PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY EVENING, BY Havtag n»d« lu p aildlUaw to JOHN PORTER & SON, PLAIN AND FANCY Office, No. 5 Custom-House Block, a* o S T Y I* si , W*M* Dow pnpand M oucato with xbatbm wd s u o rAT0*t (VIST oucB trnov of Job Work, aoch H TERMS, Circulars, Bill-Heads, Cards, Blanks* If paid strictly in advance—per annum, tM® Valalosaca. PrograHMca, If paym ent is delayed 6 mos. “ J ,' If not paid till the close of the year, z,uu Shop BlUs, Labels, Auotion and Hand B2T No paper will be discontinued until all arrbara B ilk . St«u, «te. o es are paid, unless at the option of me puplisher. Portlcohir Bitratloa paid to O ’ Single copies, three cents—for sale, at the office. O All letters and communications to be addressed PU1NTIN O IN COLORS* to the Publisher*. BRONZING, fee, Liberty anil luiou, Mow and oFrever, to d epart; you air friendly to the South, I Brownlow one of the most popular preachers TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. one hundred and thirty-three against two by 10.000 troops were in Welden on Tuesday, on by a return Bhot from the Federal forces. Theis know. Even now we have many frens in the among them. order of Governor Letcher. their way to Norfolk. is a prospect of capturing the fugitives. One and Inseparable." Tho Star says Government has positive infor Four thousand troops passed through Balti North, who sympathize with us, and won’t Brownlow is a man of medium height, and New York, May 22.
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