lookingback: Life in space | 20 AMERICAN ASTRONAUTICAL SOCIETY EXPLORER Newsletter of the AAS History Committee Editor: Tim Chamberlin |
[email protected] What you’ll find FROM THE CHAIRMAN’S DESK INSIDE What to say about Sputnik? elcome to this third in our May 2007 | Issue 3 series of occasional newsletters! Just when it seems that we Report from old W don’t have a critical mass of material to NASA site No. 19 . 2 justify an entire newsletter, ideas well Google on the Moon. 3 up from a variety of sources and we Pesky Moon dust, end up with a surplus of excellent Apollo 1 topics of radio material. This issue was no exception. programs . 4 One challenge I’ve struggled with Space history symposia is what I might say about the anniver- help create important sary of Sputnik … or rather, what to say database . 5 that hasn’t already been said. In noting Michael L. Ciancone Call for papers . 6 the NASM/NASA symposium CHAIR, AAS HISTORY COMMITTEE News briefs. 7 “Remembering the Space Age” sched- to benefit from the acuity of hindsight, Book review: uled for October 21-22, I recalled a simi- as well as the fact that the political, New release offers lar event 10 years ago. Sure enough, social and technical reverberations of glimpse of Italian there on my bookshelf was the launch were not immediately scientist’s life. 8 Reconsidering Sputnik – Forty Years discernible — or even anticipated. In Upcoming meetings Since the Soviet Satellite (2000), edited the years since, the view of the event and events .