THE PRESIDENT AND PRECIOUS METALS “Where secrecy or mystery begins, vice or roguery is not far off.” ---Samuel Johnson, English author Presented March 2013 by Charles Savoie “OUR GOVERNMENT PRESENTS THE SPECTACLE OF RULE BY CRIMINAL OVERLORDS WHO HAVE FREE ENTRY INTO THE WHITE HOUSE AND ASSOCIATE INTIMATELY WITH MEMBERS OF THE PRESIDENT’S FAMILY.” -(Emanuel Josephson, page 182, “Rockefeller Internationalist,” 1952) “We are living in an age in which it is impossible for anyone to reach the highest office in the United States WITHOUT SERVING INTERESTS AND POWERS THAT ARE INEXPRESSIBLY EVIL” ---(Martin Larson in his fine expose, “The Federal Reserve and Our Manipulated Dollar” 1975, pages 96-97) “WHERE AN EXCESS OF POWER PREVAILS PROPERTY OF NO SORT IS DULY RESPECTED.”- (President James Madison 1809-1817) “THE APPALLING RESIDENT OF THE WHITE HOUSE IS LITTLE BETTER THAN A BIZARRE HYBRID OF A CANNIBALISTIC VOODOO PRACTITIONER AND A PUS FLINGING, THORNY DEMON STRAIGHT OUT OF DANTE’S INFERNO! THE MONEY POWER IS USING THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO RUIN THE PEOPLE.” ---Charles Savoie Please don’t complain this presentation is “too long.” I can’t Vulcan mind-meld this information to you. Do you have any idea how much reading an attorney has to do to get a law degree? This won’t be but a tiny splinter as much. Also, there are no “tangents” being discussed. They are ramifications that show the extent of the influence network fighting against free markets! You haven’t read the Bible just by reading “Jesus wept.” Comprehension of a subject isn’t accomplished by people with a nanosecond attention span! You can’t psychically absorb information from the aura of the environment! If you regard being thorough as a demerit, read no further. Knowledge is for the diligent only. When silver and gold prices can’t be held down and prices run wild, are the shorts finished? Will the repression end? Will the synthetic money creators just fade away? Will free markets take hold because the COMEX can no longer stuff silver into a hole? In the Franklin Roosevelt administration, gold was ripped away by intimidation and threats from Americans at $20.67 the ounce and silver at 50.01 cents per ounce. In the Nixon administration, his Cost of Living Council told U.S. silver miners they couldn’t receive more than $1.61 per ounce for their production! I am excruciatingly aware of a specific organization that has attacked silver and gold from the highest levels for over a century. The group is still very much behind the scenes and does still as you read this have an absolute stranglehold on what goes in and what comes out of the White House. I am therefore not in any sense acting as an alarmist by this or previous presentations. I hope to inform the metals community of the political risk to their investments at home; and more so, to diminish this risk by exposing this anti-free market group which has fought precious metals for more than a century. There’s no need to be psychic to predict their impending plans. Their extensive history and the persistent absence of free markets in this country are all the indications necessary. When we start winning the game, they intend to change all the rules! However, the more the public becomes informed about them, the less the danger of precious metals nationalization. I am of the view that absent total tyranny, we could bring suit against this group if our precious metals are filched from us by puppet President Obama or his successor. A Congressional probe/investigation into The Pilgrims Society is a truly desperate need; more so than a Federal Reserve or Fort Knox audit as this organization is back of those issues! Please also feel free to use as reference material--- www.nosilvernationalization.org The United States President has as his top economic adviser Paul Volcker, who once said gold could fall to $5--- a vice president of The Pilgrims Society in Manhattan (nexus of precious metals suppression), who was chief of the Federal Reserve System 1979-1987, played a central role in the COMEX silver price collapse in late January 1980, and arranged for the Hunt brothers to be stripped of 60 million silver ounces by 1986! As deputy undersecretary of the Treasury, 1963-1965, he assisted his bosses, Douglas Dillon (Pilgrims Society) and Robert Roosa (Pilgrims Society) in their war assisted by their White House accomplice President Johnson (Pilgrims Society) against silver coins! Volcker chairs the Group of 30 http://www.group30.org/ in the District of Columbia, various central bankers and multinational bankers including Sir David Walker, Pilgrims Society London, of silver suppressor Barclay’s Bank. Pilgrims Society doesn’t sound ominous, right? The name was chosen by a member of the British Royal family in 1902. I would have called the group “Transcontinental League of Overlords.” Pilgrims being a reference to the intrepid souls who left the old world to sail the wild ocean to the new world, these modern Pilgrims are on a journey to a New World Order. Can they be stopped? Yes, loss of their secrecy damages their plans! I wonder how long pickets outside their HQ would last before being hauled away by police! It’s critically important to raise public awareness of this group, the fountainhead of financial devastation! The biggest news in metals suppression is that it traces to this one group, yet many sites will not touch this information! Ask them “why?” How is it that metals suppression is widespread through many entities and this is all coordinated? The clear answer is “membership organizations,” this one above all and it superintends the others. Can one man dispossess you of your precious metals with just the stroke of a pen? History tragically says yes. For my free access 312 page report of President Franklin Roosevelt’s gold and silver seizure by Executive Orders 6102 and 6814 from the American public, April 5, 1933 through February 1937, click on http://cache.silver-investor.com/charlessavoie/cs_summer09_PreciousMetalsConfiscation.pdf I erected a site www.nosilvernationalization.org for informing investors of nationalization concerns and to warn the Silver Users Association of our intent to organize crippling consumer boycotts if this happens. My other site features an expose of the more than one hundred years of highest level attacks against silver and gold by The Pilgrims Society on both sides of the Atlantic www.silverstealers.net/tss.html This group originated as a combination of the financiers of the centuries old British Empire (which became a “Commonwealth”) of some 13 million square miles and the American empire builders of the 19th century. Wealth in this country has collaborated with the British since Colonial times and is represented in this shadow group which exists to effect “the seizure of the wealth necessary” Review of Reviews, New York, May 1902, pages 557-558, featuring an account of the goals of diamond cartel organizer Cecil Rhodes, who also left us pierced like a kewpie doll by his anti- American Rhodes Scholars all over our national and state governments and courts. The Rhodes Trust is always run by Pilgrims Society members, this being the superior and superintending organization. If the title of this presentation gets your attention, maybe there’s hope. I want to review some information you should be aware of, as your financial survival may easily depend upon it. It’s absolutely no stretch to conceive that the bad boys have committees of “scholars” in various foundation and taxpayer funded “think tanks,” who read every article posted on the web by precious metals longs, gun ownership activists, natural health treatments, anti-vaccination activists, critics of psychiatry, border integrity advocates and so forth. I am counting on them reading this item, because as I’ve been doing since I released “Meet The World Money Power” in December 2004 http://www.silver- investor.com/charlessavoie/cs_dec04.pdf I’ve been notifying this specific elitist organization in New York and London that they are no longer an unknown shadow group. The fact that many gold/silver sites decline to give this coverage won’t make this problem go away, because it is not an “ice cream castle in the air” situation. The organization exists, can be proven in court to exist, and can be conclusively shown to be about metals suppression. Additionally, be advised this is a “conspiracy” or “collusion,” and calling it a “cabal” will not change anything except to deny clarity to those unfamiliar with that term. You don’t distance yourself from a sensitive word by using a synonym! Kaleb Nation, a “You Tube personality” and author, stated--- “COINCIDENCE IS MERELY THE PUPPETEERS’ CURTAIN, HIDING THE HANDS THAT PULL THE WORLD’S STRINGS.” In response to years of agitation on my part and that of my valuable European correspondent, Joel Van Der Reijden of the Institute for the Study of Globalization https://wikispooks.com/ISGP/about.htm the organization erected a website for the first time ever in summer 2011 www.pilgrimsociety.org Have a look there at the name Caspar Weinberger, who as Defense Secretary bled the strategic stockpile of megamillions of silver ounces (24.435MOZ) for price suppression and for a more ominous purpose, which we will visit later. However, have they released any current roster due to our combined agitations? Not hardly! That’s tougher than getting even numbers to add up to odd! This “gentlemen’s club” in Manhattan and their London correspondents has more to hide than anyone else in history! Friends, pay close attention to what follows.
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