A Journal of African Studies
UCLA Ufahamu: A Journal of African Studies Title "Perspectives on Southern Africa" Permalink https://escholarship.org/uc/item/53z9j52q Journal Ufahamu: A Journal of African Studies, 6(1) ISSN 0041-5715 Author Southern Africa Research Association Inc., n/a Publication Date 1975 DOI 10.5070/F761017485 Peer reviewed eScholarship.org Powered by the California Digital Library University of California -131- THE presents a PERSPECTIVESON SOUTIIERN AFRICA at 'Ihe Methc:dist Qwrdl Center 1 777 United NatiQ'lS Plaza, New Yorlt City, New York. (across fran tre United NatiQ'lS) en NCM:!lber 13, 14, and 15 ('Dlursday, Friday, Saturday), 1975. with OCI!Pl:i:aents of the Africana Studies Institute, DEPlllmB'll' OF AFR>-N4ERICJ\N &>fstra University, S'lUDIES, state University Henpstead, l.O'l<3 Islal'ld, College of New Yox:k at New Yox:k. Buffalo, 1300 .Elnwood Avenue, Buffalo, New Yorlt, 14222. -132- 'l'Hl.JR5DA.Y, NCMMmR 13th, 1975 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Registration 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. PLENARY SESSIOO: KEYNCfl'E AIDRE'.SS 7:00p.m. RECEPTIOO FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14th, 1975 9:30 a.m. - ll:30 a.m. THEME: '!HE STME 1lND SOCIAL SYSTEMS OF SOlJl'HER.l AFRICA: ETHNICITY 1lND CULTURE Chainnan: Keith Baird (State University COllege, Buffalo, N.Y.) Discussant: Alven Makapela {1\del}Xri University) Papers: 1. "Origins and Develcpnent of the ~tapa &'lpire," by Tendai Muturhu (Cornell University) 2. "A Stl.rly of the Political and Social Institmtions of the Sothos," by Peter t>blotsi (Farleigh Didtinson University). 3. "Tribe and Olieftaincy in Zi.nt>al::A.e (Rhodesia): their Past, Present and Future in Context of the Quicksands of the Land QUestion," by Micah s.
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