International Tribute to Martin Lu'pher King, Jr
INTERNATIONAL TRIBUTE TO MARTIN LU'PHER KING, JR. Published by the United Nations Centre against Apartheid Department of Political and Security Council Affairs. INTERNATIONAL TRIBUTE TO MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. UN UBRARY Record of the Special Session of the Special Committee against Apartheid held in Atlanta, on the 16 January, 1979, to pay tribute to the late Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on the occasion of his 50th birthday. UNITED NATIONS r/ New York, 1979 All material in this publication may be freely reprinted. Acknowledgement, together with a copy of the publication, would be appreciated. CONTENTS STATEMENTS One of the world's foremost The Honourable George Busbee, spokesmen on civil and Governor of the State of Georgia .. human rights Oppression of any people The Honourable Maynard H. anywhere is the oppression of Jackson, Mayor of the City of At- all people everywhere lanta ......................... 2 The issue to him was H. E. Dr. Kurt Waldheim, Secre freedom-not token freedom, tary-General of the United Nations 4 but total freedom His ideas have lived on and H. E. Mr. Olla Ullsten, Prime. inspired millions of people Minister of Sweden ............ 8 Martin Luther King, Jr: A vi H. E. Mr. Knut Frydenlund, sion of justice and human Minister for Foreign Affairs of equality Norway ...................... 13 He roused the hopes of the H. E. Mr. Felix Pita Astudillo, broad masses of North Amer Deputy Permanent Representative ican blacks of Cuba to the United Nations ... 14 A brilliant and dynamic apos H. E. Mr. Alex Quaison-Sackey, tle of peace Ambassador .of Ghana to the United States .
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