בצלם –מרכז המידע הישראלי לזכויות האדם בשטחים )ע.ר.( ﻡﺭﻙﺯ ﺍﻝﻡﻉﻝﻭﻡﺍﺕ ﺍﻝﺇﺱﺭﺍﺉﻱﻝﻱ ﻝﺡﻕﻭﻕ ﺍﻝﺇﻥﺱﺍﻥ ﻑﻱ ﺍﻝﺃﺭﺍﺽﻱ ﺍﻝﻡﺡﺕﻝﺓ - ﺏﺕﺱﻱﻝﻡ B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories Israel Plans to Expel Bedouin Communities from Area C, West Bank 10 October 2011: Civil Administration plans to expel tens of thousands of Bedouins from Area C in the West Bank The Civil Administration (CA) is planning to expel the Bedouin communities living in Area C in the West Bank, transferring some 27,000 persons from their homes. In the first phase, planned as early as January 2012, some 20 communities, comprising 2,300 persons, will be forcibly transferred to a site near the Abu Dis refuse dump, east of Jerusalem. These communities currently live in the area of the Ma'ale Adummim settlement and nearby settlements; half of them live in 1E, the area designated by Israel for future expansion of Ma’ale Adummim. In the second phase, the CA plans to expel communities from the Jordan Valley. One option being considered is building a new permanent town for these communities next to a-Nabi Musa, west of Jericho. According to the CA's schedule, the plan will be implemented in three to six years. A Bedouin community near the Adummim settlement bloc. Photo: activestills.org רחוב התעשייה 8, ת.ד. 53132, ירושלים 91531, טלפון 6735599 )02(, פקס 6749111 )02( 8 Hata’asiya St. (4th Floor), P.O.Box 53132, Jerusalem 91531, Tel. (02) 6735599, Fax (02) 6749111
[email protected] http://www.btselem.org The CA announced its plan to "relocate" the Bedouin communities to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).