whitehead became a Goldman Sachs partner in 1956 and rose to head the firm. Whitehead was a large contributor to the campaigns of recently retired Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman, who introduced legislation leading to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and fanatical gun grabber. Whitehead was undersecretary of State, 1985-1989, became chairman of the United Nations Association, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the anti-silver Brookings Institution, Asia Society, and chairman of the board of overseers of Harvard University. He’s served as a New York Stock Exchange director and of various corporations and trustee of Rockefeller University and consultant to Rockefeller Group. Whitehead on right at International House, New York, with the six foot seven inch Volcker---

On December 11, 2002, The Pilgrims New York held a reception for Volcker, who as head of the Federal Reserve System, did so much to transfer wealth from the vast unaware public to his Pilgrims Society pals (2003 book, page 173). In May 2007 the Queen, Royal patron of The Pilgrims Society, visited President George W. Bush Jr., during whose administration the suppression of gold and silver went unopposed. What else would you expect from someone who thinks ten ounce Australian koala and kookaburra coins are worth $10 Australian, a mere $1 per troy ounce? Silver is scarce and finite and of amazing utility, paper notes can be printed and digital dollars can be conjured to infinity! The Society has a fiat currency racket still going on and this is why they so bitterly hate silver---

James D. Zirin, executive committee, Pilgrims Society, married Marlene Hess of the Amerada Hess oil and gas fortune, made contributions to multiple Republican AND Democrat Presidential contenders Zirin worked for the son of Henry Morgenthau, Pilgrims Society, who as Treasury Secretary stole gold and silver from Americans in the FDR years---

Marlene’s daddy owned the New York Jets from 1964-1999!

Arizona Republican Senator John McCain, an advocate of military arrest and indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without charges, was Obama’s opponent in the 2006 Presidential race and ran against Bush Jr. for the 2000 Republican nomination. His father, Admiral John S. McCain, naval commander in chief in the Pacific starting in 1968, appeared in the leaked list of The Pilgrims 1969! He became president in 1972 of the United States Strategic Institute. The elder McCain was himself a second generation Admiral. Is Senator McCain, who advocates scrapping the Bill of Rights, a Pilgrims Society member? We have no list more recent than 1980, and other sources for confirmation are lacking. It seems doubtful the reekingly hateful Senator would answer an inquiry--- “I love my country, but fear my government”---seen on bumper sticker.

This McCain is an immoral man, unlike the Lucas McCain of “The Rifleman” TV series! John, where are your horns, and the bolts on both sides of your neck? At I notice among the McCain supporters were Kathryn Wriston, widow of anti-gold activist, Walter B. Wriston (Pilgrims Society) of Citicorp; John C. Whitehead (Pilgrims Society) whom we visited earlier; Frederick B. Whittemore (Pilgrims Society); Douglas Warner III of J.P. Morgan, almost certainly a Pilgrims member; Robert H. Tuttle (Pilgrims Society, Ambassador to England, 2005-2009); Donald F. Textor, ex of Goldman Sachs, son of Pilgrims Society member George Textor of Marine Midland Trust and the anti- silver Bankers Club of America; Dudley Taft of Taft Broadcasting and Duke Energy (Pilgrims Society Taft family); Charles Price II (Pilgrims Society), former Ambassador to England; director New York Times; U.S. Industries; Texaco; Sprint; British Airways; 360 Degree Communications; Ameribank; Peter G. Peterson (Pilgrims Society; former Commerce Secretary; director Blackstone Group; Sony; RCA; 3M; CITGO; Bell & Howell; Black & Decker; chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; chairman, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 2000-2004; Robert Mosbacher, brother of Emil Mosbacher (Pilgrims Society) of Chemical Bank; William McDonough, president Federal Reserve Bank of New York 1993-2003, highly likely Pilgrims Society member; Peter Magowan (president San Francisco Giants), son of Robert Magowan (Pilgrims Society) of Safeway Stores; John J. Louis III (Gannett Media; S.C. Johnson & Sons), son of Pilgrims Society member John J. Louis Jr.; Tom Kean, Pilgrims Society, chairman 911 Commission; member anti-precious metals Bretton Woods Committee; Bell Atlantic; United Health Group; Amerada Hess; Carnegie Corporation; Franklin Resources; John N. Irwin III (owns 225,000 acres of ranch land in Arizona and California), son of Pilgrims Society member John N. Irwin II; William Farish III, former Ambassador to England, oil and gas magnate, host to Queen Elizabeth of The Pilgrims Society (“he is extremely secretive”); Edward Cox, Nixon’s son in law, whose father was a Pilgrims member; his grandfather, Edward Ridley Finch (Pilgrims Society, Who’s Who in the East, 1957, page 277, had Livingston and Delafield ancestry---both Pilgrims Society families; Finch was associated with Presidents Harding and FDR); and Leonore Annenberg, widow of Pilgrims Society member Walter Annenberg.

Now we have Obama as The Pilgrims Society’s vest pocket President, with key Pilgrims members coming to the White House to visit him and, like Pilgrims member J.P. Morgan Jr., can’t tell us what they talked about with the President! Obama with Pilgrims Society official Henry Kissinger, Rockefeller family operative--- Another globalist similar to Kissinger is Zbigniew Brzezinski, a CFR member ID’d also as a Pilgrims member by Joel Van Der Reijden, whose research standards are more than airtight. Brzezinski has had globalist foreign policy input into at least four Administrations, including Obama he’s seen here with Sir Peter Sutherland (Pilgrims Society, British Petroleum and Goldman Sachs International); a Japanese figure; and on the far right, Volcker and David Rockefeller at a Trilateral Commission meeting---

In “Between Two Ages” (1976) Brzezinski stated that he and his pals regard traditional values as garbage and admitted to being control freaks---

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. ” Obama with General Colin Powell, Secretary of State in the Bush Jr. administration, one of the very few Pilgrims with African ancestry (some members on both sides of the Atlantic had slave traders in their lineage) ---

Powell is the first person of African descent to be a director of The Pilgrims direct unofficial subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations, by which The Pilgrims Society dramatically extends its influence circles

American Opinion Magazine, May 1978, pages 73-74 mentioned the abominable Paul Volcker ---

“He used to say that if the United States quit supporting the price of gold at thirty-five dollars an ounce it would go to five dollars.”

Obama does indeed appear to be taking instructions (or “receiving illumination”) from Pilgrims management member Paul Volcker, who wrested 60+ million silver ounces from the Hunts by 1986 in the wake of their crushed silver play--- Paul Volcker is co-chairman advisory board, George P. Shultz on advisory board, also probable Pilgrims Society member Nicholas F. Brady! Below, Pilgrims Society member James A. Baker III confers in the Obama State Department with another member of “THE WORLD’S MOST SECRET ORGANIZATION” (American Opinion Magazine, October 1970, page 22) ---


Reno Odlin, chairman, Puget Sound National Bank and president of American Bankers Association, quoted in The Commercial and Financial Chronicle, July 15, 1965, pages 198-199. Baker knew all about THAT situation while he was running the Treasury!

David Rockefeller, Pilgrims Society, with Hilary Clinton, Pilgrims Society, meeting in the Obama State Department, circa 2011.

She appears convinced she’s looking at “the real deal”---

Hillary Clinton for President in 2016? How about “Pilgrims Society” for President? Her husband, also a member, appeared at a meeting of The Pilgrims direct subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations, on June 17, 2002, hosted by Pilgrims Society member, billionaire Peter G. Peterson--- Peterson moved to chairman of the CFR as of 1985, when longtime chair David Rockefeller (pilgrims Society) passed it to his associate. Peterson was president of Bell & Howell, a Rockefeller interest and silver users, 1961-1963, and during that same time was an advisor to the Kennedy administration and became Nixon’s Commerce Secretary. Peterson was associated with Lehman Brothers, Kuhn Loeb into 1984 and founded The Blackstone Group in 1985. He’s a trustee of the anti-silver National Bureau for Economic Research and a member of the Burning Tree Club in the District of Columbia, another opportunity for him to influence Capitol Hill. During 1999-2003 Peterson, Pilgrims Society member, chaired the fraudulent, anti-precious metals Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The Associated Press, January 19, 2012, quoted Edwin Truman, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, insisted that a return to the gold standard is not advisable! Truman was with the Federal Reserve System, 1977-1998! According to Blackstone Group is “a major factor in economies around the world.” Its market cap is currently $11 billion.

Below, Pilgrims Society member Hillary Clinton again rendezvousing with inner core Pilgrims Society member David Rockefeller on Saint Barthelemy Island east of Puerto Rico and having almost a Vulcan “mind meld” with this top tier gold suppressor---

Former Secretary of State (1997-2001) Madeleine Albright, Pilgrims Society, was a backer of Hillary Clinton for President in 2008. I decline to post an image of Albright as she’s too much of a dump to look at! See her globalist credentials at Obama with gold and silver suppressor George Shultz, Pilgrims Society member who on December 10, 1985, was hosted by The Pilgrims London (2002 book, page 201) and has served as a director of both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund --- Pilgrims Society official Henry Kissinger (“if you can control the food you can control the people”) was there---

Obama meets The Crown and Prince Philip, Royal patrons of The Pilgrims Society on both sides of the Atlantic, in the White House. The Prince is Royal patron to over eight hundred (800+) organizations and in keeping with the fact of top globalist groups having Pilgrims as founders, launched the 1001 Club in 1978--- “THEY KEEP AT YOU AND AT YOU, YEAR AFTER YEAR, TRICKING AND PUNISHING!”

---from “The Menagerie,” original Star Trek

Obama (Pilgrims Society) with the Royal Patron of The Pilgrims Society, Queen Elizabeth, who stubbornly maintains that a four-niner silver one ounce Maple Leaf is worth a mere $5 Canadian! The Royal family has no input with the Royal Canadian Mint? Nonsense!

The Queen owns the world’s most valuable diamond, the $400 million Great Star of Africa, 530.20 carats!

On July 4, 2009, we find innuendo from a Pilgrims Society news source that Obama could duplicate FDR’s policies of stealing gold and silver from Americans, and ruining at least tens of thousands of small landlords with ferocious rent controls that persisted over a seven year span, allowing larger interests like the Astors, who could easily hold out, to pick up the wreckage after their pal FDR strangled more of the small folks in the name of “seizing the wealth necessary,” the Pilgrims Society’s brand of monopoly capitalism facilitated by Federal power--- James Baker III, former Treasury Secretary (gold/silver suppressor) and Secretary of State, a Republican and Pilgrims Society member, with Democrats Obama and Biden in the horribly named Roosevelt Room at the White House---

Sour faced Biden, a politician from Delaware, could easily be in the Du Pont (Pilgrims Society and Silver Users Association) influence sphere, as they virtually run that state. President Barack Obama, Pilgrims Society, with David Rockefeller’s (Pilgrims Society) nephew, West Virginia Senator John D. Rockefeller IV, cheerful looking fiend who wants the President to have dictatorial powers to shut down public access to the Internet to shut us up buzzing about their lethal conspiracies--- Again we see Obama in an apparent position of subordination to someone he recognizes as a superior! Psychologist Judith Rodin, president of the Rockefeller Foundation, is a member of Obama’s White House Council for Community Solutions team/judith-rodin-phd In “The Oracle Wore A Cashmere Suit,” episode of “The Rockford Files,” broadcast on October 1, 1976, the psychic stated, perhaps predicting Barack---


*********More On The White House And The Presidency*********

Harold E. Stassen, Pilgrims leaked list 1969, was a three term Minnesota governor, and the youngest to ever be elected to the governorship of any state at age 31. He chaired the National Governors Conference, 1940-1942. In 1940 Stassen supported Wendell Willkie, an openly declared “one worlder.” He was a member of the U.S. delegation to the founding conference of the United Nations in 1945. He was on the staff of Admiral Halsey in the Pacific, 1943-1945 who, as we saw, became a Pilgrims executive committee member. Stassen was president of the University of Pennsylvania, 1948-1953. In 1955 Stassen became assistant to President Eisenhower. Stassen was a perennial runner for the Presidency. He had an office in the Fidelity Trust Building in Philadelphia. Revisiting an old image, I find it still applies with tremendous force---

So involved are globalist (pro-fiat currency) forces with The White House, that the White House Historical Association exists to add to the manipulation of public information about the Presidency. I see at their site by referring to Who’s Who volumes its officials include Rhodes Scholars (Billington; and a finalist in the Rhodes selection process, Porter); a member of the Order of the British Empire (Elsey); a Rockefeller business associate (Frye); the wife (West) of a globalist associated with the United Nations Association and the Atlantic Council (British front); and McGee, who was exec v.p. of Occidental Petroleum when it made a $116 million haul going short silver in January 1980 when The Society crushed the Hunt/Arab silver play. Michael Beschloss, also a WHHA director, is married to a Ford Foundation and Colonial Williamsburg Foundation (Rockefellers) trustee and is himself an Annenberg Foundation (Pilgrims Society) senior fellow ($$$!) Another influence front they’re running is the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress. I’m certain several of its trustees are Pilgrims Society members; but because of lack of a list in the past 33 years, and the scarcity of other reliable means of identification, it can’t presently be documented. There are however various Trilateralist and Council on Foreign Relations members visible in this group, meaning that its “flavor” is the same trustees

There are many other items of interest that could be incorporated here, but just one more of historical note---Pilgrims Society member Charles Francis Adams IV (1910-1999), great great great grandson of the first President Adams, great great grandson of President John Quincy Adams, commanded a destroyer in World War II then became president then chairman of Raytheon, which as of 2005 was the 5th largest defense contractor in the world. He was a director of Bath Iron Works; Pan American World Airways; Gillette; First National Bank of Boston and Liberty Mutual Insurance and a trustee of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, reflecting The Pilgrims interest in “seizing” seabed resources. Adams father was Secretary of the Navy and father in law of Pilgrims Society Henry Sturgis Morgan, founder of Morgan Stanley and son of Pilgrims Society member J.P. Morgan Jr. The original John Adams was minister to England, 1785-1788; vice president under Washington, 1789-1797; and President, 1797-1801 and a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Charles Francis Adams Sr., son of John Quincy, was minister to England, 1861-1868 during the critical Civil War era. Quincy Adams didn’t win most of popular or electoral votes in the Presidential campaign---Andrew Jackson did; however, the 1824 race was in the hands of the House of Representatives, which, at the urging of Speaker of the House Henry Clay, chose Adams over Jackson as President for the 1825-1829 term. Jackson denounced the move as a “corrupt bargain,” since Adams then appointed Henry Clay as his Secretary of State. Quincy himself was Secretary of State, 1817-1825. Henry Clay was a big defender of the second United States Bank, forerunner of the Federal Reserve! Quincy Adams also had as his vice president, John C. Calhoun, another supporter of the Bank! One does wonder if bank payola was spread about to get House votes for Adams! Quincy was minister to England, 1814-1817, towards the close of the War of 1812 during which the British burned the White House (last battle was in January 1815), and until just after the organizers of the second United States Bank bribed their way to a 20 year charter! Did Quincy Adams become corrupted while in England? Then 152 years later his direct descendant Charles F. Adams IV surfaced in the leaked list of The Pilgrims 1969! Quincy was a Senator from Massachusetts, 1803-1808, what do you want to bet that he was a supporter of the first (alien and unconstitutional) United States Bank? He was a member of the Whig Party (1838-1848) which agitated during the John Tyler years, 1841-1845, for another central bank! As a Congressman (1831-1848) after his loss to Jackson in 1829, Quincy supported the United States Bank! John Quincy Adams image appeared on the $500 bill--- REVIEW OF ISSUES RAISED

It should be settled in the minds of reasonable thinkers that this Pilgrims Society has long since wrapped its near publicly invisible tentacles around the Presidency and the White House; there’s abundant influence to be gained---they control the appointment of many Federal judges, including Supreme Court justices; they control Cabinet appointments, and through the President and Secretary of State, they control all Ambassadorial appointments, the most important of which are filled by Pilgrims members, while most of the rest fall to members of their unofficial subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations. Through the President, they directly control all our military forces and in recent years have been campaigning to be able to use the military against those of the American public who oppose their intentions; even though most of them don’t know The Pilgrims Society exists or is behind our national troubles. They used the President to illegally seize gold and silver from Americans, when both the Founding Fathers and the three greatest monetary Presidents, Jackson, Van Buren and Tyler all held that gold and silver must be free to circulate among the hands of the citizenry. Unfortunately, this created precedent for a second nationalization. Why so many major precious metals sites refuse to cover the findings in “The Silver Stealers” is beyond me, but it must in large part due to regarding personalities as outranking facts! Personalities do not outrank facts, and none of us are bigger than gold and silver.

Due to the serious rot that has been intentionally created in our currency system, a total collapse will arrive, and these Pilgrims, still hoping to remain in the shadows of public anonymity as an organization, intend to use their puppet President to declare national emergency, very probably coinciding with warfare overseas and “terrorist” acts here, to declare that because the dollar has failed, we must now go to a gold standard system. They will propagandize us that for it to function, all privately held gold in the United States must be concentrated in the Treasury Department, so our national credit can be restored on a global basis. They will say regarding silver, that because we have no stockpile of silver for national defense manufacture, and because we are in a crisis, hoarders and speculators must surrender silver bullion and in their possession also to the Treasury, who will store it for the Defense Department. Fictional plans? I think not. The entire history of The Pilgrims Society and its antecedent members since 1902 has lived up to its goal of “the seizure of the wealth necessary,” Review of Reviews, New York, May 1902, pages 557-558.

In the 1933-1937 gold and silver seizure, there was no mass phenomenon of armed thugs going door to door searching citizens homes for metal. Undoubtedly large amounts of metal were never surrendered. But the mere fact of the nationalization orders issued by the President and bolstered by threats of ten years in prison and $10,000 in fines, caused many Americans to give up their gold. Sixteen months passed before silver was also attacked; the nationalization order yielded a haul of 113,031,000 ounces, with little enforcement; today, technology makes more enforcement possible. There was no surrender of silver coinage under FDR’s asinine EO 6814, “only” bullion, because circulating silver coins was still a feature at that time of our money system. Today the common date coins would NOT be exempted, as by themselves they represent “too much silver” in the hands of the public, and we can only be controlled if we use, may I call it, the “Beast’s” created money! Most surviving 90% silver coins are from the years 1960-1965 (some quarters were being pressed as 1964 dates into 1965, because the Treasury, the bankers and the vending machine industry feared even more coin hoarding if a new date was on the 1965 coins. Just over 814 million silver ounces went into coins from 1960-1964, including the phantom 1965 issues stamped 1964, and the start of the 40% Kennedy halves. Most of that has been melted, but The Pilgrims Society is scheming its plans to recover almost all the rest!

The Commerce & Finance Journal, October 24, 1934, page 861 remarked--- “Expectations as to our government’s intentions regarding silver as a money metal can scarcely be other than disturbing.”

National Review, March 23, 1965, page 237, commented---

“If it is not made illegal to do so, American citizens will buy silver as a hedge against further deterioration of the dollar.”

National Review, June 14, 1966, page 579, we note one difficulty of the government outlawing private ownership of silver---

"Millions of people would have to be put in jail for hoarding silver in one form or another."

Over a period of several generations, the British worked a very harmful plan on China for the purpose of “recovering” the silver it paid for Chinese trade goods. This was of course the old British Opium Trade run from bases in British India. For enough details to sicken the conscience, see my March 2004 presentation “Silver Users And Opium”

I point this out because this history is also a “precedent” of another sort for seizing silver, in all coin and bullion form, from the public. The Society always has a final ace to play, and in this case, it’s nationalization based on appeal to national emergency. It was members of The Pilgrims Society and its direct subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations, who depleted the former 165 million ounce silver stockpile. This they did for price suppression and to engineer an excuse to deprive silver investors of their great gains when they finally manifest! We will be told it’s necessary to expropriate our silver at a “non-inflationary price,” another excuse to rob us all even more blind! Pilgrims Society of the United States, are you reading this? Your history and your objectives have been dragged out into the open! Do you wish to file a lawsuit against me? No, because then my lawyers could initiate the “discovery” process!

The Pilgrims Society effectively controls the nominating process of both major parties. As only one example, there’s Jane Stetson, of the Stetson family of Pilgrims Society members associated with the J.P. Morgan interests. She turns out to be the niece of Pilgrims Society member Thomas J. Watson Jr., once called “the most successful capitalist who ever lived by Fortune Magazine, and granddaughter of Pilgrims Society member Thomas J. Watson Sr., who we already reviewed as to his influence with the White House in his time. See

Her husband is William Stetson III, grandson of Eugene William Stetson, Pilgrims Society. As of 1953 Stetson was a director of Morgan Guaranty Trust; Illinois Central Railroad; Air Reduction Company; Coca Cola Company; French American Banking Corporation; McCrory Stores; United Stores; Bibb Manufacturing; Gulf Atlantic Warehouse; U.S. Industrial Chemicals; Tri-Continental Corporation; Textile Banking Corporation; Selected Industries; and facilitated the water system for the city of Macon, Georgia (Who’s Who, page 2321). The middle Stetson was also a Pilgrims Society member and was associated with Brown Brothers, Harriman & Company, 59 Wall Street, and with Chemical Bank. Is the national leadership of the Democrat Party working against Pilgrims Society interests? Not at all, regardless of the smoke and mirrors. Stetson III is a director of the Foundation for Our Future and assorted entities concerned with water and other resources

The Republicans are so controlled at the national level that even the executive director of the gay and lesbian Log Cabin Republicans, R. Clarke Cooper, is an admitted Pilgrims Society member who held two top level positions at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations during the George W. Bush (Pilgrims Society) administration and won the Global War On Terrorism Expeditionary Medal of the Department of Defense and its Global War On Terrorism Medal At he mentions his Pilgrims membership and that he also sits on the Republican National Finance Committee--- At we find international financier Felix Rohatyn (Pilgrims Society) has been an advisor to the national level of the Democratic Party. He’s also a member of the far more visible Council on Foreign Relations, managed by The Pilgrims Society. The CFR has been used by The Pilgrims Society since 1921 as a staffing agency for Presidential administrations! He was born in Vienna, Austria and was with Lazard Freres in New York starting in 1948 and was managing director, 1960-1997 when he was appointed Ambassador to France into 2001. Founded in 1848, Lazard has offices in 42 cities around the globe, was part of the California gold rush, and today manages some $141 billion Felix was a governor of the New York Stock Exchange, 1968-1972 and is credited with maneuvers in 1975 that saved New York City from bankruptcy. As of the 2005 Who’s Who, page 3958, Rohatyn was a director of LVMH a luxury items purveyor (jewelry, watches, wine and spirits, fashion, perfumes and cosmetics) with 60 brands and over 100,000 employees (Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessey Inc.) and of GDF Suez and Lagardere Group. Lagardere has over 26,000 employees and operates as a multinational media corporation in 30 nations. GDF has 217,000 employees in natural gas and electricity and has ranked as the world’s largest utility corporation. His son Nicholas, who was with J.P. Morgan for 19 years, runs The Rohatyn Group, investments with 12 worldwide locations

Other boards which have seen Rohatyn as a member include American Motors; Eastern Airlines; International Telephone & Telegraph; MCA; Pfizer; Rothschild Continuation Trust; and petro services giant Schlumberger. Felix Rohatyn, who has served as a trustee of the Center for Strategic & International Studies in D.C. (warmongering think tank) was called “the titanic Lazard banker” He’s principle of Rohatyn Group (financial services to corporations), which the New York Times, August 22, 2006, said is connected to the London Rothschilds (Pilgrims Society). Aton Pharma, a research company in cancer drugs, has seen Rohatyn as chairman. Beware of any pharmaceutical “treatments” for cancer! Try unsweetened lemon juice in water, butyric acid, selenium, and IP6 Inositol instead! Sorry I can’t resist mentioning that his wife is Elizabeth Fly Rohatyn! He addressed the Economic Club of Chicago’s annual meeting in May 2003, a group very similar to the anti-silver Economic Club of New York. As if all this wasn’t enough, Rohatyn is currently on the board of Publicis Groupe the world’s third largest communications and media corporation with 49,000 employees operating across 104 nations! Still wonder why you never hear anything about The Pilgrims Society (“World Money Power”) in the mass media? Are you beginning to understand why this is so? Charles Fort, American writer (1874-1932) said--- “Almost all people are hypnotized. The proper authority saw to it that the proper belief should be induced, and the people believed properly.”

Pilgrims Society globalist conspirator, national level Democrat Party manipulator Felix Rohatyn---

At Catherine Austin Fitts discusses “Felix Rohatyn’s Financial Holocaust” and mentions the Council on Foreign Relations but didn’t state his Pilgrims Society membership. How come? She was unaware of it even though she was once with Dillon Read firm (Pilgrims Society entity). I happen to be easily and far and away by light years the best source on this subject, freely offer to the metals community and the public heavily documented findings on this group which from the highest levels has torpedoed gold and silver for over a century--- and have been blackballed by various leading metals sites because one man in Connecticut hasn’t anointed my research as significant! I have paid a huge price in personal time to achieve this freely presented research. Rohatyn was at The Pilgrims London meeting on September 20, 1999 (2002 book page 205). The fact that others haven’t mentioned The Pilgrims Society as being the central threat to precious metals investments is simply because of absence of awareness. Please don’t fall for the “ad populum” fallacy; that is if someone isn’t mentioned by this or that commentator or organization, that therefore, findings presented are unimportant.

I continue to see well known commentators offer their ideas as to why the Federal government won’t nationalize (confiscate) gold and/or silver a second time. On February 19, 2013, Stewart Thomson of Graceland Updates stated---

“Gold won’t be confiscated in this crisis, for two reasons. First, the average person doesn’t own any gold, so there’s nothing to confiscate. Second, the crisis hasn’t produced the kind of breadlines that occurred in the 1930s.”

This Canadian fellow doesn’t know anything about the existence of the anti-competitive, anti-free market, monopolistic financial cadre I’ve documented here and in The Silver Stealers. Nothing! The fact that the average person owns no gold is of no concern to the government being true, does NOT extend to the government being unconcerned about several hundred thousand to a few million people owning some gold and silver! The remedy to breadlines was bread and soup kitchens, not nullification of gold ownership rights. It was very true in 1933 that most Americans owned zero to small amounts of gold coins spendable for face value---that did NOT stop Roosevelt from seizing gold! It’s asinine to insist that to be on a gold standard, private ownership must be banned and it has to be concentrated in Treasury or Federal Reserve vaults! Currency needs for domestic circulation easily outweigh need for foreign exchange demands, which should be handled by private enterprise---not by the government! Issuing gold and silver certificates, superior though they were to unfunded notes, nevertheless remain the first insidious step towards removal of gold and silver coins from the people! We’ve been subjected to mass hypnosis causing us to think of paper---not metal---as money! Still others have alleged that taking silver from us would do almost nothing to reduce the national debt. Sorry boys, none of you “get” it! The reason for metals confiscation/nationalization is this organization I describe exists to BREAK everyone outside its influence circles---members of its subsidiary organizations. There was relatively little enforcement of the nationalizations of 1933 and 1934, yet the threats and intimidation, and the suggestions in the newspapers of noncompliance being unpatriotic, stripped vast amounts of gold and silver from Americans. If you knew you could generate a haul of 4 to 10 million ounces of gold and 40+ million ounces of silver merely by issuing an Executive Order accompanied by threats and assisted by TV news broadcasters like Scott Pelley and Geraldo Rivera, you’d pick a time to do it and go ahead with the stunt! It worked before; it could work again, especially at the start of larger warfare overseas and a collapsing dollar.

The approach I propose to block nationalization is to spread the word that The Pilgrims Society of the United States in Manhattan is BEHIND any such move exactly as they were back of FDR’s nationalization; them and no one else!

To sum up! The reasons for presenting this fairly extensive research on The Pilgrims Society are fourfold---first, you need to know the enemy; second, to create a publicly accessible record showing the profound involvement of this barely known organization with the White House, regardless of party affiliation of its resident; third, to anticipate, based on their known history as covered in “The Silver Stealers,” that their intention is to jerk the President’s puppet strings at what they consider the right moment to coincide with overseas based crisis, to issue a nationalization order covering gold and silver, and possibly also mining shares; and fourth, my hope is that my work will encounter less icy treatment from the large segment of the metals community that has ignored it so that the findings can reach more widespread audience. In such eventuality, my view is that The Pilgrims Society won’t dare pull the stunt a second time of using the President to steal gold and silver from Americans. Don’t you think Americans have a need to know about this never mentioned group that has the controlling input into the White House?

Beware if a chain of precious metals depositories spontaneously opens up in large cities---it could be a Treasury Department front! A bankrupt government that refuses financial discipline would attempt any tactic to grab your wealth!

In closing, to The Pilgrims Society, I advise---don’t attempt precious metals nationalization. I’ve demonstrated adequately that any such input would originate with your group, not with the President, who would issue the dictatorial order. I am asking members of Congress to probe your actions and membership. If nationalization occurs, I believe there will be support for suing your organization. Why don’t you just disband now? To the Silver Users Association---if silver nationalization transpires, we know you’d get the pig’s share of the seized silver! We’d do our best to form class action suit against you and organize crippling consumer boycotts if you were to get silver the government seized from us! MOVE TO SEIZE SILVER, WE’LL THROW IT AWAY! NO FREE MARKET, NO SILVER FOR YOU!

Please see and

Beginning with Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, this month I asked several members of Congress to consider legislation to require the Treasury Department and the Defense Department to work together to restore the former 165MOZ silver stockpile, extinct since 2001, by purchasing silver on the open market, at open market prices not fixed by government edict nor taken by eminent domain from citizens not culpable for the deeds of those who drained the original silver reserve set aside in fall 1970; possibly funded by cuts in foreign aid; and to amass the 165MOZ by year end 2014; to remain under Congressional supervision so as to not be dumped for price management goals. Please ask your representatives and senators on Capitol Hill to use their subpoena power to compel The Pilgrims Society of the United States to produce a current membership roster; our national destiny hinges upon it! I hope those sites and organizations who have ignored these documented accounts of The Pilgrims Society and its attacks against precious metals, will reconsider for the sake of our endangered country, and start carrying the story. If you are inclined, please ask several sites to link this and the twin sites I’ve erected to fight for our ownership rights!

I would bet my last nickel that a 2013 list of The Pilgrims Society would have the names of the leading precious metals antagonists of today; and that it could be shown that other significant metals suppressors not listed, are connected to members whom they know rank them in the power structure!

“I could a tale unfold whose lightest word would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood, make thy two eyes like stars start from their spheres, thy knotted and combined locks to part, and each particular hair to stand on end like quills upon the fretful porcupine.”

---William Shakespeare in Hamlet

“SECRECY, being an instrument of CONSPIRACY, ought never to be the system of a regular government.”

---Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) British philosopher

Get the tentacles of The Pilgrims Society OUT of The White House and away from our precious metals and mining shares!