On the rights of manuscript


of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy


Specialty: 5716.01 – Branch of science: Philology Applicant: Kifayat Aliheydar Mammadova

Baku – 2021

1 Dissertation was performed at Department of South Azerbaijani Literature of the Institute of Literature named after , Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Philology, professor Teymur Akbar Ahmadov

Official opponents: Doctor of Philology, professor Elman Hilal Guliyev

Doctor of Philology, associate professor Naila Abdul Samadova

Doctor of Philology, associate professor Saadet İlyar Vahabova

Dissertation council ED 1.05 of Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan operating at the Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Chairman of the Dissertation council: Academician, Doctor of philology, professor Isa Akbar Habibbayli

Scientific secretary of the Dissertation Council: Ph.D. in Philology, associate professor Ismikhan Mahammad Osmanli

Chairmen of the scientific seminar: Doctor in Philology, associate professor Alizade Bayram Asgarli

2 GENERAL NATURE OF WORK Relevance and studying degree of the research issue. The strengthening communication and integration with the world as a result of collapse of the Soviet Union in the late twentieth century, re- independence of Azerbaijan, the downfall of socialist realism as a single creative method for art, abolition of censorship, the formation of freedom of thought and elimination of the “Iron Curtain” gave impetus to the intensive development of fiction, literary criticism and literary history. Namely thanks to this factor, there were created ample opportunities to study previously banned topics and problems. It is typical to involve some prominent personalities and problems of South Azerbaijani literature in research. One of such powerful literary figures is Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi, who has a special place in the modern literary life of South Azerbaijan. As a literary figure, he is distinguished by his creative features, unlike any other, by his completely new poetic qualities. This originality and uniqueness is characterized by the content, form, as well as ideological and aesthetic aspects of the author’s works. By expanding the framework of public opinion of the South Azerbaijani literature, the G.S.Tabrizi has done a great service in ensuring the victory of realism by bringing it closer to life, to the struggle, spiritual needs and joys of the people. The development of the socio-political thought, scientific ideas, historical views, especially moral and ethical issues in South Azerbaijan, as in other Muslim countries of the East takes place on the basis of known traditions, which in its turn, actualizes the tendencies of enlightenment. While exposing the nature of oppression, lies, and injustice, as well as the social loneliness that prevails in people's lives, actions, and thoughts, G.S.Tabrizi speaks the truth and believes that it helps society. However, the service of the G.S.Tabrizi is not only to show the negative aspects of Iranian life, but also to criticize, at the same time, he comprehensively illuminates and gives meaning to the life he lives with his creativity. Q.S. Tabrizi's works are distinguished by their modernity and innovation. In his works, he not only reflects the past and present of 3 the people to whom he belongs, but also keeps his eyes on magnificent panoramas of the people's lives, as a singer of his dreams and ideals. In most of his poems, G.S.Tabrizi reflects the philosophy of truth, and by choosing the path of artistic generalization, he tries to reveal the essence of life based on a unique poetic language. That is why the art of Q.S. Tabrizi has passed the test of time and his art has found its way into the hearts of the new generation. Readers from Azerbaijan, and England read it with respect and deep thought and finds wisdom that responds to the needs of life. That is why he is one of the most beloved poets and scholars, who is often remembered by Azerbaijani readers today and addressed to his works on a certain occasion. As a scholar of literary criticism, G.S.Tabrizi has always addressed to the brilliant figures in the history of Azerbaijani literature and wrote scientific papers about their works. In his articles on a number of classics, such as, Khagani Shirvani, Nizami Ganjavi, Imadeddin Nasimi, , , Muhammad Hussein Shahriyar, , Gulam Hussein Saidi, Hamid Nitgi and others he touches on the most sensitive aspects of the work of these artists. The world culture has developed in a very complicated way. And this was possible not only due to the emergence of new examples of art, but also owing to the deeper study of the classical heritage and based on the criteria of modernity. The artistic heritage of the Azerbaijani people reflects its sorrow, joy, dream and history. That is why artistic heritage is a constant living experience of spiritual and emotional experience for any generation. G.S. Tabrizi's attitude to the creativity, ideas, thoughts and views of the classics is also noteworthy because he was able to deeply reflect not only the artistic thinking and cognitive features of his time, but also the period of their emergence. All these aspects determine the relevance of the dissertation dedicated to the literary-artistic and scientific-publicist creativity of G.S. Tabrizi. So far, various types of research work have been written on the works of G.S.Tabrizi. At different times Aziza Jafarzade, Balash Azeroglu, Tofig Hajiyev, Sabir Nabioglu, Gara Namazov, Azad 4 Nabiyev, Kamil Veli Narimanoglu, Tofig Huseynoglu, Almaz Aligizi, Nazim Rizvan, Teyyub Mansimoglu, Mammad Aslan, Elchin Isgenderzade, Tomris Babanli, Parvana Mammadli, Samina Hidayatgizi, Gudrat Piriyev and others expressed their views and opinions on the rich and multifaceted works of G.S.Tabrizi. Among these researches, the monographs1, such as, “The world starting from ” and “Child of the century” by Sabir Nabioglu, “Salvation shore of life” by Vagif Sultanli, “Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi” Teyyub Mansimoglu, “Poet's exile” by Elchin Isgenderzadeh are the most interesting. World-renowned writers and scholars - A. Nesin, B. Dolby, R. Williams, B. Morton, H. Nitgi, Y. Bronovsky and others also expressed their attitude to the works of G.S.Tabrizi in one way or another. After Azerbaijan gained its independence, a number of research works were written to study the scientific, artistic and social activities of G.S. Tabrizi. In these researches, the life and creative path of the writer became the object of analysis from various aspects. However, in spite of all these researches, the literary-artistic, scientific-publicist creativity of Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi has not been systematically involved in research so far. The scientific paper submitted for defense was created out of this necessity. Object and subject of research. The object of research is the literary-artistic and scientific-publicist works of Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi, and the subject is the scientific-theoretical principles of this heritage, literary-aesthetic concepts and the subject-problem area. The analysis refers to his books published in England, America, and Azerbaijan, as well as research on his life and works. Goals and tasks of the research. The main purpose of the research is to evaluate the literary-artistic, scientific and social activity

1 Masimoglu Teyyub. Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi. Baku: Shirvanneshr, 2002; Nabioglu Sabir. Child of a century. Baku: The Publishing House “Turan Evi”, 2004; Ibid. World starting from Tabriz. Baku: Azerneshr, 2010. Sultanli Vagif. Salvation shore of life. Baku: Publishing House “Turan Evi”, 2004; Isgenderzade Elchin. The poet's cry heard from abroad. Baku: Publishing House “Vektor”, 2005. 5 of G.S.Tabrizi in the light of modern thinking. To this end, the following tasks were in the focus of the research: - Discovering the main points of the life and literary environment of G.S. Tabrizi; - Determination of the author's literary position in the history of Azerbaijani literature: - Transformation of the writer's into an object of analysis in the context of the problem of free poetry in modern South Azerbaijani literature; - Scientific-theoretical interpretation of the ideological and aesthetic aspects of political lyricism in the author's poetry; - Characterization of philosophical aspects of the poet's poetic creativity; - Transformation of the researcher's papers on modern literature into an object of analysis; - Generalization of the author's scientific-theoretical views on the classics of Azerbaijani, Iranian and English literature; - Characterization of the ideas of humanism, democracy and freedom in the writer's journalism. Method of research. The dissertation refers to the existing scientific and theoretical sources on the research topic, the views and opinions of individual scientists. Comparative-typological and historical-comparative analysis methods were used in the research process. During the research, the relevant researches of Azerbaijan and the world literary-theoretical thought were used on the theoretical- methodological level. Main propositions set for defense: 1. The complex nature of the literary environment in which Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi was formed and the question of the influence of such an environment on the literary style; 2. Literary and social mission of Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi in such a literary-aesthetic and social environment; 3. The emigration period and diaspora activity of Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi's life and work. 4. Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi's attitude to the classics of Eastern and Western literature and culture. 5. Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi and problems of Azerbaijani emigration literature. 6. Issues of political lyrics and literature. 7. Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi's concept of poetry and 6 prose and its connection with the history of Azerbaijani literature. 8. Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi and principles of modern poetry. 9. Issues of mutual influence of poetry and philosophy in the works of Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi. Scientific novelty of the research. Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi's creative path has been extensively researched, several monographs and various articles have been written about him. However, the literary-artistic and scientific-publicist creativity of the writer has not been systematically studied so far. Namely this aspect is one of the factors determining the scientific novelty of the research. One of the noteworthy and commendable aspects of the dissertation is the chronological approach to the author's work, the study of the problems reflected in the works of the writer in the process of evolution. For the first time, the work of G.S.Tabrizi was analyzed in the context of the reflection of both social and moral problems, as well as the current aspects of his works on various topics. One of the factors contributing to the scientific novelty of the research is the approach to the work of G.S.Tabrizi in the light of modern national-theoretical ideas, the criticism of erroneous and one- sided tendencies in previous research written about him. The dissertation reveals the points related to the literary-artistic and scientific-theoretical activity of G.S.Tabrizi, where the life, environment and diaspora activity of the writer were analyzed from the modern perspective, besides, his role in propaganda and recognizing the Azerbaijani literature, science and culture in general all over the world was determined, the services rendered by him in the field of development of free verse in the South Azerbaijani literature was revealed, his poetry’s originality and philosophical aspects were analyzed and finally his articles and monographs as regards the separate representatives of Azerbaijani, Iran and English literature and his interviews were systematically evaluated. Theoretical basis and practical value of research. The dissertation work is also of practical importance. The results obtained in the dissertation are of scientific-theoretical and practical importance

7 in revealing the creative heritage of Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi and various problems of South Azerbaijani literature. Its separate provisions can be used as a source in research on the subject in researches written in the field of the contemporary Azerbaijani literature, comparative literature, literary relations, etc. The dissertation is of scientific and theoretical importance for the researches of the future periods in terms of methodological aspects, areas of analysis, theoretical approach and research formulas. The research can also be used as an aid in the teaching of general and special courses in the humanities faculties of various universities in Azerbaijan. The dissertation work is important not only for literary critics, but also for researchers studying various problems of history and cultural studies. Approbation and application of research. The dissertation was registered at the Coordination Center of the Museum of Literature named after Nizami of ANAS, and was prepared at the Department of “South Azerbaijan Literature” of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi. The results of the research are reflected in articles published in various journals and collections in Azerbaijan and Ukraine, as well as in reports and speeches at scientific conferences. Name of the organization where the dissertation work is performed. Dissertation was performed at the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Structure and general scope of dissertation. Dissertation was developed in accordance with the requirements of Higher The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters and paragraphs, conclusions and a list of references, which provides explanations of individual scientific problems. The research work generally consists of the 226268 sign. The introduction consists of a 12519 sign, the first chapter consists of a 68315 sign, the second chapter consists of a 66192 sign, the third chapter consists of a 72351 sign, and the result consists of a 8568 sign.


Introduction deals with the relevance of topic and extent of doing the research, goals and tasks of research. Methods of research, theoretical basis of research, scientific novelty and main propositions set for defense. In the first chapter of the dissertation entitled “Literary environment and diaspora activities of Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi”, the environment in which the writer lived, the Iranian and British period of his life and diaspora activities became the object of analysis. This chapter consists of three subchapters. In the first subchapter entitled “Life and years of education of Q.S.Tabrizi in Iran”, the first stage of the writer's life became the object of analysis. Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi was born in 1934 in Tabriz. At that time, the Shah's administration was trying by all means to deprive the Azerbaijani Turks of their mother tongue. As a result, there was no school or press in the language of this people, the second largest ethnic group in Iran alongside the Persians. The childhood years of Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi were marked by this period, the national awakening in the South and the National government of Azerbaijan, established under the leadership of Seyid Jafar Pishavari. Undoubtedly, this great historical event has left its mark on his future life. The spiritual values of the family also opened new pages in his life and contributed to the formation of his character. After graduating from the high school, G.S.Tabrizi studied English and Persian philology at Tabriz University within 1953- 1958.The future immigrant studies the English perfectly and after graduating the university, he works as a translator of the US military department and then as a teacher at the high school on the specialization. While working as a translator in the military administration, he witnessed the arbitrariness of the imperialists in Iran. He witnessed the tragedy of the leaders of the liberation struggle during the National Government of Azerbaijan and the S.C. Peshawari movement, which played a decisive role in determining his future life and ideals. In particular, the hoisting of the Azerbaijani flag 9 in Tabriz in 1945-1946 was a turning point for the twelve-year-old G.S.Tabrizi. All this and especially the environment of Tabriz has a strong influence on the formation of the worldview of Q.S. Tabrizi. On the other hand, university education does not satisfy him. Therefore, he comes to Istanbul to continue his education. G.S.Tabrizi, who entered the master's program of Istanbul University in 1959, returned to Tabriz after a coup d'etat in Turkey. But he can't stay here long. For some reason, he has to leave his homeland. In the second subchapter, entitled “The period of emigration of G.S. Tabrizi's life”, the years of exile of the writer's life became the object of analysis. As can be seen from his biography, Q.S.Tabrizi, who went to England in the summer of 1960 studies at a college for a year and received a master's degree, then worked on his doctoral dissertation. Undoubtedly, the Western environment is not without problems in the early days, so he faces difficulties and deprivations. As much as migration is a purely subjective life, it also comes from objective reasons. It shows the breaking of all the bonds that bind man to life. It means that all hopes for life are dashed and there are no opportunities. A person feels that he is gradually moving away from everything he has expected and trusted, and that he has lost. These indicate that objective or subjective explanations of migration are unacceptable. Corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of philological sciences, professor Tofig Hajiyev in the foreword to the poet's book “Silent scream” drew attention to the point of the state of being a stranger and concludes: “The theme of statelessness occupies a central place in the work of Gulamrza Tabrizi. And, as it were, he took the pen abroad as a poet. The fact is that G.Tabrizi missed his mother tongue the most abroad. There is everything to live abroad, the air to get, the water to drink, the bread to eat, the clothes to wear. But he can't find anyone to speak her mother tongue. Twenty years ago, it seems, Gulamrza said in a televised interview that in the first years of his life in Britain, he collected a little of his bread money a day, and once a week he was speaking with his mother in Tabriz. He talked to 10 her, listened to his mother, talked a little, and listened to his mother the most.”2 Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi lived and created his works in the vortex of contradictions, tensions, in tense socio-political situation. In 1969, at the University of Edinburgh, he defended his doctoral paper concerning the life and work of the famous English artist, poet and philosopher William Blake. During these years, he published a monograph entitled “William Blake's Hell and Paradise”3, the autobiographic work entitled “Iran: The story of a child, the experience of a man”4 and numerous articles. He has published autobiographical works and numerous articles. After living in immigration for a long time, he returned to Baku and continued his literary activity in his homeland. Q.S.Tabrizi, who absorbed all the fire and flame of his heart, roasted with longing for his homeland, into his poems has published in Baku poetic collections, such as, “Longing for the Motherland” (1993), “My Two Worlds” (1997), “Waves of Thought” (1997) , “Philosophy of Life” (1997) and so on. The poems of the emigrant poet are inspired by the motives of love and longing for the motherland. He writes, “A man can leave his homeland, the homeland cannot leave a man.” The bitter and terrible fate of the people who were separated from the homeland, longing for its water, air and land, is perfectly reflected in the poem "Life abroad" by G.S.Tabrizi:

Living abroad means to be separated from mother, from homeland would fall apart, Means to speak a foreign language, to think.5

2 Hajiyev Tofig. Poet’s poetry (Foreword), G.S.Tabrizi. Silent scream. Baku: Publishing House “Turan Evi”, 2009. P.11. 3 Tabrizi Gholamrza Sabri. The “Heaven” and “Hell” of William Blake. London, Lawrence and Wishart publishing. 1973, 366 p. 4 Tabrizi Gholamrza Sabri. Iran. A Child’s Story, A Man’s Experience. Edinburgh, Mainstream Publishing, 1989, 380 p. 5 Tabrizi G.S. Selected poems. Baku: Shirvanneshr, 2002. P.80 11 In Scotland, an island poet named Arran reminds the poet of his homeland, so he writes the poem “Homeland” full of grief:

Arran is an island In Scotland, brings my soul, reminds me distant lands I hear - my silenced tongue in petrified history.6

The poet created a poetic bridge between North and South Azerbaijan with the poem “Whole Azerbaijan”. The fiery verses from his pen are artistic thoughts about the pain of the South, the thirst of the divided Azerbaijan:

I am on that bank of the Araz, You on this coast, barbed wire between us ....7

Every line of the poem is full of painful sobs. In these verses, the author wants to revive the pain of exile, which has built a nest in his heart, by remembering his homeland and the days he spent there. G.S.Tabrizi also talks about the current situation in Azerbaijan, and cannot ignore its problems, especially, Karabakh's pain turns into an incurable wound of the poet. Hatred toward enemy, the cry of the poet's heart, which does not tolerate the sufferings of the nation, has found a high artistic solution in the poem “Hate the enemy In his poem "To those who are separated from the homeland", Tabrizi treats those who left their homeland with hatred, as if he wants to light a lamp on the path of freedom and independence of the nation:

6 Tabrizi G.S. My two worlds. Baku: Publishing House “Progress”, 1997. P. 23. 7 Tabrizi G.S. Selected poems. Baku: Shirvanneshr, 2002, p. 55. 12 Look: they are waiting to leave the country, To go to Paris, London, Los Angeles, Wherever they go, they should not hear the cries of the motherland. Let them finish From the pains of the homeland.8

The poet is able to create an interesting artistic image, expressing the pain and suffering of the native people in the South Azerbaijan in an original way:

One day I saw in a dream, Throughout the alleys of Tabriz The milk flows from the streams, I thought, where does this milk come from? I turned to that side, I turned this side. I saw it at the beginning of the morning Under a millstone. The people are oppressed. And crushed Breast milk comes from the nose. For him, from the alleys of Tabriz milk flows.9

“Unlike other representatives of the emigrant literature, Ghulamrza Sabri Tabrizi can visit his native lands, Tabriz and Azerbaijan albeit late. Wherever he is, he does not feel separate from Tabriz. Although he lives in the West, he still maintains the customs and traditions of his nation. He preserves in his family and deeds all

8 Tabrizi G.S. Creation. Baku: Azerneshr, 2012, p.89. 9 Tabrizi G.S. A lamp of hope. Baku: Shirvanneshr, 2002, p.13 13 the good things that belong to Azerbaijan. Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi is a person who is spiritually connected to his family.”10 It should be noted that on the basis of emigrant life as a whole, the poet’s creative path is rooted in a different mood in terms of ideas, problems and content. The third subchapter, entitled “Diaspora activities of G.S.Tabrizi”, examines the public activity of the writer, or rather his services in the field of organization of the Azerbaijani Diaspora. The declaration of state independence of Azerbaijan was a great joy of all over the world. Our newly independent republic has taken important steps in direction of close and mutual relations with the Azerbaijani diaspora abroad. In this regard, on December 4, 1999, there was organized a meeting of the representatives of three Azerbaijanis Society (British-Azerbaijani Society, Azerbaijan Society and the Azerbaijani Turkish Society) at the Embassy of our Republic in London. As a result of the meeting, the coordination bureau of the Azerbaijani Societies carrying out their activities in Great Britain aiming at development of relations between them and establishing the necessary contacts with the government authorities. The Azerbaijan-Great Britain Youth Society was founded in March 2000 in Baku. The organization takes strategic steps in this regard aiming at expanding scientific and cultural relations between the Youth the mentioned countries. As one of the activists of the Diaspora, G.S.Tabrizi has done important work in objectively conveying the truth about Garabakh to the world community. The main purpose of the celebration of the Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis on December 31 was to summarize the work done in the field of Diaspora and to plan the work for the next year. The work carried out from time to time began to bear fruit, has given a chance to propagate the idea of Azerbaijan and to realize the national power of the Azerbaijanis all over the world. The activity of G.S.Tabrizi in this field is also commendable. With his support or

10 Masimoglu Teyyub. Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi. Baku: Shirvanneshr, 2002, p.13 14 initiative, our compatriots living in the United Kingdom have established a number of cultural centers, including societies and other national structures. In particular, thanks to these structures, which have taken important steps in the organization of the diaspora, have been taken important steps to bring our problems to the international arena. In 1998, during the official visit of the President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev to the United Kingdom, during the meeting with the Azerbaijanis living herein, G.S.Tabrizi addressed the President on the activities of the Azerbaijani Diaspora and rendered a report to the President as regards the activity of the Diaspora. The first Congress of the World Azerbaijani held in November 2003 on the initiative of the President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev was remembered as a significant event in our history. The Congress played a great role in strengthening the comprehensive relations of Azerbaijanis all over the world thanks to its decisions. At that congress, G.S. Tabrizi was elected Deputy Chairman of the Coordinating Council of World Azerbaijanis (CCA). G.S.Tabrizi also served as chairman of the World Azerbaijanis Congress (WAC) for some time, and did serious work in organizing the diaspora. On June 21-22, 2008, the 10-th extraordinary congress of the World Azerbaijani held in Brussels, capital city of Belgium, demonstrating solidarity has once again confirmed itself as a monolith organization. Immediately after the 10th Congress, which united other fragmented structures around it, at the first meeting of the WAC Board, Dr. Mammadrza Hashti (USA) and Professor Pasha Galbinur (Azerbaijan) elected co-chairman. Professor Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi (Great Britain) was elected Honorary Chairman of the WAC due to his services within the framework of the WAS. In general, the diaspora activity of G.S.Tabrizi attracts attention with its consistency, efficiency and purposefulness. In the second chapter, entitled “Poetry of Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi”, the poet's work is studied in the context of contemporary South Azerbaijani literature, and the political and philosophical aspects of his poetry are touched upon. This chapter consists of three subchapters. In the first subchapter, entitled “The problem of free 15 poetry in modern South Azerbaijani literature and the poetry of G.S.Tabrizi”, the author's poetic work is studied in the context of the literary process in the South Azerbaijan. The increase in number of works written in the measure of free verse in the poetry of South Azerbaijan, which gradually takes solid place in the process is a natural phenomenon. First, because the syllable measure is the native rhythm of the Azerbaijani people. Secondly, let us recall that it gains the right to live in a new form so that it is born of progressive content itself. Indeed, a new theme for South Azerbaijani poetry, and the new content and progressive ideas that arose from it, already existed and were constantly being transformed into freely written texts. In short, the re-acquisition of free rhythm in poetry was not a formal event. Well-known researcher Elchin Iskanderzadeh writes: “Despite the poems of Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi are in the form of Western style of poetry, their content is entirely close to the Eastern psychology, Turkish culture and traditions. In other words, these are the heartbeats that are beating today. In these poems, the externality is less noticeable, but the internal issues, Islamic traditions, Turkish cultural aspects are obvious. Thoughts are playful, emotions are sensitive, angry, nervous, dreams are crazy, verses are energetic. The novelty of both the form and the content of the poems takes one of the important places today’s Azerbaijani poetry. Poems based on the national spirit, coloring and the past, as well as enjoying the modern world can give a complete picture of today's Azerbaijani poetry at any country of the world.“11 The metre of the free verses depends on both the volume, the interval between the lines, and the rhyming system and allows for more freedom. While hemistiches in syllabic metre and in aruz metre are sometimes rhymed consecutively or sometimes diagonally, the place of the rhyme in the free verse is not fixed. Here both the rhyme and the volume of the verse depend on the content and rhythm. As in Q.S.Tabrizi's poems:

11 Isgenderzadeh Elchin. Poet's voice heard from abroad. Baku: Publishing House “Vektor”, 2005, p.56. 16 Azerbaijan! The land of my tales, My last place, my last refuge, The heat of my extinguished hearth, The languor of my heart, The claim of grief, Both the ground and the surface of the earth are rich in gold My country, whose smoke is also gold, My air, my water, my blessing.12

In the poem of Q.S. Tabrizi, harmony is created by various means. The fact that the thoughts following each other often leads to the harmony of the words and verses that express these thoughts. Neither the last lines nor the systematic rhymes in such poems attract much attention. The thoughts that create the main content of the poem and the idea born from this content lead the reader to the end of the work, sometimes goes through a certain content and harmony of thought without even realizing it. Corresponding member of ANAS, professor Azad Nabiyev summarizes the conclusions of the poet in the foreword to the collection of poems “Khudaferin” as follows: “Poems of Gulamrza are product of the modern thinking mode, they were written in a free form, in a free style. These poems are original by their style both for the poetry process in the South Azerbaijan and for immigrants living abroad. Because, unlike in the North of Azerbaijan, in its South there are certain traditions of free poetry, but it has not reached the level of creating a school. Therefore, the poems written by Gulamrza Bey in a free style will greatly help to strengthen this tradition.”13 As is well known, free poetry includes only poetic thoughts and words and expressions that require direct content. Thus, the poem is freed from the additional words and expressions that load it. For example, consider the poet's poem “Shroud”:

12 Tabrizi G.S. Selected poems. Baku: Shirvanneshr, 2002, p.27. 13 Nabiyev A. (Foreword). Tabrizi G.S. Khudaferin. Baku: Publishing House “Turan Evi”, 2005, p. 4. 17 Man is wrapped in the shroud of the world, Worldly goods, wealth, and position were shrouded in him. He dies in his spirit and only breathes. Unfortunately, these dead rule over us.14

Harmony and inner rhythm in free poetry are achieved by various means. In this sense, one of the most widely used methods in the works by G.S. Tabrizi is beginning of the words with same sound, i.e. the method of alliteration. The poet tries to instill in the poem a special and individual poetic content, incorporating existing alliterations in colloquial language or folk art into modern poetry, new content and ideological poetic text. The writer’s attitude to the wife and mother can be clearly seen in his poetic examples. Since the woman in Gulamrza’s poetic texts is a sublime being, any insult toward her is unjust and unforgivable. In one of the poems, he asks, “Is it possible to live without a woman?” The protection of a woman, the value of her feelings, emotions, dignity, is the basis of principles guided by the poet.

A woman is a musical instrument, Can’t play many - They break in the hands of the novice wires.15

In this poem, called “Woman”, the author likens the woman to a musical instrument. He wants the woman not to fall into the hands of a novice or an unworthy man. In his poems, he expresses all the noble and radiant feelings of a woman’s heart. In most of the poems

14 Tabrizi G.S. Khudaferin. Baki: Publishing House “Turan Evi”, 2005, p. 334. 15 Tabrizi G.S. Khudaferin. Baki: Publishing House “Turan Evi”, 2005, p. 21. 18 of Q.S. Tabrizi, the homeland and the motherland are presented in the image of a woman, a mother. In the poem “I do not want to be a mother”, he speaks in the language of the mother from Tabriz. He expresses the natural feelings of the mother’s heart with such simple, realistic and vivid colors, the poem is based on the mother's confessive poetic account. A mother who suffers in the way of her children is forbidden to sleep day and night, suffers for her children, and spends her life in their way. The poems of the poet, who is a tireless propagandist of mother's love, are dear to everyone as a mother's lament. In the second subchapter entitled “Political lyrics in the poetry of G.S.Tabrizi”, political lyricism has become the object of analysis in the rich and multifaceted work of the author. Thoughts about the fate of Azerbaijan, the oldest country in the East, are amongst main points that excited the poets of the twentieth century. Namely, when these poets see slops and inner world of the traitors while looking around with the sense of happiness, they fire at them with the edgy words. The ugly inner world of the traitors of the past has been set on fire by heart-wrenching fiery words. Q.S. Tabrizi cannot stand the shackles of his mother tongue in his homeland. The liberation of the language takes precedence over all other matters, and it is impossible to read his poem “Mother Tongue” without excitement:

the day was mine, The moon was mine. The sea was mine. All the worlds were mine. But they broke my day, They tore the only moon in the sky from me.

They took the sea and all the worlds from me. Because first they banned my mother tongue.16

16 Ibid. p. 5. 19 The hope for a free future, the unshakable belief that sooner or later the oppressors will be annihilated and the darkness will fall, filled the hearts of the poets with the love of the people and the homeland, and this love is passed down from generation to generation. In this sense, love for the motherland, love for the people strengthens the will of the person, which moves the mind. It is a miraculous force, and this radiant force has always inspired the poets of the South. Q.S. Tabrizi is also among those poets:

One of us on the other side of the Araz, one of us stayed on this shore. Barbed wire between us. But the Caspian Sea connects us with its waters. I touch the water on this shore, I feel my soul on that shore. The moon and the sky unite us, And the sun. The smell of air and wind unites us. How do you say two to one country?17

The poems by G.S.Tabrizi reflect originally the wounds caused to the fate and spiritual world of the man by the political ambitions and social injustice. The poet expresses these pains in a unique way, peculiar to his individual poetic style. Since the spirit of a free man causes anxiety to G.S.Tabrizi, in his poems he approaches this topic from different angles, so he expresses his attitude towards his Japanese friend as follows:

Our language is also different, our religion, our race too, - But our souls are native.18

17 Tabrizi G.S. Selected poems. Baku: Shirvanneshr, 2002, p.55 18 Tabrizi G.S. A cry from abroad. Baku: Azerneshr, 2003, p.57 20 The irreconcilable position taken by the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran, regardless of all the appearances made on a national basis, the inconsistency in the words and deeds of the government, being serious factors hindering the resolution of the national problem, impede the struggle of nations of the country for their legitimate demands. Q.S. Tabrizi concludes all this with two lines in his poem “Iran”:

They weighed the world's goods, They raised the flag of religion.19

G.S. Tabrizi approaches the Karabakh problem of Azerbaijan with heartache. The poet expressed in poetic language that since the beginning of the Karabakh conflict, all comforts have been disturbed. He also described the efforts of our compatriots living abroad to help Azerbaijan as a patriotic act. However, according to the poet, although our compatriots abroad do their job, the main thing is the unity of the people, their confidence in their own strength. Researcher Sabir Nabioglu describes the attitude of the G.S.Tabrizi to the Karabakh issue as follows: “The tragedies committed in Garabagh by Armenian aggressors, the encroachment made to the lands of the neighbor under the protection of the foreign extremist circles turns the poet's hatred against the occupiers into a fire that ignites in his heart. The poet considers shameless aggression to be a fire that burns his whole being and inflames the anger and hatred of the people. This aggression is considered by the poet to be the darkness and horror of the enemy. He does not want to believe in the cries of the invaded lands and the indifference to the extinguished hearths of families. The poet does not even want to believe in the indifference to the yellowing flowers captured in the bosom of the Motherland, which he considers the sacred mother's arms.”20 G.S.Tabrizi believes that the Karabakh problem will be resolved for the benefit of our people:

19 Tabrizi G.S. Khudferin. Baku: the Publishing House “Turan Evi”, 2004, p.67. 20 Nabioglu Sabir. Sun of a century. Baku: Publishing House “Turan Evi”, 2004, p.67. 21 I wonder why you are called Karabakh? Maybe your luck is black, that's why? Or the people are left in the dark?21

The poet's political lyrics are distinguished by a unique style of expression. The author is able to present a wide range of topics in political terms. Sometimes it is possible to observe that there are political shades at the bottom of such philosophical issues. The poet's political lyricism touches on topics that concern the whole world. The last subchapter of the second chapter is entitled “Philosophical aspect of G.S.Tabrizi’s poetry. The lives of philosophical poets, external influences and pressures on them can only be useful to future generations only when they are objectively expressed in the pen of researchers. The outlook and richness of the personality play a key role in the emergence of a beautiful and unique literary example. At a time when there are more and more creative people who call poetry philosophy and philosophy poetry, the fact that G.S.Tabrizi has addressed to poetry from a young age confirms that he has a rich and broad outlook:

Why are prison walls so thick? Why are prisons without windows? Maybe to scare people in the dark? Maybe a man to be tempted by loneliness? No, it is not.

The point is to drown out his true voice. Both to break the spirit.22

21 Tabrizi G.S. Selected poems. Baku: Shirvanneshr, 2002, p.171. 22 Tabrizi G.S. Khudferin. Baku: the Publishing House “Turan Evi”, 2004, p.38. 22 Many of the poet's poems are dominated by romantic mood. In some poems, romantic thoughts are directed against the ugliness of society, the injustice of the world, the corruption of laws.

I have a feeling of exile, A person is tired of foreign languages, very tired.23

The essence of the poet's poems is kneaded with love in the broadest sense of the word. This love, warmth, nativeness, which look out of the verses, comes from longing for the homeland, love for mother and mother tongue, care for people, love for women, children and nature. In order to save himself from these hardships in the most difficult moments, the poet appeals to his dreams, which people do not care about, but have a spiritual value for him, calling them to light up the dark corners of his soul. To get out of backwardness, fanaticism and inertia, the role of philosophy is undeniable, because it is irreplaceable in the development of national consciousness. In this sense, the creative activity of G.S.Tabrizi can be considered as a public service. One of the points that manifests itself in the philosophical poems of G.S.Tabrizi is the influence on Sufi thought on him poetic worldview. Undoubtedly, this point stems on the one hand from the connection with tradition and reading, and on the other hand from the author's biography and way of life. If approached from this perspective, it is quite natural that there are Sufi points in the philosophical poetry of G.S.Tabrizi. In the process of socialization of man, the formation of his correct philosophical worldview is justified as an inseparable component of interaction in society. The philosophical worldview of the G.S.Tabrizi also includes all the forms of the wise man's attitude to life. This allows him to assess the specific situation from the outside. In the third chapter entitled “Scientific, literary and journalistic creativity of Gulamrza Sabri Tabrizi”, the author's literary-critical and journalistic works are involved in the analysis in

23 Tabrizi G.S. Selected poems. Baku: Shirvanneshr, 2002, p.104. 23 the context of various problems. This chapter also consists of three sub-chapters. The first sub-chapter entitled “Thoughts of G.S.Tabrizi on modern literature” summarizes the views and opinions of the writer on contemporary literature in his literary-critical research. With the independence of Azerbaijan, the elimination of traditional stereotypes and prohibitions, which played an important role in the development and promotion of our history, culture and literature, laid the foundation for a new stage in the history of the study of the epic “Book of Dada Gorgud”. Within a short period of time, the epic was approached from a completely new perspective, focusing on aspects that had previously been impossible to interpret. Q.S.Tabrizi also approached the epos “Book of Dada Gorgud” from a modern perspective and wrote “Gorgud character and Turkish spirit”. According to him: “Dada Gorgud is the spirit of history on earth. It is human being’s genius, his creativity and is the source of God. He is a spiritual man who is opposed to the ugly qualities of humanity. It is a spiritual trait that cannot oppose sciences, nations, and individual cultures one against another. It has been a concept of creativity for centuries. In other words, Dada Gorgud is an unchanging power, a feature in the history of mankind. He brings together the power of creation, human qualities, and love on earth. In short, he is the spiritual father of the Turkic peoples.”24 According to the writer, who attaches great importance to literary criticism, “Criticism should be so clear that its looks can penetrate the pearls contained in the deep layers of the pass times and can determine the level through which the literary works created presently render services to the nation. It has to be able to create the clear panorama where the today's intellect caravan will pass.”25 According to the author, everything in the modern literary and ideological movement, in the existing moral and educational system, it is inevitable tasks to raise each matter on the level of the global problems of modernity, to research and analyze both the past and the history from the standpoint of the concrete significance. In other

24 Tabrizi G.S. The pulse of time. Baku: Publishing House “Turan Evi”, 2006, pp. 13-14. 25 Ibid. p.60. 24 words, the expression and sign of the modernity in the literary studies is that its interference to the life gain from time to time more intensity, its role in the modern system of spiritual values is increasing; the real great literary studies reaches this goal both directly in the material of the modern literary process and the literary experience gained with the research of classical literary samples. Q.S.Tabrizi writes in the article “War and Literature”: “A poet, a writer cannot live separately from the people, he can't be a real writer, even if he lives apart from it. Because we are all members of one body: its name is humanity. I have this feeling during the recent aggression of the Armenians on the lands of Azerbaijan, when the Khojaly genoside took place. But this time I lived this tragedy even more painful. Because here, in addition to general issues, the tragedy of my nation is standing in front of my eyes.”26 It is important that G.S.Tabrizi has always substantiated the principles of realism and ideological basis in literary creativity and has open a new period in this field by his scientific works. He has wrote lots of articles dedicated to teh separate writers of the South Azerbaijan, such as, "Humanism in the works of Samed Behrangi", "Immigration or declining years of life", "Whi is Iraj Mirza?", "Contemplation of thoughts", "Great philosopher", "Unity and differences of the Western and Eastern cultures" and so on. These works has played certain role in demonstrating the life correctly and reflecting the most real and alive issues of the social environment and the century. G.S.Tabrizi always relates the works of the separate writers to the destine of the literature and raises the topical and important issues of art. In this point, his endless love for his own people and homeland, humanism and high freedom ideals plays a key role. One of the reasons for reading the literary works of the writer with interest is the spiritual connection with the times, reflecting the life, struggle and ideals of the society. "The greatest service ofShahriyar to Azerbaijan

26 Tabrizi G.S. Philosophy of Wisdom. Baku: Publishing House “Turan Evi”, 2006, p.71. 25 was that he praised the folk language at a high level. Only the poem "Greeting to Heydarbaya" is a great monument to our people. May God always take his soul happy. As for Javad Heyat, his work in the field of cultural relations between the South and the North is immeasurable. It is a great courage to publish the magazine "Varlig", to bring it together, to keep it alive to this day. As you know, it is not easy to publish a magazine in the in a regime without a school for Azerbaijani Turks.”27 The article “Socio-moral problems in the work of Ghulam Hussein Saedi” by G.S.Tabrizi approaches the issue from the same perspective. “In the work “Mourning in Bayal”, Ghulam Hussein Saedi reflects the heavy life of the people in an example of a village... One of the main features that distinguishes Saadi from other writers is that he attaches great importance to the social and humanist values. His works written in the critical and satirical style mobilize the masses, awaken them, and inspire them to fight for his rights.”28 The activity of historical figures is measured not only by the grandeur of ideas and conceptions advanced by them, but also because of the conditions of the time, the obstacls they have privented , the resistence they have broke down and their struggle against the enemy. From this point of view, G.S.Tabrizi was not only a herald of progressive ideas, but also he ahs struggled against the forces who were against these ideas. “As soona s Samed Behrangi began to write, he has immediately attracted the attention of a wide audience. What was the reason for this? While still alive, he became famous in various towngras and villages of South Azerbaijan. After the writer's untimely death, his works were published in South Azerbaijan and Iran, as well as in other countries. It aroused great interest in various countries of the world. But how did Samad Behrangi become the favorite of the

27 Tabrizi G.S. Philosophy of Wisdom. Baku: Publishing House “Turan Evi”, 2006, p.173. 28 Tabrizi G.S. The pulse of time. Baku: Publishing House “Turan Evi”, 2006, pp. 31-32. 26 people? The answer is that Samad, touched upon in his works such profound humanist relations and expressed them in such a simple language that the people living in both rural and urban areas have seen and heard their common grievances and voices in his writings.”29 Q.S.Tabrizi's close friendship with the world-famous Turkish writer Aziz Nesin has undoubtedly played an important role in formation of his literary and social views and strengthening the tendencies for humanism and freedom in his heart. “There was a deep sincerity and childhood hidden in every word and action of Aziz Nesin. He was able to rejoice at happiness of his people, friends and guests. When Turkey was in trouble, he shed tears like a child. It was not difficult to make him happy. Every time I visisted his home, I saw guests from all over the world. He had a great love for the Turkish people. Writers of Kazakh, Turkmen, Uzbek, Tatar and other Turkic peoples came to his home. The materials of his stories came from everyday life: from the police, from the grocer from the fancy man, from the violence of the government, etc. he saw everything as if it were under the magnifier.”30 G.S.Tabrizi highly appreciates the work of Aziza Jafarzadeh, the author of historical novels : “The works of Aziza Jafarzadeh are very native for me. Maybe it's because she is a woman, maybe because of deep acquaintance with the history and destiny of the people and the nation. In any case, I have always watched her works from the day I knew her him, I has interested in his new works and I was gald with her successes. I can attest definetily that the works of Aziza Jafarzadeh are unexampled pages of the great Azerbaijani literature. Her novel "Sultan of Love" is her last work. The novel chronicles the life of Mohammad . It is no coincidence that the author addresses this

29 Ibid. p. 20. 30 Ibid. p.17. 27 topic. Thus, the essence of Fuzuli's creativity is one of the oldest themes in literature. It is about love.”31 Q.S.Tabrizi sees the basis of artistic truths in his literary and critical writings in the realities of life, and he does not imagine it the without hereof. In his opinion, the artist should be based on life and inspire people to fight. He should not be indifferent to the events that took place around him, he should feel the spirit of the people and reflect all this with highest artistic richeness. In the second subchapter of the third chapter, entitled “Thoughts of Q.S. Tabrizi about classic writers of Azerbaijan, Iran and England”, the ideas and consisderations of the writer contained in his critical articles became the object of analysis. According to G.S.Tabrizi, “Classical Azerbaijani literature is as monument for me. From this point of view, Nizami is not only an Azerbaijani poet, but also a poet of the world. ... To my opinion, this is self-evident in the example of Nasimi. His philosophy attracted me because it begins with humanity and problems related hereto. He sees the world through a creative eye.”32 The creative path of the G.S.Tabrizi and his social biography reflects vividly the main line of historical development and movement in the social and spiritual life of the society, as well as all possible changes, strengthening the democracy, humanism at the level of the state, society and the individual, the growing position of the spiritual and aesthetic factor in the social and ideological field, the role of the works written with talent as a national wealth, the main principle of personality, active moral position of the writer. In the author's work, first of all, the humanist potential of our literature is revealed and the value of the artistic work are determined as spiritual and moral values, the relation between the principle of the active moral position of the personality and classical moral principles,

31 Tabrizi G.S. The pulse of time. Baku: Publishing House “Turan Evi”, 2006, p.68. 32 Tabrizi G.S. Philosophy of Wisdom. Publishing House “Turan evi”, 2006, p.130. 28 including "internal spiritual perfection", "aesthetic maturity, patriotism and other categories, such as social beauty and conscience are followed, so, the laws of art became harmonious with the laws of morality. The matter is that G.S.Tanrizi examines the authenticity of the literary image obtained by scientific analysis from artistic raw materials with life and tradition and derives from it moral-ethical- aesthetic value in this unified and unanimous process:“Jalaluddin and William Blake lived at different times; the first in the twelfth century, the second in the eighteenth century. Despite the fact that there is a distance of six hundred years between them, there are many points that unite them and their philosophical views.”33 In the literary creation of the G.S.Tabrizi we observe great love for other peoples, especially, for English peoples. He opposes the policy of destroying peoples, taking away their culture and religion. He detest the behavior of officials of major powers to the local population in line with double standards in countries such as Azerbaijan. But, to his opinion, all these officials are bitter enemy of all humanity, as well as the Europeans. With these comparisons, on the one hand, he condemns the slander and sedition of the nationalist bourgeois intelligentsia and creates friendship and brotherhood between nations, on the other. His heroes from other nationalities have high moral qualities, such as, entrepreneurship, faithfulness and stability, tidiness, respect for the customs and traditions of the country, simplicity, open-heartedness, high morals principles, ardent inclination toward science and culture, peacefulness, simplicity, sincerity and so on. The author writes about his attitude and relationship with the English writer James Oldrich: “I was acquianted with James Oldrich. I remember that his novel “Diplomat” shed light on many issues related to Azerbaijan, and t some villains and those who did not like

33 Tabrizi G.S. The pulse of time. Baku: Publishing House “Turan Evi”, 2006, p.47. 29 Azerbaijan criticized him. However, we must pay more attention to all works written and published abroad on Azerbaijan. We must work to propagate them.”34 The articles of the G.S.Tabrizi are written in different forms and contents: literary-theoretical, historical and cultural, analytical and so on. Each article has its own style, language and performance style, structure and plot features. But one thing unites them in the same spirit, in the same harmony: endless love to the native literature and Azerbaijan! The calmness and sincerity ebullience of this noble feeling, turned into lyrical protagonist of these articles. But neither lyricism, nor fantasies and thoughts cast a shadow on the literary and scientific style of the consistent researcher-realist. In general, portrait articles are more typical for the work of G.S. Tabrizi. The portrait artciles by the author about N.Ganjavi, I.Nasimi, I.Mirza, M.Shahriyar, M.Mahmid, G.Saedi, H.Nitgi, N.Rafibeyli, A.Jafarzade, as well as J.Rumi, M.Iqbal, A.Nesin, U.Blake and J.Oldrich are painted with the brush of a professional critic. The last sub-chapter of the third chapter of the dissertation is called “Ideas of humanism, democracy and freedom in the journalism of G.S.Tabrizi.” The writer's journalistic work becomes the object of analysis in the context of the topic and the problem in this sub-chapter. To demonstrate how strong are the social motives and feelings of citizenship in the works of G.S.Tabrizi, it is enough to clarify one thing - his attitude toward the matter of people and the government. The writer, who lashed out always at the oppression and injustice of his time in his journalistic works saw these two forces confronting each other when he looked at the literary social structure: “I remember the works done by Peshawari in Tabriz. His government, despite the protests of the mullahs, has built schools in the place, which were once a cemetery in Tabriz. The mullahs made noise about the disturbance of the spirits of the dead. However, the spirits of the dead have long

34 Tabrizi G.S. Philosophy of Wisdom. Publishing House “Turan evi”, 2006, p.266. 30 since left these places, which have become a wasteland. I remember that during the construction of the school, large electric lamps were lit on all sides of the old cemetery. Night turned into day. Workers worked twenty-four hours a day, alternating between three shifts. I was surprised that things were moving at such an unprecedented pace. Three schools were built in a very short period of time. One of them was a high school and two were primary schools.”35 The journalistic works of G.S.Tabrizi are entirely of creative nature. These thoughts are not only thoughts about literature, but also ideas about life and art in general, history of national morality and culture, intellect and mode of thinking. "Just as in the north of Azerbaijan, in the South, the prose is younger than poetry. Despite this factor, the prose, unlike the poetry, which prefers to reflect the romantic outlok in an avstract manner, is notable for its perceptibility towards the social problems, In particular, the political events taken place in the early twentieth century - the Constitutional Revolution and the liberation movement of the 20th century open up opportunities for raising the social content of the prose. The successes of Zeynalabdin Maragayi, Mirza Abdurrahim Talibzada in the field of prose becomes a stimulus for later periods of life.”36 G.S.Tabrizi is a great thinker, deeply saddened by the material and moral lawlessness of the people, ached by the other people's pain. He nurishes hatred human beings, who are looking for their own happiness, turning a deaf ear to thousands of poor and hungry people around them. According to him, it is impossible for an honest person to live comfortably when there are hungry and needy people: “As a writer I was interested always in the reasons for the outbreak of wars, and I always thought about the ways to prevent it. What

35 G.S.Tabrizi. The South of Azerbaijan: history's vivid pictures. Baku: Publishing House “Turan Evi”, 2006, p. 123. 36 Tabrizi G.S. Philosophy of Wisdom. Publishing House “Turan evi”, 2006, p.51. 31 responsibilities the writer and the owner of the pen had in this connection? What is the purpose of a poet or a writer in general?”37 The journalistic activity of G.S.Tabrizi is in the spirit to respect the mankind from top to toe. “J.Rumi was connoisseur of the East and Blake - of the West. The final conclusion of these two thinkers was that the man was born pure, but with the time he become a criminal. The spirit is of dynamic nature. To acquire the freedom of the spirit, the man has to pass several stages. Like the history, the man passes the evalutional process. The man is related to the nature, he has to evolve with the purpose of reaching the spiritual stage.”38 In the second half of the twentieth century, the representatives of the democratic thought of Azerbaijan, including G.S.Tabrizi, glorifying the ideas of freedom, opposing all forms of exploitation and violence, developed and enriched these ideas more and more. In the part of "Conclusions" of the research, the ideas and considerations put forward in different chapters are summarized and future perspectives are identified.

Dissertasiyanın əsas müddəaları aşağıdakı tezis və məqalələrdə əksini tapmışdır:

1. Qulamrza Səbri Təbrizinin yaradıcılığında vətən motivləri // Filoloji araşdırmalar, – 2000, XI kitab, – s. 82-88. 2. Mühacir ömrünün səhifələri //AMEA-nın Aspirantlarının Elmi Konfransı, – Bakı: ( ay gün), 2001, – s.135. (nəşriyyatın adı). 3. Q.S.Təbrizi poeziyasında qadın, ana müqəddəsliyi // Filologiya məsələləri, // – 2002, №2 – s.60-69. 4. Azərbaycan ziyalıları İngiltərədə // Elmi axtarışlar, –2004, XI cild, – s.50-56. 5. Q.S. Təbrizinin siyasi lirikası // Dil və ədəbiyyat. BDU, Bakı, Beynəlxalq elmi-nəzəri jurnal, – 2011, №1 (77) – s.128-132.

37 Ibid. p. 70 38 Tabrizi G.S. The pulse of time. Baku: Publishing House “Turan Evi”, 2006, p.47. 32 6. Диаспорская деятельность Гуламрзи Себри Тебризи. Lirikası. “Гилея”, Випуск, 80 (№1) Киiв-2014, c.248-251. 7. Q.S. Təbrizinin şeir yaradıcılığının fəlsəfi aspekti. AMEA Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutunun “Ədəbiyyat məcmuəsi”, Xüsusi buraxılış, XXI cild, Elm və təhsil, –2014, – s.324-332. 8. Q.S.Təbrizinin publisistikasında humanizm, demokratiya və azadlıq ideyaları. Cənubi Azərbaycan ədəbiyyatı: Tədqiqlər. II, Bakı, Elm və təhsil, –2016, s. – 212-220. 9. Qulamrza Səbri Təbrizinin müasir ədəbiyyat haqqında düşüncələri // Filologiya məsələləri, – 2017, № 1, s.– 358-364. 10. Qulamrza Səbri Təbrizi. Mədəniyyətlərarası dialoqda bədii ədəbiyyatın rolu. Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyətinin 100 illik yubileyinə həsr olunur // Beynəlxalq elmi konfransın materialları, – Bakı: – 2018-ci il, 04-05 dekabr, s.89-90. Sumqayıt Dövlət Universiteti. 11. Güney ədəbiyyatında sərbəst şeir problemi və Qulamrza Səbri Təbrizinin poeziyası // “Xudafərin” jurnalı, – 2019, – s. 116-123. 12. Gulamrza Sabri tabrizi and Classical Literary Heritage, Вченнı Записки Таврıйського Нацıонального Iменı В.I.ВЕРНАДСЬКОГО Серıя: Филология. Соцıальнı коммуникацïï Том 31 (70) № 3, 2020, Частина 2. 13. Urmiyə şairləri. Cənubi Azərbaycan ədəbiyyatı: Elmi tədqiqlər və araşdırmalar. Bakı, 2020. 14. Qulamrza Səbri Təbrizi və klassik ədəbi irs. Uluslararası Türkbilim öğrenci kurultayı, 5 Eylül 2020.


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