Humanizing Elements of Sufism in India
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INSANCITA: Journal of Islamic Studies in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, Volume 2(2), August 2017 ICHHIMUDDIN SARKAR Humanizing Elements of Sufism in India ABSTRACT: Sufism is no doubt an Islamic way of life to enjoy the blessings of God, which involves vigorous meditation and prayers as well as emphasis on “inner-self” rather than external rituals. This paper, by applying the historical method and qualitative study, is intended to analyse the ideology of Sufism and side by side the nature of their activities so as to avoid conflict in the human society as a whole and obviously among the Muslims. The findings show that Islamic mysticism is not separated from Islam and, at the same time, Prophet Muhammad SAW (Salallahu Alaihi Wassalam or peace be upon him) is considered in high esteem in its ideals. The teachings of the Sufi saints are still relevant today, because it invites and elaborates spiritual unity of humanity and above all intra-religious and inter-religious understanding in order to minimize conflict between various creeds and faith holders of India. It is a fact that India is famous for her composite cultural tradition and in the atmosphere of multi-religious as well as multi-lingual society, an idea of mutual co-existence is essential and a vital role was played by the Sufi saints at a moment, when Islam came to India as a new religion and way of life. Love of God in the form of developing a mind to love His creatures became an important theme of common concern of the mystic saints, who came to India and settled in this country in a historical moment. They taught and appealed to the people at large that the Divine discloses itself in the human races as a whole and, thus, they propounded to all the philosophy of love and cordial relationship among human being; and, thereby, to provide means for the betterment of humanity and also to enjoy His blessings. KEY WORD: Islamic Mysticism; Intellectual Currents; Inner-Self; Islamic Humanism; Greater India. ABSTRAKSI: “Humanisasi Unsur-unsur Sufisme di India”. Tasawuf tidak diragukan lagi merupakan cara hidup Islami untuk menikmati berkah Tuhan, yang melibatkan meditasi dan doa penuh semangat serta penekanan pada “batin” daripada ritual eksternal. Makalah ini, dengan menerapkan metode historis dan studi kualitatif, dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis ideologi tasawuf dan berdampingan dengan sifat aktivitasnya sehingga dapat menghindari konflik dalam masyarakat manusia secara keseluruhan dan jelasnya di kalangan umat Islam. Temuan menunjukan bahwa mistisisme Islam tidak terpisahkan dari Islam dan, pada saat yang sama, Nabi Muhammad SAW (Salallahu Alaihi Wassalam) dianggap sangat terhormat dalam cita-citanya. Ajaran para Sufi masih relevan saat ini, karena mengundang dan menguraikan kesatuan spiritual umat manusia dan terutama pemahaman intra-agama dan antar-agama untuk meminimalkan konflik antara berbagai keyakinan dan kepercayaan di India. Ini adalah fakta bahwa India terkenal dengan tradisi budayanya yang komposit dan dalam suasana masyarakat multi-agama dan multi-bahasa, gagasan tentang hidup saling berdampingan adalah sangat esensial dan peran penting telah dimainkan oleh orang-orang suci, para Sufi, pada saat itu, ketika Islam datang ke India sebagai sebuah agama dan cara hidup yang baru. Cinta Tuhan dalam bentuk mengembangkan pikiran untuk mencintai ciptaan-Nya merupakan tema penting yang menjadi perhatian bersama orang-orang suci, para mistikus, yang datang ke India dan menetap di negara ini dalam momen yang bersejarah. Mereka mengajarkan dan memohon kepada orang-orang pada umumnya bahwa Tuhan mengungkapkan dirinya dalam ras manusia secara keseluruhan dan, karenanya, mereka mengemukakan bahwa semua filosofi cinta dan perlunya hubungan baik antara manusia; dan, dengan demikian, untuk menyediakan sarana bagi kemajuan kemanusiaan dan juga untuk menikmati berkah-Nya. KATA KUNCI: Mistisisme Islam; Arus Intelektual; Batin; Humanisme Islam; India Besar. About the Author: Professor Ichhimuddin Sarkar is a Lecturer at the Department of History, University of North Bengal, India. For academic interests, the author is able to be contacted via his e-mail address at: [email protected] Suggested Citation: Sarkar, Ichhimuddin. (2017). “Humanizing Elements of Sufism in India” in INSANCITA: Journal of Islamic Studies in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, Volume 2(2), August, pp.71-82. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI, ISSN 2443-1776. Article Timeline: Accepted (April 7, 2017); Revised (June 17, 2017); and Published (August 30, 2017). © 2017 by Minda Masagi Press in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia 71 ISSN 2443-2776 and ICHHIMUDDIN SARKAR, Humanizing Elements of Sufism INTRODUCTION in doing so, they are supposed to do Sufism, as we mean, is no doubt an their duties in accordance with the Al- Islamic way of life to enjoy the blessings of Qur’anic injunctions, which discourage God, which involves vigorous meditation the accumulation of riches and advise and prayers as well as emphasis on “inner- the believer to live a life of righteousness self” rather than external rituals (Stoddart, which might promise a privileged place 1976; Valiuddin, 1980; and Nasr ed., in Heaven as reward (Burckhardt, 1959; 2008). It may be considered an innovation Schimmel, 1975; and Baianonie, 2000). in mind for a consistent service towards The democratic spirit of Islam does not humanity and renunciation of worldly recognize any class differences. The Sufis, pleasure. Its genesis is lying in the Al- who are supposed to be man of peace, Qur’an (holy book of Islam), which states understanding, and toleration, took every “the Creator is the First and Last, the care to treat all men in the same platform Outward and the Inward” and, in other and virtually did not practice any social words, the indication is that the God is discrimination against the non-Muslims, one and everything else is transient as even the people of the lower order. The well as of no use. In the Islamic world, it spiritual guide for the Sufis was the “be- is known as tasaww; and in the Western all and end-all” of their existence and for world, it is known as “Islamic mysticism” spiritual satisfaction they depended to a large (Nicholson, 1963; Schimmel, 1975; and extent on zikr or jaap that means chanting Muedini, 2010). the name of God, which can be uttered at all Historically, the emergence of Sufism the time (Bakhtiar, 1979; and Gupta, 2017). is connected with a circumstance, with a In addition to five time namaz or new way of life replete with intellectual prayer, they are to make congregational currents being formed as essential chanting of names with accomplishment element in Islamic thought (Austin, of music taken as a means of cleansing the 1971; and Hanieh, 2011). There was mind of evil thoughts. Thus, the Sufi saints an appeal that grew up in the face of took up a reformative bridge of bhakti and increasing materialism and consumerism samarpan to God with a commitment to in the Muslim society. To prevent such bring about harmonious situation among trend among the Muslims from such an men irrespective of faiths and identities. absolute materialism in their approach The situation was, thus, created when the to life, Sufism as a philosophy aimed at Sufi saints made the propaganda of broad a state of human life based on piety and humanism, democratic, and eclectic perfection. Through this, a lesson was beliefs to bring about harmony among given to a devoted Muslim who achieved the people at large. In this case, the by purifying his inner self and unlimited Sufis seem to have emerged as the best desire through avoiding the greed for specimen of Islamic humanism (Nasr ed., worldly pleasures (Austin, 1971; Hanieh, 2008; and Gupta, 2017). 2011; and Arslan, 2014). The proposed paper, by applying the The Sufis wished to be associated with historical method and qualitative study (cf those who happen to be close to God Rüsen, 2006; Flik, 2009; and Spilackova, and were liked by Him. Incidentally 2012), is intended to analyse the ideology 72 © 2017 by Minda Masagi Press in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia ISSN 2443-2776 and INSANCITA: Journal of Islamic Studies in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, Volume 2(2), August 2017 of Sufism and side by side the nature of FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION their activities so as to avoid conflict in the During the first centuries of the human society as a whole and obviously Hejira, the Muslim mystics or the Sufis among the Muslims. They attached an were ascetics and those men with deep esoteric significance to the teaching of the religious zeal who are said to have laid Al-Qur’an and to them it had a deeper as great emphasis on the principles of tauba well as inner idea to convince people about or repentance, and tawakkul or trust on the philosophy of life and the good deeds faith in God (Husain, 1959:33; Schimmel, that might bring reward in the after life. 1975; and Hanieh, 2011). The ascetic It is also a point to focus, in this paper, tendency of the early Sufi saints developed how the Sufi saints propounded a scheme a regular movement of a particular of life within the limits set by the law of theology aiming at the deep and loving Islam (shariat), which they considered and devotion to God and a mental discipline communicated to the people as true path of an individual. (tariqah) to the ultimate goal of attaining It is said that in Baghdad, during the nearness to God. It is also a fact that they Abbasid period, the Sufi philosophy seem to have preached the form of inward reached its zenith but the influence of light as against the dogmatic formalism Greek, nevertheless, shook the grounds propounded in the name of religion (Lings, of the Islamic order and, subsequently, 1975; Nasr ed., 2008; and Bilqies, 2014).