PINK REPORT 2016. ANNUAL REPORT ON THE STATE OF HUMAN RIGHTS OF LGBTI PEOPLE IN BIH PINK REPORT 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ON THE STATE OF HUMAN RIGHTS OF LGBTI PEOPLE IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA SARAJEVO, APRIL 2016 Human Rights Series, published by Sarajevo Open Centre Publication Number: 49 Title: Pink Report 2016: Annual report on the state of human rights of LGBTI People in Bosnia and Herzegovina Authors: Vladana Vasić, Saša Gavrić, Emina Bošnjak Collaborator: Darko Pandurević BHS proofreading: Sandra Zlotrg Translation: Marina Veličković Layout and design: Feđa Bobić Publisher: Sarajevo Open Centre, For the publisher: Saša Gavrić © Sarajevo Open Centre Non-commercial copying, photocopying, or any other reproduction of this publication in whole or in part is desirable, and possible with the previous written consent of the publisher. Please contact us at o
[email protected]. This report covers the period between January 2015 and the end of March 2016. This publication is a result of our work on human rights of LGBTI people within several of Sarajevo Open Centre’s different projects, supported by (in alphabetical order): Embassy of the United States, European Union (EIDHR), Lesbian Foundation Astraea for Justice, Mission of Kingdom of the Netherlands to the OSCE in Vienna, Netherlands Embassy (MATRA program), Open Society Fund BiH, Royal Norwegian Embassy, and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). This publication has been produced within the project financed by the Royal Norwegian Embassy. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the publisher and can in no way be taken to represent the views of the donors.