RMS AMI Days 6-10 (March 30th- April 3rd) Information

Turn in Process ● You can turn the work into your teacher through Google Classroom, email, or other means that your teacher has communicated with you. You can take pictures or scan your documents to email them to your teacher. ● If you can’t turn in your work digitally, you can bring it to the school from 8-3:30pm (each Monday is preferable) or you can mail it to the school at Russellville Middle School, 1203 West 4th Place, Russellville, AR 72801. Phone: 479-968-2557

What If You Need Help ● Email your teacher. ● Communicate with your teacher through Google Classroom if they have it set up. ● Some teachers are communicating through Remind or other apps. ● Call the school if you don’t have access to the internet or email and we will relay a message for your teacher to call you. Phone: 479-968-2557

Grading ● Don’t worry about grades at this time. Just stay engaged in the assignments to learn from them, get creative, and have fun.

Assignment Instructions for days 6-10 (March 30-April 3) ● All Instructions are on the assignments. Make sure you read the instructions because some of them give you options. ● If you are 7th grade Pre-AP Math please make sure you do the Pre-AP Math instead of the regular 7th grade Math assignment.

Starting on April 6th (AMI Day 11) ● We are changing our process so parents and students will have one point of contact instead of 7. Picture what an elementary looks like with each teacher only having up to 25 students, that is similar to the structure we will change to. ● Each middle school student will get the same packet. They will no longer be grade specific. ● The packets will combine subjects under topics. There will be a reduced workload for students. ● Each teacher will have approximately 15-20 students so they will be able to give students more individual attention. Each student should be contacted by their teacher through email or phone call at least once a week. If you have not heard from your teacher within a week please call the school at 479-968-2557 and we will contact the teacher. ● THIS CHANGE WILL START ON APRIL 6TH. Russellville Middle School 6th Grade Math AMI Days 6-10

Name: ______#: ______Math Teacher: ______Directions:​ If you have access to technology, you may complete and submit each assignment on E​ dulastic​. If you do not have access to technology, please complete the work below. DAY 6-10 - ACTIVITIES

Q1: What is the greatest common factor of 24 and 40? ​ A. 8 B. 20 C. 16 D. 14 Q2: What is the least common multiple of 6 and 8? ​ A. 24 B. 1 C. 32 D. 28 Q3: Bridget’s Bakery sells cupcakes in packages of 6. Penny’s Pastries sells cupcakes in packages of ​ Day 10. Sheldon wants to buy the same number of cupcakes from each bakery for a party, and he can only ​ ​ 6 buy cupcakes in packages.Which of the following could be the number of cupcakes he buys from each ​ ​ bakery? A. 2 B. 16 C. 20 D. 30 Q4: Which of the following is equivalent to 36+8 ? ​ A. 4(8+2) B. 4(9+2) C. 8(4+1) D. 6(6+2)

Q1: In math class, the girl to boy ratio is 8 to 6. If there are 24 girls in the class, how many boys are ​ there? A. 20 B. 30 C. 18 D. 16 Q2: Felicity baby sat 2 hours each night for 10 nights. She earned a total of $180 babysitting. Felicity ​ ​ Day wants to calculate her hourly rate. How much did Felicity earn per hour babysitting? 7 A. $9 B. $15 C. $18 D. $20 Q3: 4 pairs of shoes cost $80. What is the cost of 7 pairs of shoes? ​ A. $130 B. $150 C. 145 D. 140 Q4: 2 mangoes cost $3 at the store. What is the cost per mango? ​ A. $3 B. $1 C. $2 D. $1.50

Q1: Order the following integers from least to greatest: -41,-51,-38, 50, 41 and 13 ​ A. -51,-41,-38, 41, 13 and 50 B. -38,-41,-51, 50, 41 and 13 C. -51,-38 ,-41, 13, 41 and 50 D. -51,-41,-38, 13, 41 and 50

Q2: Which point represents the opposite of 6 on the number line? ​ ​ ​

Day 8 A. A B. B C. C D. D

Russellville Middle School 6th Grade Math AMI Days 6-10

Q3: Which shape is at (5,3)? ​

Q4: Which point is located at (-3,-2)? ​

A. A B. B C. C D. D

Solve the equation for the variable.

Q1: p - 10 = 5 ​ A. p=11 B. p=14 C. p=15 D. p=16 Q2: 6w = 60 ​ Day A. w=6 B. w=10 C.w=12 D. w=30 Q3: 8 + g = 18 9 ​ A. g=26 B. g=11 C. g=10 D. g=8 Q4: What is the value of the expression below when a = 5? ​ 7a - 4 A. 31 B. 71 C. 8 D. 35

Q1: John has 12 pounds of dog food and is going to separate it into 3 pound portions. How many ​ 4 portions of dog food will he have? A. 3 B. 4 C. 8 D. 9 E. 16 Q2: What is the value of 1 ÷ 3 ? ​ 2 5 Day A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 D. 3 10 5 6 6 4 Q3: What is 6.17 + 2.93? ​ A. 2.10 B. 9.10 C. 3.24 D. 18.0781 Q4: 3.16 - 1.79 = ? ​ A. 1.37 B. 4.95 C. 5.6564 D. 1.765

6th Grade ELA Assignments Do one article with questions per day. Email your teacher or call the school if you have any questions.

Day 6 AMI Science Directions: Read the article and answer the questions following the article. Explainer: What is a coronavirus? They’re defined more by shape than their genes By Tina Hesman Saey January 23, 2020 at 8:17 pm/Updated February 25, 2020 at 11:30 pm Coronaviruses have been making people cough and sneeze for eons. They are among the many viruses that cause the common cold. But not all are so mild-mannered. A few severe types can lead to serious illness and deaths. Coronaviruses get their name from their shape. These round viruses are surrounded by a halo of spiky proteins. That makes them look a bit like a crown or the corona of the sun. In fact, being termed a coronavirus “is less about the genetics and more about the way it appears under a microscope,” explains Brent C. Satterfield. He is a founder and the chief scientific officer of Co-Diagnostics. It’s a company based in Salt Lake City, Utah, and in Gujarat, India. It is developing new tests to diagnose coronavirus infections. The genetic makeup of these viruses is composed of RNA. RNA is a single-stranded chemical cousin of DNA. Genetically, coronaviruses can be quite different from one another. Some types have more differences between them than humans have from elephants, Satterfield notes. Four major types of these viruses exist. They’re known by the Greek letters alpha, beta, delta and gamma. Only the alpha and beta types are known to infect people. These viruses spread through the air. And just four of them (known as 229E, NL63, OC43 and HKU1) cause between one and three in every 10 cases of the common cold. Coronavirus illnesses tend to be fairly mild and affect just the upper airways (nose and throat). But there are more severe cousins that can cause lethal disease. The scary coronaviruses Two of the most well-known of the deadly types are responsible for SARS and MERS. Each of these diseases has caused global outbreaks in the past. In December 2019, another virus joined these dangerous cousins. Scientists are calling it SARS-CoV-2. The name reflects this germ’s close similarity to the original SARS coronavirus. On February 11, the World Health Organization started calling the disease this new virus triggers COVID-19. That stands for coronavirus disease in 2019 These coronaviruses cause severe infections by first latching onto proteins that sit on the outside of lung cells. Those attachments help the viruses penetrate far more deeply into the airways than their cold-causing kin, notes Anthony Fauci. He directs the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. It’s in Bethesda, Md. He points out that COVID- 19 is “a disease that causes more lung disease than sniffles.” The ability to damage the lungs can make these coronaviruses especially serious. In 2003 and 2004, SARS sickened 8,096 people in 26 countries. It also killed nearly one in every 10 of them. MERS is more deadly. It kills nearly three in every 10 of its victims. MERS outbreaks are still simmering, Fauci says. Since 2012, this disease has sickened at least 2,494 people in 27 countries and killed 858 of them. That virus can spread from person to person. Most famously, in 2015, 186 people got MERS after just one businessman unknowingly brought the virus to South Korea. From him, it spread to others. One “superspreader” in that nation caught MERS from the businessman. This one man then passed the virus to another 82 people. Those people happened to be near him in just the two days that he was in a hospital emergency room. SARS-CoV-2 appears less serious. Only about four in every 100 of its victims have died. But that estimate may change as more data come in. As of February 25, 2020, SARS-CoV-2 had infected some 81,000 people. And roughly 25 in every 100 had become seriously ill, the WHO noted at the time. Many of those people had other illnesses when they became infected. That might have hurt their ability to fight the virus. Animals are behind the crossover to humans People are not the original source of coronavirus diseases. SARS, MERS and COVID-19 are zoonotic. That means that people originally catch the virus responsible from some animal. Bats are often thought of as the source of coronaviruses. Yet even they seldom pass the virus directly on to humans. SARS probably first jumped from bats into raccoon dogs or palm civets. Once in those animals, the virus made a leap into humans who had come into contact with the animals at markets selling live animals. All the pieces necessary to recreate SARS are circulating among bats, though that virus has not been seen since 2004. MERS went from bats to camels before leaping to humans. A paper published on January 22, 2020, in the Journal of Medical Virology suggests that SARS-CoV-2 has pieces from bat coronaviruses and that snakes may have passed the virus on to people. But that claim is being debated. No one knows yet what animal really harbors the new virus. Neither SARS or MERS have been able to infect person after person the way flu viruses can, Fauci says. The viruses haven’t fully adapted to infect people, he says. “And,” he adds, “maybe they never will.” Yet Fauci and some colleagues note that coronaviruses pose a serious and growing threat to people. They described their concerns January 23 in a paper in JAMA. Coronaviruses had been a family that people used to think just caused colds, Fauci says. Then, in the last 18 years, he notes, “We’ve had three examples of it jumping species, causing serious disease in humans.” Currently, no cure exists for coronaviruses. So all doctors can do is treat their symptoms. ------

Article Title: ______1. Who is the author of this article? ______2. What date was this article published? ______3. How did the coronavirus get its name? ______4. How many major types of coronaviruses exist? ______5. What are the two most well-known coronaviruses? ______6. The new virus called ______, had an outbreak begin in ______of 2019. 7. Which organ does this virus damage? ______8. Death Ratios: a. SARS: ____ in every 10 victims b. MERS: ____ in every 10 victims c. 2019-nCoV: ____ in every 100 victims 9. What location was the virus first discovered? ______10. Explain where the coronaviruses come from. How do they get into humans?

Day 7 AMI Science A pandemic is a disease that has spread to many countries worldwide. COVID-19, for example is a virus that originated in Wuhan, China and expanded quickly. Countries began carrying out interventions in order to stop the spread, such as cancelling events, travel, school, and providing tests. But imagine if the world carried on without taking precautions. What would happen? Look at the data below-these numbers are projections of how bad COVID-19 could get in the United States if these interventions are not used.

1. What shape do you see in graph 1? Why do you think it appears as this shape?

2. Use this data, what is the “peak” number of infections? What month would this happen?

3. Other than the interventions mentioned above, what other precautions could we take? How would these precautions change the shape of these graph lines?

AMI Day 8 Science Use both graphs to answer the questions below. (Ignore the directions to create the graph. They are already created.)

1. Compare graph 2 and graph 3. What do you notice about the “peak” or the highest point in each graph? Why do you think they are different?

2. Using the data, what is the “peak” number of infections? What month would this happen?

3. Compare the total death toll in each scenario. Which one had the higher death toll? What causes this increased amount? Provide evidence that explains the cause of this total.

Day 9 AMI Science Use the graph below to answer the questions that follow. (Ignore the directions to make the graph that is already done for you.)

1. Observe graph 4 and graph 1(Day 7). Do they both show peaked curves? Do these curves look the same or are there differences? Compare/contrast the shape of these graph lines?

2. Do you think the data shown in graph 4 is an accurate projection? Do you think these numbers actually will be higher or lower? Why do you think so?

AMI Day 10 Science Use the following graphs to answer the questions that follow.

1. Where is there change happening? Why do you think this change is taking place?

2. Does this graph indicate any stability (An example of stability is a calm, stable life where you don't have wild ups and downs.) in populations? Explain your reasoning.

3. How is this graph similar to the COVID-19 graphs? How is it different? Explain your reasoning.

Match each letter with its correct description.

_____Exponential growth (becoming more and more rapid) of virus

_____ Peak of infection

_____ Resurgence begins

_____ Virus is controlled and stabilized

_____ Peak of resurging virus

_____ Health Interventions

AMI Instructions 6th Grade Social Studies 3/30-4/3

1. Students will choose 3 of the 5 Mr. Dowling MIddle Ages sheets to complete for the week of March 30-April 3. 2. Students will use evidence from the articles and prior knowledge to thoroughly answer a variety of questions about the topic. 3. These can be completed on paper copy or on the attached google doc. 4. If you choose to use the google doc, use the following instructions: ● Click on the “Middle Ages” hyperlink. ● Hit “File” at the upper left of the screen. ● Choose “Make a Copy” ● Rename it “Your class Period” - “Your Last Name” - “6th SS AMI 3/30-4/3”. (4 Bieber 6th SS AMI 3/30-4/3) ● Hit the “Share” button at the upper right of the screen. ● Share it with your Social Studies teacher using their email address

5. All questions should be answered using CSRQ (Complete Sentence Restating the Question) Anyone should be able to read your answer without having to look back at the question to determine what you are referring to. 6. Avoid the use of pronouns (He, She, It, They etc.) Be specific. 7. Use proper sentence structure (Capitalization, punctuation, etc)


6th SS AMI 3/30-4/3 The Moors The Franks Barbarians Byzantine Empire

Make a copy of this and share with your teacher 6th SS AMI 3/30-4/3 ​

Name:______Teacher: ______Period______

6th SS AMI 3/30-4/3 The Barbarians 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The Huns 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The Moors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Franks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Name:______Teacher: ______Period______

Byzantine Empire 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.




Muslim warriors crossed the narrow Strait of Mountains and attempted to invade the land we Gibraltar in the eighth century to invade the now call France in 732, but the Muslim army was Iberian Peninsula at the southwest corner of defeated at the Battle of Tours by Charles Martel, Europe. Muslims controlled part or most of the grandfather of Charlemagne. present-day and Portugal for the next 800 For the next three hundred years, Spain was years. known by its Arabic name, Al-Andalus. The In 409, the Roman Moors were tolerant of the Christian and government in Spain fell to Jews who lived in the land they Germanic speaking warriors conquered, but they taxed the people called , or Western who did not share their Islamic faith at a Goths. The Visigoths migrated higher rate. As a consequence, many into the Roman Empire from the citizens converted to Islam to avoid east to escape the Huns. During paying higher taxes. the three centuries that followed, The Moors formed a caliphate, or Christianity spread through the religious center, in Cordoba. Scholars peninsula, and the Visigoth’s Germanic culture studied the works of the Greek and Roman blended with the native population of the authors while artists and architects established peninsula. the city as a center of the arts. Cordoba also Arab and Berber Muslims crossed the became a center for the study of mathematics, nine-mile wide waterway between Africa and astronomy, and agriculture. Europe In 711, to land on a mountain of stone that A civil war among the Muslims in the eleventh juts out from Spain. The Spanish called the century caused the collapse of the caliphate into invaders Moors, a term that means small kingdoms called taifas. The disunity “dark-skinned.” allowed for the Christian reconquest of Spain. The leader of the 10,000 Christian warriors began the Reconquista, or ​ ​ invaders was Jabal Tariq, and reconquest of the peninsula 1085. The Christian the point where the Muslim kingdoms of Castille and Aragon in northern army landed became Mount Spain won several military victories. After years Tariq. The local people of fighting, a nobleman named Afonso expelled pronounced Jabal Tariq as the Muslim rulers from the western part of the Gibraltar. We now call the peninsula and established the Kingdom of narrow channel that separates Portugal in 1139. By the end of the thirteenth Europe from Africa the Strait century, only the Emirate of Granada in southwest of Gibraltar, and Mount Traiq Spain remained under Muslim control. as the Rock of Gibraltar. In 1469, the two most influential Christian Tariq’s army met with little opposition from kingdoms on the peninsula united through the the Visigoths, so they managed to control most of marriage of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Catherine the peninsula by 719. The Moors were never able of Castile. These “Catholic kings” built roads and to control all of the Iberian Peninsula because standardized laws and coinage throughout their several small Christian kingdoms remained in the kingdoms. In 1492, armies of Ferdinand and north. Tariq’s army crossed the Pyrenees Isabella captured Granada, the last Muslim ©2015 Mike Dowling, www.mrdowling.com, All rights reserved. ​


Date: territory in Spain. Soon after, the monarchs Spain, Isabella financed the sailing expedition of ordered all Muslims and Jews to either convert to Christopher Columbus, which led to the Christianity or leave their kingdom. establishment of a Spanish Empire in the As the Muslims retreated to Africa, Spain America. began to look west. The same year that Ferdinand and Isabella banished Jews and Muslims from Fill in the Blanks The Moors were M__s__im warriors who crossed the Strait of G__b__a__t__r to conquer and control the I__e__i__n Peninsula for nearly ______years. The Moors conquered the G__r__a__ic Visigoths, who replaced the R__m__ns in power on the peninsula 300 years earlier. In 711, J__b__l T__r__q led a Muslim army of A__a__s and B__r__e__s into S__a__n. The rock where the warriors landed and the strait they crossed are now called G__b__a__t__r, a S__a__i__h word derived from J__b__l T__r__q's name. Tariq’s army conquered the *s__u__h__rn part of the I__e__i__n Peninsula, but many small C__r__s__i__n kingdoms survived in the north. The Muslims crossed the P__r__n__es Mountains to fight the F__a__ks in the Battle of T__u__s in ______, but they were routed by an army led by C__a__l__s M__rt__l. An eleventh-century civil war led to the fall of C__r__o__a; and A__-A__d__l__s broke apart into several small t__if__s, leaving the Muslims vulnerable to the Christian R__c__n__u__s__a. Christian warriors, particularly from C__s__i__le and A__a__on, forced the M__s__i__s to withdraw to G__e__a__a by the end of the t__i__t__e__th century. Once the *m__n__rc__s of C__s__i__le and Aragon m__r__i__d in 1469, Christian armies in Spain became a unified force. By the sixteenth century, F__r__i__a__d and I__a__e__la had banished the M__s__i__s from the peninsula.

Answer Using CSRQ (Avoid Pronouns (He, She, It, They,etc.) 1. What was significant about the city Cordoba during Moorish rule?

2. How did the Moors treat the Christians and Jews of Al-Andalus?



3. What was the Reconquista?



The Huns

Ferocious, uncivilized and unpredictable, Aetius to live with the the Huns were nomadic warriors who terrorized warriors as a gesture of their Europe for a generation in the fifth century. goodwill. Then, after the death of their brutal but For three years, Aetius charismatic leader, , the Huns lived with the Huns and disappeared from the pages of history. learned their ways. He The Romans saw the Huns as half-animals; became close to Uldin, a they spoke a language of grunts and had a taste savage prince who later ruled the Huns. Aetius’ for raw meat. The Huns had no interest in experience with the Huns served him later, farming, building, or trade. They had no when he became the most dominant general of writing or any interest in governing. Their the Western Roman Empire. talent lay in attacking and plundering settled When Uldin died, his nephew briefly people, using fear as their primary weapon. ruled the Huns. Bleda was killed, probably at The Huns were pastoralists, which means the hand of his younger brother, Attila. A they tended to animals. Throughout history, ruthless leader, Attila often impaled those who pastoralists have generally been more warlike opposed him, driving their bodies onto sharp than farmers. With no permanent home, the sticks and leaving them to a torturous death Huns had no interest in settling on the lands that could take days. they raided. Skilled horsemen, the Huns were Attila transformed the Huns from savage known to attack quickly and travel long nomads into a disciplined army. Instead of distances. They could appear at an instant, take gathering livestock and roots to survive, the what they wanted and ride off again, leaving Huns amassed wealth by collecting tribute and behind chaos and panic as they destroyed plundering cities throughout Southeast Europe. villages in Asia and Europe. In 435, as Attila began military campaigns to Scholars believe China constructed the build a powerful empire, he found an unusual Great Wall of China to keep out the Mongol ally in a Roman princess. ancestors of the Huns. Driven west by China’s Honoria was the older sister of Emperor Han Dynasty, the nomadic hoard exacted terror Valentinian. When she became pregnant with on the people in their path. As the Huns the child of a servant, Valentinian ordered his pushed west of the Caspian Sea in Western Asia, sister to marry a Roman senator. To escape her their violent raids forced the Visigoths and fate, Honoria sent a messenger to Attila, other Germanic tribes to move inside the offering herself as a bride if the Huns could borders of the Roman Empire. rescue her. By 405, the When the Roman emperor refused Attila's Romans formed an demand for his sister, the Huns began cutting a alliance with the swath of destruction through the Roman Huns by paying Empire, leading to a great confrontation in 451. tribute, or The two armies met in the Battle of Châlons payment for in present-day France. Aetius, the general who protection. The once lived with the Huns, led the Romans. Romans also sent a After two days of brutal fighting, the young man named better-trained Roman army outflanked the

©2015 Mike Dowling, www.mrdowling.com, All rights reserved. ​ Huns. Aetius allowed his defeated enemy to also evidence that many of his soldiers were retreat; he believed that if he destroyed the suffering from the plague. For whatever reason, Huns, the Visigoths and other Germanic Attila left Italy to return to his home in cultures would become an even greater threat to present-day Hungary. the Roman Empire. A year later, the Huns celebrated a great Defeated but still defiant, Attila regrouped feast as Attila took a new bride, a teenaged girl his forces and returned to Italy to claim named . Legends say that at the end of Honoria. In 452, his army suddenly retreated the festivities, Attila retreated to his tent in a after a meeting with the head of the Christian drunken stupor. The next morning, the new Church. Church stories say Pope Leo I, without bride was found quivering in their tent after an army or weapons, met Attila, a man he called finding that Attila had choked to death from a the “scourge of God.” nosebleed during the night. Their meeting was secret, so we don't know Attila’s death led to a civil war among his why Attila suddenly withdrew his forces from sons. The Huns, without Attila, were no longer Italy. Leo may have bribed the Huns, or the a unified people. Many of the subject peoples charismatic Pope may have simply convinced stopped paying tribute, and the Huns slowly Attila to stop fighting. Italy had suffered from disappeared from history as they assimilated a poor harvest the previous year, so there was into other cultures. little food for Attila’s starving army. There is Answer Using CSRQ (Avoid Pronouns (He, She, It, They,etc.) *1. Describe the Huns.

*2. The text states, “Throughout history, pastoralists have generally been more warlike than farmers.” Why do you think this is true?

*3. Why did Aetius have insight into the military tactics the Huns in the Battle of Châlons? ​

*4. Based on your reading of the article, why do you think Attila withdrew his forces from Italy in 452? Use facts from the article to explain your opinion.

5. What happened to the Huns after the death of Attila?




Beyond the northwest border of the Roman surrendered. As a result of their unlikely province of Gaul in present-day France, the long victory, a Christian bishop baptized Clovis. haired kings of the Franks began uniting under Soon after, 3000 Frankish soldiers joined Clovis the rule of Marovich. Most people in western in the faith. Charles de Gaulle, a twentieth Europe spoke Celtic languages at that time, but century French ruler wrote, “The history of the Franks spoke a Germanic language because France begins with Clovis...the first king to have as they migrated from the east. The been baptized a Christian.” Merovingian rulers were known as the long When Clovis died, his kingdom was divided haired kings because they believed their among his four sons. The power of the Frankish authority came from their uncut hair. kings grew weaker over time as they granted In 481, a fifteen-year-old Frankish warrior land and power to noble families who fought for named Clovis killed off his the Franks. rivals to create a fearsome While the king remained at home, the Frankish kingdom. Five Mayor of the Palace, Charles Martel led the years later, the young king Frankish army in 732 in the Battle of Tours. defeated the Roman army The Mayor of the Palace originally managed the and moved his capital to king's household, but as kings turned into Paris. By his death in 511, figureheads, the Mayors became more powerful. Clovis controlled all but a Charles Martel was known as "the hammer," small portion of the former (marteau in French) because he mercilessly Roman province of Gaul. crushed his enemies. Christianity had become Charles Martel’s army faced Jabal Tariq, the official religion of the Roman Empire in whose Muslim army had conquered Spain 380; the faith grew even in remote Roman twenty years earlier and had crossed the provinces of such as Gaul. The Franks, Pyrenees Mountains into Frankish territory. however, were pagans who continued to believe Martel’s victory repelled the Muslim army and in many gods. They worshipped Clovis as the ensured that Christianity would be the religion descendent of Wotan, the Frankish god of the of Europe. sky though Clovis did marry a Burgundian In 751, Charles Martel’s son, Pepin the woman who was raised as a Christian. When Short, made an alliance with Pope Zacharias, their first child died at birth, Clovis blamed his who granted Pepin the title "King of the Franks" wife’s faith in Christianity. But facing a defeat and ousting King Childeric. by a rival army in 496, the Frankish king was Defeated and ashamed, Childeric exiled inspired by his wife’s faith, so he made a himself to a monastery. As was the custom of promise to his wife’s Christian God. the time, he was Clovis vowed to devote his life to tonsured—hair was Christianity if the Franks won a decisive battle removed from the top of against the Alemanni. The next day, the his scalp—upon entering Alemanni king was killed and his soldiers the monastery.

©2015 Mike Dowling, www.mrdowling.com, All rights reserved. ​



Childeric's tonsure meant that the rule of the new kings were now be of the Carolingian long haired Merovingian kings had ended. The dynasty, the descendants of Charles Martel. Fill in the Blanks The Franks were a G__r__a__ic tribe that lived in n__r__h__e__t Europe. Late in the *f__f__h century, C__o__is united the F__an__s and conquered most of the R__m__n province of G______. After winning a difficult battle against the A__e__a__ni, Clovis kept a promise by c__n__e__ti__g to C__r__s__i__ni__y. As Frankish kings grew weaker, role of the M__y__r of the P__l__ce changed. Originally, the Mayor managed the King’s household, but he became the most p__w__rf__l person in the k__n__d__m. In 732, M__y__r Charles M__rt__l led a Frankish army to victory over Jabal Tariq’s M______forces in the B__t__le of T______. The C__r__l__n__i__n Dynasty began in 751 after C__a__l__s M__rt__l’s son, P__p__n the S__o__t, made an a__l__a__ce with Pope Z__c__a__i__s, who granted Pepin the title, K______of the F______.

Answer Using CSRQ (Avoid Pronouns (He, She, It, They,etc.)

1. Why did Charles DeGaulle write that “The history of France begins with Clovis?”

2. The text states, “as kings turned into figureheads, the Mayors became more powerful.” Define figurehead.

3. What was the significance of Charles Martel’s name?

*4. The text states, “Childeric's tonsure meant that the end rule of the long haired Merovingian kings had ended.” Explain why the tonsure was significant.

*This is a higher order learning question. You will earn credit for any reasonable answer. ©2015 Mike Dowling, www.mrdowling.com, All rights reserved. ​



*This is a higher order learning question. You will earn credit for any reasonable answer. ©2015 Mike Dowling, www.mrdowling.com, All rights reserved. ​




The Romans saw themselves as having a highly became king of the Visigoths when his father died. advanced civilization, and they looked down on the In 410, the Romans refused to pay a bribe, so cultures of the people who lived beyond the borders Alaric’s soldiers formed a siege around Rome. of their empire. In AD122, Emperor Hadrian built a When the city was close to starvation, the Roman ​ ​ wall separating the Roman part of Britain from the citizens opened the gates and allowed the mountainous land now called Scotland. The conquering army to enter. The Visigoths rampaged Romans called the Scottish people “barbarians,” through the streets for three days, pillaging and possibly because the Scot’s native Celtic language burning the city. Alaric ordered his army not to sounded to the Romans like the bleating of sheep. molest women or destroy churches. Rome was not The term was eventually used to describe anyone completely destroyed, but for the first time in nearly who lived beyond the borders of the Roman Empire. 800 years, the “Eternal City” had been defeated. The people who lived northeast of the Roman Germanic tribes overran what was left of the Empire spoke languages similar to modern German. Roman Empire. The Ostrogoths, or “eastern Goths,” These “Germanic tribes” included the , came from land we know call the Ukraine. The Lombards, Alamanni, Goths, Franks, and Ostrogoths conquered most of Italy, Greece, and the Burgundians. Most of the tribesmen did not know western . The Vandals took control of the how to read, but unlike the Huns, they tended to Roman territory in North Africa. The Franks farms and were not nomadic. By the Middle Ages, overran France, while the Saxons conquered the most of the Germanic tribes gave up their pagan southern part of England. beliefs and became Christians. The Goths lent their In 376, the Huns forced the Visigoths (western names to many genres. Goths) to leave their homeland near the Danube Gothic architecture features River in modern Austria. The Visigoths asked sharp lines and precise Emperor Valens permission to settle inside the angles. Gothic churches Roman Empire. Valens agreed, but charged the and cathedrals have tall Visigoths unfair prices for food and spires while other supplies. When the Visigoths Romanesque architecture is generally more protested, Valens ordered them to rounded. Gothic literature refers to gloomy leave. The Visigoths refused, and stories with supernatural themes. Some formed an army that defeated and teenagers use the term Gothic to refer to music killed the emperor in 378. and fashion they describe as broody, dramatic, Alaric was a Visigoth who and dark. joined the Roman army and rose to a high rank. Alaric left the army to

Answer Using CSRQ (Avoid Pronouns (He, She, It, They,etc.) 1. Explain why the Romans looked down on other cultures.

* Name:

Date: Answer Using CSRQ (Avoid Pronouns (He, She, It, They,etc.) 2. Why were the people who lived northeast of the Roman Empire called “Germanic?”

3. How were the Germanic tribes different from the Huns?

4. Why did the Visigoths move into the Roman Empire?

*5. Do you think the Visigoths were right to defeat Valens? Defend your answer.

6. Why did Alaric order his troops to not molest women or destroy churches?

*7. Is Cinderella’s Castle an example of Gothic or Romanesque architecture? Explain why.

8. Why is Stephen King considered a Gothic writer? Can you think of any other Gothic writers?






By 285, the Roman Empire had become too the church. After 1054, many Eastern Orthodox big for one ruler to manage. Conflicts among the Churches no longer acknowledged the Pope, while many cultures of the the Western Roman Catholic Church accepted the empire developed into Pope as the leader of their faith. several wars, so Emperor The Byzantine Empire began to look less like Diocletian appointed a the Roman Empire as the years passed. The sub-emperor, called a empire covered present-day Greece, the Balkans, Caesar, to rule the Asia Minor, Syria, and Egypt. By the seventh western half of the century, Greek had completely replaced Latin as empire. the language of the Empire. Diocletian ruled the eastern half, an indication In the middle of the 11th century, the borders that the East was the richer, more stable portion of the Byzantine Empire began to be overrun by of the empire. While the West was prone to Turks. The Turks had recently converted to Islam, frequent attacks from barbarian tribes and relied and the Byzantine emperor feared the Muslims heavily on agriculture, the Eastern Empire was would soon overpower his Christian empire. The more secure and had a varied economy. emperor asked the Pope— the leader of the In 330, Constantine moved his capital from Western Christian church—to assist in a holy war Rome to the Greek-speaking city of Byzantium. against the Turks. He named the city , which means In 1095, Pope Urban II launched the first of “Constantine’s city.” Constantine wanted his many Crusades, or “wars of the cross.” Urban capital to be safe from barbarian invasion, so he hoped that in addition to expelling chose a location at the end of a high peninsula the Turks from the Byzantine that is surrounded by water on three sides. Empire, he would also be able to Constantinople was located on the Bosporus reclaim the holy city of Jerusalem Strait, a narrow waterway that connects the Black from Muslim control. Soldiers Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. This location made from throughout Western Europe the city a center of trade, and people from faraway left their homes to free the Byzantine Empire of lands traveled to Constantinople to conduct the “unbelievers.” Their exposure to new and business, making it one of the most world’s most different cultures was a factor that would important cities. eventually lead to the Renaissance hundreds of The emperors who followed Constantine year later. considered themselves to be Roman. Modern Christian warriors captured Jerusalem in scholars describe the eastern empire as the 1099, but a Kurdish warrior named Saladin Byzantine Empire particularly after the fall of reclaimed the land for Islam in 1187. Crusaders Rome in 476. Byzantine refers to the original continued for fight name of Constantine’s capital, Byzantium. nearly two hundred In 800, Pope Leo I crowned Charlemagne years, and Holy Roman Emperor. Byzantine leaders ultimately the considered Charlemagne’s coronation an insult; Christian warriors they considered themselves to be the rulers of were unsuccessful. both Christendom and the Roman Empire. The The Turkish disagreements between east and west continued Ottoman Empire for centuries leading to a schism, or separation of eventually

©2015 Mike Dowling, www.mrdowling.com, All rights reserved. ​


Date: conquered most Byzantine land. Constantinople Greek as the language of Asia Minor, and today, fell to the Turks in 1453. The Turks called the city more than 99% of the people in modern Turkey Istanbul, a word that means “the marketplace,” are Muslims. but the Turkish government did not make the change official until 1930. Turkish has replaced Fill in the Blanks The Roman Empire was divided in two by Emperor D__o__l__t__an in 285 because it had become too big for one person to manage. Diocletian chose to rule the E__s__e__n Empire himself because it was less p____e to a__ta__k and from outsiders had a more varied e__o__o__y than the Western Empire. E__p__r__r Constantine later moved the c__p__t__l of the empire from Rome to the G__e__k city of B__z__n__i__m. The Byzantine Empire covered present-day G__e__ce, the B__l__an Mountains, Asia Minor (now *T__r__ey), S__r__a, and E__y__t. By the seventh century, Greek had replaced L__t__n as the primary l__n__u__ge of the B__z__n__i__e Empire. In the eleventh century, the Byzantine Emperor feared the influx of M__s__im Turks would overpower his C__r__s__i__n Empire, so he called upon the head of the W__s__e__n Church to assist in a h______war against the Turks. Pope U__b__n II called for the first of several C__u__a__es, or “wars of the cross.” C__r__s__i__n warriors captured their holy city of J__r__s__l__m, but a M__sl__m army led by S__l__d__n recaptured the city in 1187. The Turkish O__t__m__n Empire eventually captured most B__z__n__i__e land. Today, the city that was once Byzantium and C__n__t__n__i__o__le is now known as I__t__n__ul, Turkey.

Answer Using CSRQ (Avoid Pronouns (He, She, It, They,etc.) 1. Why did Constantine move his capital from Rome to Byzantium? ​

*2. Why do modern scholars refer to the Eastern Roman Empire as the Byzantine Empire?

*3. Why were Byzantine rulers unhappy with Charlemagne’s coronation as Holy Roman Emperor?



4. How does the Eastern Orthodox Church differ from the Western Roman Catholic Church?

6th Grade Band AMI

AMI Days 6-10, March 30- April 3rd

Practice Pages 26-28. Review lines in the book. You need to practice at least 20 minutes everyday. Make sure you check your email to see if your band director has invited you to join google classroom to see special videos or assignments. If you do not have email access, then just keep practicing. You can practice your Red book, Fanfare and Fireworks, and/or bandcamp music and anything else you can find. If you need help, you may call the school and they will contact us and your teacher will call you with a response.

Monday, March 30th Practice Time: ______Parent Signature______

Tuesday, March 31st Practice Time: ______Parent Signature______

Wednesday, April 1st Practice Time: ______Parent Signature______

Thursday, April 2nd Practice Time: ______Parent Signature______

Friday, April 3rd Practice Time: ______Parent Signature______

We all miss you very much and hope you are all doing well!!!



Primarily all students at RMS are familiar with our daily warm-up routine. We would encourage you to keep this up along with your plyometric exercises that we do each week.

One set a day is standard, but some students may prefer to do 1 to 3 sets of each daily. Wouldn’t it be more fun if you could get the entire family to participate!??

Stretching both from a standing & sitting position 15 pushups 15 situps 10 burpees or squat jumps 10 Dips using a chair or stool Step ups on a stair 20 Jumping jacks Walking or running up to 1 mile daily. On a treadmill would be preferred if you cannot be outside. Hallways and marching are great for indoor areas. Please feel free to contact any of our staff or your teacher specifically if you have any questions or want to share your activities. We wish all our students and your families the best. Please take care.

Thanks, RMS Coaches & Physical Education Staff