CUBA Current Affairs Year I / No.3 Embassy of Cuba in Cambodia CONTENT Cuba is a safe, peaceful and healthy country FBI: No evidence of “sonic attacks” in Cuba ………….2 In the morning of January 9, a hearing was held in the Over a million U.S. citizens Senate Foreign Relations visited Cuba in 2017 …..... 3 Subcommittee on Western Intl. Tourism Fair recognizes Hemisphere, organized by Cuba as safe country ...….. 3 Republican Senator for Flori- A realistic perspective on da Marco Rubio and co- Cuba´s economy …….….. 4 chaired by New Jersey De- Significant Cuba´s 2017 mocrat Senator Robert Me- economy figures ………… 5 nendez, both with a vast re- A labor of love: Anna cord of work against better Hyatt’s equestrian statue of relations between Cuba and the United States, and the Martí …………………... 6 promoters of all kinds of le- Martí’s legacy to be remem- Author: Josefina Vidal |
[email protected] gislative and political propo- bered throughout January ..7 sals that affect the interests of Cuba has a lung cáncer vac- the Cuban and American peoples, and only benefit an increasingly isolated minority cine ……………………… 8 that has historically profited from attacks on Cuba. Working to save lives from From its very title “Attacks on U.S. Diplomats in Cuba,” it was evident that the true the very beginning ……. 10 purpose of this hearing, to which three high-ranking officials of the State Department Casa de las Américas in were summoned, was not to establish the truth, but to impose by force and without any evidence an accusation that they have not been able to prove.