Minutes of February 25, 2019 Paul Dove called the meeting of the Park Rapids Arts and Culture Advisory Commission to order at noon Monday, February 25, 2019 at City Hall. Also present were Laura Grisamore, Lu Ann Hurd-Lof, Nancy Newman, Rod Nordberg, and city planner Andrew Mack

After brief discussion, Laura moved a resolution recommending support to the City Council to implement the Ojibwe signage project for city owned buildings and parks. Rod seconded the motion. Motion passed. The project is identified in the City Arts and Culture Plan, Goal 3: Protect and promote Park Rapids historic and cultural assets.

An extension of the Peace by Piece project has been discussed at the City Parks Board meeting as a proposal to place one 2X4’ screen and one 4X4’ screen to block public view of the utility box in Pioneer Park. The Commission is interested in the art work that would be used on the screens and will invite Chris Fieldsend and Kim Donahue to present a concept plan at a future meeting.

The Parks Board supports submitting a Department of Natural Resources Legacy grant application to remodel the bath house in Red Bridge Park. About half the space would be for restrooms. Andrew is suggesting the other half could be used as a makers space or arts quarters with rental fees going toward the cost of weekend restroom maintenance, possibly year round. There was some discussion about what entity would manage the rental space. Lu Ann moved to recommend the City Council support the grant application. Laura seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Andrew took the Commission’s recommendation on solar lights for the Red Bridge Park Trail to the Parks Board and they felt the lights were too bright. So he looked at more options and found solar LED lights that can be operated by remote control and also have sensors so they only come on when there is movement in a limited radius underneath. He distributed a handout with details and a new budget of $3,198.87 for pathway lights, stainless steel light poles and concrete for all six sculpture locations. Laura moved, Rod seconded to recommend the new lighting project to the Parks Board. On City Council approval a grant application will be submitted to Minnesota Power seeking money for the lighting project.

If the Minnesota Power grant is approved, funds remaining in the budget would cover the balance of money owed to the six ($150 each) on removal of their and other expenses to continue the project this spring. The Commission agreed not to submit a grant application to Enbridge at this time. The updated call for entries is posted at and has been sent to a list of sculptors and others who might spread the word, including news media. The Commission is registered with MN Artists and the call for entries is posted on their website as an opportunity: f%5B0%5D=node%253Atype%3Aopportunity. Sponsor forms for businesses also have been updated for 2019.

Paul will talk to Sen. Paul Utke about the status of dismantling the trestle bridge and Paul Albright and Tim Cassidy will be asked to submit preliminary designs for ruse of the timbers and steel. It would be good to list the steps that will need to be taken to keep this project on track.

Rod was reappointed to the commission through Dec. 31, 2020. Paul Albright has applied for the vacant position.

Andrew updated the Commission on the status of Arch Simonson’s loon sculpture.

Lu Ann is working with the new owner of Aunt Belle’s Confectionery on a new on the north wall and will apply for a grant. She and the owner would like to meet with representatives of the Commission, Arts Council, Park Rapids Downtown Business Association, Chamber and other stakeholders for input to convey to the (still to be determined).

The commission’s next meeting will be at noon Monday, March 18 at city hall. Ryan Zemek will attend to present updates to the City Arts and Culture Plan.