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MASSACHUSETTS 21 Heshvan 5771 Vol. XII - Issue XXI WWW.JVHRI.ORG October 29, 2010 2011 ANNUAL COMMUNTIY CAMPAIGN $100,000 matching grant for new or increased gifts! GENEROUS challenge. Before you write your GROUP of com­ check or go online to enter your munity philanthro- credit card information, please ists has established know: This year, your campaign a Sl00,000 challenge grant: For gift will have extra impact. So, every new gift or gift increase to won't you please add a few extra the Jewish Federation of Rhode dollars to your pledge this year? Island 's 2011 Annual Commu­ Donate at wwwjFRI.org or nity Campaign, they will match call M ichele Gallagher at 421- it up to Sl00,000. 4111, ext. 165. Add extra impact - take the

/Alisa Grace Photography From far left. Richard Licht. Herb Stern and Gary Licht line up for the book signing with Gregory Levey. author of How to Make Peasce in the Middle East in Six Months or less Without leaving Your Apartment. and the keynote speaker. At Temple Beth-El, JFRl's Main Event ..-- launches Annual Community Campaign nity Campaign and a JFRI vice Thanks to dollars raised here Peace in the Middle president. "I have a wonderful vol­ in greater Rhode Island, Jews in East? Read Gregory unteer job - asking for resources Rhode Island, throughout the Diaspora and in Israel are living Levey's book NEWS ANALYSIS safer, happier and more Jewishly­ to learn more from Jews to help other Jews in engaged lives. Young Jewish men need." and women in Macedonia and BY NANCY Krnsc11 Speaking at Temple Beth-El Hungary, for example, are discov­ nkirsch@]FRiorg on the evening of Monday, Oct. ering their Jewish roots and cel­ 18, Licht spoke before and after ebrating the customs and riruals PROVIDENCE - "It's a pleasure the JFRI's Main Event keynote that accompany our rich heritage. to ask one Jew to help another speaker, Gregory Levey. He is the Licht told the crowd of a beauti­ Jew," said Richard Licht, the chair author of How to Make Peace in the ful young woman he met during a of the Jewish Federation of Rhode DIANE DUCOFF and her mother. Frances Friedman. Middle East in Six M onths or Less JFRI mission to Eastern Europe. Island's QFRI) Annual Commu- at Home Sweet Home Without Leaving Your Apartment. CAMPAIGN. Page 16 Stories of caring, impact Israel, Iran, court, entitlements and a better world What does a GOP Congress mean? Women's Alliance that were chaired by WA mem­ BY R ON KAM PEA S of Congress has triggered broad bers Dr. Cindy Feinstein, Mindy speculation about the remainder campaign event Wachtenheim and Dr. Jordana WASHINGTON QTA) - The of President Obama's time in the Jaffee. Members of the WA of the likely prospect of Republican White House, Republican bids for is a success Jewish Federation of Rhode Island control of at least one chamber the presidency in 2012 - and the QFRI) were invited to hear the sto­ very course of the nation, if not the B Y CHRIS PARKER ries of how dollars raised here help What's Inside: West. [email protected] and Jews locally, in the Diaspora and Business ...... 26-27 Issues that preoccupy Jewish NANCY KIRSC H in Israel. That day, more than 75 Calendar ...... 10-11 voters and groups have a narrower nkirsch@JFRiorg women - of all generations - came Community ...... 2, 7-9, 11-18 cast. Nevertheless, the likelihood of together to share their personal sto­ a GOP-controlled House of Rep­ Elections ...... 21-23, 30 "1 T'S UP TO US to change ries of Jewish lives being changed the end of the story for Food ...... 19 resentatives, along with the more \J)II for the better. Their stories inspired remote possibility of a Republican someone else," sa id Susan lsracl...... 3,24-25 others to give generously. Senate, could mean sharp rums in Leach DeBlasio, the Leach DeBlasio began her poi­ Obituaries ...... 29 Robert A .Cumins /JFNA foreign policy and domestic spend­ Women's Alliance l.'NA) campaign gnant stories of heartbreak healed Opinion ...... 4-6 U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor ing. Here's a glance. chair, at the Oct. 13 Home Sweet by our help with her humorous quip, Seniors/D'Var Torah ...... 28 with the Palestinians and with the Home. "Last summer, we went on a three­ Simchas/We Are Read ...... 31 ISRAEL Obama-Netanyahu administra­ At her East Side home, Diane week Chazon mission to Israel, but The biggest Israel headlines of tions tensions that preceded them. Ducoff graciously hosted the three we did it in five days!" As tiny as Coming next issue: Obama's presidency have had to Such tensions have informed sessions held throughout the day COOKING do with the renewed direct talks MIDTERM. Page 23 CHANGE. Page 15 PAGE 2 Jewish Voice .5CHerald October 29, 2010 COMMUNITY From the IDF to Providence, promoting peace A new home for part of it is creating conversations in the larger Rhode Island com­ the Institute for the munity," Gross said thoughtfully. "Having the chief [Colonel Esser­ Study and Practice of man] vouching [for us) helps." Nonviolence The investors, explained Barbara Sokoloff, whose company, Barbara Sokoloff Associates, was the proj­ BY NA 'CY Krnscu [email protected] ect developer for the new facility (Sokoloff herself is a JFRI board PROVIDENCE - Teny 0. Gross member and member of 1he Jewish is a man of contrasts: Part Jewish, Voice & Herald's editorial board), part Catholic, the former IDF were very motivated to help. "Teny sergeant spends his life promoting and the program that Sister Ann peace in some of Rhode Island's [Keefe] and Father Ray [Malm, most troubled communities. As the who led a group of concerned citi­ first executive director of the Insti­ zens to create the Institute after a tute for the Study and Practice of particularly violent summer of loss Nonviolence (the Institute), Gross, and bloodshed in 2000] inspire an Israeli, has dedicated his life to people, especially when they see the helping individuals whom many success and what's being done," said of us might avoid or fear if we met Sokoloff. them on Providence's night-time It's clear that Gross deeply cares streets. about the young people the Insti­ The Institute - using trained tute helps, and he's delighted that mediators who come from the inner the new space will make the orga­ cities - runs interference in some of nization's work more effective. ''A our state's toughest neighborhoods culture of nonviolence and kind­ to help resolve gang and turf wars, / M arty Cooper ness rule here, it's not just effi­ provides succor and sustenance to TENY GROSS speaks at the ribbon-cutting of the new facility for the Institute for the Study ciency," said Gross. those who have lost loved ones to and Practice of Nonviolence on Oct. 18. "Before, we were like nomads. violence, and works with at-risk We built relationships, but we never teens to direct them toward more it makes no sense that a Harvard his close colleague, Colonel D ean Esserman said in a phone inter­ had a place where we could do our productive and appropriate lifestyle graduate would show up where Esserman, the chief of the Provi­ view. "Providence is the better for work," he said. "N ow, we can do our choices. people are killed on our streets in dence Police D epartment, Gross is their presence, and families and trainings here, we can show that In an Oct. 20 phone interview the richest country in the world." "always on the clock" in ,~siting the children are safer. I didn't expect, life is not all desperate. [The partic­ wounded in their hospital beds and with 1he Voice & Herald - two days COPS AND STREET-WORKERS when I arrived in Providence, to be ipants) can get exposed to classical comforting the bereaved. partnering with a former IDF ser­ after the official grand opening of Gross, who holds an under­ music, photography, and pre-GED In fact, the two men have forged geant who has committed his life to the lnstitute's new building (a SS.5 graduate degree from Tufts and a classes. This is a place where you're a strong professional relationship. nonviolence and peace." million renovation of St. Michael's graduate degree in theology from not looked at strangely." "The Institute has become a strong convent in South Providence) - Harvard, is clearly moved by the BRIDGING TIIE GAP Gross calls Rabbis Alan Flam, partner with the Providence Police Gross said, "I have the best job in plight of the people with whom he In an interview for a Harvard Wayne Franklin and Leslie Department in the work we do," the world and, at the same time, spends his days - and nights. Like magazine published earlier this Gutterman among "the best in year, Gross said, "Providence is our community," and wishes more two cities - one of wealth and one Jewish leaders would address this of poverty and they rarely meet." plague. We should not be sleeping Yet, the Institutes new facility is well in this country, he said, demonstrable evidence that Gross referencing the 180,000 murders brought the two cities together: in the U.S. that have occurred since The campaign donors included Sept. 11, 2001. some of the state's most prominent Someday, just as he's gone with philanthropic entities (Amica, The street-workers and former gang Carter Family Charitable Trust, members to work in California, Citizens Bank, Bank of America Brazil and G uatemala, he'd love to Charitable Foundation, GTECH, go to Israel and Palestine. Closer to M etLife Auto & Home, among home, Gross might find comfort in others). Contributions from them his young son's words: "When my and others will enable the Institute son, then 3, met D avid Cicilline, he to fully develop and practice its five asked him, 'Are you for violence or programs: Nonviolence training, nonviolence?'" street workers, youth programs, For more information about the juvenile reentry and victim services. Institute far the Study and Practice if H ow does Gross get people to N onviolence, visitwww.nonviolence­ care? institute.org or call 785-2320. "Part of it is stamina - you keep doing it and showing people doing Our Inclusive Pricing Mearu Savmgs for You! the nonviolence work, the street­ At Tamarisk, tradition is one of our many hallmarks. worker work, the victim work- and Everyday, we celebrate life by focusing on family, culture, and the many wonderful life enriching services and amenities offered to our residents - while ensuring the utmost in safety and peace of mind. Mission of Choose from spacious studio, one or two bedroom apartments - and studio or companion The Jewi-sh Voice & Hera/,d 11'4l ,l'fYLl ~ §rPf/16Jfl"t apartments in our Renaissance Memory Support wing. TAMA RISK HE MISSION of 1he community in Rhode Island and To arrange a personal visit,call Dianne: TJewish Voice & H~rald Southeastern Massachusetts, 401 -732-0037 • www.tamariskri.org Where Life Is Celebrated'" 1s to communicate while adhering to Jewish values 3 Shalom Drive Warwick, RI 02886 Jewish news, ideas and ideals by and the professional standards of

,,,,,,..._ A Ca relink Member AKal'er_l!kg_ connecting and giving voice to journalism. t,•J A Community of Jewish Seniors Agency of RI -0,teK!rrn.tCammJld-- the diverse views of the Jewish

wwwjvhri.org ISRAEL Jewish Voice <\_Herald October 29, 2010 PAGE 3 The David Project: Advocating for Israel NEWS TEASERS ' Sneaker gives tips on 11------lllllllll'!"l"r-r-""""!l•• il 'sound bites' about the Middle East r confilct that come at the expense how (0 :ARM' of truly understanding a complex situation," said M arty Cooper, the PAGE 4 : BY VOICE & H EIULD 5TAff CRC director. "Using the ARM voicehera/d@]FRI.qrg Josh Stein writes technique, we can better frame our PROVIDENCE - Todd Y'o ung, responses to the media and simulta­ of 'being invited to the education director for The David neously educate others about Israel." his own father's bar Project, a pro-Israel advocacy non­ "Why," an audience member asked, "is there so much world,',,ide mitzvah .. . profit organization in Boston, spoke to an attentive and engaged crowd anti-Israel sentiment?" of nearly 80 people on Sunday, While Young attributed much PAGE 9: Oct. 17, at the Jewish Federation of that sentiment to biased media What's the latest news of Rhode Island (JFRI). His pre­ reports, he offered a worthwhile and thought-provoking approach on the integration sentation was co-sponsored by the Rhode Island Chapter of Hadas­ to countering such negative senti­ of JFRI, BJE and sah and the Community Relations ment. Fully answering that complex question would require a longer JCCRI? Read Chris Council (CRC) of the JFRI. The David Project, its Web site discussion than could occur in any Parker's story to learn explains, aims "to educate and two-hour session. more .. . inspire strong voices for Israel When asked what he would say through dynamic educational semi­ / E. Bresler to those who support Israel, but TODD YOUNG, right, speaks w ith an audience member find the occupation indefensible, PAGES 12-13: nars, workshops and curricula." after his presentation on Oct . 17. With that goal, Young incorporated he returned to his original message: Israel has the right to exist as a free Mary Korr writes maps and video clips, and questions lenged the Palestinian assertion Young offered a practical three­ and sovereign Jewish nation. to the audience in his low-key and that "the occupation is the reason part strategy for responding to dif­ about a new Women's Barry Schiller, a retired Rhode sometimes humorous presentation, for the violence." ficult questions about Israel that, of Health Council, with Island College professor, thought "How We Speak About Israel." There is no moral equivalence course, could be used with any chal­ Young succeeded in making a posi­ updates on won:ien's The media, he said, often suc­ between Hamas, which targets lenging topic. After he explained tive case for Israel, though the pre­ cumb to anti-Israel bias when they civilians, he said, and Israel, which the approach, called "Address, health issues .. . sentation was sometimes one-sided, fail to adopt a wide and broad per­ does not. Reframe, M essage," or "ARM," he H e praised Young's point tha\ dif­ spective of the conflicts surrounding Criticizing the Israeli govern- demonstrated an example or two, ferent kinds of maps influence how PAGES 17-18 : Israel (he reminded us more than ment and its policies, said Young, with audience input. First, you people perceive Israel's situation, once to "zoom out, zoom out") and is perfectly legitimate, and people answer or "Address" the question - A Weekend of Jewish but noted that Young did not show to recognize the region's history, are free to engage in debate about acknowledge that you've heard the Renaissance: Our a map of settlements, which might including the Balfour Declaration, where the borders should be, a two- question. "It's important to assert- influence people's attitudes toward community offers the 1967 war and other significant state solution, etc. What is unac- ively address the question and take territorial expansion. "While The events. And, Young noted, Israeli ceptable - and illegitimate - is when control of the conversation," he vibrant studying, David Project does help counter officials are often unsophisticated in criticism crosses the line into ques- said. Then "Reframe," the question Israel-bashing," said Schiller, "it socializing, shopping persuasively presenting Israel's case tioning Israel's right to exist as a by stating, for example, the wider does little to advance the cause of to the international media. and more ... sovereign Jewish ,------, context of terror- peace, which is the long term goal." H e then provided an overview state. As the only The ist violence and PAGES: 21-23, of key facts in the history oflsrael, democracy in Arab hostility For more information about the starting from its founding in the the M iddle East David to Israel's exis- Rhode Island Chapter ofH ada,ssah - 30: face ofArab hostility, its struggle to with free and tence, so that you whose wqrk in Israel was highlighted Elections, elections; victory in the 1967 war, when Arab open elections, a p roJ" ect can take control before The David Project presentation armies surrounded the tiny nation, free press, and a of the agenda. - visit www.rhodeisland.hadassah.org Obama pays a visit and concluding with the numerous society that sup- Educating Voicesfor/srael With " M es­ or contact 463-3636 qr rhodeisland­ to a Woonsocket peace proposals that the Palestin­ ports the rights of '------~ sage," you simply [email protected] qr 463-3636. company ... ians have rejected, time and again. women, gays and re inforce and For more information about 1he Showing news reports and images lesbians, Israel should not be held summarize the points you've made Dav id Project, visit www.davidpro­ of terrorist acts against Jews that to a higher - or different - standard earlier. ject,qrg qr contact 617- 428- 0012 qr pre-dated Israel's 1948 founding than other countries. "Too often the media provide only [email protected]. · and beyond, Young deftly chal- l Candle Lighting Times Oct. 29 ...... 5:24 Nov.12 ...... 4:O8 . for greater Rhode Island NOV. 5 ...... 5=15 Nov. 19 ...... 4 =02

EXECUTIVE EDITOR EDITORIAL BOARD: Nancy Kirsch • [email protected] Howard Tinberg, Chair, John Landry, 421-4111, ext. 168 1heJEWJSH VOICE & llERAID Rabbi Amy Levin, Eleanor Lewis, Toby London, SU.VI NO R110011 IHANI) ANO SouTIIIAST!llH MA$SAC IIUUTTS Rabbi Jacqueline Satlow, Barbara Sokoloff (vice DESIGN &.LAYOUT president,JFRI board), Richard Shein, Jonathan Leah Camara • [email protected] Copy D eadlines: All news releases, photographs, etc. must be received on the Thursday two weeks prior to publication. Stanzler,Joshua Stein, Ezra Stieglitz ADVERTISING Submissions may be sent to: [email protected]. Tricia Stearly • [email protected] BUSINESS COMMITTEE 441-1865 or 421-4111, ext. 160 The Jewish Voice & Herald(ISSN number 1539-2104, Justin ''Jay" Straus3, Chair, Everett Finkelstein, USPS #465-710) is printed bi-weekly, except in July, Toby London, Ken Schneider, Bob Starr, Joyce Starr COLUMNISTS when it is printed only once. Dr. Stanley Aronson, Terna Gouse, Alan Krinsky, EDITORIAL CONSULTANT Sam Lehman-Wilzig, Yehuda Lev, Rabbi James PERI ODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT Judith Romney Wegner Rosenberg, Joshua Stein, Daniel Stieglit-, PROVIDENCE, RI POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Jewish Federation of RI, COPY EDITOR/PROOFREADER 130 Sessions St., Providence, RI 02906 Fran Cohen

Published by the Jewish Federation of Rhode Island• President Doris Feinberg• Interim Exec. Vice President Minna Ellison All submitted co.ntcnt becomes the property of 1hefewish Voice & Herald. Announcements and opinions contained in these pages arc published as a service to the community and do not necessarily represent the views of 1hefewiJh Voice & Herald, or its publisher, the Jewish Federation of Rhode Island. 130 Sessions St., Providence, RI 02906 •401-421-4111 • 401-331- 7961 (fax}• E-mail:[email protected]

ADVERTISING: We do not accept advert isementsfor pork or shel!Jish or, al/est to the kashmt ofany product or the legitimary ofo ur advertiurs' daims. wwwjvhri.org PAGE 4 Jewish Voice ~Herald October 29, 2010 OPINION IT SEEMS To ME FROM THE ExEcUITVE EDIT OR The healing power of hope Survival and rescue: An hope has helped to reinforce the miners' life­ odds of the miners' survival were minimal, Water, water affirming conviction that "We're all in· this the families insisted that the governmental argument against despair together." authorities and the rescue workers not give everywhere .... In his extremely moving d 'var Torah pub­ up their night and day efforts to drill through E DRAMATIC RESCUE of lished on line by the World Union for Pro­ close to one-half mile of rock. The families Bv N ANCY KIRSCH the 33 men who survived for 69 gressive Judaism on Oct. 14, Rabino (Rabbi) continued to hope, the authorities and rescue [email protected] TIays in what c_ould well have been Roberto Feldmann, born and raised in Chile, workers continued to hope and the miners gives voice to his perspective on the healing LONG, HOT shower... ah. Who their tomb deep down in Chili's themselves continued to hope. In this case, power of hope. He points out that so-called would think that a hot shower is San Estaban gold and copper mine brought hope resulted in the hoped-for but unexpected experts gave the miners trapped 2,000 feet uch a luxury that it inspires grati- me back to the words of a happy ending. below the surface of the remote Atacama tude in the person showering? folk song that I fi rst heard Feldmann sees the drama of the Chilean Desert 500 miles north of Santiago "only a Until last weekend, the last time I'd gone about 50 years ago. "The miners as the drama of two competing types slim 2 percent chance they could be alive, per- of "realism" - the realism of the human head for any length of time without a shower Ballad of Springhill," writ­ was in 1995 when I did a five-day Out­ ten by Peggy Seeger and that states, "No, we can't" versus the realism of the human heart that proclaims "Yes, we ward Bound whitewater-rafting trip on the Ewan M acColl, and sung can!" He wrote, "It was biblical. It is a lesson Rogue River in Oregon. Then, everyone in haunting minor key, "Don't bother us with was, so to speak, in the same boat - all wet­ tells of the disastrous 1958 your experts' facts, Mr. to human petulance and false 'realism,' and suited during the day and in grubby jeans cave-in at the Cumberland a monument to a different realism, the one that combines all that we have as human­ and sweatshirts at night. mine in Springhill, Nova Minister; we have cal1ed Rabbi Jim ity: A beating heart and the best technoiogy, Back in "civilization,'' I remember taking Scotia, where 74 men lost Rosen6erg a resilient psyche and responsible govern­ a shower that lasted longer than the hot their lives. our camp a more realistic ments, living human solidarity and help from water held out - a good 30 minutes or so "When the earth is restless, miners die/Bone friendly nations' prayers and equipment ...Th is soaping off the residue of dirt and river and blood are the price ofcoal." One verse in par­ name: Campamento is a deliverance made out of the combination water that had emulsified into some kind ticular cries out to me: "1hree days passed and the Esperanza, Camp Hope." of everything that is good and positive, all ofg oo in rriy hair and under my fingernails. lamps gave out/And Caleb R ushton got up and the potentials of strength, patience, and the More recently, though, I came to appre­ said/1here's no more water, or light, or bread/So wisdom of the heart. .." ciate - with equal fervor - the far briefer we'II live on song and hope instead." haps less." The 33 miners and the thousands of those showers I took at the Jewish Community By way of contrast, San Estaban is not a And, the Mining Minister Laurence Gol­ throughout Chile and throughout the world Center of Rhode Island. Why would I coal mine; and, thank God, not one man per­ borne was choked with tears, when having to who particip~ted in their rescue are an argu­ need to shower there? When our hot water ished. Moreover, unlike those trapped in the transmit the experts' prognosis. ment against despair a·nd a demonst~ation of heater gave way, I was the one at home who Nova Scotia mine back in 1958, the Chilean Feldmann noted that an angry woman con­ the power ofh ope; while we know all too well could borrow a wet/dry Shop-Vac (thank miners did have sufficient food and water and fronted Golborne and told him: "Don't bother what men and women can do at their worst, you, Sam Zurier, for having such a valuable light to sustain them for almost seven weeks. us with your experts' facts, M r. M inister; we these heroic individuals teach all of us what tool at the ready to lend) and I was the one Nevertheless, "The Ballad of Springhill" does have called our camp a more realistic name: we can do at our best. at home to then Shop-Vac up more than 60 manage to evoke that pervasive danger which Campamento Esperanza, Camp Hope." gallons of water from our (mostly) unfin­ defines the life of the miner to this very day, as Indeed, the families who spent week after James B. Rosenberg is rabbi emeritus at ished basement. well as that remarkable and heartening sense week at Carnparnento Esperanza are a lesson Temple Habonim in Barrington. Contact him at Several hours later - I took the opportu­ of solidarity that continues to bind miner to in hope: For the first 17 days following the [email protected]. nity to clear out all the detritus that none miner wherever they might find themselves. cave-in, they did not know whether their of us use or want - old, deflated soccer Then, as now, the healing power of song and loved ones were alive or dead. Though the balls, rusting beach chairs, broken picture fra"!es, etc. A family member who initially wanted to hold onto 18-year-old ;,rchitec­ ------LETTERS tural drawings from a kitchen renovation wisely reconsidered and added them to the Mearsheimer deceives us about Israel trash. I am grateful that the official (city N "MEARSHEIM ER ASSERTS: The condemned by James Woolsey, the former to distorting the historical record is the one employees) and unofficial (trash-pickers Itwo-state solution is dead,'' in the O ct. 15 director of the CIA; the Anti-Defamation consistent feature of this book." driving through the neighborhood) ptcked issue, Elizabeth H ollander wrote about League; the American Jewish Committee; But on a positive note, 1he Israel Lobby up most of our discarded stuff.... though I Professor John M earsheimer's visitto Brown Alan Dershowitz and many other Jewish and US. Foreign Policy received praise and still can't appreciate why no one saw fit to University. In his speech, M earsheimer and non-Jewish scholars and organizations. an endorsement. It came from Osama Bin- take some discarded crutches - they were called upon American supporters oflsrael to Edward Walker, president of the Middle Laden. The mastermind of the 9/11 attacks in perfectly good, if well-used (remember work overtime to create a two-state solution. East Institute and former U.S. ambassa- recommended the book in one of his audio- last issue's column?), condition! Hollander presents him as an award-win- dor in Egypt and Israel, told NPR: "I lived tapes. W hom will these people next quote to Given the timing ofthe hot water heater's ning international relations expert and co- through all the history that these gentle- support their agenda? David D uke? break and the hours invested in cleaning up author ·of 1he Israel L obby and US. Foreign men [Mearsheimer and his co-author] write YuriJaphet the mess, I wasn't able to get to that shower Policy. What she does not say about him is about, and I didn't recognize it, not from the Pawtucket until early Sunday morning. While I didn't very significant. Mearsheimer is a well- way they described it - and I was in govern- known anti-Semite and a hater of Israel. ment all this time." Japhet is chair of the R.l. Chapter of live through several days of no showers - as In his book, he accuses Jews of control- W oolsey contends the authors "are stun- Americas for a Safe Israel (AFSI) I happily did on the Rogue River - it was still a remarkably rejuvenating experience ling American government. The book was ningly deceptive," and their "commitment to wash away all the grubbiness ofcl eaning Danny Danon's vision is a recipe for war up the water and tossing out the trash. AM WRITING in response to Israeli close to Jerusalem becoming a part oflsrael Marc Paige In closing, on a topic almost wholly Knesset M ember Danny Danon's in exchange for Israeli land. But Knes­ Ft Lauderdale, Fla. unrelated to gratitude for hot showers, I I Orwellian assertion ("Settlement freeze set M ember Danon's unrealistic vision is a am grateful that we live in a country with is ill-conceived" in the Oct. 1 issue of the recipe for an Israel in a perpetual state ofwar. free and open elections. While some of J V&H) that a West Bank building freeze the political mudslinging that gets thrown moves Israel "further away from the peace­ occasionally makes me want to stop read­ ful and prosperous existence for which we so ing, listening to or watching the political Our editorial policy desperately strive" defies logic. However, his news, the outcomes would be far dirtier declaration that ending the freeze "will make WANT OUR OPINION pages nists, represent the vie~ of the authors; they without free and open elections and a free clear to our own citizens, the Palestinians o represent our readers' vibrant do not represent the views of 1he]ewish Voice and vigorous press. & Herald or the Jewish Federation of Rhode and the world our true intentions and goals," iversity of ideas and opinions. So, when you next step into a hot shower, Thus, our editorial policy is as follows: The Island. is clear, honest and frightening. remember to be grateful. And, on Tuesday, Voice & Herald may publish thoughtful and Please send letters (250 words, at most) A far right Likud vision of a fragmented · Nov. 2, remember to vote! informative contributors' columns (op-eds) and op-eds (700 words or shorter) to Nancy and disconnected Palestine carved out of the and letters to the editor on issues of interest Kirsch at [email protected] (Subject Line: Update on L eah Camara: L eah has medi­ West Bank is not viable. .to our Jewish community. At our discretion, OPINIONS) or Nancy Kirsch, The Voice cal clearance to drive! She's still wearing the The world community of nations recog­ we may edit pieces for publication or refuse & Herald, 130 Sessions St., Providence, RI p rotective boot and still uncomfortable, but she nizes Israel within the Green Line, and publication. 02906. Please include your name, city of Letters and columns, whether from our residence and (not for publication) a contact relishes her.fr eedom to come andgo at w ill. furthermore understands that negotiations regular contributors or from guest colum- phone number or email. will result in many of the Jewish settlements wwwjvhri.org :..·'

OPINION Jewish Voice 8{_,l--l erald October 29, 2010 PAGE FROM THE OLD OLIVETTI From generation to generation, the cycle continues Attempting to predict dence 1847-48th St., Brooklyn, time; others simply reside as ten­ of this was known on that bright in Germany acknowledges that N.Y." ants in someone else1s apartment, sunny day (as I picture it in my the timing is right, given today's the future is I wonder if I'm the only reader making no improvements, others mind) when my father read from political climate where Germans of 7he Jewish Voice & Herald ever exploit all advantages intended or the Torah and Haftarah way back are nervous about the economy a futile exercise to receive an invitation to his or not. I do not pass judgment as I then, 84 years ago. and immigrants and some in the her father's bar mitzvah. The sec­ am as often willing to laugh at the What's in store for us? One of lower middle class seem to want FTER MY FATHER tion from the Torah that morn­ world's absurdities from the side the things I've learned as an his­ a leader to extract them form the died, we sold his apart­ ing was Sh'mini, which among lines as I am to roll up my sleeves torian is that attempting to pre­ doldrums - paralleling some of A ment in the "Promised other things, describes the deaths to resolve them. dict the future is a fool's game. the conditions of 1933. Land" (sometimes of two of Aaron's sons and his The old cliche about history Exhibits are set up in -ways known as Florida), but before we silence in response. The Haftarah repeating itself is a canard, not a to discourage neo-Nazis from put it on the market, we found was from the book of II Samuel ''l'm just visiting truth. Economists and political taking heroic photos of them­ treasures including his parents' describing the moving of the scientists try to anticipate events selves near images of Hitler. But ·naturalization papers which list recaptured Ark of the Covenant this planet. Some of and trends all the time, and they Hitler though dead is still a living him as a 1-year-old, but what to Jerusalem and the death of one fail. They study their charrs and presence, alive to those who fear of the men escorting it who made struck me most us try to make it a computer print outs and fail to foreigners, non-Christians, the was an invita­ the mistake of touching it when it account for this little thing or that better educated. In America, tion to his bar seemed to fall from its cart. Sixty better place in our and so they are wrong as often as their ilk is confined, generally, mitzvah. years later, his grandson Daniel, right. If it were otherwise, we'd to the wilds of Idaho and Mon­ our first-born, read the ·same allotted time." "Mr. and all be millionaires. After all, who tana (except when they emerge as Mrs. Solomon texts. Life can be odd that way. in 1926 was predicting the Great a Timothy McVey in Oklahoma I've tried to get the weather, Depression or could have fo retold City). Stein request But I know that in 1926 Hitler but people who write columns • that in seven years Hitler would None of this was known when the honor of was merely an ex-con heading up on typewriters don't readily have be chancellor of Germany? my father, a young boy of 13 Josh your presence at an obscure political party con­ access to such information. But In Berlin there's currently a innocently celebrated becoming a Stein the Confirma­ sidered too radical to succeed; what intrigues me more is that showing of Hitler mementos that man in 1926, to which event I've tion (and then that the Great Depression was I know the future of those l here opened with some trepidation. just been invited. in Hebrew 'Bar Mitzvah') of their still three years into the future; in a way my grandchildren will This is the first time a German son Joseph _on Saturday, April Stalin would have his show know my future and the world as museum has had such an exhibit, j osh Stein is a professor history 10, 1926 at 9 a.m. at Machzike trials in 1-936; Pearl Harbor was ef it unfolds beyond our time. I'm and the curators say they have at R oger Williams University. Con­ Talmud Torah of Borough Park, 15 years away; my parents mar­ just visiting this planet; we all taken great care to avoid glorify­ tact him [email protected] du. 1319-43rd St., Brooklyn, N.Y. ried 11 months later and I came are. Some of us try to make it a ing the villain who is their sub­ Reception at 8 p.m. at their resi- along 17 months after that. None better place in our limited allotted ject. The Central Council of Jews

NoT ALONE The few and the many: Is saving one life as meaningful ~s saving thousands? Media coverage ofthe was out of all proportion to the bers? And do numbers matter? Is tain Kirk counters, "The needs of two? One against five? One against event? this what I am hung up about? the one outweigh the needs of the 50? Chilean miners' rescue I understand the human inter­ After all, the Talmud tells us many." The problem gets stickier. You are est in the miners' saga. It has been that to save a single life is to save an I am not sure what to take from on a bridge over the tracks, and the was excessive a gripping story, full of emotion entire world! H ow can one dimin­ this latter discussion. And, while a train is hurtling uncontrollably and and drama. And yet, was it really ish the joy ofsa ving 33 worlds? And discourse on utilitarian versus liber­ will crash into and kill five workers. deserving of the vast media atten­ yet, is there no difference between . However, a morbidly obese indi­ KE YOU, I was trans­ tarian ethics is beyond the scope of tion devoted to it? saving 33 and 33 million worlds? this week's column, there is much fixed by the plight and viduid is leaning over the guardrail worthy of contemplation and dis­ of the bridge; if you push him, he IJ escue of the 33 Chad­ cussion here. will interrupt the train's path and be an children saved from To trouble you more, you are killed, but the five standing on the starvation during the 2010 ,Sahel bound to hear about moral psychol­ tracks will be saved. The situation Famine. How at first all seemed ogy's trolley problem, if you have is absurd and objectionable, but this lost, and then the hope they wo;,,id not heard of it already. A train is is how the moral psychologists pose be saved. The hurtling uncontrollably down the it, so for the sake of the thought dedication of so tracks; if nothing is done, the train experiment, let us suspend disbe­ many individuals, will crash into and kill five work­ lief and accept the premises. Mor­ the use of sophis­ ers on the tracks. H owever, you ally speaking, is the second scenario ticated technology any different from the first? If so, in and government what way? resources ... Chad's "Was l the only And what would a good Jewish, president greeting a thoughtfully Talmudic, answer to individually the person not this dilemma be? rescued children. As usual, I find myself asking Alan And, then, Steve transfixed by questions more than providing Krinsky Jobs giving each the plight and answers - but I think there is some­ child an iPod. thing about the morality of num­ We all felt part of this two­ rescue of the 33 bers that leaves me uncomfortable month vigil, thanks to the hundreds with all of the attention and prizes of reporters, photographers and Chilean miners?" lavished upon these miners who videographers who amassed at the indeed survived an ordeal, some­ scene. And now we can celebrate a Let us, instead, imagine such It's a far cry from the wisdom are close enough to the switch that thing that prevented me from being rescue from almost certain death! overwhelming coverage for the mil­ of the Talmud, bur almost three will divert the train onto an alter­ swept up in this gripping story and Okay, that's not quite what hap­ lions who still require rescue from decades ago, two Jewish actors dis­ nate track, where only one worker is wondering about other situations pened. There were 33 trapped Chil­ death. Why would saving 33 chil­ puted this question. In "Star Trek standing and will be killed. What and sufferers perhaps more deserv­ ean miners and not 33 starving dren, let alone 33,000 or 33 million II: The Wrath of Khan," Leonard do you do? Nothing? Or divert the ing ofo ur attention. Chadian children. And this might children, from famine or malnutri· Nimoy as Spock, sacrifices his life, trolley? Do the needs of the many prove to be the most unpopular Alan Krinsky worlu in healthcare tion not be at least as good a human insisting, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one? But column I have ever written. But quality improvement and lives interest story? I, too, like a good outweigh the needs of the few." H e what right do we have to make this was I the only person not transfixed in Providence. Contact him at story, but I want an even greater -adds later: "or the one." decision, to sacrifice the one for the by the plight and rescue of the 33 [email protected]. one! In "Star Trek III: The Search for five? Yet, how could we not? And do Chilean miners? The only one who Is this simply a matter of num- Spock," William Shatner as Cap- the numbers matter? One against thought the intensive media focus WWWjvhri.org PAGE 6 Jewish Voice ~Herald October 29, 2010 OPINION ---MORE LETTERS-­ Hitler exhiliit opens at a museum in Berlin Zasloff lauds The Jewish Voice & Herald, thanks his colleagues

HANK YOU fo r writing. the merger Playing Cards T my story ("With incurable of several leukemia, Zasloff shares J ew i s h THE PLAYING CARDS game his life legacy" by Nancy Kirsch entities. "Fuhrer Quartet," Berlin, in the O ct. 1 issue). It has brought I just (_ after 1934. me good wishes from many and ho p e peace in my soul. It is a blessing T h e fo r a regular guy like me to be the J e wish subject of a feature article, even if Voice & the reason for the article is a sad H e r a ld one. continues to I want to make it perfectly clear receive sup­ how much I enjoyed my job at port from the The Jewish Voice & Herald for the F e deration , last seven years. It was a pleasure a ppropriate working with everyone at the businesses and the Jewish com­ Federation. You all have treated munity. me like family since the onset of As the advertising representa­ my illness and since I am 12 hours tive, I focused on selling ads, but removed from my hometown in I did so to expand the space for West Virginia, that outpouring content. I feel the newspaper pro­ Hitler Busts of care and support means more vides valuable information and a Women working on small busts than you can imagine. Thank you connection to Judaism in a format of Adolf Hitler, 1937. to my fellow workers and custom­ that appeals to folks beyond the ers for the heartfelt cards, letters, local community. Please keep in and emails that you have sent my mind, the puzzle that is coming /5Uddeutsche Zeitung Photo/Sche r! way. I very much appreciate your together through the merger thoughts. needs The Jewish Voice & H erald Editor~ Note: What do you mount such an exhibit? Voice & H erald, 130 Sessions St., I know there are administra­ piece to be complete. think? Are you appalled at the idea L et us know what you think: Providence, RI 02906. Or find us tive changes coming in the Jewish FrankZasloff ofa Hitler exhibit at a museum in Send us a letter (nkirsch@JFRI. on Facebook and share your opinion Federation of Rhode Island with H ope Valley Germany ? Impressed by the courage org (OPINION in subject line) or there! ofa mus;um director or curator to mail to N ancy Kirsch, The Jewish No freedom of speech

'M WRITING this because bombings, yet some are fanatical Iof National Public Radio's about honoring Shabbat. If you recent firing of news analyst don't think that's true, try walk­ Mearsheinier is no scholar Juan Williams. I think "politi­ ing in their neighborhood in Israel cal correctness" is going too far. or elsewhere, dressed improperly LIZABETH HOL­ "all Palestinians from greater "inability to make the conces­ When Williams said he gets or driving a car on their Sabbath. ELANDER may consider Israel." Threats ofethnic cleansing sions necessary for a viable Pales- nervous when he sees people in Even so, would you feel nervous if John Mearsheimer "an - such as Iran's promise to nuke • tinian state," but unbending A rab Muslim garb on a plane, he has one of them was on a plane with award-winning international Israel - have always been a one­ rejection of Israel's right to exist the right to think it AND to say you? I think not. relations scholar" ("Mearsheimer way street in the Middle East lev­ - as attested to by Arab responses it. He did not say Muslims -were I'm not a bigot, but I've been asserts: The two-state solution is eled by A rabs against Jews. Next to the 1937 . Peel Report, the bad, he just said what is his right brainwashed during my 86 years dead" in the O ct. 15 issue). But in M earsheimer's crystal ball is 1947 U.N. vote, and the generous to say. He's entitled to feel anyway on Earth so that I have a built-in the work that made Mearsheimer "some sort of apartheid." But statehood offers of E hud Barak he chooses. fear gene. Please believe me, I wish famous, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Israel's A rab citizens enjoy full and Ehud Olmert. Let me give you another . the world's inhabitants would love Foreign Policy, is no more "schol­ legal rights. Middle East -apart­ The two-state solution is still example. You're walking down one another, but I believe that it is arly" than The Protocols of the heid is confined to the treatment viable, but if it is ever to come the street and are approaching not to be. Elders of Zion (upon which it is of women, gays and ethno-reli­ about pressure must be placed on a Hasidic Jew wearing the tra­ I don't know if we've progressed presumably based). · gious minorities in Arab lands. the true obstructionists: Israel's ditional black cloak, black hat or gone backward because of Mearsheimer's lack of scholar­ Mearsheimer pronounces A rab enemies and their "schol­ and long curly sideburns. Do political correctness. Freedom of ship was displayed as he outlined the two-state solution dead. If arly" apologists. you cringe or get nervous? No, speech is NOT free anymore. a farrago of hallucinated end­ true, an autopsy will show that Jack Schwartzwald because the Hasidic people have Rubin (Ruby) Plushner points for the conflict. Israel, he the cause of death was not, as N orth Kingstown no history of terrorism or suicide Cranston mused, .might ethnically cleanse M earsheimer asserts, Israel's Ties between George Soros and J Street must be exposed LTHOUGH The Jewish Good wrote, on Sept. 24, "Soros Member C olette Avita!, J Street's Errata A Voice & -Herald has not is seen as toxic to the American liaison in Israel, told The Wash­ The 2010 Guide to Jewish Living leadership skills and meet covered this story, The Jewish community, having sug­ ington Times that she resigned inadvertently omitted the entry amazing friends that will last a Washington Times reported, in gested that Israel's policies con­ from her post with J Street partly for the New England Region lifetime. There are chapters all late September, that for the tributed to global anti-Semitism. because of the group's "co.nnection BBYb. The information about · over Rhode Island - Providence, year between July 2008 and July President Obama, at one p·oint, with Judge Goldstone." She later the youth group appears below. Cranston, East Greenwich, 2009, the 'pro-Israel, pro-peace' J had to distance himself from disavowed this statement, but the Portsmouth, and Southern Mas­ Street received roughly one-third Soros because of Soros' views on recorded interview stating the New England Region BBYO sachusetts. of its revenue - some $245,000 Israel." opposite was already posted on 70 Saint Stephen St. Boston, MA 02115 In the Oct. 15 issue, the ingre­ - from billionaire Jewish left­ The Washington Times printed the newspaper's Web site (www. P: 914.B37.9324 dients for Moroccan casserole wing financier George Soros and on Sept. 30 that, in an unrelated media.washtimes.com/ media/ email: [email protected] on page 29 ("Vegetarian options family as part of a three-year incident, JStreet had been actively audio/2010/Sep/30/Avital2 .mp3). may please meat-eaters") should New England Region BBYO is $750,000 gift. A Sept. 27 story involved in November 2009 in The question should now be have included 1 (14 ounce) can of part of BBYO International, the in Tablet reported, "The news is setting up meetings with U.S. asked, what do Rhode Island broth. relevant... particularly because congressmen for Judge Richard members of J Street think about largest international pluralistic J Street head Jeremy Ben-Ami Goldstone, author of the notori­ its hidden agenda? Jewish youth movement Jewish In the Oct. 15 iss~, Larry had repeatedly implied that ous report on the 2008 Gaza War. Howard Brown high school teens are encour­ Katz was incorrectly identified as Soros was not a donor." (empha­ J Street leaders once again North Kingstown aged to get involved to build Larry Kahn in the story on page sis added) seemed to issue contradict­ their Jewish identities, develop 20, "An array ofre sources for bar/ In www.Atlantic.com, Chris ing statements. Former Knesset bat mitzvah planning." wwwjvhri.org ---~~=~:::==----=~- .

COMMUNITY Jewish Voice <\_Herald October 29, 2010 PAGE 7 AsKWENDY New head of Shalom Family Beyond a bar or hat is a hook-lover mitzvah, what's next? Jessica Engle is eager to bring new BY W EN DY J OE HING Midrasha also offers multiple [email protected] trips throughout the years includ­ programs to area ing M arch of The Living, a trip to Afte r my

PAGE 8 Jewish Voice <\,Herald October 29, 2010 COMMUNITY

URI Hillel students JCCRI to hold ninth Annual Kidstuff Sale contribute to service . Raising money for a good cause

BY BRIAN SULLI VAN [email protected] PROVIDENCE - The Jewish C ommunity Center of Rhode Island CTCCRI) will hold its ninth Annual Kidstuff Sale on Sunday, Nov. 7, and Monday, Nov. 8, to sell such gently used children's items as toys, books, games, sports equipment and clothes. The first Kidstuff Sale, held nine years ago, was an event held in the Jewish Federation of Rhode Island's. CTFRI) board­ URI HILLEL STUDENTS baked cookies to donate Last year's JCCRI Annual Kidstuff Sale drew a crowd. room, with items collected to the Oct. 11 "Great Day of Service." From left, Lily Nieto, Elissa and prepared in only two days. Weinberger, Ally Gerand, Jacob Harris, Gina Sloman, Now, the event has grown into Dayna Rignanese and Aaron Weininger. rials and need-based tuition of SS. 1he Kidstujf Sale will be a full-scale community effort scholarships. "W e hope that free and open to the public from 9 with goods that will fill not some of the money this year a.m. - 4 p.m., with 50 percent off only the JFRI boardroom, will be used to purchase com­ from 2 - 4 p.m. on Sunday and but also the JCCRI social hall puters for the teachers and all day Monday. and lobby. Last year, the event special music programs in the 1he ninth Annual KidstujfSale raised nearly $8,000 fo r the classes," said Stone. is co-chaired by Stone, Marissa JCCRI. It's not just about raising Garber and Amanda Isenberg. "The ninth Annual Kid­ money, she said, but it's also For more information on the stuff Sale is a great commu­ an ideal occasion to introduce nity event that raises money Kidstujf Sale, contact Helen community members to the for a good cause," said Mindy West, at 861-8800, ext. 131 or JCCRI. "We have the oppor­ Stone, event co-chair. In past Dani Brier at ext. 130. tunity to highlight the JCCRI years, proceeds were used for and its programs," she said. Brian Sullivan is a marketing an outdoor play structure and associatefor ]FRI. a sandbox for the JCCRI Early 1he Kidstujfsale will include a Childhood Center's play­ pre-sale hour on Sunday, Nov. 7, ground, new classroom mate- from 8- 9 a.m., with an entryfee A~MERICAN • • AUTO TRANSPORTERS, INC. 1033 TurnRike St., Rte. 138 Canton, MA 02021-2857

DAILY TRIPS / Nancy Ki rsch to Florida llere come the brides at Temple Beth-El BOBBIE WALLICK is one of the dozens of " brides" who modelled INSURED1 AIRPORT wedding dresses at the synagogue's Sisterhood fundraiser on the Licensed TERMINALS afternoon of Oct. 24. Sisterhood members loaned their dresses and and Bonded shared their wedding day memories for this event. AVAILABLE Women of all ages wore wedding dresses from the early part of the 20th century through more recent years; many women could still fit into their own dresses. The event concluded with a GUARANTEED PRICES "wedding reception" in the elegantly decorated Social Hall. RELIABLE, CONVENIENT What We Quote DOOR-TO-DOOR is What DELIVERY ANYWHERE You Pay! • We exercise our pups daily and socialize our pups Earn An with other puppies and customers. - • All our puppies come from professional breeders who EXTRA DISCOUNT raise heallhy adult dogs and puppies. Sy Ordering Online! • We offer a health warrantee with all our pets & complementary grooming with the purchase of a pup and discounted grooming thereafter. www.shipcar.com 289 Cowessett Avenue Suite 8 Cowessett Plaza 821-1288 or www.adogstaleboutique.com wwwjvhri.org COMMUNITY Jewish Voice ltl-l erald October 29, 2010 PAGE 9 INTEGRATION UPDATE Federation board approves resolution to integrate Streamlined, efficient to re-energize our community for Southeastern Massachusetts. members of our community," said better and more meaningful." the future. Our vote last Thursday It will also continue to sup­ Ellison. Staff members, she said, Visit www.jFRl.org to read the brings us to the culmination of a port programs that offer a safety have also been redeployed to sup­ delivery ofservices is ]FRI board resolution and supporting key component of this powerful net and improve Jewish life here port such rapidly expanding out­ strategic documents: 'Jhe 2008 Strate­ anticipated vision for our community." in Rhode Island and around the reach programs as Alef List (for gic Plan for the Jewish Community of Feinberg explained that the pri­ world. Gaines said, "The merger young Jewish adults) and The PJ Rhode Island and Strategic Restruc­ BY CHRISTINE PARK EH mary goal for the integratidn of of the [agencies) will not dimin­ Library and Shalom Baby (for turing Task Force recommendations. [email protected] the three agencies is to create one ish that sacred responsibility." young families). focused team that will harness the And it will accomplish those goals For most members of the com­ For more infonnation about PROVIDENCE - On Thursday, intellect, energy and resources of with greater alignment and more attending the ]FRI membership Oct. 14, the board of directors of munity, "the transition will be the community to create a ·new efficiency, which translates into seamless," said Ellison. "You will meeting at 7 p. m. at the JCCRI, con­ the Jewish Federation of Rhode model for effective organizational greater impact, she said. tact Gail Putnam at 421-4111, ext. Island OFRI) unanimously still work out at the JCCRI fit­ management, prioritization and Minna Ellison, JFRI's interim 158. RSVPs are strongly encouraged. approved an historic resolution ness center, and give to the Annual delivery of services. She said, "This executive vice president and chief to merge the JFRI operations, Community Campaign. Our goal Chris Parker is the director ofmar­ resolution was crafted to fulfill that executive officer, not~d that the will be to ensure that these and programs and services with those keting and communications for the vision, by volunteers from across "focus on quality, engaging pro­ of the Jewish Community Center other communal experiences are ]FRI and the]CCRI. our community working together grams and better-meeting commu­ of Rhode Island OCCRI) and the to create a better future for our nity needs is part of our long-term Bureau ofJ ewish Education (BJE). Congregation Agudas Achim entire community." plan for sustainability." Creating As this paper goes to press, the "Our goal," said Integration this new, integrated organizational JCCRI and BJE boards are voting offers new parent-tot program Chair Sharon Gaines, "is to create structure maximizes resources to on their own resolutions for merg­ a constituent-centric communal pursue a common mission, she said. ATTLEBORO - Congregation Explorers is taught by Mazi ing. If passed, then a quorum of entity that will offer a continuum In fact, some changes have already Agudas Achim invites 2-3 year­ Tobias, a native Israeli and expe­ the memberships of JFRI and the of services supporting Jewish life been implemented in anticipa­ olds and their parents to a program rienced teacher, teaches the Young JCCRI (the BJE does not have and learning. We set out to design tion of the merger; these changes exploring th_e theme of Shabbat. Explorers. membership) must also vote, with~ - from the ground up - a more allow for more efficient use of com­ This program is the next in a new The Young Explorers· sc hedule quorum voting yes, for the merger consistent, engaging and efficient munity dollars. "We have begun series, Young Explorers, offered by for this year is Oct. 31 (Shabbat to be accepted. The JFRI commu­ outreach to better serve us all. re-deploying staff to save dollars the synagogue's award-winning theme), Nov. 21 (Hanukkah), Jan. nity membership meeting is sched­ This is a key step to transforming and increase alignment. The JFRI Hebrew School. On Sunday, Oct. 2 (Tu B'Shevat), Feb. 27 (Purim), uled for Wednesday, Nov. 3 at the us into something that will fulfill and JCCRI share marketing and 31, children and parents will learn April 24 (Passover) and May 22 JCCRI, at 7 p.m. All members - our vision of a vibrant future, while accounting functions. Through the days of the week and Shab­ (Shavuot). individuals who are 18 or older and honoring our past." . audits and evaluations, we found bat songs, bake challah, make a who have donated $18 or more to 'Jhe non-member fte for Young The primary functions histori­ that some programs served the challah cover, and share Shabbat the current (within the past year) Explorers is 130/session or 1150 for cally associated with JFRI will same needs and clients, SQ we dinner. It will run from 9:30 a.m. Annual Community Campaign - all s£x in advance. Enrollment is continue under the new com­ streamlined them where possible," -noon. are encouraged to attend. ongoing. Synagogue membership is bined entity. For example, as part Ellison said. The Young Explorers pro­ not required to participate. WHAT'S NEXT FOR EVERYONE? of the new entity, it will continue "For example, we combined and gram, focusing on Jewish holidays JFRI President Doris Feinberg to oversee philanthropic, commu­ simplified the kosher nutrition ser­ through movement, art, stories, For more information, contact the says, "Two years ago, the board nity planning and social justice vices and Meals on Wheels. Now games, music and more, also offers synagogue at 508-222-2243 or visit of directors of the JFRI approved initiatives for the broader Jewish one agency (rather than three) pro­ the opportunity to connect with www.agudasma.org. a call to action to take bold steps community of Rhode Island and vides kosher meals to even more other young families. Young • CAMPlQ!!!EN'S POND www.campJorl.com • New features for Day camp • Transportation from Providence and Warwick, • Two week sessions starting June 30 through August 19 • Increased activity choices w- THEWHEELERSCHOOL • Wednesday night overnights • Getting ready to step into overnight camping • Spirited family style OPEN HOUSE. meals in our dining hall • Dietary laws observed SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 9 A.M. - NOON • Programs provided by our Israeli staff 216 I lope Street, Providence, RI 02906-2246

PHONE: 401 .421,8100 WEB: WWW,WHEl!LERSCHOOL.ORG FOR REGISTRATION INFORMATION CONTACT: CAMP JORI, 1065 Worden's Pond, Wakefield, Rl ~ CALL: 401-463-3170 Email: [email protected] NOTICE Of NONOISCIIIMINATION POltCY The Y'lhffle1 Sthool dou no1 dlK1imin11te on the be,,, of rec,. tolo,, ~ ""- rehgloo. nationel 01igm, suue1 orientation or dlM1bil1ty in the a

PAGE 10 Jewish Voice ~ Herald October 29, 2010 CALENDAR Glenn and Darcy Weiner under 60 disabled perform in a program co-spon­ Saturday Center, Brown RISO Hillel, 80 More info: Nea l Drobnis or Lucy sored by the Brown RISO Hillel Jonathan Sarna Speaks in Brown St., Providenc e Oct. 30 Flam at 861 -8800, ext. 107 Foundation and the Muslim Attleboro 5:45 p.m. - re ception, 7 p.m. - Student Association Danny Maseng Gala Concert There is a Senior Cafe at the Dr. Jonath an Sarna, Bra ndeis tribute celebration JCCR/ every Wednesday and Brown University, Salomon Hall University professor of Celebrating Cantor Seplowin's $50 per person Friday. 101, Main Green, Providence American Jewish history, 10 years here, the concert is 7 p.m. discusses "Ti es that Bind: funded by the Freda and Louis More info: 383-2786 or info@ Agudas Achim and a Century Kaufman Memorial Fund. providencekol Ie I.a rg. More info: 863-2805 Thursday of Am erican Judaism." The Temple Beth-El, 70 Orchard Nov .4 Hineinu, Beth-El Caring Com­ presentation explores the Ave., Providence Monday munity growth of the America n Jewish Warwick/Cranston West Bay 7 p.m. community during the 20th Nov.1 Kosher Lunch & Learn Dr. Kathleen Banchoff, workshop facilitator for the century. More info: Rob Massi at 331- Ca ntor Rick Perlman leads Senior Cafe MacMaster Centre for Geron­ Bristol Community College 6070 or Rmassi@temple-beth­ a weekly Torah portion dis­ Or. Cindy Feinsten, with General tologica l Studies, discusses Auditorium, Attleboro Campus, el.org cussion; a kosher deli lunch Pediatric Medicine, will speak caregiving, "Finding the Smile: 11 Field Rd., Attleboro, MA Fishel Bresler & Shelley Katsh on " Good Foot Health." follows. Asking For Help through Story." 4-6 p.m. Performance Temple Torat Yisrael, 330 Park Temple Am David, 40 Gardiner Temple Beth-El, 70 Orchard More info: www.agudasma.org Brooklyn Coffee Tea House, 209 Ave., Cranston St., Warwick Ave ., Providence or Helen Urban at 508-222-2243 Dougla s Ave., Providence Noon - 1 p.m. 11:15 a.m.-program; noon - 7 p.m. or [email protected]. 8 p.m. lunch $10 per session or $52 fo r More info: Rob Massi at 331- Yard Sale at Temple Torat 7-session series More info: breslersmusic@ $3 lunch donation for 60+ and 6070 or Rmassi@temple-beth­ Yisrael gmail.com under 60 disa bled More info: 463-7944 or cantor­ el.org Don't miss out! More info: Neal or Steve at ri [email protected] Network Signature Campaign 781-1881 • 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sunday Does God Have a Body? Event Oct. 31 There is a Senior Cafe at Torat Many biblical texts speak of An evening to celebrate 330 Park Ave ., Cranston Yisrael every weekday. God as having a body. Dr. Ben gratitude for and commitment Trip to Touro Synagogue and Sommers, a professor at the to our Jewish community. Hors Visitor Center Monday Wednesday Jewish Theological Seminary, d'oeuvres, entertainment, cash Temple Emanu-EI, 99 Taft Ave., will discuss God's Bodies, God's bar, valet parking. Nov.8 Providence Selves. Nov.3 The Speakeasy at Local 121, JERI Satellite Office Hours: 10 a.m. - bus leaves, 11 a.m. - 1 Senior Cafe Cl aire T. Carney Li brary Brows­ 121 Washington St., Providence The Topic of "Giving Thanks" p.m. - tou r ing Area, UMass/Da rtmouth, Healthcare Power of Attorney 7:30 p.m. JERI Director Susan Adler $8 plus bus fe e 285 Old Westport Rd., North clinic sponsored by the Rhode and Assistant Director Etha n Dartmouth, MA $36 per person, $180 recom ­ More info: 331-1616 Island Bar Association mended minimum pledge to Adler counsel seniors and their 12:30 p.m. families. Ethan offers pastoral Jewish Community Center of · 2011 JFRI ca mpaign Kollel Tribute Celebration counseling. Rhode Island (JCCRI ), 401 Elm­ More info: 508-910-6551 or_ Koll el event honoring Devora More info: www.jfri.org grove Ave., Providence [email protected] u Brightview Commons, 57 and Ru ssell Ra skin and Miriam Grandeville Court, Wakefield Abram Sta rk and Marvin Stark, Noon - lunch; 12:45 p.m. - Laugh in Peace Tour Saturday 1 - 2:30 p.m. recipients of the 2010/5771 Am program Comedians Azhar Usman, a Echad Award. $3 lunch donation for 60+ and Muslim, and Rabbi Bob Alper Nov.6 More info: Susan Adler at 621- An Evening with Adam Levin, 5374 or sadler-jeri@jsa ri.org author of The ln~tructions "Swords into Plowshares - a Sponsored by Brown RI SO Hil­ Film Series of Peace" 1 Save t he Date! Save the Date! lel and Providence Community Save the Date! Sa, " •1-\e D,te "The Short Life of Jose Antonio Library, event includes a book Gutierrez" facilitated by Lor­ reading and signing. Books The Alef List: Happenings for Hip Jews raine Adler. available for purchase. Congregation Beth David, 102 7-9 p.m. Ki ngstown Rd., Narragansett Mark your calendars for our next event! Rochambeau Branch, Provi ­ 7 p.m. dence Community Library, 708 Hope St., Provide nce More info: Stephanie at The Salon Series 783-8902 Tuesd ay, November 23 Sunday 7 pm -9 pm Tuesday Nov. 7 Barnes & N oble (Warwick) Nov.9 Join other Young Jewish Professionals in their 20-30s for g reat JCCRI Annual Kidstuff Sale Thankful and Thriving at con_versation with our guest, from JCCRI, 401 Elmgrove Ave., "Tuesdays Together" Brown Hillel. Providence Children ages 2-4 with a 9 a.m. -4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 7 responsible adult read and talk and Monday, Nov. 8 about gratitude in preparation Kindly RSVP to Wendy Joering by 11/22 More info: 861 -8800 for Th anksgiving. Children [email protected] or 401-421-411 1 x169 create a project to ta ke home. Children's Puppet Show Jewish Community Day School, Puppet Show with Ari and 85 Taft Ave., Providence Sarah in "The Ca se of the Miss­ 10 -11 a.m. Events also listed on www.ShalomRl.org ing Holidays." For children ages 3-8 and their parents. More info: Lauri Lee at llee@ Jewish jcdsri.org or 751-2470, ext. 16 Temple Habonim, 165 New Alef List is brought to you by Federation of Meadow Rd., Barrington the Jewish Federation of Rh ode Island Rhode 3 p.m. Island More info: Karyn at member­ [email protected] CALENDAR, Page 11 wwwjvhri.org ------~---::------~----~~~----- ~---;;-::-=----=:====-==== .,,,...,....-..

COMMUNITY Jewish Voice ~ Herald October 29, 2010 PAGE 11

From Page 10 Niantic ·Ave., Providence Community Wednesday 7 - 9 p.m. Something new Players present More info: 463-3636 'Oklahoma!' Nov.10 for '45 and older' PAWTUCKET - "Oklahoma!" South County Hebrew School Saturday Providence. join us for Java and a - Rodgers & Hammerstein's c)as­ Book Fair We'll have a special guest from sic musical - will be performed Nov.13 Starbucks to share some coffees Interactive story disc ussion look at. . . what else, on Nov. 5-7, 12-14 and 19-21. The with us. You can enjoy perusing with Jewish story-teller Steph­ "Elaine and Steve show, at Jenks Auditorium, Divi­ theJV&H the latest issue of this paper with anie Malinow at 4:30 p.m., Get Married" sion Street, in Pawtucket, begins at your "cuppa joe" while you share and critical thinking games 8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, 2 Join us for an evening of conversations. for adults and ol(fer children PROVIDENCE - 1he Jewish p.m. for Sunday matinees. nakhes, nuptials, nosh and Maybe you'll meet someone at 7 p.m. Al so at 7 p.m., book Voice & H erald, as a community nonse nse starring Elaine and new or maybe you' ll reconnect Ticket prices are SJ 8 per adult and club discusses Songs for the resource, is hosting a coffee hour Steve Shapiro in " El aine and with an old colleague - who 115 per student (through high school). Butcher's Daughter by Peter for bright, engaged and dynamic Steve get Married" featuring Jewish men and women who want knows? For more info: www.thecommunity­ Manseau. Charli e Hall and friend s. Auc ­ to meet other bright, engaged and As poet Mary Oliver wrote, players.org or 726-6860. Barnes & Noble Book Store, tio n and dinner reception. dynamic Jewish individuals. "Tell me, what is it you plan to do 1350 Bald Hill Rd., Warwick 6:30 p.m. If you're 45 or older, come by with your one wild and precious for what should be some thought­ life?" Take a chance - you have 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Temple Torat Yi srael, 330 Park provoking and fun conversations. nothing to lose but an hour and, Ave ., Cranston. More info: bn .com/bookfairs This coffee hour, with beverages perhaps, much to gain. Cranston $45 per person . Joan Leegant at Life-Long and something to nosh on, will be We do need RSVPs by Nov. 15, held on Wednesday, Nov. 17 from Learning More info: 785-1800 so email Nancy K irsch at nkirsch@ Senior Guild 9:30 to 11 a. m. at the ]FRI con­ JFRI.org with COFFEE or call her Award winning author, Joan ference room, 130 Sessions St., in at 421-4111, ext. 168. welcomes Leegant, di.scusses Wherever You Go, a politically charged Sunday storyteller story of three Americans in Nov.14 CRANSTON - The Crans­ Jeru sa lem . Di scou nted copi es Blood Drive of books available to purchase. ton Senior Guild will meet _o n An opportunity to observe the Wednesday, Nov. 3 at 1 p.m. at Templ e Beth-El, 70 Orchard mitzvah of Pikuach Nefesh (Sav­ Temple Torat Yisrael, 330 Park Ave., Providence Ave., in Cranston. ing a Life). 7 p.m. The Guild's guest speaker will 8:30 a.m . - 12:30 p.m. be Carolyn Martino, a well-known More info: Reini Silverman at storyteller. Martino has performed 331-6070 Temple To rat Yisrael, 330 Park Ave ., Cranston. for many different organizations in New England. · Hadassah Program for A raffie and refreshments will Caregivers Calendar Submissions follow the meeting. David E. Bell , program man­ ager of CaregiverHomes of RI , Please note: Our next issue of The Voice & Herald will be pub­ disc usses new law providing lished on Nov. 12. Please send caregiver compensation to calendar items for that issue by a family member caring for Nov.1. another family member who Calendar items for the Noi 26 receive s Medicaid. Yuval issue are due Nov. 15. Malinsky, the chief executive Send all calendar items to officer of My Vigorou s Mind, [email protected] with the sub­ ject line of"CALENDAR." discusses brain activity. Jewish Seniors Agency, 100

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PAGE 12 Jewish Voice ~Herald October 29, 2010 COMMUNITY Women's Health Council of RI focuses on bigger picture Broader standards in 2008, focuses on four areas: of the National Council of Research, education, clinical care Jewish Women's task force and improved quality and policy/advocacy. on domestic violence, asked "We sought to bring together an Gottlieb a practical question. ofcare are goals interdisciplinary team. Our goal is "How do you stop a suspected to make Rhode Island a demon- abusive partner from coming BvMA nvKORR stration project for quality measures into the exam room with your Special to 1he Voice & H erald in women's health," said co-chair patient?" Dr. Karen Rosene-Montella, chief "You have to put a universal PROVIDENCE - The Women's of medicine at Women & Infants policy in place," said Gottlieb. H ealth Council of RI (Council) Hospital. "Interviewing is best done introduced a progressive statewide ''We are committed to changing with a patient alone - on this agenda for improving women's the health system in Rhode Island, and other sensitive issues." social, physical and mental health increasing access and quality, and She said there is no data on during their lifespan at its inaugu­ making a real impact on women's routine screening in the state, ral quality conference on Oct. 14. lives," said attorney Linn F. Freed­ but that universal protocols Many of the 200 individuals who man, a member of the Council, and training need to be estab­ attended were primary care provid­ and also a co-founder and general lished. ers. counsel of the Rhode Island Qyal­ "Violence against women The Council advocates going ity Institute and the Rhode Island is a risk factor in chronic dis­ beyond the typical reproductive /Al Weems Business Group on Health. ease," said panelist Dr. Bar­ "ob-gyn" approach to women's NUTRITION A-ND EXERCISE EXPERT Miriam E. Nelson, Ph.D., right, was bara Roberts, director of the HEALTH REPORT CARD the keynote speaker for the inaugural Women's Health Council of RI, health care towards a comprehen­ Women's Cardiology Center sive, integrated system. What is the state of women's with panelists Carrie Bridges, left, and Dr. Karen Rosene-Montella. at The Miriam Hospital. health in Rhode Island? Accord­ As the body of research on wom­ decrease disease.") ated the panel on intimate partner "Many of the women I've seen with en's health increases - from breast ing to data compiled by the Coun­ The report card also stated that violence. premature cardiac disease experi­ cil, screenings for breast, colon and cancer, eating disorders, heart dis­ the leading cause of death among Dr. Amy Gottlieb, internist and enced abuse [as children]." colorectal cancer have been effec­ chair of Women Infants Hos­ ease, nutrition, menopause, hor­ women in the state is heart/cardio­ & The second panel explored preg­ tive and mortality is low in tl:ie state mone replacement therapy and vascular disease - the state ranks 31 pital's Domestic Violence Task nancy as a window and predictor compared to incidence. (Yet the osteoporosis, intimate partner vio­ out of50 in incidence. The data sug­ Force, advocates routine screen­ of future health. It is the Council's incidence rates are troubling - in lence, and pregnancy as a future gest a need to implement statewide ing for intimate partner violence goal to develop a healthcare road nationwide comparisons, the state predictor of health - this approach interventions, and identify ways to by physicians, which patients may map that links obstetrical care to ranks 47/50 for breast cancer, and not initially disclose at a first visit. makes sense, according to the modify behavior patterns to address ongoing primary care. 46/50 for co]orectal cancer.) Council's founders. the disease's risk factors: high blood She routinely asks her patients: "Is In addition to the Council·, Rhode Island women fared "We are in a position to make an pressure, smoking and overweight/ anyone close to you threatening or Women & Infants Hospital, Lifes­ poorly in lung cancer and COPD impact on the medical care women obesity (54 percent) in R.I. hurting you?" pan and the Rhode Island Depart­ receive," said Council co-chair, Dr. (chronic obstructive pulmonary If the answer, which may not PANELS ment of Health co-sponsored the Mary Reich Cooper, senior vice disease) incidence and mortality come at an initial screening, is affir­ "I'm really happy I went to my conference that was held at the president and chief quality officer rates as compared to other states, mative, a validation of the patient's spinning class this morning," joked Marriott Hotel in Providence. at Lifespan. "Women in Rhode and this is often related to smoking. feelings, and the appropriate mea­ Freedman, after keynote speaker Island are dying from heart disease (One conclusion dr;iwn from the sures are taken. "But like any See page 13for a related story. Miriam Nelson spoke oft he virtues and stroke. We have some work to numbers: "No insurance coverage chronic disease, there is no quick ofexerc ise and nutrition to fight the Mary Korr can be reached at do here," she said. for nicotine replacement therapy in fix," Gottlieb said. dismal health statistics of the aver­ [email protected]. The Council, which convened Rhode Island may hurt efforts to Dr. Renee Vogel, a member age American. Freedman moder-

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PANELISTS DR. BARBARA ROBERTS, Aimee Thompson and Dr. Amy Gottlieb speak about the health impact of domestic violence. Linn Freedman, at right, moderated the panel. Aychialrist MD Very Personalized Psychiatry Strong Women keynote speaker Dr. Nelson offers body is incredibly resilient." disease, arthritis and obesity. Group or Individual Therapy She advocates the triple ben­ • Strength-training (twice a 1\Jed1callon ff"hm N ,ressary practical advice for efits of nutrition, exercise and week) to improve balance, main­ streng th training for young. and tain and boost metabolism, alle­ Email Me: [email protected] women's health older Americans. H er recom­ viate muscle and joint pain and Listed on http:/ /psychologytoday.com mendations for seniors: increase muscle mass. 182 Butler A \'e., Prm·idence, H.I BY Jl:IAnY Konn • 50 minutes a week of mod- According to the Centers for Special to The Voice & Herald Disease Control and Prevention, 401- 455-0860 67 percent -of Americans are IRIAM E. NELSON, overweight or obese. Why? M the keynote speaker Americans consume 3.5 at t'"te new Women's tablespoons of solid fat and 23 H ealth Council of RI, is teaspoons of added sugar a day, A Thomas H. Maren Concert (Oprah's) "O Team," a ;Nelson said. select group of medical She serves on the 2010 Rhode Island Philharmonic Music School luminaries. An expert on .Dietary Guidelines Advi­ obesity prevention and the sory Committee for the U.S. Presents effects of physical exercise epartment of Agriculture and good nutrition across and shared four key find­ Criss Cross Orchestra {ACCO) the age spectrum, she is the -ings to be released this director of the John Hancock ,year when the food pyra­ Research Center on Physical ___,,. ,,,Jnid is adjusted. Music from GHANA Activity, Nutrition., and Obe­ • Eat a little less. sity Prevention and an associate • Shift towards a professor of nutrition at Tufts more plant-based diet University. (nuts, seeds, veggies, After Nelson appeared on legumes, fruits). "Oprah," following the publica­ Dramatically tion of her first Strong Women reduce added sugars, book in what is now a series, her sodium, solid fats book sales skyrocketed and have and refined grains. now sold more 1,000,000 copies. • Meet the 2008 H er Strong Women initiative, physical activity guidelines a community strength-training (www.fitness.gov). program fo r midlife and older Features the dynamic singer/percussionist women, is in 40 states. 'Tm pro-aging," she said at the Obuamah Laud Addy performing music from his Council's inaugural conference. homeland in Ghana. ·He is joined by an international "Don't underestimate people ensemble. · because of their age. :rhe human Carol Schneider Temple Beth-EL Member of the Sunday, November 14, 4:00 pm Web sites #1 Gammons Team A fumily concert WWW. ~ 70 Orchard Avenue • Realtor since 1983 open to the community womenshealthcouncil.org ~ Providence, RI 02906 • Multi-million dollar producer 401-331-6070 www.temple-beth-el.org www.strongwomen.com • Serving all of Rhode Island www.fitness.gov (for Exceeding federal recommendations · Prudential your e:xpectatio11s for exercise and nutrition ~ 401-374-3774 by age groups) Gammons Realty ~ E-mail: carolsl [email protected] O 2005, An Independently ow~d and operated membe1 of PrudenUal Rral btaie Affillatf.'S, Inc. PrudtntJal i~ a service mcJrk of The P1UdenUal lrm1r1nce(omp,my of Ameika, [qua I HouslngOpp

/ PHDS Endowed music program at PHDS Music is in the air, Music and is s state-certified music teacher. thanks to Pearlman "[PHDS] education has always been about more than just the A 'TRlUMVlRATE' OF RABBlS family gift three 'R's.' However, the music RABBI DOVID SCHWARTZ of Congregation Sha 'arei Tefilla, Rabbi Ariel Shoshan of Ahavas Torah, program had been eliminated sev­ the Scottsdale Torah Center in Scottsdale, Ariz. and Rabbi Raphael Schochet of the Kolle!: Center PROVIDENCE - Thanks to a eral years ago due to financial con­ for Jewish Studies, at the i

/Alisa Grace Photography AT THE HOME SWEET HOME breakfast, JFRI President Doris Feinberg gives a Lion of Judah pin to Sharon BONNIE STEINBERG JENN IS, president of the Women's Gaines, an associate campaign chair for the 2011 Annual Alliance, and Hinda Semonoff at the Community Campaign. The Lion of Judah class ification Home Sweet Home luncheon. is given to any woman who gives SS,000 or more in her BETH WEISS and JANET ZURIER at the own name to the Annual Community Ca mpaign. Home Sweet Home evening reception.

CHANGE is in the air - and all involved will benefit From Page 1 overjoyed. When we went to JORI this year. Women responded with Israel is, she said, it's a country with to get his brother Jacob, the kids their hearts and their checkbooks. enormous contrasts: It has the high­ swarmed Nathan. I could see their These stories and the news from est percentage of college graduates love for him and the love he was able Feinberg of a matching grant for in the world per capita, but one­ to return. Nathan was truly part of new or increased gifts motivated quarter of its children live in pov­ the Jewish community." That expe­ this generous group: In one day, erty. Without outside intervention, rience would not have been possible they generated $120,000 in pledges the poverty cycle continues. Our without campaign contributions and gift increases of Sll,500. that enable Camp JO RI to operate, dollars help brea k that cycle. Created in 2000, the mission of she acknowledged. His interper­ Leach DeBlasio recounted the JFRI's Women's Alliance is to instill a sonal skills were enhanced because story of Doreen, a young 18-year­ sense ofJ ewish identity for all women old Israeli who resides in a cam­ of his Jewish camping experience. and to impart to the community, on JFRI President Doris Feinberg paign-supported center for abused behalf of ]FRI, the evolving needs encouraged the group, "Give until children. When she was young, her of the people here in Rhode Island, it feels good - especially now." She father died and there was no other in Israel and around the world. 7he family support. Her future was reminded the group that the inte­ Women's Alliance accomplishes this grim, until she came to the center. gration of the three agencies - JFRI, through diversified programming, "At the center, she has been given BJE and the Jewish Community leadership development, community Center of Rhode Island QCCRI) - love, and support and a chance at service and fondraising. For more a good life," said Leach D eBlasio. began two years ago and today, we information w ifyou 'd like to join the "This bright, capable and powerful are poised for change: W e are going Women's Alliance, contact Ellen Cher­ /Alisa Grace Photography young woman is headed to college, to an historic vote to combine the nack at [email protected]. or 421- MARILYN FRIEDMAN SHEALEY and SALLY ROTENBERG share a thanks to us." agencies into one organization with 4111. quiet moment together at the Home Sweet Home luncheon. As the director of the Bureau of the sole focus of meeting our com­ Jewish Education's (BJE) PJ Library munity's needs. and Shalom Baby programs, Nicole What will this new consolidation Katzman has a professional con­ mean? "Next year, will we still be nection to the campaign. On a feeding the hungry and providing personal note, her son Nathan services and education and events attended Camp JORI for the first that inspire people? Yes;' affirmed ADIVIIIONOFTH!P!TROGROUP time this summer. Campaign dol­ Feinberg. "Will it look different? lars support Camp JORI, a local No. What we WILL have is more day and overnight camp for Jewish to offer to new families who come children. Although Jewish kids to this community- a seamless con­ frequently find JORI amazing and tinuum of experience and involve­ awesome, Nathan's encounter was ment based on Jewish values. The Want Comfort? nothing short of extraordinary for older woman in assisted living will all involved. still get the kosher meals she needs." "Nathan has an autism spectrum "What do you need?" "How can "The Feeling is Mutual!" disorder," she said. "Nathan's autism we help you?" Those were questions prevents him from meaningful asked of a young man who arrived at interaction with others: As a young the Louis and Goldie Chester Full child, he had difficulty making Plate, Kosher Food Pantry on a day AIR CONDITIONING • HEATING friends, holding hands or getting a the pantry was closed, recounted haircut. Simple everyday tasks were Leach DeBlasio. ROOF TOP SYSTEMS • HEAT PUMPS extremely challenging." She told of "A can opener and a bowl," he her wish for Nathan to experience said. The individual - a relatively FEAl\JRING SYST!MS BYc elements of his birthright - like young man - had lost everything Jewish overnight camp or a Jewish but his car, where he was temporar­ • Commercial leosing special ists ily living. - LENNi!X) education - which led her to "take a • Homeowner financi ng big chance" to enroll him at JORI, "That is why we need to give and she said. "Because of that very spe­ to give more, especially this year," • 24-hour emergency service cial camp, the campers and the she urged the women. "Giving -·-- • Commercial and residential counselors, who were so good with more is going to change the story A FULL IN-HOUSE DESIGN, for someone else, like the young girl Nathan, he underwent a transfor­ INSTALLATION & SERVICE COMPANY mation, she said, tearfully. "Ronni in Israel and this homeless man at Guttin, JORI's director, would call The Full Plate." and share his progress with me, 'H e Dr. Bonnie SteinbergJennis, WA gave a friend a high-five today' or president, encouraged the women 'Nathan gave a kid a hug' and I was to join her in increasing their gifts Call David Epstein at 401.351.3900 wwwjvhri.org -

PAGE 16 Jewish Voice <\_Herald October 29, 2010 COMMUNITY

LISA SHORR, WENDY JOERING and LAURA SHAFFER CAMPAIGN has a broad reach From Page 1 /Alisa Grace Photography Introducing Levey, the author of ROANNE LICHT, RALPH POSNER and MYRNA ROSEN at The M ain Event After attending a camp for Jewish an earlier book, Shut Up, I'm Talk­ at Temple Beth-El on Monday, Oct. 18. individuals and Jewish families for ing: And Other D iplomacy L essons I nearly a dozen years, this young Learned in the Israeli Government, woman is now a counselor there. Susan Leach D eBlasio, a JFRI Thanks to her participation, she board member and president of the began a congregation of more than W omen's Alliance, said, "H e looks 100 Jews who are exploring their like a 'boy chick' about to make his heritage. "That camp," said Licht, bar mitzvah." "is supported with our money." Indeed, the 32-year-old Cana­ In Israel, when he heard a young dian-born author, younger by woman soldier explain, "I came to decades than many in the audience, TTTE IlETWOITK SIGilllTUITE CJlf1FJlIGI1 EVEf1T Israel after I went to PC [Provi­ looked to be about bar mitzvah age. dence College]," he learned that she But, for those of you who believe the participated in the Lone Soldiers' old adage, "truth is stranger than THE YOUNG LEADERSHIP NETWORK OF THE Program - a program funded in fiction," Levey's story will confirm part by ]FRI dollars that matches that - in spades. JEWISH FEDERATION OF RHODE ISLAND up IDF soldiers, alone and with­ Bored and at loose ends in law INVIHS YOU TO OUR SIGNATURE CAMPAIGN EVENT out families in Israel, with fa milies school, Levey decides to apply for to welcome them for Shabbat and an internship. H e files applications other holidays. here, there and everywhere - to no AN EVENING TO CELEBRA H GRATITUDE AND The mantra, "G ive as much as you avail, until he gets a phone call from COMMITMENT TO OUR JEWISH COMMUNITY can until it feels good/' is even more someone in the Israeli government. powerful this year, said Licht. Some After more than a few phone calls area families who have requested about security issues, he finds him­ anonymity have initiated a chal­ self in a meeting with a high-level TI-WRSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2010 HORS D'OEUVRES lenge grant - they will match, dollar government official. Israel doesn't 7:30 PM ENHRT AINMENT for dollar, every donor's increased offer internships, he was told, but S36 COUVERT PER PERSON CASH BAR commitment from last year. So, if instead, he was asked, "D o you want you gave 51,800 last year and you to be a speechwri ter for the Israeli give $3,600 this year, that additional government?" THE SPEAKEASY AT LOCAL 121 S180 RECOMMENDED MINIMUM Sl ,800 will be matched - so your Levey applauded the Israeli "can 121 WASHINGTON STREET PLEDGE TO THE 2011 ANNUAL actual gift will be worth $5,400! do" attitude that he attributed to the N ow that the JFRI's board has kibbutznik way of life - improvise, PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND COMMUNITY CAMPAIGN approved the merger of the three make do and, for better or worse, COMPLIMENTARY VALET PARKING RSVP ONLINE AT WWW.JFRI.ORG agencies QF RI, the Bureau of plow through. Jewish Education of Rhode Island With jocularity and no small or BJE, and the Jewish Community amount of incredulity, he describes Center of Rhode Island or JC C RI), his experiences of working as a rvrn1 CTTnms Feinberg - the only woman to serve speechwriter for Ariel Sharon and as JF RI board president and the last Ehud O mert and representing the RICHARD + BETHANY SUTTON JACOB + DANI BRIER MICHAEL + SARA PIMENTAL individual to serve as the president Israeli government by himself in in the agency's present iteration - U.N. meetings. With vague instruc­ urged JF RI members to attend the tions from an Israeli government TTOST conrnnrr membership meeting on Sunday, official to "write a speech about Nov. 3 at 7 p.m. to vote on the Israel and science," Levey used BRET ANCOWITZ + SHIRAH RUBIN MICHAEL + LAURI FRIEDMAN JONATHAN + JACKIE ORENT merger. Under the bylaws, anyone Google to fi nd appropriate informa­ tion to cobble together just such a NEIL + RANDI BERANBAUM DANIEL GAMM + MARISA GARBER MICHAEL + LAURA SCHAFFER who makes a minimum contribu­ tion of S18 is considered a member, speech. ANDREW SCHUSTER + JESSICA NADEL MA TT + JULIE BROMBERG MARC + SUSAN GERTSACOV she said. After being immersed in Israel ANDREW + MELISSA CHERNICK DA VE + SANDY GRAND RABBI JOEL + ELIANA SELTZER After the merger, we "will all look and Middle East issues, Levey different with a different name," found the "cacophony of voices... LARRY + LISA DAVIS DANIEL + JORDANA JAFFEE ADAM + MEREDITH SINEL she said. "The dollars will be better at all ends of the spectrum" tiring, ERIC + MELISSA TUCKER JOSH + AMANDA DEANER ANDREW + JOELLE KANTER spent with streamlined services and so he decided - perhaps borrowing JOEL + DONNA EVANS JASON + SANDRA NEUSTADHR BRAD + ALISON WAL HR our mission won't change. We are from the kibbutznik attitude - to "solve the problem himself." MICHAEL + JENNIFER OELBAUM grateful to Minna Ellison [serving as interim executive vice president Levey, whose swarthy skin would during the search to replace Stephen allow him to "pass" as a Palestinian Silberfarb, who departed for the top or a Sephardic Jew, said, "Everyone staff position with the M inneapolis else though they had the answer. I federation]." LEV EY, Pag e 17 wwwjvhri.org COMMUNITY Jewish Voice 8{_,l-lerald October 29, 2010 PAGE 17 fi Weekend ofJewish <_fwnaissance

TOP LEFT, JILL BROMBERG and her son display jewelry at the shuk on Saturday evening.

BOTTOM LEFT, RABBI JOSEPH TELUSHKIN autographs his book, Hillel: If Not Now, When? His Oct. 21 evening presentation was co-spon­ sored by Brown RISD Hillel and JFRI.

RIGHT, ALICE EICHENBAUM, Anne Sherman and Gerald Sherman listen to an evening session about t he history of Jewish last names.

9th annual kid uff t oys LEVEY applauds Israeli attitudes clot hes From Page 16 Before speaking to the larger posted my mission [to solve the audience, Levey addressed a books problem] on F acebook." That group of Pace Setters at dinner. mission, with all its accompany­ After the evening concluded, furniture ing amazing stories along the JFRI's resources continued to way, is the subject of H ow to touch our community members, baby gear Make Peace .... albeit in a small way. O n Tues­ day, O ct. 19, JFRI staff mem­ Did he succeed? Levey says, maternity clothes "I can't tell you, you have to read bers delivered the flowers from L the book to find out." Citing the the M ain Event to residents of explosion of blogs and talk radio, Summit, Shalom Apartments, for example, he finds that people Tamarisk, Epoch on Blackstone in North America are much more Boulevard and Epoch on the East intensely focused on the topic Side. They may have brightened here than in Israel. The recipi­ the day for a lonely or ill elderly ent of hundreds, if not thousands, member of our community. of emails, Facebook postings - Remember Licht's plea, "Give many of which include individu­ as much as you can until it feels als' ideas for solving the problems good." 50% off everything - Levey said, "The Middle East Visit wwwJFRJ.org to donate 2- 4 pm Sunday & all day Monday! gets people so heated up. People or to learn more about the Annual • 401 elmQro.E• ave are so invested - even people who Community Campaign. Questions: Jee '''"dee,• "02906 have never been and don't know Contact Ellen Chernack al 421- .,,~ ..., ... ,. ao, S61 asoc I\ \oNiCCnOr (I much about it." 4111 or [email protected]. JCCRI is a partner agency of the Jewish Federation of Rhode Island wwwjvhri.org PAGE 18 Jewish Voice ~Herald October 29, 2010 COMMUNITY fi Weekend ofJewish <_fwnaissance


COMMUNITY MEMBERS ENJOY a session on Jewish genealogy.

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wwwjvhri.org FOOD Jewish Voice ~lieral? October 29, 2010 PAGE 19 · Soup, soup, soup Perfect for Election Butternut squash soup Method Ingredients Heat oil in large stockpot. Saute Night and beyond onion 5 minutes or until translu­ 2 tablespoons margarine t ~o 2 large shallots, finely chopped cent. ' CATERING Bv NANCY Krnsc11 2 medium stalks celery, chopped Add 5 cans corn and saute an [email protected] 3 pounds butternut · squash, additional 5 minutes. Pour in 4 cups Offering Kosher Catering peeled, seeded and cut into chunks chicken broth. ETHER Elec­ 1 pound parsnips, peeled and cut Cook for 30 minutes. on Day has you out th,J us 0 11 page 19 into chunks (optional) Puree soup in batches in a blender t W tumping for "your until smooth. Return to pot. ,),/' h, fl,e 20 lO GulJ e l·o Jc wlsl, lhciug ! 1 medium Granny Smith apple, ndidate" or host­ peeled and cut into chunks Add red pepper, rosemary, ing an Election Night party, you'll ANDREW EsPosrTo SANDY Ross 4 (15 ounce) cans chicken broth thyme, pepper, cayenne, remain­ 0 likely want to fill your belly with or homemade broth ing 3 cans corn and 2 cups chicken ~ 401.727.3459 ' 401.524.5298 some heart-warming and easy to broth. , 4 Power Road, Pawtucket, RI 02860 prepare foods. Why not try out some Method Cook and sti r over low heat for 20 www.localherocatering.com • [email protected] of these soups? Get busy on Sunday Melt margarine over medium minutes. JI afternoon with your slow cookers or heat. Add shallots and celery. Cover Stir in basil. Be careful not to soup pots and, come Tuesday eve­ and cook 5 minutes or until soft­ scorch bottom. ning, you'll have "soup to sup on." ened. Stir in squash, parsnips (if Makes 8 to 10 servingf. s~\NG COFFEJ: c, As with a batch of chili - the more using) and apple. lentil soup ~o~ ~ :..i~_).. the merrier -make extra soup so you Add 2 cans broth. Ingredients can invite friends or neighbors in to Cover and bring it to boil. watch the returns. A hearty soup, 3 cups lentils co•• ee11;.~ some good bread and cheeses (or 2 quarts water not, if you make the meat-based 2 teaspoons salt EXCHANGE. soups and keep kosher), and some "Make extra soup 3 tablespoons olive oil 15everages - well, there's your meal. so you can invite 1-and-1/2 cups chopped onion If you, like me, can't make a meal l -and-1/2 cups chopped sweet without cheese, consider swapping friends or neighbors red pepper out the beef or chicken stock in some 4 carrots, chopped of these soups for vegetable broth. in to watch 1 (28 ounce) can whole peeled ~SustainableCoffee.com That way, "you can you have your the returns." tomatoes $1 Off "Just Roasied" Coffee of the Day (not cake, but) soup and eat it, too." 1 (16 ounce) can whole peeled a FREE CUP with Every Pound If you prefer to gnash your teeth tomatoes All Coffee - roasted to order - on the premises in private as returns roll in, don't 1 (15 ounce) can pizza sauce FREE SHIPPING * worry about having extra soup, as Reduce heat, cover and simmer salt and pepper to taste most soups freeze beautifully. Once 20 minutes or until vegetables are 100% Fair To-adc / O rganic Coffee the stock has cooled (in the fridge, tender. Puree soup in batches in Method S e rving Coffee o n Wickenden Street Since 1984 • 4 LB iWi,u not on the kitchen counter), ladle the blender until smooth. Return Combine lentils, water and salt in 20 7 ff'ir:J.- e11d t> t1 S t. P roi•i 1l f! 11 cc R . I 0 2903 • -J0J -273-1198 or 1-877-Coffee-4 individual-sized portions into con­ to pot. a stockpot. Bring to a boil. tainers, label and freeze for future Add remaining 2 cans broth. Cover, reduce heat and simmer lunches or dinners. Heat thoroughly. fo; 30 minutes. Meatball Soup Makes 8 servings. H eat oil in large skillet. Saute Corn chowder onion and pepper until tender. Add In gredients to stockpot. ¼ cup olive oil Ingredients Stir in carrots, tomatoes and 1 yellow onion, chopped 1 tablespoon vegetable oil pizza sauce. Cover and simmer for 1 cup chopped celery 2 cups chopped onion 30 minutes. Add salt and pepper. 2 garlic cloves, chopped 8 (15 ounce) cans whole kernel Makes 4 to 6 servings. China Inn 2 (14.5 ounce) cans whole toma- corn, divided a taste of china in town toes with juice 6 cups chicken broth, divided All these recipes came from Simply 2 (14 ounce) cans beefbroth 1 cup diced sweet red pepper Southern, with a Dash of Kosher Located in downtown Pawtucket, just a few minutes from the ¼ cup tomato paste -1 teaspoon dried rosemary Soul, published by Wimmer Cook­ 2 teaspoons dried Italian season- 1 teaspoon dried thyme books in 2009. East Side, China Inn has received "The Best of' award many ing, divided ¼ teaspoon pepper times from local Rhode Island publications and has bui lt a rep­ 2 pounds ground beef Cayenne pepper to taste 4 large eggs, slightly beaten 2 tablespoons chopped basil utation for offering delicious, authentic Chinese cuisine for its ½ cup Italian-style bread crumbs 30 plus years ofbusiness. The classy interior of our restaurant ½ teaspoon salt ½ cup small shape pasta he lps to create a bright and warm atmosphere that comple­ 3 cups baby spinach (optional) H you're not eating ments the simple, clean decor of the dining area, and which Method makes it stang out among the average Chinese restaurants in . Heat stockpot over medium-high CASERTA's you're the surrounding area. heat. Add oil. Saute onion and celery until soft. Add garlic and cook for 1 not eating pizza! minute. Add tomatoe& with juice, GIFT CERTIFICATE broth, tomato paste and 1 teaspoon seasoning. Bring to a simmer. 5 00 BAR LOUNGE In a bowl, combine beef, eggs, 1· OFF breadcrumbs, 1 teaspoon seasoning a delicious 12-piece pizza and salt until thoroughly mixed. PRIVATE PARTIES & BUSINESS MEETINGS Roll mixture into smooth balls. Carefully add meatballs to soup. BANQUET HALL Gently stir, being careful not to break up meatballs. Simmer 20 min­ utes or until meatballs are cooked. For Delicious Take Out or Delivery Please Call 401.723.3960 Add pasta and spinach (if using) to hot soup. Cook 15 minutes until We deliver to Pawtucket and East Side A Rhode Island Tradition for over 50 years pasta is cooked. Parking available Makes 10 servings. TAKE OUT 272-3618 or 621-3618 or 621-9190 40 l.-23.1960 I 285 Main Street Pa\\1uckct, RI 02860 Iwww.chinainmi.com JV wwwjvhri.org PAGE 20 Jewish Voice &cHerald October 29, 2010 WORLD Thoughts on the Diaspora JTA _News Briefs As traveling Jews, the gravesites in Porto. H e implied New Zealand Jewish leaders that it is not easy to be Jewish in warn against shechitah ban Porto. we carry our SYDNEY UTA) - New Zealand Since 2004, the synagogue has Jewish life is in jeopardy if the shared histories been supported by Shavei Israel, community loses its legal battle an organization that encourages over the ban on kosher slaughter, B Y R OSALIND K UHZEH the return of Marranos of Jewish Jewish leaders there warned. Special to The Voice & H erald descent. The synagogue also An e-mail titled "Save The houses the resources and materials PO RTO, Portugal - I was deter­ Future of Judaism in New Zea­ of Captain Arthur Carlos de Barros mined to visit the synagogue in land" and circulated Oct. 22 to Basto, Porto in September. It was the who served in the Portu­ some 1,000 families warned that month of Jewish holidays and I guese army, but was expelled when if the community loses the case he converted to Judaism and helped } was interested to see what was left -··, over the new law, it will signal of its Jewish community. A charm­ others convert, as well. the death knell of the Jewish ing city, Porto is where the Douro One of the heroes who hoisted community, which dates back River flows into the Atlantic. It is the Republican flag over the city of near two centuries. the home of the Casa de Musica, a Porto on O ct. 10, 1910, Basto was a The e-mail urged each fa mily to symphony hall - with memorable decorated officer who fought in the donate about S75 to the New Zea­ acoustics - designed by Remment trenches of World War I. D espite land Shechitah Appeal, as well Lucas (Rem) Koolhaus, an award­ many appeals to the government as to e-mail Agriculture M inis­ ter D avid Carter, who imposed winning Dutch architect. of Portugal, efforts to open his file the ban on shechitah in May, and My hotel contacted the Sinagoga and acknowledge his innocence Prime M inister John Key. Kadoorie M ekor H aim (the local have not been successful. An online petition effort (www.petitionon­ About 1,000 affiliated Jewish synagogue) to arrange for my visit. families live in two main centers, W hen I arrived, I was surprised to line.com/benrosh/petition.htrnl) is underway to clear his name. Wellington and Auckland, as well see that the rabbi, casually dressed, as smaller communities in Christ­ was not Portuguese. H e said that In 1929, Captain Barros Barro initiated the construction of this church and Dunedin on the south he had just come from New York island. City to conduct services for the synagogue. H e had the support High H olidays and did not know of the Kadoorie family and funds Commemorations to mark if he was hired for a few weeks or from Dutcl1 and British donors. Kahane assassination had a permanent job. H e was quite The synagogue was inaugurated JE RUSALEM UTA) - A com­ pleased that 40 people attended in January 1938, demonstrating memoration of the 20th anni­ Yorn Kippur services, though he the strength of the Marrano com­ / Courtesy/ Elian Brill versary of Rabbi M eir Kahane's admitted that the congregation munity of Porto in an era when ALVIN AND ROSALIND KURZER in a synagogue in Porto, Portugal. murder will be held in a Jerusaleni synagogues were being burned only includes a few children in the celebrating Jewish festivals dis­ tries - me in the U.S. and them in hotel, despite opposition. throughout Europe. The memorial event for the entire congregation. creetly. Especially today, with so Israel. Both father and son spoke of During the years of World leader of the extremist right During my visit, I asked one much anti-Israel sentiment, the Israel with love and passion. W ar II, thousands of Jewish refu­ wing Kach Party is scheduled for member of the congregation the synagogue tries to maintain a low Ir was wonderful to feel this gees, mostly of Ashkenazi decent, Tuesday evening at the Jerusalem location of the Jewish cemetery. H e profile, by blending in· with the sense of community and spirit from received aid when they passed Ramada Renaissance H otel. The said that the government would like existing neighborhood. strangers. H ow lucky that Jews through Portugal. As the govern­ event is titled "Kahane was right." to forget the past history of Portu­ Just as I was feeling sorry about from all around the world are trav­ ment changed in Portugal, the Kahane, who advocated trans­ guese Jews and it had not preserved the history of the Jews in Portugal, eling and still interested in visit­ community was again forced into ferring Arabs out of Israel, was a noisy busload of Israeli tourists ing synagogues and meeting other shot and killed by an Egyptian­ entered the building. What excite­ Jews. W e must continue to support American assassin following ment they brought, like that of a a Jewish presence wherever we once a speech in New York City in Providence Community Library family reunion. They asked me lived. Our history demands it. November 1990. where my grandparents were from Some 500 people are expected O U R N E I GHBO RHOO D L IBRA RI ES R osalind Kurzer and her husband .and I made connections, sharing Alv in traveled to Porto w ith Sandra to attend the event, including lawmakers, family members and my family members' countries of and R ichard D elSesto, along with rabbis. origin. Yaakov Brill and his son M onica Gomes as translator. to present The Kach Party was outlawed Eliran were touring Portugal and a three-day training theirp arenting if in Israel after Kahane was killed; stopped by to see the synagogue. curriculum at a college ofsocial work. W e talked about life in Israel and the U nited States considers it a Contact R osalind Kurzer at kurzer@ terrorist group. the United States, about how we cox.net. came to live iri our respective coun- Godard won't come to LA. to pick up Oscar LOS ANGELES UTA) - Film director Jean-Luc Godard will not · appear in person to accept an hon­ orary O scar that some have urged be withdrawn because of views deemed anti-Semitic. Adam Levin_ The news announced M onday by the Academy of M otion Pic­ THE INSTRUCTIONS ture Arts and Sciences elicited " Lt:vm 's mammoth, r iotous.Talmudic . .. little surprise in H ollywood and lulariom work of chutzpah tak~~ pl:tc.:c: came exactly two months after the over fo ur feverish day,. but encompasses academy's invitation to Godard the w ho le o f Israel's battle for exist c.-" nce kicked off a discussion about the :md the Jewish quest for home and > Lower heating oil prices to fit your lifestyle and budget New W ave filmmaker's alleged > Convenient automatic delivery peace. .. - DONNA SEAMAN, BOOKU ST anti-Semitism an.d acknowledged > Service plan option ava ilable anti-Israel record. ··Tht" lnstruct1om is in fact a vital work of-no getting around Call today to find out about our special offers! The charges were fi rst exam­ it- American Jewish literaturl-' bcc.·,w ~e it imagines that the ined by the Jewish Journal if Los genre 1,; indeed through .md ask., w hat can be written in its Angeles and the Forward. The pl.in ·.'" -MARISSA BOSTROFF, TABLET M AGAZINE J) Z ionist O rganization of A merica BROWN~RISD D:BLOIS and other critics have pressed for OIL COM PAN Y More information: 401 -467-2700 x2 H JLL£ L the withdrawal of the award fo r the French-Swiss director. Tht Glenn illld Da1ey Wcmtr Ccn!tf 401.351.HEAT( 4328) CO-SPONSOR "Additlonal temlS & conditions may apply Uc.No. RI POL 153. C2010 Deblois. 2_10160 wwwjvhri.org , I ELECTIONS Jewish Voice <\_l-lerald October 29, 2010 PAGE 21 i Meet the 'political junkies' A few Jews share many opinions A small, yet talkative, No consensus, plenty duced himself or herself, they group of were asked to identify the chal­ ofdisagreements lenges voters face in this election Rhode Island Jews season: On topics ranging from and lots ofenergy education and ethics (or lack thereof) to the role of women in within diverse group politics and our economic woes, participants had plenty to say. BY JONATHAN STANZLER With so many teachers in the Special to The Voice & H erald group, it was no surprise that AND NANCY KIRSCH education was among the issues [email protected] on the table. Evans, who came to Rhode Island in the summer PROVIDENCE - On Oct. of 1980, lamented that our edu­ 4, hard on the heels of a series cational system is so poor, yet of political debates sponsored we are within a 75-mile radius 'Tm the only Democrat who by 1he Jewish Voice & H erald of some of the world's best worked for [former Florida gov­ UV&H) and the Community academic institutions. He is ernor] Jeb Bush." Relations Council (CRC) of JONATHAN STANZLER appalled that the state focu ses He came to Rhode Island about the Jewish Federation of Rhode Linda Nightingale Green­ on minimum requirements, four years ago from New Jersey Island UFRI) and with less than wood and Susan Sasken have rather than maximum potential. to seek medical ca re. Active in a month to go before Election been good friends for decades . "Our schools are lagging behind BRIAN EVANS politics since his college days, he Day, the JV&H and the CRC, No politician, family member the rest of the world - the nation served as an executive assistant 'Tm not sure everyone should hosted an early morning coffee of a politician or key operative is not engaged in this," he said. to _two Florida governors. be voting." hour for members of the Rhode working fo r a politician was He now lives on Providence's Arguing that standardized A Coventry resident, Evans Island Jewish community to talk invited; each participant was testing may not be the answer East Side. is originally from Washington, about politics. a self-styled "political junkie" to our educational woes, Sasken D.C. and was raised in New In a freewheeling round­ who, like the cable TV stations suggested we re-incorporate Mexico. An executive with table discussion co-led by these they all watched, follow politics music, dance and art into the RI Rehabilitation, he is also reporters, the intimate group (see religiously. school day. a member of- the Community sidebar at left, "M eet the politi­ The coffee hour started at 9 "Schools can't do everything Relations Council (CRC). cal 'junkies'" for sound bites on a.m., but by the time the las t themselves. If kids don't come each participant) gathered in the participant departed, it was to school ready to learn, if JFRI boardroom to talk about approaching noon. At the end, they're hungry or cold, or fami­ the challenges facing voters as everyone wanted to do it again lies don't consider education the election campaign entered its - Brian Evans suggested we do a priority, [schools can't solve fin al month. M ost of the partic­ this every month. those problems]," said Night­ ipants didn't know one another After each participant intro- ingale Greenwood, the former before they arrived, though LIVELY, Page 30

"Let's not look down, let 's look up - it's not a competition." Sasken taught in the gifted program of Flynn Eiementary HELENA FRIEDMANN School in Providence and is now "No one trusts the politicians; retired; she spends time with her trust ca n be built, but it's not grandchildren. being done." A native of New York, she Originally from Colombia, has li ved in Rhode Island for 32 she has lived here for 37 years. years. Forfl)erly involved in education, including teaching people about the dangers of lead poisoning and also . at Temple Habonim, she retired 18 months ago.

Join Clean Water Action, Planned Parenthood Votes R1 PAC, Progressive Leadership Fund, R1 NOW PAC, Sierra Club Rhode Island, NASW-RJ, Marriage Equality RJ, Joan Gelch, David Riley and so many others in supporting our Senator Rhoda Perry

"Even the poor have to make concessions." *VOTE* A retired Rhode Island Col­ * LINDA NIGHTINGALE lege math professor, volunteer SENATOR GREENWOOD and environmental activist, he "I know too many good teach­ came to Rhode Island in 1966. A North Providence resident, ers who feel blamed." Born in Philadelphia, she lived he is connecting more with the Rhoda in San Francisco for many years. Jewish community, through the Perry She now lives in East Green­ CRC's Israel Task Force and J OUR SENATOR • OUR VOICE wich and is retired from the R.I. Stre_et. Department of Education. www.rhodaperry.com Ptiid far by the N.hodn E Perry far Strut' Sen.tte Committtt. Kim Ahr-rn, Ti-rnsmr,: wwwjvhri.org -

PAGE 22 Jewish Voice c5{_,l-l erald October 29, 201 0 ELECTIONS -ELIZABETH -


TRUSTED LEA DERSHIP REAL RESULTS www.el izabethroberts.org P1ldlorbfRobetblorRhodel1IMII

JIM SPOONER Write-in \ LT. Governor 1 THE KRAUSS FAMILY - Jordan, Mark, Helene, Sloane, Alex and Bari - surround President Obama. Obama visits company in Woonsocket LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR FOUR YurT..-m Vote for 1 American Cord & Webbing, Inc., opment for the company, said in Elizabeth H. ROBERTS Family and DEMOCRAT .. a company founded in 1917 by a separate phone interview, "We Robert P. VENTURNI .. Mark's grandfather. shared with President Obama our Hour With Bob employees were all .. .. A manufacturer of custom injec­ affiliation with camp [Camp JORI, RobertJ. ~!!I~~:~ '411 .. delighted tion molded plastic and a weaver of where both Helene and Mark have narrow textiles, as well as sewing been very active for years, includ­ J/,# J"PO(.;'.?.,;f.£~dte-;n -- Bv NANCY KIRSCH assemblies, the company was able ing board participation]. When we [email protected] • PRINT Jim Spooner to create a gift for the visiting presi­ were alone with him, he asked each WOONSOCKET - Helene and dent: A dog leash and matching of our children what they are doing • Connect the Arrow Mark Krauss and their four chil­ collar for the Obama family's Por­ and where they were in school." • Don't forget to bring a pen dren and 47 of the employees of tuguese water dog. When Helene explained that Woonsocket-based American Cord In a phone interview the day three of the four Krauss children & Webbing, Inc., were treated to a after President Obama's visit of 45 - Jordan, 16; Sloane, 21; and Bari, visit by President Barack Obama on minutes, Mark Krauss, the com­ 23 - have all been counselors at the Tuesday, Oct. 26. pany president, said, "We only had nonprofit Camp JORI, she said his Obama, on his very quick visit about 12 hours to get it done. The response was, "That's terrific." to the Ocean State to campaign dog leash and matching collar had And all four children have for Mayor David Cicilline, a can­ woven into it, 'M alia and Sasha worked in the family business - this didate for the U.S. H ouse seat cur­ love Bo.' He [President Obama] summer, Alex, 16 (Jordan's twin), rently held by Patrick Kennedy (1st made sure to take it at the end [of worked on the factory floor on the District of Rhode Island), toured the tour]." injection molding machines. The Krauss family, members of When he walked into the plant, Temple Emanu-El and residents of said Helene, there was such pres­ East Greenwich, had some private ence and genuine warmth. "He REPRESENTATIVE time with Obama, Mark said. "The truly wants to help small business, four kids and Helene and I were which is the foundation of what in a separate room. We shook his America is all about," she said. hand, and he gave Helene a hug Mark joked that "working at GORDON FOX and a kiss. He's a terrific person, American Cord & Webbing is a a nice guy and just down to earth. 1life sentence,' as so many employ­ -As Speaker of the House, Gordon Fox You can tell right away thaf he's ees work there for years and years very perceptive and very smart." and no one quits." delivered immediate results: Helene, the director of devel- ONCE, Page 23

A new funding formula for public education which will result in $30 million in additional Medi-Weightloss Clin ics® funds for Providence schools in the next East Bay seven years. • • MEDI Introduced and voted for ethics reform WllGHflOU CllHICI The one that works !' legislation, which passed the House, to ~~~ restore the Ethics Commission's jurisdiction over legislators. Medically Supervised

. . Long-time supporter of civil rights, including marriage equa I y. Weight Loss that Works! • Strongly, proudly protects women's freedom of choice. Fred Brosco, MD Medical Director Vote Gordon has been endorsed Tuesday, November 2nd by: See www.mediweightlossclinics.com • Planned Parenthood Votes! REPRESENTATIVE or call 401 -433-1800 RI PAC Forbes Pl aza II ci•) ,3 •X•): t1 t•>!-a • Gay & Lesbia n Victory Fund DISTRICT 4 -1:r DEMOCRAT • I235 Wamp anoag Trai l (*forbesPlau-NmBarrington) Paid for by Friends of Gordon Fox wwwJvhri.org ELECTIONS Jewish Voice <\_Herald October 29, 2010 PAGE 23 MIDTERM election outcomes often disappoint the party in power From Page 1 on such funding could threaten broader interest of countering iso­ looks - David Souter and John Paul vide the Jewish poor with kosher tight congressional races, where U.S.-backed programs, especially lationism. These officials are con­ Stevens - have retired. Sonia Soto­ meals. an array of Republican candidates training for Palestinian security cerned that elevating Israel above mayor and Elena Kagan replaced Targeting entitlements misses have pledged to stand closer by services. other nations might be counter­ them following smooth confirma­ the point, say Jewish profession­ Israel and painted their opponents In fact, such foreign policy fund­ productive in an American elec­ tion processes. als whose expertise is elderly care. as pawns of a president who is cool, ing confrontations in the past have torate made up of diverse ethnic No other such resignations are They say the real savi ngs come if not outright hostile, to Israel. rarely led to defunding. Instead the groups. imminent. However, Ruth Bader from addressing burgeoning In reality, the peace talks are not executive branch - under Demo­ IRAN Ginsburg, who also tilts liberal health care costs overall and not likely to be affected by a switch of cratic and Republican presidents _Republicans have sharply criti­ in her decisions, is 77 and has just entitlements. congressional leadership. Obama's - has dipped into approved funds cized Obama's outreach to Iran battled cancer; Antonin Scalia, a The Republican leader in opposition to Israel's settlement to keep programs going while it and said he was too slow to apply reliable conservative, is 74; and so the House, Rep. John Boehner policy has been expressed through works out new arrangements with sanctions. is Anthony Kennedy, the c~urt's (R-Ohio}, has said he will lead an rhetoric and not any action. In Congress. Over the summer, however, swing vote who often tilts right. effort to repeal the Obama health fact, Obama's main substantive Congress also is less likely to Obama dialed back the outreach If one of them retires, don't care reforms passed this year. It's shift has been to increase funding defund programs favored by Israel. to the Islamic Republic and signed expect the smooth transitions that not clear that Boehner has broad for Israel's defense and enhance The Israeli defense establishment, a sanctions bill. His Treasury characterized Obama's first two party support, and he likely would defense cooperation as an incen­ while not as gung ho as the Obama Department has intensified sanc­ appointments. Republicans may not be able to override Obama's tive to make concessions to the administration in praising PA tions, particularly against Iran's not control the Senate, but they veto of such a bill. Palestinians. nation-building, appreciates the financial sector. U.S. and Israeli will likely have a stronger filibus­ If there is a change, it might increase in stability in recent years officials say Iran is feeling the bite. ter in January. J EFFREY B. P INE, P C have more to do with politics brought about in part by U.S.-led The principal U.S.-Israel differ­ Republicans now control 41 Attorneys at Law than policy. An adversarial Con­ financial backing for the moder­ ence remains timing, or what to seats - one more than is needed to gress may force the White House ate West Bank government of PA do when: When does Iran get the keep a nomination from advancing to tamp down public criticism of Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. bomb - and what happens then? to a full vote. After Nov. 2, more Israel ahead of 2012 presidential Still, even the congressional Cantor, in hj s interview with among their numbers are li kely to elections. threat of a cutoff of U.S. funds can JTA, emphasized that Obama be diehard conservatives and less The single substantive policy a inhibit growth and investment. must make it clear that a military likely to cross the floor to break a GOP House might influence is The more substantive possibility option is on the table. filibuster. the ..massive ivcrease in funding for change on Israel is in Cantor's Congress cannot declare war by They will want Obama to tailor for the Palestinian Authority (PA) pledge to remove defense fund­ itself, and while a flurry of resolu­ a judge more to conservative lik­ launched in the last years of the ing for the nation from the overall tions and amendments pressing ings under those circumstances, Jeffrey B. Pine AtwrntyGi•na al /993·1999 George W . Bush administration, foreign aid package and place it es pecially if he is replacing Scalia for greater confrontation with Iran • Criminal Defense from occasional spurts of $20 mil­ elsewhere - perhaps in the defense may be in the offing, they will not or Kennedy. · Personal Injury/Serious Accidents lion in the early part of the decade budget. affect policy - except perhaps to MEDICAJIE, MEDICAID • Civil and Business Litigation to today's $500 million annual In the short run, all this means sharpen Obama's rhetoric ahead of AND HEALTH CA II E • Divorce/Family La w expenditure, including half in is that Israel will continue to 2012. Both parties have pledged cuts • Probate/Estate Planning direct funding. receive $3 billion in aid annually Should Obama return to a pos­ to entitlements like Medicare, the • Real Estate U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), while the Republicans attempt to ture of engagement, a GOP-led program that funds medical assis­ the GOP whip, has suggested that gut backing for nations they do not Congress could inhibit the process Attorn eys continued funding could be con­ consider reliable allies. tance for the elderly, and Medic­ JEFFREY 8. PINF. through adversarial hearings. HRJ AN G. Gowsnm tingent on PA recognition oflsrael Pro-Israel officials, speaking aid, which provides medical care SOCIAL ISSUES for the poor. Jewish groups draw as a Jewish state. on background, see aid for Israel The two Supreme Court justices 32 1Sou1 h Main 51. • Sui1e302 Theoretically, putting a stop as inextricably bound with the on both programs to help fund Providence, RI· 401.351.8200 likely to uphold liberal social out- assistance for the elderly and pro- Summ it Pla,.a • 231 Old Tower Rd. ONCE in a lifetime experience: A visit from President Obama Wakefield, RI• 40 1.788.9 !00 From Page 22 getting ready," she said. "I twas more were closed to public viewing. ident's visit. Obama, he said, was www.pinelaw.com "Our Jewish background has difficult getting ready for this than About Obama, Mark said, "H e is the first president he'd ever met. lheRISupremtCourlliceJMS.all.!.,,-,mintlltgene,alp,.KtKeoflaw. Thtwmdoe;ootfictmtorcertrfyanylawye!iiS•nexpert really influenced our values," said preparing for Passover. It reminded truly committed to helping people OISfl'O,llislin~nylieldorpractkt. Helene. "We appreciate respect, me of my mother's preparations in in this country get back on their morals and integrity. We commit to the weeks before Passover - it was a feet and move forward. It's really these values not only to our Ameri­ whirlwind of activity." She further important to him." can Cord & Webbing employees, explained that, because of the need Now in Florida for a convention, but every day withi~ our family as to protect proprietary information Mark hopes to "catch up on his a whole." in the company's manufacturing sleep" after the whirlwind of hustle 1he Voice & Herald asked M_ark processes, some parts of the plant and bustle associated with the pres- how American Cord & Webbing was selected for the honor of the presidential visit? • • • • • • • • • • • • • About a year ago, Senator Gack) Reed and (Congressman Patrick) • HOW TO CONNECT • Kennedy toured the plant and liked what they saw, he said. "It seems as ALL THE DOTS OF if Reed (may have] recommended • • us as one of the potential compa­ EVERYDAY LIFE FOR nies for President Obama to visit. • • Then, last week we learned that the PEOPLE OVER 65. White House was still considering • • our plant." He continued, "It all happened • We help people 65+ maintain • so quickly. The W hite House staff came in on Monday to look at our • their independence. We • facility, and Tuesday, the Secret combine senior assistance and Service came back to the plant with • • White House staff. On Wednes­ everyday concierge consulting . day, we were selected and at 5 p.m. • Call 401.331.2849 • on Thursday, they released the or visit Jennaline.com . information to the press." • • Helene explained what the com­ pany needed to do prepare for its • .__,__ • presidential visit. Jenna Line·· "From Friday through Monday, • YO U R A N S W E R TO ALL LI FE'S LI TTLE S I T U A TI O N S . • we spent about 18 hours each day • • • • • • • • wwwj • •v hri.or • g • • PAGE 24 Jewish Voice ~ l--l erald October 29, 2010 ISRAEL CAMERA addresses delegitimization of Israel Hundreds attend denial for one that acknowledges that some Jews were killed during two-day Boston World War II, but claims they were responsible for their deaths conference because they provoked Hitler and the Germans. This narrative of Bv SHAI AFsA 1 A o PAUL Rocc 111 0 Nazi actions, said Carmon, is often Special to 1be Voice & Herald coupled with an express hope that Muslims may soon similarly deal BOSTON - The Committee for with Jews. Accuracy in Middle East Report­ Cotler said that the Arab world's ing in America (CAMERA) held a inability to accept the existence of a conference, "War by Other Means: Jewish stat~ - with any borders - in The Global Campaign to Dele­ the Middle East is at the heart of gitimize Israel," on Oct. 10-11 at both the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Boston University. The event, which and the Arab-Israeli conflict. drew a crowd of approximately 700 At a dinner on the conference's people each day, included such first night, Steyn, author of Amer­ speakers as Alan D ershowitz, a ica Alone: 1be End of the World as Harvard University law professor; We Know It (Regnery Publishing, political cartoonist and Dry Bones Inc., 2006), spoke on "The City creator Yaakov Kirschen (whose Besieged: Israel and the War on the work often appears in 1be Voice W est." & Herald); Yigal Carmon, presi­ Sitting down for a private inter­ dent of the Middle East Research view with Steyn before his lecrure, Institute (MEMRI); Irwin Cotler, we noted that, of the dozen indi­ a member of the Canadian Parlia­ viduals who spoke at CAMERA's ment; and Mark Steyn, a Canadian conference on O ct. 10, he was the writer, political commentator and sole non-Jew. cultural critic who now lives in the "Israel is not primarily a Jewish U.S. concern," Steyn said. "It's a W est­ / CAMERA Dershowitz, the conference's Hundreds of people attended the CAMERA conference in Boston . ern concern. Israel is on the front first featured speaker, rejected line of the battle the West will be should be done about the Iranian on Japan. The idea that contain­ Rushdie received after writing 'Ipe claims that J Street is in fact a pro­ fighting. It's important that Israel nuclear threat. ment today could have any such Satanic Verses. Israel organization. Pointing out J survive and it's important to expose "Indulging in fantasy, I would credibility is uruealistic." "Twenty years ago, Rushdie's col­ Street's ties to Richard Goldstone hypocrisy about it." like to see a NATO strike - except­ Steyn criticized journalists for leagues rose up to defend him," said (author of the U.N. Human Rights For those reasons, Steyn believes ing Turkey- rather than an Ameri­ their pervasive lack of courage con­ Steyn. "W e've gone from We stand Council's Goldstone Report), and J entities other than Israel should can or Israeli strike," said Steyn, cerning Seattle cartoonist Molly with Salman Rushdie' to 'There is Street's receipt of substantial fund­ confront Iran about its nuclear who i_s firmly convinced that con­ Norris, who went into hiding after no more Molly.' This decline from ing from the openly non-Zionist program. "Leaving Israel to deal taining a nuclear Iran is not an she received death threats as a result 1989 to 2010 - it is the decline of George Soros, Dershowitz warned with Iran would be a disaster," he option. "Iran has a 30-year record of her call for an "Everybody Draw Western civilization. The biggest that the group's efforts are harmful said. "The enemies of the West of behaving extraterritorially. Mohammed Day." bleaters of the liberal state will not to the Jewish state and make the would conclude that the prosper­ Nobody had to worry that Cuba "When someone says, 'We defend the liberal state." work oflsrael's defenders more. dif­ ous nations depend on little Israel or even the Soviet Union would are going to kill you because you Following dinner, Steyn told the ficult. to deal with such problems. The take over embassies. This is not like insulted us,' and journalists are audience, "When you are up against Interspersi ng his lecrure with rest of the world would also draw Pakistan going nuclear either. The silent, it's the decline of Western ideology, you use ideological war­ clips from Arab television, Carmon the appropriate lessons about the so-called 'realists' believe that Iran civilization/' he said. "We must say, fare. CAMERA is as important as . spoke of the emerging trend in cer­ hyper-power and Obama." can be contained, but the policy of 'Ifyou want to kill us, you'll have to theIDF." tain Arab media toward abandon­ We asked Steyn what he thought containing Communism followed kill us all.' But the FBI tells Norris ing a narrative ofoutright Holocaust Shai Afsai, a teacher, lives in Provi­ the dropping of two nuclear bombs to go undercover and the wimpy dence. Contact him at [email protected]. response of her Seattle newspaper Paul R occhio, a writer, lives [1be Seattle Weekly] is to declare, in Providence. Contact him at 'There is no more Molly."' [email protected]. Steyn contrasts that muted response with the reactions in 1989 Rodgers & Hammerstein's to the death threats that Salman

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Israel should not biblical sights. The Jews would con­ sion that honored the terms of the people if the Arabs dori't acknowl­ a peace treaty, and only then will a trol one copy, and the Arabs would Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty. In 2005, edge Israel as the homeland of the two-state solution_become a realis­ be the only party to control the other. But I can't do this; Israel withdrew from the Gaza Jewish people? Why should Israel tic possibility. it's just the only scenario I can think Strip. Has the world forgotten that care that the Arabs are bothered by For now, I think Israel has made make concessions of that has the potential to be mutu­ gesture already? I hope not, since construction projects, if the Arabs enough concessions, and it's high ally beneficial for both sides. rockets fired from Gaza are still don't respect that violence commit­ time the other side reciprocated T'S NOT OTTEN that I Everyone is an armchair presi­ landing in Israel. ted against Israeli citizens is unac­ if ever ·a two-state solution is to get direct feedback from my dent or prime minister. We sit at Israel is not the only party that ceptable? Only when both sides, become a reality. IRhode Island readership. So home and say what can and needs must sit down at the table; there­ not just Israel, learn to respect the Daniel Stieglitz, a native ofProvi­ I'm honored that in the last to be done. What I don't under­ fore, it is not the only party that concerns of the other, will the par­ dence, made aliyµh to Israel in 2007. several weeks four letters to the stand, however, is why there is so must be willing to make agree­ ties be able to sit down together to He currently lives in E.frat with his editor were published in response much talk about a two-state solu­ ments and compromises. Why discuss a realistic peace. Only then wife, and works in Jerusalem. Contact to my column. It's hard to keep tion, when such a proposal can should Israel acknowledge Pal.estine can they figure out a peace plan, him at [email protected]. my finger on the pulse of what The never come to fruition until both as the homeland of the Palestinian only then can they draft and sign Jewish Voice & sides agree on more basic elements. Herald's readership A two-state solution is not the first would like me to step in the peace process - it's the New Deputy Consul for Israel to New England write about, which last. BY MAnTY COOPEH referencing her predecessors is why suggestions First and foremost, Israelis and [email protected] - she said, "We look forward are always appre­ Arabs must agree to a mutual to filling those shoes. We PROVIDENCE - Members of ciated. One reader respect and understanding. Each know we have the support the Rhode Island Jewish commu­ recently suggested side must understand the issues · of the Rhode Island Jewish nity who attended the Evening of that I write about that, for whatever reasons, stab community in helping us fill Jewish Renaissance on Saturday, how I could be at the heart of the other. For the them." Oct. 23 met Ronit Nudelman part of a two-state Arabs, one of these· issues is the Nudelman Pearl, who Pearl, the new deputy consul for solution and where settlement freeze. grew up in Hadera, has Israel to New England. I think a Palestin­ Despite my personal opinions been with the Ministry of This summer, Rony Yedidia and ian state should be located, and I am that the settlements are legal, put­ Foreign Affairs since 1994, Nadav Tamir, the deputy consul more than happy to oblige a request ting a temporary freeze on the serving in various capacities general and consul general, respec­ from an avid reader. settlements is a gesture I would including a tour of Roma­ tively, completed their tenure at the Regarding my views on Efrat, be willing to consider if I really nia. New England Consulate. I refer you to my last two col­ believed it would lead to a lasting During her brief address Shai Bazak will come to New umns ("Three years after aliyah" peace (which I don't, since the Arabs at the Renaissance, Nudel­ England soon to become the new .in the July 23 issue and "I live in have been trying to destroy Israel man Pearl expressed excite­ consul general for Israel to New Efrat, Israel" in the Aug. 20 issue) since long before the settlements ment about being in New England. and the two letters to the editor existed). In order for me to believe England with her husband RONIT NUDELMAN PEARL with her In late August, Nudelman Pearl husband and daughter that defended them ("Efrat is in that, however, the Arabs would and three daughters. "The arrived in Boston as Yedidia's Israel, nothing more or less," by have to acknowledge and respect Jewish communities in replacement. Told that both she Marty Cooper is the community Grace Novick in the Aug. 20 issue the issues that stab at Israel's heart, Boston and Rhode Island have and the new consul general are relations director oftheJFRI. and "Efrat is Israel," by Ben Zion such as agreeing to cease their vio­ been wonderful and extremely going to have "big shoes to fill" - Taube in the Sept. 3 issue). I think lence against Israeli civilians (a fatal supportive oflsrael. It is fantastic." they say all that needs to be said for example of which took place on the the time being, there's no reason to eve of the current "peace" talks). rehash the same points again and Israel has proven that it is willing again. to make concessions, whether major Ifl had unlimited power, I would or minor; if it genuinely believes GOLDEN CREST NURSING CENTRE make two identical copies of the those concessions will lead to a last­ Land of Israel - every rock, tree, ing peace. 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PAGE 28 Jewish Voice <\,Herald October 29, 2010 SENIORS/D'VAR TORAH

SCIENCE AND SOCIETY A tale of three Alexanders Life under Alexander chronicles of 1471. And while economic and social distress of the coin's first Emancipation Proc­ Alexander II and proclaimed the there existed some anti-Jewish local Jews magnified. New regu­ lamation.) The terrible Crimean absolute power of the tsar. In the III was abominable laws, they were rarely imple­ lations forbade Jews from owning War was also fought during his edict of 1890, Jews were totally mented and the Jewish commu­ land, hiring non-Jewish servants years on the throne. His reign, disenfranchised. nities were largely self-governing. or traveling beyond the Pale. Yet but only by comparison with other HE MALE monarchs At the beginning of the reign The number of Jews in Russia this distressing interval also saw regal intervals, was deemed lib­ of Russia, ruling until of Alexander III there were - during the reign of Catherine· a lessening of the habitual cul­ eral. It saw many Jews entering the 1917, were known 5,189,401 Jews in all of Russia T II (1729 - 1796) - increased sub­ tural isolation of the Jews and the learned professions and attending and its territories (with 4,805,354 variously as Peter, Paul, stantially when much of Eastern assimilation of many younger Jews the state universities in numbers within the Pale · of Settlement) Alexei, Mikhail, Feodor, Nicho­ Poland was absorbed into Russia. into the larger Russian culture. fa r greater than their propor­ representing 4.13 percent of the las, Ivan and a handful of Alex­ Catherine had then By the end of Alexan­ tion in the general population. total pan-Russian population. anders. Some of them died of old ruled that the Jews be der's reign, Russian Jews And in 1864 the tsar proposed In the succeeding decades, some age, but many confined to a broad an elaborate 2,265,000 left Russia to emigrate ended their territory of West------plan to increase to the West - largely to these lives abruptly ern Russia municipal self­ United States (about 1,749,000). through assas­ "Life had never been and Poland gove rnm ent . Of the many forced migrations sination. Their defined as His grand plan that embellish the migratory his­ Euro-Asian pleasant for the the Pale of for an elected tory of the Jewish people - begin­ empire, in the Settlement. Russian Jews, but national parlia- ning perhaps with the exodus early decades of And within . ment (called from Egypt and later the Babylo­ the 19th cen­ the Pale they when the autocratic the Duma) was nian exile - the movement from tury, was vast were allowed interrupted by Stanley and embraced Alexander 111 became Eastern Europe to America was to vote in Aronson, M.O. many ethnic his death. certainly the most numerically municipal After an extensive. populations, sovereign of Mother elections, but assassin's bomb The demographic center of including the Jews. And since their vote was Russia, life verged on killed Alexander Judaism, in the early 19th century most of the world's Jews were then never allowed II in March of had been in the small villages of concentrated in the territories the intolerable." to exceed one­ 1881, his eldest Eastern Europe. Now it was in the of the Russian Empire, Jewish third of the ------son, Alexander great cities of the Western Hemi­ destiny was, to a great measure, total vote cast; III, took the sphere. And where formerly the shaped by the policies, quotas this represented throne. range of Jewish occupation had and regulations initiated by the ficient to attract gov­ the first of many Life had never been pleasant for been sorely limited, it now covered Russian sovereigns, particularly ernmental attention - and numerical restric- ti)e Russian Jews, but when the the spectrum of occupations from the Romanov tsars named Alex­ governmental restriction. The tions - quotas - imposed upon the autocratic Alexander III became the noble to the ignoble. ander. Many of the most revered laws of 1827, for example, offered Russian Jews. sovereign of Mother Russia, life of Judaic customs and traditions the male Jews a burdensome Stanley M. Aronson, M.D. is The reign of Alexander I (1777- verged on the intolerable. Pogroms - both ecclesiastic and culinary - choice: Military conscription or dean ofmedicine emeritus dean ofthe 1825) witnessed much turmoil in became a recognized national took root on Russian soil. double taxation. Brown Medical School and a retired the affairs of Russia. The Napo­ Tsar Alexander II (1818 - 1881) policy and oppressive quotas now Jews were living in the Khazar physician. Contact him at smamd@ leonic invasion of Russia, viewed restricted Jewish access to state kingdom in the 8th century, but is sometimes called Alexander the cox.net. by Tolstoy and fiction writers as a universities. Th~ imperial mani­ the first documentary evidence Liberator because of his emanci­ great Russian victory, saw much of pation of the Russian serfs in an festo of April 29, 1881 ended the of Jewish residence in Moscovite Western Russia destroyed and the structural reforms introduced by Russia is found in the province 1861 edict (one year before Lin-

DVAR TORAH While we let ourselves be loved, can we also love God? GENESIS: 23:1-25:18 "With all your heart, with all When we invite others into· our While the Torah emphasizes God in return. your soul, with all your might" lives, our homes, our families, Abraham's welcome of visitors, in Be obligated as God's part­ Parashat Chayei is the answer of the Shema we are, according to the Talmud the Midrash of Genesis it is Sar­ ner. Truly accept the "yoke of the (D~ut. 6:5). Can we love .and let (Shabbat 127a), showing an even ah's tent that becomes the symbol Kingdom of Heaven" every time Sarah reminds us ourselves be loved by God? greater sign of our love for God of a welcoming place, full of God's you recite the Shen1ca. ofour obligations to In our human relationships, we than we would if we were inviting blessing and presence because of Will those who enter the physi­ can be unwilling to let others love God's presence. her hospitality to all. God's bless­ cal house you inhabit, or the virtual love God us because of a fear of the obliga­ Consider Abraham and Sarah - ings and presence departed upon house of the life you have made in tions that love imposes. Sarah's death and returned upon this world, experience God's pres­ BY R ABBI/CANTOR ANNE H EATH Are we afraid to love God Rebekah's arrival when "Isaac ence through your hospitaliry? Special to Yhe Voice & H erald because of the obligations this "May the tent of brought her into the tent of his May the tent of Sarah and later AVE YOU experi­ would impose? Obligations such mother Sarah, took Rebekah, and Rebekah - precursor to the Tent of enced the awe and as: "Be holy because I, the Eternal Sarah be a source she became his wife and he loved Meeting,md the Temple in Jerusa­ H majesty of God's your God, am holy" (Lev. 19:2) or her." (Gen. 24:67) lem - be a source of guidance and creation? Been over­ "Do justice, love mercy and walk of inspiration." The search for a wife for Isaac inspiration as we invite others into whelmed by God's transcendent uprightly with your God," (Mic. was not for a "love connection," our lives and accept the obligations power and glory? Felt a response of 6:8) or "Love your neighbor as but for a woman who had the qual­ oflove of them and love of God. gratitude and praise? yourself?" (Lev. 19:18) in their tent - think large, expan­ ifications to inherit Sarah's tent, May we greet all with the words While marvelous, uplifting and Maybe we're not afraid, maybe sive Bedouin tent, not our outdoor for a woman willing to 3ot only from Halle!: "May he who enters soul-filling, such experiences and we just need more detail on how to camping kind - at the time when be in a reciprocal love relationship be blessed in the name of the Lord; feelings are one-sided. We stand show our love for God. God appeared to Abraham. Upon with Isaac, but in a reciprocal love we bless you from the House of the there and take it all in. We receive In "My Fair Lady," Eliza Doo­ spotting three visitors passing relationship with the God direct­ Lord." (Psalms 118.26) · God's love for the world in the uni­ little challenged her suitor to by, Abraham exited the tent, left ing Abraham and Isaac's lives and Rabbi/Cantor Anne H eath has directional way an infant receives "show me," in essence, "Don't God's side-left God's presence!! - futures, for a woman willing to been the spiritual leader since 2003 its parents' love. just stand there talking, do some­ to welcome them. Entreating them become obligated by the bonds of of Congregation Agudath Achim What would it take in our rela­ thing." While Eliza is looking for to remain, he returned to the tent love. and the Jewish Community H ouse, tionship with God for the love to personal and romantic demon­ and he, Sarah and their household The next time you have the a JOO-year-old progressive, indepen­ be bi-directional? How can we strations of love for herself, God, provided expansive hospitality opportunity to be "wowed" by dent congregation in Taunton, Mass. reciprocate to God who '1needs" being without form or body, is (Gen. 18:lff). God's creation, to feel gratitude A member of the Rhode Island and no-thing and no-one, Who is looking for personal and social Remarkably to us readers, God and praise for all the majestic Massachusetts boards of rabbis, she wholly "other?" Indeed, how can demonstrations of love for God's didn't leave, despite being over­ beauty of God's world, challenge can be contacted at rabbi.taunton@ we love God? creations and children. looked in favor of the visitors. yourself to improve how you love verizon.net. wwwjvhri.org ~~--~~---~------=--~==-====:;:~:==.::::.:--7

OBITUARIES Jewish Voice 8LHerald October 29, 2010 PAGE 29 Anne F. Asekoff. 98 Adult Correctional Institution for 30 Emily Levine and her husband Rich­ fixture in Newport, as he and his York and then settled in Las Vegas. NEW BEDFORD, Mass. - Anne years, before retiring five years ago. ard of Newton, Mass., and Evelyn colleague and friend of more than A family man, he loved sports (Fox) Asekoff, a lifelong resident He served in Germany in the Seigle and her husband Richard of SO years, Rabbi Ely Katz, strolled and followed all of the major sports of New Bedford, died on Oct. 24. U. S. Army. He received his B.A. Providence. She was the mother of around the streets of downtown leagues. An animal lover, he had four 5he was the wife of the late Jacob from Rhode Island College and his the late Paul Gottfried, the grand­ Newport. dogs and three cats. Asekoff. Born in New Bedford, she master's of social work mother of Julia, Michael, Seth, A stimulating speaker and a leader He is survived by his wife, Rose­ • was a daughter of the late Max and degree from the Univer­ Adam, Alicia, Jordan, and Karl; and in contemporary Jewish thought, he marie Pierce; his children, Joyce Sarah (Schwartz) Fox. sity of Rhode Island. great-grandmother of five. was often invited to speak to civic, Jordan, Fred Jordan, Annmarie She taught in the New Bedford He was the brother of Rochelle Donations may be made to Home Irish, educational, historical and reli­ Jordan, Jacqueline Jordan and Dr. schools for 37 years, 21 of which Goodman and her husband Joseph & Hospice Care of RI, 1085 North gious groups. During his tenure at Michelle Jordan, all of Las Vegas; were spent as the principal of the of East Greenwich; the uncle of Main St., Providence, RI 02904 or Toure Synagogue, he received many seven grandchildren; and two great­ Betsey B. Winslow School. In June Jaime and Seth; and great-uncle of the charity of your choice. awards and citations, including an grandchildren. He also leaves his 2009, the school's playground was Eliana. Rabbi Dr. Theodore Lewis, 9S honorary doctorate in Sacred The­ brothers, Milton "Mickey" Pierce of dedicated as the "Anne F. Asekoff Contributions may be made to the ology from Salve Regina University. East Greenwich and Boynton Beach, Alzheimer's Association, 245 Water­ BROOKLYN, N.Y. - Rabbi Dr. He retired in 1985, and lived briefiy Fla., and Bernard Pierce of War­ Playground." She also taught Theodore Lewis. rabbi emeritus of summer school, tutored privately man St., Providence, RI 02906. in Israel, where he visited his child­ wick and Boynton Beach, Fla.; three Congregation hood friend, Chaim Herzog, presi­ nieces, one nephew and one great­ and volunteered at St. Luke's Hos­ Ruth Goldstein, 93 Jeshuat Israel pital. dent of the State of Israel. nephew. ELSEWHERE - Ruth Rebecca (Toure Syna- She was a member of Tifereth He led Toure Synagogue through Donations may be made to the Goldstein died on Jan. 21. She was gogue), died the time in which it was restored and SPCA or Hadassah. Israel Congregation, Kiwanis Club, the daughter of the late Sara and on Oct. 5, in New Bedford Jewish Convalescent named a national historic site. For Benjamin Kravif and grew up in Fall Brooklyn, N.Y. Emily G. Seltzer Home, New Bedford Friends of the 25 years, he led a campaign to per­ River, Mass. She was the wife of the Born in suade the U.S. Government to issue Emily Grueneberg Seltzer died in Library, the Massachusetts Teachers late Harry Goldstein, the former August 1915 Forest Hills, N.Y. on Oct. 14 after a Association and the Retired Massa­ a postage stamp honoring the syna­ commission of public safety, and the in Dublin, Ire­ gogue; in 1982, a stamp was indeed short illness. The daughter of the chusetts Teachers Association. sister of the late Pearl Gans, who land, to the late late Naomi (Jolson) and Arthur Gru­ She is survived by her children, issued. had lived in Plano, Texas. She leaves Israel Joseph He was the brother of the late eneberg of Providence, she was the Robert L. Asekoff of Portsmouth, her daughters, Edythe G. Victor, and Minnie Rose Lewis, he attended sister of Joyce Wacks and her hus­ and Nancy and her husband Ira Barney Lewis and the late Bess and Esq. of Erwinna, Pa., and Stepha­ Dublin primary and secondary Rose. He leaves a nephew, Arnold, band Larry of Pawtucket. Rakatansky of Framingham; her nie L. Heine of Norwalk, Conn., five schools, graduated from Dublin Uni­ in Ireland, and a great-nephew in She leaves a son, Daniel Seltzer grandchildren, David and his wife grandchildren and many nieces and versity, and studied for the rabbinate and his wife Amy, and two grand­ Susan Asekoff, Jonathan and his England. nephews. in London, England, and Mir, Poland. Contributions ·may be sent to children, Maya and Aaron, of New wife Sarah Friedman, Leah and her A graduate of Durfee High School He barely escaped from Poland York City. Her nieces, Jill Asser husband Hector Flores, and Alex Toure Synagogue, 85 Toure St., and Bridgewater State College, she before the Nazis invaded the coun­ Newport, RI 02840. and Marlene Wacks, will miss their and his wife Tiffany Rakatansky. received her masters in history from try during World War II. "Auntie Em" and her endless energy. She also leaves her niece, Rosalyn A memorial service will be held Boston University. During World He served as the rabbi of the for Rabbi Lewis on Sunday, Oct. After earning a BFA from the Glaser-Bernstein and her husband War II, she worked in the Weather Adelaide Road Synagogue, the larg­ Rhode Island School of Design, Norman Bernstein, many cous­ 31, at 2:30 p.m. in the synagogue, Bureau in Washington, D.C. She est congregation in Dublin, before 72 Toure St., in Newport. For more she moved to New York where she ins. including Edith Fox Pliskin, and returned to work in the 1960s and immigrating to America. He visited earned an MFA from the Pratt Insti­ many nieces and nephews. She was information regarding the memorial served as the librarian for Temple Toure Synagogue in 1949 and never service, call 847-4794, ext. 10 and tute. She developed and marketed the sister of the late Ida Clasky and Emanu-EI and later the librarian for left; he served as the rabbi of the leave a message. one of the first lines of exclusively Betty Leavit and aunt of the late the Rhode Island Hospital School congregation for the next 36 years. Jewish greeting cards that were mar­ Maxine Sinderoff. of Nursing until it closed. She was a Well-known for his thick Irish Benton Pierce, 76 keted as "Designs by Emily." She Donations may be made to the lifelong member and past president brogue and sparkling eyes, quick ELSEWHERE - Benton Pierce, was also the director of transition Betsey B. Winslow School, S61 Allen of Hadassah. wit, regal bearing, and erudite ser­ a 30-year resident of las Vegas services for the Summit School of St., New Bedford, MA 02740 or Donations in her memory may be mons, which have been compiled and Henderson, Nev., died on Oct. Queens, N.Y. The positive impact Community Nurse & Hospice Care, made to the Alzheimer's Associa­ and published in two volumes, lie 17. Born on Nov. 19, 1933 in Provi­ that she had on many families and 62 Center St., Fairhaven, MA 02719. tion. instructed and officiated at the life­ dence, he was the son of the late students was seen in the number of cycle events of two generations of Max and the late Gussie visitors to the hospital, the funerals Sanford Cutler, 70 Diana R. Gottfried, 88 Newport residents and others who ,~ (Parness) Pierce. After and shivas of past and present stu­ EAST GREENWICH - Sanford PROVIDENCE - Diana Gottfried came to worship and celebrate at ~ graduating Hope High dents and the stories they told about Cutler, of The Seasons, 5 St. Eliza­ Rosen, a resident of Rhode Island Toure Synagogue. He hosted such School, he entered the "their Ms. Seltzer." beth's Way, died on Oct. 23 at The since 1951, died on Oct. 16. She was distinguished synagogue visitors as Air Force and served four years. He Donations may be made to Magen Seasons. Born in the Bronx, he the wife of the late Kurt Gottfried. President Dwight D. Eisenhower attended Palmer College of Chiro­ David Adorn or The Su"lmit School, was a son of the late Nathan and Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., she was a and the poet Robert Frost. practic, and then worked for the US 183-02 Union Turnpike; Forest Hills, Vera (Werber) Cutler. He had lived daughter of the late Julius and Eva In 1959, he appeared on the TV Postal Service while living in New NY 11366. in Johnston for 40 years l?efore (Rubenstein) Rosen. show "To Tell the Truth" as the moving to East Greenwich this past She was a former owner of K. "only Irish-born rabbi iri the United year. Gottfried. Inc. States." One of Newport's most He was an intake counselor at the She is survived by her children, beloved citizens, he was a familiar The Only Family-Owned Continuing our century-old tradition Jewish Funeral Home of service to the Jewish community. in Rhode Island Locally operated to meet your personal needs with compassion and sensitivity UGARMAN~ S MEMORIALl .i INAI CHAPEL :...: 458 Hope Street, Providence, RI

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PAGE 30 Jewish Voice ~1-l erald October 29, 2010 ELECTIONS LIVE LY conversation dominates political discussion From Page 21 Providence residents she coun­ Issues of entitlement segued S75 million loan guarantee, with States Senate, is Rhode Island R.I. Department of Education ·seled. into ·a discussion about the 38 the expectation that the state lagging so far behind in electing employee. "We have to look at "Helena brought up a critical Studios deal with the Rhode will become a business center for women to top jobs? families in broad ways, systemati­ issue," said Nightingale G reen­ Island Economic D evelopment video game development. Might Sasken said, "I don't think cally. The last eight years has had wood. "So many low-income Corporation. Owned by former it be, asked one of the reporters, women want the scrutiny [that horrible leadership [in the gover­ people couldn't afford to pay doc­ an ideal vehicle to show the rest of goes with running for office]." nor's office and General Assem­ tors out-of-pocket. W e're privi­ the country that Rhode Island can Schiller, on the other hand, bly), especially in education." leged compared to most people." "We need be entrepreneurial and isn't afraid attributes it to the strong Cath­ As for health care costs, all While favoring a single payer to take risks? olic presence, while Night­ agreed that expenses were simply system to meet our obligation as statesmen, not "There was no due diligence ingale G reenwood holds the too high. Evans, arguing for a "fee a society to provide good health politicians." [around this deal)," said Schil­ male-dominated, paternalistic for services" approach, said that care fo r everyone, she argued that ler. And others felt that it was General Assembly accountable. his family has opted to have only personal responsibility must come David Rothchild too much money offered to one Some of the participants sup­ catastrophic health care coverage into play. single entity - why not spread the ported our public employees as and pay the rest out of pocket. Reducing the sense of entitle­ money around, including to exist­ dedicated and hardworking, while Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt We're at a different (socio-eco­ ment and "making everyone a bit ing Rhode Island companies? others felt that they were clue­ Schilling, the company, which nomic) level than many people in [mad)," said Barry Schiller, are Why, with many states seeing less about "real world" challenges. is relocating from Massachusetts Rhode Island, countered Helena essential elements in controlling women assuming leadership roles And, there were divergent views to Rhode Island, will receive a Friedmann, referencing the South health care costs. as governors or in the United about whether government should be run more like businesses. Night­ ingale Greenwood said, "No, the government doesn't make widgets, its purpose is to provide services and keep the wheels oiled. When you bring someone into govern­ ment who's worked in the private sector, there's a disconnect." With that, the conversation circled back around to the iss~e of personal responsibility. "At the end of the day," said Evans, "free­ dom requires personal responsi­ bility. When people become more responsible, the role ofgovernment maf diminish." A consensus emerged that our elected officials - at all levels - must be more courageous and more accountable to the voters that Visit as many booths as you like to get your elected them, especially around issues of making do with less and - "Head-to-Toe" questions answered FREE! consolidating resources to be more efficient and cost-effective. W e Flu Shot Clinic, Health Screenings Health Professionals on site need statesmen, not politicians, & said Rothchild. Glucose Screening • Blood Pressure Check • Cholesterol Screening · D espite the challenges Rhode Free Samples • Healthy Snacks • Raffle • and MORE! Island faces - very little business development here, high unem­ ployment, an aging population, ======-=====--,-- inadequate public schools in many Financial Consultant, Assisted Living Representatives, In-Home care Representatives, communities, political corruption Life Coach, Podiatrist, Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, Dentist, Herbal Chinese Medicine and cronyism and entitlement - the group's participants were ener- Rehabilitation Specialists, JCCRI Fitness Specialists . getic and, seemingly committed to How Animals Can Help You Stay Well by ASPCA staying. W .hile none of the partici­ Movement Clinic for Osteoarthritis by Arthritis Foundation pants (except Stanzler) are native Blood Drive by the Rhode Island Blood Center to the state, Sasken might have Bone Marrow Matching on site by Gift of Life said it best, "I was not born here, but I love this state. I've had such a good life here." Long after 11:30 a.m., the "coffee hour" ended. While the 150 Flu Shots available (6 months and older) group was slightly smaller than May be a small charge depending on health care coverage we'd anticipated, the session was Bring your Health Care Card and Picture ID lively, spirited, educational, enter­ Registration is not mandatory, but you may register online at www.thewellcomp.com taining and fun. J on Stanzler is a member of The Jewish Voice & H erald 's editorial Bring your friends and family to this FREE community event! board and a member ofthe Commu­ For more information, visit www.jccri.org or call 401.861.8800 nity R elations Council. An attorney in private practice, he can be reached [email protected] . sponsored by ------.------Editor's Note: Tell us your thoughts. Write a letter to the editor (nkirsch@ BETHANY HOME JFRI.org}: D o you agree or disagree ~ey,b-. 1~1 I t l I I I I I I I C I I 1 l I 66 litn.fi! Sln,tl, Pni•kl~ac, M.I with these "politicaljunkies," or post a 40l•J7.USOS ------· .------comment on our Facebook page. Jewish r"Cd,~tion And, on a related topic, the (lRC •I Rhod, will plan to host some forums with lsla11d key elected officials post-Election Day. The JCCRI is a partner agency of the Stay tuned to learn more/ Jewish Federation of Rhode Island www.jfri.org wwwJvhri.org PAGE 31 • SIMCHAS/WE ARE READ Jewish Voice <\,Herald October 29, 2010

DA AND STEPHAN Bloch, of Foxboro, Mass., announce the Sept. 5 mar­ riage of their daughter, Rae el Beth Bloch, to M ichael Jason Rogovin, the son of Brenda and Robert Stahl of Bristol. The ceremony and reception took place at the Renaissance Hotel in Provi­ dence. Rabbi Vicki Lieberman, formerly of Congregation B'nai Israel in Woonsocket, officiated. The bride received her under­ graduate degree from Boston Uni­ versity and her master's of social work from Simmons College. The groom graduated with a B.A. from Bridgewater State College. Rachel is employed as a clinical ON SEPT. 25 IN SAN ANTONIO, Texas on the River Walk boat tour, social worker at Hasbro Children's from left, Fredda Gordon Chauvette, Rona Namerow Nachbar, Hospital in the division of pediat­ Dottie Eisenberg Carlin, Soni Smith Meyer (holding The Jewish ric oncology. Mike is an academic Voice & Herald), and from right, Elaine Siegel Ades, Naomi Wolk advisor at TERI College Plan­ Goodell, Marian Gilbert Knapp, Harriet Diamond Adelberg (par­ ning, a non-profit organization tially hidden in blue hat). Reyna Cohen Katt and Wilma Polofsky Walter were not present for the photo. that focuses on improving college preparation, enrollment, and suc­ San Antonio's River Walk cess for underprivileged youth and adult learners. ONI SMITH MEYER all went off to college, married and Rachel is the granddaughter Sshared this story with 1he raised our families." of Beverly and the late Morton Voice & Herald: "This group At age 50, we all met again in Schafer of Bellingham, Mass. and of Jewish women was born and Newport, coming from eight dif­ the late Esther and Saul Bloch of raised in South Providence. Best ferent states - only two of us still Gloucester, Mass. friends from kindergarten through live in Rhode Island. Since that Michael is the grandson of Lil­ high school, we called ourselves meeting in Newport, we now meet lian and W illiam Gross of Dennis, 'The Jr. Debs' (we can't remember somewhere in the United States Mass. and Carol and Eugene Stahl why). After graduating from Hope every year-and-a-half." of New York. High School in January 1956, we The couple, who honeymooned along the California coast, will RACHEL BETH BLOCH and MICHAEL JASON ROGOVIN reside in Providence.

ARBARA FIELDS, exec- HousingWorksRI, chair of Cre- Butive director of the Rhode ative Providence, and vice chair I s l and ------~ of the Jewish Community Day o ff i c e o f School. In a statement for the Local l nitia- YWCA, she wrote: "What rives Support inspires my work ... the Jewish Corporation philosophy of tikkun olam - (USC), was our responsibility to make the named one world a better place and work of YWCA for social justice." N o r t h er n M IA ACKERMAN, a Rhode Island's member of Cumber- "Women of land's Council, was Achievement" named one of YWCA North- Quebec City for 2010. BARBARA FIELDS ern Rhode Island's "Women of Given to phi!- Achievement" for 2010. Acker- ANDY AND HARRY Finkelstein, of Cranston, visited Qyebec anthropic women who have shown man is a board member for the RICHARD COREN SCity during mid-September. They appear with their copy of 1he kindness, charitable concern, Historic Metcalf Franklin Farm Jewish Voice & H erald before a mural that, they wrote, "has drawn CHARD COREN of and generosity toward other Preservation thousands of visitors from around the world." Cranston has been named people in an effort to impact Association, a R he director of marketing, their community, the Women senior advocate communications and publications of Achievement Awards bring for the Town at the Community College of attention to the accomplish­ of Cumberland Rhode Island (CCR!). Coren, who ments of women in industry, and the liaison had served as a graphic designer in 0 ANNE SHATKIN, Ph.D., culture, and public service in to the Cum­ the CCR! department of market­ the daughter of Evelyn and the local communities. berland Youth ing and communications for the 1late Perry Shatkin, has been Fields is being honored Commission. past three years, will begin his new med the chief executive officer for her leadership of USC - Her busi- duties on Oct. 18. of CLF Ventures, the non-profit a national organization that ness, Acker- Coren holds an undergradu­ consulting affiliate of the Conser- invests in rebuilding low- .__ _..__...c.._~~ man T itle ate and a graduate degree from vation Law Foundation. Shatkin income communities as well as MIA ACKERMAN Services, also Rhode Island College. He has for her other community lead­ sponsors a girls' has been managing director of CLF presented his expertise in market­ Ventures since August 2007. ership. She is currently chair of team in the Cumberland Youth ing for classes at Johnson & Wales As the managing director of the Attorney General's Advisory Soccer Association. She wrote to and in seminars through the Cen­ Commission on Lead Paint, vice the YWCA: "I have a real can-do CLF Ventures, Shatkin has both tral Chamber of Rhode Island. In chair of the Providence Hous­ attitude and believe if it is worth­ led and acted as an advisor upon addition, he is a past president of ing Authority Board of Com­ while or needs to get done, then do multiple client projects, in addition a local Business Network Interna­ to managing Ventures' day-to-day missioners, board member for it." tional chapter. operations. wwwjvhri.org PAGE 32 Jewish Voice <\_Herald October 29, 2010

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