OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF FBA EAC, IBC eurasian financial & economic # 2 (7) | 2019 PERSONALITY GEOFFROY ROUX DE BÉZIEUX: MEDEF – the flagship of French business 4 A. Shokhin Russia–US economic cooperation in turbulent times 14 O.Berezovoy Financial & Banking Association of Euro-Asian Cooperation: dynamic growth and new frontiers 21 P.C. Agius Blockchain and the banking sector of the Republic of Malta 46 Award «Financial and Banking Elite of Eurasia» November 2019 Nominations 2019: 1 BANKER OF THE YEAR (for personal contribution to the development of banking business) 2 STANDARD OF STABILITY (bank leader on sustainable development, stability, holder of international and country ratings) 3 TRIUMPH OF TECHNOLOGY (bank leader in the implementation of modern IT technologies) Prize: Exclusive author's statuette The oficial award ceremony will be held on November 2019 with the participation of representatives of business, political and cultural circles, national governments and banks, heads of trade unions and associations, representatives of leading mass media of the countries of Eurasia Registration Form and Terms of participation in the competition: Organizing committee: tel.: +7 495 663‐02‐08, 663‐02‐13, e‐mail:
[email protected] [email protected] HERALDeurasian financial & economic EDITORIAL BOARD: # 2 (7) | 2019 Alexander Murychev, Chairman of Editorial Board, Chairman of Coordinating Council of FBA EAC, Executive Vice-President of RSPP, Chairman of IBC FOUNDERS: Financial & Banking Association of Euro-Asian Anvar Abdraev, President of Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan Cooperation (FBA EAC) Bakhytbek Baiseitov, President of Association of Banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan International Banking Council Oleg Berezovoy, General Director of FBA EAC (International Coordinating Council of Banking Andrea Boldi, owner of the company NEMESI S.R.L.