Serving God’s People The Church of the Visitation since 1892. of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1090 Carmalt Street, Dickson City, PA 18519 Phone: 570-489-2091 ~ Email:
[email protected] ~ Website: THE VISITATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY MAY 31, 2021 MARY SET OUT AND TRAVELED TO THE HILL COUNTRY IN HASTE TO A TOWN OF JUDAH WHERE SHE ENTERED THE HOUSE OF ZECHARIAH AND GREETED ELIZABETH. LUKE 1: 30-40 Pictured left is the stained glass window in the new entrance to the church. The window is based on a mosaic at the Church of the Visitation in Ein Karim, Israel. PARISH STAFF SACRAMENTS Msgr. Patrick J. Pratico, J.C.D., Pastor Reconciliation: Saturday 8:30 a.m., and other times by Karen Wallo, Administrative Assistant request. Robert Manento, Director of Liturgical Music Baptism: Second Sunday of the month at 11:30 a.m. Linda Skierski, Director of Religious Education Registered parishioners may call the parish office to make arrangements. Marriage: Arrangements must be made at least six MASS SCHEDULE months in advance by registered parishioners. Saturday Vigil: 4:00 p.m., Sunday: 8:00 &10:30 a.m. Monthly Visitation of the Sick/Homebound: Call the parish office to be placed on the list. Weekdays: 7:30 a.m. Holy Days: (Vigil 4:00 p.m.), 7:30 a.m., & 5:30 p.m. Care of the Sick: Please notify us at any time of the (Please check inside bulletin to confirm Mass times) seriously ill, hospitalized or those needing anointing. We, the parish community of The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in union with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the leadership of our bishop and our pastor are called through Baptism to live the gospel of Jesus Christ.