$100,000 MATCHING GRANT FOR ALL NEW GIFTS AND GIFT INCREASES FOR THE 2011 ANNUAL COMMUNITY CAMPAIGN! Ta k e t h e challenge, double your impactl See below for m ore info .. MASSACHUSETTS 21 Heshvan 5771 Vol. XII - Issue XXI WWW.JVHRI.ORG October 29, 2010 2011 ANNUAL COMMUNTIY CAMPAIGN $100,000 matching grant for new or increased gifts! GENEROUS challenge. Before you write your GROUP of com­ check or go online to enter your munity philanthro- credit card information, please ists has established know: This year, your campaign a Sl00,000 challenge grant: For gift will have extra impact. So, every new gift or gift increase to won't you please add a few extra the Jewish Federation of Rhode dollars to your pledge this year? Island 's 2011 Annual Commu­ Donate at wwwjFRI.org or nity Campaign, they will match call M ichele Gallagher at 421- it up to Sl00,000. 4111, ext. 165. Add extra impact - take the /Alisa Grace Photography From far left. Richard Licht. Herb Stern and Gary Licht line up for the book signing with Gregory Levey. author of How to Make Peasce in the Middle East in Six Months or less Without leaving Your Apartment. and the keynote speaker. At Temple Beth-El, JFRl's Main Event ..-- launches Annual Community Campaign nity Campaign and a JFRI vice Thanks to dollars raised here Peace in the Middle president. "I have a wonderful vol­ in greater Rhode Island, Jews in East? Read Gregory unteer job - asking for resources Rhode Island, throughout the Diaspora and in Israel are living Levey's book NEWS ANALYSIS safer, happier and more Jewishly­ to learn more from Jews to help other Jews in engaged lives. Young Jewish men need." and women in Macedonia and BY NANCY Krnsc11 Speaking at Temple Beth-El Hungary, for example, are discov­ nkirsch@]FRiorg on the evening of Monday, Oct. ering their Jewish roots and cel­ 18, Licht spoke before and after ebrating the customs and riruals PROVIDENCE - "It's a pleasure the JFRI's Main Event keynote that accompany our rich heritage. to ask one Jew to help another speaker, Gregory Levey. He is the Licht told the crowd of a beauti­ Jew," said Richard Licht, the chair author of How to Make Peace in the ful young woman he met during a of the Jewish Federation of Rhode DIANE DUCOFF and her mother. Frances Friedman. Middle East in Six M onths or Less JFRI mission to Eastern Europe. Island's QFRI) Annual Commu- at Home Sweet Home Without Leaving Your Apartment. CAMPAIGN. Page 16 Stories of caring, impact Israel, Iran, court, entitlements and a better world What does a GOP Congress mean? Women's Alliance that were chaired by WA mem­ BY R ON KAM PEA S of Congress has triggered broad bers Dr. Cindy Feinstein, Mindy speculation about the remainder campaign event Wachtenheim and Dr. Jordana WASHINGTON QTA) - The of President Obama's time in the Jaffee. Members of the WA of the likely prospect of Republican White House, Republican bids for is a success Jewish Federation of Rhode Island control of at least one chamber the presidency in 2012 - and the QFRI) were invited to hear the sto­ very course of the nation, if not the B Y CHRIS PARKER ries of how dollars raised here help What's Inside: West. [email protected] and Jews locally, in the Diaspora and Business ............ ........ ........ 26-27 Issues that preoccupy Jewish NANCY KIRSC H in Israel. That day, more than 75 Calendar ............................. 10-11 voters and groups have a narrower nkirsch@JFRiorg women - of all generations - came Community ............. .... 2, 7-9, 11-18 cast. Nevertheless, the likelihood of together to share their personal sto­ a GOP-controlled House of Rep­ Elections ........................ 21-23, 30 "1 T'S UP TO US to change ries of Jewish lives being changed the end of the story for Food ................ .. .. .. .. ...... .. ......... 19 resentatives, along with the more \J)II for the better. Their stories inspired remote possibility of a Republican someone else," sa id Susan lsracl.. ......... 3,24-25 others to give generously. Senate, could mean sharp rums in Leach DeBlasio, the Leach DeBlasio began her poi­ Obituaries .......................... ...... 29 Robert A .Cumins /JFNA foreign policy and domestic spend­ Women's Alliance l.'NA) campaign gnant stories of heartbreak healed Opinion .................................. 4-6 U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor ing. Here's a glance. chair, at the Oct. 13 Home Sweet by our help with her humorous quip, Seniors/D'Var Torah . .. ....... 28 with the Palestinians and with the Home. "Last summer, we went on a three­ Simchas/We Are Read ................ 31 ISRAEL Obama-Netanyahu administra­ At her East Side home, Diane week Chazon mission to Israel, but The biggest Israel headlines of tions tensions that preceded them. Ducoff graciously hosted the three we did it in five days!" As tiny as Coming next issue: Obama's presidency have had to Such tensions have informed sessions held throughout the day COOKING do with the renewed direct talks MIDTERM. Page 23 CHANGE. Page 15 PAGE 2 Jewish Voice .5CHerald October 29, 2010 COMMUNITY From the IDF to Providence, promoting peace A new home for part of it is creating conversations in the larger Rhode Island com­ the Institute for the munity," Gross said thoughtfully. "Having the chief [Colonel Esser­ Study and Practice of man] vouching [for us) helps." Nonviolence The investors, explained Barbara Sokoloff, whose company, Barbara Sokoloff Associates, was the proj­ BY NA 'CY Krnscu [email protected] ect developer for the new facility (Sokoloff herself is a JFRI board PROVIDENCE - Teny 0. Gross member and member of 1he Jewish is a man of contrasts: Part Jewish, Voice & Herald's editorial board), part Catholic, the former IDF were very motivated to help. "Teny sergeant spends his life promoting and the program that Sister Ann peace in some of Rhode Island's [Keefe] and Father Ray [Malm, most troubled communities. As the who led a group of concerned citi­ first executive director of the Insti­ zens to create the Institute after a tute for the Study and Practice of particularly violent summer of loss Nonviolence (the Institute), Gross, and bloodshed in 2000] inspire an Israeli, has dedicated his life to people, especially when they see the helping individuals whom many success and what's being done," said of us might avoid or fear if we met Sokoloff. them on Providence's night-time It's clear that Gross deeply cares streets. about the young people the Insti­ The Institute - using trained tute helps, and he's delighted that mediators who come from the inner the new space will make the orga­ cities - runs interference in some of nization's work more effective. ''A our state's toughest neighborhoods culture of nonviolence and kind­ to help resolve gang and turf wars, / M arty Cooper ness rule here, it's not just effi­ provides succor and sustenance to TENY GROSS speaks at the ribbon-cutting of the new facility for the Institute for the Study ciency," said Gross. those who have lost loved ones to and Practice of Nonviolence on Oct. 18. "Before, we were like nomads. violence, and works with at-risk We built relationships, but we never teens to direct them toward more it makes no sense that a Harvard his close colleague, Colonel D ean Esserman said in a phone inter­ had a place where we could do our productive and appropriate lifestyle graduate would show up where Esserman, the chief of the Provi­ view. "Providence is the better for work," he said. "N ow, we can do our choices. people are killed on our streets in dence Police D epartment, Gross is their presence, and families and trainings here, we can show that In an Oct. 20 phone interview the richest country in the world." "always on the clock" in ,~siting the children are safer. I didn't expect, life is not all desperate. [The partic­ wounded in their hospital beds and with 1he Voice & Herald - two days COPS AND STREET-WORKERS when I arrived in Providence, to be ipants) can get exposed to classical comforting the bereaved. partnering with a former IDF ser­ after the official grand opening of Gross, who holds an under­ music, photography, and pre-GED In fact, the two men have forged geant who has committed his life to the lnstitute's new building (a SS.5 graduate degree from Tufts and a classes. This is a place where you're a strong professional relationship. nonviolence and peace." million renovation of St. Michael's graduate degree in theology from not looked at strangely." "The Institute has become a strong convent in South Providence) - Harvard, is clearly moved by the BRIDGING TIIE GAP Gross calls Rabbis Alan Flam, partner with the Providence Police Gross said, "I have the best job in plight of the people with whom he In an interview for a Harvard Wayne Franklin and Leslie Department in the work we do," the world and, at the same time, spends his days - and nights. Like magazine published earlier this Gutterman among "the best in year, Gross said, "Providence is our community," and wishes more two cities - one of wealth and one Jewish leaders would address this of poverty and they rarely meet." plague. We should not be sleeping Yet, the Institutes new facility is well in this country, he said, demonstrable evidence that Gross referencing the 180,000 murders brought the two cities together: in the U.S. that have occurred since The campaign donors included Sept. 11, 2001. some of the state's most prominent Someday, just as he's gone with philanthropic entities (Amica, The street-workers and former gang Carter Family Charitable Trust, members to work in California, Citizens Bank, Bank of America Brazil and G uatemala, he'd love to Charitable Foundation, GTECH, go to Israel and Palestine.
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