REGULAR MEETING AGENDA February 23, 2018 9:30 a.m.

South Florida Regional Transportation Authority Board Room 801 NW 33rd Street Pompano Beach, FL 33064


SFRTA Board Members Commissioner Steven L. Abrams, Chair Commissioner Bruno Barreiro, Vice-Chair Andrew Frey Frank Frione Nick Inamdar Stacy L. Miller F. Martin Perry Commissioner Tim Ryan James A. Scott Robert C.L. Vaughan

Executive Director Jack L. Stephens



The meeting will convene at 9:30 a.m., and will be held in the Board Room of the South Florida Regional Transportation Authority, Administrative Offices, 801 NW 33rd Street, Pompano Beach, Florida 33064.




AGENDA APPROVAL – Additions, Deletions, Revisions

MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC – Persons wishing to address the Board are requested to complete an “Appearance Card” and will be limited to three (3) minutes. Please see the Minutes Clerk prior to the meeting.

CONSENT AGENDA Those matters included under the Consent Agenda are self-explanatory and are not expected to require review or discussion. Items will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. If discussion is desired by any Board Member, however, that item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately.

C1. MOTION TO APPROVE: Minutes of Governing Board’s Regular Meeting of January 23, 2018.

REGULAR AGENDA Those matters included under the Regular Agenda differ from the Consent Agenda in that items will be voted on individually. In addition, presentations will be made on each motion, if so desired.

No items.

INFORMATION / PRESENTATION ITEMS Action not required, provided for information purposes only. If discussion is desired by any Board Member, however, that item may be considered separately.

I-1. PRESENTATION – Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Annual Audit Reports

I-2. PRESENTATION – Miami River- Capacity Improvement

I-3. PRESENTATION – Miami Central Station

I-4. PRESENTATION - Positive Train Control


I-5. PRESENTATION – On Time Performance Update

I-6. INFORMATION – West Palm Beach Grade Crossing at Fern Street

COMMITTEE REPORTS / MINUTES Action not required, provided for information purposes only. If discussion is desired by any Board Member, however, that item may be considered separately.


MONTHLY REPORTS Action not required, provided for information purposes only. If discussion is desired by any Board Member, however, that item may be considered separately.






F. PAYMENTS OVER $2,500.00 – January
















In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding, must at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, provide a written request directed to the Executive Office at 801NW 33rd Street, Pompano Beach, Florida, or telephone (954) 942-RAIL (7245) for assistance; if hearing impaired, telephone (800) 273-7545 (TTY) for assistance. Any person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Governing Board of the South Florida Regional Transportation Authority with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Persons wishing to address the Board are requested to complete an “Appearance Card” and will be limited to three (3) minutes. Please see the Minutes Clerk prior to the meeting.


South Florida Regional Transportation Authority January 2018 Legislative Report

2018 Legislative Session: Our team covered the first month of the 2018 Legislative Session. This includes Session and committee monitoring/reporting; bill/amendment/budget tracking; and meeting with/educating lawmakers. The legislation of focus includes: HB 959/SB 1482, Motor Vehicles and Railroad Trains (detailed below); SB 572, High-Speed Rail (and all discussions impacting operations); HB 535/SB 1200, Statewide Alternative Transportation Authority, that has potential to divert millions of dollars away from rail in the region; SB 544, Procurement Procedures, which would affect bid protest procedures for contracts over a certain dollar threshold going forward (but is not retroactive); HB 575, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, which alters board makeup of MPOs; and other initiatives that impact local government, special districts and transportation, including ethics reform, tax exemptions, and preemptions; SB 688 (HB 243), Charter County and Regional Transportation System Surtax, which impacts use of revenues of the Miami-Dade transportation surtax passed in 2002.

Crash Incident Reporting: SB 1482, which would help clear railroad tracks after incidents more quickly, passed its first of three Senate committees in January with significant support from Senate leadership. We are continuing to move the legislation through the Senate. HB 949 was filed in the House in December.

Northern Layover Facility: Government Relations team members continued work on the Northern Layover Facility through meetings and discussions with staff and the City Manager of Riviera Beach.

Local Government Meetings: The team has continued to monitor and report on all local government and community meetings and discussions that can impact SFRTA, including transportation workshops, Legislative Delegation, city commission and MPO meetings throughout the Tri-County Area. This also includes discussions on the WAVE downtown streetcar.

Community Engagement and Conferences: Members of our team continued to volunteer for, attend and work closely with the Florida Association of Counties and the Florida League of Cities. We participated in and assisted in coordinating Palm Beach County Days and Miami- Dade Days and continued to organize Broward Days in advance. We also participate in the Florida Association of Intergovernmental Relations.

Elections: Team members are continuing to monitor and work with special election candidates as well as monitor and support other active campaigns. This participation helps ensure relationships with elected members that will enable us to quickly access and educate them on SFRTA priorities

Government Affairs 555 12th Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C., 20004 T +1 (202) 312-9100 F +1 (202) 312-9101


TO: South Florida Regional Transportation Authority FROM: FTI Consulting Government Affairs RE: Governmental Affairs Report – January 2018 DATE: 8 February 2018

Congressional Schedule for January In January, the House was in session for 14 days, and the Senate was in session for 19 days.

U.S. Government Affairs Report January 2018 January was dominated by negotiations to fund the government. However, the substance of negotiations spanned far beyond just budget talks. Lawmakers clashed over a deal for DACA, which ultimately resulted in a three-day government shutdown ending when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell agreed to take up a bipartisan immigration package following an extension of government funding through February 8. Following the passage of the spending bill, the Trump Administration sent their immigration reform and border security framework to Congress, which received criticism from members on both sides of the aisle.

President Trump delivered his first State of the Union Address on January 30. The President highlighted the progress that has been made in the last year, namely tax reform and deregulation, while also discussing a series of policy priorities that closely align with his America First vision, including infrastructure investment and immigration reform. While the President did not outline any specifics for his infrastructure plan, the President did call for both parties to work together to draft a bill that generates at least $1.5 trillion for new infrastructure investment, up from his original pronouncements seeking $1 trillion in new investment.

An infrastructure measure has begun to stir in Congress as well. Officials from the Trump Administration headed to the Capitol to meet with Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John Thune (R-SD) to discuss the broad outlines of President Trump’s infrastructure proposal. Following the meeting, Thune told reporters that he did not know when the plan would officially land and called the meeting the “first step in sort of laying the groundwork and informing us in a little bit more detail of what their plans are."

Chairman Thune and the Senate Commerce Committee also held a field hearing on “Driving Automotive Innovation and Federal Policies,” and the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee held a similar hearing. Ultimately, striking a balance between regulation and innovation remains the crux of the debate on the Senate AV legislation, and further changes are expected in the coming months. Government Affairs 555 12th Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C., 20004 T +1 (202) 312-9100 F +1 (202) 312-9101

Each month, there appears to be a growing number of lawmakers resigning, retiring, or seeking other office, and that trend did not change in the new year. A number of key members in the House announced their retirement, while others called for the nominations of unfilled Administration positions.

Lastly, the sixth round of NAFTA negotiations took place, although the focus was primarily on anti-corruption.

U.S. Congress

Government Spending – On January 22, lawmakers agreed to a stopgap spending measure to fund the federal government through February 8, ending a three- day government shutdown and immigration-driven standoff. The continuing resolution included a 6-year reauthorization of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and a two-year repeal of certain Affordable Care Act’s taxes (medical device, Cadillac Tax, and others). While it is unlikely Democrats withhold support for another funding measure on the grounds of immigration reform, there could very well be another shutdown come February 9, as there are many contentious debates forming.

For example, defense hawks are keen on including a full year’s worth of defense spending in the next funding package, yet other lawmakers would withhold support of such legislation. Additionally, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell promised to take up a legislative fix to DACA in the Senate, but there is no guarantee that the House will do the same. Speaker Paul Ryan has maintained he will only take up an immigration/DACA/Wall package that the President indicates agreement with. It is clear among both parties, however, that another stopgap measure will be needed, as appropriators and committee staff still need time to draft all 12 appropriations bills.

Infrastructure – During President Trump’s State of the Union address, updating America’s infrastructure was one his key domestic priorities. He stated, “We built the Empire State Building in just 1 year—is it not a disgrace that it can now take 10 years just to get a permit approved for a simple road?” He called for both parties to work together to draft a bill that generates at least $1.5 trillion for new infrastructure investment, up from the original $1 trillion proposal. He emphasized the following principles:

• Investment: Leveraging federal, state and local funding, as well as private investment; • Expediting Processes: Streamlining the permit and approval process for new projects; and • Made in America: Restoring American infrastructure by creating new opportunities for American builders and workers. Government Affairs 555 12th Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C., 20004 T +1 (202) 312-9100 F +1 (202) 312-9101

In addition to Trump’s high-level infrastructure principles laid out in his speech, Administration officials also took to Capitol Hill to meet with Senator John Thune, Chairman of the Commerce Committee, to discuss the infrastructure proposal. However, they were only preliminary discussions. More details will become available when Trump releases his budget and his detailed infrastructure plan.

Coming and Going – In January, a number of House Republicans and Democrats joined the building list of members retiring, resigning, or seeking other office. Among the group was Rep. Bill Shuster (R-PA-09), Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Because of term limits, this was set to be Schuster’s last year as Committee Chair, and he said, “I thought it was the best decision for me to focus 100 percent on my final year as the chairman of the Transportation Committee, working with the president and other Democrats and Republicans to pass an infrastructure bill, which is much needed to rebuild America.” Towards the end of the month, Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ-11), Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, announced his retirement as well. Frelinghuysen, from New Jersey, prioritized funding for the gateway bridge-and-tunnel project to New York. Already, Reps. Robert Aderholt (R-AL- 04) and Kay Granger (R-TX-12) have expressed interest in chairing the Committee, and there are several other contenders, including Reps. John Culberson (R-TX-07), Tom Cole (R-OK-04), and Tom Graves (R-GA-14).

Early in January, a group of House Democrats called on President Donald Trump to nominate individuals to fill the empty roles on the Surface Transportation Board, however the positions still remain vacant. In the weeks following, the Rail Customer Coalition sent a letter to the President asking him to do the same, saying, “We need a fully staffed STB committed to moving forward on freight rail policy reforms that will streamline overly burdensome regulatory procedures and promote greater competition in the rail sector.” The Senate Commerce Committee, however, made some light progress on a series of nominees, clearing the following individuals during an executive session: • Leon A. Westmoreland, of Georgia, to be a Director of the Amtrak Board of Directors • Barry Lee Myers, of Pennsylvania, to be Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere; • Diana Furchtgott-Roth, of Maryland, to be an Assistant Secretary of Transportation; • Brendan Carr, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Federal Communications Commission; • Ann Marie Buerkle, to be Chairman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), and to be a Commissioner of the CPSC; • James Bridenstine, of Oklahoma, to be Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; and Government Affairs 555 12th Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C., 20004 T +1 (202) 312-9100 F +1 (202) 312-9101

• Dana Baiocco, of Ohio, to be a Commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

NAFTA – The sixth round of NAFTA renegotiations commenced at the end of January. The focus of the negotiations was anti-corruption, where the three nations were all able to come to agreement. That said, Canada did release a rules of origin proposal, however the U.S. swiftly opposed it. It is clear among the freight industry that NAFTA is vitally important. According to one report, U.S. freight carried to Mexico by truck, train, pipeline, vessels, and air stood at $231 billion in 2016, compared to $46.6 billion in 1995. The CEO of the Association of American Railroads (AAR), Ed Hamberger, stated that tearing up NAFTA would have a huge impact on railroads, continuing to say, “you can’t just uproot and unwind 25 years of investment.” A recent AAR study found that 42% of railcar loads are connected to international trade, supporting 50,000 jobs and over $5.5 billion in annual wages and benefits.

New Legislation – A number of Democrats on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee introduced H.R.4766, the Positive Train Control Implementation and Financing Act of 2018. The bill aims to “prohibit further extension of requirement to implement positive train control beyond December 31, 2018,” among other provisions. It has been referred to the Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials.

A number of key Democrat Senators introduced S.2279, the Bridge Investment Act, which aims to create a grant program that would spend $75 billion over the next 10 years on bridge repair projects. The lawmakers—Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Ron Wyden (D- OR), and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)—are aiming to include the bill in a broader infrastructure package. The bill was referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

The Administration

Trump Infrastructure Principles - An undated draft version of the Trump infrastructure plan was leaked to the media and other sources on January 22, 2018; the leak appeared to be intentional by the Trump White House. The plan itself does not contain any funding levels, although days before the release the forthcoming plan was reported to be the rumored $200 billion proposal. The plan is not limited to transportation infrastructure, and does not specify whether it is intended to replace current infrastructure programs. However, the principles for transit infrastructure improvement do reference the Capital Investments Grants program, suggesting that the infrastructure plan may not be intended to completely replace existing programs. Nonetheless, until more details are provided about how the plan would divide available funding among eligible sectors and about the funding levels the administration proposes for transit, it cannot be determined whether the plan will result in substantial cuts to federal Government Affairs 555 12th Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C., 20004 T +1 (202) 312-9100 F +1 (202) 312-9101

assistance for transit under current law—which provided over $48 billion over five years for transit alone.

The plan contains seven “funding principles” — five of which are actually new program proposals and two of which are proposals to amend existing programs—as well as four sector-based “principles for infrastructure improvement”. Several aspects of the plan— including the proposal to expand Private Activity Bonds (which conflicts with the recently passed tax bill) and the proposal to provide “flexibility” on interstate tolling— may prove controversial.

The plan specifies the percent of the total appropriation for the overall infrastructure proposal for five of the Funding Principles, totaling 97.05%. It is not clear to what the other 2.95 percent of the total appropriation would be allocated.

(Key DOT Statements):

U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao Urges Railroads to Deliver PTC Implementation by Congressional Deadline – Jan. 2

Deputy FAA Administrator Dan Elwell To Serve as Acting FAA Administrator – Jan. 5

News Digest DOT 09-17 - BTS Releases Updated National Transit Map – Jan. 16

Federal Highway Administration Provides $6.5 Million to the U.S. Virgin Islands for Repairs to Hurricane-Damaged Roads and Bridges – Jan. 16

News Digest DOT 10-17 - BTS Port Performance Freight Statistics Annual Report Released – Jan. 19

U.S. Department of Transportation Statement on Amtrak Special Train 923 – Jan. 31

(Key White House Statements):

President Donald J. Trump Will Rebuild American Infrastructure and Forge a Path Towards Greater Prosperity – Jan. 30

Activities on Behalf of SFRTA in January 2018

FY 2018 Appropriations – The current Continuing Resolution for funding of the federal government in this fiscal year will expire February 8. The key issue complicating the negotiations over the appropriations bills continues to be the budget caps and whether Republicans and Democrats can come together on an agreement to increase the caps Government Affairs 555 12th Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C., 20004 T +1 (202) 312-9100 F +1 (202) 312-9101

for defense (as Republicans desire to do) and other domestic programs (as Democrats hope to do).

Other issues could further complicate the effort if they are attached to the spending bill, i.e. DACA, CHIP, Debt Ceiling, etc. While the Immigration debate appears to be heading toward a separate stand-alone measure it is likely that CHIP or even a debt ceiling provision could be attached to the appropriations bill.

PTC Compliance – FTI and SFRTA continue to communicate with the Senate Commerce Committee staff regarding SFRTA progress towards compliance with the PTC mandate in December 2018. The recent spate of accidents involving Amtrak has shined a very bright light on PTC and the challenges many railroads face in meeting the deadline for implementation. The Secretary of Transportation, Elaine Chao and the FRA have sent letters to all railroads, including SFRTA, reaffirming their commitment to enforce the law as it currently stands.

Hurricane Relief – FTI is working closely with Hill staff for Congressional Appropriations Committees, as well as key members of the South Florida delegation (i.e. Cong. Mario Diaz-Balart) regarding proposed funding for hurricane relief that is directly allocated for transit systems. We anticipate receiving federal assistance to repair/replace damages equipment and additional funding for hardening current systems against future storms.

Another tranche of funding is tied up with the budget/appropriations deal. The House passed an $86 Billion measure in December that provided $269 Million for the FTA’s Emergency Relief Program, up from the request of President Trump of $190 Million.

Once the hurricane relief measure is enacted, we will receive direction from FTA regarding applications for funding. Some damage reimbursements will be paid by FEMA, but most of our monies will likely come from the FTA’s Emergency Relief Program.

Member Communications –FTI is maintaining ongoing communications with FTA, Members of Congress and their staff and staff of the committees of jurisdiction in both the House and Senate regarding SFRTA’s hurricane relief request and PTC Compliance. FTI has met with members and staff of the Appropriations Committee and Transportation and Infrastructure Committee regarding hurricane relief.


Engineering & Construction Department Monthly Progress Report January 31, 2018


Station structure elevator inspection complete. Kiosk/Cashiers Punch List Ops Building substantially complete Feb Work thru Gulf Building LLC POMPANO BEACH STATION Station complete. 2017.

Construction of a three story, 79,000 SF Final Operations Center CO received in early August. Operations building, a four story, 475 vehicles Parking Garage, and Improvements to the existing Pompano Beach Tri-Rail $40,747,225 Charles Serig, RA Station with pedestrian bridge and elevators.

December Summary December Summary There have been atotal of 52 issues to date. There have been atotal of 52 issues to date. Issues were of a miscellaneous nature with no real Issues were of a miscellaneous nature with no real distintive pattern. (See Issue log) distintive pattern. (See Issue log) No change. DISPATCH PROJECT

Dispatch System

See Exhibit 2

$11,024,545 Alex Villares, E.I.

Manufacturing contractor is reviewing the capability of Received price estimate for the step modification needed in Estimated completion 1th Quarter 2018 Work thru Parsons Transportation LEVEL BOARDING modifing the OEM steps and the price estimate order forhte vechicle to clear the Wheel Truing Machine. Staff is reviweing the estimate Level-entry Boarding at the new Manufacturing contractor currently working on the Level First Article Inspection of the level boarding brackets is MiamiCentral Station with modifications to $324,277 Boarding scope and procuring material expected early next month Efrain Bernal the fleet's steps Shop drawings approved. FAI documentation submitted late January

Staff reviewed and returned to the consultant the first design Consultant currently working on several designs to correct Estimated completion TBD Work thru HNTB HEAVY MAINTENANCE to be addressed for final corrections deficiencies

Field review, evaluation, recommendations, Consultant worked on developing a comprehensive schedule Staff will develop a more comprehensive schedule that will design, specifications to address multiple $521,472 of deliverables. serve as the basis to track design and construction tasks Efrain Bernal maintenance issues across the stations Several visits were made to different stations to determined the best course of action to address the defficiencies

Contractor will work on a signal cut-over within the following Iris has only the final as-builds to be delived Estimated completion 1st Quarter 2018 Work thru VTMI NORTHWOOD/IRIS months after encountering some comunication issues at Phases 1A & 1B Northwood Rehabilitate existing Northwood connection, Iris remaining routes to be tested are now completed. Northwood second signal cut-over is planned for early next and open a new Iris connection between $8,015,504 month Martin Benzaquen,P.E. Efrain Bernal SFRC and FEC Engineering & Construction Department Monthly Progress Report January 31, 2018


Punch List Ops Building substantially complete Feb Work thru Gulf Building LLC

Waiting for contractor to get on board in order to request No update Estimated completion TBD Work thru TBD DITCH DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS estimate

Ditch drainage improvements south of JPA will follow once the cost estimate from the contractor is Hallandale Beach Boulevard including only TBD received Efrain Bernal SFRC Right of Way work

The contractor has paved and striped the new parking lot and The project was completed in January. Estimated completion 4th Quarter 2017 Work thru West Construction has finalizing the concrete curbs and sidewalk within the new OPA-LOCKA PARKING EXPANSION lot.

Expand parking, increase bus bay areas, The contractor has finished the construction of the new SFRTA is currently working on project close-out. install a pedestrian canopy, and improve pedestrian canopy structure including the installation of the landscape and hardscape $1,143,699 standing seam metal roof. Mike Lulo, GC, LEED A.P., CBI

The electrical work for the new parking lot lighting and bus canopy structure is complete.

Platform canopy decking on-going at various platforms. Tri-Rail Platform Canopy,Platform, and Platform edge strip Final completion 4th Quarter 2017 Construction by All Aboard Florida MIAMICENTRAL STATION is being placed.

Station Hub that will serve the community Water proofing of under rail level completed at east side and with a unique connection accessing multiple nearing completion on west side. North entrance escalators are being completed. rail transportation services $48,902,749 Mike Lulo, GC, LEED A.P., CBI Steel erection, decking and concrete pours continue in Blocks A North entrance escalators are being completed. and B. Platform canopy steel continues to be installed.

Final completion 4th Quarter 2017 Construction by All Aboard Florida Direct fixation track has been installed within the limits of the Track/Signal work from Iris to just North of Miami Central IRIS TO END OF VIADUCT station. Station is complete.

Trackwork and Signal Improvements The Tri-Rail portion of the Bridge over NW 10th and NW 11th Track within Miami Central Station has been laid, but is necessary for Tri-Rail Trains to access the $16,190,000 Street also continues to move forward. awaiting final completion pending comletion of the final Mike Lulo, GC, LEED A.P., CBI Miami Central Station in Downtown Miami canopy work.

Construction of the viaduct/bridges just north of the Miami Central Station continues to move forward per schedule.

Procurement documents submitted for review in order to Some changes were made at MiamiCentral canopies that Estimated completion by 2nd Quarter 2018 Work thru T.Y.Linn WAYFINDING / SIGNAGE contract the manufacturer and installer of the signs. will interfere with the current design Project 835

Support services on demolition, fabrication, Consultant will updated the current design to reflec the and installation of new wayfinding signage $401,826 changes at MiamiCentral Efrain Bernal across the stations

Final details been worked on by FDOT in order to advertise the No update. Estimated completion by early 2019. Work thru TBD NORTHWOOD construction bid. "Phase II"

New Northwood connection to be part of Estimated first quarter to have contractor on board. three interrelated and independent rail TBD Efrain Bernal connections between SFRC and FEC

Page 2 of 3 Engineering & Construction Department Monthly Progress Report January 31, 2018


Locomotive Pilot for BL36PH complete. Installation of LocomotivePunch List Pilot for BL36PH complete. Installation of InstallationOps Building Dec substantially 2018, System complete Certification Feb Work thru Wabtec/XorailGulf Building LLC equipment complete on 5 BL36PH units to date. Installation equipment complete on 12 BL36PH units to date. Dec 2020 POSITIVE TRAIN CONTROL (PTC) guides for remaining units progressing. Installation guides and pilot installations for other units progressing. Turn-key to design, furnish, manufacture, Segment designs continue to progress. Wayside FDR Segment designs continue to progress. Conduit installation $39,715,542.00 Aaron Parets, PE, PMP deliver, install, integrate, test, certify, and documents for Phase 1 completed. Conduit installation for for Ground Based Network Builds are 90% complete. All place in service the PTC System Ground Based Network Builds have commenced Communication circuit orders have been placed and are Communication circuit orders are on-going awaiting delivery by AT&T. CSX Agreement fully executed. FDOT JPA amendment is CSX Agreement fully executed. FDOT JPA amendment has forthcoming. Meteorcomm agreement is in legal review. been executed. Meteorcomm agreement is in final review. The project is in the process of being transferred to the FDOT FDOT re-advertised the Design Build Scope. Shortlist posting SFRTA will continue to be the TIGER grant Work through PMC HDR Engineering WAVE MODERN STREETCAR District 4, and SFRTA continues to participate as the TIGER on 01/15/18. recipient. grant recipient Design, Construction and Management of a 2.7 mile modern streetcar in Downtown Fort $20,953,383 Martin Benzaquen, P.E. Lauderdale with solar powered stations, which will operate in mixed traffic with signal priority

The evaluation criteria was finalized for the design-build firm. Consultant continues to finalize the RFP package. 1st quarter 2020 NORTHEN LAYOVER Consultant is completing the RFP package.

Maintenance Facility located north of the Municipal/Agency Coordination is still On-going. CSX/Amtrak Municipal/Agency Coordination is still moving forward. Will current system to serve future Tri-Rail Coordination has been finalized. meet with WPB and Town of Mangonia Park. expansion plans and to increase operational Mike Lulo, GC, LEED AP, CBI capacity $36,150,000 RFP package to be reviewed prior to be shared with industry. RFP package is currently being reviewed. Martin Benzaquen, P.E.

A meeting will be scheduled with SFRTA's procurement A meeting was scheduled with SFRTA's procurement department to review the draft RFP package prior to sending department to review the draft RFP package in preparation the package for industry review. for to sending for industry review.

APTIM performed subtasks associated with Overhaul of Aerial POs issued to Contractors for the work structure/shed, the Capital Program estimated completion 1st Waste Water Treatment Plant Operations / Industrial Wastewater Lines, constrution of onsite work aerial system valve replacement, aerial and underground Quarter 2019 Capital Improvements structure/shed, and inspection of underground industrial industrial water lines Environmental Services along the SFRC wastewater lines First battery of valves and check valves has been ordered including the operation of the WWTP and $1,500,000 / $350,000 for the aerial system valve replacements Efrain Bernal other environmental responsibilities assumed under the Operating Agreement Aerial wastewater lines are now pressure washed and the with FDOT painting is on-going

Camino Real and SW 18th Street Grade Crossing completed. Railroad-Highway Construction and Traffic Control Device Grade Crossing Capital Projects Installation Contract (ITB 17-009) advertised.

Pembroke Road (Hollywood) and Forest Hill Field visits conducted at Pembroke Road and Forest Hill Develop cost estimates for reconstrution (including Boulevard (Palm Beach) $1,015,901 Boulevard Grade Crossings to develop estimates for abandonment) of 13 grade crossings along the SFRC Emmanuel Cumberbatch, P.E. reconstruction efforts Downtown Spur

MOW Maintenance SEE EXHIBIT 1 Work thru VTMI Nikeisha Thomas, E.I.

Dispatch Maintenance SEE EXHIBIT 2 Work thru Ansaldo Alex Villares, E.I.

Page 3 of 3

January 2017

VTMI Monthly Report January 2017

Table of Contents

1. Material Control Information 2 2. Material Usage 3-4 3. Scrap Sales 5 4. Rail, Ballast, Tie, & Switch Tie 6 5. Engineering/Maintenance Work: Planned/Performed 7-14 6. Next Month Planning 15 6. Curve Lubricator Report 16 7. In-Service Rail Failures 17 8. Vegetation 18 9. Fencing 19 10. Right of Way Signage 20 11. Clean Up Activities 21 12. Surfacing Report 22 13. Efficiency Testing/. Employee Injury Statistics 23 14. Service Property Damages 24 15. Total Ties 25

1 of 25

January 2017

1. Material Control Information

**There is (0) Material Control Information**

2 of 25

January 2017 2. Material Usage (Track)

QTY Description

53 each Plates 603 each Plugs 9154 each Spikes 14 each Weld Kits 46 each bolts 46 each washers 13 each Joint bars

3 of 25

January 2017 Material Usage (Signal)

QTY Description 13 each Mid Gate 5 each Tip gate 17 each Base Gate 14 each Light kit 1 each 18 Watt Lamp 27 each Wire Ties 53 each Shear Bolts 27 each Shear pin 3 each King pin 11 each 18w bulb 1 each NBS F-452 6 each Wire Nut 1 each T-21 SW contacts 2 each Breast plate 1 each Arrestor 1 each #6 Sleeve 1 each Ratchet Wheel 2 each Gate Mech Bearing 1 each Gold Test Nut 1 each Conversion Bracket

4 of 25

January 2017 3. Scrap Sales

**There have been (0) Scrap Sales**

5 of 25

January 2017 4. Rail, Ballast, Tie & Switch Ties

QTY Unit Description Total Yard Ties

Total ML Ties 1215 Switch Ties 15 each 9ft 21 each 10ft 12 each 11ft 12 each 12ft 11 each 13ft 9 each 14ft 4 each 15ft 5 each 16ft 5 each 16’6ft each 17ft

Total Switch

Ties 94 Total Ties 1309

Rail Ft. 115lb Rail Ft. 136lb Rail 3 Ft. 75lb Rail

Total Rail: 117’

Ballast Total YTD

Ballast 1 Ton

6 of 25

January 2017 4. Engineering/Maintenance Work: Plan/Performance

Track Jan.3, 2017 Rail Lubrication Mntce. 21 buckets of grease used SXH 37.1 - SX 1033.8 - SX 1030.9 - SX 1027.7 - SX 1023.5 - SX 1016.8 - SX 1032.0 Welded 2 frogs at Coral, SX 968.7, Tk.#2, points and wing rails (20) Crossties installed at the Gardens run around Tamped and surfaced the South approach of Palmetto Park Rd SX 995.9 Jan.4, 2017 (7) ties installed at Gardens Run Around (4) switch ties installed (2) 10- (2) 14 at GL-2 (6) Crossties installed at the Gardens lead Welded frog south leg of wye mission (70) ties installed at SXH 39.40 Jan.5, 2017 Repaired broken rail NE Tk.#3 Hialeah Yard Installed 5 switch ties (2)9ft/ (3)10ft at Switch #3 Hialeah Yard Installed track bolts at the Gardens Lead Welded (2) frog’s points and wing rail (SX 968.7 CP Coral Tk. 1 and SX 972.6 Seaboard Tk. 1) Monthly bridge inspection New River Bridge Opened Miami Canal for boat and completed monthly bridge inspection Jan.6, 2017 (9) Switch ties installed at the north end of Tk.#3 Hialeah Yard (3)10Ft/ (1)11Ft/ (1)12Ft/ (4)13Ft Weld 1 frog at SX 1008.2 Tk.#2 Waterworks Switch Construction-- Surfaced 1409' Oleander Branch MP SXH 40.0 Vegetation Control per SFRC 149 (53,975 Sq. Ft extra work) Jan.7, 2017 Surfaced 6453' Oleander Branch MP SXH 40.8- 38.4 (118) Ties installed Oleander Branch MP SXH 40.8- 38.41 Jan.8, 2017 Surfaced 5877' Oleander Branch MP SXH 40.8- 38.4 Vegetation Control Pompano Station to Sample Rd. East side, 25' of track Vegetation Control SFRC 150 Opa-Locka 30,000 Sq. Ft (Extra Work) Jan.9, 2017 Installed (22) Cross ties Downtown Lead SXD 38.18 Grounded (13) Frogs (5 North of Gator, 4 at CP Gator and 4 at CP Coral) Welded (1) Frog Point and Wing Rail at SX 1020.8 Hallandale Team Track Surfaced 4137’ Oleander Branch MP SXH 37.6 - 38.41 Completed Garbage pickup SFRC #149 Vegetation control SFRC 114 SX 1033.0 (600') Jan.10, 2017 Gas Track Pompano - Removed abandoned crossing surface, installed (15) ties and gaged 20 tie lengths Grinded on 9 Frogs-SX 1002.1 (1), SX 1003.5 (3), SX 1005.5 (4), SX 1005.7 (1) Down Town Lead - Installed 18 ties SXD 38.18. Replaced defective bolts in 1 rail joint. Bonsai Switch - SX 1002.8 Tk.#1 - Worked with Signal Dept. on Switch Copans Rd - SX 1002.3 - Welded (2) Panels and Put in (10) bags of Cold Patch Sunshine Ind. Park - Removed illegal dumping and cleared 700' along ML Oleander Branch - Surfaced Switches at SXH 40.6, SXH 40.53, SXH 40.13 Oleander Branch - Surfaced 3472' at SXH 37.4-37.7 Oleander Branch - Spread (60) tons of ballast in various locations Jan.11, 2017 Main Line - Ground (8) frogs (1 @ SX 1024.7, 4 @ SX 1025.4, 1 @ 1026.3, 2 @ SX 1026.2) Iris Interlocking - SX 1034.2 - Ground the full Diamond Iris Interlocking - SX 1034.2 Tk.#2 - (2) Crossties installed West Track Pompano - SX 1003.5 - Hand Tamped (2) frogs West Track Pompano - SX 1003.5 - Welded and Ground Frog and (2) switch points Pompano Crossover - SX 1003.4 - Hand Tamped a heel block and frog Down Town Lead - SXD 38.3 - (18) Crossties installed 7 of 25

January 2017 CP Parker - SX 999.1 - Graffiti removal West Palm Beach - SX 976.0 - Graffiti removal (SFRC162) Jan.12, 2017 (100) Ties installed at SX 1027.2 - SX 1026.0 Tk.#2 Surfaced 2521' from SX 1027.2 to SX 1026.0 (22) Branch line ties installed at SXD 38.4 Drop 2 welds at SX 1027.7 Tk.#2 (7) Main line ties installed at SX 1003.3 (13) Switch ties installed at SX 1003.3 (1)9Ft (4)10Ft (2)11Ft (1)12Ft (2)13Ft (1)14Ft (1)15Ft (1)16'6 Jan.13, 2017 West Track Pompano - SX 1003.4 - Installed (15) Switch Ties (5-9ft, 2-10ft, 4-11ft, 4-12ft) Main Line - SX 1036.5 - Hand Tamped Switch at NW 36th St and at S River Dr. Down Town Lead - SXD 1036.6 - Hand Tamped 2 locations in the vicinity of NW N River Dr. CP 46th - SX 1036.0 - Welded Frog Main Line - SX 1025.4-1026.0 Tk.#2 - Installed (100) ties Main Line - SX 1025.4-1026.0 Tk.#2 - Surfaced 5951' Jan.14, 2017 Main Line - Multiple Locations Tk. #2 - Hard Tamped 3 switches (SX1031.48, SX1031.43, SX1030.89) Main Line - SX 1031.7 Tk. 2 - Surfaced through switch Tompkins Amtrak Lead - Picked up ties along Row Jan.16, 2017 Hialeah Yard-South end of Tk. #3 - Repaired Broken Rail with 39' 75lb Rail Hialeah Yard/Gardens Lead - Cleaned, Lubed Switches Main Line – Multiple Locations - Ground (13) Frogs -(4) SX 972.7, (1) 976.1, (4) SX 977.1, (4) SX 982.8, (1) SX 988.5 Main Line - SX 992.5 - Dropped (2) Welds at Yamato Rd Jan.17, 2017 Mainline - Keenan Brick Switch- SX 1003.3 - Installed (2) Ties & (8) Switch Ties - 1-12ft, 1-13ft, 3-14ft, 1-15ft, 2-16ft Downtown Lead - SXD 38.4 - Installed (13) Ties Hialeah Yard- Tk.#4 - Repaired Broken Rail Installed (1) 115lb. Joint Bar Hialeah Yard - Track H -Tightened Bolts & Washers Mainline - SX 991.1 on Tk.#2 - Welded Frog & Point Wing Rail/ Tk.#1 -Grinded Frog Mainline - Multiple Locations - Ground (6) Frogs - SX 996.6 (2), SX 999.1 (4) Mainline - SX 1024.8 to SX 1025.4 - Surfaced 573' Mainline - SX 1024.8 to SX 1025.4 - Installed (100) Ties Repaired Gate at WPB Crew Facility Jan.18, 2017 Mainline - SX 989.9 on Tk.#1 - Installed (4) ties and (11) Switch Ties 4-9ft, 5-10ft, 2-11ft Downtown Lead - SXD 36.4 - Installed (7) ties Downtown Lead - SXD 38.5 - Installed (15) ties Hialeah Yard - South end Tk. #1 - Blown out Frog - Repaired by Welders Mainline - SX 1024.0 - SX 1025.3 on Tk.#2 - Installed (93) Ties Mainline - SX 1024.0 - SX 1025.3 - Surfaced 3965' Mainline - SX 1024.3 - SX 1024.0 - Hard Tamped 2020' Jan.19, 2017 Main Line - SX 989.9- Installed (2) ties/ (8) Switch ties 3-12ft, 2-13ft, 1-16ft, 2-16.6ft Downtown Lead - SXD 38.4 - Installed (14) ties Main Line - South Dania SX 1015.8 on Tk.#1 - Welded Frog Main Line - Golden Glades SX 1026.3 on Tk.#1 - Welded Frog Main Line - SX 1024.4 - SX 1023.3 Tk.#2 - Installed 50 ties Jan.20, 2017 Main Line- Multiple Locations - Corrections to FRA Rough Ride Report: SX 970.1 Tamped, SX 986.4 Tamped both sides of Trussel, SX 988.6 Scratched out mud, Tamp and dump ballast, SX 989.8 Tamped Head blocks & Heel block ties, SX 996.0 Tamped Approach, SX 966.0 Tighten wedges & Tamped Head block SX 1016.8 Surface greaser North Xing approach, SX 1017.3 Surface Heel of Frog West Guard Rail, SX 1020.1 Nothing found at this location, SX 1024.7 Surface Heel of Frog East Guard Rail, SX 1028.9 Surface North IJ, SX 1035.3 Nothing found at this location Main Line- Tompkins on Tk.#2 -Welded Frog Main Line - South end of Hardy on Tk#2 - (2) Welds 136 lb.

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January 2017 Jan.21, 2017 Main Line-CP Parker - Vegetation control per FRA defect report Main Line - Golden Glades - Vegetation control per FRA defect report Jan.23, 2017 Main Line - SX 1034.2 Tk.#1 & Tk.#2 - Tamped & Tighten bolts Main Line - Multiple Locations - Ground (10) Frogs: SX 1036.0 46th St, SX 1021.5 SE Hallandale, SX 1020.9 NE Hallandale, (4) SX 1017.3 CP Sheridan, (2) SX 1012.8 CP Whalen, SX 1008.1 Water works Downtown Lead - SXD 38.28 - Installed (6) ties Downtown Lead - SXD 36.33 - Installed (6) ties Jan.24, 2017 Industry- White Lumber Lead- Installed (10) ties & Gauged Curve Industry- F06- Installed (11) ties & Gauged up to the approach Hialeah Yard- Installed (3) ties at the North end of Tk.#15 & Repaired 39ft 75lb of Rail Hialeah Yard- Repaired 39ft 75lb north end of Tk.#15 Single Main- SX 964.3 - Field Weld Main Line- SX 971.1 to SX 970.6 on Tk.#1 - Surfaced 2253' Jan.25, 2017 Mainline - SX 1003.4 - Grace & Co. Switch - Installed (3) Ties & (14) Switch Ties 2-10ft, 1-11ft, 1-12ft, 2-13ft, 3-14ft, 1-15ft, 2- 16ft, 2-16.6 ft. Gardens Lead- Installed (26) ties Mainline - Hardrives - Tamped through the switch Single Main - SX 964.7 - Dropped 115lb Weld Single Main - SX 970.6-971.1 Tk.#2 - Surfaced track Single Main - Mission Spur - Installed (75) Ties Jan.26, 2017 West Rai - SX 1003.4 Installed (7) Switch Ties Gardens Lead- Installed (25) Ties Single Main- SX 966.0 Dropped Weld Mission Spur- Installed (88) Ties Jan.27, 2017 Main Line - SX 1036.0 - SX 1036.3 - Tamped (5) Mud Spots Main Line-SX 1013.4 on Tk.#3- Welded Frog Main Line - SX 990.6 Tk.#1 - Welded Frog Mission Spur - Installed (32) Yard ties Main Line- SX 970.4 - SX 970.8 Tk#2 - Surfaced 1798' Jan.28, 2017 Mission Spur - Installed (38) Yard ties Jan.30, 2017 Hialeah Yard - Repaired 39' 75lb Broken Rail at the North end of Tk.#8 Hialeah Yard - Installed (2) 75lb Joint Bars at the North end of Tk.#3 Main Line - SX 1036.6 to SX 1031.6 - Grounded (8) Frogs Mission Spur - Installed (37) Ties Main Line- SX 1017.3 - Spot Tamped (5) Spots on Tk.#1 & Tk.#2 Jan.31, 2017 Hialeah Yard - Tri Rail Yard Tk#2 - Installed (15) ties Main Line - SX1017.3 - North end of Sheridan Tk#1 - Spot Tamped Frog & Guard Rails Mission Spur - SX965 - Installed (35) ties

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January 2017 Engineering/Maintenance Work: Plan/Performance

Signal Date: Time: Location Cause: Correction

01/01/17 17:30 18:20 Cypress to Parker Bonsail SW Latched out unlatch SW

01/01/17 18:36 22:50 NW 19th St N/A Annual Inspect

01/02/17 14:44 15:12 NW 27th Ave Hit by Vehicle Realign NW gate

01/02/17 7:09 8:20 NW 25th St unknown reset rugged com

01/02/17 11:00 12:00 79 St Circle TK SW lock broken replaced SW lock

01/02/17 7:50 8:18 Cypress to Parker Bonsail SW Latched out Unlatch SW and check adjustment

01/02/17 5:30 6:20 Cypress to Parker Bonsail SW Latched out Unlatch SW and check adjustment Blown bulb on TK2 SAS red 01/02/17 8:00 9:10 CP Clune aspect replace bulb Blown bulb on TK1 SAS red 01/02/17 7:35 8:45 CP Manatee aspect Replace bulb

01/02/17 15:00 15:05 NW 22nd Ave power up contact dirty clean contact

01/03/17 9:12 9:25 NW 62nd St Hit by Vehicle Realign NE gate

01/03/17 15:18 15:52 NW 36th St Hit by Vehicle realign SW entrance gate

01/03/17 7:40 7:57 Cypress to Parker Bonsail SW Latched out Unlatch SW and check adjustment Blown bulb #2track A head 01/03/17 16:05 16:57 CP Clune red replaced bulb #2 track A head red Dirty contact on SW PED 01/04/17 6:49 7:44 Codadad St gate clean contact

01/04/17 7:42 9:30 Hollywood Blvd Hit by Vehicle Replaced west median gate

01/04/17 12:55 14:05 Pembroke Rd Hit by Vehicle Replaced SW gate

01/04/17 10:56 11:22 NW 135th St Hit by Vehicle realign west median gate

01/04/17 14:15 15:41 Stirling Rd Hit by Vehicle Replace gate

01/05/17 4:38 6:10 Hallandale Bch Blvd outside party no signal damages blown bulb on NAS #4 01/05/17 11:37 12:05 CP Coconut signal B head replace bulb

01/06/17 12:50 16:48 Race Track Rd Hit by Vehicle West Side replaced gate

01/07/17 8:30 9:38 Forest Hill Blvd Suicide Annual Inspect

01/07/17 18:40 20:00 NW 25th St unknown COA Ops Test FPL power coming and 01/08/17 12:28 13:45 CP Meteor going COA Ops Test loose bolts on break away 01/09/17 8:33 9:50 Yamato Rd saddle Tighten up bolts on saddle

01/09/17 9:29 10:30 6th Ave South Hit by Vehicle SW gate replaced

01/09/17 12:16 13:55 CP Seaboard Switches out of adjustment Adjusted switches N crossover

01/09/17 17:56 19:45 CP Cypress #6 track B Head Red Replace #6 track B head red Tol CP Cypress to Cp 01/09/17 17:54 18:23 Parker Switch 1002.8 latched out Checked adjustment

01/10/17 15:30 19:00 NW 26th Bad NBA stunt Replaced NBA stunt Palm Beach Lakes 01/10/17 10:58 11:03 Blvd unknown Ops test

01/11/17 14:36 15:05 NW 22nd Ave Ants in contacts put ant killer bait in gate

01/11/17 15:00 19:00 NW 24th St bad shunt replaced 630 NB shunt 10 of 25

January 2017

Date: Time: Location: Cause: Correction: NW North River Dr. 01/11/17 18:38 20:56 DT High resistance wire fixed wire connection

01/12/17 14:10 15:25 45th St Broken Gate Replaced gate A

01/12/17 9:30 16:00 NW N River Drive gates pumping tamp and adjust SW

01/13/17 19:05 20:18 NW 22nd Ave Broken Gate Replaced gate A

01/13/17 1:48 2:54 79th St Crossing Malfunction COA Ops Test

01/13/17 14:15 15:20 Powerline Rd Gate off Repaired SW gate

01/13/17 4:52 6:54 Hollywood Blvd Broken gate replace base on SE gate

01/13/17 14:22 16:41 NW 36th St Gates down repaired

01/13/17 14:22 16:41 NW N River Drive Gates down repaired

01/13/17 10:57 11:35 NW 36th St Broken gate replace base on NE entrance gate

01/13/17 14:22 16:41 `NW S River Drive Gates down repaired

01/14/17 20:06 0:33 SX 981.6 Intermed. can’t get clear signal adjust SW

01/14/17 5:00 23:45 CP Hardy code line failure switch back to Pompano

01/15/17 10:16 11:39 Griffin Rd Broken gate Replaced SW entrance gate

01/15/17 20:00 2:00 CP Gator cant line signal TK2 adjust switch

01/16/17 7:00 15:00 CP Golden glades Light out indication Secure location plus ops check

01/16/17 8:37 9:15 Palmetto Park Rd lights and bells clean contact in SE PED gate

01/16/17 9:10 12:30 Hydro SW 13 run through Ops test

01/16/17 17:29 18:18 McNab Rd Gate off replaced breast plate and rehung gate

01/16/17 13:50 17:00 Whalen/S Dania Track light replaced bayonet

01/16/17 12:31 13:15 Hammondville Rd gates down Ops test

01/17/17 12:34 13:15 NW 15 St gates down Ops test

01/17/17 13:08 13:46 CP Manatee Dark aspect Replace SAS TK1 yellow aspect

01/17/17 6:27 7:03 NW 27th Ave lights and bells G4S called in the wrong crossing

01/17/17 6:51 7:03 NW 22nd Ave lights and bells clean contacts from NE gate

01/18/17 7:44 8:30 NW 22nd Ave lights and bells clean contacts on NE gate

01/18/17 9:04 9:35 CP Clune Light out indication replace bulb on NAS A head

01/18/17 11:30 17:20 Sample rd. SW cantilever lights out reconnect wires

01/18/17 20:23 0:00 CP Clune restricted signal adjust SW

01/18/17 23:30 2:30 Commissary Rd gates down Switch to standby

01/19/17 16:16 17:21 Hillsboro Blvd Broken Gate replaced gate

01/19/17 9:00 10:13 Hillsboro Blvd Broken Gate Rehung SE exit gate

01/20/17 16;49 18;35 Hillsboro Blvd Broken gate replaced gate

01/20/17 13:45 14:15 NW 22nd Ave Broken gate replaced gate

01/21/17 17:59 18:45 NW 62nd St NE Broken gate Realigned NE gate

01/21/17 10:30 12:50 NW N River Drive SW Broken Gate Replaced SW gate

01/21/17 10:31 11:42 CP Rankin Light out indication Replaced bulb #2 track red

01/21/17 23:07 23:36 NW 15th St Broken gate Rehung Gate B

01/21/17 22:04 23:06 Hammondville Rd. Crossing Malfunction Ops Test 11 of 25

January 2017

Date: Time: Location: Cause Correction:

01/21/17 21:41 22:12 Old Okeechobee Rd. Car on Track 2 OPS test

01/22/17 11:30 12:05 NW 22nd Ave Crossing Malfunction Realigned SW Gate

01/22/17 12:10 13:30 Hollywood Blvd Crossing Malfunction Cleaned contacts gate C

01/22/17 8:10 9:45 7th Ave N SE. Exit gate stuck up applied ant poison cleaned contacts

01/22/17 9:59 11:13 Hammondville Rd. Crossing Malfunction Replaced arrestor and Equalizer

01/22/17 14:49 16:06 Atlantic Blvd Crossing Malfunction applied ant poison removed lizard eggs

01/22/17 14:46 15:45 NW 22nd Ave Crossing Malfunction realigned NE gate tighten bolts

01/22/17 18:00 19:50 Hollywood Blvd Crossing Malfunction NW, NE gate Replaced gate Hallandale beach 01/23/17 4:20 5:15 Blvd Car on Track 2 Ops test Palm Beach Lakes 01/23/17 5:50 8:15 Blvd Crossing Malfunction Cleaned contacts gate C

01/23/17 11:50 12:44 Prospect Rd. Crossing Malfunction COA Ops Test

01/23/17 16:56 18:43 NW 57th Ave Crossing Malfunction Rehung light on SE gate Palm Beach Lakes 01/23/17 16:17 21:11 Blvd Trespasser Stuck by train Annual Inspect

01/23/17 20:28 21:24 S End Harddrives restricted signal Had MOW work on track

01/24/17 11:40 13:30 Allendale Rd. SW gate stuck half way up Applied poison clean contacts

01/23/17 11:33 11:47 CP Clune Power out indication Did a download

01/24/17 15:12 15:47 Iris interlocking Trap set Ops test

01/25/17 7:57 8:33 Iris interlocking Trap set talked to FEC MOW to clear track

01/26/17 15:28 16:06 NW 15th St Broken gate Rehung B Gate

01/26/17 14:06 20:15 Hallandale Bch Blvd gates down Broken bond wire

01/27/17 5:00 7:54 Palmetto Park Rd lights and bells replaced ratchet wheel

01/27/17 9:25 10:10 NW 15th St E Exit gate did not descend Rehung Gate D

01/27/17 8:47 14:40 New River Bridge Bridge showing open splice cable CP Sheridan and 01/27/17 12:37 15:30 Hardy Track light Tighten bolts

01/28/17 6:58 9:45 NW 79th St lights and bells Ops test

01/29/17 11:31 12:25 CP Parker Light out indication replaced bulb

01/29/17 11:00 11:25 INT 981.0 Light out indication replaced bulb

01/29/17 8:53 11:00 6th Ave South gates down replaced

01/30/17 9:27 10:18 NW 62nd St Broken gate Replaced NE gate

01/30/17 12:58 13:54 Hydro SW # 12 SW flashing Red Reset SW

01/30/17 8:08 8:44 Griffin Rd gate stuck down clean contact

01/30/17 10:50 17:10 Griffin Rd gate stuck down replace bearing

01/30/17 15:49 16:15 36th St broken Gate Ops test Palm Beach Lakes 01/30/17 15:39 15:49 Blvd Broken Gate Ops test

01/30/17 17:26 18:04 NW 62nd St Broken Gate Rehung NE gate

01/30/17 20:13 20:45 NW 25th St gate down replaced

01/31/17 6:09 7:30 tompkins/79st track light reset breaker

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January 2017

Engineering/Maintenance Work: Plan/Performance

Facilities Jan.3, 2017 Repair sink inside of men’s locker room restroom at admin bldg. in Hialeah yard Replace slip resistant strips at service elevator inside admin building Hialeah yard Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Jan.4, 2017 Graffiti cleanup at SX 978.78 Lantana Rd. overpass Patch and repair concrete curve along roadway in Hialeah yard Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Jan.5, 2017 Cleanup trash and debris at track dept. storage lot in Hialeah yard Sand and paint rust from diesel fuel tank (T-58) located in Hialeah yard Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Jan.6, 2017 Worked signal dept. removing recycled materials at Hialeah yard Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Jan.9, 2017 Trash and debris cleanup along roadway leading to 37th Ave. exit at Hialeah yard Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Installed funnels on used oil drums located inside hazardous material storage shed in Hialeah yard Repair light fixture inside of signal dept. Storage shed at Hialeah yard Clean and paint walls upstairs in admin building at Hialeah yard Jan.10, 2017 Serviced eyewash stations at Hialeah yard Changed out blown lightbulbs throughout admin building at Hialeah yard Patch and paint walls inside breakroom at admin building in Hialeah yard Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Graffiti cleanup at SX 997.25 SW 18th St. overpass Paint stair treads on south side of admin building in Hialeah yard Jan.11, 2017 Install new exhaust fan inside men’s locker room restroom in admin building at Hialeah yard Remove and trash old CSX sign from Plant area located next to admin building in Hialeah yard Graffiti cleanup at SX 998.10 CP Parker overpass and bungalow Clear rocks from roadways inside Hialeah yard facility Serviced 95th St. entrance gate at Hialeah yard Graffiti cleanup at SX 976.0 sound wall in Lake worth Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Jan.12, 2017 Quarterly maintenance on A/C units at admin building in Hialeah Facility Yard Patch and paint walls located at elevator lobby inside admin building Hialeah yard Repair air vent on office door inside admin building at Hialeah yard Graffiti cleanup at SX 973.3 Summit Blvd Sound wall Graffiti cleanup at SX 972.69 CP Sound wall Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Jan.13, 2017 Repair door to men’s room upstairs admin building at Hialeah Yard Clean trash and debris at loading dock at Broward facility yard Installed trim around A/C thermostat inside road master’s office at admin building in Hialeah yard Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Jan.14, 2017 Graffiti cleanup at SX 982.80 CP Coconut overpass Jan.16, 2017 Paint exterior walls at admin building in Hialeah yard Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard

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January 2017 Jan.17, 2017 Repaired latch on gate at WPB ops center side walk gate Oil spill cleanup at Hialeah yard facility Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Jan.18, 2017 Worked with electrical contractor on employee light towers at Hialeah yard Clear rocks and debris along roadways inside Hialeah yard Change out light bulbs at admin building in Hialeah yard Repaired windsock located at south end of Hialeah facility yard Repaired A/C unit upstairs admin building Hialeah Yard Replaced lockset at Miami Canal Bridge house (SX 1036.7) Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Jan.19, 2017 Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Painted yellow speed bumps at Hialeah facility yard Replace broken toilet seat in men’s room upstairs admin building in Hialeah yard Jan.20, 2017 Graffiti cleanup at SX 980.0 Hypoluxo Rd. overpass Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Jan.23, 2017 Patch and repaved asphalt inside of WPB Facility yard Cleanup rocks from roadways at Hialeah facility yard Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Jan.24, 2017 Cleanup at laydown area lot in Hialeah yard Replace/repair lock cylinder on employee entrance gate to ops office at WPB station Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Jan.25, 2017 Cleanup at laydown area lot in Hialeah yard Replaced blown light bulbs in admin building Hialeah yard Cleanup rocks from roadways throughout Hialeah yard Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Jan.26, 2017 Graffiti cleanup at Glades Rd. overpass Cleanup at laydown area lot in Hialeah yard Inspection on doors installation at Amtrak building in Hialeah yard Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Jan.27, 2017 Final inspection/punch list completed on door installations at Amtrak building in Hialeah yard Cleanup at laydown area lot in Hialeah yard Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Jan.28, 2017 Cleanup at laydown area lot in Hialeah yard Jan.30, 2017 Repaired electrical meter box cover located at NW 79th St crossing Repaired light fixture upstairs admin. Building at Hialeah yard Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Jan.31, 2017 Cleanup at laydown area lot in Hialeah yard Patch and repair potholes along roadways in Hialeah yard Daily Janitorial duties at admin building in Hialeah yard Cut grass and clean up trash debris at main water shut off service lot at NW 36th Ave for Hialeah Yard

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January 2017 Planning For Next Month Signal

Support surface gang Support NW 57th Ave crossing rehab Way side bulb replacement and voltage check Elimination of rail plugs Intermediate signal software survey for PTC GCP 3000 bench testing of spare







Graffiti Cleanup along corridor as needed Fence repair/ installation along corridor as needed Monthly maintenance at all facilities along the corridor Daily janitorial duties Admin building in Hialeah yard Anything else occurs will be taken care of

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January 2017

6. Curve Lubricator Report Amount of Date Milepost Name /Location Grease Status-Action 1/3/17 SXH 40.1 0 Not Working 1/3/17 SXH 37.1 Le June 6 Full & Pumping 1/3/17 SX 1033.8 Yard (South End) 3 Full & Pumping 1/3/17 SX 1032.0 0 Left Not Working / Right hose is working 1/3/17 SX 1030.9 Junkyard Switch 3 Motor working on both hoses / Not Working 1/3/17 SX 1027.7 6 Emits grease slowly 1/3/17 SX 1023.5 0 Not Working / TRK #1 working 1/3/17 SX 1016.8 Tiger Tail Rd 3 Full & Pumping 1/3/17 SX 1005.8 0 Not Working 1/3/17 SX 972.0 0 Full & Pumping 1/3/17 SX 971.1 0 Not Working 1/3/17 SX 969.4 0 Only TRK 1 Side Working 1/3/17 SX 967.0 0 Not Working

16 of 25

January 2017

7. In-Service Rail Failures Track Date Milepost Location No. Weight Measurements Action Taken

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January 2017

8. Vegetation Removal Area Date Milepost Location Action Taken Covered Directed by/ Reason 1/6/2017 SX 1034.2 Iris SFRC#149 Extra Work 53975 Sq. Ft. Jose Serrato 1/8/2017 SX 1030.1 Opa-Locka SFRC#150 Extra Work 30000 Sq. Ft. Jose Serrato

1/8/2017 SX 1001.3 Pompano to Sample Vegetation control 15500 Sq. Ft. Jose Serrato 1/9/2017 SX 1033.0 Opa Locka SFRC#114 Vegetation control 600 Sq. Ft. Jose Serrato 1/21/2017 SX 999.1 CP parker Vegetation control 300 Sq. Ft. Jose Serrato 1/21/2017 SX 1026.3 Golden Glades Vegetation control 800 Sq. Ft. Jose Serrato 1/21/2017 SX 1024.7 Plantation Track Vegetation control 300 Sq. Ft. Jose Serrato

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January 2017

9. Fencing Repairs Date Milepost Location Type Measurements Directed by

New Fencing Date Milepost Location Type Measurements Directed by .

Inter-Track Fencing Date Milepost Location Status Inspector 1/23/17 SX 1036.3 Hialeah Market Good Bill Dietz 1/23/17 SX 1033.9 Metrorail Good Bill Dietz 1/23/17 SX 1030.1 Opa-Locka Fair Bill Dietz 1/23/17 SX 1026.3 Golden Glades N/A Bill Dietz 1/23/17 SX 1019.7 Hollywood Fair Bill Dietz 1/23/17 SX1018.4 Sheridan Fair-Fence Leaning Bill Dietz 1/23/17 Good-Needs wire Bill Dietz SX 1016.3 Ft Lauderdale Airport keepers 1/23/17 SX 1012.2 Ft Lauderdale Station Good Bill Dietz 1/23/17 SX 1006.4 Cypress Creek Good Bill Dietz 1/23/17 North end needs Re- Darryl Mathis SX 1001.5 Pompano Beach strapping rail 1/23/17 SX 998.3 Deerfield Beach Good Darryl Mathis 1/23/17 SX 992.5 New Boca Good Darryl Mathis 1/23/17 SX 988.1 Delray Beach Good Darryl Mathis 1/23/17 SX 981.2 Boynton Beach Good Darryl Mathis 1/23/17 SX 976.8 Lake Worth Good Darryl Mathis 1/23/17 SX 969.9 WPB Station Good Darryl Mathis 1/23/17 SX 966.3 Magnolia Station Gate needs chain & lock Darryl Mathis

19 of 25

January 2017

10. Right-of-Way Signage Report Location Reason QTY Item Comments

20 of 25

January 2017

11. Clean Up Activities Date Milepost Location Action Taken Reported by 1/4/17 SX 978.78 Lantana Rd Graffiti cleanup Courtney Robinson 1/5/17 SX 1029.4 Hialeah yard Trash and debris pickup Courtney Robinson 1/9/17 SX 1027.0 Hordes Cleanup Extra Work Jose Serrato th 1/10/17 SX 997.25 SW 18 St. Graffiti cleanup Courtney Robinson 1/11/17 SX 998.10 CP Parker Graffiti cleanup Courtney Robinson 1/11/17 SX 976.0 Lake worth Graffiti cleanup Courtney Robinson 1/12/17 SX 973.3 Summit Blvd Graffiti cleanup Courtney Robinson 1/12/17 SX 972.6 CP Seaboard Graffiti cleanup Courtney Robinson Broward loading Courtney Robinson 1/13/17 SX 1012.3 dock Trash and debris pickup 1/14/17 SX 982.80 CP Coconut Graffiti cleanup Courtney Robinson 1/20/17 SX 980.0 Hypoluxo Rd. Graffiti cleanup Courtney Robinson

21 of 25

January 2017

12. Surfacing Report Track Date Milepost Location No. Action Taken Distance 1/6/2017 MP 40.0 – 39.7 1409’ 1/7/2017 MP 40.8 – 38.41 6453’ 1/8/2017 MP 40.8 – 38.41 5877’ 1/9/2017 MP 37.4 – 37.0 3472’ 1/9/2017 MP 37.6 – 38.41 4137’ 1/12/2017 SX 1027.2 – 1026.0 2 2521’ 1/13/2017 SX 1025.4 – 1026.0 2 5951’ 1/14/2017 Amtrak Lead 1700’ 1/17/2017 SX 1024.8 – 1025.4 2 573’ 1/18/2017 SX 1024.0 – 1025.3 2 3965’ 1/24/2017 SX 971.1 – 970.6 1 2253’ 1/25/2017 SX 971.1 – 970.6 2 2221’ 1/27/2017 SX 970.4 -970.8 2 1798’

Total 43739’

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January 2017

13. Efficiency Testing January - Efficiency Tests Dept. Total Tests Cardinal Safety Instructed Out Of Hrs. Rule Tests (Verbal Warning /Written Between Reprimand / Formal Charges) 17:00-05:00am Track 62 29 0 5

Signal & Comms 51 34 0 13

14. Employee Injury Statistics Month of January 2017 = injury.

Department Date Location Description Track - Maintenance. *** *** ***

Track - Construction *** *** ***

Signal & Communications *** *** HQ/Facilities *** *** ***

2017 - YTD injury summary. Department Date Location Description Recommendation/Action Track (Maint) *** *** *** ***

Signal C&S) *** *** *** ***

Track (Const) *** *** *** ***

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January 2017

15. Service Property Damages Track Date Milepost Location No. Description of Damage Reason for Damages Action Taken

24 of 25

January 2017 16. Summary of Ties Installed 2015 and 2016

Installed by Maintenance Crew Installed by Ties Gang

Switch ties Transition 10’ Main line ties and Industrial ties and Transition Main line ties ties 10’ ties 15-Apr 81 0 15- 795 0 May 15-Jun 891 22 15-Jul 940 3 15-Aug 379 176 15-Sep 439 80 15-Oct 603 7 15-Nov 500 80 15-Dec 771 43 16-Jan 680 41 16-Feb 440 76 16-Mar 450 85 16-Apr 906 232 16- 424 239 May 16-Jun 594 77 16-Jul 374 110 8,874 22 16-Aug 262 56 11,189 26 16-Sep 325 105 11,199 9 16-Oct 474 244 16-Nov 558 54 685 13 16-Dec 779 42 17-Jan 1215 94 12,880 1,866 31,947 70

Total of Ties Installed as of January 2017 Mainline and Industrial ties 44,827 Switch ties and Transition 10’ ties 1,912Total 46,739

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South Florida Regional Transportation Authority (SFRTA) Maintenance Project

SFRTA Maintenance Issues Monthly Report Reporting Period: January 2018

Ansaldo STS-USA, Inc 1000 Technology Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 645 Russell Street, Batesburg, SC 29006

Date of Issue: February 15, 2018

Page 1 of 19 Executive Summary

There have been a total of 52 issues to date. Issues were of a miscellaneous nature with no real distinctive pattern. Note that if we do detect any distinctive patterns in issues found, we will work to find out why those specific things are occurring and what we and SFRTA might be able to do to prevent them.


 See Issue Log


Status Closed Total Explained Closed - Fixed Open Result 9 42 1 52

Status of Issues 60


40 Closed Explained Closed - Fixed 30 Open Total Result 20



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Date How Reported By Date Reported Reported Issue Comments Resolved Root Cause Issue # Priority Sub-System Owner Status Service Disruption? (minutes)Downtime Direct Dave Dice 1 3 CTC 05/27/15 phone call Sheridian in Code Fail Rebooted the CNA2000 to resolve the issue. ASTS Closed - Fixed 05/27/15 N

ASTS's Dave Dice, Bob Whanger, Mike Scott, Alex Dyga, and Derek Schrock remotely installed s/w Direct release 4A and correct system time on Pompano 2 3 CTC 05/30/15 phone call System as document in FCN 3. Dave Dice No incidents occurred. ASTS Closed - Fixed 05/30/15 N During the afternoon calls, we did troubleshooting and came to the conclusion The morning activity that was done didn’t correctly turn on all ports needed to that there was this problem. With CSX help, Direct allow WBI client authentication messages to be passed from remote sites for ASTS HW/Telecomms opened up the needed 3 3 CTC 07/28/15 phone call WBI was not being displayed for CSX Dave Dice CSX to SFRTA through firewalls. ASTS Closed - Fixed 07/28/15 N ports.

Direct I checked the logs and did not see any failures. The Interent was locked down But this was rolled back and the problem was 4 3 CTC 07/28/15 phone call SFRTA was having issues sending bulletins Dave Dice during the time frame that they were having issues sending bulletins. ASTS Closed - Fixed 07/28/15 N no longer occuring. After investigation it was determined that there is an issue with the Verizon network. Called Verizon and they stated the the static IP address were changed. They were not able to correct the issue at night and need SFRTA to call in the morning. If a bulletin is need to be faxed they are going to print it Direct SFRTA was unable to send faxes through the out and then manually fax them. They are going to try and print the bulletins Spoke to Verizon and it is an issue on there 5 3 CTC 08/15/15 email system. Dave Dice at the locations. ASTS Closed - Fixed 08/15/15 N end and they are working to correct the issue. Direct The issue was with the AT&T connection to 6 3 CTC 08/20/15 email Unable to Fax through the system Dave Dice ASTS Closed - Fixed 08/20/15 N the network Appears to be a display issue preventing tasks to start correctly, Alex/SFRTA will check out the workstation for display problems Direct Interface tasks on workstation 6 showing aborts Dave Possible issue with monitor, machine needs physically inspected to ASTS/ Closed - 7 3 CTC 11/04/15 email on startup Stovich verify/check monitor/displays at this workstation SFRTA Explained N

ssl certificate association changed prohibiting Alex V called and is having trouble connecting access, Larry D associated cert with ip address Solar Direct through the anyconnect vpn remotely and from Alex Alex V called and is having trouble connecting through the anyconnect vpn ASTS/ of router instead of name which should 8 3 Winds 11/28/15 phone call Hialea Villares remotely and from Hialea to get on the network to view solarwinds/wbi/etc SFRTA Closed - Fixed 11/28/15 N prevent same problem occurring A workstation reboot fixed the problem, but Tony B. called and mentioned that sfrwrk002 Mike Scott opened spr28479 to try and Direct managed to freeze after he opened train sheet Tony B. restarted the workstation and it fixed the problem before speaking address/recreate the root cause of the 9 3 CTC 01/07/16 phone call summary forms Tony B with Dave S. ASTS Closed - Fixed 01/07/16 N reported problem

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Date How Reported By Date Reported Reported Issue Comments Resolved Root Cause Issue # Priority Sub-System Owner Status Service Disruption? (minutes)Downtime

I see the Power Outage indications starting at 0414. I am checked to see what happened around 0707 to 0713. And I do see it going into Code Fail. But when I talked to Bob W about this and he did not see anything go down. It is possible that the CP lost power and VHLC is on different power. Recieved email from Mike S: Reported form SFRTA Dispatch: FYI: Matt w/RTA Dispatch notified OPS there As of 0414 hours we have been experiencing is a Power off Indication which is causing issues at CP CLUNE consisting of PO indications signal issues. There is a TOL on Track #1 and track lights. A signal maintainer was contacted between Parker MP SX 999.25 and Cypress and on scene as of 0510 hours. MP SX 1005.60 and another TOL on Track #1 At 0707 hours CP CLUNE went into code line between Rankin MP SX 996.55 and Parker MP failure. SX 999.25. Maintainer notified enroute to Direct At 0713 the code line failure indication cleared. scene. Expect Delays : P620 is 16 minutes late 10 2 CTC 02/11/16 email SFRTA Wanted us to look into why the Code Failure occurred. ASTS Closed - Fixed 02/11/16 N to DFB . Update to follow.

The incident occurred at 2104. We retreived the logs and after an analysis of the logs the nothing pertaining to the Train Consist from was discovered.

Last night, around 2130 I received a call from An ATS engineer attempted to duplicae the issue and the following email was SFRTA about the Engine Consist form “freezing sent: up”. I do not see anything in the event log or the stderrout files that indicate a The Operator that called, stated that when problem. I went down to the lab and tried what was indicated in the event log creating the Train Consist form, the Train Consist per workstation sfrwrk002 that is listed there. If data is not changed on the form worked fine, then he select the Engine forms they can not be completed, and the event logs do not indicate a change Consist form, the form froze. of data so I suspect this may have been the case: The dispatcher either (The machine was “D2”; Dispatcher 2?) thought they changed a value, or changed it to the same value. Other possibilities include: I asked the Operator to close the from and restart the operation, at that time another operator had 1) They saw the warning about the departure tons not being filled in on the completed the operation without any problem. train consist after hitting Update and thought they could not continue (they can). Then the operator stated that he or they (not sure 2) They thought they had to bring up the Train Sheet Form again after bringing which) had seen this issue of the Engine Consist up the Train Consist form and was hitting the Complete button on the Train 800 from freezing up, not often, but it does. Sheet form thinking it would complete the Train Consist form also. Without a Closed - 11 3 CTC 03/17/16 number SFRTA change on the Train Sheet form this form can not be completed either. ASTS Explained 03/22/16 N NA

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Date How Reported By Date Reported Reported Issue Comments Resolved Root Cause Issue # Priority Sub-System Owner Status Service Disruption? (minutes)Downtime

After requesting more information, SFRTA's Nikeisha Thomas reported that Amtrak's Danielle Simkunas realized that the request is over 90-days and that the system no longer had the information (since it was archived). After SFRTA requested playback data from 1/4/2016 so confirming that the system is working per requirements, Mike Scott sent a that they could analyze a derailment that occurred reply back to SFRTA and stated that ASTS could provide a quote for a change to Direct that day. The title of e-mail that stated "Request cover loading archived data back into the system to permit a playback for a Closed - 12 3 CTC 04/19/16 email for Tape Load from Dispatch System". Mike Scott time period that is over 90 days. ASTS Explained 04/21/16 N

1. Looked at the Failed Print and Fax directories for ctc001 and 002 and did not see any failed jobs for 21 April. 2. Asked if the printer was turn off then on, that was completed and still failed. Received a call from SFRTA Operations Center, at 3. Looked at the system printer logs, no errors reported. Did see that at 0644 Direct 0339 21 April that printer sfrprn001 was not the printer successfully printed a job. CUPS Needed to ve restarted for the printer 13 3 CTC 04/21/16 phone call printing. Pat Semon 4. Called and ask if SFRTA would send a test print job and that was sucessful ASTS Closed - Fixed 04/24/16 N to work

1. Contacted CSX's Damian Blalock to get him to investigate from their side. Received a e-mail the SFRTA connection into CSX 2. Bob Whanger & Larry Delrosso investigated ASTS supplied ASA firewall to WBI via the Ansaldo-supplied NEC Monitor is see if any issues apparent. Also, looked at Solarwinds. No issues apparent. Direct freezing and is requiring the Dispatcher to log out 3. Provided SFRTA recommendation to try connection from another Wall contacted Alex and he stated that they install 14 3 CTC 05/16/16 email and back in. Mike Scott Monitor and laptop to see if they also have issues freezing. ASTS Closed - Fixed 05/21/16 N 2 new monitor what solved the issues Direct SFRTA requested ASTS look into email alerts for 15 3 CTC 06/02/16 email low toner levels at remote printers SFRTA Implementation options are being investigated ASTS Closed - Fixed N

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Date How Reported By Date Reported Reported Issue Comments Resolved Root Cause Issue # Priority Sub-System Owner Status Service Disruption? (minutes)Downtime

The modem on the south had a package sent from Red Lion on June 8th that corrupted the configuration. The package upgraded the modem to 4.22 from 4.2. Alex noticed this several days ago. Edward from Red Lion re flashed the modem and replaced the firmware with 4.2, then he reinstalled the config that I gave him. He said the patch was made by Red Lion, but he does not know how it got to SFRTA. He said it was sent by someone who received the patch from them. He is looking into it. The north modem had the wrong Ethernet address installed. I know they were trying many things to troubleshoot the problem. So Alex and I uploaded the original config into the north modem and it worked fine. Edward from Red Lion is supposed to get back to me on how to prevent this and how this happened.

Edward from Red Lion said that the packages are made when a customer requests them. They are not sent out to everyone. Only to a customer who is having a problem in a specific area. They are not sent out by computer. They are received by going to their web site and downloading them. He said he would email me when his company finds what that package had in it and if anyone sent it. The issue turned out to be a bad update Direct SFRTA is having a production issue with 1 or more “package” that the Verizon 4GLTE modem 16 3 CTC 06/08/16 phone call CP’s in Code Fail. SFRTA ASTS Closed - Fixed 06/15/16 N manufacture Sixnet sent to the modem.

During weekly checks of SFRTA, the following workstations were seen as having one of their bond slave network interfaces down: sfrwrk003 ASTS and sfrtrn001 in Pompano; sfrwrk006, sfrwrk007, 17 3 CTC 07/19/16 Resource and sfrwrk008 in West Palm. ASTS ASTS Open N

Upon SFRTA's approval of the change, ASTS made the firewall changes at the time designated by SFRTA, which was 7/25/2016 at 11 PM. Changes were successfully complete during a teleconference call between ASTS and SFRTA / Amtrak. CSX made their changes on the morning of 7/26/2016 and ASTS received a request from CSX to make a successfully test the changes at Pompano Beach during a teleconference call firewall change to support the re-location of a that they arranged on 7/26/2016 at 1130 AM. During CSX's testing, they Jacksonville thin-client workstation from IP determined that there is issue with CSX's Network Configurtion at West Palm address to This required Beach which needs resolved. CSX was going to have an internal meeting to a change to both the Pompano Beach and West determine how to support. SFRTA / CSX are likely to come back to ASTS and Direct Palm Beach Dispatch System Cisco ASA Firewalls. request for supporting testing once the change is made. ASTS will not make This was a maintenance request from CSX 18 3 CTC 07/25/16 email ASTS forwarded CSX's reqeust to SFRTA. Mike Scott any changes on the SFRTA-side unless approved by CSX. ASTS Closed - Fixed 07/26/16 N 0 approved by SFRTA.

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Date How Reported By Date Reported Reported Issue Comments Resolved Root Cause Issue # Priority Sub-System Owner Status Service Disruption? (minutes)Downtime

M. Scott sent a reply to SFRTA's Alex Villares, Nikeisha Thomas and (Amtrack's) Danielle Simkunas reporting that the Dispatch System only provides retrieval of system reports and event log messages and running of playback for 30 days SFRTA's Alex Villares contacted ASTS's Mike Scott per system requirements despite system storing information for 90 days. to request information regarding questions on There are 2 potential changes that SFRTA is interested in getting: 1) change 30 how long information (such as Playback and EC-1's days to 90 days and 2) loading of archived data (once it is purged after the 90 Direct are stored) in system and if archived information days) back into the system. M. Scott will work with ASTS Sales & Bid team to Closed - 19 3 CTC 07/27/16 phone call can be loaded back into system. Mike Scott provide this estimate. ASTS Explained 07/28/16 N This was not a problem just a question. Dave Nutich had e-mailed and stated that there were problems with the network switching over seamlessly. We found in Solarwinds that the CNA2000 was down from about 20:45 to 1:45 in the morning. The OCG log shows that the CP went down Golden Glades went down for under a minute at 16:09 and Solar Direct SFRTA is having issues with switchover from AT&T then for over 3 hours start at 22:19:48. There was an unknown issue with Closed - 20 3 Winds 08/08/16 phone call to Verizon SFRTA CNA2000. ASTS Explained 08/08/16 N CAN2000 issue.

They have determined that we need to get in contact with Dell about the bad Michael Scott reported that the iDraq port is bad iDraq port ASTS in the Dell server and we need to place a service 21 3 CTC 08/23/16 Resource call to Dell for the server Mike Scott As per our conversation with Alex V, this issue has been resolved by SFRTA SFRTA Closed - Fixed 08/26/16 N

Solarwinds only monitors the ocg nodes, we do not monitor VHLC status which is what determines if the CP is in code fail. Alex mentioned power failures Alex V sent an email stating Amtrak Lead CP was in around this time, did the VHLC fail? Direct codefail but solarwinds did not show any failures, Alex 22 3 CTC 09/15/16 email is this possible? Villares As per our conversation with Alex V, this issue has been resolved by SFRTA ASTS Closed - Fixed 09/19/16 N

B1 in Dell PowerEdge R620 Service Tag 8NYSV12 (SFRVMS001) has a Correctable Memory Error Log Limit Reached warning

Direct Alex V reported a message related to memory Alex As per our conversation with Alex V, this issue has been resolved by SFRTA 23 3 All 09/15/16 phone call capacity reporting on sfrvms001 Villares ASTS Closed - Fixed 09/17/16 N

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Date How Reported By Date Reported Reported Issue Comments Resolved Root Cause Issue # Priority Sub-System Owner Status Service Disruption? (minutes)Downtime Looked at log files and did not see anything unusual. --Pat Semon When logged in as Dispatcher on Console 1, they are getting function access priviliges as if they As per our conversation, this issue has been resolved by SFRTA were logged in as a Chief rather than a Dispatcher. They aren’t able to throw switches and create EC1 authorities.

To work around this, they are having the Dispatcher logging on to Console 2 and the Chief logging on to Console 1.

They are requesting support to figure out what the problem is so that they can switch the Dispatcher back to Console 1

You can call the Dispatchers at 954 941-1349 to Direct get more details. You can also call Alex." Alex Closed - 24 3 CTC 09/29/16 email Villares ASTS Explained 09/29/16 N Larry Delrosso worked with APC Remote Monitoring facility and determined that heartbeat messages were going out every 10 minutes and the UPS is sending out a test query every 20 minutes. When logged into the UPS management card via web browser, Larry saw diagnostic errors saying the server is unreachable filling the UPS log files. This may prevent Remote Monitoring emails from being sent.

Alex Villares called Mike Scott concerned about Last email received is from 5/31/2016. network connectivity issues between Direct Schneider Electric APC UPS unit at WPB and Alex Schneider Electric rebooted the management card software which corrected 25 3 All 11/09/16 phone call Schneider Electric APC Remote Monitoring Center Villares the issue. All Closed - Fixed N

Called Alex Valleres to inform him that sfrwrk003 disk space is getting full and it keep growing daily. I gave him a choice to either to either delete the playback files or move them to external hard drive. Alex Villares state that we will inform his manager.

Alex called back and stated that his manger want to know the recommended size of how big they should geta external . I recommend 3tb, since they could SFRTA requested, that we can Delete Playback ASTS sfrwrk003 disk space is getting full and it keep store more. alex will call back when they have the enternal to move the Closed - that are older then 6 months to gain back 26 3 All 11/22/16 Resource growing daily is currently it 95% ASTS playback off of the machine. ASTS Explained 11/23/16 N storage space.

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Date How Reported By Date Reported Reported Issue Comments Resolved Root Cause Issue # Priority Sub-System Owner Status Service Disruption? (minutes)Downtime

So once we receive the replacement, the failed disk will get pulled out, and the replacement will be inserted. The replacment will then be rebuilt and become active. The hot spare that took over will go back to its original state of being a hot spare. The SAN takes care of all of this once the replacement is inserted. I will just need to jump in a few hours later and make sure that everything is back to a normal state So once we receive the replacement, the failed disk will get pulled out, and the replacement will be inserted. The replacment will then be rebuilt and become DAE 0 1 Disk 4 failed in sfrsan002 on 11/21/2016 active. The hot spare that took over will go back to its original state of being a at 8:45:50 AM Eastern time. The failed part hot spare. number is 005049039 and the serial number is The SAN takes care of all of this once the replacement is inserted. I will just 6SL88G56. The hot spare took over, and we can need to jump in a few hours later and make sure that everything is back to a Direct still lose one more additional disk before we lose normal state WE bought and ship a New disk to SFRTA, The 27 3 All 11/23/16 email any data ASTS ASTS Closed - Fixed 12/02/16 N dish has been replaced in grsan002

Received a call from Adam (Dispatcher at SFRTA) that the system was down and he was unable to route any trains. Speaking with him it seems that the sfrwrk001 workstation became unresponsive and was not able to select SFRTA anything on the system with the mouse and the keyboard was frozen. (Adam - Direct Dispatcher reported system down and unable to (Dispatche Update: after investigating the issue, the machine is running smootly and here 28 3 CTC 12/03/16 phone call route trains r) not errors to be reported ASTS Closed - Fixed 12/05/16 Y 30

Direct Received a call from Alex that Hardy was in code fail. The ultimate issue was CNA2000 did not have an IP address that was 29 3 CTC 01/14/17 phone call Hardy was in Code Fail SFRTA the CNA2000 not having an IP address at WPB ASTS Closed - Fixed 01/15/17 Y 160 routeable to West Palm Beach Direct Received an e-mail from Danielle that she was unable to login as Database Database manager did not log off before the 30 3 CTC 01/24/17 email Database Manager was not able to login at WPB SFRTA manager because she was already logged in at Palpamo. ASTS Closed - Fixed 01/24/17 Y 0 cutover.

Direct SFRTA Received an e-mail from Danielle that she was unable to do playback on the playback kits have been installed , she can 31 3 CTC 01/25/17 email Unable to do Playback (Danielle) system. ASTS Closed - Fixed 01/25/17 N successfully do playback

I called Arron and walk him though the process of restarting the workstation Dell R7610 that was in the server room, when he look at the workstation R7610, the machine was already started but wasn’t displaying. After the Due to the power loss. The workstaion never Direct machine was restarted and login into the 2 WBI , he was successfully able to power on correctly which resulting in the wall 32 3 CTC 03/27/17 email wal displays arem't showing after power loss SFRTA display the track machine to the 6 monitors. ASTS Closed - Fixed 03/27/17 N not displaying.

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Date How Reported By Date Reported Reported Issue Comments Resolved Root Cause Issue # Priority Sub-System Owner Status Service Disruption? (minutes)Downtime

After further investigation of the Dispatchers not able to login Problem (issue #33), we have determined that the cause of the issue was a Tom from sfrta called from west palm beach shared memory error. Oracle ran out of stating they have an issue logging in. He stated shared memory which caused the Dispatchers when he tries to do a dispatcher transfer and tries to be unable to log in. To quickly get the to login as a dispatcher , a message pops up system back up and running we restarted stating "an error has occurred". I ask tom to see if Instance 2 of the database which temporarily he can login to the system as a maintainer and he solves the issue. We determined the long can successfully login. When tom tried to login as a ASTS restarted the instance 2 at Pompano, it was having some shared memory term solution to solve the memory issue; was Direct DB manager the whole screen go black on errors. There was nothing in the logs that pointed to what the memory error to allocate more space to the memory swap 33 3 CTC 04/17/17 phone call sfrwrk001 – sfrwrk003. The rail road is down SFRTA was. Ron said that secsrv warmstarted again on instance 2 when it restarted ASTS Closed - Fixed 04/17/17 Y 60 pool. We allocated that space. After investigating the issue, he did see that the Verizon communication is I just got a call from Alex villares, he stated the down, he notice that the signet router is what causing all the issue. He called Verizon backup is down for north and south. He sfrta to explain to them, they will have to work with the manufacture to get contacted Verizon about the issue and they stated this resolved. We are currently waiting to get a response from SFRTA that it is that the issue is on SFRTA end. He worried that if resolved. Direct the at&t service goes down they might end up in Alex 34 3 CTC 04/25/17 phone call code fail. Villares The issues has been resolved ASTS Closed - Fixed N

Direct SFRTA had a power loss in Dispatch Room which SFRTA stated that this was a false alarm; they were able to success get the 35 2 CTC 04/26/17 email resulted in both workstations rebooting. SFRTA system up and running ASTS Closed - Fixed 04/26/17 N

ASTS just got a called from Alex Villares , he wanted the login for the machine in the PSCC Office. They are unable to login to the machine After further researching the issue, we realize the machine they are speaking Direct since Wednesday April 26th , they also do not have about it maintenance machine, sfrwrk004. we contacted Alex V at SFRTA and ASTS provided the username and password 36 3 CTC 04/28/17 phone call the login credential for that read-only machine SFRTA providing him the login credentials. he was able to login successfully SFRTA Closed - Fixed 04/28/17 N for workstation (sfrwrk004) The simulator needs to be manually started up. Due to the power issue at Due to the power outage from last week, my SFRTA, The training machine powered off, when it was started back up the training console (Productions) is in Code Line System abruptly turning off due to a power machine reported in codeine failure. To resolve this restarted asp on the Direct Failure. Also, I can not log onto the console in outage. Restarted asp on the training training machine and started up the simulator. 37 3 CTC 05/01/17 email Training mode. SFRTA ASTS Closed - Fixed 05/01/17 N machine and started up the simulator.

Due to playback abruptly stopping when the power loss issue occurred. There was file stuck in the tmp folder. Playback cannot run if Due to playback abruptly stopping when the power loss issue occurred. There there are stuck file in the tmp folder. To fix was file stuck in the tmp folder. Playback cannot run if there are stuck file in this we removed the stuck asp file and Direct Cannot run playback on the production machine the tmp folder. To fix this we removed the stuck asp file and restarted restarted playback. Playback is now running 38 2 CTC 05/03/17 phone call sfrwrk003 SFRTA playback. Playback is now running correctly running. ASTS Closed - Fixed 05/05/17 N correctly running.

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Date How Reported By Date Reported Reported Issue Comments Resolved Root Cause Issue # Priority Sub-System Owner Status Service Disruption? (minutes)Downtime

The database on the training machine crashed and got corrupted. The cause of the crash was The database on the training machine crashed and got corrupted. The cause of the power lost that happen a couple days ago. Direct Cannot run playback on the training machine the crash was the power lost that happen a couple days ago. We were We were successfully able to retrieve the 39 3 CTC 05/03/17 phone call sfrtrn001 SFRTA successfully able to retrieve the critical part of the database. ASTS Closed - Fixed 05/05/17 N critical part of the database.

Direct Alex V called asking for us to send him the 40 3 Other 05/15/17 phone call instructions for Car Mile Retrieval using WinSCP SFRTA ASTS provided the deatil instructions to how to run the car miles report ASTS Closed - Fixed 05/15/17 N

Direct SFRTA cannot login tino WBI due to Java not ASTS was able to connect remotely into a windows machine out at SFRTA, and 41 3 Other 05/15/17 email running SFRTA it appears to me that ASTS was able to successfully log into WBI. ASTS Closed - Fixed 05/15/17 N ASTS investigated the issue by first checking the train characterics forum, then the Train ID’s are not autopopulating on the train the stderrout files, both were working correctly. It was suggested that we sheet, the bulletins are not generating and the ID’s reset the tshsrv task to see if the timers were out of sync and causing the Direct are not autoentering onto the 98 tracks. We have trains to not autopopulate. ASTS restarted the task. which solve the issue with 42 2 CTC 06/02/17 email to do all of this manually SFRTA trains not autopopulating ASTS Closed - Fixed 06/05/17 N

Direct SFRTA call stating that the buletin message are Called Sfrta stated that issue was cause by user error, I user was not filling the 43 3 CTC 07/17/17 phone call coming in a random order SFRTA bulletin out correctly ASTS Closed - Fixed 07/18/17 N

Direct SFRTA call and requested to investigate what is the after speaking to the Coms group internal and them verifying that there is no 44 3 CTC 07/18/17 phone call status of the west palm Beach Cisco 3850 SFRTA issue or any history of issue with that router. ASTS Closed - Fixed 07/18/17 N SFRTA Call stating they can't login into the training Due to the Leaving of Danielle simkunas, Alex Villares Request the login Direct machine due to not having the username to login information for the accounts on the training machine, ASTS Provided the 45 3 CTC 07/19/17 phone call into SFRTA Login information. ASTS Closed - Fixed 07/20/17 N After a Brief troubleshooting we confirm that the machine is not booting at SFRTA called and stated that SFRWRK002 has all. We took the spare machine SFRWRK009 and configured the Ip Adress and Direct crashed and due to this only one dispatcher is Machine name to be SFRWRK002. We also install the new kit. Finally deploying 46 1 CTC 07/19/17 phone call currently running the system SFRTA the machine ASTS Closed - Fixed 07/20/17 N After further investigation it looks like the Machine was shutdown incorrectly Direct SFRTA called stated they are unable to login into which cause the Oracle Database to be Corrupted. Worked with our It 47 3 CTC 07/21/17 phone call the training workstation (SFRTRN001) SFRTA Department to get them back up and running. ASTS Closed - Fixed 07/21/17 N

(from Alex Villares email 10/02/17, 9:56am) After the Switchback from WPB-Pompano we were unable to” log on” in Training Console. SFRTA - The database on the training machine crashed and got corrupted. The cause of Direct Torrando Station who is the Dispatchers’ manager Alex the crash is curently unknown . We were successfully able to restore the 48 3 CTC 10/02/17 email couldn’t retrieve playbacks from this PC. Villares critical part of the database. ASTS Closed - Fixed 10/04/17 N

SFRTA recently dispatched trains from West Palm Beach backup center after the hurricane Irma. SFRTA - Direct Dispatchers realized that WPB EC-1 form does not Alex Upon investigation the EC1Form were different between Pompano and West 49 3 CTC 10/05/17 phone call coincide with Pompano EC-1 form Villares palm beach. The EC1Form at West Palm has been updated ASTS Closed - Fixed 10/05/17 N

Page 11 of 19 SFRTA_Maintenance_Project_Issues_2018_02_12

Date How Reported By Date Reported Reported Issue Comments Resolved Root Cause Issue # Priority Sub-System Owner Status Service Disruption? (minutes)Downtime

Upon further investigation. It looks like another colleague may have disable torrando account on the training machine, I spoke to torrando and made him understand that , someone in the office that has DB maint access can help him The dispatch manager called and stated that he SFRTA - get the right permission back on his account Direct was having issue logging into the training Alex 50 3 CTC 11/29/17 phone call workstation. Villares Update: I call Torrando back and he stated that he can get into the system. ASTS Closed - Fixed 11/29/17 N

SFRTA sent an email to the maintenance distribution list stating that the computers are staring to "act weird". They stated around 2200 I spoke to the Dispatch manager out at sfrta he stated that, after they restart the train sheet started populating all of tomorrows the workstation, they have not seem, these issues since then. trains. it was also stated that it also populated Shakir John spoke to Torrando Station on 12/12/17 and the issue has not re- Email train ID’s for tomorrow with a weekend ID as well. SFRTA - occurred. An email was sent from ASTS to all parties involved on 12/12/17 distributio The weekend versions all started at the same time Alex stating that based on discussions and research this issue can not be recreated Closed - 51 3 CTC 11/29/17 n list which was 0143. Villares and will be closed. ASTS Explained 12/12/17 N

During Monthly Maintenance ASTS notice that The NTP source ( at SFRTA Pompano for the CAD machines is down. ASTS It appears (the source’s source) is ASTS Contacted Spectracom, they determine that we need to restart the time Closed - 52 3 CTC 12/15/17 Resource down as well ASTS server to get it up and running. ASTS reboot the Spectracom Time Server. ASTS Explained 12/15/17 N

Page 12 of 19 Name Preventative Maintenance Checklist January 2018 Date 1/30/2017

New core files produced in Programs to check Comments: Comments: Program Logs - grep ~/bin/asp? Machine CPU Usage (pss) Disk Usage (df -h) SEVERE ~/etc/*.stderrout > temp.txt If yes, task responsible for core: Notes Primary Dispatch Center CTC Server A (PB) almsrv, almsvr, asp, cfgsvr, ctc, 39% Nothing Reported no new cores SFRCTC001 ela, fiosrv, lgr, mfmt, mss, scx, ssa, tcisrv, xmi

All tasks under 10% cpu usage CTC Server B (PB) almsrv, almsvr, asp, cfgsvr, ctc, 35% Nothing Reported no new cores SFRCTC002 ela, fiosrv, lgr, mfmt, mss, scx, ssa, tcisrv, xmi

All tasks under 10% cpu usage DBC Server A (PB) almsrv, almsvr, asp, cfgsvr, ctc, 17% Nothing Reported no new cores SFRDBC001 ela, fiosrv, lgr, mfmt, mss, scx, ssa, tcisrv, xmi

All tasks under 10% cpu usage DBC Server B (PB) almsrv, almsvr, asp, cfgsvr, ctc, 17% Nothing Reported no new cores SFRDBC002 ela, fiosrv, lgr, mfmt, mss, scx, ssa, tcisrv, xmi

All tasks under 10% cpu usage Workstartion #1 (PB) almui, asp, dsm, dte, mfmt, mmi, 21% Nothing Reported no new cores SFRWRK001 mss, scx, sec, ssa, tci, xmi All tasks under 10% cpu usage (normal) Workstartion #2 (PB) almui, asp, dsm, dte, mfmt, mmi, 15% Nothing Reported no new cores SFRWRK002 mss, scx, sec, ssa, tci, xmi All tasks under 10% cpu usage (normal) Workstartion #3 (PB) almui, asp, dsm, dte, mfmt, mmi, 69% Nothing Reported no new cores SFRWRK003 mss, scx, sec, ssa, tci, xmi All tasks under 10% cpu usage (normal)

Page 13 of 19 New core files produced in Programs to check Comments: Comments: Program Logs - grep ~/bin/asp? Machine CPU Usage (pss) Disk Usage (df -h) SEVERE ~/etc/*.stderrout > temp.txt If yes, task responsible for core: Notes Workstartion #4 (PB) almui, asp, dsm, dte, mfmt, mmi, 24% P Nothing Reported N/A SFRWRK004 mss, scx, sec, ssa, tci, xmi All tasks under 10% cpu usage (normal) Workstartion #5 (PB) almui, asp, dsm, dte, mfmt, mmi, N/A Nothing Reported no new cores SFRWRK005 mss, scx, sec, ssa, tci, xmi All tasks under 10% cpu usage (normal) WBI Server (PB) hmisrv, ordbsrv, corbasrv, df Nothing Reported no new cores SFRWBI001 nameserv, eventserv, asp, mfmt, mss, stp, xmi

All tasks under 10% cpu usage Disaster Recover/Backup Dispatch Center almsrv, almsvr, asp, cfgsvr, ctc, 28% Nothing Reported no new cores CTC Server A (WPB) ela, fiosrv, lgr, mfmt, mss, scx, ssa, SFRCTC003 tcisrv, xmi N/A almsrv, almsvr, asp, cfgsvr, ctc, 28% Nothing Reported no new cores CTC Server B (WPB) ela, fiosrv, lgr, mfmt, mss, scx, ssa, SFRCTC004 tcisrv, xmi N/A almsrv, almsvr, asp, cfgsvr, ctc, 15% Nothing Reported no new cores ela, fiosrv, lgr, mfmt, mss, scx, ssa, DBC Server A (WPB) tcisrv, xmi SFRDBC003 N/A almsrv, almsvr, asp, cfgsvr, ctc, 13% Nothing Reported no new cores DBC Server B (WPB) ela, fiosrv, lgr, mfmt, mss, scx, ssa, SFRDBC004 tcisrv, xmi N/A almui, asp, dsm, dte, mfmt, mmi, 11% Nothing Reported no new cores mss, scx, sec, ssa, tci, xmi Workstartion #6 (WPB) SFRWRK006

Page 14 of 19 New core files produced in Programs to check Comments: Comments: Program Logs - grep ~/bin/asp? Machine CPU Usage (pss) Disk Usage (df -h) SEVERE ~/etc/*.stderrout > temp.txt If yes, task responsible for core: Notes Workstartion #7 (WPB) almui, asp, dsm, dte, mfmt, mmi, 14% Nothing Reported no new cores SFRWRK007 mss, scx, sec, ssa, tci, xmi N/A

Workstartion #8 (WPB) almui, asp, dsm, dte, mfmt, mmi, 17% Nothing Reported no new cores SFRWRK008 mss, scx, sec, ssa, tci, xmi N/A

Workstartion #9 (WPB) almui, asp, dsm, dte, mfmt, mmi, N/A N/A Not connected, no route SFRWRK009 mss, scx, sec, ssa, tci, xmi to host N/A

WBI Server (WPB) hmisrv, ordbsrv, corbasrv, 9% Nothing Reported no new cores SFRWBI002 nameserv, eventserv, asp, mfmt, mss, stp, xmi


Page 15 of 19 PROJECT_NAME ASSET_NAME DATE_CHECKED TYPE_NAME SUBTYPE_NAME ACTION_NAME STATUS_NAME COMMENTS CREATED_ON CREATED_BY SFRTA Not specified 01/05/18 Hardware Check for HW errors from DRAC/iLO No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/05/18 FERGUSTR Pompano Beach - Check for HW errors from DRAC/iLO SFRTA SFRVMS002 01/19/18 Hardware No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/19/18 MCBURNG Check ASM Disk Group Space Check Backups Check Clusterware Logs Check DataGuard Log Shipping Check Database Logs Check Grid Verify Targets Online Check Indexes Valid Check Tablespaces SFRTA Not specified 01/05/18 Oracle Check disk space on DB Servers No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/05/18 DYGAAR Check /var/log/messages Check DNS (if used) Check VPN Check for file systems ~>95% Check if /archive exists and if it's mounted and list directory Check memory (minus buffers) and swap space Check ntp peers for synched peers Multipath for Oracle Printer queues are accepting jobs Touch a file on each mounted RW filesystem Uptime to see if anything was reset Verify runlevels (3 Server, 5 Wrk) SFRTA Not specified 01/05/18 Linux Collect Logs No warnings or errors 01/05/18 FACCIAM Check Archiver status and available storage on /archive file system Check Indexes Valid Check Tablespaces Check disk space on DB Servers Check for backups in processing of data in _STAGE tables Check recent DB errors in Pompano Beach - DB_COMMAND_MSG SFRTA SFRDBC001 01/05/18 Oracle Check status of DBMS Jobs/Scheduler No Action Needed No warnings or errors No issues found 01/05/18 ANGELRJ Pompano Beach - Check Alerts SFRTA SFRSAN001 01/05/18 SAN Check Logs No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/05/18 FERGUSTR West Palm Beach - Check Alerts SFRTA SFRSAN002 01/05/18 SAN Check Logs No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/05/18 FERGUSTR Check Host Status SFRTA Not specified 01/05/18 VMWare Check VMs Status No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/05/18 FERGUSTR Citrix Check Solarwinds SFRTA Not specified 01/05/18 XenServer No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/05/18 FERGUSTR SFRTA Not specified 01/05/18 Windows Check Neverfail installation No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/05/18 FERGUSTR

Page 16 of 19 PROJECT_NAME ASSET_NAME DATE_CHECKED TYPE_NAME SUBTYPE_NAME ACTION_NAME STATUS_NAME COMMENTS CREATED_ON CREATED_BY Check ASM Disk Group Space Check Backups Check Clusterware Logs Check DataGuard Log Shipping Check Database Logs Check Grid Verify Targets Online Check Indexes Valid Check Tablespaces SFRTA Not specified 01/12/18 Oracle Check disk space on DB Servers No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/12/18 PENROSBJ Check Archiver status and available storage on /archive file system Check Indexes Valid Check Tablespaces Check disk space on DB Servers Check for backups in processing of data in _STAGE tables Check recent DB errors in Pompano Beach - DB_COMMAND_MSG SFRTA SFRDBC001 01/12/18 Oracle Check status of DBMS Jobs/Scheduler No Action Needed No warnings or errors No issues found 01/12/18 ANGELRJ Pompano Beach - Check Alerts SFRTA SFRSAN001 01/12/18 SAN Check Logs No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/12/18 FERGUSTR West Palm Beach - Check Alerts SFRTA SFRSAN002 01/12/18 SAN Check Logs No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/12/18 FERGUSTR Check Host Status SFRTA Not specified 01/12/18 VMWare Check VMs Status No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/12/18 FERGUSTR Citrix Check Solarwinds SFRTA Not specified 01/12/18 XenServer No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/12/18 FERGUSTR SFRTA Not specified 01/12/18 Windows Check Neverfail installation No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/12/18 FERGUSTR SFRTA Not specified 01/12/18 Hardware Check for HW errors from DRAC/iLO No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/12/18 FERGUSTR Check /var/log/messages Check DNS (if used) Check VPN Check for file systems ~>95% Check if /archive exists and if it's mounted and list directory Check memory (minus buffers) and swap space Check ntp peers for synched peers Multipath for Oracle Ping Tests for network interfaces Printer queues are accepting jobs Touch a file on each mounted RW filesystem Uptime to see if anything was reset Verify runlevels (3 Server, 5 Wrk) SFRTA Not specified 01/12/18 Linux Collect Logs No warnings or errors 01/18/18 SCHROCDE

Page 17 of 19 PROJECT_NAME ASSET_NAME DATE_CHECKED TYPE_NAME SUBTYPE_NAME ACTION_NAME STATUS_NAME COMMENTS CREATED_ON CREATED_BY Check ASM Disk Group Space Check Backups Check Clusterware Logs Check DataGuard Log Shipping Check Database Logs Check Grid Verify Targets Online Check Indexes Valid Check Tablespaces SFRTA Not specified 01/19/18 Oracle Check disk space on DB Servers No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/19/18 DYGAAR Check /var/log/messages Check DNS (if used) Check VPN Check for file systems ~>95% Check if /archive exists and if it's mounted and list directory Check memory (minus buffers) and swap space Check ntp peers for synched peers Multipath for Oracle Printer queues are accepting jobs Touch a file on each mounted RW filesystem Uptime to see if anything was reset Verify runlevels (3 Server, 5 Wrk) SFRTA Not specified 01/19/18 Linux Collect Logs No warnings or errors 01/19/18 FACCIAM Check /archive Storage Sapce Check Alerts Check Logs Check Oracle LUN Space Pompano Beach - Check VMWare/Citrix LUN Space SFRTA SFRSAN001 01/19/18 SAN Check network links, iSCSI and NFS No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/19/18 MCBURNG Check /archive Storage Sapce Check Alerts Check Logs Check Oracle LUN Space West Palm Beach - Check VMWare/Citrix LUN Space SFRTA SFRSAN002 01/19/18 SAN Check network links, iSCSI and NFS No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/19/18 MCBURNG Check DataStore Space Check Host Status West Palm Beach - Check Logs SFRTA SFRVCS002 (VM) 01/19/18 VMWare Check VMs Status No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/19/18 MCBURNG Check DataStore Space Check Host Status Pompano Beach - Check Logs SFRTA SFRVCS001 (VM) 01/19/18 VMWare Check VMs Status No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/19/18 MCBURNG Pompano Beach - SFRTA SFRVMS001 01/19/18 Hardware Check for HW errors from DRAC/iLO No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/19/18 MCBURNG Pompano Beach - SFRTA SFRVMS003 01/19/18 Hardware Check for HW errors from DRAC/iLO No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/19/18 MCBURNG West Palm Beach - SFRTA SFRVMS004 01/19/18 Hardware Check for HW errors from DRAC/iLO No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/19/18 MCBURNG

Page 18 of 19 PROJECT_NAME ASSET_NAME DATE_CHECKED TYPE_NAME SUBTYPE_NAME ACTION_NAME STATUS_NAME COMMENTS CREATED_ON CREATED_BY West Palm Beach - SFRTA SFRVMS005 01/19/18 Hardware Check for HW errors from DRAC/iLO No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/19/18 MCBURNG West Palm Beach - SFRTA SFRVMS006 01/19/18 Hardware Check for HW errors from DRAC/iLO No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/19/18 MCBURNG Pompano Beach - Check Alerts SFRTA SFRSAN001 01/26/18 SAN Check Logs No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/26/18 FERGUSTR West Palm Beach - Check Alerts SFRTA SFRSAN002 01/26/18 SAN Check Logs No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/26/18 FERGUSTR Check Host Status SFRTA Not specified 01/26/18 VMWare Check VMs Status No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/26/18 FERGUSTR Citrix SFRTA Not specified 01/26/18 XenServer Check Solarwinds No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/26/18 FERGUSTR SFRTA Not specified 01/26/18 Windows Check Neverfail installation No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/26/18 FERGUSTR SFRTA Not specified 01/26/18 Hardware Check for HW errors from DRAC/iLO No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/26/18 FERGUSTR Check ASM Disk Group Space Check Backups Check Clusterware Logs Check DataGuard Log Shipping Check Database Logs Check Grid Verify Targets Online Check Indexes Valid Check Tablespaces SFRTA Not specified 01/26/18 Oracle Check disk space on DB Servers No Action Needed No warnings or errors 01/26/18 PENROSBJ

Page 19 of 19 AGENDA ITEM NO. B



Total monthly ridership for January has increased 4.3% when compared to January of last year. Weekday ridership has increased by 0.4%, while the average weekday ridership in January 2017 was 13,779 per day versus 14,373 per day for 2018. Total weekend ridership for the fiscal year has increased by 8.1% when compared to last year. Total fiscal year ridership is up by 1.7% over the prior year.

Revenue is shown in Chart 3. Chart 2 shows ridership month-to-month and Chart 1 combines revenue and ridership month-to-month.

Actual Actual January FY '18 FY '17 FYTD January January '18 vs.'17 Rider ship Rider ship '18 vs '17 Riders 2018 2017 % To Date To Date %

M-F 316,213 303,133 4.3% 2,042,581 2,033,884 0.4% Saturday 29,934 30,692 -2.5% 210,347 199,477 5.4% Sunday 25,954 29,125 -10.9% 182,501 174,014 4.9% Holidays 6,013 - 100.0% 28,683 16,346 75.5% 378,114 362,950 4.2% 2,464,112 2,423,721 1.7%

Note: Ridership figures are based on daily reports from Herzog Chart 1 - SFRTA Riders and Revenue Trends



700,000 Monthly Revenue/Riders Monthly 400,000

100,000 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June

FY 17-18 Revenue FY 16-17 Revenue ` FY 17-18 Riders FY 16-17 Riders Chart 2 - SFRTA Riders

400,000 401,949 385,150 386,156

377,548 378,114 375,000 368,243

369,299 362,950 365,373 350,000 358,314 353,636 356,005 349,685 349,603 333,602 325,000 ` 312,817 320,467 Monthly Riders Monthly



253,477 250,000 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May

FY 17-18 Riders FY 16-17 Riders Chart 3 - SFRTA Revenue


$1,190,000 $1,173,091

$1,122,787 $1,146,752 $1,130,000 $1,119,986 $1,086,698 $1,115,878 $1,082,272 $1,070,224 $1,070,000 $1,086,661 $1,037,968 $1,058,458 $1,060,210 $999,512 $996,480 $1,010,000 $1,029,416 $966,914 $985,663 $950,000 Monthly Revenue Monthly $890,000



$715,417 $710,000 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June*


TRAINS LATE 76 5.5% TERMINATED 15 1.1% TERMINATED RECOVERY 0 0.0% ANNULLED 1 0.1% TRAINS ON TIME 1298 93.4% TOTAL 1390 100.0% Delay Cause Definitions

PD/FD Activity Police/fire or other agency activity impacting service over 5”.

CSX Freight – CSX SFRC Trains impacting service over 5”.

CSX Local Switcher – Local freight train operating on a portion of the SFRC serving customers by picking up and delivering carloads of product impacting service over 5”.

Planned Service Work - Tie Gang – Programed large scale Tie replacement impacting service over 5” (generally performed at night but speed restrictions as a result of the disturbed track may linger for 2 or 3 days due to track settling).

VTMI MOW – Maintenance of way (track) work or speed restrictions related to this work impacting service over 5”.

VTMI Communications – Communication problems like radio or communication lines including hardware and software VTMI maintains under the MOW contract impacting service over 5”.

VTMI Outside Communications - Communication problems like cellular or leased lines hardware and software outside the responsibility of VTMI impacting service over 5”.

VTMI Signal & Components – Signal or components of signal, or crossing problems impacting service over 5”.

HTSI POMP Dispatcher – SFRTA Contracted Dispatcher action or inaction impacting service over 5”.

HTSI Mechanical – Train Maintenance contractor action/inaction or failure impacting service over 5”.

HTSI – Train Operations contractor action/inaction impacting service over 5”.

AMTRAK – Amtrak passenger train impacting SFRTA trains impacting service over 5” (not related to Dispatch).

FEC Delay- Iris – Florida East Coast RR signal problems at the, at grade RR crossing just south of Metro-Rail station impacting service over 5”

FEC Delay – Train – Florida East Coast train crossing the SFRC impacting service over 5”

Weather – Severe weather causing speed restriction or lightning strikes causing train performance problems impacting service over 5”. ROW Foul – Something along the Right Of Way encroaching on the clearance necessary for trains to pass by on the tracks , or near encroaching on train clearance from track impacting service over 5”

SFRTA Transportation – Late or running passenger/s to catch trains or other SFRTA actions or inactions impacting service over 5”

SFRTA Rule Compliance – Changes in rules or procedures impacting service over 5”

Other – Delays not specifically identified in other categories (usually very rare occurrences).

SFRTA-Schedule Conflict – Trains impacted by schedule in single track area generally South of Hialeah Market impacting service over 5”.

3rd Party - Gate Malfunction – Road crossing gate damage by motorist or the public reporting a crossing problem and no problem found when VTMI responds to the scene impacting service over 5”.

3rd Party - Fatalities/Vehicles – Accidents involving the train at road crossings or anywhere along the corridor impacting service over 5”.

Rotem Mechanical – Hyundai-Rotem cab car or coaches under warranty not related to Maintenance contractors action or inactions impacting service over 5”.

Brookville Mechanical – Brookville locomotives under warranty not related to Maintenance contractors action or inactions impacting service over 5”.

Vandalism – Any vandalism at station, road crossings, yard or along the SFRC impacting service over 5”.

ADA – Boarding ADA criteria passengers impacting service over 5”.

Efficiency testing – Train crew operational testing while operating on the SFRC (Required by the FRA) impacting service over 5”.

Dispatch system – Failures of the Dispatch system not related to the MOW and Signal maintenance contractor action or inactions impacting service over 5”.

Pompano Station Construction – Station construction with work crews or shortened use of platform space impacting service over 5”.

Presidential motorcade – Presidential travel on surface roads between PBIA and Mar-a-lago (recent Helicopter pad constructed at Mar-a-Lago should minimize or eliminate this delay category Source- Palm Beach Daily news March 17, 2017). On-Time Performance Calendar Year 2018 CSX Freight & HTSI Dispatcher Delays 2018



lays 4 e

Train D 2




45 Dec 17 Jan 18 40








0 ON TIME PERFORMANCE END TO END - 2018 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Total Riders for Month


401,665 365,379

377,548 2018 - Ridership Monthly 342,510 333,602 384,893

254,422 386,156 368,299 358,314 2017 2018 AGENDA ITEM D



The Employer Discount Program (EDP) added 14 new employers and 205 new employees during the month of January.

The total number of EDP tickets recorded as sold was 2,207 and the total revenue generated was reported as $128,323.85 in January.


Employer Enrollment Date City Arcor USA 01/03/2018 Miami Broward Casting Foundry 01/26/2018 Fort Lauderdale Coastal Healthcare Solutions, LLC 01/08/2018 West Palm Beach Duncan Conference Center 01/09/2018 Delray Beach Functional Evaluation Testing of Florida 01/25/2018 Boca Raton Haliczer Pettis & Schwamm, PA 01/05/2018 Fort Lauderdale Hidden Harbor Capital Management, LP 01/04/2018 Fort Lauderdale Huawei 01/06/2018 Coral Gables Jet Set Express, Inc. 01/24/2018 Orlando Mercantile Bank 01/19/2018 Miami Planes Dental Arts 01/25/2018 Vero Beach Racquet World dba Tennis Plaza 01/22/2018 Doral Sutton Leasing 01/02/2018 Deerfield Beach The Senior Spot 01/30/2018 Wilton Manors


Employer City American Heart Association Hollywood Arcor, USA Miami Broward Casting Foundry Fort Lauderdale Coastal Healthcare Solutions, LLC West Palm Beach Duncan Conference Center Delray Beach Eastern Metal Supply Lake Worth Fed Express Corporation Fort Lauderdale Functional Evaluation Testing of Florida Boca Raton Haliczer Pettis & Schwamm, PA Fort Lauderdale Healey Plumbing Pompano Beach Hidden Harbor Capital Management, LP Fort Lauderdale Huawei Coral Gables Jet Set Express, Inc. Orlando Kings International Marketing Group Miami Mercantile Bank Miami Planes Dental Arts Vero Beach Point Blank Enterprise, Inc. Pompano Beach Racquet World dba Tennis Plaza Doral Sage Dental Boca Raton Stimpson Company, Inc. Pompano Beach Sutton Leasing Deerfield Beach The Senior Spot Wilton Manors



The South Florida Regional Transportation Authority (SFRTA) met with representatives from the Ballpark of the Palm Beaches in the effort to secure a trade partnership in anticipation of the 2018 Major League Baseball Spring Training Season. The agency is offering to transport spectators to the ballpark from the , for all weekend games held at the new ballpark. The 2017 World Series Champion Houston Astros and National League East Division Champion Washington Nationals will play all their spring training games at this facility.


SFRTA’s Corporate and Community Outreach Office (CCO) took part in the Miami- Dade County Citizen’s Independent Trust (CITT) 2018 Transportation Summit with an information booth promoting the agency’s current and future projects. The summit brought together major stakeholders, agencies, community and national experts to discuss the future of transportation in the region. SFRTA’s Deputy Executive Director was part of a panel of transportation partners and provided a presentation on the Downtown Miami Link Project.


To celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Florida Atlantic University’s (FAU) Student Union at the Davie Campus, FAU held a celebration event in the building to showcase services available to students. SFRTA CCO staff was present to promote Tri-Rail student discounts and the free SFEC shuttle that provides service between Tri-Rail and the education center. An SFRTA Corporate & Community Outreach Liaison also attended FAU’s Transfer Student Orientation at the Davie Campus, where student-specific information was promoted and displayed alongside other services offered by the university.


SFRTA CCO staff was present for a career day event at Franklin Academy in Sunrise. Students were presented with information about career opportunities in the public transportation industry, as well as “Operation Lifesaver” train-crossing safety information.


An SFRTA Corporate & Community Relations Liaison attended the City of Miami Beach ciclovia on Washington Avenue, to promote Tri-Rail’s Downtown Miami Link Project, as well as the various discount programs the system offers, including the retrofitted bike cars and the Bicycle Locker Program. A ciclovia is a Spanish term that means "cycleway", either a permanent bike path or the closing of certain streets to automobiles for cyclists and pedestrians.


An SFRTA Corporate and Community Relations Liaison assisted SFRTA Planning Department staff in conducting the system’s recent onboard passenger survey. The Liaison led a team of volunteers who administered the surveys onboard, conducted passenger counts, and kept on-time performance logs to ensure the statistical validity of the surveys.


SFRTA held its signature family event, Tri-Rail’s “Rail Fun Day” at the Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport Station at Dania Beach, in conjunction with South Florida Parenting. The partnership continues to provide a great community event where hundreds of people bring their kids on the train for a day of fun activities. The annual event brought back arts and crafts, interactive games, live entertainment, face painting, giveaways, food trucks, photo opportunities with Tri-Rail’s mascot Conductor George Green and popular kid-friendly characters, as well as the South Florida’s Kids Got Talent singing competition. The system had the fourth highest Saturday ridership on this day with 8,438 passengers.


The SFRTA Corporate and Community Outreach Manager and a Corporate & Community Relations Liaison conduct a two-part Tri-Rail Presentation for the residents at Villa Madonna located in Greenacres. Information was provided in English and Spanish on Senior Discounts, Airport Connections and the Weekend $5 All Day Pass, to entice the senior community to take the train for their regular travels. Twenty four residents were pre-qualified on the spot to initiate the process of receiving their Senior Discount Easy Card.


 Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO) Fort Lauderdale Chapter Committee Meetings  Total outreach activities: 11 / Total community events: 8 AGENDA ITEM NO. E


January 2018


Train Revenue For January 2018 year-to-date (YTD) actual train revenue is $232,476 or 3% below budget when compared to fiscal year (FY) 2018 YTD budgeted revenue. Actual revenue for FY 2018 YTD increased by $41,175 or 1% when compared to fiscal year (FY) 2017 YTD actual revenue.

Expenses: As of January 2018, the SFRTA’s FY 2018 YTD actual expenses are $12,505,647 or 64% below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budgeted expense. All expenses are well within budget.

Train operations variance for FY 2018 YTD is $8,385,577or 23% below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget and increased $3,601,101 or 11% when compared to FY 2017 YTD actual. This increase in FY 2018 can be mostly attributed to an increase in Train Operations Contract, Feeder bus expense and Fuel expense.

The major categories within Train Operations include Train fuel expense, Train Operations contract, Security Expense, ROW maintenance, Feeder Bus expense, Insurance expense and Dispatch:

• Train Operations contract for FY 2018 YTD is $2,709,108 or 28% below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget, and increased $3,400,706 or 55% when compared to FY 2017 YTD actual.

• Security contract variance for FY 2018 YTD is $417,079 or 12% below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget, and increased $202,829 or 6% when compared to FY 2017 YTD actual.

• Feeder Bus expense variance for FY 2018 YTD is $574,044 or 17% below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget and increased $765,352 or 30% when compared to FY 2017 YTD actual.



Expenses (Contd.)

• ROW maintenance expense for FY 2018 YTD is $3,613,352 or 32% below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget and decreased $4,965 when compared to the FY 2017 actual.

• Dispatch expense variance for FY 2018 YTD is $157,654 or 17% below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget and decreased $930,448 or 50% when compared to the FY 2017 actual.

• Insurance expense variance for FY 2018 YTD is $121,169 or 5% below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget and decreased $357,779 or 13% when compared to the FY 2017 actual.

Train and Station Maintenance variance for FY 2018 YTD is $3,250,908 or 33% below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget and increased $719,095 or 8% when compared to the FY 2017 actual.

• Train Maintenance variance for FY 2018 YTD is $2,215,586 or 35% below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget and decreased $1,645,691 or 21% when compared to FY 2017 YTD actual.

• Station Maintenance variance for FY 2018 YTD is $1,035,322 or 31% below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget and increased $2,364,786 when compared to the FY 2017 actual.

Personnel Expenses variance for FY 2018 YTD is $1,388,123or 23% below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget and decreased $67,354 or 1% when compared to the FY 2017 actual.

Professional Services variance for FY 2018 YTD is $159,158 or 54% below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget and decreased $6,702 or 2% when compared to FY 2017 actual.

Legal Departmental expenses variance for FY 2018 YTD is $8,833 or 2% below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget and increased $95,927 or 24% when compared to FY 2017 actual. This increase can be attributed to higher expenses associated with salary and wage expense.

General and Administrative Expenses variance for FY 2018 YTD is $347,319 or 55% below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget and decreased $472,043 or



Expenses (Contd.)

43% when compared to FY 2017 actual. Some categories within General and Administrative expenses are Bank and Credit card fees, Telecommunications expense, Building Maintenance, Office Rent and Business Travel.

• Bank and credit card fees expense variance for FY 2018 YTD is $67,786 below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget and decreased $30,424 or 45% when compared to FY 2017 actual.

• Telecommunications variance for FY 2018 YTD is approximately $85,476 or 42% below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget and decreased approximately $74,209 or 27% when compared to the FY 2017 YTD actual.

• Office rent for FY 2018 YTD actual is $8,208 above budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget and decreased $396,989 when compared to the FY 2017 actual. This represents the monthly maintenance and assessment associated with the building.

• Business Travel for FY 2018 YTD actual is $53,202 or 70% below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget and increased $11,761 or 18% when compared to the FY 2017 actual.

• Building maintenance for FY 2018 YTD actual is $10,661 or 24% below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget and increased $5,195 or 13% when compared to the FY 2017 actual

Corporate & Community Outreach expenses variance for FY 2018 YTD is $128,533 below budget when compared to the FY 2018 YTD budget and decreased $31,942 or 22% when compared to the FY 2017 actual.




Train Revenue $ 1,318,765 $ 1,173,091 $ (145,674) $ 7,604,301 $ 7,371,825 $ (232,476) $ 14,051,077 $ 6,679,252 Interest Income / Other Income 27,083 27,477 394 189,581 620,760 431,179 325,000 (295,760) TOTAL TRAIN REVENUE 1,345,848 1,200,568 (145,280) 7,793,882 7,992,585 198,703 14,376,077 6,383,492

OPERATING ASSISTANCE Statutory Operating Assistance 13,806,236 13,806,236 - 13,806,236 13,806,236 - 55,224,940 41,418,704 Statutory Dedicated Funding ------Statutory Maintenance of Way ------FHWA 798,200 798,200 - 1,543,086 1,543,086 - 4,000,000 2,456,914 FTA Assistance - - - 6,121,088 6,121,088 - 22,121,917 16,000,829 FTA-JARC/New Freedom Program Fee ------Statutory Counties Contribution 1,565,000 1,565,000 - 4,695,000 4,695,000 - 4,695,000 - Gas Tax Transfer ------1,896,895 1,896,895 SFRTA Reserves ------8,828,082 8,828,082 Other Funding - - - 458,257 115,673 (342,584) 797,081 681,408 TOTAL ASSISTANCE 16,169,436 16,169,436 - 26,623,667 26,281,083 (342,584) 97,563,915 71,282,832 TOTAL REVENUE 17,515,284 17,370,004 (145,280) 34,417,549 34,273,668 (143,881) 111,939,992 77,666,324


Train Operations 6,016,639 8,334,507 2,317,868 44,741,468 36,355,891 (8,385,577) 75,499,651 39,143,760 Train and Station Maintenance 1,894,207 2,700,884 806,677 12,955,880 9,704,972 (3,250,908) 22,426,917 12,721,945 Personnel Expenses 851,151 883,962 32,811 7,490,889 6,102,766 (1,388,123) 11,746,637 5,643,871 Professional Fees 75,667 66,400 (9,267) 453,758 294,600 (159,158) 753,000 458,400 Legal 72,865 56,856 (16,009) 510,734 501,901 (8,833) 875,041 373,140 General & Administrative Expenses 139,765 97,604 (42,161) 980,629 633,310 (347,319) 1,679,446 1,046,136 Corporate & Community Outreach 34,110 40,929 6,819 238,759 110,226 (128,533) 409,300 299,074 Expenses Transferred to Capital (120,833) - 120,833 (845,832) - 845,832 (1,450,000) (1,450,000) TOTAL EXPENSES 8,963,571 12,181,142 3,217,571 66,526,285 53,703,666 (12,822,619) 111,939,992 58,236,326

NET INCOME / (LOSS) $ 8,551,713 $ 5,188,862 $ (3,362,851) $ (32,108,736) $ (19,429,998) $ 12,678,738 $ - $ 19,429,998


Curent Year Prior Year Comparison Monthly Budget Monthly Actual FY 2018 FY 2018 FY 2017 January 2018 January 2018 Variances YTD Budget YTD Actual Variances % YTD Actual Variances %

Revenues: Train Revenue $ 1,318,765 $ 1,173,091 $ (145,674) $ 7,604,301 $ 7,371,825 $ (232,476) -3% $ 7,330,650 $ 41,175 1% Interest/Dividend Income 27,083 27,477 394 189,581 620,760 431,179 69% 1,128,805 (508,045) -45%

Total Train Revenue 1,345,848 1,200,568 (145,280) 7,793,882 7,992,585 198,703 2% 8,459,455 (466,870) -6%

Operating Assistance: Statutory Operating Assistance 13,806,236 13,806,236 - 13,806,236 13,806,236 - - 8,650,000 5,156,236 - Statutory Dedicated Funding ------6,650,000 (6,650,000) - Statutory Maintenance of Way ------12,312,469 (12,312,469) - FHWA 798,200 798,200 - 1,543,086 1,543,086 - - - 1,543,086 - FDOT JPA- MIC Station ------FTA Assistance - - - 6,121,088 6,121,088 - - - 6,121,088 - FTA-JARC/New Freedom Program Fee ------FTA-JARC/New Freedom Program Match ------Statutory Counties Contribution 1,565,000 1,565,000 - 4,695,000 4,695,000 - - 4,695,000 - - Gas Tax Transfer ------SFRTA Reserves ------Other Funding - - - 458,257 115,673 (342,584) - - 115,673 -

Total Operating Assistance 16,169,436 16,169,436 - 26,623,667 26,281,083 (342,584) - 32,307,469 (6,026,386) -

Total Revenue 17,515,284 17,370,004 (145,280) 34,417,549 34,273,668 (143,881) 0% 40,766,924 (6,493,256) -16%


Curent Year Prior Year Comparison Monthly Budget Monthly Actual FY 2018 FY 2018 FY 2017 January 2018 January 2018 Variances YTD Budget YTD Actual Variances % YTD Actual Variances % Expenses: Train Operations Train Operations Contract 1,760,358 1,667,005 (93,353) 12,322,506 9,613,398 (2,709,108) -28% 6,212,692 3,400,706 55% Train Operation - Fuel 581,572 1,024,244 442,672 4,071,003 3,749,569 (321,434) -9% 2,928,607 820,962 28% Emergency Bus Service 6,250 19,489 13,239 43,750 31,768 (11,982) -38% 33,026 (1,258) -4% Security Contract 562,341 612,155 49,814 3,936,384 3,519,305 (417,079) -12% 3,316,476 202,829 6% Feeder Bus 556,655 618,557 61,902 3,896,585 3,322,541 (574,044) -17% 2,557,189 765,352 30% Station Utilities 157,051 172,704 15,653 1,099,357 1,020,118 (79,239) -8% 1,133,939 (113,821) -10% EMS Boards 10,000 (10,000) 70,000 1,772 (68,228) - 78,374 (76,602) - Revenue Collection 66,500 104,152 37,652 465,500 214,937 (250,563) - 224,823 (9,886) -4% Insurance - 17,794 17,794 2,625,000 2,503,831 (121,169) -5% 2,861,610 (357,779) -13% ROW Maintenance 2,151,658 3,945,303 1,793,645 15,061,605 11,448,253 (3,613,352) -32% 11,453,218 (4,965) 0% TVM Maintenance 10,500 - (10,500) 73,500 11,775 (61,725) - 105,684 (93,909) - Dispatch 153,754 153,104 (650) 1,076,278 918,624 (157,654) -17% 1,849,072 (930,448) -50%

Total Train Operations 6,016,639 8,334,507 2,317,868 44,741,468 36,355,891 (8,385,577) -23% 32,754,710 3,601,181 11%

Train and Station Maintenance Train Maintenance 1,207,544 2,180,860 973,316 8,574,237 6,358,651 (2,215,586) -35% 8,004,342 (1,645,691) -21% Station Maintenance 686,663 520,024 (166,639) 4,381,643 3,346,321 (1,035,322) -31% 981,535 2,364,786 -

Total Train and Station Maintenance 1,894,207 2,700,884 806,677 12,955,880 9,704,972 (3,250,908) -33% 8,985,877 719,095 8%

Personnel Expenses Salaries and Wages 646,931 641,682 (5,249) 5,328,013 4,514,125 (813,888) -18% 4,641,845 (127,720) -3% Taxes 42,613 48,490 5,877 418,291 320,473 (97,818) -31% 322,445 (1,972) -1% Group Insurance 96,280 126,721 30,441 1,207,295 793,735 (413,560) -52% 737,555 56,180 8% Pension 65,327 67,069 1,742 537,290 474,433 (62,857) -13% 468,275 6,158 1%

Total Personnel Expenses 851,151 883,962 32,811 7,490,889 6,102,766 (1,388,123) -23% 6,170,120 (67,354) -1%

Professional Services Auditing Services 20,000 15,400 (4,600) 64,090 64,900 810 1% - 64,900 - Professional Services 55,667 51,000 (4,667) 389,668 229,700 (159,968) -70% 301,302 (71,602) -24%

Total Professional Services 75,667 66,400 (9,267) 453,758 294,600 (159,158) -54% 301,302 (6,702) -2%

Legal Salaries and Wages 41,228 37,504 (3,724) 288,591 341,019 52,428 15% 266,515 74,504 28% Taxes 2,282 2,895 613 15,971 17,237 1,266 7% 9,963 7,274 - Group Insurance 4,503 5,133 630 31,516 22,716 (8,800) -39% 24,970 (2,254) -9% Pension 5,443 4,628 (815) 38,101 34,690 (3,411) -10% 35,632 (942) -3% Business Travel 721 8 (713) 5,746 370 (5,376) 0% - 370 - Membership/Dues/Subscriptions 372 - (372) 2,603 1,564 (1,039) -66% 1,470 94 6% Seminars and Training 276 1,200 924 1,928 1,355 (573) 0% - 1,355 - Legal Services 18,040 5,488 (12,552) 126,278 82,950 (43,328) -52% 67,424 15,526 23%

Total Legal 72,865 56,856 (16,009) 510,734 501,901 (8,833) -2% 405,974 95,927 24%


Curent Year Prior Year Comparison Monthly Budget Monthly Actual FY 2018 FY 2018 FY 2017 January 2018 January 2018 Variances YTD Budget YTD Actual Variances % YTD Actual Variances %

General and Administrative Expenses Bank & Credits Cards Fees 15,000 11,655 (3,345) 105,000 37,214 (67,786) - 67,638 (30,424) -45% Building Maintenance 7,917 7,696 (221) 55,418 44,757 (10,661) -24% 39,562 5,195 13% Business Travel 18,530 6,772 (11,758) 129,710 76,508 (53,202) -70% 64,747 11,761 18% Materials & Supplies 9,500 21,125 11,625 74,499 54,812 (19,687) -36% 54,732 80 0% Membership/Dues/Subscriptions 13,215 2,912 (10,303) 92,505 100,359 7,854 8% 102,166 (1,807) -2% Office Rent 3,176 1,839 (1,337) 16,518 24,726 8,208 33% 421,715 (396,989) - Printing & Advertising 9,554 1,129 (8,425) 66,878 13,693 (53,185) - 20,739 (7,046) -34% Seminars and Training 14,280 10,832 (3,448) 99,960 31,635 (68,325) - 16,548 15,087 - Telecommunications 41,250 30,500 (10,750) 288,750 203,274 (85,476) -42% 277,483 (74,209) -27% Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 3,959 2,896 (1,063) 27,708 18,162 (9,546) -53% 17,607 555 3% Miscellaneous Personnel Expenses 3,384 248 (3,136) 23,683 28,170 4,487 16% 22,416 5,754 26%

Total General and Administrative Exp 139,765 97,604 (42,161) 980,629 633,310 (347,319) -55% 1,105,353 (472,043) -43%

Corporate & Community Outreach Expenses Special Programs 584 - (584) 4,083 - (4,083) - 190 (190) - Customer Service/Information 8,109 18,938 10,829 56,758 46,149 (10,609) -23% 29,233 16,916 58% Corporate & Community Outreach Contract 25,000 21,991 (3,009) 175,000 61,542 (113,458) - 111,457 (49,915) -45% Promotional Materials 417 - (417) 2,918 2,535 (383) -15% 1,288 1,247 -

Total Corporate & Community Outreach Expenses 34,110 40,929 6,819 238,759 110,226 (128,533) - 142,168 (31,942) -22%

Transfers Expenses Transferred to Capital (120,833) - 120,833 (845,832) - 845,832 - - - - - Total Reserves and Transfers (120,833) - 120,833 (845,832) - 845,832 - - - -

Total Expenses 8,963,571 12,181,142 3,217,571 66,526,285 53,703,666 (12,822,619) -24% 49,865,504 3,838,162 8%

NET INCOME / (LOSS) $ 8,551,713 $ 5,188,862 $ (3,362,851) $ (32,108,736) $ (19,429,998) $ 12,678,738 -65% $ (9,098,580) $ (10,331,418)



Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 45,765,084 Accounts receivable: State Grants 24,580,021 Federal Grants 12,758,188 Counties 2,040,313 Other 17,893,723 Prepaid expenses 852,687 Total current assets 103,890,016

Noncurrent assets: Capital assets (net of accumulated depreciation) 615,833,140 Total noncurrent assets 615,833,140 Total assets $ 719,723,156

DEFERRED OUTFLOWS OF RESOURCES Deferred outflows of resources related to pensions $ 5,118,921


Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 13,745,855 Accrued liabilities 244,039 Compensated absences 475,978 Unearned revenue 2,161,506 Due to other governmental units 19,695,340 Total current liabilities 36,322,718

Noncurrent liabilities: Compensated absences 713,968 Deposits 1,261,875 Advances from FDOT 2,000,000 Net pension liability 9,334,539 Note payable 14,146,989 Total noncurrent liabilities 27,457,371 Total liabilities $ 63,780,089

DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES Deferred inflows of resources related to pensions $ 64,892


Net Investent in Capital Assets 615,833,140 Restricted for: Capital projects 31,545,651 Unrestricted 13,618,305 Total net position $ 660,997,096




During January 2018, the SFRTA’s Accounts Payable division processed 443 invoices totaling $9,034,790.18 and disbursed 174 checks, excluding payroll, totaling $13,827,611.21

Invoices over $2,500 represent 40.3 (70 checks) of all invoices processed in the month of January, and represent 99.6 of the value ($13,773,585.73) of all checks processed in January 2017.

Accounts Payable processed 71.4% (50 checks) of the checks over $2,500 within the 21-25 days, with 77.1% (54 checks) of the checks over $2,500 processed within 30 days.


RCVD APPRVD CHECK MAILED DAYS DATE DATE DATE CHECK PROCESS VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 12/19/2017 12/28/2017 1/3/2018 1/5/2018 17 APTIM CLIENT #711398 132,139.39 12/17/2017 12/26/2017 1/3/2018 1/5/2018 19 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS USA CUST# 006038 12/11-12/17/17 240,413.99 12/26/2017 12/29/2017 1/3/2018 1/3/2018 8 MIAMI-DADE WATER & SEWER DEPT. ACCT #1971563099 MOW 11/09-12/11/17 12,676.20 12/29/2017 12/29/2017 1/3/2018 1/5/2018 7 GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS FTI CONSULTING LLCCONTRACT #13-007 12,000.00 11/21/2017 12/28/2017 1/3/2018 1/5/2018 45 GOODMAN PUBLIC RELATIONS INC. MARKETING & PUBLIC RELATIONS 23,776.85 12/12/2017 12/26/2017 1/3/2018 1/5/2018 24 KAPLAN KIRSCH ROCKWELL LLP CLIENT MATTER ID #1917-26 47,410.29 1/2/2018 1/4/2018 1/10/2018 1/12/2018 10 AON RISK SERVICES INC OF MD CLIENT #10000401 443,916.00 1/3/2018 1/3/2018 1/10/2018 1/12/2018 9 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT DECEMBER INVOICES 3,797.39 1/2/2018 1/3/2018 1/10/2018 1/12/2018 10 AT&T ACCT #831-000-6508-121 6,066.32 12/4/2017 1/3/2018 1/10/2018 1/12/2018 39 CENTER PORT BUSINESS PARK FILE #107-R-104.02 9,967.99 12/19/2017 1/3/2018 1/10/2018 1/12/2018 24 COMTO INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS 2018 4,612.50 1/2/2018 1/3/2018 1/10/2018 1/12/2018 10 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT DECEMBER MOW INVOICES 3,671.67 12/8/2017 1/4/2018 1/12/2018 1/12/2018 35 BV OIL COMPANY NOVEMBER INVOICES 62,545.22 1/8/2018 1/9/2018 1/17/2018 1/19/2018 11 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT JANUARY INVOICES 2,808.20 1/3/2018 1/9/2018 1/17/2018 1/19/2018 16 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS USA CUST# 006038 12/25-12/31/17 247,974.14 1/9/2018 1/16/2018 1/17/2018 1/19/2018 10 AT&T ACCT #VP07JN-12/17 9,101.12 1/9/2018 1/11/2018 1/17/2018 1/19/2018 10 CHAMPION SERVICES GROUP CONSULTING & TRAINING SERVICES 9,950.00 1/2/2018 1/9/2018 1/17/2018 1/19/2018 17 ERICKS CONSULTANTS CONTRACT #15-015 25,500.00 1/4/2018 1/12/2018 1/17/2018 1/19/2018 15 MAULDIN & JENKINS, LLC CLIENT # 07012511.000 15,400.00 12/29/2017 1/11/2018 1/22/2018 1/22/2018 24 BV OIL COMPANY DECEMBER INVOICES 135,620.70 12/11/2017 1/2/2018 1/24/2018 1/26/2018 46 AON RISK SERVICES INC OF MD CLIENT #10000401 57,793.75 1/12/2018 1/16/2018 1/24/2018 1/26/2018 14 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT JANUARY INVOICES 4,928.21 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 1/24/2018 1/26/2018 3 SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY DISPOSAL ASSESMENT PCN #06-43-47-07-00-000-3040 11,596.29 1/16/2018 1/19/2018 1/24/2018 1/26/2018 10 MIAMI-DADE WATER & SEWER DEPT. ACCT #1917973425 MOW DEC/17 2,933.95 1/16/2018 1/18/2018 1/24/2018 1/26/2018 10 AT&T BILL #561 N07-0000 000 19,541.70 1/12/2018 1/16/2018 1/24/2018 1/26/2018 14 AT&T BILLING #954 V34-7067 036 22,444.82 1/12/2018 1/22/2018 1/24/2018 1/26/2018 14 CANON SOLUTIONS AMERICA, INC. ACCT #1283526 11,898.27 1/9/2018 1/19/2018 1/24/2018 1/26/2018 17 FLORIDA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION CAM & UTILITY PYMNT FOR MIC 28,710.00 12/19/2017 1/18/2018 1/24/2018 1/26/2018 38 GOODMAN PUBLIC RELATIONS INC. MARKETING & PUBLIC RELATIONS 7,199.20 1/16/2018 1/22/2018 1/24/2018 1/26/2018 10 RESPECT OF FLORIDA CUST #90-COBRERA DEC 2017 7,324.12 12/14/2017 1/18/2018 1/26/2018 1/26/2018 43 HERZOG TRANSIT SERVICES, INC. CONTRACT #06-010 NOV 2017 60,635.31 12/14/2017 1/22/2018 1/26/2018 1/26/2018 43 HERZOG TRANSIT SERVICES, INC. CONTRACT #06-010 NOV 2017 1,027,113.31 12/18/2017 1/2/2018 1/29/2018 1/29/2018 42 AON RISK SERVICES INC OF MD POLICY #443280817A 58,500.00 12/18/2017 1/24/2018 1/30/2018 1/30/2018 43 BV OIL COMPANY JANUARY INVOICES 819,929.17 1/8/2018 1/25/2018 1/31/2018 2/2/2018 25 ANSALDO STS USA, INC. CUST #140619 70,740.00 1/16/2018 1/26/2018 1/31/2018 2/2/2018 17 APTIM CLIENT #711398 132,139.39 1/19/2018 1/23/2018 1/31/2018 2/2/2018 14 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT JANUARY INVOICES 13,792.65 1/18/2018 1/23/2018 1/31/2018 2/2/2018 15 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS USA CUST# 006038 01/08-01/14/18 238,194.03 1/10/2018 1/23/2018 1/31/2018 2/2/2018 23 KEOLIS TRANSIT SERVICES, LLC CONTRACT#15-016 12/1-12/15/17 BASE OPR SERV 630,573.99 1/12/2018 1/26/2018 1/31/2018 2/2/2018 21 VEOLIA (VTMI) AGREEMENT NO. 14-012 10/19-11/18/17 1,817,811.57 1/24/2018 1/31/2018 1/31/2018 1/31/2018 7 MIAMI-DADE WATER & SEWER DEPT. ACCT #1971563099 MOW 12/11/17-01/11/18 13,890.10 1/29/2018 1/29/2018 1/31/2018 2/2/2018 4 AT&T ACCT #831-000-6508-121 4,930.47 1/24/2018 1/24/2018 1/31/2018 2/2/2018 9 DEPT OF MANAGEMENT SVCS ACCT #0H8-22716 4,286.50 1/9/2018 1/24/2018 1/31/2018 2/2/2018 24 FLORIDA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION REIMB FOR ELECTRIC 07/16-08/17 15,330.00 1/22/2018 1/22/2018 1/31/2018 2/2/2018 11 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT JANUARY MOW INVOICES 32,161.40 12/14/2017 1/22/2018 1/31/2018 2/2/2018 50 GOODMAN PUBLIC RELATIONS INC. MARKETING & PUBLIC RELATIONS 14,791.67 1/9/2018 1/23/2018 1/31/2018 2/2/2018 24 KAPLAN KIRSCH ROCKWELL LLP CLIENT MATTER ID #1917-24 3,813.70 1/16/2018 1/23/2018 1/31/2018 2/2/2018 17 VITAL PRINTING CORPORATION ACCT #000843 TRI-RAIL POCKET SCHEDULE 16,250.00 1/30/2018 1/29/2018 1/31/2018 2/2/2018 3 VICKI WOOLDRIDGE WOOLDRIDGE,V 2018 LEGISLATIVE SESSION 2,735.75 49 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 6,601,337.29 SOUTH FLORIDA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY GOVERNING BOARD MEETING: FEBRUARY 23, 2018 INFORMATION ITEM: PAYMENTS OVER $2,500 JANUARY 1 TO JANUARY 31, 2018


12/6/2017 12/20/2017 1/3/2018 1/5/2018 30 HDR ENGINEERING, INC. CONTRACT #12-008 INV #19 PHASE 1A 281,466.41 12/19/2017 12/28/2017 1/3/2018 1/5/2018 17 T.Y. LIN INTERNATIONAL 15-014-E WO #5 INV #4 69,602.55 12/28/2017 12/26/2017 1/3/2018 1/5/2018 8 COUNCIL TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLAN REIMB OF TOD PILOT PROGRAM GRANT FL 2016-17 105,750.00 12/27/2017 12/29/2017 1/3/2018 1/5/2018 9 VEOLIA (VTMI) AGREEMENT NO. 14-012 11/01-11/15/17 22,344.00 10/11/2017 10/18/2017 1/8/2018 1/8/2018 89 ALL ABOARD FLORIDA MIAMI DOWNTOWN LINK DRAW #4 2,343,727.54 10/11/2017 10/18/2017 1/8/2018 1/8/2018 89 ALL ABOARD FLORIDA MIAMI DOWNTOWN LINK DRAW #5 1,245,315.65 12/19/2017 1/2/2018 1/10/2018 1/12/2018 24 EAC CONSULTING CONTRACT #10-017(E) 21,751.52 12/20/2017 1/2/2018 1/10/2018 1/12/2018 23 T.Y. LIN INTERNATIONAL 15-014-E WO #8 INV #1 67,145.49 12/14/2017 1/2/2018 1/10/2018 1/12/2018 29 WSP USA INC. CONTRACT #09-007-E WO #7 INV #6 34,244.02 10/25/2017 1/2/2018 1/15/2018 1/15/2018 82 HDR ENGINEERING, INC. CONTRACT #12-008 INV #18 PHASE 1A 86,628.16 1/2/2018 1/9/2018 1/17/2018 1/19/2018 17 CAW DBA VTECH ACCT #SFRTA 35,770.87 12/18/2017 1/9/2018 1/17/2018 1/19/2018 32 CH2M HILL, INC. WO #8 INV #17 14,227.39 1/8/2018 1/10/2018 1/17/2018 1/19/2018 11 GOVCONNECTION, INC ACCT# 13601007 7,200.00 12/22/2017 1/9/2018 1/17/2018 1/19/2018 28 JACOBS ENGINEERING GROUP INC. CONTRACT #14-010-B WO #7 INV #1 9,870.11 1/18/2018 1/9/2018 1/17/2018 1/19/2018 1 T.Y. LIN INTERNATIONAL 15-014-E WO #6 INV #4 45,763.64 1/8/2018 1/11/2018 1/17/2018 1/19/2018 11 WEST CONSTRUCTION, INC. PROJECT# 17-1266 103,471.06 12/22/2017 1/9/2018 1/17/2018 1/19/2018 28 WSP USA INC. CONTRACT #09-007-E WO #22 INV #31 95,083.53 12/15/2017 1/18/2018 1/24/2018 1/26/2018 42 CH2M HILL, INC. WO #5 INV #11 2,508.04 12/14/2017 1/12/2018 1/24/2018 1/26/2018 43 PARSONS TRANSPORTATION GROUP CONTRACT #15-014 (D) WO #4 INV #5 9,742.41 1/8/2018 1/29/2018 1/31/2018 2/2/2018 25 HNTB CORPORATION 15-014 (A) WO #2 INV #11 388,135.83 1/16/2018 1/26/2018 1/31/2018 2/2/2018 17 VEOLIA (VTMI) CONTRACT #16-005 NORTHWOOD 2,182,500.22 21 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 7,172,248.44



0-10 days 19 27.1% 27.1%

11-20 days 20 28.6% 55.7%

21-25 days 11 15.7% 71.4%

26-30 days 4 5.7% 77.1%

31-35 days 2 2.9% 80.0%

36-40 days 2 2.9% 82.9%

41-45 days 7 10.0% 92.9%

Over 45 days 5 7.1% 100.0%





0 -10 Days 23.1% 0 -10 Days 28.3% 11-20 Days 29.3% 11-20 Days 37.3% 21-25 Days 18.6% 21-25 Days 15.8% 26-30 Days 10.7% 26-30 Days 5.3% 31-35 Days 7.2% 31-35 Days 3.9% 36-40 Days 4.2% 36-40 Days 2.9% 41-45 Days 2.7% 41-45 Days 3.3% Over 45 Days 4.2% Over 45 Days 3.3%

AVERAGES FOR FY 2017 and FY 2018






100 FY 2017 FY 2018 80






Weekday Sales 956,449 1,002,356 45,907 5 Weekend Sales 190,303 170,734 -19,568 -11 Other Income 24,145 27,477 3,332 12

Total Revenue 1,170,897 1,200,568 29,671 2


JANUARY JANUARY Percent Sales by Ticket Type 2017 2018 Change

Palm Beach Schools 30,000.00 35,650.00 19.00%

Employer Disc. Program 132,643.70 128,323.85 -3.00%

Pre-Paid 3,500.00 2,950.00 -16.00%

Group Tour Sales 548.12 841.57 54.00%

Station Sales:

One-Way 488,850.25 510,509.55 4.00% Roundtrip 231,358.20 229,129.80 -1.00% 12 Trips FF 39,790.45 43,865.25 10.00% Monthly 67,200.00 70,600.00 5.00% Monthly Reg. Pass 17,800.00 19,200.00 8.00% One-Way Discount 3,323.70 2,937.15 -12.00% Roundtrip Discount 4,742.00 4,808.55 1.00% Monthly Discount 27,800.00 27,800.00 0.00% Monthly Disc. Reg. Pass 7,150.00 6,500.00 -9.00% Stored Value 82,145.40 80,019.15 -3.00% Card Deposits 9,900.00 9,956.00 1.00%

Total Station Sales 980,060.00 1,005,325.45 3.00%

Total Sales 1,146,751.82 1,173,090.87 2.00%

Average Fare 3.16 3.12 -1.00%

Average Fares: FY 16/17 and FY 17/18




AUGUST 2017 431,312 4,066 93 3,973 112

SEPTEMBER 2017 275,296 2,326 55 2,271 109

OCTOBER 2017 446,909 3,836 88 3,748 116

NOVEMBER 2017 428,845 3,594 106 3,488 116

DECEMBER 2017 409,417 3,722 102 3,620 115

JANUARY 2018 422,191 3,906 84 3,822 112

AVERAGE 402,328 3,575 88 3,487 113

FARE EVASION % 0.89 FINES 7,169.86 Solicitation Status Report AGENDA ITEM: H January 2018

Solicitation Solicitation Description of Services Advertise Document Pre-Submittal Due Date Award Number Type Date Available Conference Bids/Proposals Contract

Railroad-Highway Crossing Construction and Traffic Control Device 17-009 ITB Installation 12/11/17 12/13/17 12/20/17 1/11/18 3/23/18

H- Sol Rpt 0118 2/13/2018 Contract Actions Executed AGENDA ITEM NO: I Under The Executive Director's Authority For The Month of January 2018

Contract/ Purchase Contract /Project Description Contract Amount Order No. Action $

18-000160 CONTRACTOR: TYLER WORKS/ EDEN DIVISION Purchase Order $78,821.45

DESCRIPTION: Eden Maintenance January - December 2018.

18-000165 CONTRACTOR: APTIM Work Order $70,000.00

DESCRIPTION: Emergency service from Hurricane Irma.

15-014 (A) CONTRACTOR: HNTB CORPORATION Work Order $25,000.00

DESCRIPTION: Assist the South Florida Regional Transportation Authority (SFRTA) in performing General Engineering Consultant (GEC) services tasks, which require a quick response and short turn-around time.

15-014 (A) CONTRACTOR: HNTB CORPORATION Work Order $19,293.46

DESCRIPTION: Procurement Services for the Railroad-Highway Crossing Construction Project.

Page 2 of 3 Contract Actions Executed AGENDA ITEM: J Under The Construction Oversight Committee's Authority For The Month of January 2018

Contract Amount Date Signed Description Action $

No Contract Actions were executed by the Construction Oversight Committee for the Month of January N/A 2018 N/A N/A

J-ConstOvrsgtCom 0118 2/13/2018

Contract Actions Executed AGENDA ITEM NO: N Under The General Counsel's Authority For January 2018

Date Signed Contract /Purchase Order No. Contract Amount Term Action $

N/A There are currently no Contract Actions executed at this time. N/A N/A N/A

N-ConActsLegal January 2018.xlsx 2/13/2018