Exten.Sio'n,S of Remarks
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September 21, 1971 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 32669 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without hours, to be equally divided and controlled ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 11 A.M. objection, it is so ordered. by the Senator from Wisconsin and the S~n ator from Mississippi (Mr. STENNis). Provid Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Presi ed that on any amendment to amendment dent, if there be no further business to ORDER THAT SENATE PROCEED TO No. 426, debate be limited to one-half hour come before the Senate, I move, in ac CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT thereon, to be equally divided between the cordance with the previous order, that mover and the Senator from Mississippi (Mr. the Senate stand in adjournment until NO. 426 UPON COMPLETION OF STENNIS). ACTION ON AMENDMENT NO. 423 11 o'clock a.m. tomorrow. ON TOMORROW The motion was agreed to; and <at 4 o'clock and 37 minutes p.m.) the Sen Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. PROGRAM ate adjourned until tomorrow, Septem President, I ask unanimous consent that Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Presi ber 22, 1971, at 11 a.m. upon the disposition of amendment No. dent, the program for tomorrow is as 423 on tomorrow, the Senate proceed to the consideration of amendment No. 426, follows: NOMINATIONS The Senate will convene at 11 o'clock which has been proposed by the distin Executive nominations received by the guished junior Senator from Wisconsin a.m. Immediately following the recogni tion of the two leaders under the stand Senate September 21, 1971: (Mr. NELSON). DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ing order, there will be a period for the transaction of routine morning business Dudley C. Mecum, of Massachusetts, to be objection, it is so ordered. an Assistant Secretary of the Army. Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres for not to exceed 15 minutes. At the con ident, a few days ago an order was en clusion of the routine morning business, U.S. COURT OF MILITARY APPEALS tered limiting time on Amendment No. the Senate will return to the considera Robert M. Duncan, of Ohio, to be judge, tion of the unfinished business, which is United States Court of Military Appeals, for 426 by Mr. NELSON to 2 hours, to be the term of 15 years expiring May 1, 1986. equally divided. Am I correct? the military procurement authorization The PRESIDING OFFICER. That is bill. The pending question at that time will be on the adoption of Amendment correct, and there will be one-half hour CONFffiMATIONS on any amendment thereto, to be equally No. 423. There is a time limitation on divided. that amendment of 2 hours, to be equally Executive nominations confirmed by Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. I thank divided, with an additional time limita the Senate September 21, 1971: the distinguished Presiding Officer. tion on any amendment thereto of 1 U.S. CmcuiT CoURTs The unanimous consent agreement hour, to be equally divided. James Hunter III, of New Jersey, to be a reads as follows: Upon disposition of that amendment, U.S. circuit judge, third circuit. Ordered, That effective at the close of the the Senate will proceed to the considera James Rosen, of New Jersey, to be a U.S. morning business on Wednesday, Septem circuit judge, third circuit. tion of the Nelson amendment, on which John A. Field, Jr., of West Virginia, to be a ber 22, 1971, the unfinished business, H.R. there is a 2-hour limitation. 8687, the so-called military procurement au U.S. circuit judge, fourth circuit. thorization bill, be laid before the Senate There will undoubtedly be a rollcall U.S. DISTRICT COURTS and that there be a limit of 2 hours of de vote on amendment No. 423 by Mr. Mc William Brevard Hand, of Alabama, to be a bate on the pending amendment No. 423, to GEE. So the Senate is on notice that a U.S. district judge for the southern district of be equally divided and controlled by the rollcall vote could occur at about 1 p.m. Alabama. Senators from Wyoming (Mr. McGEE) and tomorrow, if all time on the amendment Sherman G. Finesllver, of Colorado, to be Virignia (Mr. BYRD). Provided further, that is used and not yielded back. a. U.S. district judge for the district of Col on any amendment to amendment No. 423 orado. there be 1 hour of debate, to be equally di Upon the disposition of that vote, it is DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE vided and controlled by the mover thereof then assumed that there will be a roll Robert A. Morse, of New York, to be U.S. and the Senator from Virginia (Mr. BYRD). call vote following the expiration of the Ordered further, That following the dispo attorney for the eastern district of New York sition of amendment No. 423, amendment No. time on the Nelson amendment. So the for the term of 4 years. 426, to be offered by the Senator from Wis Senate will further be on notice that u.s. PATENT OFFICE consin (Mr. NELSON), become the pending there could be a number of rollcall votes Rodney Doane Bennett, Jr., of Maryland, to business and debate thereon be limited to 2 on tomorrow. be an examiner in chief, U.S. Pa,tent Office. EXTEN.SIO'N,S OF REMARKS FRESH FISH FOR ALASKA to include into the RECORD the article Several reasons were always offered for Mr. Wiese wrote. this practice. HON. NICK BEGICH The article follows: Processing plants in Alaska. were not ade FRESH FISH FOR ALASKA quately equipped to make the relatively OF ALASKA small sales represented in local consumption. (By John Wiese) IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES requirements. A gripe that has persisted for fully hal! a Products are required to go through qual Tuesday, September 21, 1971 century has been the unavailability of fish ity-control inspection procedures and these: Mr. BEGICH. Mr. Speaker, while the products for local retail distribution unless are arranged only in Seattle or Astoria or San fishing industry is one of the most im they had been first shipped to the lower Francisco or Bellingham. Changing this; 48 after being processed from stocks caught would cause undue costs. portant segments of the Alaskan econ in Alaska. waters. omy, many Alaskans find fresh fish Labeling or repackaging or otherwise final A program instituted in Anchorage by izing the fish products was almost never done· products unavailable in their local mar the Whitney-Fidalgo people promises to sub at the Alaskan plants so the trip Outside is kets. Most fish caught in Alaska and stantially reduce some of the adverse effects mandatory before they can be available for. available for distribution in the State of this situation. retail sales. are first shipped to the "lower 48" for In the past, with rare exception, items Whitney-Fidalgo has started an Alaska dis .... processing. Needless to say, this is an like canned salmon or crab meat or clams tribution facility in Anchorage that changeS.; unnecessary expense to the Alaskan that grocers have stocked for urban Alaskan things. They are even warehousing a total: consumer and an unfair practice to customers could not be obtained by the store of 3,000 cases of various types of canned! those Alaskans who enjoy fresh fish. keepers directly from plants where the prod salmon in Anchorage to be distributed to. Recently, John Wiese, writer for one ucts had been packed. This has been espe retailers and institutions in -the state ac-. cially true with "name brands." cording to Tom Doyle, superintendent of the. of Alaska's most distinguished news These items had to be ordered by the re firm's freezer and cold storage plant here. papers, the Anchorage Daily-News, wrote tailers through their established wholesale The plan calls for a year-'round operation. an interesting article regarding the suppliers who shipped them north through from this pla.nt which is located near An~ problem of making fresh fish available Seattle. Obviously, convenience and cost suf chorage International Airport. to Alaskans. At this time, I would like fered adversely. In addition to the canned products, fresh. 32670 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 21, 1971 and frozen fish products are also to be NEW IDAHO HIGHWAY ENFORCE The program began with two main as stocked. Some items are to be especially proc :MENTPROGRAM sumptions that seemed reasonable and valid. essed here for int rastate trade. First, the bulk of serious accidents and fa An instance of this is king alld Dungeness talities are caused by speed, which almost crab. The firm has been bringing crab in HON. FRANK CHURCH always ranks first on "accident causes" lists. from receiving points (chiefly Homer at pres Second, data collected on fatalities over a ent) and processing it here to accommodate OF IDAHO specific collected on fatalities over a specific a fresh-never-frozen requirement on a sus IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES stretch of road can be misleading because taining basis and, at the same time, preparing Tuesday, September 21, 1971 one accident can produce several fatalities some of it for later sales by freezing it in and render the info:.mation practically use both household and institutional packaging. Mr. CHURCH. Mr. President, the cur less or, at least, difficult to understand as Stocks have also been arranged so that rent issue of the FBI Law Enforcement far as control of fatal accidents over the fresh halibut, sablefish and salmon is on Bulletin contains an article by Capt. given distance is concerned. hand locally with frozen products available Ervin T.