Firm Our View Firm Our
[Beilage 2 zu SM, Nr. 32, 1941] [Seite: 0 = Title page] FIRM OUR VIEW FIRM OUR AIM The Struggle of German Social Democrats against Hitler This is a translation from a pamphlet in German: "Klar im Erkennen, Klar im Ziel". It is also published in French Issued by the London Representative of the German Social Democratic Party, 33, Fernside Avenue, London NW7. [Seite: - 1 - ] In these days, when the world is shaken by a war, the duration, gravity and development of which cannot yet been foretold, considering that the war was started by Hitler's invasion of Poland after he had concluded a non-aggression pact with Stalin, we German Social Democrats can draw the consequences from a firm policy, in these days of a world wide whirlwind which bewildered so many minds. Unlike those who trusted in Hitler's peace claims we had no illusions. We knew from the very first day that Hitler means war, and we could not be deceived or prevented from warning the world by any of his tricks. On the other hand, we did not share the illusion of those who believed that Hitler were the arch enemy of Bolshevism and that the Soviet Union were the arch enemy of the Third Reich, and that we should, therefore, support the barbaric Hitler regime as a bulwark against barbaric Bolshevism, or submit of Bolshevic dictatorship in order to exterminate Hitler's dictatorship. Now, all those illusions are over. In vain was the belief in an opportunity of persuading Hitler, even by sacrifices, to keep peace, and we see that the policy of concessions came to that result which was made necessarily by Hitler's "dynamic" policy, namely a new world war.
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